Escaping the Legacy of Colonial Development in Venezuela
Military higher-ups get to the bottom of abuse scandals
Great hypocrisy: USA once again demonstrates its double standards
Discrimination in Head Start, New York Times, September 28, 2005
What's the Deal With the Tom DeLay Indictment?(Laura Rozen, Village Voice)
brown refuses to play the blame game, but it's all Louisiana's fault
AP Newsview: DeLay Mess Adds to GOP Troubles
Global warming: Death in the deep-freeze
"A stench of corruption" ("You can't keep up without a scorecard.")
Scandal threatens stunning rise
S. Blumenthal: The undersecretary's dangerous trip (K. Hughes)
Israel Presses Forward With Offensive, Despite Palestinian Truce Pledge
Who here believes Tom Delay is guilty of misappropriating campaign funds?
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News THURSDAY, 9/29/05
We have 36 hours to help ensure that every American vote will be counted
OMG I got a call from Normie Coleman's office
Any way to copy MS Office 97 from one laptop to another?
Texans??? Start a Petition to impeach Delay now!!....Double Dunk!!!
BAND members toast DeLay's indictment. Pic.
David Murff, Democrat for the 7th Texas Congressional District
DeLay's next step--(I'm salivating)
Just incase you didn't know Rush Limpballs girlfriend is CNN's Daryn Kagin
David Drier is my congressman.
Tonight PBS: Get Up Stand Up. The story of pop and protest.
Bush, As Others Before, Escapes Anti-War Protests
VIDEO- DC Confidential -Culture of Corruption
Karl Rove Political Deathwatch, the homegame!
You know why this is happening with Delay, Frist, Brownie etc...
Gee. An awful lot of the 14 people Bush just pardoned were drug dealers.
Woman suicide bomber marks possible new insurgent tactic in Iraq
Who said there isn't work to be found in Bush's economy?
NOLA " baby that wouldn't wake up" update on Olbermann
In celebration of justice served... or at least indictments....
Mark my words, a terrorist attack will come soon ...
So DeLay is running next year for another stint...
How pathetic has the state of affairs in this country become when...
One of the worst bumper stickers I've seen recently.. A peace sign made
The Republicans have restored honor and dignity to the White House.
Get Up, Stand Up with Chuck D on PBS now
Dr. Phil.... take a pill... always thinking the answer is behavior
Please DU this--Important for Freedom on Internet
Why can't MoveOn or other liberal groups put marches together?
If you aborted every Bush baby
Bush's public fund raiser for Iraq raises a whopping $600
SEC Formally investigating Frist!!!
Didn't I tell you folks that Rove was really just evil and not brilliant?
MSN just sucks.....and Rita Cosby has no clue...
September has been a bad month for the Chimp
When you all have your great purge of the "commies"
How many right wing partisan fanatics can you name?
Tweety should be removed after that unbelievable display with DeLay.
Just another example of tolerant Christians
Mike Brown, Tom DeLay, Bill Bennett
VIDEO-Worst Person in the World-Countdown (Bill Bennett)
Get Up, Stand Up: The story of pop and protest - on PBS now
Karen Hughes blunders again, this time in Turkey
Natural Gas Prices Tap All Time High - Near $15
Hannity saying Rep Vitter wrong for LA to ask for 200 mill. now.
How about a GOP "All Star Criminal" card deck soon...
Massive New Flooding Reported!
photoshop experts-I need a favor
Who the US House Majority Leader is (DU Member in his district)
Delay (R-Prison) on Hannity and Colmes now
Turkish Women Blast Karen Hughes With Iraq War Criticism
newsmax: Tom DeLay - No Surprise to Us
Police treated my son like a mad dog
Delay has spent a lot of time on Faux today
The ACLU Overlords have contacted me
Missing slush funds...
"Instead of playing by the rules - shoot the referee" Katrina VanderHueval
Cafferty on Tom Delay Indictment Video
"Instead of playing by the rules - shoot the referee" Katrina VanderHueval
My Experience Getting Through On The Larry King Line
Repug Match Game Play & win big prizes.
Another Installment In My Periodic Reminder Series.
Would Marty Meeham just slap that idiot in the face!
Wow....Scarborough is pissed at the Republicans
A funny joke to tell all your repuke "friends"
Has anyone done a poll putting * up against a Dem, if tomorrow was
Has anyone done a poll putting Cheney up against a Dem, if tomorrow was
25 Questions About the Murder of New Orleans
Scarborough: Earle is a hack, it's partisan, the charges won't stick
Longwang expected to slam China Saturday
Scarorbough going after David Dreier
MUST READ: My class's phone call to Rep. Connie Machs
"John Doe challenges PATRIOT Act gag order"
C-SPAN heads up: Blanco, Barbour, and Riley's senate testimonies
?!?!?!?TBN sends Katrina relief...... to Gretna?? remember the bridge ??
Scarborough-Repub. party in crisis?--corrupt. good discussion on now.
Condi would like to see through walls
What is the difference between a teenager selling drugs and Republicans
The RW response to Earl's 12 convictions of Democrats
If this was posted at Freeperville, how long will it last
The Hill: A bad year for the party just got a whole lot worse
What will be the Democrats' selling points for the '06 and '08 elections?
U.S. Army ends probe on porn site photos of Iraq corpses
In Celebration of the DELAY Indictment: 1 & 2
Howard Fineman on Scarborough Country: Bush Poorly Served
Temporary Majority Leader Hired Consultant Charged as DeLay Co-Conspirator
The perfect actor to play Tom Delay in a movie
The swinging squirrell (Tom Delay) returns to BartCop!
"Mr. Earle is a fanatical partisan hack," Tom DeLay...
Finally, Greenfield just called * an un-popular President on CNN
what would be your favorite political deathmatch?
Maybe these horrible years were meant to be.
DeLay Operated Close to the Ethical Edge -- Yahoo -- vote it up
Ethnic cleansing coming to the Republican party?
They're right. It IS political and it IS partisan.
WTF:: Harriet Miers for Justice of SCOTUS (sludge rumor mongering)
Savor this WP headline, folks: INDICTMENT ENDS DeLay ERA ON CAPITOL HILL
Funny how Delay isn't claiming to still BE the U. S. Government
CNN "BREAKING" - College Girl Still Missing
Japan may pull troops out of Iraq next year -paper
"Culture of Corruption" is a pretty big umbrella
Sen Erwin on Scarborough is sounding like a nutcase
Democrat (Schumer) rejects Larry Flynt's $2500 donation
One question: Is my call to Mike toll free?
Texans?...Start a petition to impeach Delay Now!!!! Double dunk!!!
c-span2 re-playing democrats' hearing on waste and abuse of katrina funds.
Cafferty to Wolf: "Has He Been Indicted Yet?"
Bad news for South African rapists
New Documentary on DVD- "Falluja: April 2004"
Proposal: Tom Delay's shiny new post-indictment NICKNAME:
When I think of the song "Summertime" I think of NOLA
Will DeLay Be Forced to Remove His Hairpiece for His Mugshot? --->>>
DeLay Must Appear in Austin on Charge to be Fingerprinted and Photographed
Hilarious "customer reviews" of Frist autobiography on!
