Democratic Underground

Archives: September 27, 2005

"Anti-war Ad Says Bush 'Lied'"

Davis-Bacon wage agreements, New Orleans, my local LTTE

What Basra has, many covet

Cindy Sheehan (HuffPost): My First Time (Cindy comments on her arrest)

Costs rising on Bush's plans (CSM)

The Impending Cakewalk in Iran

Evacuation: A family's journey into horror, Disabled girl dies as traffic

Democracy Now and Mother Jones on WPR Tuesday morning

I must have missed this before... check out this trial balloon

Does anyone give a crap about Endangered Species?

At UN, groups meet over joint Israeli-Palestinian projects

Sharon Defeats Bid to Advance Likud Party's Primary

Israel pushing Palestinians out of Jerusalem -UN

Claim on another list that Todd Beamer died in 1997

Freeman vs Mitofsky debate! Should be Fun! Any DUers going?

Screw the Machines!!!--A Pure Paper Election Model--Make it Better!!!

great film about Bob Dylan - channel 2 - 9 PM tonight (9/26)

November 2nd - Student Walkout, Rally at the U

I have a question for the technically inclined.

Texas City founder of Whiskerville Shelter to be on Larry King tonight.

Am I the only one who finds the Marvel Nemisis ad amusing?

America should be an asshole free zone

"Faulty Body Armor May Have Endangered Bush"

* can't find his heart....

My God...My NG Buddy saw dogs eating corpses in NO.

I just got off the phone with meganmonkey and she really wanted everyone

I would like to say Thank You to the radical right!

"My First Time" a message from Cindy Sheehan about being arrested

I guess we can resume playing the Blame Game.

I don't like Scarborough, but tonight he is RIPPING BushCo

My Feelings. Exactly...

PLEASE READ: Sneak attack on free access to media!

Shrub and the Second Louisiana Purchase

Naked Gun 2 1/2 Ought to be Our Theme Movie

Newsview: in Two Storms, Two Worlds Seen

The American Pravda....

The drama of Bush threads on the Cubs fan forum: I present to you: "mudgy"


AOL Poll needs help rating w*'s performance

Newbie DU addicts check in here please

Hey, DUers. I've been smitten with a moment of clarity.

DU this poll it is being freeped

The Little Village That Wouldn't

Anyone siphoning gas in your area yet?

Smackdown on "Arrested Development"

The Republicans are coming back

While you are not driving, take time to support H.R.3037...

Dr. Ben Marble is not happy with DU

I am looking for a tee shirt

How does this prevent nuclear proliferation?

"A Look at Convictions in Abu Ghraib Cases"

yet another reason to dislike Marilyn vos Savant...

ANSWER 2003 vs. ANSWER yesterday - relevance?

The BushCO/neoCON regime INTENTIONALLY defrauded the American,...

Please do NOT click on this link!

"War is Terrorism with a Bigger Budget"

Anybody watching Dylan on PBS? Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man

The true story of how multinational drug companies took liberties with Afr

Catholic Priest Jailed in Haiti Suspended From Church for Political Activity

Bovine on the Bayou

A fallacy in thinking I see here at DU...

A little "Gas Crisis" history for you youngsters out there....

Here's a question to Answer: "What is Wrong with W?"

Questions over Katrina contracts:

Do you know about Tal Afar?

Bush Poll Numbers UP in MS, AL, LA...WTF?

Citizens protest Rove’s visit

Which right-wing talk-radio shill do you hate or fear the most?

Minnesota raises MPH speed limits, but the cops will grab ya if you speed.

Soundtrack for the Bush Administration

So how much more fuel will Bush waste trying to restore his "swagger"

Kennedy/Nixon - tonight on cspan3:

?!?!?!?defective body armor in Iraq OK; for W 'must investigate'?!?!?!

A Frank Letter to President Bush

Keith Olbermann "brownie's Back"-story coming up msnbc

Dalai Lama: “Peace, War and Reconciliation”

JAY LENO: "they say Bush is drinking again."

"Fox News Channel's Smith Buoys Reputation"

New nickname for Bar Bush....

Is BushCo the problem, or is BushCo just a symptom of the true problem?

"Gunmen Kill Five Shiite Teachers in Iraq"

I finally did it! Progressive Connections! Like only better...

The Flying Spaghetti Monster Game

"Political Bloggers Demand Speech Freedoms"

Something you don't see everyday around here

Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side' (must read)

"Scientists Conduct Wind Energy Projects"

Steve Jobs is one of the main proponents of Intelligent Design!

Germany's past, our future?

Conserve? The fuel costs for Bush photo-ops

Stilt homes work..... but "Floaters are "Cool".... stairs on.... stairs

CNN: Oil expert said real convservation would be more devastating

And keep smiling as all the world is smiling with you.

The corporation needs sponsors more than it needs an electorate...

There is no shortage of fuel or capability to refine.

Another headline about Brownie: Afraid...Would Spill the Beans

What's wrong with this picture???

Ever see Bush work a "rope line"? Remember when we had a president who did?

Iraq War Veterans Presence in D.C. Unreported

Who is the group that goes by the acronym ICE that works with FEMA?

A little about myself and some bush bashing :)

Republicans are getting desperate

frog march definition

Sick of the Red Cross spot with Johnny Cash's hack job of "Bridge Over...

1920 Reasons why the DSM is Important

self-delete (dupe)

That Worthless POS Scottie, Back At It Again

Derek Jeter getting death threats for dating outside his race

Us and Them (two photo panoramics from DC this weekend)

Al Franken says there is another woman who accuses O'Prostitution

Pro life groups switch strategy to secure stem cell veto

Yahoo board on no-bid Katrina contracts, we ran off most of the neocons

No Direction Home is good. But bet that those who lived thru

Southren Baptist Convention Statement on Stem Cells.

I'm confused; so was the march a success or not?

"America" by Alan Ginsberg

****AOL Poll; How did B* Handle Hurricanes? PLEASE DU!****

Covert ops to overthrow Iran’s gov

Network News Gives Scant Coverage to Frist Stock Scandal

How tall is Cindy? Just curious...

Is Garfield leading the Democratic Party ?

Reasons never to believe what you read from major news organizations

How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan while the whole world is wa

Hey Malloy! Does the listener, Alice, need a computer?

The spirit of a fallen soldier named Jesus

Lawrence Ferlinghetti..

freeper rant re: "anti-american" march saturday :)

"International terrorism is VERY BIG business"

AP: Seattle monorail suffers big blow

GI Janes in Iraq DIY smutfest

If * apologists and defenders only knew ridiculous and idiotic they

For those of you struggling with high gasoline costs:

mehlman snubbed stewart?

Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

If I have to listen to one more bushite say "We understand"...

Thread for DU members who are Katrina Victims and need help

Laura Bush to appear on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"

Tomas Ovalle of AP took a photo of a poor, half drowned cat in Erath, La.

Anything on the studnet walkouts today?

Oh, man...I feel like a total shitbag.

Malloy going off on A.N.S.W.E.R.

In Memory of Catherine Susan Vecchio - 1959-2005

Goofy observation.Paula Zahn looks like she just got to SF in late 60's

what is the deal with the ANSWER firestorm

Is Camille Paglia an asshole or is it just me?

MANDATORY MALLOY: Monday Truthseeker Rendezvous

"Blessed are the peacemakers:for they shall be called the children of God"

How much impact do protests really have anyway?

POLL: If Bushies & GOP implode, how long until next assault on democracy?

Students for an Orwellian Society!

CSPAN Schedule Tuesday September 27

In 1 Year, Halliburton's Stock Doubles as Troops Deaths Double


New "Daily Show" On Now

Who from DU is running in 2006?

A Major Setback in Bush Admin. Efforts to Criminalize Dissent!

War Protests Make For Strange Bedfellows

Question for the ANSWER apologists.

Homage to Bill Frist

"You know, I have one simple request:

Satan ice skating, pigs flying, my fundie freeper father-in-law has seen

Brown Rehired By FEMA To Evaluate It Response Following Huarricane Katrina

Has anyone mentioned Jesse Jackson an 08 running mate?

Right is right but The Right is wrong Is the Linguistic Catch 22

Entire 101st Airborne Division Deploying to Iraq

The water cooler and why I think DC was great despite the anti answer folk

"This whole planet is just us" - Dalai Lama

Cameron Louisiana Destroyed-My Father's Hometown

If your local paper printed this photo of Roberts

Cindys account of her arrest from Huffpost

Favorite Bush DU Nickname

*** Monday TOONs: Who Pays edition ***

Keith Olberman leads off with Brownie being rehired by FEMA!!

Has * ever looked worse than this?

A tragic story and death just now; women's basketball.

What alienates many people from ANSWER

Bush eyes bigger military role when disasters hit (huge problem)

Knights of the Invisible Hand

Viggo Mortensen on Daily Show tomorrow night - Tues. 9/27

Don't think twice, watch ....No Direction Home: Bob Dylan..tonight

Upper middle class NEED Payday Loans??

Supreme Court May Hear Abortion Case

Did David Gregory just say...

Joani and meganmonkey are okay!


I guess we need to keep wave after wave of anti-war protesters coming

Conyers: Cindy & 370 being held on buses past midnight!

