From my wonderful local liberal paper, the Capital Times
NYT: Constitutional Crisis? On Streets, Talk Is About Everyday Needs
When fury fans faith, be afraid
JAMA Gets Angry E-Mails From Abortion Foes
Privatizing the Truth; Bush's War on Information
The American century - its end can already be glimpsed on the horizon.
Long view / The debate over Iraq revives the ghost of Vietnam
Global Eye - The Fire Sermon - By Chris Floyd
Venezuela: revolutionaries and a country on the edge
Krugman: Summer of Our Discontent
Killing the Dollar in Iran--A Times (inc. war talk a la Iraq)
We wrote and called Coca Cola re: Supplying Crawford camps...
Closing arguments heard in pipefitter case (Fluor)
US workers denied access to 50,000 jobs
AP: Scientists Try to Harness Wave Energy
Is Iran Next? Forget the facts
Gaza terror group said to have rocket that could hit Ashkelon
Rewriting history in the name of the Father
Israel says it will take Palestinian settlement
the underground's underground gone underground?
Former DNC chair Andrews takes PR job with Diebold.
PA Governor on paperless machines: "Trust me.. trust me... It will be OK."
Protest Bush in the Inland Empire: Mon, Aug 29, 1 pm
BoSox fans, have you seen this? Ooooooooooooooo . . .
Minnesota State Fair thoughts....
Ohio UE computer glitch shorts checks for thousands 1 by 1
Attention: People coming in from Dallas and Austin to Camp Casey
Parks commission rejects sale of Big Bend land (south Texas)
DFW residents (especially Arlington): cooperative grocery?
someone needs to infiltrate the counter protesters
White Pride Group Heading to Crawford
Sat., Sept. 10th in Baraboo: Conyers, Feingold, Amy Goodman,
Tornado in Stoughton was worse than reported
HAHAHAHA -- Watch O'Falafel's meltdown
On Countdown now: "The Cindy Sheehan Effect"
Bring on the Pro-War Dumbasses
Progressive Paralegal in Red State needs Job in Blue!
Okay everyone, I don't have time to respond to every PM. Crawford needs
It's nature way, it solves most social issues-CAN WE MAKE IT WORK?
Abortion opponents target JAMA editor
Wilson (Plame) accuses President Bush's allies of trying to smear Sheehan
Anybody else having computer problems? I was attempting to
I think if Cindy Sheehan keeps the pressure on
"We found the trail of WMDs" - Bush supporter at Crawford
Is this "PEACE MOM" kick'en ASS or what.
What would happen if we were to protest Limbaugh/Hannity/ or Orielly
It's Bushco's War - They Have to Answer.
Fox give wrong address and people living there are assumed terrorists
How many people are at Camp Casey? How long will this last?
Ok, I haven't seen this Able Danger point made yet...
Current Hurricane Katrina radar photo
He wasn't allowed to do the right thing when the inspectors
Hawaii caps (gasoline) wholesale costs to stave off hikes
Time Magazine tried to influence Election 2004 into Bush's favor
Strib's new "Church Lady" tackles War. Laugh, then send her a note.
Taft's top cop = strippers, lazy, and $250,000 contract for his wife
MSNBC is a frigging waste of time ...
Deja Vu: Rolling Blackouts Cut Power in California
Two people dead so far from Hurricane Katrina
Fine liberal bumper sticker seen today
California Facing Teacher Shortage
Watch this video and tell me Bush has made us safer by going to Iraq...
Can someone here fill me in on operation "Garden Plot?"
Has anyone seen DailyKos on Santorum today?
Sojourners: Who would Jesus assassinate? Robertson an Embarrassment
CNN is reading fake letters from "soldiers"
I wonder if Saddam is still working for the CIA
Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?
I had the NRA hang up on me tonight.
How is this again, Five is really only One
Hume and Olbermann on Pat Robertson
Fitzgerald takes the Plame Game to a new level
Cut & paste: The first signs of neo-conservative splintering over Iraq
How about Hackett/Feingold for 2008
The credit card culture runs deep
Tim Robbins' "Embedded" on Sundance, 8pmCT. nt
"She (Cindy) didn't speak for me. Now she does"
Something to ponder as you become an "adult"...
J.D. Hayworth has invited me to a town hall meeting!
"I can't imagine the Republican Party hanging out with such nuts..."
Dr. Frist faces the evangelicals wrath in new anti-stem-cell advertisement
For the sake of the argument, suppose Pat Robertson was right
Sheehan compared to Cronkite on NBC News tonight
"Something's In the Air/But It's Not on the Airwaves"
"Embedded" by Tim Robbins was brilliant.
Anyone have any good articles on the repeal of the death tax
"Iraq is what history looks like once Bush Admin. took Crack Cocaine"
George Bush Is Contributing to World Poverty
CIA 9/11 Review Recommends Disciplinary Proceedings for Top Officials
They are eating their own!!! you know they are in trouble when this start
When does Bush return to his vacation in Crawford from his vacation in ...
Help! The folks at Camp Casey need 4 or 5 vans.
I have never seen Jon Stewart so pissed-off before
Christopher Hitchens is on The Daily Show tonight!
Rerun of "Simpsons." Homer calls pResident "stupid monkey face."
(self) promoting a great new term for the DU lexicon
Facing the anger: Bush vs Bobby Kennedy (Sr)
Mike Malloy is the ONLY ONE in the media who REALLY tells it like it is.
ADL Condemns Pat Robertson's Remark That 'God Will Judge' Israel for Gaza
So does Bush seriously have more time for certain people
August 26th - Women's Equality Day
Sheehan compared to Cronkite on NBC News tonight
Jon Stewart -- "I Ridiculed the President Because He Doesn't Talk To Us...
Great, Too late with Adam Corrola is amazing
Wow. Check out this coverage from my local paper in Kansas of all places!
MANDATORY MALLOY: Thursday Truthseeker Rendezvous (BestOf)
BEST DAILY SHOW EVER. -- Catch the rerun or live in eternal regret
Paris Fire Draws Sneering Freeper Comments JESUS!!
The Daily Show is on fire tonight!
Did George Will's wife really throw his crap on the lawn after he porked a
Definition of Henry Kissinger:
There's something a bit strange going on with this poll
20/20 to look into Vampires! Thank god. Finally Cheney exposed.
Daily Show-Jon Stewart-C. Hitchens on tonight. nt
Politics, Personal Views Push Clintons to Hobnob With Republicans
Have I been through one too many hurricanes? I am sitting here
Iraqis Miss Third Constitution Deadline
Demand The Truth ....PEACE TAKES COURAGE
Bush is a fucking dickheaded asshole.
Are they trying to polarize military families?
Civil rights groups support Roberts
For all the red staters and those in red counties and cities...
Stripes letter: Bush should see Sheehan
I have to say that Stewart was well-prepared tonight.
Do we use the term "robertsoned" now to refer to assassinations?
President reminding Bush who is the boss.
We wrote and called Coca Cola re: Supplying Crawford camps...
anyone read George Will today?
I bet this is what put Mullah Pat Robertson over the edge
Bush supporters and war protesters plan debate
Mike Webb has Lila Lipscomb and Tammy Pruitt on the phone
Idiot Son's legacy is SHIT and I love it
Nightline: Investigator asked detainee who he voted for in last election
Freeper cameraman allegedly scraps with "Sheehan supporter"
George W FraWD!Corrupt AWOL coward frat boy douchebag with shit for brains
Yet another pedophile scoutmaster arrested
This "missing person" theme on cable news is getting weird.
WTF is this ? Idiot son hosts a off the record dinner for reporters ?
Have there been any scientific polls of opinions on Cindy Sheehan?
If Fitzgerald and the grand jury hands down
KGO7 news video on Sheehan/ gop groups: who is funding who.
Is Our Country A House Of Cards?
Randi Rhodes is back on for 4 HOURS on AAR! Did you hear???!!!
Jon Stewart vs. Hitchens... what happened tonight....
CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS? How did he get to be the bad guy?
"Vets Aren't Buying Bush's B.S." .VFW convention
Patrick J Fitzegarld could he indict before October?
You seriously won't believe what Limbaugh said today...
Families Angered by Crosses at War Protest
I missed it. When did Bush become idiot son? Why?
82 Soldiers Have Been Killed While Bush Vacations (Afghanistan & Iraq)
Iconoclast: Bring plenty of water
PHOTOS: Barbara Bush's beautiful mind is recognized
Interesting email from my fundie friend
At what point will they STOP saying,"but compared to gas prices in1981..."
Google Is Not Your Friend -- VERY DISTURBING INFO...
Give me a good argument on gas prices please!
"GOP Fears Gas Price Anger May Spill Over" (Boo frigging hoo)
Religionists Send Hateful Mail to Scientists at Journal of Am Med Assoc.
I had to log back on!!! JON KICKED HITCHENS ENTIRE ASS!!!!
You Guys See This? - 21 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak
Questions about "Liberty News TV"
Stupid RW talking point: Hitler was a socialist
Bolton throws UN summit into chaos
Has Tweety Adopted Paul HACKETT?
