Democratic Underground

Archives: September 12, 2005

That sinking feeling: Levees hurt lowlands, push sea toward city

'9-11 "Freedom March": fascist spectacle'

Bush the war flop

NYT: "Is He Winning? Taking Stock of the Forever War"

Diseases of rich deprive poor of drugs

Katrina Leads a Lobbyist to Reevaluate His Priorities

Aaron Broussard and Barbara Bush Audio Clips

WP- Katrina Leads a Lobbyist to Reevaluate His Priorities

Guardian: Mercenaries guard homes of the rich in New Orleans

Oliphant: Boston Globe: GOP Shoots Messenger and Other Dirty Tricks

Thomas L. Friedman: 9/11, 8/29

`Minnesota Nice' goes to war -Knight Ridder

The Iran trap

CNN hits new low

Rammed down our throats (GM crops)

Financial Times - EU Forest Fires Likely To Increase, Ministers Say

John Prescott - UK Deputy PM - Links Katrina, Global Warming - Guardian

Nat. Association Insurance Commissioners Examines Climate Risk (1st Time)

AGU Study - Increasing Arctic Vegetation Will Further Boost Warming

New Orleans May Be Unsafe For Ten Years - EPA Toxics Expert

From "Gee, Ya Think" Dept. - Bark Beetle Devastation, Climate LInked

Increasing Numbers Of Mother Orangutans Shot For Babies As "Pets"

Woods Hole - Greenhouse Plant Growth Spurt @ High Latitudes May Be Slowing

High-performance Computing May Improve Combustion Efficiency

Nick Kristoff - NYT - "The Storm Next Time"

Human Fingerprints On Climate Reach Back 2,000 Years - UC Study

New Upcoming UK Crops - Sunflowers, Tea, Sweet Corn - Guardian

Professor at Einstein's Alma Mater makes the environmental nuclear case.

In 4 Years Brazil Gets Its Old Dream Road from Sea to Shining Sea

Garang crash chopper 'healthy' - investigator

Police Hunt Down Protesters on Chilean Campus

Legal expert: Occupation legally over

Palestinians set synagogue ablaze in former Gaza settlement

Discovery Movie Tonight on 9/11

Two Pilots Revisit Their 9/11 (Boston Globe)

The Daily thread needs one more vote please

Powell speaks out on Iraq criticised Administration by Michael Stickings

Election changes on ballot-

"Scofflaws or Scapegoats? : Grand jury indicts two mid-level elections

Monmouth county NJ votes to buy Sequoia Advantage DRE

Sending letters with flyers to elections officials.

Just sitting outside looking south and...

Well, Robyn Robinson's lost her touch.

Do primary elections have the same polling times?

Question re: old computer game "Hammurabi" aka "Ruler"

BEST inkjet printer out there?

Barack Obama in Dallas on the 24th???

Houston.....diapers urgently needed at GRB

Rep. Conyers reports on Fighting BobFest

What the heck happened to the Packers today?!

Rick Santorum was ROBBED!!!! Robbed I'd tell ya

Don't give up Democratic seats. Support civil liberties groups!

This Discovery 9/11 movie

Sponsored link on DU front page inappropriately childish

What was the deficit situation around 1932?

Full court press on Blanco

If they try the terroism crap now they are too stupid for words.

OK, why is the "Jesus fish" suddenly a symbol of creationism?

Wanted: Dead or Alive

Can we attempt an honest account of the NOLA death toll?

today my freeper brother told me

My selfish reason for opposing this idiotic war

Reps. Kucinich and Tubbs Jones Call On President

Someone was talking about a property sales frenzy in NOLA going


154 dead recovered? BUSHSHIT! nt

"Leftist professors will be strung up."

4.5 yrs of photos & quotes.... WE MUST IMPEACH!

Peter Werbe sez: "Bush is the Master Of Disaster"

Update (my niece and abortion)

I just went to a site run by a.........

Nagin's and tent cities in mid-La did anyone catch what show it

Does anyone know about Full Metal Alchemist?

This is FAUX's game in a nutshell.

Media: They criticize us from the left, they criticize us

So, was the "Freedom March" a bust after all? (AMERICAblog)

Did anyone else at DU fly on Northwest recently? I flew today

What happened at the "Freedom Walk" in DC?

Please post all articles on body counts here.

They expect to lose 10,000 Republicans in the Katrina disaster...

remember PRobertson's book The New World Order + its Jewish conspiracy?

Obama has political nonsense speak down pat...great :(

Invented and tested: A pill to temporarily increase your IQ.

I am deploying to Hurricane Katrina Relief tomorrow (Monday).

I lit a candle...

Don't Ya Hate It When A Thread Gets Locked Before You Respond

If the Cheney Administration profits from rebuilding disasters

Louisiana Dem in Dallas, new address for gift cards donations.

What's the point?

Activist's arrest prompts questions about security powers/Scott Parkin

Lottery alert: Meg million is 200,000,000. Let's play for Katrina

Unrest in Bolivia (following in Cuba, Brazil, and Venezuela's foot steps?)

FEMA: We thought you were all right

on being poor..

RIP Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown

Special forum/group for DUer hurricane volunteer reports?

Article: Can anyone explain the bizarre call to keep aid convoy in S.A.

Kathleen Blanco Hates Black People

please delete

Have you seen this man?

Boy, sure are a lot of folks confessin' former sins today

MSM hates white people

"...he did not want to be identified as criticizing the White House."

Howard Dean Nails It - Not Racism, But Economic Elitism...

Favorite peace/protest song?

Katrina Cartoon Thread: best of the best

AP: Conflicts could keep Roberts from many high court cases

Remember: The Consitution is a FLOOR - NOT a ceiling

Maybe this is part of the reason that Bush....

Did anyone catch LKL tonight? A caller was cut off when she asked

Minimum Payments on credit cards to double; could someone provide

US law required feds to give Blanco advice she needed -- the feds failed

I know this is wrong, but I don't know why. My brother, the repuke

25 Mind-numbingly stupid quotes about Katrina

So what is up with this 'Freedom Walk'

Two questions: First one is about ex AG John Ashcroft and Crisco

Lee Greenwood puking out the national anthem on ESPN.

Does anyone else get the feeling this is bogus?....

Please DU this poll

Help! I need the link to download Oprah shows this past week done

Stinky Bushes Revealed: Confessions of ANOTHER Former Freeper

doesn't Katrina 'response' cancel 9-11 'response'?????

self-deleted. info found

K.Olberman LIVE on!

Republicans are walking contradictions ....

Kakistocracy - a formal term for what we've got in the USA

A proposal: Taxes for Katrina, fundraisers for Iraq War - not vice versa

Are There Fake "Support Kerry" Phone Scams Going On?

Thom Hartmann: You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government

Please DU this poll

Let America Be America Again...a thank you to my heroes

They're letting business owners into NO; why not pet owners?

Sen. Pete Domeneci on C-Span said Bush was tough on big oil.???


Hmmmm. Speaking of Voodoo Queens........

Just said on Larry King they are now not forcing people out of NO.

I'm really really RILLY concerned that

Some thoughts on tactics and the Roberts confirmation hearings

Something interesting on Google

Al Quaeda Would Be More Credible If Matt PUDGE Did the Monkey Bars

Blanco defends herself as well as the chimp!!!

Landrieu Escalates Rhetoric Against Bush, White House

Patterns. Bush has failed at everything he's done. 911 happened on

Update on parade - slogan request from last night & public responses

What was the character's name in Braveheart who betrayed

"The War At Home" - Racism?

So, Bush observed a moment of silence today. Let's list his other moments!

Any news on the two South African women Bush posed with in MS?

Bushbots up to no good. Want to know what they're up to?

Tonight on IFC - Weapons of Mass Deception

***HEADS UP TONIGHT! Visible Aurora forecast for Mid-Latitudes!****

Louisiana's senior senator Landrieu on Face the Nation said today....

NBC's David Schuster: Closet Democrat?

OK help me out with gment contracts to private firms re:katrina

Conservative Bushbots racial hate sites

My father is having cancer surgery tomorrow

How Many People Are Still Missing??

How ironic, pets and pet rescuers are rescuing HUMANS

With no Orwellian "Boogeyman" to blame his failure on, I expect an attack

Tomorrow's assignment - 1-877-SOB-U-SOB - Davis Bacon

Hey DU, do this, it will make some nice people happy.

Gandalf the Grey, said to Pippin (I think it was Pippin) in Return

Chris Rock: "That train ain't never late."

CSPAN Schedule Monday September 12

Interesting photo of the DoD "Freedom Walk"

Question re: American education

Does this mean they can privatize the weather? lol

DIRTY TRICKS!!! Phone campaign against Association Health Plans

Ok, what is up with all the Scientology crap at DU lately?

60 Minutes Andy Rooney:"If we took a vote tomorrow, NOLA would probably

OMG-- maybe not negligence but rather a strategy!!!

What is Tom DeLay doing in this picture?

Now look, dammit - leave Dubya alone !!!

No more fish for me

Poll: Ages of DUers, I'm sure this musta been done B4 but I don't recall

How Simple it is: They are reporting around 10% of what they are finding

Landrieu criticizes blame-setting by Bush administration

Detaining ( US )peace activist may be abuse of power: QC

NATO Prepares for Afghan Deployment of UK Troops

Heating Oil Prices Expected to Surge

U.S. military clearing way for nuclear weapons use

Ditch Holocaust day, advisers urge Blair

Under Pressure, Rebels Abandon an Iraqi Stronghold

WP: New Orleans Police Keep Public Trust, Private Pain

Bush 'squandered' post 9/11 goodwill - Gulf press

Treaty Offers World's Last Chance to Save Great Apes

Mercenaries guard homes of the rich in New Orleans

Hundreds join Sheehan in rally against Iraq war

Thousands flee as US troops battle to banish Sunni rebels

Blanco says Louisiana had good response efforts (refuses to blame Bush)

WP: On the (Pentagon's) Freedom Walk, Many Bridges to Cross

Backlash over Blair's school revolution; plans condemned by ex-Sec. of Ed.

