Democratic Underground

Archives: August 11, 2005

Why were the terrorists shielded? (9/11)

Time to take the gloves off and put on the brass knuckles

The Statistics of Propaganda

GIs deaths in Iraq due to criminal incompetence (Knight Ridder)

Blair lays down framework for police state in Britain

Robert Scheer - Mortgaged to the House of Saud - San Francisco Chronicle

S. Blumenthal: The Informer (Novak)


Bush is STILL not adequately equipping the troops in Iraq:


Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Thursday 8/11/05

Reform Ohio Now! Get these 3 referendums on the ballot!

Calif mother's war protest gains momentum in Crawford (SacBee)

Attention: Simi Valley

I am officially a volunteer for Fallon's campaign

Today's protest over the Mississippi River

Need help with an external floppy drive

Since when do the schools give the option of paddling?

Summer Wisconsin DU gathering? Anyone up for weekend of 20th or 27th?


Three More Kaplan/Olbermann Perspectives


I know what Bush is doing while on vacation!

Chicago Sun Times: American's Join Mom in Awaiting Iraq Answers

self delete

Wow more pork

Thank you mods for deleting that thread.

Was Tommy Franks happy with the number of troops?

self-delete. please delete, mods.

"Arlington West" going to Crawford

Maybe discussed...I just got did the Chimp get out of Crawford

Salon: Is Cindy Sheehan Fair Game Too?

Long-term Commitment to Cindy - DC IF NECESSARY

"Black power": A glimpse into the Miss America pageant

Iraq is not Vietnam

Too much unanimity of purpose last few days...time for a heaping..

Ed Schultz interview with Cindy and Joe Wilson!

4 US Troops Killed, 5 Wounded Overnight

Crooks and Liars - CNN: Rolling Stones new album takes jab at Bush Admin


What part of EXPLOITATION don't we get?

Ok folks, It's time to get serious about media corruption

Cindy Sheehan on WPR 9AM CST Thursday morning

Is anyone tracking disappearances like assassinations are @bushbodycount?

Emergence of the Progressive Blogosphere-rept from Bowers (MyDD) & Stoller

Start emiling the college kids about Cindy. Ask them to become active

KOEB 8/10/05 Keith might get axed??????

For God's sake, MSNBC, get rid of Rita Cosby. Her voice is irritating

Bush is against the troops

DesMoines Register: Hard questions about HALLIBURTON

Black Power: Explain why this term is/is not "racist?"

Chicago Sun Times: American's Join Mom in Awaiting Iraq Answers


Ok... What's The Skinny On Tomorrow's Threatened Arrests In Crawford ???


DSM and MSM - the sophistry of Michael Kinsley shows its ass again

REMEMBER: Bushco has arrested goldstar moms before....links

Cost of Iraq War August 10th-$186,687,277,954

Media Matters sets the record straight on Cindy Sheehan

Gays can't marry - but inmates can??? Family values?

I Got This Thank-You from HACKETT, Did You?

Interesting Update on Gitmo Interrogation Tactics

Malloy plugging du

Emails to and fro about "pro-troop" BBQ in Crawford....

Get your tinfoil hats out...

Malloy: Jesus said it! "Get The Money!"

Convoy for Truth -Truckers for Cindy

Mrs. Kesterson kicked O'Reilly's ass (via DailyKos)

#1844, it just changed when I was checking it. Another one dead.

This NYT story broke on Tuesday about 9-11 plotters being...

WTF have we been doing over there for the last 2 years?

Thought phuckstik hated FDR.. tries to trick us make highway bill sound

Latest hate crime targets Torah Academy

Was Kevin Byrnes going to spill the beans on the torture policy?

Mass Graves for Unreported Dead GIs--Graphic (but source questionable)

* is sure grinning a lot today. Captions needed.

RW talk radio trumps Plame and Cindy story: Able Danger (?)...they think

Four Star General fired in attempted overthrow of Cheney/Iran War?

HEADS UP: A little scoop for you

Ore. mom, daughter both deployed to Kuwait

Paul Hackett responds to Rush's

Using Paypal can i pay for an item with an online check?

Let's form a Shadow Cabinet ourselves!!

Military mom on O'Reilly now: said Bush has no conscience

"This war doesn't touch that many people in America"

for truckers in FL, PNW, and maybe going to Crawford ..... CONVOY

MSNBC - Hah - Rita Crosby lost 38% of her audience Tuesday

If you think about it, we're the infidels.

What sound do Neo-Con crows make?

WalMart Commercial shown on "Countdown" a few minutes ago

Rita Cosby if peroxide was poison she would be dead.

I know I am a Queen size pain in the arse...But is TWO hours

Who's Afraid of the Gold Star Mother? -PIX->>>

Just a bit of Cindy's International coverage

The Three (Most Important) Questions

I don't buy it (cancellation of Anti-Sheehan protest)

They aren't "Pro-Troop" rallies-they are "Pro-Bush" rallies

Stupid freeper attacks Cindy in Japanese press

Cindy is on the Front of!!

Vice President Cheney Touts Toilet Clogging Capability

Arrogance and hubris that knows NO bounds...

If you want to see denial in action, go to and search for Sheehan

Girl, 8, Killed by Tree at Boy Scout Camp

Did anyone see O'Reilly tonight

I have completed second Cindy Sheehan informational email.

HEY.....DU this poll on oreilly's website - should the US pull outta Iraq

Day 5 in Crawford

A Picture's Worth 1,000 Words...

Even Hell Has Its Standards.

Cindy Sheehan on GMA, anyone know where I can find it online?

Gay DU'ers, DOBSON and Nicolosi Insults Your Fathers

USA Today: Peace House a Center of Dissent in Crawford

How to get press coverage for Cindy Sheehan in your local paper (PR 101)

How does this fucking asshole keep getting quoted?

Will we blame everything on Bush?

Okay now I'm cracking up

Who's in contact with Will Pitt? Now?

Death takes a Holiday

Big News on CH 10 Tampa - why cheerleading is a sport & Dangerous

SUV drivin' , war supportin', shrub lovin' homophobes explained well here:

Why is MSNBC giving TN fugitive story non-stop coverage - NO KEITH?

Framing the Issues-Cindy Sheehan

I think political correctness brings this place down

To all Nader haters

Pics of Camp Casey from BonzoTex

Survey: Conspiracy Theories Affect Birth Control Use Among Blacks

Recent polls. * approval (south turning), Governor, Senators - 50 states

Just spoke to my mom in TX-she knew NOTHING about Cindy Sheehan!

Will Pitt's blog

Anyone got the full lyrics to the Rolling Stones "Sweet Neo Con"?

Randi today said the freedom walk had to be registered. with MIL

Picture worth 1000 words but a WEBCAM would be better!!

Did I just see Bill O'Reilly treat Dolores Kesterson with respect?

you ever get the feeling, that as was the case with reagan...

Camp Casey and cop now visiting with spotlights blazing per Will

I'm so ashamed

Independent Rockers 1, Sean Hannity 0


Camp Casey Question: Who owns the triangle with the posted sign?

KWTX calls off "Pro-Troop" Rally

It is *'s responsibility to tell all Americans that dissent is not terror!

When will they do a Swift Boat on Cindy?

Would Oprah dare to plug Cindy? You want housewives to support

Excellent point regarding the Pledge

Cindy made the LOCAL news in KEARNEY, NEBRASKA please thank them

So my right wing brainwashed friend is the worlds biggest Stones Fan

OK....just got support from the wife. (Crawford trek)..At some time this

This Man Has Way Too Much Time On His Hands

Side Issue in the Plame Case: Who Sent Her Spouse to Africa?

Freeper:"She has a political agenda that goes way beyond her son's death"


WSJ Question of the Day

37 Soldiers Have Died While Bush Vacations

(A Poll) Why won't the Chickenhawk cross the road?

I bet you $100 shrub has no idea Camp Casey is at his doorstep.

I made it to TX, going to be in Crawford bright and early in AM.

Camp Casey- This afternoon-impressions video


Verily, poor as we are in democracy how can we give of it to the world?...

Shrub is a stupid man.

MOM against the war, Dolores Kesterson, talking with O'Reilly right now!!

My note to Arianna Huffington regarding General Kevin Byrnes

Please DU this poll +++++ CINDY on YAHOO NEWS

Are sexual predators mentally ill?

Camp rumor in Crawford: Arrests will be made at midnight.

Political Compass Test - Where do you stand?

The next 24 hours are critical. PAY ATTENTION.

Posting some pics, Day 5 Camp Casey

WTC death toll growing (Polish daily)

The Iranian Nightmare

WE DID IT, DU!!!!! 107.3 CANCELS the Anti-Sheehan BBQ!!!!

Sibel Edmonds at DemocracyNow

Staged nuke on US soil?

CONVOY!! 600 Truckers Block FL Turnpike

Feith-based intelligence: A Neocon Scandal

Have you ever tried whole wheat pasta ?

Anybody know a workaround for fish sauce in Thai cuisine?

CSIS defends right to interrogate Khadr

With a bit of luck, I'll be on Canadian TV again tomorrow morning.

AP: 9/11 Commission Wants Atta Claims Pursued (everyone mad as hell)

Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?

Side Issue in the Plame Case: Who Sent Her Spouse to Africa?

Iraqi journalist shot dead (by Iraqi soldiers in Fallujah)

Tennessee couple caught in OH!

Russia: 3,459 Troops killed in Chechnya

Political turmoil hits Iraqi town

Girl, 8, Killed by Tree at Boy Scout Camp

WP: Side Issue in the Plame Case: Who Sent Her Spouse to Africa?

9/11 Commission Wants Atta Claims Pursued WOW

WP: Road Bill Reflects The Power Of Pork

Iran removes UN's nuclear seals

'We Have Been Eating Leaves,' Say Niger People

Capsules of Pa. National Guardsmen killed in Iraq (one is 19 yrs old)

NYT: Chairman Specter Backs White House on Keeping Roberts's Memos

GI deaths raise anti-war sentiment

Hyattes Captured (Tennessee Couple) in Columbus, Ohio

China Struggles With Tibetan Buddhism

NYT: Foiled Chinese Bid for Unocal Stirs Worry for U.S. Oil

Iran warns against referring it to U.N.

Houston moms heading to Crawford to protest war

US identifies remains of 12 MIAs from Vietnam War

WP: Early Pullout Unlikely In Iraq (A01)

American Contact? (American tied to Osama works for Iraqi Govt)

NYT: NARAL TV Ad Attacking Court Nominee Provokes Furor

AP: Grieving Mother's War Protest Draws Notice

Despite armor, more Iraq troops dying in Humvees

News Analysis: Legal basis is elusive for objection to Iran

'Hangover' Gene in Flies May help Explain Alcoholism

Truck Carrying Explosives Blows Up in Utah

State (MO) looking to create homeland security hub

Breaking: explosion and fire at Texas petrochemical plant

UPDATE: More discipline mulled for U.S. general over affair (Reuters)

(Global) Warming Hits 'Tipping Point'

NYT: 9/11 Commission's Staff Ignored Military's Early ID of Chief Hijacker

Caption Bush and Coach Hastert

Ahhhh! Clean teeth again (at a non-wacko dentist's office!)

