Half century later, US soldier gets his due
In Syria, Regime Change by Other Means--A Times
Expulsion is Transfer:The Colonial Logic of Bush's Response to New Orleans
brian willians on scarbourough.
Katrina: Contemporary Screams of Agony
Poll shows Americans want troops brought home; Top Dems ignore the public
Restore New Orleans, Bulldoze Peoria
'Baffled' peace activist gets $11,700 bill
Thanks Again, Mr. Clinton (blamed again for teen oral sex)
My letter to Congress re bush*s speech on Katrina
Gaza fighters breach Egypt border wall
Weldon: Atta Papers Destroyed on Orders
Physics Professor Thinks the WTCs Were Cases of Controlled Demolition
HELP! I'm on hold with Thom Hartmann (AAR) -
Mac PowerBook question (2003-2004 TiBook):
Need webcast software for streaming audio on a remote host
iTunes users on Windows machines... DO NOT UPGRADE TO 5.0
Kerry's retort to Bush: Leadership isn't a toll-free number
Need help with Jesus liberal teaching
Insane conservative spending priorities simplified.
Nope, sorry. The "Haunted Mansion" speech ain't bouncing.
Do I have it Right? - George Bush let you sit on a roof for four days
CIA leak investigator warns against document release
Can We Sue Bush and the Corporations Ripping Off America?
So they turned the power on for Bush's speech then turned it off in N.O.??
Never Let 'Em See You Sweat --pix->>>
Pottygate could be the #1 or #2 biggest scandal
All that money going out to the Gulf Coast is gonna be a huge thorn
What time does the asshat chimpresident lie to the nation?
Will there be a Democratic Response to the Chimp's speech?
Drudge may change his mind on the Times' columnists...
Britain Proposes Detaining "Terrorist Suspects" for 3 Months w/out Charges
Let Chimpy eat cake......again.
Pope blesses statue of Opus Dei founder
I think I'll try this "Acetone In Fuel Said to Increase Mileage 15-35%"
Heh!! CNN has a friggin' countdown clock for the Presidential address
Sorry for another post...but has anyone read this??!!
Hve Shrub's numbers EVER gone up
Thom Hartman says that Chimpy will announce that Congress will
No one here hates HIM more than I !!!!
Interesting Poll Numbers on AOL for Bush (Looks pretty bad!)
a bit from Brecht's A German War Primer
Bush should have spoken to the nation either the night of the hurricane...
We Know Your MASTER, Bush. Nothing You Say Will Change That!!!
Can he wipe the smirk off his face for the speech tonight? I sincerely
Everyone is puking their guts out on Survivor
Wll Bush ever have another prime time press conference?
I will be seeing this in my head during Bush's speech:
So did anyone do a bingo card for tonight's speech??
US vows to maintain strong presence in Afghan, allies reject combat role
‘Bin Laden not in Afghanistan’
Olbermann slamming Cheney and Bush tonight
This jackoff is blowing it big time
So How Many Are STILL Missing From NOLA?
Some of the Right Wing Crap Being Disseminated on the Internet.
I hope he's wearing a depends tonight
Someone explain to me why they were forcibly evacuating the rest of NO
Re tonight's speech: I am taking bets now
Countdown Kicking Butt tonight
$2000 you never see? No? How about $5000 you'll never get?
someone needs to point out, if you can to MSM... this meme
OK George, shut up and eat some pretzels!
Monkeyboy is on...I'm headed to the toilet bowl for a puke
This is why Kerry would have been better, we must never let them forget!
The adventures of Bush : Episode 20 - Nighfall in Orleans
More "Armies of Compassion" Bullshit...
Two infamous American Killers on my screen.....
So Bush Is Now A Fan Of Big Government
Who wrote this speach? It sounds like Clinton.
If everybody thinks OBL is in Pakistan, why isn't * bombing that country?
"Comin' through the dirge!" n/t
his kid speech writers were busy...to bad he did not get it.
What Do You Think Of The FX Show "Over There"?
Breaking: President makes 800 promises - - new speech record
And Let the Tweety Fellating Begin
Anyone watching CSPAN? A bunch of repukes in a congressional meeting
I called CNN and they hung up on me before I got to say anything
Let the Mainstream Media Bush Ass Kissing Begin!!
Is * standing in front of a green screen?
P. Zahn to Dean: "People in LA were poor when Clinton was president, too!"
Prediction: M$M will fall over themselves praising this speech
He wants in investigation. Congress is preparing it. First lie I caught.
Ok the lady on ABC being questioned doesn't even seem to know.
the left will rise again even out of total corpo rightwing bs.
he made it all the way through without asking to urinate
548 dead...? It was about 158 yesterday. And then * talks about Zydeco
Was that a kevlar vest under his shirt?
Uh, George, the horses have already left the barn (but not the ass)
Translation: Here's a bunch of money - let me investigate myself...
How are the freepers taking *'s alledged liberalism?
Um...and just what are the rest of the poor supposed to live on?
CNN Newsweek guy is telling it straight - NOT a bullhorn moment.
Would somebody teach him how to say "Biloxi" (not "Bulloxi)?nt
Freepers must be going "apeshit" with all the "$$$ plans" - - incr deficit
What I NEVER understand - why do the talking heads speak as if
Well...NOLA's on lockdown, the news about the dead is being controlled
Bush sounds like he is trying to channel FDR or LBJ
Tweety really wants people to praise Bush
I'd rather have a kabob skewer shoved into my eyeball than watch *
The Military will have an increased roll @ home?
Yankee moneys cool, but not Yankee candidates?
Hastert talking about the "Relief Act" on C-Span live now
Put the money in there and the pugs will turn faster than you can flip a
All I can say is "where's the beef"?
Joe Scarborough: "This is the WPA on steroids"
Well, folks, it wasn't a home run moment....listening to the talking heads
I will be watching Bush on ABC tonight >
Picture of Bush and funny ironic TV caption
Dana Bash report on CNN is disgusting!!
Bush Says, "Suck On It Grover Norquist! Big Government Is NEEDED!"
Larry King Live panel judgment: "Not a bullhorn moment."
My god, I never knew Bush was a socialist
Best example of a promises, promises political speech I've ever heard.
BBC World just *cut off* the president in mid-sentence
George W. Bush is COMING TO THE LIGHT!!!!!
Freepers shouldn't be freakin'. BushCO ALWAYS lies.
Bush's "damned if he does, damned if he doesn't" moment
You know what? I think that speech was a bunch of hot gas.
INVESTIGATIONS. Not only did he say HIS CABINET w/do it -
Right-Wing Talking Points on Katrina Speech
I think those people were paid!(or worse!)
harry reid on c-span with response
Essentially Bush Just Pissed All Over Conservatism
Isn't Bush's plan actually Kerry's plan that he introduced today?
Why was Bush talking in front of Cinderella's Castle at Disney World?
LOL - Vitter (R - La) saying "no accountability in place", "spending $$$$"
Gov. Barbour: "We don't need the military to come in"
I dunno....Reminded me of his "Rebuild Iraq for the Iraqi People & Bring
uh, oh--NOLA police officials poking holes in Chimpy's speech!
The freepers will grin and bear it
$5000 accounts for the dislocated???
Does the Bush plan to fight poverty come before or after the Bush plan to
It was a bullshit moment, not a bullhorn moment...
Law enforcement and locals on MSNBC TRASHING Bush speech
they will say anything for poll numbers and to keep the fascade.
Full Speech Transcript - Bush on Katrina Relief
Post Speech Analysis - - Its Amusing
Time for us to put our heads together & get to the activist forum
Hey, let's get Paul Bremer to be the Relief Czar -- put all that
elehhhhna figures out why Mr. (pResident) Ed looks like a tweaker ticqueur
My letter to Tweety, tell me.....
For those of us who didn't watch - can someone give me the gist
Prediction: DUers will get a LOT of use out of the term "flip-flop"
incredibly presidential, a breathtaking speech, absolutely inspiring....
Aaron Brown not even leading with Chimpy's speech
Look, folks, I know you're thrilled with the speech, but his base isn't
I bet the Free government land is killing the rightwing sheep
I halfway dozed through the speech
I am loving Brian Williams right now
i'm so fucking impressed with the speech the man just read
Stick a fork in Bush's ass, he is so fucking done...
How much $$$ will Cindy Sheehan make on the lecture circuit??
Let's keep tabs - NO to be rebuilt by the people who lived there -- LIE #1
Larry King finally asked a good question after 30 years
Is there a Democratic response? Who and when? n/t
An aside about the "stage" lighting for the speech
Halley Barber needs someone to flick him between the brows.
Tonight’s Bingo Results - Not Bad
Bill Maher Letter....Mike Malloy
Anderson Cooper & Aaron Brown on CNN now.
Damn, I must have missed the speech!
Was Katrina (or is it Corrina?) responsible for 9/11?
What's with the pic on MSNBC's homepage?
What is the Democratic Response??????
Ok Folks!! Grade Chimpy's Speech
September 14 Iraq photo: What do you think this man is thinking? (graphic)
Well, that speech went over like a lead safe.
One big diff-9/11 to tonight-NO PEOPLE
What Are the Duties of a Government in a Democracy?
Greater federal authority and a broader role for the armed forces...
NO gets liberal solution. The rest of America can go F**** yourselves
Wazzat * or LBJ making that speech?
Scarborough panel coming up next:
greg palast will speaking in dc on the 24th
Try this search at Google Search on - FAILURE
In theory, I agree with about of 75% of Bush's New Deal style plan
Heh! So much for Fox's great leader!
well, i see you all gave in to watching the bastard
Shrub just got his bullhorn moment.... msnbc showed 9/11 bullhorn
Where are all the MSM Polls on Bush*t's speech?
Remember, Rove is heading up the reconstruction.
who's speaking at the UFP rally on the 24th?
More hints this speech was bad for Bush: Fox is covering another MISSING
CNN treating the "speech" as if it did not happen...ignoring it totally!
"My fellow Americans, I'm going to do what I do best...."
HAHAHA! The positioning of bush was hilariously bad! The building dwarfs
LOOK! An Arabian horse is kicking Bush in the head!
I Cannot Stand. To Listen To Bush. Read His Speeches.
Give this guy a warm welcome to the Liberal Club
Hold The 2008 Dem National Convention in NOLA!
Electricity came on in the blocks around Bush's motorcade...
One of the most terrifing pictures ever
Lyndon Baines Bush..."The Great Bag O' Cash Society"
You only hear about the gov't failures
Here's why the RW'ers are going ballistic
And as Scarborough mentions '$200 billion' for the 307th time,
Needed; comparison of Bush 9/11 promises made vs promises kept
Freepers Loosing It Over Their New Socialist Prez!
