Democratic Underground

Archives: July 27, 2005

LSJ- A letter arrived from the White House (Deficit)

My LTTE from Yes Weekly

Government Health Insurance Attracts Jobs

Blackwell & Laffer's opinion piece in the 7/22 WSJ

A neighbor's view of Valerie Wilson's 'outing'

The US should get real and get out of Iraq

Pentagon Blocks Release of Abu Ghraib Images: Here's Why

Heads up!! Bankruptcy law goes into effect in October

Hiroshima: A Meditation on the Horror

U.S. must focus on its economic troubles (Molly)

Shell blames protests for lay-offs

Energy bill a 'waste of energy,' says NRDC

FACTBOX - Details of Final US Energy Bill

NASA - shut it down, mostly. Space is Waste.

Reasons to be cranky about plutonium-238

Baby teeth sought for radiation study

'G-4,' African Union reach basic accord on UNSC expansion plan

Guardian Utd (July 27): Musharraf 's terrorist claims are dismissed

Migration leaves man drought

Chen warns businesses of China risk

Pig link confirmed in China illness

Don't fall into China's trap, DPP tells fruit negotiators

Canberra risked my life: diplomat

Amnesty condemns killing, exploitation of Nepali children

Navy officer warns of Chinese subs

Police, workers clash a second day

War on Terror Should Focus at Source

Reconstruction of the Fires in the World Trade Center Towers (Draft)

Latest timeline entries on wargames - I think 9/11 has been solved!

Jackson maps march in Atlanta

The Project for a New American Century for Dummies: How to Dominate the Wo

Multiple vulnerabilities in Diebold Optical Scan

Voting Rights Act provisions expiring - Help me decipher meaning of this!

Fairvote Massachusetts - Annual General Meeting 8/31

Any good spam blockers for Outlook Express?

ARGH! My girlfriend installed REAL PLAYER on my machine!!!

Any Cincy DUers up for a meetup with two Texans?

Karl Rove has been slutting around!

No Nonsense in November! - VOTE AGAINST THE AMENDMENT!

"Holy Crap! And Holy Crap! And Holy Crap!"

DR. Rice snubs ASEAN meeting; first Secy of State in 20 years to miss it

Angry Afghans confront US forces

Is there a homefront???

Pentagon probes use of apparent fake quotes in Iraq

O'LOOFAH's Contorted Denial Is Fun to Pop into Once in Awhile

We want to try Saddam for...

Who is listening to Randi? No way that guy is a grad student in Poli Sci.

Sam ripping into Pat Roberts on Majority Report

Guardian: Islam Dominates Iraq's Draft Constitution

is the Julian Robertson and/or David Walker economic collapse thing true?

This makes me ill

is Syria next ?

Rate this story re: Muslim Americans -- It's getting freeped, friends!

Was life in America better under Clinton?

Cost of Iraq War July 26th- $183,485,400,624

White House drops 'war on terror' slogan

So...when does the next shoe drop in Abu Ghraib torture photo release?

Thanks Skinner for keeping it clean here.

The Typical RW'er? G. Gordon Liddy

NOVAKula & Candy CROWLEY Tag-team to Clear KKKarl

Just got back from the Shuttle Launch!

DLC Position on Stem Cell Research and latest Bill...

Novak really pisses me off. He should be sitting in jail, too

Republicans want smaller government FOR CORPORATIONS

Is it a coincidence that Santorum's book is called

Does this country/culture make you feel safe enough to ask for help?

Mainstream Media Meltdown continues... majority of Americans say Bush lied

has this been discussed here??? London attacks/incidents are to

Not only a Liar, but SHAMELESS as well

Jackson maps march in Atlanta

An interesting tale of Karl Rove

Somebody is Smearing the Republican Party with Spray Paint

Janeane Garofalo doesn't believe the Rove affair story.

A Steaming Hot Cup of BRAD SHOW...

Watching CSpan - Privatization of mail delivery..

Sjokkhilsen fra Bush datter! (Satan worship by Bush daughter)

Tom Paine on the Housing Bubble

Conflicts' costs may exceed $700 billion

Ask Teresa Heinz Kerry if John Roberts should release tax records

Bombing Kills 4 U.S. Soldiers in Baghdad

Open Letter to Sen. Pat Leahy

C-SPAN's BookTV:Beyond Downing Street Town Hall meeting

Australia: School tapes noisy children's mouths shut

been off DU for a while...what's the deal with the London cops shooting

Kids and Dogs @AbuGhraib-updated article outrageous

Can DUers explain to a lost European about "federalism" ?

1783 Reasons why the DSM is Important

Where Can I Order Personal Checks with a Democrat Logo?

The CIA leak :Robert Novak..

jon stewart recognized the suckiness of his interview last nite

What if...?

Study:Texas children lack insurance (higher than nat'l ave. in poverty )

"Think Again, Karen Hughes"

Jay Leno monologue, before Bill Maher came on

Would you go to space?

My Problem with Politicians In General ---

DLC fever on DU

More Michael Moore: Traverse City Film Festival....starts tomorrow!

MANDATORY MALLOY: Tuesday Truthseeker Meet~N~Greet

Say Sayonara to Abortion-Time to get that Abortion you've been putting off

What in the hell? This is what DU is supporting?

DLC Position on Abortion

Ethically, who is left? On the repug or Dem side?

Previously posted by BamaLefty: SEND AN IRAQ WAR VETERAN TO CONGRESS!

What does it mean to be "strong on defense"? I'm against this war and...

Army Won't Tell Soldier's Family How She Died

Anybody hear of ICE for cell phones that the British use?

Not into weird stuff, but a soothsayer told my sister when Clinton

TV Drama to be set in Iraq

Thomas Jefferson was a great man

Never visit Drudge report

The liberal media is not myth..

If you weren't sure whether corporate law needs reform . . .

Bill Maher on Jay Leno tonight

The Mainstream Dehumanization begins

On the subject of advertising on progressive sites

Did anyone hear this on CNN tonight? about deporting illegal

Ricky Martin takes up the Arab cause???

CSPAN Schedule Wednesday July 27

TO: Ms. Nancy Grace, Headline News / CNN Host

Prosecutor In CIA Leak Case Casting A Wide Net

Do you qualify for free, low-cost prescriptions under new program?

Peter Jennings must really be having a hard time of it

support science !

Is there a campaign to discourage straight talk about US fascism?

the coming credit card crisis

Dear Congressional Staffer, Please explain to me,

Christian Publisher Pans Potter, Presents Bible-Based Comic Alternative

Anyone heard of Dave money makeover

What kind of person allows another person

What should the new name for the War On Terror be? Taking all suggestions!

Beyond Downing Street Town Hall meeting on BookTV

Get This! South America getting ready to fight ....US!!!!

Marines set for ***THIRD*** tour of duty in Iraq

Attention armchair warriors! Here are enlistment papers for you!

DLC Position on Gitmo and detainee status

Sold the downtown condo in Greenville, SC (pending, as they say).

If This Graphic Gets No Love, I'm Going On Strike! Animated Oil Pirates!

*** MID-Week TOONS ***

Plame Affair makes clear: USA is run by TRAITORS.

a couple of gems from LBN

Jonathan Freedland (Guardian Utd): Tread more carefully

Protesters mark anniversary of start of Cuban revolution (Mexico)

State Police Deny Delivery of Food and Water to Tenncare Advocates

Bush may bypass Senate and appoint Bolton to UN

AG Gonzales: High Court Not Bound by Roe V. Wade

Hill a Steppingstone to K Street for Some -WaPo

Nigeria state segregates travel

Iraq Gunmen Kill Shiite Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr Aide

U.S. military dog handlers face Abu Ghraib hearing (more re-juveniles)

Special Summit Set On Charter for Iraq

2 Cabinet secretaries pull out of Senate immigration hearing

Voting Activists Warn of 'Trojan Horse' (1965 Voting Rights Act)

WP: Study Aims at Improving Prospects for Minority Men: Health,Ed,Justice

Washington recasts terror war as 'struggle'

U.S. probes if Syria spent Iraq oil profit

New York apologises after Britons seized in security scare

Coleman to propose stem cell bill, breaking with Bush

AP: Man Charged for Having Sex With Teen Wife

Left-leaning Christians seek political role

Senate Changes Line of Succession

China has nine brigades of ICBMs, Web site claims

London bomb suspect was convicted robber - papers

Castro targets White House during revolution anniversary speech

WP: Republicans See Opportunity in Labor Rift

NYT/Reuters: China Trade Surplus Seen at $90 Bln - Media

NYT: Ex-Aide on Periphery of Leak Inquiry (Ari Fleischer)

Ahmad Chalabi emerges, once again, as powerful leader

NYT: Files Highlight Legal Stances of a Nominee (Roberts)

64% of U.S. Residents Want To Know Roberts' Views on Abortion Prior to ..

White House To Withhold Tax Returns Of Nominee (Roberts)

WP: Gonzales Says He'll Review FOIA Guidelines

(Maryland Lt. Gov.) Steele fundraiser featuring Rove draws Democrat fire

Pentagon to probe reuse of anonymous quote

CA Guards Face Accusations of Iraq Wrongdoing (had told LAT training poor)

School finance bills unravel in (Texas) House

... Democrats seek investigation into why probe took so long; 67 Days?

