Simon Tisdall (Guardian Utd): Britain pays price for foreign policy
Matthew Rothschild (The Progressive): Plame Scandal Widens
Ruth Conniff (The Progressive): House Demagoguery on Iraq
Krugman makes a case for public services and a New Liberal Blog
Katrina vanden Heuvel (The Nation): The Corruption Machine
Oil/Gas Permitting Keeps BLM too busy (to protect) Environment (ENS)
John Tierney:The Sagebrush Solution
We've been trashed-Dems are fizzling
High School Senior Refutes Santorum on Public Education LTTE
Dogfight in Ohio – Dem Iraq Vet in the running for Congress
interesting bit on star wars action -- can be done independently of DUAC
Time, Newsweek, U.S. News mis-cited Roberts's "settled law" comment on Roe
Oil Well Proposed for Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (ENS)
Science Of Oil Rigs: Surviving Gulf Storms
By 2050 Warming to Doom Million Species, Study Says
Surprise! Maryland Talks With EPA On Limiting Mercury Produce No Results
Degraded Environment Becoming Major Political Force In China - ENN
Droughts, Storms, Rising Seas? Don't Worry, Says Oz Environment Minister
Glacier Draining 4% Of Greenland Ice Sheet Moving At 3 Times 1996 Rate
Brazilian priest murdered in Rio
Learn these diagrams before posting about steel.
Imagine voting at local mall, uptown hotel
Fitrakis' book "Did GWB Steal America's 2004 Election is being freeped on
Want to join a voting rights group?
Another Idea to Promote Our Rather Obscure Forum
Where is "59sunburst" when we need him/her. An Internet Mystery!!!
Rally in support of EC bill July 26 at 1:00 p.m.
Anybody else up at Detroit Lakes last weekend?
WSJ: Dog, Pony and Veterinarian Show
Why can't people R-click on my site when they use IE?
How do I put an animated gif or picture that is in my Photobucket account
Seen in Austin today at Taco Cabana on the back
Pdittie and I did some good things this week!
The guy under the seats: "I seeee you."
How would you feel if Bush ordered Gonzalez to fire Fitzgerald?
Military recruiters at Ozzfest
how can anyone stand hannity's show?
Penn Jillette is on Tucker tonite
Triple-sized mice eating albatross chicks alive
Michigan not blue enough for me-any jobs in Vermont.?
Does the VFW support Bush? And if so, is there another vet group
on t.v. i saw a white lady complaining about being searched at the airport
Can Fitzgerald use provisions of the PATRIOT Act in his investigation?
Newsweek: Plame, The CIA & The Intelligence Identities Protection Act
I'm hereby offering to pay moving expenses for any Okie fundy who wants
Operation Yellow Elephant Endorsed by Gen. Meyers!
Britain, France Agree on Anti-Terror Needs
7 bullets to the head ?? 8 total shots ??
This christian exudus thing makes nightly news - no word of Card / Gonz?
My Fundie Sister Just Said Plame's Husband Outted Valerie
IHT: The nightmare of civil war is looming over Iraq
Sensenbrenner after Fitzgerald too YIKES
I wonder how many of these NeoCon bastards have Jock Itch?
the OUTING of Valarie Plame put EVERY AMERICAN at RISK
What happened to the "Truth Tour"
My dad's letter to his representatives!
You GOTTA watch Tucker Carlson's show RIGHT NOW !!!!!
I don't see how telling Card sets up a 12-hour shredding party.
I'm sorry, but there are more important things to talk about besides
First drama series about Iraq war hits US television
Would you go up in the shuttle tomorrow?
Does Doonesbury just go right over their heads?
Larry Johnson, CIA vs President Bush
WSJ - Looks like Bush* may well make recess appt. w/ Bolton
Get accustomed to the term "purge"... but it will be done the way
Letter to Senator Warner - About the Iraq War Resolution
Indymedia: Seattle activist takes on government in D.C. court
A fairly dim question (regards CIA)
DLC versus DNC- who's in charge?
My Dad just got his first donation letter from the Democrats.
"5-1 it outsells Bennet" Ha... Santorum is an Idiot. Way to go Jon Stuart!
Nightline's gonna cover THREE topics again tonight ... WTF?
A legal question on * pardons in Traitorgate
Santorum on Daily Show tonight....don't forget!!
Lautenberg asks, was there a shredding party?
Interesting bumper sticker in Erie PA
Downing Street Memos, Wilson, CIA-Outings, Conyers & Truth News
The Rove defenders are clearly NOT working in the people's interests
Jon.. darling... you missed it.
Texas federal judge is considering if Posada/CIA/Bay Of Pigs was terrorism
How come nobody's talking about this AFL/CIO thing?
My Revised List of Grand Jury Witnesses
So did the DEMs have the 3:30 press conference today?
Where did the term "water-carrying" originate from?
DLC sounds just like Karl Rove
Something I thought of with the GOP "investigating" Fitzgerald
Karl & The White House Leakers
Hilarious Salon article on freepers from '99 (interesting)
Bush Met With Judge Roberts One Day Before Crucial Ruling
Suggested LTTEs - If you knew then, what you know now -
BRAD BLOG: GOP Operatives Recieve Their New Rove Marching Orders!
David Cobb Pledges $1,000 to the Sherole Eaton Fund
So. Besides letter-writing and peaceful protests...
How did Chris Matthews get the nickname "Tweety"?
I am getting sick listening to
Does anyone else think Ken Starr talks like a valley girl?
Cost of Iraq War July 25th- $183,280,850,888
Cue the fundie outrage: "Ape to Man" to air on the History Channel
MANDATORY MALLOY: Monday Truthseeker Round Up
Unbelievable...Google Results for Rape+Torture +Photo+Iraq+Children
I want to send *& Co to Iraq, have them all get down on their knees
The saga of the big three American automakers..
In the top 10, Skinner asks "What is flummery?"
LIHOP, MIHOP, in same class as Moonwalk Nuts per Penn & Teller
Clinton to Direct Creation of Democrats' Agenda
I am SOOO tired of the "I'm a vet." argument.
"I Just Wanted a Video Game, Not Eternal Damnation in Hell"
Anybody Got A Centrist Position On The Death Penalty ???
LaTribuna: Bush urges Latin Americans to lobby Congress re: CAFTA
What are some justifications you've heard from RWers for torture?
Today's religious fanatics are badly in need of psychological help.
Ok, freeps, you win. We're the Democrat Party. Now we get to name yours!
It's too late for the morans(sic) to take out Fitzgerald
How Does Scotty Sleep At Night
What state should the fundies take in lieu of South Carolina?
The Abandonment of Conservatism In The GOP-- The Welcoming of Doom for US
Do the Spooks Know Our Election Was Stolen?
Will Marshall of the DLC says Progressives are ruining the party with
Laura Bush's abortion stance...
Fweepers just can't get enough Aruba coverage.
CSPAN Schedule Tuesday July 26
"and the executioner's face is always well hidden'
You have a Son or Daughter in the Army...
Your Political Compass orientation?
"Sen. Clinton works to shed liberal image"
Yar har on Democratic Unity - woohoo!
USA Today: Plame's Neighbor & Lawyer Speaks Out
Do you respect the person who enlists because they believe in the cause?
*** More TOONS: A Little of Everything ***
"I saw ____ fucking a kid..." (from Taguba report on Abu Ghraib torture)
Santorum said that a legislature has the right to prohibit birth contol
I Want To Move A Shitload Of Atheists To The Same State. We Can Take Over!
Cue the "Jon Stewart has sold out!" posts
Ann Coulter admitted it: "We have the media"
Why are the Iraqi 'insurgents' targeting civilians?
A small point about the torture photos that weren't released
What do I do with a "Mock Tender Chuck Roast"?
Fellow Canadians, I ask a favour.
Mystery Chinese disease toll now 17
If the bombs were "under the carriages" of the London subway
BBC: Iraqi women fear for their rights
Clinton to Direct Creation of Democrats' Agenda
UN Denial of Billions in Gulf War Health Compensation Denounced (ENS)
Congress plans to scrutinize Plame-related issues
Israel Upset Pope Did Not Condemn Attacks
House Requests FTC Probe of 'GTA' Game
40,000 protesters rally against Arroyo
U.S. Embassy in Saudia Arabia Warns Americans
Reuters staff braced for more job cuts
NYT: Home Sales Still Rising To Records
White House Pushes Trade Deal on Hill
U.S. military admits error in news releases - AKA fake news
NYT: Some Documents of Supreme Court Choice Will Be Released
Death row inmate's intelligence at center of jury trial
Discovery of faulty gene offers hope on autism (new treatment avenues?)
