Gary Younge (Guardian Utd): No tails or tridents
It's Time To Be Afaid - Very Afraid - by Jonathan Turley
At California Hospital, Red Flags and an FBI Raid -WP
Oops, sorry, won't do. We can't just shrug our shoulders over this
Krugman: Toyota, Moving Northward (National Healthcare, Education)
Herbert: What Bush Doesn't Know
Patrick Cockburn (London Independent): This is now an unwinnable conflict
A neighbor's view of Valerie Wilson's 'outing'
Fed Reserve Bank: Private or gov.-run thing?
U.S. Orders Halt to Shipments of Nuclear Trash; Discrepancy Found ..
The seventh named July tropical storm, Gert, heads for Mexico.
Thinking about the Unthinkable . . . a Couple Meters Underground
Philippine forces attack militant group
Bomb explodes outside Turkish cafe, injuring two
Australia `won't become a police state': John Howard
Beijing's expanding military a global issue
Islamic Jihad, Fatah claim resp. for Sat. shooting death of couple
After London, Tough Questions for Muslims
Was a "Bomber" Superimposed onto Met. Police Surveillance Photo?
Carla Marinucci (San Francisco Chronicle): 'Gulliver' Schwarzenegger
Tomorrow, 12 year olds riding scooters will be allowed on the roads...
Republicans Recruiting at the Air Expo!
Malloy on Air America Minnesota?
Teamsters, SEIU Decide to Bolt AFL-CIO
Doyle To Sign Budget Tomorrow?
Lee pushes for truth on 'downing street' memo
July 23 “Downing Street Memo” Anniversary
News from Australia: "High energy prices please HALLIBURTON"
LOL... 'Enemies of humanity' quote raises Iraq PR questions
"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."
A very disturbing thing I heard in my local Town Hall meeting yesterday...
Who would you choose between Hillary & Barbara Boxer -in 08
Why do LGBT people want a federal hate crime law?
"Lawmakers Remove Roadblock to Energy Bill"
"Roberts Vote Fraught With 2008 Politics"
There are 1776 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Will these two be counted in gwb's "war on terrah"???
Tonight's Simpsons came with a warning
"Online News Consumers Become Own Editors"
F__K Salon NO I will not watch an ad for
Separate the financial institutions
A man being assaulted by a woman? It can happen.
Remember that at the time Gonzales was White House counsel...
I think Crooks and Liars has gone a bit too far
Camera-shy America weighs merits of video surveillance
To all those parachuting in tonite for the "Drudge says hate Hillary" act:
Venezuela vs US: Looming War of the Airwaves
can someone post how to use the DU crawler? Or message thing
"Some Vets Condemn 'Wedding Crashers' Site"
Can Bolton be hired now since there is an "on going investigation" going
Hope simple Scotty gets a good night's sleep; he may have a
Advice Please! What can I do with my old cell phone?
Looking for link: Fake US soldier editorials.
Hey, Matt PUDGE, Your "Privacy" Is GONE with the Wind-of-Wingnutism
Don't you think * knows what Fitzgerald is up to?nt
Terrific Site on the Rove Investigation
RAW Story Tops home page with my "NYTimes edits out Bolton" Tip!
"Spoof of Bush Wins Faux Faulkner Contest"
Groundhog Day in Iraq: U.S. Military Press Releases Repeat Quotes
What would RoveGate be if Bush was not 're-elected'?
Groundhog Day in Iraq: U.S. Military Press Releases Repeat Quotes
Tornado warning Erie County, Pa. until 12:45est
WP picks up the story: "Bush Aide Learned Early of Leaks Probe"
In the age of terrorism what standard of threat should be required to kill
Canada and New Zealand are the only two sane Anglo nations left
Malnourished children cling to life in Niger
Henry Payne is pretty much a total dick.
Must see documentary: Taliban Country
"Short walk and the No2 bus - a very ordinary journey to death."
Wow !!! A Republican Blogger Admits Bolton Is A Goner !!!
Bush Psychological Profile Similar to Shoplifters
Is the internet crashing in Asia?
"Teamsters, SEIU Decide to Bolt AFL-CIO"
Post your Web-site, Blog, or Web group
Anyone know when , who, why Muslims pray 5 times daily?
Please DU this poll on the Patriot Act
Is Pat Roberts Defeatable? Should We Reciprocate What GOP Did To Daschle?
How long do you guys think Hillary spent on the GTA??
What Happened To 9/11 Commission Investigating Bush After The Election?
Who is/was the worst Supreme Court Justice ever? nt
You guys may have seen this, but
So how many people should be fired /imprisioned/ "dealt with" over this?
the world thinks Bush a lying war criminal and at least half of the US
So If Roberts Got Caught Lying About The Federalist Society, Is He Toast?
How do our ways of moving relate to gender identity?
I love the British, I love our British DUers, I love that they hate Bushco
THE NOMINATION OF JOHN ROBERT- It's time to be afraid, very afraid
Lance Armstrong won another Tour de France. Yawn.
New Statesman, UK Cover Story: "The bombs of 7 July were Blair's bombs."
In my Hard Rock NC Soil...I gave up...But I have one Tomatoe Plant & One
Sen Roberts turns Intel Committee into arm of Rove's political operation
Sludge: Hillary To Support Roberts
My sister's poem to Karl Rove!
this is not an "age of terrorism"
Did you see John Mc Cain today on "This Week"?
"Centrist Dems Urge Military Enlargement"
Gonzales Is Lying About What He Did the Night DOJ Called Him, Here's Proof
NJ Proposes Banning Smoking While Driving
List of Grand Jury Witnesses and FBI Interviewees
Hillary supporting Roberts - not a bad thing?
I have to brag about my tomatoes ................
Iran admits to abuse of prisoners
Gonzales testified (before Grand Jury) in leak investigation
Ford Considers Cutting More Salaried Staff
NYT: Senate Panel to Examine Use of Cover by U.S. Spies
Sailor dies in wreck after Blackwater training
Militiamen tied to Iraqi government involved in killings, Sunni says -KR
'Shoot-to-kill' policy to remain
UK police say more innocents could die in bomb hunt
WP: Lack of Funds Reduces Frequency of Health (facility) Inspections
LAT/AP: NASA Plans Launch Even if Problem Recurs
Liability shield dropped to get energy bill moving
Philippine opposition files impeachment complaint against Arroyo
India to Continue Iran Pipeline Talks--Daily Star (in US' face)
2 dead, 10 injured as car bomber hits Baghdad hotel
NYT: A Radio Program Turns to a Blog to Cull Ideas
LAT: Will we be ready? US health officials prepare for potential pandemic
Short walk and the No2 bus - a very ordinary journey to death
New York's major train station evacuated over bomb alarm
Straw backs down on denial of Iraq link (support for Blair dropped 14 %)
Al-Qaeda takes credit for kidnapping of diplomat
Chavez Says Egypt Attack Likely Spurred by U.S. Actions in Ira
New Latin-Focused TV Station Telesur Begins Transmitting
NYT: High Tech in the '70's, Shuttles Feel Their Age(but lift off Tuesday)
Senate Panel to Examine Use of Cover by U.S. Spies -NYT
Saudis want bin Laden hunt to intensify
Bush Approval Rating Falls to 44% in U.S.
White House Won't Say When It Learned Of CIA Leak Probe
LAT: Shots to the Heart of Iraq:Civilians Increasingly Killed by US Troops
International Herald Tribune edits out Bolton from Rove piece (RAW Story)
Iraq seeks electricity from neighbours
Prostitution Puts U.S. and Brazil at Odds on AIDS Policy
Energy beam weapon may lower Iraq civilian deaths
Largest Union Decides to Bolt AFL-CIO
Roberts Listed in Federalist Society '97-98 Directory (he didn't remember)
Top US senator urges Muslim leaders to widely denounce terror
ATTENTION, Photo Group members in the lounge...
This episode contains discussions of same-sex marriage.
Is the Rapture the opposite of being Tombstoned?
Things that happened on my vacation
I got to hang out with JimmyJazz last night!
NL West leader San Diego Padres only 1 game over .500. NL SUCKS!
