How US Intervention Against Venezuela Works- Philip Agee
Katrina Underscores Bush's Isolated Style
Charles Krauthammer: Disingenuous Dope
New Orleans Population has the Right of Return
German Politician: Bush Should Be "Shot"
Can we start a "Welcome back, media" forum to commemorate those we thought
U.N. Summit in Danger of Being a Political Fiasco
Bill Moyers: 9/11 And The Sport of God (More about The Ohio Rest. Project)
Read "None Dare Call It Stolen" on-line
Article : raising more questions about the 2004 recount.
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Friday 9/9/05
have you nominated the daily election thread yet?...
Stephanie Miller to host Dem event in SoCal
Firefox 1.5 Beta : Small Warning
Rep. Chet Edwards opens home to evacuees
Darth Cheney descends on Austin
Sen. Breske will speak about the horrific gas prices Sept 15th
Evacuations and NOAA Katrina predictions - Useful data
CNN gets Jduges' okay to go in to NO
Going to self-delete! I am embarassed as I misheard. nt
Until a Democrat comes out and says IMPEACHMENT, I'm off the boat.
This ain't the "60's REVOLUTION"...and it's weak and some is Devisive
"George Bush hates midgets"...Chris Rock
About the guy who told Cheney to go f*ck himself:
September 24, Washington D.C. BE THERE!
For what it's worth - Recall President George W. Bush
Shrub fans are too personally invested in the MAN (cult of personality).
Accountability has been a priority in this administration
CBC-TV (Canada) carrying the concert
Uh, why are they "wanding" children at the shelters?
Celebrity Phone Bank: who's who, and what's their Persuasion?
Paul Simon on Shelter Concert doing "Take me to the Mardi
8PM - Anderson Cooper -CNN files for restraining order!!!!
Wasn't Martha Stewart jailed for lying to the FBI
Bush signs law allowing federal courts to operate outside districts
For anyone interested, the BET S.O.S. Gulf Coast Benefit Concert...
This little piece is neither new nor mine but it makes some great points:
Does this suck or am I hypersensitive?
Someone talk to me about the impending water shortage.
My daughter's N'awleans family has been adopted by
Here's what I would have said at "Shelter From The Storm":
I'm disappointed. I didn't hear Jim Lehrer mention *'s executive
Is the Shelter Concert being webcast anywhere?
Has any news organization or ACLU gone to court over NOLA press ban?
I gotta share a story about a freeper EX
Dixie CHicks song they just sang
Need Freeper Aid - Is Halliburton profiting from NOLA?
How is this for a 'feel good' story?
Four positives from the past two weeks
Have any administrations officials made personal donations for Katrina?
Chris Rock: "George bush hates midgets." On TV's relief program
George Carlin is on Bill Maher tonight!!! I hope he is on the panel
Bill Clinton speaking via phone on BET
President issued instructions have everyone out of shelters in 30 days
Our small contribution to Katrina Victims
How does one nominate a thread to the greatest page?
'Minutemen' back Spencer in N.Y. Senate race
More asinine federal bureaucracy preventing good deeds for Katrina victims
This is what an ownership society looks like. (GRAPHIC)
Is there a dry eye in the house?
I'd like to see a DU donation drive! DUers paid for a man's surgery
Was Brownie getting moved Fridays document dump?
About the CNN restraining order/lawsuit: anyone else?
Anyone ever hear of the Dove Foundation?
*Beautiful* Flight 93 Memorial Angrily Rejected by Wingnuts...
Cindy Sheehan will be on The Mike Malloy Show tonight.
Has anyone from the ACOE explained WHY the levees failed?
Wow! CNN: Sheriff calling for inmate who helped in NOLA to go free
Southerners RISE UP and HEAR THE MUSIC..
they impeached Clinton for lying, not the sex, how about Bush's lies?
If we can fight a war in Iraq and keep this country safe at the same time,
For the person collecting KATRINA info...something on ACOE and slashed bud
Warning from the Centers for Disease Control !!
Guy who told Cheney to Go F himself a Doctor!
Nat'l Guard Commander Says Iraq Hurt Us in NOLA
"We were STUCK on STUPID for way too long."
Here Comes The Halliburton Commercials Again.
?!?!?!? NPR on ATC said probaly less than 10,000 dead
Does anyone know the site to download an armed services application?
Video on Larry King now of an older woman being wrestled
Anybody catch Brown's "blame game" as he left NOLA?
Email from Sen Leahy: Subject: Full Court Press
If you have political images that photobucket will no longer host...
"Letting George Bush investigate his Katrina mess is like..."
Dateline: Another scathing indictment of FEMA and Fed Govt.
One of our stores...... has been completely taken by the military
Who the FU*K is Mark Williams?
I will admit I refuse to fly the American flag at home but I do at protest
General: US contractors in Iraq "shoot people...It happens all over"
what is Colin Powell going to say to Barbara Walters tonight?
Evacuees urged to phone sex-service
I take homage in the fact that the damage to Bush already has been done.
Can we discuss what Blanco did wrong, if anything? With sources/proof?
National Review's Rod Dreher: THE COST OF CRONYISM
Maybe we have the 100th monkey at last.
Republicans are coming for the GUNS!
questions re: freeper arguments about NO, Army Corp of Eng. old lawsuit?
Did anyone else's parents say, "Stop that, you don't HATE anybody."?
I love you guys! I love DU! Thank you for being here!
There's a DUER running for city treasurer. Brook Duer, that is.
just heard they stopped giving the debit cards to the flood victims
Wolf Blitzer attacking about the school buses
Served your nation? Your last job involved you selling lies to the world
Liar, Killer, Thief: We WILL take them down. RANT!!!!!
Each Small Candle.. Lights A Corner Of The Dark
Colin Powell interview thread.... post away (next up on ABC) n/t
Seems that the neo-cons have painted themselves into a corner
"Shelter From The Storm" replay - On Now (11pm EST) - ABC Family Channel
Humvees / Troops in Shattered Streets - A city devastated (pics)
anyone watch Tom Brokaw special?
Good website with graphics of projected path of Katrina; comments on levee
DO you think the Smirk administration views Katrina
"Go fuck yourself mister Cheney...Go fuck yourself"
Did anyone hear this on Nancy Grace?
If NO were full of Arabian horses.... would the response have been
Over heard a woman at the Country Club tonight...
Who's watching CNN--Anderson Cooper
Colin POWELL Sucked in Vietnam AND He Sucks NOW
Website of guy who told Cheyney to "GO FUCK YOURSELF"
"I'm GLAD your house was leveled" --Reichwinger's comment on a
How does the gun confiscation thing lead to Bush?
me know them are wicked (song on
No more debit cards.... people will have to apply for aid via...
A note of appreciation from the rich..
Tell us what this hurricane exposed?
"Heads roll at FEMA" (Faux)Brown has been kicked ...upstairs.
Bill Maher on HBO now, 10pm CT, HBO. nt
How long before George realizes his goose is cooked?
"After 9/11 I was American. Now I'm just back to being black."
"Shelter": "Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin
Colin Powell please rot in Hell! n/t
Can Brown Be Held Criminally Liable
Old news but wanted it to be added to the timeline (can't find that page)
Tinfoil hat question: How much potassium iodide KI or KIO3 does one
Link to Ebay "GO **** YOURSELF" to DICK CHENEY
so did colon bowell say anything important?
Was William Rehnquist murdered?
1974: democratic Watergate landslide; 2006........????
Shit! Is that West being censored?
parishes (not) listed in dubya's state of emergency
freepers are going to claim it's the local government taking guns from NO
My hero, Kurt Vonnegut is on Bill Maher right now
We could have beat the government there and saved people
You know, there may be one silver lining to this catastrophe.
Heads up! Powell in 20/20 tonight "explaining" Iraq, 9/11, being WRONG
My get away weekend in Hilton Head
my confrontation with co-worker part deux...guy is feeling guilty...
"On Idiot Son's watch we lost the WTC, city of New Orleans,Iraq war, our
First Mommy Barbara Bush Releases "HOUSTON FOR THE UNDERPRIVILEGED" Tour
LOL! At Google, type " pussy" (sans quotes)
I think Aaron Brown is going to talk about the indigenous people
Could Erin Brockavich, head a massive suit w/ thousands of Katrina victims
What about the Musicians? What about the Music?
Bob Costas just used "competence" re Bush
America must recall the president. I'm DOWN!
Brian Williams was going for the Cronkeit moment on DS
A reporter on CNN Larry king just said
Wouldn't the Repugs be excited to know that Ray Nagin is one of their own?
Another try at an answer to this question. Might be important.
OH MAN! I think I talked to the most insane FReeper on Earth today!
Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, the movie, weren't they looking for a big
Cher: "I certainly didnt need my tax break"
Bill Maher Tonight >>George Carlin..Kurt Vonnagut...
Is it over for bush, how exactly I don't know but it will come
SEPT 25 Season opener for WEST WING
What's With The Body Count Game? THOUSANDS Of Body Bags Ordered, And
Replaying NOLA resident Douglas Brinkley-C-span Wash Journal this morning.
Letter I wrote to Dr. Ben "Go fuck yourself Mr. Chaney"
More embarrassment - this time from John Gibson
Watch NBC with me...Dateline says they're going to
IMPEACH DELAY: "Now Tell Me The Truth Boys, Is This Kind Of Fun?''
Stephanie Miller to host Dem event; same group that staged Rove protest!
Al Gore: Political Will Is a Renewable Resource (blasts Smirk)
Larry King just said the temporary injunction CNN won
Why the hell are there ANY dead bodies on the street anywhere
Feingold and Conyers propose delay in bankruptcy law
Republicans : Stop the lies and stop the spin.
"Elections are in place to give people the illusion they have choice."
Neil Young: "When God Made Me" a great song.
Who's the Bushite on Bill Maher?
Life and Death in Rome : The History Channel
Liberty is N.O. victim: TOON within
ABC Family's "700 Club" disclaimer: "...not those of ABC..."
how many of you (like me) think you might have been 1 who couldn't leave
Imagine the scenario of Katrina hitting in an all-Freeper world.....
We're gonna win, Bushco is going down just changed their Terms of Service.
MANDATORY MALLOY: Friday Truthseeker Round Up
50,000 more body bags ordered for Hurricane Katrina cleanup and Iraq
Thank the Lord--Kirsty Alley is Here!!
National Guard Commander Says Iraq Hurt Us in NOLA
This quote by Jefferson has gotten me through the Bush nightmare
You know, Bush was just being Bush
DUers! Who's been to New Orleans? Any memories?
There are two individuals ....
Hurricane Ophelia -- heads up in the Carolinas!
Is the Bushville, DC 9/11 Civil Disobedience a Good Thing?
Sponsors of Pentagon's 9/11 "Freedom Walk"
Gore Helped Airlift Katrina Refugees - Former VP Criticizes Administration
Could this all be Bert's fault again?
Racism- captured in the caption of a photograph from the heart of NOLA :-(
"We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans....."
Give me a fucking break John Stossel!
Anyone else stomach Tucker tonight? What a prick.....
Are you watching the "Shelter From The Storm" benefit concert?
How I respond to hate mail....
Oh snap: Carlin kicking ass on Maher
CSPAN Schedule Saturday September 10
"We are all Black Americans this week."
Canadian millionaire to build community for Louisiana hurricane victims
George Bush Will Never Live This Down. He's Finished. It's Over.
Some Blanco requests for federal help still unmet (radio and generators)
Does anyone know about the religion Bush follows? I believe I heard
Noticed big mistake by concert booker - No "House of the Rising Sun"
My dream ticket for 2008 is Gore/Dean.
Please explain the significance of an impeachment.
Post to Americablog: Pumps in NOLA Body Parts
Liberals ... This is our time....This is why we exist....
Just got this email from a conservative friend
CNN has restraining order from Federal Court
CNN: Anderson Cooper says CNN gets restraining order
Edwards on poverty, letting locals rebuild NOLA, Bush, & petition to sign
Will DU join the Impeach Bush Coalition ?
My generation will set it right.
George Carlin telling it like it is on Bill Maher
Bask in the glory of my superior unFreeping skills.
Steve Bell cartoon. Apologies if this has already been posted.
Bush Losing Support From His Base
I've noticed Republicans want Hillary to run in '08 more than Dems do...
Can built-in fridges be used free standing?
World summit on UN's future heads for chaos
7.7 quake New Ireland Region (near Australia)
Iraqi President Discusses U.S. Troop Needs
Base Closings Now In Bush's Hands
Former Russian Guantanamo Prisoners to Sue U.S.
Iraq hurt Katrina response, general says (BLAST THIS)
CNN: Anderson Cooper says CNN gets restraining order
8PM - Anderson Cooper -CNN files for restraining order!!!!
(WP)Officials: Guard Deployment Hurt Response (Says Lt. Gen Blum)
U.S. tube-feeding hunger strikers
Snow sees cutting budget gap despite hurricane
NY Times: FEMA problems continue with evacuees
LA National Guard Brigade Ready to Join Recovery Efforts (rtng from Iraq)
CNN/AP: Gonzales again emerges as Supreme Court contender
WP: Storage Plan (on Native American land) Approved for Nuclear Waste
Troops Seize British-Owned Cattle Ranch in Venezuela
Doomed nursing home had offer of bus transport; owner refused offers
LAT: California Eases Gasoline Pollution Standards
Russian ambassador in India is in danger
Water still coming into New Orleans through levee break
Reuters: Cuban Doctors say politics blocked Katrina aid offer
Toxic Stew: What's in the Water in New Orleans?
Calif. Guard Sergeant Gets Year for Abuse
Congress to Investigate 9/11 Loan Abuse (WH robbed fund for regular loans)
Judge Rules Vs. U.S. in Patriot Act Case (librarian gag order)
U.S. thanks Canada for relief efforts
World Summit on UN's Future Heads for Chaos
WP: Texas Fires Lawyer After Story on Rove (talked to WP reporter)
WP: New Orleans Mayor Faces Tough Questions: Some Say Lost Control
Bush ratings slide in storm aftermath
LAT: Ford, Honda Unveil Latest Hybrids at Sierra Club Convention
WP: Sympathetic Tone Eludes Some in GOP (Hit Jarring Notes re. Katrina)
Is 50cc of Demerol every 6 minutes a lot or not enough for a pt.
Are polls working? I just tried to make one, a total disaster.
Somewhere in Waveland, Mississippi, there are new Redskin fans
hrm... audio problems when Kanye West comes on...
I have always thought in the back of my mind
Was that just the Foo Fighters doing
Here's what I would have said at "Shelter From The Storm":
well, after all, a leopard can't change his stripes...
Sports radio listeners: Do sports DJs where you are pimp for the shrub?
Official "Shelter from the storm" thread
My FIRST POST - I'm the king of rock, there is none higher
This has to be one of the best "Come-Backs" I've ever heard.
Is anyone else watching the Elton John Concert on Bravo right now
Hey MADDY! Wherever you are, you are here (in my heart)
Post a link to a business named 'Acme.'
Wanna educate some clueless rw'ers?
Help put a RW bush loving asshole in jail
My earworm today(good song but HELP ME!)
A lovestruck romeo sings a streets a serenade
Does anyone want to treat me to a steak and lobster dinner?
Six errors! Jesus ... six errors from the Sox tonight.
Mmmmmm ... Frozen Snickers bars!
CBS NOW: Bowie doing most fucking amazing live performance!!!!
Ignore This Message And I'll Send Fresh Ham To Your House. I Mean It.
Bush sells Louisiana back to the French!
Is there any way to fix my broken sirius antenna?
I keep running into people lately
Check in here, if you want to say hi to Crewleader.
My FIRST POST- I'm Lefthandman and I'm here to stay
It's my daughters birthday today
Any of you guys used Nair for Men?
WORST Rivalry In The HISTORY of Sports -
A New Flash Game: Porn Star or Pop Star
Question for anyone --- is it safe to carry a container of gas in my CRV?
Gov Fletcher's Office Gives Out Phone-Sex Number for Red Cross number.
I may be branded a jerk for this, but
Best program/way for file sharing
Is anyone in need of a toaster pastry? I seem to have some extras!
My young cat Dell climbed her first tree today and now has selective
Checking out until the 19th of September.
Just curious; how many here call her "whiver girl"
How long till we hit 18,000,000 posts?
And Death Shall Have No Dominion
I need the experience of older, wiser people
Hey, we haen't had a DU writer critiqu in a while - who's up for it?
I had the best sushi tonight...
Which Kanye West track should I download on I-Tunes?
I've got a cricket Trapped - His fate is yours
What's up with the "fucktard "/"freeptard" /"retard" stuff?
Someone stole my fucking clothes out of a dorm dryer!
Krusty Brand - Seal of Approval
What the hell do my cats want - they won't stop staring at me
Okay, the world is truly fucked up. I am watching "Mr. Freeze
now that My Posts & avatars are back for 2 hours
That's it. I've been in GD for 2 weeks now. Nobody listens to a DAYUM
Every single channel on my TV is showing the same thing...ARGH!!!!!!
Yes! Yes! Yes! "The Fountainhead" coming on TCM!
WoooHooo for Richie Havens!!!!!