War protesters lose tax opt out bid (UK)
Bay of Pigs case may drag in CIA - Judge Denies Bond for Luis Posada
White House Said to Block Roberts Papers
Judge denies bond for Cuban militant, seeks Bay of Pigs opinion
WP: U.S. Pushes Anti-Terrorism in Africa
St. Johns Co. men sentenced for selling bad equipment to military
New York proposes tracking diabetes, a non-contagious disease, raising pri
Magnitude 5.6 - WESTERN MONTANA - 2005 July 26 04:08:43 UTC
Brain cancer linked to nerve agent
Appeal Filed on Schwarzenegger Measure (stay granted)
Abstinence-only program suffers cash crunch
WP: Once Health Regulators, Now Partners (Private Groups Limit Access)
Two dog handlers face Abu Ghraib hearing
U.S. Pushes Anti-Terrorism in Africa -WP
Cheney, in NYC, Plugs Roberts Nomination
Judge Throws Out NATO Protesters' Lawsuit
Court nominee does well in poll; Rove does not
NYT: Skirmish Over a Query About Roberts's Faith ("recusal" statement)
Mass. Governor Vetoes Contraception Bill
"Who's the enemy?" distraught Iraqis wonder
Your IQ's gone up - now we can execute you
Munition exposure linked to brain cancer in US vets (Reuters)
Five Boy Scout Leaders Die in Va. Accident
Bulgaria's Withdrawal from Iraq - Top Priority for Draft Cabinet
Is anger just love disappointed?
Screw you guys, I'm going home
Don't people (including celebrities) have a right to privacy?
I'm on Melrose Ave (of Melrose Place fame)...Ask me anything!
I'm 47416 posts from 50000 ask me anything!
Have you ever told a non DU'er about the Lounge and
could you all keep it down? I'm writing a dissertation and I have to
Free computer fill in the map games?
Scientists seek fresh chance to dig up Stonehenge's secrets
Pope gives speech on birth control- Transcript
Anybody ever have government sleaze?
I'm gonna have some cheese and butter cause I got low
I will respond to only one person in this thread.
I know not when I shall see you again, fair DUers
Best words ever strung together into a sentence and spoken aloud?
I admit it. I want the Reno 911 action figures.
Question for itunes afficianados/experts...
How would you like to see Daylight Savings Time handled?
What's best programming language to create games for mobiles?
This is the funniest thing EVER
My husband is SUCH a bookworm.
I Just Watched A Recorded Episode Of "Queer As Folk"...
I ate enough pasta to feed Liechtenstein's Army. Ask me anything.
Alright 75 posts till I'm out of the 700 club ASK ME ANYTHING PLEASE
i wonder what happened to my l0:06 PM post ... i can't find it.
Screw Schilling that freeptard. I want Pedro back!
Get ready, here it comes......
OK Shaun of the Dead is hilarious.
I have a question about wine.....
You have a son or daughter going to Iraq....
WTF is going on with "Six Feet Under"????
When I Laugh Too Hard, And Too Loud, For Too Long... I Get The Hiccups.
Ok everyone, a big hug goodnight!
My cat has removed his collar.
Post your favorite Weasel Story HERE:
Hey! Like my new Wisconsin license plates?
How does a freaking belt just disappear?!
Who else here gets excited when the RED
We need another cute guy thread.
New bumper sticker I saw today:
What "one-liner" in a post on DU really cracked you up?
Is there Southern and Northern Greek cuisine?
Had a pear cider. Ask me anything.
I just quit my job to begin operations on a new business. Ask me anything
I just turned 15GB of data into 300MB. Ask me anything!
BREAKING: Santorum rules out 2008 bid!
Send some good vibes to NYC tomorrow
So, how about that 2005 Mustang in Legend Lime Green?
If it's too loud, are you really too old?
The next 12 minutes and 48 seconds are mine! ALL MINE!!!!!!
Other than DU, what is your biggest life-waster?
Other than DU, what is your biggest life-waster?
Would you want to have a toddler forever?
Norman Bates / Rick Santorum: Coincidence?
Did someone tell Jon to tone it down?
What brand of ice cream do you like the most?
Other than DU, what is your biggest life-taster?
beast man is so 13 minutes ago
Other than DU, what's your biggest wife-taster?
The doctor gave me 12 hours to live. Ask me anything.
ATTN birders: ever see a motmot? (jpg images)
Anybody in the NW feel an earthquake?
Doctor, it hurts when I go like THIS...
Other than booze, what is your biggest strife chaser?
GOP Study: Stressed-out (middle-class) worms die young
I told this dingbat that I was a doctor, and get a load of this:
WASHINGTON SCANDAL: SECRET SON Bush Family Tragedy Too Shocking To Reveal
I dreamed that Pat Benatar was leading a revolution
Is there a writer who is funnier than David Sedaris?
So, if we post mostly in the lounge,
Phony Purple Heart Taken Off Film Web Site
Contest: Flirt with KitchenWitch tonight!
Forget Pugs, Repugs, etc. They're the Hypocrisy Party now
Is popular music getting better?
If you go to Boston, don't cross Will Pitt's cat
On a morning from a bogart movie
I want to link to my campaign website
Post something that makes you GRIN like crazy!
i hereby declare this the bicentennial_baby common era!
How a True Geek sets his alarm clock:
Oh I've just come from the land of the sun...
Other than soap, what is your biggest face-washer?
I went to see Charlie And The Chocolate Factory today
most recently, when i e-mailed the religious editor of a local newspaper
San Francisco folks, know anything about this hotel?
Do you watch movies on your PDA?
ATTN reptile lovers: I saw the elusive helmeted iguana today
Calling out DU mechanics and car people!
I'm jonesing for some Smithereens. Anyone else like them?
Jarts?...Let the bidding commence
Name a cover song that was better than the original..
I just had Fried Green Maters for the 1st time in a decade!
Boomer is watching you (dialup warning)
Alright, what's up with the banners?
We need another cute pet thread.
I'll betcha Mavis is up on the couch tonight.
Golden treasure unearthed in Bulgaria (in Thracian tomb)
Japan Plans World's Fastest Computer
Discovery of faulty gene offers hope on autism (new treatment avenues?)
Butterfly unlocks evolution secret
Has Huygens found life on Titan?
Seafloor survey buoys Atlantis claim
Wisconsin A.G. Under Fire Over Gay Pride Appearance
Genetics Leave Felines Without Sweet Tooth
A sense I had last night (dealing with the Wilson case)
Any else enjoy Fox's TV show, "House"?
Epidemic in GD of "Dems are spineless and aren't doing anything!" posts
Is anyone planning to watch Man-On-Dog on TDS tonight?
Tweet tweet (a bird shot I forgot I had)
Repub on House Intell Com Weighs Leak Legislation
Keith Oberman/Rove coming up.n/t
Check Out Focus On The Family's New "Letter Writing Wizard!"
Leak Investigation: The Russert Deal—What It Reveals
Barbara Boxer's thoughts on Judge John Roberts
Lieberman says he's encouraged following meeting with Roberts
I have ten FIRE ROVE buttons I would like to donate
Feinstein asking for Imams to speak up against killing innocents
We are now hating ourselves for our freedoms! Osama has won!
Right now, History Channel, Secret Society, Bilderburg Bush etc
on CSPAN II, Rep., Markey is giving Rep. Barton an education
It is the "84 hours gap," not 12 hours.
Heard on CNBC! Kudlow says that ROVE is responsible for our Great Economy
The Washington Note: MSNBC Firm on Bolton and PlameGate
Rick Santorum on The Daily Show RIGHT NOW!
I guess the power of the crappy Patriot Act is that it will take
Is Christian violence and terrorism justified by the Bible?
This is a real eye-opener: "shoot them in the head"
Olbermann: White House's Leak gap actually 84 hours?
Are Democrats for Life & Feminists for Life the same? Maybe.
Our wedge issue should be WORKER'S RIGHTS!!!!
Why is the Senate Intelligence Comm. planning to review Fitzgerald?
A trip to the recent past. Mehlman shows Fitzgerald the love on MTP.
GREAT quote regarding the administration bringing itself down over Plame.
Gonzalas talking about the leak during an ongoing investigation!
AFL-CIO split could hurt dems.
How does the 12 hour gap help?
Sounds like pro-life Democrats are pushing Dean into a corner...
Mark Warner - prez contender in '08 or Senator in '06?
HRC urged Dems to end "long standing feud between liberals and the DLC."
Want to know the DLC's agenda for America? Here it is
Thank you FactCheck: An Exquisite timeline for Wilson/Plame/Treasongate
Nicholas Krystof: All Ears for Tom Cruise, All Eyes on Brad Pitt
Coin scandal seems like bottomless pit
Asia Times: Dien Bien Phooey (Iraq /Viet Nam comparisons)
Asia Times: Just who's emboldening terrorism?
