Can Cindy Sheehan End the War?
What Does Democracy Really Mean In The Middle East? by Robert Fisk
Excellent Article: The Breaking Point by Peter Maass
Go Cindy! She keeps on speaking out
WaPo: Call it a Day (Vietnam Vet says pull the plug on Iraq)
Mother tips the balance against Bush
President Putin urges USA to withdraw troops from Iraq
"The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan" (Frank Rich, NYT)
Two Days at Camp Casey, a journey from being an apolitical housewife to an
Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on Defensive (Xian Rt. funds Institute)
Illuminated list of the world's largest solar PV power plants.
Havana Medical School Sees First Grads
Gaza Evacuation Should Be Americans' Last Straw
The New York Times (Sunday): Hamas Pushing for Lead Role in a New Gaza
Elie Wiesel (The New York Times): The Dispossessed
Nuclear Terror Drill to Go Live?
The 9/11 Omission Commission & the Lapdog Press.
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Sunday 8/21/05
Decertify a DRE -- today-- well its the weekend-- so do it on monday
I saw 'Keep Abortion Legal' protesters in Torrance today!!!
I'll be in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho until Tues or Wed
Decrypting EFS'd files after XP reinstallation.
This old computer is acting up! I think I'm getting an Apple....
Cool looking tent at Crawford!
After receiving sheets from GA fans, GW and Karl put them to good use.
Chavez Frias offers more details about 25-year 'Petroleum Seed Plan'
Freeper "logic" rears its ugly head again
OK DU medics, I've got a strange problem.
I almost started one of those "Bush is Toast!" threads....
Army Planning for 4 More Years in Iraq
"You Don't Speak for Us Cindy"
Call me a snob, but why would anyone WANT to vacation in Crawford
Did you travel to this water park????
Some of the reasons I gave up on Christianity.
Flying Spagetti Monster Theory of Intelligent Deisgn
I keep hearing from war supporters that if we don't fight
IDEA: 100,000 + Camp Caseys around the nation,
Where can I find the pics of the crosses
Alert the media!! This is urgent!
CNN: 4 More Years in Iraq: Caption Needed
US State Department wants to reverse Venezuela's "negative tendencies" in
Sunnis Say They've Been Left Out of Talks
Iraqi Cop Moonlightingas Terrorist Just To Make Ends Meet
wireless laptop - couldn't connect at Panera
A song I wrote: "Casey's Mom" (to be sung to the tune of "Casey Jones")
Have there been any polls among Iraqis on whether things were better now,
Evangelical scientists refute gravity: "Intelligent Falling"
WP Sunday: Refusal to See Sheehan Is Second-Guessed
WHERE'S GEORGE? He's Been Holed Up in his Waco Compound for Seven Days >>>
America is like Humpty Dumpty...
Salt Lake City Mayor Calls for Big Protest on Monday.
Salt Lake mayor to lead Bush protest
Cindy may be back as soon as Sunday in Crawford
I just counted 673 pennies into a jar before I ran out. April 9, 2004
[Video] Californian Anti-Schwarzenegger commerical
Request for someone at Camp Casey
The best thing for America is about 10 more years of Republican rule...
Funny Freeper stuff for those interested.
Can the Repubs push Roberts through without turning over the documents?
Amazing how actual this is : 1984
hehe now we get mentioned in a sports BBoard
Request for someone at Camp Casey
Are we becoming too callous and cynical ?
As you gather more political knowledge and...
Git out 'yer barf bags. The Bush Admin 9/11 push is starting
Who's right on the Qualls cross? (Sheenan Crawford camp)
Ran into a friend who works at Wal-Mart
KAREN HUGHES begins job of "repairing America's image"
How Much Influence Should Parents of Fallen Soldiers Have In Policy?
VIDEO (CBS EVENING NEWS): Camped Out In Crawford
Our secret weapon...the little old ladies
Frank Rich: The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan
A freeper just knocked on my door...
Woman on Xanax kills 4 pedestrians: D.A. not prosecuting
"My cousin just got killed in Iraq a day before he was to come home"
Bush, Frist & Co. call Intelligent Design a "Theory", right?
Just Back After 4 Days at Camp Casey: A.M.A.
"My cousin is dead. He was killed in Iraq."
DUers' Reactions To Lance Armstrong's Meeting W/Bush Are Shameful.
You won a Republican administration!
Elizabeth Edwards letter about Cindy- It's touching
Fitzgerald indicts Novak's former boss at the Chicago Sun Times!
Putin calls for Iraq troop pullout timetable
Internet blog slams politicians hypocrisy on Iraq
Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on Defensive (Xian Rt. funds Institute)
Militias Wresting Control Across Iraq No. and So.: Growing Climate of Fear
President Putin urges USA to withdraw troops from Iraq
Mexican police fire tear gas and arrest protesters in Cancun
Ecuador strains to hike oil output, open talks (with protesters)
Twin Cities Tuning Out Political Talk Radio (Limbaugh 43% Drop)
Accept Islamic militancy is rising: Media to Khalida
Gaddafi invites Bush, Rice to visit Libya-Senator
Army Planning for 4 More Years in Iraq
Iraq urged not to resume executions
Original Einstein Manuscript Discovered
Russian sanitary services take urgent measures to create bird flu vaccine
Scarborough Won't Challenge Harris in Fla.
Montana governor: USDA a ‘bunch of stooges’
Jury: Parents Share Blame in Son's Attack
Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Son's Death
NYT: Sufis Under Attack as Sunni Rifts Widen
Refusal to See Sheehan Is Second-Guessed
Sifting Old, New Writings For Roberts's Philosophy (WaPo)
NYT: Judges Rebuff Government on Endangered Species (S.F. and Vt.)
Gonzo Writer Thompson's Ashes Blast Off
U.S. fills oil reserve for emergency
Militias Wresting Control Across Iraq's North and South
Coin dealer asks Taft to take back statements
Police who tailed shot Brazilian didn't think he was a threat: report
Salt Lake City Mayor Calls for Protest of Bush.
