Senators Have a .. Duty to Examine .. Nominee's Full Record
What Watergate could teach the White House
. . . support and defend the Constitution . . .
Why Are the Media Having Such a Hard Time Covering Cindy Sheehan?
Clift: A Historical Footnote (Sheehan, Bush, Iraq, Dems, Repubs)
Proposed activity: Alerting Media & Demand coverage of Roberts memos
BREAKING NEWS!! White girl killed by tiger!!!!
This site has almost everything you need to know about E85 fuel
Oil prices spike on news; analyst predicts $70 a barrel
Mary Fowler explains high gas prices
Deep, abiotic petroleum - Could it be?
Gaza protesters hurl acid at police
I have a blog now and some of you may want to read it...
US Army Major [ret} / radiation expert : Missle hit pentagon
John Conyers on Krugman’s OP/ED & the Kerry/Edwards Rumors
A simple way to create complete accountability in elections.
Pic of Camp Casey in Chico, CA
Gilchrist joining race to replace Cox
Bush Administration Disputes Calif. on Tuna Mercury Warnings
Cindy Sheehan Support Rally in Los Angeles
Sighting: "War is Peace" & "Can you feel a draft?"
Is anyone going to stop flying Northwest, now that it looks like a strike
Anyone from Denton need a ride to Crawford tommorow? I'm going to come
Sign Petition to be Delivered to White House Sept. 26th- Strike for Peace
WONDERFUL LTTE about Bunny Greenhouse!
After reading Binka's thread, I realized what DU is missing...
Great thread on Kos with real "person on the street" interviews re: Bush
Bill Kristol's commentary regarding Cindy Sheehan on PBS's Newshour
Ok I promise these are the last of my Crawford pics
Whoever donated in my name....
Call Dish Network and demand that they carry Current TV 1-8880-347-4881
Kurd: Islam May Get Bigger Role in Iraq
David Gregory sitting in for Russert, Sunday, on MTP.
[Audio][Video] Another babbling coward on Faux News
CurrentTV wants to add Breaking News to the network!
BREAKING NEWS!! White girl killed by tiger!!!!
St Pete weekly protest they are trying to kill
Republicans, Democrats Differ on Security Versus Civil Liberties in Subway
These "people" (and I'm using that world lightly) are ANIMALS
Kicking Cindy when she's down....
U.S. protesters dig in despite absent anti-war mom
Philosophical Political Question
Is there a site that calculates time allotted for broadcast news stories?
KO's worst person in the world: Limbaugh
Administration Trying to Learn More About Incident Involving U.S. Warship
"American Family Assn." in a LATHER! Court rules atheism is a religion!
Why Media Reform Matters So Very Much
Why the hell did Chris Matthews have to take off...
Gladio and the strategy of tension
What are the Australians afraid of?
WTF with the "strokes" all of a sudden?
My Nana would like to know where Molly Ivins is at these days. Have not
Is Cindy Sheehan going to be on Real Time With Bill Maher tonight?
And another annoying MSM voice....Heidi Collins, bottle red head,
The election was fixed when they sent Bremmer to Iraq.
"Is Judy Miller sleeping with Arthur Sulzberger?" asked on AAR tonight.
There are TWO VERSIONS of what it means to keep up the troops' morale:
Tonight's Nightline will feature Cindy Sheehan... (Awesome!!)
Kellyanne conway is making me ashamed to be blonde
Nightline Special on Cindy Sheehan
how much is evolution accepted in other parts of the world ?
U.S. Anti-War Group Won't Pay Iraq Sanctions Fine
Has Anyone Ever Tried Google Earth?
Who? This Sheehan? That woman? I met her.
According To SurveyUSA, Only 13 States Are Anti-Choice
What They Did Last Fall - Krugman
CNN Poll: Hagel's comparison, Iraq to Vietnam
Is this a record? Hitting 1,000 donations by Friday evening?
Pic of Camp Casey in Chico, CA
When did VP say "The insurgency is in it's last throes"?
Can we have a round of applause for Bob Costas
Daily Herald finally post my vigil makes it into a pro bush piece
Update on Cindy's Mom - from her lawyer
"Mr. President, prior to 7/14/2003, were you aware that Valerie Wilson....
"Americans want to know that their president leads a balanced life."
Bill would let police monitor your e-mail
When the subject of Rove's treason came up on Bill Maher's show,
PLEASE read this excellent article... Cindy has even touched Kenya
Should we have invaded Afghanistan after 9/11?
Well, for all those who missed Bill Maher and will see
History Channel just mentioned KAL 007 in passing... Ready 4 a conspiracy?
I can solve the problem of illegal immigrations simply and easily
The legacy of "Johnny K": Fallen Philly soldier revealed the ugly truth ab
What was the Friday News Dump this week?
As a Christian I have no problem with evolution or even UFO's.
MANDATORY MALLOY: Friday Truthseeker Roll Call
Cartoon:While the End of the World Scenario Will Be Rife with Horrors...
Who's more pro-American? Karl Marx or George W Bush?
Bush is going to Idaho, right?
CQ CQ CQ special events station in Crawford. CQ CQ CQ.
Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction
M Dowd: "You know you're in trouble when Henry Kissinger gives you ...
Bush wants the power to have anyone killed with the stroke of a pen
why don't the TROOPS get a month-long vacation in Texas?
Phew, here goes. I quit Wal-Mart in the morning.
Does Bill Moyer have a website?
Perhaps instead of fighting over oil we should focus on not using it.
Maher thinks that Bush SHOULD NOT meet with Cindy Sheehan.
Tell me WHY 'peak oil' isn't "for real"
2 Georgia Gold Star Moms Travel To Texas To Take Cindy's Place (Dailykos)
My 1000th Post: A plea, an appeal, a tirade, a joke, a hope, & 1000 words
How do you feel about the fact that those calling for withdrawal from Iraq
O'Reilly attacks Cindy? Let's give him the LOOFAH treatment
check out the most popular Camp Casey images ---- ----- ---- > LINK
Viewers' review: Bill Maher's Real Time on HBO
Congratulations DUers, you did it! 1000 donations in record time!
When did it turn into "sovereigntist"?
Police rethink shoot to kill policy
Over 1,700 sickened at N.Y. water park (Seneca Lake Park’s Sprayground)
Early Birds Begin 2008 Courtship Dance
NYT: Frist Backs Bush on Teaching 'Intelligent Design' in Schools
NYT/AP: 3 Sunnis Promoting Vote Slain in Iraq
2 Ex-GIs Cleared of Iraq Mistreatment
Tonight's Nightline will feature Cindy Sheehan... (Awesome!!)
