War on Terror - The Killer Bee Policy
Dangerous race in space( an excellent read on misle defence, etc)
The specter of two 'isms' (nationalism and materialism)
Democrats Can Succeed Without the Filibuster
Ellen Goodman on Iraq today, still.
London Attacks Bring Out the Worst in Fox News
Wolcott on Brit Hume's Stock Market Musings
"Impeachment Fever and Media Politics " -Coastal Post
Blumenthal on PBS, Thomlinson, and liberal bias
Jon Stewart - "I'm not going to be your monkey . . . "
UK "exemptions" for disposal of radioactive gas that kills thousands.
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Saturday 7/9/05
Can someone explain the whole Bev Harris story in light of today's events
Calif. AG Sues Governor Over Redistricting---good news
Wireless card working, detects network,
Texas Homebuilding Newsletter. Your Home Matters. July 2005
Fighting terrorism is based on "infiltration."
1752 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Approve the Bush Agenda... or the Terrorists Win!
Mystery of Karl Rove/Matt Cooper Connection Deepens
Arianna Huffington: Rove-Plame: The Word from Aspen
Has anyone discussed the BNP as a possible culprit in the London bombings?
the flaw in "spending money on homeland security is useless"
Does anybody know if Laurence O'Donnell
Looks like DU made a couple of blogs today....
Counterpoint: Forget Confidentiality, Out Rove
George, why won't you support the troops?
Indiana cookie company pulls ads:"Can't promote people CHOOSING to be gay"
Has anybody considered returning the Bush Cheney lawn signs they borrowed?
How will London/Americans react to bombings?
My E-mail to AAR regarding Sirius
So Convenient. So Coincidental---again
Anyone hear what Sirius is going to put on in place of AAR
How much border, subway, airline security would $300 billion (Iraq) buy?
Righteous Indignation and Unbounded Rage. You gotta love it.
Is Mike Malloy a rerun tonight??
Denise Levertov on the Vietnam war.
Bush Gives Global AIDS Fighters Ultimatum
Nature is giving us "Shock and Awe" rather
Gretta Van Foxstrungout used to be cool
Alan Colmes Rides a Girls Bicycle?
Thank you! Thank you Mods and Admin...
Five hurt when ride malfunctions at fair
Where are the torture photos from Abu Ghraib? I thought they were
No More repuke Ideas and Tactics!!!!!!
Bush & Blair like wifebeater & wife
David Sirota Has This Right On The Money
Why has it taken almost two years for Plame case to move this far?
"There's a lot of glass tables in the Bush Administration"
Bush Propagandist Faces Loyalty Test
Caption this photo of w and his hot sheik!
So, Did Racist, Wingnut, A-Hole RENHQUIST Retire or Not?
I need a critique of an article that I wrote.
There's a reporter 'shield law' in committee somewhere .......
Positive thoughts for our friends in Destin and Pensacola
"Leading" poll of the day @ CNN. Q: Best way to fight terrorism ?
Waivers and Grand Jury Testimony
Advising terrorists on how to get it right next time-
Colleen Rowley on Lou Dobbs in 5. Gonna be good.
I just had a little fight with a couple of morans
Was Rove a White House Source or Just Another Player?
NY Times; London bombs "crude" ? homegrown extremists
Bush, Gannon, Plame - any connection?
Has Cheney made any comment about the London attack?
Chimpy's thought-bubble: What's he thinking in this photo?
Anybody watching Al Franken on the Sundance Channel?
Hurricane Radar Site from NOAA, views of Florida being threatened
We know that the RW is integrated with web forums.
William Pitt, cynatnite, and everybody else who's angry, listen to me!
Special Frontline program .."July 7,2005"..coming on now 9:30 PST PBS
anyone go to a moveon.org party?
Oliver Stone is going to be directing a film about the WTC
And we are called the "angry left?"
Bush has every right to name a conservative Justice
What should I tell my friend, re: Bev Harris/BBV?
"I just got off the phone with Gore Vidal."--Andy Stephenson (5/23/05)
Ya know those crazy guys who stand on street corners and rant?
Does this look like a man in good health?
Tonight, I'm choosing to believe certain freepers...
LAT: Was Rove a White House Source or Just Another Player?
Sign up or Shut Up. The one truth that RWers apparently have no answer
What was the name of the reporter/editor who "fell" out of a building?
So, Mr Bremer, where did that $8.8 billion go?
Dick Cheney has surfaced, but is still a bottom feeder.....
Let's Just Call The Rightwing On Their Bullshit
Olberman: Brit Hume is world Worst Human today
LARGE Karl Rove 'Wanted Poster' (8 1/2 x 11) to save and print:
A friend wondered whether the freepers and other Andy-haters
Some Regrets - A Sad Day For Du Members
The REAL Unemployment Rate Survey Thread: How Do You Fare?
Tim Robbins' Embedded. An amazing play, on DVD. See it.
Sickness Knows No Political Party
Billy Graham's daughter arrested, charged with choking husband at K-Mart
A reviling thought..... what if those videos of the training camps in
Screw Scamdy, screw the FReepers. Put your grief and rage to work.
If war is worthy, leaders should send loved ones
Trends in Abortion-Rights Support are Striking Because "They Don't Exist"
Judith Miller: "Can't talk. Government is too powerful."
Threat of terrorism is at bottom of my list of things to be afraid of
Has anybody else noticed the change in London coverage today?
Is there a reason why we would believe another countries Foreign Minister
Anybody who supports Bush is the ENEMY.