War Backers Start Camp Near Bush Ranch ("Fort Qualls")
'African' Group Not What It Seems (AryanFest '05)
Britain's Organic Food Scam Exposed
Diebold hires top Dem for PR blitz
NYT: Karen Hughes Begins Task of Repairing America's Image Abroad
TV Station Refuses to Air Anti-War Ad
Soldier 'instructed' to abuse Abu Ghraib prisoners
Two War Protesters Injured During March (subdued with taser and dog bite)
A little Vega on a Saturday evening...
Any fans of PBS's "As Time Goes By?" Judy Dench...etc. ????
God, how I hate them bullshit quizzes.
Question for other SoulSeek users.
Anyone watching "Lord Of The Rings?"
Which parent did/do you get along with best?
Do your dogs like Greenies???? My dog acts like they are doggie crack
Just picked up season four of "The West Wing"
Why we wouldn't call an ambulance where we live
Any VB/VBA gurus here tonight?
Should I nip money out of my retirement account?
What is this BS of posting complaints in the Lounge?
OK so I went a little crazy at the DVD store.
I thought Sirius had every NFL game
Anyone wanna see some cool pics?
Let's see. One of these two ...
Can someone post some kitty pics
Welcome Newbies. Here's a task for you.
Just got back from my beating.......
Any archaeologists out there? Share your best/worst dig story here
Did you ever want to tell your boss...
I'm not getting drunk now. I found a Valium....
howdy, I need help. can someone restore my donor status. Thanks.
"Rear Window"--TCM--12:15am EST......
What Fox News Channel Would Have Done to Rosa Parks
Did you believe that Darth Vader was really Luke's father?
Why do the movies made for Sci-Fi channel suck so bad?
So what is there to do in Portland, Oregon?
You want lyrics? "Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine
Man, it takes forever to get anywhere when you drive the speed limit.
Where the heck can I buy a Blue Canary nightlight???
asthmaticeog can't respond to your posts at the moment.....
Which groups/artists recorded "Gloria?"
One lone positive thought on this dreary night.
Dinner will be here shortly. I'm having...
I'm gonna go play Resident Evil 4 and then I'm gonna play the blues
My dog is really freaking me out tonight
Big ol' "Luna Moth" on my front porch tonight. (PIC)
Has anyone seen The 40 Year Old Virgin yet?
You know, the Milwaukee Brewers really suck, but...
Oddly enough, *I* have a dog problem.
Bones, It's Pirate Roberts! He's dread, Jim.
Is it possible to have other people edit your posts, if you post a link?
What do your friends "away messages" say?
Are You An Oasis Or Beatles Fan? (quiz )
Have I stated yet today how much I hate having sex with rich people?
What's Your Favorite Green Thing?
Do you like meat? Do you like the taste of murder?
You were working as a waitress
A dot for every second in the day...
Things that make you utterly, unbelievably thankful
WOOHOO! Three (count'em three) whole posts to 6000!
wireless laptop - couldn't connect at Panera
Why Can't Airplanes Go Straight Up, Hover & Wait For Earth To Revolve
What is this BS of posting song lyrics in the Lounge?
Fuck this. I'm going to go watch some episodes of "The Office"
Ever see the movie "Before Sunrise"?
Is it a bad idea to taser stupid people?
Do you think they'll miss you when you're gone?
Rose ~ When was the 1st time you ever heard the blues
Have I stated yet today, how much I HATE Richie Sexson?
How much money do you spend on gas each month?
So Many Men, So Little Time....
Is the snickering pig related to Maddy McCall's frog?
Scissor Sisters are the worst fucking band in the universe.
OK, I've given up flirting. What should I give up next?
How Liberal / Conservative Are You? (quiz)
AWFUL people at baseball games. (rant)
Do you have a favorite South Park character?
Anyone here play BattleField 2?
Post in this thread to PISS ME OFF
Typical Plot of a Movie made for the Sci-Fi Channel
God discriminates against the handicapped (directly from The Bible)
Bar at Milky Way's heart revealed
‘Tenth planet’ may be bigger than expected
I truly do not like Braden Looper
Right now, in this time frame, who are your TOP Candidates for 2008.
Here's an interesting Sheehan thought....
Anybody know Ken Mehlman's email address?
It looks like the counter on is broken. Any other source
The GOP is in an exsquisite trap?
Judge berates US failures as 9/11 supporter is convicted
Man Asks Ohio Gov. to Recant Statements
Listen to "The Oklahoma City Bombing - Prelude to 9/11"
You can bet that all Republicans will bring out 9/11 again in '06 and '08
First Ladies. Let's talk about them.... Pickles is USELESS!
What happens if the Constitutional process collapses on Monday ?
Army Planning for Four More Years in Iraq
Army Planning for 4 More Years in Iraq
Win in 2006 and beyond with "The Fair Deal"
Coburn to continue practicing medicine("considering joining the military")
Good news for Democrats in 2006
Tim Ryan (D) Ohio Video,,,rocking the house (just the video)
Diebold Hires Top Dem for PR blitz
More scandal involving Diebold in Ohio (traitor Dem alert)
The most dangerous man in U.S.
Activists deserve praise, not harassment
Have you read the article on the front page? "Running on Fumes"
Frank Rich: The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan
Chess Grand Master Kasparov to run against Putin?
Digby/ Whose Freedom is it Anyway ? (George, you misbegotten cretin..)
Army Reissues RFP For $200 Million Ad Contract
LAT: Wal-Mart Hard Sell in Big Apple
GREAT inside account of life at the Sun-Times under Conrad Black
Business booms for US defence contractors on Pentagon spend
NYT Editorial: ill-considered attempt to link war to 9/11
Mayor of Salt Lake City Calls for Major Bush Protest on 8/22
War stress blamed in (two) Iraq veteran shootings
"Sheehan: From pathos to nonsense" The smear continues...