I get nervous when Republicans want to start using Federal money
Freepers! How messed up can you be??
Malloy is kicking ass tonight! I am Mike Malloy! Malloy speaks
Is the Daily show going to cover Bush's Speech.
did * lie about what he is going to do??
Who will be Kristin Breitweiser for Katrina survivors in NOLA?
Turkeys UP! Zit! Ping! (here's some Freeper talk for ya)
Bush is going to get a bounce in the polls
What's Rove in charge of 'reconstructing'? Bush's reputation?
Action Alert. My letter to Congress re bush*s speech tonight
A note about socialism re: Bush's speech.
87 Billion for Iraq Here, 200 Billion for Katrina there... Pretty soon,
Bird Flu / Avian Flu (H5N1)..Tamiflu Vs Vira-38 Any Idea which is better?
How will Bush's racisim quote play in the south?
ThinkProgress provides extensive debunking of Bush speech
It's time for a... pre/post-speech BATHroom break! (new, pics)
new poster idea...creative people I am begging you !!!
WSJ: Corporate vultures already feasting on Katrina funding
Is Bush now supporting Affirmative Action?
Comic Relief.....Bushes Speech....
He's like an alcoholic who keeps apologizing to his abused wife
how long had * been in the UN meeting before he wrote the
Bush, The Socialist Liberal President: Live From The Magic Kingdom failed.
Is he still singing this tune?
Vid Clips from last night's Black Caucus Special Order on Poverty
Some major Paula Zahn snarkiness tonight...
So the part about identifying govt property and holding "raffles"
Are you never satisfied? ** has taken responsibility
Need a song for Bush's speech.
Gulf Opportunity Zone = domestic maquiladora
Is anyone watching Ted Koppel's ABC special on Katrina - what went wrong?
So are they just shipping off black residents to the reservation?
Reaction to Bush's New Orleans Address
Text of Mr. Bush's speech - NOLA Sept. 15
Everytime Bush Makes a Public Appearance...
It seems that MSNBC has become the Bushpropaganda Bureau again.
Chavez Says U.N. to Move to Jerusalem
Impeachment Movement Responds to Bush's Speech
Army Kept Truth of GI's Death From Family
Now is not the time to play the "blame game"
FOX going back to Natalie Holloway coverage yet?
(Photo) I must not judge on appearance...
Shut the fuck up you whining baby pessimistic fools.
Richard Clarke on Nightline! n/t
So, we are a tyranny of the minority in this country
Reuters Says Bush Photo Not 'Malicious,' Reports Wide Interest
The Bush optimist's at DU sicken me! You'll be sorry!!!
The Animatronic President --pix->>>
NOLA too dangerous for Talabani
Potential Republican presidential candidates...
I can't believe I am saying this our government has become a bad soap
Real Time with Bill Maher...HBO -- Tomorrow night...8:00 & 11:00 Pacific.
Fool me once, call me a.... Same Bushit after 9/11
Hey, I have a liberal bumper sticker now the Freepers will love!
Stripes letter: Iraq as "Terrorism U" (and Rush and Fox get bashed, too)
Anybody watching Primetime tonight about NO (w/Ted Koppel)?
MANDATORY MALLOY: Thursday Truthseeker Group Therapy
We need some good speech writers....
I Heard B*sh Was Going to Step Down
Bush was a media creation in the first place
CNN is gagging over Bush's speech
Bush--not liberal, Bush is an oppurtunist trying to buy back better poll #
This says it all...Freep: Bush is toast
NBC "Daily Nightly" instant reaction (Brian Williams blog)
I hate to say this, but Rove will beat the Democrats again
Bush brags about helicopters for the rich in speech from New Orleans
Liberalism is socialism says local wingnut, help me refute this...
Bush made the same promises after 9/11...
All you that say this will just 'brush over' are wrong - this is bigger
Nightline doing Lessons Learned, Are we ready for the inevitable?
Never been to the "DU lounge" before. Wow....
Friend upset over Pledge of Allegiance and wants me to sign a petition.
Snafulapulis: on PBS...guests say Bush looked too staged
WTG Bush! We don't believe your lies AND you pissed off your BASE!
Evacuees using their money to take trips to the Bahamas and buying
What the hell are "conservative principles"
Good God! What about these evacuees being intvd on ABC???!!!
LOL! MSNBC to Bush's rescue, again!
Lights on in Jackson Square New Orleans
"A Gulf Opportunity Zone!" Wowie-Zowie! That's the ticket, Georgie!
Katrina Shakes Faith in U.S. Around the World
Kinda like a Rich Man giving money to the mother of a child he killed...
Take this poll on your political view re: *
'Has the place blown up?' Bush's attempt at being funny
Does anyone believe that MSM might no longer let
This show Ted Koppel is hosting on NOLA is excellent >
The NOLA baby being held by the Mom is NOT DEAD...
Sign in if you think Bush is #1 superstar president for being liberal now!
Try to argue that marijuana is 1)bad and 2) should remain illegal
Anybody worried about Avian Flu Pandemic?
Guess who's on with Ted Koppel tomorrow night?
Tomorrow. I fly the Mexican Flag
Bush: Massive Deficit, Big Profits for Contractors
After being sickened by *, this article made my whole darn day worthwhile!
AOL Poll Please DU! 37% Poor Speech; 32% Excellent...several questions
What is a "wasteful storm", as Bush called Katrina?
Any one else notice how often * talked about churches,
CSPAN Schedule Friday September 16
Horribly desolate backdrop and eerie blue lighting.
Anderson Cooper et al: what've they been like since returning?
DAMN Why The HELL Don't DU'ers Cite Clinton's Response To Miss. Floods?
New Orleans schools out of cash to pay teachers
Wow. Asshole Howard Fineman is dumping all over Bush on
Canadian sailors expected to return early
I hate to say this but, "shut up" pessimists, just for a minute
Legalize Marijuana Now To Pay For The Reconstruction Of The Gulf Coast!
Well, Thank God We Have That Clinton 233 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus!
is there a vegetarian/vegan forum here?
Tahltan nation prepare for arrest at blockade against miners in northern B
Anybody near La Patrie, Quebec?
Ivanov: US to use nuclear weapons against suspected Qaeda bases
Al-Zarqawi's dark forces riding high on a tide of blood
Feinstein and Schumer may vote against Roberts!
In Syria, Regime Change by Other Means--A Times
Weldon: Atta Papers Destroyed on Orders
Who wrote this speach? It sounds like Clinton.
Bush brags about helicopters for the rich in speech from New Orleans
Bush vows 'biggest relief effort'
HHS Buys Vaccine, Antiviral to Combat Potential Flu Pandemic
AP: Grandmother, 73, held as sausage looter
Viewers listen with hope, skepticism (Bush Speech)
Mental Health Needs of Blacks Acute After Katrina
ACLU releases Iraq prisoner abuse report documents
(Danish) Parliament demands Afghanistan torture truth
USDA Plan Would Close 665 Local Offices
NYT: G.O.P. Split Over Big Plans for Storm Spending
Mo. Governor Signs Abortion-Limiting Bill
NBC, CNN Say They're Opening Full-Time News Bureaus in New Orleans
Katrina Ushers in Return of Big Government (fundies taking advantage)
Iraqis' right to life no longer protected -Annan
More Iraqis Joining Zarqawi's Cause
Venezuela to Buy Up to $1 Billion in Argentine Bonds, Bush a threat
Banned Stun Guns and Leg Irons Advertised at Arms Fair
Kerry's retort to Bush: Leadership isn't a toll-free number
Pennsylvania Voter Poll Shows President Slipping, Senate Race Heating Up
CIA Leak Investigator Warns Against Document Release
Mass. lawmakers override veto of emergency contraception bill
US Takes the War on Drugs to Canada's Prince of Pot
Venezuela's Chavez wants UN out of United States
Norwegian troops to quit Iraq, Bush told
Conservatives Balk As Spending Soars In Katrina's Wake
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
What time does georgie read his bullshit?
Will Bush appear naked for his speech?
Seriously..this place is a zoo.
a little lark and the machete-wielding lunatic.....
There has been a marked improvement in lounge threads lately
Even Jesus is giving Bush the finger...
Survey Finds More Women Try Bisexuality
I love BMcLH, but kudos to this lock!
18 posts from 5,000. Tell me your driving pet peeve here!
Starsky & Hutch on HBO at the top of the hour.
What's the best way to cook apes?
a little lark and the spaghetti-wielding lunatic.....
When is the Big One going to hit Los Angeles?
I like to think I have morals...
Do You Care What Other People Think Of You?
That guy who lives in our White House is
So, which way down will Chimpy's polls go?
I like to think I have morels...
Here is * arriving at NO airport a while ago... CAPTION
Wouldn't it be funny if the greenscreen messed up?
I am stacked! Simply STACKED, I say!
I like to think I have Moyls.....
I didn't think it was possible, but he really IS dumber than he looks!
Level 4. Is sumptin' happening?
I like to think I have boils...
Tonight's English-language oddity:
Oh, no, the "my posts" function is off again, and I'm lost
I feel safer now that I heard Bush give a speech....
Relax everyone... Out Grand and Glorious Leader is back in charge...
I am Spocked! Simply SPOCKED, I say!
Bush's Swiv-O-Mandible™ on the wane, but another tic emerges
I am Sharked! Simply SHARKED, I say!
I am Sporked! Simply SPORKED, I say!
Can I play the songs on my iPod through my car stereo?
OK, am I the only one who never knew or forgot there was
btw .. What IS a "warmful dirge" ?
We made it to LEVEL 4 - what's the final level
Who do we kick out of the life boat to get My Posts back......
My Professor told me one of my essays is being taught to doctoral students
Great BBC picture of W during his speech...
As of 7:05 PST I find no thread in the lounge requiring my input.
To everybody who has me on ignore:
Light up her life *a candle for Peggy*
Why is it Cats think you WANT them to stick their ass in your face?
Was bush doing an infomercial?
For my 666th post, let me just say....
Why I think the "bathroom note" is a fake. Hear me out please.
Jesus Christ! I didn't know there WAS a Level 4!
Anyone see Dick Morris gushing over Bush on Fox?
Who wants to see my cats' panties? (Large images)
There's a young, hot stud in my bedroom!!
Hello! Hello! Is this thing on?
i hate it when a fLame war erupts
LEVEL 4 - this is HUGH!!!!!11111
I like to think I have murals.
Bush to host approval-relief telethon from NO
What's the best way to cook grapes?