WP: Roberts a Force In Reagan Era

NYT: I.R.A. to Renounce Violence in Favor of Political Struggle

Pataki Decides to Forgo a 4th Term, Confidants Say

Blair v Blair in the War Against Terror/human rights

Energy Deal Has Tax Breaks for Companies

WP: Abu Ghraib Dog Tactics Came From Guantanamo

Priest who led Miami Haitians accused in journalist's slaying (Update)

WP: Clinton Angers Left With Call for Unity:Accused of Siding w/ Centrists

WP:Prosecutor In CIA Leak Case Casting A Wide Net-WH's blaming CIA re SOTU

New Chicago skyscraper to be tallest in US

Bioperine - it's good to feel 25 again.

I've gotten into watching Law & Order

Why do I even try?

Office Space starting NOW on American Movie Classics!

I just finished off an omelet w/onions, cheese and habanero sauce

Appropriate tuneage for GD and GDP tonight? "Time the Avenger's"

What do plants really want?

Remember that thingy from your junior high school days?

What do men really want?


Snickers Satisfies

How will snack foods be made available?

Don't you hate when you look all over for something and it's right ....

"Bush's Brain" coming up at 6:35 PM (Pacific) on Sundance.

The movie "AI"

Holy crap, how many versions of "Mr. Brightside" are there?

Oh God, Tom. SHUT UP!

DU road cyclists - a question for Mr. Writer's benefit

Are there any other DU Females who find "Mo Wampum Tee's" Ads on DU

Is my banner too dark?

Reno 911: good family fun!!

This conversation has become useless.

Don't even THINK about it.

Conclusion of "Empire" Is Up (ABC, 10 ET)

If you could do it all over again, what career path would you choose?

WTF? In Firefox, Google keeps bumping out Scroogle as my search engine...

Progressives shouldn't even be THINKING about doing that.

Need advice...going to St. Petersburg Russia and the Baltics in March

Sam and Jeaneane are cracking me up

Looks like we have some visitors.

GD is too wierd even for me tonite.

If only it really existed...

Are there any DUers that find stuffed animals offensive

How hot is it where you're at and when do you usually see the fall?

Where to get the "M" sticker?

Color Me Badd

SOME OF US aren't INTERESTED in being nice to the Republicans.

Attention West Coast DUers!!! Shuttle alert!!!

Your ignorance is showing.

What have I logged in to tonight?

I just listened to the "" Music CD

I think you're all fucked in the head.

3000 posts!!

Sodding Jedis?

Good night everyone.

The Toyota Lease/Leash Commercial

What's The Message On Your Home Answering Machine / Voice Mail?

So I punched someone in the nose over politics

I just found this great "Night of the Living Dead" photoshopped pic

PEOPLE I'd like to point out something to all you who think I'm sexy

Is it just me or has anyone else just felt a twinge?

Call for "designer" EAR-wear - THIS is really cool

Lord of the Rings, stage version

We've waited a long time for this power.

Found one of the sites my grandfather fought around in WW2

Prehistoric "tool" found in German cave

Who Else Likes 'Stella' On Comedy Central?

Jessica Simspon: Now it all makes sense...

I'm stopped at a red light.

Ticks, tornados, and a Kucinich bumper sticker

I just had to order pizza, it had to be done....

Sit, Ubu, sit. Good dog.

dont forget!

Daily Show!

Where Can I Order Democratic Checks???

Neener, neener, neener - I have a banner!

John Lydon (Johnie Rotten) lyric help needed.

I'll Do ONE Household Chore For You... Which One Will It Be?

XMMS is positioned at "Hotel California" (studio version)

How Do you make a banner?

Want to see the inner workings of DU?

A great band for DUer's!!!

CAUTION -- This Sign Has Sharp Edges

Plamegate Revisited: OK, fellow DUers, dig this and go hmmm:

GRRR! Computer / Best Buy Rant!

I need help finding a place in the NYC metro area!

Informal Lounge Poll. (posters & issues)

The TLC demands that you don't go chasing waterfalls.

This is it! You must open this thread! You have to see what's inside!

Wow. free neighbour-sushi.

"Sweet Home Alabama" in a KFC commercial. The end of days approaches.

What an asswhipping of a day this has been.

Message to Carrie Underwood from Bill Hicks' ghost

Have you ever been to paradise but never been to me on DU?

Best Sequel Ever?

WHAT empty nest syndrome?

I'm going out back for a late evening swim

BIRD LOVERS: more bird photos

Who else's bat goes catshit at bedtime?

Who else's cat goes batshit at bedtime?

Radical Right Books That Were Never Quite Published

Music leads to dancing,and dancing leads to touching.

So, what shall we

Where has our Skittles scuttled off to?

A serious question about advertising on DU.

Red,rot,akai,rouge,and krazny.


Bill Maher on Jay Leno tonight.

Tonight I saw one of the Drifters in a second rate bar in a

You guys slay me

For bicentennial_baby.......again

sundog, please report to the front desk

My LBN story got locked and I'm pissed!

It's 12:21 AM Eastern time: Good Morning, DU!

Jimmy Kimmel slams Bush!

OK, does anybody know who performs Mike Malloy's opening

Is anyone watching that "Chris Angel: Mindfreak" show on A&E?

Dear, Mr. Gingrich (An Animaniacs Song)

The "I Hate Capri Pants" blog. Did Al Gore create the Internet for THIS?

If I was a funnier guy, I would post something funny

You! Yes, you! Stand still with it!

I just got DSL and wireless networking! Ask me anything!

There is a big DLC brawl going on in GD-politics

Progmom thinks I should do voiceover work. What kind should I do?

Should I tone down or remove my banner

Are you there?

Name your daughter "Hecuba"

Go away and come back

PB & J Time

Another M. C. Escher evening (beware-- graphics intensive)

An opinion on pornography that others might find offensive

I hate Leno but the fruitcake lady is funny

PEOPLE I'd like to point out something to all you who think I'm a sexist

Messing around with Google Earth, and found this.

What book are you currently reading?

BIRD LOVERS: look what was outside the office window today, making...

I may or may not be starting a thread.

PPT: "Pray as lawmakers research the background of Judge John Roberts"

Attention all women and men who find this offensive

Why on the one hand, do we abhor censorship that may be offensive to some

Do you find that you are expessing yourself online more than IRL?

Hemp: Is it time for it to be legal to grow in the USA again?

good to see the lounge in such a good mood this evening

Remember when Fabio got smacked in the face with a goose?

can i get some vacation ideas?


Are there any DUers that find stuff offensive

This Game Does NOT Include a Hidden Section Where You Can Get Oral Sex

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

Didn't Kay Bailey Fucking Hutchinson melt in "The Wizard of Oz?"

Is this Rock Star INXS show rigged or what?

The Animaniacs are back!

Just finished "Fast Food Nation." Ask me anything.

What's Your Coolest T-Shirt?

Should GRAND THEFT AUTO: SAN ANDREAS be given an AO (Adults Only) rating?

I'm on my way to see Stevie Nicks!!!

Who is your master?

Any Duers remember Wacky Packages?

Question about seperating unacceptable behavior from the person

support science !


St. Louis Cardinals

Boston Pitcher Clement Beaned Above The Right Ear

Director David Lynch on Changing the World ‘To a Good One’

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I made this chart about the leadership and etc of congress

So apparently tonight GD is really going on about the DLC

Kerry on Maryland Republicans: An e-mail:

DU is too damn stupid tonight.

Lies and bullshit I missed from a featured DU article

Santa Fe.... the shop at the end of the trail

Black and white photos of kids

KOEB: 7-26 OK, where's KO?


I saw my first 'Davis 06' bumper sticker today on a Ford Pickup truck.

Roberts played a role in the Iran Contra Pardons


our AG Gonzo is on Jim Lehrer right now......

Nominee John Roberts and Maj. Frank Burns - Separated at Birth?

A new Repub website?

John McCain on Bolton recess appointment: "I would support it"

I will not ever live my life in fear of Al-qaeda or this Administration

Chickenhawk Reep says vet Dem (who served in Iraq) doesn't support troops!


I'm a liberal.

Tough Drunken Driving Provisions Dropped From Highway Bill

W Always Goes For A Liar

As a fairly informed...

The DLC....Like moths to the me-too flame

DLC:Forget about Bush? He's increasingly irrelevant? Not on the 08 ballot?

Look, about Hillary and all that ...

Idea: Discuss everything in terms of strategy & issues instead of labels.

Is the DLC a part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?

Amy Sullivan: "Please don't run, Senator Clinton"

Why is John Roberts not a politician?

Does anyone know the politics of Dave Ramsey. Total Money makeover

Support Paul Hacket for Congress - Special Election August 2nd

Will Hillary Clinton support John Roberts' nomination?

Calm down? How can I calm down when DLC dingoes are eating my baby?!

Sen Clinton wants a cease fire? Read what the DLC has to say

The Terror Attacks Harmed the Democratic Party

Things are not as they seem...trojan horses and all that stuff.

Karl Rove - unseemly relationship with Karen Johnson?

Is the DLC in league with the Illuminati?

DLC, DLC, DLC, DLC. You are all being distracted. Focus please.

San Diego Mayor's Race..

Do you trust Fitzgerald?

This is DEMOCRATIC Underground.

No, it's time for the DLC to go.

In the DLC/no DLC argument, belief has transcended fact.

MSNBC Live Poll: Should the White House Release ...

I am a proud supporter of the Democratic Leadership Council. Sue me.

From DailyKOS

Do you support the DLC?