A Semper Fi Kind of Guy - You WILL like him!

Threats of Peak Oil to the Global Food Supply - redux

Dontcha hate it when ........

Poll Shows Collapse in Berlusconi Support

Al-Qaeda suspect jailed over 9/11 (Spain)

(AP) Brown Says He Should Have Asked Aid Sooner

Saudi Prince Buys Large Share of Fox News!

Bill would give Bush $50B more for wars

Network News Gives Scant Coverage to Frist Stock Scandal

Evolution Lawsuit Opens in Pennsylvania

President Bush Pushing Abortion Ban

Eleven Priests in Chicago Area Remove

White House Sidewalk Protest Leads to Arrest of About 370

Joplin Globe: Group labels Blunt corrupt (Blunt attacks the source)

Hundreds Protest Pa. Lawmakers' Pay Raises

NYT: Bush Selects General (not intel officer) to Run Defense Intel Agency

NJ sues oil firms for gasoline hikes after storms

WP: GOP Leaders Try to Soothe Conservatives (by upbraiding & criticizing)

Blair in Secret Saudi Mission

Los Angeles study finds higher pollution death risk

WP: Enter the Likely Heir To Blair (Brown echoes centrist themes)

U.S. judge to rule soon on Cuban exile extradition (Venezuela related)

NYT: Storm Victims Facing Hurdles on Bankruptcy (new law effective 10/17)

Gitmo Judge Rejects Claim He's Interfering

Dissident U.S. unions organize this week

NYT: Demotion of a Prosecutor Is Investigated (Abramoff)

UPDATE: East Texas Officials Say Federal Storm Aid Still Not Reaching Them

FEMA Plans to Reimburse Faith Groups for Aid

Laura Bush to appear on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"

I hunger

"Arrested Development" disses Rumsfeld

Who here sleeps in a hammock every night?

the county judge where i live has authorized the police

They put a New York City subway entrance on the corner! Ask me anything!

How long has it been since the last positron thread?

Amazing Dylan Film on NOW on PBS (9:00 East)

Am I the only one who finds the Marvel Nemisis ad amusing?

How long has it been since the last photon thread?

Can't help postin' but these music streams got my feet a tappin...

Has anyone seen 'Going Tribal' on Discovery Channel?

Gif or Jpg quiz

I've come to the conclusion that my little Althea is an incurable

Has anyone here witnessed/taken part in Lounge Poll abuse?


Need anti-spyware; Help

Need anti-spyware; Help

Poisonous Snakes

DU Lounge Polls

I'm gonna go pretend to be a burrito while I wait for the mail

Bush caught loaded to the gills!!!!!!!!!

Treasonous Snakes

So at long last I'm buying a house

A great big ball of

Please do NOT click on this link!


3 Brazilian soldiers -

All it'll take for the sports week to completely suck is for the Chiefs

New tv show heads up... Barely Legal on WB network.

Thank you GWB - Just venting...

BEST 70s rock band whose lead singer played a washboard

Any amateur astronomers here?

I changed do I keep from losing emails to the old ISP?

HA HA! Sam Donaldson on Ali G Show:

If you met ZombyWoof's tricycle riding self, could you kick his ass?

Where did I leave my keys?

Who else loves cooking on the fly? (or creating the most unhealthy ...

The most fascinating book I've read in years,

I leave you with this...

Missed it by that much!

I replaced the seat in my car w/ a Brannock device

Do the pictures in this thread arouse you?

Housing disagreement -- please help!

what happened to Alan Colmes!!!

MEMO TO REPUBLICANS: The Rapture is not a valid Iraq exit strategy!

DU Computer geeks - I am having resource problems

OMFG!! Joe Vecchio's wife died

Gosh, it's nearly Halloween... costume ideas!!!

Dog lovers: I'm considering a tracking chip..

I replaced the driver's seat in my car with a haddock. Is this ok?

I replaced the driver's seat in my car with a Braddock. Is this ok?

Steve Jobs is one of the main proponents of Intelligent Design!

I replaced my front seat haddock with a putrid heron, is this okay?

If you met your 21 year old self today, could you kick your ass?

Did anyone see "The View" this morning? Judge Judy was on and she

Oak Tree!!!

does anyone watch gilmore girls

Lots of Great Anti-War Music at Peace Juke Box!

English Grammar: Part 2

AArgh! My time on DU is cluttering the tivo!

Drunken Bush exposes himself in Miami, screams "I AM THE LIZARD KING"

Since someone else brought up Bulworth...thought you'd enjoy this

HEY DU! I need your best quick and dirty Republican jokes!

I hate having insomnia and on top of that I just finished

Anybody watching Rome?

* can't find his heart....

Has anyone here witnessed/taken part in Restaurant food abuse?

I love 24/7 supermarkets....

What (to you) does "W" stand for?

So, who will be the new Dylan of the current anti-war movement?

OK, so I know Adam Corolla's show sucks, but right now that Steve-O

Favorite Kate Beckinsale Movie?

Need anti-spyware; Help

BattleStar Galactica vs Star Trek.

DU may be at Level 1, but Rabrrrrrr is firmly ensconced in Level 2

Amazing discovery while working out today*

Don 'Get Smart' Adams Dies- RIP Agent 86


I want this REAAAALLLLLLY bad.

What is a scenester, am I a scenester?

Anyone watching LSU-Tennessee game?

Songs it is impossible to dance to

.--. .-. --- .--- . -.-. - / -..-

If the idiot who played Tasha Yar had a tenth of the skill of Starbuck,

I'm fifty today.

Is there somewhere i can go to look up some of the nicknames

Songs Grossly Inappropriate For A Wedding

I'm thinking about buying the Gwen Stefani CD. Am I a bad person?

Favorite Monty Python line/part of a skit or movie.

The Bible: It's what's for Dinner

This Was My First Computer...

A new strain of STD (Must Read)

Do you consider yourself sophisticated?

Anyone know Who is the Artist who did this painting?

December 22, 2012 : CNN report by Aaron Brown

I went to NC pride on Saturday

Report: Jets QB Chad Pennington out for season

Oh for God's sakes, Orioles!!!

Clock error helped Patriots beat Steelers

Astrologers: Has anyone checked Al Gores Chart ?

Cindi Sheehan chart and comments

oops already posted here

Uh, oh! Could it be....

Interesting GD post "Societies worse off when they have God on their side"

Have you all seen this thread?

Mass: updated

We saw a Senate vote (including Kerry) live in-person today

Theme Pic Thread: Mr Kerry, the Jock

Is this you?

Shameless plug for my first DC photos

Ummm, new blog posting!

O's support Ehrlich with full page ad

Democrats should unanimously endorse Roberts

Wow! I just heard Etan Thomas speaking at the Anti-War rally...

Why is ANYONE surprised at Bush's administrative skills?

The fact that we're talking about Al Gore so much, as of late,

Bush must not be allowed to resign!

Bush must not be allowed to resign!

Al Gore DU Popularity Status Poll

Caught in between right and left...battered by both sides...Dean and DNC

Help me, Gore Supporters. What about Gore's 2002 Iraq Statements here?

We have to put an end to this: "You're just encouraging the terrorists

What, exactly, would a Democratic leader stepping up right now look like?

Kerry Planning Iraq Speech

Conyers: Arrested protesters stranded @ Anacostia Drive SE police station!

What are conservative objections to a "Department of Peace"?

Knock-knock-knockin` on Bush`s door......

More evidence the GOP feeds on ignorance...

Question on Voting...

Let's not all come together

I miss Ron Brown. We need someone like him in 2008 real bad

Hmm...Bush ratings in toilet, U.S. Forces Kill "No. 2" Terrorist in Iraq

Scrubbed .. totally. The picture of Bu$h drunk. Gone down the memory hole.

Barack Obama's podcast is 9th most popular at iTunes today.


Time to Regulate Credit Cards and Credit Card advertisements

Google gives new meaning to Bush's low approval rate

Cindy Sheehan as Antigone

Pelosi’s Katrina Panel Boycott Irks Some in Democratic Caucus

Roy Blunt Taking Heat in his district, attacking the source

The speaker I'd like to hear regarding late events...

What do the Freepers think of Ike and Teddy?

If Iraq = Vietnam, then what year is this?

CSPAN Schedule Tuesday September 27

Op Ed: From huge surplus to huge deficit

57 Bullets a second...

NYDN "Kerry's not- so-amazing race, on film"

Poll, should military take the lead ?? Sponsor Posts Odds on Bush Drinking Problem

Photo: Bush's nose is redder than fuckin' Rudolph's, leaving Rummy's house

America's claim to shame: highest level of poverty in industrialized world

Randi Rhodes today on Democrats......

Hackett Likely To Challenge DeWine

Privatizing FEMA

Who will we BEAT in 2008 ? And how will we do it?

Here is how Dean is trying to build the agenda for the DNC.

GORE08 has a buzz and has ruffled some feathers! Go GORE

Op-Ed - Rotting from within by Douglas Amy

The KatrinaRita - Molly Ivins

Stop, Children, What's That Sound? (anti-war rally)

Judge Roberts on Trial (NY Review of Books)

Eugene Robinson/WaPo: "Stop, Children, What's That Sound?"