Katrina shows need for more refineries

Body Search Accelerates as Death Toll Keeps Rising

GOP war support showing cracks

Missed opportunities for Osama (US had one chance, and blew it)

WP: Katrina Leads a Lobbyist to Reevaluate His Priorities

Ridge cautions against rush to judge FEMA

JAGGER SLAMS BLAIR OVER IRAQ (Downing St. Memo reference)

Rescued Dogs Airlifted From Gulf Coast :)

Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says Blair adviser

A comical anecdote from the biography of Jock Stein.

Check in here if you'll watch the Roberts confirmation hearings tomorrow

Official gratuitous Simpsons thread

I'm not a betting woman, but I know my Evita could beat Matcom's pug

"Google" the word "Santorum" & look at 1st item listed (WARNING: R-rated)

Did you hear? McDonalds is eagar to help out Katrina victims!

I saw the trailer for "Serenity", out on 30 September...

While you were out . . .

Is the West Wing on tonight a rerun or a new one?

Subscribing to podcasts (Mac)

Happy knee karma!

My sports luck will never be this good again...


Wow, "The War at Home" looks like a real piece of shit

I am listening to an Ed Trickett CD right now

Who is the REAL Kojak?

ABC's plan to air "Invasion" about weird events post Hurricane

Anyone here burn videos onto DVD?

I don't think there should be a Top 10 Conservative Idiots list this week

What is this year's NCAA championship Bowl game?

"Family Guy" time

I've had a sex change

"no more crap fox shitcom shows" time

Is there a patrician in the house?

A truly uplifting story of employment from

Everything old is new again...

"American Dad" time

Holy crap....

To my friend KW, Indians 10 Minnesota 0

Sometimes I curse my curiosity, especially when it leads me to places like

My wife will be home in a few minutes

Pimp your town, starring Robert Moses.

International House of Panckakes: MIHOP, LIHOP, or IHOP?

Visit SpeakSpeak News

Does Metallica make songs, or just album covers?

My New T-Shirt

Steve Earl is totally diggin on his guest

If you can't accept responsibility, you can't handle power.

Appropriate punishment for sportscasters saying, "ARE YOU KIDDIN' ME?"?

My Firefox scrapbook extens. turns all quotes (") char. to quest. marks(?)

Favorite single-digit integer?

Found an awesome film crit/commentary site - link....

Anyone else out there like Ladysmith Black Mambazo?

Cheese & Onion Sandwich

"Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Bush"??? I kid you not--on a 2005.

I'm watching "Fahrenheit 9/11" now

What's the best damned Joy Division track in all of history?

Another great Blues man gone

When's the last time a night DJ did an all-Floyd-a-thon?

Call me late - just watched WMD on IFC

Well, I have just made a life-altering decision

"Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney"

Let's DU the Freep Poll

"George Bush doesn't care about black people"

"Jesus fish bra"

Would adults with no teeth check in here

Row row row your boat ...........

Interesting story about my friend's friend

Ever accidentally put someone on Ignore?

Play the WMD game

A shout out to the Admins and Mods

Enough silliness for tonight

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Watched 5 minutes of "Gay Republicans" & had to turn it off!

A strange kitty with a Hitler moustache just ran into my living room!!!

Andy Goldsworthy: Yea or Nay?

You Think You're A Man

Ever accidentally put me on ignore?


Vikings will do no better than 7-9 this year

A Spirit Returns A New Baby in the Family

Football season is...

After a lifetime of searching, I've finally found it.

Don't Ya Hate It When A Thread Gets Locked Before You Respond

Sine, Cosine, Tangent

I'm looking for a photo of Condi...

Gas price check!

I have no talent and I need help

I Hate it When my Neighbor is BBQing when I come home

I now have an informant for that cute waitress...

New blog--"Who's Really Screwing Up America?"

is there an electrician in the house?

Did anyone else at DU fly on Northwest recently? I flew today

What are you reading right now?

So, I had a nervous breakdown.

If vibrators also fired bullets, they'd be protected under 2nd Amendment

Intheflow made it to Houston tonight...

G. W. Bush: The Boy in the Bubble

Who Are Your Favorite Female Rock Performers?

Calls being accepted by Schwartzie-Pass it on: down all day today

THE Catch of The College Football Season!!!

Where would you find this quote?

Anyone want to join in ?

Another positive Kerry thread

Kerry, Lawmakers: U.S. Isn’t Prepared for Next Attack

Posted this about intheflow in the Lounge

RE: Pat Robertson won two EPPY awards...

The party of Compassionate Competents is what I

more Americans killed in Who-gives-a-stan than any year since 2001

The one question * or Puffy McMoonface can not spin .. BUSH KILLER

Cancer Alley

did From ever implement his plan to save the Democratic Party?

I met a Syrian Christian today......

9-11 - Wasn't Cheney supposed to announce that bin Laden had

Powell speaks out on Iraq criticised Administration by Michael Stickings

Bush Suspends Wage Law For Federal Contracts

U.S. Corporate Structure to Disguise a Government Program in Venezuela

The NOLA body count is under 200?

Political blast from the past. Bush's 2000 acceptance speech

Here's What We Need To Ram Home Now.........

FREEPER Christian Right-Wing Folks Have Turned the Page!

Don't give up Democratic seats: Support civil liberties groups instead!

You will want to frame the latest "New Yorker" cover. It's beautiful.

Cincinnati---Mayor's race evolves into real contest

On IFC TV Right NOW! Weapons of Mass Deception

Something I think is funny

Conyers: Newsweek Nails New Orleans Debacle ("How Bush Blew It")

Conyers: Return from Fighting BobFest

At Last

Dean made 2 vital points last week: No to Roberts, stall bankruptcy bill.

What does this mean, "Only if you answer to the White House?

A Former Bush-Appointed Official Is Calling For A New, Independent,

MSNBC: Bush, "eager to show hands-on leadership in the recovery effort"...

Raw Story: "Bush poses on military ship; plans sleepover"

Imagine that you are a repub running for re-election in 2006, do

FEMA Chief Brown Paid Millions in False Claims to Help Bush Win Fla. Votes

U.S. Papers Miss That GAO Will Audit Federal Contracts For Gulf Coast

So, How did you spend your September 11th Today?

If Impeachment Begins With the Judiciary Committee

So Dubya Gump is coming to the Mississippi coast TOMORROW

Al Gore in perfect position to run in 2008?

Who Has Seen the "Farenhype 9/11" movie

Extraordinary Circumstances,O'Connor's Replacement, and the Nuclear Option

Kerry, Lawmakers: U.S. Isn’t Prepared for Next Attack

LAT - The real costs of a culture of greed (EPA - N.O.=Lake George)

FEMA officials' attempt to curb reporting of storm's grim aftermath ...

Storm's hidden effects troubling (Alabama)

Littlest Victims: The luckiest ones are merely displaced (Sat 1377 kids)

Cigarettes, the CIA and Iran-contra

U.S. Mulling New Generation of Land Mines

AlterNet: Overkill in New Orleans (Blackwater Mercenaries)

FEMA Head Refuses to be Evacuated from Office-"You'll never take me alive!

Krugman: All the President's Friends


America: Like a Rolling Stone

U.S. Leads the World in Sale of Military Goods

Rethinking disaster plans, San Jose CA Mercury News

Moves to deport a US anti-war activist are a serious abuse of power.

Unwagging the Dog

The War of Unintended Consequences

In Your Face, America: The Buscho Scams!

The White House Under Water (New Yorker)

George W. Bush Still Rocks!

Again the NO disaster is blamed on the people

Rep McKinney Special Order Censored (by CMcKinney)

The buck stops at the Oval Office

Bush blew it (msnbc + newsweek) several pages worth

Three Disasters for Bush (DetFP columnist)

Proud To Be A 62-Percenter

Novak: Replacing O'Connor could get ugly (predicts Owen)

FEMA Chief(Brown) Pd Millions out in False(FLA)Claims,re:04Election

American Welfare


Easy stuff-please DU!

DU meeting @ DC Protest March - details please..

Protests to greet Arroyo in NY

Why does media pretend FEMA needed local approval to go in to NO?

If the "media" really was liberal

WSJ: Why Levee Breaches In New Orleans Were Late-Breaking News

What happens if the U.S. decides to stiff China, in regard to the debt we

Organic Yields on Par with Conventional and Ahead During Drought Years

August 2005 was globally the third warmest August on record

Common Pesticide May Reduce Fertility in Women

Group: Hippos Face Extinction in Congo

Heating oil prices could become 'life or death' this winter

Inflated prices for natural gas poised to burn school budgets

Obesity Linked to Urban Sprawl

Imagine "green reconstruction" of New Orleans

9/12 Ophelia 215 ESE Charleston Max Sustained 75 985 Mb - Will Move NW

The sky did not fall down (Tom Segev)

Haaretz (Monday): IDF pulls last troops from Gaza

Israeli ex-general dodges British war crime charge

The ground zero protest was in the NY Post

Village Voice covers 9/11 Protests

The Resistance Paradox of the WTC Collapses

9-11 Conspiracists Invade Ground Zero

Why the OH Election is relevant to the Katrina Disaster

LA Times: Political Landscape May Shift on Displaced Voters (Katrina)

Help! Anybody here a Mambo developer?

Electronic Voting: Voters will like touch screens, but it's a leap of fait

do y'all know about the event in Oakland tomorrow?

Now that you have your Election Truth CD-ROM, what have you done with it?

