Democratic Underground

Archives: September 22, 2005

Bush's Words on Iraq Echo LBJ in 1967

Roberts a dangerous bet (Neas / PFAW)

Frist Sold Hospital Shares Before Drop - Yahoo News

Picking a judge by faith

In Offensive, Iraqi Forces Show Signs Of Progress

Back to Trent Lott's House (Why was it on the beach, anyway?)

Promo for "Oilstorm" - aired in June-too much coincidence/LINK

Common Sense For Our Democracy AKA The GOP push for photo ID for voting

Our tax dollars hard at work....

Ape Man Blogger on Republican "Criminally Full of Shit" Economics

Incompetent Bush is a blamer, too

Weapons of mass deception

Bush administration's perfect post-Katrina storm gaining strength

No Exit: Descending Into Hell With George Bush

Imploding aura of competence (Bandow / Cato)

S. Blumenthal: From Gulf to Shining Gulf

Dems better for economy (Forbes magazine)

Dowd writes: "The president won't be happy until..."

Media Matters pisses me off....

We walk the line: A surge of solidarity for graduate students at NYU

Any ERD meetups planned in DC Saturday?

What if you had 5 minutes with Paul Hackett? Could you convince

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News THURSDAY, 9/22/05

Paper Trails are NOT the Answer - Mark Crispin Miller

Iowa DUers..If you can't go to DC this weekend, come to

Everybody safe out there???

A couple of questions....please help. I need to send homework over the net

I can house you and your pets in NY - other housing here too??

To DUers evacuating

Have I mentioned today how much I love DUers?

My town Lufkin, is taking in folks and pets (up to horses).

I'm so worried

My son in Houston is evac-ing here to Dallas and he just cell phoned

Sugarland and the Woodlands ... near Houston ...

All of you going to Washington on Saturday

received this email from AAR asking for donations

CNN : Nuclear plant to shut down for Rita

We Won't go

Rita third most powerful Arlantic storm of all time - 898 mb

Good post slipping

CNN Breaking: Nat'l Hurricane Ctr: Rita "3rd most intense storm on record"

Remember Magic: the gathering?

Ghost Troop and Capt May-Operation Rita

Hurricane Rita an awesome Monster.........

screen grab of the Jet Blue landing gear

Outstanding Pandemic Flu Site........

Pentagon blocking September 11 inquiry: Senator

Just talked to my brother at New Orleans Airport

I look at my hands and they don't look so good


I think the angry God of the OT is pissed off at America. Just look

JetBlue FLT 292 lands safely.

Do you all know about the Jet Blue plane on MSNBC?

Apparently, the plane in LAX landed...

Uh-oh. Freepers pissed at Coulter's new column. Is this a sign?

A friend has 5 hotel rooms reserved in Anniston, AL if anyone wants

Reckless disregard for the truth. We could shut down Faux News by bringing

my lord. how many separate threads on the plane landing

Anyone notice that Shrub....

Yea! Great job by the 292 crew!

I don't care what Paula Zahn says, the weather in Minneapolis is calming

POLL: Do Democrats in Congress really fear obstructionist label?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but

Dumb question #14: Why isn't the price of gasoline regulated as a utility?

Tornado sited St. Paul suburbs

Amtrak never offered any trains!

Public pressure mounts for Bush to curtail Iraq war after Katrina disaster

I have to ask the obvious:How long b/f the WH loser poses with

Hurricanes: Do you think it might be the Saints?

Hurricane Rita now the 3rd strongest hurricane ever.

At my neighborhood bar tonight, we're watching Rita and the plane...

Anyone else have "THIS WHEEL'S ON FIRE" stuck in yer head?!

Most likely simulation model puts Rita at Galveston in 66 hours.

In Honor of John Roberts' Nomination to the SCOTUS...


I have an idea for the oil companies' excess profits.

Why is the media all over the New Orleans mayor all of a sudden?

Just how dumb is Larry King? "Are those flames"

Do you think pickles will get the name of this storm right?

Anybody see Bette Midler on CNN and what she said about the Republicans?

"I guess I picked the wrong week to quit smoking"

Re-registration trend? : I don't get around much but two

Nigerian rebels threaten oil wells after warlord detained

What happened to the "Car packed with explosives?"

CNN: Carter Critical of Bush's FEMA Failures

NASA to offer $100 billion moon program (WTF???)

Anyone watching Invasion? It's eerily like Katrina except the

Dream.....If Roberts Is Not Confirmed

"I guess I picked the wrong week to quit drinking"

Give that Pilot a MEDAL!

The Media Doesnt Understand Aviation...Jet Blue

Any early estimates on how many will be at DC march Sat?

Chavez: Oil prices will soar to $200 a barrel if the US attacks Venezuela

Since Congress voted down investigating the Plame case

WP Acknowledges a Movement: "Peace by Piece" has a site of people who have volunteered hurricane housing!

WSJ's Taranto backpedals on bogus poll information

Faulty floodwalls caused New Orleans flood: report

Holy Mary!!! She has shown up in some woman's uterus!

Sen. Patrick Leahy .......

Rita now 899 millibars, third most intense Atlantic hurricane

Gov Rick Perry of TX. Where do you suppose they purchase his

If FEMA was coordinating the JetBlue crash landing, how long would

Would Hastert "bulldoze" Galveston too?

MSNBC: "Global warming cause of intense hurricanes?"

Sit down for peace

Rita's new track puts it right on Houston.

Ground off the tires & wheels, all safe. No problems.


The Models are definitely moving Rita's track toward Houston again...

NOAA OSEI Image of Rita (True color, clear image)

Does a storm surge hit before, during, or after the wind of a hurricane? n

41 oil refineries in the path of CNN's projected 3-day Rita track

Katrina™, the drink?

Ready for $4.50 Gasoline?

Katrina's Death Toll Climbs Past 1,000


Latest Rita Update: 175mph 897mb

Looks Like Crawford Wont be Spared Some

Video of the JetBlue Emergency Landing

Gas prices have just doubled!!!

Do you think Rita will create the need to make a CATEGORY 6?

So how many people are expected at the three day MARCH?

Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The Vast Wreckage of George Bush Extends in Every Direction

Back to back plugs [KOS & DU] Thanks Rush!

Get Involved _ Impeach Bush

Iraqis in Basra Slam 'British Aggression'

House Passes Tax Breaks for Hurricane Katrina Victims (what a joke)

Bush: Kyoto would have "wrecked" economy (July 1, 2005)

I just saw Cindy at the WH gates on Local news

Questing about Jet Blue Airplane in LA.

Rita Landfall to Coincide With March on White House Saturday?

donahue on o'reilly OMG

Run if you are in Texas... Katrina gave us hell. Learn from us, run.

Calling all Boomers. The time is now (again).

Four More Opportunitys for More Hurricaines

Does anyone have a copy of the NOAA report prior to Katrina

Help! I need the Vets for Peace address

We have a DUer stuck in Houston. Can anyone offer shelter?

Hey RUSH LIMPBALLS .... your nightly dose of reality

it's no wonder the ancients thought natural disasters were god's wrath

How many "I told you so" opportunities have you had

I wish I were 8 years old again

Should B**h open up his Crawford "ranch" to refugees from Hurricane Rita?

Breaking...... Tornado in downtown Minneapolis- CNN

Once again Mike Malloy is threatening to destroy the Democratic

Anyone interested in pics as I ride out Rita?

Has everyone seen the "Misleader" TV spot?

Good news and bad news: I paid $43.28 for gas last night.

Police Find Relief Supplies in City Official's Home

White House Press briefing, according to Jon Stewart

God is punishing us over Iraq, both Katrina and Rita shake up oil industry

Crap...Dallas-Ft Worth--new model shows possible 15"-30 '' rain

Lady on TXCN just said she is more worried about vandals than Rita.

Nephew in Iraq - I need to vent

"Pointy girls" lawyer says love explains Abu Ghraib abuse pictures

Rub This in The freepers face

Welcome to the Third World...

Pray for the health and strength of John Paul Stevens

I could be wrong about this, but didn't terrorists hit other countries

Hurricane Rita update - 897 mb now (from Jeff Masters excellent blog)

Where are the Katrina evacuees going that

How can FEMA possibly handle Rita, when they never dealt with Katrina?

Another Iraqi journalist murdered, CPJ says - 3rd reporter killed in 4 days

Is the problem just BushCo, or is it the principles which drive BushCo?

So...did all of you fill your gas tanks today?

Biggest Non-Story of Year?

"Theyre the kind of people who look at Katrina and wish they had causd it"

They aren't fucking around--weather advisory for my county issued today

So much moaning and hopelessness around here lately...

Kerry is voting against Roberts

NWA chief sold shares just before bankruptcy

Is It True? Are "They" Pulling Katrina Kids out of Public School

Moonie Times: War protesters linked to radical left-wing groups

The only good thing about Rita

So, a bunch of pedestrians were mowed down a block from my work today....

Poet Sharon Olds spits on Laura's luncheon invitation

Cognitive dissonance and a freeper

Study Find Murderers Who Kill Whites More Likely to Be Condemned

who's afraid of flying?

A message for Bush? Picture on noaa website

Strippers help tease back New Orleans nightlife

I just heard that Rita has hit 175 sustained MPH!

So you can do cocaine and be President

CNN Breaking: large tornado on the ground in Minneapolis

Yay! They landed safely!


The Coming Category 5 Financial Hurricane.

who here has family in the Texas gulf coast area?