San Diego Union Tribune: Even in disaster, military is not for police work

Cross//Post: Fine 9/27 LAT/Robert Scheer op/ed on GOP CORRUPTION

"Forced Marsh" (Wetlands, hurricanes and rebuilding)

How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan ... ?

Sinister Events In A Cynical War (Basra)

MUST READ: Oct 05 Harper's article on Iraq

Molly Ivins: The KatrinaRita

Seeking full disclosure: Pentagon should reveal pre-9/11 program details

North Texas Daily: Bush should fire Donald Rumsfeld -- "I'm Filled With Rage"

Agencies' Rules Quietly Enable Tort Reform

Ed Garvey--Dems Must Do What's Right, Not What's Safe

Desperately Seeking Swagger

Too much generosity goes to Red Cross--Newsday

JASON LEOPOLD: Will Frist Survive?

GOP doves once cooed exit strategy

Editorial: Cheney's blockages / His health should be of national concern

It Makes Me Mad That I Can No Longer Read Paul Krugman ...

Stupidest, most dumb ass comment I have ever heard!


USA Today : Will storms jolt Congress into financial sanity?

Studying to be a mother: Ivy Leaguers say women can't have it all

Bush Urges Conservation (while GOP Congress cuts conservation programs)

Some say FEMA improved; others charge it's sluggish

NSF Study - Changing Land Surface Powering Longer Alaska Summers

New England Smog Days Double Over 2004 - Boston Globe

GROUNDWORK CRITICIZED : DOE land use plan disputed

US Corporate Energy R&D Declines 50% From 1991 To 2003 - AFP

Costlier to construct, economical to maintain (AAC Concrete)

From the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" File

Hybrids: Don't buy the hype (they won't save you money)

What the bloody fuck!

For the first time ever, Israel applies to UN Security Council

Hebron Settlers Plant Home-made Landmines

The Important Connections Between The Palestinian Situation And Iraq.

West Bank: Settlers attack film crew

An intersting Able Danger Diary at dKos

CBS covers "9/11 conspiracy theories"

Hey, anybody seen this? Justice Dept sending observers to

"Block the Vote Heroes" courtesy of Billionaires for Bush

Andrew Gumbel on Huffington Post: America's Next Election Nightmare

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News TUESDAY, 9/27/05

Who's Counting goes LIVE!

Election Fraud Brainstorm Thread

Got a message from the Loebsack campaign (IA-02)

My daughter tells me that Soledad O'Brien is coming to

Romney's education reform plan

Dylan flick - Part 2 - tonight on PBS at 9 pm (9/27)

Story on Randi Rhodes the other day....

So Minnesotans, who are we liking in the Senate race so far?

Cle PD: GOP outsider has the inside track for governor (Blackwell)

John Courage won the DFA Grassroots All-Star Endorsement

Reminder:MKE Drinking Liberally tomorrow!

Rice Seeks Assurances on Haiti Elections

Russert is on Ipig going after Broussard again...

AP: Getty Museum artworks alleged to be products of looting

Sorry, I Don't Think Cindy Is Helping Any More

Bob Dylan's "Tangled Up in Blue"

AP: Soldiers vulnerable to theft of identity

My LTTE for our small local paper.

Thank you

Where's Fitzgerald? I thought it was "pay the piper" time!

It sounds like the DC Peace Rally kept ANSWER to a small venue

Leonard Pitts, Jr.: A display of integrity in trying times

In Praise of Lousy Singers..,

Yo, LabariDemocrati

Does it appear that the more momentum we gain, the more divided we get?

LabariDemocrati is a chickenshit piece of shit

Photos from Denver protest on Saturday.

Why I refuse to attend Anti-War rallies

LA Daily News: English bypassed in L.A.

Bill Would Give Bush $50B More for Wars

THIS JUST IN: Disruptors are cowards

Protest Flashback-Bonnie Riatt sings "For What It's Worth"-SF 021603 MP3

Bush says she's doing a heck of a job!

My bad

I Have Had It

*grumble grumble love du grumble grumble arg snarl...*

Disconnect on reports of dead at Convention Center

I don't think those who don't think Cindy is helping anymore, are helping

Sorry, I don't think Cindy ever helped the anti-war movement

I LOVE Will Pitt....And AuntiBush

Request from a west coaster RE: Commander in Chief

Proof that Bush thought New Orleans was in Canada!!!

Dumb question: are there DLC bloggers? trolls on DU say so

"What can be imagined can be achieved..."

Welcome to the Mindrape

anyone gonna watch the new geena davis show tomorrow on abc...

Rita stories...'what do you do if gas station won't take cash?'

Cindy's bad. Al's bad. John's bad. Bill's bad.

where you going to hide now, dubya? new toon 9/27


Oh raytral about to smack a freeper

My wife surprised me regarding the Washington, DC protest

Thousands mobilize to stop sneak attack on organic standards

Costello on CNN: "Putin is taking PRE-SCREENED Questions"!

Dis-ASS-ter: 'Thy name is bush'

"We knew it was bound to happen" (story re Katrina, on BBC)

The REAL reason for Federal delays during Katrina

It's time for this one again...

Capital Hill Blue, reliable?

bush Burning Fuel on AF1 Today but Don't Drive if You Don't Have to!

Do you think that Iraq's oil field's are depleted?

Basra: Another embarrassment to the “war on terror”(Brits Planting Bombs?)

Permit me not.... or do I need one to do this?

Yeah. Let's demonstrate.

Something that may make you smile this morning

Help please with Gore in 2000

Did anyone beat me to this?

If everyone taking leadership for our side is bad -

NOLA: WH ideology and Hastert inaction keep New Orleaners from coming home

o'lielly on good morning america

"Masters of War" . . . by Bob Dylan . . .

CNN has story on Brown working for FEMA

Beaumont, Tx Official - FEMA Hurr Rita Response "A Bunch of Bull"

Hey Asshole!...(cheap photo-op photo toon)

Kennedy/Nixon debate on CSPAN 3 now. 7:30am

So, you don't like ANSWER, Cindy is hurting the cause, and Pat

Presidential mansion?

Purging the Poor From New Orleans

LAT/Robert Scheer on GOP corruption: "When Connected Turns Into Corrupted"

St. Patrick 4 aquitted on conspiracy charges. Found guilty of misdemeanors

Tesla selling Memorabilia for Hurricane Katrina

Great. Now we're all being forced to tithe.

Surprising Anti bush rally in my town !

Private England - guilty of what?

I didn't know they had a name for the coming oil shortage (Hubberts peak)

all this attention given to cheney

U.S. envoy Karen Hughes' message to Muslims: We care

Talk Me Through Talking My Friends Through Plame >

Bush is so freaking bad his wife has to appear on reality TV, and he hired

The Army is buying Anthrax?

Matt Drudge is a "blanking" A$$-pickle!

Guess it's time for another "Say hi to Agent Mike" thread

Would You Have Refused To Participate In An Event Organized By Yippies?

*ahem* I would like to start "reclaiming" some language--"Feminazi"

Was Brown the source for the Enquirer story?

Great Rall Strip = FOX FORECAST!

AP: Boeing, union reach tentative contract

They're painting a rosy picture of the Rita response, and it's false!

Two More U.S. Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan Yesterday

Dems to force vote on independent Katrina panel... Developing...

Boys rip off girls' clothes, take picture on school bus.

Republican pol refuses to resign for knowingly hiring child sex offender

Finally. I Got A Picture Of The Illustrious Agent Mike!

I Went to DC and Took DUer Names! Here is The Unofficial List.....

Sheehan looking for constitutional lawyer's help. Any takers?

Bush on national disaster preparedness

.--. .-. --- .--- . -.-. - / -..-

When piracy is OK,; AP (oops, Reuters) hypocrisy

Paper ballots NOW!!! Hand counts NOW!!! Impeachment NOW!!! nt

Interesting column in my local paper this morning.

MSNBC: Brownie's got a heckuva new job (Keith Olbermann)

Who was the Cuban terrorist hijacker that HW Bush pardoned?

Idiot Freeper CSpan Caller Says Turn 7th Ward (sic) Into Wetlands...

(VIDEO) This Week In God: Twig Hurricane Edition

President askes nation to conserve fuel and drive less, but

Our Lying Eyes

Daily Show Shines Mirror On Self-Important News Coverage of Katrina

The Far Right Dream is coming to an end

Don 'Get Smart' Adams Dies- RIP Agent 86

What happened to Lynndie England's baby?

Congressional Republicans are throwing a cover-up, and YOU'RE invited!

FEMA to Reimburse Faith Groups for Aid: Good or Bad?

Poor Brownie -- the MEDIA made him "somewhat ineffective"

If you behave like a ROMANOV long enough...

I need that photo from the DC Rally

Eat The Rich

Tin foil time? Did the Secret Service

Katrina relief contracts come under investigation

Oh, shut up already, Brownie.

I don't believe what I just saw on MSNBC. Just when LA official was

Brown to testify at 10AM ET on C-Span 1.

Wouldn't it be swell if somebody in the WH press corps asked this:

Dinner at Rummy's ---pix->>>

Burning Crosses in .... Michigan?

Micahel Brown hearing by House Select Committee

President Bush Pushing Abortion Ban

More BS from Mike Brown: didn't know convention center would be shleter

Opinions? If Bush is really off the wagon

Study: Too much religiosity may be hazardous to a society's health

Only 1000?