Paul Hackett is going to be on Fox19 news tommorrow morning
Is making fun of Waffle iron polls inherently lame?
Is it lamest of all to not be able to admit that waffleiron polls are lame
Are you brave enough to hoist your post and wait?
Is it lame to make polls about how lame following waffle iron trends is?
People who ask people to stop gaining weight are jerks
GUESS McClellan's response to the Did Andy Card Tell Anyone question
Love it or Hate it? Tarzan Boy by Baltimora
Who else likes to watch "Footballers wives"?
People, People who need Waffles are the Luckiest People
Does anybody know anything about record players & vinyl albums?
We nearly did not have Family Guy and American Dad.
Do You (Or Anyone You Know) Own A Copy Of "Girls Gone Wild"??
I'll give you 10 dollars if you can find a better site than this one.
Why couldn't Family Guy do a "God called Bush" joke?
120 over 70, 100bpm. Ask me anything!
Saw "Family Plots" tonight. Question....
Judas connection to Half-Blood Prince? (*serious spoiler*)
I KNEW IT! The newest T-mobile commercial!
Are there any other Beach Music fans here?
"Six Feet Under" fans, is tonight a new episode? nt
people who ask people to stop eating waffles are jerks
When Exactly Were The "Good Old Days"?
Wow, Ford is now offering consumers those nice employee prices...
Jim Aparo, DC Comics artist famous for "Aquaman," "Spectre," dead at 72
Happy Birthday to Lynda Carter AKA Wonder Woman, 54 today...
i was asked to stop eating waffles so i wouldn't gain more weight
Sundog: The True Hollywood Story is on E! tonight
Most uses of the word "Fuck" in movies and their frequencies
I have to go to work tomorrow morning.
is it incredibly lame to ponder trends in waffle irons?
Going in to have the staples removed from my head tomorrow....
Vida Blue is coming out with a breadfruit colander
I feel so dirty, the car radio was tuned to the station the Tribe
If you overgeneralize, why do you?
Harvey Birdman: New episode tonight!
Damn.... asshole neighbour has moved-out, and...
I want to understand Northern Ireland- recommended reading?
Why local TV news is a waste of my valuable time
Favourite quote from "Bad Lieutenant"
A's complete 4 game sweep of the Rangers
What do you need to do today? (respond in smilie form!)
If you were going to watch all 6 of the "Stars Wars" movies,
SW fans: Do you think "Sith" will dethrone "Empire" in ten years time?
A "police state" will be a total growth market for barbers.
DU'ers with Master's degrees: Have you ever...
Anyone heard of 'Landmark Education'? aka: Landmark Forum. Cult?
Vida Guerra coming out with a swimsuit calender
Good Morning, DU! (Midnight Edition)
"Reality movies" - do you see the day they will be made?
Patriotic slogans that grind on you the most?
Which Senator or Representative frustrates you the most?
what's all this nonsense about Waffle House poles...?
This is just wrong on so many levels.
Elvis Costello is GOD! Amazing show !
KinderCare - anybody use them or know of people who did?
Did you go to public school or private school?
cleaaaaannn... the cleanest i've beeeeeeeeeeaaannn
Post a random picture from your Photobucket account
I need HELP form anyone in Rockford, Illinois!
what to do with freepers in central america.......
Why don't men dance as much as women?
DU Front Page Pix of John Roberts is "Creeping Me OUT SO BAD! "
What species would you wish would disappear tomorrow?
What is your favorite subject to post about in The Lounge?
Prophecy Top-Ten from includes global warming and peak oil
Million Man Follow Up Struggles for Unity
How do you feel about "Brights" ?
Rethuggery Week in the 109th (Weasel) Congress
I've posted in the wrong place..ignore, please!
"Trafficking in security information for political gain"; * has no "honor
Remember Anita Hill? She thinks Roberts is "a step back for diversity."
I've hit the Mother lode - 6 emails from Hillary in 4 days
DoD Iraqi Propaganda machine getting sloppy??
Blood is on thier hands then and now
Headline writers: please, no more of "Bush touts"!
Kilgore (R) and Kaine (D) Tied In Virginia Governor's Race
Pslam of the Starving.....Africa
Israel Insider: "American foreign policy is in shambles"
DLC's Al From Urges Military Enlargement and Recuiters Allowed on Campus
If I could ask Bush ONE question...
Special election in Ohio's 2nd
WFT? Hillary is going to SUPPORT Roberts?
GERGEN: 'What did the President know and when did he know it?'
Ldotters: Lance Armstrong = "creep" "jerk" "drug user" since Kerry assoc.
vacation overheard in Indiana: repug calls lugar a "sissy"
DU this poll on sleazy Penn. congressman
Why fascination with poor Bush polling numbers?
Jerusalem Post: Condi's "profoundly disappointing" trip ("Rice Goes Soft")
New at "James Dobson Endorses Judge Roberts: Why?"
Roberts Listed in Federalist Society '97-'98 Directory
We need to discredit Roberts on grounds OTHER than Roe v. Wade
Have you heard McCain's sexist "joke" yet?
TREASONGATE: What did George W. Bush Know And When Did He Know It?
The Doubtful Deals Driving CAFTA
Another tragic consequence of Blair’s war policy
Watch out. China's prices are rising
Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq Turn It Incendiary--Robert Fisk
OK, if this isn't textbook consoviet propaganda, I don't what is!!!
Roberts Would Swing the Supreme Court to the Right
Florida Republicans roll out negative campaign against U.S. Sen. Nelson
Opponents of Nominee (Roberts)Taking Populist Tack
For Bush, Effect of Investigation of C.I.A. Leak Case Is Uncertain
Time: Stop trying to spin the Iraq war
[WebProNews] Did Anti-Spam Gang Kill Russian Spammer?
The Decline and Fall of Conservatism
Turley - The Faith of John Roberts
An Iraq war veteran running in a red state--and the DCCC has left him hang
Smirking Chimp: Hitler's Shadow & the Coming Storm
How Can America Restore Its Industrial Self-Sufficiency?
Here's why you can't buy the (Pensacola) News Journal at Wal-Mart
A Contractor in Iraq Says Soldiers Unfit (We're going to lose and hard)
LAT: Why are the Dems caving in on Cox?
David Brooks: Just Trying To Fill Column Space Cuz All GOP News Is Bad
The Savage Nation vs. the Bushbots
Rovegate: The scandal that lays bare the cynicism behind Bush's war...
Taking the Pulse of Bush's America
For Gore, a Reincarnation on the Other Side of the Camera
Part 2 of Indira Singh Interview of Pacifica (Ptech, 9-11, etc)
So, what do we do AFTER Santorum is on The Daily Show tonight?
Stop the Parents Television Council -- Again
DU Activist activity Suggestion 7/28 Call Senators on Roberts
Please help fight the 'Pension Protection Plan of 2005 (HR2830/HR2831)
Email Campaign re Stem Cell bill...(stalled by Frist)....wanna do this?
Tinfoil hat time - just a reminder - Tomorrow, the Shuttle is likely to
CEOs are faking it, Stanford professor says
Some Wary of Mexican Candidate's Populism
Rwanda to free 30,000 prisoners
Arab League head backs disputed UN terror pact plan
israel does not exist in a vacuum....
UAE to build town for Palestinians at site of Gaza settlements
Abbas moves to Gaza for pullout
The Logic of Suicide Terrorism
Israel Upset Pope Did Not Condemn Attacks
Under the shadow of the 'disengagement'
Tom Flocco: Financial terrorism towers over 9.11
CLG: Was a "Bomber" superimposed onto photo, London
7/7: The death of Jean Charles de Menezes: Analysis
Attention Tin Foil Hatters: Check Out Tom Flocco Report (Long Read)
Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, former Air Force fighter pilot: 9/11 skeptic
Listen to Harper's Forum "What Went Wrong in Ohio" here:
Lila Lipscomb's hopeful remark on election reform...