Voting Research Center Opens

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News MONDAY, 09/12/05

The SECRET COUNTING of the Gulf Coast Dead

Does TIA hang out somewhere else now?

help create a list of current and potential supporters in the media

Feinstein backs Angelides for California governor

Can Someone Tell Me About Gallegy (24th district), Lungren (3rd) or Issa

Bob Fitrakis book tour

Contact the Govenator NOW!!

Tell the Governor to Do the Right Thing!

Former Sioux Cityan undertaking run for Congress - Loebsack

Can Someone Tell Me About King (5th district) ?

Does anyone have a van or truck to take donations to Cape Cod?

What's the deal on donating goods for the evacuees in Minn?

Can Someone Tell Me About Chabot (1st district) ??

Hurricane Katrina Rental Assistance

Can Someone Tell Me About Gohmert (1st district) & Smith (21st) ?

No politics here, I'll admit

New address for gift cards - Louis Rainey - LA Dem Party

Can Someone Tell Me About Green (8th district) ?

A Spirit Returns A New Baby in the Family

After Camp Casey packed up from the loaned land in Crawford...

CNN Blanco Timeline (Repeat) on in a few minutes.........

Any Political Consultants out there? I need some career advice.

The "80/20 Rule" strikes again.

Hah! Freedom Walk Video from MYKERU

Samarra....a soldier was killed Sun; Appointment in Samarra by O'Hara +

How do we thank the rest of the world?

Man On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown --pix->>>

Has anybody seen this?

This is a neat trick.

NOLA, AL, MS + WH, FEMA + the world--The Good Samaritan

Is Turd Blossom losing his touch?

I want the Boss to write another verse to "Souls of the Departed;"

True story: * supporter yelled at us on our street corner . . . .

National Geographic predicts New Orleans Flood in October 2004

Gee Dubya: An essay in pictures (dialup warning)

Did the WH Put Up This Display for the Bush/Firemen Photo-Op? --pix->>>

Ohio High School has 64 Pregnant Students

What's about the announced KATRINA forum?

What is tombstoning? Is this what happened to Stinky Bushes posts?

9/12 TAKE ACTION!!! -- Last chance for many pets, "Monday's Promise"

Why do threads dissapear

Is Bush creating a new wave of hippies?


NEVER FORGET! (9/11) "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US"( AUG 6TH PDB)

What do you love?

"How Bush Blew It."

Have some FUN here: We Can't Afford Our Gasoline!

Two Questions For Conservatives...

DC 9/11 REMIX (In case you never saw it)

National Geographic tells it in 2004 like it is today's news MUST READ

I gotta say, today I was reading and the story was so sick

???BBC: some Catholic leaders implicated in Rwanda massacres?????

Roberts confirmation hearings today on C-Span 3 (11:30am EST)

George Bush Doesn't Like Black People Produced By Kanye West

Has anyone seen "The Seventies"

Anyone have the link to the NYT article about the Gritna Police...

DU this poll

So * made another entrance on a ship...

Thoughts on 9/11 anniversary

Potentially USEFUL Q: Total Net Worth Bush Fam. & Cheney 2000 vs. Now?

MUST READ: How Bush Blew It - Newsweek Sept 19th issue

Nagin and the Chimp photo op

Two meme's circulating in European media

Why is Pat Robertson getting money for Katrina relief?

"signs that things are getting better"

MSNBC This Morning's Imus show was very interesting they

'I was a Brownie for a year, and take it from me Mike Brown is no Brownie'

Gov. Blanco's grave mistake.

LOL...Imus showing the pic of dumya and daddy fishing...

Ignore US threats on Iran: Yashwant Sinha

Good morning ya'll anyone remember that 1-800 SOB U SOB #?

No mention of NORAD in History channel's depiction of 9/11 plane activity

For Malloy fans. Pickles pep talk

ABC News EXCLUSIVE: gov't knew about NOLA risks

Was the Model State emergency health powers act ever passed?

What did he know and when did he know it?

They cant handle the truth....

They cant handle the truth....

Coming soon to someplace near you -> Bring Them Home Now Tour

NOW I know why the "Left Behind" books are so popular with Repubs

What's going on with the Roberts' hearing today?

NYT's Krugman: "All The President's Friends":

I've got to stay away from the news...

Steve Bell: The Spirit of 9/11

Here's a quote that shows what's wrong with this country.

Oh geez. He's got his blue shirt, sleeves rolled up, & silver-trim belt on

CNN - Bush in N.O. to kick some butt.

Now let's all roll up our sleeves & Rebuild......... bush's Image


FEMA's email response regarding Pet Rescues- Incompetence doesn't end!



Should Nagin screw NO and continue to antagonize * to make DUers. . .

Go F yourself Cheney

The Most Disgusting Photo from Yesterday's 9/11 Memorial

This is why it's Bush's fault

N.O. doctors killed critically ill patients rather than leave them to die

Interesting tidbits from the Wash. Post about the "Freedom" Walk

WTF, what do you mean no one wanted to interrupt that asshole's vacation

I snuck into the Freedom Walk rally (pic)

Faxing Congress via e-mail - is this still possible?

Is the USA still "occupying" Iraq?

Three, many Bush "tours" to NO, at what cost?

The Future of New Orleans...

A 'borrowed' car -- and she's out

Were all the citizens & guns in NO taken out just so * could walk around?

CNN trying to rebuild The Wall, but some reporters not playing along?

MSNBC Poll Today/Bush performance on Katrina

Question re: property rights in NOLA

The Birth, Life, and Death of Extremist Groups

Los Angeles police chief DISMISSES terror "threat"

Top 10 Ways To Be A More Effective President.

Hurricane Ophelia Determined to Strike - Does FEMA Know?

Good CNN segment earlier with Soledad & CNN economic correspondent

(BOOM!) IRS boosts mileage rate to $.485 per mile (8 cent increase)

Compendium of best local blogs for Katrina - great for researchers

Cynthia McKinney: "impeachment" censored in Congressional Record

I think it's good he's going to New Orleans

we can fix ANY problem america has, with enough PHOTO OPS

Joe Simpson on the Atlanta Braves yesterday.

Some shelter tenants forced to give spots to evacuees

Check Out DemocracyNow.Org - live streaming from NO- Blackwater Corp.

all through yesterday's 'moment of silence', I heard thousands screaming

The Gropenfuher is holding a "Townhall meeting" Friday on Socal.

Government is NOT the problem. BAD government is!

Here's all you need to know about the "freedom march" mindset

Rasmussen continuing to trend down for the misleader -

Just like Iraq playbook..."School is open in Gulfport!"

The FBI a part of Search and Rescue in New Orleans?

"America Supports You Freedom Walk"

Corporate Whore Media using Katrina to play the American people

Daily Show Evolution show makes front page KC Star

"bush did NOT make the hurricane happen"

Why the OH Election is relevant to the Katrina Disaster

Malik Rahim on Dem. Now, 10:15amCT, Link TV: showing

Does anybody have an idea of how many NO victims were on welfare?

"There is hardly any difference between the parties and it's going to have

While Louie's Horn Gently Weeps....apologies to George

Bush was responsible BEFORE Katrina. Just look at his policies.

I've had it

Breaking: Bush spontaneously begins singing kumbaya with black children!

Your 2008 candidates of choice

"Ming Mouse" China's Disneyland opens.

Ben Stein Blames Media: "real story is that the mainstream media rioted."

Boy look at all of the coverage of recovering bodies on CNN!

Al Qaeda determined to commit levee mischief - SATIRE (long)

The Boy in the Bubble and More Scared Shitless Than Ever

A problem with this weeks Top 10 Conservative Idiots

FEMA officials' attempt to curb reporting of storm's grim aftermath unjust

Why Bush* is not providing direct aid to NOLA...

If Democrats get the majority in '06, will any Repukes switch?

Are the USA commiting suicide ?

HS/FEMA withheld services on purpose from NOLA.

It's Official - You CAN NOT question the motives of Bush

Julian Bond: George Bush should put a muzzle on his mother

Hey Kids..... River is back! (Baghdad Burning)

Just watching Bush Live on CNN

Bush answering questions on CNN....

Will there be a "Scotty's Playhouse" today? If so, please post

My dad's cancer surgery

2fer: GALLOWAY vs Popinjay & AILES vs Lachlan MURDOCH

Pentagon's DIA is War-Gaming for Iraq Pullout

Bush to take a "walking tour of the French Quarter"

Concerned - People need to know: "Bush's fishing" photo a fake.

"Mr. President, it might be 'hard work,' but..."

Aaron Macgruder was SPOT ON today...

Bush speaking now.Gag what a liar.

Michael Moore considering Katrina film

Caption this *, Blanco, & Nagin pic...

Blackwater Mercs in N.O. - "...authority to use lethal force..."

"latest video"

standing on the ground in new orleans ....

Joint Chiefs okay pre-emptive NUCLEAR strikes

"the bullet has been dodged"

Bush Poll on MSNBC, 80+ % disapprove of his actions

White Foragers Report Threat of Black Looters.

Do even the blasted Freepers take Annthrax Coulter seriously any more?

Great name for the Katrina Scandal: Standing Watergate

After the storm: what's wrong with America? (Scotland)

The GOP's "Southern Strategy"- They Pretend They Never Had One

This is no time to play the blame game. We need to work on helping people

Novak saying Bush will nominate Priscilla Owen

Mark your Calendar: Massive Flood of Impeachment Emails ! Sept 26th

I met my hero this weekend

If the fact that they tried to starve people out of NO doesn't saturate

What planet does ** live on?“"The rescue efforts were comprehensive".

Are we making too much of Nagin, Blanco, etc.?

Why John Roberts is a Frightening Choice for the Supreme Court

It just never ends.