"Brownie" hearing official thread #2

Is wikipedia broken for anybody else this morning?

"Brownie" hearing official thread #3

Disturbing story about Rita evacuees

Scandal shows decline in bank's reputation: 'God's Banker' parallels

O.M.G. Don't Caption this picture :

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Anna Nicole Smith Case

Can we talk this guy into running for public office as a Republican?

"Brownie" hearing official thread #3

Strippers back in business in New Orleans

What is the deal with Air America?

if you missed Allan Hubbard on Wash. Journal it's quite alright because

A hand-guide for cyber dissidents ,by reporters sans frontieres (PDF)

Brown seems a weak, spineless suckup. He will squeal like a stuck pig

a B*sh joke

King who banned teen sex will marry 17-year-old

Does anybody , Republican or otherwise believe that if we win in Iraq

Remember when some Idiot said...

We must STOP John Roberts! Call Leahy NOW! 888-818-6641

"Brownie, you're doing a great job.."

I have always thought cats were more literate than dogs, but now

FBI Assassinates Puerto Rican Nationalist Leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios

Will media and/or cable ask the President when the last drink

The President Doesnt Listen To Himself......

G W FraWd: Cokehead AWOL Coward Inept Rich Frat Boy Puppet w/ Shit for

The difference between Tony Blair and Neville Chamberlain

Beslan mothers ask for legal probe of Russian cult - A Russian Benny Hinn

Hotmail down for anyone else?

I've heard of tinfoil hats, but a tinfoil suit?

Both sides looking ahead to next battle for the court

The AP double standard infuriates me! They continue to declare the

"Brownie" hearing official thread #4

A Brazillion???

Hotmail users what's the deal?

Red Cross raises nearly $1 BILLION from Katrina and STILL gets FEMA funds

Would you consider Michael Brown a "disgruntled" ex-employee?

Slaughter--press conference NOW

A Brazillion???

VIDEO-Several Brownie Hearing Vids

Brown Said It: "We shouldn't Monday morning Quarterback"!!!

Is Katherine Lanpher leaving Als show?

SCOTUS to review campaign spending limits (!!!)

Dems Should Marginalize AIPAC Now That Group's Been Caught Spying


Dear People of Earth

Oh, give me a break. Rep. David Graves (R-Macon) is wrong

U.S.: Al-Zarqawi No. 2 killed in Baghdad

Gene Taylor took Brown apart

USA TODAY/AP: New-home sales plunge 9.9%, confidence drops

Caption this Superhero Brownie pic...

Feds searched my mail...

Consumer Confidence Plummets in September - BIGGEST DROP IN 15 YEARS.

Who was just on Hartmann?

"Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue,"

Been waiting 3 Years to see this....PHOTO

Did anyone see that poor dog sucked through the pump on Foxnews?

Fox (Faux) News covering arrest of Cindy Sheehan - NOW

Would any feminists care to comment on this? I'm speechless.

Who is this "Name Removed" person? What a trouble maker!!!

Confirmation that * is off the wagon

Wasteful George on his SEVENTH Photo-Op Tour of the Gulf Coast >

Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) Speaks out for the St. Patricks 4

Operation Offset - list of budget cuts to "pay" for reconstruction

Something I noticed at the CSpan Book Fair . .

Cop hurt in attack sues prosecutor, church

Must Read Article on Iraq - Oct Harper's

Are we going to allow Bush to pardon everyone in his criminal empire?

Bush to ban numbers above 17

Doonesbury begins a pullout from Iraq

Dupe. Delete.

Did Cindy Sheehan and the others arrested get transportation

Anybody else watch "Orwell Rolls in Grave" on Free Speech TV last nite?

Urgent: Contact Stephen Buyer - R-IN - Re: LIES BROWN TOLD TODAY

GOP leadership officials say the conservatives are the ones out of touch.

George's Gulf Photo-Op #7 - Who Forgot to Pack the Backdrop? --pix->>>

CHARTS: US and Iraqi security force deaths/month

Buh-Bye! ---pix->>>

Dean: Bush must stand up to his oil cronies...statement, video of Bush.

Oldie but goodie

I'm sorry

For those who aren't aware! Brown's hearing can be seen at CBSNEWS.COM

Howard Kurtz on counting the crowd

Frist and HCA...this is an outrage!

What exactly is Bush?

Look who showed up at the pro-war rally

Resolution: Democrats make another move for Katrina commission

FReeper: there was only 15,000 at anti-war rally

Illegal immigrants will rebuild New Orleans


***THE OFFICIAL "Brownie hearing" Rebroadcast thread #1***

Who's that asshole behind Brown

Damn. It's time. A NEW Declaration of Independence. Let us write it.


Race to the bottom: Consumer confidence versus Bush poll numbers

No. 1 reason to leave Iraq:

PLEEZ - Ms PELOSI - Send some more troops, NOW>>>>

Could someone convince you their intentions were good at gunpoint?

Please Help Refute This Freeper E-mail re: Katrina.

How to drug test chimpie?

I figured out Kyra Phillips' schtick...

Purported al Qaeda Newscast Debuts on Internet

News Gathering Is Illegal Under New Patriot Act II

Two *important* guests will be on Al Franken's show today

Why doesn't Bush park Air Force 1.......

Finally, my 1000th post, I never thought I would see the day!!!!

Laura Bush to appear on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"

Was Pat Tillman fragged for his political beliefs? I think so......

evacuees from Tx. getting advise of where to go from - INDIA

"Bush Drinking Again" Is a LIE.

Senior drug benefit costing millions to explain, VA drugs cheaper

OMG! Did you see this Controversy about Cindy Sheehan?!?!

CNN Beating up on Brown and showing Shays giving him hard time.

Caption the petulant one

Economic question

Race to the bottom: Consumer confidence versus bush poll numbers

"Brownie" hearing official thread #5

torture pictures. i havent heard the latest. wasnt aug 27th

Stars and Stripes is trying to resurrect Coulter by pitting her against

These new internet reporters.... what's the best name for them?

Congressman Gene Taylor grills Brown on FEMA response

Question for those who really know the internet

I know, I know - we shouldn't look at polls...but Rasmussen shows

Slidell Louisana - a Parking Lot

NBC legal drama, "Class Action," to be exec produced by Erin Brockovich

Chairperson to Brown-who signs your paycheck?--Brown-i don't know.

Very telling picture of Bush's priorities

Do you think that global warming contributes to the number and strength of

Brownie hearing official thread #6

If you were on the panel, what would you have asked Brown, today?

Anderson Cooper - CNN: Why is Brown still on FEMA's payroll?

Heads up: CNN: Cafferty coming up.....

Is it me or is Michael Brown a complete asshole?

"We're making progress." What a sick bastard!

From Think Progress: Brown's Revisionist History

Who's Mardel Shrek? (spelling?) Dems want to name a post office

Playmate appeals to Supreme Court

How many DUers have diagnosed A.D.D?

Predicted MSM response to Michael Brown's "Testimony" Fox at the Bottom.

PBS is having a good week for music history - check it out:

Cindy on Hardball tonight!!!

NBC leads off with Brown

Michael Brown Blame Game, part II - Fess up. It's our fault.

What pissed you off the most about Brownie's lies today?

Caption this Chimpster Picture

Attention Mike Moore (and Family Guy) Fans: This is hilarious

Throw Frist in they did to Martha!!

27,000 yr old twin babies found buried. Fundies deny existence

Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'

CBS lambasting Brown, says Dems and Repugs have


Hugo Chavez is anti-abortion

ABC blasting Brown, too............. n/t

Video - "War witch" debates Iraq war protests on PBS NewsHour

Insurgents seize 5 towns near Syria...

Why are freepers such Chickenshits? They protested in front of the FBI

Firefighters handing out fliers...again (East Texas)

VIDEO- Cafferty on Bush Photo Op and Brownie

If you like a business, pay cash.

FEMA Plans to Reimburse Faith Groups for Aid

Who the hell is Greg Mueller?

Did you know the government can track your Cell phone?Even when theyre off

CNN Poll... Please vote!

Gotta complaint in my blog that it was wrong of me to laugh when my 5 yo

Can't help it. Everytime I hear "Brown" on CNN

I need a link on Bush and not caring to find Bin Laden

Wolfie saying it was the Mayor who told the horrific stories about the

Did anyone watch News hour with Jim Lehrer last night??

Stupidest thing said in public today

Heavy majority of Dems have "trust and confidence" in media

Brownie Hearing Replay on CSPAN NOW !!

Currently reading "The Mass Psychology of Fascism"

You Can't Make This Stuff Up ...

1921 Reasons why the DSM is Important

Republicans Celebrate "Contract with America"

Is there a transcript of Drownies' testimony from today?

Cafferty giving Drownie hell on CNN right now.

Isn't it unusual for newspapers to publish the photos of...

Will "Staying The Course" In Iraq Prevent a Civil War?

Michael Brown shows what kind of assholes Bush* hires.


US falls silent on Malaysia abuses: rights group

Bush: Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over

Nelson of Florida on Cspan2 passing gas right now.

The Bush Republicans in freefall

White House Press Briefing: Save Energy! Turn Off Those Computers!