Saying the terrorists "Hate our Freedoms" Isn't Entirely False
Judith Miller HAS named sources in the past
All his kids have degrees, none can get a job, all unemployed over a year
An important service needs your help! /sarcasm
Stupid question regarding Scamdy
Who is planning to go the Andy's memorial service
The real problem isn't the Bush regime, but the American people themselves
world distracted: U.S. Trips Up Climate Agreement
U.S. Says Iraq Militants Dealt Sharp Blow
Senate likely to restore cuts to rail security funds
Washington Post columnist Judy Mann dies
Five hurt when ride malfunctions at fair
Hurricane Dennis kills 10 in Cuba (BBC News)
Allawi calls for roadmap to resolve Iraq crisis
Congress Likely to Restore Transit Funds
Deputies union disputes report
Probing al-Qaida (al-Libbi connection to 7/7)
WP: Business Pushes Its Own Brand Of Justice
WP: Winfrey, Rusesabagina Given Freedom Awards(by Natl. Civil Rts. Museum)
Post-Sept. 11, terrorists increasingly take aim at `soft targets'
Civil Rights Groups Urge Justice Department to Block GA Photo ID Law(ACLU)
Calif. AG Sues Governor Over Redistricting---good news
Billy Graham's daughter arrested
NYT: Newspaper Withholding Two Articles After Jailing (Ohio scandal)
Changes Ahead for NJ Voters (Voter Verified Paper Trail, more)
Cuba blames U.S. for no Olympic baseball
Fighters set ablaze Iraqi oil refinery
Amid rumblings of draft, peace churches beginning to plan
NYT: Leading Cardinal Redefines Church's View on Evolution
Brazil seals deal, won't break AIDS drug patent
So, how long until bin Laden shows his mug?
At least Microsoft listened to my inquiry about a virus.
My favorite name for a newspaper....
Local ABC news van in front of Home Depot - I put a giant DSM sign on the
To those who were curious, these are the latest pics of Sade.
Where did Cuba go? (great satellite image)
You've given me a true love, and everyday I thank you love ....
will XM ever carry the Full AAR Lineup?
We're having a huge neighborhood yard sale tomorrow! (My first.)
Things Stessed WOMEN say at work
Saw a string quartet playing at the subway station this evening.
Any idea why Amtrak refuses small pets in carriers?????
Encouraging reactions to the London bombings...
OMG! Check out this gif I just found! DU NEEDS this gif!!!!
Feel like being scared? "The Exorcist" is on Cinemax right now
What the medheads don't know, and the pharmcos don't want you to
Aren't there pictures somewhere of DUers?
A Truth no one wants to know....
I'm standing in the corner again. Let me know when I can come out.
YIPPEE! I have a flaming thread too!
White on white translucent black capes
I heard you on the wireless back in Fifty Two
Kofi: "psst...see you in the Hague Georgie"
Ok now I have this stuck in my head. WHY did I have to read this lyric.
Did any of your schools actually have dunce caps?
Holy Hell! David Lee Roth got OLD!!!
DU guys: Do you remember the old "Land-O-Lakes" Indian girl trick?
DU Downtime Emergency Procedure.
Now I'm never going to convince husband to move to a big city.
I just finished watching the season premiere of "Monk".
Today is my dad's death anniversary
Flight 77 hit the trade center on 911, London bombing occurred 7/7.
Red tide delivers spectacular light show along coast at night
If I can see my house from space on Earth.Google.com, how
Ya know, unlike natural disasters like tornadoes & earthquakes,
I'M Gonna hit 1000 post by Sunday...
And Now, the exciting conclusion of the Nutty Lab Assistant (SCTV)
When will feather earrings make a comeback?
what is your favorite obnoxious song?
Ladies and Gentlemen, wear sunscreen
Look I got Tweety into a movie !!
What is your favorite Christmas carol?
Holy shit - Andy died on my 18th anniversary of my last cancer treatment
I like Christina Ricci, but have not seen the movie "Cursed"
For your enjoyment, a photo I took I call "Screw this."
I cursed Christina Ricci, but have not seen the movie "Liked"
Shopping carts vs. handbaskets?
Blue eyes cryin in the rain Warning..Lyrics
An important service needs your help! /sarcasm
I just watched a scary movie and now you are stuck with me for an hour....
A friend of mine has some DVDs I need to get back...
I've been stuck babysitting for going on 14 hours!
Topless stream of consciousness posting. Let it out in this thread.
Please tell me what my image is here on DU!
Jim Cramer is gonna die on camera some day.
No one asked me what I think my image is! *sob*
Which is creepier; Clowns or Fundementalists?
Do not respond unless you have seen "Cursed," with Christina Ricci.
What is a "Scientologist chaperone?"
okay, my sixteen year old just came home tipsy
Help: What is Sprinfield IL like?
My daughter is the coolest person I know
Pictures from Luther Vandross' funeral.
Are there any cancer survivors here on DU?
Old poster of Farah Fawcett in red bathing suit: Anything more adorable?
I've taken it upon myself to download every James Bond movie theme!
Topicless stream of consciousness posting. Let it out in this thread.
Anyone up for a picture thread?
What to do about unrequited love?
Bizarreo.......450 Sheep Jump to Their Deaths in Turkey
You know what I miss? Those DU Daily threads.
Medical Malpractice Insurance rates skyrocket - Now we know why...
(woo hoo!) Acupuncture Offers Short-term Osteoarthritis Relief -Study
Wesley Clark's ex-aide to run for Congress
Print or email this. It's for your Young Mepublican-type acquaintances
Anyone know any background on Patrick Fitzgerald?
President Bush Supports Alternative Fuels Research (humor)
O.K., bu$h Has Just Taken Truth Syrum, But It Only Lasts 5 Minutes
Bad faith between Afghanistan, US, and Pakistan impeding terror fight
Gov. Mark Warner takes aim at Bush
Repukes hypocrites on democracy
Maybe We Should Tone Down the Abortion Rhetoric
VelvetRevolution and Divestiture
Eleanor Clift on The McLaughlin Group:
100 people paid "between $500 and $2,500 apiece to meet with Rove" today
Anything new on the Delay-Abramhoff love fest??
so, have the GOP issued the new talking points on London?