Where is that thread about FEMA giving money to hurricane victims in 2004

Who is the man that issued a video taped terrorist threat against L.A.?

How many lives were saved by Superdome and Convention Center ?

Another reminder of how incompetent * is in keeping us safe...

9/11 commission said what about Saddam?

I feel kind of bad but not really

Isn't this the week SCOTUS decides to hear Sibel Edmonds case?

Have other presidents issued emergency declarations BEFORE disaster?

I can't wait till George tells us it's time to PLAY THE BLAME GAME!

Freedom Mrach held on workday so that working poor...

Listen for linkage of Socialism and Progressive and get out ahead of that

Hey Bush -- "Why is Blackwater Security patrolling NO @ $350/day ???

Mitt Romney is getting the Catholic treatment

Are these pictures REAL? (Second post with other photos.)

6 months after 9/11 but says...

more proof Homeland Sec. = dragons and gargoyles

My newest bumper sticker . . .

Comments don't appear to be hurting Kanye West

GGRRRRR I just called DiFi's office to lett them know

DNC: Is John Roberts Committed to Basic Rights?

Did Bush Bring His Own Props to the Fireman Photo-Op??? ---pix->>>

Great idea for a slogan, bumpersticker etc

Surprise, surprise..... more "NO BID" contracts.... in NOLA

John McCain sure is quiet....

Pics of Bush riding down streets of N.O. yesterday in military vehicle?

Newshounds !

Great pic on - needs a caption and someone to post -

More than you ever wanted to know about Blackwater.

Bush was SOOoooooo hoping that 9/11 would make everything better

HEY...Dr. Ben's auction: Cheney, Go "F***" yourself back on eBay!!

NYC and its 9/11 victims have been victimized once again...

Which is the greater morale boost to terrorists?

The New New Orleans.....

"It’s Not JUST New Orleans..."

Questions I would like to ask Judge Roberts:

The plan to make the rich grow richer is going oh so well.

"I'm A Conservative And I Don't Watch Fox Anymore"

I need info re: recruiting in Houston at the AstroDome and is it happening

The great job bush did for Florida hurricane victims last year??

Bush to use black preachers to try to pull his ass out of the fire

Looks like a red/green-alliance is taking over power in Norway.

You know what's REALLY funny?

Reminder, Truth Seekers

Someone needs to cuss out Bush like Dr. Marble did to Cheney

Are these pictures REAL? If this isn't the right forum, please direct me..

Program on Weapons of Mass Deception

ATTN: Al Franken

*Very* interesting. Go to

Husband bought me XM radio for my birthday......

Anyone see these great quotes by Obama and Landrieu?

why would the DEA be checking houses?

Need Free Dramatic Hurricane Pictures for a Billboard Presentation.

Has Bush affected the way The US. is now viewed worldwide?

Breaking: Mike Brown resigns from FEMA

Breaking: Mike Brown resigns!

Feingold to ask tough questions

Is Bush worse then Brown or is Bush worse then Brown...?

Did Nagin nod off behind * today?

They don't Vote (New Orleans) (MTV Interview)

Does anyone remember a posting

Democrats need to hammer Albaugh and no bid contracts now

Letter on asks Bush to help the NWA Union!

Racism and Classism -- We CAN walk and chew gum at the same time


AP: Baby born to brain-dead Mom dies

the legacy of ineptitude

Mike Brown Resigns!!!!

AP: Brown Resigns

Heard on the Al Franken show about Rick Santorum and the weather

Don't forget.. Mike Malloy is hosting Randi's show today

Life inside a bunker can be strange, especially in defeat."

Embattled FEMA Director Mike Brown Resigns

Here goes Hannity: " I believe we'll be hit by WMD within 10 years


Hands Off the Merchandise, Kid --pix->>>

CNN: "Miscommunication Delayed Response"

The John Roberts "stare"

Oh ya, gimme some sugar baby!

How many hours before the Hurricane hit, were people told to evac?

We now have an idea what to expect if terrorists strike again

coleman -- oklahoma -- who else thinks he's being threatened (roberts)

so we're too much of a democracy to accept help from Cuba?

Jack Cafferty speaking..yeeessss on CNN

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" T-shirts?

You are on notice -- Hell is going to freeze over shortly!

Coulter peddled Katrina falsehoods on Fox, but the truth sneaked in ...

If Malloy's sitting in for Randi (AAR)

Bush: "Look, there will be plenty of time to play the blame game."

VIDEO on KATRINA: Feedback needed!

T-shirt idea:

Another example of the "Department of Homeland Looting"

Another example of the "Department of Homeland Looting"

bleach for New Orleans--or a biological alternative

Private Military on US Soil

Roberts Testifying: Let the fireworks begin!!

Caption this Rummy pic...

Like animals in a zoo

Seattle's AAR station is broadcasting Tom Hartmann instead of

How do Bush's current poll numberscompare to past presidents?

Malloy kicking ass and taking names on Randi's Show today!!!!

Can you think of a better way to exchange long protein strings?

$50 to fill up my minivan yesterday. How are the poor doing it?

Glenbeck now playing 9-11 newscasts - Hannity still no mention of Brownie

Need help with freeper e-mail re: buses not used...I know I saw

AOL NO BRAINER POLL. re Brown Resignation.

A Journalist and Blogger Tries Teaching (NYT)

Tribune; Chertoff waited 32 hours to make key disaster designation

How do you go from doing a good job, to being removed from assignment,

Don't get misdirected in debate on Race vs. Class & N.O. victims

in the aftermath of Katrina, who is The Good Samaritan?

Lying liar Bush, just keeps on lying and relaxing while America crumbles

Brown Resigns!!! On MSNBC Now....

Batman & Robin is on HBO now. Makes me glad I don't live in CA.

"Mr. President, would you be willing to admit...

Sen Cornyn: "We know a lot about Roberts because..."

National Democratic campaign website???

Don't let them call LYING "typos" and "misquoted statements"

Girl stunned by photo of mutilated dad in school DUI presentation

How many republicans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Great pics (PIC HEAVY)

From Yahoo news... (45 bodies found in NO hospital)

Do you know YOUR regional FEMA director? I do, now...

Bush remains in Blame-Game mode

So, one down, who's next?

Caption this Fishing trip.

Access denied - Brilliant article from the Guardian.

OMG! Rude Pundit takes on Barbara Bush

45 Bodies Recovered from NO hospital

Shocking: Brown Resigns!

Bush couldn't find his ass with both hands and a coon-hound.

A surprise. Nancy Grace on Roberts nomination.

Brown Resigns and the Bush Admin is on its heels...

If Malloy's sitting in for Randi (AAR)

CNN: "A Major portion of L.A. has lost power"

Who hear remembers the World Series last year? The

Didn't the Bush Administration just introduce the "Family Penalty"..?

Heatbreaking story on Montel Williams show just now.

Purple Tea Party

Jeff Greenfield on CNN: Brown is larger indictment of Bush presidency

All Brownie did by resigning was prove his loyalty to the idiot and the

Massive Power Outtages in Downtown Los Angeles?

Don't ya'll feel safer????? n/t jeebus

Folks, we are turning into a third world nation

lol check out Bush's "Sheep of America prayer"

I cannot believe how much our own Administration is terrorizing us.

Can I ask one simple question?

"Maybe you know something I don't know. I've been working,"

Of COURSE his poll numbers are up--Yesterday was 9/11. I mean,

So now it's TWICE that major cities have lost power--think Cheney's energy

Oliphant toon shows Brownie being tossed over the side

Hannity still hasn't mentioned Brownie reignation - you know this bad

LAPD Headquarters now without power...

Did you have a lapse on and shortly after 9/11?

Say that again? 'Things are going relatively well'

CNN Poll: Bush at 46%

Patrick Rhode, new FEMA poster boy

Power Outage in Studio City , Sherman Oaks. Appears to be pretty

Blitzer on CNN "New poll #'s coming out this hour on Bush"

Is there a section on DU for "MEDIA"

In No. California we usually get a heads up about rolling blackouts

Senator Boxer throws us a bone in her reply to me about investigating

How did Michael Brown....

Caption this...

Hey, didn't we give blivet** a yacht last year? Why wasn't IT used in the

I'm so disappointed that I voted for John Kerry and will never do it again

(Photo)Caption this: It's the George Bush limbo!!!

International Aide and Los Angeles

Brown fell on his sword, IT AIN'T ENOUGH!!!

PHOTO: When I want to look like ah'm doin' hard work. . . . . .

ROVE: "blame the victims and move on." interesting read...

Power back on in Studio City* Is power back on in your area?

On CNN...a major portion of Los Angeles has

Katrina knocks power out of Bush Spin Machine - Village Voice article.

Bush Picks New FEMA Head Without Knowing Previous One Resigned

My, what a wonderful day to wreak a little mayhem on Los Angeles

Los Angeles people- while we have your attention- go here

Are there any real photos of the Freedom walk?

Does anybody know if some of Los Angeles has lost power?

Did Bush really offer Crawford to evacuees?

"They have failed to protect our nation and prepare us for adversity."

"The federal response to Katrina was not as portrayed" -- help me answer,

SUBWAY pulls French/Chicken Ad

Is this helpful? --bush pix->>>

I fear that I have figured out the freep mindset....

It's comforting to know we can count on "The Situation Room"

Huffington> 45 Bodies Found at New Orleans Hospital

reporter should asked Bush: will you stop app'ting unqualified cronies?

Remember when Andrew Card said Bush was our father and protector?

Wow!! It sure is great that Congress passed that "energy bill"

The Mike Brown Margarita

Firefighter to head FEMA?

UN reform gutted because of Human Rights issues. Bolton at work.

For anyone interested, a video of Mary J Blige belting out U2's One

Brownie's resume. Updated

CNN: "Is Bush damage control working?" We must stop the whitewash

R. David Paulison named as new FEMA Head

WP: July 31st - Brownie had sent memo he was leaving

Bush is as competent in his job - as Brown was with his - Right or Wrong?