Nightline is hammering on DeLay right now!
play with fire you're gonna get burned. They thought they were above the
Hold on everyone, let's not get too excited yet. Delay could still walk..
OMG, on Olberman...a quote from Bill dickhead Bennet
Help Harry Reid Fight the Oil Tycoons!
Does anyone think there is a relationship between that Saudi buying up
District 22 Dem Club members toast DeLay's indictment!
Has this audiofile on Delay been posted yet?
When will the racist fucks learn...
Who's the worst person on any network news channel in the US?
Anyone think there is a relationship between that Saudi buying up shares
Israelis have advocated for the lives of Palestinians. troll report on Brother Tom DeLay's indictment:
David Banne (musician) on Hurricane victims (mentions Bush)
Did the Daily Show talk about Delay, or are we going to have to wait until
"one of the weakest, most baseless indictments in American history"
WP: With Aid Slow to Come, Texas Towns Are on Their Own
General backs away from troop pullout prediction
pretty powerful "over there" on tonight, dealt with soldier trauma
CA Sec. of St. Forms Panel to Investigate Open Source Software for Elections
Rumor is that * is going to announce his choice for SC tomorrow...
The spoils of DeLay's criminal conspiracy
report suspicious IRS activity?
Official Sweettalker Hughes finds herself arguing with women of Islam
Coulter's Response to the Tillman News
ON YAHOO: Indictment of DeLay seen as blow for Bush DU IT!!!
Message for the Conservative armchair Lawyers re: DeLay/Earle
How can Bush possibly have a 40 percent approval rating, when...
I'm dying for a Diet Coke, and nothing else will do...
Straw heckled over Iraq by 82 year old Labour party member
Should Tom DeLay Resign from Congress? CNN poll
Betty Bowers takes on the peace creeps
ERing..whats your impression??
CSPAN Schedule Thursday September 29
Hannity Vs Carville. 2 Debates scheduled
Sen. Murray Says She Will Support Roberts' Bid
Conservative mag's explanation for Blunt getting DeLay's post --
My afternoon at a Katrina Service Center
"John Doe challenges PATRIOT Act gag order"
"Hundreds Rally to Support Iraq War"- Gannon Sighted at Rally
June 2003, CBS News -- Rep Blunt stinks of tobacco, and more ...
GOP prepares stealth legislation to open FL coasts to oil/gas exploration
Grand juror: "‘Ronnie Earle didn’t indict him"
Is that a pencil in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me? >>>
Quit calling it "softball" with Chris Matthews
Get ready for a nolo contendere plea by Delay. Here's why
"FRIST INVESTIGATION: Status Changed to "FORMAL" from "informal"
The GOP political agenda - class photo
DeLay's defense atty was David Koresh's defense atty
Longwang expected to slam China Saturday
Woman Arrested For House Filled With Animals, Feces
Jonah Goldberg says what's on every RWers mind about Delay
"FEMA City is now a socio-economic time bomb just waiting to blow up"
How about that Glooscap statue
Researchers bring back animals from the dead.
We have 36 hours to help ensure that every American vote will be counted
HELP I need a clear Video of Bush Speech in New Orleans
Oh my God! If this doesn't get to number one on Greatest DU has no soul
Dumb Question: What could have made Frist think he could get away
Kate Bush and Tom DeLay in the same day!!!
MY EYES.... Ann Coulter suddenly appeared on my television
What Noble Cause? Vietnam ... Veteran Not Welcome at Vietnam War Memorial
bush** and company are Assholes! Is The Best Anti-bush Song Yet!
A major talking point for our side (for a change)
Folks, get used to the name FRANCINE BUSBY because...
Mark this well -- the MSM is using the expression "Culture of Corruption."
Did Anybody At The S.F. Protest Have A Problem With The March ???
DeLay Rumor From Someone in the know locally:
Photos of DC protest marches & rally 9-24 & 9-26-05
This is what democracy looks like! (warning-photos)
"GET UP, STAND UP: Pop and Protest" on PBS American Masters TONIGHT!
Constance Baker Motley Dies-1st Black Woman Federal Judge;Civil Rights...
Bush has lost his god damn mind, Aides live in fear and think of Nixon
$20 an hour jobs go begging in Alberta Canada
French police retake ship held by sailors
FEMA's Brown Was Warned Early of Shortages !!!
SEC Formally investigating Frist!!!
Lakeland Web site allows soldiers to post photos of dead Iraqis
Iranian students demonstrate against IAEA
Global warming: Death in the deep-freeze
Bush narrows Supreme Court list
Consumer Confidence Plummets in September, Home Sales Fall
U.S. general casts doubt on 2006 troop cut in Iraq
Oil profits soaring, drivers suffering
Army won't pursue charges over photos (traded for porn) showing war dead
NYT: Republicans See Signs That Pentagon Is Evading Oversight (on intel)
Post-Katrina Efforts Spawn Diverse Complaints and Inquiries
(Harrry) Reid slams Bush over Iraq
Attempt to Pick Successor Is Foiled (Conservatives Reject Dreier)
U.S. Customs Chief Quits ("He and...Chertoff have been at odds...")
Bush narrows Supreme Court list (White House counsel Harriet Miers)
Newsweek: The 'Second' Man (Al-Qaida deputy really No. 2?)
DeLay must appear in Austin on charge (fingerprinted and mug shot)
Boulis killing indictment names fourth conspirator (Abramoff case)
Red Cross Criticized, Urged to Share Cash
Roy Blunt Hired Consultant Who's Also Indicted
NYT: Constance Baker Motley, Civil Rights Trailblazer, Dies at 84
Why is Steve Earl pretty well only popular for Copperhead road?
Very, very, very, very, very, very, disturbing photo of Kevin Federline
OMG! Turn On The TV... RIGHT NOW!!!
The following DUers owe me money:
ARGGGGH! Dick Cheney Is Mr. Potter!
I'm a psychic medium talking to Pres. Eisenhower! Ask HIM anything!
Hey CrazyGuggenheim - please pass the popcorn!
Astounding to see Pete Best on PBS. Ringo's predecessor. Astounding.
Okay...I've been at work all day and haven't had a chance to say this.....
We'll be fighting in the streets, with our children at our feet...
I have to stop drinking light beer......waste of time.
I need movies rated PG or G that are based in NYC...
I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours....
Remember "Celebrity Deasth Match" On MTV? I Have A Suggestion . . .
Commander in Chief - Last Night
The Tom Delay indictment party thread....
I saw way too many homeless cats earlier
So my wingnut boss wanted to know why I was doing the happy dance
At what number of cats do they cease being pets and become livestock?
I bathed with pumpkin soap....
Happy Tom Delay Indictment Day!
It's time for University Challenge!!!
Dedicated to DELAY Indictment: The Sun'll / My FDR
So I guess the "ignore" feature is temorarily disabled, huh?
The MC5 were just on the PBS special!