Iraqi heat felt in Texas (On vacation, Bush has some explaining to do
Blame sour mood on economy on Iraq, not gas prices or wages
A life turned public through protest (Cindy Sheehan)
An Honorable Marine Killed in a Dishonorable War
Ready, Aim, Fire—Again (Taser CEO Tries to Revive Ailing Company)
The Military: Walking Among the Dead (Marine of Year Snapped)
Zakaria: How to Escape the Oil Trap
New voting machines will fade as issue
"I share his love of vacations, but not his lack of remorse"
Op-Ed for Cindy Sheehan by a Iraq War Vet
Frist backs "intelligent design" and I have to say, I'm behind him on this
Hackett calls Rush "fat-assed drug addict" LOL
Why Bush refuses to meet with Sheehan 2nd time (Seattle Times)
Permission to grieve (Does Bush know how to Grieve?)
(Freedom Walk) Walking the Wrong Way - NYT/ed.
Publisher speaks out on situation in Iraq
Republican grip on Ohio weakens with state’s woes
The Safety Net She Believed In Was Pulled Away When She Fell
Rove Behavior - Could it be Bush's Watergate? Houston Chron, Repub OpEd
Another FREEPED Poll on Cindy to DU
MSNBC labels counter-protest at Crawford "patriotic"...
Salt Lake City tv station refuses to air Cindy Sheehan ad
Expansion, contraction.......and the imploding U.S. economy
Secret History of the Credit Card
NYT: Kitchen Voyeur: Sunny Side Up (Article on Solar Ovens)
I think pulling out of the West Bank and Gaza strip are the best moves for
This is probably nothing but... Seismic anomoly 8/14/99
London bombings: 77 questions concerning 7/7. Update
Stunning Statistic on Official Investigations-- Why Is 9/11 So Different?
NY Police at WTC : dozens reported explosions at WTC before collapse
Is The Pro-Democracy Movement Under Attack From AOL?
Have you nominated the Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News?
HAVA and the Rush to Poor Judgment
Diebold goes to Washington on Ohio(Cleveland Dispatch)
ERD X Post: Former DNC Chair Shills for Diebold. Support this GDP Post!
Extensive online book: "Vote Fraud And Election Issues"
a "game" about the 2004 election
Mass forum post needs CA support (protest Arnold tonight)
Cross posted from GD about Home Heating Oil prices
Is reporter Deborah Caulfield Rybak related to Mayor Rybak of Minneapolis?
Northwest's Scab School: Video
Opinions on NetZero as a dial up ISP?
Republican grip on Ohio weakens with state’s woes
Anyone going to Crawford today from Austin?
Runing on Empty - Article on DU Homepage
"Your Credit's The October Surprise"
Poem by my friend re her son who will go to Iraq
When W is gone, what will the freepers do?
13 Coloradans plan to sustain Texas vigil
I bet Cindy Sheehan will be TIME's "Person of the Year"
Run your car on urine (no joke!)
Okay understand my mood please
e-mails from clergy @ crawford prayer vigil today
Pushing truckers past the limit
Factors leading to defeat of G.H.W.Bush
Jeff Gannon: Cindy Sheehan's "delusional rantings"
Just watched "Dead Wrong" on CNN international
Deal Made for Iraqi Shiite Theocracy
HE came back, the cops have been notified, I got my neighbor's dog
What the heck happened to my generation?
Song from Camp Casey last night
after you've lost YOUR son in Iraq, then you can bash Cindy Sheehan
no brush clearing, just biking, where's the cowboy getup?
Max Cleland gave the Dem response to *s weekly lie...
What would it take to return personhood to an individual
Oh, you're NOT Enlisting? then SHUT THE FUCK UP!
As the 2006 races approach, we must tackle the bogus polling
They died so that men might have more MONEY
Salt Lake City: TV station refuses to air Cindy ad days before Bush visit
CNN tonight, how did we get the Iraqi intelligence so "dead"
Thread yesterday about a Cheney aide calling in to WJ on C-SPAN.
American Public to Bush: "We Can't Go On Like This".
"Winter's predicted weather, high oil prices could bring NE to its knees"
Hopefully a happy thread for we stressed out DU'ers
New (old) GOP talking point revived...Gas prices....blame those Dems!
Who the h-e-double hockey sticks let Newt Gingerich into
Brazilian land - wow, it's very inexpensive.
Santorum thugs use state trooper to threaten and curb free speech...
Col. Anthony Schaffer is such a *-Cheney tool. He's on WJ now
FYI. the REAL reason we are talking about Able Danger. (c-span 1)
Dogs Used On Antiwar Protesters In Pittsburgh
MSNBC labels pro-war camp 'Patriotic'
If Sheehan was a Republican, would they attack her so viciously?
Do you live in that "gray" area...
Check out this LTTE - War bankrupting America, morally and financially
Fort Quallis and the Purple Heart Band Aids
Meet the Press on now....8:00 a.m. Central
I'm kind of wigging out, please someone talk to me and calm me down.
Last year the pharmaceutical industry spent $128 million
Four more years???? F*** that sh*t!!!
If the Department of Peace existed today, who would * nominate ....?
We got robbed today, please think good thoughts for us.
NJ: Legal group reviewing arrest of anti-war vigil organizer
C-Span Now!!....Topic is Air America Radio
Being pissed at Prince Lance doesn't mean that I don't care about cancer
The Flight (someone just sent me this in an e-mail)
SCREW 'Meet The Press' (et al) *I* Want To 'Meet The Press'
Karen Hughes heads up Propaganda Department
Things that truly hate us for our freedom.....
Fletcher Computer Files Copied.
Submission Accomplished, article for newbies.....
L.A. Times prints column criticizing its Sheehan coverage
Peak Oil in the MSM- "The Breaking Point" (Todays NY Times)
Three stations to carry picket-line "pirate radio" broadcast
Buying gas futures.How did they do that?
AmsterJam Concert: Wyclef Speaks Out
How long before gas prices result in recession?
I have been considering a not-for-profit organization to advance . . .
How can I find out how many hits DU gets a day?
"The Sheehan Terrorist/Murder Appeasers" A Fweeper Prof's Ugly Screed
LOL --A couples years later Lott still confronted with Strom Thurmond joke
"Casey's Mom" (to be sung to the tune of "Casey Jones")
do Boortz and Slaughter hold stock in toilet companies?