The DLC is going to end up spliting the Democratic Party

Can we get a list of the Congressional Democrats who have lost elections

WP: Prosecutor Casting a Wide Net

I'm enjoying all this fighting between Progressives and the DLC

Nixonian Socialism

Editorial: Face-off fiasco / Senator battles TV host to a draw

If McClellan wants to go there…

Asia Times: The Coming Trade War

A U.S. View: Returning to fear

DOJ seeking to deputize ISPs to aid law enforcement

Gene Lyons

Interesting 5/26/1994 articles showing Bolton as anti-democracy

Yeah, I'm getting another LTTE printed.........

Tiny Labor

Iraq: Bush's Islamic Republic

China-Mart Takes Over......The US Navy...Made in China(Paul Roberts)

San Diego Union Tribune: Immigration bill is a muddled work

Interesting Op-ed by Tom Friedman.

Is Iran Being Set Up?....Safe from Attack? or Doomed After Next 9/11?

Bush Makes Republican Donor Ambassador

Mark Crispin Miller: "None dare call it stolen - Ohio..."

Condoleezza Rice at the Center of the Plame Scandal

Revolt of Privilege, Muslim Style

Blowback in Iraq - Justin Raimondo -

"Tick, Tick Boom" (DHS Failed to Warn UK About Tube Bomb Plot)

Gone in a Nanosecond...US Falling Behind Across the Board(Paul Roberts)

Judge Orders Woman Read to Her Children

FBI & 9/11 By Sibel Edmonds---June 20, 2005--(link fixed)

The Great American Job Scam,,,Alternet lays it out:

You all are gonna LOVE this (Fox News at its best)

Why liberals lose

Can DU Activist Corp be activated for the Birth Control issue?

CAFTA vote tonight Delay predicts win please, please please!

July 28:National Call-In Day!

Howbout COMBINING a call to end immiseration with opposition to CAFTA?

Sick of Hillary? Come back to the Barbara Boxer Group!

How many people are supporting clean money campaigns with $ or effort?

John Roberts quacks like a duck (my sister's LTE in USA Today)

Suggestion for LTTE campaign: Anti-War demonstrations in Sept.

Newsweek Drops Issue, Cites Poor Ad Sales

China claims mis-interpretation of statement about yaun revaluation

"Worker isolation, Stagnant wage policy, 2-tier wages"DEFINIONS needed pls

'Beyond Kyoto' greenhouse pact being formed

Man vandalises Hiroshima memorial

MKs limit citizenship rights of Palestinians married to Israelis

Knesset denies Palestinians the right to compensation

Sharon cursed as son faces jail time

Seething resentment in Bethlehem will fuel more violence

Israeli forces kill teenager in Jenin

Calif. Press will publish controversial book on Israel

Iraq: New Constitution prevents citizenship for Jews, says MP

WT: Aussie cleric says U.S. behind 9-11

Two Theories to Explain Bush's Behaviour in the Classroom on 9/11

Bush and the Timing of the Pentagon Hit on 9/11

Mods... Please delete this dupe

New disclosures from BBV re: "Vote Remote" (voter registrations)

What's new with software to hack voting machines?

You folks are familiar with Jon Bonifaz, right?

I predict no one will ever buy a Sequoia Advantage again. Decertication:

Ohio election story is going to come back - Matt Taibbi

7-26-2005: Black Box Voting Director Arrested in San Diego

Naral has declared July 28 National Call in Day!

Car-deal law has power, hitches

Cunningham interceded with prosecutor on behalf of developer

Problem-free day at polls erases memories of past glitches, bubbles (NOT!)

San Diego councilwoman to face ex-police chief in mayoral runoff

Camp-out Date Poll

Which Surf City?

Got a letter back from Grassley regarding the Downing Street Memo and Iraq

Alright Minnesotans! You've got 10 minutes to convince me to move

I LOVE the Twin Cities (Emergency Cat Adoption)

DC Dem Leadership backing conservative Tinklenberg in the MN 6th

Normie "Puppetboy" Coleman is trying to get re-elected w/ a stem-cell bill

Can my new XP-64 be installed as "repair" toprior XP installation?

How do I restart into safe mode, instead of normal restart on XP?

Best Place to buy Adobe Photo shop? & XP-64 install as "repair"?

Informal Hackett poll in Cincinnati...

Dean didn't say anything new.......

Medicaid funding increase only if electricity use increases (WTF?)

Glen Maxey in Dallas, July 30 and 31.

Big backers place their bets for Gov's race

The Texas GOP imploded yesterday

Sine Die, MoFo!

Texas Minutemen leader craps in his pants and resigns

bumper sticker gets a reaction.

What the HELL IS GOING ON IN TEXAS? (sounds BIG!)

Where the CAFTA vote count stands tonight

Is anyone else subscribed to TO, and has not received e-mail in days?

Blair's wakeup call by Steve Bell

As crystal clear as it can get!

unions IN THE NEWS: on cable and NPR.......WHY NOW????

Tonight we have Charlie Rose and Tavis Smiley on, What

Tonight Show: Bill Maher comments on Rove leak, Roberts and more - (VIDEO)

I just talked to a die-hard, pro-blivet woman, about

Why Byrd (WV) may be supporting Roberts: Those damn liberal judges!

I'm hurt and confused.

Need Fitzgeral hire round the clock bodyguards?

I'd like to see the #1 Plame Thread resurface again -

Bush To London Bombers: 'Bring It On'

Britain may be left to hold the fort in Afghanistan

Ray is on fire right now!!!

Appears likely there will be a runoff election in San Diego


"Struggle Against Violent Extremists"

Does Turd Blossom Have A Girlfriend?

The Brutal Tyrant and his "Rub Rooms" (CAPTION)

"Over There", the 1st T.V. show about a war shown during that war

Are you diggin on the new WaPo Traitorgate story in LBN?

Armistead Maupin's dad has died

Snopes pages predicted 7/21 London attacks - said FALSE!

Liberty University Scholarship Deadline

As we were laughing at Bagdad Bob.....

AFL-CIO says, 'Bring the troops home!'

Polygamy no fun, admits Ethiopian

Amerisave? Anyone else heard of this?

I want Novak fired. Any chance of a temporary Chicago SunTimes boycott?

our tough guy pres. is AFRAID to take reporter's questions right now

"for most conservatives . . . outing a CIA agent is perfectly acceptable"

2,200-year-old tombs unearthed in north China

Australian UFO files opened

B.Woodruff to Replace JENNINGS? Plus, CARSON Wars over Prez GORE

Jay Leno on Plame leak

What John Roberts' portfolio reveals about his character

I am a Progressive Liberal, and here is WHY - RANT

Is joe scarborough going for biggest republican asshole in america?

I like this Maryland-specific email from Kerry. Thought I'd share

The pope's home town is popular with nudists

London Underground releases new safety information

QUICK!!!! Break out the BS Detector Goggles!

What will the corporate media do?

You can call me a Radical Extreme Leftist all day and I won't be offended.

'He told me he was going to get 80 virgins'

Washington DC radio talk show host is a bigot.

Who wins the duel between Bushco and the CIA?

US may sharply cut Iraq force within year: general

Letter to Nancy Grace about missing woman

"Bush Meeting House GOP Before CAFTA Vote"

A peek into Roberts' papers

What would you give to be on the DC Grand Jury right now?

"Frist Delays Showdown With White House"

"Energy Deal Has Tax Breaks for Companies"

(VIDEO) Bill Maher on Leno

OUT OF IRAQ: Withdrawal to start as early as Spring '06

New WP Rovegate Story: THE BIG REVELATION on THE Memo

Heh - check out this 'Moran' (Bribing Army Colonel)

Accounting giant pays $42 million to settle dispute over travel expenses

Cardinal says: Pain killers make dying people better Xians

Roberts lies again?

Forum Enhancement Request: RSS Feeds for all forums/groups

Is there a place to talk about things we can't talk about here?

"Senate Moves to Shield Gun Industry"

" Despite $2 Billion Spent, Residents say Baghdad is Crumbling"

"Panel OKs Karen Hughes for State Dept."

White House To Withhold Nominee's Tax Returns (New Precident)

50,000 'Insurgents' killed or captured in last 7 months.

"Senate Changes Line of Succession"

Either Stop letting the Mexican Slaves in or Stop Hiring them.

Enough! Frist, Coburn, Craig, and hyperbole and I'm nauseous.

"Panel: Bush Was Unready for Postwar Iraq"

CNN says US sending $6 Million to Niger to fight famine...

Western state governor pulling national guard troops from Iraq?

Updated List of Rove Witnesses and Interviewees

Morning Snark - from American Family Voices

Are stun wepaons considered "guns"? Is this why the rush to push gun laws

"Chicago GOP Offers Reward to Convict Mayor"

Who was the stranger questioned by the Grand Jury? He knew Wilson.

Iraq poised to become an explicitly Islamic state

Anybody else here CSPAN Moderator plead for Bush* Supporter

The GOP is in serious trouble...

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Will "Happy Slapping" come here?

Help please. Do you know of websites posting US troop stories from Iraq?

WTF? Bush seeks a conservative to replace cyclist Lance Armstrong.

Is God a dick?

CAFTA: The Anti-Bureaucrat GOP Supports Big Bureaucracy.....

bush kissing blairs wife-what`s up tony?

Soon we'll all be able to taser each other! Muggers and rapists rejoice.

Excellent Article-Information Clearing House...

Is this the same person being nominated for the Supreme Court ??

