Democratic Underground

Archives: September 19, 2005

Will Roberts bring down Jefferson's wall? (CC Haynes)

It's too late for Bush to find a bullhorn moment in Gulf Coast (Dowd)

Pillaging, looting - these guys are pros Now comes the real looting!

The St. Patrick's Four to be tied again: Will the First Amendment survive?

A Wimp on Genocide (NYT)

Bush's war and the Egyptian elections

My American Nightmare

Col: "there was no real plan at the higher levels to replace anything,"

Frank Rich: The old Bush magic isn't working (Wow)

Chavez' Surprise for Bush

They Shoot News Anchors, Don’t They?

It's time for a woman president

The Return of Reefer Madness

What has happened to Iraq's missing $1bn???

Bush backers showing loyalty to a fault (L Pitts Jr)

Krugman and Herbert beind a pay-wall starting today.

Blumenthal: The Petulant President

Peace Rally And March ..... Birmingham, Alabama... Sept. 24.

AntiWar flyer for download and disribution on Sept. 24 nationwide

Police under fire as G8 cases dropped (UK)

George Clooney, Filmmaking Provocateur

Canadians Open to Oil Nationalization

No ethanol in Chicago area?

Arguments to be heard in mountaintop removal appeal

Any Santa Barbara Duers going to be at the protest?

We have alt-folk royalty here in Iowa

Mass Out of Iraq ralleyers head count. I'll be lookin for ya!

Annual Mexican independence parade protested

How are things in Stoughton?

Texans growing uneasy over Iraq

Spending the night as a storm evacuee - excellent article.

REVEALED: The half-brother that John Roberts won't talk about. ---->>>

Propaganda cloaks Iraq constitution

Fundie on Evolution

Will things be better, once Saddam is given death penalty next month?

Is There A One-Stop Information Source for 9/24 In DC? I'm Going ...

200 billion for the reconstruction ? Ya right !

great poem just read on Laura's show RE:aftermath of Katrina. here it is

Did Wolfowitz download a copy of my newest 'toon as wallpaper?

Ready to deploy for Iraq, and then he's fired - School board OKs decision

Breakthrough: Pat Roberston discovers cause of huricanes.

Bush Wants to Segregate Survivor Kids

200 Billion Wasted in Iraq could have bought us 66 Billion gallons of

PHOTO: It is VERY unfair to judge the Roberts photo without full context.

Kill the estate tax, find a rich hurricane victim....

What should be The dominant theme at the Rally ? IMPEACH BUSHCO?

Can't make it to DC, 9/24......Check your State,

So, if necessary, will they be ready for Rita ? And to what degree ?

Proposal: Call the rally in D.C. "March for American Lives"

Bill Clinton criticizes Bush on Iraq and Katrina.....

dick cheney goes under the knife - then what..??

Where's the "(gay) Judge Roberts displaying food" photo from? (Found it)

I went to Gulfport/Biloxi/Pascagoula Mississippi today DAMN!

"Oh, fiddle-de-dee, says Smirky...(photo)

DON'T make fun of Tropical Storm Rita

Anybody have any experience with Six Sigma?

I'm a protest (big ones anyway) virgin with a video camera

ACLU: Tough On Crime!

How much gas could this save ?!?

Hey folks, just for a second slow down and enjoy the coolness

The way I see it, Schroeder has to remain chancellor has started a Katrina timeline

Emotions Run High at Katrina Jazz Concert

info on Angela Merkel in 9-12 New Yorker (not on line)

Chucky, the Gulf Coast Zoo's 1000 pound Alligator is caught!

US Ambassador to Iraq predicts US will invade Syria to combat insurgents

a day in the life of Iraq ...9/18/05

The budget is much worse shape than people think...

Rove calls Cindy Sheehan a "clown"

Al Zarqawi phenomenon

Cindy Sheehan has "Nobel Cause." What "Noble Cause" did her son Die for?

Hackett was in Columbus today.

No sacrifices asked for Iraq, so public will not worry about the costs.

It's time the real conservatives got rid of this crew.

Russert was pushing Andrea Mitchell's book last night....

I give up. I accept the overwhelming wisdom of the center.

Should Cindy Sheehan be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize?

Trashing our own is what got Idiot Son in office

Could Geri have been saved?

Mayor Nagin wants people to come back to N.O. The Feds don't.

You know if you went away for three weeks (question about Login etc)

Rita's Coming. Jeff Masters says get out of the Keys.

What the hell happened to US America?

I need advice please

Ok Duers if I can get to Washington on Sat, who will flip off the WH with

Spoiler--someone we love won an Emmy

Watched no TV News shows at all today. How was the tone??

Please DU this poll about the hurricane

VA Governor Debate on CSpan Now. Tweety hosting. Dem is EATING repuke!!

Anyone have excerpts of Krugman or Herbert columns from NYT?

Hooray for the Daily Show for winning two Emmy's!

A cautionary tale

sorry i've been out all day--who is running Germany now?

How about a new face?

Shrub is the Potemkin President.....

test n/t

Please DU This New AOL Poll

Stripes letters: on retention, pay, policies/Pat Robertson

WSJ: Employer Health-Care Costs Rise 9.2%

Priest pricks children with pin

John Edwards Calls For Return Of Depression Era Programs

Missing Student's Car Found Near Dorm

The New Deal: How Just a Handfull of Setbacks Sent the Ryans Tumbling

Roberts, Norquist, + founder of Federalist Soc classmates at Harvard???

The Dalai Lama was on Larry King 9/11/05.. any one know if there is Video

Why Roberts Could be Great!!!

nine years since welfare reform.

What is "Rich"?

No rooms at hospital for mentally ill

Wow! LinkTV has a show on "Wellstone"

Rita now trending North of original expectations.

Ganster mentality

There is no Q (except on Star Trek): hurricane names

Propane Plant Catches Fire , Monroe, Ohio

Bishops want to apologise for Iraq war

'You're an Asshole'...thanks World Net Daily for the free advertising!

Notice the Resemblance? --pix->>>

Hugo Chavez is the next MLK, I realise that you don't know it yet

(Joke) Geoerge Bush was the tragic victim of an exorocism

WSJ: U.S. Had Plan for Crisis Like Katrina

Two Billion Now Have Mobile Phones

Photos: Bob Casey Jr. Running Against Tricky Ricky...

Hard Core American Propaganda in the overseas press, get it whileit's hot!

"Security Situation in Baghdad Sinking like the Titanic"

Whoa! Out on DVD Tuesday?

Support December 1st nationwide strike

Acckkk! It has started. I clicked on Krugman's new piece and was

People, they are stealing you blind !

Your opinion on Dems taking 'anti-liberal' stances to gain votes

1,900 US Casualties in Iraq, 14,362 Injured

Challenge: Can you post ONE thing good about a Dem you've bashed?

TDS on Emmies

What about the Republican gov of Louisiana (the gov before Blanco)?

FINALLY A POLL: NO Speech was a flop. Ratings fall further:

Tropical storm "Rita." What happened to "P" "Q" ?

DUers going to DC for the rally

Upon winning her Emmy and making her speech, Blythe Danner said let's

Jeb Reveals That Imaginary ‘Warrior Chang’ Guides His Every Move

what is the latest word on the German elections?

Question about health insurance and how it pays benefits

Raw Story's "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide" front-page pic of the DAWG.

"You can believe that he's suddenly worried about poor people if you want"

This weeks Tom Tomorrow is hilarious

Suppose you told your shrink that...

The Revolving Door of Corporate Corruption in New Orleans Reconstruction

Please help! ****NOLA Pet Rescue**** Resources and Action Update 9/18

Can anyone give me the 100-word summary of Simon Frazer?