Expect a lot more fluff stories coming out of Iraq soon
I'm TIRED of trying to be polite around republican assholes
Hagel Says Iraq War Looking Like Vietnam
We don't have auto mechanics piloting the space shuttle for a reason...
4 more dead GIs in Afghanistan. Yawn..
just curious . . . did Joan Baez and Marcia Ball perform . . .
Ok here is a question that some may consider flame bait but I thnk
TIME: Nearly One Thousand Violent Deaths in Baghdad Last Month
Gee, the first Pres. Administration with tons of ties to the petroleum
An Observation On A Sunday Morning
"Freepers": Our Constantly Missed Opportunity
Oil: Supply and demand / 100mpg carborator
I Was in a Taxi in L.A. on Friday and the Driver Was Bitching about Gas
Media cowards running with tails between legs from Sheehan coverage
Bush Apologist Denies Social Rights For Women In Iraq
WHERE'S GEORGE? Still AWOL - Day Eight! --->>>
Cindy, you are one step away...
Fighting back is not "Sinking to their Level"
ATTN anyone at the Crawford Peace House!!
Would like advice for newbie protesting
Riddle me this.. Why is the Republican attack dog/smear machine NOT
More proof that the right has no new ideas and limited imagination
I had to take my daughter to get some back to school stuff today
My Tribute to DU…on the occasion of post 1000
Peace chant: 4/4/4 FOR WHAT? 4/4/4 FOR WHAT? Casey's d-day
The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan
please nominate this generous thread! an important collection.
Gaza question - Can anyone give me background info?
Who would be closer to your view on the war in Iraq? Hagel or Hillary?
Ya think that the city council of Crawford will call to have...
Minutemen to carry guns in Houston but will only video - they say
Hey Time Magizine, who said that bin laden wasn't person of the year?
Hendrik Herzberg smacks down ID
Pictures from NEW Camp Casey site (Dial-Up Warning)
Take Your Children and Grandparents and Neighbors to the Protest!
Flying Spaghetti Monster prophet invited to Kansas vote meeting
Cindy Sheehan Exposes The Right Wing Noise Machine
Utah radio station rejects Sheehan advert...
I think pulling out of the West Bank and Gaza strip are the best moves for
Crawford Peace House Community Message board
heard a psycho-rant on MN radio the other day--turned out to be Limbaugh
Armed Freeper uses gun to intimidate loud restaurant patrons!
Father of 2-month old shoplifts(?) diapers, dies in Walmart parking lot
The wisdom of Jeff "Bulldog" Gannon. Re post.
Because of the wildcard in baseball, 12 cities still have hope.
(VIDEO) Maher, Rock and the Wingnuts on Iraq constitution
Just spotted this Danziger cartoon:
Heading to the 12 Mile South Coalition Rally in Biloxi
Sure, I'm full of Hatred, is that a crime for a democrat?
Is Newt Gingrich going to run for president?
For some, the hour of desperation is here.
A letter to a young Republican ...
Bush tells what he REALLY does on the ranch (It isn't working!)
DU this freeped poll - Should President Bush meet with Cindy Sheehan?
US Army reservist convicted of detainee abuse wants "normal life"
A simple question for all those slamming Lance Armstrong:
Another FREEPED Poll on Cindy to DU
GOP Senator Says Iraq Looking Like Vietnam
Senator Trent Lott Confirms Downing Street Memo ?
The supposed Air America scandal
Socialists expelled from Camp Casey site
We need to start calling the media the "ENEMY"...
Gasoline at an all-time high in eastern Ohio--consumers are ignorant
Latest report from Truthout's Scott Galindez 12:15 Texas time
Nice photo, Lance. Hope it nets lots of money for cancer research.
CNN special on WMD lies (tonight) - bushco vicitim, CIA to blame
Beyond Treason - a very important Film on Depleted Uraniam & the Military
U. Texas professor releases "How to Stay Christian in College"
Islamic-Style Swimsuits Give Women Freedom to Dive In: Stir Debate (photo)
If your son or daughter dies in vain in Iraq, please keep it to yourself
Anybody have anything on this? Bush meets with dead soldier's father.
Another Democrat says stupid thing. Senator Levin
Folks are writing songs for Cindy all over. Post yours here please!
DU this AOL poll asking if Hagel is right about Iraq
Trent Lott letting the cat out of the bag ( video)
I need advice... I have to file bankruptcy.
London bombings: 77 questions concerning 7/7. Update
1864 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Where has the Rove story gone?
I think "Incompetent" should be the buzzword of the year
Travelled 200 miles thru Southern Ohio and saw only 1 Bush sticker!
Four US Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan
Why does it take one grieving mom to...
Embedded Live by Tim Robbins on Sundance tonight at 9:00 ET
Well I finally did it. I quit Wal-Mart. Now for the rest of the story.
On CNN now - Iraqi spokesman saying women have nothing to worry
Today's Sunday comics - Opus and Non Sequitur
Union targets WalMart employees WORLDWIDE
Security incidents in Iraq, Aug 21
Why are they destroying the buildings in Gaza?
Looking for a reasonable hotel in the DC area with WiFi or Broadband!
Taking back patriotism, taking back the flag
Patriot Act Experts: Need Help (Regarding Spy Satellite Rules)
AP: Saddam's 1990 Iraq Constitution Among Most Secular In Arab World
Conservative Pundits Bailing by the Busload
DU'ers - WRAL Poll for Cindy - been Freep'd BIGTIME
Judy Miller's NY Times will start charging for Web content. Are you buyin'?
Arbitrary deadlines great for everything BUT withdrawal from Iraq
Last call to vote for the September non-fiction title:
Brief history of Iraq and time line.
What did Cindy say that was so intemperate?
A disgusting protester in Camp Casey last Thursday
Speakers at the september 24 march.....
"When you take a father in front of his family.......
POLL: easier to deal with: Saddam or Iraqi Islamic Republic?