Remember that joke?

I've got a few questions about Howard Dean.

Don't break that window, I don't care if my child is in there!

What would it take for you to throw in the towel?

Washington Journal's CAFTA morning

CNN Poll: Are They Lying?

I was really considering re-uping in the Army Guard

AFL-CIO calls for "rapid withdrawal" from Iraq.

Hold a People's Convention to Decide Dem Party Direction...

Labor gets tough on Democrat CAFTA suppoters

Maybe we should drag out William Caley.

DU This

Does anyone believe like me that Bush* is not really the boss

"New Justice May Play Role in Gerrymander Case"

Looking for a video of the Daily Show from last night

DU This CNN Poll re: Doonesbury

Dems-It's time to filibuster EVERYTHING!!!!

Jerry Sprightwinger on Air America: Jane Fonda is wrong. Lets stay in Iraq

RW'er agrees that America is no longer America

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: GOP should probe Rove, but won't

Anyone else annoyed at the words "family values"?

Clinton was the last President the United States will ever have

WTF? I have no words...


"N.Y. Gov. Pataki May Not Seek Re-Election"

Should I assume that the answers to my questions re: Dean are both no?

"Afghan Protesters Try to Break Into U.S. Base"

Walmart built a store in Hawaii over an ancient Indian burial ground?

Couple Cleared Of Child Sex Charges

I think some freeper is using my identity...

You can't say "turd blossom" in the paper?

The SP Incident Where The Vocalist Revealed Bush+Cheney As Terrorists

Code Red smog alert issued for metro Atlanta area

Robert's doesn't need to show his tax returns? Fine. Fillibuster.

FAUX snooze spin on Valerie Plame. (Unreal.. read the whole thing)

"It's good for business and it's good for the American worker"--CAFTA

Could a reason why recruitment levels being down is because of this?

Police Agency Alleges Taser Company Misled About Safety of Stuns

Katherine Harris still dogging for that senate seat

He was about to tell the UN that they are "irrelevant"

Abu Ghraib warden says he got interrogation recommendations from Gitmo

" Airwaves Off-Limits to New Propaganda Tsar Karen Hughes"

I feel it is grim...BUT...the only mistake they have made

Just when you thought Freeps were the worst.

That's Our Bush: Sleeping on the Soil of Friends

I find this article and then subsequent poll numbers very disturbing

Schumer on cspan3

Caption this Rummy and Jaafari pic...

why we cant allow dlc's let bygones be bygones.....

Prove to me that Jane Fonda got US Troops killed and tortured..

What I wish I could tell Bush in his face...

Abu Ghraib Warden Testifies About Dog Use

CIA leak now on NPR

The Number Of Insugents Killed In Iraq - Another Lie

A soldier friend sent me this email.

censoring the views of those who oppose the war against Iraq....

"a stun gun was apparently used to torture Iraqi detainees"...

Did B&G Club money get Diverted to Air America? I hope not.....

"Clinton Angers Left With Call for Unity"

Why is there always a Guckert clone still planted at each of these

I am not religious, but I had a vision today.

I'm offering $10,000 to the first person...

He learns something new every day (CAPTION)

"Britain May Be Left to Hold the Fort in Afghanistan"

The War on Terror is over

attended a funeral today

Is anyone else having connection problems with Thom Hartmann's show?

Perspective: VIETNAM, 5.4 million war casualties

These radical anti-DLC rants are making this progressive a DLC supporter.

Anyone else getting the feeling that the Space Shuttle

DLC: You are the minority in this here Party.

Please welcome the new nuclear powers

Anyone want to DU this Fox poll?

Feds to tax TX residents' eminent domain payments/checks

PNC Bank Story: Are they intentionally stealing from their customers?

No CAFTA, Congressman Pallone

My friend at lunch today asked me what was my blue wrist band for

Why 2006 is so important!!

I think it's time people realized that Racial Profiling IS occuring

Money is the biggest factor in a winning campaign isn't it?

Wal-Mart asks paper to leave for editoralist's column

what happened to Ted Olson? Is he off with his new wife

I had never heard about this. Has anyone else?

Repeat after me..Let's call "IT" what "IT" is

Struggle against Extremism... Randi just pointed it out Mein Kampf treat diabetes?

Amerika is no longer at War.

Did one of our own knock us off the Rovegate stride?

A few songs too many years ahead of their time.

Is A Partial US Troop Withdrawl From Iraq Acceptable To DU'ers?

Largest bond fund manager on the erosion of civil liberties

I feel like bitchin' about XM or AAR. Who do I email

I'm giving $30 to Donna Frye's campaign right now, who's with me?

Letter to the Editor in the local newspaper

Barbara Boxer on Ed Schultz now

In Basra, one man gives the average Iraqi a voice

Randi says we've reached the 2K mark

Vacation's All I Ever Wanted

I must admit I got suspicious when I saw a young muslim the other day

Puffy McMoonface (aka Scotty) coming on.

"ignorant little rich white girl"

RW Euphemism Time: Smear of Cells=Life; Dead Humans=Collateral Damage

New TV drama series about the War in Iraq

This news is 3 weeks old - anyone heard a peep in US yet?

"In Basra, one man gives the average Iraqi a voice" (a must read!)

Should the Cmmdr. in Chief be taking a MONTH LONG VACATION during a war?

Who was really outed in the Plame affair?

Should any congressional staffers stumble upon this post...

Energy Bill REJECTS greater fuel economy stds & renewables ..WTF?

(AUDIO) Hackett v Schmidt debate

My take on the DLC

Here's another 80/20 poll regarding the current Administration...

"They use electric drills to pierce their bodies" Warning graphic text/pic

Hacker 'left note on US army computer'

"Iraq Wants Quick Withdrawal of U.S. Troops".

Judith Miller's husband supports his wife by going on a crusie...

HOLY SHAMOLEY! * has the lowest approval ratings ever AND

Jessica Simpsons shocking Iraq trip film footage missing

It's Democrat_ic_, not "Democrat"! Cripes, even our own are saying it

1785 Reasons Why the DSM Is Important

Major Announcement by Civil Rights Groups

Bush Starts Annual Month Long Vacation. How long 'til new WIPEOUT photos?

Finally, after months of waiting, my

Kerry: Bush's big business policies leave small businesses behind

Canada blames lax U.S. gun laws for Toronto violence

The story about Latoyia Figueroa is on CNN!

Finally watched Santorum on Daily Show - I have two things to say

If Cam Kerry runs for Sec of State it's cuz he KNOWS machine fraud is REAL

Grandmother sues maker of 'Grand Theft Auto'

July 28 is National Call In Day!

Freepers Just Can't Figure Out Why Fox Isn't Tallking CAFTA

Stop Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) from interfering w/ Fitz's Investigation

POLL: There will be--there will not be--another Horrific Terror Attack

Dear Duers; My take on the whole ball of wax

Bill Maher last night. WOW

Shot dead for $60 worth of beer

When I debate something on DU...

Progressive Scouters/Scouts: Want a group?

How Costco Became the Anti-Wal-Mart

Political Chuckles.........a nice read! "Let's be Fair to the President!"

Froomkin article Deflecting Responsibility

California HIV Tracking System May Be Scrapped

More DeLay dirty tricks

He's coming home. At least, most of him.

Women who hate men, when they need a strong arm they ask....

has america jumped the shark?

'Turd Blossom' Reference Wasn't a Problem in Canada

Right-winged email spam.... One of our downfalls?

Has there been any coverage of today's WP article re the WH's War on CIA?


Roberts is a "Devout Cathloic", not a "John Kerry Catholic"

Phil Gingrey (R-Georgia, AHole) introduces HR5-Kill Patient Rights

Karen Hughes refused to answer questions about Plame

I am in need of some encouragement. Help!

A must see, I'm sure... Paula Zahn on homosexuality this p.m.

My husband is my property and you'd better not borrow him

Caption this Rummy pic...

For those of you who don't get to the Lounge much...

STOP the flame-waring, for God's sake

Lou Dobbs won't make you puke tonight...

Ricky Martin Vows To Stamp Out Arab Stereotype

Replace "War on Terror" slogan with .......

I just got an ACTUAL chain letter, in the mail!!

DU This Poll! (GMOs)

Serious question: What does "Turd Blossom" mean?

Missing Pregnant Woman - I wonder why no one is obsessing about this?

Now don't get cocky, but is it just me or is the DU turning out to be more

Tell the media: Don't forget -- or forgive -- Karl Rove.

Made In Canada, eh?

NY Daily News: Eyes of Texas are on Rove & lobbyist

Does George W. Bush care about America or Americans?

The 'eighty virgins in heaven' thing

Lou Dobbs Poll:

Bush Supporter Oxymoron #265

Questionabout working for Fair Trade non-profits

Shooting of man on London train: police in uniform better for arrests

Christian Broadcasting Network: Servicemen Not so Fond of Jane's Upcoming

Bolton connected to Plame case?

Malibu attempts to tame excessive filming

Successful Shuttle Launch leaves heat tiles damaged ???

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of Life, Liberty

An open letter to Hillary Clinton

What is W's nickname for Osama?

So, this is what it takes to get * to attend a funeral.

If its a Struggle and not a War?


Want troops out of Iraq? Watch out what you wish for...

Someone asked how Santorum made his $$, So I checked.

Tweety talking RoveGate right now!

GAYSROCK License plate

Is There Sabotage At NASA?