Bodyguard tackles cameraman, saves Hannity's soul

King went to the Lake City Music Festival

More about the Time story about cronysm

What Will Happen If We Withdraw From Iraq?

Where is Democratic leadership on Energy ?

The New WhiteHouse drinking game...

Applying for a job at the White House...How does this sound?

Who does Tweety have on to answer Brownies charge re LA is dysfunctional?

BTW, this was UPJ's agenda for the DC protest....


Cindy coming on with Tweety in a few minutes - unless I mis-heard him

FOR MY 1,000th POST...................

CSPAN now showing Michael Brown testimony from today.

Bush had MAJOR back sweat again today.....

Why does Chris Matthews even bother to have Dems on his show?

C-Span Energy Efficiency and Alternative Sources

Fundie Christian group alleges New Age beliefs taught in public school

Does anyone think mandatory evacuations should be enforced?

Wolf is SUCH a suckup-the ONLY reason I'm watching CNN now

Cindy/Sibel will no MSM listen to these women?

Posing with Real Men Doesn't Make You One, George >>>

Hostage Gave Meth to Atlanta Fugitive

Cindy Sheehan: "Why I Was Smiling and Hurricane Rita"

The $6000/hour figure for AF1 only scratches the surface.

So Bush doesn't understand how state and local governments work!!??

Wingnuts use Kossacks to Smear Antiwar Rally

Why is the 9/11 commission always referred to as being so great?

(VIDEO) Cafferty on the Brownie hearing

Bush's SEVENTH Gulf Coast Photo-OP - ---pix->>>

New Orleans Police Chief Announces Retirement

Liberals are Kooks

Oh Geez, I thought the Laura B. Extreme Makeover thing was a DU joke! >

Job Interview Question....

Pentagon to Review Government Credit Cards for Katrina Spending Abuse

Did you hear what Brown said about ice shipments after Katrina?

"Where do American religious leaders stand on torture?" asks Ray McGovern.

Brownie hearing official thread #7

WaTimes: dKos duped by "Cindy Sheehan" imposter?

Anyone know where Camp Casey-DC is?

*CRAZY* fundamentalist *HELP* please, PLEASE * need info

CNN Poll -Agree with Brown that he did a “darn good job” running FEMA?

Air America Story on Fox tonight

This could be very, very HOT! Murder and more.

I see that in spite of what Bush says FEMA still hasn't changed.

I'm not sorry, and I think Cindy Sheehan is very effective.

A quote to remember GWB by:

Another No. 2 Al Queda killed?

CPB Taps Two GOP Conservatives for Top Posts

Newbie Question About Air America Radio---

Al Qaeda's Number 2 Guy will survive and will rise again...

Tulane Law School drops the hammer: get back here

Jack Abramoff and the murder of Gus Boulis

Maybe we will get Mr Bin Laden........

Brownie has overseen 150 Disasters in 2 years???

Army Investigating Complaints About Web Postings of Iraqi Corpses

Remember the adults

Brown's fatal mistake...blaming the media

Lessons learned? How many semesters IS this course?

"Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World" — Hollywood studio cowardice

For my 1000th Post---What I'm learning from Brownie

Consumer Confidence Shows Biggest Drop in 15 Years

How Would Los Angeles Handle a Tsunami Warning?

It really doesn't matter if Cindy Sheehan is "helping"!

Karen Hughes message to Saudis: "wtf?? Your wimmen can't DRIVE their

TOONS - Tuesday

E-mail I received


So we killed Al Queda's Dick Cheney?

So Mike Brown is a paid consultant for FEMA now....

The headline of my local paper

Entire 101st Airborne Division Deploying to Iraq (around 20,000 soldiers)

Rita Victims Are Living 'like Cavemen' in Wake of Storm

dKos: "Abramoff is no lobbyist, and this is no administration"

the idea of "number twos" in aL-queda

please vote in this poll

Caption this Dumbya photo...

Can't wait to get me some Mike Malloy tonight!!

I didn't see any threads on the Cindy-Tweety interview

Plan D - The Plan to beat the Far Right

Heads up -- Blanco will testify before a senate committee tomorrow

So Will Micheal Brown Go To Jail

NO policemen face tribunal for being AWOL - WHAT ABOUT *???

backwards flags on Army uniforms

Ground Air Force 1 Today


Bush Funds Bible-thumpers' Push to Convert Katrina Victims

Is George W. Bush really "Stupid"?

Cindy on Hardball now!

Music for revolution: Dar Williams' new song "Empire". Must hear.

Hey here's a thought...

Did anyone see Bill Maher show on moving New Orleans to KS?

Help me out. Re: Katrina housing being built at Rockefeller Center (NYC)

I'm running out of time to choose COBRA health insurance continuation.

Will a GOP 'win/gain' in Senate/House in '06 be the last straw??

We spent $197 billion on Iraq... And all we got was this lousy t-shirt

The ANSWER controversy seems to be a disconnect between those

Feingold was a hero when he voted against the Patriot Act,

How many deaths is GWB responsible for in all?

An asteroid, headed our way

What is the most important reason for ending the Iraq war?

Caption the Pres

Does bush* have satin pants on???

Frist Stock Timeline

Who You Gonna Believe...? Rightwingers Rewrite Katrina

Doesn't anyone think ANSWER will die on its own?

Pictures from the DC weekend. (dialup warning)

CNN: WH "conserving fuel" by taking some PRESS vehicles out

Ok, I don't get it. Is Governor Blanco using some kind of PR strategy ?

No More Hiding on the Internet- Patent #6,974,978 to the NSA

Don't let ANYONE tell you it's $6 grand an hour for AF One!!!

Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'

What I learned from Michael Brown today

So the Wasteful Hog President is finally asking for conservation?

I need help remembering a chant from the march...

I'm shaken after this antiwar article..... please read!

"Winning is more important than how you play the game"

"What this country needs most, ..."

Nagin told Bush and Blanco to get "in sync"

Does anyone else get the feeling that....

Dick Durbin SLAMS the GOP on The Tweety Hour.

The most idiotic board I have ever seen, worse than free republic

"Admin should be able to appoint people who agree with agenda"

What's the deal with Bush and the blue shirts/ties?

Scientists capture giant squid on camera

Stop right-wing media spin on Katrina investigation

There Ain't No Power Like The Power Of The People!

All that Answer propaganda worked on me. I think I might be a Trotskyite

10 Signs you are Smart when it comes to the Far Right

Can you handle more DC photos? **Dialup Warning: Lotsa pics**

WOW!! Did Abramoff WHACK His Business Partner (Boulis)????

I think that the Democrats should join the Katrina committee

Favorite Air America Show and Host Poll?

FEMA is taking the heat now, but what about DHS?

My Opinion: US out of Iraq now!

Could the leaders of China, India have chosen ANYONE better than shrub

COMMANDER in CHIEF - Woman President Geena Davis. It's about time!!

6741 coast guard rescues said AC on 360...gosh we have to praise


How Do We Know Hitchens Is A Heavy Drinker and Why Doesn't He Refute It?

500,000 People Vanish in Washington, DC

Ted Nugent turns on Dubya

Brownie being paid $145,600 in his new FEMA consulting role.

Ray McGovern: "Torturous Silence on Torture"

If Brownie was a superhero, what would he be called?


Should Cindy Sheehan do a repeat of yesterday?

Is Free Republik on the ropes?

"I oversaw 150 disasters" ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER in Edmund OK,pop


Dangit, I'm getting tired of all the offensive name calling!!

Shrub & CHERTOFF Flunked the Posse Comitatus Act

WP: Hostage Gave Meth to Atlanta Fugitive

Think Progress: Brown Falsely Smears Blanco Under Oath

The Amercian Right Wing

"The Secret History of Able Danger": what is being hidden

To All People That Want Immediate Iraq/ME Pullout- Please Read & Respond

Looking for stupid Bush pics

Wrong side of the bed, George? ---pix->>>

Christers on Ice: Atlanta Hostage shared her crystal meth with captor

Dateline 1776: I wish that Thomas Paine would just shut up!

*** Tuesday TOONs: Bill Frist Ethics Edition ***

Brown is an arrogant, lying, incompetent ass,

Dems introduce 'anti-cronyism' bill

Wow, so Faux isn't even hiding it anymore are they?

Anderson Cooper, Why Don't You Sweat?

VIDEO: A day of civil disobendience at the White House

Bush loves Baldies (pictures)

Is it wrong to "out" gays in The Bush Republican Party?

Splendora, TX: local news tonight: no, water, food, ice, or FEMA.

The American Dream is unsustainable

Flying the flag

Fasten your seatbelts for another cakewalk- Iran

Welp, Tweety just nailed Sheehan again with Afghanistan.

Nome Alaska had a huge mid-latitude Cyclone hit them Friday!?!?!

TocqueDeville tells us why ANSWER fucked up the Rally!

I’m a disappointed DC Protester!


This Is What I'm Hearing In West Virginia

Video highlights of Sept 24th rally set to live Steve Earle

Saudi Jumps the line for Liver Transplant

Is this the biggest bunch of B.S you've ever heard???

Congratulations DU - You put the Brown Lying SCOOP together..