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Monday 7/25/05
FP: Summary of Mark Crispin Miller's "None Dare Call It Stolen"
Shedding its borrowing ways a tough task for state
Ok folks if you live in San Diego
Vilsack's new job: Reunite national party - DM Register
Kennedy Announces $20 Million for 10 Massachusetts Cities and Towns
Western MA (Olver constituents) Check in!
Norm finds time for Mrs. Felon Minnesota
Matt Entenza is running for Attorney General?
Dayton not on the list of Dem Senators requesting hearing on Plame?
Help, please, with saving mp3 files.
Better for gaming--Intel HT or Intel Dual Core (64 bit)
Johncoby is in the Austin American Statesman too!
Keep Austin Blue: Religion and Politics
Say hello to Texas' newest precint chair
Guardian writers trace life and last minutes of Jean Charles de Menezes
Does anyone have a link for the Heritage Foundation VP VS ballerina story
A question for DU engineers concerning thermodynamics,
Lieberman? Democrat? or Dumbya Sleeper
7/7: Very important top eyewitness didn't see alleged bomber nor a bag
Pink Pistols (A Gay Organization) "Armed Gays Don't Get Bashed"
Bomber Kills at Least 22 in Baghdad - 226 Votes, 1 Star, Impossible
Cynthia McKinneys' Panel on 9/11 & many other video links
Some Iraq War Observations....
Teamsters, AFL-CIO, and other Unions need to work things out.
The Journal: CIA leak probe may linger into the fall
Interesting page on Poppy Bush
flushing things out of the bushes - TREASONGATE
Go vote.....Are you willing to be seached?
The Spirit of 1776-----DEAD SOLDIERS
about not releasing Robert's previous work - stupidest quote!
Electing supreme court judges for life is just plain stupid
Only in America, abortion wars sour Supreme Court battle
Will the Corp Media turn on the Bush Regime?
I just don't wanna see them damn new torture photos, but I support the war
Pentagon Blocks Release of Abu Ghraib Images: Here's Why
Was a "Bomber" Superimposed onto Met. Police Surveillance Photo?
A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq
Does anyone watch Sunday Morning on CBS? I used to love that
CSPAN2 now, RE: Treasongate. From 7/17, but interesting! nt
Americas Funniest Videos on ABC last night.
1 year later,what have dems done to stop the RAPE OF CHILDREN
Let's write some better talking points for the Republicans.
Maybe there should be a cologne called ROVE
Inmate's 50 years without trial
Is there ANY mechanism to remove a Supreme Court Justice?
Gill/Rumsfeld Interview, The Guantanamo Fat Farm
anyone see Santorum on today show
For those of you just sitting back waiting for the pendulum to swing
When The British Kill An Innocent ...
Torture photos---can someone explain the reason why they were taken?
Here's another picture of Freedom on the March (content warning)
"50 Candles for a Breakthrough Chevy"
House votes on CAFTA this week.
The Daily Show from last week w/Rbt. Kennedy is on now.
DSM Birthday Bash pics and post ball game protest
Santorum to chat live on
Lil georgie* missed his calling in life, he would have made a great
Democracy Now at 10amCT, LinkTV, Ch.375 on DirectTV.
Evangelicals want a biblically governed state-PA Inquirer story.
Gonzales's Delay in securing evidence makes sense only as obstruction
Dean: Bush "doesn't have the guts" to oppose "bigots in his own party"
Why does congress get so many recesses? We've got stuff to do!
Canadian Telco censors Union website during negotiation
What's with this "attorney-client" privilege bullshit with Roberts?
Well, Condi looks happier these days
Was Andrew Card on the list of people questioned by Grand Jury ?
Please vote in this poll about the Patriot Act
"Who's the enemy?" distraught Iraqis wonder
IRAQ: Shortage in food rations raises concern
Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
IMPORTANT: scandal rebranding... no more Plame... it's Rove
Need link re: the shooting of the innocent Brazilian
"Italy Muslims Welcome Anti-Terror Package"
Democrats aren't allowed to be 'above the law', only republicans
Senate Intelligence Chairman is as mad as a hatter
"Ricky Martin Seeks End to Arab Stereotypes"
BREAKING: Brain Scans Confirm Damage To The President's "Morality Center"
(Australian) Muslims think US behind September 11
I thought they were PROUD to be conservative! Think again...
Tomorrow's Launch Was Changed for Prime Time Viewing.
Grand Jury extended six months past October?
Regarding the Abu Ghraib photos
question about streaming radio audio
This "President" Has Too Much Time On His Hands -PIX->>>
Harry Potter as an allegory for George Bush?
It all depends on how aggressively Fitzgerald wishes to pursue it...
This Wedding Crashers/Purple Heart Flap...
What was the difference between attacks on Pearl Harbor and 9/11 ?
London Mayor claims Mr Menezes as a "victim of the terrorist attacks"
dems to hold 3:30 press conference re Gonzales/Plame leak
RW radio off an running with "He deserved it" (London shooting)
A message to the suicide bombers
ALERT!! C-Span 2 is showing a debate at 2PM about video game
FYI - Scotty on cspan-3 today - estimated time 12:30pm ET
Wasn't there a new story of paid "news" from this admin the other day?
"6 Purported CIA Operatives Sought in Italy"
WaTimes: Guard recruits fall off steeply
Anyone get sinking feelin Bush and Rove are going to get away with it all?
The Thrill of the Chase (CAPTION)
Help with divine right monarchs and wars....
Freeper to Freeper advice: Stay away from the fighting
CLG: Was a "Bomber" superimposed onto photo, London
Caption this * and pickles pic....
Cafta really does threaten American jobs and
Help: Union worker forced to declare disability and pay back worker's comp
'Enemies of humanity' quote raises Iraq PR questions - Oops!
The sad truth about Darfur, by pabloonpolitics
US. accepts Polish withdrawal from Iraq
A neighbor's view of Valerie Wilson's 'outing'
US. accepts Polish withdrawal from Iraq
Scottie claiming that Roberts "doesn't remember"
D.C. Area Housing Market Cools Off (Bubble bursting?)
Abu Ghraib photos and video refused. So DOD files a letter saying
Will the President Pardon Rove?/Conyers letter to Bush
John Roberts, just another pampered rich kid
SICK Phishing Email uses Iraq Tragedy to Scam People
Feel like sending out some activist emails?
Here are some NAMES to put with the Abu Ghraib photos fight:
Did Abu Gonzales just slip up when he dropped the bomb about telling Card?
Barbara Boxer's thoughts on Roberts:
Today's Press Briefing is scheduled to begin at 12:30pm. ET
White House finally addressing issues of urgent concern
6 US soldiers have died in Iraq since I woke up this morning.
So this is their confirmation strategy
How many days until this long national nightmare is officially over?
Oxy lush limpballs is AWOL from his show today
'They' don't hate us for our freedoms, but because we're Assholes.
Truth Emergency Convergence Rally in DC
***STOP CAFTA!*** House vote tentatively scheduled for Wed., July 27
The Blatant Hypocrisy of Gonzales
Pat Robertson - Nutritional Expert.....
The "De-hannitization" of Hampton Roads, VA Begins (Great News!)
Maybe Rove was right about McCain.
Religious Affiliation of Supreme Court Justices
jeez, San Diago is coming apart at the seams
A Very Brief History Of Freeper Trolls In America. Know Your Enemy!
AP: More arrest warrants for purported CIA agents
A suicide bomber wouldn't run in fear for his life!
Is selfishness and private property a cause for some
Just heard on CNN: "Shoot to Protect" - that's what the British Police
Santorum on The Daily Show tonight
Why is Al Franken a repeat today?
america lacks math teachers - India to the rescue
Kerry caricatured as wine-sipping Francophile, but wine now edges beer
New MBNA minimum payment disclosure
Do the troops have the unalienable right to defend themselves
The Ranch...Crawford or Neverland (CAPTION if you dare)
Santorum hears Satan in U2 song "Vertigo"
Action Alert. Reject the Pence amendment to HR.22
What are the WH's favorite words or phrases?
Centrist Dems want to expand military...?
Yes Franken is best of, but if you missed the skewering of is
Dittoheads show their support for torture
Randi is starting out great!!! Loved the Real American A-hole
Carl Bernstein "Novak SHOULD have wrote that the WH is smearing Wilson
Is there is a site that has collected all of *'s goofy photos?