Ken Starr was hired by the NYT a year ago to defend

Cost of Iraq War July 27th- $183,537,100,482

Has W ever met Osama?

Why aren't the Dems making a big deal of global warming?

Bush inserts himself into the Boy Scout tragedy

Bilderberg 2005: Peak Oil, Iran, Tactical nukes on the table

Santorum on Hardball Now!

Novak Should Be Fired: Yes or No?

The Christian Paradox . . . by Bill McKibben . . .

Swift Boating of Hackett Into High Gear...

KC Schools ordered to pay charters $40 million!!!

The Abortion - Birth Control Frenzy

I think it's time to consider racial profiling

What does the DLC offer America?


OK After Some Time To Read Up On Roberts, You Think He...

I worry you? (thoughts on looking like a terrorist)

Three Quotes .....

Carter and Clinton Elections: Was the Politics This Dirty?

Heterosexuals, Take Note:

I am getting so upset over politics, my Dr prescribed

"This guy's underwear is filled with warm mashed bananas!"

Any idea who created this? It's GREAT! (*bush resigns graphic)

HALLIBURTON has a "breakout quarter"! Stock flourishes on Iraq, oil!

Counter the Radical Right

I'm debating a FReep at work. He wants me to illustrate Bush is a liar

FOX News Priorities: One Missing White Girl More Important Than.....

I am very upset at the Energy Bill compromise.

Welcome to 1984

Can Democrats win elections in the current system?

Jailed Judith Miller's hubby off to cruise the Mediterranean

Just so every one knows being informed does not = "far-left"

Turd Blossom

Excerpt from Jackpine's Guide to the Political Jungle

CAFTA, CAFTA, CAFTA ....Don't ignore it

CSPAN Schedule Thursday July 28

Hilarious freeper LTTE defending Fuax in the Athens, GA daily paper today:

We aren't fighting Centrists, so we should stop trying to BE Centrists

538,274 jobs lost so far in 2005: "Trouble ahead"

a LynnTheDem and frictionlessO appreciation thread

San Diego: Donna Frye faces former police chief Sanders in mayoral runoff.

What time does * use the Scouts for his Recruitment Speech?

Did Fitzgerald REALLY Ask the WH Not to Comment? >

OMG, Bush calls "MoveOn-dot-something"

In one click you can help stop the energy bill

ACLU Alert- New Docs released detailing abuse at Gitmo

LA Times Editorial: Operation Coverup

NEW video: "Not that worried..." - there's your damn protest music, kids

Excellent toon about Tucker Carlson

Hillary vs. the Xbox: Game over

For the first time it is clear...crystal clear

One good thing about Bernard Goldberg's book,

PHOTOS: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! Everybody SING!!

uh, excuse me but, this is NOT America,

Drat, dammit, and crap crap crap

Coulter admitting "We have the media" Audio!!

I know of people out to destroy America. Should I call Homeland Security?

WTG! DUer Dorktv's LTTE published.

Starving children in Niger

I need some help for a research paper...please

Please E-mail the DLC.

Jim March of arrested

Why Liberals Lose

Larry Johnson: "More Lies From the Right"

When the Rich say, "Eat shit!", we say, "OK!" Why?

Greenland is Melting

Why are lefties suddenly squabbling over Jane Fonda?

I wanted to share the story I sent to Stempac...

Jessica Simpson's missing Iraq footage

Quinnipac- Bush Approval drops to 41%, his lowest ever

That's it, I'm staying out of GD!

Newsagent confectionery?

Heads up everyone - please read this note:

Tell me all of the wonderful things about living in the UK.

They're at it again re book "banning"

May I ask a stupid question? (The Iraqi Occupation)

"Blairs at odds over anti-terror measures "

Panel OKs Karen Hughes for State Dept

Indian police in dock over violent clash with strikers

Danny Glover: Latin station won't demonize U.S.

Chilean judge on the hunt for new Pinochet accounts

Wal-Mart to lift ban on selling Pensacola News Journal

When is initial not initial? -China's yaun revaluation lost in translation

BBC: London Bomber(s) Arrested

Energy Deal Has Tax Breaks for Companies

Rumsfeld urges Iraq to meet constitution deadline

Four members of Ga. unit killed in Iraq

Christian Publisher Pans Potter, Presents Bible-Based Comic Alternative

Army Probes Guard Unit:Members of a California battalion in Iraq are under

'Bomb suspect' felled by stun gun

Police Slaying Re-Creation Stirs Doubt

FBI investigates death threat in battle to block NYSE merger

Anti-gay comments condemned

Consumer confidence slips

Indian police in dock over violent clash with strikers

U.S. May Significantly Reduce Troops in Iraq Next Spring..(WP)

NYT:Timing of Hearings, Vote Stalls Roberts Confirmation Talks (with Dems)

CNN: Astronauts to give shuttle a look: NASA examining video of debris

(WP)...Negotiators Agree on Tax Breaks in Energy Bill

Springer had a zinger just now

Two algerian diplomats killed - al quaida website

IRA to make historic statement

Documents Show Roberts Influence In Reagan Era (Arch-conservative nutter)

Suicide car bomb hits Iraqi police checkpoint

Gunmen kidnap senior official in Baghdad

W.House says won't hand over some Roberts papers


Economy deals blow to Michigan kids

3 killed, 37 wounded in mortar attack in central Baghdad

Iraq constitution delay decision left to last minute

Defense bill shelving seen as face-saver for Bush

House first on Social Security, Rove says (at 'college' repub rally)

WP: Labor Split Centers on Failure to Organize: Unions Struggle to Revive

Japan finds new bird flu outbreak on chicken farm

Kerry's Brother Mulls Run for Mass. Office

NYT: NYC Taxi Agency Approves Use of Six Hybrid Models

Pataki Tells Backers He Won't Run in 2006

Noe Invested Ohio's Money In Gambling Firm

House will pass CAFTA tonight: DeLay

San Diego to Hold Mayoral Runoff in Nov.

AP: Iran Achieves Solid Fuel Technology

Democrats dismiss Roberts documents

Rove cartoon blossomed out

MoD admits 'vacuum' after Iraq war

"Tick, Tick Boom" (DHS Failed to Warn UK About Tube Bomb Plot)

Party leaders state cases to black voters

Iraqi police say they've seized al Qaeda suspect

Iraq: Bush's Islamic Republic

Report: California Guard Unit Investigated (prisoner abuse in Iraq)

Iraq Wants Quick Withdrawal of U.S. Troops

Problem-free day at polls erases memories of past glitches, bubbles (NOT!)

AG: High Court Not Bound by Roe V. Wade

Rescue Launched to Save 300 Caught in Indian Oil Platfrom Fire

Trudeau Defends 'Turd Blossom' Reference, Says Editing Strips is 'Not Acce

Blair backs swift Iraq handover

COINGATE: Prosecutors to Charge Ex-Taft Aide

Iraq Wants Quick Withdrawal of U.S. Troops

Pentagon May Scrap Jet Plans

Fewer early sign-ups as Army struggles to recruit soldiers

US soldier killed in Iraq's Tikrit area (Wed. 1785)

Rumsfeld warns against Iranian influence (war pimp alert)

Ill. Republicans Offer Reward on Daley

WaPo: Roberts 'deeply engaged in conservative restructuring of gov'

Overflowing morgue testament to Iraq's mayhem

Al-Zarqawi issues video-history of his terror group

Sharon cursed as son faces jail time

Possible Case of Mad Cow Investigated (# 3 ????)

CNN: US troops pullout could begin Spring 2006

(Conservative) FilmFest is 'one-woman show'

WT: Report: MI5 recruited al-Qaida leader

Iran: End Juvenile Executions

Mortar attack hits Baghdad bus station

House will pass CAFTA tonight: DeLay

Abu Ghraib Dog Tactics Came From Guantanamo

Roberts had larger 2000 recount role

US probing 'possible' new madcow case

Kennedy plan: Illegal immigrants would get 6-year visas

Japanese develop 'female' android

Venezuela to Plant Sugar Cane to Produce Ethanol, State Oil Company Says

Papers show Roberts Influence in Reagan Era

BBC: Iraq police accused of torture

Cook County Republicans offer reward for information to convict Daley

GOP need not share internal phone jamming investigation papers

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 27 July

Putin orders preventive strikes against terrorists

'Millennium bomber' gets 22 years

Utah Woman Wins Appeal For 'GAYSROK' License Plate

New York Gov. Pataki paves way for White House bid

Us finds third BSE case!

DeLay gives more than 1 billion to "friends" (from THinkProgress)

Iraqi president signals end to night-time police arrests (death squads)

Iran clamps down on Arab protests

Al-Zarqawi group said threatening to kill Lebanon's top Shi'is

WT: Five Egyptians detained in U.S.