Service workers, Teamsters split from AFL-CIO
Study documents US-inflicted carnage on Iraqi people
Another Great Luckovich Cartoon
US considers new nuclear generation 60 years after first bomb
'Shoot - To - Kill' Old Debate for U.K. Forces
Philadelphia Inquirer: deficits matter
A show of hypocrisy and lack of judgement...Consortium News
CSM: Illegal entry by non-Mexicans rises
Major Ohio Rep Paper Endorses Iraq War Vet Dem--Hackett for Congress
John Brown (Tom Paine): Defending The Neocon War
Progressives trying to revive Democrats - KY Post
Applying Truman order to gays in the military
Molly Ivins (Working for Change): Solidarity Later
David Moberg (The Nation): Look Who's Walking in the Labor Movement
Renowned Funds Manager Predicts Global Economic Collapse
Here's why you can't buy the News Journal at Wal-Mart
Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!): AFL-CIO and Destablizing of Venezuela
Al-Qaida: Wrong answers to real problems
Simmons' dismissal of Rove act surprising
The Democrats 2008 Choice: Sell Out & Lose, Or Stand Up & Win by David Sir
If you like our IRAQ adventure, you'll love IRAN.
Cheney threatening to veto independent counsel on torture
" Denver abortion provider fights back" - this story needs our help
Tell the FCC not to give more monopoly control to cable giants.
Cincinnati Post Indorses Iraq War Vet Dem Hackett for Congress
Why is fiscal responsibility considered "conservative"?
Food & Environmental Electronic Digest, Union of Concerned Scientists
1/3 Of Chesapeake Bay Low-Oxygen Dead Zone During Month Of July
Great Barrier Reef May Be Out Of Time In Face Of Climate Change
Energy Bill Will Do Nothing To Diminish Foreign Oil Dependence
Ocean Spray Lubricates Hurricane Winds
The time 6 liberal Nobel Laureates were angry with Union of Concerned
Rumsfeld Downplays Uzbek Base's Importance
US report eyes China's challenge to its interests
New TV station begins broadcasts in Latin America
Bhopal not forgotten by India but forgotten by the ones who killed them
Israeli Officials Want to Hasten Pullout
Sa-Nur: Shin Bet `provocateurs' trying to move in
It doesn't pain everyone, Mr. President (Tom Segev)
Arab League head backs disputed UN terror pact plan
Jewish militants put death curse on Sharon?
the real work for the "pro palestenian"....
In Most Cases, Israel Thwarts Suicide Attacks Without a Shot
Irrefutable evidence links Bush to terrorist Money Transfers
Kay Griggs on Military Black Ops, drug running, & misc perverts
Confronting the evidence DVD - copy help please...
Pancaking Buildings-Debunking L'ambiance
New disclosures from BBV re: "Vote Remote" (voter registrations) now points HERE! (or soon will)
Attention all electoral college dropouts --
Links for next weeks OH election for U.S. Congress.
Anyone hear repuke John Lund re: "Voter Fraud" on MPR today?
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Tuesday 7/26/05
Not a single post in the past four hours. Are we dead yet?
The Crisis Papers: The GOP is Certain to Win in 2006 — Unless...
Newport lawyer eyes Cox's seat
Cool, confident deputy mayor takes charge during troubling times
Redistricting measure gets reprieve
Researcher puts cows in a bubble to measure emissions
Feinstein could sway Roberts vote
Governor Refuses to Cancel Nov. 8 Special Election
Valley officials raking in funding
How much power does the San Diego temporary mayor have?
Poll: Who should we run in the primary against DINO Diane?
Did anyone else notice this ad in the Cedar Rapids Gazette today.
Shuttle astronaut James Kelly is from Burlington
anyone live in newton centre or know about andover newton theological
A handy web site that tells you the ocean tide times in the NE area:
Former DFL Rep. Loren Jennings guilty
Leaker, or leakee? Dumb title but it's my LTTE from last week
Progressive DFLer Ford Bell announces for Dayton's seat!
Wes Clark backing Hackett in Ohio CD2
Dallas Air America Radio Group- new web site and volunteer opportunities
Lance Armstrong says he's NOT running for Governor
Why do the working class in this state think the Pubs are on their side?
Sonias, slap some sense into me please ------- Gently
A report: Howard Dean in Houston
Thought you Texans might enjoy this LTTE in Seattle Times
Does anyone remember Milwaukee from the 50's and 60's?
Digby nails Will Marshall and the DLC here!
CSPAN2 showing the house live???
Washington Times, Steve Forbes: "Flat tax vs. national sales tax"
Whats the UN's stance on those photos taken in iraq
Kay Griggs on Military Black Ops, drug running, & misc perverts
Bush Tax Panel idea would allow some wealthy Americans to avoid all taxes
The RFID VeriChip is making the news again.
At this rate Michael Moore will be able to make an entire movie just of...
Congress plans to scrutinize Plame-related issues
Truthout on Roberts Federalist Society membership
Who says we can't know what's coming up in the week ahead?
The Great UNRAVELING - 7/26 toon (NEW)
If you don't have a source - Make one up - more lies
War Made Easy..... Norman Solomon....
Exhibit planned next to Primate Research Center
"Geneva Convention does not apply to al Qaeda international terrorists"
HALLIBURTON is 'optimistic'! "Sees high energy prices!!"
House Democrats To Offer Proposal for Retirement Savings - WaPo
Can anyone get the AAR stream today?
This may be a bit naive but...
Can this Iraq "Child Sodomy" issue......
flash link brings all the Repuke Kosovo quotes together
If The War on Terror Becomes a Battle of Wits, God Help Us
what good are massive anti war marches & demonstrations anyway?
I love Rachel Maddow's name for Bolton......
DU this article! Democratic Senators Press CIA Leak Probe
Bush & Energy Bill...Way to Make Us Less Dependent on Oil, Traitor!
A Modest Proposal: Winning Wars the Tancredo Way
So...about the torture photos,
Iraq Constitution May Erode Women's Rights
Our Leader Sure Loves His Rasslin'
Judge asked for evidence of Posada terrorist activity in Bay of Pigs!!
"Democratic Senators Press CIA Leak Probe"
Independant Commission on torture, sign the list, Veterans For
A blog about the justification of the Iraq war.
Stuart Bowen turns critic of Iraq
"Dead Soldier's Family Hit by Vandals"
"GOP Senators Push Detainee Treatment Rules"
"CAFTA Supporters Gain Some Votes"
Bill Maher Fans (you know you miss him) CC this morning and HBO Sat!
"Cheney, in NYC, Plugs Roberts Nomination"
so how many raped children does it take to get a American on the street?
Russia’s Biggest Spammer Brutally Murdered in Apartment
Russian Media Hails Spammer’s Murder
Rare Scrolls Reveal Early Biblical Writing
the chickenshit lying president promised us monthly press conferences
"House Intel Chief Weighs Leak Legislation"
Message to Patrick Fitzgerald: Shut down this Bullshit Investigation!
The press grilling Blair over civilian deaths in Iraq
Hate radio is losing the battle here in the D.C. area
Let's keep the crew of the Discovery in our thoughts.
"Senators Considering Nomination of Cox"
Olbermann: Was the White House's Leak/traitorgate gap actually 84 hours?
If I hear the words "up or down vote" one more time, I will go thermo.
An abandoned bag on the subway train this morning
Want to see what the Iraq war cost in $$$ if stacked together?
George W. Bush pretending he didn't shit in his pants..
Keith O revealed last night the REAL heads-up gap was 84 hours...
Need your help...I need links about the new torcher photos ASAP!!!!
Halliburton Earnings Improvement To Extend Into 2006
Xian Group: Ward Churchill Possessed by Demons
Any Bill Hicks fans out there?
Pentagon admits to making up bogus quote from "Iraqi" for news releases
Reminder: Tattoos will keep your kid out of the military
Digby Rips DLC Guru Will Marshall in: "Running on Empty" (A Great Read!)
When Al Franken is on vacation...
I LOVE DU-from the archives-WH was notified SEPT. 26- 4 DAYS TO OBSTRUCT!!
Did anyone here know a C.I.A. operative was outed?
LA flight to London diverted to Boston
Anyone have link to a flash of Iraq map that clicks out coalition deaths?
Franken is a rerun! Try Thom Hartmann now!
The First Thing We Do: Let's Offshore the Managers
What are we gonna do about the rape and torture going on?
When will we first hear this RW talking point aimed at Fitzgerald?
RE: weekend Verizon phone probs, ATTN: unhappycamper!