"Bush Administration Stokes Dangerous Arms Race on Indian Subcontinent"
Elected officials - I have questions for you!
PHOTOS: The Beat of Black Wings
Will Dem's press conf. be shown on C-Span?
Sen. Dorgan blasting Haliburton on CSPAN2
Have You Noticed How Many Anti-Choice Folks Keep Trying To Say That
Breaking: Senator, Dems Plan Press Conf. on Gonzales' Role In Leak Case
FLORIDA public, getcher TASERS here! ZZZZZzzzzzzt!
No choice.. how will it be enforced?
Rick Santorum on the Daily Show tonight...
Anybody hear anything from the judge on the DOD requesting the stay?
Ding dangit! Gas just shot up $0.18 today. And I hadn't filled up yet.
Monday's WH Briefing: McClellan Sidesteps the '12-Hour Gap'
Right wing Radio talk show host Tammy Bruce a Democrat???
Conyers: Will the President Pardon Rove?
"Roberts' Mom: Faith Was Part of Family"
Bill Clinton is offered 40 goats and 20 cows for his daughter
Bernie Sanders on "indecency," censorship and Authoritarianism
Flight Attendants sue Northwest: "Don't ask us to train our replacements"
This school year, we're going to see what makes Communism tick
Has Fitzgerald subpoenaed any Secret Service types? Can he?
Dems' Press Conference, RE: Gonzales, moved to 4:30 pm
"If the notion of a timely, legal heads-up from inside a Republican ...
Need some help with Bush firings/punishment of dissenters.
What's up with the Plame/Gonzales hearing?
I saw Randi Rhodes this weekend.
Government admits torture, human rights violations
Pat Robertson Counsels Youth to NOT ENLIST:
Is Iraq part of the war on terror?
McCain introducing detention techniques amendment!! cspan2 nt.
1782 Reasons why the DSM is Important
GOP Senators Ready Detainee Amendments - Rate the story -
U-S stands with Egypt. Egypt looks a little wary.
2000 Veterans call for Indie Investigation of US practices -
How long before Fitzgerald is "Saturday Night Massacred"?
I confess: I don't ever listen to Air America's why
Stop Beating Around The Damned Bush. Iraqi's Have A RIGHT To Defend
Shouldn't someone be ready to file Contempt charges against Rummy ???
Are you hoping that Bush recess-appoints Bolton?
This is to those who thought * would restore integrity to Washington.
Constitution and Citizenship Day or, Do My Job For Me
Bush scheduled ONE MONTH Vacation starts this week.
Why did Jean Charles de Menezes run?
Is Hillary the inevitable nominee?
BREAKING Pentagon: Some Iraqi police are illiterate, criminals, insurgents
The Dems should fillibuster Roberts if Bolton is a recess appointment.
Bulgaria unearths Thracian riches
Didya see Anita Hill's critique of Roberts? She wants SCOTUS diversity
CNN: White House hints at recess appointment for Bolton
National Review BS Alert: A perjury charge for Rove? Are they kidding?
General Myers: recuitment is "a national issue"
Bush aims to lower corporate hurdles for faith funds
The toll was 1776 this morning, now it's 1782, none of whom had to die.
Is this for real or just a ploy? Re: Rove and leakers....
Feinstein fails to frame Rove on CNN with Blitzter, Pat Roberts
Mid level management fights the war on terror
What's with the hands behind the back?
Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame should be arrested immediatly!
Do any of the descendants of French people in this nation
Are the Mothman and Chupacabras related?
Will the President Pardon Rove?
Innocent civilians are increasingly being killed by U.S. troops.
"Hard News" with Wolf Blitzer had nothing about KKKarl Rove or Plamegate..
OK, In a Nutshell, Someone Tell Me What the Federalist Society is.
Who is the rude ignorant female on the show with Ron Reagan?
1000 posts and a moment to reflect
Censorship in library system of leftist sites in Canada
Kreationism in Kansas (the land of Oz)
My Air America Radio listening has.....
POLL: Jane Fonda anti-war campaign help or hurt?
Letter to Joe Baca (DLC-CA) -- Patriot Act vote
Christians face jail for giving treats to children of Muslims
CONFIRMED: The President Spoke to Rove About Wilson and Rove Lied
No question W is ruining America. But what country is he turning us into?
A must read for wilson/plame followers
Broad term 'al Qaeda' gives few clues on attackers
Heads Up: NBC Nightly News to do story on should racial profiling return
Christian Wire warns "Dems" not to repeat their religious "bigotry"
Plame leak story "thriving, crazy untamed weed" -- but who's the target?
Has John Conyers gone silent? Help, I need to catch up.
Deep in Froomkin's column is this gem (* as idiot in Sound and the Fury)
LTTE on Nuclear energy in Maine paper. Anyone care to make the rebuttal?
Congress plans to scrutinize Plame-related issues
Four 48th soldiers killed in bomb attack - no mention in US. msm
Robert's does not recall if he was a member of the Fed. Society?
Why didn't the Brazilian stop whent the "plain-clothes" cops ordered him ?
Capitalism is a thug's economy: nice people finish last and garbage rises
Why Roberts for the SC? I think the answer is simple.
"Senate committee would also review the probe of special prosecutor..Fitz"
Video game biz converting to Christianity
Attention Tin Foil Hatters: Check Out Tom Flocco Report (Long Read)
What organizations have you forgotten you belonged to?
I want another Democrat party-the Populist Democrats
Stem Cell Research vote-Frist trying to stall-please read:
PDA, Ani Difranco, Indigo Girls - National Lobby Day (Today)
Air America has a WH correspondent now!
Can anyone tell me where to find those pictures from germany
This Is George Bush's America -PIX-->>>
Hey!!! Santorum on TDS tonight?
Jane Fonda plans anti-war bus tour
Now They Say Menendez Was Shot 8 Times Not 5?
The PNAC decloaks itself and attacks Larry Johnson
PLEASE DU ROBERTS POLL MSNBC:Should he answer questions and should he be
"Jeb Bush Recounts Meeting With Roberts, Blasts Rep. Wexler"
What to say when opposing Patriot Act extension:
I knew Democratic Congress candidate Paul Hackett in college
Whatever Happened to Kerry's Swifty Smackdown?
Are there any factual accounts of Iraq "success" stories regarding
The United States is using Iraq as a human shield.
Just got a call from Army recruiter!!! BWAHAHAHA
Reporters Fitz thinks may have been contacted by the WH:
CNN's Bob Franken on Karl Rove
Kerry, Levin and 24 Senators Urge Investigation into Leak of Plame's Name
How can I live in a country that is breaking my heart?
On a scale of 1 - 9, how smart is the average DUer? Should I get a bumper sticker?
Pathetic. US Military Invents Quotes About Insurgency
Casual activism made easy... Part 1 (No excuses - anyone can do this!)
It's unlike the Bushies to just sit still and wait for Fitzgerald to pop
DUers united for the democratic cause...
people are waking up. these were in Today's opinion line in our local
What Has Bush Done With All Of The Incriminating Documents?
"Shots to the Heart of Iraq. Innocents more frequently the target of US"
30-50 years from now, will the U.S. have learned ANY lessons from Iraq II?
Bush wants business to contribute more to RELIGIOUS organizations
Why PlameGate is so important.
OH-2: "Swift Boating" of Hackett Begins Online
Taser being marketed to the general public???????
Cuban Authorities Detain At least 20 Dissidents
people should have more faith in parents
Randi Rhodes is really depressing and upsetting me
Which is coming first, theocracy or a police state?
does anyone have the Part 1 of Indra Singh's from 'Guns and Butter' or any
OMG Look what I found (date 11-20-2000)
ABC News to talk about "Christian Exodus" (want to sucede from US)
WTF ??? - A Little Help Here...
What's your opinion of pending union split?
Planet of the Retired Chimps -PIX->>>
If universal health care was proposed, except for the self-destructive,
Who has the tone and message you support, and believe is winnable?
Reflections on 9/11, four years after.
