New Orleans Unmasks "Apartheid, American Style"
Fantastic article. Explains a lot about the American mindset.
Firms with Bush-Cheney Ties Clinching Katrina Deals
Analysis of 4 USAID Contracts w/Rep. & Dem. Party Foundations in Venezuela
Levees Made of Lies: Rage, Grief and the Chimera of the American Dream
First Read: Is Bush's two-pronged approach working?
Brownstein, LAT: Bush Should Nominate a Democrat to Replace O'Connor
Love Canal-type landfill submerged in New Orleans floodwaters
Now They Tell Us (Froomkin / WP)
Gloria Steinem:I'm a hopeaholic. There's nothing (GW)Bush can do about it
'Times-Picayune ' Writes Another Open Letter to President (E&P)
Anchor Who Reports Disaster News With a Heart on His Sleeve/AndersonCooper
What is Roberts' America like?
BinLaden is just a skilled capitalist
DU a good deed - thank the Vancouver USAR staff
How Fox Covered a Dem Presser (talked over) vs coverage of a GOP presser nails Fox on Misrepresenting Katrina Poll to Favor Bush
Is Christian Radio Tax Exempt?
Bush's poll numbers are in free fall, but CNN's Malveaux claimed ..
Air America loses Providence RI and Charleston, SC
DU Energy/economics experts, Please help me understand this...
Large scale biodiesel from algae for $5.64 / gallon
Hamas vows to keep fighting, not to disarm
As Israel withdraws, Gaza burns
tinfoil time..L.A. power outage and NOLA
New Orleans: "deliberate act of sabotage was the opening of floodgates"
In his early morning speech, Michigan Congressman John Conyers Jr.
Bush Approval Rating Hits Career Low in Post/ABC News Poll Sept 12,2005
Bush's poll numbers are in free fall, but CNN's Malveaux claimed they are
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News TUESDAY, 9/13/05
Who has reservations for Big Basin in October
2 Convicted of Murdering Transgender Teen
need info on California Water Service
Oreo Mobile visits CR this Wednesday! (Sept 14)
Poor Stupid Congressman Mark Kennedy
Columbus, Ohio area - where to live?
did any of you read the front page article in the Milw JS
Can anyone find a picture of this.
where are contract awards posted online?
I heard on MSNBC an interview with a weather man who looked
Maybe if Terri Schiavo had been caught in the hurricane...
Let's Have Fun: What Do DU'ers Think G.A.L.L.U.P. Now Stands For?
The storm didn't discriminate, and neither will the recovery effort - GWB
9/11 was like the Visigoths sacking Rome
I am afraid... very, very, very afraid...of -
From a dear friend: I'm speechless and astounded!
HA HA I been working?? watch the expressions.......
Looks like they can't wait to "Bulldoze" homes....
The Moron doesn't fall far from the tree (Babs and Chimpy)
The only place Bush can go around in an open vehicle is an evacuated city!
Surprise SURPRISE---bush is a Clueless Fuckwit---who KNEW?
CNN making "plastic sheeting and duct tape" part of Paulison's name --
"Pres. Bush walked this area a week ago & the Gov't hasn't done anything"
So is the power back on in LA?
repairing NO with duct tape. Keith
Lamentation, a poem about New Orleans
What DIDN'T the president know and when DIDN'T he know it?
Why does this Prezdent walk with his arms and hands about 2 feet from
Marine on leave says being in Iraq was like being in hell
Keith O says Glenn Beck is today's worst person in the world *g*
Let’s Make Sure President Bush Doesn’t Survive Katrina
hey bush, get off your tush, instead of all these photo ops...
Question? I heard on tv that the Astrodome was down to about 1800 people.
Bush finally said something that I believe in 110%
Harball had the story that everyone should be talking about.
The Freepers on the poll tax in Georgia. It's all you would expect.
Bonhoeffer--'wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver."
CNN Poll, should Bush have been on ground in NO sooner?
Chimp says he didn't know Brown had resigned
New Frame: Bush unpreparedness for Katrina is an invitation for terrorism
Step right up and get your FEMA Budget Shark Cage!
FEMA restrictions for housing evacuees.....
Bush: One of the Worst Disasters to Hit America (Sky News)
Fidel Castro Announces Attack on Miami
"It's simply amazing what people can do when a disaster strikes."
Spellings: 372,000 students displaced by Katrina
I think the bush administration is out to start a civil war...he has
At what point does the group who "approves" of bush become a "cult"?
Looking for DC News coverage of Poetry
Storytime in New Orleans, gather round kiddies....
Bush's recess appointments(contributors)
Is this going to be the last straw????
Which "Monday" was blivet** talking about today?
Intellectual curiosity: B*sh vs. my 3-year old daughter
Have you ever heard of a camel spider?
N.O. Gov. Blanco is "deputizing" Blackwater mercenaries?
Dozens found dead in flooded NO hospital
Just when you thought Freepers couldn't get more disgusting...
What happened to DHS $$ allocated to State & Local
Hear the new BushCo excuse for Corrina, er, Katrina?
Lockheed Martin Named for National Archives Project
WSJ: New Orleans Nat Weather Svc reported 8:14am that LEVEE BROKE
Weather Channel really pushing global warming
Puke alert! Another "photo-op"
I sure hope Mr. Bush didn't get BITTEN by mosquitoes, today...
About that CBS News story, re: FEMA's misuse of firefighters
Hey Skinner! I had an idea the other day to make the forum livelier!
Condi : Katrina 'gives us an opportunity' to rectify historic injustices..
Wow, Di-Fi came through. She said she'd bring up Roe V. Wade
Anyone know, is Gretna a separate city from N.O.? Or is it just an area...
What Happened Today with Mr. Zombie Roberts?
Rita Crosby has failed to endear herself to me.
"CNN PollShould President Bush have been on the ground in New Orleans soon
Are there really NO people in New Orleans or when Bush was
My niece almost died Saturday night. Long story with a gut-shot overlay.
maybe someone should make a DVD of the Iraq war for bush to see
LOL! One week later, and the babs bush fuck-the-poor story still has legs.
OMG! There are still 1700+ children missing due to Katrina.
In Honor of new FEMA guy here's my Flash animation "Duct Tape Theater"
End the War on Iraq! September 24-26 · Washington, DC
So...that person who cut the powerline in Los Angeles to get Wolf
cspan ..fema housing guy on talking about ideas for evacs.
Have their been any numbers released regarding katrinas victims?
Why is Bush the most powerful man on Earth?
Can someone enlighten me? please?
Plame affair...uh oh...Fitzgerald losing job?
CNN story on Black perception of what happened - interesting to
FEMA Blocking Relief Efforts - A compilation...
so folks are AFRAID to tell bush bad news....let ME tell him
PG&E: CA natural gas bills expected to spike by 40% due to Katrina
Ken Schram Commentary: Proud To Be A 62-Percenter
twice tonight i heard that amtrak offered
Why doesn't Bush wear short sleeve shirts?
Some real sick people in Ohio.
Need help debunking Hillary old canard
Just when I thought I had heard the worst Katrina stories,
signing off for the night, you crazy fuckers keep on keepin' on
A brief story from a friend who volunteered to help the evacuees in WI
Could Someone Give the a Link to the Two-Take Rivera
Researchers: need stat to help a minister
Moore To Capture Katrina on Film?
Lost video clip of cops (?) evicting a family in NOLA.
Roberts' stock ownership raises potential for recusals
Peter King: New Orleans is "like a Mogadishu-like gang situation"
Regarding China allowing foreign business
On the refused offer of Amtrak:
Little Lord Pissypants legacy has turned to SH*T
Has the truth finally put on its shoes ?
Locals join criticism of tardy response: Baton Rouge
In addition to Evolution Schevolution by Jon Stewart
Overkill in New Orleans - Blackwater mercenaries In New Orleans
"Silence, are you questioning my motives? How dare you."-speaker hastert
LAT: Hospital Staff Tried to Comfort Dying Patients
Exactly 14 days ago/CNN's Aaron Brown + Crawl
Hey did ya'll see Keith Olbermann's show tonight? I did and there
Bush cannot say no one could have anticipated what happened
On the news crawl tonight I also saw that Judge Roberts would
Oh, Lord -- CNN's brought out Candy Crowley...
I wonder if there's a Deamonte Love scholarship fund.
Vid Clip-selected bits from Bush in New Orleans today
I'm sure this has been posted before...
"Duct tape man" that's the best you can come up with for FEMA?
An answer to the question "Why didn't they leave?" re N.O. evacuees
SO! The Los Angeles stuff was a stunt???? What do you think? n/t
My mother's reaction on hearing about Bartlett's Katrina DVD for Bush
Prezbot Katrina Summer Tour: 2005
1999: Bush demands TIMETABLE for withdrawal of US troops from Kosovo
Why some Du'ers faith in Capitol Hill Blue bothers me
Did you guys read on the news crawl that Gen. Honore was
China sends warships to gas fields...
i never seen such a load of crap (anyone else watching Roberts hearings??)
why fundamentalists (Christians as well as Muslims) cannot compromise
Most shameful character in the Katrina aftermath? (Excluding Bush)
Need help...Did Bush support NAFTA?
I need info asap on military recruitment in Houston and all other centers
Question on the possibility of a Senator Sanders
Did you hear that there was some report given to Maxine
Hey! Will the guy who told Dicky C "Go f*** yourself"......
Does Anyone Here Honestly Believe That Every Big News Story...
Attention: All Canuck DU'ers!! Who would like to see Bill Maher on CTV?
Katrina has brought me back to watching Cables Again!
WP: WH Staffers Suffer Stress, Fees in Facing Grand Jury (oh, brother)
Faux News/Hannity show just gave us a Google tip....
Here's how we get Bush/Cheney OUT of office
Attention all Rhode Islanders.......Air America gone from WHJJ
Scarborough shouting at the camera on MSNBC about FEMA....