I turned 34 today...and I am about to hit 25K posts
Jim Glassman is on my shitlist
Shelter from the Storm Telethon
Fridaynight College Football flame war!!
getting a message from the Big Giant Head
LOOK AT AND COMMENT ON MY CAT !!! (warning: 3 jpgs!)
I have been away for a while...but this REALLY FUNNY!
The Silver Douchebag. That's what George Carlin called Babs Bush. LOL!
What talent or skill do you possess
It's Friday night, I'm drunk and Bush still sucks.
being entertained by my cats : my old cat is playing with the
Have I mentioned that I really love you lounge lizards?
"Drumline" is on TBS right now !
We moved last weekend, and our little cat got lost.
"'Clown college'? Psh... you can't eat that!"
Once again it's time for: Post here and I'll give you a smilie of your own
Okay, everyone...take a won't regret it!!! RATINGS!!!
President Cheney fires Brown; Dumbo learns his ABCs
Norm Mineta: Crack spread has gone in 10 days from $2-3/barrel to $30/$40!
Kanye is being bleeped out like crazy..
SOS Message to the German people from the USA.....
eBay removes "Go fuck yourself Mr. Cheney" video tape auction page
I have not yet seen this picture of * and his dad!
Bush Administration Bureaucratic Tug-of-War While Americans Died
Howard Dean on The Situation Room
Time to work our way up the chain. Chertoff next.
CNN Poll - Do we need a "hurricane czar"? Please Vote
Kick-Off of 1st "America Supports You Freedom Walk" (10am) - LIVE
Hangin' with Repugs tonight and they are ashamed of Chimpy
The real reason the evac of NOLA didn't begin until Friday
Do we have any other confirmation that the guy who cussed at VP
ABC is black and Gwen Stefani is supposed to be singing now
part deux confrontation with co-worker....he is feeling the heat
So what has Hannity said about Katrina & the relief response? did Colon Bowell say anything relevant???
what should their punishment be?
Vote in the MyDD September Straw Poll
Jeez, Jendal, make a jerk of yourself much?
Edwards on poverty, letting locals rebuild NOLA, Bush, & petition to sign
The debate card debacle oughta be HUGE..
Cher was just on phone w/Anderson Cooper..."I did not need a tax cut"
Why didn't HS/FEMA evacuate the hospitals?
Why are the body counts still so low?
Dean with Wolfie >> Video Link
Transcript from Dean/Blitzer interview today, a few of my favorite parts.
Al Gore: Political Will Is a Renewable Resource (blasts Smirk)
Given Browns "Qualifications" its time to look at other Bush appointees
Yes, even in the Heart of Dixie, Republicans have had enough
I want an answser to this!!!!!
John Kerry Offers Major Package of Legislation to Help Small Businesses...
RNC responds to Howard Dean On CNN
PBS News hour covered Bush's poll ratings.
can you imagine what the repukes would be saying if this had been a
CNN reports food, water stocked in SuperDome was evidently not distributed
Brown Out, Full Accountability Remains Elusive
Cooper getting crank calls - few days ago it was CBC. New Adage:
Why did the GOP cut FEMA cut to point of being totally ineffective?
Karen Hughes first statement today - the looting makes us look
Okay, let's say there were actual miscreant low life plasma teevee looters
I hear that George Bush hates midgets
Clark: "When we kill people, we make enemies"
Tenet - Exposing 9/11 intelligence - A threat to the White House
eBay auction is *ON* for original video of guy telling VP to go F himself!
Montgomery Advertiser - "Blame game" could be useful"
NYT: Casualty of the Firestorm: Outrage, Bush and FEMA Chief
CNN/Money: Wal-Mart redeems itself (Katrina response), but what's next
Ryan Sager: Ahnold Schwarzen-Gay-Hater?
Time Favors Gay Marriage Proponents
Government Intervention in Stock Market - (gov't manipulation)
Changed Your Mind About War? Maybe You Can Return it at Wal-Mart
File Today's Feelings for Future Use
CNN/Money: Wal-Mart redeems itself (Katrina response), but what's next
Dispatch From New Orleans - What it smells like.
St. Petersburg Times: 'Average' past trails troubled FEMA chief
Why This Is Precisely the Time For Finger-Pointing - Arriana Huffington
WICKED Onion: "God Outdoes Terrorists Yet Again"
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Real big name, right?
GOP 2008 Convention in New Orleans???
Rude Pundit's REALLY RUDE comments about the Freedom Walk.
Black refugees ask if Utah will really accept them
The Unfeeling President Should be Impeached
Interesting editorial from "Faith-Based" columnist
James Kroeger: The Republican Nemesis
Will Bush wriggle out of this one? (Rove and the 'blame' game')
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Real big name, right?
Great News! The new "Hurricane Katrina Research Center"
Proposal for DU Group: Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
Conservative Pundits Reluctant to Criticize Bush's Katrina Response
Real Time With Bill Maher (Audio)
Galloway versus Hitchens on AAR
Forest Service Plan Would Speed Drilling
Scotland set to harness tidal power
America to introduce ban on caviar
FTCR Press Release: High Gas Prices = Big Oil Limiting Refining Capacity
The world's first environmental porn movement
China shocked at border officer's acquittal
UK to sign extradition deal with Pakistan (7/7 suspects)
Gunmen open fire at Palestinian ministry
Gunmen adbuct Italian journalist in Gaza Strip town
Israel Warns Gaza on Any Future Attacks
Reflections 4 years later: When I saw the 2nd Jet hit Tower 2, I knew
NYT Sunday 9/11/05--What's really at stake here....
Restoring Election Integrity- by Rush Holt
FEMA Chief used funds to help W's election in FL
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Saturday 9/10/05
i'm a little disappointed in this forum
Who is going to Dolores Park in SF on the 24th to protest?
Has Feinstein spoken out on Bush's failures with the Hurricane?
ATTN: Bay Area: Veterans For Peace/U.S. Tour of Duty in your area
Lone activist in the 50th and France area Friday evening
MN powerball tickets are listing Operation Blessing phone number
Possible Aurora tonight and next few nights.
For everyone working in Karina effort this is a very important message!
OK, whover wrote this editorial slamming Suder reads DU
Sensenbrenner's constituents in the 5th CD call him out.
Fightin' Bob Fest....DUer checkin
New picture of DU Admin..... (something to put a smile on our faces)
This song has been going through my mind all week
AltNet needs our help! Great pieces that are attracting freeper freaks!
KARINA? WTF... can't find the lowdown on Laurie's supportive credibility
okay, if Arnold can be "mr. Freeze" then why can't George Clooney
Help! Need to get a pet rescue!
a reason for evacuee diaspora : total # of dead difficult to determine???
Yet another strummin' Bush photoshop...
An entertaining excerpt from my MBA Financial Management textbook:
the real "blame game" that is about to happen
I am SICK about hearing 9/11 combined with Katrina.
Has the Red Cross been co-opted by the Repugs?
Why the fuck do you care? I'm so sick of those who think they know
September is Preparedness Month! . . . (more incompetence revealed)
For those who doubt Gov. Blanco's leadership--go "Cheney" yourself
Where Was Michael Moore During the 2004 Election?
I had to pay to get rid of viruses
Continental Airlines Offers Free One-Way Tickets To Evacuees
How can I find out how many members strong we are now? I see many
An email about Brown's replacement....
Anyone know who the sick-fuck "designer" is behind this?
BRAD SHOW Saturday and Sunday, Day and Night...All Weekend Long!
Iraq hurt Katrina response, general says
Mary J Blidge and U2 was my favorite performance of the evening
Running From Safety. (Questions about God or lack therof)
Las Vegas provides rooms for NO rescuers: "I wake up in night sweats"
Okay. . .when the hell did the MSM develop testicles?
Kanye West: Person of the Week
Was * invited to the SHELTER Performance tonight?
Articles on the media's hyping of the looting
WTF? Fashion model with Katrina message ("Here lies Vera.")
Today's ROVEmeme: 'Katrina wasn't as deadly as we thought'
Election/Selection in Egypt: 88.6% - That's How to Do It, Shrub.
Why has Dick Morris turned against the Clintons?
A Stiff Margarita And A Good Night's Sleep
I must give props to Mary J Blidge she sung her damn heartout
tuition-free enrollment at Emma Willard this fall to five young women from
NOAA Issues Another Space Weather Warning (communication disruptions)
Operation 'Hide and Protect the President' isn't going too well.
Power to the victims of New Orleans (Naomi Klein)
HIMC / KPFT Astrodome coverage
LTTE in the Tallahassee Democrat
Colin Powells "blot" on his record
Arab-language newspaper: Iran-U.S forces clash in southern Iraq
Clinton circa Dec.1998 VS. Bush Presently
'06/'08 campaigns... "It's the competence stupid!"