US military hits ammunition shortages

Floods kill dozens in India as Bombay under water - 37 inches

Man wanted in (Daniel) Pearl's killing arrested

Sources: July 7 London Bomb Plot May Have Been Much Larger

WP/AP: Sales of New Homes Hit Record Level in June (economy has momentum)

WP: Algeria Confirms Abducted Envoys Were Killed

Rumsfeld Makes Surprise Visit to Iraq

Parents feared tragedy would happen

McCain Reactivates His Straight Talk America Political Action Committee

WP: U.S. May Significantly Reduce Troops in Iraq Next Spring

Police Debate if London Plotters Were Suicide Bombers, or Dupes

Cancer bomb zaps tumor cells in mice

Report says Bush was unprepared for post-war chaos

Roberts had larger 2000 recount role

BBC: Free holiday for shooting officer

Democrats press Rice on U.N. envoy nominee Bolton (re Plame leak)

Reporter Finds U.S. Sniper in Iraq Who Shot Knight Ridder Correspondent

Bush adviser Karl Rove, Cheney aide cited in leak scandal get pay raises

Justice: FBI Translation Backlog Grows

Democratic Senators Seek Specific Papers Relating to Supreme Court Nominee

Report: CIA officials involving in Iraqi beatings

Leahy: 'Activist' Nominee Won't Get Vote

Possible New Charges Against Ex-PETA Employee, Assistant

Communications Decency Act (CDA) Lawsuit ruling. [Nitke vs Ashcroft]

U.S. stands apart from other nations on maternity leave

Simpson Upset About Missing Iraq Footage

Plan for Dalai Lama lecture angers (Chinese) neuroscientists(The Guardian)

'Ghetto Talent Show,' Watermelon Eating Contest Outrages Community

CNN: NASA grounds shuttle fleet(debris, but guess is, will not be problem)

former miami commissioner art teele shoots self in the miami herald bldg.

Texas leader of Minuteman group resigns

NYT: Iraq Veteran, Running in Ohio, Harsh on Bush (calls him chicken hawk)

Government probes another possible mad-cow case

Heyyyyy....... What ever happened to "Lester" and "Eliza"...?

I've listened to Fairytale of New York four times in a row

For the DU Night Crew......

The Cubs are starting to have a magical season

You know what'd be funny? If KFC placed a banner ad on the PETA website.

Told you baby one more time

Damn! If Cocaine Is Half As Good As Confectioner's

My father came to visit and brought me a nice virus

Can't we all just get along?

I'm gonna kill that fucking rooster

Are T-shirts the next Fried Chicken?

The Twilight Zone episode with Robert Redford is on the Sci-Fi channel.

"There's been to much violence...too much pain..."

I'm up-ended

i need a little help from donating members

I'm offended the name or hate it?

I'm outta here

poor HEyHEY's nuggets

Somebody said that they like cats

So should NSMA accept banner ads for the KFC?

Damn, time flies during lounge flamewars---it is late!

I can stand for a good Bjorking....

Uh-oh... Lucy's about to get on the lawnmower...

I am watching the local news

enough division, cant we all be friends?

Hey Hawker Hurricane!

Good night DU...ruht wohl. n/t


What is love?

I love you all

Best accent by a non-native speaker:

Bush To London Bombers: 'Bring It On'

So, is it safe to come out yet?

I smell cat crap in the lounge!

PEOPLE I'd like to point out something to all you who think I'm sexy

Eh! Steve!

Ok boys and girls, I need a little help

Does testosterone limit brain function?

Ancient Connection Between Men and BBQ Grills - Explained

ya know, im pretty lame

MatcomNews Update: Teen Who Threw Up On Teacher SENTENCED

What the fuck?

Cops Find Naked Man Looking For Forest Gump's Home

62 Year Old Women upset about being searched grabbed screener's breast

Papers Pull Doonesbury For Use Of 'Turdblossom'

Woman Found Living With 75 Cats, 14 Dogs

Stress Buster - you know you need it

Help the President pick Roberts' nickname. He has nickname block.

Police give man amputated foot back

Question about checking certain items when flying...

Pina Colada Jr

65 years ago today

$16 Million Worth Of Cocaine At Airport's Lost-And-Found

Bears may be back in Swiss Alps

Amputee keeps foot in bucket on the porch

New Life jacket.

UFO sighting in Exeter - again

Bobbie Gentry is 61 today. so, what was thrown off the Tallahatchie

Multiple German Flavors may explain Austin

This information is provided for entertainment purposes only.

Man with 77 children gives family planning advice in Ethiopia

OJ Simpson Fined $25k For Stealing Satellite TV

Here's something everybody can agree on....

CONFESS!!! Who here is addicted to Kitten Huffing


Let's name the DU band

I almost book our new DC hotel room in a place with a private repuke club

So I saw Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore yesterday afternoon...

What's a good easy-to-use digital camera?

Norfolk named as paranormal hotspot

Intl. Federation of Competitive Eating: Sport or celebration of gluttony?

As I Mature

the final word on the GD/Lounge Wars

You are what you eat...

For Chris Walken fans

I think the Lounge is grinding through its own Miller vs. California, 1972

Women Pushing Car Charged With DUI


'Alias' jumps the shark.

Joke-- I thought it was kind of cute.

Watching the space shuttle launch really moved me. I wouldn't call it

Never mind.

Declare a "free zone" around yourself

The original Lassie is on in the other room.....

Jessica Simpsons shocking Iraq trip film footage missing

DS1, I didn't answer your question, but

anyone got a safety pin?

What book will you never, ever read?

Joke - Hehe, funny...

Finally realized Rove reminds me of

O.J. Simpson Told to Pay $25,000 For Stealing DirecTV

Personal Ads

Are there any DU-ers that find me offensive?

Firefox lets me login

There Is An Internet WAYBACK MACHINE!! see what DU was like back in 2001!

Any experts on dreams out there? I could use some help.


Musicians may find this Interesting (Regarding Bank of America)

I hear this week about school

"LOST" Premiere to reveal hatch secret!

Anyone been to San Fernando, MX or anywhere on the Laguna Madre?

I'm an Atheist and my thread about god was moved to Religion and Theology.

Let's see how this Looks

Who ever actually read Erica Jong's "Fear of Flying?" Was it any good?

Confession - I fell off the wagon

What was that waiter's name?

Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, and "Hot Coffee."

What are your favorite XM channels? Other than AAR that is

You Coffee Drinkers are all a bunch of sissy losers!!!

Well? *tapping foot* What do you have to say for yourself?!

Which is the worst sin?

Chinese fortune for today: Any day above ground is a good day

Downloading 'myths' challenged

I saw "Sky High" last night

I don't know how to play the Autofill game!

I'm shocked and offended...

I've been gone for a week so.. RIP James "Scotty" Doohan

Well, I'm offended because you're offended.

When flourescent bulbs go bad

Ever heard of this, paying for employment verification?

York Peppermint Pattie Appreciation Thread

Hot Pocket appreciation thread

I have gas!!!

Which Star Trek (original series) character are you?

I'll offend you if you offend me....

Did you ever notice.....

Want to change something in the past?

Diehard Fans Protest Planned Removal of Metallica's Feeding Tube

Have a coke and a

Snorks appreciation thread.

Irony.... wow.

Sgt. York appreciation thread....


Read Icculus! Read Icculus I say!

peppermint patty appreciation thread

Bjork appreciation thread

Spork appreciation thread

i hope i have offended you

Stork Appreciation Thread

Look at this...

Rediculous! Rediculous I say!

Orgasmic Fundamentalists

Dork appreciation thread...

Hero cop's downward spiral tied to porn addiction

Blair barfs from Iraq hangover

Anyone else feel like Sinead O'Connor on days like these last few?

Skink appreciation thread

With one picture I will offend every single person here at DU - GUARANTEED!!

Coilette? The definitive poll, YOU decide!

Pork appreciation thread

Thank you for flying with Offending Airlines...

If you could change one thing from your post....

Please stop picking on progmom for her spelling errors

Just kill me now.

What's up with all the fat heads these days?

Late July and it's 66 degrees out?!

Dolphins Coach Saban brings rookie Manny Wright to tears


The French Fry appreciation thread!

You know, I thought I really loved sundog before.

all you need to know about skinks

television dumbs us down

Organic Fundamentalists

I saw Artemus Gordon and Thurston Howell yesterday afternoon.

Great Irony Witnessed Yesterday

Is or is this not ridiculous?

I always knew those Amish folks were trouble

FOX News Priorities: One Missing White Girl More Important Than.....

It's hot, I'm thirsty . . . .

Cancer bomb zaps tumor cells in mice

Wanna come up and see my etchings?

The Gender Bender appreciation thread

B. B. King's 80th Birthday Bash this Friday Night

Whats up with all the fast kids these days?

New Mass. state signs bear shape of Alabama

'Fess up! Do you swallow your chewing/bubble gum?

Another big XM deal. This is awesome for XM. XM and Napster!

I had a thread get locked!

Q: Why does Free Republic want to be called Fwee Wepubwik?

Guys: Do you like girls who wear Abercombie and Fitch?

he's aLways gonna be the unpresident

Why did that thread about honry t33ns get locked?

Did you ever forget where you hid something? Did you ever find it?

New song recommendations?

Played "Beachball" Dodgeball today

Why did my lock get threaded?

Diet Coke sweetened with Splenda sucks ass!

Why did my tread get locked?

Why did my head get locked?

I didn't get a thread locked!

*** Post all non-offensive materials in this thread ***

what is the best way to negotiate a lock?

Why is it that dogs MUST lick your face if you lie down on the floor?

Why did my goolies get socked?

John Robert's Legal Invoice Bush -v- Gore released


Sniped again!

Have you ever put somebody on "ignore" because

Fruit Salad...Yummy yummy

Don't pick your nose, or...(warning: moderate gross out factor)

I think the wrinkles in that t-shirt were accused of having an agenda.

I object to all this sex on the television!

Lounge classic redux: Return to M.A.T.C.O.M. Mountain!

ever wake up with a different face?

Pssst! Post a secret in here! *shifty eyed glance*

Which is a better lock?