Why do RWer's think bush is the greatest president there ever was?
A Bush hating friend of mine thinks Bush won Florida fair & square
Just to be a smarta$$, it really is DUCK, not duct, tape.
Survival kit -- do you have one or are you going to get one
NPR's All Things Considered on *'s visit of New Orleans
"New" 'Al Qaeda' Tape Released October 2004?
BAD NEWS to BUSH is Not the Deaths, Destruction & Danger in NOLA >>>
Malloy on Randi Show About Clinton
Photo's Of Cindy Sheehan Anti-War Movement In Pittsburgh....
"The Great Uniter" is at it again; Poll shows Katrina's racial divide.
New FEMA head says fewer homes would have flooded if people
Oh my! Looky here! Looting in Belfast! ATM Machine LOOTED!
Any DU'ers feeling the effects of Tropical Storm Ophelia right now?
Presenting Even MORE Evidence That Gallup/CNN Are Untrustworhty Scum
SUPER-CHARGED Rant About NOLA and the American Dream
should bush be FORCED to read a few morning newspapers?
Democrats must start questioning Cons faith
NO WAY... Olbermann said that Newsweek is reporting in
Bush is "an unpopular president ." - WP columnist.
What tune do you think is playing in *'s head tonight? I hope it's....
Malloy caller: Dem candidates have been a "Pantheon of Losers"
Is it legal for Urgent Care to ask you what your Religion is?
VIDEO - Bush on CNN: self-congratulatory about his handling of Katrina
How much do you hate Barbara Bush?
Thoughts on Katrina from a professional engineer
Did you find DU thanks to some hateful RW gasbag talking head?
How long have you been a registered Democrat?
A question for my black DU brothers and sisters.
***Bush's PHONE LOG: A revealing chronology (PICS)
Should we eat crow? It appears Capitol Hill Blue was right all along
lately I don't feel like cooking very often....
How is Brian Mulroney viewed today?
Years later, 'he bugs us still'
New Levee Break - London Avenue
Holy Rollers- The Church Van is Hero of Katrina Recovery for Blacks
New FEMA head is the duct tape and plastic guy from 911
2 Convicted of Murdering Transgender Teen
It's time to learn the national anthem (2/3 of Americans don't know it)
Arms fair criticised for using Iraq war to market weapons
First Read: Is Bush's two-pronged approach working?
Westar Executives Wittig and Lake Convicted of Fraud (DeLay connection)
Roberts' stock ownership raises potential for recusals
Chicago Tribune: Judicious Obama turns up volume
China Deploys Ships to Area Japan Claims (Disputed Gas Field) Editor Says 'Times-Pic' Newsroom is Feeling Post-Katrina 'Paradig
A Major Test for FEMA And Its Contracting Crew
FEMA Ice Truck Convoy Sent on Twisting, Weaklong Route to Hurricane Storage
Weakened Ophelia Rests Near Carolina Coast
'Hank' Steps Out of Shadows to Take Over US Counter-Terrorism
Army Expects to Miss Goals for Recruiting
Gallup: Poll shows racial divide on storm response (Bush @ 46% approval)
Lawmakers ask Bush to save Gulf Coast naval bases
Judge Throws Out Slander Suit Against Sharon Bush
WP: Talabani Says Iraqis Could Replace Many U.S. Troops (50,000 Troops)
St. Bernard Parish residents crowd Capitol for town meeting
Bloggerman: New FEMA boss is "Duct Tape Man"
Norway Votes to Spend Oil Riches on Welfare State
Texas Parole Board Rejects Clemency Plea for Woman on Death Row
Arms fair criticised for using Iraq war to market weapons
Bush unpopular in South America, poll shows
Nine Children Found Caged in Ohio Home
EARWORM ALERT!!!! Make it stop--make it stop.....................
Actually, this doesn't surprise me.
Time must heal. I just took folks off my ignore list... forgot why I
Tech headed Apple types....Ipod nano question...
"I think there's something broken on our website."
What is the difference between manga and anime?
Why do yall all hate us for our freedoms?
I can't see sig lines. Anyone else having that problem?
Lost my wallet today and DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!
Someone PLEASE tell me this is satire: Pat Blames Katrina on Ellen/Emmys
Sorry girls - Matt Damon is off the market
is anyone having troubLe with DU using IE?
Why the hell is THIS right-winger getting a "lifetime achievement" award?
Every silver lining's got a jpgray
My co-worker made up an obscene password
Guess who's going to D.C.........ME!
I CANNOT wait until Thursday !!!!
I vote we change the name of the shrug smilie...
Should I make zucchini bread or cinnamon rolls?
Humans are apes that were taken from the womb one month early.
Most fun I've had in a long time
Coco kitty (age 14) is acting very strangely tonight,
Is anyone listening to Malloy? Paul Rieckoff - WOW - is subbing.
I did something to Will Pitt's margarine today while he was out
Hmmm. My legs keep getting more painful.
By request - what has a cat done to YOU today?
My daughter's father keeps calling my house.
I think my cat really digs the incense I'm burning
hope this is ok to post here: 60gb ipod for sale
Worst performance in "Batman and Robin"
Evolution, Schmevolution on the Daily Show right now
I just bought a Logitech MediaPlay Mouse and I am LOVING it!!!!
The post of this message is false.
The message of this post is false.
I need to nurture my inner 'SNARK' - post in this thread to help me out.
What is Bush's position on Roe v. Wade?
Hey Skinner! I had an idea the other day to make the forum livelier!
I feel it's time for me to post another fractal, so I will.
I'm bashing Christians because of all the DU-leaving.
Did the mayor use city buses to evacuate the people of New Orleans?
I'm leaving DU because of all the Christian-bashing.
If we were ever invaded by an Army of zombie freepers, we'd be screwed....
"Some cheese on that Roethlisberger...
I'm leaving DU because of all the bitchin' crashing....
I need to sleep, you need to...
I am joining Sundog and Zuniin solidarity against lame threads [View All]
Only the local Hooters survived.
I'm spending the night with my plumber.
the Grey Goose has landed, and I am going to bed....
Holy crap! South Park fans need to read this!
.-..-..---../ .-..-..-.--/ ...-...--/ .---...-../ ..--..--.-..--/ ...--.
2005 Stupidity Awards given out-Coulter wins stupidest man of the year
My new sig has a nude girl on it
Do you believe the rumors that Bush injects cocaine?
Dance-floor-worthy country music songs
Thanks to all of you who offered up hugs the other night
Can you think of an adjective named after a person?
Everybody say "Hi" to Snooky Fenster
He said . . Why are married women heavier than single women?
What have YOU done to or for a cat today?
official word of the hour: ennui
DU LADIES: I have a story to make your knees weak
No offense to philosophers out there, but. . .
Send your name to the planet Pluto
Rode 12 miles on my bicycle yesterday. Not a big deal for
Submit one of your poems/writings here.
Yo. Public Service Announcement. Heads Up.
so I hear Bush is depressed ...
I want to create the worst Lounge thread ever
I am joining Sundog in solidarity against lame threads
Columbus, Ohio area - what can you tell me about it?
Is anyone else disturbed by the way Alicia Bridges sings the word
when you meet DUers in DC, will you feel self-conscious about your body?
Is Hurricane Ophelia trying to spell "BUSH" in the Atlantic?
Two convicted of murder in the case of Gwen Araujo
Katrina Displaces Thousands With HIV
Monday night football turns into Monday night fight.
Video of Sen. Kerry at Logan today loading supplies
heh...check out this snip on KO
Katrina as seen from September 11th
British opinion piece: "The wind at Hillary's back"
Now is not the time to point fingers!
Is the * response to Katrina, strictly speaking, constitutional?
One sign our country has changed:
*'s nickname for Paulison: Daffy Duct
Bush's poll numbers are in free fall, but CNN's Malveaux claimed they are
Poor Dubya. From throne to booster seat.
Bush Approval Rating Hits Career Low in Post/ABC News Poll Sept 12,42%
Can someone help find the Governor's letter to *
David Schuster reporting a new FEMA failure right now
If Chimp were a man and Nagin were a woman
DU Economics experts, Please help me understand this...
Not a Big fan of Biden but he had me going today
Dean Statement on Brown Resignation
Get outta dodge. Is it time to invoke the 25th?
New Dr. Phil Thread...he is filling in for Larry King on CNN
Picture: Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.
Hey! The Daily Show just did "Meet the F**kers2..."
China sends warships to gas fields
Is ANYONE in MSM pointing out how effective FEMA was under
Anyone hearing talk on the TV tonight, you know on "What
Rachel Maddow on MSNBC -- awesome point on Roberts
Please DU this poll - RW'r who voted against $ for Katrina
Dr. Phil...Why on God's green earth is a psychologist (or
OC & L.A. Weekly Reporters afraid Villiage Voice will buy them out.
From the bowels of hell-The Talking Anne Coulter Doll is now available!
Is an election like the Miss America Pageant?
CSPAN Schedule Tuesday September 13
Double Whammy...Anderson Cooper and Aaron Brown...they have
i need help ..tell me about Charles Krauthammer and his loyalties
January 20, 2005: Bush's $40 million inauguration had nine balls
What would you think about a person
Kerry: Leave no American behind: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina
If you lived in Georgia,who would you vote for in the Democratic Primary
Did anybody see Catherine Crier's show today?