Coretta Scott King Is Mostly Paralyzed
Australians to sue Vioxx maker
Demonstration At Mexican Consulate Creates Chaos (San Diego)
Attackers Fire Missiles at Navy Ship in Jordan
Kurd: Islam May Get Bigger Role in Iraq
WP: Roberts Scoffed at Promotion for O'Connor
WPpg1: Soviet Germ Factories Pose New Threat: Lack Security
Frist backs 'intelligent design' teaching
Snubinator? Gov. Schwarzenegger says he won't attend UC Merced opening
Kansas attorney general sues to block state-funded abortions
Mother's choice: become a suicide bomber or your children will die
18 Tornadoes Wreak Havoc in Wisconsin
Grim torturer of apartheid era dies at 54 (Biko's killer)
CNN: U.S., Taliban bargained over bin Laden, documents show (1998)
Western Shoshone appeal for United Nations intervention
Indonesian Outage Leaves 100 Million Without Electricity
Kerry blisters Republicans, touts Democratic comeback at state lev
Northwest Airlines: STRIKE IS ON
Ex-Halliburton Subsidiary Worker Guilty
My name is Prince! And I am FUNKY!
LOL!! Joke news story about chimp. At first I thought it was real!!
Keep your damn birds locked up and away from my outdoor cats!
grovelbot is giving me a ride to the vd clinic
i'd Like to know groveLbot's poLitics
I don't normally like this cartoon.
I can't tell if this is satire or serious.
Advice from a Catholic ArchBishop
Grovelbot left the seat up and drank the last of Milk....
Grovelbot ran up my phone bill with phone sex charges.
Grovelbot chews with his mouth open.
I caught Grovelbot snooping around in my underwear drawer.
grovelbot touched me in a special way
Why does everyone assume Grovelbot's a dude?
Grovelbot slept with my dishwasher.
Oh! I was at breakfast with a co-worker today, and the woman next to us...
Misunderestimator & I Are Registered At
grovelbot won't let me switch avatars
Grovelbot switched my long distance provider...
Any Guiness World Record wantabees?
grovelbot laughed at my tracheotomy hole!
Grovelbot pushed my mother down the stairs...
Grovelbot steals subway tokens from Japanese tourists...
grovelbot slept with my sister
Grovelbot stole my grandmother's social security check...
grovelbot beat me for my dope money
Grovelbot steps on baby squid.
Grovelbot's mother sucks eggs.
Grovelbot wore my Birkenstocks...
Grovelbot is reading the latest Harry Potter to my children.
Grovelbot keeps lesbians for house cats.
Grovelbot HATES Kittens AND Pandas.
grovelbot subscribed me to NewsMax's Investment Newsletter!
Grovelbot hunts and kills songbirds!
grovelbot moonlights as a corporate gangster
Quick! Fave LEGAL MP3 Download site?
youthere has a Grovelbot fetish
ok. propriety and proprietary interests intervene
We ought to be getting close to the 1000 mark!
i just turned off my grovelbot thread post-repeater algorithm
Grovelbot killed my mother, raped my father, and sold my sister
Grovelbot's harshing on my buzz, dude!
Grovelbot killed Steve Guttenberg
Is this for real, Walken for President???
Grovelbot stole George Smith's $50K and threw him off the cruise ship!
What is your favorite grovelbot thread?
The Gap's new 'curvy' cut jeans are AMAZING
Grovelbot nearly choked on a pretzel.
Grovelbot is the new Washington Times Religion Editor!
Grovelbot grovelbotted my grovelbot
grovelbot left robot DNA on my thigh
Grovelbot hacked into my account and is posting Grovelbot threads with it!
Grovelbot's fetish for German latex scheisseporn cost us the war in Iraq!
grovelbot is an OT-V level Scientologist.
Grovelbot brags on AOL that he has "D" cells. He's lying.
Dang, the one time DH goes to the grocery store without me
I'm listening to Air Grovelbot Radio right now!
OMG The gravelbot is gone. Did I scare it way?
I had Grovelbot in my Y-Fronts earlier.
The Grovelbot Will NOT be Televised!
can we get back to cat pics please?
We need more cowbell in the Whitehouse.
Mitch Pileggi is on Stargate....
gravel butt: kids just don't get good injuries anymore!
Touch me on the inside with a finger full of gravy
Get yer grovelbooty right here:
Donald and Daisy Duck, (joke, really)
Knock it the fuck off with the Grovelbot posts.
Rita Cosby. Give that woman a sip of hot tea.
Grovelbot has Limbaugh's pilonidal cyst in a jar.
It's the bewitching hour! Battlestar Galactica or Monk!
Real Time with Bill Maher Poll
Grovelbot was a member of the Hitler Youth..
Songs you don't get--like, what is Prince's "Seven" about?
I don't have anything interesting to say!
Grovelbot's carving Frida Kahlo profiles on my Børns with a rabbit thigh
i'm listening to chalino sanchez
Why does Grovelbot hate America?
grovelbot is that than which nothing greater can be conceived
Grovelbot lies when he "explains" Feynman Diagrams
Grovelbot is the illegitimate child of Dr. Laura Schlesinger..
Fresh-from-the-farmstand corn on the cob and icy cold beer...
Grovelbot is the Lindbergh baby.
"Best of Show": "Like Voo-Doo without the doll" Bwahahahaha!
Cat survives 25,000 volt jolt and 40 ft. fall.
Well, I think I hurt my knee again!
Our puppy is the cutest puppy ever! Yes, really, she is!
"It's 11 PM. Do You Know Where Your Country Is?"
Tonights earworm. Download "Imagine This"
Being a keyboard-commando tough guy makes me feel "empowered".
"A prisoner of Christ Jesus, in Him I die daily."
Media reports: Fox gives man rabies!
There's a cricket in my house. Ask me anything.
Duzn't he mayk yu prowd? QUAYLE TO THE CHIEF!
If a grovelbot falls in the woods..
"Bewitched" was not that great.
So MisU knocked up Matcom...anything else of interest happen today?
Ever have a scope stuck up your nose and down your larynx?
funny sign I saw today (eeewww )
Short Quiz for Smart People .......
In the beginning was the Grovelbot, and the Grovelbot was with God,
Damn: The video signal on the red sox game just crapped out
Fuck. I'm exhausted and I need to pick up my SO from the station
Doesn't he make you proud? HAIL TO THE CHIEF
Recently started a martial practices (arts) program and my body HURTS!
Attn: People with knowledge of HTML (and XHTML)
uncharacteristic drama queen post
Paul Hackett for Tampa Bay Head Coach!!
Piles and Piles of Little Dogs
I AM Misunderestimator's and matcom's baby! Ask me anything.
Who Has A Pair of Costa Del Mars?
Leno: Bush reading "The Country's Just Not That Into You"
Careful. My puppy has his eye on you.
Anybody else pumped about Real Time With Bill Maher coming back?