For those waiting for Sirius to get another progressive stream
Jon Stewart just humiliated ass clown Christopher Hitchens. BRUTAL.
uh oh white supremacists planning on going to Crawford
Freeper-type hoax exposed (dead soldier and little girl)
American Legion and DailyKOS Agree – “`Like Minded”
I honestly think the tide may be turning.
FEATURE-Iraq Sunnis, Shi'ites unite to mortify the flesh
Evangelical Ads Target Frist In Iowa (CNN)
Protesters at Bush ranch plan road trip to Washington
Judge Asks Status of Gitmo Detainees
U-S optimistic despite third blown Iraq charter deadline
(Joseph Wilson) husband of officer in CIA leak, supporting war protesters
Iran covers all its bets in neighboring Iraq
Bush supporters and war protestors plan debate (Cindy says yes, but...)
Rights groups decry Maldives terror charges
Pirro Hit by Defection, Rival's Ad
NYT: Charter Talks in Iraq Reach Breaking Point
Key CSIS official denies spy service wanted Maher Arar to stay in Syria
Father loses hope of Hicks's freedom
Feds Disclose Interest in Congressman Home (Randy Cunningham)
Ecuador protesters reach pact with oil firms
Venezuelan navy plans to buy 3 submarines
Arnie's Popularity Plummets as Californians Tire of his Reform Pledges
Abuse found in military schools("culture that devalues the role of women")
Ethiopia poll was flawed, declares EU
Bank of America Becomes Fourth Bank to Admit Ties to Slavery
Cuba blames U.S. for shipwreck that killed 31
Uzbekistan forced confessions to justify massacre of protesters
Iran and EU split because of Tehran's nuclear program
WP: In Article, Roberts's Pen Appeared to Dip South
LAT/AP: CIA Panel: 9/11 Failure Warrants (disciplinary) Action
Venezuela opens fields to Chinese oil corporation
Haggard fears for evangelicals in Venezuela after Robertson’s comments
Venezuela demands action over kill quip
Bush Intercontinental Airport locked down.
Hurricane Katrina Hits Florida, Causes Two Fatalities (Update1)
U.S. border patrol helicopter downed by illegals
Tape details JFK talk on nuking China
Minister of Hate (Fred Phelps) to "Hunt Down" Swedish King
Bush family hosts White House reporters (private off-the-record dinner)
Looks like Katrina's gonna kick some serious ass
(SATIRE)...Bush Administration gives Go-Ahead to Assassination
Garnier Fructis shampoo: testimony from my niece.
Ultimate Fighting..Hannity and ManCoulter
Black widow spiders are native to creeping me the f- out.
Does Rita Cosby's voice remind anybody else of this Jim Carrey character?
Women who live with men (and vice versa):
Teenagers and 20 something DUers just rock in my book
Why doesn't The Simpsons Season Five DVDs have subtitles?!
Anybody here read Paste magazine?
you there jess? mike? blitz? kleeeeeb! somebody call my ass because....
South Florida DUers...How is it going with the hurricane?
The Rolling Stones and Gone with the Wind
For your listening pleasure: Pat Boone Sings Metal
Oxycontin demons took my brother's life this week
All day Monk tomorrow. Set your VCR's.
I just made $15 in online poker at - ask me anything
The Foot Feed: AKA the accelerator, and other strange words
Players delay soccer coach appointment
Bored with jpgrayennui? Confounded by RabrrrrrrDispathy? Richardogmatism.
mmm, sesame chicken, mandarin beef and shrimp in lobster sauce
today the Ohio/taft story just hit absurd enough proportions to be lounge-
Not in the mood for ZombyHugs? I'll provide jpgrayennui
Sixteen military wives - The Decemberists
Show and Tell, I was the kid in school who never had much to
Did anybody watch "The women" on Turner classic movies?
Who else likes the BBC show "Teachers"?
Do you wear aloofness like a shield?
Even jpgrayennui too touchy-feely? Try some RabrrrrrrDispathy.
Who saw Bill Maher last night? Didn't it suck?
Hey... where's the legendary Toey?
Kitty-Mew is sad because ClintMax is gone
Who else is getting down to the Daily Show "Bush Rap"
Looks like a 19 year old performing community service has taken
Anybody want to hear som GREAT music from the Middle East?
there are only 259000 daily show threads right now
Is there a Repug site with a format similar to DU
Not to buy into the sensationalizing of missing persons, but ...
For The Love Everybody... My first show comes on in an hour
Daily Show Tonight.... Bush music video....
One Step Beyond! Was Madness ahead of their time?
Does anyone here ever post or lurk...
Disillusioned Army Recruiter on Mike Malloy RIGHT NOW!
Have you ever played these adult party games
Ham and cheese sandwich: Mustard or mayonnaise?
Interracial cowboy homo kinda love…
(self) promoting a great new term for the DU lexicon
What is your favorite term for a fixer of hair, mostly for women?
Katrina animation Dial-up warning.
Admit it. You own this on vinyl or cassette or *cough* 8-track:
Cindy Sheehan is going to be on the Peace Train to the DC Protest!!!
What computer are you posting from?
Laura MUST USE BRECK SHAMPOO! or else she has the Best Wig in the
Pink Floyd and the Wizard of Oz...?
This is the saddest thing I have read in years .Ode to a Dog
I reduced my electric bill from $341 to $79.
'You're a drink-soaked former Trotskyist popinjay,'
Has anyone had Goldschlager before?
LOL! This is the best "locking" reason I've seen yet...
I'm actually drinking hot chocolate
What do you do with a drunken asshole? Ask Jon Stewart he knows
Camper Van Beethoven fans: what's your favorite Camper song?
Oh well, Murphy's Law preempted my show
I am STUNNED - Alaska will be in the house for the DC Protest
Tough week for our Lounge friends... everyone in for ZombyHugs
ATTN Music Fans! I just picked up a case of tapes of bootlegs
I'll Never Get Another Cat/Dog
Guys: GD isn't such a bad place; there are quite a few
OMG! Homicide: LOTS on TNT now!
Everybody's Got Something To Hide (Except Me and My Monkey)
This song made me cry "Vrbana Bridge". Remember that story?
Does anyone here have experience helping abused women?
My 14 y/o shot several rounds at a DUer tonight.
We're driving from Toronto to Quebec on vacation
Where Will Katrina End Up.....
Gross outs....what freaks you out, spiders are scary but I HATE flies
Describe or post a photo of progmom's pajamas!
Anyone ever have anything resembling a paranormal experience?
Nighthawks VII. (Dial-up warning; possibly long thread)
Keiki baseball headed for national TV on Sat.
Don't miss tonight's Daily Show
Poll: Are there any men on this forum
my REAL hot days of summer photos
Patsy - please post when you can so we know you're OK.
Convince my girlfriend to go to drive with me down to Crawford tomorrow.
"Fair" (National Sales) Tax not a legitimate option (Linder full of CRAP)
You Can't Knock Dennis Kucinich's Taste In Women
Movie: Embedded on Sundance at 9PM (edt)
Get your very own BS protector here -
Families in America Today: Holding Together or Pulling Apart?
Sep 24 Protest question: Can I pitch a Tent somewhere In DC
Turn on fox - Mann Coulter on next!!
Stan Goff Critiques Tom Hayden's "disengagement" Proposal.
Qualls wants to DEBATE Cindy? Give me a fucking BREAK.
Freeper co-worker spouting Hannity talking points at me
I really hate Scarborough isn't running against K. Harris for Senate
Will Marshall, defender of progressive thought
The latest on the great debate
Another Hilarious NY Senate Campaign Ad
Alright! We're going to CRAWFORD!
Conyers to be at this year's "Fighting Bob Fest" in Wisconsin
They are eating their own. Frist (RNC leader) on chopping block
Social Security Activism from Union Voice - Sign your letter
Chicken George: Striking fear into the heart of the War President
How do we fight the pro-war administration's PR attacks on Cindy?
Anyone watching the Investigation of a Flame
Pat Robertson still preaching murder.
Jon Stewart slams Christopher Hutchins/ Bush Daily Show
Iraq's 'Elephant in the Living Room' - Bush\Cheney Treason Post 9/11
Updated List of Rove Witnesses and Interviewees
"Iraqi's Great Escape" Huge tunnel and Feces Bombs...Amazing. what
Where are the fundies as this little life hangs in the balance??
Tom Noe & Abramoff together may bring down Bush & Co
BushCo's feces dispersal session for today
Code Pink...Walter Reed...Right Wing Spin...
Attacking a dead soldiers mother instead of Usama Bin Laden.
We'd be shocked if we knew what MSM has been "sitting on"
Nightline Part II right now - american wrongfully held abu graib
“Cindy, how can you be so cruel?” Qualls asks in the spot.
(bwahaha) Noe sent Taft a Beanie Baby
Jon Stewart just spanked the shit out of that SOT Christopher Hitchens
Jon Stewart is just came down HARD on Christopher Hitchens!