Paige, Former Aides Join Consulting Firm

Australian brass attacks terror set-up

Emotions run high at Katrina jazz concert (NY)

Bird flu epidemic could kill millions worldwide: experts

OPEC hesitates over more oil

Deciding Vote in Two Weeks? Deutsche Welle, Germany

What Happened to Iraq's Missing $1BN--Independent (EXPLOSIVE)

Two Billion Now Have Mobile Phones

(UK) Church wants to apologize for Iraq war

North Korea agrees to give up nuclear programs


Mugabe: U.N. Should Help Katrina Victims

5 Guantanamo inmates to go free

NYT: Clinton Levels Sharp Criticism at the President's Relief Effort

Officials clash on people returning to New Orleans

Musharraf (Idiot Son's pal) in row with women rights activists

WP: U.S. Claims Success in Iraq Despite Onslaught

North Korea nuke talks reach ‘endgame’

Ben Stevens' secret fish deal(Ted Stevens' son has conflictt of interest)

Lukashenko Urges the UN to Stand Up to Washington

Merkel ahead in tight German vote

(Ohio) )(Mortgage) Brokers Contribute to Foreclosure Rates

Iran's President Does What U.S. Diplomacy Could Not

Chavez Supporters Stage Rally Backing His Criticism of UN

Rice 'listens' to al Qaeda like she read Marx; Bin Laden just 1 person

U.S. dollar surges on uncertainty in Europe

U.S. aims to pressure Syria on democracy

Intel experts: 'We are repeating every mistake we made in Vietnam'

Lowest Rating for Bush in Eighth September Poll (41% approval FOX poll)

Bird flu epidemic could kill millions worldwide: experts

Katrina Evacuees Return Home to La. Suburb

Anybody use


I need some jokes to send my mom, who reads them to sr citizens


Why was Leno nominated for an Emmy and not Letterman?

Anyone know if Family Guy's up for an Emmy this year? -nt-

My 7000th post was the start of a new cat thread.

I have returned! What did I miss?

I just saw the most amazing thing

George Carlin said it best

What does the OMFUG under CBGB stand for?

Pull my finger

"Family Guy" thread

Of all the numerous sins of the Fox Network, which is the gravest?

Yes!!! Best writing for TDS!!!!!

"American Dad" thread

It kind of sucks that on the West Coast the emmy show is delayed

I want a face implant.

LMAO @ at Jon Stewart

Buffalo Bills fans: And I know you're out there.

Kung Fu Hustle.

What's the best method of learning how to golf?

Hey Canucks - 'Talking to Americans' is on the CBC right now

REVEALED: The half-brother that John Roberts won't talk about. ---->>>

Well, fox has cajones....

OMG - I'm 40 and just had my first WARM towel after a shower.

I have an incredibly random question about chimps and television

Another EMMY!!!!

Why is Carmen Electra in anything?

"Sex threads are the opiate of the masses" - sundog

The True Story of Emily Rose

Haircutting scissors should come with a warning label.

I think I am going to be banged soon.

Best Drama show?

I have created the perfect nutritional meal. :)

OK, I just noticed I was at 667 posts, so I tried to find my 666 post

Beck's beer rocks!

What's your favorite Hate Mailbag entry (and DU response)?

Non-American English accents

Harry Bush anyone?

You guys want some pancakes?

Score Cheek for the Chiefs/Raiders game!!

Non-English American accents!

OK Who rescued the dog off the door at the right side of the latest page?

In honor of my upcoming 1st DU birthday (one week from tomorrow)

KC WINS!!!!!!!!!!

The Thunder, Perfect Mind

Damn that Barney Frank!

Emily Rose stole my prosthetic leg!!!1!!!

Dubya postal stamp

What would Bizzaro World DU be like?

Rock Icon Jerry Lee Lewis, Amsterdam, 06-26-05, looking TERRIBLE.

Good night, fair DU!

The most interesting thing about King Charles the First...

it's 11:38 I'm eating birthday cake ask me anything...

ARGH! I missed the first 15 minutes of West Wing! What happened?

What's the more appropriate term? NeoCONsters or NeoMONsters?

Wow, Emmy Shocker!

test n/t

How to start your day with a positive attitude:

How do you wash grapes?

I'm very very very tired

Now this is a happy piano!

English language oddity. Why is it that the following all rhyme

Nevermind the cliques! Let's form a cult!!

My West Wing predictions (not a spoiler, cause I'm guessing)

Which NFL teams have the ugliest uniforms?

Is it time for The Simpsons to be retired?

Have you or anyone you cared about been involved in a cult...?

I have a question. I just found a bottle of Hennessey,

Let mine be a voice for peace..

Who's the hottest Disney princess?

How to get rid of leg cramps?

Just a little eye candy for the lounge...

The Exorcism of Emily Rose


Hey! How did the Packers do today?

I got stung by a bee right between my eyes today and a tale of nice folks

I have a joke for you

here are some of my paintings...

Note to self:

My neighbor walks his cat with a leash.

On spelling and grammar

Why don't people buy good music?

Eagles 42, San Francisco 3

Remember Mystery Date?

Nominate your favorite screamers in Rock & Roll!

Anyone know how I can become a deity?

Your favorite aspects of Renaissance Fairs?

What physical trait do you find odd about yourself?

OK, we had our National Day of Prayer

Why do some folks on DU hate Science (mostly Space Science?)

MGS News Briefing: Interesting Changes Observed on Mars

Weekly Predictions Contest

I'm Gonna Snap An Ankle Jumping On and Off The Jets Bandwagon

Oakland vs. KC: Best ever rivalry in the NFL?

Lincoln police cite Brent Musburger on alcohol charge

The Handwriting on the Wall, at Starlight News

It's Sunday. Do you know where my Senator was today?

For Kerrycrats going to the 9/24 DC protest

Anyone watching the Emmys?

Oh - look at this Kerry picture I just found -

What I did Sunday:

Q: for democrats

Memories of Clinton....

Anyone have excerpts of Krugman or Herbert columns from NYT?

Ok, got back from a forum by Sen. Carper and I know you guys

I am a Centrist...

ACLU: Tough On Crime!

For investors with a conscience, options grow

Since the PUBs are passing out Guilt and Blame.....lets not forget

Courtesy of Craigslist's "Rants" Section, enjoy "Bush Is A Drunk."

Tornado Karl the Tsar: How tornadoes work.

Government Webb site,Donate to build Iraq.

RW will answer not to voters, but to God. Is this America?

Sunset cruise with Jim Dean, Paul Hackett, and Maria Chapelle-Nadal

Baghdad Burning exposes the Iraqi constitution

I've got new Katrina fliers, but I don't think they're displaying right

Bush has Joementum.

Americans Want Focus on New Orleans, Not Iraq (WSJ / NBC)

2006 and 2007, what do you think?

"Radioactive" Brownie sends resume to uninterested headhunters

Baghdad in chaos..... Juan Cole

it should come as no surprise that * is suddenly "Georgie on the spot"

DU this AOL poll - two questions.

an amazing gift.......

Photos: Westboro Baptist pickets Rehnquist's funeral, "celebrates" Katrina

Why I hate Air America

"Clinton Levels Sharp Criticism at the President's Relief Effort"

Danny Glover: Katrina didn't CREATE a 3rd world REVEALED one

there are now "two voices in the Democratic Party" when it comes to Iraq.

Let's list 10 POSITIVE things about America today!

Sign the Edwards petition to be sent to President Bush...

Medea Benjamin speaks in Boston - here's my recap

Edwards: We need to be democrats... back to our roots; Bush's plan insane

The Ballot Drama

Bus drivers rushed to help victims (to N.O. from Houston )

The most disgusting email sent from my repug father that has been

Unholy Allies (Taliban/Iraqi Rebels)

Krugman: "Tragedy in Black and White" (full column on

WaPo: By Hook or by Crook, Surviving Storm

Did USA hope unprotected Chavez might be harmed by a would-be assassin?

strib's Grow: Kelly's got GOP money, but not voters' hearts

Independent: What has happened to Iraq's missing $1bn?

Juan Cole (Salon): Bush's war and the Egyptian elections

Bobby Henderson's open letter re: Flying Spaghetti Monster

Who is winning the war in Iraq? (U.S. forces say body counts prove success

Help me proof-read my oped, factcheck, and make suggestions.