AOL poll: Is Hagel right about comparison of Iraq w/VietNam...76% RIGHT
"America is not worth dying for"--Fox (molly)--dug up some older
Our country is being run by sh*theads...
did you catch the exchange on Fox between the Able Danger
Gasoline price impact. Check in here. COSTCO parking lot almost empty.
After a crazy night I think that some in GD need to chill out.
Newt Ginrich on Cspan one right now..
Neighbor is Mentally Ill, What Should I Do?
A link to Truthout's Camp Casey Videos (more than 20 now!)
Is there any link where we can see Joan Baez playing at Camp : Updates and pics
I can't help but blow chunks at the hypocricy
We Wuz Punk'D about Da Election, We Wuz Punk'd about 9/11..
Meanwhile, in another part of the world.... similar concerns from a
Astounding Chris Matthews shows on now: presidential coverups.
MTP: Discussing Women's Rights In Iraq
Counterfactual History On Iraq
In 2008, U.S. Military Presence in Iraq will be
Are their any Iraq War veterans here? Anyone know anyone in Iraq?
Please post your prediction for IRAQ - 2010.
I was looking for the name of the Bush official who gave an address
Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's Peak, Kenneth Deffeyes
Steve Earle at Camp Casey (video)
Bush at 42-41% approval, how low will it be when the next poll comes out?
About Fitzgerald's Grand Jury.....
Anybody going to watch CNN show on bad intelligence?
Does anyone know what happened to Riverbend?
Michael Scheuer, ex CIA hardliner, on 60 Minutes now
The Onion: Evangelical Scientists Refute
So, did Joan Baez ever make it to Camp Casey???
The next news obsession - model is missing
It sounds like the new Iraq constitution will be a step back from Saddam's
Teachers write the book on dedication
Illinois: more harrasment of peace vigil participants.
Right wing 527 Move America Forward plans bus trip to Crawford
More on Dead Wrong: Inside An Intelligence Meltdown 8PM CNN
Hey CNN, I got a suggestion for ya!
The TUSKEGEE AIRMEN make their final flight
Tony Snow of Fox describes Camp Casey and Cindy thusly gets much more trafic than RNC.ORG
wouldn't it be GREAT to have a Real Government?
Why will Bush's planned pro-war media blitz make any difference?
"Women's social rights are not critical to democracy in Iraq"
Is anyone going to record the Joan Baez concert at Camp Casey?
So George Bush Has Not Left His Waco Compound for EIGHT DAYS Now >>>
An ode to W and his Fundie Base Who Would Jesus Bomb?
What was Jesus, if not a Hippy?
DU This Cindy Sheehan Poll in N.C.
Is it wrong to steal wireless Internet?
War Backers Set Up Camp Near Bush Ranch
DUMB QUESTION: Any laws govern PR firms? allowed to lie, etc?
Some Good News in a Personal Battle
Photo of Cindy and Qualls in an embrace, they've talked
On MTP: Trent Lott lets slip that Bush was planning the Iraq war in 2001?
Why did Carter take so much heat for Gas Prices and not Bush?
Why are the Major Women's Rights Coalitions not supporting US FEMALES
Fitzy INDICTMENT against fmr Chicago Sun/Times publisher
DEA strikes a blow against "marajuana legalization movement"
POLL: Get rid of DLC whores now or later?
GAS PRICES....what the hell is going on?
" 'Stay the course' is NOT a policy." - Sen. Hagel (R)
Just back from Camp Casey and WOW
Sun times Mark Styen on Cindy Sheehan
If the DLC broke away from the Democratic Party...
Kuwaiti man slits daughter's throat: "HONOR killing" WOO HOO *W*!
if every senator & congressman suddenly vanished, how would we live?
PNACer on MTP: "women's social rights are not critical to ... democracy"
Un-American about Animals by Peter Singer
More about the Protest in Pittsburgh (the one with tasers, dogs, and mace)
Reporting a rape. How the process works.
Robert Fisk: Prison Journalism in the Quagmire
8/21 ALL DU Cindy threads DAY 15
"1st Cav soldier discusses "the real deal" in Iraq - calls for an end to
POLL: stop using "WMD" and go back to "NBC" (nuke, bio, chem)?
Check out the average Home Heating Oil price in MA for 8/16/05
My Day In Crawford And At Camp Casey In Pics and Video (dialup warning)
Damn! Current Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Statistics Are Hard To Find
Wouldn't it be great if people ACTUALLY followed Christ's Words?
"fighting for OUR freedom", "he died for us" and other mainstream phrases.
Report: Dallas Prosecutors Excluded Blacks
Arrrrrrrrgh! Did you hear Duncan Hunter on Blitzer's show? AGING HIPPIES!
Ave Maria, Florida. City with no contraceptives, no porn, no gay rights
Is anyone else watching "CNNI Presents" ?
Anti-immigration group HQ awarded to illegal aliens by court
Why do so many people want flying cars?
Senator Hagel (R-IN) Compares Iraq To Vietnam; War Destabilized Mid East
Enabling Danger Part One (Kristen Breitweiser)
My response to a hateful "American" at Crawford Peace House!
"When you take a father in front of his family......
PARENTS: Please do not bring your children to the DC demonstration.
So Basically, Women Have Just Lost Their Rights In Iraq
New talking points on gas prices
I got an email from Cindy Sheehan. Her mom "is doing much better"
Joan Baez to perform at Camp Casey Sunday, 6-7 pm
We each know what we must do. It cannot be more obvious.
From the DLC website and their own words
There was NOTHING TIRED about the 60's! BRING 'EM BACK!
An obituary with a chili recipe...
US vice-president Cheney to attend Fraser Institute dinner in Calgary
Looking for some info from Canadians
Whilst I was tending to my 8 babies today
"Police knew Brazilian was 'not bomb risk'"
Top job fighting extremism for Muslim who praised bomber
Police 'boycott' of leak investigation
Home Office's secret policy of targeting young Brazilians
Muslim leaders 'in denial' claim
Do you think the government should bring back
What was it Neil Young said, "Gotta get down to it, Soldiers are...