Got a few extra bucks? Send some tissue to the OK Republican Party!



Mitch Hedberg's words of wisdom

It's official!!! I get to see the baby person in panda!

What about "Redneck Terms?" Offensive?

Should I use my pocket DC meet up money to pick up students

Just another way to exploit 9/11: America Supports You - Freedom Walk

Well, at least I'm in a serious relationship...

Hi, DU...

Has anybody ever posted mixed-up responses to different posts?

has there ever been a "peopLe who Look Like things" thread?

Oh damn! "Karl" from "Big Fish" died

Does anyone have a picture of the freeper guy?

DSCC asked for money but got my name wrong... WAY wrong!

I will henceforth be calling Rita Cosby "Rita Skeeter"


Does anyone know a workaround for fish sauce in Thai cooking?

The little girl who wouldn't sleep last night

In my new job I have too many managers

Any WI DU'ers in the Lounge this evening?

Nancy Grace is Geraldo with a dye job sans moustache, right?

This is me to a T!


This is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

NY/LA DUers: Does 'The Aristocrats' live up to the hype?

What type of vacation would you prefer?

My kid has started saying "hell" and he thinks he's so tough.

Is it me, or is Rita Cosby a female tweety?

Stealing Home Baby!

A man walks into a Bath and Body Works...(a true story)

well... i just ordered my Ipod

I missed it - what day is it?

A Church for Zombywoof and Matcom!

Ali Baba and the forty thieves

What is the most horrible, disgusting MOOD on the planet?

Do you tend to favor actors/actresses who are slightly offbeat?

I wanted and meant to send out a thank to everyone that talked me into

Attention all DU college students or alumni! I need some more advice!

What ever happened to beetwasher?

Why do fools fall in love

Biggest Penis?

Has anybody seen the musical "Wicked"?

Barbara Bel Geddes (Miss Ellie from Dallas) dies at 82.

Who else loved "The White Shadow"?

Wither Tamagotchi?

March of the Penguins!!!!!

So how do I delete my google history in firefox? I don't even

enjoy these road signs:

Gilliam's Rage at Weinstein Takeover

Cable Threading (Boring Personal Anecdote With Punch Line)


Big Pants.

Gawd help me, I love Little Debbie Fudge Brownies

Mike Malloy is god.

Have I mentioned how much I LOATHE my co-workers?

I'm so jealous of the Mythbusters

I just broke a tooth, right before I checked to find 1 more dead soldier


43 year old Roger Clemens will probably win another Cy Young award

Ok everyone. Please for a few seconds, I want you

Signatures lines moderators should never have.

My closest friend in the world is having surgery tomorrow.

Look, no head!

Two hour special on Peter Jennngs tonight. on ABC now.

Computer folks: I just got DSL, works - but landline phone is unusable...

I dunno about you, but I thought Team America was funny.

Just watched Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly dancing together

Where do you workout and lift weights?

Sun Volt? Son Volt?

I'm Miss Portland, Oregon

Has sexuality truly changed through the ages?

I would like to take a moment to remind you all....

Finally saw 2046 tonight

Why don't atheists and agnostics have picnics and shit?

Evil, mummified Pappy 'n' Bar throw out the first pitch, Red Sox game

Have any picky eaters tried the South Beach Diet?

Is country music popular anywhere besides america?

My Puppy is Doing the Humpty-Dance ALREADY!

Best Warner Bros. Character

You're NOT going to believe TODAY'S backyard calamity!

Has there ever been a "what do you look like" picture thread?

ATTN Straight Women: Are you attracted to violent convicts?

So what will MrsGrumpy do when she sees the Baby Panda live in DC?

Thong underwear with see-through white pants and skirts: Yea or nay?

Saturday Morning Kid Shows you used to watch?

I just got in, and I have a fresh supply of hugs... A lot of you need em

Ten Words for George W. Bush

DU Women I have to apologize....

If you had to pick a fictional character(s) to battle the PNAC and

A vegan soldier could use a care package or two

We are in the "Politics, Issues and Media" group now.

Jehovah's Administration was even worse and more of a failure than Bush's

Romulan outpost discovered ?

Post your favorite Sports Illustrated covers!

Book Review: Divided by God: America's Church-State Problem

Randi's explanation of his atheism:

Fuck you, you fucking fuck!!

OK Who here outbid me on The Kerry Kit on Ebay????

Has anyone noticed how active this group is?

Day 3, part 1

Day 3, part 2 - up close and personal with Root Glacier

Got more amoxicillin today!

KO / Kaplan thread frm GD "Welcome to the Club, Keith" - from One of Many

Wish me luck everyone

Hillary Clinton scenarios.

Drudge picks and chooses from Sheehan interview

.Can't arrest her so they will try drowning her out! No soldier

Everyone sign up for the Taxpayer financed "Freedom March".

Mick Jagger whacks * in new album

Honestly. One more day of Dubya and I`ll be stark, raving mad.

help set this freeptard straight

"Bush gets a day of vacation for every Marine killed in Iraq?"

Knesset Enacts Racist Law

Yahoo Message Board needs a SPANKING! (Sheehan story)

Military experts say it's time to cut our losses in Iraq(kos diary) what's going on with the embargoed torture photos, DSM, and

RE: the anti-Cindy BBQ - Who is the Commander at Ft. Hood?

Yahoo: Grieving Mother's War Protest Draws Notice

Bryan Kennedy on Mike Malloy show now

Documentary Project Calls MSM "Echo Chamber" For Bush

What right do we have in telling Iran that they cannot seek nuclear tech?

Media Matters: Cindy Sheehan "changed her story on Bush"? Tracking a lie

Take THAT, illegal aliens!

Iraqi: Iran smuggling reports exaggerated

AJC Guest Column SLAMS Cindy Sheehan

Number of Dems calling on Bush to meet with Cindy is now THIRTY EIGHT.

has anybody suggested we crash the freedom march/concert?

If Lou Dobbs is so pissed that Mexicans are in the U.S. illegally

44 Americans dead in Iraq in August. Do you know where your commander is?

I'm not a gatekeeper (by Kos)

OMG! "'Civilization': The 'bring 'em on' mod"

Iran warns over nuclear impasse: "everyone would lose"

My Summary of the US Military response to the Tips Hotline survey on Iraq

Anyone got a List of RW Blogs that allow comments and don't delete them?

Two thoughts/questions about Ms. Sheehan

Support Cindy

"for democrats, a troubling culture gap"

Cheney's thinking about running in '08? (According to Hardball)

An Open Letter from Ralph Nader to Cindy Sheehan

Will Pitt will soon have up on Truthout an interview with Cindy Sheehan

Did anyone else hear David Gregory Firing Shots at Paul Hackett?

Post your favorite picture of the politician of your choice

Check out this Yahoo News page right now...

Cavuto on "Jewish group ticked off by" Falwell's "Vote Christian" message

Akron Beacon Journal Published my KKKarl LTTE


Another Georgia state dem switches over to the "dark side"

coleader of Freerepublic calls cindy's actions misguided&hurt troop moral

Pregnant US Muslim Woman Racially Harassed

Would you support a Barbara Boxer candidacy for President?

Nuclear China Good, Nuclear Iran Bad? (Paul Craig Roberts)

L-for-Lunatic Brent Bozo weighs in on Cindy

Old Magazine @ Doctor's Office - Alter: If Watergate Happened Now

Americans get mixed signals on future of war in Iraq

editorial-Idea for next Novak column

The Great American Jobs Scam

It Would Be Easier If I Were A Republican

delete please

Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drum

Dom Stasi: Origin Of Specious, National Mutation Thru Unnatural Selection

WaPo---Soldier's Mother Takes Protest to Bloggers

Experts: Suicide Bombers Not Crazy


LA Times Commentary by Margaret Carlson on Sheehan

Four Star Army General Fired: Alleged Misconduct or Iran issue?

This is scary as hell. Abstinance program used to train christo-con teens

Global Eye - Grease Monkeys - By Chris Floyd

Effing NYT: "A FIRM Message on Iraq"

Why did you kill my son"?

Sprinking Holy Water on the Bloodshed (Faux hires neocon priest)

Yahoo: Iraqis thirst for water and power (problem worse than ever)

Naomi Klein (The Nation): Terror's Greatest Recruitment Tool

Why Iran Will Lead to World War 3

LAT: Watts Riots, 40 Years Later

Wow! Awesome Rolling Stone Congress Expose': Four Amendments & a Funeral

Why is the media burying new revelations about 9/11?

Although pushing a book, she *nails* Santorum . . .

I'm not budging says soldier's mother camped at bush's door


As annoyed as he has made me, Nadar says it right to Cindy!

No Sympathy for the Neocons : Mick Jagger runs with the neocon meme

Letter: War created more to fear (DSM related)

Editor of Sheehan's hometown Newpaper Corrects Drudge /Full Quote:

Four Amendments & a Funeral - - Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone

"talking with Cindy Sheehan ... was unlike any conversation Ive ever had"

Money Laundering and 9/11 (Financial Times)

Sept. 11 party a travesty

FAIR ACTION ALERT: ABC's One-Sided Wal-Mart Report

Did Cindy get her post cards

38 MC have signed J. Conyers' letter to * in support of Cindy - has yours?


Grant to AAR?

RIP: John H. Johnson, a TRUE pioneer in American Media

CNN scoop! Photo of the fugitives' ACTUAL MOTEL ROOM!

The Rolling Stones on CNN (Video)

Dolores Kesterton (Video) The O'Reilly show

Folks, we did it. By getting the attention on the fact that Cindy Sheehan

Faux FINALLY acknowledges Cindy - 8/11, 4:32PM (day 5)

To people who have watched "Current TV:"

Rush Faltering, AAR Gaining in Florida

don't give up on PUBIC RADIO -- response to The Connection cancellation

Property revaluation shifts tax from business to residents

Scottish police pick Windows in software line-up

It's Snowing On The Beaches In Melbourne And Tasmania - Reuters

Fraser River (BC) Sockeye Salmon Run May Have Collapsed - Vancouver Sun

Fires In Amazon Basin State Of Para Jump 60% Over 2004

Potential "Ecological Landslide" Seen In Russian Thaw, Vanishing Glaciers

New Scientist: Climate warning as Siberia melts

Malaysia Declares State Of Emergency As Smoke Closes Schools & Business

U.S. says more needed to help Africa's hungry

Gaza exodus 2005

Soldier jailed for eight years for killing British activist in Gaza

Cindy shouldn't have started talking about "Palestine"

Oops-sorry--hit the button twice.

Old video clip: Bush response when asked about foreknowledge of 9-11

Laurie Van Auken Transcript, July 22nd Briefing.