Michael Medved is a liar or just stupid!
Fundies LOVE the Old Testament. What's W's "writing on the wall"?
Are people afraid of death? Or are they too damn scared to try living?
Chimpy's Reaching Out to CAPTION
Newt Gingrich on Hillary Clinton
Most important: Your party in power OR a government with integrity?
China is producing 700,000 engineers per year.
The Young Turks... what's their deal?
80's Hair-Metal Guitarist Dies of AIDS, Freepers Laugh in Delight
Are any GOP issues about givng people MORE rights or are they all about
War's mental wounds command new attention
Maureen Dowd's article on her mom, who just passed away
I wanted to see the Freakers take on US Marine running as a DEM in Ohio
I'm going to go ahead with the Great Filibuster
NJ Lawmakers Push for Bill to Stop Drivers from Smoking in Cars
John Dingell's sorry ass response to demand for US withdrawal from Iraq
So, apparently now Halliburton wants to get into paper products.
Rove's Backers Use 'CounterSpy Defense'
EARTH TO HILLARY: "Bipartisanship is another name for date rape".
Is this part of the global concern Indira Singh was talking about?
Munition exposure linked to brain cancer in US vets
Anyone listening to Thom Hartman?
Was the footage of the Shuttle jettison off the booster cool or what?
It's God's Will that The Bush Regime is Falling Apart.
Is it just me? Or is there a lot of dead air on Air America Radio?
U.S. Officials Retool Slogan for Terror War (TGSATEOF,TEOC)
"Mel Gibson Plans Another Historical Epic"
Anyone have bios of the 17 Bush grandchildren of enlistment age......
Abu Gharib photos? Where are they?
official beginning of the "chalk revolution"
Grand Theft Auto Meets Robocop
Civil Disobedience. Henry David Thoreau
Letters to Editors re Protest and Blog!
"Why are the Dems Caving in on Cox?"
"Italians Issue Six New CIA Warrants"
GD Moderator: Why was thread on Bush grandchildren LOCKED??
Remember the Office of Strategic Information?
The DLC is whining about all the criticism from Progressive blogs yesterda
Larry Johnson on Thom Hartmann.
Cenk Uygur at Huffington Post: " If they don’t convict, Bush won’t evict."
Brazilians Demand Arrest Over Killing
Rep Sam (nuke syria) Johnson on CSPAN now
A Denver abortion provider FIGHTS BACK
Cape Canaveral --> Cape Kennedy --> Cape Canaveral
Anyone on the Hill talking about how BlackBerries on the floor equals
'dr.' Paul Cameron strikes again
"Time to Put Curbs on Lobbying"
Sony bought radio airtime to play J-Lo and others. That explains it.
LA Daily News: McMansion invasion
Is Bush taking them all down with him?
Imagine the shit-storm the next President will inherit.
"Who's Taking Blame for Christian Violence?"
"Egypt Had Warning Before Deadly Attack"
Did Conan Doyle poison his friend to cheat him out of The Hound of the Bas
What happened at the Senators 4:30 Rovegate presser yesterday?
What ever happened with the military vote numbers?
Soem things I have to get off my chest about Terra and the Terraists
Blair: World Slept After 911......What a crock of shit.
Leaks and the leaking leakers who leak them . . .
OMG....that nut-case reporter from the White House breifings is on Franken
Why is it so hard to run an honest election?
Offshore: The Dark Side of the Global Economy- Author on Fresh Air Now!
BBC: NY mayor apologises for bus raid (on Sikh tourists)
"Dutch court jails Van Gogh killer for life"
"Christian Warlord Released in Lebanon"
Rethugs: Photos shouldn't be released in order to protect U.S. soldiers
* * * C A F T A * * * House voting tomorrow, July 27
President Clinton may not have been a perfect president, but dammit
"Lawyers Spar Over Inmate's Mental Level"
CNN covering the re-enactment of the couples lynched in Georgia
Ben Shapiro hosting a local AM radio talk show
So Proud to be an American (CAPTION)
Does your local paper run progressive news articles about national issues?
Herbert Marcuse: One of the great minds of the 20th century...
"UN votes to monitor child soldiers, abuses in war"
Debris fell off the fuel tank of the Shuttle again???
This whole shuttle launch is a WH diversion from Rove...
try to keep your cool after the next terror attack on u.s. soil
The Call To Serve in Iraq: Are Bush grandkids fair game?
Hearts and Minds (MUST SEE film)
Would you look at this buffoon...
A question for Roberts to answer in the hearings
Should DU Lounge be re-named DLC Lounge?
Anyone up for a "research project"?
Interesting Freeper Thread RE: Lying Liar Brit Hume
Abu Ghraib FOIA Timeline: How Long Has This Game Gone On?
How do you think america would view this war IF:
Who created the ‘evil ideology’
Randi is buying a thesaurus and sending it to the WH!!!
Islam Dominates Iraq's Draft Constitution
New Bipartsan Foreign Policy Group Forms /(with many old faces)Sigh...
Compilation thread of Rove info
Operation Yellow DLC'er: Let's draft Al From into acting like a partisan!
I Love the DLC !!! HILLARY IN '08!!!
How can they be saying it is "unethical but not illegal" ???
August 2, 2nd District Ohio Congressional election
Guantanamo Debate, need some help
"Turd Blossom" reference gets Doonesbury comic pulled
papers object to doonsburey running with "turd Blossom" What they don't
Needed quickly: link to report showing global terrorism skyrocket in 2004
O'Reilly: "ACLU and the judges who side with them are terror allies"
I don't think Americans are quite Terrified enough yet.
Co-Housing in Asheville.. a model for solving housing crisis?
Pres. Election 08 poll : Clinton & Kerry not doing too well in survey
More understanding the Screwup of the Iraq Occupation
History repeats itself...but we never learn from it.
Can Justice Stevens hold on until '08?
OOh Chelsea clinton is a hot commodity!
Baghdad residents: "Our city is crumbling."
What's with the new C-SPAN vote display?
Why did ABC run an obscure story about a "Christian exodus"?
I saw a life long Democrat yesterday.
Labor's Split -- An Inside Look (part two)
Randi smacking down a freeper...god she is good
What is the "Parents Television Council"?
Tech. Sgt. Kevin J. Gruenwald...has the shakes??
August 2002 post at DU: Iraq war already underway. Sounding familiar.
link to "Turd Blossom" Doonesbury?
Was looking at a translation of the Koran online...
I hope Fitz is as tough and dogged as everybody says.......
SEVEN US Soldiers DEAD in the last 2 Days!
Sexism and discrimination in marriage laws?
Tony Blair sounded like he was going berserk this AM--the print
AOL Poll-Should White House Release Documents for Roberts?
Clear Channel claims to be part of the government
Islam Dominates Iraq's Draft Constitution
Is Rove cheating on his wife??
Besides getting Clinton elected, has the DLC done ANYTHING good?
In "Death of a Salesman", do you think Ben found diamonds in the jungle
Bay Buchanan says "there's nothing there with Rove except Media pushing
Gonzales: SC Judges not obliged to follow precedent if beliefs conflict
Durbin on cspan2 is doing great talking against gun bill insertion.
Jon Stewart Bends Over For Hot Dog-On-Man Action
want to advertise your blog or progressive business and support
GOP Attacks Iraq Veteran's Service
Anyone else notice how upset the WH is about Dems wanting Roberts' records
CNN Breaking: Man Who Kidnapped Elizabeth Smart
The highlight of the day was watching the shuttle launch.
Totally unfair advance review of FX's "Over There" based only on previews
"Big Money Congress Doesn't Deserve a Pay Raise"
Doonesbury Comic Pulled and/or Edited
Woman Accused of Groping Airport Screener
I Remember When Jane Fonda Was MAINSTREAM
Take Another Look At Your Good Book
Nerf Ball with Chris Matthews doing another pro-war show
Allowing ourselves to flourish so that life may flourish
Inquisitor General Gonzalez on Lehrer right now
DNC: Roberts still a Federalist Leader despite denials.
Nice LTTE about Cindy Sheehan today
Do you understand that WMDs were needed to create urgency for Iraq attack?
I'm going to burn my birth certificate, . . .
Garrison Keillor is good for the soul
67 DAYS: The CIA Begged the DOJ to Investigate the Plame leak AND
Great News Good Job Texas Stem Cell Passes House.
Who does Majority Report's opening song about FASCISTS?
Bloggers: give a link to "Liberty News TV"
Karl Rove nearly run over by car!
MSNBC question of the day - War on Terror: Should racial profiling be allo
If CAFTA passes vitamins will be by prescription only.
Question about gay rights and the SCOTUS.
