Birth of a new Iraq, or blueprint for civil war?
Hitting Political Turbulence(Russia)
Bush offers robust (?) defence of Iraq policy
Raw Talk Revival- The Listening Post at Camp Casey Two
Our mission in Iraq has mutated
Karl Rove's War Against Cindy Sheehan
Abramoff Indictment Makes Bush Regime a Fat Target
Cindy Sheehan: Go Home and Take Care of Your Kids
Had an email exchange with the SF Gate's
Letter to the AP: Tempest in a Hot, Dry, Little, Texas Teapot
U.S. Dept of Interior & Indian Affairs Approve Nationwide Oil/Gas Bonds
The Quasiturbine Engine thread
IMF considers Zimbabwe expulsion
Opinion: Israel could have learned much from Native Americans
PA won't disarm Hamas, Islamic Jihad
Settlers' tactics win them few friends (Holocaust references)
Settlers' tactics win them few friends
9/10/2001 NSA heard: "The match is about to begin" "Tomorrow is zero hour"
Why was WTC7 evacuated and why did mayor decide to move his
Update on Kerry's involvement in Ohio lawsuits
Are you going to DC?? Will ER & D be represented?
How many Bush 2000 voters do you know who voted for Kerry in 2004?
Looping rebroadcast of todays Bradshow LIVE! from Camp Casey!
Why did Chimpy cite casualty numbers today in speech?
Some wise words from a wise man
The blog Stories in America was featured here and in Kos over the weekend
The Local National Guard Left For Service Today
ARG: Bush Job Approval Rating At 36%
My My doesn't dear leader look tan and rested. I'm so happy
Local rpig legislators have so much money they are running TV ads,
Greg Palast: Armstrong Bikes with President - funny
Are any Democratic politicans down in Crawford, TX with Cindy Sheehan?
Mark Williams is cajone challenged
Please DU this Idaho Right Wing Poll
Do you miss Saddam's light sweet crude?
Gary Qualls just lied for what reason?
Will American's accept "civil war" and "Islamic Law" as "freedom" ??
Why Is James Dobson Still Syndicated On CBS Radio?
Could "rogue" elements have wanted an attack on Clinton's watch?
Ok you guys... here they are... have at it, put them on your
Clinton, Gore tried to *gasp* fund *gasp* Air America
the roof the roof the roof is on fire
Freeper Paranoia - The dominos of self-destuction are falling on the right
This crap is making the e-mail rounds again - do I ignore it or post all
Santorum’s People Toss Young Women out of Barnes & Noble,
Go home and take care of your kids
George Bush is the biggest weenie in the whole U S of A
Best US Senator (Group 10 of 10)
Live, from Crawford. Day 5. Ask me anything.
Bush Job Approval Rating Now 36% (Graph)
Question: How do the Freepers explain away the veterans with Cindy?
New Acronym: "CCCP" = "Corporate Controlled Conservative Press"
Just saw CA firefighters scuffling with security guards at some event.
I feeeeeel it. Something big is going down. Bush 36% approval!
Does chimpy have teeth? are they false, rotten or what
DU my hometown Hate Radio Poll
OMG! Olivia Newton-John's boyfriend is missing!
I suddenly understand something really important about Gore's new network.
Best US Senator (Group 3 of 10)
The Crucification of Cindy Sheehan
So. What other nations can we transform into WORSE nations?
Best US Senator (Group 1 of 10)
Has any president "achieved" approval numbers in the 20s.....
Best US Senator (Group 4 of 10)
Islamist Theocracy in Iraq = Last excuse for the lies is gone
Best US Senator (Group 5 of 10)
Best US Senator (Group 7 of 10)
Best US Senator (Group 8 of 10)
OMG, 'The Closer' is SLAMMING the FBI, Homeland Suckyourity...
Another stupid TV poll to DU in Fresno
Is it any wonder the country turns to Comedy Central for the news?
Best US Senator (Group 6 of 10)
Sibel Edmonds article in Vanity Fair--anyone unable to find this issue?
Get out of Iraq NOW - at what consequence?
What to tell those who think that the theory of evolution is impossible...
Scarborough says he'd back Hillary over Hagel in '08
Did you know Santorum brought a DEAD FETUS home with him??
Poll: How many Bush 2000 voters do you know who voted for Kerry?
Lawyer in Vioxx case considers political career( anticorporate GOP er?)
Great NYT coverage of evolution debate
"W 'o4" stickers are pretty much gone here in WV
I just don't understand this logic
Best US Senator (Group 2 of 10)
So, more possible domestic terrorists? (US Veterans now)
Carlos Mencia just told Bush to go fuck himself.
Breaking! Bush to spend rest of vacation in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
It's even hitting the knit blogs--an unusually non-political place.
Gonna send you back to Texas, make you work on your ranch
I'm noticing something about the RW callers to AAR.
How could anyone seek to honor god
Speaking of Santorum's Dead Child...
"War against terrorism" becomes war on the homeless?
Hey low posters-if you mention Nader or Hitchins-all hell breaks loose.
Riot police show up at rave in UTAH, fascism alive and doing very well.
My brother's (soon to be) stepson is going to Iraq.
FRANC labels new name for anti-war camp 'Patriotic' Camp Casey
Was Blackmail used as a means to gain pro Iraq War votes?
So. What other Nations can we make into WORSE Nations?
RW talking point du jour. Iraq War causing a schism among DEMS.
We need a Presidential Vacation Limitation Law
Springer did a good job when I listened this AM. RW nutjob was pushing
Will the majority of Dems identify as solidly anti-war before...
A Little Help about Randi Rhodes
Iran's devastating weapon that no one talks about
George W FraWD!Corrupt AWOL coward frat boy douchebag with shit for brains
Bring'm ON! -------- ------- ---------- > FLASH
in a thread somewhere today, someone had before & after
1864 Bodies x 5'10" average height equals...
Did Bush begin to fall off his bike before or after God spoke to him?
Just a reminder...a little Deju View, if you will...
Salt Lake City set the bar high. From now on, wherever bush goes -
Tin foil moment: Any way in hell Hagel's exact involvement with
WSJ: Australia Searches for Gold In U.S. Commercial Real Estate
Chuck Hagel is primed to be slimed....
Gary Qualls: Claims Cindy hung up on him
MANDATORY MALLOY: Monday Truthseeker Hoe Down
Has there been any discussion about CNN's "Dead Wrong" in the Media today?
Sorry But... Here's A 'We Told You This Would Happen' (Iraq) Poll !!!
Want a serious tv news channel?
Is it true that Vietnam was more about corporate access to minerals than
Hey, did I mention the only 36% of America is still drinking the kool-aid?
just a hunch, but BushCo may have blown their chance for a draft . . .
Best US Senator (Group 9 of 10)
VIDEO: Thousands Protest Bush, Iraq War In Salt Lake City (KUTV CBS-2)
Has the Pentagon lied about the number of war dead?
Don't the protesters know how ridiculous they look?
VIDEO (REUTERS): Joan Baez Joins Iraq Protest
Keith Olberman Should Make the DOD the Worst Person in the World
I'll be so damn glad when we don't have to avoid the Chimp's voice
i sent an email to gerecht. women right not necessary
New names at Camp Casey: Patriot Triangle and Western White Tent?
Would you let * off the hook to bring the troops home now?
Bush failed to mention the women who've been killed in Iraq during his
Housing Bubble - July existing home sales report will be released Tuesday
Is "Darwin" a strawman for creationists to beat up on?
What is with all of the Hillary bashing here?
TEXT: And here's what our loved ones died for. IRAQI CONSTITUTION
Jon Stewart slams chris "faux" Wallace! WOOT
Norah O'Donnell of MSRNC....SUCKS big time!
*** A few pre-bedtime TOONs ***
Has ANYONE been able to find the new Vanity Fair?
The New York Times Falls off the Wagon - from Arianna on Huff Post
You have got to see the AOL Poll on "The Battle Over Iraq"
Hey SwampRat. Why 'They Live'? Did that movie just capture your
Was Eric Rudolf a prototypical Freeper?
Very touching - "Sheehan and Sting"
Now I Get It: 2,000 U.S. dead, 15,000 Wounded, 300 Billion Dollars So.....
He He He Operation Yellow Elephant College Repub excuse BINGO!
Truthout: Sheila Jackson Lee and Joan Baez visit Camp Casey Mon-Tue
Cheney's 'Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon
ALERT! ALERT! Terrorists may pose as HOMELESS!
VIDEO (KIFI TV): Bush on Idaho Vacation (includes SLC protest coverage)
Inside 9/11 - on National Geographic TV - now...n/t
I understand that National Geographic has done a.....
Anderson Cooper Wardrobe Malfunction - Camp Casey!!
Update on Kerry RE: Ohio Lawsuit...
Kindly, give a big DU shout of support to my "Iraq-bound" brother.
Question about rally in D.C. in September
AP picks up the Robertson assassination threat
"Go Home and Take Care of Your Kids" - Cindy Sheehan
When we win, what will we have really won?
Just how crazy/evil is Pat Robertson?
Here's video of a SWAT team breaking up a Utah rave.
CNN/AP: Beef (from Canada) recalled under mad cow rules
NYT: China Ups the Ante in Its Bid for Oil
Pataki calls for federal probe on tapes
Globe and Mail: Surprise! Ottawa underestimates surplus
Anderson (IN.) Man Fined $100,000 For No-Call List Violations
In Nigeria, No Moral Room on the Bus for Women
AP: Text of Proposed Iraq Constitution ( "Islam is main source...")
WP: At Pentagon, Less Ideology, More Balance
Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death
Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death
Lock Up Your Chickens (Actual headline!)