A CONSERVATIONIST'S SUICIDE:Suicide Casts a Shadow on Conservation Battle
Suspected Taliban Kill Pro - Afghan Government Cleric
Pope seeks immunity in Texas abuse case
Nueces County prosecutors seek woman's execution (Texas)
Sunnis Say They've Been Left Out of Talks
Gold Star Families For Peace is getting some opposition
Treasurer warns against anti-Americanism(Australia)
English only Web sites lose Hispanics
Kuwait says no border dispute with Iraq
Historic Swiss unity stone stolen
Army Planning for 4 More Years in Iraq
Hagel finds Nebraskans troubled by Iraq
Bomb Explodes Near US Embassy Convoy in Kabul Wounding 2 Americans
Iraq Blasts Jordan Over Saddam's Family
Former police, fire pension chairman of Ohio fined for ethics violations
War in Afghanistan intensifies as election nears
Law Seen As Soft on Militias in Colombia
Kurds say US 'pushed' Islamic law
Airport guards against bird flu
4 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Afghan Bombing (The Forgotten War)
LAT: Wal-Mart Hard Sell in Big Apple
LAT: Sunnis See Iran's Hand in Call for Iraq Federalism
Four GIs Killed by Bomb in Afghanistan
New voting machines will fade as issue
Friends gather for Thompson's fireworks farewell
War stress blamed in (two) Iraq veteran shootings
U.S. Republican senator says Iraq war similar to Vietnam
Rebels kill six Iraqis, kidnap five including Turkish engineer
Supreme Court nominee no fan of Michael Jackson
The Safety Net She Believed In Was Pulled Away When She Fell
Soldier 'instructed' to abuse Abu Ghraib prisoners
Lincoln Chafee: 'I've got a target on my back'
Fury as officials secretly downgrade terror threat
Safety group calls new rule a `time bomb'
Blame sour mood on economy on Iraq, not gas prices or wages
Prince Andrew visits Iraq troops
Navy to Probe Ambassador Cousin's Death
Gay Rights TV Host Welcomes Pat Buchanan
Pakistan to meet with UN nuclear agency on Iranian uranium contamination
Will DeWine be challenged?$10M campaign frightens off opponents
Ready, Aim, Fire—Again (Taser CEO Tries to Revive Ailing Company)
Times UK: Police foil gas attack on Commons
Aqaba attack may signal new Zarqawi front in Jordan
Ecuador oil protesters call truce and agree to talk
U.S. probes killing of Iraqi by marines
Black in peril as right-hand man helps US investigation
Man Finds Smallpox Vaccine At Yard Sale
Crash kills 2 spectators at Ill. raceway
Why Bush refuses to meet with Sheehan 2nd time (Seattle Times)
Jewish memorial in Belarusian capital defaced
Iraq considers fresh deadline for constitution
Report: Dallas Prosecutors Excluded Blacks
Ohio Democrats Weigh Governor Impeachment
BBC: British soldier wounded in Basra
Saddam Vows in Letter to Sacrifice Himself
NYT/AP: Iraq TV's 'Cops' Breaks New Ground
Egyptian Police Hunt Sinai for Terrorists
9-11 commission chair wants Bush response
Spitzer and SEC question Lloyd's
Hagel Says Iraq War Looking More Like Vietnam
BUSH KEEPS S.F. AT BAY (only Prez in 75 years not to visit)
U.S. asks court to dismiss ex-soldier's injury lawsuit
U.S. Soldier Killed by Roadside Bomb in Iraq
World Bank attacked over gold mine (Guatemala)
Ohio Democrats Mull Governor Impeachment
Some Olympic Victims Won't Face Rudolph
US military exit from Iraq focus of growing political battle
Army Planning Four More Years in Iraq Is `Folly,' Senator Says (Hagel)
Autopsies: Greece Passengers Died on Impact (What Happened?)
Italy's Wealthy North Plunders South's Ancient Olive Trees
U.S. troops bomb Tel Affar despite parliament speaker’s warning
Irksome Firm Nearly Ejected From Air Show(Moscow)
Castro, Chavez call for solidarity
Armstrong Pushes Bush for Cancer Research
Soldiers say force level comments no surprise, but could affect re-enlistm
London Times: Queen bores hole to heat palace (new "green" status symbol)
N.C. aircraft mechanics help Marines with helicopter shortage
Baghdad civilian death totals are extreme
Lott demurs on Frist character question
Taser Lawsuits Filed (by Cops injured during training classes)
Driver sought in killing over gas
Iran 'supplies infra-red bombs' that kill British troops in Iraq
A nation's divisions over Iraq war come into sharper focus
San Diego sues BWC ex-adviser over alleged pay-to-play scheme
CNN/AP: 9/11 factors boost Gulf economies ("galloping economic boom")
Should new movies be released simultaneously in in theaters and on DVDs?
Beer bratwurst or regular bratwurst?
In my view, this is inarguably shitty poetry
Thanks Maddy McCall for taking one for the team
Check this thread out if you haven't already
Yet another reason NOT to shop at Walmart
Anyone want to read a poem....
Does anybody know what is coming on AMC next?
At the risk of being passe..Has anybody seen "THE OFFICE" recently?
I said I didn't, but I might have "Bush showed Armstrong sites he calls a little slice of heaven"
Spell check, is creepy. Can anyone help me? Please?
Ye gawds! Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold" is on my Yahoo radio...
Chocolate is ALWAYS the right flavor
I give up - I have decided to start watching (and believing) Fox News
You know, If you shop for bargans and use coupons....
Which one of you naughty Nighthawks gave my email address to
Does anyone know where I can find an online registry of business logos?
I tried frosttop root beer today.
Hot Buttered Crumpet With Smuckers Jam Time
Happy birthday, BuffytheFundieSlayer!
Almost ten years later.. So who killed JonBenet Ramsey?
Hi guys, an update, of sorts, from the previous night...
Have you ever become friends with someone you started out at odds with?
Anyone else buy furniture online?
Very scary documentary on the "abstinence movement" on FSTV right now
Well I woke up Sunday mornin' with no way to hold my head
Pope on a Rope Smokin' Dope Soap
Quotes for a Sunday morning....