Dixie Chicks on Shelter from the Storm. Here's the song "I Hope"
Dudes! (And dudettes!) Hugh Moran is a cyclist!
Get OUT, the "pee note" on Jon Stewart!
Thanks everyone for answering my Quaker question
is there a way i can get the music off of a video?
Who else loves to hear Ed Helms sing on TDS?
Does the Vatican update the Latin language to keep it modern?
How can I get a date with Britney Spears?
Momma panda wants to snooze & Baby wants to play
Are you guys listening to the show?
Flame me if you want, but Paul McCartney's new album is fantastic.
Am I the only one that hopes there is no heaven?
As if the people of New Orleans havent already been through enough...
If it's close to 11:00 and I'm here, please remind me to watch Jon Stewart
Get a load of this!! Someone is doesn't like The Lounge cat-lovers!!
I found this .gif, it made me think of sundog...
Flags! Flags! I have new flags here!
Male KWspawn may move to Canada when he is 18
Tonight's obscure lyrics... name that artist/song...
Feeling moody, cranky, stressed? Click here:
Anyone rehab an MCL knee injury?
CaliforniaPeggy appreciation thread
In Which Corner will you find Mr. Horner.........
What's your most under appreciated album.
I'm designing a letterhead for a non-profit agency. Someone kill me now.
Everybody with bad news, post here
"It's the end of the world as we know it - I feel fine" - why REM should
How many colleges/university call themselves "Concordia"
Renee and Kenny are splits? What!!??
Wow...the White Sox are chokin like a dog!!!
DU group proposal: DU heavy metal vomit party
I'm fairly drunk at the moment. Ask me anything.
I went to a Lily Tomlin show tonight! My report . . .
Looking for some feed back on discrimination in the work place.
Does anyone know anything about the Quakers
To all my Lounge friends...Today I come to you to ask for your help......
MMjr. wants retribution against Bush.
we had a scare with Mr. Kitty tonight...
I have a new rule about stores and kids....
Wetzelbill said "get rid of Joani"
What does you underwear say about you?
A quantum metaphysical conundrum:
One Find, Two Astronomers: An Ethical Brawl
Hurricane Intensity Linked to Climate Change
"Southern Vancouver Island is sort of sliding towards the west right now.
‘Molecular gastronomy’ uses liquid nitrogen, magnetic resonance
About to move cross country with two elderly cats -- Help!
The Fool * Tarot Key 0 * Hebrew Letter Aleph *
Oh dear undergod -- it's on again
Has anyone assembled a compilation of Katrina as retribution comments?
Well hello, Dalai, yes, hello Dalai...
Anyone just watch the smarmy repuke
I'm on the recommended list! I'm on the recommended list!!
You know what I found myself thinking about tonight?
I think Kerry needs some attention - he deserves a big thank you!
check this out!!!! Someone beat us to the Kerry news!
OK, I have to ask, all the JK lust, where is it coming from?
which KOEBers are going to DC?
Preview of tomorrow night's Countdown...take a look!!!!
Keith Olbermann--saying photo op Jr talking to big oil people. WHO was
On "Countdown"...Fineman just said Bush needs to be "Clinton-like" tonight
Live webcast http://www.whitehouse.gov/
KO cover's Cheney's "Pipeline Priority" on Countdown...
Dear God, Please fuck with Chimpy's TelePrompter tonight
He looks like his head is in one of those fake body photo props
Michael Brown's resignation letter
Here we go. Tax relief for new business. Disney needs tax relief.
Ted Koppel is a shameless * shill
Oh God he's ALL over this racial thing
Well, the stupid monkey finally said it.(9-11)
Who wrote this speach? It sounds like Clinton.
Anyone who can stomach hearing about the Bush Revival Tour
CNN - what took so long, why 3 weeks later
Instead of listening to that asshole tonight
Nagin's Not Impressed & Pre-Speech Criticism of Bush Speech
"this Government will learn the lessons of Hurricane Katrina..."
BBC Global Poll: Americans 'back church leaders' (& more crap)
So, What's Bill Clinton up to on Larry King, is it tonight or tomorrow??
Repug Talking Point - Watch For It - A New Beginning.....
Really, does someone know who wrote that speech?
So Roberts won't answer questions and the WH won't release his documents?
Who wrote that speech? Where do they come up with that? Wal Mart?
You have to know that * is actually delighted to talk about the feds
Interesting Letter to the Editor
From the Jetsons to the Flintstones in one week.
So you only make $6 an hour. You can build a house!
They're hacking Diebold votes on AAR now
OK-get the popcorn ready Bullsh*t uh, Bullhorn moment
LA contractor...this is about the color green. They want the contracts
The freepers were mostly worshiping Bush when I looked
* Announces He Will Not To Run For President Again In 2008..n/t
Anybody Else Here Feel That * Has Been Being Set Up To.....
* Just Edited His Speech - He Meant Iraq Not New Orleans ...n/t
Why do wingnuts think they are winning??
Well the Mayor of Slidell, LA is pissed now. Arron Brown coming up
Which Bumpersticker do you like the most?
* More Prepared For The Aftermath Of 911 Than For The......
Jesse Jackson Quote On Fox, "The Poor Get A Hurricane And....
Scarborough is about to get nasty
Is there any positive coverage of Bush's speech? Every channel I click
Salon "I take responsibility" piece: First you laugh, then outrage sets in
Conyers: HRC press release & video of floor speech re exp hate crimes law
People, we have just witnessed a Presidential Crash and Burn...
Rove is in charge of the reconstruction!
ABC is telling us how the Feds can protect us from a nuclear bomb
CNN Poll: What do you think of Bush's Katrina recovery plan?
Tweety: "BREATHTAKING...like Lyndon Johnson or FDR."
I'm going to tell Kerry "thank-you" to let him know that he ROCKED tonite
David Bonior Prior to Bush's Speech -- worth reading
People who enter a "house lottery" and DON'T win WILL be "sore losers"...
LA Times said that BushCo rescinded the clean air act until today
His head looks like it's in a fake cardboard photo prop at a carnival
Have you heard that Rove is in charge of recovery operations in the South
Democrats need to call for energy independance by 2025
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the stupidity....
When you are used up where do you go?
Was Katrina just what this country needed?
I think Bush treats a speech like a quarterback at the big game
DU this poll. He's not doing well so far:
W admitted racial inequality and poverty exists in the U.S.!
* said he knows what it's like to sleep on the curb, hungry
Think Progress has the GOP talking points for the speech
Dubya Gump aka the most famous cheerleader of all time
DU This AOL Poll - How confident are you in Bush?
The sign I will carry in DC on the 24th:
Joe Scarborough AND Tucker Carlson thought the speech sucked..
Is focusing on Bush a waste of our time at this point?
HERE'S The Argument To Beat Rove (If The Dems Want It)
Trust = Words + Actions Match, This is a point that should be
Sheriff of St. Benard Parish blows holes in Bush speech on MSNBC
Who exactly are the people who will vote on Roberts? How
Bush forgot to mention all these new-hires will be working for lowest wage
Bush's speech..he's wearing a bullet-proof vest...
Dick "Toe-sucker" Morris says Bush's speech was brilliant....
Women of DU---SLUR Could Cost Merkel Winning Margin (wife of Chancellor)
DSM Resolutions of Inquiry Defeated
Audio clips of Rep. Conyers on Joe Madison & Ed Schultz shows
House Intelligence committee votes down Plame "resolution of inquiry"
I haven't read all threads, but this speech was AWESOME
Conyers support's PDA's People's Petition for an Iraq Peace Process
Chimpy was factually incorrect with his reference about jazz funerals
Get ready for massive inflation.
Ted Kennedy should publicly applaud the President's speech.
At 1st I was almost buying it .......
How do we take back the Democratic Party? There have been numerous
What's Chimpy got under his shirt? Check out the bulging back...
Dean say bankruptcy bill needs to be put off, FEMA must be independent.
CSPAN Schedule Friday September 16
Rep Tim Ryan D-Ohio on House Floor: You don't get into elective Wars...
what is happening in Washington on the 24th??
"Fox Fans" speak out: "I thought it was as good as the 9/11 speech"
"It's all they need"...Her blog is called Baghdad Burning
hurricane katrina: black republicans reality check
From the "Tancredo for President" blog, a backhanded compliment.
The Shame of Blaming the Victims - MUST READ!
Asia Times: Epiphany for a president
FEMA: A Disaster Waiting To Happen
Amid the Ruins, a President Tries to Reconstruct His Image, Too
Music That Bush Clearly Doesn't Hear
Sugar for Sugar, Salt For Salt
An open letter from your Precedent, George W. Bush
No point to the (UN) summit(w/no council expansion/terrorism/nuc. control)
Scandals, Corruption, & Lies. Oh My!
Katrina-Coverage, American-style
My newspaper column for this week: tipping!
Bugatti: 1,001 horsepower, $1.24 million
Bad bombings but less troops dead in Iraq
If you want to see what the rest of the world is saying about us
Wallerstein, "Katrina: The Politics of Incompetence and Decline"
A Bid to Repair a Presidency (maintext and SUBTEXT of speech)
Chavez takes Bush to task over Iraq, from PDN, Guam:
Bill Moyers: 9/11 and the Sport of God
The City of New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina Version)
Amid the Miserable Failures on the Same Planet: A Message from C. Sheehan
Poker party (Bush/GOP fail, but Dems get political gain only if brave)
FEMA 'doctors were handed mops' - admidst sick & dying
Early Warning -----A broader role for the armed forces?
WaPo: A Bid to Repair a Presidency
Those of Us Who Know - by RFK Jr.
Every Day, We Ignore the Everyday Poor
After Blocking the Bridge, Gretna Circles the Wagons
US tempers its view of victory in Iraq ("war is not winnable short term")
America Has Fallen to a Jacobin Coup (Paul Craig Roberts)
HELP! Desperate Housing Shortage for Sept. anti-war/global justice mobe
San Diego Action Alert: Protest Arnold's re-election announcement today!
DCCC king making. Contact them.
Humane Society begs for callers to the President, Gov, for help
A Radio Show I cannot recommend enough! PLEASE READ.
Censorship Bill Takes Aim at the American Public
80% of Amercians hate SUVs. At least, other people's SUVs.