Tenn. Ex-Gov. Associate Gets Max for Taxes
Pentagon unable to validate claims about exclusive information on Sept. 11
WP: Federal Funds For Abstinence Group Withheld
NYT/Reuters: Argentine Bishop Resigns Amid Reported Sex Scandal
Bush Backers Amass to Counter 'Peace Mom'
Venezuela to Lend Oil to Protest Torn Ecuador
WP: They Are Stardust, And in Texas (Cindy's crowd)
LAT: Google Plans to Launch Instant Messenger
Rule would encourage automatic 401(k) enrollment
Bush Compares War on Terror to World Wars
NYT/AP: Text of Proposed Iraq Constitution (entire text here)
Venezuela oil company opens China office
FEMA pushing out law enforcement radio codes
Venezuela's Chavez Says Bush Destabilizes the World ("Lord of War" Bush)
LAT: Five (CA ANG) Soldiers Face Courts-Martial for Alleged Prisoner Abuse
Feinstein to Question Roberts on Abortion
WP: No Proof Found of Iran Arms Program
Ecuador Close to Deal With Oil Protesters-Mediator
Is Blair Off toJoin $30Bn World Elite? (*Carlyle Group*)
ACLU Applauds Fed. Govt's Decision to Suspend...Funding of Abstinence...
Poll finds regular worshipers more supportive of war in Iraq
Venezuela Navy Seizes Massive Drug Shipment in Joint Operation
Thousands Protest Bush, Iraq War In Salt Lake City
Bush. HEY! BUSH! Listen to Ben Franklin, dammit.
Set your T.V. to record: Monk Marathon Aug. 26 ends with Season Finale
Not only do Freetards sound alike, the probably look alike, too
I suppose I should thank bush and the oil guys
Six Feet Under: Obituaries(Spoilers, of course)
What is it 'moron' or 'moran',
Nevada cat OK after touching 25,000-volt line, "burned all his hair off"
I think my house is on fire - Should I log off of DU?
When you make an exchange and they give you an open box/returned model,
The creepiest robot or android villain ever is...
My son starts eighth grade tomorrow, and I feel OLD!
Edit: I'm going to join the Smoking Cessation Group.
From now on, pronounce words exactly as they are spelled.
Entourage: Who is your favorite character?
Baby Panda (aka Rabrrrrrr Jr.) is exercising!!!
My great great grandson retires tomorrow, and I still feel young!
VH1's "Worst Metal Vids Ever" on NOW, and it's hoo-frikkin-LARIOUS.
Could anyone provide some legal advice?
I just saw a wreck on the way home from the Dollar General Store.
I have no plans yet for this weekend. :(
Admit it, you are really a famous person!!
Why "don's keys" and "ella's pants"?
What's with all the questions?
LOL: "Rumsfeld Makes Surprise Visit to Wife's Vagina"
Any wino homemakers out there? n/t
OK, I've been gone from DU all day today. What did I miss?
Playing air guitar to Depeche Mode CDs
Cool! I'm being quoted on rethuglican sites!
just when you think your day can't get any more depressing....
Has anyone else watched "Trailer Fabulous?"
I love living in small-town Vancouver Island, but...
Whatever happened to Mr. Whipple? Mrs. Olsen? Madge?
I have an IMac G-5. How do I put pictures in my posts that I
Am I the only one who finds this new ABC Family show really disturbing?
Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?
I used to eat a lot of natural foods until ...
where's the botoxed Bush pictures from earlier today? eom
The cops are doin' a great job tonight!
I just thought of a great pop song title!
Who else is watching "Wierd Us" on the History Channel?
Let us now praise the Lovin' Spoonful.
Anybody here ever try salvia divinorum?
Above average Daily Show tonight, don't you think?
Will this be the Republican candidate in '08?
Damnit, why did I have to watch Six Feet Under again tonight
I would like to get 2000 posts before getting so drunk I start playing CS.
Who REALLY should have won the supporting actor Oscar in My Cousin Vinny?
My son asked me if John Walsh is a Repub or Democrat. Anyone know?
First Kittens for Cloned Wildcats (Felis Libyica)
Whatever happened to Charlie the Smarmy Tuna?
OK, I've been gone from DU for 10 minutes. What did I miss?
I found the new sundog biography at B&N:
If you openly matriculate in front of me again, I'll bite it off!
do you hate it when you post in the wrong part of a thread?
oh dear, my Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf dvd is skipping
Which of these would you LEAST want to scream in your face?
XM Radio update: Randi Rhodes gets full show 3:00-7:00 (ET) beginning 9/1
Anyone here ever chosen clergy?
so... anyone seen olivia newton-john's boyfriend?
I want some green tea with soymilk
What Music Downloading Service Do You Use?
Is there any place on-line I can search for a person's e-mail address?
Anyone want to buy a veteran a star?
I'm inviting Spartacus to my home interior
NEW Neil Young album, September 27th: "Prairie Wind"
I think sundog is ignoring me!
Are freepers starting to eat their own?
What a difference a week makes...The Emperor's New Face
What ever happened to my hot buttered crumpets with jam?
Another Age: "We were born in a revolution...died in a wasted war..."
I loved Six Feet Under's last episode so much that...
I'm a DJ... Let me read that again... YEP, that's what it says...
Charlie, Charlie, Charie. I coulda had class! I coulda been a CONTENDER!
anyone have any knowledge of uni requirements in UK?
What MLB ballparks have you been to?
Anyone here ever chosen celery?
I'm going for spam in my home interior.
NEVER take Ambien before King Crimson's 69-74 live box
What ever happened to Jello Biafra?
Anybody here ever chosen celibacy?
Hehe! You have to read some of the hate mail @ FUH2
I'm going for spartan in my home interior.
Why do people do gross things in public?
Ranch, Ranch, Ranch, Ranch, Ranch, Ranch
On my way for a walk with a friend tonight and what did my eyes behold?
Mystery solved. Have been trying to source this quote for two decades.
What ever happened to my hot buttered strumpets with cam?
Deadline Looms for Famous New York Club (CBGB's)
Why must people half-ass stuff?
Lesser Panda wondering why Giant Panda is getting all the attention
Why is Progmom JADED and CANTANKEROUS?
Some people are like Slinkies.
It's the Blueberry Cobbler thread!
Our Asshole In Chief says he makes tough fucking decions - here's one:
Pamela Anderson complaining about lack of dates on Larry King ?
Finally started reading "A Brief History of Time" today...
Posted ray of light's Kerry Ohio post over at Kos
Presidential Vacations and Presidential Vacuums
Iraqis Extend Deadline for Vote on Draft Constitution
Feinstein to Question Roberts on Abortion
My letter to Mehlman about his "hardball" interview
Bush Backers went ALL IN on Bushie Boy...the Flop showed shit
So I just got off the phone with Mike Allen (WaPo).
"I'd vote for Hillary Clinton before I'd vote for Chuck Hagel."
Salon: "Cindy Sheehan does not appear to have fazed President Bush"
Pat Robertson: Assassinating Chavez "a lot cheaper than starting a war"
Salon: "Iraq: The unseen war" (GRAPHIC photos, members or Day Pass only)
The latest count on the number of boots on the ground, Crawford
Hey Georgie Boy .......... got any capital left? (Hint: 36%)
Tucker Carlson just said that Cindy has "allied herself with hard left
im not sure if any one has brought this up in a while but..
Hahaha. I think this may be the first time I've been quoted elsewhere.
Why must Keith Olbermann's show
"If I have to sacrifice my whole family
Wednesday Boise Idaho Bush protestors please read (photos of SLC protest)
Bush getting his ass kicked in AOL poll
Jen Sorensen: John Roberts, the Man that Time Forgot
So, who is the dumbest Senator?
Dianne Feinstein to Question Roberts on Abortion
A Grassroots Movie with never seen footage of the presidential campaign.
Hagel/McCain VS Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden
What Bill Clinton DID, and Could Not Do, About Terrorism.
I am thinking of joining the DLC.
"Mr. Hastert, about those $483,000 in un-itemized donations..."
Wolcott: The Squawk of a Chickenhawk
Bush on vacation, out of touch during tough times
Russia-China-Iran about to take advantage of Bush War Fuck-Up
NYT - Iraq's Unsettling Constitution
USATODAY: Gas prices jump to record high of $2.61 a gallon (good pic)
BAGHDAD BLUES: Is Iran the True Victor of the Iraq War?
CSM: Base closings hint at new air strategy
Copters recalled from boneyard
NYT: Grasping the Depth of Time as a First Step in Understanding Evolution
TSA hopes modifications make X-ray not so X-rated
Thomas Oliphant: When should troops return?
No Evidence of Atta Claims, Pentagon Says
No Proof Found of Iran Arms Program
Mile by Mile, Into the Oil Trap By Fareed Zakaria
John Nichols (The Nation): Feingold vs. Bush
Has Chuck Hagel provided Bush's "Lieberman Moment"?
Able Danger, arrests show Dunn off-base
People torn to pieces, relatives scream - another week in the theme park .
Salt Lake Trib: The strategy for bringing democracy to Iraq isn't working
Al Franken Interview-The Progressive 9/05
Salt Lake Trib editorial: Patriotism means taking responsibility
The RightWing Cesspool Overflows and A Pattern Begins to Emerge
Pat Robertson is Not a Christian
I had an OpEd piece published in the Cleveland PD today...
Serious Business - Chris Floyd
It's Time To Debate Iraq by Rep. Lynn Woolsey
(Toronto Star) What Boneheaded Design Guides Dubya's Moves?