There's no post I can't pervert. I am the double-entendrer of threads...
Is it a bad idea to be stupid to people with tasers?
How do I post a picture on DU?
I hate looking for a job... Any tips for a software guy?
Check this out! Bush at the Paris Wax Museum!!
Lee Harvey Oswald – The Musical/ Edinburgh festival review
How do I post a picture pages on DU?
The "backdrop" decor on Meet the Press is bizarre! A big window with
High eBay bid for a "hand signed card" from director Michael Bay: 99 cents
Lineman collapses, dies after pre-season game
French plan giant illegal Californian bullfrogs cull
the average consumer is very irritating
Termite inspection info question.
which do you value more: physical freedom or mental freedom
Does anybody have a SideKick II??
Mt. Dew Pitch Black is back and this time it is sour
well i hosted a dinner party for visigoths last night
Well I hosted a dinner party for killers last night!
well WE hosted a KILLER dinner party last night
For my Favorite Lounge Happy Hour peeps.....
I am on a plane to New York! Ask me anything!
i have a nephew (11 years old) who talks like carl from slingblade
The next pro athlete photo op for rugged, sweaty, macho President Bush
I also hosted a killer dinner party last night
Copycats with the same exact theme
The Vioxx ruling makes me happy.
I get it . . . All of us have been wounded by life, and our reactions
Has anyone else gotten crazy looks when explaining the DU lounge?
List the TV programs you're watching this summer
so, how can we go about making the lounge more serious?
Is there a legal loophole that allows violence in sports (like boxing)?
If Che Guevara was still alive
The sublime sunset from the hills of southern California
the official list of DU lounge proprietary/propiety police triggers:
I know a little German. He's sitting over there.
Joe would have been 53 years old today.
I'm Here To Make The Lounge More Wholesome
Pssst. Et Awful -- "The Mighty Quinn" is on
why do people start threads about official smilies then abandon them?
so, what qualifies as an acceptable post in the lounge?
My brothers & sisters: I can love food again!
2,893 Grateful Dead concerts online
More annoying in restaurants: babies or noises made for baby?
Dogbert Says -- You Must See Today's Dilbert.
Rabrrrrrr is a true American Patriot
So I am going to the Cheese Cake Factory
so, how can we go about making the lounge more fun?
The embarrassing fall of a has-been rocker (Scott Stapp gets punked!)
Noam Chomsky -A Collection of Lectures 1970-2004:
Profile "comments"... can someone clue me in?
Shameless plug for my rape thread in GD.
Who here knows about BitTorrent?
My son is taking me to the Chargers - Raiders game !
The future most newsworthy story in Faux Gnus' history?
Did anyone see Red Eye this weekend?
Dog doesn't wanna eat his food? Try Iams Roasted Beef Gravy
Happy Birthday Robert Plant (yes, 1 day late)
Can I copy a folder I have in Outlook Express to a disk?
if the lounge just did what i wanted it to do
"Pray for Bush as he leads our nation while taking time away at his ranch"
TLC's crazy primetime lineup for tonight
I just got paid by one of my clients. Anybody want to sell their soul?
Anybody here have a Cingular phone?
Most embarrassing word that slipped out of your mouth - come on...
Whats the difference between * and a shoe?
Walter, what is the point? Look, we all know who is at fault here, what th
How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to change a light?
So you say you are not a Templar man?
Strange thing happened last night when I was at a pub.
Anyone else here playing "The Grocery Game"?
You mean, there really IS a feud between GD and the Lounge?
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
I'm never going to Ozzfest again and here's why:
WTF?! I donated in April, and I no longer have donator status?
Gratuitous Sunday Purring Kitty
WWN: "Bush's Shocking Secret Tattoo"
Huffington Post comments question.
Holy crap! Is this even legal in US? (Chinese weapon on e-bay)
god help me... my downstairs neighbour just received his new Harley.
I am editing out my very ugly remark about Lee Iacoca.
Feeding time (Warning--Kitten pics)
I found this guy lurking out back...
Yay! All moving plans are complete. I get to move in next weekend
One of my cat's eyes appears to be swollen, and he's not opening
ahem. Excuse me, pardon me...has anyone seen NSMA, GOPisEvil,
"... when the prime minister was killed, and partially eaten ..."
Who's going to Burning Man this year?
"All the manure from pigs, where does it go?"
Kick The Can: A geezer thread.
Bushisms: "Most imports are from outside of the country," and MORE.
Dishones Dubya Action figure! Funny animation!
Canada Apologizes to the Americans, Well sort of….
What's the first thought you have waking up every day?
Well, I survived my ordeal at the Cheesecake Factory....
There's no post I can't stop...I am the ender of threads.....
Break Rabrrrrrr's monopoly! Use RRRRRRRRRRs!
OK, so a former classmate of mine (very Republican) just bought a hummer
what's the stickiest sweetest name you can invent?
How is everrrrrrybody doing rrrrrright now?
Today's official Lounge Smiley:
The 40-year-old Virgin is the best reviewed movie of the year! No really
So what is the best way to get bumpersticker stick off of your car?
Most annoying Rachael Ray mannerism
What's your favorite Clash song?
Are you a homeowner with substantial debt?
how can i behave so freepers will hold me in higher esteem?
I'm getting ready to order some cigars at
My truck just got totaled today.
So I just walked into my apartment and found a strange, attractive woman
Geroge W. Bush vs. Bond.... James Bond
Who is watching the six feet under finale
What's some of your favorite movie lines?
Joanie's Got A Gun: Joan Jett in Afghanistan
Anyone else here not "detail-oriented"?
if you could make just one band illegal, what band would it be?
So, a lady in church today raises her hand and says,
Rock stars who yell ARE YOU READY TO ROCK at a friggin' ROCK CONCERT
What movie have you enjoyed, that few have even heard of?
I am going to Climax for my birthday!
Climate change marks dawn of man
Viewer's Guide: Mars to be Spectacular in Fall, 2005
NY Times: Results of the stem cell ban: One million new jobs - in India.