Any know of good sources of anti-right wing bumper stickers?
Boy, Senator Thune is PISSED! I watched on Lou Dobbs...
Congressional Democrats' ratings are as bad as Republicans. Why?
Could you personally ever show any sympathy for George W Bush?
Is there a "savior" of the Democratic Party?
How to File a Complaint with FCC over Pat Robertson
They pulled it OFF...but the cracks are showin........
Palm Beach Post: Sham Iraq constitution will not 'honor sacrifice'
Norman: Pat Robertson's Screwtape Letters
Central America's Street Gangs Are Drawn into the World of Geopolitics
Joe Conason (Salon): Iraq's unhealthy constitution
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and "intelligent design"
Senatorial Courtesy: Will John McCain Let Republican Perps Walk?
What's On Your iGod? - Mark Morford
The death of Al Mutanabbi Street(Baghdad's fear-haunted literary cafes)
Juan Cole (Salon): The Iraqi constitution: DOA?
Karen Greenberg (Mother Jones): The Achilles Heal of Torture
Even in Summer, Americans Dread Winter Heating Bills - NY Times 8/26/2005
Comments on today's feature article
Straight and narrow: church's 'gay cure'
Government alleges Cunningham solicited bribe in home sale
Medea Benjamin/Gayle Brandeis (CommonDreams): Mother's Day in Crawford
Courage under fire (Death of 2 Soldiers. Last Throes My Ass)
The power of prayer -- and assassination
Bush elects to smear and dodge Cindy Sheehan
Bush's Words of Optimism and What They Tell Us
Rolling Stone on Cindy Sheehan
WaPo: Before It's Too Late in Iraq-Wes Clark
Daniel Ruth: 'And what did they die for, once again?'
How right-wingers are like the BTK Killer
Giving the Finger to the US- Hugo Chavez
Cheney's 'Spoon-Benders' (from psyop to MindWar)
Great opinion piece from Indianapolis Star on "Dead Wrong":
"There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. ..."
Thinking Outside The Box – “Break It Up!”
ROBERTSON'S DEATH WISHES - William F. Buckley, Jr.
Iraq is no Vietnam - Troop morale high, everything's going great
Anybody want to vote in the CNN poll?
Iran thrives on the neo-con dream
This Just In: the Real U.S. Iraq Agenda
Castro Backs Violent Overthrow of 700 Club
New Riot Control Microwave Weapons May Be A Cause For Concern
My mom, not Cindy Sheehan, is Bush’s biggest problem
Timothy Garton Ash (The Guardian): Stagger on, weary Titan
Bush admin claims Americans have "too much" health insurance
HELP! HELP!!! Who is blogging from Camp Casey?
Christopher Hitchens on the Daily Show (Video)
Digby on "Rotten Elites" (Beltway media in bed with politicians)
Faux News got a story wrong, and an innocent family was terrorized
Killing the dollar in Iran and other war stories
Does anyone here have a fairly good background in theoretical economics?
SunPower (Cypress subsidiary) seeks IPO
Committee Passes Million Solar Roofs Bill on Party Line Vote
China Prepares To Tax All Gas-Guzzlers - Up To 27% Surcharge
Portugal Fires Likely To Speed Rural Exodus - Reuters
MIT Study - Global Warming Has Doubled Tropical Storm Power - Nature
Scaling up CIGS solar cell production to compete with Si wafer.
From The "Just In Time" Folder - Daimler, GM Will Jointly Develop Hybrids
Delaware - Record 837-Pound Tuna Also Sets Record For Mercury Toxicity
Katrina Update - National Hurricane Center - First Post 8/26 5:00 EDT
Officials say Southwest growth straining water supplies
Hotel Rwanda: Memory, Witness, and Departure
Jordan's Constitutional Monarchy on Hold
Israel, Vatican end row over Pope's comments
Is Idiot Son's creation of a new Islamofascist state good for Jews?
The Bush administration terminated Able Danger in Feb 2001!
State sponsored terrorism against their own people? Canada too!
What's the best compilation site for London bombings?
Basic Newtonian Mechanics question
Oy. Is a leftwing-gatekeeper operation?
Local election officials concerned about new voter registration system
Diebold Offers REMOTE KEY SOLUTION......
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News , Friday 8/25/05
NJ election officials NIX 1990 certfyied DREs like Sequoia Advantage
"Paging TruthIsAll" - an article - A blast from the past
Who is marching in LA on the 24th
Sticker Shock for Owners of Hybrids
Bart train strikes and kills man at San Leandro station (Cali)
Grassley blames China for oil costs - Developing nations using more gas
Stephen Lynch will take part in high school military recruiting event
Anybody catch the delusional U.S. Rep. John Kline on 'CCO
Donate to Chris Coleman for St. Paul mayor.
Franklin County treasurer to run for Oh. treasurer (Jeopardy champ)
taft releases new list of undisclosed gifts
"Conservatives, liberals unite against Gov. Taft" in
Dallas Air America Group -crawford bound -i have extra bumperstickers
If you happen to be in Austin tonight...
Puzzled-Is there a Crawford Event for Bushies on October 27?
And if you can't be in Crawford this weekend...
i'm on my way back to crawford
Lecture on Public Schooll Bible curriculum in Austin next Wednesday
Question for those who've been to Crawford Peace House
car window sign for the drive to crawford
"Wimp" "Talk to Cindy" sticker
Couple being married at Camp Casey?
Tom Delay: Next stop on Cindy Sheehan's list
Anyone know why 1600 in Austin is down?
Last Night's Town Hall Meeting on Iraq
who all is riding the bus to Crawford tomorrow?
I've located a van in Temple and have it reserved. Is there anyone that
Air America Radio's own Randi Rhodes will be in Crawford on Sat
Why Robertson said what he said about H. Chavez
Why Robertson said what he said about H. Chavez
Why Robertson said what he said about H. Chavez
did anyone else the words behind stewert?
Anyone notice that jaw swinging action Bush has when he speaks?
Great "Fresh Air" Interview with Female Iraq War Vet today! Must hear...
Finally! Cindy Sheehan has made it into the German media!
Senator: National Guard Involved in More Questionable Surveillance
Ralph Fienes: The Constant Gardener?
Hitchens Deconstructed on the "Daily Show"
Coulter strikes again.... film at 11
crude oil is now at the highest inflation-adjusted price since 1869
Florida hurricane area people, CHECK IN!
FOX Viewers comments on the Pat / Hugo ordeal
Picture of a veteran at Bush's VFW address
my husband spotted DU as a source in the credits of "Embedded"
More "fair and balanced" bullshit from Faux
Most in US Back Right to Protest Iraq War
need references on & descriptions of IMF austerity measures
Daily Show "shrub re-mix" made my cat meow --- LOUDLY.
Robertson: "Operation Supreme Court Freedom" -Petition God to Smite Judges
"Bush ranch protesters plan road trip to Washington"
Since so few have heard about this: CNN:Chavez to help American Poor
Just got an e-mail that Randi is going to be in Crawford Saturday
Just watched "Arlington West" DVD the last hour...
suggestions for Sheehan-Crawford
Please include specific questions, which should be asked by persons....
Venezuela the backup plan if Iran attack plan is stymied?
Biking Redux - morning chuckle for me
Bush's Tax Panel May Review Housing Tax Break, but it "seems unlikely"
Let me preface this by saying that to "escape" the batshit insane
From a Dem Activist in South Florida :)
I just heard on CNN that bush will meet with cindy but without media
Wisconsin Program Helps Illegal Aliens Get Mortgages
Antisemitism and conservative attacks on the "liberal media"
Whatever happened to Charles Grodin (I think that's his name
Poll: Many Back Right to Protest Iraq War (90%)
newsmax - stephanopouLos urged assassination
Bush scolds Iraqis? Sure, that'll help
Can't get back to Crawford this weekend, BUT:
90% of Americans support right of critics to openly protest Iraq war: poll
What does America Owe the Native People & Former Slaves?
SO - All Lance, all day...or all Katrina, all day????
Canadian Former Minister of National Defense to Address UFO Symposium
Let's face it, Casey Sheehan was a BETTER MAN than bush will ever be
Newsview: Clintons Hobnobbing With GOP
Fighting terrorists doesn't cause more terrorism. But invading and
Good Solid Flyers to put on W Sticker encrusted cars?
i Love america, but god are they whiners about rafaeL paLmeiro
White Pride Group headed to Crawford
Ann Coulter stands by her remarks calling NYers "cowards" (VIDEO)
Republican "Fiscal Responsibility" - The Great Depression Timeline
A Republican in group from Colorado Springs headed to Camp Casey
Charges Dropped against K.C. man who spit tobacco in Jane Fonda's face
“France and chicken, somehow it just goes together”
Don't buy gas on September 1, 2005!!!
Oil Fat Cats Vs. Hugo Chavez: He's stealing the oligarchy's oil
Daily Show Rerun at 10 a.m. Catch it if you can
Does Anyone Else Think That Neocon POS Chris Hittchens was drunk on TDS?