RFK,Jr. Speaks at Sierra Summit

Katrina spotlights `price of paradise'

Cheney called US on Aug29 say So.PinesElecPwr (Hattiesburg American)

Has the withdrawal already begun, without Bush knowing?

The Unvanquished: A Cop's Story

That Sinking Feeling - American Spectator says this Admin DOA

Why is George W Bush Above the Law?

Tube shooting was 'state execution'

On "On The Coming Revolution"

We're Going to be in Another Country...

The GOP's shame

Boy, do I agree with this "First off- KANYE WEST GOT IT WRONG"

Bush Admin Paradox Explained (Robert B. Reich)

Political Activism as Emotional Therapy

Oppose John Roberts; Protect Civil Rights (Rainbow PUSH)

Appears Haskert was told in Jan 05 that GOP was destroying FEMA

Question: Where did "Leslie" come from (Blitzer)? I heard him interviewe

"At this point in history" - LOL, Bush embraces time travel? MSNBC snip...

Just took an on-line survey for Sirius Satellite radio. Did anyone

Crude Oil, Gasoline Surge as Storm Heads for the Gulf of Mexico

French per capita emissions of greenhouse gases are in decline.

9/19 AM -TS Rita Hurricane In 24 Hours - 460 ESE Key West, Will Enter Gulf

Michigan: cheap solar space heaters (local small scale production.)

Does Israel withdrawal from the Gaza Strip give comfort to the Insurgents?

'Fatwa' forbids relations with Israel - JPost

Israel to allocate $1m to defend officers facing war-crime charges

Question on 'Suicide Bombers'

Why did WTC 7 collapse?

Why did WTC 7 collapse?

Brad Friedman on Huffington Post re: Dieb Throat!

Carter Baker report released

Dieb-throat - the cartoon:

"Count Paper Ballots" Press Release, RE: Baker/Carter Com.


So did the Barter Commission trade photo IDs for VVPATs?

ALERT: Protest Cuyahoga OH BOE decision to buy Diebold Touchscreens

I miss you guys! I'm so busy working on the Portland Elections Summit

Election Reform Report Released - 9/19

German Exit Polls -- Will the True Believers be Happy?

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Monday 9/19/05

Nightmare Edition:Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News MONDAY, 9/19/05

Pick Your Governor: Phil Angelides or Steve Westly?

Cost of Living

Tannahill Weavers Tuesday CSPS

Eyes Wide Open exhibit coming to Boston - November 3-8

Poll: Should the Vikings fire Mike Tice? at

Any local protests scheduled for this Saturday?

"Box-Wrap" Patent Infringement - Lexmark

My response to Ken Blackwell's Push Poll

So, anyone ever been evicted?

Rita forecast shows probable TX landfall by Friday

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel on Tom Reynolds

Bryan Kennedy in Top 10 of DFA poll!

Pictures from Drinking Liberally!

source for on-the-ground reports....craigslist

Monday will be final day of North Korea talks: US

There may be hope for American Justice still

NEW Get Your War On--Katrina Edition

Two Interesting Items--Anyone Know the Reliability of this Source?

Latham says US alliance makes Australia more of a terrorist target

Krugman: "Tragedy in Black and White" (full column FREE at

Fragging in June was first reported by military as an indirect-fire attack

great warrior Chang and the Bush family

Up close and personal with Kanye West

Daylight savings time? Is that tonight?

Former British Iraq War Commander: Pull our troops out of Iraq

Date should be set for Iraq pullout-Russia's Putin

Fallujan turns into informant for intelligence officer, ends up beheaded

Mugabe accuses US of racism during Katrina

Fewer Americans Trust Bush on Iraq - Want Focus on New Orleans, Not Iraq

Mother Who Lost Son in Iraq Continues Fight Against War

Sir Menzies to demand Iraq pull-out

Freedom ,do you remember it?

‘X-rated’ textbook to focus on sexuality for Muslim teenagers

Iraq war protesters go on trial in upstate NY

Just past midnight ....... are we who post & read @ DU nutz?

Soldier's path winds from front lines to protest line - Great story

Pic-Saw a Disney advert this morning

North Korea pledges to drop (read 'end') nuclear weapons

The People Who Brought Us WMD Run the Carter-Baker Commission on Elections

I think I found the name for my blog, tell me what you think

U.S. Claims Success in Iraq Despite Onslaught - Body Counts Now Cited

Ok, now I have to think of a name for my new blog, please help

Iraqi working as a reporter for NYT found shot dead in Basra

Rampant cronyism and corruption

John Roberts v. One French Fry


Blog from a 9th Ward resident who rode out the hurricane

Chipping away at the wall of between church and state

Vid Clip and MP3's of Hugo Chavez at the UN

Is Spain beginning of Pope's campaign vs. "dictatorship of relativism"?

Satellite network sponsored by Hugo Chavez ("Latin America's al Jazeera")

DIETL, sL-MUS, Bernard Are Effing Racists

It's talk like a pirate day!

per mass email: N.O. Blacks are criminals, lazy.

I broke down crying singing "This Land Is Your Land" yesterday

New twist on Iraq aid: U.S. seeks donations

Stupid Question

In this day and age why are idiots STILL selling fricking Freedom Fries

if YOU could arrange a photo-op for bush, what would it be?

My nephew and his pet

Ask Mrs. Cheney Anything....right here

An immodest proposal: Let's legalize prostitution

my deliciously evil interaction with a candidate for local office . . .

BUSH SUCKS Where is FEMA! --pix->>>

Pickles headed to Houston today...

To all who have sent me "be careful" e-mail

The party of ideas! Dems offer post-Katrina plan

LAT: California's Levees Are in Sorry Shape

Today's Doonesbury on finger pointing

Hugo Chavez can do something bush* wouldn't dare try, ever

Cindy Sheehan in New Haven

Some Good News About Smoking

i am being bombarded with crap like this today

WH releases morning photos of Bush at work, hard work, working hard -pix>>

A Silver Lining

you gotta hand it to bush, with all his fuck ups, he's STILL there

I prayed like hell on bush's national day of prayer, but it didn't work

NOLA was full of blacks. Key West if full of gays, but...

Stop faking it!!

Released: Carter-Baker Commission Report on Federal Election Reform has started a Katrina timeline

Watching the "oil ministers" talk to journalists prior to their meeting,

War! What is good for? Never-ending profits! - Chris Floyd

Focus on the Canine

CAMP CASEY: Please PM me Fred Mattlage's address

FEMA hires a PR firm...

Anyone planning on attending the Millions More Movement in DC on Oct. 16th

How bad do you want to be a lawyer?

Anyone listening to Springer stream now?

If you could ask a D.C. gossip columnist ANYTHING.

Recommendations From Carter/Baker For Federal Election Reform

Bush needed a potty break during his Disney speech in NOLA?

My LTE responding to freeper

Posse Comitatus?

Katrina: The Gathering

Rene Zelleger cites "FRAUD" in Divorce Filing Against Kenny Chesney

Clinton launches withering attack on Bush on Iraq,Katrina,US budget deficit

Wal-Mart rides good PR, plans secret spin strategy

Webby awards solicit nominations!

Did you hear the voices in the background on Jerry Springer????

Message to Jon Corzine & other Dem candidates: Time to drop the "W"-Bomb!

World NUT Daily: "The Coming Conservative Collapse"

It's been 3 weeks, time for another Hurricane evacuation drill

FLASHBACK: Bush waives NK nuke inspection requirement.

Governor Blunt R- mo divides the self righteous Anti choicers - stem cell

Why haven't I heard anything on Fox lately about Natalee Holloway? (nt)

bizarre Katrina picture .......a fallen mask in New Orleans

Still Clueless, But Posing Hard --pix->>>

Best line of the day

WWFDRD What Would Franklin Delano Roosevelt Do?

CNN in Afghanistan: the female citizens dress like freaking BEEKEEPERS!

Does Israel withdrawal from the Gaza Strip give comfort to the Insurgents?

Status update on the Iraqi insurgency

NY times wants you to ante up to read it's columnists online.