Why isn't there more outrage about the 52 FAA warnings before 9/11???

Plans for August 17th -- Terrorist Drill -- Gen. Byrnes, Tell us More!

Hey, this one is actually worth reading. Lets Recommend it!

Audio - John Conyers interview by Harpers Magazine - Ohio Election Fraud

GOP Quietly Paid Legal Bills of James Tobin -- $700,000+

WTF? Email from GOP fraud alert. Yeah, know thy enemy...

Donna Brazile is going to be on Jerry Springer

OCR's Mickadeit: Brewer senses sharks circling her

Supreme Court Refuses L.A. Attorney's Appeal in Money-Laundering Case

Publisher's cash, passion fuel anti-abortion effort

Let's urge all our congresspeople

WOO HOO Carpool lanes are now for hybrids! Here I come!

San Diego North County Dems - Fundraiser this Sunday 8/14

Antiwar protest in.... Orange County

Governor cashing in on Rolling Stones

DU Camp Out in Big Basin State Park, California

Although pushing a book, she nails Santorum . . .

Attn Nantucket DU'ers - anyone see our junior Senator during the recess?

What are you going to do to take back our Congress?

Bill proposes churches disclosing finances

Thurs/Friday: Local Vigils/Rally in Support of Cindy Sheehan

Highway Bill Sends Billions to Bike Trails

Drinking Liberally

Could someone help me with this question

I'm kind of an idiot. Help me please.

My scanner died today, with a sound that sent my cats flying in 5 ..

Cincinnati DUers

Franklin County to get ES&S machines

Cincinnati. Enquirer: Coingate no big deal, need LTTEs to rebut...

Ethics Panel Refers Taft Case to Prosecutors

I hope San Antonio is ready....

I gave Cindy Sheehan a big hug for all of us

Dallas/Fort Worth DU Meetup with Guy James - IT'S ON!!!

Got an email from Dallas Peace Center: Rally in Crawford, noon Saturday.

Anyone up for a day trip to Crawford from Dallas?

Texas newest state to have majority minority population

Cindy Sheehan is going to be on WPR @ 9:00am today.

Military mothers and families - a friend wants to send you to Crawford!

Send-Off for the troops

Former Mayor Vouches For OKC Airport Bombing Suspect

Pandora's box has been opened

Crude Oil is going up like a rocket.

latest from WP

Keith Olbermann's gonna go with a Cindy Sheehan story tonight

Doubt a mans masculinity and hell get macho

Nixon wouldn't meet with Kerry and Vietnam Vets Against the War, either.

Never drink another drop of a Coors beer product

So let's say this was over....What the hell was accomplished?

A good Link From Air America To petition The FCC On Fake News

Gas $1.99/gallon still here in Northeast Texas

A Word To All That Question The Tactics Being Used By Cindy Sheehan.

200 sandwiches and water for Camp Casey, courtesy of Randi Rhodes

Not under our boardwalk, we're naturists - Dutch want beach segregation...

Well, well. Shrub knows Cindy exists!

Updates and related matters

HJR 55 - Homeward Bound Resolution

Clinton to Blitzer : "You're trying to get me to make news....

DNC: The RNC is paying the bills for James Tobin, charged with 4 felonies

"Casey's aunt and godmother". BWAAAAAHAHAHA

Put on that tinfoil hat....

What does that Rosa Parks woman think she's doing??

Cindy makes cover of Dallas paper

RNC emailing - how to play voter fraud victim

What did people say about Rosa Parks in 1955 ?

As If We Need Any More Proof that the Freakers Are Beyond Help

Should IMMEDIATE withdrawal from Iraq be advocated by Democrats,


Let's DU this Roberts confirm ad poll, please--AOL sucks!

Holy Sh*t Unleaded Gasoline closed at $1.95 on the N.Y. Merc

Bush: "The war arrived on our shores on September the 11th, 2001."

Cindy Sheehan (HuffPost): This is George Bushs Accountability Moment

Remember the official Justification for Invading Iraq?

Remember the official Justification for Invading Iraq?

"Evangelical clergy urged to come to Washington for confirmation hearings"

Senate Intelligence chairman quietly 'fixed' intelligence

BUSH'S Family speaks out against him!


The Sept. 11 widows who "mothered" the 9/11 Commission call it a whitewash

U.S. Officials Go to Hackers' Convention to Recruit

Camp Casey (Crawford) photo album version two

Wolf to Cafferty: Would you like to see Clinton back in the WH as 1st husb

CNN Candy points out Big Dog's ability to use the English language --

Caption the Uncaring Bozo

Arrest warrant for Abramoff?

The name is spelled "Cherie Quartarolo." Let's google.

Candy Crowley "... and how good Bill Clinton is with the English Language"

PNAC vetoed an early Iraq pullout

Can we get more soldiers down to Crawford?

Another freeper country song...or not?

When the president talks to god

The scam perpetrated by the Military Industrial Complex

1844 Reasons why the DSM is Important

How many people are at the Crawford roadside camp tonight?

VIDEO: CBS News Does Short Piece On Sheehan (From Tonight's Broadcast)

crooksandliars has the O'Loofah - Dolores Kesterson exchange up now

Send lawyers ,guns, and money cuz the sh*t's gonna hit the fan.

Bernie Ward is all about Camp Casey tonight..

PAUL HACKETT re-run coming up on Hardball!

Watching Paul Hackett on Hardball rerun...I really like this guy

Bush waves to Cindy

Well, I finally made to the Crawford site today.

First Faux mention of Cindy - "Your World Cavuto" 8/11, 4:32PM EDT

USA TODAY: Peace House a center of dissent in Crawford

DU TV:24

Houston Chronicle: Vigil near Bush's ranch has drawn far more publicity t

Did MSNBC get rid of Countdown w/Olberman?

I told my other site that I would go to Crawford and this is one of the

Greenpeace files FCC complaint against Tucker Carlson

Imus: I hate that bastard. (Rumsfield)

Most liberal/conservative cities--link added

Yellow roses for Cindy- a song. Whatca think?

Perseid meteor shower tonight:

"Does the president any longer even know what the mission really is?"

So...has Cindy been arrested yet?

Goldmund tombstoned?

CINDY Coming up after the break on CNN -- see post #3 for more!

When to pull out

Cindy T-shirt Contest!

Great DFA movie re:DSM... pass it around!

I finally remembered who Cindy Sheehan reminds me of:

Randi to help up with bussing to and from crawford and peace house

Photos of the WESTERN Arlington Cemetary

Hillary's opponent loses speech, dem party makes ad

Right attacks war orphans, baby ducks, kittens...

Why is the media participating in the Pentagon's "Freedom Walk"?

DVD: BBC Documentary - "The Power of Nightsmares"

Remember the words here

Does anyone listen to AAR from the online Archives?

Regarding bus tours just heard on Randi--if anyone can get them this info

New WillPitt update (3:35 PM)

Tell the truth! How often do you check your posts hoping to see

CNN is full of bullshit! They have this whiney ass woman saying

Randi says"JUST GET TO WACO"...she'll get you to Camp Casey!

Sheehan on MSNBC Conncted Now

CVS pharmacist in RI refuses to fill prescription for morning after pill

Cindy Sheehan on front page of Yahoo

When oil was $50 a barrel, the market panicked. Now $70/bbl is good?!

This site is getting freeped -

The port-o-potty has arrived

Cindy's not in a ditch, she's in the trenches.

Ras: Bush Job Approval Lowest Since April

"I'll tell you what has happened. The DSM is what has happened"

My first hate mail..

Man, who are THESE "Freepers"....???(Marijuana - W.O.D. content)

An Open Letter: Dear Mr. President, Saddam IS Disarmed, Right?

5 p.m. : Should President Bush meet with Cindy Sheehan? CNN

Real nice piece with Cindy on CNN Headline News

Should Bush* Meet with Cindy Sheehan? E-mail CNN now!

Is this letter from Cindy Sheehan's family legit?

Medea Benjamin on MSNBC now

Cindy Sheehan on Pacifica Radio right now, I'm on next

I'm 55 posts from 3,000! Ask me anything!

Who just saw Cindy Sheehan on MSNBC 'Connected Coast to Coast?"

Santa Scaife's elves criticizing Cindy for working with likeminded groups?

So.....did MSNBC release the ban on Cindy today?


the pickup truck with roid rage (CXT)

Bush: Leaving Iraq Would Be a Bad Signal

Cindy must embrace MoveOn and Michael Moore

Will Pitt: No arrests at Camp Casey (yet)

"Oh where, oh where did the Glacier go"?

Bush campaign chairman for New England indicted on four felony counts

How many people do you think will be down there by the end of the

Early pullout unlikely in Iraq

Cool, a movie verison of Fahrenheit 451 is in production!

Bloomberg: Cindy Sheehan just wants to see her president;

Just off the phone with Cindy @ 10:30 PST

It was a small thing, but I feel like I helped Cindy today

Exporting our greenhouse gas to Mars?

What kind of sadistic sob would leave those people out in a ditch?

CNN: Bush made mistake by not meeting with Cindy Sheehan.

Will Pitt on Randi at 4:40 Texas Time

Be sure to print your "WE STAND WITH CINDY" signs...

Camp Casey Monitoring Thread.

McLennan County (Crawford, TX) Property Tax Records

On C&L: What is this about K.Harris shakin' her wrinkly...

Cindy Sheehan toons -- grab-copy-mail it out -- by popular demand

Pig farm...pigs....time to revive that old insult of the

I heard that CBS covered the Cindy last evening on the news. Did other

RW'ers slam Celebs for slamming Bush

a potentially silly question

CSPAN RW caller wants us to just nuke the "Iraqistanis".

Bringing a whole new era of love and light to Baghdad.

How about $4 to $8 or $9 per gallon of gas in your future, folks?

I received this e-mail this morning from Randi Rhodes.....

Someone call WJ and tell this Slavin woman that

Is today the deadline given by Crawford police for Cindy Sheehan


This is how I think * would answer Cindy's questions (video):

Inspirational quotes for the day

Transcript of most of Cindy's interview on MSNBC

If Republicans were honest with themselves..?

A little item of how the Ohio BWC (re:coingate) spend their time:

simple answer to "Bush already met with Sheehan"


Crawford Coward emulates Cindy by walking in ditch >>>

New Will post

C'Mon! Send Those E-mails To CNN!

why were cindy's supposed 'family members' emailing drudge?

Cindy on Voice of America

Crawford rancho anti press security fence?

Can the Blogs now "drive" the news on CNN & MSNBC , etc.

NBC Nightly news will report on Cindy

Matt Taibbi's article in Rolling Stone....nauseating, head exploding...

Arrest warrant for Abramoff!

Blitzer's "Situation Room" reminds me of a kid who just built a fort

For Those That Are Interested WWW.SEEDSOFDOUBT.COM Is Back Up!

Help with argument: If war was for oil, how come gas prices so high?

This Will Pitt guy. Got a brain on him.