Wes Clark WP op-ed: "resolve isn't enough"
Former Harvard professor recalls Bush as..
Fianally, I can now understand Home Land Security alerts.....
So talk-radio Ankarlo still doesn't get it
What kind of "renovation" is going on at the White House ?
There was a pipeline explosion in Illinois yesterday...I can't find detail
Check out the "Terror Survival Handbook"
Self-delete- accidentally started a new thread
Just watched last night's Daily Show again. Hitchins was DEFINITELY high!
Just watched last night's Daily Show again. Hitchins was DEFINITELY high!
Krugman tells the unofficial truth about the economy
George W. Bush is a Hell's Angel?
Uzbek parliament backs U.S. base eviction
Cuba TV Analyzes Bush Fundamentalism
"Able Danger" whistleblower says HE is being "SwiftBoated"
Whoa I just saw the Cindy Sheehan commercial on CNN!
"The Nation" ad on Air America
Hey Cheney! "Where have all the flowers gone?"
Britain tunes in to fake news "Daily Show"
Fear not, Iraqis! Here Bush comes to save the day!
Is Dead Wrong playing on CNN again this weekend?
Rumor: Hagel will leave GOP to run for prez as Independent in 2008.
Big-Hearted Atlantan FIRED for rescuing two dogs from a hot car
The Am.Legion Says Again It Is Not a POLITICAL Organization
More evidence of turning tides.
Exploiting children for the pro-war right
Comparison: US Fatalities in Iraq Map - Red/Blue Election Map
Anyone have clip of Rachel Maddow on "GMA" this morning?
Iconoclast: Camping facilities, BYOB H2O
Protesters, tempers growing in Crawford
Are You Sick and Tired of the American Political Cycle?
Scion Contestant Ousted Over Anti-Bush and Bin Laden Lyrics
Satire: Iraqi President Bush May Be Stoned
Strike probabilities estimate for Katrina - Apalachicola watch out !
Good Morning everyone, here's an update on Camp Casey and CPH
Pat Robertson +chinese forced abortions +african gold +war crimes = fun!
Hey SouthCal DU'ers - Bush's Propaganda tour coming this Tuesday
Bush supporter Bill Johnson Yellow Rose headquarters
Is Federal Divorce Amendment Next?
Rachel Maddow is coming up on "The Al Franken Show.....
El Paso adopts resolution to keep racist vigiliantes out (Minutemen)
Britain tunes in to fake news "Daily Show"
Crawford Peace House: For those coming to Camp Casey
Fox News source makes life hell for family mistaken for "Terrists"
Bring up these quotes to the war-loving Freeps
Question? If Chuck Hagal is saying to get out of Iraq
Search For Missing Music Producer Intensifies (Scary story)
Super Informed Fox News Viewers on FR
Are there problems with navigating the site?
Just for clarification: Hitler was fiercely anti-socialist
Does anyone know where I could order large anti-busy anti-war
Top U.S. General in Iraq Backs Timetable for Withdrawal
American Legion VS Veterans of Foreign Wars............
HA! HA! I got a response from the Pat Robertson camp!
Iraq war....divine retribution upon a nation too tolerant of homosexuality
I believe the death toll is a lot greater than 1874
Top Venezuela Diplomat Says U.S. Reaction Leaves Doubt After Call for
Is "Exit Strategy" the same thing as "Cut N Run"?
Completely Stolen from
Here's a funny Robertson column
Computer Models for Katrina's path
Churches confront an 'elephant in the pews'
CNN: Brothers arrested again in Aruba case
Iraq: No rational course to stay
Why would George Bush denounce Robertson? He gave him 1.5 million $.
100 People Who Are REALLY Screwing Up America -- #8: Elaine Chao
DN!: Military can be experimented upon without their consent..
From the band XTC -- seems appropriate...
Sunnis rally against Iraq charter
Ministry of Reshelving puts 1984 in its proper place
Embedded/Live - Tim Robbins - Sundance Channel
What do people here think about the Dallas School Board
(VIDEO) The Daily Show: He Said, Sheehan Said and MC Dubya
Serious question: Is Alan Greenspan an excellent economist ?
Did the FBI really interview Jeff Gannon?
Live from Peace House in Crawford: I'm listening live!
I've located a van in Temple, is there anyone that could volunteer to
In Mexico, U.S. Religious Leader Says He's Requested Meeting With Venezuel
Bush elects to smear and dodge Cindy Sheehan
So any bets on how long a thread on teh new Gallup poll results will fare
STATShot says the truth on Onion...
chimpy and Lancey...I sleep well at night
The President DOES have time for Everyone
The new Iraqi constitution looks like the rules from Fight Club
Trolling around on
Number of soldiers killed guarding private
Question: How Do You Get a Freeper to Shut Up?
Chinese Try to Get Chimp to Quit Smoking
Clark: If Bush won't adopt winning strategy, we should demand withdrawal
Everyone write to Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana
There's an Arab proverb that says...
Seven dead, five missing in Katrina's wake
Bush: "I'm not meeting with that goddamned bitch!" (-Capitol Hill Blue)
Latin Leaders Chavez, Castro Provoke Love, Hate in the Region
Medical Supplies needed at Camp Casey!!!
Good idea on CNN now...OK, misleader - "You're Impeached....
2 US Maps: Iraq Fatalities by Hometown & 2004 Red/Blue Election Results
KGO-TV smear attempt of Cindy, read at your own risk
Daily Show video clips on Comedy Central
Raw Story: Firm pushing Santorum book promoted bogus, lurid sex tales
VIDEO: What's bigger than the Oil Industry and costing more lives?
New CNN Poll: Would you volunteer for Iraq if asked by the President?
Hey Boys and Girls its..........
2 PM EST NHC Advisory about Katrina
Have the recruiters arrived yet at camp casey?
Would We Be "Spreading Democracy" in Iraq if It had No Oil??
Jerry Springer's ogling at female news anchors just really PISSED ME OFF!
"And ye shall know them by their fruit."
Look out! It's the A-Liberal-Nati!
Just heard about a "Happy Bunny" T-shirt that says it all:
SAD: "(Detroit )turns blind eye to demise of unions it spawned"
Excuse me, have you got a raving lunatic in the White House?
Brazil: Priest Fined $3,000 For Saying Someone is "Pro-Abortion"
If Rumfilled were just screwing up the Post Office this would be funny.
4000 jobs trump national security
We should start talking IMPEACHMENT when Idiot Son hits 35%
Cindy's on with Big Ed talking about Qualls
BREAKING: Sunnis and Shi'ites agree on something: "Bush and America out"
Proposal: Web-to-reality ("BE the Media")
Unofficial RANDI Thread (It's FRIDAY, ya bastids!)
Remember Frank Burns? The prototypical repug chickenhawk?
perhaps a way to fight gas prices
Can anyone explain this photo? >>>
I don't have any freeper, fundy, neocon or otherwise far right friends.
AP: Drivers worldwide feel sting of gas prices
"Why do/does_________hate America??"
Guess what -- nobody here is stopping you from doing anything!!!
Cheney.."Go fuck yourself"...what other vulgar quotes by repukes do we
Lattes, Sushi and Organic Milk
Wes Clark to be on Meet the Press 8/28
In May '05 Hugo Chavez's Approval Rating was 70.5%
The case for immediate withdrawal from Iraq
You grumpy ass DUers -- looks like Al Franken heard you
Holy **(^!?! They figured out that Cindy is part of a bigger conspiracy!
car window sign for the drive to crawford
Rachel Maddow will be subbing for Al Franken all next week.
Anyone use acetone in your gas tank yet?
Randi, I love you, but why can't you let Cindy talk, and instead
This Is No "Working Vacation" - Do They Have to LIE About EVERYTHING? >>>
"Now I'm free, free falling" - Gallup: 40% approval for * (lowest yet)
Is anyone listening to the Brad Show from Camp Casey?
This Is Very Cozy, Isn't It? >>>
Crawford: Can you get any pro-peace T-shirts
Robertson and his bizarre statement, unintentionally anti-war?
New name for the war on terror!
New Bush Poll About to Come Out on CNN --eom
FDA Delays Morning-After Pill Decision 60 days
My take on SUV's and McMansions...
Iraqi Constitution w/o Sunnis signing off is History =Means Civil War
Tell everyone you know Bush is polling worse than Nixon!
"I’m not meeting again with that goddamned bitch" GW on Cindy
"How much credit or blame does Cindy Sheehan get for *'s bad poll #s?"
Gallup: Bush approval 40%, disapproval 56%
Who else finds the 'Allegiance to Bush' thing a little unsettling?
Here we go - planning the next disaster a bit prematurely...
Anyone know where Randi got the Iraq poll numbers?
Hotel rates skyrocket in DC for rally weekend...
Full Text of Iraqi Constitution (with a few key parts bolded)
My daughter is looking into being an engineer since she is very good at
Anyone seen this yet? (Great email)
No Word for "Compromise" in Either Iraqi or Afghan languages
CNN: bush** Poll Numbers are B A D!!!!!