When did "The Wiggles" jump the Shark?

What do you think of these buildings?

"I hate you mom!!"

When did "The Monkees" jump the shark?

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature

Anybody try the new diet coke "zero"

Artificial sweetners / diet sodas linked to obesity

What really ticks me off is

Clique appreciation thread?

lock lock lock lock lock lock lock lock

I want you

Jesus Christ born in Ukraine

I've come up with a bumper sticker I think the Freepers would buy.

Jessica Alba French kissed by a monkey while filming MTV special

Fear Factor is looking for recent Iraqi Vets

Multigrain Breads are like Porn

15 From 1000!

Animal, mineral, vegetable : what would YOU date?

Can anyone recommend a good DSL filter?

O.J. Simpson ordered to pay 25k for stealing DirecTV signal


Skunk Beats the N.Y. Heat in Drug Store

Kwell Lotion. Discuss.

Skink beats the N.Y. Heat in Drug Store

just before my 100th post

Message Boards are like Porn

How long to get something mailed from across the pond?

There's a flame war in my local paper!

Lawdy lawdy...

Why did my dreads get locked?

At least we know what Ashcroft is up to...

Did DU's Font Size Go Whacky For Anyone Else????

WOW! Neighbors Tree (HUGE) Fell On His Brand New Mustang!

What we need is a religion that the whole world can embrace & this is it:

I'll stick to dating omnivores, thanks

Somebody PLEASE post something that doesn't suck!

Organized labor: showing more cracks than a roomful of plumbers!

I tried to make a pint earlier and did so rather pourly.

It's time for 'Guess the Movie by its Misleading Plot Description'!!

fLame or fiLL up the ignore List again?

Why can't I get my freaking picture to post

Good Lord, it's hot.

"Let's meet tomorrow morning to discuss"

Japanese develop 'female' android

So how many of you 1000+ posters

Job Searching rant

How do I get rid of the hiccups?

Goats, cows offered for Chelsea

Post sumthin cool here

Is it worth it to meet with an evil-ex?

Cubs Win!

I Just Joined NETFLIX

I just had a sugar crash!


I just clapped along to Take the Money and Run!

Japanese develop 'female' android

Hemorrhoids devour Japanese women....

I'm crushing your head

I'm thinking about

Japanese women develop hemorrhoids...

Who Can Turn The World On With A Smile....

Japanese spacemen develop asteroids.

Holy crap...this cat has some SERIOUS anger management issues....RAWWWWR!

Invasive grass spreads on O'ahu: you won't believe what it's called!

Want to see some of my art work?

So should the NAACP accept banner ads for the KKK?

What book are you currently NOT reading?

Bake, for the glow of the bowl of weed

Mork appreciation thread

Every now and then I forget why I thought disco was so lame

Can anyone recommend a good DS1 filter?

Wake, for morning in the bowl of light...

When did "Happy Days" jump the shark?

Was it Sasquatch? DNA test will tell

Sighh Tis been raining all day, the heavens weeping for me

Why do baseball fans purposely sing the wrong words

I feel sorry for this kid selling lemonade in the blistering heat. Y or N?

Shuttle update in LBN

"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air..."

My satellite TV just went out!

I did my doody for the day...

Alright Minnesotans-Convince me to move to Minneapolis from

If I haven't driven a car in months and I can't start the car...

Confederacy of Dunces

I did my duty for the day.....

I gave my resume to another temp agency.

Who's seen the movie "Crash" and what did you think?

MSM Tee-Vee knowns how to say "Birming-gum".

does anyone have a crush on me

What do I have to live for?

*sigh* two more interviews this week.

FreeBSD or Linux?

If I file chapter 13 now, can I file chapter 7 later on?

any suggestions for a good workout mp3 player?

Is human bone jewelry a sign of the apocalypse?

Oooooh I hear thunder but don't see lightning or rain yet.

ATTENTION PLEASE! GOPisEVIL And *I* Have An Announcement

Have you ever watched a movie solely because a reallycute actor was in it?

Chicken and Veggie Fajitas on the grill! A call for help

The internet is so awesome! How awesome? It lets you spell your name!!

Check out this New HEARING Technology - It's Really Cool

This picture depresses the hell out of me

The storms are here! The storms are here!

No Jail Time For Woman Who Set Fire In Her Own Home Because Beer Ran Out

80 Year old Man drives wheelchair on autobahn

My Roomba Report: 6 months with a robot vacuum

Ever read a post and just feel left out?


Alan Greenspan arrested for killing Middle Class (satire from "The Spoof")

A's win again. Big Green Machine rolls on

I can't help it. She's hot! Smart. Sexy. Humorous. Quick.

the t-shirt hates us for our freedoms

RPM must be staggering by now

Okay, so where I come from it was always "fart blossom".

Stay Awhile

Morbid, but what would you rather have happen?

More jokes?

Would you do this:

Oh baby! Some powerful gusts are moving in that will take us from 96 to 72

Kenny Rogers' appeal DE-NIED!!!

I want one of these. Will you buy me one? Pretty please?

Ok, I'm almost out of the 700 club. Ask me anything

Been listening to the Eagles a lot lately.

List for me all known measures of time, from micro to macro. 700th post!

Don't Just Stand There... Let's Get To It ...

Yay, the dog finally went outside!

Problem with wifes name

Computer gurus, what does the oasclnt.exe process do???

Couple Cleared Of Child Sex Charges-Pic of Dad kissing Son on bellybutton

My picture kicks your picture's ass: THE GAME!

What kind of highway driver are you?

Harvest time!!! First ripe kitten of the season!!!

Is there like a graveyard of all the posters who've been banned somewhere?

Old Video Games You Still Play on a Regular Basis

Describe your weirdest coworker?

If you could change one thing from your past... what would you change?

I Think Coca-Cola From Glass Bottles Tastes BETTER...

How do you drink your tea?

He is still watching you

what is your favorite music label?

Do you still get zits.....

Having some serious power blips

What book are you?

How do YOU keep your menfolk happy and at home where they belong?


God am I bummed.........

Who's offended by Rocky Mountain Oysters?

Google Earth is the greatest!

Why, when I eat Chinese Food do I feel compelled to eat with Chop Sticks?

So it seems I've moved back home with my parents.

How old is Diane Lane?

Greatest TV Theme Songs

I tried to make a point earlier and did so rather poorly

What questions are answered in Dianetics? (humor)

How old is Abbey Road?

What are the biggest lies Neocons tell about liberals and liberalism?

are you paying on student loans?

Worst book ever?

Any experts on Chinese alcoholic beverages here?

Ooh - my mouse hand is spasming.

Attn: August/September babies!!

Cat & God ~

If you need your PC screen cleaned please click the enclosed link!

Words that are now offensive that didn't used to be...

On Tolerance and Being Offended

Anyone read online comics?

I take offense...

Your Top 5 Books of All Time! List 'Em!!!


if you offend my clique, there is gonna be HELL to pay!

who is your freeper crush?

I think what rankles is that the t-shirt was accused of having an agenda

Credit card advice

My audio show about On Line Dating is in the works. First guest --

A sign: Flexible Flyer Yankee Clipper-we just found it. Great condition-

Is my brother crazy? Riding a bike from Portland, ME to Portland, Ore

mangoes, yum, yum!

What is the likelihood of another big blackout this summer

TEST: I will not post on DU for one week.

We just got the strangest call at work.

"Tish! That's French!"

Laurie Dhue is a FOX!

Confessions: Embarassing things you have done

So who else isn't on the I have a crush on you post.....

Post a picture of yourself!

What is the worst band to be a fan of?

PETA thread in LBN.

I need advice about a neighbor's dog.

Japanese Bishops call for peace on anniversary of a-bombs

God goes hi-tech, gets satellite TV

Cardinal says enough of euphemisms—Terry Schiavo was killed

Part One, Define: God----Part two, Define: god

Muslim film festival - "good films" should be shown

Is God a dick?

The Best Corporate Health Plan

Are you one of the 16 million underinsured?

Gender gap in math confidence is studied

Scientists grow new bone in the body

Multiple Genetic 'Flavors' May Explain Autism

Super Happy Google Earth Science Fun!

Favorite science books, recommendations

Singapore scientists unlock schizophrenia protein

Japanese develop 'female' android

MIT engineers an anti-cancer smart bomb

Gene Found In 90 Percent Of Breast Cancers May Be Cancer Vaccine Target

U Arizona Offers Tuition Deal To Same-Sex Partners

Lesbian named San Diego Mayor

CA Conservatives Sue State Even Though Anti-Gay Ballot Measure Approved

New Twist In 'Gay Chat Mayor' Scandal

2 More Anti-Gay Calif. Initiatives Move Forward

Refusing Gays Health Care Unethical Groups Tell Court

Conservative Utah To Allow Gay-Positive License Plates

Who Is the Better Coach

Schilling pitches third game in a row; Manny has a day off

Clement out of the hospital...

NHL Schedule announced

What is it with dogs and chocolate?

I was told you would all like to meet Boo!

Saturn in Leo - the Lion in Winter - Myth transmits archetypal knowledge

"The godless are hopelessly, arrogantly and criminally insane."

LittleClarkie, I salute you. . .

Kerry, other sen. call on Bush to release emergency funds for energy costs

Bush Administration Shortchanges Small Business

John Kerry’s Speech at The New Republic’s Conference Telecommunications

RMD's theory of progressive/moderate coexistance.