Jet Blue at LAX, Rita, tornado in Minneapolis --

Map of Texas (with cities)

Scary: Dr. Jeff Masters' latest blog entry on

CSPAN Schedule Thursday september 22

Donahue on O'Lielly

Rita now down to 898 mb (26.52 in.)!


Disaster Preparedness Is Not Enough. We Need Disaster PREVENTION --->>>

Anyone from UTMB Galveston?

Anyone watching this plane with the screwedup landing gear trying to land?

Since ** took office, it's been one disaster after another

Stripes letter: ‘Must-read’ writer a patriot (PNAC document)

No Discussion On DU on Alberta Gonzalez's War On Pornography

This is a limited government, said Bob Cordury to Jon Stewart

Where do you go for online weather reports?

Can someone good at numbers help me out here please?

WooHoo! Cindy Is At The White House Gates Today with Letter For aWol ! !

My brother in the path of Rita-still helping victims of Katrina speaks out

I hope you rot in Hell, George W. Bush...(warning: graphic)

New Vatican Rule Said to Bar Gays as New Priests

How are the Freepnicks taking the Bush Booze story????

Those in Houston still wondering if you should leave, please read

Is the story about the British soldiers in Basra being discussed on Air


Is On-Star really popular in the south?


Did you hear that the Jet Blue passengers were watching MSNBC?

Pentagon blocks testimony of Pre-911 intelligence

Video - Fox: O'Reilly attacks Donahue over Sheehan support

Translated Arab news report about British incident in Basra - (VIDEO)

RITA May Be the Coup de Grace for the Economy and Many of Us

Celebrity Sighting! Please read, you'll love the ending!

The Guy James Show will air its final show on 10/1/05 unless we help.

OMG! I just pulled the best Filet Mignon steaks off the grill! I've

What the fuck! (gas prices rant)

Govt issues warning to anti-Arroyo protesters

Israel: Al-Qaida Ready to Infiltrate Gaza

Hurricane Rita an awesome Monster.........

Hundreds protest drilling in arctic refuge (Anchorage)

Hurricane Rita now the 3rd strongest hurricane ever.

Breaking...... Tornado in downtown Minneapolis- CNN

Lobbyist (?) floats post-Katrina flood insurance plan

US shouldn't add to deficit to pay for Katrina, says IMF

British face rising opposition from Sadrists

National Urban League Urges Senate to Oppose Elevating Judge John Roberts

CNN/AP: Mexican (federal police) minister killed in helicopter crash

East Coast cold to Minuteman Project

Rita threatens Texas refineries: EIA

WP,pg1: In Offensive, Iraqi Forces Show Signs Of Progress

Louisiana governor wants nonpartisan Katrina probe

Strippers help tease back New Orleans nightlife

Moonie Times: Atta files destroyed by Pentagon (during the Clinton admin)

Official Says Iraqi Oil Production Still Lagging

Report predicts global warming's deadly impact/Australia

Bible textbook could circumvent culture war (to be used in public schools)

Senators (D & R) Accuse Pentagon of Obstructing Inquiry on Sept. 11 Plot

NJ senators will vote against Roberts' confirmation as chief justice

National Archives Indian Records Discarded

(Republicans) Leaders ask Specter to release memos (from probe)

Republicans confront Bush on Katrina cost

WaPo: " seven senior HCA executives sold 574,882 shares worth $19,942,610"

WP,pg1: In Break With Tradition, (Gulf) Casinos May Get Tax Breaks, Too

Senate Select Intel Comm Briefed by Spy Manager (CIA Goss critic) Who Quit

NYT: Freedom Museum Is Headed for Showdown at Ground Zero

NYT: Bush Compares Responses to Hurricane and Terrorism

Hurricane aid used 'to test out rightwing social policies'

Democrats revive filibuster threat

Bush honors mothers of military dead

WP: Ford Launches Hybrid Initiative

Haitian children sold as cheap labourers and prostitutes for (approx) £50

France plans to pay cash for more babies (The Guardian)

NYT: New Vatican Rule Said to Bar Gays as New Priests

England says love prompted abuse photos

Bush Waives Saudi Trafficking Sanctions (sex trade, child sex...)

Ashcroft was right!

Anyone going to the protest in DC with a poster?

Glen Campbell's "Galveston" has always given me goose-bumps


That sound...

...AND there's a tornado on the ground in Minnesota

Damn. Some folks on DU think I am funny

I'm having my 200th high school reunion next year!!!

Wow! I'm 2.65 hours into Battlestar Galactica, and it's fucking awesome!!


Hey! There's X-Y-Z names for the Pacific Hurricane Season!

Anyone watch this "Head Cases" show?

One man's weed is another man's wildflower...

I look at my hands and they don't look so good

What should I get for my 82 yr old mum for her birthday?


so I've become a Sudoku Puzzle widow...


Tribe up 2 - 0 on the White Sox

Vive la Venezuela!

Someone smack some sense into me... I went to GD unarmed.

Control your adults!

WooHoo - That spot RAWKS!

One man's weed is another man's raison d'être

I guess every 3 months my son plans on giving me a heart attack

Who here would like to drive KITT?

I want to apologize to the Lounge

Yanks win, BoSox lose

You built a Time Machine, but forgot to get inside before you sent it off

2 1/2 weeks later - that knee of mine is still swollen.

TOPIC FOR JIMMYJAZZ: What's your favorite cookie?

Any BLD Fans in the House?

DH has a bad, bad cold. Tomorrow is his birthday.

Remember. The 73 Mets won the pennant only 2 games over .500.

"I guess I picked the wrong week to quit drinking"

Hey East Coasters, anyone notice how freakin HUGE the moon is tonight?

You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille (great lyrics)

Here we go again!

Do you think pickles will get the name of this storm right?

And I whined about driving home in flooded waters tonight!

Fiore's Latest: Kan Do Karl!

I, too, wish to apologize to the Lounge.

Okay it's sort of a cat thread....but don't tell anyone.

I recommend we rename G.D. to H.D.

On a wine buzz - ask me anything......

A Damnable Abomination found in my fridge!

"I guess I picked the wrong week to quit smoking"

If there's a 3rd category between "human" & "wax figure," that's Pickles.

That Brawny guy is creepy. Or is just me? NT


How did the sox do it? 5 runs?

Strange Question...

One country's terrorist is another country's liberator.

Wait here while I come up with a topic

Woah, did you see the quick response to the hurricane

Where did this DUer go - and who do YOU not see anymore??

I heard a rumor that GM is about to make a HUGE move

Squirrels may be pests to some, but I kinda respect them....

Vive la Velveeta!

Ok...everybody get off the phone...

A spider bit me.

"Lost" Kind of Sucked Tonight

Sometimes fighting the good fight can take it out of you

Please join me in thinking good thoughts for the Jet Blue passengers

OK, cat people, help is needed!


Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!

Check in if you were a member of the private Underground forum at DU

What would happen if Larry King's suspenders suddenly collapsed?

Gia, god, my friends I need a hug, igorance is bless, i am blistered

Where is Mr. Scorpio?

I'm thinking of a word.

Sorta friend playing REALLY bad guitar in my living room. What do I do?

Post about a television show you watched tonight.

Do you remember the 21st night of September?

So Am I the only lesbian...

So If you had a choice, you could teach elementry in ....

Don't throw bouquets at me

RW asshole sighting. Get this news out!

what movie should I watch>?

David Hasselhoff to make a rap ablum??

I am officially having a bad night now.

I have to get some plant for my indoor cat to eat. What do I get?

Sue JetBlue

Hilarios Item On E-Bay...Circa 1976 Photo...

Who remembers the DU1 to DU2 switch?

Who else loves Van Morrison?

Is the place for me to find a new man?

Cat Pee

Post a cool album cover

I'm feeling sentimental, but maybe it's just sleep deprivation...

BEHOLD! The fearsome beauty of Rita

I'm packing a lil black dress for DC

it's good to leave du at least once a day

Strippers help tease back New Orleans nightlife

News of the weird... My dog likes to sleep with our

For the Pilot of Jet Blue: A poem by Howard Borden

I played Nuclear War tonight.

Anybody else watching "Invasion"??

What a day

Post your state bird.

I'm watching "Song Remains the Same"...

Many of us are wondering what the "eog" in asthmaticeog represents.

How long does it take a cat stitches to heal enough

we have a new cleaning lady at work, and she's leaving white hairs...

So I posted the "Bush Booze Crisis" story on FR...

Once again, I find myself lost in "Lost"

Nighthawks XV (dial-up warning)

bullets and blankies ~ the hunting of american youth

Gawd, tonight spoke to me about math

Jet Blue flight 292 prayer thread

Green tea 'cuts Alzheimer's risk'

Five GLBT MPs win in New Zealand election

David Carr

Hallelujah !!! Boston and Yankees TIED for # 1

The boys, there not kittens anymore (pic)

Help! I'm kinda freakin' out here

I would like to nominate this as the official group logo:

E-mail from Sen Kerry re the Roberts Vote

Thanks Senator for getting MY back!

ASTB -- 9/21/05

In Northeast, Minuteman Project finding few takers

Democratic Talking Point: Stand by Houston Mayor Bill White!


ATF (alcohol, tobacco & firearms) Spokesman Is Coming To My Kid's

House Passes Tax Breaks for Hurricane Katrina Victims (what a joke)

Lynndie England posed for pics because she "loved the ringleader"

Cheney: "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"

Bush faces party unrest over Katrina bill

CSPAN Schedule Thursday September22

House Repukes: cut $500 billion, incl. CPB

Mike Ruppert: "Rita May Be the Coup de Grace for the American Economy"

Bush's failed mission to capture Iraqi oil...