Krugman--All the President's Men (Bush has created many FEMA's)
Your opinion.. Bush: Incompetent or Devious Opportunist
Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) A puzzling hypocrite
Kucinich in '08 - Because *Real* Democrats Come In Small Packages
Boy, we sure could have used some of Al's "micromanaging" these last 5 yrs
Demand Accountability for the Response to Katrina (independ. counsel)
Some REAL Questions for John Roberts
Setting an example (Al Gore & other private citizens respond to Katrina)
I got the morning paper for you, NYT enjoy
Bush Lied When Asked About Brown's Resignation
I'm a hopeaholic. There's nothing George Bush can do about it
Penguin film as Political Fodder
At Home and Abroad, Bush Has Wrought Devastation
New Draft/US Defense Paper Calls for Preventive Nuke Strikes
Conyers op-ed: 40th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act
Death in Bobur Square: Survivors talk about the May Uzbek massacre
Bill Clinton: Saviour of the world?
Chris Allbritton: Here be Dragons... (Young reporters stay away from Iraq)
Jesse Jackson-Hurricane Looting Not Over Yet (looting by Halliburton etc)
"Euthanasia is illegal in Louisiana" yet under some circumstances it
Death in Bobur Square (the forgotten Uzbek massacre)
When Religion is an Addiction: by Bob Minor
Legal Experts Call Current Law A Poor Fit for Leak Prosecutions (Plame)
Riverbend (Baghdad Burning) remembers 9/11
Schram: I've Already Written My Prayer
Look in the mirror, Mr. President (Reaganite says Bush should apologize..)
Disaster Capitalism in New Orleans
E.J. Dionne/WaPo: "End of the Bush Era"
Another Flood, Another FEMA (Grand Forks/New Orleans contrast)
Molly Ivins: The graft goes on (Molly says "I told you so" about W)
Bill O'Reilly in his Ratings Magic Wig (CARTOON)
US MainStream Media ignores "Love canal" Superfund site under water in NO
Okay, this has probably been posted; however, I have researched and
Blanket Of Smog Marks Magical Occasion As Hong Kong Disneyland Opens
As Climate Breakdown Worsens, Replacement Of Canadian Boreal Unlikely
Miles Of NO Levees Gone - Damage Much More Extensive Than Thought - LAT
Peat Bog Fire Erupts Near Vancouver
National Ice Center - Svalbard Now 100% Ice-Free At 80 N And Beyond
Breakthrough Unlikely At Montreal's Post-Kyoto Talks Late This Year
Chilling Sat Photos Of Lousiana Wetlands, Hurricane Effects - NYT
PECO Energy Settlement Includes Funding for Renewable Energy
EPA is covering up environmental damage in NOLA
Energy Giant Sells Off Oil and Pipeline Business in Ecuador
Commodity Strategists: Oil May Average $93 in 2007
Toyota Hopes To Cut Hybrid Marginal Costs In Half - USA Today
Gaza Sites Are Awash With Palestinians on a New Shore
What If Jews Destroyed Mosques?
Egypt and PA turn Gaza in to a large prison....
Have you guys seen this? Isn't it great. I love the Internet
So, early last night, for some reason, intuition maybe, I reach into
Protest song on Tonight Show with Jay Leno references election fraud
Election Truth CD-ROM - reliable download !!
You'll want to see this too ASAP cause it's long overdue.
Well, well, what do you know...
Los Angeles get together after the march on Sept. 24th
Need advice re: apartments/NoHo
Call Ahnold, tell him to sign the marriage equality bill
KOMY-AM (Santa Cruz AAR affiliate) finds it hard to sell ads
Harkin Steak Fry 9/18 Tickets for sale online
Massachusetts Otis Air National Guard Base WILL REMAIN OPEN . . .
Vigils in Brockton, Boston, other cities tonight, tomorrow, etc...
A call to arms! Ballot initiative to bring the Mass. NG home
I keep getting a pop up wanting me to download a file I never asked for
Eleven Children Found Caged in Ohio Home
Air Force Officer Pleads Guilty to Trying to Have Wife Killed
NOLA attorney needs a job in Houston or anywhere in Texas!
Dallas Morning News wants Bush library in Dallas
Last Call for Bay Area New Democrats Fun-Raiser and Meet the Candidates
Reminder: Drinking Liberally TOMORROW (9/14!)
Katrina-9/11- and remember how nobody told him the capitol
"Go to and get educated, damn it!"
Does anyone know how to read the info. Search & Rescue put on houses?
Words we need to hear from reporters in a Post-Katrina era
?!?!?! FEMA...REFUSING to activate its individual assistance programs
FEMA: prepare a two-week supply cache (emergency preparedness)
MEDIA BLAST privatization spin?
Hey, lurcking media folks, anyone interested in a Pulitzer?
New FEMA guy is "Duct Tape" guru from 2 yrs ago
Bush Lied When Asked About Brown's Resignation
Ahr-nuld: I can absolutely understand why Brazil is totally devoted....
dR. O 'Go F Yourself Mr. Cheney" up next on Morning Sedition
The "Go Fuck Yourself Mr. Cheney" guy is on Morning Sedition..NOW!
Telephone Schwarzenegger and tell him to allow gay marriages . . .
Craig Crawford Suggests "They Let it Happen on Purpose"
The United States Of Apathy - God Bless The USA!
The MAJOR reason why this country is in the shape it is -- MEDIA
Got this email, What they MSM aren't reporting.
Let's just say the Iraq War was a smashing success
US media hails martial law general in New Orleans
Jesus Christmas, why is liberal programming NOT supported by us???
Please DU This New MSNBC Poll and keep kicked! nt
I Can't Bear To Watch The Roberts Hearings! Dem Appeasement Run Amok!
Bush said need to be prepared 4 BIOLOGICAL terrorists attack is down........
Survival of New Orleans Blog -Apologies if already posted
c-span caller: gw bush greatest man who ever walked
urgent appeal to halt the execution of Frances Newton--new evidence
The burning bush was Christ himself?!?
Confronted a freeper in line at post office yesterday....
Just registered with Fema. WTF?
Has rule-of-law usurped our establishment of justice?
"What advice would you give to the xxx High School graduating class of
Am I the only one not able to connect to...
Peace Activists trial starts Monday - need help!!
Is anyone besides me with sloooow DU
Miles Of NO Levees Gone - Damage Much More Extensive Than Thought - LAT
America is not a liberal country.... Never Was!
NYT: March of the Conservatives: Penguin Film as Political Fodder
Foster-Farming: 11 foster children found in cages in Ohio.
Bush to address nation Thursday night from Louisiana
FEMA repsonded "much differently to Katrina than the others" -- reason???
Be aware of 2 media stories playing into BushInc's ploy to dissolve FEMA.
Feds OK emergency plan for (Indian Point, NY) nuke plant - Paulison
FEMA Under Clinton. Beginning Comparison Between Dem/GOP Responses
Rumsfeld is turning over "Bin Laden hunt" to NATO ?????
Conservative Kansans joined us at Nichols Fountain on 9/11 Sunday.
HEY! Who in the hell put Brian Doyle Murray in charge?
Official Day 2 of Roberts hearing thread - CSpan 3
none of us ever thought that the deadly Y2K virus we all expected across
Poll shows racial divide on storm response
Laura * speech to Heritage Foundation
These guys are too slick.. Brown's resignation and avoiding the Blame Game
Arlen Specter Is One Smart Cookie...
Is anyone else getting slow responses
Booklist for a prior DU discussion (JFK Assassination)
Arlen Spector asking Roberts about Roe v. Wade & Birth Control issues now
SCOTUS position is QUID PRO QUO for Roberts' (s)election role
Bush to "Address the Nation" this Thursday at 9 PM
Colin Powell with Barbara Waawa...
Why does the NYT even bother running John Tierney's column?
Los Angeles No Longer Plagued By Alligators. Can't Say The Same For NOLA!
Raw Story, from WSJ: Internal docs show feds "bungled" Katrina response
Bring Them Home Now Tour experience
Whammo! Specter shows Roberts chart of 38 Roe v. Wade affirmations
Amtrak and the great evacuation debate....
Who has received $$$ from the $50 Billion- Where can it be tracked?
After Levees Failed, * Had “A Sense of Relaxation”
John Roberts annoying-talks to Leahy as if he's talking to a child
DU Group Proposal - Sexuality and Public Policy
AAAARGH! If I see another g-damned story blaming welfare>>>
Springer is talking about poverty on his show now
If nothing else, can we at least agree now that Bush is NOT "clever"
You have to read this: The Bush Era is Gone
We dreamed the internet would free the world, but it was just a dream.
Gag, it's freeper day on Springer...
Roberts "Big Baby Blue" Contacts are freaking me out! There's something
Evacuees at shelter treated like prisoners and shot by authorities
LMAO! Readers Weigh In On Bush/Hurricane
All Aboard the Katrina Gravy Train - Halliburton, Shaw, Bechtel
Either the Bush kids serve in Chimp's "noble cause" or the troops come hom
Politician and the porn star - did she fake her own death?
So why is this guy still in College instead of dodging IED's?
RESOURCE: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement
Okay, Roberts's eyes should be addressed -- MSM, what's up?
Did you happen to notice on the news yesterday that Catholic School,
Anyone Know The Woman Behind Roberts?
ROBERTS' Wife Looks Like She's Been Hit with a Board Between the Eyes
So Junior wants to sit on Trent Lott's new porch.
Where was the clergy during the hurricane and flooding?
CSPAN 2- Byrd on ripping Bush another arse....
Bush aides were too chickenshit to talk to him....
Georgia's New Poll Tax Sorry if dupe, I know I missed it
Why is everyone talking about Roberts' EYES? ---pix->>>
Oceanside man joins campaign to find WWII MIAs
Need Help/ Advice SSDI - What is ticket to work
It's time to shake the RW'ers Faith in Bush-God
"The bugle of Katrina must be heeded.."
Be sure to check out this article!
IRAQ: Cindy & DSM underlined lies, when will real reasons break through?
What's this? Starting 9/18, NY Times op-eds will no longer be free.
Camp Casey tour draws 200 to rally protesting Iraq War (Buffalo News)
Seems General Honorer's "zero access" order for the media is still in force
LA Mayor said wasn't worried about threat to LA - so the lights go out
REMIX: George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People! (KICKS ASS!)