Now Showing - Kim Jong Il Starring In: Where Are Your Priorities?
I am going to try & read the Koran. Should I bother?
Did Bill Clinton know about WMDs in Iraq?
Does God want you to be rich and buy a really, really, big boat?
Who else thinks there should be a test
Another reason I'm against DLC-Military Recruiters on campus
Ed Schultz isn't on my radio dial anymore...
A special welcome to tonight's batch of trolls
C'mon! Let's try, for once, to say something nice about Bush
Maybe Some People Simply Deseve to be Poor!
Is Rove's Private Life "Fair Game?"
Is anybody going to watch FX's "Over There"?
Would you ride on the space shuttle?
If you don't fight for what you believe in, who will?
Diebold is getting into the federal goverment cyber security business
Blood, Guts And Glory...FOR WHAT? An Open Letter To The War Supporters.
What is the definition of a fascist?
DLC Position on Global Warming...
My skin crawls when I'm around Republicans. I do
Lockheed reports record 56%!! Second Quarter Profit!
Richard Clarke's (yes, that Clarke) first novel to be purchased for film
Terror Task Force raids activist's home over alleged spraypainting
So I got this thing in the mail...
CIA letter to Rep Conyers; Jan 30 2004 -- White House had 67 days to align
Maybe we should start sending newspaper death notices to
Anthrax Epidemic Hits US. Government Orders Media Blackout
The proposition that history repeats itself is a fiction.
How big is your cultural ocean? East Coasters? West Coasters? 0thers?
DSM Next Steps.... A Resolution of Inquiry has been introduced!
CIA worried about counter intellegence "hits"
Will the rift between right and left lead to civil war?
Let those on the Left who have done more toss the first stones at Jane!
Jessica Simpson makes sense on fundamentalist Christians....
Examples of "Republican Values" you've encountered?
Hughes gets nod to be ambassador of US public diplomacy???
Is Supreme Court Nominee John G Roberts Opus Dei?
I popped a gasket a short while ago
Does it bother anyone else that we are seeing a bit more on CNN
An open letter to progressive liberals
The Daily Howler takes Josh Marshall to task
Bushists Try to Sneak in Language Shift in WoT to Distract from Failures.
ewwww I got a invitation to a "Christian" wedding
Missing Girl Alert( Non-White)
Just thought I'd remind everyone that Micheal Moore was right.
New York Times editorial on CCF's PETA Billboard
NY Times issues correction re: Abu Ghraib photos release
We're out here on our own people, nobody is coming to save us
NASA Studies Debris Recorded During Launch
DLC positions on Gun Issues...
Flame Bait: The satirical commentary in Grand Theft Auto is liberal.
Woman Grabbed Airport Screener's Breasts After "Invasive" Search
Josh Marshall: Pat Roberts blocked Niger forgeries inquiry
Is the DLC pissing off liberals deliberately?
OMG This came as an ad in my local Newspaper today. ARMAGEDDON!
Statement of Abu Ghraib soldier in dog attacks (on detainees)
Melissa Bean (IL) indicated she will vote for CAFTA
Now, I'm liberal, but to a degree
Wal-Mart Wants FL Journalist Fired-(They) Don't Like What He Writes...
Earthlink to Cut US jobs to outsource to India, Philippines
See the Preview of "Rove's War" shown at Many House Parties the 23rd
DLC Positions on 1 CAFTA
If the photos are released, will it be the end of this evil empire?
10/5/01: Bush Pulls Security Clearances From 92 Senators
Can someone give me the link to the grocery lists with the options for
Letter from my congressman about Rove
Husband Charged With Having Sex With His Wife
Husb2sparkly has caused problems in my home....
Adrienne Clarkson: her 6 year term is almost up.. whos next?
Would some kind Canadian tell me
Man has been protesting outside Parliament for four years.
London 7/7, state of the investigations: Involuntary Suicide Bombers ?!?
Well, as Tony Bliar denies that the London bombings
Do you support killing people based on suspicions?
Highland Park apartment raided (spraypainting = terrorism)
Chile: Mapuche Acquitted a Second Time (terrorism charge)
Third group claims responsibility for Egypt bombs
UN to monitor children drafted into war, abused
US wins limited assurances on Kyrgyz base
Non-Tax Part of Energy Bill Completed
Democratic Senators Press CIA Leak Probe
Here's why you can't buy the News Journal at Wal-Mart
North Korea intelligence split U.S. agencies
Senate May Face Showdown Over Terror Rules
EX-Christian Warlord Released in Lebanon
North Korea Says It Is Prepared To Give Up Nuclear Programs
Iraqi police recruits not up to scratch, says US report
White House to Release Early Roberts Papers
Vietnam Finds Mass Grave of Soldiers
Van Gogh killer jailed for life
Yemen to cut fuel prices after riots
In Baghdad quarter, killers don't hide their faces
Suicide Bomber Identified in Egypt Attack
Judge cites terror concerns, rules Posada must stay in jail
Residents Fight to Keep Analog Cell Phones
New London agency agrees to moratorium on eminent domain
Police seize car in hunt for bombers
Iran may resume nuclear work if EU proposal delayed
CNN: U.S. Muslim groups target youths in anti-terror campaign
LoneStar Iconoclast: Activists Deliver Aid To Cuba Against U.S. Policy
NYT,pg1: Influential NYC Democrats Line Up With Mayor Bloomberg
(India) Honda workers turn violent, cops go berserk
WP: Step Toward (political) Shift at SEC (investor advocates sound alarms)
NYT,pg1: New U.S. Envoy Will Press Iraqis on Their Charter
Negotiators Say Subsidies Threaten Talks (WTO)
New Mel Gibson film to be in Mayan
Pope refuses to declare Islam a religion of peace
Florida's U.S. senators to skip shuttle launch to fight drilling
NJ Lawmakers Push for Bill to Stop Drivers from Smoking in Cars
Iraq Constitution May Erode Women's Rights
Life sentence for killer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh
New Asia-Pacific climate plan, Australia ,US, China, India,SKorea
British voters impressed by Blair's leadership in wake of attacks
Italy issues warrants for alleged U.S. spies
Iraq Constitution May Erode Women's Rights
Saudi Arabia: Bin Laden family requests surname change
Van Gogh killer jailed for life
Dutch film-maker's killer gets life
Gunmen kill up to 17 in Baghdad bus ambush
Muslims Call Comments by WMAL Host 'Hate-Filled'
Suicide bomb squad linked to East Africa
BBC: Toughing it in the Afghan army ("Everyone wants to run away," )
Iraqi Official Demands Timetable for Withdrawal
Helicopter crashes on Tri-State Tollway
Blair backs tougher detention rules in fight against terror
Astronauts strapped in for launch
Dead Soldier's Family Hit by Vandals
Blair Won't 'Give One Inch' to Terrorists
Explosion heard in central Istanbul - witnesses
Woman Accused of Groping Airport Screener
Georgian Would-Be Assassin Details Grenade Attack on Bush (* is a prick)
Afghan Protesters Riot at U.S. Base
CNN Breaking: Man Who Kidnapped Elizabeth Smart
Police Give Man Amputated Foot Back
Former commander reassigned to Kansas (Gen. Petraeus)
Nebraska charges man for having sex with 14-year-old wife
Dow Drops 17 on Higher Oil Prices
We dropped our guard after 9/11, says Blair
Gov. Warner leads Allen (R-VA) in poll on 2006 matchup
Radio Payoffs Are Described as Sony Settles
Another reason I'm against DLC-Military Recruiters on campus
WT: "Blair admits Iraq terror recruitment link"
Democrats block China bill easing way for CAFTA
Sony books Bush critic's political thriller (New film by Richard Clarke)
AG: High Court Not Bound by Roe V. Wade
Sinn Fein chiefs 'quit IRA council'
Shuttle Discovery Blasts Into Orbit
WP: Hackers Skip Windows to Embed New Infections
Mom Accused of Performing Surgery on Girl
Bush to urge House GOP to support CAFTA
200 cities hit daily record highs in U.S.; Las Vegas 117, Death Valley 129
Bill Wouldn't Wean U.S. Off Oil Imports, Analysts Say
Mexico Won't Give Warrant in Genocide Case
Stem cell therapy successfully treats heart attack in animals
Nine 'women clerics' defy Vatican
Former Bush aide turns critic as Iraq inspector
UN seeks definition of terrorism
Assisted suicide quote from Roberts revealing, analysts say
GOP Presses for Timetable on Roberts Vote
Tuesday WH Briefing: John Roberts and Iran-Contra
LAT: Shuttle Viewed with Critical Eye (three debris incidents studied)
Suit: State's attorney tricked Riley's dad into confessing
Arroyo defensive after impeachment
Witness: Dogs Bit Abu Ghraib Detainees
WP: House Democrats To Offer Proposal for Retirement Savings
Afghans protest outside U.S. base over arrests
Some papers pull, edit 'Doonesbury' strip (Rove="turd blossom")
LAX-To-London Flight Diverted to Boston (3 suspicious passengers)
Innocent suspects confess under pressure
LAT: Giveaway Program Improving Drug Industry's Tarnished Image
WP: Prison Experts See Opportunity For Improvement
NYT: As Recruiting Suffers, Military Reins In Abuses at Boot Camp
Gonzales: Roberts Not Bound by Statement
NYT: U.S. Officials Retool Slogan for Terror War
Shooting to kill needs no warning (UK)
General claims 50,000 Iraqi insurgents killed or captured (7 months)
Local billboard requests divine aid for economy --AA News, MI
Poll: Fewer People Link Islam, Violence
BBC: "US bases OUT" say Russia, China, & former Soviet republics
IRA are not al-Qaeda says Blair
Poll: Most believe U.S. won't win war [USAToday/CNN/Gallup]
Senate Backs Scouts' Use of Military Bases
Senate Moves to Shield Gun Industry
If this works, it'll be an "Awww..." moment. (56K alert)
Worst singing in a movie theme song?