1,000 donations! YEARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not the leaving of liverpool that greiiiivvveeesss me, my darling...
Who's watching "The Spy who Loved Me" on AMC?
So: it's all about pandas and Nobody cares about Penguins?
I'm such an embarrassment to the male gender!
Anyone else love "Stand by me"? Damn I love that movie
I have a new pic in my sig line !
why do so many places set their AC too cold?
My brother spentd 14 months in Yugo during the civil war in the UN.
What is your relationship with your penis (serious quesiton)
What's your favorite Apocalypse song.
You MUSTMUSTMUSTMUST see 40-year-old Virgin!!
Anybody heard of The Boo Radleys?
UNBELIEVABLE lightning storm, here.
The OFFICIAL "I told ya so, dead guy" thread!
The Clenis killed Natalee Halloway
Who the hell is KellyAnn Conway and why was she on Bill Maher tonight?
This is my first time in the lounge, and I need to ask:
Please go recommend the following thread
Six Feet Under: the last prior episode before it all is over-now
At this point, I think gieco could offer to insure my car for FREE...
Ummm - where'd all the siglines go??
Cat owners: do your cats ever go bonkers?
Lets play a game: Suppose that tonight God was proven to not exist...
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes is playing on the radio. Who wants to dance with me?
I am the Ann Coulter of Relationship Advice...........
Great animation song. "We can't afford our gasoline."
As a tribute to Sniffa, I am now going to capitalize
Do you believe in extra-terrestrials visit earth.
Dr. Laura is going to cry on Scarborough Country tonight.
Recommend a good music video DVD?
How does one show their, for lack of a concise word,
I'm drinking OE and listening to Skynyrd. Ask me anything.
Sign this petition to bring back Blue-Jay's squirrel!!!
BSG???? GODAMMIT! These writers kick ass!
Holy Crap - Indian "Design" Company just got soooo busted ripping off site
I just saw Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man.
Interesting snake behavior noted in July ...
Senator Harry Reid had a mild stroke
Blame the moon? Any correspondence to full moon and mood?
Looks like I'll be buying some Pepsi - (If this is true, that is)
"Churches seeking pastors with marketing skill"
"Woo Woos"??? Been away a while.. can someone explain?
John Conyers on Paul Krugman’s OP/ED & the Kerry/Edwards Rumors
Kerry blisters Republicans, touts Democratic comeback at state level
Still searching for a "good" flower snapshot
Costas story on front page
Worst person in the world on KO, 8/19: RUSH LIMBAUGH!
An end of the Day Happy Birthday to President Clinton
"GD Discussion Politics" Answers the kindness..........
A Retrospective - An image from an optimistic moment
Did anyone hear Jim's Conspiracy Corner
Vacation no getaway as rash of bad news dogs Bush at ranch
Here's One I've Never Seen Before!
So, like how many other Supremes have been appointed via Quid Pro Quo?
Joplin Globe (MO) Prints False Info. to Support Medicaid Cuts
How about a major address to the American people from Edgar Bergen (oops!
Rove's Revenge? Selective declassification of historical docs.
Lawsuit unveils sender of anonymous campaign mailings (More Ne GOP Crimes)
"The Harder They Come, The Harder They Fall"
Ever Notice all we get from the BushCo is excuses and more EXCUSES?
DAY 84 in ARUBA..missing Blonde...Rush sez,Git over it, People LOSE THINGs
Senator Harry Reid had a mild stroke
Just watched the coverage of "Camp Casey" on Nightline.....
Michael Moore Web: "George is a no-show" for Camp Casey prayer service
Today my favorite Rushbot told me he'd vote for Feingold.
Olbermann: Limbaugh "worst person in the world" 2 Days In a Row!
DUer Binka's son is off to Iraq, please click thru to support her:
John Conyers on Paul Krugman’s OP/ED & The Kerry/Edwards Ohio Rumors
last throes to lengthy campaign .cheney compares it to american revolution
Bernie Sanders calls for oil price controls and windfall profit taxes
Rove and Treason--A letter from Carl Levin
Top Ten Reasons Bush and Cheney Should Go Directly to Jail
Immigration - why do people want open borders?
Kerry blisters Republicans, touts Democratic comeback at state level
Iraq casts darkening cloud over Bush administration
"There's a big stink in the air, and it's coming from our 'leaders' "
Cheney's Paraguay Caper Is Intended To Produce 'A Splendid Little War'
The latest from your favorite kooky thespian, Michael Moriarty!
James Wolcott: Flickers at Dusk
Press Enterprise (CA): Cargo's duty
Baltimore Sun: Failure is an option
Hot Stuff...Krugman on electiions and their theft:
Arianna Huffington: Russert Watch: Back, Rested, and Ready to Come Clean? Editorial: "You Mowed Down His Cross"
Work until you drop: how the long-hours culture is killing us
Please respond to this racist L2E! (especially last paragraph!)
Desertion arrests fairly regular here
Globe and Mail: "Trading with the ‘schoolyard bully'" (guess who)
Some ammo for your next argument about Iraq....
Cindy Sheehan (HuffPost): Hypocrites and Liars
"Duck Soup" by Chris Floyd (excellent read).
Santorum’s People Toss Young Women out of Barnes & Noble, Trooper Threaten
Sen. John Kerry Blisters Republicans
Maybe it's time to befriend a moderate Conservative
Proposal to get DNC to back parallel elections in a big way
Take Action links and updates on Cindy+ from
Protesters picket outside Senator Chafee’s office
Police arrest five anti-war protesters, two injured, in march
DU this Waco-Tribune Herald Poll on Cindy (leading area paper in Crawford)
Costas Refuses to Host Show on Holloway
Condoleezza Rice - 9/11 Commission (Video)
The Target ads in this week's New Yorker
Supermodel becomes Western Shoshone ally in campaign
Calif. AG Disputes FDA on Tuna Warning
The Oil Effect, New York Times, Saturday, August 20, 2005
Recycling for old VHS Tapes and CDs @
1,700+ In 20 NY Counties Sickened With Cryptosporidiosis From Water Park
China, 1995 - "Development First, Environment Later" - "Later" Arrives
The 500-MPG Car: A Pipeline Dream, or Full of Hot Air? - NY Sun Aug 16 200
Pentagon Aims to Ease Fears Over Base Plan
Canadians Reject Extradition in Marijuana Case
NIGERIA: Obasanjo admits extrajudicial killings by police, pledges action
Gaza Evacuation Should Be Americans' Last Straw
BBC (Saturday): Abbas sets out his plans for Gaza
From Juan Cole's INFORMED COMMENT:Saturday, August 20, 2005
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Friday/ Saturday 8/19-20/05
Okay, Take a Small Break and visit the General and General Politics
Diebold hires top Dem for PR blitz (former DNC chair)
Bush needed 16% (1 in 6) Gore 2000 voters to win by 3 million votes
Wednesday night, 7-8pmish, Tommy's Joynt on Van Ness
Retired USS Iowa Headed Inland After San Francisco's Antiwar Rejection
Mayor of Irvine will speak at Patrick Henry Dem Club's meeting 8/23
L.A. high school loses accreditation (Crenshaw)
Open Mosque Day Lomita, Hawthorne, Culver City - Sunday
Have a spare bedroom? Democrat interns need a place to crash
Steve Kelley for Minnesota Newsletter
Call to Action: Back to Basics-- our Vote in 2006 (and 2005)
Some called me for a survey the other day
Twin Cities turning deaf ear to political talk radio shows
i need a free art program...any ideas?