Complete this quote, fill in the blanks " is a dangerous and
Please refute my contention that Repukes are systematically destroying
"I've been workin' -" really bugging me!
Bush & some Iraqi on TV shouting his praises. Was this planned
Condi 2008 - You know it's coming
Medicare Cutting seniors coverage by a staggering 4.3% on January 1, 2006.
An area the size of Great Britain!
Out of the money: Whatever happened to the War on Poverty? . . .
Is Bush Saddam Hussein's Soul Mate? Don't Tell The Leader Bad News . . .
I was sitting in my local watering hole on Saturday night..
this a.m. Grassly used Katrina as reason for making Roberts Chief J.
Republicans: No need to answer questions Mr. Roberts...
Katrina through a different lens - Ethnic news organizations provide
Bush just accepted responsiblity
NYT LTTEs: Bush and his Can't Do government
When will my dreams come true Fitzie?
Roberts' baseball metaphor is a clue
press conference: He STILL doesn't know what happened...
Keith's Boss KAPLAN Could Be Out of a Job by the End of the Year
OMG, * is talking about IRAN and Nukes
Poll: Should more officials step down because of the government's response
Thank you, Mr. Bush, for your honesty
Gotta wonder what is up when someone who ALWAYS sends me freeper emails
Bush to Address the Nation Thursday Night!!
Bush taking responsibility is akin to the criminal caught on tape
Where Has All the Money Gone?--re Iraq and now, NOLA?
Rove is channelling JFK with Bush's admission of responsibility...
Bush's "Taking Responsibility" comment is just a Political Play
"I want to know what went right and what went wrong."
an aside: how many pet pythons got loose in the storm
Guh... buh... how the hell am I supposed to react?!?!
Junior must be desperate to invade IRAN if he's "apologizing" for Katrina
Words of Wisdom from "Bewitched."
Are heads exploding? Two weeks of freepers saying Bush not at fault
If Bush nukes Iran or Syria, will we sit idly by and let him keep power?
This is an e-mail I got from someone I know, "Let's have an investigation"
Did Bush* claim responsibility for negligent homicide?
Bush's Address to the Nation on Thursday Night will be...
The old men and children they send out to stop us they can't ...
Last week to Pelosi - "what went wrong?" This week - "my fault"
They vacationed and played while our fellow citizens drowned.
Lovely, we have 3 more Augusts of Bush vacations
New CNN poll: Should more officials step down...?
Bush's limited-liability admission -- check his exact wording!
Important info from the Center for Disease Control
"I take responsibility." No apology, though. Is one coming Thursday?
If you woke up tomorrow morning in bush's body, what would you do?
Bush learns "responsibility" - a skill normally learned in CHILDHOOD
Bush To Take Responsibilitiy For Katrina Response Blunders
If DUers are impressed with Bush "taking responsibility"...
Bush admits being President, that's all. Not mistakes.
Sign Petition: Katrina Money for Halliburton? How Dare They!
Scary, scary thought...what if the Chimp actually resigns Thursday?
Bush taking responsibility is Rove's idea....
Bush is taking responsibility so congress doesn't investigate Katrina
Arlen Specter is being a bully goodness nt
Until the press asks about "Cutting the emergency communication lines"
You misread it, bush didn't take responsibility, he FAKED responsibility..
OK, who's going to tell the nation that * going to war with Iran
Wanna get rid of Conservatives....... Get rid of Racism..
Bush: B4 "What went wrong?" Now: "I take responsibility" B4: "Brownie..."
I saw on MSNBC crawl something about live videos at
You know what? This latest Chimpy stunt is going to work
FBI Analyst At Fort Monmouth (NJ) Charged As Spy
FEMA is "now idiots"....Privatization starts (Haliburton, Bechtel & more)
Quick! I need info about Georgia's "Poll Tax"
Bush takes blame for flaws in Katrina response -- Too Late!
Email Cafferty NOWShould Judge Roberts have to answer specific questions ?
Bush Mea Culpa = Shoring up christofascist & Southern black voter blocks
If DU Knew, Why Didn't YOU George? >
Smirky, just resign now. It's over.
Blinky McTwitchet is lying. He feels zero responsibility for...
The "Photo-Op" Administration - look at this photo
Help, can you find the picture of Bush ducking in the hummer in NO
BUSH: Americans have shifted focus from Iraq to problems at home.
Anyone who REALLY believes that bushy genuinely "accepts responsibility,"
FUNNY PHOTO: Bush in New Orleans
Do you think race played a part MSNBC Q? of the day
Has anybody read "The Charm School" by Nelson DeMille?
Dumb question but what does "freeper" mean?
W's taking responsibility is like Hitler apologizing to the Jews
"Amazing Grace...How Sweet the Sound........It saved a Wretch like Me....
Right now, with what we have - Impeachment will not happen
PLEASE....Junior is NOT taking blame, or real responsibility.
Remember....George Bush = SOCIOPATH. Clinical criteria included....
For the FIRST time--the talking points and spin didn't work
CNN finally admitting Bush is failing miserably in the polls
New Orleans: "deliberate act of sabotage was the opening of floodgates"
Latest Katrina polls show racial, economic class divide.
"I shouldn't answer any questions that might come up as a SC justice"
W's WOT is nothing more than Cain v. Abel
Bush is only 10% points higher than Gray Davis was just before his Recall
Some Candles, a Flashlight, and a Can of Beans
Bush: "most solemn duty is to protect the American people"
New FEMA chief: Well, that's good
Bush on the role of government
Joe Conason is Bernie Ward's guest now
What about people with mortgages, or equity loans?
(VIDEO) Colbert/Hitler on Letterman to promote the new show
I need some documentaries to watch!
ray tal is on fire tonight folks
Step One: Get RID of bush. Step Two: Take back the Nation
Why is DU so slow? When I try to bring up....
Front Page Boston - Can't forget Boston...and Mexico
How Can You Screw Up An Arabian Horse Job?
Will the NAACP & the Black Caucus move to impeach bush?
What's say we show our media some love today? If you can
Shaq's big assist leads to an arrest
FEMA impeded the efforts and now CNN is saying housing needed til 2010
how can bush get past Katrina & back to the glorious wars?
Has anyone heard of anything that Operation Blessing was doing
This politician with a distorted face must do nothing but lie, cheat, and
Why it's better for us if GWB does not resign.
My prediction for Thursday's speechification.
well forgive me for being an optimistic DUer
Vid Clip- Bush in Gulfport, MS Sep 12, 2005
the emotion motivating fundamentalists of all stripes . . .
Evacuee, turned away from Astrodome, dies: blood clot after 30 hr bus ride
What happened to Crooks and Liars?
Where were Mike Malloy and Randi Rhodes today?
'Low body count reflects successful evacuation'
Like being in a fine country on a misty day...
As bodies lie uncollected in the streets,insurance fraud is a priority
Stupid Supreme Court Justice Question
PHOTOS - Bush's New Orleans Vacation
2004 Letter From Louisiana Politicians Complaining About Federal Cuts
Which Justices did Roberts say he admired
Is it possible that Bush could have done something right?
URGENT! Tens of thousands of pets need your help-call WH & FEMA
Citizenspook ; "Treasongate: A New Constitutonal Discovery"
Special on ice-skates in hell today!
An Attorney's Efforts to provide Legal Aid in Mississippi
FEMA Acting Director David Paulison & Congressional oversignt of FEMA
Harold Ford Jr actually called out *'s "leadership" on 9/11!
My Amateur Toon: Neocon's Disaster
Wow. That was fast. Paulison's bio already replaced Brown's at
Now that Bush has accepted responsibility
NO should get as much bailout as the airlines did after 9/11
It's not a lie if you believe it! The Costanza Defense and Bush:
Out on a Limb - Prediction - Bush Resigns....
Bush accepting responsibility - the real questions to ask
Rich Little as NIXON on "Responsibility vs Blame"
"Responsiblity" is HIS to take. "Accountability" is OURS to make! private, how pissed do you think * is,
I Am Avoiding The Huffington Post Today...Maybe All Week...
Does anyone have that long list of FEMA failures with links?
Aren't the body counts only referring to direct hurricane
How many Du'ers are 60 yrs. or older?
"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"
Bush taking blame seems hollow and fake to me
The real issue here, instead of an apology
Debunking the "Truth of the N. O. hurricane" chain letter. PLEASE READ!
Bush "Accepting Responsibility" Vs. Newsweek & Time Exposes
What Bush would need to understand in order to take real responsibility
Guess Who's On His Way To New York --pix->>>
The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis
I just called my Republican friend
Why The FUCK Is Biden Suddenly Concerned About The 14th Amendment?
How important are your politics to your personal identity?
A Rovian brainstorm. Anyone interested?
What's the REAL reason for the delay in Bush's response to Katrina?
Thank you, Judge Roberts, for taking Roe v. Wade as settled law.
Camp Casey to DC Update by Cindy Sheehan
That weasel candy ass Cliff May mocks DU
Is it Bush* that is INCOMPETENT or is it the whole Republican Party
Rumsfeld rebuffs Iraq troop withdrawal suggestion
Bush 'taking responsibility' --pix->>>
Some misinformation I have heard about a Chief Justice
Bush lied about Brown resignation
LOL! Freaks Heads Exploding Over CNN Photo of *
Robertson Blames Hurricane On Ellen Degeneres!!!
What will DU be like if Bush does resign on Thursday night?
Chimpy addresses the UN tomorrow night, and the USA Thurs. nite
A few days ago someone asked WHEN the media started working for the GOP
Bush's mea culpa falls short....reporters once again let him off the hook
Look at what the CHIMP actually said!
Robertson article on Ellen is SATIRE__SEE ARCHIVES
Bush shouldn't claim responsability.
Quick! Someone get Brownie on the phone!!!