On a lighter note - mind candy for another bad day

Why does Bush lie so much. He said he hadn't heard about Brown's

Last night on IFC channel

Important POST! Please pay heed! Do you want to help? Here is how!

If Clinton was so so bad, why do they always go running to him for help?

Last Gallup poll said 45%, This one says 46% = No Real Change (not "up")

Blanco Video

Simon Schama: Out of Noble 9/11, Deceit. Out of Ignoble Katrina, Truth?

'Racist' police blocked bridge and forced evacuees back at gunpoint

What is up with John Roberts and that stupid grin?

LOL -- interesting U.S. News cover....

New FEMA Head is Old Duct Tape and Plastic Guy

Tweety is making me sick - LA Power outage

* Admits That He Knew NOLA Was A Ticking Time Bomb

I swear, the Democratic Party needs a fast reaction team

Re: Brown - what if it became a trend

Hat tricks and ass-hats......

self-delete -DUPLICATE

From the CNN/USAToday/Gallup poll--the actual numbers

Outsourcing the President

Did you notice the NO mayor's body language during

Robert's statement about "Umpires" shows me that he needs a ...

Katrina pictures from MS Gulf Coast

Scottie "clarifies" Bush*s statement (re Brown resignation)

French government and private aid efforts as of September 12

Baby Born to Brain-Dead Va. Woman Dies

Bush has the entire USA on high alert because of a threat by a goat farmer?

POWER OUTAGE...KNBC goes black as LA Power & Water goes on air

Did I miss the CNN report about *'s rising poll #'s?

Los Angeles will be fine. Please stop the tinfoil hat crap

OK, when you read about the LA blackout, did you think "terrorists," OR

Sign for the Protest March

Power Outages - All Hell Is Breaking Loose

Human Rights Campaign (GLBT equality) makes Nazi Santorum #1 target

WaPo/ ABC poll - Bush at 42% All time low for that poll

SWFL schools open doors to Katrina victims

"It has NOTHNG to do with terror" says Wolfman, says Tweety...No fear,

Why are the oil companies burning off so much fuel in Los Angeles?

WTF? Susan Malveaux???

Question about Brown's replacement Paulson.

Brownie says: you shoulda seen the nuts on this horse! caption this pic

Wounded soldiers in Iraq...anyone have the number?

Heads up, Carolinians! The latest on Tropical Storm Ophelia

Major power outage in LA

I've learned my lesson - re flame bait

Breaking News: Bush will fly over Los Angeles

Bodies found at NO hospital

Okay, "accidental" severed wire that they have not even located yet.

Overstock is a "blue company"

My daughter is getting out of the army

Did you see that article in the paper about the body count being

where's my prize? Brown resigns saying he doesn't want to be a distraction

NOLA mayor's office says there has been another breech in the levee.

Bottomline: Brown resigned when he should have been FIRED!

Republicans Brought Back the "Poll Tax" in Georgia?

smirk hires the "funeralgate criminals" to process our dead

A bank has been asking customers to take HIV tests

Has anyone seen the big FAT W04 tattoo emblazoned on Wolf Blitzer's ASS?

MSNBC devoting all prime time programming to "What Went Wrong"

Animal Rescue Efforts Slow: PETA calls for government accountability

Q Mr. President, where were you when you realized the severity of the stor

S**t! Did you just hear Paula Zahn say that 70% of the

New FEMA head Paulison immediately uses duct tape to aid Nola

Even this little kid knows

Animal Rescue Help: Where's the best place to send stuff?

Don't you just love it when people steal your stuff and you find

CNN/AP: Utility Error Blamed for L.A. Blackout

I have heard that the Galloway-Hitchens debate........

Life in the Superdome...The lucky poor people Barbara Bush was talking

OK, so cool....the new FEMA guy could have fixed the hole in the Superdome

Conservatives Lash Out At Arnold Over Gay Marriage

CBS News now doing story on NY firefighters "wasted"

"It's simply amazing what people can do when a disaster strikes."

Bush denies racial discrimination cause of NOLA disaster.

How America brought McCarthy down: trailer for Good Night, & Good Luck

Where is the Red Cross?

What happened with Bushville?

What is wrong with Judge John Robert's teeth?


You know what thought scares me the most I'll tell you

Kennedy should ask Roberts what his opinion is on the infield-fly rule.

MSNBC -- another levee breach in NO

Treasury to force credit card companies to DOUBLE minimum payments!!!

This guy's fantastic!!! you gotta check this dude's site out

Any Calif IBEW members here? Question Re: million solar roofs bill

Would somebody PLEASE let me off Planet Bush? Anyone hear NPR this PM??

Ask Me No Questions......I'll Tell You No Lies

Democracy Now! Blackwater mercenaries ...unanswered questions

I feel so much safer with David Paulison at FEMA - Duct Tape Man!!

NY fireman attack on Bangladeshi immigrant...9/11 porn.

German pumping team helps New Orleans flooding recede faster than expected

OK, I have an idea: Get rid of the Department of Homeland Security.

Has a RW'er ever told you what the RW Agenda was?

Karl Rove is probably throwing objects about his office in a fit of rage

The Far Right is beginning to make me feel uncomfortable

Definitive Proof Supply Side Economics IS TOTAL BS

Illegals from (Walmart) allegedly rape woman

"gargantuan chunks of ice breaking off the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier"

Who is listening to Anderson Cooper

I hate to rehash old news, but is * about to break down?

Red Cross chaos in Baldwin County, AL. (Coastal Alabama)

Breaking! Brown resigned to take new job

What's the Dept of Homeland Security's annual budget?

Bush just said "He's Workin" 3 Times

We have to ask questions NOW!!

Tom "ICLesbians" Coburn almost in tears on C-span

Figured out why bush likes roberts...judges are like umpires

Was anyone else listening or watching the Robertson hearings today?

Bush delegates too much! They didn't tell him until Thursday???

NBC Analysis: Bush admin trying to tie Hurricane Katrina to September 11

Why we will never know the true cost of Katrina in lives...

The only thing invasion of Iraq accomplished: Rich got richer while the

Anderson Cooper interviewing two people who were stopped

WSJ: Why Levee Breaches In New Orleans Were Late-Breaking News

I Want to Know if the WH Brought This 9/11 Display to NOLA --pix->>>

Please use the tinfoil sparingly, we are running low

Bush on MSNBC "I have no knowledge of Brown resigning"

How disconnected from reality is Bush...I mean , wow.....

Is this a Freudian slip? "BUSH VOWS SOBER LOOK"

Let's go Wal-Mart!!!!

Ed Shultz on Republican shill mode today

Don't forget - it's EVOLUTION SCHMEVOLUTION week on The Daily Show

Online Police/Fire Power Outtage Feeds in Los Angeles + Live Video Feeds

Bush wants congress to give him authority for state takeover

CBS Evening News covered story of firemen used as Bush props...

Turkey charges Author I happen to be reading, Orhan Pamuk

I'm in a brutal fight with two reich wingers about Clinton

All You Barak Obama Fans Might Just Get Your Wish

Clarification please: joke or news re levee explosives?

*VIDEO* Police tackle and drag dangerous insurgent old women

"We are remembering 9-11 here. That is the reason most of us are here.."

Times/Picuyune: Superdome laid waste by those it sheltered

CNN -POLL Should President have been on the ground in New Orleans sooner?

Think "Ophelia" is a big nothing? It's sitting there on "Erode & Destroy"

Needs a caption....

Another GOP meme drown with Katrina: "incompetent civil servants"

My friend's mother has been found.. His grandfather not..

I think Anderson Cooper is about to report on the "Closed Bridge" on CNN

I'm getting pretty pissed off at The Red Cross

KICK BUTT LTTE in my local paper, the Bangor Daily

DeLay Chief Staffer To Lobby For Time-Warner-CNN

Can Fitzgerald expand the scope of his investigation of the Bush Admin?

Bush Replaces: "Brownie Do Nothing" with "Duct Tape Dave!" Sheesh!

NYT: Anchor Who Reports Disaster News w/ Heart on Sleeve (Anderson Cooper)

remember the HOWARD DEAN SCREAM, how the MSM played it up and did him in?

Juan Cole: 4 years after 9-11 "We do not stand in a good place"

Most N.O. property records can be salvaged

Man, we've got some ignorant Senators (on the right).

Who cut the emergency communication lines? Transcript Meet the Press

Imagine a person that only speaks Arabic. Imagine he's a Christian.

Bankruptcy reminder: The last date to file under old rules is 10/17

Bush's Dukakis Tank moment - updated w/photo

Transcript of Al Gore's 9/9 speech to the 2005 Sierra Summit

Martial law will be declared for LA tonight.

*ranting, raving, throwing furniture, kicking the TV*

And the Liberals say President Bush is Dumb...

Bush Says NG No GOOD...Hires Private Security Army for New Orleans!

Remember THEIR tinfoil?

Craig Crawford - "1600: The Whiplash Effect" -- you tell 'em, CRAIG!

Florida's FEMA Villlage...One Year after Charley. Video.

Was it explained how Roberts managed to adopt Irish children?

Rant from NO friend

TOONS for Monday

Ray Nagin was recently a Repug; gave to Bush campgn; didn't endorse Blanco

I grew up on Good Times, the Jeffersons, and Different Strokes

Amy Goodman...Democracy Now...

The compassion of Barbara Bush.

What you need to know about Freepers

There Are No Democrats Left

If You Die, You Die. It Ain't *'s Fault

NRA - slams gov for taking guns

Blame Game: from 1992, another hurricane, another Bush:

Bush Approval below 40%, Fattay bin Freeper threatens L.A., Melbourne.