Cheney's Plan: Nuke Iran (Justin Raimondo's "hair is on fire")
One Year After Declaring It Genocide, U.S. Congress Still Yet to Act
Another Roberts Poll: AOL; Should WH release all, some, or none
Just How Much "Not Blaming The Troops" Is TOO MUCH Not Blaming Them?
People, We Should Be Scouring the '03 Press Briefings For Gems Like These:
Sen. Reid introduces THE ROVE CLOCK
Paper ballots NOW!!! Hand counts NOW!!! Impeachment NOW!!! nt
Filmed ALL of Conyers 23rd Meet - those who sent me there get it ALL
Labor's Split -- An Inside Look (part one)
OK Kids Here we go....It's been a while but lemme see if I remember
CIA on covert status: "It's not up to the Republican Party to determine"
And we blogged the hell out of Phoenix.... check it out! HARD WORK!
On A Scale Of One To Ten: How Smart Do You Think The Average American Is?
I bet Lou Dobbs doesn't cover this story tonight - Quick turn it on and see
Post office patron just went ballistic on me...Re/ Torture photos
How would you feel if say, Janeane Garofalo, posed with the Insurgents
The other things Hillary has been working on lately
John Conyers: Will the President Pardon Rove?
Butterfly unlocks evolution secret
If you could go back in time to stop NAFTA, would you act to stop it?
YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! White House WARNS Dems on Roberts Papers
After reading the latest casualty report I decided to
another reason i'll miss johnny carson (gore)
So Gonzales gave White House 12 hours to destroy documents?
I've typed Part 2 of the Indira Singh interview...
Those Pursuing Torture Issue, Consider Reading & Bookmarking This Article
"Because most people weren't listening the first time."
"Angry Americans Want to Take Souter's Land"
If you think Sen. Roberts let Rove cook the Senate Intel report, sign here
What if the real crime was the revealing of Brewster Jennings?
Froomkin: What Did the President Know? --- Finally ....
I got a ticket for a political sign in my front yard.
7/7: The death of Jean Charles de Menezes: Analysis
Why are my squash plants biting the dust?
Wanted: Recommendations For Home Canning/Preserving Books
Anyone know where the "Globe and Mail" got its name?
Okay, what do you Easterners know about
Telus cuts subscriber access to pro-union website
Censorship of leftist sites in Canadian libraries (reposted)
The death of Jean Charles de Menezes: Analysis
Interesting thread on BBC R4 message board about Islam
Democrats to Press Roberts on Issues
Only in America, abortion wars sour Supreme Court battle
Pensions Freezing Out Younger Workers
Cpl. Awaits Court-Martial in Iraqi Death
Va. Candidates for Governor in Tight Race
Venezuela's Chavez Says Egypt Attack Likely Spurred by U.S. Actions in Ira
Effort here to charge London suspect was blocked
WP: "Pakistani Amer. Aiding London Probe" (2nd US Mole)
Poll: Majority has no preference when it comes to choosing Corzine's succe
Art director fired after 'Daily Show' spoof
250,000 tea pickers on strike in India
Afghan blasts wound U.S. troops, Afghan policemen
Roberts Listed in Federalist Society '97-98 Directory--WaPo
'Enemies of humanity' quote raises Iraq PR questions
Iraqi police recruits often poor-quality -- report
4 unions poised to bolt from AFL-CIO
Russian activist shot dead with son
Hicks lawyer gets liberty award
Howard makes surprise visit to Iraq
Ex-PMs gather for Heath funeral
Sunnis rejoin Iraq's constitutional commission
New Jersey legislators push bill to stop drivers from smoking while drivin
Pentagon deploys array of non-lethal weapons
Police probe flight simulator links
Imam warns Ottawa to back off Muslims
U.S. soldier among 13 killed in Afghan violence
FBI raid Bush attack suspect's home
BBC: Police name two bombing suspects
GOP Discourages Harris Senate Run in '06
Roberts Declines to Explain Group Listing
Taking the Pulse of Bush's America
US. accepts Polish withdrawal from Iraq
Activist and Her Son Shot Dead in Komi
Ebadi condemns Iran appeal court
Oil Inventory In Gulf Nears Approval (Florida)
Guardsman Pleads Guilty in Iraqi Death
Terry brings activism to Florida Senate campaign
Posada used fake I.D. in 2000 trip
Musharraf: No al-Qaida Center in Pakistan
Rumsfeld Seeks Deal on Bases in Kyrgyzstan
Smirking Chimp: Hitler's Shadow & the Coming Storm
Pope Won't Condemn Islam Over Bombings
Christians face jail for giving treats to children of Muslims
Foreign Teachers Take Hard-to-Fill School Positions
Algeria pulls out last diplomat after Baghdad kidnap
Coingate: Law firms reaped bounty in Noe Case(Worker money for R defense)
Top Democrat (Durbin): Abortion Stance Could Halt John Roberts' Bid
Sorry Dupe Jane Fonda to oppose Iraq war on bus tour
WP: Santorum: Mrs. Roberts' Work Not Relevant
Feinstein complimentary after meeting SCOTUS nominee Roberts
Four 48th soldiers killed in bomb attack (Iraq #1782-1785)
Brazilian's Killing Sparks Outrage at Home (aren't impressed by Blair...)
Commerzbank in laundering probe
IRAQ: Shortage in food rations raises concern
Broad term 'al Qaeda' gives few clues on attackers
Senior constitution writer surprised at initial document (Iraq)
Report: Iraq Police Need Better Screening
Bush picks Rice adviser (Richard Jones) to be Israel envoy
LAT: Triple-Digit Temperatures Scorch Midwest (nationwide heat wave?)
Actress Fonda Plans to Speak Out on Iraq
Sen. Reid introduces THE ROVE CLOCK
Four 48th soldiers killed in bomb attack - no mention in US.msm
Bush to host summit promoting corporate gifts to religious charities
ACLU investigates random train searches
Conflicts' costs may exceed $700 billion
Video game biz converting to Christianity
Police believe two cells of bombers met up at white-water rafting centre
(CA) Governor losing Hispanic support
Blair Defends Police After Death of Innocent Brazilian Man
Clinton to Direct Creation of Democrats' Agenda
U.K. cops want to attack terrorism Web sites
Boy Scouts expect ban on Pentagon support to be overturned
GOP Sen. Santorum Rules Out 2008 Bid
Brazilians Demand Arrest Over Killing
Iraqi women fear for their rights
Judge: Railroad Must Cover Birth Control
Russian judges in property scam
France awaits verdict on 65 defendants in child abuse case
U.S. Soldier Killed By Roadside Bomb In Iraq
al-Qaida Statement Warns Muslims in Iraq
Iraqis protest new Kuwaiti border markers U.S. Mass Transit Jitters
(Britian) Gay clergy can 'marry' but no sex
Complaint Against Blunt Referred for Prosecution (MO [R] Gov.)
Napolitano nixing raise could pay dividends
Russia’s Biggest Spammer Brutally Murdered in Apartment
U.S. accepts Polish withdrawal from Iraq - Kwasniewski
White House Warns Dems on Roberts Papers
Bush chooses (C. Boyden Gray) to be ambassador to EU
Signature-gathering can begin for Calif gay marriage ban
Immigrants do not overwhelm US healthcare - study
US military chief urges more Americans to enlist in 'noble effort'
Bush to Hold Summit on Giving to Charities
Hispanic, Islamic Groups Want Tancredo Out
Shooting victim had expired visa: BBC
Republicans hit early, hard in effort to oust Nelson
Insurgents infiltrate Iraqi police: US study
Despite $2 billion spent, residents say Baghdad is crumbling
BBC: Egypt hunts Pakistanis over bombs
GM crops created superweed, say scientists
U.S. military admits error in news releases
Teamsters, workers break from AFL-CIO
Italian court orders arrests of six CIA operatives UPDATE
Congress plans to scrutinize Plame-related issues
White House May Sidestep Dems on Bolton
Pa. Gov. to apologize to Marine's family
Clinton Urges Party Unity, Tough Stance
GOP Senators Ready Detainee Amendments
Monday's WH Briefing: McClellan Faces the '12-Hour Gap' ( E&P)
LAT: California's HIV Tracking System May Be Scrapped
NYT: China Bird-Flu Scare Ends
Police shot Brazilian eight times
Jane Fonda to Oppose Iraq War on Bus Tour
Pentagon Defies Order to Release Photos; 2,000 Veterans Call for Independe
Cinematography in "Visigoths meet the Phantom of the Park"
Why don't women like Visigoth guys?
when can serious topics forcibly enter the lounge?
why don't women like vise guys?