On Civil Disobedience

Folks, ASWER didn't delay the march to get their speakers coverage

Fuel for Air Force One = $6,029 per hour >

Panoramic Picture of the 24th

Bush to cut length of week

TIME: Feds Take On Outside Political Groups: Sue Club for Growth

Check out these lyrics! "We Can't Make it Here"

Do you like capitalism?

The Abramoff scandal takes a twist for the deadly

A couple of questions for you

Canada's Next Governor General Was Immigrant Child From Haiti

Somebody here asked whether Canada needed truckers! Here it is!

Does anyone know about alternative phone service providers to Telus?

Blair in secret Saudi mission

Fertility stone remains in place after women protest

'Da Vinci chapel' filming starts

BBC: Ex-MP Tony Benn taken ill

Tory rule change bid is defeated

Will anyone be watching the Dear Leader's speech to the Inner Party ...

Could you ever see this nonsense happening here?:

BREAKING: Fathers for Justice protest atop parliament

Psychic Who Talks to the Dead Banned from Speaking at Library

Bomb attack targets Iraqi police (Baquba)

FEMA Plans to Reimburse Faith Groups for Aid

Zarqawi aide killed in Iraq

France holds 9 in anti-terror swoop, unveils new laws

Perry, Blanco Fly Over Cities Hit by Rita...

Ex-Army recruiter in Fallon charged with taking lewd photos

Faulty body vests ‘put President’s life in danger’ - UK Times Online

'Papa Pilgrim' charged with sex assault

GOP Leaders Try to Soothe Conservatives

N.H. Politician Facing Calls to Resign

Iraqi police find 22 bodies of shooting victims

CNN/AP: Massachusetts eyes incentives for hybrid, alternative fuel cars

WP: Giving Part D A Spin (push to sell new Medicare plan to seniors)

Australia/'Appalling' anti-terrorism laws draw criticism

Police: Boys Rip Classmates' Clothes Off, Snap Photos

Suit to attack line-item veto power (Pennsylvania)

Menezes' relatives due in London

Tangle over televised tango:Democrats protest News 12 spot on GOP town cle

LAT: 4 Democrats on '08 List to Vote Against Roberts

Warner opens fire on Kilgore

Brown Blames 'Dysfunctional' Louisiana

Al Qaeda in Iraq says not sure if Abu Azzam dead (number 2 guy)

Rescuers Wade Into Coastal Havoc(rebuild to take "better part of decade")

House Dems filingDischarge Petition for an independent Katrina commission

Nearly 6,000 Docs Displaced by Katrina

Only McKinney makes it. AIPAC warning on Antiwar report.

Taser stun gun sets suspect`s shirt afire

Jordan: Al-Zarqawi Family's New-Found Wealth Raises Questions

Bush accepts Musharraf’s invitation

Senate Panel Postpones 9/11 Hearing (due to Rosh Hashanah observances)


Anti-terror officer assassinated in Kirkuk

NYT: Bush to Tour Hurricane-Damaged Region (article notes trip fuel use)

"Anna Nicole's Case Goes to Supreme Court" (AP)

WP: Hostage Gave Meth to Atlanta Fugitive

High Court to Hear Campaign Finance Cases

2 US soldiers killed in Afghan attacks

Congressmen Taylor/Shay grill Brown on FEMA response

China advocates solving Iranian nuclear issue through negotiations

Bush says Saudi Arabia strong against terrorism

(Cuban exile terrorist) Posada could remain in U.S.

Chertoff repeats pledge to investigate hurricane response

Baghdad in the dark as power cuts continue to blight the city

NYT: Most Homeowners Not Overly in Debt, Fed Chief Says

(U.S.) Hospital Halts Organ Program (Saudis $'s Override Waiting List)

Palm Beach law keeps protesters farther from only abortion clinic

Getty Museum knowingly bought archeological treasures stolen from Italy, i

Bone Fragments: Possibly of 9/11 Victims Found On NYC Rooftop

WaPo: Arrests Made in Case Connected to Abramoff

Ex-FEMA chief admits 'specific mistakes'(blames state and local officials)

Storm's Chaos, Not Its Rain, Claims 5 in Texas(tragic: family asphyxiated)

High Court Selection Process Winds Down

Riot police fire tear gas at protesters (Marseille)

Pelosi, Waxman Introduce Anti-Cronyism Bill

US troops kill 4 civilians in western Iraq (Roadside bomb)

UN: Togo government violated human rights

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 27 September

Senator Claims Backing on Medicare Changes

U.S. September Consumer Confidence Index Drops to 86.6

Peace and justice in conflict in Colombia

AP - Gov't: Effect of Greenhouse Gases Rising

Colorado Springs closes doors to Hurricane Katrina evacuees

LAT: Uncertainty Has Washed Over Towns in the Bayou ("Where is FEMA?")

Zarqawi emerging as self-sustained force-US intel

Insurgents seize 5 towns near Syria

Nelson favors tight border, no amnesty (Dem Ne)

NYT/AP: Sen. Byrd to Run for Record Ninth Term

Blair Vows to Stay Course in Iraq

CIA Getting Intel Tips From Congress

Hinchey: Bush choice of FDA chief 'bizarre'

Protesters tell Pombo: Hands off Species Act (Stockton CA)

Public Broadcasting Meets the New Boss


Rangel's Jibe at President Draws Support From Democrats

New Orleans Mayor Says FEMA Made Promises That Weren't Kept

Venezuela threatens to take over oil fields

WP: New Illegal Immigrants to U.S. Surpass Legal Immigrants

Peru lawmakers vote to give open source software equal footing with Micros

Undeclared Civil War In Iraq (CBS)

Bone shards that may be from 9/11 found roof

Democrats move to force vote on independent Katrina panel

Myers Plays Down Value of al-Qaida Figure (Number 2 guy)

NYT/AP: 'Caveman' Conditions in TX Follow Rita (after 4 days, no relief)

WP: Suicide Bomber Stopped After Penetrating Baghdad's Green Zone

WaTimes: Bush seeks to federalize emergencies (end Posse Comitatus Act)

Every Bush flight is costly (Air Force One fuel costs 6k/hour)

Pentagon cautious on police powers for U.S. troops

Pennsylvania school district's intelligent-design statement

WP: Karen Hughes Questions Saudi Ban on Female Driving

Chinese commission new class of warships

Saudis to Get U.S. Aid for 'War on Terror'--AFP

Army Probes Complaints of Corpse Photos

New Orleans police chief resigns in wake of Katrina

AP --Brown Shifts Blame for Katrina Response

$3 gas to stay for weeks, analysts say

U.S. envoy: U.S. forces will leave their base in Uzbekistan

Communist Cuba says US "economic war" hurting

WP: Picture This: Ben Affleck, Senator From Va.

Rasmussen: 54% Say US Troop Withdrawal Will Make Things Worse in Iraq

Stakes in Iraq rival those in World War II, Gen. Myers says

FEMA ship deal under scrutiny

Bush may find it hard to resist (independent) Katrina commission

Three arrested in gangland-style murder of Suncruz founder 'Gus' Boulis

Bin Laden should be tried by Muslim judges, says Qaradawi

Songs to which are impossible to dance.

Pictures of Protesters in front of White House: Cindy Sheehan arrest

Swazi King: 12 wives, one other bride-to-be....27 children

The Man In The Hole



Don't you say anything about my man Pitt! He kicks ass in Gee Dee too!!

What are little Freepfucks made of?

Fuck me

I am sorry, I am preoccupied

I am just about ready to cry UNCLE

Is there a list of all the folks who were at the meet up?

Anyone else need defending before I go to bed tonight?

The Lounge feels strange to me tonight......

Why is Will Pitt so NICE in GD and such an asshat in the LOUNGE?

Drip. Drip. Drip

After about 5 hours of dicking around

Good night my friends on the beautiful side of somewhere.

OMG - was that Wetzelbill I saw on another thread

And to lighten the mood: AUSTRIA!

Yes and who is in first place in the league with a team filled with Eagles

I've got some naughty, naughty thoughts

Flu bug early this year?

oh would this be true....

For the next couple of days I am rooting for the Tigers

Piranha Bites Airport Inspector

hey florida DUers.... ever heard of Buddy Mx, the flea market cowboy?

Wow, CSPAN2 Mon. lecture -- future of energy, w/Ken Deffeyes. Matt Simmons

Question for Denver Broncos fans

It is 3:45 am CSTand I cannot sleep.

Has There Been A Missing Comedian Found Dead Recently?

Any scientologists here? Can you explain to me why no one is

I don't know who this actress is but its her birthday today! :wow:

Bumper sticker on a Range Rover in NC:

What if workplace safety existed in 2005?

Is there such a thing as Double Secret Probation on DU?

What if the Internet existed in 1215?

Happy Birthday Eyesroll!!!

"MUST READ" posts rarely are! (Please Read)

Watch ostriches in Botswana live now! (sorry to dial up folks)

Happy Birthday Marvin Lee Aday

Sorry, but here's another post that starts with "Sorry, but"

What if the internet existed in 47 B.C.?

Bush Idiocy Video - Encore

They say curiosity killed the cat.....

Proof my company I work for is in dire straits.....

Happy 1/2 Birthday to some 1/2 a** DU'ers

Woman Assaults Police Officer With Chicken Wings

Good Morning, Everyone!