Can't see my girlfriend until my ex-wife gets home from her 3-minute dates
Be among the FIRST to write Tom Delay Indictment haiku!
Raw Guar is for me, and I will tell you why...and you can share too.
I normally don't hang here but I wanted to point this out
Ha ha! That criminal Tom Delay has stepped down!
Devices in your home that flash incessantly:
I'm going to have some VIVID dreams tonight!
I have question about the environment, scientist, and big business...
Help: Rudolph * picture from the other day ?
Okay, tomorrow , it's battle one: Middle School.
Does owning a child increase the chances of cats developing leukemia?
OUTSTANDING helmet cam video; aka why eye paddle!
The perfect place for the discriminating cat lover to go (pic)
Gentlemen..... Hillary Duff turned 18
The rental screwdriver bit and the moran of the week
Tee Hee. I just Clashified KitchenWitch
Beautiful night here in Minnesota.
Seriously... Anybody have any good Tom DeLay jokes?!?!?
Tonight we threw the first logs of the season on the first fire.
Wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube man!
Kimmel tonight! He told everyone "Tom Delay tried to buy sex from a clown"
If you think about quitting your job everyday you work.....?
Is it wise to consolidate your student loans?
Got my wisdom teeth taken out today.
I can no longer see Lounge posts on the Latest page.
I am soooooooooooo flipping tired
"And you people wonder why I hate the popcorn smiley."
Will you all still love me if I go insane in the next 19 months?
The world is alive..... My computer is backed up.....
If the Padres win tonight they'll be NL West Champs!
Video of Steve-O drunk on "Too Late with Adam Carolla"
Jeebus, it sounds like an air raid is taking place here!
My cover of "Transmission" will be on RadioEnigma first thing tonight.
Runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load.....
what would be your favorite political deathmatch?
I must exorcise an earworm. It's been three days.
You know, I kind of feel sorry for Tom DeLay...
ROUND TEN -- Greatest Movie Character Ever, Semifinals
We just won the AL West and all you have is LIGHT BEER?!
Daily thoughts and affirmations for cats
For WCGreen: the thread that's the head.
Please allow me this opportunity...
good questions for an interviewee to ask?
what do these Dwarfs have in common?
I nominate DUer DrZeeLit for 'Mother of the Year'!!!!!!!
Ugg. I'm kinda worried about my folks.
yet unseen photos from Hawk 'n' Dove -- and a certain hotel room . . .
Have you ever made a major career change?
Somebody in NY should go get these Kitties! An Ocicat and a Rex..
I'm sitting here, with a glass full of cranberry juice...and wondering
I have been called oddball and obnoxious me anything.
Great, and I mean GREAT music moments in movies.
I'm coming out of the closet...for the 1st the world..........
Does anyone else notice how in the fourth quarter of football games,
Question about dog behavior and children.
Know anything about Gary Null's
Need help with sensing something
One of the great advantages of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a god
Pic thread for a great day: Ahm, Fav pics. just cuz
AD found a cool reference to UN & Sen. Kerry's Sis
My contribution to the Photo Group DC Smackdown
Allegedly Gay Repug David Drier (host to Tony Blair's Son) pushed Aside
Thank Goodness!Baby reported dead from MSNBC video ALIVE!
How some Democrats will vote on Roberts
Evil Dick Crashcart Cheney Returns to Work With a Cane..."S.O.A.S."
Dem faithful: Stand up and Be Counted ... who is NOT breathing fire today?
Can Delay blackmail Bu$h for a pardon?
President Bush Pardons 14 People
I'm looking for a site that supports the troops AND the Iraqi War.
Complain to Corps who fund DeLay's legal defense fund here:
Does DeLay have to resign from the House?
Celebratin DeLay's finger-printin
Donate to Battleground MO, US Senate Dem
Michael Brown lies under oath!
DeLay slamming Democrats on Fox (now)
Remember - They Got Al Capone On Tax Evasion......
President had "confidence" in Delay's leadership
Delay's replacement, Roy Blunt, is an ethically-challenged crook too!
worst softball interview of all time - Delay on Harball
My 76 year old mother is more tin hat than I am about voting fraud
From Daily Kos-CT- Sen: Weicker rumors taking hold(may run against Joe L?)
Roy Blunt (R-MO) is going down! (he's cozied up to DeLay)
So, who is lobbying the Fed. Gov. for me or for you? Are there
Does Anybody Know If Fitzgerald Is In Chicago Working On The...
America: a safe haven for airline bombers.
Should the United Nations place sanctions against the U.S. for harboring
I'm Hoping Letterman's Top Ten Tonight Is - Top 10 Signs The Republican...
CA Sec. of State Forming Panel to Investigate Open Source SW for Elections
Has evertyone see Pat Oliphant today? If so, sorry.
Carl Pope: The REAL Looting Has Just Begun
It is 2008, Satan walks the Earth, Pick one Man for President...
Should Saudi women drive and vote?
A Response From Laura Ingraham
Drier Just Said Delay Will Be A Hero When This Is All Over.....
CSPAN Schedule Thursday September 29
Larry King has Coulter and Nation editor Katrina Heuvel on now (West Coast
Are Republicans the biggest fucking crybabies or what?
a terrible episode in Frist's past, which he hopes voters will forgive
Sanders vows to fight planned budget cuts by GOP
I have a microphone and I know to use it
Wondering why Earle didn't nail Hutchison's ass to the wall?
Help me respond to this vicious anti-Sheehan letter in my local paper...
Word Association - REPUBLICAN - 1st 10 responses in 10 seconds
To Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald
Who do the Republicans have left? Seriously, I'm trying to think
Will they put our Texas Districts back now that DeLay has been
It's Time For a Moratorium on all Bush Appointments (Kos Diary)
Who Roy Blunt Is (I am from his district)
If you were a foreign govenment, would you extradite terrorists here.
Did anyone find the FEMA chart they just showed on The Daily Show?
Bill Bennett: "[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country, and you
NO, this is NO witch hunt DeLay, what Bill Clinton went through,
Al Gore is for me, and I will tell you why...and you can share too.
It'd be a darn shame if DeLay had to be taken down to TX in handcuffs,
Al Gore is all we this point. Known Quantity, Experience,
Congressman who filed DeLay complaint last year 'pleased'
NYT: For Republicans, DeLay Indictment Adds to a Sea of Troubles
America's Energy Solution Is Right Under Us...Literally
Democrats flee peace protests; it's time for a name change
NYT: Cut-Rate Homes For Middle Class Are Catching On
LA Times editorial: The Hammer takes a hit
"Who the hell is Ronnie Earle" Excellent Esquire Article
My Partner's weekly editorial. This week it's about his life and
CBS: The View From Baghdad, The View From Home (Good news overlooked?)
check out editorial on Brown whining!
Sunnis Say No Chance for Iraq Constitutional Deal
Senators: Hurricane Aid is Being Blocked
Repubs See Signs Pentagon evading Oversight on Intel (gee,yathink?)
Republicans gone wild with the credit card. It's funny in a scary way.