Well. Almost 33 years old and I had my first DATE on Saturday.
Hearing 'Big Tent' Makes Me Giggle Like a Wee Schoolgirl
is there anywhere i can get Live 8 footage?
So, how bughouse looney is Despres?
4 scout leaders killed at Boy Scout Jamboree in Virginia.
For the rest of the evening I will only be posting in "progmom" threads.
I'm so tired and I can't sleep
Sharts?...Let the sh*tting commence
I will pay $1,000,000 if progmom posts in this thread
How about a combo retro Zuni and JimmyJazz thread......
Might as well start a Progmom thread, everybody else has.....
Wait one damned minute! I thought it was the Al Franken Decade.
Can "progmom" be in every thread on the front page?
Can someone help me think of ideas to use "progmom" in titles?
progmom vs. bleach: which one is better on your bathroom surfaces?
Has progmom ever been on an Elvis Costello album?
progmom discovered in Crab Nebula.
progmom due for takeoff from Cape Canaveral tomorrow morning
progmom. That's all, just "progmom".
Does the prog in progmom rhyme with "frog" or with "rogue"?
REM: "Don't go back to progmom, and waste another year"
Ozzy: "No more progmoms have the power, hand of God has struck the hour"
progmom pickeled in vats. progmom got rickets from cats.
is progmom actually Victor Newman?
Logan's Run has just started on TCM (progmom 6 is not in this one)
What would you post in ATA, progmom?
Logan's progmom had just started on progmom channel.
How many "Progmom" threads can the lounge hold before it explodes?
It was progmom in the library, with the silver candlestick.
Why is there an Elvis Costello thread on the progmom page? Mods?
Lee Ving: "progmom's alright if you like saxophones"
Gimme a "P"! Gimme a "rogmom"!
I got a fever, and the only prescription is more PROGMOM!
This lounge needs more progmom
Is Gary Numan actually progmom?
Will they let us go to DC if we mostly post in the Lounge
ATA would have eight threads bitching about the Latest page right now
progmom as portrayed by a teenaged Helen Hunt: "AAAAAAAA!!! Splat."
Tonight's lounge brought to you by the letter "P" and the colour
Spoiler: progmom is Luke's father.
Spoiler: progmom is Lord Voldemort
Beatles: "turn me on, progmom"
progmom and I would have ProgrrrrrrKids(tm).
progmom progmom bo bogrom, banana fanna fo fogrom, me my mo mogrom
We're in the midst of a progmom pogrom.
Spoiler: progmom is Kane's sled.
Elvis Costello fans: Obscure question...
Spoiler: The Titanic hit progmom and sank
Bishop to king's pawn: ", wait...progMOM"!
Armstrong: "That's one small step for leap for...
Reagan: "we did not, I repeat, did not trade progmoms for hostages"
Archie Bell: "progmom up! Now progmom up, people!"
progmom cautions, "Don't eat the brown acid!"
hi, this is progmom...did I have any calls?
You guys all need to get with the progmom.....
CanuckAmok goes NUTS... has blown a fuse
Would you let this Washington girl *cough, Rev, cough* make your latte?
Hey, Progmom says no More,,,, Wait until Progdad gets home
PSSSSST.....Has she (progmom) left yet?
Hey Enigmatic, "Ohhhhhh what a rushhhhhh!"
Do you think the Venti Iced Latte I've been drinking for the last 5 hours
The (original)Thomas Crown Affair- Never EVER have I seen
I just looked around my offic and all four of my cats are in here
I am Bruce Banner less! You wouldn't like me if I get ignored.
Best Handlebar Mustatche By A Musician?
On Art Bell Tonight: Progmom face on Mars.....
Does WCGreen want to be like Fonzie
3:33 AM and you thoughtI went to bed
OK, so what's up with the progmom threads?
Yes, Im over 30, and I watch "Laguna Beach" on MTV
The Late Night Crew are the coolest muthaphukkas around
I just used the Block User option for the first time.
The official, 'Who's up and what are you wearing thread?'
Daddy Frank played the guitar and the french harp,
Virtual Earth - See your house from 1000 feet
Gird your loins for the next two days, Northeasterners.
Who else likes to change the lyrics to songs? Favorites?
It's unraveling - 7/26 NEW toon
The Logical Song" by Supertramp, released 1979
Victim in trouble after reporting stolen pot
Woman Gets Calls From People Wanting To Talk To God (# In "Bruce Almighty"
People with J as their middle initial
Pope's death announced as Soccer player lines up for penalty kick - misses
Man falls in love with 999 operators voice
German police mistaken for strippers
Cow Gives Birth To Quadruplets
Women spin wheel for free breast implants
Farmer killed by Cow who fell on him as he was trying to milk the cow
Measuring houses during Thunderstorms...
Bill Maher on Leno tonight (keep this bumped throughout the day)
What movie have you watched more than any other?
how much will you miss bicentennial_baby when she heads off to Paris?
Jordache Jean Ads Are BACK BABY!! (And They Have A New Model)
How much have you missed Rabrrrrrr, lo these last eleven days?
I see folks getting this wrong all the time: Box Turtles
Anyone else notice the delicious placement of two ads on the Daily Show
Even MORE RW radio craziness-Willie Wonka=Michael Jackson
Seafloor survey buoys Atlantis claim
Tell me if I'm interpreting this correctly, please
Wildlife Officials Catch Bear With Doughnuts
Anyone remember "progmom"? What ever happened to her?
Start your whining: Lounge only ATA
Which TV Couple Reminds You The Most Of Your Own Relationship?
North American folklore points to dangers for Seattle.
Is ''Casual Friday'' Good For Business?
Canadian lab to test "sasquatch" hair
I don't know why anyone thought Jon S was lame against
Mel Gibson Making Another "Historical Epic" With Archaic Language
I would do anything for love, but I won't do that! What won't you do?
New surnames for Bin Laden family?
Country boy, you got your feet in L.A., But your mind's on Tennessee.
I forgot to eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner yesterday
An early morning joke to start you day off right.
Woman Pleads Guilty To Holding Sex Parties For Teenage Boys
Feminine’ Tongkat Ali draws them in
More RW radio hypocracy: definitely not LBN
I SERIOUSLY doubt that Kenny Fuckin' Loggins rode into the DANGER ZONE.
Bill Maher Fans - You know you miss him - CC this morning and HBO Sat!
ARRRRRRRRRRRRG!!! I hate my computer!!!!!!!!
Serious Question HELP I need a web site that has generic graphics.
Advice Needed: Attention HR People/ Fellow Job Seekers...
Yay!! Discovery successfully launched!
Anyone want a Gmail (Google e-mail) account? I'll send you an invite...
Man avoids criminal penalty with the help of sex change operation
I changed my mind. Christian Exodus should be heading to Iraq!!
Stanley Kubrick would have been 77 today...
What should I have for lunch today?
Youth swallows 509 fish and breathes them out alive
Happy Birthday-Kate, Sandra, Dorothy, Spacey, Mick, Huxley, Jung,Shaw
"Lance Bashing" really brings me down..
"Lance Bashing" really brings me down..
These boots are made for knockin'
i am just thankful that you people with weeks & centuries & millenniums
Molson's Candian and COORS LIGHT????? (a beer rant)
"The thing about pot is - it strokes it's way to the gerbils"
LOL! I just had a Republican moment. Ask me anything.