What would you say to Rush Limbaugh?
Tim Robbins' Embedded. Wow. Just excellent.
I cannot wait until the repub candidates begin tearing at each other.
Judith Miller's prison addie and inmate number
How Enthusiastic would you be if Hillary is the '08 Nominee?
Is an explosion in Baghdad materially different than one in London?
Why was Wilson chosen to investigate the Niger Yellowcake story?
I really hope Britons will not succum to pro-war hysteria.
E.J. Dionne - Let's Have This Fight
WP: Online Data Gets Personal: Cell Phone Records for Sale
Newsday: Judge: No Gov't Money for Boy Scout Trip
Asia Times: Fighting the wrong war
Reuters: Needed: idiot's guide to sex
AlterNet: Terrorism, "the War on Terror" and the Message of Carnage
BuzzFlash: Ambassador Joe Wilson -- Still Fighting the Bush Administratio
AlterNet: Who's Watching the Watch List?
MyDD: Why Right Wing Blogs Don't Allow Comments
Mayor Rides Metro To Work (DC)
Orange County Register: Why not a libertarian?
Terrorism, "The War on Terror" and the Message of Carnage
2 interesting letters to the editor re Judith Miller
AlterNet: Oh Baby, It's Drafty Out There
Rhetoric vs. Reality in London
London bombers may have been educated British Asians indoctrinated in Paki
Wayne Madsen on RING OF FIRE(AAR) right now. Article on Robin Cook revela
Asia Times: The smash of civilizations
Robert Fisk: The reality of this barbaric bombing
BuzzFlash interview with the founder of Independent World Television(IWT)
This terror will continue until we take Arab grievances seriously
'advice for poets and Americans'
New York Times reporter a victim of her own shoddy journalism
Weekly Standard: The Mother of All Connections (Saddam / al Qaeda)
The Progressive Income Tax: Theoretical Foundations
Back To The Funnies: Mallard Fillmore vs Jon Stewart
Hellfire and sexual coercion: the dark side of American polygamist sects
Bush Knew About Leak of CIA Operative's Name
Silicon Valley (Santa Clara County) CA SCC Dem Club Events
Cape Codders for Peace and Justice event - 7/28/05
DSM - 7/23/2005 Town Hall Meetings and Links
LA DUers: Summer of Protest rally TODAY!
Ohio Newspaper Sitting On Stories! Contact them & tell them to publish!
Iran joins Iraq. 100 Members of Iraqi parliament demand US Out of Iraq NOW
Not sure how this will be organized
Fox blowhard advocates blowing up Paris. Inform their advertisers!
How would y'all go about helping Dems adopt...
Seek transcript 7-7 Nightline: Clarke, "Anon" & "Clever, not angry"?
Call for Indy Media! Emergency TRUTH Event, July 22-24
G8 - Some Optimism On Africa, Gloom Over Climate - Guardian
97% Of Portugal In Extreme Or Severe Drought - Reuters
Global Sea Levels Up More Than An Inch In Ten Years - KRT
China's Coal-Heavy Energy Demand Clouds Global Environmental Future
Bush Urges Less Global Oil Use - No, I Am Not Making Up This Headline
Oh Goody! Wolfowitz Will Urge World Bank Assistance On Global Warming
China's Power Grid At Capacity As Heatwave Roars On - Reuters
You freakin' terrorist hippies....
Elmer Fung guilty of raping Filipina
Chen calls jailing of 'Times' reporter Miller `regrettable'
Fake priests in demand in Japan
Interesting links about London bombing
Terror Drills in London on 7/7
9/11 film by Oliver Stone, starring Nicolas Cage is in the works
MIHOP theorists: How are suicide bombers accounted for?
Andy Stephenson - "I've left a legacy."
Santa Clara County Democratic Club - UpComing Events - July August
LA DUers: Summer of Protest rally TODAY!
Congressman Mum After FBI Searches Home
Cape Codders for Peace and Justice event - 7/28/05
The Falmouth Faithful Peace Mongerers- (photos) 7/8/05
Boston Court Hears Oral Argumts re Military 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Budget deal reached; state employees will return to work
Bachmann raking in extremists' cash
Al Gore here 7/12 (evening) to speak on global climate change
I bought 4 iMac G3s for $220 today
Andy Stephenson Texas Appreciation Thread
Wow, John Stauber is a home-town guy!
HUGE FW blog planning stages for Downing Street Memo keep kicked!
American right wingers are more like the terrorists than we are.
Another urging of my fellow DUers to boycott cable news completely.
Rove story above terror attacks in Google news.
Is this the greatest band in history or what?
"The Rude Pundit" comparing bu$h to Blair after their nation were attacked
Robbing the Cradle of Civilization
was trollin rush limpballs and he kept referring to Hillary
I just had a horrible thought about election 2008
"Hurricane Dennis Expected To His U.S Weekend"
Unafraid. Internet answers terror.
Economy getting better - yeah right.....
Operation Spear, Dagger and Sword...what comes next?
So if you get on the bus without having a christian group prayer,
$$ Gasoline Surcharge… a personal story.
More Republican Family Values!
The objectives of terrorism, and how this administration has it wrong
"panic in its northern, southern, eastern, and western quarters"
Juan Cole: America's solitary confinement in Iraq
Blog Of David Sirota Has It Right:
What 1950's TV show had the line "Dedicated to you, the leaders
Feds blacklist 'illegal' Cuban Web sites
8 leaked British documents provide further evidence of aggression & crime
Do You Think This Freep Is Violating The Stalking Laws Of His State?