Richard Clarke article in Atlantic Nov 05 issue - must read
Congresswoman Waters Denounces Interim Government Of Haiti
DeLay Indictment May Be Overshadowed by Looming Abramoff Probe
Our Imploding President (Engelhardt interviews Sheehan / MoJo)
A Few Good Men (Commie Girl / OC Weekly)
Blood on Their Hands, Bob Herbert, NY Times, 9/29/05
WP: Troubled Year Gets Worse for GOP:
Indictment rocks GOP (But will Democrats capitalize???)
"Religion, holy ones strangling peoples' rights"--AZ Republic
Karen Hughes War Is Peace Tour/Turkish Women Lecture Hughes
newsweek/fineman: "Demoralized" Dems... huh?
Global Eye - Captain Courageous - By Chris Floyd
The "American street" speaks: Will the Democratic Party listen?
Permanent Occupation By Rep. Barbara Lee
Chicago Reader: How I Learned to Hate the War Al Jeezra hires ex-marine
Joshua Frank on Dem's Absence...
Able Danger Mystery Solved: How They Linked Atta
Friedman (9/27/05): The Endgame In Iraq (Kill All Sunnis!)
Bill Bennett From Mediamatters
The Jay Marvin Show - AM 760, Boulder, and on a computer near you!
Sirius- I'm done, good-bye, I've had it.
Persons on UE over 7 days jumps 144,000(biggest since 4/01) to 2.80 millio
Toyota Dream House With Plug In Prius
Haaretz (Thursday): Gaza escalation has weakened Hamas' standing
AARP opposes Prop 78, endorses competing Prop 79
Just got the 77 page voter info guide.
NO on 73 Planned Parenthood Event, Sat. 10/1 Los Angeles
Kaiser nearing labor pact (sorry, arnie)
Finally, there is someone working to recall Arnold.
Boswell tumor diagnosed non-malignant
How close to corruption is Nussle?
Democrats rip Nussle for ties to DeLay
Indoor folk festival in Hudson, Saturday, October 1, 2-10PM
Deval Patrick spoke in Framingham - here's my recap ...
Amy Klobuchar gets endorsement from Emily's list
My afternoon at the Katrina Service Center in Minnesota
GOP corruption "worries" Vin Weber
Long-idle DSL connection no longer connected. ZoneAlarm plm?
I just lost all of my favorites and my history log
What's broadband and how does it compare to other internet services?
Northeast (and other) Ohio DUers! We're due for a meetup!
Cleveland Mayor Campbell (D) Breaks Ground For Cleveland Wal Mart
" "(Hackett) said privately that he's running," said Dem. Senate source.
Election Integrity - WHO'S COUNTING YOUR VOTE?
Conditions Primitive in Texas After Rita
Another post-Rita H-Town gathering Sat., 10/1
David Harris, Candidate TX CD 6 issues press release
I'd like to draw your attention to this thread in GD.
State Senate passes Patient Abandonment Bill and Junk-Science Bill
If you were a politician, how would you rather be seen?
Rep Conyers On The Arrest of the Pro Peace Protesters
Is a new "Iran-Contra" brewing? Signs are Pentagon is evading oversight.
been claimed Hastert is DeLay's puppet... and now, still D's puppet??
Anti-gay gay David Dreier shortest-lived House Majority Leader in History
Ludacris Congress : Republicans barely even try to control spending.
Did anyone else see Bill Kristol on Charlie Rose?
Where is that thread about Roy Blunt and him being the #2 of 13
Thinking ahead to this years plastic turkey moment
Anybody got a pic of Roy Blunt's wife? ... Yes, the trophy one
Demand An Ethics Investigation of Tom Delay
The Washington Post says Dreier was Tom DeLay's choice.
Pepsi denies dropping Kanye West
Has Scarborough seen 'The Light?'
Think Boosh could become a cop?
You know them, you love them (to die quickly)
UK: Free Speech Zone and Patriot Act implemented
Testimony of Akira Onogi: Remembering Hiroshima
Bernie Ward is having fun with DeLay's troubles tonight
Did Republican policies lead to Bill Frist's troubles?
Coulter on Larry King tonight!!!
RayTal coming up. Ready for another DeLay slam?
Help Bryan Kennedy run an ad against Sensenbrenner
DeLay named 'Big House' Majority Leader (thanks BuzzFlash for the link)
The Five Morons or "Nothing to Fear But Bush Himself"
Bill Bennett "dealing with" his racist remarks now
AP: Bush Admin is blocking hurricane evacuee health care - bait & switch!
Video: Olbermann implying Limbaugh is a "rude vile pig"
You know, none of these Republicans would be acting so sleazy if Clinton
Hot Damn!!! The miracle of compound interest.
When do we get to see the mug shot??
DeLay and Brownie "points" - two new toons 9/29
I like the idea of adding a gas tax
Let's plan a party for Swamp Rat
No fewer than 3 "reporters suggested that Delay was a...
Reporter from Houston Chronicle on WJ now needs a little help
Cindy Sheehan mentioned by Kurdish women's rights activist.
This may have been posted traces Saddam's connection to CIA
My question re: DeLay, and this may already have been answered
So Dreier dated Anne Coulter when she was a man
Don't let the door hit you in the ass Mr. Insecticide!
This is why I won't support moderate repukes like my rep Mike Castle
DAVID GERGEN: Professional repukeliKKKan butt sniffer
NPR: Impacts of Katrina on Foster Kids, 158 Still Unaccounted for
Question about Blunt isn't he pro stem cell?
Re: Auntie Pinko and "Katrina Bonds"
CSPAN3 Now - Rumsfeld, Myers, Abizaid, & Casey Testify on Iraq
Senator Schumer on The Daily Show tonight
Scientists end mystery of Maya city
Delay indictment being discussed on Diane Rehm now. nt
Dobbs omitted "intelligent design" proponent's Christian ties, beliefs
Dutch 'witch' attracts tax break
Tom Delay, I'm not happy you got indicted...
My Idea For Homeland you think they'll adopt it?
Chilean judge orders seizure of Pinochet's accounts in US
Here's a few of bush's pardons:
Lincoln announces support of Roberts
Fossil Fuels Set to Become Relics
Yet anOTHER Al Qaeda #2 killed. (How many #2 guys does AQ have?)
Republican Abuse Of Power: America Is Finally Waking Up!
Corporate Criminal appointed by Repub. Governor to Indiana U. Trustee Bd.
DeLay and Friends React To Indictment With Spin, Spin, Spin
New Orleans: Some black areas may not be rebuilt, HUD chief says
Did Congress ever follow through with extending Daylight Savings Time?
Dems need to get their DeLay act together. Judge could dismiss case
You Can't Make This Stuff Up ... (FEMA Edition)
Racism alive and well in "blue" Northern VA & Washington, DC
If you want to read the indictment, it's posted at Smoking Gun.
I was invited to debate the Iraq War on the air by a local
Is the RNC part of any indictment?