Whining and not bathing best way to shoo women
Air Conditioning Repair Companies=Assholes
Purple Heart Gimmick Used In "Wedding Crasher's" Gets Web Site In Trouble
All right kids, you get to name your own SPACE SHUTTLE:
Have you ever noticed this trend on popular TV programs?
Are Burglars And Intruders Likely To Be Fooled By...
New Mel Gibson film to be in Mayan
"I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison" Best Country/Western lyrics
Jeb Bush and beloved actor Jack Nicholson watch the shuttle take off.
Just watched the launch from the 5th floor of my office building
paging beastman and/or angry amish
Say hello to Brittany Murphy, soon to be known as Ms. Brittany_Eats_Beef.
How do you handle the brown noise?
How much stuff do you take from work every day?
Do I COMPLETE you, or do I simply LIGHT UP your life?
How much stuff do you take to work every day?
I'm listening to Patsy Cline right now....
Am I overreacting or are people just morans?
'Moving Madonna' hailed a miracle
Uh-oh, JimmyJazz she wants to plan the Sept 23rd DC party
Oh God..I accidentally called my Dad's cell phone got his voicemail
Highway Signs In Massachusetts Town Have Outline Of Alabama
Wining and dining best way to woo women
Pipe dream: a cell phone that doesn't break before your contract's up.
Book Critic Gets Email Threats For Panning Harry Potter
# 20. All single women have a cat.
Org Charts: A way for big babies to say "I'm a BIG boy/girl
I just played "O Superman" and "When The Music's Over" in a row..
Movie I'm looking forward to the most: Memoirs of a Geisha
You got me running going out of my mind
Favorite Character from a Stanley Kubrick movie
(the "Special" thread) woohoo vs. yoiks --- ----- ---- GO!
So...what is this "crush" thing?
Work is sending me to Houston for a week.
DU: It's not hazardous to your health!
Awright! Who has a crush on me?
In a New York Minute, everything can change.
Manifest Destiny: The Last Resort. Love to sing along to this song.
Hey DUers: What are your AIM screen names?
That sex scene from that game is lame!
The latest Opus 'toon- a real shot across the bow!
Zuni has taken over a small...
Truth or fiction? Most Asian men uncircumcised?
Who would you have chosen to play Langdon in The DaVinciCode?
Hommade Sonoma Chicken...yummmm
King Tut in LA: Has Anyone Seen The Exhibit?
A reason to watch MTV's VMA awards: Green Day nominated 8 times
Zuni has taken over a small Virginia town.
Stage cast of ""Lord of the Rings" set
There must be an oversight--there's a DU crush thread
This is not the worst post on's just a tribute
I'm going to sit outside all day today
Fish are jumpin' and your mama is high...
mmmm....Raspberry Wasabi dipping mustard!!!
Any other Dan Band Fans out there ?
Any time you hear "100%" or "Hundred Percenter" - beware
I just learned a valuable lesson
Anyone else disappointed with "Family Guy" on Sunday night?
Any techies in the bay area looking for work?
what the hell is going on in here?!?
Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls who do boys like they’re girl
This is not the greatest post on's just a tribute
Eradicating monosyllabic preponderance
Esophagas Freeze.... Just .... Ate.... Too.... Much ..... Peanut Butter...
100 uses for a Lime and counting....
Have you seen these? (warning, but NOT a sex thread!!)
Meet your Discovery commander: tell your daughters...
Mindy McCready OD's - I'm thinking this woman needs some help
I am going to hide my profile and there ain't shit you can do about it
Any trekies in the bay area looking for Kirk?
"To find a girl's faults, praise her to her friends."
Well, here is how things are going.
they are polling in GD to rename the DU Lounge to the DLC lounge.
Was I too mean to this Freeperesque/racist woman?
MIlk, milk, lemonade....around the corner fudge is made
Somebody give me a ride to this place!!
Forget the DLC. This is my new leader:
Do lizards eat fish? (Snake-like Pics)
Shoot me. I have the theme song to 'Blossom' stuck in my head
Yummy yummy yummy I've got love in my tummy!
what the flip is up with this Heather?!?
I am declaring this SKINK WEEK!
What the frig is up with this sweater?
A huge thunderstorm is rolling into Indy at this moment.
A couple of songs from the George Bush "America the Gullible" Songbook
Most Conservative/Liberal movies of all time
Attn Cat Lovers : Your screen is dirty from the inside
What the flip is up with this weather?
I'm about to end my business relationship w/ Sprint PCS
First 3 Soc. Sec. number and the state you were born in
I seem to take inordinate joy in small things
I dare ya to go to GD and post
I think :loveya: smilie is getting a bit obsessive.
Well folks I'm pretty much outa here
Country singer Mindy McCready ODs on "two substances and alcohol"
What do you consider a successful post?
The lounge is gettin' trash talked in GD
don't you love when you think someone stole one of your cd's/dvd's
Whoa Cleveland Burke Lakefront airport
Has Dean issued a restraining order against Shrum and Cahill yet?
DU West Wing Fans, who is going to miss VP Hoynes?
The DLC: How has it created ruin in your life
Has anyone ever been to Vietnam?
There will be no sharting on my parade!!!
Ever know an Eagle Scout? (story to make you go hmmmmmm)
everyone should switch to the large fonts for the evening
This could easily be my theme song
The most amazing video you will never see on TV: Wake Me Up When Sept End
Cooking Fresh Striped Bass- Thick Fillets... How To Cook?
"Mind of Mencia". Does Carlos go overboard with racism and slurs?
Any other fans of Jason and the Scorchers?
Must watch. . .is that a speck of dust . . . or a fly. . .or a reflection?
Attention: Help Needed from Funny People - complete this joke:
A Photoshop DREAM COME TRUE: Bush, amused, in front of the TV
Mel Gibson is in a deal with Disney for his next movie
All you supposed "liberals" need to stop playing PAC MAN variants.
Garry Trudeau speaks out on TurdGate (Editing Strips is 'Not Acceptable')
Found this on KOS: Are your dogs on the Bus?? (funny pic)
Movie Rating: Charlie and Chocolate Factory (possible spoilers)
In case any of you lounge lizards want to take a break and do something
Ever been to a drive-in movie?
"Your wife called.. she seems nice".. What a funny commercial
If you buy a helicopter, take lessons before you fly
Ever been to a dirty drive-in movie?
Your mission should you choose to accept it
Teen who vomited on his teacher
Please, don't do it: Kitten Huffing and it's dangers
Simpson Fires Back at Christian Critics [of her sexy video/image]
I am about to transition over to the big leagues
I am a proud Dell computer user, running a Microsoft OS. Am I evil?
Just finished the first half of the PA bar exam...
Saw the most bizarre collection of bumper stickers the other day
Am I White Trash? Take the quiz
DU Guys (and bi/lesbian women) It's time for " Food, Sex, or Cars!!!"
What is your favorite all-time DU thread?
Who else feels equally uneasy in GD and the Lounge?
We need four more players for the DU Fantasy Football league!!
Hypothetical ONLY: If you knew you had 6 months to live...
I am declaring this SHART WEEK!
So I've been sans news 11 days - is Traitor AWOL FuckNob still in charge?
Scientology Not To Blame for Holmes "Sores"
What is your favorite "coffee culture" drink?
Do you love Jelly Belly's and if so what is your favorite flavor?
I forgot to shower today...this DU stuff has gone too far.....
I kick ass. Eat it, beeyotches.
Now I need answers, people!!!!!!
How do you handle brown nosers?
"Lance Bashing" really brings me down..
Who here dares DS1 to prank-call Matcom tonight?
Have You Ever Heard of Me On DU?
Straight Women: you're asked to marry a gay man for money; do you consent?
Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Write a scandal between you and another DU'er
Why is "sex with 14-year-old wife" story such good Fweeper Bait?
It comes in 3's -- have me somewhat concerned
What did you wanna be when you were 5 and what do you do now?
Reuters article of interest: Why cats will never live the sweet life
I live with my dad, am I a loser?
New Orleans was a blast. Def Leppard was great.
Just bought my son Green Day tickets
Oooh LADIES! What would you say if I picked you up with THIS?!?
Can you direct me to a bike info for dummies site?
175 miles on the Blue Ridge Pkwy & Skyline Drive ~ ask me anything
Temperature has dropped 20 degrees here this afternoon. I am
What's the geekiest thing you've ever done?
Tell me how wonderful an IPod would be. I'm thinking of getting one.
Lorien.. How is Hecate doing today???
Band that would have soared highest with a different singer.
Are you crafty? What do you like to make? Have pics?
I need answers, people!!!!! WTF is PROGMOM year?
After years of not speaking to me, my brother called me this morning.