Stripes letters: Iraq isn't "fantastic" (comparing Iraq to Gulf States)
Put right-wing-freak-show 'journalists' under oath...
Does Anyone Know what Tomorrow Is? The Anniversary of
Must see video from Crooks and Liars
DVD of "Go **** yourself Mr Cheney" it's already at...
It is about RACE! Look who's running the country!
WJ CSPAN question: Should there be a blame game?
Tell Congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act
major AMNESTY program for republicans
NPR's 'All Things Considered' Kick Ass Audio Timelines
Good News - 2006 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival will go on
did Bush make the governor's of Alabama and Mississippi turn over
Oh, and REHNQUIST Was a Junkie. Nevermind.
If this is true, then why is lucianne's site sooooo f*cked up???
So Brown's last foolish act fails as well.
Got a reply from the Doc who told Cheney to go fuck himself!
Question : What country has 45 tons plutonium...
Hurricane Katrina - Week 1 / How the M$M spun a disaster
Owning the Weather - Science Channel
25 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Quotes About Hurricane Katrina
If Gov Blanco was the problem--then why were troops absent from Miss also?
NWS: I thought I was showning wry Germanic wit ...
Sept. 11 a Dark Day in Chile, Too
Thad Allen just said "New Orleans wasn't typical(as for hurricanes)" (CNN)
Should Pat Robertson be banned from the UK?
$$ Former FEMA directors, well-connected lobbyists rushing to cash in $$
Those who are going to D.C September 23....
While they were dying in NO; Bush, Lott Other leaders more concerned
Civil Rights and Disaster Assistance
Here's a term I havn't used for awhile: they have the "gall"
cspan caller just said the levee that broke was a new one, and
is there video of last night's maher show with carlin and vonnegut?
Media never asked "Why not Debit Card" ?
Does anyone have the list of the racist Republicans
Kansas people waking up!!! He is a smirking elitist, Great LTE
We live in bizarre times (*'s Stalin-like cult of personality)
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for New Orleans May 2005
Will Democrats use the filibuster against Roberts?
When was the last time Blanco or Nagin seen?
Houston for the Underprivileged
Scandal of newborn babies stolen from their mothers
"I shall fear no Evil, for it is way too late."
Tell me how the right wing attack websites get front page google.
Tomorrow, bush will Exploit those he Refused to Warn or Save
So did Colin Powell whisper sweet nothings to "his people" all the while
Gen. Honore: Blanco requested troops "as the hurricane was approaching,"
"Thet Turrible Day" Il Douche's weekly Address to The Faithful.
Someone's letter to brother RE: no more contact
"brownie's doing a heck of a job"
Idea - The International No Fly List
My apologies for my recent uncivil posts. I make no excuses.
Rollercoasters are fun! - Need a laugh ??
"A vote for ANY Republican is a vote for another Katrina"
Brown is STILL the head of FEMA
Watch Out Iran.....Chimps numbers are in the toilet.
Who in the Bush* Administration was not on a month long Vacation
Brown was NOT fired. Chertoff praised him as he sent him back to DC.
Is the evacuation debacle going to make it harder
Why does everyone have to leave NOLA?
Are You Better Off (Safer) Than You Were 4 Years Ago?
What's wrong with this HEADLINE?: "Death toll might not hit 10,000"
Shouldn't RWers be Screaming: THEY are confiscating guns!
Uses of Disaster: Notes on bad weather & good government
BUSH maladministration strategy for disaster: Pile it on
Do we, or do we Not DESERVE a president like george bush?
Photo: "A dog hides at an evacuee processing center in New Orleans"
Kanye's song about Bush is real hip hop! He went back to the roots.
Playing Politics with the Death Toll Numbers (Katrina)
Bush didn't go to NO because he was afraid of the black reaction. NYT
Homeland security versus rescuing people - when you make
The doom I felt that horrible day In Jan 2001 could never match the horror
How cruel! Cheney to visit survivors in Texas shelters. Haven't they
The Splendid Failure of Occupation
So AID was withheld untill Powerstruggle w/Blanco was resolved!
"Our job here is not to provide food...."
The "Cronyism is Nothing New" Lie
Why I'm miserable about New Orleans as a Photographer
BUSH's Smoking Gun, in his own words:
On MSNBC: Newsweek poll-the blivet at 38% approval rating.
I was right about Homeland Security - nothing but
CNN showed images of NO before and after the storm.
Neil Cavuto is a vermin-infested sock puppet for the RNC
Astrodome: More confusion as some (debit) cards don't work
9-11: New Orleans Jazz Funeral Procession Through Manhattan
Please go to the link below and recommend this thread!
Cheney: "Elect John Kerry and you will die"
Heads up Charleston, South Carolina, Hurricane Ophelia is looking at You!
Is Hurrican Katrina worse than 9/11?
Firms with Bush Ties Snag Katrina Deals
Can Someone Here Make a "Go Fuck Yourself" Dance Mix?
The anatomy of a Disaster Response
Current TV showing a lot of footage of Katrina aftermath.
"I am a man of constant sorrow..." (photo)
Government simulation: 61,290 deaths
A new photo documenting Bush's trip to New Orleans surfaces
Who should the US/Bush attack in response to Katrina?
So when do we hear from Bin Laden?
Ignatius Riley (a Confederacy of Dunces) : Would he have evacuated
FEMA employees info disappears from FEMA site
My God! You must hear "This American Life" on NPR
Thank you CNN: Rest of media------> HELP THEM
Some words to help describe......................
Fla emer. op. mgr defends FEMA; dealt w/ Hurr. Charley
Question: Did Bush suspend the Posse Comitatus Act
has anyone heard bush claim his post as COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF through any of
Floodwaters will likely be pumped out of New Orleans sooner than expected
This whole question of TROOPS in NOLA
I cannot seem to get the idea of cleaning the toxic...
U.S. drops banning media from body hunt
MP Michael Meacher: MI6 may thwart London bombing investigation
Any DU'ers ever go to Amelia Island in Florida?
Thursday's reporting said: large amount of dead; bad toxic water
Bush flipping the bird carrying a flag - is this image for real?
Brownie did heck of a job in Fla dishing out FEMA funds to cover
Can we start calling them the Press again?
The Upcoming, all important fight: Rebuilding NO
how come more hasn't been made about how * values life in all this?
Fascists drop media restrictions
Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? Katrina Flash
"It fell to a Cabinet official to deal with FEMA Director, Michael Brown".
Off-shore wind farms to rescue New Orleans and low lying coastal areas?
How dare bush go back to NOLA on Sept 11th?!?! I'm just livid.
Southeaster DU'ers: Any luck in finding generators ...if you waited?
Whats this Sean Penn thing I keep hearing from the right?
How is it that Brownie got criticized and fired?
Did they "overestimate" N.O. death toll to permit upbeat headline spin?...
Urgent Plea from Louisiana Humane Society!
Goodbye To A River by Don Henley (beautiful song and fitting)
'Elizabethtown' to premiere in namesake city
Anybody remember what pickles called Katrina
BBC: Bush pleads for 'spirit of 9/11'
George Carlin, Bill Maher, and Jesse Jackson
Priceless Quote from Brownie: "inaccuracies and lies"
We are not winning any of the wars we started
Today's editorials on Katrina and aftermath.. esp. ripping **
Reflections 4 years later: When I saw the 2nd Jet hit Tower 2, I knew
PHOTO: Reknowned lesbian book authoress meets with disaster officials
WTF! Is Pickles hugging the same child in both these photo ops?
I think the floodgates are starting to open up...
While you were out.... FEMA called
Why are we not seeing articles about Canada
Quotes from the shrub's first speech as president
another letter to the local fishwrap
If-God forbid, I were to lose EVERYTHING-I'd start over in another country
Firms with ties to Bush get initial contracts for Katrina
new ebay auction for "go *uck yourself Cheney"
Ophelia's coming. Any bets on Fema's response?
BBC: Brown move fails to convince
Is this the icing on the worst POTUS ever's cake?
Bushco is too cute a term I purpose Murder Inc.
Smirk's remark about Lott's front-porch scares the hell out of me.
How bad will things be at the end of chimpie's term??
Where on earth are the calls for Bush's resignation????
Bush and Rummy Delayed Sending Troops (Revised Post)
CEO of Operation Blessing William Horan gets paid 167, 727 dollars.
Oil and gasoline futures have fallen from post-Katrina highs...
Confused about Cheney's Texas babble - he was having an
Odd Rasmussen pole- Chimp jumps 3 points to 48% approve???
Join the CCC and you too can go to a Confederate Ball!
I got lucky on Google with 'poor black'
The power struggle between federals and locals
Katrina Leaves Homeless Aid Director Homeless
Freepers will be in DC in two weeks
* keeps saying this nation can handle everything--
WXRT in Chi said USA saw victims shooting at rescuers on TV!?