Latest projected track of Katrina
I think Freepers victimized a guy that was on Fox
Latest Public Advisory from NHC on Katrina
Does anyone know if there is an organized protest against Bush in Phoenix?
Jack Cafferty just emailed me..he is a JERK!
Some repug's are not real bright...for example
Cindy is a "safety mom." It's just that people are starting to realize
It's the last day of "next week", where are the Abu Ghraib docs?
Why, oh why, do I argue with "them"...
Mayor Stephen Laffey will challenge Sen. Chafee (R-RI) in Senate primary!!
Does anyone have any experience building a log home?
New Ad Says 'too Much at Stake'to Allow Roberts on High Court(NARAL)
Sunni Says No Deal Reached on Constitution
HEAT WAVE IN HAWAII....29C 88F damn....gatta go surfing to cool off...Damn
Is Idiot Son's creation of a new Islamofascist state good for Jews?
Anybody see the story on CNN about a Liutenant getting a medal in Iraq?
Earth to Washington Democrats: CALL BUSH A LIAR!!!
Our Liberal Media...banging head against wall
Conason: Shotgun Constitution will hurt Iraqis, but Bushists are desperate
Dean: Bush Needs to Take High Road on Gas Price Crisis
Does anybody here use
GULF 29N 87W = highest chance of being hit by Katrina
Trying to behave like a Christian and not talking about it constantly
Apparantly those teen girls in Ohio got pregnant by immaculate conception
Jesse Jackson to visit Venezuela, meet Chavez
Mr Bush -- "Why don't you admit once and for all that you lied?"
Sunnis dealt out? Conststution negotiations stalled.
Time to play their game....repeat our themes endlessly...except ours....
Another freeper photo (maybe) - 3 Morans
Groups, lawmakers seek public version of CIA accountability report
raed blog, his constitution, and his ideas, being iraqi
President George W Bush** - Worst President Ever
South Florida Cleans Up After Katrina
U.S. evangelical (Haggard) seeks Chavez talks
Pre-Apologies, But... Rush Limbaugh In His Own Words !!!
For The Record, President Wes Clark Would Be Getting Us Out Right Now.
Hypothetical: Let's say the "drug war" is totally junked
Katrina Could Be Cat. 4 At Second Fla. Strike
F$^%#&^$&$$$$&!!!!! Another Category 3 headed my way!! (Hurricane Katrina)
Great place for bumper stickers
Gas Price Increases to Open Anwar?
Should the Pres. be worried? (blitzer questio re. Bush Low polls)--answer
Homeland Security Intelligence FUSION Centers.....
Is a right wing website?
What ever happened to Giuliani running against Hillary Clinton?
Deja vu: Scoutmaster arrested for alleged molestation
OK. This is very LONG, but I hope they will print it in it's entirety
Ann Coulter: New Yorkers "Would Immediately Surrender" If Attacked...
Iraqi Shiia Morgue Worker: 'Security-wise it was Better under Saddam"!
Look for the woman in the "Club Gitmo" shirt at Camp Casey this weekend...
Has Cindy Sheehan said something about Israel?
Iran thrives on the neo-con dream
Cindy Sheehan meant IRAQ, not US. Stupid Repigs.
What will it take for the world to turn it's back on us?
and wesley clark thunk all this up all by himself.....
Girl's story of dad was a hoax, paper says
anyone listening to Ed Schultz just now?
Pro-War mother on Hardball... kinda sad..
How can Jeb and W be from the same family?
Looks like Tom Delay is next on Cindy's list!
Ed Schultz has the guy whose house Fox said was a terrorist's..
Hey Freepers: Do You Want War News Coverage Or NOT??
The REAL reason for the Base Closures - Nuclear Attack on DC
The White House is Feeling the Heat!!!
Justice Department Approves Georgia's Voter ID Law
BREAKING: Examiner may have falsified 479 DNA tests
For the first time ever, I just spent $40 filling up my tank
HOAX! Has psycop written all over it!!!!! Child used told was in movie
America Has Lost The Forest For The Trees (Gif Animation)
Taking India's fight to the Hill
Radio interview about Kodee Kennings hoax
Froomkin: Bush's and Press party the night away!
Face it -- To Get Our Country Back We Have Win Repub Minds ....
Sure sign of stupidity? ignorance? * keeps 82% of his base....
(photo) Rummy, you have to work with the military you have,
BEST CARTOON: Pat Robertson hit on Hugo Chavez
Watching CNN with husband and they are talking about Cindy
Anybody been watching the new show on Fox "overthere"?
Things "To Do" Today: Call Your Representative re: HR 375 (Impeachment!)
"Former homosexuals" to meet in Alabama; Anne Heche's mom speaking
I guess I'll stick with "House"
ABC: Is the President Taking Too Much Time Off? (Maddow takes the left)
Paper ballots NOW!!! Hand counts NOW!!! Impeachment NOW!!! nt
Boy, David Brooks sure does talk out of his ass......
Oh My God....staff shake up to help *? Grasping at straws...
SHAME On You & Your Offensive, Lazy-Ass Vacation George Bush >>>
Just saw Cindy's commercial (PSA) on CNN...
Should Pro-Bush moms be considering "fair game"?
Your Favorite/Admired Current World Leader?
Chertoff will handle things in case of flu epidemic...not health agencies.
BY the way....WHERE is Cindy staying/camping in DC???
The tide has turned, but it's going to leave a lot of garbage on the beach
Things are getting so bad I fear
Can we revisit this issue? Result of another terrorist attack here
The "Robber-baron Right" Cancer is Spreading. We must stop it.
Let'smake sure Armed Forces Recruiters greet the pro-war idiots in Texas!!
Okay still waiting on Enterprise to call with my van, Needs in Crawford!
Col. Anthony Shaffer coming up on Hardball
VERY Important Day 85 Years Ago- Aug. 26,1920 The Suffrage Battle Was Won
More Crazy Shit From Ann Coulter.
Good press for Sheehan from the Miami Herald:
Enough with the SUV arguments...what about McMansions?
I think we have another "Jeff Gannon" polluting the Web!
Has CNN grown a brain? a conscience?....remarkable -
Minimum wage should match cost of living
Do You Have Plans This Weekend to Protest Iraq War & Vacationing George?
Happy and passive mean more productive animals
Wolverine is on the way to Crawford NOW!!
Attention Doctors & medical professionals: Camp Casey needs your help!
Does anyone know where to order really large anti-bush/anti-war
3 lies and 2 "I didn't say that" in 1 week from 3 Neo Con Leaders
I heard a Canadian caller on "Alex Bennett" say
George Soros- On Globalization
A cartoon of pat "let's assassinate liberals" robertson...
Freeperish Counter Protest "Caravan" Got Lost on I-40. Duh.
Like nails in a music to my ears, each time Wolfie on CNN
LIVE NOW! NOW! NOW! from The Crawford Peace House!
Can someone please explain to this Canadian
Could Sibel Edmonds talk if she was a Fitzgerald witness?
Does media do a proper job reporting WH corruption and incompetence?
Two things bother me concerning Lance Armstrong's interview
Live from Camp Casey. Day 9. Crickets, media and respecting the locals.
Why is there no maximum wage to balance out the minimum wage?
Clinton, Clarke NEVER TOLD about ATTA & Gang being in US!!
Cindy And The Camp Casey Posse Roll Into Town With The "Texas Truth Step"!
Guest Lineup for Sunday TV News Shows
Bay Buchanan just praised Cindy and trashed Bush on CNN's
Greenspan's Goodbye "housing boom and long term poor economy risk"
Cool -- Rachel Maddow is subbing for Al next week.
Chimp Over A Cliff - A Brief Look At Bush's Ratings (Gif Animation)
McCain now a Pat Robertson Republican - endorses anti-gay amendment AND
US State Dept. docs : "3rd world a source of raw material to be exploited"
Bush's poster child for Iraq changing her mind a bit
Gall of Hitchens to bring up Alzarqawi as being "In Iraq" on Daily Show
Fat Lady has sung. Satan's got on ice skates. Pigs lining up on runway
Way to help in Crawford. Keep kicked if you are so inclined.
OMG!!...This is horrible!!! (Animal Abuse in France)
Fascists in Utah (Video footage)
very humorous comedy bit about *'s speeches
Wes Clark's response to question on Cindy Sheehan
Have you donated anything to Cindy Sheehan and Camp Casey?
Abu Ghraib: I feel like a broken record, but
Just read Wes Clarks solution to Iraq, and am convienced it won't work
5 more photos from last weekend to tie us over
GOP - The party of Money, Maternity, and Mayhem
Jan30,2001: WHO rejected HartRudman Report on Global Terror, Bush or CIA?
A new call for all Americans: Indict, Impeach, Imprison!
"The Battle for America has Begun" (Video - Quicktime file)
Sen. Leahy: Where is Bolton's Adult Supervision?
Question about a "new" Progressive radio network
More People Hating Bush Does NOT Equal Democrats Winning Elections
My fundie sister defended Pat Roberston
Anyone else get called a "STUPID F*CKING BITCH" today?!