Stripes letter: Missiles vs. storm relief
Al Qaeda: The MLM of Terrorism
DREIER Was "too moderate" (Repuke Code Words)
Insiders Painted Sunny Picture as They Sold off HCA Stock
DeLay And Blunt-------------> Caption This Picture
If delay is truly working on a plea bargain deal,
Stocks Fall as Unemployment Claims and Oil and Gas Prices Rise
Excellent NYT graphics on DeLay skullduggery
Republican Corruption Scorecard
Alterman nails DeLay, Frist, and Limbaugh.
A Very Blarney (Suck-up) Interview with Tweety
Ethnic Cleansing in the United States!
WP: Delay's "Attempt to Pick Successor Is Foiled"
Frist: Insiders Painted Sunny Picture as They Sold off HCA Stock
Anybody here print their own checks?
11:30ET: Final Roberts vote on C-SPAN2
Using the Bible to tour a museum
Soldiers still waiting for armor reimbursements
Is this illegal only in Texas ?
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon-4) rips *'s "political hacks" - BRAVO!!!!
AZ Democratic Congressional candidate needs your HELP!!!!
Wow! HIV might not cause Aids. I hadn't heard that one......
WP advice: GOP not learning from Dems, but Dems should learn from GOP
Gas/Oil Companies damage from hurricanes minimal
Repubs should absolutely LOVE the Theory of Evolution
Biden voted no to Roberts cpan
What About Fitzgerald and his Investigation?
Has anyone seen this or is this old news? - Voter Fraud
Ashley Smith to Oprah: Addicted to Meth
GOP is one step from self-destruction...
Paper ballots NOW!!! Hand counts NOW!!! Impeachment NOW!!! nt
Will Tom Delay be handcuffed and fingerprinted?
We aren't supposed to hate, it isn't constructive
MyDD: Media Finally Sees Through Bush's 'Number 2 Man' Myth
Newsday: DeLay may be straw that breaks GOP’s back
Don't think impeachment.........think
Have you been to Jeff Gannon's site?
Ooooooh! I just loved this quote re: DeLay!
CORRUPTION being talked of on Connection msnbc
DeLay/Frist--Do I Smell "Clinton" in the Air???
If this does not provoke passion, what will?
criminal Miami Cubans strike again
Longwang now Super Typhoon and heading for Taiwan
Wash. 24th: The emergency drill 'Granite Shadow' - how did it go?
Was accused of "outing" David Drier by liberal friends
For those that were upset over town giving white couple a wedding
Judge Rules in Favor of ACLU (seemingly) [Torture]
Was the new Chief Justice in the riot that stopped the 2000 recount?
Frist On Delay - I have Cofidence in Tom Delay's leadership
the official thank Feingold on his Roberts vote thread
Freeper Requests Donations For Tom DeLay's Legal Fund-LOL!
A Must Read: The Last Passion of the Democratic Party
Harry knew the score alright...
did any of the senators on the democrat side of the aisle who voted for
The Dems take turns selling out so no one can be blamed
God if I would have known in 2000 Bushco would
Bernie Ward joke (pretty good stuff}
CNN, MSNBC, and Fox all did stories of the Kerry girlfriend internet rumor
Roberts part of the mob in Florida that obstructed 2000 recount?
Louise Slaughter, Dem Rep, upstate NY effing ROCKS
Roberts and the political waves and wind
Bunnatine Greenhouse is on the Al Franken Show
Former USMC media guy (Lt. Josh Rushing) joins the Al-Jazeera network !!
I'm getting a purely selfish kick out of the ANSWER fracas
MSNBC Poll - Should Bush nominate a woman to the Supreme Court?
So who else should be in jail? Let's make a list...
Hey mods would you get someone to make this shirt and would you sell it?
The question EVERYBODY who interviews DeLay should be asking
Can you stand more protest photos?
call your reps NOW-they vote to "reform' Endangered species Act" today
Scandal all around...and he continues appointing zealots
My little photo thread from DC protest
Do you know anybody that thinks that the US is better off now than it...
Elizabeth Cheney, Neoconnette --->>>
Need help with repug email in inbox
You and I know for sure that jobless claims could not possibly have
Bush says Americans look at Katrina and our hearts grieve
WaPo Gossip Columnists: On B*** Drinking
We need more people like Dr. Robert Pennock (debunking Intelligent Design)
A platform for Pro-Life Democrats
A new galaxy has been found. But
"Military wary of disaster role"
The Germans have a word for Tom Delay: Backpfeifengesicht
Fiore's newest - "Oh, yeah, THAT":
Pat Tillman - Anti-Iraq War Comments - True?
When Is It Best To Take Crack Cocaine?
Co. run by Frist's brother made $630m deal 2 days before he became leader
House to vote Today on Pombo bill weakening the Endangered Species
Freeper using holocaust quote in the "dirty deal" of going after repugs.
Don't know how to describe this, but I think its funny...
FreeRepublic Unites Around Tom Delay
Evan Bayh voted against Roberts?
Was Howard Dean on CNN or ABC this morning or is he
Sex: Who’s Doing What in America
BusinessWeek: DeLay's Woes: The GOP's Tipping Point?
Damned hurricanes ruined Bush's thriving economy!
does anyone know what Tom Delay's "rough history" is
WORST paraphrase of "First they came" quote EVER:
Regarding the article on DU homepage,
AP: Late bills for credit cards set a record
Bush seeks creation of new Federal agency
Bush should just borrow a few hundred $Billion dollars more from China...
House committee approves drilling in Arctic Refuge
Please Tell Me...... What rummy Is Doing Here??
Didn't the shurb say yesterday to expect things to get worse in Iraq?
Dems Must Do What's Right, Not What's Safe
Bayh, Feinstein & Biden vote "NO", Byrd, Feingold and Leahy vote "YES"
Roberts said that Capitol Hill is the seat of executive branch
Tomdispatch Interview with Cindy Sheehan: Katrina Will Be Bush's Monica
Cafferty drawing Katrina analogy when talking about California fires
"It's not the _________, it's the HYPOCRISY!!!"
Tom Delay: the Sadaam Hussein of the GOP
Caller on B. Ward: "I'm pro-abortion because it's less people on welfare"
"High in the hills we are harvesting sweet sinsemilla"....
Reuters: Iraq war leaves Americans skeptical of force: poll (72% v. 20%)
Today is my Birthday and I am NOT having a good day!
Now that Roberts is Chief Justice, which Demos voted for him?
Who's the bald guy with Delay?
Yes or No? Antonin Scalia moves toward the center
Feingold's making his first campaign speech on Senate floor now
Haha, Someone in my office posted on the bulletin board
Suicide Bombings Kill 60 Iraqis; Attack Kills Five U.S. Soldiers
If the Dems don't oppose anything, are they really an opposition party?
I swear the democratic party takes turns being DINO's
Fifty People Killed... Hundred Others Injured In Baghdad Blasts
"The route of all Evil starts with Good men & women doing nothing".
Rush Limbaugh is Realllllly good at what he does.
So a U.S. interrogator in Afghanistan got 5 months for killing a prisoner.