If WE drop it; THEY will. (re: neg. stuff with Cindy)

President Bush, You MUST MEET with Cindy Sheehan

Anyone here gettin the idea that this Cindy affair could snowball bigtime?

On Ed Schultz, Cindy said the family members are from her Husband's

Your Freepiphany

Sorry if a dupe but email from radio station

Cindy needs a port-o-potty, a laptop, and a generator

Will Pitt - Thursday 11 August 2005

Cindy Sheehan now on AAR

Thursday 7:15 AM From truthout & Will Pitt

Jack Hammer is now talking about us

Saw "Hustle and Flo" last night. Amazing acting and what a view

I can't believe that I am seeing people trying to start flame wars over...

Sheehan is on Stephanie Miller's show now (9:34 am)

Things are really improving in Iraq

Today's DFP: 3 Cindy pieces (1 AP article & 2 opposing op-eds)

New update from Will Pitt

...Meanwhile, what's *bush doing these days?

Cindy Sheehan's strength == Georgette Baxter

FAIR ACTION ALERT: ABC's One-Sided Wal-Mart Report

The End of the World as We Know It?

Cindy Sheehan on Stephanie Miller now

Dear Mr. Kristinn Taylor,,

Military Recruiting: Parents' tune changes when they hear 'sign here'

HEHE RED Kansas giving Roberts grief!!!

A Marine just called Ed Schultz to criticize Cindy Sheehan...

I can truly and honestly say that I HATE Bill O'Reilly's guts!

GOP Paying Legal Bills of Bush Official (in NH Vote Fraud case...)

"Kermita" gets a scoop.. Tears are flowing on MSRNC

ABC's GMA showed a clip of Mick Jagger in interview (Sweet Neocon lyrics)


My SO is so negative Re: Sheehan

What disease does Bill Frist have that he is now for stem cell research?

Need help with response to email...

Have the gas prices gone up in England since 2000?

I'm planning on going to Crawford on Saturday

I was going to drive over to Camp Casey this weekend, BUT...

Local AAR is heavily promoting our Sheehan vigils tonight and tomorrow!

Cindy is on WPR right now

*** Listen Cindy & Trippi Conf Call -Checkout New Cindy Sheehan Forum ***

cindy-related cartoon in today's paper

how much does US govt. spend to fund solar energy research?

"Her ears were sore from cradling a telephone"

Will Hermaphrodite Hannity Show up at Camp Casey?

Help! What was the name of the politician that originally threatened Cindy

Five dead marines vs. two dumbass criminals.....

You know why Cindy will have a lot of people against her?

It's coming full circle in Crawford

Cindy 'Changed Story on *?'; Tracking A Lie Through the Conservative Media

Can you receive wireless internet at Camp Casey ?

when people hear "Sweet Neo Con"

Crawford questions

Test your English (British)

Support the troops: smear their mothers!

Has Stephanie Miller stopped streaming for anyone else? I can't

Iraq Shiites demand autonomy

Stranger Than Fiction: Rumsfeld Planning 9-11 Party/Country Music Concert

More RW attacks: Media Puffs Moms and Grannies for 'Peace'

Wouldn't it be nice to get on with me neighbors

Is there anyone from the DFW area going to Crawford this am? Help,

If there are any cameras at Camp Casey ?

So, when is Bush going to fire Rove?

WI Pub Radio to interview Cindy at 9 am CDT (Avail. online)

Conservative Pollster Rasmussen has Bush at Lowest Point in 4 Months

Check out the Cartoon in the Boston Globe..

NOVAKula: A History of Lies (My Title, Not BLUMENTHAL's)

Freepers pissed!

Stripes letter: Britain sets right example

Bookies are giving 9/5 odds that gas will hit $3.00 a gallon

Maureen Dowd: Holed up on a ranch, Bush won't mix it up with 'Mom'

Response to freepers about Casey joining voluntarily

CINDY: Iraq Daily News carring Cindy in Crawford story...

Sunovabitch! Will Pitt's got a SCOOP!

Cindy is on Stephanie Miller now.

Another Camp Casey Blog

U.S. Colonel Accused Of Trashing Cars With Pro-Bush Stickers

Minister is accused of nepotism

Where do I find stats on impact of legal AND illegal Mexicans

I think I'm going to Crawford

F**k the Hyatts!! Our children are dying in Iraq and the MSM won't

Remember Lila Libscomb? The mother from F 9/11??

Shock, charges of hypocrisy as priest accused of affair

Cindy Sheehan: LA Times Front Page

It's official. I'm going to Crawford !

What chance do give the arrival of Trailer Hitch Jesus at Cindy's vigil?

It's amazing and disgusting: Every friggin cable news covering Hyatts

Bush will meet with people who pay $5000 a plate...

(VIDEO) Daily Show: Bush struggles with WOT

" Cindy will be on the cover of People Magazine!"

Question: How many vacation days is the Shrub up to?

"If they werent a threat to my base, how could they possibly hit the US

Jay Marvin is kicking *ss and taking names this AM

Why is the media burying new revelations about 9/11?

George W. Bu$h: Too good for the likes of you...

Maybe It's Just the Word "Mother" That Scares Georgie? >>>

George W FraWD! Just sayin' nt

Okay, this is getting interesting

I read the KLIF is blowing their microphones and yelling for Cindy

US Casualties in Kosovo- HOW TO FIND!?

LA Times: Mother's Protest at Bush's Doorstep Raises the Stakes

When Does the Bush Admin Attack Iran

McLennan County Health Department


What advice would you give Camp Casey right now ?

September Unleaded Gasoline just traded at $1.95gal

Will, put some 1:1 water and bleach mixture on those stings.

Are there any pictures of the crowd size at Camp Casey?

The freepers are still planning their anti-Sheehan protest

"Dead soldier's mom aids foe with protest" WARNING- ANGRY

Skinner, can you take a break and go to Camp Casey ?

Health Inspector sic'd on Camp Casey

Cindy on CNN

Cindy Sheehan Needs Your Help; ClearChannel Stations "Cancel" BBQ

Did some 9/11 Report come out recently?

Mother's Protest at Bush's Doorstep Raises the Stakes

"Peace in Pink Shoes" blog update

Sheehan makes national news... in Britain

The Google Earth Contraversy

Over $30,000 has been raised for Cindy

Shouldn't they need a F*&cking warrant for this?

Today Show has that asshole Goldberg on who wrote "Screwing up America"

By the grace of Allah, all design parameters for the flight were validated

Just when you thought he couldn't look more disturbing (PIX)...

Michael Schiavo poised to sue caregivers

Grieving mother's war protest gaining momentum

Key Shiites Demand Autonomy in Southern Iraq as Deadline Nears

States alarmed by Bush plan for Guard bases -- leaves many unprotected

Cindy is on now with Thom Hartmann! n/t

get on news and say, we can easily collect 5k for a chat with cindy.

CINDY hits French media


Cindy Sheehan- Speaking Truth Is Power

I have to wait 2 hours in the Houston Intercontinental Airport....

Could we start a thread/group listing all the DUers in Iraq/Afg.?

The Crawford Green Zone

Laurie Van Auken Transcript, July 22nd, on 9/11 Commission Failure.

Stephanie Miller just interviewed Cindy - she sounds good!

Measuring the Cindy Web Phenomenon

Will Bush meet with Cindy?

New 911 Revelations: Bush Admin Knew About OBL But Ignored Info

Woodward: "Highly Likely" Cheney Will Run in 2008

David Swanson: Measuring the Cindy Web Phenomenon

My Son Is Going to Baghdad

Okay, it's been twenty minutes since Will's last post

Bush to have news conference this afternoon (WPR just said it)

What happened to Randi?

Is there any place selling pins or bumper stickers for Cindy?

When you were a kid, did the Tooth Fairy give you enough money ?

AP: Fraud Indictment Expected for Abramoff

Send me ALL of your Camp Casey pictures!

A love letter to Cindy Sheehan...

If the NFL breaks it contract with the Stones I'm gonna have...

DEM's Better Be Spitting Fire, to Repudiate "It's Clinton's Fault" Mantra

Why Cindy Sheehan Matters

Three US soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

Conservative Christians Support Our Troops

What's a fire ant?

Was it really a pig farm?

Welcome to DU - the All Cindy, All Day Channel!

Email CSPAN ( ask them to cover Crawford roadside LIVE

Will's latest.

That Goddamn Wolfie (Leslie) Is Teasing, Just Like Yesterday

40 Years Ago, August 11, 1965- Watts Riots: Still No Justice

Grieving mothers...

107.3 CANCELS the Anti-Sheehan BBQ.

Watch CHINA...

News photos of Cindy Sheehan

When Cindy's REAL family writes a REAL letter....

Houston Chronicle: officer says no plans to remove Sheehan and supporters

They're not going to make any arrests in broad daylight

Whew - Question too long . . . waaaaaaa . . .I can't remember - IDIOT!

Here's A New Graphic To Spread Around! THE CRAWFORD COWARD

Curious about the ditch in Crawford?

This will make you cry......

*******DU Media WATCH********

Does anyone know if AAR is still having a bumbersticker contest?

Googled downing street memo

The slippery slope of Pharmacists Rights


A "democratic Constitution" in Iraq will be like a magic potion....

Cindy's real family is behind her

Please, help Janet Napolitano beat back the Repubs! DU this Poll!

don't give up on PUBLIC RADIO -- response to The Connection cancellation

Casey Sheehan wanted to be a Chaplain. Does our Pastor-in-Chief

Like $3 per gallon gas?

Why can't they just raise the price of a ticket?

"It's Hard Work!"

petition for Cindy

The pigeons may be coming home to roost

Person Claiming to be Sheehan Relative Says Letter is Bogus

What ideology are we fighting? Contradiction from GW

DU this CNN Poll re: Rolling Stones Song

Wow! Cindy just led off AP news on the radio

i'm planning on heading to Crawford on Saturday

Anyone else getting sick of hearing that after 9/11, * had the

Any photos from Camp Casey today?

Please, someone help me understand this.

Question about gas prices

Boots on the ground at Camp Casey, per BonzoTex. Are there more yet?

If we pull out of Iraq, does that mean we will have to fight them here?

Bush Says Leaving Iraq Would Send a Bad Signal

The rolling stones have officially stolen Cindy's press

People Try to Lose Weight at McDonald's

The Steel Rose

It's the Gas that's gonna do it.

Four Amendments & a Funeral (Matt Taibbi's expos just went live!)

Have the 9/11 Families made any statements about

Cindy in the news today. Please add here any resources you have?

Graduate Program Offers Advanced Tools for Terror War Fight

White people are now a minority in Texas (4th State!)

anyone remember Samantha Smith?? russia? cold war??

I am looking for sites where I can buy "Cindy" tee shirts, etc.

Cindy is googleable re images

Has Anyone EVER Seen A Shot Of Bush In A BLACK Hat?