Jesus, this co-worker isn't even a freeper but -- AAAAHHHHHH!

I'm sorry, there is something seriously wrong with this guy

MANDATORY MALLOY: Monday Afternoon Truthseeker Rhodes House

Do freepers/right wingers know they are in an information bubble?

Rob McKay: Let’s Make Sure President Bush Doesn’t Survive Katrina

Did you hear that crybaby Republican on Anderson?


Someone needs to tell Chris Matthews that he's a day late & a dollar short

Roberts' eyes have no soul.


The Disaster Profiteers

Hardball - Interview with People Turned Back Bridge at Gunpoint

ONE MORE TIME: Bush's Activities Two Weeks Ago While Katrina Ravaged NOLA>

Poverty Rate in America Skyrockets Under bush**

Bush suspends Davis-Bacon Act

I'm over 9/11.

Photos of the NO dead in Stern magazine. (Article in German)

LOL - Sky News (Fox) finally gets it right!

Wow. I was just watching the news and I heard that firefighters

Right-wingers are really big babies. Crying about the rancor between the

Did you know Arlen Spector was the author of the "magic bullet theory"?

Ex-Republicans, do you sometimes feel unforgiven?

Where was cheney? .... (Nora Ephron nails it)

The FUNNIEST Bill Maher New Rules EVER !! Calls for * Recall

Here's what gets me....

It's time to learn the national anthem (2/3 of Americans don't know it)

Wash Post exposed shilling for WH re: Blanco smear, issues retraction....

IMPORTANT!!! Are there Katrina evacuees in your town/state?

"Great Ramadan Offensive" - rumor or true?

"An emperor-has-no-clothes moment seems upon us" - Wash Post - Froomkin

Glenn Beck calls survivors "scumbags," said he "hates" 9-11 families

My Congressman (R) called me at home because he didn't like my LTTE.

Oh, Jesus Baldheaded Christ on a Crutch

Any news from Al-CIAda or BOSSHOGG yet?

how many white DU'ers can relate to this quote?

Do you think children of racists should be taken from their parents?

OHIO pastors pledge to keep state red

Which Democratic Senators should be replaced by another Dem

this is embarassing, but here goes.

Pears, pears, pears, pears.

My smoothie recipe

sweet potato casserole

Help locked-out CBC journalists top the hit parade

BC duers - funny jab letter at Christie Clark

Attention: All Canuck DU'ers!! Who would like to see Bill Maher on CTV?

BC to get second STV vote!

UK link to terror snatches

Well, got my copy of the new-format Guardian...

Jeremy Clarkson pied whilst receiving honorary degree at Oxford Brooks

Coast Guard sees security duties expand

Police focus on bird flu and disasters

China: Natural Disasters No Longer Secret

Cigarettes, the CIA and Iran-contra

A 'borrowed' car -- and she's out

Bush War Supporters Question Iraq War Tactics (Rats are Deserting)

We need homes now, La. Tells FEMA

High Court Battle Opens Today

'Racist' police blocked bridge and forced evacuees back at gunpoint

Louisiana official: FEMA slow on housing

50 Police Officers Injured in Belfast Riots

Iraq War Affected Katrina Response, Say Americans

Katrina Pushes Issues of Race and Poverty at Bush

Rebels rocket US consulate in southern Iraq

CNN/AP: Senators rip White House Katrina 'spin'

From WWLTV newsblog, Monday Sept. 12:

Blair to Ask UN for Crackdown on Incitement

Fiscal conservatives riled: Some Republicans demand fast cuts in other spe

Speedy Confirmation Expected for Roberts

Justice Dept.: FBI Ignores Informant Rules

Iraq insurgents offer bounties for deaths (of Shiite top officials )

Bush allies getting Katrina work

Koizumi Wins Japan Elections by Landslide

Al-Zarqawi: Katrina an answer to prayers

Three Chimpanzees Killed At Zoo Nebraska After Escape

Baker claims misquote on NO housing(God/Katrina cleaned up public housing)

FDA knew of Guidant heart device failures -NYT

NYTpg1: FDA Had Report of Short Circuit in Heart Devices (delayed release)

Police brutality claims at peaceful demo

Mom questions Army 'betrayal' (friendly fire, not enemy fire)

Several cities are dependent on vulnerable levees

Qaeda videotape threat is propaganda: officials

Support for Bush reaches low among central Ohioans (down 20% - 2 years)

Deadly Baghdad restaurant blast

Black activists charge racism in U.S. Katrina response

Mike Brown just resigned!

Mike Brown has resigned from FEMA

Bush Vows a `Sober Look' at Federal Katrina Response

Bush: Congress Should Weigh Preparedness

Lebanese man kidnapped over Iraq alcohol sale

US warns Syria that 'our patience is running out'

CNN Reports Brown resigns

A Journalist and Blogger Tries Teaching (NYT)

Israeli ex-general dodges British war crime charge

From Yahoo news...

Don't pay me lip-service, Saudi king tells subjects

US warns Syria that 'our patience is running out'

Most Believe Bush Administration Lacks Katrina Plan (ABC/WP poll)

FEMA revises Brown's bio after exaggeration charges

Los Angeles (major portion of same) Has Lost power ! CNN (breaking)

Detroit housing market deflated by ailing economy

Pakistan ("Fed Up w/accusations") tells US it wants to erect Afghan fence

( NUKES! ) Pentagon Plan Envisions Using Nukes on Terrorists

FEMA director resigns

CNN large portion of Los Angeles lost power. n/t

Power Outages Extend Across L.A. Area

Bush allies getting Katrina work (CNN - Reuters)

Power outage in LA

Colombia airliner said hijacked

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 12 September

Pakistan offers to erect Afghan border fence

FBI Analyst and Former Filipino Official Charged With Spying

White House taps David Paulison (duct tape & plastic) as acting FEMA head

-- Major power disruptions throughout the city of Los Angeles,

Fed Court Rules for Librarians RE: Patriot Act gag order

Gulfport Family, Escaping Katrina, Finds U.S. Aid Is Brick Wall

Bush blew it (msnbc + newsweek) several pages worth

Officials downplay threat on purported al Qaeda tape(Adam the goat farmer)

Pakistan president proposes border fence with Afghanistan

Pelosi Statement on FEMA Director Michael Brown's Resignation

Locked-up ( US ) peace activist mounts legal challenge

LAT: Tabloid Tried to Suppress Schwarzenegger Videotape

Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Could Fail In Mass.

Tax Avoidance (By Corps.) 'Keeps Developing World Poor'

New Orleans hospitals need patients, money

Haiti Judge Orders Release of Journalists

Chat from the War Zone (Yahoo hires Kevin Sites, competes with TV news)

Nepali police arrest over 100 protesters

Regional labor leader slain in Honduras

Kung Fu legend Bruce Lee to get statue in Bosnian city....

Public Rates Media Highly on Katrina (65% say excellent or good coverage)

Katrina damages Bush in two polls (mostly w/conservatives & Republicans)

Utility Worker Error Blamed for Blackout

Norway's Opposition Wins Election, Early Results Show

US denies poison gas accusation by al Qaeda in Iraq

Fallujah a lesson in counter-insurgency

Three Canadian warships arrive in Florida with hurricane relief aid

MSNBC reporting a new breach in a New Orleans levee

WMD threat could spark American nuclear strike

WP: 'I Don't Think I've Ever Had A More Surreal Experience'

Former Taliban Ambassador Back in Kabul After Release From Guantanamo Bay

Chicago Tribune: Fiscal conservatives riled

Blackwater buys more local land. (Virginia)

Iran says it will cooperate with inspectors if allowed to make nuclear fue

New Christian Aid Report Accuses Firms of ‘Ripping off Poor’

Daunting task: Houston company collecting remains

Karzai urges terror fight rethink

Giant Solar Flare Hits U.S., Canada

Chernomyrdin (Russia) Backs Tymoshenko's (Ukraine) Ouster

U.S. Mulling New Generation of Land Mines

WSJ: Michael Brown is resigning as head of FEMA,

BBC: 'Virgin conception' first for UK (Cloning/Stem Cells)

Bush picks Paulison as acting FEMA head

Teen dies in clashes on Chilean coup's anniversary (September 11, 1973)

NYT/AP: L.A. Police Chief Dismisses Taped Threat

Power outages hit Los Angeles

US agency may house Katrina evacuees for 5 years (Reuters)

Report: Official says up to 5,000 potential suicide bombers in Germany

U.S. Envoy: Syria a Terrorist Hub for Iraq("All options are on the table")

Gulf Coast Isn't the Only Thing Left in Tatters; Bush's Status With Blacks

WP: Bush Approval Rating at All-Time Low (42% - WP/ABC poll)

AP: Baby Born to Brain-Dead Va. Woman Dies

45 Bodies Found at New Orleans Hospital

Roberts Says Judges Play a Limited Role (he has "no platform")

Bush Denies Racial Component to Response

History Revised: Saddam Vanishes from Schoolbooks

NBC Anchor Says Reporters Feisty Again (mute button has been turned off)

Kerry heads South with planeload of hurricane relief supplies

Moon, Sun and Yosemite Align for Photo (Thursday, Sept. 15!)

I'm going to sleep! The bagpipers are marching!

A comic strip for us D & D geeks!

If You Were A Bird Where Would You Fly Away To??

There has been a battle between Europe and US - and the US won!

Best Second-Tier British Invasion Band

...can't sleep...clown's gonna eat me...can't sleep...clown's gonna eat me

Some healthy versions of food are surpassing real food in goodness

yummy just too darn yummy

Today's ZINGS!


Scottish Team Wins Polo Match - Riding Elephants

Where can I buy tinfoil for wholesale in large quantities

The baby panda has gotten past that awkward "I'm just a lump" phase.