How many DEM senators would LOL at the thought of a * Impeachment?
Five U.S. soldiers killed by roadside bomb in Iraq
When the Dems finally take back control of the Senate, they must RE-OPEN
I got this link in my email this morning.
14 US soldiers KIA in last three days (not too mention many,
A word of warning. In less than 3 weeks the new bankruptcy bill
Our new chief justice--a pictorial
Why is Al so dismissive of Katherine? It's rude. Is he topdogging her?
County outlaws camping by roads near Crawford
I didn't see this in LBN: 5 US soldiers killed; 60 Iraqis killed in
Don't you wish I had some influence in government?
CNN: New Bush Poll Numbers Coming Out Soon
and George is looking sickly ---pix->>>
I know where "Moran" comes from, but where did HUGH!!1! come from? nt
It is a historic moment for the US
Roberts lack of Judiciary Experience
New Idea for the Legislative Branch: Just sell the seats to corporations!
WashPost - Froomkin: "Is Bush Losing Congress?"
Judge issues ruling on ACLU vs. DoD torture pictures.
Remember: Innocent until proved guilty
looking for info on fema reimbursements to churches
FEMA did EXACTLY what their website says they're supposed to do!
Indictment just one of Delay's problems.
If everybody cut back on electricity^, would that curtail global warming?
Molly Ivins coming up on Hardball
Who do you think the GOP will nominate in '08?
Yahoo Bush Slide Show: a man clearly losing it.
I understand Supreme Court Justices CAN be removed for
1933 Reasons why the DSM is Important
cases coming to SCOTUS?? abt PatriotAct? torture? rendition?
Gallup, Aug-Sept: 45, then 40, then 46, then 40, now 45 again
Dedicated to... well.. if the cap fits....
CNN Poll: Will John Roberts be a good Chief Justice? VOTE
will/should we forget Germany/Holocaust??? US/AbuG torture??
Should Tom DeLay resign from Congress?
ThinkProgress -- making it easy for everyone to know the truth on DeLay.
Meanwhile, over in Iraq...... FIVE more soldiers died
CNN poll: "Will John Roberts be a good chief justice? "
QUICK!!!! HELP!!!!! name some famous people who have GEDs
Has Roberts ever kissed his wife?
Judge Orders Release of Abu Ghraib Photos
As for what Tom Delay has done as a congressman....
FYI - Molly Ivins coming up on Hardball (MSNBC).
CNN's Lou Dobbs offered his own "facts" on evolution
Pelosi's talking about Bennett's "black baby" crack on the floor
Frists's 630 million $ Deal - Company run by Frist's brother...
Nail the Hammer to a Billboard in His Own Backyard!
Check out my new blog. I like being a blogger. I've added some
Here's a dumb question about the counter demonstration...
I nominate Delay as dumbass of the year!!!!!
1. What freedom do we not now enjoy that the right wants to secure for us?
Howard Fineman: Bush Poorly Served
Car bombs kill more than 60 in Iraq
Where - exactly- are those pictures?
Legal question: Assuming the Abu Ghraib photos ARE released....
New Orleans Death Toll/Missing: Any News Outlets Tracking This?
Traded barbs with a fundy con today
House votes to revamp Endangered Species Act
US torture in Iraq 'a way to pass the time, to work off your frustrations'
the Earle swiftboating is in full swing now
transcript of THE speech on Saturday--Etan Thomas
What I am afraid of-re: Roberts
Has Molly Ivins been on Hardball yet?
the smoking gun? No constitution?
Is It Just Me Or Are The Freeps Really Cooking Today?
Anna Nicole Smith wants to know - is John Roberts a boob man?
DeLay's court hearing: Oct 21, 2005
Lou Dobbs poll about next supreme nominee
Sorry, I have to say it: Tom DeLay is the BIGGEST arrogant asshole ever.
Whatever will they do when Scalia decides that it's payback time?
We can do this the nice way ...or the Nasty Way (UKGuard)
Anyone else looking forward to the economic crash?
NBC: “Damning Evidence” - New Orleans Levees
I want to see Delay fingerprinted and Mug Shot on TV!!! WAHHH!!!
Idiot Son's approval "climbed" 45%
US trying to understand Iraq insurgency -Negroponte
"I'd kick him right square in the butt"
Russian admiral named patron saint of long-range nuclear bomber force
Mellon Family, Rembrandts and Swastikas: How Are These Things Connected?
Frist's HCA was sued in 2004 for gouging uninsured
That's it Sam Seder is now fav AAR personality
The Pentagon's new force to end the war in Iraq
Iraq war leaves Americans skeptical of force as a tool to spread democracy
Charles "Bell Curve" Murray bestows his purebred racism on WSJ re: NOLA
AAR leaves WHAT-AM in Philly, may land on another affiliate
Can a non-toxic bioflavonoid beat out
Under What Circumstances is War Morally Acceptable?
I wonder how much honking would occur if you had this bumper sticker:
In the mean time when will the twin towers be reconstructed?
When the Party of Propaganda controls the Propaganda...
Is it common knowledge our government does scientific tests on humans?
The REAL scandal of Tom Delay- (he's a pro child labor bastard)
was curios about how the other 7 justices might react to being passed over
DeLay, Miller, Franklin, Brown, Abu Ghraib, Frist, BUSH DRUNK
"Intelligent Design" backers just might not
Pathetic, funny, film clip of George misspeaching.
Whom here considers the Democratic leadership/elite to be enemies?
Will John Roberts be a good Chief Justice - DU poll
EVERYONE is missing the key to destruction of the "RIGHTISTS"
I graduated in a town in Texas that was known for it's racism
There should be no talk of "no difference" re: the Roberts nomination.
Marines now recruiting in ELEMENTARY schools............
Uncovered National Secrets: (please keep the source anonymous)
Moral Outrage Czar Bennet: Aborting Black Babies Would Lower Crime Rate
60% of female vets sexually harrassed - I'm fucking pissed!!!
Today's link for the Good Night, and Good Luck Trailer. Watch it now!
The Gulf Will Rise Again (Op-Ed Contributor John Grisham)
What is the definition of "professional protestor"?
Must Read Article In Esquire on Ronnie Earle
What do you think about the democrats chances in 06? Really.
Pelosi: Rethug Katrina inv is "a travesty of a mockery of a sham..."
Should We Start A Betting Pool On When The Terrorist Alerts Resume ???
Gas went up 20 cents a gallon today..
Senate questions Michael Crichton on fostering a new American literature
Top U.S. General Says Number of Capable Iraqi Battalions Drops to One
Rumsfeld not reimbursing troops who have to purchase their own body armor
So our hapless, lovable antichrist now has a judge in his pocket.
Who giggled all day because of the DeLay Indictment?
EVERYONE on this board should look up "Pyrrhic Victory."
Jesus!, Jerry Springer just signed off(11.59am est) and had no idea
Re-legalizing Hemp - Missouri's H.R. 3037
One undeniably good thing about John Roberts as Chief Justice
What is wrong with these Democrats?