Doug Thompson: Is Bush Out of Control?
Nun Reprimanded for Wild Dancing.....
Bob Costas had nerve to refuse to be another exploiter of tragedy
Extremist Mullah Calls for Assassination of American Leader
Scientists Speak Up on Mix of God and Science
Nomination-worthy "Editorials and Other Articles" forum posts
I had an OpEd piece published in the Cleveland PD today...
"Rove 101" By Molly Ivins,Progressive Magazine September issue
Hopsicker: Able Danger Intel Exposed "Protected" Heroin Trafficking
Hey, Skinner! Let's fuck with Pat Robertson next.
Complain to the FCC about Pat Robertson.......(Link here)
I started some trouble; Need Skinner's help
Another Pat Robertson thread--this time contact ABC Family
How to write a press release and maximize your exposure
Has anyone had a response from AP, or gotten word of a change...
Nationwide poll on Cindy linked to local TV sites - Raising Media Awareness for Urgent Issues
Fired off an e-mail to about Pat Robertson
Journalist Helen Thomas condemns Bush administration
Homophobic Pat Robertson on CNN (1992)
EXCLUSIVE! - Tonights Joan Baez Concert from Camp Casey LIVE!!!
Chicken fat fueling Coosa students’ ride
Balkans Militaries Mobilize To Assist With Worst Floods In Decades - AFP
PetroKazakhstan Sold to CNPC (China)
Remnants Of Ward Hunt Ice Shelf (Canadian Arctic) Going Fast
Portugal's Fire Woes Aided By Bad Land Management, Non-Native Plantings
More Environmental Idiocy From The Congressional Record - IHT
Comments sought by task force on Great Lakes cleanup
Ministers Pledge Climate Action After Greenland Summit Blahblahblahblahbla
Japan population decline getting worse
Mauritania shows risks in US strategy
Victory for Japan's war critics
Music brings harmony and unity to Ramallah
Army chief: IDF to pull out of Gaza by end of September
Israel completes evacuation of 25 Jewish settlements in West Bank, Gaza
Ooops--wrong forum--Collaborative Project Proposal
Does anyone know the exact number of people killed on 9/11?
Best 9/11 video! A Must See Again and Again
Confirmed: "Atta was identified by Able Danger by Jan-Feb of 2000."
NIST’s Estimate of Fire Damage to North Tower
Seriously, I have to confess where I was wrong about the WTC
King County Rolls Out New Election Procedures
NEED HELP: Best argument for HCPB and against opti-scans to use
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News TUESDAY 8/23/05 (Great News!)
Conyers' letter to Kerry/Edwards: continue to be involved
Diebold hires former DNC chair to pimp it's machines
The Bombs in the Basement (election fraud listed as major bomb)
A WAPO Editorial supporting VVPB -- "Trust in the Tally"
Diebold's Election Division Jolted by Reliability and Security Concerns
question - do you think the Hackett election was stolen?
Paperless voting unconstitutional: get your amended TN lawsuit right here
Schwarzenegger's pen is two strokes away
Questions about Hackett's Loss, OH, 2nd Dist--Major Article
Minuteman Project founder meets filing deadline for House vacancy
Joe Nation to challenge Lynne Woolsey in Primary
Burbank- 3PM Tuesday 8/23- Protest the Bush supporters
Dump truck crashes into porn theatre in SF
20 Meet Deadline to Run for Cox's Seat
They quit! Pomeroy mayor, 4 council members resign (Calhoun County)
Rants wants to end election of ag secretary
I have to Very important links missing in registry, whats the best program
English Norton's official language (Ohio)
Going to Crawford next Tuesday.
No Nonsense in Nov Fundraiser Thursday 8/25 - Austin
Last-Throes-of-the-Cabal Fundraiser
Anyone going to Fredericksburg for Renewable Energy Roundup?
Drinking liberally -- Milwaukee
Plant recalls beef, but consumers can't be told from what stores.
Dem. Assemblywoman Donna Seidel vs. Local gun nut on WPR Thursday Aug 25
"Nothing points to fraud in 9 double voting cases"
Anyone else watching "Inside 9/11" on National Geographic Channel?
Anyone listening to Bernie Ward?
I'm leaving on a jet plane....asking Mr.bush "What is the mission"
The Bush Regime and the Multi-Natls.
I caught the end of "Democracy Now!" today, and
Another 'Tipping Point' article on Iraq. This one by E&P
Anybody connected to Bernie Ward tonight?
We're fighting terrorists in Iraq so we don't have to fight them at home.
Spent 2 months back in the U.S. - met a soldier fresh from Iraq
German Kanzler reported to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize....
To Avoid Dishonoring the Fallen in Vain, many more must die in Vain
An appreciation thread for Generic Other
Are Americans Pathetic or What?
Is this Black Repub. Boston Globe article as biased as I think it is?
What bu$h means: Honor dead by killing more!
Email I just got. This might work if we can get everyone to do it.
I don't have time right now but when I get home I'm waging war against on
Is it possible that our 'leaders' are beginning to actually Fear US?
Question re: This week's top ten conservative idiots
"Unprecedented flash flooding in Switzerland"
I had arson commited against my bedroom condo late at night..
Dennis Hastert's Turkish Payola - September Vanity Fair
MSM Alert! More missing people! OMG!!!
Aug.22, 2005 the Chimperor** yucks it up While Soldiers are Buried....
Wow, what a load of crap I just heard on CNN from Dan Bartlett
basically, pat robertshit said it's cheaper & quicker to kill leaders
Four Years after Nine Eleven, how's your Fear Level?
Pat Rob. calling for ass. of a world leader is leading story on Today Show
Freeper thread on Utah rave bust
Should the administration repudiate Robertson?
Hugo Chavez calls for Assassination of Pat Robertson. G.O.P. Outraged
Another right-wing shouter just called Jerry Springer.
Protest pics from Salt Lake City..(and an article)
C-SPAN, Washington Journal, Reuel Gerecht, AEI Neocon next
The "real reason" Bushco will invade Iran before March '06 -- A Must Read
Student denied transfer because of race (Cincinnati area)
Now, what if some religious nut actually DOES kill Hugo Chavez?
Have we started contacting "700 Club" station advertisers yet?
A Summer of Scandal for U.S. Politicians
Would Jesus be Profiled and Searched at the Airport?
Ex-Halliburton worker pleads guilty to bribes
Pat Robertson is the best argument for separation of church and state
Withdrawing The Troops . . .We Shouldn't Be Getting Off That Easy
"Because we're tired of dancing backwards."
Edwards effort to raise awareness of poor lauded
next brother pat will be calling for the killing of liberals
78 Years later-Sacco and Vanzetti, what's the verdict?
CSPAN Open Call-wow! Majority of calls totally
CNN: Believe allegations that 4 9/11 hijackers were identified in 2000?
Pro-war nuts clinging to "ruining troop morale" claim. How about going...
Pat Robertson - mainstream Republican
So, Mullah Omar calls for assassinating Bush....
Two Long Island Reps introduce law requiring pharmacists to fill scripts
Evolution, Intelligent Design Fail To Explain Bush (humor)
Have I got this straight? Bush lied about a war in which almost 1900...
Anyone have contact info on the 700 club?
Federal Election Commission Seeks Comments
'They' call it 'Cut and Run', I call it Common Horse Sense
Which current Civil War should the USA win?
since the world is ending anyway, let's have a giant murderous orgy
Pat Robertson Criticized For Promoting Diet Drink On Air
Three Detained During Bush Visit
Wanna listen to a madman rave?
seriously, what would it take to make Pat Robertson's followers happy?
Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson's Speech at SLC Rally! >>> VIDEO
Federal Funds For Abstinence Group Withheld
Is the Biblical Prophecy Endangering the World?
Just an idea. what do you think?
I find it ironic that bush and Pat Robertson would like the...
Looking for video links of CNN's 'Dead Wrong'
Marie Cocco: Roberts looks like early Archie Bunker
A must see DVD: Tying the Knot
Have we done this one? Poll: Iraq another Vietnam?
CNN: "Home sales slowed more than expected from June's record pace"
Is it possible to be Democratic and yet adhere to Islamic Law?
Shouldn't the FCC revoke Robertson's broadcasting license?
The Triumphant Return of "Xtreme Jesus"...thanks brother pat
Want to locate your local Sex Offender?
On the Road with Rose Aguilar (where bible-belters get info)
Southern W.Va. to get new federal penitentiary
GOP Media Training: 'Never think on the air'
The British experience with private accounts
My latest LTTE. "God's Consigliere" Any suggestions?
You have the right to criticize the war, & bush has the right to IGNORE IT
Terrorism--The Republican Gift that Keeps on Giving.
thanks brother pat, for bringing up the religion issue on DU again
KKKarl Rove? Anything new with this freak? Are we just waiting for
Are there any ex-freepers now posting on here? if so, why?
Local (Fulton, MO) man protests war, deaths in Iraq
That Radical Rabbi from Bethlahem is a threat, let us Assassinate him
National Review: "Another Lost Opportunity"
Pat Robertson is a good example of Xianity
Squeeze those eyes, Pat. I bet you're praying extra hard right now.
Let Pat Robertson stay out there and spew his hate...
Something really has to be done about Pat Robertson
A silver lining to high gas prices...
Ziad Jarrah (Flight 93): "This is your Captain speaking..."
"but what wouLd dems do differentLy"
Yesterday it was AP, today it's Reuters showing their pro-Bush
Police attack protesters with tasers and dogs
What's been the freeper response to Dead Wrong?
Unfreep this poll, it's about Cindy, and we are losing, please help......