Democrats in 2006, Impeach in 2007
Bush Shamelessly Links Hurricane Katrina to 9/11 in Sep 9 Speech
Federal judge hesitant to release Abu Ghraib photos
Generic Other Announces Creative Katrina Relief Effort For Us Duers-Great!
Has any reporting been done on the situations
Walmart better at saving Americans than FEMA
My answer to freeps who want sympathy for Brownie
Remember those food drops over Afghanistan?
now for something completely different're going to want to spread this one around
Long as you're doing google searches: "chimp"
Tom Tancredo - remember him? - responds...
Bagnews analyzes COLD Queen Laura's Shelter Photo-Ops.
How you can tell the Reichwingers are in denial
Think they might hide the true number of dead in NO?
Any Flashpoints listeners? People interested in Haiti?
U2, Coldplay, Trent Reznor, Pearl Jam added to MTV Relief Show
Why Aren't the NRA & Ted NUGENT Raising Hell over Gun Confiscations?
I don't know about you, but I want my country back.
What is the latest word on them shooting stray animals?
Lying On A Fed Job Brown What's the Penalty?
should the poor in america be ashamed of themselves?
German plane carrying Katrina aid turned back
!?!? JFK 'But we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in ..'
I found a great bumper sticker:
4 years later, one has to really admire Osama Bin Laden
Why Are 78,000 National Guardsmen in Iraq?
Challenge: Name One Thing the Bush Admin Has Done Successfully
Can I get the hurricane relief Nay roll call ?
A target rich environment (Republicans)
Anybody talked to Mehlman or blacks about how NO affects GOP image
for bush it is always the spec in someone else's eye. never his own.
To GOP members of Senate Homeland Security committee
Bush is too dumb to benefit from the "recalling" of Michael Brown.
W, Allbaugh (FEMA), 'Funeralgate' and Dutch morgue in NO
How long until the Holloway story comes back on news channels
Animal Rescue in place on 8/29. So why this mess?
'The government doesn't have to help poor people -- because they are lazy.
Vid Clip-Bush's Biloxi Photo Op
Texas lawyer fired for talking about Rove
Gonzales, LA animal shelter desperately needs volunteers 9/10
Color me shocked! "Firms with Bush ties snag first Katrina deals"
PLEASE READ: Former FEMA director Joe Allbaugh is a busy little boy!
Do Repubs actually believe the response was acceptable
Ben Stein's view concerning Bush and the Hurricane...
What are the DEMS doing to help Governor Blanco? Or are they dropping her
ANIMAL RESCUES: audio and written reports from NO
Wow! The Marines must be pretty hard up these days!
The Bushes have a record of nominating "incompetents"...
I had a repug ask me today, "Well we need to make sure we put
In their own words: Hypocrisy from the 11 Republicans who voted "no"
What was the story on the Bush-Blanco dispute over control?
My response to a RW co-workers Bush apologist e-mail. I CHANGED her mind!
Brown ousted from relief helm (CHENEY Gets to Decide Edition!)
CSPAN-2 Now, Hurricane Katrina+energy, IT IS ABOUT Massive OIL $$$
Faux reporter says that there could be less than 1,000 deaths.
Mike Peters cartoons nail it AGAIN!
Iraq, Banda Aceh, NO= OIL PROFIT by death and destruction. Enough already.
NEW Malloy Clip - Pickles Gives Katrina Pep Talk
WYOMING got 9/11 disaster funds: Brownie? Cheney?
'fairh based' vs 'reality based'....Suskind's Without a Doubt
WTF?!? Santorum blasts the National Weather Service...
Who is in charge of the National Guard?
Is Louisiana being handled differently than Mississippi?
Has Bush's incompetence been "misunderestimated"?
ATTENTION: Moof; "The Department of Faith" URL is included this time.
Next time a conservative white southerner talks about southern heritage...
CNN won the ability to show corpses on TV? The government backed down...
An insurance company that specializes in unpredicatble disasters
Question about how FEMA director gets his job
Does anyone know what happened to reporter Jeanne Meserve?
"We're seeing people that we didn't know exist"- Michael Brown...
How the "more fortunate" survived katrina.
I need articles about Bush attending a fundraiser during Katrina!
"Thank God George Bush is President"
Well, Bill Maher did it Again, let one of Shrubs cheerleaders run the..
So the media has won its battle to stay in New Orleans...
Need the mp3 of Ron Paul floor speech of 9-08. TIA
Former Green Beret Comes Clean - Bush Connections
Uh-oh, they're coming to get us...
Who's attended or plans to attend the Bring Them Home Now Bus Tour?
What IS wrong with walmart anyway?
Bush's approval drops below 40 percent
The reason the debit card plan was scrapped is FEMA ran out of debit cards
By criticizing Dubya over this are we letting the hurricanes win?
Remember in 2000? "I'm going to rebuild the military"
Bush approval 39%. Remind others that a Republican House & Senate...
Infectious Disease Research in and Around New Orleans
Gov't monetary disaster aid primarily as low-interest loans?
People waited in line 2 hrs for gas cards..and didn't get one
Democrats accept blame when they are at fault.
PHOTOS: White House releases new files re:Laura Bush compassion/black kids
even in N. Dallas the bush bumper stickers are disappearing
going to a "this I believe" get together in 2 hours with Cindy vigil-ers
Dowd: At least Clinton knew not to stash his sweeties in safety jobs!
MSNBC poll being freeped, needs help (regarding Bush, Katrina's aftermath)
Karl takes "homestead" property tax exemption on 4 properties concurrently
Don't forget the Veterans for Peace need hurricane help!
Is the BBC lying here about Katrina evacuation?
Good source of hurricane pics:
Evacuees Using Debit Cards to Buy Expensive Designer Goods?!!
Newsweek flash: Bush approval 38%
Cajun National Guard - We are all Cajuns
Gossip columnist surprised that 80% in poll want Bush 'eaten by sharks'
Now the rat bastard wants unity?
our fine president is incapable of understanding the suffering he's caused
"Rescuers collect dead, Cheney sounds upbeat"
When they were too poor to get out of town before the hurricane
"Army Changes Story about Soldier's Death"
That couple stopped by the Gretna police on MSNBC right now
Beestis clepid chymeres, that han A part Of ech beest
New Poll ---- Newsweek - Bush, Katrina's Next Casualty
Navratilova: "Maybe one day this country will be ready for the truth"
One compassionate conservative: "I can't be a'gin him..."
Vid Clip: Dixie Chicks from Shelter From the Storm- Sep 9
US government knew of dire risks posed by Katrina: FEMA document
Does this qualify as being insensitive?
Overkill: Feared Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
Texas lawyer fired for talking about Rove
Flashback to Brown's Confirmation Hearing: "42 Minutes of Shame"
Has the NRA responded to reports of Gun confiscation ??
"I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp" by Valhall
Liberal Blogosphere's Relief donations are only at 18% of goal
I personally believe that race was not the sole factor
Isn't it amazing that the Katrina racism is so overt?
update on OK FEMA camp at Falls Creek ...9-6 'on hold'
Senator ADA ratings are why (new method researched)
US government knew of dire risks posed by Katrina: FEMA document
Bush's First FEMA Director Now Lobbies For Halliburton
What happened to NO prisoners?
NYT: Disarray Marked the Path From Hurricane to Anarchy
I just saw pigs fly AND hell freeze over
Did Bush&Co. withhold aid, food, water & stop volunteers from getting in...
Don't those "W" and "Bush Cheney" bumper stickers look pathetic now?
******Hi-RESOLUTION (1280X 1024) Katrina Photos at this site.
Gov. of KS, Dem., woman, was on with Garrison Keillor - what's she like?
Upcoming bill in the senate to ban horse slaughter-- please help
Imagine the hysteria Monday in Washington...
The only thing you need to know about Bush and Katrina
eBay removed the dr's auction -- the guy who Yelled at Cheney
We are a third world country. It's time we started acting like one..
I'm sorry, I'm looking at Hannity's Site %#$@$!!!
150 private mercenaries in New Orleans?
Has Nagin stopped all animal rescue? Freep sent this to me...
"Yer doin' a heckuva job, Drownie!"
VHI/MTV Concert coming up at 7pmCT. Performers here:
Cheney, Cheney, you can't hide, we charge you with genocide
In Bush America is it now considered Normal to Lie on a Resume and in
Quoting the Bible, Bush CUTS Katrina workers pay!
The "Go F'yrself Mr. Cheney" doc should apologize. While being
Secure the Bush legacy. Add your bumper sticker ideas here.
PHOTO: Oh! Those Negro looters!
Conversation with an Oklahoman re: # 3 at FEMA
Was There a Confirmation Process for Brownie?