BLM unable to adequately protect land, report says
Basking Sharks Follow Food, Rising Temps North From Britain To Scotland
Climate Breakdown Could Make For A Wetter Sahara - Guardian
Oregon lawmakers quadruple state's credits for residential solar projects
Climate change could bankrupt the global economy in 65 years
Global warming 'past the point of no return'
Judge dismisses states' global warming suit
New Jersey Approves Increase to Renewable Energy Standards
LiftPort Nanotech will be located in Millville, New Jersey
Hurricane Severity Increasing Thanks To Water Temps - Science
Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state
Interview - Uri Avnery interviewed by Tikkun
Israeli ex-military chief cancels trip to UK over threat of war crimes arr
Israeli ex-military chief cancels trip to UK {edit}
where does incompetence end and where does intent begin?
Blackwell lying about Jerry Springer candidacy to raise campaign cash
Diebold threatened violators with immediate dismissal
Election reformers snap up opponents' likely Web sites
south dakota has dropped Diebold and its touchscreens.
Freepers on Voter Fraud, suprising
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Friday 9/16/05
Diebold GEMS tabulator software--does it violate HAVA?
Carter-Baker Commission Report
Foreign government accesses Diebold tabulator.
You know you're from So-Cal if.......
Didn't Gov Schwhatsever, at one time say he was a Democrat?
California bans school junk food
Emergency Rally Allert! Schwarzenegger to announce re-election this AM!
Thinking about Minnesota: Potential migrants want opinions
DCCC king making. Contact them.
Sony vaio power cord/battery questions
Subodh Chandra has a big problem
B*sh disapproval on Katrina high in TX
Is anyone going to the Mexican Ind. Day march/parade on 9/17?
Jim Wallis ("God's Politics") in Austin 9/21
A Report on Bay Area New Democrats event last night.
President's nephew arrested on Sixth St
BAND Fun-Raiser was fantastic!!!
Thinking about Wisconsin: Potential migrants want opinions
Jay Rosen: "People of CBS News, the Net knows more than you."
Who, based on this week's events, would you like to say "F**K YOU!" to?
From Salon: After Katrina, country no longer believes in Bush
A question for our conservative perusers.
Why Rove can't go ... to meetings
Anyone have the picture of Bush holding the phone upside down?
B*sh gave out phone sex number
Oral sex can transmit virtually any sexually transmitted disease.
Why are they having these confirmation hearings for John Roberts?
FEMA Flood Response...Clinton vs. Bush
Gallup Poll, Does this group favor Republicans, YES!
Bush obviously didn't have Condi dress him
Molly Ivins: "DAMMIT ALL TO HELL I told you so!!!"
Start your phone calls, emails & snail mails - Demand Jimmy Carter oversee
What a big boy! He wrote a letter to Disneyland, all by himself!
So if they dismantle Roe v. Wade, then what?
OMG This has to be the saddest thing on a red Friday! Warning
Congresswoman Davis: "Talk about hitting someone when they're down,"
Lessons Americans SHOULD learn from Katrina
The TRUE story of the Exorcism of Emily Rose
I see Cheney is sick again, and needs hospitalization
Bush: Katrina recovery requires spending cuts
I bust Anderson Coopers chops, but his show tonight is awesome.
Jeb Bush's son arrested for public drunkenness per NPR
Just got word: Crawford sheriffs found the stolen items from Camp Casey
The Delusions of George W Bush
Who has the best hurricane Katrina coverage?
Bush had all the power he needed to mount an effective response
uhhh, mr. bush, people are starting to talk about your 'Coke Jaw'
Bush Admin to release video advertising FEMA toll-free phone number
National Review In A Snit Over Bush's Latest New Orleans Speech
Fitzgerald warns against document release...
Help for Katrina's PET victims
Secret of Delphi Found in Ancient Text
Little early morning from a freeway blogger who will never surrender
Tonights lineup on Real Time with Bill Maher
One Answer to: What Traditional Conservatives Admire about Shrub
Why did gas go up so quickly - yet the prices fall so slowly
Is There Some Kind Of News Blackout Re: NOLA Or What
So THIS is how freepers react when Dems get near enough for debate.
Breaking! Rehnquist In Hell. Reason?
Senate Dem computer system hacked in April 04?
Bill Clinton on Larry King tonight
Vid Clip-Douglas Brinkley from last night talking about speech
Am Desperately Seeking Missing NOLA Friend, Please Help --
Brian Williams reports: Power ON for Bush's speach, DARKNESS 1 hour later
Galloway - Hitchens Debate - C-span2 - Sat. 9/17 @ 9 pm
Everybody gets a pony and a lifetime supply of ice cream
Bush's Latest Strategy re: New Orleans
Anderson Cooper 360 - sheriff mad
LA: Displaced oil workers get new homes
NO: Times-Picayune death toll (not sure where they get their number from)
LOL! Local news (CBS Tulsa) covering W's "may I potty" note!
AEI Whore Bill Schneider says GOP HAS NO ANSWERS, Dems DO!
Bush's "Back Pack" Springs Big Leak after Last Night's Speech!
TURN ON CNN! Kenyon working hard in NO!
Urgent help request by President Humane Society
So Il Douche has said "Uh, My Fault..." NOW what?
Why does Thomas Friedman want us to look at Singapore?
Not a country at all, but atomised, segmented individuals
"When he finally stopped, he got ... the loudest applause of the summit."
Official Moonbat Check In Thread! Moonbats Unite For Fight AND Flight!
Storm-relief money spent at strip clubs
Ladies..someone needs to grab this guy up
Have you looked at the Bush- Katrina poll at cnn?
Too good to be true - BWAAAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Blacks bamboozled by Bush speech, Whites afraid of the Affirmative Action
I say take the $25 million reward for Bin Laden
George, The Tribe Has Spoken. Give Us Your Torch. It’s Time For You To Go.
Mice infected with plague missing from lab....
Should we confiscate "excess" wealth to rebuild America?
Imagine yourself being a millionaire, how would you lead your life....
Can someone explain the Spectrum Communication bill
What's the number of people reported missing b/c of Katrina?
At this rate, Bush will Never get re-elected
Could someone give me the bu$h speech in a nutshell? I missed it.
A most unexpected reaction to the speech tonight (TX)
AMERICAN SHAME: The Edgar Hollingsworth Story
Bernie is asking Bush voters to call and REPENT
Vae Victus: A Memorandum to Ideological Shifts. (Please, discuss)
Does anyone have updated information on Bush/Cheney detainment camps?
true disabled got their social security cut off?
chimp & co must be worried about a revolution, why else would they
Some hints - if you don't trust the Red Cross, FEMA, Salvation Army
Dick Morris: "Bush is a master at handling disasters."
"God patterns her activity after Ray Taliafero and other great thinkers"
What the hell is that under his jacket?
" 'Warming link' to big hurricanes"
The second flood -- unsorted clothing piling up in the Gulf area
60-40% say bring the troops home to rebuild New Orleans
HALLIBURTON to receive contract to pry gold fillings from mouths of victim
Response from your local evacuees to speech?
when bush tries to look sincere, he comes off looking constipated
Shaq Assists Police in Arresting Man
The "whiteness" of Chimpy's speech tonight...
Why China's Not Backing Bush on Iran (Hint: Its about oil)
Norway is calling back troops from Iraq
Bush reversed more environ progress in eight months than Reagan in 8 years
'they' are more worried about bush's image than helping the poor
HILARIOUS ** Letterman Top Ten FEMA Application Questions
U-S Marine killed as war toll nears 19-hundred
Yo, lurking neocons, dominionists, and * apologists, over here....
Bush’s vision for New Orleans: a profiteer’s paradise
(VIDEO) Daily Show: What, Me Sorry?
NPR/ME: "nothing going on in FEMA control center"
Iraq Deployment Impaired Katrina Relief, Say Americans
Blast from the past, a quote to sum up Bush
why can't all you poor black folks be more like Condi?
question on CSPAN about "Constitution Day"
Primetime: Another screwup - U.S. not prepared for Asian flu pandemic
With U.S. allies like these, women don't need enemies!
Where is that fun game with the bubbles? The thing that was put
Question: Does this mean "no investigation" for Katrina ???????
is there a transcript of the speech i can read and print for my 'friends'?
B*sh disapproval on Katrina high in TX
Blanche DuBush: I have always relied on the kindness of strangers"
The "D'oh!" Apocalypse: Is this country over?
Lottery? What was that lottery stuff in the speech?
tell us mr. bush why we the people shouldn't FIRE YOU for incompetence?
The George Dumbya Boosh Residential Library
FEMA Employees "assisting" Private Contractors? Sounds familiar.
Clinton is disappointing, but his "I've experienced 4 tax cuts" hit home.
C-span 2 - Democratic Policy Committee Hearing on Halliburton Contracts
Able Danger: When Was Atta's DIA File Purged ?
Question: were stray dogs wandering around
$200, 300, 400 billion in 'federal money' to resurrect Bush and Cheney...
My husband turned the corner tonight
Check out Doonesbury and Non Sequitur 9-16-05
Over 200 dead in Mississippi! Where's the accountability for Barbour?
Iraqi insurgents hit back hard despite US attacks
The Saddest Stranded Dog Photo Yet! With a Happy Ending....
Local news priorities are twisted
In future disasters we can expect admitted responsibility-plan to rebuild
The GOP is finished after they "win" the abortion fight.
Forget the spin. B* was supposed to make us safer after 9/11. He failed.
Some incredibly beautiful pictures from Action Aid, etc
"all White House decisions and pronouncements regarding the recovery . . "
Did anyone else hear Joe Biden on Imus this Morning? What did you think?
"Red Fridays" - and a daughter's response
Act of courage that, many that did not need to be:
Bunny Greenhouse and Dem Committee investigation on C-SPAN 2
Red Cross Shelter like a prison!
Starve starve starve the beast gently as we know...
Church leaders say Bush is a little late for a National Prayer for victims
Venezuela's Chavez wants UN out of United States
Rice defends Iraq using coffee as a simile on O'Reilly.
Housing Expedited for Storm Survivors
Did anyone else start screaming at the radio/tv when Bush re-hashed...
So how much has the Bush Family Donated?
Is it our "choice" to be equal?
more than 2,000 children still unaccounted for?!
I didn't watch the chimperor* last night someone give me the highlights
Reconciling the impossibly low death toll
Pledge of Allegiance is a non-issue...
I've figured out the 'SCAM' Bush&co. ran here in Arkansas!
How Rove's passing kidney stones (i hope it hurts) affect Bush
Don't worry New Orleans, "we'll make more!"
Oppps--One Big Hole in Bush's Plan!
Democracy Now on; I'm hearing Galloway and Hitchens;
Paper ballots NOW!!! Hand counts NOW!!! Impeachment NOW!!! nt
Bunnitine Greenhouse - Halliburton whistleblower - on CSPAN2 now
On C-Span 2 now, Iraq Halliburton contracts
Why is federal money going to New Orleans and victims of the 'cane?