Oliver Stone to make 9/11 movie with Nicolas Cage
You guys think the Republican grip on federal power will end when Bush
Can you believe that the Koran & the Bible still have so much power?
World Stupidy awards the votes are being freeped
blair is just as complicit in war crimes as bush is, forget tony blair
Osama parade float sparks debate.
Bush as Jesus: Harper's Magazine
Could someone tell me the story of Andy!
The solidarity of victims of violence.
Brent Bozell smears Nina Totenberg of NPR
MIHOP theorists: How are suicide bombers accounted for?
Tallahassee radar pic of Dennis
Latest radar from Key West of Dennis
Spielberg risking Israeli anger over Munich tragedy
How many recruits are presently involved with Al Qaeda ?
VA at capacity.... just lay them over there next to the copier.......
Bush/Gillespie ignore conflict of interest to push court nominee agenda
Wealth and Inequality charts I found - and these end in the 90's
This is an amazing story, I think.
"Resolve" is the new buzzword?
The Queen's speech about the London Bombings.
Mallard Fillmore baiting Jon Stewart....
Goddamn mayo clinic turned us over for collection==This economy sucks
A tickler to anyone who thinks I was grandstanding
Malpractice insurance rates skyrocket - now we know why
Young Republicans Fight The War On Terror! ® ™
U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Lobbies Bush On High Court Seat !!!
Correct me if I am wrong, but was the US an Islamic target BEFORE
I don't know how to answer this.
Fox News slammed over 'callous' line
"She's starting to blow boys, and she's blowing hard"
HELP! Link to Peance-freance audio or video, PLEASE...
CIA Leak Isn't A Test Case For Journalistic Ethics - It's A Test Case...
How does your garden grow?? If it needs trimming.... we can
can you rank order terrorist attacks? . . . if so, which is worse . . .
This country could be so much more
John Conyers: Help me get to the Bottom of the DSM
Paging Will Pitt (and anyone else interested) Re: Andy
Who cares for the French? What did they ever do for us??
Washington Press Corps Afraid To Ask Questions About Rove
Why weren't the London terrorists suicide bombers
Did I just hear an ad on AA for a HUMMER???
Latest Tallahassee radar of Dennis
Charles Taylor... a history lesson.....
Issuing a fatwa on a dead man?
A small Mother's Day rally was spyed on?
"Three Islamist groups have apparently now claimed responsibility for the"
Americans deserve the unspun truth about Iraq
Petition Drive in Baghdad Calling for the END of American Presence in Iraq
I heard that Canada signed agreement to return draft doggers..so what is
Latest Mobile, Alabama radar pic of Dennis
Michael Moore is at it again...
Start a chant! Everybody loves a droning, repetetive chant.!
Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism
Nearly 1,500 Republicans... I mean Sheep, Jump Off Cliff in Turkey
Next time I vote, the War & it's supporters will be my SINGLE issue.
Most excellent LTTE I found on one of my surfs (from Idaho)
We need 81 more people to sign up for Activist Corps
The Falmouth Faithful Peace Mongerers- (photos) 7/8/05
Anybody seen this anti-abortion ad on TV?
great blog surfing site for liberals
The Big Dog is opposed to Iraq withdrawal deadline
A society grows great when old men plant trees,
Any media people connected the blasts in London to the occupation yet?
Bill Clinton and the art of the possible.
From kos: How do you feel about your job? (poll)
latest radar loop pic out of tampa for Dennis
I switched my car insurance today
Bumper sticker group purchase????
I found it very significant that Moody's has downgraded GM further
Post your best post that you feel should have gotten more attention here
Attention Being Diverted Away From Pakistan for the London Bombings Thread
Iraq signs military pact with Iran
Andy's story would have national appeal. I suggest people write the media
Is anyone getting any news today
The "Vince Vaughn"ing of America
o'really losing viewers in the 25-54 group.
A reminder of what we are up against...
Need help with: What if RFK or JFK Lived?
Critical information that can tear the Far Right to pieces
This saying helps put things in perspective for me...
Either Lead, Follow, or get the Fuck out of the way...
War crimes: can a victim become a perp? Or does being a victim absolve?
Interesting links about London bombing
1m people in Florida and in Alabama are being evacuated.
Police shot bombers' reports New Zealander
What DID Jeb do with all that FEMA money?
Andy's murder should be the final blow against them
Look at this site. Couldn't the same be used for GWB?
Calling all DU old farts, I am dissappointed. Usually my posts
Is there a MORE disgusting little man than
Ring of Fire on AAR will be discussing Rove case coming up on the hour
Young Republican meeting target of military question
If you have good ideas/articles, start your own blog. It's easy!
Fox News slammed over 'callous' line
Birmingham, UK city centre being evacuated: security threat
Coast Guard unable to guard much if this keeps up..... and to think
London police issue 'stunning revision': blasts were timed to the second
Freepers Defend Arson At Church That Supports Gays
US likely to restore transit security cuts
"The Guy James Show" coming up at 6pm
Charles and Camilla visited the London wounded as per snipet on t.v.
If WAPOST ran a story that was very damaging to the Bush Administration
If only Americans could see Bush thru the cameras of foreign countries.
They will spin it, so that Rove, in fact no one will be indicted.
What do you think about people who don't vote?
Evangelicals Building a Base in Iraq
Halliburton is corrupted? Got this from AAR
Why didn't the cameras ALL OVER London catch anything??
does anyone have a link to audio of Bush saying "I yield"?