This weeks Ten Conservative Idiots was one of the best written ever

The Monday morning tell progmom what you're listening to thread.

Clutch should be a more popular band, dammit!

There's going to be fuel shortages in the UK real soon


Talk! Discuss! Lounge!

I just bought some Double Rainbow Ultra Chocolate Ice Cream from

Hey, remember how we made Iraq a democracy?

Is there anything more tedious than phone-system training?

Queen (w/Paul Rodgers on vocals) releasing a live CD tomorrow...

I lost all the data on my hard drive

I leave you now, with the Stones Monkey Man................

Hey LA...Got power??

Hey Progmom.....

Insensitive CLERKS! Check in here!!!


Am I wrong to giggle at this real first name I've just come across?

Cockney Rebel, Andy Pratt, David Warner...

It's time to play the music

The Onion: "Bush Urges Victims To Gnaw On Bootstraps For Sustenance"

But Mom...I don't want to go to class today!

I have concluded that only a sado-masochist would recommend using

I miss Sundog's threads.

Michael Brown hired by Halliburton to coordinate Katrina contracts

failure of power

My dad's cancer surgery: cautious optimism

I miss Sundog's treats.

Why do celebrities marry and divorce so often?

Hey, remember when sundog used to post threads?

I miss sundog TEATS!

Woo hoo! Party!!!

I miss sundog's teats

DAMNIT!!!! Who broke DU

I just realized I can't watch MNF anymore

German Man Invents World's Strongest Beer (25.4%)

Hey, remember when they caught Osama Bin Laden?

I have taken it upon myself to defend Evita's honor

Bobby Brown resigned?

Post your favorite memories of you with your pets

DIE voicemail lady DIE!!!

This week on The Daily Show

I Have solved the Mystery! I KNOW WHO KILLED KENNEDY!

Hey, I'm rich, I just won the UK lottery

Best. Screenshot. Today.

Down, hiccups, DOWN!! Go visit Bunnypants today (and don't ever leave!)

Can you guess my name?

Funny Snopes subject. This one is true.

Doc Martins are like the best made shoes

Am I the only one who knows/likes the group Pansy Division?

Do you have a telephone?

Can anyone recommend a digital camera?

It's Big Lebowski Time!

Hey youse guys: According to GD Brown just resigned

"Eighties TV star ALF inked for comeback in furry remake of Pulp Fiction"

This just in...

Cats-n-Dogs - link to a very cool photo series

Looters Wanted - Handy Bulletin Board

NYC Firefighter Allegedly Attacked Man Who "Looked Like Al-Qaida"

George can conjugate!

Pick your favorite 2008 Republican candidate for president!

Are these pictures REAL? If this isn't the right forum, please direct me..

Best Bumper Sticker I've Seen in ages....

Please read & nominate "Wash Post busted shilling for WH" thread....

Kurt Vonnegut on the Daily Show tomorrow night!!!

What is your favorite dog blend?


MySpace Democrats vs. MySpace Republicans

Boondocks hits it again!!!!!

heh, looks like the King County Sherrif's Dept just got punked

OK, should I ask my romantic interest out to lunch today?

1000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sensitive JERKS! Check in here!!!

It's 11:48 a.m.; should I have breakfast or lunch (and don't say "brunch")

stop watching the porno cam.

Seeing a dead cat is not fun.

My latest cake :)

Insensitive JERKS! Check in here!!!

Any hear from Belladonna lately?

Stop watching the panda cam!!!

Perfect Theme Song for Faux News :)

Good Mondy morning

I witnessed a horrible crash yesterday.

So how do you say "Good-bye Friend" in French?

Tanning Bed Has To Be Removed From 9-1-1 Call Center

Honda debuts air bags on motorcycles

Furries, plushies, zoos, and foot fetishists check in!

45 to go before I get 5000 - can I do it today?

The unofficial DU word of the day is scatological

"President Bush is waking up in NO this morning" - CNN

OMG - the goat has tuberculosis!!!

Are the Roberts confirmation hearings on CSPAN?

OLD BLUE BALLS IS BACK -- Rummy at the Freedom (is slavery) Walk!

bush, america may be prayerfully, hopefully and finally, be getting fed up

OMG - the baby panda has started to crawl!!!

So I was catching up on

My cat post

YAY! My local beer store is gonna special order me a WHOLE CASE!

Techie question: Do I need a router?

My cat hates you

OMG! It's Liam Gallagher's BIRTHDAY TODAY! (Oasis)

Does Anyone Own A Toyota Scion XB? Reviews?

So I have a question for you.

Check out this Will Pitt thread in GD... awesome!

Do you take herbal memory boosters? Do they work?

I'm toying with the idea of getting my act together.

I might of saved someones life last sat

Why is everyone double clicking when creating a thread?

Battlestar Galactica marathon on the Sci-Fi channel right now

Cafeteria hasn't posted this week's menu

What did you do on September 12, 2001 (02, 03, 04)?

The Official DU Word Of The Day Is: Tenebrous (Please use in a sentence)

On 9/11 what did the other networks do?

My mother's response to the article linked below.

Anybody up for some....Marzipan?

Have they said where the Saints are playing this Sunday's game?

Hot new technology (1985)

Looking for photos of Repugs acting like Repugs

Carpentry question: Do I need a router?

If you haven't seen you need to check it out


Would all of the deranged people check in?

Favorite classic film porn parodies.

animal love

Spoiled rant - I've waited long enough, and I WANT MY CELLO!!!

Rain pain(ers) check in....

DU this poll

Pigs in Blankets

Homeless Woman Finds $800 - Turns It In - Has Been Rewarded Over $10k

Happy Monday my people!!!

Transgendered Hurricane Evacuee Arrested For Using Woman's Shower

Quentin Tarrantino defeats Ben Kingsley for US OPEN title

I had a wonderful dream about chimpy* last night

EBay to Buy Internet Phone Company Skype

Anybody still have that Bush State of the Union, escaped monkey screen

Happy Birthday to 4 time Olympic Gold Medalist Jesse Owens (9/12/13)

Belated Happy Birthday to Ramsey!!!

Woman Gets Pregnant After 'Acrobatic Joyride' On Rollercoaster

Preview of the September 24th protest: Us and Them

Good morning, Everyone!

A Monday morning joke for DU!

Local playwright shines spotlight on lives of 17 murdered women

Thailand Artist Makes Edible Body Parts

The Hottest Sounds #4 is all done

Argh,, "We are 'efforting' more information on that"....


L.A. DU'ers, Do you have power?

A modest proposal re: namimg the NOLA "levees".

We're all going to make skid marks!

Anyone else using Comcast for internet service?

Dear United States...

Those of you without satellite radio


When will they stop? Vh1 Reality shows...


What are the chances I am going to my statistics class tonight?


I've lost my bounce and WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!111 *animation help plz*

Responses to "Mr. President, your fly is open"

When does the 5th season of Six Feet Under come out on DVD?

Sometimes you gotta say "Fie!" to allergies, and open all the windows

Okay people. Stop posting, damn it!

MC Hammer

Are these pictures REAL? If this isn't the right forum, please direct me..

Good alternatives to Tivo?

I miss Sundog's threats.

If anyone ever tells you liberals aren't responsible....

meow... 4 down, one to go

Anyone ever play Google Seppuku?

This will be me for the next 60 minutes - DO NOT DISTURB

I was eating lunch between classes. When I look up and see...

Has anyone seen the big FAT W04 tattoo emblazoned on Wolf Blitzer's ASS?

I need your help, DU

Shell Beau....for you

How do I explain what's wrong about "God Bless The USA"?


Need help from a roofer

Don't you just love it when people steal your stuff and you find

*ranting, raving, throwing furniture, kicking the TV*

the bastard looks angry.

Does anyone else prefer to watch horror films alone?

Is the bar open yet? I'm ready for a dry martoonie!

Mark Messier's Retiring


Die landscaper dude, DIE!!!!

It's September, it's 90 degrees, it's rainy, and it's Wisconsin. Whhhaa?

My dad's cancer surgery

People all over the world, join hands, start a love train, love train. . .


CONGRATS Mrs. Sniffa!!! 1000 posts!

Sundog is a LIAR and a FRAUD

Attention: All Canuck DU'ers!! Who would like to see Bill Maher on CTV?

Silly airline fares...

"Crash". What did you think?

I can point out my hometown on my right hand. Ask me anything.

If I knew there was a house where if people went near on in it & would die

This is kinda neat! The Flying Spaghetti Monster Game!

I just scheduled my second colonoscopy

Yippeeee!!! DID I LUCK OUT OR WHAT????

If life is like a box of chocolates hows come I get stuck with coconut???

Martha's new show is making Mrs. WCGreen

I think I spotted a neo-Nazi in the parking lot the other day, help...

Lyric to Lyric

"Isn't SHE the big shit!"

Should *Public* Schools Require Student Uniforms?

I did something to your toothbrush today while you were out.

Post a Loch Ness of yourself

That rug really tied the room together. Did it not?

I now have "can't touch this" running through my head.

Mr. 3000 what you think????

What is wrong with Judge John Robert's teeth?

Are "Rent to Own" places doing anything unethical?

John Cleese for President.

It's time for The SemiAnnual Sundoggle Intervention!

So here's my Lounge post that accidently ended up in GD: Politics.

I miss sundog treats!

We're all gonna die.


i interrupt my new thread abstention to bring you this message **READ**

(Hey everybody!) WE'RE ALL GONNA GET LAID!!!!!!

If they were going to make a movie about your pet, who would do the voice

If this a lounge then where is the jukebox?

I see trees of green,

I think CAPS LOCK should be banned in GD

Do you think of Halloween as a kid's holiday or for adults?


Who Are Your Least Favorite Female Rock Performers?