And now it is the Iraq-namization of NOLA.
(VIDEO) Daily Show: Evolution Schmevolution Final Day
How does a document of the importance of the Magna Charta
Grapple in the Apple video - Hitch Vs. Gall
today is bush's national day of prayer, so GIT BUSY PRAYING
Remaining Poor in America Pray for a Natural Disaster
Tom Coburn's judiciary coach: "I'm a radical! I'm a real extremist."
MS Attorney General to Sue Insurance Companies
If you missed it yesterday "Iraq Congressional Hearing" on CSPAN TODAY!
Check out this headline about Bush
Not even once did Bush call on people to sacrifice.
"You're doing a heck of a job, Rovie." >
bush admin is looking to blame environmentalists for the flood.
Will Congress approve Bush's plan for $200 billion dollars ?
"Will you return to the New Orleans area?" (Online Poll)
ABC news exec cheers Hitchens at Galloway debate
Did Anyone Ask John Roberts What He Thought of Gore v. Bush (S Ct 2000)?
How does this National Day of prayer
Only 30% of victims in New Orleans owned their homes...?
Here it is, the Draft of the Petition to the UN
g.o.p. angered at having to help so many poor black folks all at once
Great pic on CNN.com front page - looks like our misleader is
Satan calls for National Day of Prayer - I can't watch this evil
Email Suggests Gov't Seeking to Blame Environmental Groups
"W" Doesn't Care About Black People!
My fellow Americans dont use gas unless you need to.
We Do NOT Need Bill Clinton to come and Prop
A Radio Show I cannot recommend enough! PLEASE READ.
The irony; Repukes name their journal after a disaster!
"Warning: be aware of the symptoms of this epidemic!
DOJ watchdog: FBI violates rules for confidential informants
Pastor's sign rubs salt in the wounds of the downtrodden (Katrina)
may have one bunk left! 9/23,24.25
Are we seeing a "Scorched Earth" engame playing out???
Tulane Prof. Studying Katrina Response on Terry Gross Fresh Air Right NOW
Poppy will flip the coin at Giants Stadium Monday vs the Saints
Wow, not one mention of 9/11. I skimmed but didn't read the transcript
Bush's Speech? - A bid to Repair a Presidency
Arkansas GOP attemping to supress vote
I actually agreed with something Tucker Carlson said last night on MSNBC
Check out three links in Gulf Coast region to see how Bush's speech did
GOP and America have a conflict of interest.
On CNN just now, the prayer service, right at the beginning of a
Yesterday's stealth R/W talking point...
Enabling Act: Bush Cashes his Blank Check for Tyranny - Chris Floyd
So, did anyone get wasted playing the drinking game during the speech
Where does laura* fit in all this.
Conservative mantra -- "Be self-reliant until you actually need something"
Was Armenian Genocide Res. attempt to get Hastert off the hook?
Bush-Be-Gone Index -- Down 21.0% from yesterday
*Halliburton* gets ANOTHER Contract in NOLA- 9/15/05
From the 'what will it take to wake up the freepers' file:
Bush voters must wear scarlet 'B'
"Sharing God's word can now be considered Hate Speech"
Laura is buzzflash's Hypocrite of the Week
The Independent UK: Global warming 'past the point of no return'
Uninformed question - A better nation for women where??
This "Prayer Service" is phony.
is he feeling the heat ? * better get use to it
"No more money, no more time. I'm done."
Remember the anthrax terrorist?
Poker party By David Mamet (Dems must take risks)
John Roberts gave a "Lawyer's Answer" to every important question
Will msm ever show real stories of the horror of NOLA and the
I am listening to Clinton on CNN talk about poverty. God, how I miss...
You know you are a Red Neck when...
LOL! RW Rasmussen poll - B* approval DROPS after speech!
Do you really, really trust Republicans to spend tax dollars wisely ?
Listen to Thom Hartmann right now! He is talking to a Neo-Con
Why does * look angry every time he's photographed?
Bush: Rebuilding Must Address Inequality
Why has Bush been given a free pass on the National debt?
The difference is so Black & White
Federal assistance rebuilding NO is a contradiction.
I expect donations to KAtrina Relief organizations to drop off
Washington Post: Bush is MR. BIG GOVERNMENT
End the damn war, for crying out loud....
Have you heard of this Constitution Day thing?
Can Somebody Explain The "Lottery" Thing?
It was this kind of BS that Rove was hoping would come out of *'s speech:
Pre-9/11 Intelligence on Al Qaeda Curt Weldon CSPAN2 now
Portion of Clinton/Bush Katrina fund "sent to local houses of worship"
Re: missing children of Katrina, WHY were the children and parents
Brdblog on HArtmann's show NOW re: Dieb's Throat!
Froomkin: "Will the real George W. Bush please stand up?"
For Kyra Phillips (CNN) fans...
Is the Halliburton contract for gold fillings story real?
Anybody have video of last night's Leno show with the Trump?
Some thoughts on the McLennan County (Crawford) road workers
It is all Ellen Degeneres fault
BREAKING: Bush sells Louisiana to France
Where were these Repukes when Shrub wanted billions for Iraq?
President Clinton never met with Richard Clarke.
Firing victims — sometimes, there are reasons
Is anyone else worried about the missing Katrina children & pedophiles?
The smoking gun- Gev Ernie Fletcher (R) Ky
What is it with Fundies "Praying ON" things?
How come no one here is reporting what hate radio is saying re: speech?
Listened to part of Shrub's speech on NPR this AM - he sounded drunk!
where does incompetence end and where does intent begin?
Bush did go to the can after the infamous note was written....
What in the world was that on Franken?
(Video) Bill Clinton wants to Repeal High-Income Tax Cuts
This is racist, I change my mind
If Dems in power - paying for Katrina...
CNN online poll: raising taxes to pay for Gulf reconstruction
OMG: Bush Admin Tries to Blame Environmental Groups for Flooding
Author of Bush's "New Democrat" rhetoric last night is a WSJ editorialist
Did * mention that he put Rove in charge of NO rebuilding?
Meet the Press - Sunday, Sept. 18 - The Big Dog will be on!
Cmon people, there are NO accidents
100+ rescue tractor trailors paid $600 a day not to move
Have you noticed a dramatic decrease in W stickers?
On the idiocy of all sorts of "MATERIAL wealth."
Is it me, or did * look like a first grade moran in that open neck shirt?
Bush tells his most ardent supporters to "go fuck yourself"
New name for "Chimpy" that'll really toast the rights' chestnuts...
Reminder - Laura Flanders coming up on Randi
One of the BEST articles I have ever read
OMG! The (p)residential jaw is clicking and jerking like a mofo!
Big Dog: "Repeal The Tax Cuts Now"
I'm looking for a quote, or an article...
I get the feeling that all Bush has left are the sychophants
Stripes: Would extending Tricare coverage take guns out of troops' hands?
Has anyone seen any post-speech polls? We usually get
Who would have access to the volunteer Houston roster?
Schwab Market Outlook--it's 1995's slowdown again......
Vid Clip-Al Hasani (Iraq) on Women's Rights and the Constitution
Personally, I'd rather hear a little Less from "the Church" about Gays and
1898 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Anybody--what federal land was Bush referring to in his speech
Federal Land Ownership - What they may plan on using in the Lottery
Anyone just listen to Fresh Air? Who was that guy talking of FEMA denying
Catholic church is recruiting exorcists! (Uncle Benedict wants YOU!)
Why is the institutionalized racism such a shock to people?
What have we learned this week?
Wiretap mosques, Romney suggests
Correct me if I'm in error... but as far as Chimpy's Judges go...
Plan 9 from Louisiana...BUSHWELL PREDICTS!
A question about Louisiana and phone sex:
VIDEO- Bush assists in pet clean up effort
Bush and Putin press conference on now.
laura bush has inspiring words coming-up on blitzer...
Regarding Conservatives turning on Bush
Franken wants 1877-katrina for US gov but it's a SEX line!!!
RWer's seem to forget Reagan funded the Contra terrorists
Damn I'm ready for honor, integrity, values and decency to return
Is anyone listening to the preacher giving the homily at the National
This Times Online Article is very funny and entertaining:
WP: The Costly Price of Facing a Grand Jury (W.H. staffers suffer stress)
Sen. Byrd speechifying on CSPAN now, 3:15pmCT. nt
Last night our president was downright Sasquatchian
Why do we pledge allegiance to the flag and not to the Constitution.
FEMA and military induced chaos in NO (medical care)
Is George Bush a liberal at heart?
"We are not sure he knows what he is getting into."
Do I have it right? Brown Honore Paulison Cheney Allen Rove
Post-Katrina NOLA - another experiment?
About B*sh buttoning his freaking shirt all crookedy:
PHOTO: Is this an E-ticket ride?
Ken Schram is "a big, freaking lefty crybaby."
DU This Fox News Poll: How Did Chimpy Do On His Speech?
Did Putin Just Give Bush the Finger?
S.S. Diebold scraping the bottom...
So who else believes in the magic money fairy
Guess who received the loudest applause at the UN summit Thursday?
Cliff Notes version of tonight's speech--anyone?
Bush rubbing the head of a black man
Shaq Assists Police in Arresting Man (gay basher)
Pat Robertson: Hurricane Katrina is Ellen Degeneres' fault. (no joke).
Media should poll JUST wealthiest 2% asking if they'd give up their taxcut
RUMSFELD IN NEW ORLEANS: "Come On In! The Water's Fine!"
You know what the problem is with this country?
I'm often a pessimist and a skeptic,
Mississippi ranked most corrupt state- let the looting begin!
Bushco Pic: What is each one thinking about?
Durbin writes DOJ, Paris Hilton thief caught Dem HQ break-in unsolved
Now it's proven, Bush doesn't know how to behave
RANT ON regarding this country
I just figured out why the liberal SCOTUS voted in favor of Eminent Domain
Wolfie going to talk about bloggers who hate * - including Conservatives
Is the U.S.A. a Corporacratic Socialism?
Conservative friend talked me into using Drudge as a links page
Hurricane cleanup costs worry U.S. conservatives
First the 'bathroom break' photo and now this. M$M not helping Jr.'s image
Kartrina "Repopulation Fund"...
Rove now has $200,000,000,000.00 of our money to spend as he likes?
Photos of Sept. 15th Rally @ the White House
Katrina oil spill bigger then Exxon Valdez
Has DU compiled a list of *'s fake photo-ops?