While talking to a guy about Bush, it was clear why he's still in office..

Bush Compares Responses to Hurricane, Terrorism

Will Rita force * to rescind tax cuts for wealthy??

Frist's (feeble) explanation of stock sale

Alison Stewart deserves an award for her coverage of the plane at LAX

My Weekly Update to Ken Mehlman

Call and hold responsible those who abuse free speech...

Is anyone in North Bay (SF) hearing this NOW?

Bill O'Reilly: Who's looking out for Bush.

Military's Katrina mission nears end (Huh?)

Guardian: 'Suspicious behaviour on the tube'

A louder drumbeat for independent Katrina probe - CSM

Oliphant: Kerry’s Roads Not Taken

Bush Bashing in Aspen (by "rich, mainly Republican...")

Hannah Allam, former Baghdad Chief, Wins Top Knight Ridder Prize


Molly Ivins: Government by temper tantrum

There's been critcism?

David Sirota on bush screwing our soldiers in favor of the rich.

Timothy Garton Ash (The Guardian): The new sick men of Europe

Bush's mad mess

My weekly newspaper column: Lessons of hurricanes

Novak: Bashing Bush in Aspen (by some Rich Republicans)

Michael Schwartz: Why Immediate Withdrawl (from Iraq) Makes Sense

Editors of The Nation: Prez on the Precipice

Argument That Has No Clothes

Naomi Klein (The Nation): Purging the Poor

Lapdog White House Press Corps(e)Plays Dead Again!

WaPo: Today in DC, Commandos in the Streets?

Broken Light: Work, for the Night is Coming; by Chris Floyd

Lofty ambitions reduced to one: Iraq must not be seen as a failure

Murdoch close to unveiling internet strategy

Does anyone know how the TV network that Gore started is doing? n/t

Iraq War Expenses Raise Questions in U.S. (83% concerned

This "Fair Tax" book ..any info would be appreciated.

San Diego Solar Energy Week: Sept 25 - Oct 1

Research Model Advances Hurricane Intensity Prediction

EPA Wants To Ease Toxic Spill Reporting

Australian Medical Assoc: Global Warming to lead to disease, conflict.

Changing World Tech (Turkey parts to oil) now selling 100-200 barrels/day

Solargenix Energy Secures Approvals for 64MW Solar (Nevada)

There goes my nest egg! Diebold drops to a 52-week low 9/22!

Project Censored on Theft 2004--Worth Reading, Cites DU

Texas; Hartley and Sherman Counties to buy Accupoll DRE

Alaska's Hand Recount Provision

Citizens' Commission to Counter Carter-Baker - Voter Voices Documented!

Municipalities Must Choose Between DRE and Optical Scan Machine-- NY

RawStory: Carter says Gore won 2000 election

Feinstein to Vote Against Roberts

Act Now - Don't Let the Governor Veto the Civil Marriage Act


any demo in San Diego this weekend?

Increase Educational Opportunites for California's Kids

Grassroot Democrats' billboards contain religious connotation

AFSCME endorses Braley

Will "global warming" floods have an affect upon Massachusetts?

Road-Rage incident with MBTA contractor vehicle (politically motivated?)

strib: Open Senate seat sets up an intriguing race

(Being a tech and MCSE)..I should know this but I don't. HELP!

Please fill me in on mayor coleman(???) of Columbus

September 24th rally

Wireless Access at TXDOT rest stops

A nomination thing for us Texans.

Weather Info (Radar, Alerts, Forecast, Sat, etc) for your cell phone..

North Texas Special Weather Advisory 9/22 527am

Contraflow lanes to open

Jefferson and Orange County have issued mandatory evacs

Pasado Animal Rescue needs farm or land near Houston to set up triage

I'm not even in Texas, and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown!

CNN/Weather Channel Reporting Rita Cat 1 inland as far as Austin/Waco

Anybody heard if there any hotel rooms in Oklahoma?

Urgent Austin/San ant/- Houston medic needs someone to shelter his dog

Has Austin cancelled that stupid music festival yet?

Where will Rita go?

D/FW DUers do not need duct tape and plastic sheeting

Galveston area: shelter needs help evacuating 300 cats -need TRANSPORT your Beaumont family doing ok?

The local weekly paper from Peshtigo may be run by a Fundie nutcase...

Anyone coming to Appleton's Oktoberfest this weekend?

WI/DU golfers

Feingold voting YES on Roberts?


March Route

About those hurricane models, the simulated ones, where can

Losing some good friends

Link to latest Rita path forecast model (not good for Western LA)

Hurricane Rita

Migrant evacuees arrested after Bush's goons advises them to seek aid


Eminent domain.. How will it play out in NO.

Weather channel: "Why play with fire? EVACUATE, we need you alive"

"The Daily Show" is just starting (re-run) from earlier

Did Perry say "Adios MoFo" to the evacuees leaving their homes?

The perfect storm for *

And The Wind Cries Mary....

Texas hotels filling fast

That was just me on Bernie Ward

Does anyone know what percent of the Texas National Guard is in Iraq?

This lady needs a lawyer! Any lawyers on DU?

I know it's been said before, but could we please...

Las Vegas airmen & news crew witness phony Geraldo "rescue" in New Orleans

Anybody else worried about home heating prices this winter?

The 2 two undercover SAS soldiers were dressed like Sadr's Mehdi Army

Looks like Rita is coming to Galveston - are we clearing out the town?

How do find out what kind of winds your house can take in a

Bizarre interview with Terri Schiavo's brother

Preparing for Rita, if you don't evacuate, what are you doing ?

Is it true that inland insurance policies subsidize homeowners like Lott?

We Dems Welcome you Chief Justice Roberts, can we fetch your slippers?

Common Sense, Veterans for Commonsense.....

I've got a question. What happened to the "terraist" alerts since the

on Comparing Katrina to Terrorism

Anyone listening to Coast To Coast AM? This is really something

Help! Need the name of an alternative "car"...

Clinton/Lewinsky condoms

Tom Paine - America's Third World

It's so nice to be home at DU

9/11, Hurricanes et al punishment from God (fundy encounter)

Phil Donahue For President !

The government is now demanding a loyalty oath????

Time For A Prayer Thread...

NHC Public Advisory #19A (next update at 10:00 a.m. CDT)

Is there an issue-for-issue comparison between 'Pukes and Dems somewhere?

Anyone have a link to the John Roberts "gay pic" thread??

FL Keys avoids damage, Jeb highlights preparedness

Any correlation between hurricanes & earthquakes &/or global warming?

Will gas prices climb as high as $5.00 a gallon?

Anybody know what Rita did in Cuba?

WTF? bush paid tribute to Gold Star Mothers?

NEW CLOTHES (new toon 9/22)

Wasserman is FABULOUS!

So Houston is evacuating storm surge areas & trailer parks

CNN is covering Cindy and the march Saturday!

Just sent a LTTE to the Boston Globe

"Every time we try to hold a demonstration, they arrest us."

Hahahaha! FOX Report Not Believed By Passenger

October non-fiction book club poll has been posted.

MODS - Howzabout a big banner on the homepage for the march this weekend

My weekly column: lessons of hurricanes

North Dakota DU'ers: Why am I not suprised by Conrad's suspected YES vote?

Yikes! I just paid $78 to have a tank of gas delievered for my

LBJ and a hurricane?

Holy chit. If that doesn't look mean as hell I don't know what does.

Nigerian militants storm oil platform after arrest

Meteorologist Steve Gregory describes Rita as a perfect storm.

Site Where Bloggers Are Digging Up Pork To Cut & Help Pay For Hurricane Dm

I cannot talk to my coworker. I am sick of her ditto spew.

Okay gang, time to gas up all your vehicles, lawn mowers, etc.

Another report says Brits caught planting bombs

I call your taxcut and raise you a $500 billion dollar deficit...

Is it time to call for a National Emergency on Energy?

Military Intelligence: Them "Twelve Million Black Voices" is subversive..

More On Able Danger & Condi-PRC Spy Ring

For some reason, these photos reminded me of the Vietnam War..

Archdiocese shielded abusive priests, grand jury says, but no indictments

Okay finalizing our preparations here--need animal question answered

Do you want to investigate "Able Danger"?

NewsMax: "Hillary, McCain to Meet with Cindy Sheehan"

"found the body of a civilian man with his head crushed and tyre marks.."

British forces in Basra have confined themselves to their base

Bush has to rescind the upper-class tax cuts

Co-Worker's Rita Comment: Funny Or Not Funny

I have always wondered about people like this: this woman is a nurse

Hey - check it out ! Sounds like fun!!!!

Ironic - the Hurricanes head right for the fuel that warmed the earth

Why won't Democrats stop Roberts confirmation?

NHC Public Advisory #20 (next update at 1:00 p.m. CDT)

Democrats voting for Roberts...

Iraq And Viet Nam? Side-by-ide quotes from Presidents Bush and Johnson

Bush on Fox now,all moody and stuff

I bought my last USA Today... today

Potomac Fever

Able Danger...Heard of It?

Bush boozing it up in 1992...

Bashing Bush in Aspen (Robt. Novak?)

What is the Gov't doing about the NO Evacuees in the Astrodome?

Since Congress voted down investigating the Plame case,

Does anyone know why the path of a hurricane is clockwise?