How much work do you think got done in this Cabinet Meeting? --pix->>>

You think these guys probably do car bombings and assassinations too?

Oh where, oh where has my Scottie gone? Oh where, oh where can he be?

Any contractor purchase under $250,000 DOES NOT need to be approved?

A question regarding the bankruptcy bill:

North Korea Says It Will Drop Nuclear Efforts for Aid Program

"Document intended for Rove arrives on Democrat's fax: Developing..."

How do literal, bible-thumping RW Christians spin this one?

Pls DU article: Clinton launches withering attack on Bush on Iraq, Katrina

Dems should attack The K Street Project and pin it to the right wingers.

c-span - dem hearing on gas prices

Arrr! Al Franken's stream just cut out. n/t

A small, hopeful sign

Probs with Al's show?

Scotty said today the deficit will be halved by 2009

Go to Google and type "Failure"

Wonder if we can find the author, and have him join DU?

Bible stories according to FEMA

Linus and Charlie Brown discuss the draft!

Katrina impact on the German Elections??

"Katrina...the neutralizing of God as a right wing asset."

About 200 go on hunger strike in Guantanamo: report

Counterpunch: The Case of the St. Patrick Four

How to get your Krugman now that NYT has gone "select"

Here's my latest LTTE, posted for comments before I submit it:

"A British soldier jumps from a burning tank"

God Hates Fags and their "Thank God for Katrina" signs (puke alert)

Blythe Danner last night

When did Scottie's briefing start? Anybody watching it?

Good news and bad news on North Korea (Steve Clemons)

WOW- read Jason Miller's "Liar, Liar" (Scoop)- if * had told the truth...

Would you vote to end prohibition

I just finished a good book last night

If your ideal candidate could change 3 things--what would they be?

Grover Norquist on CNBC

Ack! I need Red Cross-FEMA links...

Medicare Fraud: Frisk and Jeb Bush

We'll meet again - (Flash video)

Bush managed to "wrangle" the same nuclear deal with N. Korea Clinton had

OK People, let's fire up Air America for a new Sunday Show...

Scary billboard I saw on my way home

Is This British Citizen Arrested in Basra a Mercenary?

Meanwhile, back in NOLA --pix->>>

Pat Robertson Blames Katrina On Choice Of Ellen Degeneres To Host Emmys

Please commit now against Sensenbrenner

Poor Brownie can't find a job

the * buttons out of whack photo? is there a link

saw a couple of liberal t-shirts today...

Bush & Co aren't incompetent. They've achieved most of their goals.

Today's laugh: Bush on Roe v Wade

Call your Senators NOW: ask them to oppose John Roberts!

How can they say we're winning?

For all you Clinton Bashers (lovefest with Bush)

I'm forgetting History

Models predict "Direct Hit" on Key West by Rita at solid cat-2 strength.

Free speech is NOT permitted

They're trying to make it sound like Idiot Son predicted RITA!

NEWS ITEM: O'Connor is worried about her "legacy"

Do Clark, Kerry, Edwards Supporters understand what Clinton has Done?

I have a Clinton Question. Really.

Tropical storm Rita to become Hurricane by tonight. Projected target...

PLEASE! Hit my repuke local paper poll on Illinois stem cell research!

to those who designed and manage DU

Will the bankruptcy law bankrupt the banks?

When Georgie Talks to Jesus: The Magic Mirror of GW Butch

AEI's Bill Schneider to Announce Bush Poll Numbers On CNN

Mea Culpa... I voted for George Ryan

Ethanol: It takes more energy to make it than you get back.

Cuyahoga County Activists need your Help! (Diebold Touchscreens)

Grrr. Woman in parking lot and elevator..

And E-Mail From An Old Friend

Car Free Cities

Should Al Franken "promote" himself into management?

Tomorrow ANWR Rally at Capitol

Announcing My Bid for the Presidency...a Modest Proposal

President hits new lows in poll

Anyone else want to claim this is a "normal hurricane season"?

NPR Commentary: "FEMA Employee Opinions worst I have ever seen, period."

War, what is it good for?

the two British soldiers were driving a car "packed with explosives"

Basra's prison wall, it just fall down

Forced suicide bombers. This is terrible

FEC sues pro-republican political group

Hugo Chavez on Democracy Now!

Just a reminder, Democrats biggest enemy

Gee whiz! What ever became of Larry Klayman and 'Judicial Watch'?

Something from Matthew got me thinking about politics and wealth polariz-

One last one for talk like a pirate day. make it a primal scream.

Gretna makes Resolution - they agree it's OK to be a racist town

3 books I just checked out of the library.

The Plagues of Egypt against the Obstinate Pharoh...Let our US Go!

Dumb-as-a-post freeptard on with Sam...

Oil largest 1 day jump in history up $4.00 a barrel

I think we've seen some great Democratic leadership today.

"I don't trust Bush to do any of this right." - Al Franken

Basra Governor: British raid a "barbaric act of aggression"

How do I find out how HR 375 is doing?

I've been snoping around at

This country has been in a constant state of crisis since * was selected.

LA state number of confirmed deceased victims 9-19-05

Press Conference Baker and President Carter Election Reform CSPAN

Jeb on CNN just declared that he sent a letter to * asking for

A thought on the New York Times online costing money now

I'm not a leftist but I'm starting to admire Chavez

America's Infrastructure or Grover Norquist's trust fund?

New Riverband post! (Constitution shenanigans?)

Powerful Kerry Speech

New York Times Pay to Read Service - Anyone else with problems?

From Indymedia: New York Sheehan Protest Photos & Info

Segregation in Full Swing at Tyson

Cindy Sheehan interview on New York 1 news

5 ways to cut the deficit

One BILLION dollars missing in Iraq.

My Day Started Terribly...

They've dyed the chimps* hair again

Kerry: If 12yr BoyScouts can be prepared, 59yr President should be too!

i've been watching HBO's 'Rome' & things haven't changed that much

a question: doesn't Key West welcome gays? so religious wrong

Best of Randi Again

Tapes of Bolton/Miller Visits?

Jim Lehrer will interview Carter and Baker and discuss the report they

Confirming a political appointee without experience like Roberts

Galveston asks residents to leave (Rita expected to be Cat 3)

A line from...

Good morning, children, the word of the day is "BOLD"...

Another "MORAN" moment...check out this Sheehan protester's sign

Kerry rocks with the truth and bashes the neo-cons

Educate me please

Why do Republicans and the Bush Crime Family hate America?

More from the Missguided Right... You may enjoy, you may run scared.

Do Clark, Kerry, Edwards Supporters understand what Clinton has Done?

bush's numbers are tanking--surely more photo-ops with fix this problem

Conyers Opposes Baker/Carter Commission Report

See You in D.C. A message from Cindy Sheehan

I now have to pay to read Bob Herbert and Krugman

Soooo how much are we going to be paying for gas after Rita hits?

Call Senators Clinton, Schumer/Ask why a PERMITTED rally was disbanned.

Kerry Slams Bush Administration! (link to other thread included)

British Soldiers Free Two From Basra Jail - (The Spin is On!)

Will the Iranian Oil Bourse Threaten the Dollar?

Dennis "Toga Party" Kozlowski: 25 years in prison. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HA!

Jesusfukingchrist, the moron on CNN pointing to Lake Charles & calling

Who tried to frame an Arab-American researcher for the Anthrax letters?

IMPORTANT: To-be Hurricane Rita may surprise attack!

Question: Where did "Leslie" come from (Blitzer)? I heard him interviewe

Cigarettes in Maine now just shy of 5 bucks a pack

List the Major Failures of the Bush Administration to date --->>>

What household product causes liver disease in dogs and cats?

Non-OPEC Oil Will Peak Around 2010 (LeMonda/FRN/LINK(excerpt)

i feel sick-i got stuck in a car listening to lucianne goldberg today

Paging Dr. O-you were AWESOME on Michael Medved!!!!!!

Text of President Kerry's Speech at Brown

To the GOP faithful: Ask and ye shall recieve

Wow, google news has RawStory.