When can Visigoths forcibly enter the Lounge?
when can the police legally forcibly enter your home?
I beat this guy up in a bar last night.....
I am really embarrassed for you, really I am.
all this talk about barbarians
Cinematography in "KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park".
Watching Stones Doc 'Gimme Shelter' on DVD right now.
who would win in a cage match?
Teamsters, AFL-CIO, and other Unions need to work things out.
Buffy has cramps and has just taken her second dose of Ibuprofen.
Visigoths make poor house guests
Fortuna in 1940 ..(How life used to be)
Listening to Squirl Nut Zuippers - XMas in July Sale Time...
What do Ostrogoths really like?
Adventures In Conservative Sliminess
Avt Ivlivs Cæsar avt Vercingetorix?
New Game - Guess The Movie Quote That's Captioning A Picture
I swear, it's 'everything go wrong with my house' month!!
Prison Inmate Sues After Finding Fingertip In Meal
Life-Sized Statue Of Betty Boop Beheaded
Friday night pre-prostest party Sept 23rd 2005 in DC
Wow, AUDI just made themselves a laughing stock
"old people don't need companionship
Serial tickler strikes again in Florida
What's Your Favorite Chess Piece?
African dust cloud heads for Florida
Cats have 9 lives, but may be missing 1 taste
Barracuda suspected in rare attack on isle diver
Lead to mystery of Stonehenge, Egyptian pyramids and Noah's Ark hidden som
Pet Goat Death, Rottweiler Injury Now Criminal Case
The mini-reunion luncheon was a blast
Medication triggered madness of King George
Why did the bride run away to Aruba and cross the street?
Vampire fraudsters take bite of Sicilian's savings
Is there an alternative Stephenie Miller site
Anyone ever try SimCountry, the new ad here on DU?
Asian Peers - anyone had one before?
Almost crossing the line between "quaint villager" and "celebrity stalker"
2 birds, 1 stone: How hot is it & how high gas prices where you live?
They say Spain "surrendered to terrorists". It didn't. Britain did.
How many German-American families changed their names from Hitler?
CONFESS!!!! Tell me the dirt you know about another DUer
I finally got my hands on some tastycakes! `
vienna sausages packed in tomato sauce
Florida Police Search for Naked Tickler
Asian Pears - anyone had one before
Get your insulin ready: Pictures of baby animals
Gee. Did you ever learn how to say "Good morning" or "hello"
You cat owners don't have a clue...
wow - has a peak oil link on it...
Six Feet Under: Wow - did anyone watch last night's ep? (SPOILERS)
Six Feet Under Spoilers - Descriptions of the last 4 Eps
Man Wins State Lottery 5 Weeks In A Row
what do you put on your weiner?
Man Survives Treading Water For 5 Hours Before Being Rescued
My girlfriend said I'm getting fat! (Seriously)
Thank goodness for mute buttons.
For Dead Fans - 10th anniversary of Jerry's passing is August 9
Picked up a few political Clients today...
"Mr.Blue" (Edward Bunker) is dead at 71
Relaxation techniques requested, please
Insiders predict dim future for critically-lambasted Tucker Carlson
we haven't had a melodramatic 'i'm leaving du' in ages
Ricky Martin Seeks End to Arab Stereotypes (Freepers will love this)
Is a Apple Power PC with 320 megabytes for $50 a good deal?
OK, that's it I'm Not Leaving DU!!!
Goth websites, with black backgrounds, suck, but this one...
Eugene Record from the Chi-Lites has died.
Happy Birthday to Me, Im 54 years old
Which jazz artist is DA BOMB as far as you're concerned?
Anyone interested in faking the rapture
Time for a competency hearing yet?
"Give us all your money, or we'll make you give birth to the Anti_christ"
What toppings do you lack on your pizza?
Stronger than never ever before!
Is a Apple Power PC with 320 megabytes for $50 a good deal?
"If it ain't Wham, it ain't ham!"
Detroit, Michigan, 5:00 AM....84 degrees...
Is The Hair On Your Head Its Natural Color?
Need Help with Family Guy reference:
a friendly reminder: not only is it ZUNI week...
I normally walk to my dr appointments but it's supposed to rain today...
KFC Still Guards Colonel's Secret Recipe
Your favorite Stanley Kubrick film
Researches unveil Ice Age Dildo
Calling DU metalheads: Sleep "Jerusalem"
REMEMBER WHEN: The cheapest you've even seen gas prices in your lifetime
Moshe Dayan's eye patch on sale
Moscow to join tallest tower club
What do Visigoths really like?
Moscow to join tallest tower club
Six Feet Under - Great episode, let's discuss (Yes spoilers)
The ol' ball and chain got a job!!
Is Zuni really worth a whole week?
I can't decide, you do it for me!
Get your baby brackets out-SHE'S TIGHT AS A TICK!!!
The Lounge sucks-you all missed Burt Convy's birthday Saturday
Underpants sucks - he missed Ruth Buzzi's birthday on Sunday
My name is Zuni, ask me anything especially really personal questions
Restuarant named "Car Crash" closes after a Car crashed into the building
Anybody heard the new Stones song "Rough Justice" yet?
Happy Birthday Walter Brennan!
Fuck You (Dubya's Ode To Humanity) - A Song In Pictures
Some one called me a smart Alec........
Don't forget. Senator Sanitarium on the Daily Show tonight!!
What to do with an old computer?
Boy Dumped After Losing to Girlfriend at Mini-Golf
It's been a while since I posted a cat thread.... (dial-up warning)
beyond the stapLes center, you can see america
Here is a joke about surgens & poloticians worth sharing!
Nominated for dumbest thread ever at DU
That's it, I'm boycotting Zuni Week - who's with me???!!!
I stole the rest of Zuni's week! mmmmmmmuuuuuaaaaahhhhhaaaa
Hey Matcom!!! Look what I found!!! FOOT THONGS!!!
Has anyone seen "Rolling Kansas"?
So do I have to remove my sigline now?
What do Zuni and a Cub's cut-off man have in common?
Dr Freud! Spot the telling typo in the WH transcript of todays gaggle...
How did you get your screen name?
A comment about General Discussion/Politics.
Got spam? And Russian Mafia connections?
Did underpants and his wife select the baby's name?
I'm going to introduce some new religions. Today's religion, Zuni Worship
'Longhorn' becomes Windows Vista
This week on The Daily Show - Monday should be interesting
I think I'm getting conjuctivitis
What's the best method for cleaning the shower?
Can anyone record and upload the Daily Show/Santorum?
Vance Armstrong's Heroism Is a Moral Inspiration
Blue Bell Banana Pudding ice cream....
i am afraid Lizards, that Underpants is starting a very disturbing trend
Anyone else catch the new "Harvey Birdman" episode last night?
Psst... Wanta make a quick $39.50 and up?
Lance Armstrong – one of a kind
If I ever get my hands on the inventor of spyware...
Lance Armstrong: Man, Myth, Legend
I think I'm getting conjunctionitis
Lance Armstrong's Heroism Is a Moral Inspiration
No, really, rumors of matcom week's demise are greatly bullshit
Anyone NOT been on a reality/fashion makeover/home redesign show?
Is the bicentennial_baby Century too repetitive?
Experts say TV show may replace entire field of psychology and analysis
Possible the strongest Banner ever on DU
Web Weenies: Your Open Source Groupware suggestions.
Rant: Why do total strangers tell you EVERYTHING about them?
Ask me Anything! And I will answer you with "It's not my fault."
All of y'all are freaking me out with the banners and the copycat threads
Why Do You ALWAYS Have To Have The Last Word?