The Rolling Rock T-shirt, beer-bellied camo wearer is NOT a Freeper
MS's Clarion Ledger has a slap down opinion piece, it calls Bush insane
Ok, this may be crazy, but is Cheney planning a coup?
Rolling Stone: Shrub and "dried dog shit"
Does anyone here have a fairly good background in theoretical economics?
After our coming civil war... I want 50% of all ex-Rethugs to take...
Woman General Janis Karpinski Lambastes Bush Administration
Hey folks. . .I need some solice for my brother, Michael.
What if abortion was not a political issue?
American Baptist minister heading to "hunt down" King of Sweden
Northwest Airlines Update: IAM scabbing. Democrats in hiding.
*** Friday TOONS to wrap up the week ***
Bus to Pro-Bush Rally Cancelled Because Only Seven Signed Up >
The Bush administration terminated Able Danger in Feb 2001!
My anti-war music video dedicated to Cindy's son Casey
Homeopathy is not the same thing as all "alternative medicines." this the end for homeopathy?
What is your choice for an easy to use food processor?
a bit off topic, but I got a new toy (sorta kitchen related)
New Law slated to install Police State in Canada
I keep getting error messages on this site :( Have I upset someone?
Drama about the Blunkett affair scandal to launch More4
The "Have I Got News For You" story
De Menezes 'shot for 30 seconds'
Extradite Britons who have sex in bars and on beaches, says Greek MP
On this day 29 years ago...a 'miracle' in the UK:
Monday is most common day for suicide
On this Day in History: 26th August
Absurdly provocative post related to controversial wedge issue.
NYT: Constitutional Crisis? On Streets, Talk Is About Everyday Needs
KGO7 news video on Sheehan/ gop groups: who is funding who.
NYT: Charter Talks in Iraq Reach Breaking Point
Venezuela: revolutionaries and a country on the edge
Killing the Dollar in Iran--A Times (inc. war talk a la Iraq)
The US vs The UN (Bolton tables 750 amendments in 3 weeks)
CIA Panel: 9/11 Failure Warrants Action
Washington to be sued over global warming
(ohio) Workers' Comp ignored warning about brokers' fees
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 26 August
Uzbek Parliament: Evict U.S. Troops
Clear-up Iraqi civilian compo rumours, Opposition tells Govt(Australia)
Paris inferno kills 14 children
Blast hits oil well in Iraq's Kirkuk field
US envoy sets out to wreck UN reform deal
Blast hits oil well in Iraq's Kirkuk field
Prosecutor wants delay in phone-jam civil case; grand jury to reconvene
Bush urges Iraq concessions for Sunnis
Sheehan Protest Aids Crawford Peace House
U.S., insurgents locked in stalemate ( Anbar Province )
Hundreds of firms vie for Nigerian oil
NYT: G.M. Extends Deep Discounts Through End of September
NYT: Bush Steps In as Charter Talks in Iraq Reach Breaking Point
Shiite official: Bush urged constitution compromises (federalism + Baath)
Uzbek parliament wants U.S. troops to withdraw
WP,pg1: Political Violence Surges in Iraq
Uzbekistan votes to evict U.S. troops from military base
Protesters, tempers growing in Crawford
Asian bird flu outbreak 'could trigger 1930s-style collapse'
WP,pg1: Life-Lengthening Hormone Found in Mouse Research
Fijian High Court overturns gay sex conviction
U.S. commander foresees worse violence before Iraqi elections
Straight and narrow: church's 'gay cure'
Court clears way for Sri Lanka poll
Global warming lawsuit against US gets green light
One hundred thousand Shi'ites protest Iraq charter
Talley comes out swinging in wake of Republican scandal
GOP convenes a special Dem-slamming session
Shiites offer compromise on constitution
Judge Orders Convicted Sniper Forcibly Fed
Base-closing plan angers Republicans
Witness tells of 30-second shooting of tube suspect (Menezes}
Bart train strikes and kills man at San Leandro station (Cali)
LAT: Schwarzenegger Urged to Call Border Emergency
Sunnis rally against Iraq charter
NY Senator: Hillary 57% Pirro 33% (Rasmussen)
Republicans pitch counter to Granholm tax cut plan
Panel rejects closing South Dakota air base
Pakistan sentences five to hang for Musharraf
White House Distances Robertson
Top Venezuela Diplomat Says U.S. Reaction Leaves Doubt After Call for
U.S. asbestos fund could fall short-budget office (Reuters)
Politician won't rock the coffers
Report: Russia Opens Probe Into PepsiCo
Analysis: Oregon Breast Milk Contaminated
Death sentences in Musharraf plot
One hundred thousand Shi'ites protest Iraq charter
We're not ‘emotional' on softwood, minister says
Finland reports possible case of avian flu; unlikely to be feared H5N1...
RawStory: Firm pushing Santorum book promoted bogus, lurid sex tales
Venezuela Plans to Cut Outstanding Debt
Shiites Await Answer to Compromise Offer
Bush elects to smear and dodge Cindy Sheehan
Top Venezuela official blasts U.S. failure to condemn call for Chavez's ..
Senior Iran cleric hails “Islamic state of Iraq”
PERSPECTIVE: Paul Hackett still draws national attention
Greenspan Warns Budget Deficits Pose Risk
Iraq's marginalized Sunnis rally for Saddam
Gallup: President Bush's Approval Rating Hits New Low, at 40%
Bush asked to attend Muslim convention
Iraqi forces may need years of preparation
Israel, Vatican end row over Pope's comments
Hurricane Katrina cuts power to 1.45 million FPL customers
Iran thrives on the neo-con dream
No Charges for Pilot Who Flew Near Bush
Gifts that Gov. Bob Taft failed to disclose
U.S. strikes suspected terrorist safe houses (near the Syrian border)
U.S. Court rules National Guard base closure illegal
Russia says Iran not breaching nuclear non-proliferation treaty
FDA Delays Morning-After Pill Decision
Fury over loss of 9/11 heroes' health program
Al-Qaeda ‘preparing to attack’ Asian city
Iraq's marginalised Sunnis rally for Saddam
Saudis to build steel mill in Karachi
Gas Station Workers Face Angry Customers
Colombia lawmakers 'use cocaine'
Chalabi aide says Iraq has charter, others demur
Myers troubled by lagging support for Iraq war
Sunni Says No Deal Reached on Constitution (End of the Road)
Shiites Await Answer to Compromise Offer (Sunni reponse "Maybe tomorrow")
Hoax Leaves Illinois Student Paper Embarrassed
One hundred thousand Shi'ites protest Iraq charter
Joint chiefs chairman says Iraq failure would mean instability (Myers)
Greenspan Lauds 'Flexible' Economy, but Is Wary of Deficit
4 killed, 5 missing; power knocked out to 1.2 million as Katrina Whacks
Finnish TV drops U.S. televangelist's show after call to assassinate Chavez
Roberts Targeted in New Commercial
Iraq war protestor (Sheehan) says to shift focus to Congress
Taking India's fight to the Hill
LAT: Proposed Revisions of National Park Policy Cause Stir
(Dallas) Bilingual-principal plan approved
Poll: Many back right to protest Iraq war
Capital Hawks Split on Iraq Constitution (Family Research Council doubts)
Chavez: If anything happens to me, blame Bush
Cannon and Ellsworth Air Force Bases to remain open
Two Arrested in U.S. Computer Worm Probe
Fight to stop Texas woman's execution
CBS: 9/11 Accusations Fly Within CIA (rebuttals to IG's rpt filed)
Senator: Nat'l Guard in more surveillance (California)
Alert Posted After Theft Of Jet Fuel Truck...
20 Massacred in Port-au-Prince Soccer Stadium, Jailed Jean-Juste Mulls Pre
Bush Approval Rating Continues to Drop (Gallup: 40% approve/56% dis)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Captain Longardeaux's Book of Party Tricks Redneck Jokes and World Records
Mr. Scorpio's show will be on at the top of the hour
"Catapulting the Propaganda - Leadership Secrets of G.W. Bush"
Finally able to get Mr. S's show!
Finished The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with my kids tonight
I'm off to sleep. Here's some photos .......
Is Yahoo! Mail not working for anyone else ?
What happens to a dream deferred?
Can anyone understand the lyrics on "Exile on Main Street"?
anyone listening to psytrance?........
What's your favorite movie of all time?
God Denies Links to Pat Robertson
From the band XTC -- seems appropriate for these times...
Supernatural - The new Mark Fiore Animation
I think I'm going to mop the kitchen floor
Headlines from The Onion from the Sept 2001 issue
Grumpy day today thanks to Wells Fargo. (rant)
New Viggo Movie: A History of Violence
I have to get the kids up in an hour
Celebrities adopting frozen embroyos (to wear on a necklace)
Does anyone know where I got Question #10 from in my random questions?
Well. There go my lingering doubts about HIS Sexuality
Paralyzed Golfer Get's 2nd Hole In One In 2 Years
Bourgeois may be a French word
good job jon stewart, tonight's daily show...