Anybody here been to the Negativland art exhibit in NYC?

DU Cliff notes

Halloween costumes!Post one( or more) for yourself!

I have NO IDEA what any of this means

'Dead women' elected as councillors in Pakistan

Is Agent Mike still watching us?

I thought you all might get a laugh out of this.

Ozzie Sings!

DO above ground pools add to the sell price? Curb appeal?

I May Be A Dog ... But

Baker Writes 'Da Vinci'-Based Diet Book

BOY, do I go above and beyond . . .

Favorite television show

In Praise of Lousy Singers..,

My little Democrat is growing up.... (post your little-one pics here)

a B*sh joke

NFL Clock error helped Patriots beat Steelers

If you could clone yourself, would you?

That is it! -- I'm getting a burrito

Fuck you

100-Year-Old Katrina Evacuee In Wake Forest Passes Away

Marlins are falling apart

gilmore girl watcher. a couple question

My first car 1947 Plymouth

Chinese satlelites to spy on panda sex

Wal-Mart Buying Tommy Hilfiger

The topic is Kelsey Grammar.

HOLY CRAP!!! Yesterday was my first DU birthday!!!

"Job, you're doing a great Brownie"

378 Pound Minister Plans To Walk Across Country To Help Hurricane Victims

Is anyone else SICK AS HELL of these in-screen Flash pop ups

Ever written a cover letter that basically insults the employer?

Hotmail users what's the deal?

Please Help

The topic is English Grammer

Political Compass Quiz:

Do you consider soup and sandwich "comfort food"?


77,777 Registered Offenders! I mean... DUers!

Because of your concern...

77,777 user registrations at DU

Man Takes Citizenship Oath, Wins $1.89 Million Lottery The Same Day

Woohoo! New 19 inch flat screen monitors at work!

When I hear the word "Democracy" I reach for my headphones

Just another reason to love redheads...

A Brazillion???

Did you ever get the sense of Deja Vu?

What era would you have liked to live in?


watch "everybody hates chris" online!

Unintelligent design - I liked today's Non Sequitur

What if the Internet Existed in 1776?

What if the Internet existed in 1775? .....

I totally blew off an interview today

ya know.... I do love the panda cam, but enough is enough

Anybody else watching Prison Break on Fox?

"Anna Nicole's Case Goes to Supreme Court" (AP)

Finally, my 1000th post, I never thought I would see the day!!!!

Post here to count off in alphabetical order, starting with number 8

Quote Douglas Adams fearlessly, at length, and without reserve

Mid-afternoon rant. Should have stopped for gas before work!

What's for Lunch?

US Presidents in Hurricanes:

It is a near perfect day, weather wise, here in MD

Anyone have an article about a judge ruling that Miller beer isn't beer?

Best protest t-shirt: Tokenlib's "Meet the Fuckers"

Come in here if you just need to swear.

7."You notice your landing is being covered by the local news"

I swear, on some days, my ability to type right

Uh oh. Somebody forgot his RightGuard, this morning!


Did you ever get the sense of Deja Vu?

Who's your favorite crusty DU lounge lizard?

Meanwhile, in the Pacific, Typhoon Longwang threatens Korea and Japan

If you dig a hole in your yard...where would the "other end" be?

YIKES!!! I hurt my ankle and cant move..!!

Question for those who really know the internet

Today's disinformation campaign: Al Gore has one testicle.

What if the Internet existed in 1066?

Does anyone know of a good foriegn language translation software.

anyone dealt with etrade pls?

Mama Panda chowing on bambu hardcore, color cam link.......

PBS is having a good week for music history - check it out:

I was banned at

I can't STAND our new sales guy.

Anyone here ever break into prison?

Anyone here ever break out of prison?

"How're you gonna make it up to us, Larry? Ya just swallowed our Lord...

Lest we forget: "Take your hands off my God!"

Attention Mike Moore (and Family Guy) Fans: This is hilarious

We have what was your first computer - now, what was your first mainframe?

How many DUers have been diagnosed with chlamydia?

Why is DU at level #1? What Sh*T hit the fan

Bush worries about Brazilian troops

Clinton at it again......

Looking for a new job?


I'm sorry

Fuck, fuck ,fuck

US Supreme Court or bust for Anna Nicole Smith (REAL story)

I am getting very close to my DU one year anniversary!

Anyone here ever breakdance in prison?

I.T. fuck up.

Did you ever get the sense of Deja Vu?

Who likes it when the time changes in Fall?

my firm raised and is donating $186,164.00 to hurricane relief!!!!!

Free Fall Leadership

What's this neighborhood in NYC like?

I am cooking homemade spaghetti

Anyone know how to make a copy of a mini-DVD?

Joke of the day!

National DO NOT CALL LIST for cell phone numbers:

Here's an ADD thread. What's on TV?

Photos!! Bush To Act as New Caretaker of Overlook Hotel

See you tomorrow!

Look at this big johnson!

I want this boat!

FOR MY 1,000th POST...................

Before & After

(4) World Cat Facts

Is this the EYE OF GOD -- or something posing as

Women live longer than men because???

Russian admiral named patron saint of nuclear bomber force

QUICK....Please answer this. Need first aid treatment for hornet

The Donald has another kid on the way


'My' first 'film' screens in Byron Bay, Australia, October 10

It's time for Match Game DU!

So, did Scottie tell Brownie that NOW was the time for finger pointing?

Anyone know anything about the non-nazi skinheads from the 80's?

Nice Cleaver cleavage.

new Dumbya joke

Lyrics for today...

My RealAge is 3.2 years younger than my chronological age



red sox piss up thread

My RealWang is 3.2 inches longer than my chronological wang.


Hey, the Amazing Race starts tonight!!

Goddess of Guiness' thread is better than this one!

I've got an announcement to make.

The Brooklyn Dodgers piss off thread

I refuse to believe most people are "stupid" "gullible" or "igmos".

Wer "Dem Mehrheitbericht" auf AAR zuhören wird? In English:

Republican? Repubsucking! Repubpuking!! Repubelesscon!!!

Sorry, but DS1

Um WTF- my jam has mold

I've made the switch

I'm 18 posts away from 1000, please, ask me anything!!!

red sox piss off thread

Sorry, but I'm not reading any more posts that start with "Sorry, but"

Television rant

Sorry butt

ok, this is just FUN!!!

Fuck...Why can't my dad just get better and come home?!

OK Lounge, you are boring me. I DEMAND you step it up a notch

My new favorite joke.

Just Ate A FROZEN Pizza that ROCKS!! (REALLY)

I may have lost this weeks match in Fantasy Football

If the idiot who works at Starbucks had a tenth of the skill of Tasha Yar

How would you define American culture?

Unemployment and temp agencies

Death of a Rising Star

I miss my kitties....

Am I, technically, a person of faith?

I hate my job

Upper Respiratory Infection and Acute Laryngitis

Anyone catch 'No Direction Home, Part 1' on PBS last night?

If you are really pissed off will people in the lounge be nice to you?


Suppose you REALLY had ALL the flaws people ascribed to you...

Worst band names ever...

I have always thought cats were more literate than dogs, but now

How many DUers have diagnosed A.D.D?

The Happily Ever After Test

Memory Hole Question Regarding "Zorro"

First names that don't suit adults

General Zod for 2008, a dictator we can all support!

Du. Du hast.

Nice cleavage

Pictures from the Peace March in DC. (Only six thumbnails)

Did anyone ever cook with cloves?

What would YOU do?

I am not preoccupied today

The official "Get Well Soon Khashka" thread.

I'm printing a bunch of Celtic cello sheet music - ask me anything!

BEST bandnames - nevermind suckitude.. Some names are just great!

The Separated at Birth? Thread

HELP! -Job / Interview Negotiations- Considering a Job with a Competitor!

Misunderestimator - hows your arm

Who likes brussel sprouts?

Joke: a lesson in knowing when to keep your mouth shut

Tell me you didn't laugh the first time you heard the term....

Howl's Moving Castle!

Shepard Smith gets his.

Anyone want to join DU Anonymous? I'm starting. This is my last post.

It has been twelve hours since I have had a reply to any of my posts...

Typhoon Longwang growing in size...

Bill Maher's rant about California

Idiots! Arrrgh!

I miss NSMA, MisU, and Progmom

"Brie and cheese"

Confucious says: If you want to drive 40MPH, don't take freakin' I-95!

First names that don't suit children:


I had jury duty yesterday...

i am Laid Up....Ask me Anything!

Yay! Goin' to The Game Saturday; UM vs. MSU. Go Green!

Has anyone heard from Al-CIAda yet?

On the proper nature of boundaries between the Lounge and GD


What's right with this picture?

What's your blood type?

Someone absolutely must photoshop matcom, DS1, Zomby, or GOPisEvil in this

Battlestar Galactica Vs. Firefly

Parents' nickname for you when you were little

How many posts will this thread get?

There Ain't No Power Like The Power Of The People!

Who first told you "Welcome to DU" ?

Hey, the show in on the road! Mrs. IconCat's water just broke!

What's the deal w/homeschooling, anyone...?

Jürgen Habermas and Post-Secular Societies

Bad news! Lefthandedness, healthy weight: breast cancer risk factors!