I think shrub is headed for Hooverlike ignominy.

Broussard got some facts wrong...emotional upheaval of Katrina to blame.

Poverty spending info needed

So, IS there a link between the nasty hurricane seasons we've been

Mayor Nagin suspends return of evacuees due to storm.

Rita - worst case scenario.

To hear some here,...

Who is Pat Robertson going to blame Hurricane Rita on?

WHO is the new head of Women's Health at the FDA??

IBM to financially back employees who leave to teach Math & Science!

Protest Illegal NYPD Arrests

Bad Muther

Did Nagin agree to set himself up by suggesting people return now to NO?

It appears that the NWS will go all the way thru the Alphabet this year.

Watching Jeb on CNN now-Is Chang whispering in his ear?

Abbie Hoffman

WOW! photo comparisons of Katrina and Rita

Mayor Nagin Is Ending The Return To NOLA Because Of Rita!

I think shrubco has a plan!

Bill O'Reilly's continuing obsession with inter-species marriages

God Bless America - This pic sums it up

Immigration memo intended for Rove arrives on Dem's fax?

My new nickname for Fox News: The 'Geraldo News Network'

Is there any breaking news on Cindy Sheehan?

Instant Classic

My letter got published yesterday in Tampa Tribune

So now we support the troops by arresting their moms

bush administration official: 'WE'RE SUNK'!

Katrina: A request from my cousin about what is happening in a little town

CNN: Mayor Nagin suspending return to N.O. due to Rita

Something odd I noticed while watching "Outfoxed" last night.

Just caught the last of what was seemingly Ted Turner bruising wolfie

Mayor Nagin Is Ending The Return To NOLA Because Of Rita!

Well, my nephew goes to Iraq tomorrow

Spectator quotes admin official: "We're more than listless, we're sunk"

After reading the transcript of Chavez's interview with Ted Koppel

I, Mad Ass Okie is calling for a DRAFT

Considering teaching - input appreciated

"He's actually going to do better because there are low expectations"

ARRR!! Today be the annual Talk Like a Pirate Day, Sure ...

Tun on Ed Schultz

New CNN Gallup poll has * at 40%.

Kim Jung Il backed down because he finally found some

A humbling moment in the revolution...

Tropical storm Rita to become Hurricane by tonight. Projected target...

Maybe God just has it out for the Bush Crime Family...

How'd * Do With His Summer Reading?

Another way to help Katrina Victims...

Carter & Baker panel recommends Paper Trail Voting and Intn'l Observers

NPR today

PHOTO: Finally, the truth about gas prices -->>

Missed Al Franken's update on the 800 Katrina phone sex number

Filthy NBC scumbags "gotcha"-ing grieving victims in exact date confusion

Anyone listen to the hearing on C-SPAN 1 about Gas Prices?

"Homicide bombers" - a rebuttal

Atheist/Agnostics: Do you ever get socially pressured to say grace@dinner?

Get ready for Fema to screw up after Rita hits TX, there's no way that

Daily Kos: How influential are blogs?

sneak peak:

The AAR station in Columbus is run by amateurs.


Why did WTC 7 collapse?

I don't believe in god, is there something wrong with me?

What's the phrase "16 words" have to do with *?

Get ready for FEMA to screw up Rita the next storm to hit!

From a secure, undescribed location - Cheney speaks!

Tropical Storm/Hurricane Rita

Hurricane center may run out of names

Mob Families on NPR's "Fresh Air"....

Cindy Sheehan Arrested?

was that Clinton's first interview with Stephanopoulos?

Did Repubs come up with "You Can Use Statistics To Prove Anything" line

!?!?!?!?Horowitz illegally collecting $ for Katrina, supposedly for Red Cr

Woman who accused Bush of raping her found shot in the head.

OMG! "Peaceful" Basra Has Gone Crazy! Photo *graphic*...

Pat Buchanan: Bush at the nadir of his presidency

It's Time That Democratic Leaders not Overplay Their Hands...

American went on a bender under Clinton

Oh look...more proof that bush is THE STUPIDEST MFer on the planet...

What are Police Officers according to the Geneva Convention?

MSNBC: Stocks tumble as oil prices surge (Dow loses 85 pts)

Oprah donates $10M to Katrina survivors...

I'm sorry..I can't go to the September 24th protests..Katrina and Religion

(VIDEO) Jon Stewart at the Emmys

"Cindy Sheehan is a clown..."

An Observation re. #10 on the Conservative Idiots this week...

Freeper friend responds to FEMA's incompetence


National Strike (Time we do this folks)

The Blood of the Righteous (regarding the St. Patrick's Four)

Civil Disobedience: What it takes.

Cindy Sheehan reportedly arrested in New York?

Has a major city ever been pre-emptively evacuated?

Best Air America Host or Show

Outer bands of TS RITA already hitting S Florida

Today is Worldwide "Talk like a Pirate Day," and today 6 big movie studios

I missed Katrina landfall by about 10 miles, here's my Rita prediction

For those going to DC this weekend, Please Read...

Cindy Sheehan rally members arrested? (2 reports!)

Humane Society plans protests during Darden shareholder event Red Lobster

'Help me, please don't let me die' -- 911 operators in NOLA

Why didn't the Bush White House plant WMD in Iraq?

Bush is a Bilge Rat!

Tons of donated Brit food for Katrina to be burned by Americans?

When is it time to call what is going on in Iraq a “civil war”?

news from the freeps re: march in D.C. on Saturday.

Psychopaths could be best financial traders?

Oprah just pledged 10 million of her own money to the Gulf and

was the 1st NOLA hospital evacuated the Frist family one?

Heads Up Houston...Soon-To-Be-Hurricane Rita on the way...

Canada/Denmark call truce (agree to disagree over Hans Island)

Will Kerry or any Dems name OIL as central reason for Iraq War?

Which is your most important value?

Smoking marijuana can lead to insanity?

Jon Stewart makes more than Bill Keller of the NYTimes!

Breaking: Cindy Sheehan ushered away or arrested/LINK

Proof that something strange is going on in Iraq

Breaking: British tanks smash Iraqi jail to free(yes, you read that right)

Salaries of many top NY media, political personalities exposed

The Fundamentalist Shadow of George W. Bush (from Scoop)

Three post speech polls have Bush's numbers sinking

Two British soldiers dressed as Arabs arrested over killing

Freeper bashers needed

Kerry's major speech today labels BushInc KATRINA ADMINISTRATION

**********HEY FREEPERS********

The next time someone bitches about looting in NOLA, show this to them

God's gift to America: Jesus

Immigration memo intended for Rove arrives on Democrat's fax

LA governor acted in a timely manner according to the House Judiciary

Ok some observations on the state of the country

The Bush Administration has Sunk

Blueberries and boiled peanuts

Thai dinner tonight, redux!

How does one pack knives safely?

My cheap solution to lack of kitchen drawer space

Canada Press: "No regrets about Arar, U.S. ambassador says..."

Child abuse fears 'not acted on' : NSPCC

Bishops suggest apology for war

Four men die competing in the Great North Run

From emptying of the diplomatic bag to breaking wind before Virgin Queen

Two British soldiers have been arrested in Basra

Court hears of 'criminal negligence' as cockle pickers trial begins

Mark Thatcher to divorce

I'm off to Dallas, Tx. and then Lake Charles, La. so can ALL of you try

What has happened to Iraq's missing $1bn???

Spoiler--someone we love won an Emmy

Missing Student's Car Found Near Dorm

The Ballot Drama

Board of Education pursuing plan for internet broadcasts

Bus drivers rushed to help victims (to N.O. from Houston )

WaPo: By Hook or by Crook, Surviving Storm

Car bombs on road to Kerbala kill 8-Iraqi police

Volunteer at Capitol was on GOP payroll (Kentucky, Gov. Fletcher)

Unholy Allies (Taliban/Iraqi Rebels)

self delete

Democrats, Republicans both try to take credit for funding of Alameda Corr

Spreading the gospel according to Chavez

Who is winning the war in Iraq? (U.S. forces say body counts prove success

Marine Veteran Files To Run For Edwards’ Congressional Seat

NYT: Panel Will Propose New Calendar for Primaries (ele reform)

Possible Fed candidate proposes hurricane relief plan

Four men die competing in the Great North Run

Rita may become major hurricane over Gulf: Hurricane Center

Poll finds governor's race tight in Virginia

Jailers 'sadistic toward Muslims'

White House expresses pleasure, but caution, about North Korean pledge to

Independent: What has happened to Iraq's missing $1bn?