Have you heard this radio commercial?
Where to see your Democratic candidates this week
Rick Perry to appear at AFA Pastor Policy Briefings
Report on Tom DeLay's private townhall meeting
3 Sunnis Promoting Vote Slain in Iraq
mopaul, DistressedAmerican, any DUer who puts picture commentary together
Shame on Me. I talked my son out of joining the Army.
Does Bush's behavior remind anyone else of Berlin, April - May 1945 ?
"america is still the greatest country to live in," so said my friend last
Marine tells (again) of phoney Saddam capture saga....
Repubs need to stop comparing Iraq's "constitution" with our own...
Will you still support the Dems after Abu Grhaib photos are released?
Another eBay Cindy-bashing Idiot Alert
the call for a September 24 demonstration reminded me of this . . .
Desertion arrests fairly regular here
The next time talking heads and repugs say
There's never been anything to compare with "liberal" radio....
Is there a Peace House in Idaho near where bush is going?
Do you encrypt your email today ?
Europe to Join Russia in Building Next Space Shuttle
L.A. high school loses accreditation (Crenshaw)
oh looky.........*moron is getting his lights punched out
Joe Lieberman To Meet With Cindy On Behalf of Bush!
Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory
The Constant Gardener looks intense, it's been a while
82 Days Without a Press Conference
Courtney Love sent to drug rehab
Letter to Larry Northern (Camp Casey cross vandal)
So Little Boots is headed to Idaho, where the heck is
The high gasoline prices are Bill Clinton's fault...
CNN Suddenly FLOODING Their Coverage Today With Rising Gas Prices
Cindy Sheehan has basically told Little Boots to "Bring it on"
The troops are over there fighting so high school football can be played!!
Why Haven't High Gas Prices Affected The Economy Yet?
Rumsfeld was on Charlie Rose last nite. I fell asleep waiting....
question to Crawford... How's the "ditch"? I'm sure it was left
Hunter S. Thompson to Blast Off Today---
In the last year the Federal reserve has raised interest rates eight times
Veterans for Peace heading back to Crawford
Crawford, Texas is the Central Front in the War on Terror, not Iraq.
Why wouldn't another big tax cut for the wealthy...fix things?
Iraq Talks Stall Over Islam, Oil; Kurds Could Drop Demand for Right to Sec
Phyllis Schlafly is so full of shit (as usual)
I Give a Sheet Vigial (Rethug counter-protest in Crawford)
Lance, YES | Gold Star Moms & Dads, NO --> The Heartless President >>>
Submitting a petition to Tony Blair?
After the '70s oil crisis, did the ME folks deliberately set us up?
Some stuff I found out while accommodation hunting for the march
Please sign this DNC petition for Roberts papers.....
Profound words from the Daily Howler
Poll: Most Blame Cindy Sheehan for High Gas Prices
The Most Amazing Inventions of 2004. (a cell phone?!)
How exactly does protesting the stupid war HURT the soldiers?
American Family Association sponsoring Pastor Policy Briefings
(VIDEO) Cafferty rips media over BTK coverage on Blitzer's show
Kitten shot with arrow. This is an outrage.
"The Best way to Honor the Fallen is to Finish the Job", DEAD wrong bush
America backs Shar'ia in Iraqi constitution.
Want to read some good war propaganda..
Any ex-UPCers out there - check out these photos!
The 'Urban Legend' of the 200 Miles Per Gallon Carburetor
What Does the Administration’s Leaked Mea Culpa on Iraq Portend?
Garth Brooks cuts a deal with Wal-Mart
Chip architecture question: Why decrease the nm's instead of just using
Sauce for the goose: for-profit colleges.
Police: Remains of LaToyia Figueroa found, x-boyfriend arrested
CIA Report on 9/11 is Complete
Jordan finds launcher for attacks
Truthout: Saturday morning Camp Casey report!
"Cindy Sheehan helped murder her own son"
The face behind Bush vigil - article about Cindy
Editor Explains Reasons for 'Intelligent Design' Article
Check out the flamewar at this great blog!
What's the story with Bob Costas refusing to host Larry King Live?
Tragedy is funny for this puke!
Someone asked why Bush didn't plant WMDs. Its because they are watching
I Can't Afford My Gasoline (Dial up Alert)
Fitzgerald has reputation for pursuing man at the top
Check out this Freeptard's LTTE!
Who The In The Hell is Melanie Morgan?
Is Bush daring the terrorist to attack us?
There was a short period of time
Is Lance going to visit the Camp before he leaves Crawford?
LTTE from my local paper today
Everything I know about Civil Disobedience I learned from Black Americans
CBC employees to turn lockout dynamics on their head
Photos from Camp Casey and Women's March to Bush Ranch
If you must post slime from Freeps or Drudge, et al
I'm surprised that * and Rove made such a mistake with Sheehan
Yesterday our mailman called Cindy a "bitch" and
smirk's man & oil pimp Bob Slaughter of the NPRA opens his mouth
Silicon Valley celebrates a "0.1 percent" job growth. Wow. Fucking WOW.
Problems logging in to Crawford Peace House
"Bitch Dog" and "Jeffery Scrotum Bag Barnes"
Truckers allowed to go 11plus hours
LAMO -- Senate will "hold hearings on gas prices Sept 8th"..what a joke
Did Lance tell Idiot* his war would have funded 30 YRS of cancer research?
HUMMER with license plate: NVRSETL - WTF?
Could expensive gas be a good thing?
Turn on C-Span2 right now dammit! Caldicott's still on for the next 90 min
Warrior's Walk in Ft. Stewart, GA. This is so wrong......
Anyone remember the mini-series "V" ???
Snopes confirms Barbara Bush "Beautiful Mind" quote
Garth Brooks a Wal-Mart Exclusive
PIX of the Resort Where George Will Take a Vacation from his Vacation >>>
Audio Link: Left, Right, and Center radio show discusses Cindy Sheehan
RW Shtick - "Poll: Military Families Not 'Fonda' Cindy Sheehan"
Where do we go to check tombstones?