Viggo Mortensen (Lord of the Rings) visits Camp Casey in Crawford!


A must see video about today's Antiwar movement...

Can DU sue Freerepublic?

Statement from the Bush family on Cindy Sheehan

MUST READ: "More Death in Iraq: A Reluctant Soldier's Story"

Pressure Mounts on Novak to Give Full Account of Plame Role

Is this for real? Cindy's family issued a statement against Cindy

So, the anti-Troop rally was officially canceled - but -

BUSH Crawford News Conference, in 10 minutes, on MSNBC.


Freeptards pushing suspicious and unsigned letter by Sheehan family...

Gas prices cross $3 per gallon line in Silicon Valley

Blumenthal Dissects: More than you ever wanted to know about Robert Novak

Bush ignores Cindy Sheehan, news at MSNBC

white americqn male tries to board plane with bomb - naught to worry

"grieving mom" story listed as 3/5 most emailed story on yahoo.

Latest update from Will: hes going to ask about Cindy's family

Freepers have chapters? *snork*

Sometimes I hate being a liberal.

freepers plan to head on down to Crawford

I think this 9/11 concert is a wonderful...

Has anyone seen this? I mean, WOW. Bush Family Values

Franken criticizing NARAL ad!

Some silly questions, if you don't mind

Is this for real? Bush's family issued a statement against Bush

Televised media and the Cindy Sheehan coverage

cnn saying that the President was asked about Cindy Sheenen today.

Who would be a better nominee Bobby Kennedy or Tom Vilsack?

Bush could ALMOST redeem himself regarding Cindy...

* & The RW Are Standing Behind Every Single American...

This is my definition of a ranch:

Update from William Pitt

They are lying again!!! New truck threaths trumped up to stop convoys

Gas jumped 25 cents in just the past week, austin, texas

LOL!! Even The Freeps Aren't Excited About The 9/11 Palooza

TOON that nails it about nuke hypocrisy

someone explain this to me like Im 5 years old ok?

The Crawford Coward Poses as the Marlboro Man -PIX->>>

Cindy is effective now because Plamegate investigations weakened

Did Peter Jennings Time His Death So That His Funeral Would...

Bill Clinton to be on cnn now

Cindy's o Randi right now!

Want to go to Freedom Walk? You have to register first.

ANWR - Don't Drill, Storm The Hill

MSNBC was bashing Google Earth

Randi has Cindy on the phone now!

Abramhoff indicted!

Re: Cindy Sheehan, FreeRepublic and An Idea for a Petition

Some great info if you are contacted by Feds...

So did KLFX/KWTX just "MOVE" the barbecue?

Barbara Bel Geddes, Miss Ellie Ewing of TV's 'Dallas,' dies at 82

Global warming: worse than we thought.

EVERYBODY: please contact Jello Biafra and Op. Ceasefire NOW!!!!

Is that a TRANSMITTER under your shirt or are you just glad to see me? >>>

Biblical discovery on cnn teevee

The Brush-Clearer-in-Chief. And the upcoming month of September.

You don't get it, Mr. Bush.

Bush: Leaving Iraq Would Be a Bad Signal

Need sign suggestions...

If the RNC & rightwing media had been issuing "talking points" in 1955...

Put up or shut up time, **! Meet with Cindy and send your girls

The only reason to stay in Iraq is to save face of Bush and Repubs...

Raw Story: Senate Intel Committee Fixed Iraq Intel To Help White House

is there a link to a transcript of shrubs speech

Please Write To Anderson Cooper And Demand He Play The Camp Casey Report

Iraqi MP defends Lucifer

Poor Michelle malkin gets hate mail

FWIW--"Federal Whistle Blower Claims Chicago Grand Jury Indicted Bush..."

Man tried to board plane with bomb in Oklahoma City-Yahoo

This is what Cindy said...................AND I LOVE IT.

What's your genotype and why does the PNAC care?

Trihalomethanes....Notice to Water Customers....

What's really going on right now : Oil near $70/barrel

Fred Phelps Coming To Tulsa This Weekend

PLEASE -- Follow this link-- does this thread deserve recommendation?

Guess who Bush is meeting with today ?!

Need links debunking "liberal media bias"

38 Members of Congress Call on Bush to Meet with Cindy Sheehan

She has a political agenda that goes way beyond her son's death in combat

Caption * and condi at press conf.

Need legal info regarding civilian rights during martial law

If BA is on strike, how can UK deport 10 muslims?

Very Powerful 8 min. video


Rate up the photos of "Arlington West" in Crawford

New Photos from Crawford

NRO - Cindy gets good press

Another way to support the troops....

AP BREAKING: Grieving Mother's War Protest Gaining Momentum

Today's litany of Republican Scumbaggery is simply breathtaking

I want my country back! I want it back NOW you lying, thieving,

There's always been an anti-war movement.

Cindy's family is now in the fray.

I thought this was such a good quote I had to post

Please post any current Bush Vacation Pics!

Cindy goes eye to eye with Bush - today he blinked she wasn't arrested

My heartfelt letter to Cindy..

Lobbyist Tied to DeLay Is Indicted for Fraud

Heard this today.

This is the best day I've had since November

cindy ignored by cnn-but on faux and msnbc webpage

Who is speaking to Randi now? (Had to leave the puter)

abc did a short piece on Cindy--they showed bush speaking to her--how

So.... Did Cindy get arrested?

Cindy tops Yahoos lead photo

What Exactly Did Rove Tell the President?

Was Bush's $300 Dollar Bribe Worth it ?

GW's "Noble Cause" = $66 per Barrel

Cindy Sheehan #1 news story in Google News - 547 related articles!

Finally! Keith Olbermann is supposed to be covering Cindy!

You will know that the tide has turned,

VIDEO of cindy on msnbc connected w/ ron reagan & monica crowley

CBS Evening News's Soldier Family Story

Song for Cindy Sheehan by Mike Nobel

Washington Post: Soldier's Mother Takes Protest to Bloggers

send letters and postcards to cindy....

Dating advice from James Dobson's daughter


China and US coming to blows? This is a big story underreported

On Randi Rhodes: Airman involved in sorties prior to Iraq invasion.

DU MediaWatch Activist Report on TV coverage of Camp Casey

Camp Casey Photos on Yahoo Iraq Photo Gallery!!

Cindy Sheehan - proof that one person can make a difference


Why is Bush not meeting with Cindy Sheehan?

All Hat, No Heart!

On Cindy, and other leaders in our history

Oh and Jack Hammer

"Cindy Sheehan has become the Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement" - WaPo

Will Pitt - 11:54 AM CST

Wisconsin lawmaker wants to reduce underage drinking fines for soldiers.

Should we DU blast KLIF (opposing Cindy in Crawford)

Will Pitt interviews Jodie Evans of Code Pink

What excuse is chimp going to use to cut this vacation short?

38 Soldiers Have Died While Bush Vacations

truthouts video with cindy sheehan....great and kick

George W. Bush said rising gasoline prices would hurt the economy

dkos diary: More trouble for Taft Admin -- Convergys lawsuit.

More Madness from James Dobson..

Please DU This AOL Poll!!! A Mother's Protest

Was there anything new on TDS last week while I was gone?

Caption the Apeman

Cindy Sheehan makes top story on Google news

Lou Dobbs: 'Judy Miller the Pulitzer Prize Winning Reporter Has been in.

Wanna puke, check this out! Major league bush suck ups!

Thank you, Mr. Bush!

Sinead O'Conner on the "Majority Report"

Monica Crowley is EVIL!

Check this Flash out: Bubble Bush

Got an email from Dallas Peace Center: Rally in Crawford, noon Saturday.

A Bereaved Mother's Crawford Vigil

The Swiftboating of Cindy Begins, Station Disses Cindy

Caption Bush at the ranch press conference

What is the price of gas over in your part of the US?

Camp Casey Lawyers say "rumors of pending arrests...false"

Du this poll-Would pulling out of the war in Iraq now be a mistake?

MSNBC reports " anti war protests in Crawford are being led by grieving

Do those whacko RW reporters know that * brought this into the MSM?

Bush quote from today ...

A Bumper Sticker Seen Today..

Hey, stupid freepers. While you're in Crawford-proper "supporting...

"Meanwhile, at the CHICKENSHIT RANCH............"

Here's My New Anti-War Sign For My House! Got Signage?

"Leaving Iraq now would send the wrong message." To whom?

Just How Many People Are In Crawford Anyway?

The worm has turned.

Fired for "romance" while SEPARATED???

I need help writing a LTTE.

The GOP is a Mafia

IMO, Cindy should focus on Bush lying her son to his death as per DSM.

Shocking NY-Sen Poll: Hillary re-election mark at 50%

Name Rummy's 9/11 hoedown!

Caption me!!!

Pitt's doing an excellent job at Camp Casey

Just on: Kristin Breitweiser on MSNBC, and Cindy Sheehan on CNN....

MUCH NICER photo album of TexasLady's Camp Casey (crawford) pics.

Republicans don't fucking read & can't think for themselves, so where

Sir Mick to host Crawford DSM NO WMD BBQ and singalong

TOONS for Thursday

Another Camp Casey in the works, Ca.

Who is Tim Goodrich? Reservist turned Activist.

Accountability: The CIA's Secret

Will is live blogging again. Things are getting interesting.

Proof that the RNC knows that voter manipulation is SOP

"Cutting the brush."

How many people are going to Crawford? I think the daughter and I will be

UCLA Political Opinions Survey

Perhaps Camp Caseys could spring up all over the country to show

I changed my avatar in honor of Casey Sheehan

FREEPtards to hold their own rally to support *

Abramoff indicted; who else did he give money to in Congress?

Can someone please explain to me how Cindy is dishonoring her son??

Anderson Cooper Has Cindy ON NOW!!!

Cindy on MSNBC front page - Vote it UP!

New Oliphant comic: "bereaved mother camped down at the ranch gate"

A teacher-parent conference at Dobson Elementary...

Cong. Weldon's Preemptive Strike Against the CIA

All the DU Cindy Sheehan threads here: Part 3

Is the gas price protest convoy getting any coverage on TV or newspapers?

Military service isn't for our son. It isn't for our kind of people

Getting real tired of the circular firing squad here

Can we get a list? DUers going to Crawford and Camp Casey.

anyone here downsizing from 2-income to 1-income family??

William Rivers Pitt interviews Cindy Sheehan - video

LA Times:An astonishing story of a Sudanese family reunited after 18 years

What the Peace House could really use right now

DowningStreetMemos, DowningStreetMemos, DowningStreetMemos...

Anderson Cooper: Aruba coverage is getting "ridiculous"

16.5 million to 1

Now who would like to see Fitgerald subpoena Sen. Roberts to testify

Why is the Bush Team ALSO Standing in a Ditch? -PIX->>>

Rove, Novak, the WHIGers and others -- reality sucks, doesn't it.

Who at DU can draw a cartoon for us? (Brilliant idea by "blm")...