Would * be taking ANY responsibility if a REAL body count
He already HAD Responsibility, the real question is ACCOUNTABILITY
If Bush was serious about ACCOUNTABILITY he would have said this:
Please DU this right wing poll
Katrina brings a brief glimpse of freedom and fresh air to a few.
Why do conservatives only object to "activist judges"
Is Chimpy's "Acceptance" Of Responsibility a MEDIA Creation????
Breaking Raw Story: Gov Blanco took all neccessary steps in Katrina
Did Bush also admit to misleading the country about Iraq?
eBay suspended Dr. Ben Marble (Go "F" yourself Mr. Cheney)
I Do Not Care That The Media Manipulates. People Are Responsible For Their
Difference between Democrats and Republicans
NEVER say 'what went wrong' without 1st saying 'what went right'
Dumb ass! You should watch this trailer and feel good about the future.
Why Bush Co had to take "responsibility"?
200,000 "may need" temporary housing for FIVE YEARS!
barbara bush takes full responsibility for george's fetal alcohol syndrome
I' starting to believe that many Dem Senators
Sign 'New America Initiative' - from Elizabeth Edwards
Katrina comes to its conclusion
Oh Great........a Randi rerun! Where's Mike?
On the "looking for" list on MSNBC
Tell Arnold Schwarzenegger what you think...
Great article about John Kerry, Iran Contra, and the Corporate Media
Will the Chimp taking responsibility reverse his slide in polls?
Freeper Thud on Hurricane Katrina Blame Game
Tancredo Questions Shape of 9/11 Memorial
I thought I had the link. Does anyone have the scoop on the buses?
So now the 'strategery' is to make Smirky look noble and humble
Biden to Roberts: Booga booga!
What question would YOU ask Roberts?
Is Bush*t giving a speech thursday?
Great Article on John Kerry, Iran Contra, and the Corporate Media
JUST POSTED: CRS Report on Blanco & Bush response to Katrina
Spector to Biden about Roberts:
1897 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Silver Douche-bag, Duct tape and Brownie.
Someone please give me what Betty Bowers would think
Slow reponse to Katrina because of prep for Syria/Iran action?
Streaming Air America went offline!
The entire USA is a cover up....
Paper: Internal docs show feds 'bungled' Katrina response
Gloria Steinem is a Hopeaholic and ** can't stop her
The most important video links?
Caption Condi showing off her new $1000 pair of shoes
“Osama can be an excuse for the US leader to push ahead his agenda..."
Oh Shit. Bush may really be crazy.
If Bush were to announce his resignation in Thursday's address,
"The Government Has Failed the People"
Barbara Bush's responses to other disasters (satire)
"Finally Fooling None of the People"
Think Progress: Right-Wing Myths About Katrina, Debunked
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!
Another Roberts photo --pix->>>
"Roberts dodges specifics on abortion"
If you believe Bush's sincerity in regard to accepting responsibility...
Mr. Duct Tape Replaces "Brownie"
Sorry Bush, but your apology is too little, too late
A Bumper Sticker that will get the message across.....
Boxer on Schultz...slamming George re FEMA.
Senator Sessions sounds like the voice of Deputy Dog
Shit-eating grins that one can truly hate with a passion
What the hell happened to CBS? In the 50's they brought down McCarthy
GWB, Carefree --pix->>> (warning - graphic!)
What is Jeff Sessions smoking in the cloakroom?
If * resigns, what would you do?
Bush Takes Reponsibility for Blunders
Freeper = Narcissism Support Group Member
CNN blames everyone but the Chimp
"President Bush is not at fault for New Orleans response"
"Hurricane Bolton Threatens to Wreak Havoc on the Global Poor"--Medea B.
OK . . . Now the * fishing pic has gone full circle . . .My RW brother
when are we gonna get liberal/progressive tv that's accessible to...
Democrats prefered 50% to 38% over Republicans for Congress
!! Developing Raw Story on CIA Leak!!
Where do Americans get off thinking they have a right to PRIVACY?
Negligent Homicide Charges in NO,
Feingold asking Roberts about not recusing himself in Pres. Bush case
"Beggers can't be choosey" Chris Matthews
The Stakes in Roberts's Nomination
Adopt a Katrina chicken survivor and really torture your neighbors
Anyone care to help debunk?LOL (puke alert)
We need a Recall Amendment to the Constitution, with a Fascism clause
My letter to Senator Conrad "horsemeat" Burns (R-MT)
NPR had to retract it's report of THREE CHOLERA Victims in NO's
Jesse Jackson: "Hurricane Looting Not Over Yet"
The dishonesty that is involved in Roberts' refusal to answer
I got a really cool card in the mail today....
Byrd urges America to "come home."
Whoa, Bush! You may think you're done with NOLA, but think again...
President Jalal Talabani - Who is pulling the strings?
Texas Republican PAC officials indicted!!!!!! BREAKING!
My 2nd Jeff Sessions thread of the day--sorry
Jeff Sessions thinks it's funny that workers in NOLA won't get fair wages.
While he's at it will Bush take responsibility for lying about WMD in Iraq
Found someone who is still using the Blame Game meme
Fema outsources Katrina Body count to SCI
What does it mean to take full responsibility....
hell, just comfirm the crazy sonofabitch already and be done with it
Hampton Roads, VA is currently under a Tropical Storm watch (eom)
Should there be term limits for judges?
Whistleblower: Chertoff Impeding Rescue NOW!
The seperated children in the aftermath of Katrina????
Citizenspook - Pardons aren't legal, Bush & his men are doomed
Heard on KLSD1360 this AM: Bush's poll numbers are so low, that....
F*** ANY investigation--here's how to make a difference:
Shaquille O'Neal Assists Police In Hate Crime Arrest
Please help us get rid of Sensenbrenner
Please test my new stream of the Mark Levine show.
Tweety is positively drooling over * tonight. Unprecedented
E. J. Dionne: End of the Bush Era
the senate ought to just stop this charade with roberts ...
"Constitution in Exile". John Roberts and his agenda!
newsmax: gore bLames bush for katrina
Good Lord - it's an Intervention....
meanwhile..."US planes strike 10 times near Syria border"
Fema to outsource NOLA body counting to Dibold!?
Tempers flare between Houston, Louisiana students and their mothers
26,000 Homes in St. Bernard Parish to be demolished
If our government is starting to use a private merc company
I cant be the only one who sees the irony in New Orleans-gate.
anderson cooper going to tell "the bridge" story.
Baby born to brain-dead Mother dies
TV alert: Gov. Dean on Hannity and Colmes tonight at 9:00.
Does anybody really expect Senator Kerry to get installed Thursday?
A response from Sen. Martinez (FL) to my letter. (rather long)
We shouldn't compare Bush the Butcher to a Chimp!
Who here would be FIRED from their jobs if they f*cked up as bad as bush**
What's with all this Chimpy is gonna resign bullshit.
* takes responsiblity. Finally. Now, pay no further attention MSM.
It's the Great Tweety Fellate-athon (of Shrub, Natch)
What is the most important issue facing this nation?
A U.S. view: Common sense revolution goes south
Question: How does George W. Bush really feel about Roe vs. Wade?
Was there any time at which ALL roads to the center of NO were cut off?
Sen Mary Landrieu is on with Big Ed right now
k, can't find a Blanco CNBC intreview (let's bush off hook?)
Bush is tardy again: first national speech on Katrina is 2+ weeks late
Yesterday G. Beck calls survivors "scumbags" - today a student throws can
Human and Animal Rescue Stories in NO! Bring Hankies...
Bush Takes Responsibility for Blunders
why don't they strap bush's mother in a truck & roll HER down the street?
This is probably a pipe dream, but...
I keep thinking about something my dad said re: Bush
Rebuilding NO at below min. wage
Okay, What is up with CNN's 6 images on the screen?
What else has Bush accepted responsibility for?
Wow! A Supreme Court Chief Justice who answers only
How Will They Ever Know How Many Dead?
The sad thing is that the entire country
FEMA outsources Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scan
Why is Steven Segal dressed up like a cop in New Orleans...
Coeur Alaska, Inc. to subvert Clean Water Act and destroy Alaskan lake!!
I was invited to dinner with Bush...
Are there more trolling Fweepers around today,
Apologies in Advance --pix->>>
Stars and Stripes letter -- Read it and weep, Chimpee!
Corruption is Inherent in Any Ideology that is Not Reality Based
So how are the freepers handling *'s apology?
Where Can I Find a Timeline for Hurricane Katrina
Heeeeeere's Johnny (small photos)
Commanders Ordered Not To Fire Gays Until War's End
I wish that they would move the UN headquarters out of the US
Did you know John Roberts appeared on Star Trek?
Breaking news - CNN-Nursing home indictments
Dr. Phil wearing white doctor scrubs in NO. Now, I've seen it all.
Okay. . .which comedian has a good base on the pulse of America
Cut it out with the Bush resign fantasy.
Remember our chat about a children's book "Liberals under the bed"?
WOW!!! Check out the URL for the bush "I take responsibility" story...
In YOUR opinion, what is a Progrssive Democrat?
Just how much sovereign immunity does the Bush administration have anyway?
Blanco gives up on FEMA, hires firm herself to recover Louisiana dead
GOP guns for Angelina Jolie, they claim she is trying to put a pretty face
it's a full time job making bush look like he's really the president
*** I've been a prick to many of you. I'm sorry. **
Mystery surrounds floodwall breaches
Congressional Republicans are Forced to Address Rove's Plame/Conyers
Oh, my little granddaughters, I weep for you.
(Quality rumor) Levees opened on purpose routinely
Anyone else think Judge Roberts has the eyes of a cobra?
who WAS that weeping republican at the hearings calling liberals meanies?
'Reagan revolution': I have never heard this term before
I dont hear or see real critical evaluation of WHY bushco wants roberts.