Bush agrees to meet with families - ONLY THOSE WHO AGREE
What is FAUX spinning on the Pat Robertson remarks?
Bush won't meet with war protester
VIDEO: The biggest Republican a**hole on TV EVER?
Where is the voice of the UNIONS
Atheist Scientist on NYTimes Evolution/ID Series: 2 Strikes, 1 Ball
I don't hate Christianity, I hate assholes.
Daran Kagan on Chavez: "that's quite a threat"
Daryn Kagan yukking it up about Robertson and Chavez on CNN...
Pat Robertson and Hassan-i-Sabbah
"Unseen war". They kill women and children.
Has this already been talked about...
Countdown for shrub - link to backwards*.com - too funny
Pat Robertson's Quotes of Insanity (long)
And the news today in Venezuela is......
Daniel Ellsberg on lies and lying liars
Fox: "Suck it up, America. If you can't afford the gas, drive less"
Why is it that I must still lean on my Republican friends?
Bush Poll Numbers--Approval at 36%
How was the war in Iraq a "Last Resort"?
Anyone here registered for the Rush Limbaugh website?
Will the Pope issue a countermanding Fatwa to overrule Robertson?
Bush Backers Amass to Counter 'Peace Mom'
Kids get out of school for Nascar Racing
womans rights: i wrote on another board. really, this just isnt ok
War is good....Peace is bad...
Napoleon knew how to keep troop morale high.
Poll on MSNBC :Did Pat Robertson go too far
It finally happened (The 'christian' Right = The 'islamic' Right)
Please help--need the picture of the "Providense" sign---
bush was so close to bad taste just now
Bush Back in His Hidey Hole Today - Will Be Incommunicado >>>
I have a ready made answer for the next Christian who "witnesses" to me
City by city, state by state, is anyone planning to go to Crawford?
Do you think that the WH Squatter aka Man or Monkey...
Should we DEMAND an apology from pat robertsuck, like THEY would?
My first LTTE: Please Be Gentle
My local ABC station just reported that Cindy is heading back?
The Bushes are robber barons, not capitalists.
My first opinion post about Cindy and the freaks who are coming
No, Mr. Prez.... don't talk ABOUT Cindy, talk TO her
Get behind the President or else...!
Speak your mind on Robertson - see if CNN reads it
I fear a report on significant US soldier casualties may be coming...
" Conn. Challenges No Child Left Behind Law"
please recommend GO's Day 17 thread! link here:
J.C. Watts not running for governor of OK
Can we change the name of this war now?
Quick! What's the name of this RW organization?
Horrors committed against the women of Iraq... Thanks George!
"Reid Set to Make Appearance After Stroke"
Are there any counts for Camp Casey?
this is where george is staying
Chase just tried to raise my credit card rate 4%
Man leaves Church to Steal Truck
TIME: Why Pat Robertson's Statements Help Hugo Chavez
About those credit card offers..
"Summary: Some Call It Summer of Scandals"
Grain of salt dept.: Was Bush talked out of meeting with Sheehan?
connected--msnbc--my gawd the blond host is actually defending Pat R.
For those confused about MIHOP and LIHOP
I just saw a car with one of these magnets. Way cool!!!
New task for us all. Lets get back at * and this "weakened America"
Condi told Bush that women's rights were embedded in the new
Poll on CNN: Do you think Pat Robertson's comment was out of line?
Photoshop alert! Need help! Remember Sludge's attempt to frame Clinton...
Right-wing hero: Radio gasbag refuses to apologize for anti-Muslim remarks
Should Company Trucks have Political Bumperstickers
congressional voting records on issues affecting troops
We need to support Hagel right now.
Pat Robertson is Not a Christian
BradShow LIVE from Camp Casey at 1PM ET
DU this poll: Your take on Robertson's wanting to assassinate Chavez?
Nashville gay man tasered 3 times by cops in on-line chat room sting
Hagel On Iraq: “We're Not Winning”... “We're Locked Into A Bogged-Down!
You can contact CBN to have them "pray for Pat Robertson!"
No sign of cover-up in London shooting, Brazil says
Pat Robertson's tax exempt status
Rummy just explained base closing.. eliminate base & send soldiers to Iraq
OMG, Bush at press conference just said, "Can we get someone from...
Is it legal for an employer to deduct a "workers comp" insurance fee?
Was anyone here on DU smart enough to invest in oil stocks in 2000?
White House's version of highly stylized Japanese Kabuki theater.
Green Party: Should Listen to Their Members and Oppose the War.
FILL IN: Freeper Freddie is so foolish, he thinks the Constitution is __.
"Least Church-Going Rich Countries Give Most"
I'm heading back to Crawford - who else will be there this weekend?
Check out this WWII era political cartoon by Dr. Suess...
Conservative radio host fired for anti-Islam remarks
OMFG. Rumsfeld at press conf...."I DON'T DO WHAT-IF'S"
Kidnapped with hostage demands to follow
Rummy on msnbc the constituon he is talking of at the moment.
"Calif. Court Protects Kids of Gay Couples"
Freeper Madness: Clinton Deferred the 911 attacks KNOWING they'd
Would a TRUE Christian proactively call for an assassination?!
3 news conferences today--Bartlett, Jr. and now Rummy.
Anybody catch Dan Bartlett's pathetic routine of lies on NBC and ABC?
Bush: "The fact that I apologize for the war will be an important change"
has this been posted about the patty problem?
Rumsfeld Answers: "What if This? What if That? What if This? What if That?
Robertson wants to post the 9 Commandments in public places.
Will Gas Prices hurt Republicans? Freepers don't think so...
Our Mission in Iraq has mutated
Did Pat Robertson go too Far? Poll
Ok, ignorant question time. Re: Casey Sheehan
Folk Singer Icon Joan Baez Takes Camp Casey II By Storm (audio
What's this? Lowe's and Target are not blue companies? re:
Ribbon Magnet Field Guide - from the Twin Cities mag The Rake
Robertson: US should 'take out' Venezuela's Chavez- Canadian Look
Need help with a response on this Creationism LTTE
From Crawford, TX to Boise, ID: Gold Star Families Follow Bush
Pat Robertson said that the USA should assassinate Chavez, he is a threat
PHOTO: "It's a WORKING vacation, dammit!!!"
Robertson: Is this the face of an evil man?
Is Chavez really as bad as Robertson says he is?
North West Cable News reporting on Bush visit to Idaho
U.S. Develops Electric Bullets to Fire Into Crowds
Pat Robertson at Norfolk Airport Collage
Is anybody else have trouble Streaming AAR today?
Thank You Pat Robertson for Saving Chavez's Life
What would happen if we imposed a toll on automobile use
Burbank CA- Tuesday 8/23 at 3 PM-Protest the Bush supporters
Britian is deporting people for the same kind of hate speech
What was the last War worth fighting?
Why does AAR keep cutting out?
100 People Who Are REALLY Screwing Up America -- #5 John Thune
"Christians" invading politics / LA Times (sorry if it's a dupe)
Robertson Violated U.S. Anti-Terrorism Law Title 18, Section 2331
What happened to the Struggle Against Violent Extremists?
AP: Bush: Iraq Withdrawal Would Weaken U.S.
Police raid concert in Utah...teargas, rifles, dogs, the whole shebang ...
The right wing's absence of outrage re: Robertson
Doesn't Chuck Hagel want to run for president?
Wow, live press conference with the Venezuelan Ambassador to
Rummy on Robertson comment: "Our department doesn't do that kind of thing"
Does anyone know the exact number of people killed on 9/11?
Best 9/11 video! A Must See Again and Again
Most. Disgusting. Bumpersticker. EVER!
Even the dopes in Shitheadville think Robertson is a dink
Only 11 votes? Come on People!
"Bolivarian, Christian, Socialist - it’s a revolution for the world...
Letter I just sent to my local RIGHT WING RAG
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Torture.
"if bin laden were a Christian"
China tries to wipe Internet icon from Web
Ambassador to Vensuella is on CNN NOW slaming Robertson!
The story behind Pat Robertson's Anti-Chavez Claims
So. Now we "poll" whether calling for murder "goes too far".
A dangerous enemy to our south..
Cindy's latest blog, from HuffPo.....mods can delete if a dupe.
"Feinstein to Question Roberts on Abortion"
Messing with freepers at the Crawford Peace House msg board
bob dole: it's hard to make chavez a sympathetic figure, but pat did
TX-06: Iraq Vet Harris To Challenge Barton
I'm going to follow Pat Robertson's Logic
(VIDEO) Back In Black: Love A Good War
Bush: Iraq Withdrawal Would Weaken U.S. >watch out for the boogieman!
Bush is directly responsible for 5128 American deaths since he took office
Turkmen President Bans Lip Synching
Bush tells the press he is "hanging loose" today.
Did anyone see the finale of 6 Feet Under on HBO????
I believe this latest Pat Robertson inanity is a diversion.
For those boycotting CNN, they're covering Robertson bigtime --
Army enlistments way up or more BS from Bushco?
VIDEO: Bush Visit Brings Protesters To Salt Lake Streets (KUTV CBS-2)
Will there be a counter-protest at the Crawford anti-Cindy rally on 8/23?
Cuba & Venezuela commit to restore sight to 600K LatAms p.a.
My Dad used the words "stupid republican" in the same sentence
3 more soldiers died needlessly today, & bush STILL don't give a fuck
5 Calif. Guardsmen face charges of abusing Iraqis; military "downplays" it
Mother of Michael Jackson accuser facing 5 felony charges
More Fun from Back Issues of Newsweek - 1/10/2000
actions speak louder than words
The Education Scam - if you are pro-capitalism, READ THIS.