Governor Schwarzenegger well he did it
'GIVE 'EM HELL HARRY.COM': Reid launches his own blog
What difference does it make if Bush is back on the juice?
Freeper Has Pix Of Scarry "Hippie-Libbie Moms" From Last Weekend
Air America leaving Sacramento
Holy Cow, it's like somebody shook the tree and nuts are falling
Why You Should Oppose the USDA's Mandatory Property and Animal
Karen Hughes says all her problems were caused by bad translation
What was the "tipping point" for the bush regime?
LA Repub is trying to get DC GOP behind plan to keep poor Dems out of NOLA
If it's no ones business TAKE YOUR WEDDING BAND OFF!
Photographic Proof of Global Warming (1979 Ice Cap vs. 2005 Ice Cap)
Has there ever been a discussion of DeLay and gaydar?
*** Thursday TOONs : Delay ****
When the pics and videos of children being raped are released
After watching (some of) the PBS show last night on "protest music"
Opponents of outing - homophobic?
Why didn't Scalia show up at Robert's swearing-in ?
DU Homework: Form a sentence including the phrase "Culture of Corruption."
Susan Molinari pathetic on Tweety show... reading directly from TP's
This thread is stupid and counter productive
Do You Favor The Release Of The Abu Ghraib Torture Photos?
I Am So Powerless Over Ben In Ramadi But Peyton Shines On
Brain Wilson from Faux answered my email
We have some unusual votes in the confirmation for and against Roberts
Most women who get abortions in the US are white.
**Abu Ghraib images to be released - BBC**
This is going to shock us all. We might never stop crying after we
So when can we expect to see these photos that will now be
BIG FIRE in SoCal ................breaking ............
Help! Need exact (tasteless) Hurricane KATRINA quotes
Help! My 18 year old nephew wants to join the army!
Debunking the NOLA School Bus Myth
Will displaced storm victims be able to vote absentee?
DUMBASS! Until Dems call out Diebold and ES&S they are wasting our time!
ATTN: DU Scientists: Petition - "A Scientific Support For Darwinism, And
Funny pictures of Gannon at pro war rally
MORE bad news for NeoCons: Judge says Ashcroft and FBI must testify
Karen Hughes using silly slogans
Do illegal immigrants in the US get welfare?
Obligatory "Defend the Dems on Roberts" Thread
Proof that Bob Boudelang really "does" post on Freak Republic
How many DUers agree with THIS widely accepted GOP meme?
Hurr Rita: Master Thread - Feds Poor Response AGAIN!
Freedom Museum? We need to put freedom in a museum?
'Frog-Marching' Bush to the Hague
Warning: This post will make you ill
Photos Needed of Drunk GW ~ they need to be in one thread
New charges may help pot activist
My Cherie Amour, by the landlord of the Bull
Poker-playing UK chef $1m richer
AP Newsview: DeLay Mess Adds to GOP Troubles
WP: With Aid Slow to Come, Texas Towns Are on Their Own
Protesters ask Kennedy to vote against Alaska drilling
The 'Second' Man - Azzam may not have been Zarqawi’s top deputy after all.
SEC Upgrades Sen. Frist Stock Inquiry
Prosecutor Takes Attacks in Stride, Mostly (Ron Earle)
U.S. General Casts Doubt on 2006 Troop Cut in Iraq
Judge Upholds Lawsuit by Muslim Detainees
Bush Sends Top Iraq Commanders to the Hill
Bin Laden considered seeking asylum in Britain
DeLay Indictment document (PDF just posted on CNN)
DeLay Indictment May Be Overshadowed by Looming Abramoff Probe
CNN: U.S. border protection chief resigns (supported "minutemen")
Senators Fume at White House Disdain for Katrina Healthcare Plan
An Exiled Assad Plans a Return to Syria
Guardian: Minister apologises for ejecting party veteran over Iraq
DeLay: Newspaper Pressured Prosecutor
DeLay Indictment May Be Overshadowed by Looming Abramoff Probe
U.S. Forces Raid Homes of Sunni Officials
Supply Concerns Elevate Futures (coastal, ANWAR drilling out of committee)
Sunnis say no chance for Iraq constitution deal
Costa Rica to take Nicaragua to court over river
"Officer's Road Led Him Outside Army"
Roberts confirmed as 17th chief justice of Supreme Court (23 Dems vote y)
House Plots Strategy After Loss of DeLay
Dade worker admits taking bribe (Miami)
Stifling Iraq dissent backfires for Labour
Hundreds of bodies still unidentified (Katrina)
2 roadside bombs hit US military convoy in Baghdad
Afghanistan fears Iraq-style militant attacks
Arctic Ice Melting Faster as Temperatures Climb.
Study: U.S. economy not most competitive
Panel clears way for voter forms challenge
Judge Rules on ACLU FOIA Request (Breaking on DU)
Gen.: Troop Withdrawal Hinges on Iraq Vote (more Casey)
'How to beat your wife' imam must study equality
Petrobras, PDVSA Plan $4.7 Bln of Joint Ventures (Update1)
Oil & Natural Gas (India) Targets Cuban Oil Production Within a Year
Breaking (Reuters): At least 50 killed in car bombs north of Baghdad
Co. run by Frist's brother made $630m deal 2 days before he became leader
Argentina Senate Ejects Menem-Appointed Supreme Court Judge
US ordered to release more Iraq abuse photos
At Least 60 Dead in Iraq Car Bombings (5 US troops killed). 62/cnn just
Gen.: Al-Qaida seeks to use WMD in Mideast (Gen. George Casey)
AP: 3 women join fight against AIDS
Guardsman who died doubted Iraq war effort
Porter won't keep money if DeLay is convicted
US military failed on Katrina communications-admiral
Iraqis call Lynndie England jail term travesty
Dutch government intends to endorse guidelines on child euthanasia
Number of combat-ready Iraqi battalions drops by two-thirds: general
Brazil's Currency Gains After Lula Candidate Wins Congress Vote
Japan may pull troops out of Iraq in early 2006
Meteorologists complain hurricane research budget is too small
As Fewer Americans Travel to Cuba, One Group Finds Formula That Sidesteps
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 29 September
Poll: Americans Doubt Exporting Democracy
Indictment just one of Delay's problems.