Aides wouldn't Bother * ?? There's More here, & Impeachment Ain't Enough!
For my friend - please come to D.C.
Hey Freeps, it's just a bumper sticker!
John Kerry on *'s responsibility moment
Has any Dem asked Roberts about corporations?
(VIDEO) Daily Show: Evolution Schmevolution Day 1
*'s "No TV Defense": First Lady Says President DOES watch TV!
The American right responds to Katrina: A synopsis.
Report Confirms that Louisiana Took Necessary and Timely Steps
Highschool blasts mmmBop over loudspeaker until kids donate money...
Joe Conason: DLC has no constituency!
Abu Ghraib: What the hell is Judge Hellerstein doing?
What happened with the big march on 9/11?
Rape-Reporting Procedure Missing After Hurricane
Mom's freeper neighbor's cathartic dream..... (KINDA LONG)
1,463 Days since 9/11 and Bin Laden STILL a FREE MAN....
GA Dr. blogged from NOLA. Dr. Otter was just on Ed Schultz. Blog Link:
quod erat demonstrandum: It Was Intentional
Brooks: * WH "decided our public relations is not going to be honest"
I haven't been cooking hardly at all lately.
Coriander in Green Chile, yes or no?
Alberta asking private insurance to bid on all medicare coverage
Newman rejects Mulroney's claims of betrayal
Pope appoints new Bishop of Paisley
Kennedy looks to Thatcher for inspiration
Make Poverty History campaign ban in UK?
William to be homelessness patron
Fanatics cause petrol shortage
Saville enquiry: Shadowy group linked to collusion and murder
(State Premier) Bracks voices concern over US activist ( Scott Parkin)
U.N. summit burdened by disagreements over human rights, terror, nuclear
Former state judge: U.S. Supreme ignoring Holmes' lesson
Big gift gives Kilgore an edge:Republican governors' group gives nominee $
Setting an example (Al Gore & other private citizens respond to Katrina)
Nicaragua's main opposition party suspends drive for removing immunity of
Investigators to monitor Katrina contracts
Iraq constitution faces new delay
Colombian hijack ends peacefully
Front Page NYT "45 Bodies are found in New Orleans Hospital"
Front Page Boston - Can't forget Boston...and Mexico
US 'could cut 50,000 Iraq troops'
Rescue team finds 45 corpses floating in flooded hospital
Bush Lied When Asked About Brown's Resignation
Ethnic news organizations provide new angles on U.S. disaster
Death in Bobur Square (the forgotten Uzbek massacre)
Blair's office: No plans to change British Holocaust Day
Talabani Says Iraqis Could Replace Many US Troops
NYTpg1: A Rush to Set Up U.S. Housing for Storm Survivors
US Says 'All Options On the Table' to Punish Syrian Meddling in Iraq
Camp Casey tour draws 200 to rally protesting Iraq War (Buffalo News)
Career Firefighter Named New FEMA Director
NYT: Envoys Reach Compromise on Scaled-Back U.N. Reform Plans
NYT: F.B.I. Found to Violate Its Informant Rules
NYT/AP: Katrina Displaces Thousands With HIV
NYT/AP: Talks Resume on N. Korea Nuclear Program
Criminal probe eyed in nursing home deaths
LAT: Chavez Extends an Oil-Rich Hand to Neighbors
Bush balancing agenda with storm response ("I can do more than one thing")
Paper: Internal docs show feds 'bungled' Katrina response
LAT: Much Wider Damage to Levees Is Disclosed (little or no protection)
'Hundreds' May Pose Terror Threat, Says Clarke
Informants Decide Fate of Iraqi Detainees (Use gladiators' thumbs-down!)
Iraq: Jihadist Group Announces Chemical Attack On Baghdad
Insurgents shell Green Zone in central Baghdad
Bush to address US amid new questions
Roberts Says U.S. Constitution Covers Privacy Rights
As LA Lights Go Out, Power Worries Rise: Doubts about system's integrity
Vote on Wednesday, Hearing and Rally on Thursday Challenge War
Bush & some Iraqi on TV shouting his praises. Was this planned
OMG, * is talking about IRAN and Nukes
Bush Takes Responsibility for Blunders
Company admits slave history - Lehman Brothers
Protesters deride VP Cheney as he visits Austin shelter
Bankruptcy court clerk accused of cheating debtors
Iraqi Police Say Four Americans Killed Near Basra
WSJ: Congress Delays Plans To Extend Bush's Tax Cuts
Doctors Watching Katrina Shelters Closely for Disease Outbreaks
New FEMA Head Says Focus Is Finding Homes
Hackers hit U.S. Army computers (identity theft)
Bush takes blame for flaws in Katrina response
Iraq's president: no timetable for US withdrawal
Frist says Katrina might cancel Medicaid cuts
U.S.-Canada timber fight in court
Bush, Seeking to Regain Trust, Plans Katrina Recovery `Czar'
Iraqi police say four Americans killed near Basra (mercs)
Roberts: Roe V. Wade 'Entitled to Respect'
Arms fair criticised for using Iraq war to market weapons
Feingold Wants All Troops Home By Dec. 2006
Iraq’s draft constitution undergoes 11th hour modifications
Federal Judge Blocks Sequoia Forest Logging
Senate effort to repeal mercury emissions rule defeated
New Orleans Port Begins Limited Operations
Sen. Reid: Bush should have fired Brown
FEMA Convoy Gets Ice to Cities Not in Need
City Needs to Control Recovery, Bush Says
Bush Vows to Support Iraq's New Democracy
Negroponte: Iraqis in Insurgency More Elusive
Nonpartisan congressional research report finds LA GOV took necessary step
5 US Security Guards Killed in Basra
Pakistan forces find 'drone' in Al-Qaeda raid
Groups Challenge Abstinence Curriculum
JUST POSTED: CRS Report on Blanco & Bush response to Katrina
Gasoline Rises on Signs Refinery Damage Will Cut Fuel Supplies
Norway's Prime Minister to Step Down
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 13 September
NYC primary: Some Democrats say they'll vote for Bloomberg in the fall
Poll finds blacks, whites see hurricane relief effort differently
Air Force Officer Pleads Guilty to Trying to Have Wife Killed
Harris keeps them waiting, but Republicans don't mind
Aldermen call for withdrawing troops from Iraq
Envoys Reach Compromise on Scaled-Back U.N. Reform Plans
Negligent homicide charges filed in nusing home deaths during Katrina
Warning: Iraq war boosts terror threat (EU's counter-terror chief)
U.S. Commander: Iraq Fighters Use Torture
Bush Seeks to Pressure Syria Over Lebanon, Iraq
U.S. Commander: Iraq Fighters Use Torture
Marine on leave says being in Iraq was like being in hell
Long Queues at Forecourts as Motorists Try to Beat Fuel Blockade--UK
Venezuelan Economy Is Growing Faster Than Forecast, Maza Says
NYT/AP: Union: LA Cut Corners With Utility Wages (link to power failure)
Senate Maintains Mercury Emissions Rules
Red Cross volunteer says Katrina relief effort is unusually disorganized
LAT: Order to Halt Sequoia National Monument Logging May Be Appealed
Nursing Home owners charged with negligent homicide (AP)
Troops may leave Iraq - Britain and Australia
Louisiana nursing home operators charged in deaths
Firefighter arrested after 9/11 remembrance
Wholesale prices (PPI) in check -unchanged in August
LAT: Unreleased DVD Warns New Orleans Poor: Save Yourself
Biden not satisfied with answers from Roberts
Bush: Iran has right to civilian nuclear program
Haitian Women Pursue Atrocity Lawsuit Against Former Strongman
US bars Cuba from UN conference
Bodies Lie For Days Awaiting Retrieval
Bloomberg:Blanco Hires Contractor to Help Recover Bodies(gives up on FEMA)
WP: Bush,Talabani Say No Timetable for Withdrawal (Talabani reversal)
Grand Jury Indicts Two DeLay Associates
Employees Will Be Bearing More Health Care Costs In 2006
Bush To Address Nation (from LA) on Thursday (9:00 p.m. EST)
LiveScience: NASCAR Engineers Help Design New Combat Vehicle
North Carolina braces for Hurricane Ophelia
(FERC) Regulators to aid hurricane-hit utilities (unprecedented)
Police chief faces Menezes family
U.S. consumer confidence gauge drops sharply-report
First lady becomes president's defender
Farrakhan Ministers To Evacuees, Vows To Bush That Payback Is Near
Russia warns U.S. against new nuclear doctrine
Undocumented aliens rebuilding Biloxi, say they deserve visas
Canadian sailors to go ashore in Biloxi
Bush officials say they're concerned about natural gas shortages
(Houston) School fight involving evacuees ends with 3 injuries, 5 arrests
Blair to take lead in Security Council drive against terror
Fox News: Talabani: Iraqis 'Will Never Forget' Bush
Father of 278th soldier killed in Iraq speaks out in support of war
Study: US Losing Ground in Education
WP: Wal-Mart Accused of Denying Workers' Rights (class action suit filed)
CONYERS RELEASE: 4 House Comms to Vote on Rove 'TreasonGate' Resolution!
Commanders Ordered Not To Fire Gays Until War's End
Burger chain to pay $34,000 after not hiring disfigured worker
Slowness of recovery of Katrina dead criticized (Blanco criticizes FEMA)
Roberts Sidesteps Landmark Abortion Ruling
FEMA outsources Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping!
Nonpartisan congressional research report finds LA governor took necessary
Electric crews diverted from hospital work by White House
Cuban doctors' group would tackle global disasters
As bodies recovered, reporters are told 'no photos, no stories'
Top Democrat calls for troop withdrawal from Iraq (Sen. Robert Byrd)
NYT: Musharaff Confirms Nuclear Exports (by Khan to North Korea)
Rice: Disaster shows 'ugly way' race, poverty collide
RAWSTORY:Investigation finds Red Cross agreed to withhold Orleans aid, ...