JUST RELEASED: Survey USA 50 State Bush Approval Poll

Serious question regarding tonight's "The Daily Show".

NOAA Hurricane Rita site

O'Reilly: Tom DeLay "doesn't have any power anymore"

Sen. Leahy, is this how you answer the "Go Fuck Yourself" administration?

Rush Limbaugh/Norm Woodruff Gay Connex (Link & Transcript)

Vote in MSNBC Poll- How should the government pay the bill for Katrina?

High level Saudis receive immunity from 9/11 lawsuits

Latest #s on Rita: 11am

Converted a Republican . . .

What ta H** is a "Suicider"

Governor Goodhair press conference live on CNN now

Oh Jeeze. Bush on TV with an update on the War on Terror


Now poor people can't get out of HOUSTON

Oh the irony, oil is source of carbons warming gulf, 2 hurricanes in gulf

Is there a video I can watch on the computer of a recent * speech?

Gas price is already beginning to creep back up

Gulf Stream slowdown & Extreme Weather

I wonder why MSNBC is using tape delay of Dumbya!

Remember this quote: "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital,

Senate Blocks privatization of food stamp program

I think Bianca needs some wood!

Bush, whined and stumbled and lectured the Press on War on Terror

Short excerpt from new documentary: "Iraq in Fragments"

"I do not see myself as a defender of the Bush presidency" - Novak

I thought that Conservatives want smaller, less intrusive government

Storm Surge Model....

FYI: Houston Evacuation is going...bad?

Bush-Be-Gone Index -- Up 0.5% from yesterday

What's The Dem Strategy To Win Back The Gov in 06 & 08?

Arrest that bastard and now, right fuckin' now. gawddam it all anyways

Crooks & Liars: "Write Your Own Caption"

Did this happen? Powerful Blast at US Military Base in Kirkuk

Psychics, astrologers, tarot readers, Nostradamus fans, and others:

Gossip Cindy Adams: Brazile NO family tragedy, but she backs Bush

Have you ever been around someone who breaks out in a huge belly laugh...

Religions says be scared of Satan. Bush says be scared of Terrorists

Screwing to soldier to protect tax cuts.

Big, huge, gigantic thanks to bbgrunt, who sent me money in the mail

Caption this Iraq pic...

Gov. Blanco just said Rita may hit New Orleans directly

Thoughts on Political Correctness and Humor.

Supreme Court Term Limits!

Rita now a Category 4 Hurricane

Port Arthur looks like a likely target

POLL: Any Congressional staffers here?

A friend of mine opened a Cafepress store.....

Republicans ought to remember this

A terrible joke to play on George

so, what is the consensus on gasoline prices and availability this w/e?

Will there be any media reporting from storm area?

How many people returned to New Orleans..per Mayor Nagin?

Stuck in Houston. Gotta question?

I got the freeperish "Dear Abby" e-mail in my box

TPM: Highways jammed, cars run out of gas during Houston evacuation

The Category-5 Gentrification of the Coastal South

May the Lights in the Land of Plenty Shine on the TRUTH Some Day

Has anybody seen the pilots of the JetBlue incident? Are the veteren

Rita will only require MONEY not LEADERSHIP to clean up. Don't let.......

OMG-Look what their pushing in the name of Katrina/Rita!

Repukes after McDermott

Gas $4.00 a gallon?

U.S. Soldier Killed in Baghdad; British Troops Still Holed Up In Basra

Rove has Bush back to really pushing the "War President" bullshit again

Software for those who want to follow Rita

BRAD BLOG: DIEB-THROAT Weighs in on Diebold's Stunning 15.5% Stock Plunge!

Did everyone see Phil Donahue rip O'Leilly a new one?

Rita turns east: It's Louisiana Again

Why BushCo's RITA overtures won't help

Fuck Leahy and any other "yes" vote for Roberts. Dinos Suck just as much

Can we find out if O'Reilly's nephew really enlisted in the service?

How do *'s speechwriters develop a speech?

Cut PORK Projects? Politicians say No Thanks, heres the list

If the Republicans didn't own the media, they'd be swinging from trees.

What Do I Say Now, Unka Dick? ---pix->>>

When is discrimination not discrimination?

PHOTO: the culture of life II

Bush's Booze Crisis (Natioinal Enquirer)

An oldie but a goodie - Bush drunk as a skunk at a wedding >>>video

Houston chronicle Hurricane blog

Got Bob Herbert's column?

Capitalism can't work without property rights, which 4.5 billion lack!

Wonderful, we're in the end-of-year spending cycle...

Blog censorship handbook released

I'm glad I got the hell out of Houston yesterday...TSA folk didn't show

Democrats need to draw a line in the sand.

Newsweek Live poll-How should the Gov Pay for Katrina?

What a lovely weekend to take our country back! It will be so nice to

I just had the most horrible thought!

This is a great weekend for a peace rally!!!

"Rita's Rain Begins Falling in New Orleans"

Anybody talking about a Windfall profits tax on the oil companies

To those not attending this weekend: Please act locally with signs

Another company in California will sell out its workforce

CNN: Some TSA security people NOT showing up at Houston airport

The lying bastard is live on cnn now

Jack asks the obvious question..."Why are they not opening the Southbound

Rita Is Now A Cat 4

Houston cams - Pic of people trying to get out of town

"Good at politics, bad at governing"

"I Wish New Orleans was dry and Washington was underwater,"

Bend Over Texas

Any lawmaker who supports it should be put on a watch list...

Senate Judiciary vote 13-5 to confirm Roberts.

YIPPEE! George Clooney on TDS tomorrow! Talking about Good Night, and

Has Texas decided not to try evacuating Houston?

CNN: 18 out of 26 refineries shut down

AOL Poll on Nagin - needs help

Houston Airport flights backed up...Too Few Ticket Screeners available.

NASCAR driver's Katrina charity auction yanked from eBay has been relisted

Wanna guess whose congressional district Rita's headed for?

Bible Textbook for Public Schools Planned

Please GO LOOK at RawStory homepage now

Marijuana probe a big boo-boo for cops

Dallas/Fort sent yesterday about Category 1 hitting there.

Anyone listening to the House debate on Head Start and Religion


I hate to say this...but I think NOLA may very well flood again

AP headline a bit of an understatement

Anyone listening to Randi Rhodes? It's in The Lounge.

DC could get ugly

good bush, bad bush

Did y'all see Claude Allen, *'s new, black hurricane point man on CSPAN?

This is friggin' obscene! Check out the hurricane Rita graphic from

WE NEED THE BIG DAWG Clinton ! Rawstory- Gop cuts

Will Bush's legacy be the destruction of America?

YIPPEE! George Clooney on the Daily Show Tonight, talking about GN,and GL

CNN: Dept. of Energy just said gasoline disruptions across US


Hey DU, all 77,458 will be with me when I flip off the White House!

Bill Would Require Safety Plans for Pets

Storm May Be the Coup de Grace for the American Economy

Is it just me or does the turn northward of Rita

FEMA factoids

URGENT - I unexpectedly have space available in DC

If You Make Less Than $373,000 You Aren't Getting Any Effin' Tax Cuts

Talking Point: Conservative Experiment is a Disaster

WH Pool Report: Bianca's Identity, REVEALED!

"The Greyhound terminal in Houston was closed, but people lined up ...

North Korea says US should deliver nuclear reactors Bush promised ASAP

Give this panhandler an "A+" for originality...

"Coretta Scott King leaves hospital"

WH Briefing: Press Corps quizzes Scotty on "Bianca"

A positive sign: poll on gospel site says "no" to religion & politics

As to the New Orleans fatalities...

Bush Admin's Reaction to Katrina Pain: More Photo Ops

Can a VOC respirator for doing fiberglass, etc protect against tear gas?

For purposes of achieving a political objective, is DU activity pointless?

The Bush Admin's Katrina Recovery Plan: More Photo-Ops

Predictions: What's gonna happen when Rita hits

"Are you Bianca?" Another dubya* WTF moment.

Need list of rally speakers for Sept. 24 (DC)

Next week's gasoline prices... [Question]:

Us & Them

maybe Rita should be renamed Reggie?

War Protests Will Boost Morale Says DU Poster

NOLA now under T.S. 'warning' not just 'watch' from M$NBC just now

Do commercial Hummer sales interfere with military Hummer production?

The Three Faces of the Goddess.

1910 Reasons why the DSM is Important


While the "Underprivileged" Evacuate, Babs Senior Enjoys Some Golf -pix>>>

Iraq authorities in Basra suspend cooperation with British

Watching the evacuation in Texas

"The only way the terrorists can win is if we lose our nerve and abandon"

French Quarter NOLA Cam Back Online

Dr. Phil doing show on racism.....

Oil pipeline attacked in northern Iraq

Is there a female DUer out there looking for hotel space in DC?

An evolving conversation between myself and conservative...

VIDEO-the Senate Judicial Committee ABLE DANGER saga

If Bush is found out to be on the swill again,

4 PM. CST Storm landfall projections......and a Texas map.

NHC Public Advisory #21 (next update at 7:00 p.m. CDT)

Comments from two co-workers today... What's going on?

Mayor White of Houston. Many more volunteer evacuations than expected

If there is one thing that the Hurricanes have taught us, it is

Heavy traffic on I-45 going into Dallas.

I think this weekend will be a weekend to never forget

thank you to the Admins

I am not sure I will be able to take old man Bush and Clinton begging...

Solution for the afternoon

Feingold, Kohl, and Leahy To Vote For Roberts.....