Hawaiians turn to native healing
Evolution Wars Show No Sign of Abating
The Constellation 'Emu' - Australian Aboriginal Astronomers
Researchers creating life from scratch - ‘Synthetic biologists’
Gay Batman Exhibit Ordered Closed, Gay Musical Busted
Gay Rights Group Increases Visibility As Anti-Gay Amendment Looms
Gay Ally Coretta Scott King Battles Paralysis
Westlife's Mark Feehily comes out
Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Son's Death (he didn't want a 'sissy')
Fred Phelps on Peter LaBarbera, Cindy Sheehan
5-0 Sox. Schilling MIGHT actually have a clean close here
John Lynch needs to play with more control
For all us cat lovers............The perfect home
I need help with this one guys - Major Archana reading - Rove/Plamegate
If any of you have a free minute
A picture of Lizzie, thanks to Crispy!
Audio clip & transcript, Max Cleland: "Plan For Victory is Not Working"
" Am I that easy to forget... ?
Whatever gives the media a hard-on...
Bush donors: "Like Cindy, only richer, and without the dead son"
The government will never tell you
How do I debunk people that say Cindy Sheehan hates Israel and Jews?
Great comedy routine from Whoopi
The Northwest Strike: the need for a political party of the working people
How do you counteract the ole it's not the presiden'ts fault
Sheldon Drobny says Randi (probably) highest rated AAR show
Fox having a dicussion about Costa refusing to do the Aruba story.
Have you asked for your free DVD
Bush meltdown-Dems don't want their fingerprints on it.
"On the Media" on Cindy Sheehan
TBN on the Military: "Christ-Centered Duty" with automatic weapons
The Peaceful Occupation of Crawford (Day 14); Hypocrites and liars
The Fist behind the "neocon" blather
"Able Danger" Guy on C-Span. Appears Zelikow may well be protecting Bush!
Careless People (The Great Gatsby): Relevant today
EMD: Dems' Senate Hopes Rising
Cindy won't hurt Bush but the big boys will
Poll- Should Bush meet with Cindy
Newsweek's Conventional Wisdom gives Dubya rare down arrow
another mother asks "why" in Brazil
George Galloway v. Christopher Hitchens
Again with the Bush Iraq-9/11 comparision???
Dear George "doofus" Allen. Read this: ME Deadline Looms without Deal!
second highest US diplomat in Iraq is named in Secrets Case
Santorum Takes A Page From Bush
"Theatre of War," An Ex-Marine Brings Iraq Stateside to Washington area
WTF- anybody just see Face the Nation coverage of Crawford?
another corrupt Rep. Gov. gets subpoenaed - Kentucky
Army Announces 4 more Years in Iraq,;Political Suicide
women's rights not critical to Iraqi democracy
Edwards campaigning against poverty
With approval ratings way down, does this mean victory for us in 2006?
Jesus Christ - Wrong For America (Rove On Jesus)
Two American Officials killed in Iraq/Roadside bomb...
How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love Perpetual War: Newt Preps Us
From Truthout Cindy Sheehan blog. Cindy will be returning, perhaps soon.
"Hey's Dubya....can you bail me out again?"
The reason why Democrats should go for the jugular on Bush.
Fiengold & Hagel make the most sense on Iraq..
Hillary's secret weapon ... Republican guards
Newsweek: Hunting Big Game (PA Santorum/Casey Race)
OO! George Will is gonna cry over the mean things Cindy
Local politics - mayoral debate in NYC - UNNANOUNCED
Fred Phelps' "Open Letter to Cindy Sheehan," a new low for Westboro
Feingold To Speak Monday at UCLA Law School
Feingold To Speak Monday at UCLA Law School
If the Department of Peace existed today, who would * nominate ....?
another rat starting to jump ship...
Your opinion on this idea for Iraq is appreciated
Nader: Democrats made me feel like a (n-word)
Is this WP assessment of DU sentiment true or false?
Noe is threatening Taft - and I, for one, think it is significant.
When's the last time bush has held a press conference?
LTTE in The Day: GOP Supports Bush Because He's Effective
Joe Scarborough Ends Talk of Senate run against Katherine Harris
David Sirota: "Beltway Dems Regurgitate Right-Wing B.S. On Iraq"
Dead Wrong: Inside An Intelligence Meltdown
A list of all the ever changing excuses for the Iraq invasion...
Trent Lott had Private Conversations W/Bush About Iraq "Video!!!
Iraqi government minister criticizes U.S. occupation
Ohio Democrats Mull Governor Impeachment
How Cheney's angst and Neocon support for Israel morphed into treason...
Freep women who should don burkas in support of the Iraq constitution
So - I'm sitting here with 2 buckets of "dirt" on Deborah Johns
Disturbing News on the Economy
Newsweek's CW gives Chimp-monster a down-arrow
Anybody see Sen. Russ Feingold on MTP this morning ?
Epiphany Time: McCain vs. Bush (GOP Primary 2000)
Nuclear power plant video with Alec Baldwin.
Must read: "A Split Over War, the Wimp Thing, and How to Win"
A challenge: How would you personally attack these Repubs?
Women's Social Rights are NOT essential to the development of Democracy
Many in Irag (abc news now) are blaming the "Islamic" constitutuon
CNN: "Exposing the Intelligence Failures...I'm Taping It..but is there a
Senator Feingold on Meet The Press. "It's not a deadline, it's a target."
Why Jeb Bush Could Run in 2008
How can George get on with his life?
DU'ers: Please Boycott Presidential Candidate Polls on this site.
A bloodbath in Iraq if we leave ?
Hilliary Clinton wants 80k more troops.....from where?
santorum running scared; GOP wants probe into Casey &newspaper ad
"Conservative Pundits Bailing by the Bus Load"
A glimpse of how foreigners feel about the only superpower .........
Changing the party's philosophy without the consent of the majority.
"Bring it on" - I can see the end for Bush & Co. coming -
Action Alert: Former DNC Chair Shills for Diebold. ASK Howard for Help!