Panel recommends paper trail for electronic voting

North Korea nuclear accord reached

9/11 bias threatens Muslims' careers

Counterpunch: The Case of the St. Patrick Four

Bush questions reopening of New Orleans

Iraq Suicide Bombers Say Al-Qaida Forced Them

Iraqi working for NYT found shot dead in Basra

Press & Sun Bulletin: Protests mount outside federal building

Monmouth corruption is fuel for Democrats (N.J.)

Britain 'sleepwalking to segregation'

Psychopaths could be best financial traders?

Well, it just hit 100 deg F in the shade here in eastern OK

Suicide bombers strike as Shia pilgrimage underway

Detroit Mayor Rekindles Tensions in City

Mandatory evacuation for lower Keys-Rita might strengthen to Cat 3

GOP looks to delay spending to fund recovery

New Orleans Mayor Rethinking Decision

Breaking: Cindy Sheehan ushered away or arrested/LINK

Protest Illegal NYPD Arrests

Ferrer Wins New York Mayoral Primary

No cartoon collection today?

Al Qaeda training ground shifts to Iraq - U.N. panel

Jesusfukingchrist, the moron on CNN pointing to Lake Charles & calling

Civil lawsuit planned in beating of black man

Cindy Sheehan Arrested?

Iraq Qaeda says to spare anti-U.S. Sadr group

Hurricane center may run out of names

Cindy Sheehan interview on New York 1 news

Army Paratroopers Keep Watch Over New Orleans Neighborhood

Key figure in Abu Ghraib case to fight charges (Lynndie England)

Official: Iran will be referred to U.N.

Immigration memo intended for Rove arrives on Democrat's fax

WHouse: Katrina impact on deficit will be short term

Harmless Virus May Aid In Knocking Out Deadly Bird Flu

Abrams Hopeful that Judith Miller Will Be Released Next Month, But Not Cer

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 19 September

Blackwell jump-starts his 2006 gubernatorial race

Three arrested in Army kickback scheme

War Protesters Go On Trial

Police forcibly break up Cindy Sheehan rally

Warrant expected for Iraq's former defence minister

Street people continue to be target of attacks, Fairbanks police say

North Korea Vows to Drop Nuclear Programs

Two British soldiers detained by Iraqi police

Return to New Orleans suspended

The Raw Story - Bush Management and Budget Procurement chief arrested...

Ex-Tyco executives get up to 25 years in prison

Breaking: Galveston Mayor Calls For Voluntary Evacuation

Wal-Mart Accused of Denying Lunch Breaks

First Lady visits with hurricane refugees in Houston (helped serve lunch)

Bush approval rating at 40 percent (CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll)

R-values, Oswego NY Mayor Arrested - Solicting Minors

Katrina Pushes Bush Down Further (Survey USA tracking poll)

Low turnout predicted in landmark Afghan elections

Iraq: New York Times Reporter Slain

Extended tours of some US military units eyed in Iraq: Pentagon

Tons of British aid donated to help Hurricane Katrina victims to be BURNED

Police, Protesters Prepare For Anti-War Demonstration (DC protests)

Binghamton Police Prepared for Trial Protests

Kerry, Edwards Blast Bush Over Katrina

Commission urges major changes for U.S. voters

Reuters: NY warned to prepare for hurricane like Katrina

British Attack Basra Jail to Free Two

Rita's Impact could Rival Katrina and Dennis/ AccuWeather Update 12:03 edt

Mexico charges ex-president for 1968 massacre

Non-believers raising voice in capital

FEC Sues Pro-Republican Political Group

Band on the run, the lounge-do you join me?

So I got a response from that girl

Worst good movies ever?

Let mine be a voice for peas.

Where was the editor?

We should be requesting this song on all the mainstream radio stations

Ok, I'm comfortably Numb

To the young women

You know it's bedtime when ...

Let mimes be a voice.

Relationship Math

someone broke into the common storage and stole all the bikes but mine.

Here's our new FEMA Director.

Who's awake?

I'm not sure why, but I want to bid on this...

congratulations to the writers of today's top 10 conservative idiots

say goodbye

Is DU buggy for you this morning? Many threads lock up and never load,

What would you want to say if one day you saw God at the Pearly Gates?

Nicolas Cage, LORD OF WAR............see it!!! It is not what you think.

I think I found the name for my blog, tell me what you think

Lineup for Sat. Night Operation Cease Fire! DC 9/24 (Cindy will be speak)

Man, Arrested For Public Nudity, Strips In Court - Twice

Have you ever had one night stand?

Why is this so hard?

KitchenWitch's Stupid Question O' the Day #91 - Antivirus edition

Good morning

Prison Locked Down After Warden Loses Keys

Wow-- the Lounge has more posts than GD.

It's 3AM on Maui, ask me anything!!!

ARRRRH me mateys........HOOK 'EM!!!!!

Stupid Question

Man Accused Of Urinating On Asian Woman

My nephew and his pet

Who ever solved a Rubik's Cube

For all Doonesbury fans, a brief history and interview with Gary Trudeau

Is your city having record heat this September?

I broke down crying singing "This Land Is Your Land" yesterday

Please hold a good thought, dad's in the hospital

Christina Applegate fans check in here

DU-related events for this weekend in DC.

Listening to my iPod this morning, I realized that Oasis does kick ass.

Attack of the 800-pound pinnipeds

Get bent, Lounge

NZ politician to run naked through streets after rival elected

Police rescue man from home filled with more than 200 rats

Is it time to get up, already?

I have a class in four hours and I can't get to sleep

dang! I have a cold and I'm at work

The people I work with are fucking worthless!

Why is Springer taking calls about oral sex?

Help! Need White Ho Picture

My new friend.

The official "Jeremy Piven was ROBBED" thread!!!

Lost Fans: I have a quandary

Some Fans OVERJOYED, Some OUTRAGED At Britney Spears

Spectacular Mammatus Clouds over Hastings, Nebraska

HELP! How do you pronounce the name "Elie Wiesel"?

"In Reagan We Trust"

Anybody else grossed out by the picture on the Dem match ad?

"In God We Trust"

Ok, now I have to think of a name for my new blog, please help

Jive talkin'!

Why is *BEER* so popular?

Computer problem! Please help!

forgottewn how to do a Google Bomb

I think I suffered a concussion last night.

can anyone else hear the idiot sound engineers on the Springer Show

The Official DU Word Of The Day Is Lachrymose (Please use in a sentence)

Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea,

Who will Pat Robertson blame, if Rita hits Houston?

Update On The New Kitty

Can single people cite fraud.............

I defrauded Darth_Kitten.

How is it that "models" know so much about Hurricanes?

In hell do they make you watch "River Dance?"

Hey, my dad's gonna be ok!!! Yay!

Was it really this bad?

*mumble* I hate migraines.

In heaven do they make you do the "Humpty Dance"?

Gulf Coasters. Check out the latest models for Rita.

Bible stories according to F.E.M.A. - Today's Non Sequitur

Just found out I am going to the D.C. March!!!!!!!!! Some Questions....

Posts of Lounge stuff in GD because Lounge doesn't show up on Latest page

Good morning, Lounge

In Heaven, there is no TV

Fantasy deal reunites Fogerty with his songs

My profile on

reading DU while cooking .... not the best idea

Quick! need answer to email-What happens when you die?

"When The Levee Breaks"

Help me find the quote that says something like....

And then there's Maudes...And then there's Maudes..And then there's Maudes

Police Rescue Man From Home With 200 Rats

Who is this?