What would happen if Miami got a direct hit?

Oh where, oh where is Bianca?

Dear American Soldiers in Iraq:

I see the gridlock on the way out of Houston

My trip to Paris this afternoon

Randi is stating her belief that Bush is drinking,

Bush: protesters "wrong"; pullout would repeat "mistakes" that led to 9-11

Houston hospitals E/R's starting to be overwhelmed by

I dont understand how this is not hate crime.

Nigerian militia storm U.S.-run oil platform

BREAKING: per San Francisco Quake Radio- Feinstien to vote NO on Roberts.

Oh! This Bob Novak quote is just precious!

You know, I can't imagine one politician in Texas criticizing Bush

God help us!!! Earthquake in CA

Nickname time

I think Houston is doing a fine job getting 2.5 million people out of

Houston ---pix->>>

Has anyone looked at the effect of the soaring gas prices on our Economy?

Iraqis showing solidarity with Cindy Sheehan

Rumsfeld Fighting Techniques

Here's a warm message for bush and his oil buddy cronies:

Rita pressure : 911 mb & dropping...

I think Rove is too arrogant too be worried right now

This just in from PBS's NOW Program re disaster relief Q&As

spoke with a friend this morning who acknowledged her depression.

My predictions for Rita

Bush links Katrina to terrorists, sets stage for Katrina-profiteering

Rita is going insane with the strengthening again: check this out

Shit...let' all fill our tanks up right now!

Who else is going to be in Seattle 24September 2005?

Is Rita headed toward Sugarland?

How will Bush/Cheney exploit Hurricane Rita and the situation in Texas?


Rita is going to turn into a BLACK HOLE and engulf everything!

Get ready for the Rita "looter" frenzy by the media.

War Protests Will Devastate Morale Says VFW Chief

Barf alert! Twelve Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bill Frist…

MUST SEE Promotional Videos For Blackwater Security Training. MERCS-R-US!

(FIORE) Petrotheism and Kan Do Karl

No more excuses.

I've gotten to the point where I enjoy hearing Cafferty read his emails

Karma? Rita Heads Straight for the Chemical & Petrol Capital of the U.S.

Pop Quiz: What radical leftist said THIS seditious stuff:

Even with "hind sight" Houston- Gal/ evacuation is much worse than NO.

Have no fear, Houston! 400 truckloads of ice and water are in MAINE!

Religion Dominates Head Start Debate (hiring for preschool program)


Auditors Eye OPEN-ENDED Katrina Contracts

So...Tweety Matthews and Rick Perry (GovTX) are great pals...

I told my RW mother I don't believe in her god

Can the tax cuts for the rich survive Rita?

Anyone hear this? "Most evacuees from NOLA are felons" WTF

Bush's NPD and drinking problem are intertwined.

Wonders never cease I got this from DiFi

Diebold stock down another 5% 11:37AM ET

Dobbs Hammers and Hammers Home/Airline Personnel DID NOT SHOW UP!

PHOTO: Compassionate Conservatism III (GRAPHIC results of GOP)

New Orleans: "Body hunt turns up children, the elderly"

Where do you think humanity is going?

Democrat elected leaders attending Sept. 24 Peace Protest!

Are people in a shitty mood where you are today, too??

CNN: fights breaking out at a gas station in Houston

PHOTOS: NEED embarassing "culture of life" and small gov't GOP quotes

A thrilling, cathartic read for warts-and-all Bill Clinton DUers ONLY....

Wood pellets delivered and solar power quotes coming

C-Span NOW Bush Speech Started...searching for Bianca 6:45 edt!

Rita evacuation turns into traffic nightmare - Traffic backed up 100 miles

CNN: people are comparing the Houston traffic jam to Superdome

Rita sure looks close to NO and wouldn't surprize me to wind up

Its Time For Bush To Raise Taxes On The Wealthy To Pay For All This!

Unsung heroes

White House is scrambling to show Bush in command

My take on the "Bush is drinking" story

FEMA: what's it's 'real' mission?indirectly promoting public confusion

Poll: Fewer than half think U.S. will win in Iraq

What's with this "chicken neck" thing of *'s?

OMG! Lou Dobbs just read an e-mail that said he should be...

new plan to balance budget, deal with hurricanes

"A prominent republican lashes out at his own commander and chief"

Current RITA predictions from Dr. Jeff Masters

And now, for my birthday: ON TO D.C.

Bush's analogy of the Iraq war is full of flaws........

Lou Dobbs just reported that strippers are back at work in N.O.

Does the Gov't NOT realize they must provide for FirstResponder's Families

EU military attaches walk out at Iran parade

Secession - a serious alternative?

One Stop Bush Booze Kiosk

Map showing Rita's projected path in relation to offshore rigs and

Anybody wanna bet that when Rita hits...

BUSHCO - A New Poster I Will Be Taking With Me To Washington...

FEMA: Blueprint for Tyranny

Chavez to send a million barrels of oil

Repeal The Bush Taxcuts !!

Why would Bush and his minions be giving a terrorism speech today?

Take A Little Breather

Question RE: Bush and Booze

A few words on the Bush "drinking again" story


Photo: the first Rita looter

Why didn't anyone ask John Roberts if he was a member of . . .

It's official! The National Enquirer is a credible news source.

AP Photos of the dead from Katrina, which FEMA tried to block *GRAPHIC*

Come On Indictments!!!!!!

Did anyone hear Randi yesterday say that there were 275

Bush offers a strange "deal" to New Orleans (Today's Speech)

Is Hurricane Rita Heading towards Crawford Texas?

Nice gas lines on CNN....

Per Lou Dobbs question of the day: 93% said

Paula Zahnn might have a good report coming up on NO cops helping

Rita Proves The Current Population Density Is Unsustainable & Unsafe

All The People Who Are Fit To Be Fired - NYT To Cut 500 Jobs

Meanwhile, off the coast of Africa...

Head Start can hire based on faith

TSA workers did not show up for work at Houston's airports

Bet this woman is a Republican (how insensitive can you get??) LTTE

I hereby Volunteer to Snort Whiskey & Drink Cocaine with the president

let's speak plainly here folks

Cool interactive hurricane tracking site

What is it with Bush and incompetence?

Is no one outraged by the Vatican's blatant discrimination against gays?

Houston Freeway Web Cam - jammed tight

The Bush slogans - every dumb one of the them

Needed: Statistics of hetero vs homosexual at it relates to sexual abuse

It's time to donate again to disaster relief and assistance.

Dear Al Franken...

Red Cross should be helping these poor people get out of their

Rita, meet Rita...

You have to hear this new Spearhead song!

Scotty sets the record straight on Bush and the guitar

I'm not personally interested in whether Bush is drinking

In a quandary. Gasoline shortage.

Just begging for a caption! (pic)

Steps toward economic sanity:

POLL: Effect of freeper trolls on DU?

Is Rita still heading right towards Crawford?

Rita preparations at Rice, St Thomas, U of Houston

A Lifeline Named ..."Bianca?"

Forming a group to try to get left-wing radio in Eastern Iowa

Watch your freeper friends ears perk up when you say China holds US debt

RAW STORY: Developing: Shocker: Ex-President Carter says

LINK please to *'s JAW moving Press Conf. "Bianca where Are You?"

How have the prospective Dem nominees for '08 come out on Roberts?

Amazing NASA Satellite pictures of Hurricane Rita (MODIS)


I don't want to sound like an alarmist,

AccuWeather Forecast Versus NHC (NHC forecast "virtually useless")

Okay, the latest from Kansas and evolution

Boarding up? Try PLYLOX clips. No screws, no nails.

Uumm, if Katrina hit NOLA due to gays . . .

I am *somewhat* out of the line of Rita, BUT....

Who is your favorite Weather Channel Hurricane Reporter?

4 PM. CST Storm landfall projections......and a Texas map.

So are Feingold and Leahy DINO's?

Caption this * pic...

Texas Mayor: "Staying? Better write your SS# on your body"

Unbefuckinglievable. ABC News just spit in the face of every gay man alive

Church approved movies?

What do you do when they are all on the take?

Does Dick Cheney Still Have a House in Texas?

American Petroleum Institute Urges Americans Not To Top Off Gas Tanks.

Does George LOOK Hungover? ---pix->>>

I need to respond to a freep about late-term abortion

Who can we ask about wind and what to expect outside of

Lyndon Johnson, 1967:--"We shall Stay the Course"

Today in DC: Commandos in the Streets

Dear Freepers....

need PHOTO help: post favorite head pics of Bush

Able Danger ties Condi Rice to Chinese espionage! (really!)

CNN's Cafferty -- hilarious e-mail:

How ridiculous are * apologists looking these days?

I'm sorry, but fuck the big churches, no matter what oil they're selling.

HUGE NEWS... DHS did not use NHC during Katrina!

Bill Clinton Urged to Run for Governor of California (U.S. News & WR)

Pryor (D) of Arkansas announcing that he's voting for Roberts.

Raw Story Developing... GOP HUGE CUTS

FBI: Lennon too stoned to be a threat

Will someone direct me to the list of Judiciary Committee votes?

TOONS: "What Color is YOUR Ink?" Edition

Hey RUSH!!

Official List Of Terms Americans Should Google - Add Your Suggestion Here!

*is wasting so much fuel doing marketing of wh - a trip to texas

Is a disaster in the works on Texas hiway?

CNNI showing TX in grid-lock (stau)--many cars out of gas, stations, too

The Blogosphere is on fire with the Boozey Bush story!