Not exactly the most "taper-friendly" venue in the world...
Green Day Gets 'Best Band on Planet' Award
Tobacco Company Gives Gold Bars, TV Sets To Smokers As Reward
Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu
Company Invents Puppy Contraceptives
420 Pound Man Accused Of Stealing Beer From Store - Again
Police reject woman's Azaria claims
I just sent a sugar-coated but very bitchy e-mail....
Kinky Friedman for Governor 2006
SUV Crashes Into Operating Room During Surgery
Complaint Dept. *OPEN*-About the scheduling of hurricanes and such
Lobster's shell saves it from pot
Post here and I'll give you really really bad advice
Man Who Spit On Jane Fonda Has Charges Dropped
How did MrScorpio's radio debut go?
The Official DU Word Of Today Is: Fulminate (Please use in a sentence)
Tom Cruise, friend of Dorothy?
Holy Moly!!! Did I really just send that!?
College Freshman Accused Of Beating Her Roommate With Hot Iron
self seems to be working now.
Anyone else having problems with DU or is it my computer?
Extra Strength, Triple Action Formula
Have you ever BLACKED OUT like Hitchens did on the Daily Show last night?
Anyone for The Decemberists? "16 Military Wives" is so poignant
Diana and Dodi statue to be unveiled at Harrod's
Fear of heights? "You go first no YOU go first"
damn it! there's a hippy sLeeping on my couch
Help please - Mom fighting identity theft battle
Punky Brewster Gives Birth To Baby Girl
ARRGHHHHH!!! Earworm! Must ... lose ... earworm!
Happy "Women's Equality Day" USA!!!
Anyone else experiencing trouble with DU?
I just watched "The Aristocrats"!
An error was encountered, please try again shortly.
I saw "sweet Sixteen" last night
American Football League Appreciation Thread
We're moving to the Seattle Area! Good riddance Dallas!
Why are ants now invading my mailbox?
Canadian Man Received Post Card In His Mail - Dated 1955
Can you believe this is the last friday of August?
Speaking of football-Cheerleader Ninjas_!!!!!
DU Men: How often do you masticate?
I got shot in the thigh and arm last night...
Is G-Mail registration still by special invitation only?
Football fans-Does this make any sense?
What a wonderful day to be alive, don't ya think?
IN THE YEAR 2525 (I'd say Zager over shot the year, it's now)
It's Friday!!! Time for some ENGRISH (funny pics!!!)
Alpha Charlie Bravo- The dog barks at midnight and the fox leaves from the
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! No! No! No!
Greg Hawkes of The Cars performing a Cars classic on ukulele.
Per the loudmouth idiot that is on the radio everyday . . .
I like the newcomer Annie Nalick!
My sinuses are driving me crazy
American Basketball Association remembrance thread.
I Saw Armenian Thrash Metal with My Teenage Daughter
My wife's birthday card - thanks to everyone who convinced me yesterday!!!
Pre-Merger NFL Appreciation Thread
Freeper---Wal-Mart opening is like giving a community a raise!
Tom Cruise Denies Being A Reincarnated Scientology Prophet
Cutethulhu (Must see flash anm.)
Jackoff at 9-11, sitting in front, brain idling, stammering thru goat book
ok... is it just me or do the little icons over "greatest" look like....
Charlie the Chimp, you have to quit smoking!
Hilarious smackdown of freepers in GD re: lost Freedom Caravan
The grocery stores already have halloween candy out..
Tom Cruise Denies Being A Bad Actor
What do you call your main living room?
Do you have a separate dining room or
I apologize in advance for this post
New exhibit at London Zoo - humans ("I'm funky like a monkey")
Who's going to Crawford? Familiarize yourself with Austin Lounge Lizards:
Well-here we go again--Hurricane seasons here-
Why is this Friday going so slow!
There are currently no threads from the Lounge on the Greatest Page.
I guarentee failure on this: Oceania Geography Quiz
Do you have a telephone in your bathroom?
Any DU guys that can belt out a tune a la Ethel Merman?
Hockey season isn't starting soon enough for me.
I just bought myself the most expensive birthday cake in history
Here, I will not discuss cats, back pain, homesickness, or loathesome DC.
Football season isn't ending soon enough for me
Classic rock one-hit wonder songs?
Anyone ever have something resembling a parasite experience?
Tom Cruise Denies Being A Homosexual
FReeper: Gray Davis responsible for today's rolling blackouts
Is my wife in here? Is it safe to come in?
What is a bigger waste of bandwidth?
"Bea Arthur stormed out of Anderson’s Friar’s Club roast for what reason?"
And now for your Friday afternoon joke!
Australian DUers, your guy Howard sucks as much as our guy.
I tried to leave, but I just can't stay away (mental break)
My cat has something to say...
YAY ! 30 minutes until the weekend! How 'bout you?
What if Tom Cruise and Cher had a child together?
Can someone sound like they look sexy?
Fleagle! Bingo! Drooper! ...and Snork!
Anyone else watch Stargate (Sci-Fi channel)?
When shooting the UPS guy how many times do you pump the BB gun?
Happy Birthday Ben Bradlee of the Washington Post!
I really am a big child. Today's purchase.
Not so clever FReeper parody of the news
Anyone up for a pre-paid association thread?
I guess my show is available online. I'm going down to KZUM now.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Go! Go! Go!
I won't get to post on DU again until next Thursday!
Anyone up for a 'The Association' thread?
Tom Cruise is just a wee little man, isn't he? (PIC)
Cigarette bummers! Buy your own! RANT
Freepers for a 2nd American Revolution!
I've figured it out: Robertson is a comedian and The 700 Club is satire!
This describes my mood perfectly (Song Lyrics Warning)
Debate: Punning and Rhyming is a form of schizophrenia
my mother does not have an ATM card
The dreaded 700 Club!!!!!!!!!!!
Doctors Reattach Ears of Man Maimed: "malicious castration" involved
Yellow dog democrat!!!( A pep Thread!)
motivation. i got none. nada. zero. zip. any advice?
Gore Vidal.... you nutty expatriate man of letters, you, time for you
What would happen if a major hurricane hits New Orleans?
Have you ever been less than prompt reacting to a green traffic light?
Oh Crap! I just got called into work.
OK - Why was my tattoo poll locked?
I love ' Family Plots' - anyone else care to 'weigh in'?
I didn't get called into work tonight
I've lived in TX for over 3 years now and never bitten by fire ants.
What is the truest, blue-est DU-est cell phone provider out there?
In honor of 3 * approval ratings of 40% or lower
I've lived on Fire Island for three years and never bitten a Texan
R.E.M. nerds....check this out!
Are You Following the Strict Religious Group heading to
Ever done a face plant onto a hard surface?
I knew this was going to be screwed up
check out the name of the assistant principal
W00T!!! I have my second eva piano recital tonight!!!
William and Harry.....and Bart and Lisa and Homer and....
Oh where, oh where can Miss Honeychurch be ~
For Andy: revenge is a dish ............
I'm going to have a root canal...
where can I print some enlistments forms to give to young repukes?
my local target is trying to pull some kind of scam...
Channel changing and I pass by C-Span 2 (BO-ring)
Expired domain name business sure is a sleazy world...
Once again I submit this query.....
How about this for a t-shirt??
Seriously, what does the "700" in the 700 Club stand for
Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod to be shut down.
Am I the only one who is ordering "IMPEACH BUSH" shirts from
My job is intolerable - I can't take it anymore!!!!
Frownland by Capt. Beefheart and The Magic Band
And now we do the happy dance - "She made the team!"
Here is a pic of Sirius taken a week ago.
Texan farmer May Have Caught Legendary 'Chupacabra'
Any AMATEUR RADIO people here on this board?
Does anybody here use
Friday Battlestar Galactica appreciation thread
How do you feel about your job?
Supposed to have a job interview in an hour...
Anyone with a cafe press store, how is it going?
Have any good suggestions as to how to hypnotize someone into
A Pic from an anti-Cindy Rally
ARGH! It's finally not 110 friggin degrees out and I can open my windows!
Hurricane models put Katrina entering south of New Orleans.
I DID IT! I watched all 7 seasons of "Homicide" AND the reunion movie!
Jackoff at 7-11, sitting in truck, engine idling, yammering on cell phone.
W-O-R-S-T damn 80s Hair Metal song. Pick one of these or add yer own.
McMansions versus AverageHouse (compare bills here)
Her milkshakes brings all the boys to the yard......
Post how old your pets are here
It's 104° here!!! ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!
"I think that children are overly sexed in our society. It's disgusting."
Reality TV Show Challenges Teenagers To Go 5 Months Without Sex
Anyone ever have anything resembling a parlegal experience?
The most ridiculously overpriced beer ever?
May I please have a Politeness Thread?
Why football is better than baseball (Rant)
Aging on my mind (turning 43 tomorrow) - post a baby pic and a current pic
My cat plays like a 3yr old child.