Derek from Chalmette LA just shook his fist in the air at Bush
Rep. McDermott introduces Emergency Action for Vulnerable Children Act
Please take me down memory lane...............
suddenly bush has become the Turd in the Punchbowl
A question for those who want to blame Gov. Blanco
Molly Ivins: The bottom line is they're PLAYING THE RACE CARD
Proposal for DU Group: Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
Maya Angelou's message to Americans, re Katrina
Resource Thread: List ALL the Crimes Supporting Prosecution of Our Regime!
Provide Federal Rebuilding Jobs for The Survivors Now.
How do we respond to this Freeper argument?
To Conservatives Who Blame the Victims
It is International Law to Restore Family Ties for Displaced Persons
What kinds of changes, if any, has Dr. Dean mentioned for the primaries?
Tonight's "Guy James Show" will air at 6:00pm! Hot show tonight!
Katrina is playing into Bush's and the NeoCon's hands, like clockwork
Bush: One of the worst disasters to hit the U.S. (image)
FREEDOM WALK - Bush Style - How can we be made to look so ridiculous?
Does Bush even want to be president?
Drunkard Bush**'s Biggest Failure - Bin Laden at large after 1461 days.
Vid Clip-When God Made Me-Sung by Neil Young at Shelter From The Storm
An insider's report on IEM, FEMA and Hurricane Pam
Rebuilding Iraq: an historical precedent in post WW2 Germany.
One of the best Katrina references: SNOPES
Just In: NYT "Disarray Marked the Path From Hurricane to Anarchy"
A special Yahoo News "Katrina Pets Gallery"...the best recent ones
What thing do you find strangest about the Terrorists?
Anybody out there who can tape the Aussie version of 60 minutes tomorrow
Police trapped victims in flooded and devastated city
The right to stay in New Orleans: Yesterday I watched CNN
"Impeach, Remove, Jail " - Viggo Mortensen
How sad is this? HST's final words
Response to those who say other countries not helping
CNN Shows Fires Daily... Are They Getting Rid Of Corpses In Plain Sight?
Bush wife doesn't know name of hurricane
If Pro-Life / anti-Choice / anti-StemCellResearch "Movement" means
Three little words: "Culture of Corruption"
RNC Talking Points Leaked on Randi Rhodes Show 9/9/05
Do this now: run a Google search on the word "failure"
New meme-nickname: For shoe shopping during Katrrina, Condi ...
the AWFUL awful truth about publicity monger Sean Penn in NO
PHOTOS: The water is wide, I cannot get over.
Thanks to all DUers who have supported Bushville, DC -
of all the things to tarnish bush's image!
Fox'sTony Snow Says Evacuees Buying Louis Vuitton Bags W/Debit Cards
That supposed article from the NO Times-Picayune doesn't exist.
Red State letters to the editor concerning Katrina.
New website for Katrina survivors
Do the White House and GOP not see what they're doing to themselves?
Guess what, RUSH,...America was STARVING for AAR!!!!
October book club nomination's are being taken:
Bush Admin pushing fed employees and contractors to attend pro-Bush rally
Bush's last leg: The Housing Market Bubble
COLLAGE: "We finally cleared up public housing in New Orleans!"
Did anyone see Mary J Blige and U2? She sang her damn heart out.
ACTION REQUEST: Please Join Me in These Small Acts of Everyday Rebellion!
Who Ordered the Guns Confiscated?
When I Am An Old Man, I Shall Wear Black
Dutch group to fly in temporary mass mortuary (huge!)
"Louis Viton!" How dare they at $800 a bag buying TWO BAGS
By the way, what ever happened to the articulate 9 year old boy
25 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Quotes About Hurricane Katrina And Its Aftermath
I'm cool with Edwards, Clark, Dean and Gore
Do we really want Impeachment?
More than 2000 dead bodies collected in only ONE facility on only ONE day
The GW Bush National Disaster Legacy in Pictures
EXCLUSIVE!!! FEMA Chief Brown Paid Millions in False Claims to Help Bush W
ON NPR's "This American Life" barred from WALKING out of New Orleans
Let's stop playing games and look at some details.
Remember The Titans! And Al Gore!
PHOTO: what the GOP leadership fears (WARNING: heartwarming)
Guns are being confiscated in NO. What is the NRA doing about it?
I am having a problem holding my tongue with "liberals" who deny racism
Ophelia's coming! I sent Brownie a heads up.
GERMAN air force aid plane, 15 tons of MRE's TURNED AWAY by USA
Cheney..We are well on our way on getting on top of this Katrina EXERCISE
How many Years are they going to let me post on Fwee Wepubwik?
To allow Bush to remain president is National Suicide
Why is it so hard to find cake recipes that...
Pterodactyl- the other white meat.
Your thoughts on Paul Martin thus far?
Hey, canuck heads.... help a brotha out
Britain now faces its own blowback
A fly in the soup at the River Café as Lord Rogers gets tough with his wif
MI5 head warns on civil liberties
Chelsea owner to net up to £8bn from oil deal
MI5 head warns of liberties trade-off to fight terror
Greens try to shake off image as single-issue party
Widespread Riots Erupt in Belfast
In Storm's Ruins, a Rush to Rebuild and Reopen for Business
Bush approval drops below 40 percent
Bush Approval rating below 40 %!
State probing Forrester contributions (New Jersey)
Rice lobbies for Iran sanctions
Iraq Hurt Katrina Rresponse General Says
UN raises alarm on death squads and torture in Iraq
Security Contractors in Iraq Under Scrutiny After Shootings
New AP poll: *'s approval rating dips below 40...
California Guard sergeant gets year in Iraq detainee abuse case
Sept. 11 a Dark Day in Chile, Too
Presidents on the highway of hope from coast to coast
Ruling creates chaos at abortion clinics
CNN/Money: Wal-Mart redeems itself (Katrina response), but what's next
Statement of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales on the Padilla Decision
Evacuee Center (FEMA) Delayed in Baton Rouge (!!!)
Defeating terror may mean giving up rights, MI5 warns
Some GOP Legislators Hit Jarring Notes In Addressing Katrina
Iraqi forces launch attack on Tal Afar
Swiss to return $290m 'state funds' to Nigeria from late dictator's accoun
U.S. drops banning media from body hunt
DomeBlog: DeLay to evacuees: 'Is this kind of fun?'
(US and) Iraqi forces launch attack on Tal Afar-PM
Stars gather for hurricane relief(telethons start w/ Newman's "Louisiana")
Mississippi African-American Remote Communities Struggle for Survival
U.S. drops banning media from body hunt
Iraq not ready for ties with Israel
Army fails to tell family soldier is alive
(federal) Program Failed to Monitor (health of) 9/11 Workers, Report Finds
Brown is merely a symbol of the problems at FEMA, experts say
The Hill: Davis (R) will hold hearings after all (defies GOP leadership)
Seeking a home after Katrina proves a nightmare
G.O.P. Sees Opportunities Arising From Storm
Brown Sent Candid E - Mail to Family
Rescuers collect dead, New Orleans slowly recovers
Secrets row may cost Boeing $500m
Roberts May Be Sidelined in Some Cases
Texas lawyer fired for talking about Rove
Alternative Fuel Stocks Skyrocketing
In Floods,Parties' Agendas Surface (but it's GOP that's already used opp.)
World summit on UN's future heads for chaos (Rice asked to rein in Bolton)
'Zero access' for media during corpse recovery
Lawyer Is Fired After Talking About Rove
Police in Suburbs Blocked Evacuees, Witnesses Report
N.O. Police Say They Are Regaining Control
Tropical storm Ophelia strengthens into hurricane again
Army changes story about soldier's death (his mother was at Camp Casey)
Army Kept Truth of GI's Death From Family (Mother Protested in Crawford)
Katrina death toll swells to 372
NYT/AP: Cheney Visits Austin, TX, Hurricane Evacuee Sites
Bush Allies Secure Post-Katrina Rebuilding Contracts......
Coiled wire fences separate people/beaches (Mississipppi)
Signs of Life Start to Appear in N.O.
WP: Katrina Darkens the Outlook for Incumbents (from both parties) in 2006
Families Rally Against 9/11 Museum
Members of Guard unit weary of role in Iraq (sleep deprivation, shortages)
NYT/AP: Katrina's Costs Could Approach That of War (Iraq and Afghan)
Gulf Fisheries Brought To Standstill
La. to Spray to Stop Spread of Mosquitos
Mindanaoans divided on street protests (Arroyo / Philippines)
New Orleans levee bonds pulled as MBIA won't insure
Disarray Marked the Path From Hurricane to Anarchy (NYT)
Opponents of D.C. Antiwar Rally Launch Web Site
Privately run city schools cost more to improve (Suprise)
'Peace mom' chides Feinstein on Iraq stance
Former Louisiana Senator Shoulders Katrina Blame
Meridian, Miss. Residents, Evacuees Fed Up With FEMA
Gulf Coast Will be More Vibrant Than Ever, Bush Says
Afghan Survives Assassination Attempt
Katrina may cost as much as four years of war
Local (washington State) FEMA chief had little disaster experience
Soldier Not Killed in Action; Kin Not Told
Santorum criticizes Weather Service
German plane with Katrina aid turned back from U.S.