Houston and Galveston streaming info

If the MAJORITY of Americans don't want this war in Iraq, why are we still

Why do many DUers like Bill (Big Dawg) Clinton but dislike Hillary?

I'm worried about *'s competence to be in office

I don't think I can ever trust a Republican again....

Ok. So why the hell are liberals believing the National Enquirer?

A Timely Reminder Before I head off to DC in 7 Hours.....

Sept. 24: 'm trying to come up with a list of websites that will

Ivory Towers of the Internets

If you care about your right to vote, you should check this out

Boozing in Bush Country: Welcome to the bottom of the bottle

Do protestors know they're sharing the Mall with the Nat'l Book Festival?

This storm will expose a new poverty--and make Bush look worse

The Sadr Exit Strategy: US may get its butt kicked out after Shiite schism

Name a good thing Bush has done for the country

Randi's call screener hung up on me, so here's my take on Bush drinking

My tinfoil moment

What will "w" do when he completley snaps?

AAR is taking donations???? What does this mean?

The Bushes have never gotten over the word "wimp" -- can we call Shrub...

Bad timing for the DC peace rally this Saturday

repukes are all cowards--four friendships ended

Where's Pat Robertson when you need him? (Rita needs a nudge)

What A Real American President would be Doing (Take 2: Mulligan)

Boy, the Texas and Florida hurricane preparations are going very well,

MoveOn! BUY tons of disposable cameras and distribute at Peace March in DC

Did you see bush's chin? signs of cocaine and/or amphetamine

pissed off in and abandoned in Texas

GOD DAMN IT!!! i'm watching republicans on the steps of my...

HURRICANE RITA: Galveston/Houston "On the Ground" Reports

Last call for rides to DC

Bulletin on Bush Booze story

"Bomb hurricanes with nitrogen bombs." in Africa because...

Al Gore to challenge Hillary?

Trent Lott's push for casinos destroyed wetlands, aided K's damage

Bank has Fox "News" on ALL THREE TV's in branch office!!!

The Bushies' Beautiful Minds (why can't you just leave them be?) ====>

Bush Extends National State of Emergency - Military in Streets of DC

If you CAN'T go to the rally this weekend, please read!

NYT on FRIST’s possible insider trading - and HUGE 2000-3 HCA FRAUD

The Dying Pets of NOLA *** New Action Alert!!! *** 9/22 (Graphic)

Charles Clarke interview in New Statesman

Suspicious behaviour on the tube

poor Kate Moss

Dutch Talk-Show Host to Take Heroin on Air

Hurricane RITA Update (6:50 PM, NHC, Third Strongest Storm on Record)

Murdoch close to unveiling internet strategy

Bolivian would oppose coca eradication

Zapatista chief takes society bow (Mexico)

'UK EU presidency has achieved little'

NATO Reports All 26 Nations Are Aiding Iraq With Training

Argentina govt faces up to state control of water service

Levee breach causes called to task

EU Slows Down Drive to Refer Iran to U.N.

Rhode Island Republican Primary May Imperil the Chafee Dynasty

Bush's Booze Crisis (Natioinal Enquirer)

Two more charged with Afghan prisoner abuse

Lawyer: Feds pressuring ex-Bush official (want dirt on Abramoff)

Sony Restructuring to Cut 10,000 Jobs

Murderers who kill whites more likely to be condemned

Tancredo wants to sell federal land (Colorado)

WaPo: Today in DC, Commandos in the Streets?

Iranian president backs Iraqi democracy (condemned U.S. presence)


Leading Economic Indicators Index in U.S. Declines on Consumer Confidence

House GOP begins Katrina response probe

Senate OKs $100B Agriculture, Drug Bill

INA: Powerful Blast Shakes US Military Base in Kirkuk

Diebold stock down another 5% 11:37AM ET

Undoing the Gulf Coast Wage Cut — now, with momentum

Friday 11 am EST update for RITA

Afghan Count Reveals Kabul Indifference

RAW STORY: Developing: Shocker: Ex-President Carter says

EU drops bid to refer Iran case to UN

Senate Judiciary vote 13-5 to confirm Roberts.

AP: Guide Aims to Help Bloggers Beat Censors

Feinstein Says She Will Vote 'No' on Roberts

Renzi wants patrol to peer into Mexico

Roberts' ruling in Bush's favor debated (Quid pro quo)

White House plays down Katrina impact on federal deficit

AP: Afghan count reveals Kabul indifference

CNN/Reuters: Light smoking triples health risks

Storm Donations Found at Official's Home

Reuters: CHRONOLOGY-Journalists killed in Iraq


FBI: Lennon too stoned to be a threat

Church approved movies?

Bush warns of more violence in Iraq

Hurricanes Decrease Support for Iraq War

Jobless claims rise to 432,000

Poll: Fewer than half think U.S. will win in Iraq (CNN/USA Today/Gallup)

WP: Defense Spending Is Overstated, GAO Report Says

Rita could equal $5 gas

Al Sadr Threatens of 'Tearing Al Zarqawi apart'

Fuel shortages seen from Rita (Reuters)

Iraqis refused entry into country

Former U.S. ambassador breaks party line, calls Arar deportation 'unfair'

US Tells China to Adopt Democratic Reforms

FBI chief says Katrina has not made US more vulnerable to terror

LAT/AP: Rain Returns to Hard-Hit New Orleans (flood, levee risk)

Spy Imagery Agency Prepares to Record Rita

(Fox News) Half Katrina Refugees Have (Criminal) Records

Reuters: Economy was wavering before Katrina

Marines Try To Recruit 79-Year-Old Woman

Bill Would Require Safety Plans for Pets

House Republican Study Committee recommends huge cuts

Saudi Envoy Tells AP Oil Should Drop $20

LA man involved in mosque bomb plot sentenced

U.S. reports progress against insurgents

Basra refuses to deal with Britain after raid

WP/AP: Coretta Scott King Leaves Hospital

Peru Mayor Says Camisea Gas Pipeline Leak Contaminated Jungle Rivers, Sick

Santorum takes Bush to task over Social Security strategy

American Research Group Poll: Bush Approval 37%

Earthquakes up to magnitude 4.9 strike south San Joaquin Valley (CA)

Feinstein to Vote against Roberts Confirmation

Bush to see Rita preparations in Texas Friday

Exxon Mobil shuts biggest US refinery

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 22 September

Attorney general announces voter fraud probe

AP poll: Katrina changed Americans' thinking

New Orleans: Many more bodies expected

Bush: Weak terror response led to 9/11

Saudi minister says Iraq headed for disintegration

Criminal checks run on all Katrina Evacuees

Kohl, Feingold to vote to confirm Roberts

API says 28 pct of US refining capacity in Rita's path

Powerful Blast Shakes US Military Base in Kirkuk

Venezuela cancels all mining concessions

War Protesters Seek to Put Heat on Bush

Schwarzenegger Seeks 'Bad Teacher' Stories

Hugo Chavez ships 1,000,000 barrels of petroleum

Hughes embarks on 'listening tour' to patch U.S. image

DeMott Refuses to Divulge Blood Details Cited for Contempt-St. Patrick's 4

Abramoff Probe May Threaten Leading Republicans as It Expands

Carter says Gore won 2000 election

NYT/AP: Many Stuck (and enraged) on Way Out of Houston

Top Democrats won't attend anti-war rally in Washington

Back in the 80s some hunted Fweepers with water guns filled with LSD

I recomend Raid's "Spider Blaster"

Post No Bills here...

I'm gonna keep going on "Democrat match" until I'm paired with floogeldy

Google image search lets me down again....

Charro negro!

The official Bananarama/Wham! Thread for Sundog & Progmom

You think your manager is a moron?

Anyone else love the show "Top Gear" on Discovery Channel?

Night ya'll!

Rock Lobster is New Wave's Bohemian Rhapsody.

What's the url for the DU glossary? the old url is NG.

Oh Crap, she's a Category 5

Baby Sonogram shows Virgin Mary - for sale on Ebay

I've had ENOUGH. It's time that some of you FACED the music.

Zapatista chief takes society bow (Mexico)

Spearmint tea: the other drink of the gods

Bush's speech and socks

I can't wait for my 1:30pm nap!

Today's ZINGS!

Up every morning just to keep a job

My computer is down and I need someones help fast.

File this under OHMYGODNO!!! Ice-T to produce Hasselhoff rap album

oh LADIES!! Time To Wish SCOTT BAIO a Happy Birthday!


Most People That Claim Their Drinks Have Been Spiked Are Just Drunk

Birthday Battle:Joan Jett vs. Debbie Boone

Spider Solitaire

Reporter To Use Heroin & Marijuana On TV (To Show Effects)

Mysterious 'Ball Of Fire' Seen In Fla. Skies

Did anyone watch E-Ring last night?

I'm packing a lil black thong for DC

Like pain and submission? Be a Pro Domme--a career profile--

Ever since GD has been shut down...

Man who plowed his car into crowd "had a bad day at drug court"

Dutch reporter to use heroin, pot on TV

What happened to GD? She's gone. n/t

The SHOCKING Truth about General Discussion!

Good morning you lovely lounge lizards!

MUST READ - Deterioration In America

Whoa! What is happening here?

I got a question about DU's computer systems

Whew, we're back!

DU Sans GD is bogarting my Rita fix. I need URGENT updates

First they came for GD....................

JetBlue says "Suck candy while flying."