Oh yeah? Well everyone alive today is part of the TAVERNER GENERATION
The Lounge is having a DESIGN COMPETITION!
IT'S OFFICIAL: Celebrate the Lynne Sintury with your very own banner
"Listen, man. You're my friend,.........
Anyone here seen "The Village"....???
BTW, are we doing the DU Photoshop contest
Are barbarians the new pirates of Democratic Underground?
Chaos Theory - What is your high score?
Which Visigoth would you want to have a beer with?
condolences for zuni... for not surviving the first day of zuni week
To hell with all of you! This is Vash the Stampede Month!
Lance Armstrong: Long Live the King
Elad and EarlG - what's the truth about Skinner?
What did I know, and when did I know it?
Bush parody scoops Faux Faulkner award
Are there any local television feeds online? (in particular, CBS?)
Guess the Corporate Logos by 1 letter - 1st Version
I don't hold Dawn as responsible as I do
Life in the fast lane will surely make you lose your mind.
What do you think of when you think of an alpha-Male?
Why don't men prance as much as women?
Let's face it...I probably don't even deserve an evening...
I long for the simpler days of shark week.
Scout's Hour of Honor begins at 4:20pm CST. Everyone is invited.
Can you bake brownies in a toaster oven?
Lance Armstrong Coverage... Sucks or Blows?
ooooowwwww....that was my finger!
Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yër ?
How would you feel if say, trumad, posed with the Insurgents
I'm cooking chili for supper even though it is hot as hades outside!
It's another tequila sunrise Starin' slowly 'cross the sky, said goodbye
Who do you believe: George W. Bush or Wayne Campbell?
Top Ten Things To Say If Caught Sleeping At Your Desk (At Work)
Jazz players: in front of the beat vs behind the beat
Ever watch a flame war develop? What do you do?
Scientists worried that we'll contaminate Mars.
New Jersey wants to ban smoking in cars
I need some more cute t-shirts.
I want to set up a "Dimes for Democracy" collection
Aliens took our solar lights!!!
Seen on a bumper: God was my copilot...
My wife wants to get a motorcycle
Come one, come all to DeposeTheBoyKingdome
Where do YOU fit in the wolfpack hierarchy?
Playing at the same competition as Lance/Tiger: Would you?
Is god cursing the red states?
"Miracle Planet", a new series on the Science Channel
You're a good man, Charlie Brown
Miss Kitty lost her collar and she won't tell me where it is.
Are the Mothman and Chupacabras related?
What state will PBS star Norm Abrams build? (humor)
But I want MY own banner! *pout*
Miracle Whip: new series on the Food Channel
Family of faggot fans fly the flag
I will never be able to afford a house. Am I a loser?
Does posting that sad, mopey smiley in groups defeat the purpose?
Poor, poor NSMA has no internet access right now...
I'm off to watch a softball game.
Someone just e-mailed a virus to me
The Smoking Gun has a list of really good movies
So, has the shit really hit the fan?
Announcing the impending publication of
Gummi bears. Mere candy or gift from the Gods?
You all know that you can't say bomb on an airplane, right?
For any David Sedaris fans out there...
Ever post a joke thread that people took seriously?
Okay. I can't believe I ordered this.
woohooooo! my bushbot post from this am
I know we had a "finding your first DU post" thread...
Remember when the days were long And rolled beneath a deep blue sky
The Pictures Matt Drudge WON'T show you!
Poll To END All Polls - Which Do You HAVE To Have During 'Cravings'
I just mooned my sweetie from the back door of the loft.
no posts for me in over 48hrs...WTF?!?
Want to see next season's Doctor?
This son of a bitch is ice cold.
I am listening to the 'ABBA' collection and singing out loud...
What's the best Fantasy movie of all time???
Hey CatWoman: Anthony Bourdain, tonight 10PM - Travel Channel
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Age check - ever been to a movie theater with a balcony?
Any of you here go to Ohio State University in Athens?
wait, wait, wait - what fucking week, month and year is it
The "Family Guy" movie has been leaked on the internets.
My friend just had his rib broken by a chiropractor (just called me now)
I never knew one little nose could make so much mucus.
All alone in Cyndee_Lou_Who's house... what should I do?
My iPod locked itself - NEVER MIND - I fixed it.
Good thoughts (no, GREAT thoughts) requested, please
I'm bored on the web. Please list some of your favorite sites.
Anybody ever have government cheese?
Hey, tall chiquitas? I have a question.
So I post this really good overview of the problems
OK, fess up. How many of you opened the Superweed thread hoping
What toppings do you like on your pizza?
sure sucks when people put pics of shark steaks in their sig on shark week
so is Nevin coming to the O's or not
Morrissey meows every time I sneeze
I haven't donated to DU in while. How come I still have my star?
So when & what was your last CD/album purchase?
i will respond to everyone in this thread but ONE person...
Fairly new blog that ya'll should read:
Aniston Love Letters to Be Auctioned
welcome to leftofthedial Minute
Help! What veggies can I serve with homemade Stuffed Peppers?
What state should the Christian fundamentalists move to?
Which ancient Germanic tribe was the coolest?
The Emperor and Darth Vader go for Lo Mein...Funny as hell!
I got rejected for a credit union job.
if i don't make it till tomorrow...
What's the Catholic hymm to the tune of "Deutschland Uber Alles"?
Let us now praise the Seattle Public Library.
It's progmom Year. Drinks for all!
Why is everyone talking about Zuni week and Progmom year?
where did all these Progmom sig lines come from?
I want to start worshipping Progmom. How do I start?
is progmom getting the staples taken out of her head as we speak?
the lies of progmom AKA progmom lies
Get your progmom year banners here!
You are nothing if you don't have a banner!
What should I do to apologize to Progmom
I'm In Duh Mood Fuh Wuv: Dedicated to?
I would have given you all of my heart......
There is not enough of me to worship you ALL....
Let's start some Urban Legends about the ADMINS and DU
I need answers, people!!!!!!!!!
did anyone record famiLy guy Last night?
When the frock is my week?!?!?!?!?!?!!11!!23/?
Progmom is a false prophit, I'm the true prophit!!
Ask me something that I can answer
I hate Jared from Subway commericals.
Kevin Costner Movies; who should have got the part he ruined?
Progmom is a false profit, I'm the true profit!!
Hi Everybody! 4 Whole Posts to 4500... Ask me anything!
Slap me. I am making peanut butter no-bake cookies.
Dad of 12 Admits He's Gay (NOT a joke)
Who have you met on the Internet? I'm discussing On-Line Dating on my show
Favourite "Twilight Zone" episode?
Age check - ever been to a movie theater with a balony?
A Long, Dramatic Ending To Mavis's Story.
Quakers: What's your take on SIX FEET UNDER's portrayal?
Bird Flu: Tamiflu: National lab + ignore patent, is what we must have
Hunting Witches (scientist persecution editorial in the WaPo)
Ancient phallus unearthed in cave
Civil Unions OK But No Sex Anglican Priests Told
MCC Elects Florida Lesbian Leader
NHL: Teams dropping overpaid schmucks like flies
How did a kitten that was this cute end up to be such a pain in the ass?
He be, or not he be? That is the question.......
I'm an Atheist, but I'm also lot's of other things
"No TRUE atheist would..." ( a tongue-in-cheek post)
Absolute Must Read: LA Times article
Kerry, Senators Urge Congressional Investigation Into Plame Leak
Presented to me under the heading "Get your facts straight"
Newsletter 7/25/05: Terror Trail
Niger Yellowcake and The Man Who Forged Too Much
Bush parody wins Faux Faulkner Contest
How do you really feel about the kind of Senators who would back
Robert's Wife: Lawyer for Firm Preparing Global Iraq Satellite Sys
Class, your assignment for today
Roberts and Cheney have a connection
What happens if Bush gives up Rove
Menezes execution: 3 unanswered questions.
McCain, Grover Norquist, & Gingerich "Rove opened Pandora's Box on causes of 9/11"
Drudge claims Hillary is supporting Roberts
Hey Laura, how's that Gang Czar working out?