If the war had been quick and easy and gas was under $2.00 would the ...
Is our military as fractured as our CIA?
Great DVD series - Vietnam, a Television History....
Should we boycott Northwest Airlines?!!
For those who live in 'Red' (Repub) areas. During the Clinton presidency,
A moment of cowardice -- or good sense?
I understand that Chimpy is going on an Iraq-a-palooza tour
Recycling for old VHS Tapes and CDs @
Bush: "All which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers."
Recommend the ALL Cindy thread for the greatest page please
Will Bush ever take another vacation without a protest vigil by his side?
Do you know what Santorum means?
Homosexual marriage will lead to mono-gloved marriage
Missing pregnant woman that the media ignored--her body has been found
Never fear- Dean on getting the hell OUT. Face the Nation.
Rasmussen polls are Shit o' bull...!!!
I saw the greatest yellow ribbon magnet last night.
What Cindy Sheehan Really Wants
Sheehan should respond to Bush's Pro Iraq War speeches this week
Does Bush Fear the Judgement of History?
Garth, Your friends sure are in low places
Iraq War Summary as playground
War Resisters Support Campaign
How to debunk anything. Hilarious.
Cindy Sheehan Exposes The Right Wing Noise Machine
Remember Bush can only deliver speech's to screened americans
Elaine Chao, Labor Secretary served on Northwest Airlines board
eBay--Someone selling for personal profit re: Cindy Sheehan
Hey, guys, VH1Classic is playing "Woodstock"
Washington, D.C. Events, Rallies & Actions
Base Closure Plan Goes Before Commission
Late-Night Jokes About Bush's Record-Setting 2005 Vacation
2 more Cindys join Protestors at Camp Casey
"U.S. concedes ground to Islamists on Iraqi law" WOO HOO "W"!
Who was it that was going to make a monument at Camp Casey
Lest we forget: Bush predicted NO casualties
Iraq insurgents plan wave of attacks
Red paper front-pages local Sheehan support
Daily Kos: Cindy's Diary...MY MOM
What makes a good house warming gift ?
We will keep shooting to kill, decide Yard chiefs
Just got a new voter ID card, is this normal?
Let's dig up another moldie oldie! Yale bombing...HUH?!
Conversations at an Oklahoma Gas Pump
Is Big-Oil getting free oil in Iraq. Or discounted?
With all the discussion of *'s delusions and fantasy world,
Is Bush's dyslexicon projecting our transport future (biking w/Lance)?
"Prairie Chapel Road" Song and Video
Bush Vacationing in Donnelly, Idaho- Check This Out!!
Bush supports Islamist law in Iraq
I have two questions about Camp Casey
Hey Dems-look at the top of the screen at boxing glove. Now , crawl out...
Whitewashing the Protection of Terrorists on US Soil
What should be owned publicly rather than privately? Anything?
Seriously. Are men who drive Hummers compensating for something?
"Sweet Neo-con" ("complete" lyrics)
What is it with these Generals? Are thae all drinking Kool-Aid?
In Two Shootings by Iraq Vets, War Stress Blamed
Should Bush meet with pro-War Demonstrators in Crawford?
Army General: Troops in Iraq until 2009 ?????????? maybe
Who Won This E-mail Exchange with a Wingnut?
Several Arrested in Jordan Rocket Attacks
Rush losing his audience (for some reason)
I almost got arrested last night. Not really, but you gotta read this.
1863 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Alternate, renewal energy: Tidal Energy?
OKC case now open again, bombing documents ordered turned over to judge
Truthout: "You Mowed Down His Cross" By Perry Jefferies, First Sergeant,
Will Bush Emerge from his Waco Compound Today? >>>
Cindy's Diary: "Hypocrites and Liars" (today)
The difference between the Right and the Left.
Former aide: Powell WMD speech 'lowest point in my life'
Quote of the week competition. August 14 - 20
Pope Benedict shows up in Germany just in time to fuck up the election.
Resurect an oldie. WHO Was Responsible For The Airline PUT OPTIONS?
It's A War Against FUNDAMENTALISTS, Stupid
(Judith) Miller and the Saddamite
Bush: We Have To Fight Them Over There!
WalMart going into the liquor business
Guy James: "You Can't Support the Troops and GW Bush"
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's "nut" that refused to budge. nt
U.S. policy against ‘axis of evil’ in trouble
Bill Maher's show last night had a very important message
Sheehan shows Iraqi and Muslim people what democracy is all about
Going to Crawford? Here's a map -- how to get to Camp Casey.
Who watched Bill Mahr last night?
Brainshrub just said hello to DU from Guy James Show
Some great photos from Crawford....
Hey isn't this DistressedAmerican holding up this sign in Crawford?
The Primary difference between a Republican and a Nazi.
VH1 showing a 1969 Dick Cavett show with
"The Case Against Bush" (excellent)
"Any man looks sharp in a uniform till he goes to war"
Do you hear and see what I see?
100 People Who Are REALLY Screwing Up America -- #3: Condoleezza Rice
Why is Michael Moore vilified as the "loony left"?
U.S. moves to counter Chavez-backed Telesur T.V..
Bush Begins 5-Day Push to Defend Iraq War
Guy James reads a fascinating letter from a soldier in Iraq.
Here's how a leader SHOULD honor his war dead
Story about a young boy and Rush Limbaugh...
Internet blog slams politicians hypocrisy on Iraq
Sooo....Nostradamus was right; yes?
Santorum’s People Toss Young Women out of B&N, Trooper Threatens Prison
For my 200th post I declare I am a liberal,
Does anyone know the next DU fund raiser Date
Hey George Do you hear Bell ? Stephan Smith anti war video
Paul Hackett with Bill Maher (video)
Another "Guy James Show" coming your way. Its going to be a good one!
DU this Waco-Tribune Herald Poll on Cindy (leading area paper in Crawford)
What has been the biggest Revelation in recent times?
Freepers Arrive at the Pig Farm With a Gift for w** Showing their Support
PHOTO: Armstrong, Bush Ride 'Tour De Crawford'
Fair? Balanced? A Study Finds It Does Not Matter
Nice op-ed on anti-semitic "gaffe" by monorail board member
Michael Moore's "Canadian Bacon" was ahead of it's time. Deserves
Working with the angels in Crawford, Texas
The Leisure Activities President finally allows a photograph >>>
Cartoon; "I have to get on with my life"
[Funny but haunting] "Why I Support President Bush"
Have you seen the new CitizenSpook?
Bernie is talking about Walmart and the new Trucker driving rules..
Need music to surf to? my weekly Peace and Protest Music broadcast is up.
GOP uses the same tactics as any school yard bully since time immemorial
Update on fire that killed two young girls in Oklahoma yesterday
What in the world is up with the bleached blonde RW bimbos?