Fla. Judge Hurt in Afghanistan Bomb Attack
BULLSHIT ALERT! :" Chinese, Russian troops join unprecedented war games"
Two extra US battalions to Iraq
Some of Pat Robertson's Greatest Hits...
(VIDEO) News report on the Salt Lake City protest
If Kerry Was in The WH now, Repukes would be SCREAMING to Exit Iraq!
"Inside 9/11" is on The National Geographic channel now....
Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans
Rolling Stones - Sweet NeoCon lyrics
Senator Feinstein to question Roberts' stance on abortion rights
1872 Reasons the DSM Is Important
How many here would commit to selling/destroying their telly?
Is Idiot Son's pal Pat Robertson a terrorist?
Has an unpopular war ever gained support later?
Coworker says trouble brewing in Crawford... saw it on CNN.
So I'm being lazy. Catch me up on Chavez.
Looking for some intereresting blogs to read, preferably NYC based.
Number 'W'astikas and B/C bumper stickers in your area?
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
Is there an DU acronym guide? I'm losing track...
Contrast and compare (Abu Ghraib)
A Little Prayer for Brother Pat Robertson
Partial Text of the Iraqi Constitution
Gawd I Just Hate The Freeptards. FUCK I Hate Them!
Idiot Son gave Pat Robertson a private meeting but not Cindy Sheehan?
Hhhhhmmmm, haven't heard from Scotty Mc Clellan since August 3rd....
The State Department's reaction to Robertson was...
G. Gordon Liddy on Robertson's call to assassinate Chavez - Faux
I stopped this DUer on the road today...check his stickers
* won't meet with people who disagree with him, so Cindy doesn't
I just have to say, eeeuuwwwwww! >>>
we won't have to wait much longer for the Lord to take Brother Pat home
Report: Infants feel pain during circumcision
Cindy returns to Camp Casey Wednesday
USA Today Op-ed: Mother deserves meeting, and apology, from Bush
Malloy's blurb on Pat Robertson
you can fool ALL of the Televangelist's Supporters ALL the time.
81 Soldiers Have Been Killed While Bush Vacations (Afghanistan & Iraq)
Pat Robertson and his ilk, gave us Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph....
VFW member wears "bullshit protector" over ear during Bush's speech
Now I'm not defending Carla Homolka - but look at this
Even the RW hacks and Freepers wont be able to spin..
Top headlines from tomorrow's World Media Watch(inc Canada going after US)
STOP LYING, Mr. Bush! Just STOP IT! Stop Lying!
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee live on Faux
Lou Dobbs: Lobbying against America
CNN poll:Do you think Pat Robertson's comment about Venezuela's Hugo Chave
Did you guys see this asshole on Hardball last night? (Mark Williams)
Staying in Iraq would weaken us?
Brad Show from Camp Casey streaming NOW!
My brother in law's VA benefits discontinued -
Two thoughts on Iraq Constitution
The political issues facing Detroit teachers
Amy Goodman: Camp Casey Continues to Grow (VIDEO)
flashback:He has no place to train his al Qaeda killers anymore. And if w
Harry Reid - Democratic Presidential Candidate 2008?
Radical American Cleric Detained, threat to National Security cited
Did any 'reporter' call chimp on his lie that Iraq is moving towards
Iraq Civil War looking more and more likely
"Blessed are the Assassins, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven"
The NCAA gave in to Florida State's use of Seminoles.......
Clergy leader calls for Robertson to clarify "INDISCREET" fatwa
Now, I'm not defending Sgt. Hulka, but look at this:
Doing right by children costs too much!
Pat Robertson: Man of God (ie - quotes from a so-called Christian)
Pat Robertson lead story ABC News now...
Road Rage: It happened in Manhattan
I just got a package from the "true majority" and someone destroyed it.
Sen. Norm Coleman on Robertson: "incredibly stupid."
VIDEO (CBS News Top Stories): Salt Lake protest, speech coverage
Here's what bush JUST said about Cindy Sheehan......
Chavez in Cuba""I don't even know who that person is"
Bush is Back to Biking - I have to work today, how about you? -PIX->>>
Nice going, Pat. You just made the world hate us a little more
do you agree that sheehan wants to weaken the us?
The Correct Name for Bush's War? Operation Iraqi Lesser Freedom
"In other news, Jesus has quit."
The Good News: only 4% of Americans think ID alone should be taught.
New fuel efficiency rules excludes large SUVs and trucks
Video of Bush's speech to veterans yesterday?
U.S Develops Electric Bullets to Fire into Crowds
EXCLUSIVE! - Tonights Joan Baez Concert from Camp Casey LIVE!!!
1872 DEAD! Where is bush? Why FISHING in Idaho of Course!
An Open Letter to Pat Robertson
Spanking down that "You don't speak for me, Cindy!" tour
My Congresswoman, Barbara Lee, wants to STOP THE WAR:
Arctic melt likely to worsen, scientists warn
I have the three step solution for getting out of Iraq peacefully.
You know who Bush is starting to remind me of?
time for a wiki dedicated to neocon research?
Botox and silicone gone awry. MSNBC right now.
The Economic Case for Progressive Income Tax
Should Sibel Edmonds spill the beans and take the consequences?
Is it just me or is Rush somehow finding a way to be even worse lately?
Bush states no. of our Iraq dead for first time: WH spins as "huge"...
More BS LIES from Bush - SOTU 2003 - Worth Reading in 2005
AP: Shooting Leaves 2 Dead at Ariz. Wal - Mart
Run Down And Killed For Gas $$
DUers should make videos for "Current TV."
Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans
Karma payback? Lance Armstrong met with Bush, proven to be lying cheater
Is it sexist to say Bush should "be a man" about things?
Still no KGO reception (and a short rant)
Kudos to for exposing Robertson
A woman's breast is more offensive then murder!
Think that Lance and George exchange prescription recipes?
George: Stick With My Misguided War that I LIED About, or Look WEAK >
A while back I posted about the upcoming doubling of credit
Jesse Jackson Condemns Pat Robertson's Calls to Kill Venezuela Presid
Breaking: Pat Robertson Offends Wiccans, Turned Into Frog
No one has mentioned the closing of Oceana
My "Coward of Crawford" letter published
A TRUE Christian, even a deciple of Robertson, would condemn his
'Talking Points'-This would be a good idea for a radio show, and website.
Chavea is probably more safe now than ever in his reign. Thanks to Pat.
Bush: Protesters of Iraq Don't Want U.S. to Win 'War on Terror'
So now Americans have a bull's eye on their backs when they visit
MSM is doing wall to wall Robertson issue coverage
The Coming Economic Meltdown Is Here!
Cindy Sheehan leading off the NBC Nightly News!
Blair to get cushy job at Carlyle Group.
Does the power of our Federal government scare you?
What exactly does "Pro Choice" mean to you?
Does the cynicism of Ads in todays Market Place- TV & Internet bother YOU?
Has there been any response from Venezuela to Pat Robertson's Fatwa?
Is there not a way to indict Pat Robertson for endangering...
Did Anyone Hear the Religious Borg Call Schultz's Show Today?
THE JUST WAR DOCTRINE (and some other stuff)
Is Hugo Chavez a military dictator?
Ed Schultz staying on XM Radio
Bummer...whatachoice...Missing husband...lunatic Robertson...Aruba..
The symbolism is striking.. Bush's Idaho "adventure"
Is It Time for a Democratic "Wild and Crazy Guy"??
So when will the USA go after Canada's oil and other energy supplies?
DNC half year report from Howard Dean
OMG...Look At The Violence in Iraq Today! Is it Tet Yet??
1200 Northwest Airlines jobs gone; workers get $3 TacoBell goodbye chits
A strategy to take over government by 2008: debranding the Dems.
Keep this poll DU'd-re:Bush's view on Cindy,et al showing Chavez with Castro for story about assasination?!
If Venezuelan religious leaders called for Bush's assassination...
CBS fined for J.Jackson's breast shot. 700 Club should be fined equally.
Online thesaurus pulls listing for 'Arab'
Blaire considers joining the Carlyle Grooup?
Platform for all Dems to run on.
XM announces Ed Schultz to be moved to Ask Channel (165) on 9/1...
Tin foil hat speculation: WIll the rest of the world let us fix things
Congressional Hearings on Iraq!
How can we 'spread democracy' when
Religion in the USA: Problem or Solution?
bush regarding Cindy: "I understand her anguish"
Notice all the reports about the new Iraqi Constitution and no one
65 Girls At Area School Pregnant
Complain to the FCC about Pat Robertson.......(Link here)
ATTENTION! Need your help finding the next Mrs. Moran!
8/23 ALL DU Cindy threads DAY 17
Confirmed: Able Danger ID of Atta before Bushco Shut it Down
Muslim leader calls for the assassination of Tony Blair (not serious)
..58 yr old mother...60 year old father...50 year old mother
Bush requesting Fox reporter to get him out of a fix.
Proof-positive that Bush is a liar
Legality of cell phone roaming changes in your coverage area.
Ayn Rand? Are her works still relevant in 2005?
Many Late PIX from sat. night casey2..more DU names..
"Anyone who disagrees with Bush is a terrorist." How long 'til we hear it?
Wow. Did anyone listen to the military callers on Randi Rhodes
"Poison Dust" new film on DU poisoning
"You Aren't Even TRYING to Hide It Anymore, Are You?"
"Sen. John Kerry Blisters Republicans"
From Pat Robertson's website: Thou Shalt Not Murder...
What's your opinion regarding panhandlers, the homeless, street people?
Cable TV - What do you spend? Is it worth it?