Did anyone else hear the phone call Springer got about how
Letter i sent to Sac Bee. on Bush plan
Interesting DU forum web stats:
Wandered over to Rosie O'Donnell's site
So, while Wolf indulges his affection for helicopter pictures.....
Tom Hayden: Rep Woolsey's Iraq Exit Strategy Hearning Successful
GOP split over plan for big spending.
Would it be a stretch to liken DLCers to the Sadducees?
Jeff Gannon has gone missing...
Schwarzenegger says WILL Seek Re-Election
So, my American Govt. teacher just went over the 50's...
73 year old Granny who spent 16 days in jail
George W. Bush is a God Damned Fascist.
Civil war: For Iraqis, it's now official
Lunatics and Criminal negligence
If America were filled with smart people w/ great critical thinking skills
There is a something good already coming from the Hurricane Katrina
Cheney to have surgery for aneurism?
Finally, THIS is what we need to MASS MAIL to ALL Democrat leaders!
Camp Casey completely STOLEN Thursday night!!!
The lounge is really hopping tonight
How Come Gas Prices Fell Big Time Overnight?
US coffins in German election campaign
If Bush & his cronies hadn't been in the White House.....
Blitzer: "Bloggers bashing President Bush...why is that no surprise?"
Picture of Bush at Katrina clean up planning meeting....
Forget Man on Horse or Dog.....Here's O'Lielly on Duck.....really.
Cannibal Cheney in Secret New Orleans Underground Bunker!
Our (so-called) economic recovery
Why do some of us go GA-GA over Hugo Chávez?
Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) says Bush should resign
Clinton Echoes Call to Repeal the Bush Tax Cuts Now
You want to attack Hugo Chavez?
Caption this Dumbya photo: "I'm not looking...I'm not looking..."
Would you want armed Minutemen in YOUR community looking for illegals?
Dick Morris on Bush: "Man is he fortunate!"
Iraq: Iraqi Red Crescent and Red Cross help refugees in Tal-Afar
Does Hugo Chavez make our "liberal" Dem's look not so "liberal" after all?
Family Values Jeb's three delinquent kids and wife are CRIMINALS
Brian Williams just reported about the lights coming on temporarily
You have to wonder if this may have happened more than once
The Other Side of Charity's Coin
Will George Jr. fund NO rebuilding before or after the maned trip to mars?
Didn't arrested Jeb son get busted for lewd and lascivious before?
Anderson Cooper's done a good job in New Orleans
Back to the kool aid - odd statements by Brooks and Oliphant on PBS
How many know that the "Pledge" was created by a SOCIALIST....
Some more gifts to the Uberloards
China's Economy Roars Ahead--Bearing down on Western economies....BIG TIME
Why aren't the media asking over and over: "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY?"
MO grandma fired by Positronic rehired...
Franklin Delano John Fitzgerald Martin Luther Bush --->>>
Report: Global Warming "Past the Point of No Return"
Dems Using Their Iraq Investigation To Begin Exposing Katrina Corruption
If we're at war then where are the defense contracts? Mainly ship repair.
Anything more about the fuckers who robbed Camp Casey?
Vid Clip-My Take on Bush's Jackson Square Speech
Has anybody seen the 1971 film "Punishment Park"?
Crisis Pictures (must see website)
Can We Have A DU Activism On Media Ignoring The Missing?
Jay Severin and the Phony Pulitizer!
MSNBC correcting its report re the baby ("trouble waking up") He is alive.
My Prediction - WARNING - Tinfoil Hat Required
Huge tax increase for 50+ workers from AARP.
Condoleeza Rice, Chevron Executive 1991-2001
Are conservatives as wise as they think they are?
Widow wants access to "fragging" trial in Iraq
The bush families really are the Aristocrats!
DEBIT CARD HOLDERS: Gas sellers put hold (up to $75) on debit cards
Know this about Justice Roberts: He won't overturn Roe and ...
When we get back our government we're gonna need Prosecutors
How many here are protesting the suspension of Davis-Bacon?
Katrina talking point I need debunked
Starting public meetings with the pledge... and invocation
How long until we invade Canada?
What corporate welfare programs would you advise Bush to cut to pay for
We need to get over *...seriously - what is the point now?
Lofty Goal: "a team of inspectors general reviewing all expenditures"
Freepers are always worried about someone taking their money
Chavez Gives Land Titles to the Indigenous
Blame Game cont.. "Justice Dept. Looks at Lawsuits, Levees"
YO: Cheney to undergo surgery for an aneurysm
If Cheney dies, or has to resign, who would W tap to be new VP?
Was Barbara Bush Missing at the National Cathedral Today?
Evacuee: "Because he ignored Louisiana, I ignored his speech,"
ROFLMFAO - Shrub can't even button his own shirt
MUGSHOT: John Bush, public intoxication & RESISTING ARREST
Ok, my first real FREEPER encounter to share
Could New Orleans be rebuilt as a "green city"?
FEMA's response at our town hall meeting
CAMP CASEY VANDALS - If you're out there, take a damn good look at this...
How many in Congress right now appreciate how many People feel
Did Chelsea Clinton ever get busted for drugs or booze or resisting arrest
First Pic of my Hurricaine Hit Home (New Orleans)
A balanced view on Hugo Chavez. (warning: long)
Why is Greg Palast suddenly attacking George Galloway?
South African anti-rape condom latches on to attackers
NPR follow-up story-DC FEMA Official Says Chertoff& Brown Ignored Warnings
BOOK TV Schedule September 17-19
Jerry Springer -- Stupid enough to believe Bush.
Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims
Day Of Prayer? Are You Kidding me? The Government Has No Business
PLEASE HELP !!! *** NOLA Pet Rescue *** ACTION UPDATE *** 9/15
Did anyone else watch Nancy Grace last night? (9/15 transcript)
George Bush is a MISERABLE FAILURE --pix->>>
War protestors denied right to defense! Please read!
WHAT is the deal with Able Danger and Curt Weldon?
My son's 7th grade class was given a lecture on how to say the Pledge
Buy clothing at my E-Bay store - 25% of profits to go to Katrina relief
Police search homes in bomb probe
Christie's appraises Marcos jewels
Eight jailed for Heathrow raid bid
Do you have digital television
LibDems' Kennedy slams Pinochet's BAe slush fund $$$$$$$$s
Slip shows Clarke's doubts on terror bill
To the Anglo-American freepers, the statue of a disabled woman is "nasty".
Hurricane Intensity Linked to Climate Change
Amid the Ruins, a President Tries to Reconstruct His Image, Too
GOP lawmaker on Social Security reform: 'It's Over'
AMERICAN SHAME: The Edgar Hollingsworth Story
Weldon: Atta Papers Destroyed on Orders
At least two dead, 13 wounded as gunmen attack day labourers in Baghdad
Some of the Uprooted Won't Go Home Again
Chavez Takes Bush to Task Over Iraq War
Shaq Assists Police in Arresting Man
Nuclear Disputes Top Bush-Putin Meeting
Katrina Oil Spills May Be Among Worst on Record
Bush orders DCF to resume visits (Jeb)
Israeli ex-military chief cancels trip to UK over threat of war crimes arr
Venezuela’s Chavez Says UN Needs a Revolution
Rebels Murder Afghan Election Candidate
Serious Fraud Office to look into BAE link with Pinochet
U.S. says Venezuela no longer ally in war on drugs
Bush rules out tax increase to fund recovery
Lawmakers Ask CIA to Open Sept. 11 Report (AP)
Czechs to stay only at one base in Iraq for safety reasons
Turkish leader demands crackdown in N. Iraq
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 16 September
Judge Orders Release of Jailed Grandmother
CNN: Displaced oil workers get new homes (from FEMA - OMG, Priorities)
Katrina forecasters were remarkably accurate
Hurricane Katrina refugees feel slighted by president (post-speech)
Restructuring of Iraq Debt 'On Track'
Hurricane Victims With Mental Problems Parted From Health Care
Pat Roberston: Hurricane Katrina due to Ellen Degeneres (no joke).
Iraqi Cleric Urges Unity Against Violence
Bloomberg opposes Bush high-court pick (first noted Republican to break)
73 year old Granny who spent 16 days in jail
Many, but not all churches heed Bush's call for national prayer
WP: The Costly Price of Facing a Grand Jury (W.H. staffers suffer stress)
US urges Americans to avoid Afghanistan over vote
They scoff at Bush's promises (Evacuated Residents)
Nobel Laureates Frown on Science Standards
Bad bombings but less troops dead in Iraq
First Lady Discusses African AIDS Crisis
2 Terror Suspects Ordered Kept in Solitary
Hinchey Leads Broad Congressional Coalition Calling For Expansion Of Plame
Could New Orleans be rebuilt as a "green city"?
GOP Leaders Asked to Stall Soc. Sec. Bill (Hastert opposed)
CIA leak investigator warns against document release (to Congress)
Jeb Bush son arrested for public intoxication, resisting arrest
Bloomberg opposes Roberts' nomination
Consumer confidence in the US slumps to its lowest since 1992! (not since
Probe targets Miami-Dade police misuse of consumer data (ChoicePoint)
Blame Game cont.. "Justice Dept. Looks at Lawsuits, Levees"
Insurers sued to force them to pay storm-surge coverage
French, U.S. companies to build nuke power plant
(Voodoo) Bush: Spending Cuts, No Tax Hikes, For Katrina
E-mail suggests government seeking to blame groups (environmental groups)
4 Ukrainian Peacekeepers Leave Iraq for Drunkenness
U.S. Michigan September Consumer Sentiment Falls to 76.9 (below expected)
Japan, India, Brazil, Germany vow new UN council bid
U.S. threatens North Korea with assets freeze
John Kerry Responds to President Bush's Speech to the Nation
AP: Smart & Final settles class-action suit over wages
REUTERS: "Has the place blown up?" Bush to Annan at UN
Rupert Murdoch, Bending With the Wind
Mayor Nagin rented, not bought, in Dallas
Katrina costs will be borrowed, raise deficit (Bush still wants tax cuts)
Rice predicts political backlash against Iraq insurgency
For reservists from New Orleans, a bittersweet homecoming
Mom fights for pledge exemption (pledge to USA is sacrilegious)
Bush Talks Katrina Relief At Prayer Service
Widows Frustrated Over Iraq Hearing (on fragging)
Musharraf-U.S. can't just pack up and leave Iraq
Bush Confident on Iran After Putin Meeting
First Lady: Prepare Kids for Disasters
Sex Offenders Rally For Rights
(Alberto) Gonzales vows fight for Pledge of Allegiance
Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Say President Bush Has Done a Poor Job Handling
Democrats warn of potential Katrina contract abuse
U.S. Marine Killed in Explosion in Iraq
Aide: Schwarzenegger to Seek Re-Election
U.S. rejects Syrian statement, threatens "serious consequences"
Scottish tycoon teams up with Clinton to combat poverty
Disaster Costs to Swell U.S. Deficit (AP)
E-mail suggests government seeking to blame groups (for flood of NO)
Zarqawi is dead, claims Baghdad imam (Washington's bogeyman)
Evacuees Find Comfort and Encouragement in Speech
Christian Democrat MP: German troops should leave Afghanistan
Gov't Raises Medicare Premiums Again (AP)
Pinochet acquitted in rights case
U.S. soldier pleads guilty to smuggling drugs from Colombia
Italy declares mission in Iraq a success
Bush confident budget can handle Katrina recovery
Galloway v Hitchens debate on Iraq fails to rise above insults
US poultry giant under fire after segregation scandal is revealed
Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims
Mississippi Sues to Force Insurers to Pay All Hurricane Damage
Today's "Doonsbury": Agency?????