WOW What a CAMPSITE! Huge tent and MANY PIX
Truthout: "Hypocrites and Liars" By Cindy Sheehan
"Why don't they talk about all the good things we're doing in Iraq?!"
Stupid Question: Is Condi Married?
Citizenspook: Wilson and Plame in cahoots with White House
You know what? FUCK Lance Armstrong.
Creating Arlington Central in my yard.
Northwest brothers and sisters strike...
Who has the scoop on Irelands boom times?
DU Cindy's Hometown (Vacaville, CA) Newpaper's online poll
"Okay, We Give Up" (Scientific American Re Intelligent Design)
FBI Tells Enormous Lie About Nick Berg
What should we have done with the hundreds of Billions spent on Iraq War?
Should we record the voices of these "callers" to identify who they are?
8/20 All DU Cindy threads DAY 14
I dreamed I saw Casey Sheehan last night, alive as you and me,
Bush administration break down?
Right wing group opposes vaccine that could prevent cervical cancer
The Era of American Narcissism Must End
I knew blackwater was going to show up PRO-WAR bikers
Comparison of gas prices: 2000 and 2005
DUers berated for not honoring the troops, by DUers. Why?
To me, the worst enemy is one who has nothing left to lose but his honor
Reuters: Bush invokes Sept 11 to defend Iraq war
*cough* Lance Armstrong *cough*
Time to VOTE in this poll in Cindy's hometown paper, DU'ers
I wish the goddamn DAM would burst already!
I figured out why this bike ride with Lance was so important!
Shrub's top 40 lies about war and terrorism (good handout/flyer material)
George Bush has taken 350 days of vacation in 5 years!
Troop Supporters! Help Our Military Find New Recruits
*** Favorite protest song lyrics here***
The Events at Stockwell Tube Station -- George Galloway MP
Where were the African-Americans?
Best Freeper pic since "The Moran." (From Camp Casey.)
Salt Lake City mayor calls for anti-Bush protest!!!
Rove/Repub Methods: A Descriptive List. Which if any should WE use?
So I was talking to a friend in the airline industry... there is a rumor..
Why do we call Deutschland Germany?
Most conservative metro areas or regions (as a whole)
We Need to take back the American Flag Lapel pin on Sept.24th
I Have Arrived In Crawford And I Am Ready To Rock! Brought A DU Tent.
Should police carry Guns or tasers?
Raise Rush Limbaugh's blood pressure – again!
"Bush Begins 5-Day Push to Defend Iraq War"
Willing to help demand the msm coverage of Roberts' memos?
THE LOUDEST CRY-LATimes: "Suicide Casts a Shadow on Conservation Battle"
Diebold hires top Dem for PR blitz (former DNC chair)
The end of NAFTA: Canada signed away its energy and got nothing in return;
I'm going to Milton Keynes tomorrow. Can anyone answer a few questions?
Wife’s allegations engulf chief of Barings parent
Fraud victims despair at parole for 'Goldfinger'
Naturists open their garden of earthy delights
Disney Accused of Labour Abuses in Chinese Factories--Guardian, UK
GA official's son driver in fatal crash
Iraq insurgents plan wave of attacks
Costas Refuses to Host Show on Holloway (!!!!!)
Security prepared for Afghan election
BBC: Gonzo journalist takes final shot (Hunter's funeral)
WP: In 1980s, Roberts Criticized The Court He Hopes to Join
Texas Man Admits Taking Kickbacks from Iraqi Company-Halliburton Employee
Canadian soldier disables Afghan taxi
Bush Begins 5-Day Push to Defend Iraq War
Senate Democratic leader Reid has mini-stroke
U.S. Willing to Discuss Peace Treaty With N.Korea
Asefi: US claim on Iran's meddling in Iraq mere hallucination
Bush Begins 5-Day Push to Defend Iraq War
UN pleads against Iraq executions
WP: Judge Tells U.S. to Revisit Wolves' Status (in the Northeast)
CIA Report on 9/11 is Complete (Washington Post)
U.S. soldier killed in Baghdad explosion
Deaths among insurgents, civilians, official
Pope urges Christians, Muslims to join in terror fight
AP: Bush Begins 5-Day Push to Defend Iraq War
In Two Shootings by Iraq Vets, War Stress Blamed
Iraqi Sunnis, anti-American Shiite cleric protest proposed constitution
AP: Army Planning for 4 More Years in Iraq
Venezuela State Oil Company to Open First Asia Office in China
Concern Grows Over Prison Islam Converts
London Police Continue Deadly Force Policy
Bush's Visit Helps Put Idaho Town on Map (Hideaway for Wealthy)
US Senator Asks Rumsfeld to Stop Criticism of Chavez (Specter R - PA)
U.S. base closing commissioners question cost savings ($14bln vs. $50bln)
London police maintain "shoot-to-kill" policy
Badges, not bullets’ for D.C. airspace mission
Scrap water project with World Bank: CPI (India)
Bush to launch campaign to promote war in Iraq
Senator: U.S., Libya Work to End Sanctions (OIL)
U.S. "concession" on Islam said to turn Iraq talks
Vote-Rigging Alleged in Pakistan Elections
Judge berates US failures as 9/11 supporter is convicted
NYT/AP: Gonzo Journalist's Sendoff Set for Saturday
Activists for 'bracero' migrant workers released from custody in Mexico ..
Bush invokes September 11 to defend Iraq war in Radio Address
U.N. Agency Findings Back Up Iran Claim
Cuba, Panama Restore Diplomatic Ties
Iraqi General says US troops shot him
China, Russia Shift to China's East Coast for 2nd Stage of Military Drills
Bush: Troops in Iraq protect US from terror
Pregnant woman's remains found near Philadelphia
LAT: Radical Islam an Issue in (California) Prisons
LAT: Suicide Casts a Shadow on Conservation Battle
Sunnis Complain of Being Cut Out of Talks
Twin Cities turning deaf ear to political talk radio shows
UN envoy urges Iraq to reconsider death penalty
Police may face public inquiry over shooting of Brazilian
U.S. conceding to Iraqi Islamists, negotiators say
Debtors in Rush to Bankruptcy as Change Nears
Iraqis may have had role in attack on Navy ships
Army planning for 4 more years in Iraq
Minutemen will be armed patrolling Houston (leader has criminal record)
Dead Soldier's Dad Finds No Enemy in Iraq
AP: Northwest Jet Blows 4 Tires in Detroit
Fletcher computer files copied (warrant served + warning against pardons)
Oil Prices Climb More Than $2 Per Barrel ($70. a barrel forecasted soon)
Russian Lawmaker: 'No Doubt US Military Presence in Kyrgyzstan Will End'
Bush, Armstrong take 2-hour ride
Rumsfeld rolling joints on Late Late Show
What happened to that diva of DU divas Bouncy Ball?