Has anyone seen Green Day's new video?

& Please remember and support those who resist within the military!!


King: A Time to Break Silence

DU Yahoo story: At Rummy's Bizarro Pentagon, Torture is Rewarded While Sex gotta see this freeptard's post over at yahoo

Please CHECK IN HERE If You Are Planning On Going To Crawford!

Franken going DLC, I stopped listening, wrote him, you should too.

Check out the McCormick display....

Jennings accepted Oder of Canada

I refuse to hate the Cons

Muslims 'right about decadent UK'

Bank is criticised over 40,000 loan to delusional man

Tomorrow's "The Glorious Twelfth": anybody else out for a grouse

On this Day in History: 12th August

Another excellent article on Fundamentalism by Karen Armstrong.

On this Day in History: 11th August

Sky One, Life and Death in Rome

Call for greater scrutiny of Chinese companies

'Threats to UK security' detained

Barbara Bel Geddes, Miss Ellie Ewing of TV's 'Dallas,' dies at 82

WP: Side Issue in the Plame Case: Who Sent Her Spouse to Africa?

Afghans: U.S. Airstrike Killed Civilians

Bird flu virus found in Kazakhstan could kill humans

Iraqi: Iran Smuggling Reports Exaggerated (AP News)

Americans get mixed signals on future of war in Iraq

Pakistan tests its first nuclear-capable cruise missile

DHL Secures Homeland Security Deal

AP: 7 Soldiers from Pennsylvania Killed in Iraq in Less Than 4 Days

Guard facing largest deployment in 50 years

*** Listen Cindy & Trippi Conf Call -Checkout New Cindy Sheehan Forum ***

Cindy 'Changed Story on *?'; Tracking A Lie Through the Conservative Media

NYTpg1,lead: States Opposing Plan to Shutter Air Guard Bases (unprotected)

NYT,pg1: Goldman Sachs Decides to Stay at Ground Zero

Unemployment weekly initial claims down 6000 to 308,000

Texas Now a Majority-Minority State ("non-white majority population")

U.S. Colonel Accused Of Trashing Cars With Pro-Bush Stickers

CNN/AP: Glitch stalls Mars mission

Irish abortion law in human rights court

Iraq investigating claims of Iranian weapons smuggling

Corruption-buster faces death penalty for bribery

Michael Powell to Join (communications investment firm) Providence Equity

Pinochet Family Members Indicted

WP: In '81, Roberts Offered Counsel to O'Connor (more documents released)

Al-Jazeera in talks to sign Frost

Royal prerogative power inquiry

Truck of explosives detonates on highway (US)

Minister is accused of nepotism

One U.S. soldier, 10 Taliban killed in Afghan clashes

CNN: Grieving mother's war protest gaining momentum

September Unleaded Gasoline just traded at $1.95gal

New 911 Revelations: Bush Admin Knew About OBL But Ignored Info

Vatican stops diocese in taking parish assets

Early Pullout Unlikely In Iraq

CNN Breaking: U.N. nuclear watchdog agency adopts resolution (Iran)

Sen. Leahy: Roberts Ads a Waste of Money

Venezuela Buys Two Oil Tankers, Sends Diesel Fuel to Argentina

Anger at Nazi criminal's holiday

Venezuelan and Brazilian Leaders to Hold Talks on Politics, Energy

Santorum bashes liberals in speech (again)

NYT,pg1: Hold (trans fats) NYC Asks Its Restaurants(first request of kind)

FBI cracks down on China's elusive army of amateur spies

Protesters Object to Military Recruiting (in FL high schools)

Venezuela-Uruguay sign 25 year oil deal

Bush calls IAEA Iran demand 'positive first step"

WP: Acts of Antiwar: Operation Ceasefire Will Bring Music To the Mall

Bail granted to Pinochet's wife

TV stations urged to pull Roberts ad

Update from William Pitt

Ground Zero Museums Hit Planning Snags

U.S. July Retail Sales Rise 1.8%; Ex-Autos Up 0.3% (half of expected)

Airports run low on jet fuel

Envoys: Iran Faces Sept. Deadline on Nukes

Holy Sh*t Unleaded Gasoline closed at $1.95 on the N.Y. Merc

Well, well. Shrub knows Cindy exists!

Veterans returning from Iraq with problems too serious for local help

Ex-WorldCom CFO Gets 5 Years in Prison

Veterans returning from Iraq with problems too serious for local help (IA)

Iraq Shi'ite leader calls for own region in south

Bush huddles with defense, foreign policy chiefs

Bush, Under Pressure to Cut Troops, Faces Dilemma in Iraq

Ex-WorldCom CFO Gets 5 Years in Prison

Army poised to miss 2005 recruiting goal

Boxer threatens to slow Senate activity over court pick (SF Chronicle)

Iraqi official says Saddam could be executed quickly

Rep. Rogers Johnsons Response to Rep. Peter Sullivan on Howard Dean

Rep. Kennedy Campaign to Post Story Links

Al-Qaeda says will kill Iraq constitution drafters

Airstrike May Have Killed Afghan Civilians

Oil price impact still to come says IEA

Roberts advised O'Connor to be discreet at hearing (Reuters)

Feds Indict Abramoff for Fraud

U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela Denies U.S. Anti-Drug (DEA) Agents Were Spies

Sending the Wrong Signal

Insurgents target Iraqi pipeline (video)

LAT: Bush (2001) Order (on Pres. papers) Lets Him Control Roberts' Memos

Wilson details White House 'smear campaign'

FEC Finds Misreporting by DeLay Committee

(Former ambassador Joseph) Wilson details White House 'smear campaign'

Bush: Leaving Iraq Would Be a Bad Signal

Raw Story: Senate Intelligence chairman quietly 'fixed' intelligence

AP: Villagers Say Civilians Killed in U.S. Airstrike in So. Afghanistan

Four Amendments & a Funeral (Matt Taibbi's expos just went live!)

People Try to Lose Weight at McDonald's

Five Siblings Sue 'Extreme Makeover' Show

Pakistan Test-Fires Cruise Missile

GOP Paying Legal Bills of Bush Official

What Exactly Did Rove Tell the President?

Ted Rall Issues 'Retraction' of Iraq Cartoon

Shiites demand autonomous region in Iraq

Liberal religious groups challenge 'Justice Sunday' (Reuters)

"talking with Cindy Sheehan ... was unlike any conversation Ive ever had"

Exclusive: CIA Commander: U.S. Let bin Laden Slip Away

Political turmoil after protests

Bitter Mexico drugs war breaks out in Acapulco

4 Amendments & a Funeral & The Courageous Fight...U.S. House of Horrors

Peace House a center of dissent in Crawford

Winona soldier dies after being injured in Iraq

Top Vidalia Democrat will join GOP today

Cuba Condemns US Protection of Terrorist Groups

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 11 August

US loses spy drone as Iraqis make off with wreck

Guilty! Senior judges accuse politicians over terror laws

Pennsylvanians rage about lawmakers' secretive pay raises

Audit: Fraud drained $1 billion from Iraq's defense efforts

(global) Warming hits 'tipping point'

Health Gap Between Rich and Poor 'Still Growing'

Panel Questions Air National Guard Plan

Pakistan test fires nuclear-capable cruise missile

Sunnis Warn Iraq Charter May Be Delayed

(California) Carpool lanes open to hybrids

Alleged Bin Laden Contact in Iraq Gov't

Judge: Punk landmark CBGB's can't be evicted (CNN)

Reuters: Oklahoma Man Held Before Boarding Plane w/ Bomb

CNN: Oil Hits $66 a Barrel!!

Grassley Voices Objection to FBI Promotion (FBI made late-night joke)

CNN: Salman Rushdie calls for 'Muslim Reformation'

CBS: Bush Moved, Not Swayed By GI's Mom (Bush comments)

NYT/AP: 9/11 Panel Decided to Omit a Reference to Atta

Saddam Could Be Executed After First Trial

FEC finds misreporting by DeLay committee -

Pair want reporter's Pulitzer for '45 story on A-bomb revoked

British Airways flights to Heathrow canceled due to workers strike

Pataki Vetoes Bill to Fund School Nurses in Rochester, Other Cities

Gas Prices Start to Affect Food Prices (WTOL-TV, Toledo)

GOP Paying Legal Bills of Bush Official

Probe Poses Issue of What Rove Told Bush

US general says car bombs and suicide attacks are dropping

Mother of US Iraq casualty vows to follow Bush

CBC - Flyers passing through U.S. have few rights, Arar judge told

Bush: Leaving iraq Would Be a Bad Signal

AP: Abramoff to be indicted for fraud

US drivers should brace for higher pump prices-AAA (Reuters)

Opposition to Crawford protest grows as camp expands

Parent-trap snares recruiters

Counter Clinton Library group folds

Senate Intelligence chairman quietly 'fixed' intelligence, and diverted...

Devil looks in on Iraq parliament

South Korea Says North Korea Should Have Right to Peaceful Nuclear Program

Castro turns 79 on the job, no plans to retire (Hes just a kid)

OMG--you guys, I'm going to be an auntie! Yahoooooo!

Get this. I finished reading 1984 a couple of weeks ago.

Are we in a time warp to 1968?

BREAKING: KitchenWitch has stolen Floogeldy's tiara


They're coming to take me away ha ha.

"The 40 Year-Old Virgin" is the funniest damned movie in a long, long time

OK, How effing hard is it to lay down a bunt?

But Mommmmmm I don't wanna go to bed......

PhotoShop 6.0 help needed, please--very basic question

whats up

Just reminded of a weird coincidence. Post yours here.

Got a post over at GDP.. Just in case you wanted to see.,,,

I met the world's dumbest cop tonight

To MrScorpio

I am doing the happy dance!

With the Thundercats cartoon on DVD now, here's something funny.

Girl Crush in the New York Times....

Which is more important?

Another one for Mr. Scorpio

For enigmatic - CANADA ROCKS!

Energy Vacation - new Mark Fiore animation

ah, the sound of the rain.

When is the memorial for sundog and zuni's baby squid?

If a genie said that we could live the rest of our long lives in Amsterdam

A very, very important question for KitchenWitch and Jamastiene

All the people tell me so

The bikini that comes with a health warning

Man Admits Lying About Role As 'Ooompa Loompa' In Original Wonka Movie

Link to first 30 seconds of 'Sweet Neo Con'

All this talk about hippies, I need to ask

Man Fires Gun At Car To Shut Off Car Alarm - Arrested

Uhhh... Sorry grapes, maybe?

AL East Standings, anyone?

KitchenWitch's Stupid Question O' the Day #88

If the baseball season ended today, who would win the Series?

Judas Priest Was One Of The Greatest Metal Bands Of All Time?


Please please please help me get this Judas Priest earworm out of my head!

Matcom Weird News: Judge says honest mistake when plants destroyed

Oh this is good. Go to the middle of the page (duct tape)

A credible plan to take down the Internet

Orca is not bad!!

new euphemisms for vomiting,

18th century slang is the shit: look for this on a hiphop CD soon:

Florida Man Being Cited For Storing Animal Parts In Freezer

DUize your FReeper name!