I love smoking. Especially Drum Halfzware Shag. It's great.
Arkansas Razorback fans in the Lounge need to read this shocking...
My grandson is on the way! Son and DIL at hospital
MAJOR UPDATE! Baby due within the hour!
So--what did I miss? How bad was tonight's speech?
What is that on the left hand side of my post?
Legolas, Frodo, Aragorn and Boromir have dressed up!
Started a full virus scan - 2 hours and still not done
HALLIBURTON to receive contract to pry gold fillings from mouths of victim
Someone please post a picture of Grovelbot
Critter Poll on bush* katrina speech
Welcome, Nathaniel! Born 12:30 AM PDT
How do you feel about depressing movies?
81 Year Old Man Arrested For Picking Pockets
85 Year Old Grandmother Keeps Her Skydiving Promise
See you Sunday, my Lounge darlings!!
Food of the gods... fresh, hand made goat cheese, room temperature with
"I Want To Take You To A Gay Bar." Funny video!
How is it, that every time I take a sleeping pill....
Man Will Sell His Kidney To Buy A Home
A little Friday morning humor!
Thanks progmom! Hide Thread worked!n
This Non Sequitur strip made me smile
This Bush bashing over NOLA is getting very old. He did what he could...
What Bush* was REALLY doing during his visit to New Orleans
You know you've been on DU too long when:
Court Considers Russian Astrologer’s Case Against NASA
How do you know your Liberal neighbor is pissed-off at you?
Mice, Infected With Bubonic Plague Missing From New Jersey Lab
As usual, British TV says what we're all thinking...
Question regarding pre-ordering software, and Best Buy
Transdimensional deer materialises on power lines
One step shy of spontaneous combustion.....
Lightning strikes man on dirt bike, melts gold chain
Glox News: Upper caste female of prime egg-laying age still missing!
An important history lesson in these trying times.
What a disappointment. Don't you hate it when
LOST fans check in. 5 days till season 2. Who is your fav character?
School Official Calls Hurricane Evacuees "Yard Apes" - Fired
No .xxx internet domain just yet
Is his tractor sexy? Sexy tractor?
Are you democrat, repuke or a southern repuke?
Happy 80th Birthday, B B King - and thanks for the great music! :-)
Case of château despair for US winemakers
Analyst Says Phone headsets make you look like "a half-assimilated Borg"
Happy 81st Birthday Lauren Bacall!
Ugh, I wish it was still summer and I wasn't back in school.
I'm listening to GOOD Christian music (w/ Mike Portnoy)!
Has your sense of humor suffered during the * years?
Let me spend the next 15 threads vaguely describing my sex life.
there is only so much merde a toilet can take before it overflows.
Warning: be aware of the signs of this epidemic!
so last night im in the store and this crazy guy comes up to me and
People who shave their forehead, check in here
Halliburton Gets Contract To Pry Gold Fillings ..............
anyone else here like the geraldine fibbers/carla bozulich?
My school (workplace) is raising money for homeless pets from Katrina!
I have a new rule: Everyone must act exactly like me
Used to have a town but the factory moved away
i don't care what anyone says...
FEMA insider spilling his guts to NPR? anyone? bueller?
Windows Users: Where do you keep your toolbar?
DAMN...them Czechoslovakian squirrels got some BIG ol' ears, hoss...
Huge black guy in the elevator
How are you this fine morning?
Alex Witt should remain seated
3 little boys .. and baptism. (funny)
I don't like the term "slut" - I prefer "user friendly"
DU Deadheads: 2.26.77 Welcome to 1977, BUCKLE UP!
Man Starts Beating His Dog - His Dog Then Shoots Him
Bigfoot(s) in Oklahoma - Have you ever encountered one?
I take it Fuckstick didn't take the path of honor and resign last night?
You know you are a Red Neck when...
Am I a bad person because I like hearing about hunting accidents?
Hurrah for Arvo Pärt - plus what are you listening to?
Funny story about a girl who is completely inept in the kitchen....
Who spiked the Lounge water today?
Replace a verb in a movie title with "Misunderestimate"
When is Talk Like A Pirate Day?
PHOTO: BUSH......well, I'm not sure what the hell he is doing.
Who was the best Shakespeare film director?
My new title: Beware the Beast Man- Killer of Fish.
Anyone want a free ride to be Governor of California?
Bill Curtis (American Justice) a hot piece of ass?
I got my check for my OpEd piece of three weeks ago...
Do you think anyone from the future posts here?
I just stop by for a sec to say hi
Dammit. I miss Misunderestimator.
"it's probably the best drawing I've ever done"
My computer was down all afternoon. I missed all the lounge fun.
Resident Bush loses prosthetic conscience after row with J-Lo's butt
Does this count as a hostile work environment:
Maybe Bush thought they were saying Eugene Levy, and couldn't
Did you hear what Bush said regarding 'Roe vs Wade'?
Some New Orleans music tonight
Before the UN note, George's mom taught him to "whisper." Whisper joke
Paul McCartney loses prosthetic songwriting ability after row w/JLo's mink
I got this sticker two years or so ago, and didn't know where to put it.
If you WERE gonna set up an alternative DU identity, what would you use?
Here's a song about a bodily function!!!!
What's the difference between a pregnant woman and a lightbulb?
More Women Trying Bisexuality…
I'm out guys! Have a great weekend! See ya Monday!
Pat Roberston: Hurricane Katrina due to Ellen Degeneres (no joke).
Okay, just had a first-time Uncle moment
I spent too much money on a pair of jeans
The lounge has not been on its best behavior today!!!
pandababy taking a nap right now...my has he gotten big!
Guess what, everyone! We're "Moonbat Central!"
A new low, even for Wal-Mart...
bi_baby is coming to visit again...
just went out to the DOLLAR STORE & bought a CD, 'FOREVER LOVE"
Some of you have yet to pay club dues.
So I got my Wendy's chili - wheres my finger?
With all apologies to Bernard Pivot, what's your favorite FAKE swear word?
If hollywood movie studios were ever called on in a Nat'l. emergency,
Where do YOU like to "Face-Stretch"?
The Creation Science Museum presents "Creation for Kids!"
This song really hits home today
I need prayers and good thoughts...
I don't need no instructions to know how to ROCK!
Magick is afoot!! Katrina: The Gathering
9 passenger 63 Merc wagon for sale in paper. Check out this car. Dope.
I post this poem for 2 DUers who are in hard times...
my wife got a job at a liberal think tank!
Wendy's on the windowcill, waiting to be let in
The gift that keeps on giving.
The LIPS LIKE SUGAR Thread by the Numbers
Shafts: do you prefer straight; or bent?
What DU week would be complete without...
someone at work sends me this email
Man's static jacket sparks alert
Ahhh It is SOOOO Fun Being In IT!
The reason Bush has placed Rove in charge of N.O. rebuilding.
Re-Creating an Ansel Adams Masterpiece, Moon
Shocking! Electrifying! This guy is on fire!!
Is anyone listening to The Randi Rhodes Show on AAR? Laura Flanders sub.
Stop trying to corrupt me. And, don't play innocent with me, either!
So, have you all got down on your knees for National Prayer Day
"Tell us how you really feel!"
Post here if you 're a slave to love
Happy Step Family Day!!! any step_______ s here?
Tongue-eating bug found in fish
Bush Nominates First-Trimester Fetus To Supreme Court
Halliburton Gets Contract To Pry Gold Fillings From New Orleans Corpses' T
Oh, this is hilarious. I just saw the word "pescatarian" for the
My god what's happening it's 12:50 here and we're not past level one
What pictures come to your mind when you think of a certain DUer?
need helpful advice for my son
I had forgotten what a bunch of vile brood of vipers
Another reason husbands die young.
Need an MP3-player/music-service afictionado ..
This will make you smile - I sold 3 of these stickers today!!
Looking for two old funny English-language-based funny emails
Quick!!! we need a locksmith in GD!!!!
a peek at my new Bush Gallery..
I have to leave for a little while.
Look at this cute dog rescued in New Orleans.
Many households have "laundry day" (or whatever) a specific day each week.
Question: Why don't fish sticks and tater tots have the same
Any specialists with wallpaper here? I have a question.
Hey - post what you want. Don't let me stop you.
Do other countries pledge allegiance to their flags?
JimmyJazz. Have I told you lately that I admire the hell out of you?
I spent too little money on a pair of jeans
Are Smoking Joe & Sarah Nelson the new Black Ruby & Taz?
A ghost, an angel, or a hallucination?
I'm confused-What are we again (DU)?
Post your lame-ass inanities here,
What is the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
Matcom's FIRST Scooter Ride!! (Pic)
Are you curvy like a cello, or more like a mandolin?
Burt Reynolds loses prosthetic hair after row with J-Lo's guards
Want to buy a new laptop. Tips needed.
Join the I Hate Jennifer Lopez Club!
Parents of kids who play sports
I'm Buying Fur Coats For The Kids So They Look Good In Fancy Restaurants
Vote on the DU Photo Contest. The theme is reflections. (Take 2)
What are you listening to right now?
It's time for anabukin. It's been a while and we have new people
This is why I like Live... Peace is now
Is it unhealthy to freeze your commercial bottles of water?
So, will the TV show "Threshold" suck, or will it be good?
Heather Mills McCartney loses prosthetic leg after row with J-Lo's guards
14 hours and 45 minutes until Oktoberfest begins
Do you have a flat butt or a round one?
Anyone interested in a Hockey Group?