I desperately need a latino girl to dance with right now
Can I be a cyclical alchemist?
"We got married in a fever . . . .
Under appreciated artists thread!
I just got back from being outside...
The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat - post your memorable
Hocus Pocus! You now have a superpower!
There is no better album than White Zombie's La Sexorcisto!
Email Subject lines like: Re: Or ask in saxophone decimalise
I think I just found my new bicycle!
Joe Lieberman to meet with Cindy Sheehan on Bush's behalf
Looking at this thread means...
Well, nighthawks, I am going to call it an early night!
Can someone who knows latin translate this for me?
Will Grovelbot challenge Zell Miller to a duel?
My new favorite words that I learnt here in the Lounge
I just finished "The Brothers Karamozov"
Put your Username on this thread. If you can.
Christian Camp From Hell - What else is new?
Goddamn power went out earlier
I'm so tired, but I can't sleep.
Question regarding music download service subscriptions:
Sometimes its hard to be a woman
Courtney Love sent to drug rehab
Ever listen to Italian Spy Music?
Don't look it up. How many nybbles in a byte?
Don't look it up: How many bytes in a dynner?
Don't look it up, how many tydbits in a kilobyte?
Let's Play: "Caption The Smiley"!!!
I'm not the one who's so far away
2GB compactflash card for $104. Kingston brand. 8mb throughput.
Torture and Death Are the Norm in Iraq - Just don't tell anybody
spandex on some people is just wrong!
So...What did Dr. Laura cry about on Scarborough?
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Does DS1 seem kind of....old to you now?
What did I do to deserve this?
shhhh... if you see matcom today, please be nice
I just sent recycling over 150 VHS tapes. Ask me anything.
Well, 6 months since the fusion and I just moved, on my very own,
I dreamt I married Ben Affleck last night
What's your favourite toast topper?
Gene Simmons is a desparate, pathetic twit.....
Hardware question! Sound controller woes.
Jazz singer Peyroux goes missing on promo tour.
I've got time to kill...Ask me anything...
I am going to party like a rock star tonight...
Your favourite Gene/Jean Simmons?
Get's another "Alfred E. Newman" Bush photo, and it's BAD.
Blue oyster cult and foreigner tonight in
It's very difficult to type with a bulky bandage on your index finger
Have you ever felt like you were falling, but you were sitting still?
Have you ever felt like you were sitting still, but you were falling?
Book TV on C-Span2 is so Great! I'm watching Dr. Helen Caldicott now.
My husband has been throwing up all day, what should I feed him?
HURRY to Vancouver - LOVERBOY is playing a FREE concert tonight
Magazines aimed at a narrow audience - bizarre
Your FAVORITE Spinal Tap album.
Reason # 57 why this country makes me mad: MTV's "My Super Sweet
I pierced my own ear last night.
People in the Pets Forum are eating dog food
Anyone into Daniel Lanois' music?
Are the Doobie Brothers playing in a fair near YOU??
Dukes of Hazzard - Series 1 - D.V.D.s released in the U.K. - YEHAW
Where can I buy computer games at the lowest price?
sending my son off to college in less than 2 weeks
Is There A New Way To Measure Fertilizer?
progmom on the air - post your jazz requests here
Anyone find it odd that Saudi Arabia has a team in the LL world series?
I noticed that I'm driving slower
OMG, when my boyfriend and I were driving around, people glared at us!
Are there any photoshoppers out there willing to help me fix a picture?
The George W. Bush Loyalty Quiz
Can you really THRUST your pet?
Can you really TRUST your pet?
Hunter Thompson cannon shot is today
i just got a letter from george bush and you didn`t !!!
I'm watching old reruns of Lassie on Discovery for Kids
Back online again. Had to put my computer in the shop.
The Spoof: "George & Laura Bush, Cheney enter rehab for Oil Addiction"
CNN talking aobut XBox and Playstation and
I FOUND IT! I realized a few days ago that I hadn't seen my copy of
Check out this xenophobic racist asshole's letter to the editor:
Post Stories of GOP Criminality in Your own City or State here.
I think my sister is going to stand me up again!
I'm writing my thesis this next school year. Any suggestions?
Ok, anyone know how to clean a DVD?
Bush gives Armstrong a "Tour de Crawford" t-shirt. How CUTE!
I Need Help Deciding Between Two Potential Job Offers
Woo Hoo I have a 2 hour break today!
I'm so excited for tonight, it just can't get here fast enough!
Aha! Brazil is BACK! (And a tip to streamline YOUR images!)
DUers who donated through PayPal, how long for the star?
I dreamed last night that I was dancing with Mick Jagger
Can flat paint be made into semi-gloss?
OMG! My Neighbor is painting his house. CANTALOUPE!
I'm going for donuts. Who wants any?
I don't think this has gotten enough attention, so for no other reason:
Why do you wear colorful clothing in the sun?
A Man Apart on Encore starring Vin Diesel
Do you think Rock fans hold Metallica to too high of a standard?
My little sister punched out some guy
Anyone know how to get a street sign off the wall without cutting it down?
In this thread shall ye post only the TRUTH:
Thunder chased us out of the pool!
Whoever donated me a star, THANK YOU!!!
Can't come up with the performer of this song...
when all is said and done, there's only 10 kinds of people in the world...
More song lyrics... but these are good
Picture of the new stage for the Stones' tour
Will GrovelBot now challenge Zell Miller to a duel?
Today's Lounge Theme: Pastels.
Okay, why oh why does he call himself "Magic Johnson" anyway?
Abuse Charges Filed in Dog Mill Case (Chihauhaus)
"Hank, let's go shoot me a Christmas tree"
i sometimes wish there was no taboo in this culture against public nudity
If Bush sees his shadow when he leaves Crawford...
Do you believe in near-death/out of body experiences?
I have dedicated a song to Gold Star Mom's for Peace
the lounge is in dire need of a theme today
Sundog now needs a 2/3 majority of all DUers to appear on greatest page
Concerning my Courtney Love love...
Words Women use (True or False)
President Bush Agrees to Meet with 40-Year-Old Virgin
If you own anything mechanical, don't let me near it.
Okay, who's seen '40 Year Old Virgin'? That's my pick of the weekend.
DUers please reposnd to racist Letter to Editor
Had a nice adventure today. We visited Fort Knox
I got back from my reading.......
Damn you Skinner! I had to get rid of my Buckeye pic
Has anyone had their parent(s) move in with them?
Who is your favorite secret agent?
Musicians and Drugs - Your opinions aren't required, but will be recorded
Funny shit your Mom says, you know, her trademark phrase
Bow to me. I successfully programmed a VCR/DVD!