JAMA study: Fetuses under 7 months may not feel pain
Joan Baez LIVE from Camp Casey on Brad Show !! - Tonight 9PM ET
MSNBC poll: do anti-war protesters weaken the US?
Does Global Warming Theory Conflict With The Bible?
Weird.. Today I saw a U.N. vehicle
My pics from Crawford (GRAPHICS WARNING)
This picture says it all!!! (It will make your day)
CRAWFORD! We Came, We Saw, We Shoved Our Message Right Up Bush's Rat Ass!
Woohoo! The new Pollkatz graph is up (36%). Ain't it BEAUTIFUL!!
Why does this country freak about communism?
Flag-Waving RW Mom On Military Service: "It Isn't For Our Kind Of People"
OK, about this "true" or "real" Christian stuff on DU
Laughter, tears and unity. My report from Camp Casey (large graphics)
Canada backs down on trade retaliation
RCMP intelligence sharing probed at Arar inquiry * Who is A-O Canada?
1st Annual DU Fantasy Hockey League
Canada should pull out of NAFTA and return to WTO
BBC on Livingston by-election (Robin Cook's seat)
Football results...tonight, so far
In case anyone thought the Tories might be edging into the 21st Century
How skimpy outfits caused scandal at the Serpentine
British election posters- past and present
Maradona owns up to 'Hand of God'
"Two thirds oppose state-aided faith schools" (Guardian)
Ken Clarke: I was wrong ... the euro is a failure (The Times)
UK and the State & country forums
Kenneth Clarke: Evil Tory Bastard
Afghanistan asks Pakistan to postpone refugee camp closure
Conn. Challenges No Child Left Behind Law
Settlers' tactics win them few friends (Holocaust references)
Egypt Eyes Possibility of Islamist Party
Navy Officer Affirms Assertions About Pre-9/11 Data on Atta
Bush salutes sacrifices of 2,000 troops
Iraq speaker says three days not enough to resolve constitutional disputes
(LAT) 5 Calif. Guardsmen Face Charges of Abusing Iraqis
Drug bosses face civil fraud suit
Retailers rip into Chinese textile quotas
It's hush-hush, but Cheney's coming to stump for DeLay
NYT/AP: Yahoo, Verizon Launch Internet Service
WPpg1: Scientists Race To Head Off Lethal Potential Of Avian Flu
NYT: Officer is second to say Atta was known pre-9/11 (Attah)
Mumbai building collapse kills 11
Europeans call off nuclear talks with Iran-France
Aide Defends Iraq Strategy (Dan Bartlett)
Deadline Looms for Famous New York Club (CBGB's)
Feinstein to question Roberts on abortion, congressional power
Iraq Qaeda claims rocket attack in Jordan port
Experts fear thefts, violence to rise with gas prices
Man held in alleged plot to bomb Seattle VA office
5 Calif. Guardsmen Face Charges of Abusing Iraqis
Experts Inspect Lebanese Bomb Site
Eleven Policemen Killed in Mortar Attack in Baquba
No proof found of Iran nuclear arms program
School districts in US feeling pinch of escalating fuel costs
ID theft spyware scam uncovered
HIV drug performs well in 10-day trial
Congresswoman calls for return of troops
Men trailed and knifed me - Habib ( freed Gitmo prisoner )
UK Police Watchdog Promises Report by End of Year on Killing of Brazilian
Bush: No Plans To Meet Anti-War Protester
Suicide bomb at U.S.-Iraqi military centre kills 6 (US soldier killed)
Bush Says Iraqi Constitution Delays Are Understandable
Bulgaria Withdraws Its Soldiers from Iraq Foreign Minister State
Iraqi Pessimistic of Constitution Deal
Russia to end aid to 'revolutionary' allies-report
Stripes: Troops in Europe say long U.S. stay in Iraq may thin force
Security incidents in Iraq, Aug 23 (U.S. soldier killed - 1869)
President Takes A Break From Central Texas Heat (Tamarack ski resort)
Aide saw LINK as asset for re-election (Exhibits bust KY gov's team)
Suspected Hacker Enters Military Database
Bradley’s competition (NH congressional race)
Government Proposes New Fuel Standards for SUVs, Minivans
Thousands of Chinese, Russian troops join unprecedented war games
Birth of a new Iraq, or blueprint for civil war?
Beef recalled under mad cow rules (but already distributed)
NYT: New Jersey Bans Smoking in All College Dormitories
Sparks (NV) City Council condemns Patriot Act
MSNBC: Google plans instant-messaging service
Iranian freed from Guantanamo was mistreated
Ambassador to Vensuella is on CNN NOW slaming Robertson!
Islamic prison gangs probed for alleged plots against Jewish sites
65 Girls At Area School Pregnant
Venezuela Oil Shipments to China Up Markedly, State Oil Firm Says
Watts Won't Seek Okla. Governor's Office
Bush raps anti-war protesters (cnn says Bush 'suggests"
Fla. Judge Hurt in Afghanistan Bomb Attack
Chavez ally: Robertson a 'fascist'
'Flag In Toilet' Painting Removed
Poll respondents overwhelm site (FreeRepublic vs DailyKos on Sheehan poll)
Pat Robertson Stirs Outrage in Venezuela With Call to Assassinate Chavez
Donations to governor (Schwarzenegger) earn Target a boycott
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 23 August
U.S. Develops Electric Bullets to Fire Into Crowds
Triple car bombs target U.S. troops in west Iraq
Reid Set to Make Appearance After Stroke
NYT: U.S. Is Ordered (by judge) to Investigate Use of Disputed Informant
Bush Supporters, Activists Clash in Calif.
Saddam appears in court, confirms legal team sacked
White House dismisses Chavez assassination call
Menezes death "cover-up" doubted
Report: Obesity Rates Up in Most States (i.e. All Except Oregon)
Observers fear thefts, violence to rise with gas prices
Gasoline prices set new record (+ $.73 in 1 year, car travel same level)
Iraq assembly gets charter draft, Sunnis irate (may cause Civil War)
Rising gasoline prices spur thefts, violence (switching to prepay policy)
Two extra US battalions to Iraq
Taliban Rebels Close Schools to Recruit Boys to Fight, U.S. General Says
WP: Bully for Them (U.S. lags other countries in dealing with bullying)
Bush: Iraq's Sunnis face choice on constitution
Habib (former Gitmo detainee) stabbed near his home
Peruvian airliner crashes in jungle
Speech expert: Boy who cops said confessed could barely talk
Officials hint at U.S.-Can trade war
U.S. Dodges Robertson Comments on Chavez
US aircraft carrier docked nearby poses no threat, Venezuelan defense chie
LAT: Grooming Politicians for Christ: Capitol Hill evangelical programs
Ohio reproductive clinic seeks to shield medical records from state
Anti-war protest in Idaho: "a Cindy Sheehan in every community"
(IA R) King: Fence off Mexican border
Pharmacist Resists Illinois Rule on Contraceptives (Faux News)
Ohio again near top of layoff list
Venezuela slams Robertson over remarks (studying its legal options)
Afghan heroin hang-glider downed
WP: Northwest Employees Get Little Support
NCAA removes Seminoles from hostile list
Bush: Iraq Withdrawal Would Weaken U.S.
New drug reverses effects of sleep deprivation on brain
Bloomberg: Home Resales Slow to 7.16 Million Rate
Rumsfeld: Constitution Won't End Violence
Brazilian ambassador: No cover-up by British police in shooting death
Boise TV stations will air Peace Mom ad during Bush's visit (4 stations)
With Eyes on Iraq, Arabs Fear Spread of Federalism--Daily Star
20 Iraqis, two American soldiers killed in new attacks
Media Matters Calls on ABC Family to Discontinue Robertson Broadcasts
Bush supporters clash with anti-war activists in California
Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans
Military reopens probe of Tillman death - Inquiry into killing of football
Military contractor from Dauphin County killed in Iraq (Titan Corp.)
Well-known Europeans call for release of jailed US reporter
NYT/AP: Lance Armstrong Denies Doping Allegations
ACORN, WARN Oppose 'Wal-Mart Bank'
Fetuses May Not Feel Pain in Early Months
Dayum! Is it really midnight already???
Until Now, I've Automatically Hidden All "Six Feet Under" Threads...
Anybody seen the 40-year-old virgin?
This is a floppyhat thread .............
What is the title of the new Rolling Stones CD?
You know that when I drink alone...
Should Heidi post pictures of the cat rodeo in her living room?
We're invading the Wyoming forum
"I have nipples, can you milk me?"
What's your Cholesterol level?
Anyone have a GPS? I just got one...Thank you Clinton! What a cool toy!
You kids playing in the Wyoming forum - Time to come home
Drunk cats a problem in your household
My daughters boyfriend is a bartender
I am MegaBitch, Goddess of Estrogen!
Breathe Me has been my earworm today
I haven't seen this Nazi Bush picture posted before.
Okay it's time to call out for assasinations!!`
One last post before I go to bed. Next Thursday is the one year
Should I try to teach DU how to spell?
I reached 7000! Thank you all!
Is it sexy to say George Bush should be a man about things?
This "good night's sleep" business is overrated, I think.
Low-Fat Cheez-its meh. Regular Cheez-its WOW!
You got a Benz, I got a busket...
You should listen to him, his father's a doctor.
Is it wrong for me to laugh at rockpapersaddam?
Better half came back from the doctor today....
Guess who I served this weekend?
So I volunteered to make websites for a few charity organizations...
WillBowden's Back!!!!!! Have I Got a Piece of Tail for Him!