Santorum taking questions at Washington
At This 'Animal House,' the Party Is Democratic
Talking Points Memo shows how low Senator Roberts will go to protect Rove
New Pledge from Mr. Bush (regarding Plume Affair)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) on R arrogance, CAFTA
Can Valerie Plame file a civil RICO suit against Rove, et al?
bush hardnosed on robert's CONFIDENTIAL papers
What are other devious things B*shco has done '00-'04?
Tell me again...what was the Iraq war FOR?
Special vs Independent: What is the Significance with Plamegate?
The Best Army We Can Buy (NYTimes)
Post predictions of Republican and Democratic runners in 2008
Philippines: "electoral fraud, corruption and betrayal of public trust"
It's Rove, Rovegate, not Plame/Plume anything
Get this out to all media wherever you can
ORANGE ALERT: BUSHIES BRAIN is smoking and glowing in a
Baghdad: 39 killed in two days. When do we get welcomed as liberators?
robert's "CONFIDENTIAL" papers, Abu Ghraib Pictures
Denver Post Paper Front Page Photo w/ story: Sharp Eyes Help Secure
"World stability "could take major steps backward" if CAFTA is defeated"
Let's all send McCain the definition of negligence
Iran has benefited in every way from GWB's decision to overthrow Saddam
What's the scoop with the pictures that were due out?
Roberts Mum on Federalist Society Membership
Did Gonzalez Commit a Crime by Giving a Heads-Up?
Any opinion about Shadegg's proposed health insurance bill?
Bush invites terrorists to attack Americans
Bush tells us how he really feels
'Enemies of humanity' quote raises Iraq PR questions
Gonzales question - Is Dept. of Justice backing his claim: OK to wait?
Who will be the first GOPer to come out and demand answers on Plamegate?
Can Anyone Confirm: Roberts Lied about his role in the Federalist Society
Why is my daughter's public school advertising for Wal Mart?
Gawd - the latest stupid assed email sent by the White House
Bush expresses condolences over deaths of "innocent mothers and dads"
McClellan press conference scheduled to go live NOW (9:30 AM Pacific)
"Iraqification" may turn out to be a dog's breakfast"
links for information about federal grand jury
Sen.Durbin's excellent point about Judge Roberts:
Rove's plan to avoid all charges: bank on the integrity of reporters.
Gannon/Gosch Comes Back into Play
Frame for Gonzales investigation Flap: TWELVE HOUR GAP!
Just witnessed McCain make excuses for Rove, lost any respect
A Post-Script to my GITMO post......
Some A-hole Tore My Amnesty International Sticker Off My Car
This is HUGE - the Espionage Act of 1917!!!!
"Justice Dept" going after Durbin, Rockefeller and Wyden now??????
Voinovich's strange comments re Bolton
Criticize Joe Biden for kissing Karen Hughes' butt
Anyone know if Santorum is in NYC?
We need to tell Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, etc
Last question in Scotty's briefing - did leak fit treason law.
Terry brings activism to Florida Senate campaign
Today's McClellan transcript: Do Rove's actions constitute treason?
transcript of WP online chat with santorum 7/25/05 1:00pm
Why generals won't ask for more troops
More pablum from the DLC. Their strategy of nothingness at latest gabfest
McClellan's "I addressed it on 10/1/03" spin: he SAID "I just don't know"
Feinstein on Roberts: "very difficult for me if he opposes Roe v. Wade"
Message from Boxer re: Roberts nomination
Anyone else get a fundraising call from Dean and the DNC re: Roberts
Demos preparing comeback in La. - Beaucoup Blues
Where can we see Lautenberg's press event?
McCain introducing detention techniques amendment!! cspan2 nt.
The Irresponsible Republicans.
Kerry, 25 other senators urge investigation of Plame Leak
My local pundit subbed in for Rush today
a lil help: any links to the oldster (60s) doctor serving in Iraq?
From Senator Reid's site a Count UP Clock on TreasonGate
White House may sidestep dems on Bolton-Yahoo News
3rd Infantry Division's press office MAKING UP quotes for Iraq statements
After Fitzgerald completes his investigation, what happens next? nt
"The Bush gang didn't have 12 hours...they had a whole weekend"
Joe Biden on Gonzales: "I don't doubt the attorney general's sincerity"
Did you guys see this? New Abu Ghraib pics..........nt
US Right turns on Blair for being 'soft on terror'
The Roberts nomination is not about Roe, it's about Gitmo.
Watergate, Iran-Contra, Traitor-gate. . .
We need to make Frist's phone ring off the hook.
KY voter on Bush's "faith and values"..."He puts people's feelings first"
Anyone catch Anthony Miller on CNN. The grieving father of bombing
TIME Magazine's cover for this week...
Who would function as the new SCOTUS "swing vote"
Uh oh - here comes the coverup of the Plame leak investigation...
Links to info about accusation - Rockefeller, Durbin, Wyden black ops
How much will Stewart be bashed tonight
Raw Story: Press Hammers White House On Leak, Again
Have conservatives apologized to you yet?
Is the breakup of the AFL-CIO good or bad for the Democratic Party?
Republican Senator: Covert Agents Are Fair Game
Would Scalia or Thomas get confirmed today?
Coverage of the Democratic Press Conference re Gonzales Obstruction?
Freeps: "Bolton is great, but I'd rather see Ollie in there"
Pentagon Blocks Release of Abu Ghraib Images: Here's Why
Cable News Is 24 Hrs of Piping Hot Propaganda
Could somone give me a link (Re: Reagan won the Cold War)
Gannon at the 10/1/03 WH Press Briefing on Wilson
Bush can't get no satisfaction
Feinstein on Hardball reciting the "How To End Terror" talking points
Sen. Sans-Scrotum (PA) will not run for WH in 2008...!
Ptech had access to DOE nuclear waste handling information
So, before today, when was the last time the word "treason"
Sen. Jeff Sessions says its OK to torture detainees.
Dr Freud! Spot the telling typo in the WH transcript of todays gaggle...
Senate Intelligence Committee to Examine Use of Cover by U.S. Spies
Sen. Reid introduces THE ROVE CLOCK
Rove and MSM: Has anyone seen or heard
Conyers: "a pardon will be a last ditch tactic to evade accountability"
O'Reilly on Rehnquist: "you have to drive a stake through the man's heart"
White House warns Dems re: Roberts
Patriot act/Rovegate Question.....
"Bush's credibility is down the tubes and he doesn't seem to realize it."
Raw Story: Conyers to Bush: Promise you won't pardon those who outed agent
What is the government's role in the economy?
How much WORSE is BushCo today than you predicted they would be?
Is Santorum going on The Daily Show tonight?
This would be my dream GOP Ticket in 2008
Last Throes of Credibility: Five Years of Lies & Deception
Filmed ALL of Conyers 23rd Meet - those who sent me there get it ALL
Fill in the blank: In the Bush White House the buck stops____ !
Sen. Clinton Reinforces Ties to Moderates
Raw Story: DEMS to hold 3:30 Press Conference on Gonzalez B.S.
If one wanted to run for local office of a small city, which one would
The spooky thing about Roberts? He looks like we've all seen him before!
Roberts can't recall if he was a member of the Federalist Society
Doonesbury is on Scotty's ass.
Who's on the DC fed'l grand jury Fitzgerald answers to? Who appointd them?
J. Wilson / R. Rhodes / S. Miller / T. Trupiano / J. Conyers audio
EXCELLENT fact sheet on Roberts from MoveOn - FIGHT THIS NOMINATION!
If you don't see me posting here - I may be in Gitmo.
GOP Congress Will Try To Muddy the Waters For Fiztgerald with "Hearings"
Proposed: Constitutional Amendment that prohibits President pardoning
Roberts said he would have to recuse himself
Video of in-depth Dean interview with a Denver station. Excellent.
Why hasn't Novak been charged?
Polls show consistent support for women's right to choose.
Kerry, Senators Urge Congressional Investigation Into Plame Leak!
What will happen when Roe vs. Wade gets overturned?
Start using "Bush" as a verb for "to tell a lie."
We need a word to describe Neo-Cons that is distastefull