Is it possible to love and hate the same person?
On Fwee Wepubwik They're Up To Natalee Holloway Extended Thread 9
Where are the Cheap Computers?
Who else feels equally at ease in GD and the Lounge?
Need some good CAMPING web sites (drag kings & queens need not reply)
I was called a "highly skilled propagandist" in my local newspaper
AR activists raided by terrorism task force
New York Times editorial on CCF's PETA Billboard
Wow! My PETA thread is on the greatest page!
Trader Joe's supports battery cage cruelty to hens
Boycotting Red Lobster on July 30th
Pope refuses to declare Islam a religion of peace
A different idea about heath insurance
Munition Exposure Linked to Brain Cancer in U.S. Vets
Men Continue To Have Normal Life After Radiation For Prostate Cancer
Failed London bombings may provide vital forensics
Scientists Dispel The Mystery Surrounding Stradivarius Violins
MR Spectroscopy Helps Identify Cancerous Breast Tumors
IAEA develops "fingerprinting" technique for Third World water sources
Bioluminescing "Dumbo" octopus photo
Dustiest Star Could Harbor A Young Earth
Strange Caterpillar Devours Snails
Cassini Reveals Saturn's Eerie-sounding Radio Emissions
Sandia Completes Depleted Uranium Study; Serious Health Risks Not Found
Claims of Genetically-Modifed ‘superweed’ are dismissed
Innocent Suspects Confess Under Pressure
A new era of scientific discovery?
Will Asteroid 99942 Apophis hit Earth?
Officials sift through Heart Rock crime scene (anti-gay arson)
Gay Pride Week Resolution Pulled From City Council Docket (San Diego)
More lesbians than gay men marrying
Anyone see the 16th annual GLAAD awards?
Senate Backs Scouts Use Of Federal Land
ESPN: Manny Ramirez Wants To Be Traded
"Mutts" contest - calling Lorien & other foster folks
question about a cat that won't eat
Lorien...How is Hecate today????
FINDING MY RELIGION: Rik Myslewski is a happy atheist
Veterans For Peace, National Convention - Aug. 4-7, D/FW
Guess who just flip-flopped? Mittens is against Roe vs Wade today.
Is anyone watching/listening to the Sen debate this AM
DC Appearance tomorrow: Kleeb?
I think the Press releases are getting snappier and snarkier
Finance Com. Passes Kerry Plan to Protect Pensions, Hold CEOs Accountable
Continuing a Contest Discussion That Came Up - Old Photos
Countdown Newsletter 7/26/05: LIFTOFF!
OT: I need some brainstorming, folks!
NY Sun: "We could end up with both a national sales tax AND an income tax"
A little help with some covert promotion, please?
What Hyde/DeLay said about impeachment back in 1998
EMERGENCY: I need info on the torture scandal!
Permanent Repeal of Death Tax Benefits Bush Cabinet Millions in Tax Saving
Today was a very bloody day for our troops in Iraq
Excellent rant by Doug Thompson
Re: Rove's Diary - homepage column
Who exactly is the primary group behind the anti-choice movement?
Talkingpointsmemo: What he (Pat Roberts) won't do when Karl Rove calls
ALERT! Group called "Progressives for America" running pro-Roberts Ads
Neutralizing Rove and Rupukes (R&R)
Where does Baby Bork stand on committing treason...
Salon: "Dogfight in Ohio" Dem Iraq War veteran running for Congress
Here's our wedge issue - story on war costs might exceed 700 Billion....
Breaking: Specter-probe of Guantanamo & ties to Roberts
MSNBC/Newsweek-Russert deal, what it reveals
Should the present Governor of Kansas run for Roberts' Senate seat?
Bush on the start of the Iraq War: "I feel good"
Tonight in Maryland, Elizabeth Dole and her very special guest Karl Rove
Raw Story: "No sign Mr. Bush himself has sustained much damage yet"
Who thinks the "Commission" into leaks is a way to terrorize journalists?
Repuke Campaign Strategy: When in doubt - smear your opponents mil. career
Why isn't Guckert/Gannon in jail, since Miller is?
US to keep military base in Kyrgyzstan
Isn't it time for a massive, colossal, 4-5 million-person protest?
Stop Christopher Cox film clip
if Sen. Brownback had a brain he would be dangerous
I think Jim Sharp is running most of the White House's strategy on Rove.
Follow-up: Santorum's appearance on The Daily Show July 25, 2005
What is this feeling I have?....Optimism?
* flip-flop: "global struggle against violent extremism" / "war on terror"
Cincinnati POST endorses Paul Hackett
McClellan press conference scheduled for 12:45 pm (Eastern) today
What just happened in the Senate? I know it was something
Does someone have a really good photo shop thing like in CSI?
Sessions: Gotta protect the corporations (firearms) from liability
SEX & THE SUPREMES: Why Court’s next big battle may be about gay rights
Jeff Sessions wants you to know that his heart bleeds for you
Ron Brownstein: "Clinton's New Job: Defining the Center"
Bush to announce Boy Scout draft in Jamboree speech Wednesday
What's wrong with Massachusetts? Most liberal state in the union....
Bush panel: Add Natl Sales Tax to Income Tax to finance Social Security?
Santorum on TDS: Anyone as disappointed as I was by J. Stewart??
"Why discredit Wilson if you can prove he is wrong?"
Should Fitzgerald use Army interrogation tactics in Rove affair?
P.R. Firm That Helped Allawi Not Promoting Al Jazeera
Repub advisor starts smear on Dem Iraq War Vet Candidate's service
If Hillary feels that she must appear to be a "moderate" to win...?
Ex- Bush aide turns critic on Iraq
McClellan transcript: "Democrats' lines of attack against the President"
Americans are getting the government they chose and they deserve
Arizona governor (Napolitano, D) is on to something
Plea to God to "stop us from our moral freefall" just made
Senate RollCall Defense Bill (50-48, 3 Democrats vote yes)
I definately think the DNC should stay away from anyone currently in
Senate Democrats should shut down that august body
Bob Novak loses dignity...if he had any...
du this poll re: roberts record
HJC Democrats at the forefront concerning Rovegate!
U.S. Military in Iraq Caught Posing Propaganda As News
I know it has been asked before but which Senate seats next year
Bill "I'm a Choad" Frist Chooses NRA over Troops
100 people screwing up America
The Card connection - Gonzales Raises Questions For Andy Card To Answer
Impeach Bush & call grand juries for his gang of criminals. Take action
Sirota: Bowing down to those who undermine (DLC)
Say that McCain is their nominee. I could NEVER imagine
Bush spokesman on Roberts documents: "It's more than what they need"
Another way to tell if the next terrorist attack is a MIHOP
How the Dems should handle the document request
I don't mean to point out the obvious but you do know we have elections...
As soon as Dem Activists start to get Traction...DLC and many here Pile On
Republicans trying Swift Boat tactics in Ohio special election
Update: Sensenbrenner's attack against Fitzgerald
My God, who does Mitt Romney think he's fooling?
j Millers lawyer says Fitzgerald looking into Millers phone calls from
Kerry: Hold Corporations Accountable
Who would be a better nominee, Bobby Kennedy or Tom Vilsack?
Christian exodus to South Carolina: Excellent LTTE's in Greenville News.
How to tell if the next attack on US soil is MIHOP
Karl Rove's Genius shown in one paragraph....and how the DLC's support
Michael Moore's front page...Big Dog: "They have gotten away with murder"
Rumsfeld fighting to keep US military bases in SW Asia
Would you vote for a neo-con, just because they are registered as a
Hillary Clinton wins the nomination...opponent is John will?
Huge election in Ohio -->> One week from today!
Bush resents Rove, but needs him.
Honestly - Is It Too Late For Al Gore
The Ten Week Gap, Rovegate, the CIA and the DOJ
What I see is the Dems problem. (This is a bit of a rant)
See the Preview of "Rove's War" shown at Many House Parties the 23rd
Wanna know why the Democratic Party is a joke?
Wayne Madsen article... Roberts intends to interfer in Fitzgerald probe!
They hate us for our _____________.
Hillary will be the Democratic Nominee in 08
Irrefutable evidence links Bush to terrorist Money Transfers
What the hell is DLC and who belongs to it, so to speak?
Stop arguing the "Labels". Decide where YOU stand on the issues!
I'm a Left to Centrist leaning Democrat, are there any others here ?
Why do the working class persist in thinking the Pubs are on their side?
Karl Rove's not so secret girlfriend...
Spooked by a long-time liberal acquaintance of mine.
The non-DLC agenda: Who could get on board, even in part?
Is the drugs war the death knell of federalism?
A cross country bike ride for Peace!