One more time...just for grins....say it......HOOK 'EM!!!!!!

TJ hit 5000 - the congrats, applause and flirting with him shall begin!

Post a likeness of yourself.

Hi, I've come to beg. ... It has to do with dying pets :(

we haven't had an autofill non sequitur thread in ages!


Man Given Public Airport Strip Search

World's fastest growing religion: Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster


Nighthawks XI (dial-up warning)

What is your favorite dog breed?

Bumper Sticker Ideas

Autofill..Alphabetical ....

there was a golden age and and then there was the silver age!

NOLA, AL, MS + WH, FEMA + the world--The Good Samaritan

Faith does breed charity

Toxic waters: New Orleans unsafe for a decade

Stephen A. Smith's show...

Mark Messier retires

Someone pinch me, Giant's special teams win the game!

Who hear remembers the World Series last year? The

Interesting article about the new NHL Rules

Kitties in the lounge!!!

TX millionare begins airlift of pets out of NOLA

For all of you doubting infidels, BEHOLD !

Hey freethinkers!

Get a load of this.

"We atheists have to accept that most believers are better human beings"

Boondocks 'toon here, says it all:

GOOD Morning: John Kerry Was Right

Santorum called a hearing for tomorrow in SenFinComm

Kerry. others, get awards of Small businesses development

Leahy, Kennedy & Feingold Statements on Roberts

SEN. JOHN KERRY: Leave no American behind: Lessons learned from Hurricane

For those with the stomach to fight a Kerry-bashing thread

Senator John Kerry on Resignation of FEMA Director Michael Brown

Kerry did fly to Gulfport area to help deliver supplies

an election fraud link that lays it out pretty clearly

Thank you all....again.

Katrina exodus could mix up political patterns in the South

For Massholes here:

why is DU all "there's no difference between dems and repubs" today?

I just had the most fun with one of the nasty flamewar threads

I'm back

Why the Blame Game is a pointless battle

Just testing

Great article on Anderson Cooper!

"HOT BLOG" sign flashing at Krispy Keith's...

KOEB 9/12/05

Post Computer Meltdown Update!

Newsletter -- 9/12/05: Bush in New Orleans

Bombs Away on TV News

Brownie's outa there!

Looks like I'll have to watch Tweety tonight too!

A soldier was killed Sunday while on patrol near Samarra.

Katrina giving energy companies a boon? See House Bill 805

Gov. Perry Mum On Pastor Who Wonders If Katrina Sent By Vengeful G-d

ALL their deaths are on bush's head

You currently are witnessing a narcissist in the process of

‘Daily Show’ to focus on evolution this week

MSNBC: "Bush to tour New Orleans" AIR and MILITARY VEHICLES.

Great Boondocks

Terror Video Contest - Help our beleaguered President

Gee, why do you suppose Georgie wanted to have a sleep

GWB* legacy - Death, Division, Debt, and pond scum

Einstein -- Paradise Lost, and First USA Impressions

Can someone explain to me the close relationship

FEMA morgue in LA can handle only 140 bodies a day?

Roberts confirmation hearings today on C-Span 3 (11:30am EST)

The system is totally diseased.

Sensenbrenner's constituents in the 5th CD call him out.

Bush "didn't quite understand" what "GET OFF YOUR ASS" meant?

can you imagine 3 more years...

Maybe I Won't Have to Argue Anymore - Midwest Rep

NYT: Bush's Status With Blacks Takes A Hit

The FEMA needed local permission BULL is blown away by their own rules

Low Body Count, Slow Body Count, No Body Count ......

Huckabee (R): Feds no help, FEMA didn't know AR had 75K evacuees

Senate Committee Meetings that should be covered this week?

Texas Fires Lawyer After Story on Rove

And Turd Blossom Said, "This To Shall Pass"........

NEWSFLASH - American freedom died with a whimper

It sure is fun watching lying monkeys on teevee

Can Anyone Sum Up the Current State of Our Cause?

"You are the first nominee of the internet age".......Grassley

And Open Letter to Lurking Media Types - Round 2

Think 'Blame Clinton' is old after 5 years?

I saw a handwritten letter from Bush....

"A rising tide raises all ships"

40% of South Asian and China will have no drinking water - Global Warming

snake Cheney said:

Resume'-Gate -- WHO Is Accountable For The Brown Lies?

My fellow lefties: forget I even brought it up.

Cynical Post Of The Day

Confirmation Hearings: Why Democrats should NOT trust conservative judges!

Some party reforms I'd still like to see.

.. hate to mention this but.... wasn't it 9/11 yesterday?

Anybody else get the feeling something else might be going on

Army recruitment @

Huffington: Tim Russert "dutifully followed Karl Rove's script" with Nagin

How Michael Brown Helped Bush Win Florida

Official John Roberts confirmation hearing thread

Do you love you child enough to do what it takes to get your Senator

Dean: Bush Victimized MS Guard Twice

Was David Gregory co-hosting the Today Show to remove him...

"It smells so much like cronyism, people are still sleeping on floors"

Arguments on Senator Hatch’s Opening Statement on the Roberts' Nomination

What is the color of BuShit?

Don't just Blame Bush*....Blame Compassionate Conservatism!!!

CNN confirms Brownie has resigned as FEMA director.

Baker claims misquote on NO housing(God/Katrina cleaned up public housing)

Are we going to let Bush push the blame onto Brown?

In high school we were told that the American Eagle faced towards peace

'Living Too Much In The Bubble?' (Time Magazine)

Gotta love M. Malloy : Limbaugh is the "Oxy Moron"

Was the bar set so low for Bush that he finally tripped over it?

Support the St Patrick's Day Four

FEMA, Disaster Response and the role of Government

Mass - `Pot' patch price grows to $14,000

For George: Link to Halliburton's "Create an online resume" page

Where is Geraldine Ferraro?? Bush's "agenda" another "casualty of Katrina"

Hey, Bush* aides! Yes, I'm talking to you.

Cindy Sheehan on CNBC Sept 14th Donnie Deutsch 10PM

Would you all just get off pResident Bush's ass?

Former british minister about 7/7 London bombings

Let Them Eat Toxins -- 66 chemical plants in area

Brownie. Sufficient sacrificial lamb, or more lambs required?

Ray Nagin, what a dissapointment on meet the press : [

New RW Talking Point - CNN Told Guests to Get Angry

Senator John Kerry on Resignation of FEMA Director Michael Brown

Sick of your local, lazy, press? Finding the editorial page of your local

White House Threatens Mercury Change Veto - so much for pregnant women

Message From Katrina: Code Red for Global Warming

A Letter to All Who Voted for George W. Bush from Michael Moore

Stephanie Miller this AM: Explosives found at a NO levy!!!!

Boston Radio station stated tonight:

*QUIZ*-Whose amendments are these?

I just got push polled for Virginia Republicans...

SurveyUSA: State-by-State Abortion Poll

US Poverty figure at 12.7 Percent! We're #1!

New FEMA Director of Plastic and Duct Tape Fame

Roy Blunt Lends A Hand To Talent's Cronies At Big Oil

Can someone find out what kind of a pension Brown will draw

Outrageous! - Pic of Bush in N.O.

An interesting filing in Wash. Post

How do they ***actually*** do it ........ ?

*ranting, raving, throwing furniture, kicking the TV*

Bush Quote PROOF that * is "out of the loop" re-FEMA Brown

CNN: 10 days, 4 different personas as "struggling" Bush "finds footing"

Im getting more and more disgusted with the Dems in power. If...

The Republicans say Americans are NOT entitled to know...

Sorry if this is a repost, but the hits just keep on coming.

New CNN Gallop has Bush back up to 46% approval....

CNN & Corp POLLS to be used to bolster public opinions on Bush.....AGAIN

White House Photo: FEEL the tension...Bush's Humvee tour of New Orleans.

Spay or Neuter a Republican today!

I have long thought GWB wasn't quite right.

Democrats Not Blameless on Katrina

"Bush is growing weary of the accusations, testily replied to a reporter"

DiFi's Role on Judiciary in the Roberts Nomination - Her Opening Statement

So...I just bought "Too Legit to Quit" on iTunes....

When GOP was "out of power"--they kicked Clinton and Carter ass.

This Should Get our Minds off Katrina: US Patience w/ Syria "Running Out"

Is there a legal scholar or lawyer here that can answer this question?

CNN's Blitzer & Malveaux say Bush's plummeting numbers are "improving"

Jeff Sessions describing "judicial activism"

Get out the crying towel: Rove was hospitalized for kidney stones

Hey, remember how they made Iraq a democracy? That was awesome.


this writer is on serious crack

Photos: Bush looking tired and defeated in New Orleans

Newsweek: Aides didn't tell Bush extent of Katrina damage till Thursday ni

Official John Roberts confirmation hearing thread- Thread #2

The Disaster Profiteers

Osama bin Laden is smiling today

BUZZFLASH NAILS IT! This Morning's Extraordinary Headline Editorial:

Rove story costs S.A. lawyer her state job

Stephen Bantu Biko d. 1977

Catherine Crier at HuffPost:Pulls no punches, will scare the * out of you

Al Gore: On Katrina, Global Warming

Low Body Count Proves Failure Not Local

When you want to really put **'s ineptitude into perspective

Mercenaries on American Soil: Blackwater in New Orleans!

My Congressman (R) called me at home because he didn't like my LTTE.

with Zell Miller gone, now it's time for Lieberman to leave

Oh my! Is it a bad sign if the editor of a paper gives you a heads up?

Gergia law keeps certain people away from polls,for political advantage.

Are you afraid to seem positive towards "Socialism"?

RealAudio for This American Life - After the Flood now available!

"All the Presidents Friends": many agencies crippled by bush.

Al Gore Opinion Poll

Binary Poll - Our Biggest Problem