Please edumacate me! Are the terms Mennonite and Amish
Hurricane DENNIS Strike Probabilities
Please, can we let Andy rest awhile, without squabbling in his name?
another visible satellite image of Dennis
latest satellite photo of Dennis
Attorney General Files Lawsuit Over Redistricting Initiative
Congratulate me! I'm a winnah!
Is there a wrongful death or defamation suit action pending
Journalism Professor Uses Outfoxed & oreilly-sucks.com
With Bush being unwilling to change over global warming and thus the U.S.
WWIII and its players.... you and me in the land of the free, vying for
MTV & VH1 Airing 10 Hrs. Live 8 - Uninterrupted NOW
GREAT photo of Dennis the Terrible
Hurricane futures - make money off hurricanes!
Newspaper Withholding Two Articles After Jailing
Latest graphic of projected path of Dennis
Interesting article I was reading about...
We're going to do a segment about Andy on "The Guy James Show" tonight
When does Bush pardon Miller? ...Rove?
Is Air America off of Sirius now??
They don't call 'em Sheeple for nothin' - 450 Sheep Jump to Their Deaths
Operation Rescue threatens Bush "legacy" over Supreme Court pick
Are You Sure You Guys Can Report The News? ...Why Coitenly!
PBS Newshour: Mark Shields expects Rove to be indicted - (VIDEO)
Bill Clinton & Ted Turner coming up on c-span, 8pm et
For those of us, who are angry and struggling with a response to hate
Re: London: I'm not trying to be an ass, but....
was there an anti-terrorism exercise going on in London at the time of the
Rush/Karl - If only one were to receive life in prison, which one do you
"America haters, family haters, Christian haters... "
SILENCE!! The 'president' is speaking !!
Are there any interesting elections in 2005?
Understand what "agent of influence" means, and how DU fights back.
question about christianity and kosher laws
Will Pitt and others: Will somebody please post the Obit and oreder
U.S. terror attack--"Ninety days at most"
the corporate flexing of muscle over employees
CNN just told me inflation ain't gonna happen.....
"Minutemen" (their wives call 'em that) to Patrol Streets of HOUSTON!
I just got a call from "the Republican State Leadership"
The right is undoubtedly giddy
Finally saw "The O'Rielly factor"
Big Brother in Britain, 4.2 million cameras!
I Just Wanted To Thank All Of You That Stood By Andy During His Fight!
Facts for freepers... deal with it.
Bush never linked Saddam and Iraq to 9/11, you lyin' liberals!
Talk until your face is blue or bloody.
Pissing chimp off w/ cell phones
Shocked! Actual Sincere Apology To Andy From A Freeper!
great antirepublican song NoFx You're Wrong
In your heart of hearts, who do you really think is in charge?
The war in Iraq, in about a minute
anybody else notice novak on cnn walking around like
In a nutshell; what is Scientology?
Boil down democrat and/or left message to 4-6 talking points
Does Bush's mouthing off about the "flypaper strategy" endanger us?
NOW with Brancaccio is so dumbed down it hurts my brain
RNA weekend radio broadcast with musical tribute to Andy is posted.
Newspaper Withholding Two Articles after Jailing
What if a Democrat had Bush's four-year record?
The difference between Left and Right
"You wanted revenge; we want justice."
This is the reason the right wing attacked Andy
My intolerant republican uncle ripped off my bumper sticker
Why is the National Hurricane Center (NOAA) so conservative in...
Dennis: Upgraded to Cat. 3, mandatory evacuations in Gulfport MS, Cat. 4?
Can somebody on DU enlighten me on the basic belief systems of Islam?
"Ohio Paper Holding 2 Investigative Stories"
Iraq Signs Military Pact with Iran - 100 Iraqi parliament want US OUT NOW.
I have been misunderstood and hated because of being a Christian
Message From Dali Lama On Rage
I talked to my brother who is a Major in the Army today.
Leading Cardinal Redefines Church's View on Evolution - NY Times
XM Deal of the year for AAR. Roady2, New Retail Package, $20, No Rebate
A big THANKYOU from Britain (joint statement from UKDUers)
The mainstream media in this country are dominated by liberals.
Between Heaven and Hell: For Andy
"I have heard the cries of children in the exploding houses of Falluja."
An honest question to African American DUers....
The Andy Stephenson Memorial Service Thread - Info
How many here could afford to live if all prices doubled?
We get only the finest comments.
Have you all heard of Striker Million?
I'd just like to mention something
Anybody in or around Brum? Do you have any news about the alert?
I read that Clarke admitted that ID cards wouldn't have prevented
Venezuelan Judge Accused of Persecution
LAT: Was Rove a White House Source or Just Another Player?
Japanese companies reveal asbestos cases
Calif. Suspends Medical Pot Card Program
Police shot bombers' reports New Zealander
'Morning-after' pill doesn't increase unsafe sex
NYT: Boom in Jobs, Not Just Houses, as Real Estate Drives Economy
U.S. Launches Operation Scimitar in Iraq
USA unwilling to pay for the use of the Uzbek airbase
HoustonCronicle: Embattled leader quits Texas Lottery
Iraq urges Egypt to come clean on rebel contacts (AFP)
Blair: Poverty, Extremism Cause Terrorism
NYT/Reuters: N. Korea Agrees to Return to Nuclear Talks in July
(MN) Budget deal reached; state employees will return to work
WP: National Zoo's Panda Gives Birth: Mei Xiang, Cub Closely Monitored
L.A. councilman asks peers to endorse gay marriage bill
Bishops seen reluctant to demand Arroyo quit
Planning For Detainees Faulted (reusing needles in Iraq)
Hurricane Dennis Leaves Cuba Leaving 32 Dead - (Reuters)
Roadside bomb targets Iraqi army in Fallujah
Ex-rebel sworn in as Sudan vice president
Schröder adviser resigns from VW in sex scandal
Churches, Houses Torched in Tennessee Town
Italy arrests 142 in anti-terror sweep
Lost children arrive home after years as camel jockey slaves
UK policy invited attacks - Iran
Newspaper Withholding Two Articles After Jailing
Israel protects genocide suspect
Pak interrogating suspect for links with London carnage
Police in Birmingham evacuate the city centre after receiving intelligence
Cairo mourns murdered diplomat
The effects of plamegate hit coingate and what went wrong in
Report: Britain launches manhunt for Moroccan national in bomb probe
London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Att
WP: Stem Cell Legislation Is at Risk (because of possible new techniques)
UKDissident denies link to website that carried al-Qda claim(HasTies2Bush)
NYT: New (Finsbury Park mosque) Imam Calls for Help in Catching Bombers
NYT: Ed. Secy. Spellings Suggests Expansion of Testing (NCLB)
N. Korea OKs Talks As Rice Lands in China
Firm Tied to Convict Aided Rep. Cunningham
Coup feared as embattled leader clings to power
Evidence Mounts Of Coordinated Attack In London (allied with al-Zarqawi ?)