The beauty products from the skin of executed Chinese prisoners
Anyone watch Hit Me Baby One More Time?
When's the Lounge going back up on the Latest page?
Double Indemnity on TCM - anyone watch it?
Making up for Lounge withdrawal. (Holy hubba alert)
Dearest Lounge, How Are You, Love Pri
A question for those who speak and write French
For my 3000th post that you have no comment
Damn, this "packing everything you own" stuff is hard work.
One last post before bed for all of you
Just over three hours before vacation begins!
new toon - 9/13/05.... paddle? what paddle?
Anybody catch the Moment of Zen from Monday's Daily Show?
Abbie Hoffman talking about Janis Joplin
John and George's "Beavis and Butthead" Moment
Breaking: Cost of movies to double, LA blackout to blame
The last time oil was $63/barrel, how much did gas cost for you?
LTTE in today's Guardian re: cricket
I got sucked up in Clintmax's thread
CHAKA KHAN!! Her Son Will Stand Trial In Shooting Death
The Official DU Word Of The Day Is: Tergiversation (Use in a sentence)
Choose your opinion of the Monday Night Football opening credit sequence
What's on your agenda for today?
how many of you jokers ever played descent?
Is Anyone Having Trouble Connecting To N\T
Sinkhole Disrupts 'Happy Hour' at Eatery
Cow Power: Battery Runs on Bovine Stomach Bacteria
Are you serious???!?! It's only TUESDAY!?!!
Drunk Driver Jumps In Back Seat With Passengers - Car Spins Out Of Control
Hardee's To Pay $34,000 For Not Hiring Woman With Disfigured Face
Jane Roberts certainly looks prim and proper, doesn't she?
What do you think of Thomas Szasz?
Good night to all my dear friends...this sleepy head needs to toddle
Re confirmation hearings: I love knowing what they're talking about!
YES!!-Big Daddy's a will throb AGAIN
Yes the Eagles lost but I still beat GOPisEvil in Fantasy Football
Barbara Bush Releases "Houston For The Underprivileged" Tour Guide
Sat 12 miles on my couch yesterday.
Check out the tracklist for my show this Thursday!
which do you prefer....wonderland or looking glass...
Anyone catch "Wanted" the other night?
Easy recipe for you folks...pure heaven.
Can anybody download thisExcel template?
I do have ONE thing in common with Orrin Hatch
So, who here is getting that kick-ass "I can wear long sleeves again"
Anyone watching premiere of House tonight?
In an all out street fight who'd win?
Any DU t-shirt designers - cafe express folks - Katrina T-shirt needed
Open Letter to the President from Bill Maher ........
Once and for all the BATTLE ROYALE: Bono vs. Sting
Stop kissing Roberts's ass, Biden!
(Other) DU word of the Day: abstemious.
With which company does ship?
Update on the Glowlights: they have Ick.
"I wish I was a loofah"- the quotable "Stripes" thread.
Trap-Breaking Chimpanzees Found In Guinea
This Thread Is For Sundog And Zuni
1,000 Chickens That Survived Hurricane Will Escape Frying Pan
This is what bothers me about John Roberts' eyes...
pr0nwatch: Suicide Girls owned by right-winger who treats models poorly?
We're Picking Up A New Kittie Today!
I got 30lbs. of kitty food for Katrina's kitties
My coworker is playing Dylan in his office
How can you tell if sashimi is bad?
Police Played With Woman's Sex Toys During Drug Raid
"The Medeusa Touch" is ripe for a re-make.
Would you sell something to Kellogg Brown and Root?
Mmmmmm Hickory Smoked Pork Loin
Remember the Gloria Estefan "Cat Video"
Mad Magazine: The Simpsons meet the Family Guy
Bush vows action over Iran. But ignored Katrina for a week as
Anything I can do for bacterial pink eye
Do you let your cats drink from the toilet?
Great names ruined by TV and Movies...
Kraft caramels: The food of the gods!
HELP!? Please attend Air America Chicago Event on Sept 14!
I hate that * says the hard "a" instead of "uh," for the word "a"?
Woman gets pregnant after 'acrobatic joyride' (rollercoaster ride)
Anyone else think Judge Roberts has the eyes of a cobra?
Name a place, that you have visited often, yet.....
Anyone else think Judge Roberts has the eyes of Cobra Commander?
Sign The Petition To Remove Babs Bush From The $1 Bill!!
Wow, my first moment of hope since Dec 12, 2000 - just had it
Estelle Getty & Saddam Hussein- separated at birth...
Holy cow... I just joined an on-line dating service
List your pets' restaurant peeves.
Holy cow... I just answered an on-line dating service ad!
Have you ever been hoisted on your own petard?
Song lyrics you fail to understand
"The biggest loser 2" starts to night on NBC
The obligatory Frank Zappa quoting thread
Webfun - Google the word "failure" and look at the first return
What is the world's most perfect food.
Only 44 days until Mr. Scorpio's birthday!
Integrating a cat into the household
THIS JUST IN: Bush to Resign, Live in a Van Down by the River
When An Ebay Transaction Is Completed With No Problems...
Here's my graphic vision. Picture King Kong, with the face of GWB,
So...has anyone ever gotten a letter informing them that a
Where the bleep is the bleeping UPS truck???????
I think that John Roberts is actually George Bush.
So, I'm Thinking Of Joining A Gym And Lifting Weights Again
I finally shaved...I'm getting a hat
Students must pay to stop MMMBop
Bush announces new position on Roe vs. Wade.
Aw shit - we lost "hide thread" again
Oh, there are some nasty people on C-SPAN right now!
Only 16 days til VelmaD's birthday...
I just scalded my face and mouth with Peets coffee
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are,
how many of you jokers ever played descant?
"Exciting changes" at the New York Times
How old were you when you first fell in lust?
Surefire way to win the women's vote: Colonel Angus for Prez 08!!
I need advice (re: moving/apartments/rent/etc.)
What's for lunch in the lounge?
Is it Valentine's Day? Did I miss something?
Is it Valentino's Day? Did I miss something?
You guys know the new Newton-John?
Don't you love these softball questions from the Repugs?
What albums have you listened to today?
Differentiating a cat into the household
Woman gets pregnant after 'acrobatic joyride'
Got rickets? Know how to get rid of a ricket? Anyone? Please.
If you believe in hell, do you take any satisfaction in knowing that
Post your favorite anti-Bush pic or cartoon
How are you different on DU than on the Real World?
I need some documentaries to watch!
The greatest site of all time?
I finally catted - I'm getting a cave
How old were you when you were born?
I'm off to take my son to soccer practice.
What the hell is on my cat's chin?
SCOTUS nominee John Roberts sings the Talking Heads Songbook
How many auto-didactics do we have here (self-educated; unschooled)?
What is your favorite dog breath?
Have you ever voted "I don't know" or "undecided" in a poll?
Can you guess my birth name? (shameless copycat of Lilyhoney's thread)
Couple of good * pics from photobucket
I need a big, strong man to help me unload a box
I have done nothing today - NOTHING!!!!
Has anyone here had a dream with Kevin Bacon in it? I'm still
Has anyone here had a dream with Canadian Bacon in it?
So my live in girlfriend gets back on friday after being
I think the Lounge could use some of this. *warning,lyrics inside!*
I hear bagpipes out my window...
Everybody Hates Chris--funniest show EVER. Clear your Thursday schedule...
I just ate a half stick of butter.
Maher's new rule from Friday was so great (about Bush)...
List your restaurant pet peeves.
Shaq assists police in arresting man
My friend is turning into a moran
Quote: "Admiration is the daughter of ignorance."
DU shamans! Please remove my thread-killing curse.
In a no-words-barred snark-off, who'd win?
Post a pic of how you feel today
Something you'll never hear me say...
I received a call today - I MIGHT be housing a N.O. evacuee.
Holy Pschidt! Getting one helluva T-Storm here!
Gas prices DROPPING in Southern California!!!
OK, this just has to be said. Ted Nugent's a bit wacky.
How many TV programs do you watch regularly?
What were the names of your grade school crushes?
What's most important in your life?
I have a question, and you gotta be honest with me...
Looks like the FRENCH just outdid Fox News at their own hot blondes game
Tech question: is there ANY way to transpose info from an
Question: How does George W. Bush really feel about Roe vs. Wade?
How old were you when you first fell in love?
Hey, did anyone ever hear from BOSSHOG?
How are you different on DU than in real life?
Cat it ok to change my new cat's name?
Caption der uuber gruppen wantobe fuher...
What are your annoying habits?
Another reason to detest Tim McGraw (as if I needed one).
On average, how many threads do you create in one day?
Hey, DU Lounge, call Arnold and tell him to allow gay marriage . . .
What are people "dumber than?"
Just Got Back From The HONDA Dealership! JUST BOUGHT MY SCOOTER!
How old were you when you last fell in love?
I'm dedicating this LAME thread to Sundog and Zuni
Is there a certain DUer you'd like to meet?
only 6 days till Sniffa's birthday
THIS JUST IN: Hotel Soaps Shaped Like Ice Cream Don't Taste Like Ice Cream
Major League Baseball Flips Coin To Determine MLB Playoff Series
Only 195 Days Till Matcom's Birthday
Got crickets? Know how to get rid of a cricket? Anyone? Please.
Have you ever run from the police and gotten away?
I just had an experience that might make me believe in karma...
Yay! I have my bicycle back after years of storage!
Great joke that's probably been posted before but is too good.
Newton-John "Had Split Up With" Missing Lover
I finally caved...I'm getting a cat
Who was President when you were born?
I Got Mail - I Got Mail !!!!!!
Ok, White House the Cartoon---who would you cast?
Gay duck necrophilia is never pretty
DU gathering in Los Angeles on Sept 24th after the march!!!