One Week til Green Day concert, One Month til DC Protest & DU Meetup
I think DU admins should do 1200 donations for next fund drive
Cities with highest rates of vehicle theft per 100,000 inhabitants
'Grass Cops' Use Tape Measures To Check For Overgrown Lawns
I LynneSin will bring to you today not one, but TWO smilies for the day
Man Threatens To Castrate Ice Cream Truck Driver With Hedge Clippers
people wanted to pay me for the strangest things today
Still using Internet Explorer? Read on...
What do you look like in the WC? Post a picture.
In this thread, post a phrase you are hearing right now.
So I was sitting aroung watching TV last night when an Amber Alert
i was just asked to removed my signature by a mod
I'm going to the Proms concert this evening - ask me anything
I'm going for athenian in my home interior
Happy Birthday to loathsome, annoying, smug "satirist" Mark Russell
i keep coming back to this one
Entertainment Weekly poll: "Is it too soon to make 9/11 movies?"
Hey! What the hell is that thing next to my user name?
Been taking lessons from the Pretzeldent??? (pic) doing Video Game Wars, Madden Football Being Beat By Tecmo Bowl
Three freakin' weeks it rains *every* day...
Blue Valkyrie- your life force is running out.
what is your favorite green vegetable?
where is zuni's happy jumping zuni?
Any recommendations for *dramatic* Anime (a la "Grave of the Fireflies")?
90 Year Old Couple Win $7.5 Million Lottery
And now, a picture of a horny woman.
Don't you HATE it when it's Moron day?
Join the Border Patrol, Drive Liberals Nuts
Do you think our references to "Kool Aid" drinkers
Is It Possible for a Bigot to Change?
It is a sad damned day when two Mods, one a friend, call you a liar!
Urgent request.. Are Ft Mohave, AZ & laughlin NV on the same time?
FBI stages a wedding to bust international smuggling ring
I want my, I want my, I want my Web TV
Best clown in U.S. takes job seriously (rumored to earn $600K a year)
oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head(The Smiths in smilies)
Treat your husband like a dog?
Hang-gliding heroin smuggler is shot down
how to become an internet laughingstock
I propose a "There Are Too Many Groups" Group
you don't speak for me, you don't speak for me cindy
Photo: Bush with R. Lee "Full Metal Jacket" Ermey
Man Leaves Church To Steal Truck
Convicted U.S. felon's "Cures" tops book charts #1 BEST SELLER
Turkmen President Bans Lip Synching
Is it just me or is there a very strong resemblance here?
I've decided to become a Pastafarian.
Appropriate accessories for sesame noodles?
Does anyone have the link for the Peace Mom
Garth Brooks Signs Deal To ONLY Sell Music At Wal-Mart
Hee... Just thought of a cute Thom Hartmann Drinking Game
Anyone remember the actuary who estimated US caused deaths
Mrs. V. cheered me a little by sending me today's Toles cartoon:
Fred Phelps Actually Made the KC News
Credit Card Letter Addressed 'Dear Palestinian Bomber'
Do you think it's bad for kids to encourage them to play sports?
The Cola Wars of 85. Now that was a war I could get behind.
Who Does The Best Pat Robertson?
progmom's jaded, cantankerous tip for Tuesday:
If Only ... Nov 26 1927 - Aug 23 1997
fashion question: What does one wear to a job fair?
i'm too tired to overreact or overact today...
Falwell: Gays Caused Pat Robertson To Make His Chavez Comments!!
*Confession * I'm wearing overalls
Blast from the Past - You guys remember the NBC movie "V"?
Top 10 things to say when caught sleeping at your desk!
What is the range of elevation for clouds?
A question for DUers: Any Warhammer people out there?
BASH PAT ROBERTSON DAY -- WWJRO: Who would Jesus Rub Out?
If you could be any 70's era rock star (in the 70's) who would it be?
Stuart fishermen nab monster fish
LTTE in my local paper i totally agree with, for once.
Rumsfeld: "What if This? What if That? What if This? What If That?"
There'll be no strings to bind your hands
Name the Movie: "I don't think you appreciate the seriousness of this
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do...
"Friends Who Pay Low Wages" - ZW's Garth Brooks parody
Michael Bolton or John Bolton?
Mysterious Fish Caught Off Damariscove
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! Our stuff will be here this morning @10AM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I had time to ride a god damned bike!
If the economy crashes and people are in debt, what will happen to them?
Why does it have to be hot as HELL outside?
can i get medical marajuana for a wife in Menapause, and get her some too?
Jessica Alba: "I have this thing for older men"
What is your tarot significator? (Quiz )
BOR has a cindy poLL on his site
What's Sunny von Bulow going to THINK if she ever wakes up?
NYC - Manhattan event just a few min ago (crime)
Today I have been married eight years.
When graduate students go bad.
MSNBC is asking if Robertson went to far...
I'm looking for a reliable reseller of Pocket PCs.
Why do "Rock" radio stations always pick the WORST Zeppellin
Calvin and Hobbes? Making a Comeback?
Your own radio station. What are your call letters? Mine: KACK or WANK.
Mock Pat Robertson all you want,
Alan Ball creator of SFU on "Fresh Air" today
Freepers eating crow over smoking gun
Is it possible to ship a package containing wine?
My cousin is gonna be a County Sheriff's Deputy Cook.
I Want To Go Behind The Scenes At An Airport - Always Have
It's time to play MatchGame DU.
Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, or All Time Quarterback
Visitors interested in Metallica Lyrics may also interested in:
Pedaling Away From Principle: Lance Armstrong Cozies Up to Bush
*All Time Classic* HEZBOLLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cops Looking For Owner Of Fingertip Found Stuck On Fence
My cousin is gonna be a Cook County (IL) Sheriff's Deputy!
Six Feet Under Finale - I was so afraid that Nate singing Rare Earth's
CA Senate votes for ban on piercing minors without parental permission
The Daily Show is going to have a field day with Pat Robertson.
Hey George...Here's how you can stop falling off your bike!
Good morning everyone. I have a question. I looking for a book
Jan Crouch calls for the assination of her hair dresser!
Looking for some music I heard years ago
A new one for the freeper glossary: 'cudos'
sundog keeps starting threads and then abandoning them.
The Lounge overreacting thread.
It's again time to list favorite 80s songs ...
"One more outburst like that and you'll be held in contempt...
google image search can be very scary if you don't have your safesearch on
Recommended image hosting site?
thank god *that* thread is gone
Looking for some intereresting blogs to read, preferably NYC based.
I ordered the first season of the Muppets
What do you consider a good curfew time for a 16 year old?
You *MUST* check out "Fonzie" from SNL Christopher Walken DVD
Why did 50's era cowboys use there own names?
Anyone else think that Bush is toast?
What kind of cookies should I bake?
A little something different for dinner tonight...
Hey everybody .... it's Momma Woman's birthday!
Dates complain that Pamela Anderson is talking about them
I just bought a "Ski Iraq" t-shirt! Ask me anything!
Bob No-Facts on Robertson: "That's Bullsh*t!!"
same rack, same shirt, same size, different color
Robertson Renames 700 Club "The 5 In The Noggin' Club"
My Nacho Fiesta Snack Mix is mighty tasty
Most inane product display box ever
I think I want my next tatto to be an upper arm band...
Anyone here get Summer Strep Throat? Whass the deal with that?
Kitty on cover of this weeks Weekly Word News. Just saw it @ the store
I have a black spot on my arm... weirdest thing...
Chatty Store Clerks - am I the only one irritated by this?
"Alright, muh hearties, FOLLOW ME!"
My new favorite product warning
I get a craving for roast venison every time I see
Where can I get some hairstyling tips for women?
High Fructose Corn Syrup is the devil!!!
Those young whippersnappers at work think life is easy?
How can I get wrinkles out of a silk jacket?
'Mockingbird' actor Brock Peters dies
Who else here sucks at grammar and punctuation?
Man this sucks, I've been off since noon and I'm still at work
Happy Birthday to Barbara Eden!
The most popular first name for men is...?
I Miss Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers
So a propos - Are you an Internet Addict?
Just got my replacement remote control for my CD changer. Sony...
Carly "a job is no longer your God-given right" POS Fiorina to write book
Engineers' thoughts on "Intelligent Design" (eMail I got)
My dog is allergic to his butt-rubbing stool...
Favorite Chris Walken SNL Skit!
Funniest thing I heard at work today:
post here if you're a little bit crabby today
Tom Cruise Was Happier In Previous Life
You know what really makes me mad????
I just got the "Emergency!" Season One DVDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking for CD recommendation - Classical/Latin guitar
Everybody, do the "Hang Loose" now
weeping (anyone who's had a loved one with dementia, or anyone else)
Anyone remember Ari Fleischer recommending the assassination of Saddam?
Any tech people hate technology when they get home???
Pictures I took on the Summer Solstice
So, you're eating shrimp and you see one that has a poop shoot left
It is a sad damned day when two friends, one a mod, call you a liar!
Found at the ErotiCat website:
I'm sick..Kitty's incision became infected and has now opened up
Does anyone have the link for the Peace Mom
flaming lounge threads are really out of style now...
For all DU he-man macho types...
How is your soul? Take The Quiz......
We're going to meet the stalker!
Cockney slang picks up Bangladeshi flavor
Hey everyone! Remember yesterday, when we had jpgray day?
WCGreen's Column in today's Cleveland Plain Dealer
OK, it's not a missing blonde, but it's the next best thing.
Help write a 1-2 paragraph blurb about me.
The Lifetime Movie title generator
I can't friggin believe intelligent design is even an issue down there
Is it just my imagination or is it getting harder and harder.....