In Omaha, Rove touts Social Security plan
NYT/IHT: Italians Fear They'll Face Next Attack by Terrorists
Taliban says it killed 'captured' U.S. commando
Michael Moore Film Fest Draws Competition
Secular Shi'ites press for autonomy in south Iraq
London Blasts Like Past al-Qaida Strikes (Timeline changed)
Senator expects Bolton action (Voinovich prediction)
Reid: Pick Nominee in Earl Warren Mold (Dem radio address)
Militant group threatens Shiite families with decapitation
(Treasury Sec) Snow Lauds Canada's Oil Sands Projects
Central London restaurant on fire (Hard Rock Cafe)
We did it: Al-Qaeda (new claim by "Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades")
King Abdullah says Arab frustration fuels extremism
Four Named Storms in July Set Record (since record keeping began)
London Times: Happy in Hijab or High Heels, Very British Muslim Is Missing
'Dirty War' protesters' remains found
Judge Tosses Out England Abuse Statements
Bush: London attacks show need to stay on offense (Not The Onion)
Mitterrand ordered Greenpeace ship sabotaged - paper
Scientology case takes its toll
BBC: Police evacuate Birmingham centre because of threat
AP Survey: Experts see new kind of war
Electrolux opens its new plant in Mexico (2,700 US jobs lost)
Minutemen headed here warned they, too, will be watched
Navy: Guantanamo (commanding) officer relieved of duty
Jones Plans 'Big Show' at Clinton Library( lol this is funny, all say poor
(Bill) Clinton opposed to Iraq withdrawal deadline
Report: U.S., Britain plan to withdraw troops from Iraq within 9 months
Mosque in Bloomington, Ind., Targeted by Arsonist; FBI Investigating as Po
Fire, Anti-Gay Graffiti at UCC Church After Same-Sex Marriage Resolution
Fox News slammed over 'callous' line
AP: Universal Health Care Push Being Revived
Rudy Giuliani: Random happenstance or....
Don't ever call me "ill" or "sick".
hey ... wanna see a picture of a topless DUer ~
Why don't alot of you post in GD? Just curious. /nt
Tim Burton fans, some shorts for you
Come here to be serenaded in the moonlight.
So, bad movie lovers: Just how bad is "The Unnameable II"?
Did Castro really electrocute himself?
If Bush started a nuclear war, would he still call it "nukular"?
What photo gripped you the most from London
As I awoke this evening with the smell of wood smoke clinging
Has anyone seen the movie "Subhuman"?
Seriously, how do you post a picture.....
Which person has less to offer the world?
amazing photos a friend sent me: albino fawn:
In the year 2030 what do you think will be happening?
I live in a log home and just saw a termite.........
Anyone up for a late-night AIM chat?
I am the white male version of J-Lo.
Is this the greatest band in history or what?
I am the white female version of Lil' John
Did Nikola Tesla really castrate himself,
It's new, it's improved, it's SUPER SCRABBLE!!!
What happens if you ignore the warning to only pop popcorn THIS SIDE UP
The discussion page on Wikipedia for the DU entry is hilarious.
I would like to announce to DU women that I am still available!
Bring your young children close, I have something to say.
I just heard what happened to Andy Stephenson a little while ago
my ex-boss and friend had ANOTHER heart attack tonight.
My image on DU consists of words on a screen.
It takes everything in my being to post something with words that
My image on DU is non-existent.
I am listening to a "terrorist" musician right now
Oh My god, an all nighter, I just noticed it is light out,
Latest conpiracy theory solved: The cause of last year's tsunami!
It's 3:33 AM Half a devil is better than none
All of the same very important topics are being discussed
You know, I'm just gonna say it, this is one FINE lookin' couple
What's the website that tells you political party donations
I'm taking Beta-Sitosterol, ask me anything..... go on, ask me.
What would you rather have? hannidate or
Katie's "Scientologist Chaperone" prompts her to say she "adores" Cruise
Post here ONLY if you have a taste for vengeance
Which actor is more irritating? Tom or Mel?
One more post, and I reach 2500!
I Really Enjoy "The Huffington Post". Give it a Read.
A few pictures for a Saturday...
Woolly jumpers baffle shepherds: lemminglike ovine ID crisis?
"The bike came off underneath me."
does the lounge have too many coffee threads?
When will Chief Justice Rehnquist announce his retirement?
Millions at stake in huge Vegas poker tournament
I wept when I saw this picture.
Time for a "What's your favorite Coffee" thread.
the winds are starting to pick up here as DENNIS makes his way up the Gulf
What's your favorite Coffee thread?
My car was nearly stolen tonight. Be careful if you live in an urban area
For all you who want a movie that will stimulate the mind.