Gah! The lobby is gone again, replaced by an endless plain of hamsters

U.S. Soldiers Trade Grisly War Photos For Access To Porn Website (WARNING)

TV Reporter Infiltrates Raelian sect

Owned dot com

A Welcome thread for GD refugees in this, their time of need!

How to turn your hamster into a Fighting Machine

Since GD is down... Let's relive the 2004 primaries here!

What would happen if Free Republic's version of GD went down?

is this pick up line too corny to break the ice with a girl?

Nov. 1- "Backstroke of the West" comes to DVD!

So is Chief-Justice-To-Be Roberts gay?

Time to get out of Dodge..... seeya on the other side. nt.

What are we going to do with the refugees from General Discussion?

Don't leave the lounge, the lobby is gone now

I just ordered a TON of QUEEN & solo CDs, axe me ANYTHING!!!

Good Morning, Everybody!

new season of the Gilmore Girls

Man Hangs Women's Undies On Parked Cars In Protest Of Parks Department

Since underpants does not have his underpants in his sig should he

Anyone do dream interpretations?

Are you lonesome tonight?

I remember that on CSPAN when Hurricane Katrina came into New

Are you bored right now and need a little retro gaming???

More fun with Freepers on photography forums


Engrish Break

Thank you for visiting us GDers, you can now return to your forum

David Gray fans...Life In Slow Motion

Now THAT was just a cute customer

I installed Limewire last night.


may have to rethink my plan to drive to DC this w/e

What did Walt say?

OK, that was an awesome display of power. But where did my thread go?


In honor of the protest I just bought this album on Vinyl

Oh Lord.

Hide the children - Here's a picture of me!

Merh has asked for prayers and good vibes - her dog was hit by a car.

Jesus, what a babe!!!

LMAO - Maddox's take on "liberal media"

No wonder Rita's Pissed...

Hey Lounge Lizards !!!!

When The Down & Out Are Down & Out They Go Fishing!

Terms of Endearment NOT

TV-'Scrubs' will be back this season (Mandy Moore & Cusack ???)

Funny as hell. The "I LOVE BEER" Chart


Vonnegut poses this question in his latest book.....

Hey, what are you going as for Halloween


Tasteless Humor Thread - Oh no he dint

Man missing dog gets ransom note......

Scientology reaches out to Kate Moss

Imagine You Woke Up With This Crawling On Your Bed

So is matcom really going to be a MOD.?

The "Who Said It" Challenge

Early career mistakes that George Clooney would want everybody to forget?

Anyone here own a Vita-Mix?

Who wants a bear?

I have a DINO question (no, not the Flintstone's pet)

This Looks Like A BLAST! - Sumo-Tubing

Fanta? Invented by the Nazis?

Hurrican Parking Pic

SO pissed at our Finance guy

Who wants a Boar

For anyone who was still wondering about my doctor's visit...

Yankees Take First Place in AL East - Lead Bosox By A Half Game

To all of those heading to the Big Event this weekend in DC

I KNOW I like the lounge better!

D.L. Hughley: "President Bush declared Fri. 9/16 a day of prayer..."

who wants a beer!

Who want s a donut?

Who wants a fanta?


I suck so bad

Someone please tell me how to make carne asada.

(end of the internet)

Who wants a bare?

who wants the world?

Please see my post in GD. I don't know how to cross post.


With matcom there be no meow-meows!!


Poll: Favorite Current Lounge Poll?

TV- favorite aunt Vivian (Fresh Prince)

Howard Zinn, Maria Bello, Sandra Oh, Danny Glover, more in LA

Does anyone know what brand of clothing has a little penguin as the small

Who wants a Baer?

Who wants a Viking?

Who wants a bear?

Lupin the Third nails W?

Panda baby New pic

Who wants a Vicodin?

Twang rock for now cowboys, gutbucket blues, front porch bluegrass & Amer-

btw, there's an official new LOST site to explore, for those inclined

True campaigning story


Worst TV Theme song ever?

Most annoying character added to a tv series

No matter how bad things seem in this world, remember this...

Who watched Invasion after Lost?

THE CUTE!!! Pet Pics Thread! =^.^=

My Cat is sitting on the top of my Computer, snoopy like

What I ate at the L.A. County Fair yesterday:

Opera Browser Reaches One Million Downloads in Two Days

Why does Hurrican Rita ...

Poor georgie. Presidentin's hard work and I feel bad for him

Who would you slap?

Ok. She is DEFINITELY my FAVORITE 'Desperate Housewife'

The Lounge Annex is now open for business.

For anyone who hasn't seen Donahue tear Dill D'oreilly a new orifice.

GD lost its archives - Lounge has like 3 million more posts now!

TV- Favorite " Becky Conner " (Roseanne)

What I threw up at the L.A. County Fair yesterday:

check out my weiner

Goodnight all

Oh my word, this tune is annoying....

My letter to (*Warning: Long Post!*)

The 100-Word Bible


Two T-Shirts Ready To Print

Wanna listen to Randi Rhodes? Here's the meetup! Smackdown!

What do *YOU * think will happen on the hourlong season premiere of"Joey"?

A technical question about sorting DU forums

Northwest is laying off at least 900 flight attendants in October.

Command Stewie!

West Wing...who is missing in this picture?

Does anyone else feel like Mother Nature

iTunes "" Released

Am I a contrarian?

Oktoberfest: Porn-set on Ferris wheel: Business or Pol-Sci experiment

Where's that confounded bridge? Medieval bridge reappears

Democratic Underground needs volunteers to serve as yard art makers!

Which forum moves faster?

When someone edits a post,

Quick! You all have to see this!!

Ugh! My new glasses are making me sick!

Oktoberfest: Porn-set on Fenris wheel: Business or Pol-Sci experiment

Opposites attract

My son gets home TODAY from Iraq


You might want to mention to your friends around the country...

I am soooooo DREADING my drive home!

Anyone know anything about digital cameras?

Nobody likes my lawn jockey!

You can speak your mind

I am running Windows XP - Mac and Linux users: BASH ME!

Help me build my list of pap-test songs for this weekend.


How to convert Flash (.swf) files to a DVD play-able on a DVD player

Here's a tip: when you call in sick from work...

Question: It is legal to slap a co-worker who is insisting on listening

Nobody likes my lawn gull!

R U Bored? Try this - build a better Dubya

Computer help need from a Tech (and MCSE)

People in my office are saying that the world is going to end

Getting used to this new keyboard...

Well, I'm Outta Here

Dr. Phil, Dr. Ruth, Dr. Laura...

My sister in law left me a voice message - the family has left Houston

Chris Rock's New Sitcom, "Everyone Hates Chris", Who's Going To Watch?

Damn Air America Radio must really be in trouble. asking for money

Did you feel that?

twitching eyelids

Vaccines - Injections of Death!

On one of his first nights in the White House,

You know what some H'wood execs call extras?

my fovorite traffic jam

This suprised me

GD is gone! We are the biggest forum by default!

Matcom is GONE!!!

Wont You Come Out And Play With Me


Bush remaps solar system

I wish ZombyWoof's rice would hurry up. And that he would cook.

Hi Skinner!

my bags are packed, i'm ready to go

Pickles: "George, It's Jim Beam or Me!!"



WinMX Down for the count


XM Radio - how do I get it and how much

sundog is kind of a jerk

Does anyone have the lyrics to the Houston song

will there be any catfights at the dc gathering?


To all of you with little kids...

No go! But it was worth a shot!


What makes a great party?

Give us your state bird!

Does anyone else find it disturbing when progmom spins her head around?

Is it wrong to call little crack kittens "Zuni Warriors"?

What happens when hurricanes hit traffic jams?

Self serve regular jumped 7 cents/gallon overnight (San Jose, CA)

It probably has no effect on anyone else,

Baker writes coobook based on "The DaVinci Code"

It's so hard to reconnect with old friends......

"Make your own kind of music..."

Not sure if this goes here, but bear with me...

Shout out to Jim Ward!!

sundog is NOT kind of a jerk

Remember my rant about the for profit "Learning Center"

I just spoke to Not_Giving_Up

When did the 'votes' column appear?

Bought a bag of turkey burgers at Costco, just cooked one and it sucked

Seen enough butt-cracks yet??

so you're wandering the ice world, minding your own business and BAM!!

I wish my rice would cook faster. . . I just made some kick-ass szechuan

Is it wrong to call little black kittens "Zulu Warriors"?


Best allergy eye drops?

Hey, RKZ and WCGreen, remember this one?

Everybody wish Zomby luck!!!

LOOK at this FAR OUT pic of the U.S. taken last night w/ Rita.....

So I woke up this morning and immediately faced a vexing dilema...

REPENT! The Second Coming is at hand! REPENT!

Favourite 'Cult Classic' Thread:

If matcom becomes a MOD I want to be part of his SQUAD!

Can I get you anything?

This new McCartney CD is damn good. . .

All Right whose in with the In Crowd..........

The Lounge only has room for 12. Some of you will have to be killed.

Why are we returning to the moon?

A sad farewell to "delete"

I am feeling rather content today

CITIZEN KANE is the greatest film? I don't buy it.

Which new fall show has you hooked ?

Simbusie update

mini cooper

I'm now re-infatuated with the original NES game system....

ROUND FOUR -- Greatest Movie Character Ever, Semifinals

trashpicking, yeah or nay?

Southland Tales - wish me luck!

Would you play the LOST numbers in the lottery?

Best viola joke. Ever.

Any pics from your youth? Looking pissed is a plus.