"What does everybody want???"

Tongue-eating bug found in fish

What famous person do you most resemble?

Pic thread? Anybody? I wanna see some feces!

In heaven do they make you do the "Chicken Dance"?

A Lesson In Political Science (funny)

My sense of humour seems to be at odds

I wanna dance with somebody,

I posted on Have you any online profiles posted?

Humorless people

Junior mints are so much better than jujubes!

Rove says that: Sheehan is a clown...I say;

Hey! "My Forums" just got shuffled around.

Hoist up the Jolly Roger!

Donuts anyone? Testify!

Um -- WTF is this?

CAPTION Mt. Scummore

"..Bye, bye Miss American pie, W drove his Chevy to the levee

What mental trait do you find odd about yourself?

New baby pictures, everybody say aah

Watched Wag the Dog again last night

I wanna dance like this!

Question for coast dwellers -- do you feel weird when you're far from sea?

My New Hugo Chavez Avatar!

My TV watching schedule LOCKED IN

Is our DNA from a distant planet that exploded?

Is Bush truly clueless, or is it he simply does not care

This action pic of the heroic kid who stole bus from NOLA is awesome. And

Food poisoning: not as fun as it sounds

I never understood the big deal about soliciting miners

Make'em happy - joke

Okay, for all you country and folk lovers, Slaid Cleeves....

Three days was the morning.

What's up with Green Bay?

Earth farted. eew.

New York Times Pay to Read Service - Sucks

It's talk like a pirate day!


Corrections Officer Charged With Attacking Scooby Doo

Headline: Israel pulls out of Gaza, Gaza not pregnant

Where do bad folks go when they die?

ARRRrrr! September 19th is "Talk like a Pirate Day" Arrrrrrr !!!!

The day of glory has arrived! The lounge has surpassed GD!

Thief hid phone up her bum

My E-Mail to the White House

Weird book for kids: "The Day My Butt Went Psycho"

Who would have thunk it - Bengals playing like contenders!!!

Bengals vs. Bears

Post here if you did it all so the voices would leave you alone

Post here if you did it all for the nookie.

Post here if you did it all for the cookie!

Considering teaching - input appreciated

Detroit Cops Seeing Influx Of More High-Priced Hookers

Anybody else see the "Narnia" commercial last night?

No Hate Here: How do you define "redneck"?

Post here if you did it all for the wookie!

How fucked up and weird is this?

I am staying 300 ft from the ocean in S. FL. Is this 4:00 weather report

Take the quiz and get your Viking Name - WOOHOO!!!

(Hmmm) Only 16,031 tombstones on DU's Boot Hill

Point to point software and bit torrent

A message to Patriots fans:

Oh, mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law.

West Virginia

Dammit!! The afternoon finally warmed up, and a GREAT breeze just started,

Gin And Juice

All by myself....

Since there are so many talented and creative people in the world,

To my dear friends here in the Lounge...I am progressing.......

Someone please, make whoisalhedges stop

Here I go again on my own. is spamming the lounge with

Islands in the stream

No cartoon collection today?

See ya tomorrow, gang

Where is Shell Beau today?

Post a pic of you and someone you don't love anymore after today

TV: End of Giants vs. Saints or The Daily Show tonight?

Say John Roberts, what do you think of your dish?


Arrested Development is WAAAAAYYY better than Everybody Loves Raymond.

Bill Mayer Skewers Bush

This woman is why we blondes get reputations of being dumb

John Mayer Skewers Bush

Why do YOU hate America?

The Exorcism of Eighteen - Fifty

Blogging and Podcasting is great... but what's next? (Brainstorm thread)

Another celebrity marriage on the rocks (Tori Spelling).


Doctors orders...Yawn... Time for my afternoon nappy.....

Future Bush Supporter sighted in classroom

That Bush/Condi "Kissy Thing" on DU's Front Page is grossing me out

My friend's mom died today.

who's going to the protest in San Francisco on the 24th?


I love you, KitchenWitch.

Truly outrageous! Truly, truly, truly outrageous!

Sympathy for the whoisalhedges

Happy Birthday to Mr. DeposeTheBoyKing

I don’t need no heavy trips. I just do what I want to do. All aboard for..

If George W. Bush Had Taken Truth Serum Before The SOTU

New Lounge Initiative - Ignore whoisalhedges

I want to apologize to my lunch.

tinfoilinfor2005 and all Florida DUer's in Rita's path --

Hedges singing makes me cry

Get down with fire! Lift my spirit higher! Someone's screaming my name.

Zygi Wilf - If you are reading this....I beseech you

Baby, I'm a-want you. Baby, I'm a-need you.

Redskins vs dallas tonight

DAMN! R.I.P. Jesse Zele

I made pie.

Go get GAS now before Rita hits, and the costs go up again, DU!

What sort of laws would college freshmen develop?

Someone wanted to know where Oprah was after Hurricane Katrina.

zuni cried cause he was so scared during emily rose

Admit it, you LYAO at Peter Griffin and Mike Moore's farting contest

If I took an Airborne, can I take a decongestant too?

My Day Started Terribly...

Hulk Hogan

On my own...

This is the best ga-diddly-adget ever invented!

Today, it is MY time to spam the lounge.

The Armadillo in my trap went missing

Well I'm back, refreshed... Yawn... What nap.....



quick question...what is the plural of LYNX?

I want to apologize to my Lungs

I want to apologize to the Lounge

Do only certain lounge threads show up on the "latest" page?

I am going to be an uncle on election day!

the big smelly difference * has made in my life

Cigarettes in Maine now just shy of 5 bucks a pack

Unusual product branding.

Constructive Things I Learned Reading GD Today (List)

Soon to be Hurricane Rita headed for Crawford, TX

Arr! Tis international talk like a pirate day! Yarr!!!

I want to apologize to the lounge

Abe Vigoda

Shut up!

I've had the time of my life -- no, I've never felt like this before

Which File Extension Are You?

Well, it just hit 100 deg F in the shade here in eastern OK

*sigh* *drool* *sigh* Just waiting on my Insurance papers

got a new office chair today and BOY IS MY ASS HAPPY

Apology accepted, Captain Needa.

Which OS are you?

What would you like most of all right now?

Post a picture of yourself with total strangers.

Mozilla's Browsers Suffer Twice The Flaws Of Internet Explorer

If you insulted your next-door neighbor,

Am I being paranoid, or would this bother you too...?

Crap! Resident cat hissing and growling at foster kittens!

Crisis in the house of DS1

I'd like to take this opportunity to invite others

House of DS1

Have you ever had ongoing, serious, Hatfield/McCoy feuds with neighbors?

So long and thanks for all the fish.

your toothpaste

I'm seems like a small thing, but....

"We Can't Make it Here" - by James McMurty

Join the I Love Jennifer Garner Club!

What would you do if I posted a pointless thread?


Breathe. Breathe in the air. Don't be afraid to care.

What's wrong with whoisalhedges today?

HEY MCI.... kiss my ass!!!

MrsGrumpy just beat the bejesus out of GOPisEvil

Can I get an awwwww ...?

bizarre picture.......fallen mask in New Orleans....Mardi Gras haunts US?

For my fellow cowboy haters - ALBERTA SUCKS AND

Steak Lovers... How Do You Want It Cooked?

What am I, the damn neighborhood Snopes secretary?

Which Version of the Steeler Jersey is Better?

ARRR!! Today be the annual Talk Like a Pirate Day, Sure ...

anyone who is coming to dc this weekend - can i make you a cd?

***And the winner of the August/September DU Photo Contest is ***


Is the Picture Creepy?

Super Bowls: San Francisco 5 Philadelphia 0

Has Anybody Seen Crash...

Anyone else here hate "Cowboys"

Saw Sin City film last weekend.

Be right back - the police are arresting someone two doors down!

my Rascal .. cute kitty that he is

What household product causes liver disease in dogs and cats?

Bestiality. Masturbation. Incest.

In hell do they make you do the "Safety Dance"?