A Tribute to Distressed American
Vitamin C 'helps to fight cancer'
Exploding Star Is Said to Be Oldest Ever Observed
Pounding Pavement Generates Electricity When Wearing Novel Backpack
Freedom To Marry: Actions to take and Vigils to attend
Gays Open Wallets For Katrina Relief Refutes Intimidation Charges; Moves Forward With Site
Court Wrong Place To Decide Gay Marriage Bloomberg Lawyer Says
Robertson blames Katrina on Ellen Degeneres
So, Fantasy Football Question- change defenses?
So the Eagles kinda lost and stuff.
Official Michigan State is gonna whup up on Notre Dame thread
Any Pats fans heading to Pittsburgh for week 3?
5 weeks old and already causing trouble.
I recently inherited an elderly ferret
"Million Dollar Baby" and Condemnation of Religion
Oceanside (CA) man joins campaign to find WWII MIAs
Critical Iraq passage in Froomkin today
Scott Lehigh column in BGlobe today (9/13/05)
John Kerry on Bush's so called "accepting responsibility"
Kerry to offer Kerry-Landrieu Small Business Hurricane Katrina Relief
Remember this? A dose of reality.
Kerry on Failure of Senate to Demand Administration Improve Mercury Rules
Posted a buncha Kerrygoddess stuff on Kos
I am (cautiously) sensing a seachange, my friends.
Hurricane Ophelia headed my way
Anyone watching the Roberts hearing?
Okay, I finally put some photos in my Smugmug album
In case anyone didn't see the Staples ad, they have 1 GB CompactFlash
So. Let's play MSNBC - CNBC smashup.
Don't Shoot the Messenger...possible pre-emption
Question re: downloads from Websites!
Sweeeeeet! NY Post: Kaplan rumored out by the end of the year.
Newsletter: 9/13/05 -- Roberts Grilled
The American Legion may surprise you....
Why Iran is the next target...
Must Read: Sorry Mr President, Katrina is not 9/11
A Republican’s Insight: Is There a Chance for a Dem Foothold in the South
When George Bush says "Freedom" does he mean the same
Florida in 2006 face tough Ballot Issues
Nora Ephron's Where's Cheney? theory...
Yesterday * Thought He Was Riding In A Mardi Gras Parade....
Great LTTEs about the value of government - NYTimes
Authorities delayed announcement of 45 bodies in hospital until * left NO
Where are the minority contracts for cleanup?
Are New Orleans refugees going to be able to vote?
Bush, in N.O. yesterday, asks "'Are we prepared for major catastrophes?"
What ever happened to the anthrax guy?
Bush bloopers on network TV last night
Any websites that dispel the various myths regarding Cindy Sheehan?
did the freepers ever comment about bush....
CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll : Racial divide?
Kennedy: "Disparate impact" is key concept re Katrina!
Hey can someone help me, I just got zapped and frozen I'm
Novak: 'Big Business' Fundraiser Held for Pro CAFTA House Dems
In all seriousness: An Impeachment Laundry List
Vote on Wednesday, Hearing and Rally on Thursday Challenge War
What's Next For Michael Brown?
800 number for Congress??? I lost it
The next Bush family member who should speak in defense of Junior
Iraqi President on LIVE TV right now...anyone watching?
Kennedy nailing Roberts on poor civil rights record
Wow, G.W. Bush's younger brother had a lot of interest in the WTC....
"Moonstruck" and the Democratic Party: A Fable
Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ar) amendment to investigate gas price gouging
Roberts won't commit to a woman's right to liberty, freedom,
The Roberts Nomination - What’s at Stake?
Paul Craig Roberts column: "Impeach Bush Now"
Roberts' helped a man obtain the presidency fraudulently...
Bush in New Orleans: 'Sense of Relaxation' After Hurricane Hit
Give me the rundown on Roberts and the torture memo
More evidence of idiot son having an illness of some sort?
Today is the first day of Rove's LEGACY BUILDING
CAPTION Emperor Asshat's Gulfport Mississippi photo op:
Sen Biden please stop with the Baseball analogies,
Roberts is proof that crime pays.
what happens when a countries' Health Care system has crumbled
Love Canal-type landfill submerged in New Orleans floodwaters
It's a sad day in politics when the most stirring headline we see is
What if Roberts just outright lies?
Bush responds to question about Roe V. Wade
Bush thinks he was "Extraordinary" with Katrina
POLL: Should more officials step down ... (due to) Hurricane Katrina?
FEMA's Blocking Relief Efforts - an Amazing List (important!)
Picture from George Jr.'s recent vacation...
Roberts opposed fed laws prohibitting violence vs women.
Bill O'Reilly: "Can President Bush Make A Comeback?"
Check it out. "A man may smile and smile and be a VILLAIN."
In your opinion what is the MOST important 2006 race?
hey what's that bogus website for bush flying off the handle?
meanwhile - 9/11 info you might have missed (able danger)
Mercury bill by Leahy rejected - 5 Democrats voting with Republicans
Investigators to Monitor Katrina Contracts, Dems Call for Independent Comm
The Hill: Katrina may cost LA a House seat
Translating *: "to the extent"
* unaware of who is running FEMA - has a "sense of relaxation
WTF?!? 34 states under State of Emergency?
Sen. Dorgan introduces amendment to create select cmty on pentagon waste
So, Bush's handlers thought it was finally time for him "be responsible"
40th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act
OMG! Bush just accepted responsibility for Katrina failures
Called the White House and told them Bush could be a hero...
Jack Cafferty CNN was saying he is not getting as many emails...
"Source of Bush political success: claim that he could protect Americans"
Kerry to offer Kerry-Landrieu Small Business Hurricane Katrina Relief
I thought I had the link. Does anyone have the scoop on the buses?
Just Posted: CRS report on Blanco & Bush response to Katrina
Could Karen Hughes be behind the "responsibility" statement?
Sounds like Sen.Kyl is PRO Roberts
I wrote my REP did you write yours yet?
Are people forgetting about what happened in New Orleans already?
You can nominate your own grassroot hero to be a DFA All-star candidate.
Bush doesn't know if we can handle another terrorist attack?!?
Is appt of the FEMA director subject to Senate oversight and confirmation?
Does anyone have a copy of or link to Bush's cocaine record?
Rep. Waxman. News from the Gov't Reform Committee
did anyone hear that Bush said that the Fed gov will accept responsibility
Kinsley: LA Times publisher 'wants me gone'
Brit "Hmmm...time to buy" Hume's Rovian swipe at N.O. Mayor Nagin
So Roberts believes Bush can keep us in a permanent war
Media Matters Shows How The RW Uses Selective Statistics to LIE
Long-term "refugee" settlement and the next election...
Does anyone else feel like we're the little Dutch boy with his finger
"The Reagan Revolution" -- I WANT TO VOMIT!
Texas Not Being Neighborly with Evacuees
I am VERY impressed by Judge Roberts. Very impressed, indeed.
Am I the only one having trouble with
Another fantastic editorial by E. J. Dionne of the Washington Post
Man Oh Man, Do I Despise Ultra-Religious Kooks!!
The Laura Bush Lullaby, heard on Air America. Helps George sleep.
Squishy Republicans OOZING towards Democrats
Judge blocks Bush admins bid to log Sequoia National Monument
Anyone know what Laura's current approval ratings are?
Can Cheney be impeached concurrently with Bush?
Biden: "Go ahead and continue not to answer"
Anyone know who Tom Flocco is? Heavy stuff - I s he a lunatic?
How to argue ‘morals’ with a RW’er
Kerry on President Bush Accepting Responsibility
Paul Campos, Rocky Mountain News: "The Mediocre Frat Boy Theory of Life"
So it sounds like Bush is going to step down, right?
Hell has frozen over: "I take responsibility."
John Kerry on Bush's so called "responsibility moment"
Jeez! Asa Hutchinson/fmr Homeland Security rewriting Filipino gov???
You gotta watch Deep Throat, the documentary if you can
What the hell is wrong with Robert's eyes?!
End Of The Bush Era (E.J.Dionne)
Roberts confirmation: Quote of the Day
Blanco acts to remove dead, due to slow FEMA responce... again...
WH Aide Made Bush a DVD To Understand How Bad NO Was
McClellan explains Bush really meant his "breeches are not Levi's."
Gretna Police and negligent homicide????
Dummy will address the nation on Thursday nite
Prosecution of St. Rita's Employees? What about *?
For the first time in weeks - I can safely say that nobody is in danger
How important are Civil Rights & Voting Rights Acts to our democracy?
CSPAN Schedule Wednesday September 14
N.O. to the the Boy King: ""That would be a huge mistake, Mr. President."
CLEAN VERSION: Tweety Loves Bush; "Takes Full Responsibility"
91% of funds received by the Red Cross go into its programs, 5% to admin.
Is this new Rovian Strategery?
**Progressive Democrats of America** redesigned Website!
Senator Byrd: "Wake up, America, it is time to bring the troops home"
The Republican establishment has no intention of letting Roe v. Wade die.
Bush (No Joke) Honestly Reflects on Fed Response to Katrina
Kerry on Failure of Senate to Demand Administration Improve Mercury Rules
New York Times: Karl Rove Taking Over To Contain Storm Political Damage
By Jimmy Carter "Arctic Folly"
Winning back the White House is bigger than all of us
The President's Blame Game Comes Tumbling Down
IMPEACH BUSH: Rep. McKinney Special Order to Impeach * Censored???
Norwegian elections: We won! We bloody won!
I can't believe the Democrats ran Adlai Stevenson...TWICE!
REMINDER: John Roberts helped prepare case Bush v. Gore in 2000
Did anyone expect gas prices to come down more than ten cents
BREAKING HARD: FEMA, Bush, SCI, and 1999 Funeralgate as Governor
Sen. Warner & Snow: "revise" Posse Comitatus & Insurrection Acts