'Average' past trails troubled FEMA chief
America's Second Harvest Provides More Than 16 Million Pounds of Food
(USNS) Comfort Arrives in Gulf, Ready for Relief Support
Conyers rises to take on Bush (DetFP frontpage with big pic)
Evacuee Charged With Raping Mentally Challenged Girl
FEMA director says media made him a scapegoat
Police in Haiti Arrest Two Journalists at Church of Jailed Priest
Firestorm Casualty: Outrage,Bush,FEMA Chief(Bush "angry" re. Conv. Center)
Brown Sent Candid Email to Family (A must read/and/barf)
Red Cross calls for 40,000 volunteers
America to introduce ban on caviar
Widespread Riots Erupt in Belfast
Judge supports CNN request to cover Katrina's toll
Viral Outbreak Among Evacuees Contained (700 at Astrodome!)
NO Mayor Speaks Out (Breaking news from Times Picayune)
Military exchanges want a piece of the lottery pie
MSNBC: New Newsweek Poll: Bush Approval 38% - record low.
Firms with Bush ties snag Katrina deals
Govt. Abandons Restrictions on (CNN)Coverage !!!!! (UPDATE)
Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
Diplomats stage walk out as UK and US are accused of terrorism
New picture of DU Admin..... (something to put a smile on our faces)
Do you hate the expression, "That's so September 10th"?
PEACE RALLY in DC ...Be there, but read this first! ~ *(repost from GD)*
Why is cow called beef, and pig called pork...
Queensryche's Geof Tate GREAT INTERVIEW "Conservatives are like children"
Streaker hits London bureau of CNN
One of the undisputable universal truths revealed (pic)
Late night dinner thoughts . . .
"Someone stole my PDA and I will ruin this house with my anger!"
Blue-jay and I are gonna hash it out for all to see. Here, on DU
Lets PRETEND...that today is the first day of
I wish the media would stop telling me
interesting lineup on the biography channel
Remember my story o fheartbreak and whoa I detailed before?
I have a 7 year old Beagle. (Not Snoopy).
Okay tell me your favorite anti war song.
I am sad that Enigmatic went to sleep....
Twenty- six miles across the sea
Hey Scientists: When are you going to clone a young Bob Dylan
Crooners knew romance, love, all that stuff, the best
Who the fuck decided "16" was the age to be?
I have been saving this rant, where did the summer go and how come
I saw a couple of these critters last weekend...
Late night people, what music are you listening to??????
I know it is late, I rarely venture over into "the dark side" of DU, but
Okay, I just blew a speaker listening to Andy Williams
I've got "2000 Man" by the stones cranked
Guys--I really need some advice---pls.
Giant centipede 'was escaped pet' (news to think of as you go to sleep)
Is it me, or do we have a lot of n00bs joining lately
Mr. Heidi, the ultimate Trekkie, said . . .
Favorite "World Weekly News" regular?
British Foreign Secretary urges US Secretary of State to rein in Bolton
a memorial ... from an Iraqi soul
Great LTTE in the Tallahassee Democrat!
Sometimes, a persons expressions of love.....
My freeper dad - a funny little story
I need a recommendation for an exercise watch that monitors heart rate
I am glad the beers wore off and I thought better of e-mailing her....
Corned beef, swiss Cheese and Onion Omelet
Anyone been watching "Building an Empire: Rome" on the History Channel?
God, the Glenn Miller Orchestra was good
I spent an hour typing out a post.
My Kingdom for a Bull Horn....
I'm never taking a picture of a sunset again...
Anyone heard DJ Danger Mouse's "Grey Album"?
Rollercoasters are fun! - Need a laugh ??
"The Exorcism of Emily Rose" (NO SPOILERS)
What's up with me? I haven't worked in months.
Brosnan condemns Bush policies
Snow cone city - come on over!
My friend from college is on her way over...
I close my eyes only for a moment,and the moments gone.
Chef! Chef! Chef! Chef! Chef! Chef! Chef! Chef! Chef! Chef!
I hate the Fighting Irish because Kleeb and Kerry are part Irish.
What's up with Google? It hasn't worked in days.
Does anyone actually get converted by Chick tracts?
Any DU'ers ever go to Amelia Island in Florida?
Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff!
it's official...i hate my mother
Jalapeno peppers .. chopped, fingers ... eyes
The official Michael Brown whines that he's a scapegoat song thread!
Central Michigan University has an interesting job opening
Yo Lounge - anybody know how to set up an RSS feed for a podcast?
I have hit the limping factor....
Mike Chertoff has apparently logged into DU:
Want to watch a classic movie right now?
Morning breaks...the pain remains, sigh
I nominate a new Lounge hero: Dr Ben Marble!
Which movie(s) would you choose?
tech qestion - what causes .gifs to lose their animation?
The How F*cked by Bush You Are Test (Quiz)
I got accused of being a sexist on this board. . .
This is just too good! Take a look!
OMG THIS IS HUGGY!!!!1111!!!@!
If you don't like the news then press eject
Remember speeches when you were in High school?
progmom on the air now 'til 2pm eastern time- post your jazz requests here
Moose hunting Joke--no slam on Norway--it's just a joke
Flying on a wing and a prayer... posting but leaving the house....
"Dogpile" may be a useful service, but it's really a tacky name
I just discovered spaghetti squash
'Bareback Mountain' Wins Top Venice Award
[PIC] Nature gives Bush a message.
Could someone give me a link or at least a highlight of George Carlin
We're approaching 18 million posts! (nt)
When I woke up this were on my mind
Best Firefox extensions/ plugins?
I just downloaded a sh*tload of music.
I was prescribed zoloft by the same doctor who prescribed strattera.
LOL! had to debunk our DU *-Katrina photoshopped pics
How many Years are they going to let me post on Fwee Wepubwik anyway?
Crispini, have you spent all day on Snopes?
What is the best way to win at chess?
Local yokel likens Flight 93 memorial design to Islamic crescent
Skinner maintains his sense of humor...
If a person has too many people putting him/her on ignore, does that then
Seeing signatures seems like a novelty.
At what point would you buy a new lounge chair?
My wife says we've never gone out to eat where we needed reservations!
I just walked in on my mom rockin-out..
My husband is hell bent on leaving this country.....
My god she killed another songbird!!! She is heartless
If you criticize Blanco and Nagin then you hate Louisiana and New Orleans
The Days of Our Lounge casting call
I have discovered a new singer to obsess over!
Anybody know what song Kanye West performed last night?
Michigan is losing to Notre Dame
What miraculous things can your pet do to amaze and astonish you?
jpgray is the biggest drama queen of all
OMG!! I spent $1,000 on camera stuff! That hurt!!!
How do we go about "catapulting" our own propaganda?
I think I'm going to take a nap.
Anyone ever reflect on the similarities between The Soprano's
Katrina: Al Quaida released butterflies in Bangledesh!!!
I am planning to be in Manhattan
I have the power to turn things into stone - according to some stupid quiz
Quotes from the American Taliban:
Dog lovers! Look at this pick I found on-line!!!
Today is my parents 62nd Wedding Anniversary....
Breaking!!!! Bush Nominates "Brownie" to Supreme Court!!!
Found out something sad tonight
Food fight at Olive Garden--beware of flying meatballs......
Cool thing we saw tonight in a classically red suburb
I Can't Afford My Gasoline (funny!)
Robert Fripp, Porcupine Tree and Negativland ALL IN THE SAME WEEKEND!!!
I have a question about crocs (the shoes)..
To the person who posted that he liked ponytails: thanks!
My Friend's Cat...To Pet Or Not To Pet
Has anyone else ever dislocated their knee cap?
Has anyone seen The Aristocrats?
Some disgusting things my coworkers are saying about NO.
I just took a picture of my husband's butt (clothed) while he's napping
"Pill" is now officially a verb
The official Ohio State vs Texas game thread
I've seen all your pets, so here's mine
Time for an influx of College Football
Does sundog post too many inane threads?
Bob Boudelang asks: "What happened to that American "Can’t Do" spirit? "
Women--where do you buy your work clothes/suits?
Bush and Katrina: Lihop, Mihop, or Hiphop?
Hurricane Katrina: Really BIG SNAKES! (pix)
Would all the gay or lesbian people check in?