He stopped loving her today.

worst movie endings ever

your favorite bread for sandwiches

George W Bush name game.

Happy Birthday Sniffa!!!!!

Monica Bellucci is naked again

Today was a good day!

Favorite Seinfeld Episode

Does anyone know about plants?

Post a picture of yourself with someone you love.

If I left Oakhurst right now

Who here is a 'Legend in their own mind'?

Sexiest Man EVER?

Rene Zelleger cites "FRAUD" in Divorce Filing Against Kenny Chesney

What do you want to hear when you see God?

ROUND TWO -- Greatest Movie Character Ever, Semifinals

Op-Ed in LATimes implies Darwin an atheist, despite his autobio saying


Is there free will in Heaven? Assuming for the moment that you believe.

I don't believe in god, is there something wrong with me?

Atheist/Agnostics: Do you ever get socially pressured to say grace@dinner?

Anybody know any good Gods they can recommend?

Mouse study suggests human stem cells may repair spinal cord injury

Discrimination at Coors' core

French taboos: pro euthanasia, divided on gay marriage

My Fly Over Pics (Lambeau Field)

Last call for DU Yahoo Fantasy Hockey

Question About Playoff eligibility

Anyone still watching baseball?

The looking ahead post. Could Dallas start 4 and 0?

USC Coach Pete Carroll's Discussion With Arkansas' Houston Nutt! Shocking!

[Boxing] Wladimir Klitschko vs. Sam Peter, thoughts on Levander Johnson.

uh-oh... loooks like Hurricane Rita could be heading right for me!

The Moscow Cat Theater

Lesson no.1, Kittens can look at but not touch my feathers.

Nilla's been asleep for 4 days, sans eating and

Opinions on Greenies

Need some help


God Bless America - my letter to my son's school

Trolling the theists: What's the worst thing you've ever done?

The Election Commission Report

Interesting Peter Daou post on blogging

I've had it with Bill Clinton

Heinz Kerry honored by women's association

My blog, on Kerry, "Common Cause"

Kerry at Arctic Refuge Action Day Tomorrow, RFK too!!

For those who have not received the email, Kerry's speech this afternoon


Arrrggghhhh, Matey (Talk like a Pirate Day!)

Sunday Night Kerry Photo Blogging

Kerry Urges Congress to Ease Burden of Lengthy Deployment on Nat. Guard

Alexandra Kerry gets Hollywood movie to direct

Remember that thread, "happy accidents"?


Congratulations to CC!

Anderson Cooper's salary...

ASTB 9/19/05 (sniff sniff)

"Rita" in the tropics.

Bill O'Reilly's latest upset

Hillary may not be what you like, but she'll be a hell of a candidate

North Korea nuke agreement? Sounds famliar.

So is Hackett FOR SURE running against Dewine?

Dean to headline Maine's JJ Dinner

GOP thinking about canceling Medicare prescription program

DL Hughley always kicks ass on Bush and other idiot RW'ers...

great stories at my favorite is the last one.

New bumper sticker regarding New Orleans

A Profile of Radical Pacifist A.J. Muste

I finally paid off my campaign debt! Now on to the next race!

How 'weak' Allende was left out in the cold by the KGB

So Sensenbrenner doesn't want to hold hearings regarding Katrina

Want a chuckle? Here ya go

i like these Christians better ...

Short Stack Bush, used his Political capital in huge bets, lost, no one

What has Bush done to increase mercury in our environment?

The REAL BLAME is the GOP who scammed The sheep to vote RED

Good piece on what to tell a wanna be soldier

Krugman on Race and the GOP

The State of Louisiana should rise up over this latest insult by Bush

"BUSH SUCKS, Where is FEMA!" photo from Michael Moore's front page

After Katrina, GOP Senator Seeks "Mother of All Environmental Rollbacks

Here we go again - oil prices going up

New Republican Mascot to replace Elephant

Davis-Bacon Act

Do wingnuts see the Islamic crescent in the letter C?

Imagine fervent freeps in a Milgram shock type experiment...

Great News! Conservatives are disavowing 'Duh'bya'

Why is it called

bush men have warrior Chang in their heads (for real) just ask Jeb

How did we get from here.........

RNC group: 'Addicts' in the press come to us before going on TV

It isn't the Bush WH. It is the Rove WH. New meme. Try it! n/t

do the Germans vote on Diebold machines?

Anyone catch Pataki's speech on Cspan Road To the WH last weekend?

Christian minister fights back "Inhofe adds Pork for Robertson" and more..

Was Al Jezeera bought out and, if so, who purchased it?

Document intended for Rove arrives on Democrats Fax.........

Family Values Conservatives

we can't make it here anymore.....

Carter & Baker Panel recommends paper trail for electronic voting

Fax to Rove .... now posted :) link here

Cry of the Bushbots

After FEMA Embarrassments, Another Questionable Political Nomin

No "FEMA-ed" Judiciary: Oppose Roberts

Excellent Post by Lexingtonian on Dem Prospects for 2006

Some observations on the state of the Union

I think we should start a huge letter writing campaign to the GOP

Bipartisan Panel Calls For Election Overhaul For 2008

Elect-ability vs. Issues. On what basis do you decide your vote?

selling off national forest land? Say it ain't so.

CNN: Bush's N.O. speech "did little to help his standing with the public"

BBC UK Jail Break of Iraqi Jail Top on Mian Page

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am your new Surgeon General

Playing The Blame Game

Jon Corzine & Dem candidates: Time to drop the "W" Bomb!

If this was 2004

Why are we waiting around for someone to give us their platform?

O'Reilly celebrates "The Comeback of President Bush"

Poll Results -- Now Take action! -- Links and Resources Thread

Framing, Lakoff and the progressive message.

UN Foundation President Calls for Bill O'Reilly's Public Apology

What's more shocking--Bush meltdown or Democratic cowardice in ..

Watching Talking Heads on N. Korea

Republicans use Red Cross to spin Katrina

Cindy Sheehan calls out Hillary Clinton

Why should I care about Rep. voters who would benefit from Dems?

Kerry's Speech at Brown

Kerry Urges Congress to Ease Burden of Lengthy Deployment on Nat. Guard

If Cheney

CBS reports McCain wants to roll back the presc. drug benefit

You Can't Make This Stuff Up ...

New poll shows more B** slide??

Jon Stewart's Emmy win(s)

Chris Matthews, aka Tweety, is the rottenest motherfucker on the planet

Poverty: Bush Just Doesn't Get It (Dean)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speaks on Democracy Now!

Good Daddy Not Our President.....Bad Daddy Is! Buzzflash Editorial

I think we need to remind ourselves that the "Freedom" the fore-fathers

Anyone notice what I did about the clips of the Daily Show on the Emmy's?

This Administration Is Done For

John Kerry’s Speech at Brown University, Today

The Huffington Post on Diebold

Republicans worry about reelection as voters get testy.........

Here's my prediction about the next German government.

Mississippi Flood of 1927

Dean Statement on Baker-Carter Commission Report

DNC: Chertoff AWOL As Katrina Strikes (Long but good timeline)

Did Biloxi evacuate before the storm? Gulf Port? What % did evacuate?

This getting more and more fun in Germany

Need Info... BushCo To Blame Environmentalists For Levee Breaks!


"Three Options, Each Is Repugnant"...from Al Jazeera

Katrina Reconstruction = Rove 2006 GOP Congressional Slush Fund?

Knight-Ridder columnist has had it with brain dead Bush bots

"all the Boy King's men could not put Humpty Dumpty together again."

Has anyone here seen "The Lord of War?"

Dean: Americans With Disabilities Deserve Real Leadership

Australians falling out of love with the U.S.

Why are so many media assuming Hillary will be the '08 nominee?

"Two Democrats who might seek the White House in 2008 blast Bush"

Does the picture of Condi and * bother anyone? I can't stand it.

Email From John Kerry: HE'S LAYING IT ALL OUT!

Some questions about NED...with links and names and goals.

A man's right to choose.

The problem with Bill Clinton centrism. His intellect obscures core issue.