What makes a good house warming gift ?
I'm getting a tarot reading today...
Is it me, or does the new Pope
"Hello Loneliness" - Evan Ratliff on emotional spillage in an odd venue
I'm off to a Polish Wedding.......
It's National Homeless Animals' Day. Anybody here ever adopted
What's your favorite James Bond theme?
Go ahead! Just try and make some sense out of these lyrics. I dare you!
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have? (quiz )
A group of my patients at work want me to get them some WEED!
Concerning my George Clooney love...
If you were in charge of a new woodstock this October.....
can someone have a crush on your SO, and
What was THE popular boy and girl name when you were growing up?
When selling insurance turns political...
How many times has this happened to you?
Holy Crap the Best Flash animation ever!!!
A moment of silence for the Good Doctor
I HATE IT ~ when I take something in for repair & it is a BIG PROBLEM!
I know this sounds crazy but Phoenix seems more progressive than Tucson...
I'm so *%&@^! mad right now, I feel like I need to cry!
my homage to primate one and heidi
For three-thousand posts: ask anything
Relations strained on JP2 sainthood proposal
Pope urges Christians, Muslims to join in terror fight
Scientists Mess with the Speed of Light
Do fuel vaporizers, or vapor fuel systems, to replace carburetor, work?
US editor ignites evolution row at Smithsonian
Einstein's '1925' manuscript found
Horse Racing News - August 20th
Do you like College or Pro football better?
National Homeless Animals' Day is today.
Anyone here watch "Lassie" on TV?
Tarot Reading - Cindy Sheehan/Anti-War Movement
Have you ever been shunned or threatened
Free of politics, speaking her mind (Ernestine Bradley)
CNN HN is actually reporting on Kerry's Seattle speech
“Hot Days of Summer” Congrats to......
Democracy Now broadcast live Friday from Camp Casey
Which of the crooked Republicans do you think will be indicted next?
Will we go to war with the Arabs for the privilege of driving our cars?
Orwell Rolls In His Grave - Watch Documentary on This Website
CIA report on 9/11 is complete
Hey - sign up for the FOIA if you haven't already...
Anyone else starting to think the Roberts nomination is a red herring?
Dem Party on the Ropes ...due to LOI, Lack of Input/Focus/Goals
Best Little Whorehouse in DC--SmirkingChimp rant
People's Petition for a Way Out of Iraq (The Nation)
I think government should go solar....
"Your son volunteered. He knew what he was getting into ..."
Why Bush can't meet with Cindy
Even Nixon met with the protesters.
that main article on the interstate is weak
The George W. Bush "Noble Cause" Contest! (Cash & Other Prizes)
Disturbing topic on Mike Gallagher show
The Peaceful Occupation of Crawford Day 13 - Leaving Camp Casey
Long Beach (CA) Press Telegram: L.B. mayor and/or Arkansas senator
In Depth: Dr. Helen Caldicott, BookTV, 12pm EST
A person finds strength in humility
Ohio Republican Scandal Continues To Take Its Toll
Question - are the RW talking dorks telling the BTK victim families
CA, TX, NY, PA, OH: States with highest U.S. military casualties in Iraq
Photo: Secret Service walks away after refusing to accept letter to Bush
Dead Americans in Iraq make free republic members happy
Just watched "Orwell Rolls in His Grave" and I am FIRED UP!
Russian President calls for international conference to pull troops out of
Iran blames U.S. spy services for bombings in Iraq
Osama heading for Iraq: Report
Should Harry step down as Minority Leader ?
Dick "other priorities" Cheney's remarks at Purple Heart Convention
Rush Limbaugh is like the last rat on the ship...
they even poach (Vasell/Burns/Abramoff)
Bush - "We don't need no fucking exit strategy"
Pa. GOP Files FEC Complaint Over News Ads (Bob Casey & Scranton Times)
Crawford mothers brought letters to Laura...
We need to refer to Iraq as 'Bush's abject failure.'
I feel like I have been on a vacation in Aruba
Little George Has To Go All The Way To Idaho To Defend His Miserable War
text of snake Cheney's speech given to W.H. press at Crawford :)
Gingrich; explaining iraq as on track and making progress is nonsense
If you're not watching C-Span2 right now you're missing out.
Limbaugh calls Native Americans "injuns" -- again
Repugs on Clinton's Bosnian Actions. HYPOCRITES
Post News Stories of GOP Criminality in Your own City or State here.
Repugs on Clinton's Bosnian actions
Unfortunately CNN did not add "and not come back" to this
Ex-Candidate indicted in fraud case
Rush Limbaugh loses 43% of his Audience
Bush invokes Sept 11 to defend Iraq war
A funny flash of Bush's earpeice press conferences...
NYT: Debtors in Rush to File for Bankruptcy as Oct. Deadline Approaches
Has there been any mention of Cindy Sheehan on Conan O'Brien or Jay Leno?
Camp Casey now moved closer to Dubya's ranch and with new tents!
I got to hear Under Sec. of Def. Michael Wynne babble
Absolute must see TV on CNN Sunday night 7 pm CST......
Did anyone else hear that Reid had a stroke?
Feingold Tunes in to Anti-War Sentiment from The Nation's John Nichols
Cheney - the evil behind the Bush in Washington
Here is a Raleigh NC poll that needs help....
Should we record the voices of these "callers" to identify who they are?
I'd better repost this picture here
Salt Lake City Mayor calls for Massive Bush Protest on Monday.
Cindy Sheehan Poll in Vacaville paper
It's become clear to me, a pro-war Democrat stands no chance in 2008
Why the "Washington Post" has Financial Interest in "Terror Alerts & Bush"
Cleland: ‘Bush’s Iraq Plan For Victory is Not Working
Instead of Impeachment--How about calls for a Chimp-Cheney resignation.
Ann Coulter is chiding O'Reilly for being a defeatist.
Deprogramming Deminazis and Crafting the Crux
Am I the only one pissed at last night's Bill Maher show?
The big mistake we made in 2004 that we can't repeat in 2008
Schwarzenegger’s Rolling Stones Fundraiser Violates MA Ticket Scalping Law
Hypocrites and Liars by Cindy Sheehan
come on DUers, our chance to try and help
Coleen Rowley and John Conyers to speak at Dept of Peace Conf. 9/10-12
Getting progressive voters to the polls
Secrets of the morgue - Baghdad's body count
KRON executive producer responds to my e-mail about Cindy bashing
NYT op/ed on Republican PORK - PORK - PORK in Alaska - YOU'RE paying!
NY Times op/ed: "The Trillion-Dollar War" - How many realize how much
The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan (NYT / Frank Rich)
There is Such a Thing as “Too Late”
10 Core Democratic Values that Separate Us from Republicans