I have been inspired to post something of substance today
Apparently I am a thread killer today
post here if you have a personality, and you'd like to join my cult
kick-ass-bob kicked my ass! now its flat
If Jesus was a Jew, why don't Jews believe in Jesus
More than 1 million U.S. children are caregivers
Global warming 'past the point of no return'
Rare white giraffe spotted in Africa
Giant Earthquake Predictions Aided by Historical Data
Sexism May Shorten Men's Lives
Benedict Arnold is only the latest
Transgender killings an investigative quagmire
Gay Holocaust Fund Request Denied
Trans, gay evacuees face harassment as waters recede
Sexuality: Your Telltale Fingertips
St. Louis seminary to be among first evaluated in gay inquiry
Psychiatry and Legal Recognition Of Same-Sex Civil Marriage
Two guilty in beating of gay man
What the hell? Horned Frogs rant
WaPo: Bruised Knee May Put Roethlisberger on Bench
Current Zogby Online poll is asking abt treatment of animals in disasters.
Mississippi update from Dr. Scholl (flood victim pets)
Update from a rescuer in New Orleans
I have just become flame bait...
Newsflash! James Randi bows to FSM!
That blasted National Cathedral
Something Bush said last night....
Now can we all have a National Day Without Prayer???
I think people are finally getting sick of the Republican slurs
Yet another pro-Kerry thread, and
Hey, Teddy got an opponent. Wow!
FL, MN, CA Win Katrina Contracts
OK, so I'm listening to Ed Schultz on the way home from work,
Kerry appearance Tuesday at AA Prostrate Awareness Conf.
Photo contest is up and running in the lounge - again
Anyone have any weird, trippy night photos?
Digital ???? How do I shrink a pic for posting online?
Say, gang...anyone listening to Keith on ESPN today?
I love reading advice columns and--hooray!-I got part of a letter
Sent KO an e-mail about Positronic (Worst Person in the World)...
Is Keith on tonight, and a video question!
EDVs Gone Wild! Not a pretty sight.
Interview with George Clooney re: "Good Night, and Good Luck"
But I've Really Gotta Go, or * Asks Condi for Potty Break
Romancing the (kidney) stone, or why Karl Rove's Not Around
Suspension of Davis-Bacon only the beginning of new attack on labor
New Bridge Strategies: Neil Bush, Allbaugh & NOLA/Iraq
What is Sen. Reid's plan for investigative hearings?
Does anyone have a link to the pic of *'s sweaty shirt from his speech?
The Daily Show DID do a bit on the * UN Potty note!
can the NO hurricane survivors sue BUSH personally for his criminal
Gergen: "reckless in the extreme" to borrow our way out of this
Bush History tells us that they say whatever is convenient for them at the
Are we ready for the flood of refugees?
Call the Senate. Ask the GOP Senators why they hate America!
Today's Doonesbury on Brownie, Cherry and C ondi.... :)
has ayone invited novak to comment on the speech?
So please tell me there is someon in "Caleeeforneea" who can take on...
Did anyone watch Newsnight after the speech: 1700 kids separated from
Rep. Louise Slaughter: End of the Bush Era?
Right-wing suicide e-mail bombers?
Did I hear this correctly? (Possible dupe)
Anyone see Robert Reich at the hearings?
OMG! Chambliss quotes Biden on John Roberts!
Why should Freepers be upset with Bush*'s raid on the US Treasury?
MSNBC Poll 69% (of 18697): Bush did NOT "regain political ground" tonight
Republican Reynolds says Social Security reform is shelved...
Bernie Ward: Real estate "speculators" frenzy-buying flooded N.O. houses
Bush getting an ass whipping in AOL poll
Please Miss, may the US President be excused from the room?
Dem leaders SPEAK UP! It's to SLAM tax cuts
Iraqi National Foundation Congress: "withdraw from Iraq ASAP"
W must have met with reconstruction contractors after the speech
Bob Kur (MSNBC): "The American taxpayer is going to pay for every penny"
Sometimes you eat your words, sometimes your words eat you
E-mail Suggests Government Seeking to Blame Environmental Groups for NO
Sure President Mengele wants to rebuild New Orleans. It's easy to see why.
I've Heard That * Appointed Rove To Oversee NO Reconstruction....
Bunnitine Greenhouse - Halliburton whistleblower - on CSPAN2 now
Jack Cafferty: he seems somewhat popular at DU now, but...
Was This National Day Of Prayer Planned Before Katrina or....
Who is the Court Jester of the US Senate?
Have we forgotten what the executive branch is?
Is there a steeple on the roof of the White House?
Shrub prayer: The Mystery of undeserved suffering
"Will the speech help the disaster recovery...Bush's, not Katrina?"
Bush nominates anti-science scientist/Bolton-ite for Fish&Wildlife Service
Bush speech: Lots for both parties, ideologies of all stripes to hate
As Long As Gas Prices Come Down To $2.00 * Can Do What ....
Looks like the GOP is none too happy with the Bush right now
MSNBC poll....scroll down a bit a click on the link.......
Don't leave home without it (printable version)
We should all be showing our approval of the things Bush said right.
RAWSTORY: Feds try to blame Environmental Groups for Levee
I am sober now. Did * really say something about homesteading last night?
Does anyone have the text/transcript of Bush's speech last night
Did any of you guys watch that speech last night?
Caring liberals are consistent , cons are foul weather friends.
Wow - Now The Politics Kick In - Frist & Reid and Company in NO......
Gallup gives Bush 58% approval rating for handling Katrina, Fox disagrees
defeated, damp, Bush and his bulge
In light of Katrina, how do we appeal to Minorities for their vote?
Does anyone have a link to a transcript of the President's speech last
The MYTH of "Fiscal Conservatives"
"Congressman: Atta papers destroyed on orders" - pegging weirdness
Henry C K Liu kisses smirk on both cheeks & writes a precious article
What every insider Dem consultant should be telling media big shots...
Rove's Gulf wealth re-distribution plan
The Onion: Bush Nominates First-Trimester Fetus To Supreme Court
Bush speech was part Franklin Roosevelt, part Lyndon Johnson
Does it seem the media has spun back and Bush is to be forgiven for
Senator Byrd's lecture on the Constitution, CSPAN 4pm ET
Next time a repug talks about supporting the troops, show them this!
Was there an official Democratic response to * 9/15/05 Katrina speech?
Conservative buzz words: "why something matters"
I found this little gem at a progressive Colorado site. Labor vs capitol
David Mamet: Poker Party (Dems have given away the store) MUST READ
Call the Senate. Join Americablog in demanding accountability!
Call the Senate. Ask the GOP Senators why they hate America.
These are times that try mens souls---
Did * just say he will pay for the NO reconstruct. by CUTTING other progs?
RANT WARNING: meanwhile, in Iraq ...
Pat Robertson: Hurricane Katrina is Ellen Degeneres' fault (no joke).
Repugs are screwed. They can't raise taxes, they can't call off Iraq
"New Orleans: All Rich, All White"
"...mixing inefficiency with authoritarian tendencies."
DU a Katrina Poll: Did President Bush regain the political ground he lost
Hardly anyone believes Bush anymore....His credibility/respect pooof
Just Heard That The Superdome May Have To Be Torn Down....
Bill O'Liely -- "The poor are always going to get it..."
I just heard that idiot-in-chief is going back to NO next week,
Did that rat bastard just say BIPARTISAN COMMISSION?
What is your opinion of "Democrats For Life?"
*'s "iniquality" at home is the analogue of "freedom" abroad.
Dean on National Day of Prayer and Remembrance
Dean: Bush Should Not Use Tragedy to Advance an Ideological Agenda
Statement by DNC Chairman Howard Dean on Constitution Day
16,637 kids lost due to Katrina!!!
Bush, Like Chertoff, Tries To Spin Surprise That Levees Broke
Someone should ask Lisa Murkowski to skip that bridge in Alaska
My 382 word LTTE on Bush, Responsibility and Accountability
A request for DNC and other party leaders - aplan to make aREAL difference
Just put this together on my lunch hour, please feel free to steal:
If Bush "rules out a tax hike," and pushes for an N.S.T., THAT'S a HIKE.
Senators save breath for next court debate (but Clinton rejects inaction)
Gold Costs More, Or Cash Worth Less?
Did * Just Have A "Read My Lips Moment"?
All of the sudden Conservative Journalists are all over the hate
MSM painting Bush to be a liar?
The Next Inaugural Speech - Stirling Newberry
Bush's Speech? - A bid to Repair a Presidency...
Smoking Gun has the details on Jeb's Son arrest :)
President Bill Clinton on Meet the Press Sunday 9/18
The Bush is a sick JOKE...Rebuild??? The Sea levels are RISING???
A good day Iraq - only 30 or so dead in bombings
The Hegelian roots of Bush's Katrina recovery -- discuss?
Two pithy comments on Bush's speech in NYT article
Anyone know when Byrd speech today on the Constitution will
He can't even talk...he just found out that 3 years is a long time
Need some help - refuting "welfare queens" crap
* live on CNN; just got asked where the money is coming from
2000 missing U.S. Postal Workers? 1700+ children missing?
Giant Cocaine Shipment Bound for IRAQ seized-5 TONS!
Is Chris Matthews shilling against Dem Landrieu by promoting Cleo Fields?
How high is a "high" crime" and of course, a misdemeanor and
Conservatives have lost their way.
If Heaven Is to Hold George W Bush, His Pop, and His Cronies;
24 hours later, Tweety is calling last night's speech "STUNNING."
Need Wes Clark transcript for antiwar flyer from "Terrorism, Security &
I'm just back from the National Cathedral
"Those of Us Who Know" - by RFK Jr.
Shrub Looked Weird(er than usual)
The 2.5 terabytes seems kinda over the top?
Douglas Brinkley: Chronicling 'The Great Deluge' (saw FEMA deny aid)
Arnold Schwarzennegger ran on "I will TERMINATE the deficit"
UN Chimpy bathroom photo WAS photoshop tweaked...
Are there enough jobs in the US to ever be rid of poverty?
I have created a new word! Please Read!!!
How many people here have had bumper stickers destroyed?
The Democratic Party needs conservatives.
Re-districting LA, MS and Al *IS* Rove's plan
Phil Donahue interviewed by "Independent World Television"
Which of the following is the SECOND most important political issue?
Wes Clark 10:58 pm 9/15--Smells the rat in Bush's speech...
Bush can't even button his freakin' shirt right. We're SO screwed.
Separation of Church and State anyone?
PETA to run full-page ad in tomorrow's WP: "Betrayed by our Government"
Strategists say Democrats set to make gains in House (WashTimes)