Ode to a Rose ~ please add your "Rose" favorites ...
Teenage angst due to changes in brain wiring?
Time favors gay-marriage proponents
Lawmaker announces alternative
I'm hoping to do Graduate Work in LGBT Politics.....
Congrats to the Ohio University Bobcats!
ND - Top 5 tomorrow? The pollsters always over-react to
One game each for the BoSox and the Yanks so far
OSU or Texas? Michigan or Notre Dame?
OMG!! Penn State's won 2 in a row!!
Hey Chicago White Sox fans! When did the Sox start wearing Kelly Green?
Ferral Kittens and their mom -pics
John Kerry to Deliver Supplies to New Orleans Area
But why doesn't Kerry DO something?
Just got back from the Kerry rally
Sigh. He's BAAAACCCCKKKKKK.....The Daily Bolton
I went practicing my timing (action) today at my school's college football
I was on the front page of the Detroit Free Press and Detroit News
my community is allegedly 80% Repub, I gotta give some credit
The Great Commission: He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved
MSNBC- FEMA Chief Sent Packing. How about "Commander in Chief Sent Packing
Affirming the Consequent / Denying the Antecedent
With rejoicing, I'm sticking around
S.IckyCacodemon's Obstinant R is Quite Telling (audio)
Boston Globe headline story w/ swat team photo today,
President's Approval Rating Dips Below 40
Clift: If there’s an upside to Katrina (the Republican agenda "is over")
Putin on Mount Athos pilgrimage
Deficits are not falling as Repub talking points suggest
"My girlfriend raises Arabians. Horses and people are different"
One more time. Let's dispel the Hollywood/liberal myth.
Is it my imagination, or are the areas of NO that are flooded all poor?
Michael Brown..... Dumped? Did I miss something???
"If you don't want blame game, quit blaming local officials"...Dean NPR
* was just protecting his base
Tin foil hat theory of that day RE: the reich/ homeland security
Boston Globe: "Bush tries to rebound from public opinion slide"
Bush Radio Address: 9/11, Iraq and Katrina
Gen. Kevin Byrnes, Ft. Monroe, VA, TRADOC......
Powell admits his Iraq WMD claim is 'painful blot'
Anyone knows what was Mubarak's political template?
FBI clearance of Michael Brown?
The White House proudly presents Bush, a baby, and 9/11
PLACE YOUR BETS before Bush delivers this morning's radio address
DU this poll: Cindy Sheehan: Her Right or She's wrong
RNC Talking Points - September 9th - 11th - 'Catapulting' for Bush.
Colin Powell knows Iraq war based on lies-why is he still for it.
Great image posted on dailykos!
America, Red and Blue, they're on our doorsteps. What will we do?
German Plane With Katrina Aid Turned Back
Governor Bush vs Governor Blanco
If MSNBC strokes Bush any harder, they'll start taking off skin...
Have you sent Pelosi words of encouragement?
Hey New Orleans, this is what happens if you "vote the wrong way."
White House photos of that special "Go FUCK yourself Mr. Cheney" moment
Genevieve Wood hates herself (Center for a Just Society)
"Talking Points" should be replaced with the term "Wall of Lies"
I hope the final NOLA body count will be ZERO...
Where is Michael Brown's wife? I haven't seen her in any photo opp.
Government Intervention in Stock Market is Detailed
Bush Has Another Way to Screw The Gulf States
John and/or Elizabeth Edwards contact info?
The people who buy the Bush "Wall of Lies", his freeper & naive
On Sundance: "With God-Bush" A fascinating history of the Evangelical
Newsweek flash: Bush approval 38%, 57% have lost confidence
Interesting old Shrub story....
NYT: Political Issues Snarled Plans for Troop Aid-sorry if already posted
Hidden gem in recent polling data:
A New Opposition Party. Discussion!
"Free Speech Zones"=One of Many Repressive Tactics to Deprive
Fine, perhaps, this is something that we, as Democrats, need to take a
Do you agree with forced evacuations?
Bush links September 11 to 'challenge' posed by Katrina
SPECIAL Four Year Anniversary Poll: Bullhorn or Bullshit?
CNN: Gore airlifts victims from New Orleans (270 Katrina evacuees)
Brownie Chafes, Leaves Skidmarks Backpedaling
Trancript or recording of Pickles remarks at shelter?
Pyongyang Slavery Walk - Billmon
Professor Pollkatz has changed the scale on Bush's approval graph
First Person account of N.O. on This American Life
GOP plays Katrina SHAME GAME: New Grand Theft Election Ohio
Bush Eats Baby, Republicans Defend President
Did you all see Waxman's letter to Chertoff?
Are there any Constitutional attorneys in this forum?
Mike Brown put on desk duty while Michael Chertoff keeps up
Will FEBAR Bring Down the House?
"Mike Brown is a friend of mine and I wish him well, but ......."
How many people have died under Bush's watch?
Crises in New Orleans is History Repeating Itself
Katrina may cost as much as four years of war
Hey, why are they NOT using the Air Force's C-9 "Nightingale" Jet to Evac?
The REAL face of Katrina. What happened while Bush strummed and ate cake.
Newt Gingrich's new song: " I'm so glad.. to be...friends with Hercules -
"The People are winning the Blame Game b/c the press's covering the story"
Pay attention this time, Bush: "It's time to make those preparations."
Texas lawyer fired for talking about Rove
And just think I voted for the stupid bastard! Shrimper on CNN just now
Look what I found on freerepublic:
I think Bush will pick Michael Luttig for Sandra O'Connor's seat.....
Interesting info in new PEW poll: Fox viewers vs. everyone else
Guy James is on!! Keep it bumped,one of the best of the best....
Bush tax reform panel cancels Sept. hearings ("National Sales Tax")
What a fucking HEADLINE: "Rescuers collect dead, Cheney sounds upbeat"
Really now. What in the world was Bush DOING last week?
Why Sept 24 MUST be Non-Violent
"No Show Blanco" video from local news
Police Chief of Gretna on MSBNC right now blowing it.
Brown and Allbaugh - unusually close friends?
BBC: Bush pleads for 'spirit of 9/11'
Ironic slam to son and hubby ala Barbara Bush
Guess what the Bloatway Boys will concoct:
Did anyone find the picture from todays Boston Globe?
Bush* Administration. caught lying again. The government did Fecal
Anthrax Killer / What the Hell Ever Happened?
"This Divided State" documentary by Michael Moore
No Mr. Cheney relief effort IS IMPROVED NOT IMPRESSIVE
Compassionate Conservative CEO-Wives Book Club
Will the Government take American citizens out of their homes
Can anyone guess the source(s)?
Proposal for DU Group: Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
What Bothers most Peeps who watched THE AFTERMATH
Rummy's Freedom Walk - live on cspan 10am Sun -look for Bushville protest
Senator ADA ratings are why (new method researched)
Chris Jansing doing excellent program on ethics of NO response...MSNBC now
I think we are past the point of effectiveness for idiot son's coverups
A great Bill Maher show tonite on HBO
Katrina Death Toll May Not Hit 10,000
$$$ How much has Halliburton donated to Katrina relief funds??$$$
By the way, did the authorities arrest the MD who told Cheney off?
U.S. Can Confine Citizens Without Charges, Court Rules
Bush's Katrina Thought-Process Flowchart
Freedom Walk - CSPAN 10:00 AM EDT tomorrow
Does anyone else wonder about oil shortages?
Attn: Consitutional scholars -- Is there a provision for impeachment
New Newsweek Poll: Bush Approval 38% - record low.
other depressing
Time Favors Gay Marriage Proponents
Statement of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales on the Padilla Decision
It won't be long before Katrina takes more blame than Bill Clinton
Thought. Bush is so f*cked that he will quit in 2007...CHeney will
What is with your nation's in-ability to comply with NAFTA rulings?
Physician who told Cheney to go F*ck Himself detained
Test Your Conservative Ideology
Dean weighs in on Katrina (Must See VIDEO)
Sunday Morning Talk Show Lineup
How do we hold Dennis Hastert accountable for wanting to bull-doze NOLA?
Eminem's Video of MOSH, the one after the "election" in Nov. 04
"We're trying to do something, but they won't issue the orders..."FEMA vet
eBay auction of guy telling VP to F himself REMOVED AGAIN!!!????
Public howling turns tide for four-legged evacuees
Fidel Castro Announces Attack on Miami
Clark: "I want to hear your feedback and comments...
Newsweek: Katrina’s “Ultimate Casualty Could Be President George W. Bush”
Lakoff - Dems need to start framing post-Katrina now!
Rant: Dems tone-deaf on resentment against "freeloaders."
John Kerry to Deliver Supplies to New Orleans Area