I have offically started nesting...
Rethug quote of the day--this is what makes me crazy!
You'd be surprized to learn that I have...
Note to the Lounge: Will Pitt is NOT
Is there a way to "unrecommend" a string for the Greatest page?
I'm On The Air This Afternoon ... Musical Tribute To The UK
Is corn a vegetable or a grain
Michael Moore Film Fest Draws Competition
Bounce, bounce, I've been trolled!!!
Please, can we just let Andy rest awhile?
Need advice: Anyone here have a significant other move away from you?
Holy Crap! My kitchen looks like someone was shot!
I'm making breakfast, what would you like?
A friend sent me this link to some Jumping Cats.
Guard tower at Gitmo was blown over by winds from Dennis
G8 photo of Bush looking into Chirac's soul...or something
Guess who these people voted for.....
Br. Bronner's Soap - Also removes soap scum and scale...
If you're broke and need money, might I suggest Ebay?
If someone is in love with a hobo....
If someone is in love with a little
The guy who is singing is no freddie Mercury
Where does Mariah Carey buy her clothes? Hookers 'R Us?
Am I the only one who isn't impressed by Rob Thomas
My blog entry was about Andy....
Without my remote.... I would be blind.... from sitting
I just have to ask, does anyone like Topher Grace as an actor?
progmom on the air now - post your (straight-ahead) jazz request here!
Anyone have experience with cheap laminate wood flooring?
We just heard from my stepdaughter; she's back from England
The former presidents get full facials
Sunk in GD, so here: War in Iraq in about a minute:
I see Jeb speak, and I wonder how the hell Dubya is his brother
So does your cat get the munchies, after a good hit of catnip?
Why does Paul McCartney have a small mountain playing drums?
Bagdad Batteries - Alternative Energy
Why do the hurricanes hate America?? I mean... wtf is going on here
Philly: next Saturday, Underground Literary Alliance fest...
Clinton Wars author Sidney Blumenthal answers my nicely written fan e-mail
How many cups of coffee do you need in the morning?
450 Sheep Jump to Their Deaths
"You're So Vain" Who Do You Think The Song Is About?
Creative people: someone needs to make me an icon.
Stone, Cage to Team Up on Film About 9/11
I'd like to compliment the meds
I'd like to compliment the Moops.
I've always liked U2, but not a huge fan
I'm going to blow up the Fox News building
The baby site has an interesting recruiting tactic:
2nd Best Live8 Performance up next: Green Day (on MTV)
I'd like a commissary for the mods
Pink Floyd Fans: THEY ARE ON NOW est
I'd like to condiment the mods
Fuck! I am getting chewed on over this Andy thing....
What are you listening to today?
I'd like to complement the mods
Ok, Am I the only dork still playing "The Political Machine"
Do you have a "Fox News blocker" on your tv at home?
I'd like to compliment the mod squad
Evangelist Billy Graham's Daughter Arrested For Spousal Abuse
I just realized I left a $10 tip for a $6 sandwich.
I'd like to comprehend the pogs
First fuel cell powered car in operation in California..... article from
Green Day on MTV rebroadcast NOW!
If you haven't heard it, here it is! "IDIOT SON OF AN ASSHOLE"
Sympathy for EarlG: How to get Conservative Idiots down to 10 this week?
Do you know the history of psychiatry?
Stone, Cage to Team Up on Film About 9/11
Is it possible to smell the inside of your own nose?
Have you ever seen anyone you know on COPS?
today seems like a good day to watch MADAME SOUZATSKA.
Calling all DU old farts, I am dissappointed. Usually my posts
Guy from Weather Channel who's in Mobile. Jeff Gannon's kinder twin.
Where should I buy a new computer?
Blue is the worst sushi flavor
Y'all who own scanners. Can you answer a question for me.
71 bucks for a plate of FUGU? Are you fucking KIDDING me?
BWAAAHAHHAHAHA - The Weather can make for some great comedy
I love watching the weather commentators when the storm is coming in
I need to dig a pond in my backyard.... yes, this oughta do it.....
Now I see why everyone goes on about fear of GD & GDP
What is your favorite Disney animated movie?
Group Fiction time! Add a passage to the story.
What's the best free chat room that I can attach to my messageboard?
I have been awake for 24 hours.
Who else is working on Saturday
Congratulate me! I'm a winnah!
Marchmellow Cream and Peanut Butter Sandwiches.....
Chicago DUers - Who's coming tomorrow?
Anyone ever hear of Aguardiente?
Anyone with a cat in their lab right now?
Family of faggot fans fly the flag
should I wear my ~ The Revolution Will Not Be Televised ~ tank top today
There's a donkey in my window!
Hey, I found the puppy you left off in the "country" to be free!
Expect to see the Pink Floyd set sometime after 7pm EST again on MTV
Cute animation about the 'freedom of the press'
Anyone else having trouble with the Guy James feed?????
The Who and Pink Floyd coming up - MTV EST
By jove, I believe LBN's being spammed ...
When you hike in the woods,leave only your footprints.
I'm trying to be discreet here...but a question.
Post here ONLY if you have a taste for barbeque
Best DU (or other online) pickup line
NYC DUers - what day does the Village Voice hit the street each week?
I know we talk a lot of smack about Republicans...
I woke up today and I was still drunk
Did MTV make amends by broadcasting commerical free?
What's the best BOREDOMS song ever?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever swallowed?
dems should adopt children from unwed republican mothers...
Gone w/ the Wind is on TNT ...
Dennis WILL BE Cat 4 in six hours, and possible Cat 5 before landfall.
goddamn it - my weber grill is a piece of shit
I found this CD store that I must share with you
Fenris's grandfather passed away last night
What birds do you have in your yard?