Favorite song by Jimi Hendrix?
Last night, I did something I've never done before.
So what do you all do for fun here in the lounge?
Friday's *earworm* for lovers...
Does anyone live in Upstate New York?
Football season isn't starting soon enough for me
Goooooooooooooooooolll!!!!!!! Gol! Gol! Gol!
Mrs Grumpy and RevCheesehead are going to be mad at me...
Choosing a church: A little help please.
The bad idea behind our failed health-care system
Homoeopathy's clinical effects are placebo effects, The Lancet
Earth's core spins faster than its surface
WP,pg1: Life-Lengthening Hormone Found in Mouse Research
Mars/Venus/Jupiter dazzle N. California skies this week
Homoeopathy's clinical effects are placebo effects, The Lancet
Fresh doubts raised over homeopathy
Scientists put new spin on Earth's core
Straight and narrow: church's 'gay cure'
Calif. Gay Marriage Bill Heads To Senate For Vote
McCain Backs Anti-Gay Arizona Amendment
Farrakhan invites black gay group to rally
Fighting Under The Rainbow Flag
City to adopt names-based HIV reporting
Hell just froze over. Jerry Falwell Has Gay Epiphany
Questions regarding Lance Armstrong
anybody else find ESPN's John Clayton oddly out of place . . .
Only SIX DAYS until College Football
Calling all devotees of Big Blue....
Lance Armstrong vs. Barry Bonds
12 yr old spayed Siamese female acting like she's in heat?!?!?!?!?!?!
New fosters in the house! (pics)
Has anyone studied the Mars astrology for the coming year?
Trolling freepers - Sign up, or SHUT UP!
A funny Shrub comedy bit I saw posted in GD
Romney story for the Mass. people here
So what do you SANE people think about the DLC
Wow! I think I've just had my longest thread EVER
Any word on if KO is on today, Friday?
To give us all a Friday afternoon laugh...
KOEB 8/26/05: The Tiger, or the Lady?
Rev. Al to Join Cindy Sheehan on Sunday
Stewart Offers Tour De Force Review Of Iraq Talking Points
If this is really a war...why do they print
Why do we have reports? Just hang on every BushCo word, instead!
From GD: Cindy to follow Bush to Washington
Bill O'Reilly asks: "Are You An Extremist" (he makes a Schiavo "joke")
Mad As Hell About Prices at the Pumps!!!!
I think we're headed for civil war in Iraq.
What would it take to force BushCo to actually listen to the US public?
A view on what's wrong - irreversibly jaded???
Happy Women's Equality Day! 85 Years Later, Women Look for More Ballots
Farish's successor to UK interviewed by Times
Too bad Jon Stewart did not know Bush passed up 3 chances to kill Zarqawi!
Any Pioneer Telephone long distance users?
ELLSWORTH SPARED: Ellsworth removed from base closure list
Republicans FURIOUS over BRAC actions
Couldn't have said it better myself!
Snark letter to American Legion
Draft Mark Warner organization begins campaign...
Bolton throws UN summit into chaos: Guardian
"We the sons of Mesopotamia"...
Iraq & Afghanistan Wars Accomplish Three(3) Things ....
NEW Grand Theft Election Ohio: Robertson vs. Chavez INQUISITION
Should Pols Swear Off War Profits & Re-Install Windfall Profits Tax
My "democratic" solution to a constitution and peace in Iraq...
My freeper co-worker (re: Cindy)
It's refreshing to find that some Heads of State think more of their own
Christian Responses to Pat Robertson
Administration Says Bush Hasn't Taken Five-Week Vacation
LTTE in The Day: President Has Blood Of Innocents On His Hands
Democrats Highlight Abramoff/Norquist Links to Suspected Qaeda Bankers
GOP to Dems: We messed up big...give us a plan to fix things.
Post Election, Cheney switched from saying "Iraq" to "Broader Middle East"
Maureen Dowd squashes Chimp's rationale about Iraq exit "deadlines"
Sorry if this is a dupe, but it's very funny.... in a scary sort of way
Has GW ever set out any goals for withdrawl from Iraq?
Our kids are getting slaughtered in Iraq and Church Goers don't care
Wingnut whining shows its hypocrisy in "Tallahassee Democrat" Zings
Jon Stewart's TKO of Christopher Hitchens !! Transcript & Video (Post #4)
Free tombstones! Plus bonus inscription: "Operation Iraqi Freedom"!
Jeb's Sect. of State caught trying to kill initiative on redistricting
Delete info already posted. Sorry.
We are NOT "the silent majority" - more like
Does Bush Need Congressional Approval to Go To War with Iran
Peggy Noonan: Just Friends ( Clinton and Bush I )
90% say ok to protest war. The American Legion opposes protests.
Here we go - Bob Barr on CNN - going to do his best to pin....
ATTENTION; Current and Veteran Intelligence Professionals...WMR
Bush thanks MSM Whores with catfish, 'tater salad & chocolate-chip cookies
Bush, 12/13/99: "When you accept Christ, it changes your heart"
Jon Stewart is a GENIOUS! He can hold himself with anyone in a debate.
Anyone else getting very impatient with the Dem leaders?
Bush admin pushes for mining, ATV's in national parks
Bush asked to attend Muslim convention if he "wants to make a difference"
Military Definition of KILLED IN ACTION
The "Missing" or how Bush came to power
Everything Bush said about Iraq has turned out to be true.
America's Veterans Not Buying It
This is Romney's brain on drugs......
Click on this thread if you need a quick pick-me-up
I wonder if * has any of these tunes on his iPod?
MSNBC Live Poll: Should the Little President Meet W/ Cindy Sheehan
It's Friday. Any info on release of gov't motion to block FOIA request?
Governor Warner announces 97% of eligible children are covered...
Question & Comment Re: Randi....
Should Sheehan try to meet everyone in Congress who voted for the war?
This is why I won't vote for Hillary Clinton.
Oh, the Wrath of a Conned Sheep....gonna get ugly soon.
I now can start threads! Woo hoo! All I have to say is
Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides
John Podesta: Memo to the Community on Iraq
The bad idea behind our failed health-care system
EVERY poll out there says people want dems to win in 2006.
ABC Family: We Must Air Pat Robertson
DNC Celebrates Women's Equality Day
The Republicans lost Iraq. . . The Republicans lost Iraq. . .
"I’m not meeting with that goddamned bitch."
Even Gallup has the Little Prince at 40%
DNC - Bush's PR Tour: Distracting From Reality on the Ground (Iraq)
What's all this talk about Cheney running in 2008?
ALERT!! I think Cindy Sheehan is "Person of the Week" on ABC
M.A.F. war moms want to "congratulate Bush and express their appreciation"
FReeptards post some good Code Pink Protest Pics
So - if there is no Constitution yet, why aren't they dissolving....
Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides
Bush Talking Points 101 - the Daily Show
BWAHHHAAA... Tweety if interviewing Principi Base Closure/while C-Span has
Bush may have 40% approval, but Unca Dick's got a whoppin' 35 %...
CBS Affiliate Will Not Air Sheehan Ad Because There Is “No Proof” Of
Digby hits one out of the park again
Buy your gas at Citgo. Here's why:
Grroooaaannn!!! The results of BushCo labor policies...
Wes Clark fans: Clark is LIVE ONLINE answering question at WaPo link.
You are either with me or against me
Report faults dozens of CIA officials-NY Times (Reuters)
Missouri loses 2400 jobs due to base realignments...
Flying Spaghetti Monster and Kansas School Board
Cindy Sheehan to Shift Focus to Congress, Starting with Tom Delay
The Republicans Dug Their Own Graves...
Which foreign government do you think BushCo is ACTUALLY working for?
Read this -- it's important for the grassroots to know
Bus cancelled for Pro-Bush rally in Crawford because only 7 sign up
Roberts heard a lawsuit against BushCo while interviewing for SCOTUS
State by State GOP Scandal Scorecard....Wayne Madsen Report
everything about santorum-lots of links
standoff in crawford may come to a head saturday
Clark's logic for America not relinquishing political influence in Iraq:
Did anyone else see the map that was on RawStory for a short
My time in Crawford.... (very pic heavy!)
DNC: US "blindsided by skyrocketing gas prices" as Bush "sat on his hands"
Check out the #1 Reuters "Picture of the Month!"
(M)Ann Coulter on New York: "the residents would immediately surrender"
If we've learned one thing about "Camp Qualls"...folks there can't SPELL.
CNN's Blitzer has some LBN about Department of Army screwing up DNA
DLC Member Quotes Which Take On The Failed GOP
Greenspan's "Protectionist" Babble
Wes Clark "Before It's Too Late in Iraq"
CLARK-Bush should meet Cindy and tell the truth- It was an elective War
Is the Bush devastation of America accidental or deliberate?
Looking for facts to refute someone knocking Chavez
The fallacy of 'appealing to the middle'
Wesley Clark on Meet the Press Sunday-General's War Table
last chance to save the world - are the Democrats too timid ??
All the pieces are on the board, folks....time to get worried.