Give us the state of your bird!

Does anyone else find it a bit disturbing when CaliforniaPeggy says fuck?

Hey Bears fans. . .

British slang question in relation to Austin Powers

Any tips for not becoming totally fucking demoralized while jobhunting?

So, who would be interested in Chicago gathering

Update on kid and special education

Coolest TV Theme Song?

Tyra Banks PROVES Her Breasts Are 100% Real On Talk Show

Life in our Anti-Xian American

Is Pat Robertson secretly an atheist?

Science's latest triumph - glowing green hamster sperm

Plans in works for gay unions ('civil,' not 'labor' - Wa. state)

Amnesty International report: widespread police mistreatment of US gays

Marriage of two minds (Village Voice on gay marriage)

Gay publication defends printing Jeff Gannon columns

Palmiero: "Teammate gave me substance"

New York Islanders Could Be Moving To Brooklyn

Ball in a ring a big hit with Calypso

Any TX area DUers that are staying put ? Medic needs shelter for dog

whiskerville shelter in Texas City seeking help with evacuating kitties...

A New Deadly, Contagious Dog Flu Virus Is Detected in 7 States

Pasado Rescue needs farm or land near Houston to set up rescue

On a more whimsical note: New show: My name is Earl

A prayer for Rita

Baby Boomers - interesting article

Chimpy's rumored drinking and the 12 Step promotion it's spawning

Well, Modem Butterfly finally did it.


Jesus: Atheists what are your thoughts?

How atheistic are you?

Kerry to Keynote Three Congressional Black Caucus Sessions

Thomas Oliphant: Kerry’s Roads Not Taken

Kerry Fights for Immediate Hurricane Katrina Small Business Assistance

David Brooks column -

Need a break?

Has anybody heard about that

I could use a hand with some photo editing...

Dubya Hits the Bottle, According to the National Enquirer

An open letter to Botany

ASTB 9/22/05

LOL, Rita Skeeter's in Galveston.

Hokay, troops, what should this bachelorette eat for supper?

Question re: Dan Patrick's show tomorrow

Shrub speaks on Roe Vs Wade !

Another great The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart as they take on WH Spin again

A Faux News Study In Oligo-porkery

Message for Victory in '06: Run Against Washington

NYPost: Gore to do major DNC fundraiser in DC on 9/27

"they died of unexploitability"

I saw a freeper post about how scientists are now "scapegoating"

Pop! Goes That Floridian Weosule!


"Study Finds Racial Imbalance on Death Row"

Homeland Security Waives Law for Border Fence Construction

Where did General Discussion go.

Anyone know about how many Texas National Guard are in Iraq??

TO PROTEST: Demand Congress tell TRUE reasons for Iraq War

ChevronTexaco lawyer to head fed oil price gouging probe

Unions vote nearly unanimously to bring Troops home

Kilgore plays gay-hating card in VA Governor's race

How can the SCOTUS have any credibilty with such a partisan vote?

Lessons Learned from Katrina? WTF????

What would happen if Miami got hit?

Claim the economy is doing so good there is $200 billion more in treasury.

Taranto, Predictably, Targets Post-Katrina Response by "Angry Left"

legitimate prowar site?

Will supermarkets dare to carry Nat'l Enquirer's "BUSH BOOZE" issue?

Frist explains his stock sale.

Undoing the Gulf Coast Wage Cut — now, with momentum

Who are the potential Repuke pres candidates?

Cindy Sheehan goes to Washington!

Politics could kill Phila commuters, police

Chimpy just gave it away, it's all scripted!

On Roberts, Who is More Pathetic: The Media or the Democrats?

So where is the leadership from the Dems?

"This could slip into a 25th Amendment situation..." (Bush back drinking?)

DU this: Become panel member to rate NBC shows, INCLUDING MSNBC.

Iraq And Viet Nam? Side-by-Side quotes from Presidents Bush and Johnson

Feinstein to Vote against Roberts Confirmation

Karen Hughes embarks on 'listening tour' to patch U.S. image

The New Ed Shultz Progressive Talk Radio Commercial...

Political Bloggers Demand Speech Freedoms

My email to Senator Brownback on his remarks at the Robert's hearing

Ken Mehlman's e-mail to me

Female 'ninjas' steal Koizumi's limelight

Feinstein to Vote NO on Roberts

the new Black Commentator is up - major read!

The new Ed Schultz owner, the previous Clear Channel guy, who is it?

Leahy smacks down Grassley

Maybe Pope John Paul was right.

Jobless claims surge on Hurricane Katrina: highest level in 2 years

"Something happened to him, but nobody knows what."

I hate to play "calculate the political effects" with hurricanes, but...

Anyone who supports Roberts can kiss the Presidency goodbye

Kerry Fights for Immediate Hurricane Katrina Small Business Assistance

If you type "failure" into Google, Guess what is the first listing?

Santorum's words come back to slap him in the face

Is today a good day for Operation Rescue and those who want to ban choice?

Video clip of last night's Phil Donahue vs Bill O'Reilly bloodbath

The GOP on the precipice of permanent minority status

Does anyone have a clip of Bush's presser today?

My greatest wish (what's yours?)

Is That A Hurricane In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Enough is Enough

What's Going On With Katherin Harris?

Roberts final vote tally here

U.S.: One-Party System in China Can't Last

AP: War Protesters Seek to Put Heat on Bush

Will the Republicans have destroyed itsself by 2008?

Remember The NO Convention Center 5 Days Into Katrina......

Kan do KKKarl!!! (quick comic relief)

PayPal-ing the war (because $200B wasn't enough!)

Texas NG In Iraq - Will They Be Allowed To Come Home After.....

Is it possible Karl Rove leaked the "booze crisis" story

Senate minority whip? WTF? More like feather.

How do dem bashers feel about the Roberts vote?

We are seriously screwed if there is ever a major attack in this country

backlash against the RCC is forming on gay marriage

Hear President Carter say Gore won in 2000

Bianca's Identity REVEALED!

MSNBC Live: What the HELL happened to Bush's FACE?

This conflict of interest ALONE should have all Dems vote NO on Roberts

So, if Bush ALWAYS gets his way, do we have (in effect) a one

Bush Booze COVER-UP: WHO is involved?

two political cartoons I drew at work today

Roberts will become the most powerful man in America

Roll back tax cuts for wealthiest 1% VS. freeze Global AIDS Initiative

Bush Driven To Drink Over The National Enquirer Story ........

Bush's speech and "Able Danger" ? Any connection ?

Caption this photo

Wasn't That a Mighty Storm (Galveston Flood)

Waxman gets it!

How do young GOPers learn to fight hard against Democrats?

GOP says Bush "needs a quick turnaround" to save his "agenda"

Bush Drops Five Points in United States (CNN-USAT/Gallup)

Bianca? Bianca? Where are you Bianca?

REPOST: I saw a freeper post where they said scientists were

Bush proclaims Sunday 9/25 is "Gold Star Mother's Day"

"The war is beyond Iraq. It's a GLOBAL WAR."

Sen. James Imhofe, (R-Oklahoma), turning NO into Love Canal

Collapse of family remains the key to persistent poverty?

Municipalities Must Choose Between DRE and Optical Scan Machine-- NY

John Mc Cain just gave me a migraine

Dracula Novak warns Bush: Republican Elites are Turning Against You

Has the Plame investigation had to take a back seat?

Just curious - is it an insult to other Supreme Ct justices to....

Roberts interviewed by Bush while he ruled terror suspect case in * favor

Santorum’s Slam on Boston Comes Back to Haunt Him

How would it benefit Republicans if abortion were banned?

Getting Ready in DC for Pro-Peace March

National Emergency With Respect to Persons Who Commit,Threaten To Commit,

Democrats who oppose Roberts are not Democrat bashers - by definition.

Able Danger: What Lurks Behind Bush's Stonewall? (DNC Release)

If Gore invented the internets why can't I find his email address?

Is Hillary Worried Gore Might Run in 2008?

The real reason some Democrats are supporting Roberts

Hillary to vote NO on Roberts

Reagan did NOT increase government revenue with tax cuts

Lakoff vs. Kroeger = Dueling Diagnoses?

Well it's Official, the "Blame Game" has begun. Just heard Texas Governor

can anyone explain this? "Bush Waives Saudi Trafficking Sanctions"

Reid is an ineffective minority leader

Kerry’s Roads Not Taken

The new "New Deal" will begin with the states -- again

Okay, explain to me again why Feingold sez he'll vote 'yes' on Roberts

NY Post (yeah, I know): IF THAT DON'T BEAT AL (Gore in 2008)

SurveyUSA: Bush Job Approval Ratings In Every State-- Looking Good!

"Well, sorry Bianca's not here. I'll be glad to answer her question."

Kerry to Keynote Three Congressional Black Caucus Sessions

There is no excuse now to blame Blanco or Nagin since FEMA is

Rawstory..Developing...LEAKED: GOP EYES HUGE CUTS

Clark continues to have an impact on the Hill (influence grows)

Bill, just get before the cameras and lead.

Who's Voting For or Against Roberts?

Phil Donohue absolutely destroyed O'Reilly last night

IMPORTANT 'felons were the first to feed, the first to respond to need,..'

Going to Washington Saturday? I just read this

HOT! Rush Limbaugh Transcript Confirms Norm Woodruff Gay Connex

Will Judge Roberts be confirmed?

Clark: Global Warming Is a National Security Issue

Is there a cure for stupidity? Is it a lifestyle?