Senator John Kerry, .Join the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur ....

Bush approval ratings at 41%! What possible reason can the Dems

Cam Kerry might run for MA SecofState in '06

Roberts "Devout", Not A "John Kerry Catholic"

Great picture of John!

The final 10 is now up

YAY! My lens is finally back.

An old slide I scanned.


So...why IS KO gone?

I got my first thread nominated for Greatest!

Will Novak be indicted?

Timeline - lies up to war

"confirmed that she was an undercover operative"

please help the cheeze eating surrender monkeys at the DLC run in 2008

Veteran of Iraq, Running in Ohio, Is Harsh on Bush

Karl Rove Has a Large Ass

mahr talked about david hager on leno's show tonite......

When does everyone think the CIA leak investigation will be over?

What's the point?

If impeachment proceedings did start against Bush...

While the Ds are focused on the brush fire in the Senate known as

Anyone else upset about this???

Cuellar (TX-D) vs. Goode (VA-R) Does its strike you as odd that these two

Why can't GOP elected officials see that by "threatening" Fitzgerald

Cuella (D-TX) on Cspan singing praises for CAFTA ...

National security and our industrial base in a post-9/11 world.

Roberts "Devout", Not A "John Kerry Catholic"

Anti-war assault: --- from the right? "Roberts had larger 2000 recount role than reported"

US to reduce troops in Iraq next year

We cannot wait for the rich countries

President Bush's blink

Springer had a zinger just now

Conservatives - "True Enemies of America"

Insurgents 'joining Iraqi police'

Iran Vows to Restart Some Nuclear Activities

the GOP and the Bush junta simply cannot afford to lose

Army Probes Guard Unit (for abuse and extortion)

Iraq bombers one step ahead of US

Iraq PM urges 'speedy' US pullout

Who is Bill Harlow and why did he leave his job ?

Beyond Downing Street Memo Town Hall meeting-Cspan, July 30

Support the Continued-Prosperity Fee!

Atlanta Journal: "Rove did nothing wrong, illegal, or even unethical"

Join the last minute BLITZ against CAFTA!

I'm so pleased

National Quinnipiac poll has Bush approval dropping to 41 percent!

Stephanie Miller show first time listener

New abuse photos- Was ACLU "had"- NYTimes prints correction today

Today's McClellan Press Conference: 1:00pm (Eastern)

bush Admin collectively soiling their pantaloons...Hughes' return is

My LTTE from Yes Weekly

Why does this White House think it can withhold documents

the bushgang's 'paid for' man: Steele

The Democrats' lame position on Iraq ... will they ever change it?

Rumsfeld Makes It To First Base The game is far from over, though.

Gonzales now seeking to bury evidence of the behavior he greenlighted.

Did Bush Know or Was he Oblivious?

Very interesting Rovegate information regarding Robert Novak.

Sorry if this was already posted but Lance Armstrong rocks!

Leahy talking on Robrts nom now C-Span2 (nt)

New Quinnipiac University National Poll Results

Montgomery County (MD) Downing Street Memo Meet-up

Andrew Stern

"I don't think the DLC is a serious force outside of DC"

Little Scotty McMeltdown Lies 'n' GOP Talking Points Session is on NOW

is anyone else as repulsed by these constitution-in-exile folks?

for discussion: isn't the talk of "bridge-building" and truces moot?

Turd blossom?

Scotty McMuffins it on?

Welcome, right wing Dems

Conservative Media (Surprise, Surprise) Trying To Discredit Plame

the "war on terrorism" is over!

How do you like this avatar?

Doomsday Approaches - The End of the Housing Bubble

john roberts-stepford man?

bushgang's new Iraqi talking point - suicide bombers not religious

"Court Nominee Lets Rove Hide in Back Pages"

TX repukes go after Granny/Grandpa's personal hygiene stipend

Rove's guilty, but is he guilty?

"Breaking Big Labor in Order to Fix It"

How do we know "Turd Blossom" is Rove's nickname? What is its meaning?

Family Research Council "chilled" by Durbin's "Unconstitutional" leanings

The Hillary Blitz is on

Rumsfeld in Denial

Bedroom Secret Revealed: Donald Rumsfeld Sleeps With GI Joe Doll

"Activists See CAFTA as Gift to Big Pharma"

The U.S. was attacked and occupied by PowerNation X, who would you join?

Homeland Security Sec. goes to #8 in line to presidency

"Sausage McMuffin" continues to stonewall press...

OK, so what was wrong with what Hillary said?


Are Democrats going to poison the gun bill again?

Pincus: "Prosecutor in CIA Leak Casting a Much Wider Net"

2008 Democratic Presidential Prospects...

Senator Boxer: Health Care Needs Should Be Addressed

Tonight Show: Bill Maher comments on Rove leak, Roberts and more - (VIDEO)

How is that Cincinatti Iraq vet congress campaign going?

Joe Conason: Republicans Ready to Slime Fitzgerald

Just received my copy of Harper's in the mail...

Jessica Simpson Upset About Missing Iraq Footage

Tin foil hat disc. - Just watched JFK, what hope do we have?

All Hat No Cattle Photo of the Year...

Q: Why does Free Republic want to be called Fwee Wepubwik?

Bwahahahaha...Trudeau keeps on keeping on (Doonesbury)

McCain Revives Straight Talk America PAC

Paul Hackett Oh-2 has raised over $228,806!!!!!

Nationwide, Democrats for Life did not endorse Kerry last year.

Today's McClellan transcript: "Has Karl Rove offered to resign?"

Said to me: All you Democrats want to do is complain, complain, complain

Leahy: No Vote for Activist Nominee

American Daily: "If Karl Rove were a Democrat, he'd be forgiven"

If Bush Calls Rove "Turd Blossom"

Anyone know the result of the gun bill today?

Swift Boating of Hackett Into High Gear...

Jebbie has been gov for over 6 yrs --Foster Families Need Higher Stipend

Who is the base of the Democratic Party

say we win back the presidency in 2008 on a DLC platform.

VA GOP wants insurance to pay for their illegal wiretappings!!!

Rick Sant-WHORE-um just called Hillary a "Big Government Socialist"

Easy petition to sign to stop CAFTA (new drive)

Boxer & other Dems to Condi Rice: Was Bolton was questioned in Plame leak?

The GOP is Certain to Win in 2006 — Unless ...

Waxman: $1.5 Billion Giveaway to Oil Industry, Halliburton in Energy Bill

cnn Inside Politics: Biden wants to know if Bolton went b4 Grand Jury

Ohio Dems--How does the Hacket Special election look?

Could Mark Warner run for governor again in four years?

Me: If Karl Rove Were A Democrat, He'd Be Shot

Democrats Offer Lines of Attack for '08 Race

has anyone ever studied the effects of welfare reform in 96?

Benson Cartoon: Benedict Arnold Rove.

Would the Bush twins be worth 40 goats and 20 cows?

In her own words: Hillary Clinton on withdrawal from Iraq

CAFTA Debate -- Open Thread

In 2006, Democrats have to defend 17 Senate seats,

Condoleezza Rice at the Center of the Plame Scandal

Advisor to opponent questions Hackett's service in Iraq...

Memo to DLC

Call 1-877-SOBUSOB NOW

DeLay gives more than 1 billion to "friends" (from THinkProgress)

"Liberals hide their views until they get power " Ridiculous freeper rant

Hillary's "2005 Critical National Issues Survey"

Bush's weak dollar policy & China valuation of its currency-DU economists

A list of quotes by Republicans during the Kosovo campaign.

Everyone please vote on this poll....

More Doonesbury (Wednesday)

CNN Poll: "Should Newspaper Editors Have Pulled Doonesbury . . .

Who/what is MOST responsible for our recent electoral losses?

More on the DLC at Sirotablog

Globetrotters vs. Generals time again.

my lastest email from a disgruntled conservative....

The DLC and the "Liberals" should declare a truce...

Dean: How Far Will They Go? CIA Told Novak That Rove's Story Was Wrong

More on Robert's record from WaPo...

General Wesley Clark endorses Paul Hackett OH-2

GOP To Craft "Ollie North shield" for Rove?

Eloquent statement by Judge Coughenou at sentencing of Ressam

Brandi Swindell is coming ALL THE WAY FROM IDAHO for this!

Forget oil, the oil is gone

Did FOX fire General Clark ??


enough of the DLC rightousness.. Howard Dean speaks for me

santorum changes mind

An honest question about Hilary and The 08 nod

Santorum on Hardball - Some thoughts

Question about these DLC members

Is the New FX (Fox) "Iraq War" T.V. show Good or Bad?

"The Progressive Legislative Action Network"

VA GOP is tailspin! Gov. Warner favored over Sen. Allen in '06

"Why would Judge John G. Roberts lie...."

'The GOP is certain to win in 2006 — unless

Unfortunately, David Horowitz may win on this one

DLC - "morally bankrupt, and politically disastrous"

I think Cafta is a good thing

Corporate Consolidation -- One reason to oppose Democratic Centrism

We told you so...The campaign against BIRTH CONTROL begins

Interesting Dialogue with a Freeper

Arianna Nails it about Hillary .........and gives hope to us "Lefties!"

Ajai Raj and Leonard Clark - two heroes - any updates?

DLC and the Patriot Act

This is angry. I am yelling. But I am a white, male truckdriver.......

Pick one:

Mark Crispin Miller: None dare call it stolen

New Home Prices DECLINE for 2nd Straight Month