Here's a couple of pics from the Chicago air show
I had a dream. I had an awesome dream!
MrsScorpio's Mother Passed Away Last Night
Get your fortune told...Take the quiz
Google's IM service is online.
Just found these 2 pics from my trip to Gettysburg!
They think you need this stuff for KINDERGARTEN!?
How much should you spend on a bottle of sparkling wine
I get a craving for roast vegitarian every time I see one
Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About
Not ready for LBN: Urine Battery Turns Pee Into Power
What can people see in your eyes? Take The Quiz......
I just killed a copperhead in my driveway. That's two in a week!
Jessica Alba digs older men, I like bad boys, what about YOU?
So, my teenager changes my cell phone ringer to Hollaback Girls.
I'm Emporer Norton, ruler of the United States and Protector of Mexico
NASA Images Discover Ancient Bridge between India and SriLanka
Those damned immoral scientists
Decision more than just a victory for litigant
Calif. Bans Campaign Gay Bashing
Campaigns Gear Up For Texas Gay Marriage Battle
A Choice We Don't Want (black rights vs. gay rights)
A Harvard B School look at marketing to gays & lesbians
More South Carolina gay groups donating to politicians
Two Fla. men plead guilty to beating gay waiter to death
Black Gays Plan Own Million Man Observance
Abby puts a reader in his place
Gays Rights, Gun Rights, Gay Nationalism.
French lab cannot confirm tests were Armstrong's
"UC to Huggins: Resign or be fired"
Mizzou linebacker Aaron O'Neal died of viral meningitis
What's up Doc? - Dwight Gooden sought on felony charges
1st Annual DU Fantasy Hockey League
Anybody in here into Indian (India) mythology?
Did you know some people are destined for "the dark side?"
Grasping the Depth of Time as a First Step in Understanding Evolution
Modem Butterfly Official Roast Thread
John Conyers to Kerry/Edwards: "continue to be involved"
Great editorial by Thomas Oliphant.
This guy's really starting to get to me.
Finish the sentence - "I wish Kerry would come out and say ....
Hey, speaking of new folks and such
I have a question for you guys.
LOL... Anderson Cooper wardrobe malfunction.
Dan Patrick Show With Keith Today!
Newsletter: 8/23/05 -- Robertson Off the Hook; Gas Rage
Worst Person in the World Nominees!
Here are some examples of Bush talking to those in emotional need
Fox/Neal Cavuto show Shows Cindy Sheehan commercial as part of discussion
The one thing we DON'T need is our own leadership spouting neocon lies.
Veterans for Peace Returning to Camp Casey
Gas crisis in Hawaii and other states
My International Relations professor said today about TV news...
should we all be running for office?
Gerecht on C-SPAN/Washington Journal this morning
Treason: Bush-Bin Laden-Fluor Daniel Conspiracy; By Wayne Madsen
Who cares what the DLC says - even their own former chair
Right Wing Terror Our Government Ignores
The Peninsula (Qatar): "All pump, no power at the ranch in Crawford"
Hmm, the US now approves of torture, assassination
WaPo finally reports IAEA says Iran not making A-bomb. In UK papers 8/14!
RW talking points idjit on the Ed Schultz show yesterday
AP: Feinstein to Question Roberts on Abortion
George Will Blames Media For High Gas Prices
LAT: Programs on Hill Seek Leaders Who Answer Not To Voters, but God
Why does Cindy Sheehan get grilled by Tweety and other outlets...
Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Cuyahoga County Election Workers
80,000 Americans Submit FOIA Request for Roberts' Documents
SF Chronicle: Bush sells war to skeptical public; support falling
Houston Chronicle: Liberal Democrats want the party to take a stand
Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse
Beltway Dems Regurgitate Right-Wing B.S. on Iraq; Grassroots Fights Back, The Unseen War
Cheney's `Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon
lol! Robertson story front page on every site
white house turns into greens? New MPG regs offered
ABC News -Who/what are they talking about?
(peep) what happened to Zarqawi?
Diebold's Election Division Jolted by Reliability and Security Concerns
An Easy Way To Deflate Proponents of ID
So how do we turn 38% approval rate into a DEM controlled congress in '06?
FReeptards slandering Cindy taken to a new low.
What will Rummy Dummy and KKK Carl Rove do to slow down the Pat Robertson
Motive for Pat Robertson's Republican fatwah clearly revealed
WEAKENED AMERICA??? CINDY??? More like Bush Weakened us big time
Almost 60 terrorist plots uncovered in the U.S. - by white male amers.
Robertson statement takes heat off Bush?
Herr Rumsfeld is on CNN............
Lowry falsely claimed Feingold's position on Iraq is "get out now"
There used to be a t-shirt shop here
Doonsberry Poll-- Which Cindy Sheehan do you see?
If a radio station dumps Garrison for saying "breast", let's dump 700 Club
Reuel Gerecht still thinks he's better than any woman
Cindy stopping Bush fm Iran-attack to boost Bush polls?
Who stood where on the War in Iraq©? Where do they stand now?
Wednesday Boise Idaho Bush protestors please read (photos of SLC protest)
Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist files to run for House vacancy.
Thom Hartmann right now. Iraqi woman speaking about beheadings.
HELP!! I need a good internet source with updated numbers
How come no one is talking about Valerie Plame? Is this
My proposed strategy for recapturing govt in 2006 - debranding the Dems
Anyone hear Limbaugh get taken out by THREE callers in a row?
Jack Cafferty, reactionary apologist.
Rumsfeld: Civil War In Iraq is Unlikely....
Help with this poll: How do you feel about Mayor Anderson’s anti-war stmnt
"memo to democrats"-*This is both bad politics and bad policy*
"The bodies of Sunnis are being found in rubbish dumps across Baghdad"
My e-mail to a SLC newspaper writer about yesterday's protest.
Guam envoy to Congress calls for Abramoff investigation
the onion is always good for a giggle
Grooming Politicians for Christ
Hannity not giving up on Able Danger reports
Those who want to change course in Iraq don't want US to win war on terror
Excellent Oliphant op-ed covers Feingold's call to withdraw from Iraq
Rumsfield re Hugo Chavez "We don't do that at the Pentagon" - so we need
Which parts of his presidency will Bush look back on most often?
Have you all forgotten Pat Robertson's prior Terrorist Threat ?
Something has been bothering me about *'s response today..
The Eight Beatitudes (According to Pat Robertson)
An anchor just called Robertson's comment a terrorist threat
Fox runs "Standing Firm" headline with photo of Lord Fuckstick on his bike
If you ever doubted the existence of the radical right echo chamber,
Make Sure Your Lawmakers Hear you
WH says "their will be tension in the Iraqi Courts between women's rights
What's the story with Marvin Bush????
HELP>>>Im trying to post some protest pix....
Bumpersticker idea: "Nero fiddled, Bush pedaled."
As School Year Begins, Dean Praises "Ambitious" Progressive Education
Mitt Romney (R-MA), "weighing presidential run in 2008" backs Bush on Iraq
Poll: How many Bush 2000 voters do you know who voted for Kerry?
Bush compares War on Terror to World Wars - EVIL MAN!
Limbaugh: "Joan Baez is a communist sympathizer."
The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan and 2000 Letters for Cindy
Bush, in Idaho, includes subliminal swipe at Sheehan in his Iraq remarks
Joe Andrew ~DNC ~Sellout to Diebold?
John Conyers to Kerry/Edwards: "continue to be involved"
2000: "There is no difference between Gore + Bush. I'm voting Nader!"
Interview: Ed Asner on the Bush Administration’s “Misuse of Power”
The difference between NY and Florida....Sirota points it out.
How the "We must stay in Iraq" dems should say it....
If The *Co Doesn't Come Out And Strongly Condemn Robertson.....
"Sirius Patriot"? Why we need to boycott Sirius Radio in favor of XM
That damned 'librul' media....
Paraguay? What's the drumbeating about military leaves being
The Pat Robertson wing of the Republican Party
Edwards effort to raise awareness of poor lauded
MSNBC Poll: Did Pat Robertson go too far ?
Compare and contrast these presidential moments
This caught my eye: Rev Al honors Wal-Mart.
Is it me or is the spin on Robertson already begun....
Check Out these "Fair and Balanced" Polls
What right wing radio personality really pisses you off?
As some here predicted, the Rightwing is gleeful at the KOS threat
Picture the most right wing person you know...
Just saw a brief clip of * speaking today on CNN....a sick man!
what are troops are really doing in Afghanistan (can you say 'drugs')
Wow. Shrub dared to leave Texas - for Idaho and Utah. How brave.
If Democrats have been threatened by RW-We need to know the details.
Hatchet man Bob Dole on CNN rules out timetable or even an exit strategy!
News Flash--Jesus is heading to Crawford
Text of KERRY Speech, Sept. 20, 2004 @ NYU
Well, hell. NBC Nightly News reporter on Pat Robertson, and I quote:
RNC says "never think on the air" ...courtesy of DNC research.
just where the hell is the american opposition?
Why Bush and the right wing aren't viciously attacking Joe Finkelstein
Conyers Seeks Information on Downing Street Scandal
Darfur, the DLC, Missing Blondes, No More War, and Rush Limbaugh...
Rule would encourage automatic 401(k) enrollment
Bush to meet with families who lost loved ones in Salt Lake City
I wouldnt expect Georgie to read the Iraqi Constitution...
What Fitzgerald may be thinking as he contemplates Plame leak indictments
GD: Politics -- Check this out on Hackett, Ohio 2nd Distruct
George's FACE always gives him away and he can't control it.
US Fingerprints on Venezuelan Coup