So, has anyone here had lasik?

Anyone else here on livejournal?

Ford's CEO's New Ride.

USA TODAY: "Oh yeah, and by the way, the world is flat too." UT State Sen

Okra is not bad!!

DU gathering will be moved to Sept 11 so we can join Rumseld's march!!

Help - moving my whole iTunes collection to new computer

After hearing about the planned Pentagon sponsored 9/11 march and concert

Anyone Wanna Wish Jerry Falwell A Happy Birthday? Post Your Wishes Here

Sometimes when this place gets kind of empty

Hey everybody! Finally good news!

Wake up!!!!!!!!!!

I think that people are the greatest fun

Anyone else watch "Starved" last night.. weird show..

Goat crowned 'King of Ireland'

Got $100k? YOU Can Watch The Rolling Stones Concert With Schwarzenegger

Ass crowned 'King of the World'

mis-spell a word and see what the dictionary suggests

Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte is on Fox Movie Channel right now.

Okay,... fess up! Who else here thinks that the jesus on the perogie...

I saw a rat last night

Philly Eagles WR Owen's KICKED OUT OF CAMP!!!!

NOT a repost: Another explosion at a BP plant in Houston last night

Oprah is not bad!!

There's a snake in my house

So why aren't the Stones singing songs about THEIR Yankee Poodle

Get off the phone, you brainstem!

Invasion of jellyfish hits Spanish beaches



Monty is NOT the root of all evil!


What's wrong with this picture?

Man airlifted out of gorse bushes

Grieving Mother's War Protest Draws Notice

Kitties..BIG kitties.. gorgeous pics

Fan hit by Martin Sheen; bat ruptured

Donations Can Help Bring Marines' Dog To U.S.

Fan hit by Bat Boy; Martin Sheen ruptured

Monet is NOT the root of all evil!

Anybody know the name of this song by "The Bravery"

What frijoles purchase should I make?

I've been to Helms. Ask me anything.

1 in 25 Father's Isn't The REAL Father (Study Says They Don't Know)

Bat Hit By Marlin Spleen At Game. Fan Ruptured.

Three Extraordinary U K Crop Formations Reported Aug 9, 2005

How GREAT a reporter is Will Pitt !? Can I get an "Amen!" ???

Dog may help Swedes find rapists

Money is NOT the root of all evil!

Test your English (British)

Matt LeBlanc: "If I had been sober, perhaps I would have acted quicker"

OMG!!!! Did you hear about bin Laden?

Is there any family as assy as the Bushes?

Hollywood cloned our clone movie, say cult film-makers

Green Bay Packers fans aren't allowed to wear antlers to games

How about a cool lesser-known women thread?

From where are you posting right now?

Let's hear it for California!

Any old timers know General Hershey Bar, SF anti-war activist? (pic)

Fan Hit By Bat At Marlins Game Has Ruptured Spleen

Which Star Trek planet do you think fits our own?

Confuse the freeps... Cindy Crawford in vigil at Sheehan Lake, WA

Best Star Trek Film?

Is there any family as gassy as the Bushes?

DUers: Confession time, what are you anal about?

Breaking News -- Piss Ants Attack Will Pitt!

Supposed They Gave a War and Nobody Came?

About Rumsfeld's 9/11 march and concert...

Looking for Sirius comments

Will Pitt= Red Adare?

Looking for serious comets.

Which frivolous purchase should I make?

Arrrrgh! I need a cigarette!

I Am Sirius, Yellow

its Up!! Its LIVE!! Its.......... CINDYCAM!!

Mac OS X for Intel Leaked, Cracked


By the grace of Allah, all design parameters for the flight were validated

I Am Curious (Black)

Not under our boardwalk, we're naturists - Dutch want beach segregation...

Beautiful animal pictures

My new C.D.s arrived - YAYS

Funny thread in GD

What do you think Cindy's favorite color is? I think we need a poll.

Brit busted for bigamy when THREE wives visit him in hospital

I wonder if Cindy is into Kung-Fu films

What is Cindy Crawford doing in Texas?


Why all the hub-bub about Cindy Crawford?

I am in Texas. I am not with Cindy. Does this make me a bad person?

What kind of shampoo do you use?

The President of the United States IS named Schicklegruber T/F

"part of my duty as president is

so what is cindy's favorite coLor?

Al Franken is playing the Baby Elephant Walk!

Ahhhh....I knew I should've never played that song.....

"I'm Roger Lodge..."

FESS UP!!! Who's gonna watch the Pamela Anderson Roast??

I love Firefox

Picasso Museum/Arc du Triomphe Pics!

I've contracted "jigsaw puzzle" fever

ARRRGHHHH!! My deodorant just attacked me!

Willie Nelson's Countryman is DAH BOMMB!!!!

When you transport your laptop, please remember

It's that time again! You know you're addicted to DU when...

MrsGrumpy: There are other babies at the Zoo you can visit

Costco is awesome, Volume 28.

The Tropics .............

I was violently ill last night.........but from what?

Things you loved most as a kid

I've made the greatest page: Cindy would be so proud

DU Pic Thread Question: Should men post topless? Or is it offensive?

Okay - I'm off to do this:

Judge Won't Allow JOHN:316 ("JN36TN")Vanity License Plate

Al Pacino-- he's pretty good

Audioscrobbler got a makeover

Fenris is off taking his Bowling final exam right now.

I'm excited to watch Charlie Rose and WWE Smackdown on the same day.....

No way!!!! The coolest gear ever!

Who are we verbally?

When DU'ers Refer To * and the "Coke Jaw Thing"...What Does That Mean?

Can I borrow a feeling?

CONFESS!!!! Who here was on Romper Room

Is she really going out with him?

Okay a Friend of mine is having a terrible time of it.....

Happy Birthday Darth Sidious

Man, livin' at home is such a drag.

"I haven't seen you in a coon's age!"

don't you hate passive agressive posts about other DUers?

Enough Cindy, how about a pile of cute?

At this point in WWII, 1,410 days after Pearl Harbor....

What ever happened to nothingshocksmeanymore?

I saw my name on a men's restroom wall last night

Is There A Chore Or Task That You NEVER EVER Do Yourself?

I'm stupid...

Tips and pointers for living:

A good ghost story...

they call me Yuck Mouth

Police Let Kids Keep The $98,000 They Found In A Field

Gah! My doctor just said I'm fine. FEH!!!!

The Tijuca Forest in Rio is a GREAT place.

Dysfunctional??? WTF? Why not disfunctional?

There's donuts in GD.

Do cats see ghosts?

Killer Tofu

Do ghosts see cats?

If you are posting on DU right now, that means you are not with Cindy

Snipe hunting anyone??

Big Fish Star Matthew McGrory, Dead at 32

Bush is giving lazy people a bad name!

What's a fire ant?

Hey Everyone! It's Time For Stewie's Sexy Party

Non-Cindy post: recipie for Yellow Elephant Crackers:

vampire bush

Calling statistics DUers: I have a statistics question

First fruit flies, and now a mouse

Sayings! Where do they come from?

Ooo.. The song Kashmir just came on

so, i FINALLY get an anti-SPAM program that WORKS but i STILL look

Opera is not bad!!

Rinji news o moshiagemasu!

I can't stand it!

I stink!

Need a chuckle?

If you were in a plane crash

Important info from Will Pitt

What does it mean when an

Bush is killing the phrase "Working Hard" or "Hard Work"

Just saw Cirque Du Soleil "Varekai" last night, ask me anything!

I just broke my molar. Ask me anything!

Help me I suffer from "Ornithophobia" :)

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew McConoghey (?) were a few blocks

Oh crap! I left the groceries in the car!

Who is Ricardo Montalban to you?

Things that annoy everythingsxen - Part 1

Cindy on Ed Schultz right now...

How stupid an idea is it to bring my guitar to the State Fair Dem Booth

I'm 11 posts from 4000 and my stomach hurts. Ask me anything.

Create your own Shrub speech

Why do some bike riders have to ride on the sidewalk?

I'm overcome by feelings of hopelessness (LBN thread)

I love BBQ Pork Steak

Guess the lyric thread:

Help me! I suffer from AILUROPHILIA!!!

Help me I suffer from "scopophilia" :)

Will Pitt on Randi NOW!!

Question about synthesizers.

Does anyone know anything about "People to People student Ambassadors"?

Adam & Steve - Kitty Pictures!

Where's a good collection of actual Bush pictures making him look stupid

Does anybody know what the Constant Gardener is about?

$4.69 for a Big Mac extra value meal? WTF?

Five Siblings Sue 'Extreme Makeover' Show

My SO is so negative Re: Sheehan



Shout out for the album "One Part Lullaby"

Leaving Bush in Iraq would be a bad signal?

William Pitt got bit by fire-ants

Does anyone else get those annoying fake Rolex spams?

I confess. I am Loki, the trickster God of Norse mythos.

Savings! Where do they come from?

Man dies after 50 hours of playing video games...

Great Job WillPitt !!!

Starting a business advice needed

Michael Ansara - starring in "Law Of The Plainsman"

5 Questions about Horror Movies

Morrissey just got three squirts from the water bottle


Tell the truth! How often do you check your pants hoping to see

Now Morrissey is after my celery

Home Security Alert Levels for Men (women can peek too!)

What line from a movie have you used the most?


The make stuff up about Taverner thread: Post your made up stuff here

What an idiot.

I need a new Phish album

Does anyone in LBN EVER use the search feature???

Mommy Brag


Apparently the archangels are on earth and living in Oklahoma...

Someone please send me a personal email about contacting Cindy

I've drawn dinner duty tonight

Do you know or care when you've crossed anyone's personal boundaries?

If I can find a good used one, THIS might just be my next vehicle

What's your favorite PAH?

Bert Convy is on Murder She Wrote

My conversation with the Roomba


What TV show produced the best spinoffs?

Anyone here in Oklahoma ordained who would like to marry Skip and me?

Drinks are on me.

sigh...oil @ $66/brl., gas @ $4/gal, interest rates up, and now

My temp job might want to extend my contract!

Don't you hate when people make up stuff about you?

Here Come the Perseids

Parent-teacher conference at Dobson Elementary...

Do you use works like "fetch" and "yonder"?

Cover your grill with aluminum foil before cooking...

OOOOOOOOHHHH.. .....Barracuda!!!!!

Does anyone at all like my sig picture?

Now I REALLY wish I was in Crawford...Aragorn is there!

JimmyJazz has 20k posts - Post your snarky JJ comments for her roast here

Don't you just love it when a Bushbot skims this site?

How do I slow down an old Windows program?

Is there any family as classy as the Bushes?

Have you seen how freaking easy it is to become ordained on the internets?

What chances does the Sept Meetup have of Out-Mothering the real Mother of

What is your favorite fabric?