Anyone with a cat on their laps right now?
post your summer song lyrics here
Does your cat have a dangerous job?
Does anyone watch Rescue Me on FX?
Blue Moon Ice Cream Milkshakse.
Coffee Poll: I am going to starbucks. What should I order?
Which movie monster would you rather be?
Hey! Hey! Any Hippie liberals in here?
Anyone here ever been a mystery shopper?
As a child, what was the greatest mess you made in your parent's house?
i officially saw the gayest show on tv
Creative people: someone needs to make me an icon that fits me
I'm Home!!!!! *bounce bounce bounce*
What would Al Swearengen call Karl Rove?
Is it possible to grok a typical america-hating freeper fuck?
NYC apartment hunting sucks - any advice?
Skeletal structures of cartoon characters
Where's your favorite local Ice Cream stop?
Everyone, meet Molly. Molly, meet everyone.
What movie can you quote lines from?
Adventures of arguing with Republicans
the friday night loser thread.
About this little GD/Lounge war that seems to be going on.
I'd like to compliment the mods
Who would win in a fight: GD or The Lounge?
Oh my neighbors really made me mad today.. ANIMAL DUMPING
Wow. I just saw "The Fantastic Four". Wow.
What does your favorite coffee cup look like? And why is it your favorite
Please edumacate me! Are the terms Mennonite and Amish
How do cancer-preventing foods work? -- UIC researchers
Postpartum Treatment Key for (preventing) Depression - U of T Study
CSM: How hard is the Tour de France? Ask our spandexed scribe.
Halladay out; Clement in as an All Star
usatoday: Baseball, softball bumped from Olympics
Have you about orangepeel68's cat? He needs an emergency home.
I'm looking for puppy proofing tips.
Guess what my SO gave me! No, really, guess.
Yesterday I had an intuition about the 18 minute gap in the Nixon tapes
In light of the London bombings and a religious nutcase at work
Just heard a great athiest/antirepublican song
Cardinal denies natural evolution
It's Pluto's fault. What can you say?
What words of comfort do you say at funerals?
I don't "lack faith," thank you very much. I'm "free of superstitions."
Bob Bowman to Speak!! Emergency TRUTH Event, July 22-24
It's time to vote: World Stupidity Awards.
Call to action..."100 hurting America" - some a-wipe
July Photo Contest...Water Submissions Here
The local overnight DJ on Classic 99 FM is a transplanted Brit.
Some nice news: Keith's ratings beat Nancy Grace's on Thursday.
Big Business Pushing for Voice on Supreme Court Nomination
Catch last part of radio program "How America Lost Iraq" Aaron Glantz
Democrats need to challenge the Bush policies more vigorously
Colin Powell, 03-18-03: "A coalition of the willing including 30 nations"
What I learned on Fox news in the last 10 minutes...
Iraq photo gallery...images of the hope and freedom Bush is spreading.
DSM Town Hall Meeting held in New York!
So who represents the will of the people?
Cleveland Plain Dealer Withholding Two Articles after Miller Jailing?
MSM: Jailing of Judith Miller is "chilling" --ooooh, I'm so scared.
A question every reporter should ask at press conferences
Martin Luther King: Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence
Bush Radio: "Fighting terrorists abroad so we don't have to face them...
Redstone: Age of Media Conglomerate Over
Fixed News predicts American terror strike in 90 days or less
How does your family relate to your politics?
"Another step down the road to Armageddon."
Pakistan interrogating suspect for links with London carnage
Young Republicans relish Hillary Clinton candidacy
Lucas County, Ohio: Perz resigns after 3 months as GOP chief, cites health
from today's London Guardian: "Blair Put Us in the Firing Line"
#ush FIRST to leave summit meeting
Would a lurking free republic member help a veteran out?
Is not this "War on Terror"...
Faux News "Beltway Boys" re: London bombings
FOX News: Hurricanes Are A Good Thing (VIDEO)
Wilson 7/6/05 interview and statement
Woodward Came Up Really Small on Tweety's show last night
TV Ads and the selling of the President
Watch CNN Now on London attacks! Amanpour interrupted by man on street
"History did not begin on 9/11" Tucker Carlson gets schooled!
Harry Reid: "We need to finally bring bin Laden to account for his crimes"
General Clark compared to Ashley Wilkes by OxyMoron Rush. Very Odd.
Omarion's Shocking London Press Release: Bad Move Or Hoax?
PBS Newshour: Mark Shields expects Rove to be indicted - (VIDEO)
Rove-How do you "unknowingly" out a CIA agent?
There is nothing wrong with trying to understand the enemy!
Lawsuit accuses Vatican Bank of role in World War II crimes
"Bush looked like someone you'd pass over for a job at Mcdonalds"
Rove and at least 1 other will be indicted in Plame case, maybe 3-4 others
In Memorial to Andy: "Paper ballots NOW!!!, Hand counts NOW!!!"
Amanpour Interrupted On Air; Man Speaks Truth On Iraq (VIDEO)
Iran joins Iraq.100 Members of Iraqi parliament demand US Out of Iraq NOW.
The new paradigm in the DNC..Hawaii speech by Honda, DNC vice chair.
Daily Kos purges the tinfoil hat crowd
The 2008 race will be Gen. Clark verses Jeb Bush: Agree or Disagree?
Don't let DSM die! Urge your Senators to sign John Kerry's letter now!
Fixing the Facts: An Iraq Time Line - JC calls for our assistance
Fox whore John Gibson on London attacks: "blow up Paris, and who cares?"
Chimpy repeats "Fight 'em abroad, so we won't fight 'em at home."
Remember 8/04 Bushco outing of Kahn allowed London alQaeda cell to escape?