Update 1: Glaxo's Paxil Linked to Birth Defects

The little engine that could slash bills

Common bacteria share an infinite gene pool

'Whale riders' reveal evolution | BBC

ID is BS and is NOT science- rant thread

Flare up over family makeup (follow-up to girl expelled from Xian school)

Anglican Church Faces New Crisis Over Transsexual Priest

At the Vatican, Exceptions Make the Rule

Canada Courts US Gay Doctors

Katrina Seen As Decimating GOP-Black Anti-Gay Coalition

Nepal - Police brutality & threats to Blue Diamond Society (Harsh Pix)

Book Ban Week Draws Attention To Censored Gay Literature

Anti-Gay Reggae Performer Charged In Hate Attack

Italian Catholic Church lays out antigay agenda

Mass. lawmakers reject gay marriage ban

Pennsylvania Court Upholds Lesbian Parent Ruling

Police Say Fugitive Is Preying On Gay Men In Ohio

Site recruits BILL for First Lady..

Wash. U. Professor Criticized For Anti-Gay Writings On School Website


4WD drivers 'fat, homophobic'

Anyone here watching Transgeneration on the

I can't believe Shawntinice "Polkey" Polk died yesterday.......

I'm sick of seeing so many people read the NY Post

Bosox win today guarantees fight with Yanks for east pennant this weekend.

College basketball death. Stunning.

So the Chiefs kinda sucked and stuff

NY Jets Sign QB Vinny Testaverde To Salvage Season

Would an astrologer be useful to us?

I think I have figured out the Queen of Cups.

BMUS! What the ignited intercourse is it with that avatar? (nt)

"But we have to COURT the religious vote...W-A-A-H..."

The Flying Spaghetti Monster's Prayer

Are invisible pink elephants a straw man?

A question...

What happened to 2006?


Boy, the Rethugs are calling Kennedy & Kerry out this monring

Kerry Urges Immediate Assistance for Faster Response to Small Businesses i

there's a cute poem

Hey kids,

You guys are great!

Help. Contact Chris Matthews. Durbin said Repubs want to offset by

The discussion we should be having: Center & Left Dems

Back from DC

Be ready for trouble - read this article by the herald about Kerry

Hey Sandnsea: Wyden got married

Contemplating switching to Minolta gear and selling my Nikon

This little one landed right in front of me the other day. Luckily I had

KOEB 9/27/05

I just wanted to post this.

About KO last night, 9/26:

Oh, tonight's show should be a hoot!

I've solved the funding crisis!!!

What's the news about how the lobbying went Monday by the

Cox recusal and the Frist Investigation

Let me run something by you

Kennedy/Nixon debate on CSPAN 3 now. 7:30am

Media Matters says Frist issue not being covered by MSM

Ethics complaint filed against Frist

Don Adams - W isn't worthy of shining his shoe-phones . . .

O'Lielly on Good Morning America

Okay, Bush, Mr. "Great Leader" - lead us - show us how to conserve

Dubya's Fall from Favor

"Economy's going phenomenally well!

Out of Iraq Congressional Caucus Now Has 67 Members


If I ran for the Presidency

Daily Show Shines Mirror On Self-Important News Coverage of Katrina

I'm waiting for Brownie to talk about his dog, Checkers...what a CRYBABY.

Theory on the bu$h regimes acts of cronyism

Stakes in Iraq rival those in WWII, Gen. Myers says

Interesting scenario: FEMA hires Brown to shut him up about Bush-Boozing

40% strongly Disapprove of Bush: Rasmussen Reports

Vote on McCain for 2008?

C-span1 Brown being toasted by Congressmen NOW!

Today's Bush Photo Ops will be in Beaumont TX & Lake Charles LA

I was wrong about Michael Brown. In fact, he's a true hero.

A sampling of anti war protest signs from the rally

It's just this kind of thing that makes us look bad

Here's some good news on MSM coverage of the march

Brown on C-Span - what a piece of shit he is

Shay is serving up Turdie- Pig Sweatbreads en croute

Bush wanting "Diversity On High Court" is called AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!!!!!!!

So are the Congresscritters currently roasting

Rep. Jamess Clyburn did a good job on W.J. this a.m. except for

Opi's #546.67 Rant: :::::: SINS of the Peeps: Its the VILLAGE LEVEL....

Urgent: Contact Stephen Buyer - R-IN - Re: LIES BROWN TOLD TODAY

Brownie: "So I guess you expect me to be some kind of SUPERHERO...

Check this out!!! My Mom sent me this today! American Civics II

GOP Bankruptcy changes looming over New Orleans

How many did Saddam kill?

FEMA gets an F- grade from my Congressman

CHARTS: US and Iraqi security force deaths/month

Andrew Gumbel on Huffington Post: America's Next Election Nightmare

Ted Olsen's wife, Barbara, ALIVE ???

What happened to the "Blame Game" quotes?

Rep. Christopher Shay said that smirk needed to be there to show flag

a crowd of '150,000 to 300,000 rallies at the Ellipse' Wikipedia

Diebold stock continues to sink, no MSM mention of problems..

DU this Poll on Brown

OK - Bill Frist did what Martha Stewart allegedly did

How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan...

I'm ABAR for 2006 and 2008

Parents protest Georgia school closures

Consuelo Callahan for SCOTUS

The Bush Admin. as a mob-style blowout.

Laura Bush will be filming an Extreme Makeover: Home Edition segment

Irony - brownie fired & having to defend promoting bush agenda

Hurricane Rita hit 4 1/2 days ago, & today * said he's got a Plan for...

So, someone called me an idealist today

Has a Democrat ever been "outed," or are only Republicans closeted?

Photo: Hey, Kids! It's Jeff Gannon Guckert, at a pro-war protest! has decidedly shifted from the dark side

You’re Not Qualified to Govern this Country

Compare and Contrast

Reminder: Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Parade Magazine

DeLay flipping and a flopping.

You Can't Make This Stuff Up ...

Durbin strikes with some venom on teevee ...... will it stick?

Do you remember what scandal, in 1994, "brought down the corrupt"

Cindy on Hardball next

Nationwide protest planned:


Pelosi and Waxman introduce Anti-Cronyism Act

new Dumbya joke

So Shrub did not authorize help for Orleans Parish, even though

Challenge: If Bush were OK, what should the Democratic message be?

What Happened to the MSNBC mother with sick baby?

Trained as an interior decorator? Fundraiser? Congratulations...

Will Scott McClellan condemn Brownie for playing the Blame Game today?

Lou Dobbs:Who do you think is responsible for the Katrina screw up? Vote!

Good discussion today how to fix Iraq by roland99

Doing A Heck Of A Job!

Bush has fucked up everything that Clinton accomplished

Interesting PSA being played on local radio here in West Palm

Crooks & Liars photo: NO, talk into the OTHER end.

System of a Down are going to be on Majority Report tonight...

What happens to the Mideast & the terror threat when US doesn't need oil?

DNC: Response to Frist News Conference

An American Contract for the 2008 Nominee

The President, the National Response Plan, and "Catastrophic Incidents"

I LOVE Michael Brown!

Cindy doesn't sound like a Hillary fan on Hardball

Anybody else hear that O'Liely was at it again

Please sign this petition and pass it forward!

Anderson Cooper...they are using the scapegoat word.

Actual conversation I had at work

Unless removed, bush has 3 years left.............

"Brown Blames 'Dysfunctional' Louisiana"

Tweety on fire tonight: Arses on golden horses!

Bush Economy Scares Consumers (DNC Release)

Okay, so here's the "devastating" KERRY Campaign Flick

My theory on NOLA is that the administration LIHOP to get people to accept

Would Rather Follow Up On Memogate? He Says CBS "Wouldn't Let Me"

How to "fix" Iraq? Is it even possible?

Democrats 'boycotting' Katrina review???

Russ Feingold for President?

Brownie just lied through his ass...

Is wrongdoing the same as crime to Frist?

DNC: Independent Commission Needed in Wake of Hurricane ... (Re Brownie)

Has * given more Money to Africa than any previous President?

Last four Chief Justices have been appointed by Republicans!

Women’s minister wants men purged from national anthem

John Courage of TX wins the DFA Grassroots All-Star contest.

America's Covert Wars For Corporatocracy Via CIA: Live Interview

AP Scorecard on Dems - Roberts Vote

"make no mistake about it, the Bush presidency is in trouble."- B.O'Reilly

How can shrub run the country by running around?

I am so sick and tired of these photo-ops.

A simple idea for a bumper sticker

"His Record is Clear, My Record is Clear" - Ray Nagin

Sept. 30th deadline to opt-out of NCLB Military Recruiter data-sharing

"He can't be president because he's short, Jewish and divorced."

WaPo: Eyeing a Role for Ben Affleck in the Senate (Virginia)

Has Russ Feingold ruined his Presidential chances?

Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'

Is Wes Clark's presidential chances helped or hurt by a rabid peace

New poll numbers and analysis from Democracy Corps

Interesting NBC News piece: Post-Katrina Americans no longer trust Gov't.

Where can we transcripts of the speakers at the DC rally? I would

Carter-Baker Report B.S.!!! The Press Smells a Rat

Updated 2006 Senate picks...