Will I annoy everyone if I post about how extremely happy I am?


I finally saw "Ray" last night. WOW.

I had THE WORST nightmares just before I woke up today!

10 Random Questions -- Dining & Nightlife Edition

Let's make up words. That'll be fun ........

Seriously: what happened to the Bush Twins and their plans to help America

My fundie mother-in-law implied that I am neglecting my kids because

Post here to join in the mutual avatar admiration society.

Do they make toddler sized Gibson SG electric guitars?

Time for a CAPTION

If you need a giggle . . . and don't we all . . .

What happened to DU Groups?

3 Wives Greet British Man After Surgery

Have you done a Google search on your DU user name?

Okay - what's new?

I really really hate to do this but

Tell the truth! How often do you check your posts hoping to see

WTF!!! Why can't we get from GD to the Lounge with one click?

I'm 55 posts from 3,000! Ask me anything!

OMG!!!! Night Court coming to TV Land! OMG!

Poor Will

How many thoughts can you hold in yer mind at once & what are they?

Hey progmom you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind.

The Randy Savage Appreciation Thread

The James Randi Appreciation Thread

Thank you, everyone, for your kinds words and messages (Trinity)

9 years ago today...

The Elephantcam is currently free.

Am I one sick puppy or what? Notebook paper???

Grocery store PAYBACK- I am such an ass but it felt soo good!

What's the most wonderful building you ever laid your eyes on?

To whom ever posted that Boca's Chik'n patties are now vegan . . .

Went to Millennium in San Francisco this past week

Gah! My doctor just said I'm fine. FEH!!!!

What do you think of Splenda??

Vatican stops diocese in taking parish assets

Why Don't Most Congregations Applaud Their Church Choir?

NY Eateries get Oily Warning

The most evil curse ever

Gulf of Mexico mystery...

Search for better pork in space

Key Argument for Global Warming Critics Evaporates

Heads up for the Perseids.

Law Expert Art Leonard on TV and Webcast tonight

Moderate Republican Woos NY Gays

question about marriage and medical records release

CNN Reporter Jason Bellini Jumps To Gay Network

Musgrave Puts 'Hold' On Anti-Gay Federal Marriage Amendment


Oregon Gay Marriage Foes Slapped With Fine

MassEquality needs stories from gay couples and straight allies

Nation of Islam protest shuts down gay show filming

MCC Evicted From AIDS Hospice run by Catholic Church

What did Mark Grace say?

Palmeiro Back In Baltimore Tonight

Red Sox up on Yanks 5.5 games !

I can't stand it!

Disguise your breed. This is a must-see. Too funny.

In case you missed it on the Greatest page:

OK, WHOSE great idea was THIS?

I had a wonderful conversation with a Buddhist last night.

Okay, allow me a moment of weakness here...

Are you a militant atheist?

"follow the yellow brick road . . . "

Interesting person I met in Scotland, (Really)

Where the Plame story is headed?

Oh dear Gawd, someone must have a picture of this somewhere

War costs increase. What to do? Go after Veterans benefits of course!

Kerry To Deliver Saturday Spanish Dem Radio Address

Look what I found!

Kerry and McCain Share Stories of Inspiration in Their Battles with Cancer

So, do you think KO will do a show about this?

What Blogging Does to Journalists

Rita's Ratings Drop...this could be good or bad...

My e-mail to Rick Kaplan:

KO is finally going to talk about Cindy tonight!

KOEB Meeting 8/11/05: He Won't Back Down


"One person surrounded and supported by millions of people can be heard"

* investing in highways. Will the rich pay taxes for this? Or will it all

Cat and mouse.....

A mother's vigil.

Did Cruella (K. Harris) Have Some Fucked Up Plastic Surgery?

Bush: "Highways just don't happen...people have got to show up"

Vote Rigging Video

Almost hope Bushies are stupid enough arrest Sheehan.....

for those who support Civil Unions but not gay marriages

Why isn't there more outrage about the 52 FAA warnings before 9/11???

Latest on the Antiwar site ....

Air Force Colonel Accused of Defacing (Bush-supporting) Cars

Liberal Oasis: NARAL Joins Amnesty's Good Company

CNN Covered Cindy

Saudi frees ex-Guantanamo inmates

Enough with this idea of a mixed ticket. I want it all or nothing!

WashPost FINALLY notices Sheehan protest

Best candidates so far for '06

Progressives & Greens: What are your thoughts on ...

Musicians should unite with anti-war protest songs like the Stones

Iraqi war photos ...1,2,3 ...what are we fighting for? Do we give a damn?

DU recource center?

Three cheers for Dolores Kesterson making a mockery

Anyone see the Today show this morning...

Haven't heard anything about TreasonGate in a while

Pentagon Party on 9/11

Fritz Wenzel: Media Whore? You Judge.

Musicians should unite with anti-war protest songs like the Stones

The carnage in Iraq continues, 5 more dead American soldiers this morning

Racist Freeps blame fugitive couple's crimes on Interracial Relationships.

self-delete (bush's low poll numbers) - oops

Army poised to miss 2005 recruiting goal

Hackett calls Limbaugh "fat ass drug addict"...

Once again Fox News places no shows in the top 40.....

Fun help on an email :)

Trent Duffy calls Bush-approved $24 billion in Pork "pretty modest"

We must make American focus on the real culture war.

Is Cheney Running in 08?

Is The RW Floating The "They Volunteered" Meme To Counter Impending Draft?

SF Gate: Bush faces a no-win situation with Cindy Sheehan's presence

DFA training in NJ--- August 20-21

CINDY: Iraq Daily News carries Cindy in Crawford story...

Can city council meetings start with a prayer? A prayer that ends,

Even if legitimate, the extened Sheehan family should keep quiet.

Today's Luckovich - about Cindy Sheenan

"If he gave the real answer, told people it was to make his buddies rich"

Did Cindy Sheehan Vote for Bush?

Newsweek: bin Laden "front man" now in Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

Pakistan tests first cruise missile

do the teachers know? Teacher's Retirement Fund $500 mil to Carlyle

Does anyone know WHERE Arlington West is set up at C. Casey?

8 Months Later, Watchdog Group Is "Toothless, Underfunded Shell"

What's the most comprehensive dictionary site on the internet?

Time for a labor party to compete with "the bosses' twin parties"?

CNN Breaking: "U.N. nuclear watchdog agency adopts resolution...(Iran)

Please, help Janet Napolitano beat back the Repubs! DU this Poll!

Rove gets fired by a Bush every 12 years. Time to fire him again!

We all heard Bush talks to where is the Godly Advice??

Can anyone forward this to Will Pitt??

Sweet Neocon

CrossPost: GDP Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Thursday 8/11/05

Indie rockers force Hannity to change (home phone) number

Hillary's opponent forgets speech....

Michael Moore adds a "surprise" welcome screen to his Web Site

Keep DU's John Conyers group open

"radioactive contamination of the Gulf of Mexico. "

Stones Song - Applies to any 21st Century American Conservative

what do you make of this display at the Ohio memorial for fallen soldier?

When a reporter asked a multiple part question

Did the truckers make it to Crawford in support of Cindy??

calling for Withdrawal from Iraq: Would it help or hurt the Party?

If the US starts another war...

Ozarks Mom on her way to join Cindy

Jagger rolls back the years to join the Bush-bashers

The Great American Jobs Scam

Bill Clinton On Wolf's Situation Room in 3PM Hour

The party leaders will pick primary candidate. Audio, quote, Schumer

Flyers passing through U.S. have few rights, Arar judge told

"Dems want to abolish primaries"

Excellent Cindy interview on CNN Headline News

Photos: Crosses with names of soldiers killed line the road to Bush ranch

MSNBC polls on Bush/ Iraq and Bolton.

Faux News Alert: Cindy Sheehan responsible for 9/11...

How quickly Wolfie rushes to note that Dubya met with Cindy a year ago.

Cindy has a friend: O'Reilly interview with Dolores Kesterson

Until all American Troops in Iraq are Slaughtered

Will Pitt expects to be on Randi Rhodes at 5:30 EST! Stay tuned!

We need some noisemakers to fight off that stupid radio station!!

Will Pitt reports health inspectors backed by sheriff inspecting all tents

** Main page MSNBC ** "Mother's war protest draws support"

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 35th Legislative Conference

Rove can be prosecuted for lying to Bush

Meet the woman who dug up the South African dirt on Teresa last year.

Parsing Sheehan's Statements.. Here's what her Hometown News Said!

Wow. NBC Nightly News covered some good stuff tonight

DNC supports Sheehan: "Patriotism In Action"

Republicans don't want their kids to be writers or artists

Overheard in the office today - "Having been over there...

Hiway bill signed by Turdblossom

NPR Leads Afternoon Newscast (ATC) with Cindy Sheehan Story!

Falling in line about the war.

Atta, Able Danger: Blame the 9/11 investigators

Will Bill Clinton be deluged with letters now?

Petition on M. Moore's Site: "Bush, meet with Cindy " (11254 sigs so far)

The "Slavering, Pitiful CNN "Situation Room" is trying to Corrupt us!

Has anyone heard the new Rolling Stones Song "Sweet Neo Con"?

Mainstream paper Questions Story of 911

Melanie Morgan Is A Moran!!

Freep-holes plan "a patriotic, flag waving rally" (Crawford this Saturday)

N/m it's over

Out of the mouths of scientists

For West Coast Duers - please watch CBS News

looks like Hastert took bribes from Turkey

Du MedaiWatch activists report on TV Coverage of Camp Casey:

You got to watch the quiet ones!

Civil War

Drudge gets "Dan Rathered": posted a letter from a Sheehan "relative"


Bush Crawford meltdown: "I grieve for every death. It breaks my heart...

Does this rumor about Daryn Kagan/Rush Limbaugh make sense?

CHART: Gas Prices since 1994

Keith Olbermann to do story on Cindy tonight.

A Question Re: Cindy, Elian Gonzales and the RW Smear Machine!

Paging Senator Kerry! Senator Kerry?

neo-cons not only lost Iraq; they lost Iran too ... (incredible article)

Don Imus was discussing a visit by Jonh Kerry this morning...

Hillary Clinton to drop out of Senate race??????

Congressional Support Growing For Cindy

California Democratic Party calls for lowering of voting age UNANIMOUSLY

Bill O'Reilly's attack on Cindy continues (she declined to appear on show)

LA Times:"Mother's Protest at Bush's Doorstep Raises the Stakes" GOOD!!!

Does anybody else hear the drumbeat for war with Iran?

Must Watch Video - There's Something in the Air / But It's Not on the Airw

CINDY Says Hi to DU! (VIDEO)

"Republicans specialize in taking hope away"...Dean in San Antonio

McGovern: you can't build movements around candidates and election cycles

Vanity Fair drops a bomb in the forest and no one hears it!

"When Republicans Attack"

Audio - John Conyers interview by Harpers Magazine - Ohio Election Fraud