Survey: 60 percent of National Guard and Reserve female veterans say they
Money connected to Reid:Senator arranged for grant now involved in indictm
Lessons come at high cost: 107 lives
Chip Helps Electric Outlet Go Broadband
US trying to understand Iraq insurgency -Negroponte
British hand over control of Basra
Retail Plan for Ground Zero Is Unveiled
Freedom museum for 9/11 abandoned (BBC News)
House Set to Act on Overhaul of Endangered Species Act
(Anti-war) Petition causes Legion dispute
Chicago Reader: How I Learned to Hate the War
Guilty plea expected in Pentagon spy probe
U.S. Treasuries Fall as Jobless Claims Drop More Than Forecast
Survey: Reservists Complain of Harassment (6/10 women)
Shaalan Denies Billion Dollar Fraud (Former Iraqi Defense Minister)
BBC: Foetuses found at Bogota airport (thought for use in Satanic rituals)
Study finds HIV weakens over time
Arnie Vetoes Marriage Rights, signs four other bills for gays and lesbians
Ex-Chad Dictator Indicted in Belgium
Rumsfeld to address reporters' safety in Iraq
Canada's army needs more soldiers, money - report
Iraq war musical "Let's Kick Ass!" premieres in Denmark
NYT/AP: Inquiry Opens on Whether New Orleans Police Looted
At least 50 killed in car bombs north of Baghdad (100 wounded)
US Senate Democrats eye 40 mln bbl gasoline reserve
US envoy says UN funding should be voluntary
NBC: N.O. Levee Reported Weak In 1990's (built on bad ground)
U.S. military questioned on Iraq ( reassures congress!)
Five U.S. Soldiers Killed in Ramadi
Key Adviser to Ky. Gov. Latest to Leave
A standoff threatens EU-Turkey negotiation
BBC (Thursday): India hit by strike over reforms
House Committees OK Gas Drilling
Stepping In For DeLay, Replacement House GOP Leader Says Party To Stay Foc
Lessons come at high cost: 107 lives (Texas)
Top Officials Told To Testify In Muslim's Suit (Ashcroft must testify)
Poll: Public Rejects Using Military Force to Promote Democracy
Ensign says National Guard will aid animal rescue crews
Probe Launched of Levee Breaks in New Orleans
DeLay Court Appearance Set for Late October
At least 29 killed in Arab militia attack on Darfur camp: UNHCR
Chavez proposes to expand oil alliance
Judge Orders Release of Abu Ghraib Photos
Many of Norfolk's voter applications being denied (VA Voter Suppression?)
Hussein Defense in Chaos as Trial Nears
Breaking CNN - Roberts confirmed.
House votes to revamp Endangered Species Act
White House stands behind indicted DeLay
Soldiers still waiting for armor reimbursements
U.S. wants to keep Internet governance control
Bush's poll numbers up --- WTF ?
Nat. Gas Prices Set Record, Pointing to ("mind-boggling") Costly Winter
Senators ask for probe into FDA's chief resgination (Crawford)
Roberts to Be Confirmed As Chief Justice
Rev. Moon urges bridge linking Alaska, Asia
NY Times reporter Judith Miller released from jail
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill.
CNN: Southern California Wildfire forces hundreds to evacuate
Lilly to add suicide warning to drug Strattera (ADD/ADHD drug)
Blair says sorry to ejected heckler (82 yr old Jewish escapee from Nazis)
Flight Attendants Outraged Over Jodie Foster Film (spoiler alert)
Plea bargain for analyst who gave information to AIPAC - Franklin
Elian Gonzalez Calls Castro 'Friend'Five Years
Senator Demands Bennett Apology for Remark (Bennett: "abort black babies")
Top U.S. General Says Number of Capable Iraqi Battalions Drops to One
mAnn Coulter brings out the worst in me
Just saw, "The barbarian invasions"
I'm sitting here, with a glass full of "Transmission", and wondering...
So, a grasshopper walks into a bar...
James Bond once slept right through an earthquake.
This is officially the creepiest site on the internets
I gotta call and early night, folks
Hey Enigmatic...are you taking requests tonight?
It cracks me up when people laugh at their own jokes...and that
so a speeding train comes crashing into a bar...
HOw did Pinocchio discover he was made of wood?
Heidi, do you mind me using the term "Nighthawk"?
Here's the latest Mark Fiore animation for the late night crew...
Ok. I'm definitely an insomniac.
get fuzzy is awesome today (thursday)
Since I have seen "Clinton's" name sporadically on here since the news
Noooooo Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!
Cousins Charged With Dueling ($30 Dispute)
Nuclear Bombers Get Patron Saint
To all "Michael"s ---- -----Happy MICHAELMAS!!!!
You too can have the power of the US military
Any left handed people in the Lounge?
ISO: Cream Madison Square Garden
You gotta love right wing hackery newspapers . . . .
Hahaha LOL Wookie at Fenway!!!!!
Danish Air Force Compensates Santa
UFO landing strip gets mayor's support
Today is Michaelmas - September 29 !
Puerto Rico Town To Build UFO Landing Strip
OY VEY! Have you seen the sign in Brooklyn?
Penguins vs. landmines ----------- *WARNING* pics
Today's Seinfeld-esque daily minutia thread*
New bumpersticker - Support the troops. Drive smaller cars.
bertha katzenengel, you have created a monster
I put my "Beagles Up" pup in the kennel to update my sig line.
ATTENTION: Bush's/Cheney's babies!
Bush changes work out routine, adds weights to his regiment
Cameron Crowe remakes "The Shining"
Tom Toles said it folks not me
Danish Air Force Pays Compensation To Santa (Rudolf Is Dead Due To Jets)
Who thinks this will give their town an idea?
How long is the ban on childless adults thread gonna last?
Hooray! I made the front page of DU today! I'm semi-famous!
I am in a Library that serves Starbucks on the 1st. floor.
352. The Park is now locked and closed (THANK GOD)
Death match: Giant Squid vs. Sea Monkeys
Do all threads eventually degenerate into flame wars?
"Dying boy brought in to cheer up Kansas City Royals"
I finally agree with Ann Coulter!!!
Looking for a Lalo Alcaraz cartoon
Anyone here take chromium picolinate?
Joe Namath Guarantees He'll Lose Battle With Alcoholism-the Onion
Dispute Over Parking On Street Sweeping Day Ends In Shooting
OK Matcom I'm almost convinced on a scooter but which one?
I had this weird dream that DeLay had been indicted
How should I prepare pork tenderloin for dinner?
Anybody here print their own checks?
This just in: "OASIS tickets for sale - tonight's show! My son can't go"
It's 59° in Irving, Texas right now
100 dead cats found in freezer
CB's family needs prayer and Karma today.
The background dancing in music videos today is becoming more and
"Annie" Is on AMC Right Now 11:15 ET ("Tomorrow"/FDR)
Statisticians: Please explain these Powerball odds
trogdor has given me an IDEA! Bumperstiker thread!
So, the republicans at my campus are starting up a new newspaper...
I am trying to watch my figure
Is this the future of New Orleans music if the GOP plan is carried out?
Want some coffee? Well,.... do ya?
Any SQUID recipes? Do you use cornflakes too?
SUNDOG BEWARE.....Squiddy's daddy wants to have a talk with you
"Did you kill my sea monkeys, Progmom?"
Another.. 'are you old enough to remember?' test
Katrina/Rita Offer up New Job Opportunities!...... Mold Specialist......
I do not have anyone on my ignore list.
Racism alive and well in "blue" Northern VA & Washington, DC
How long do dogs stay in heat?
Hah! I finally figured out what this cat on petfinder reminds me of.
Taking the Citrix CCA Cert today - FOR THE SECOND $%@! TIME
I have everyone on my ignore list.
Fun stuff to do at your desk !
"The stupids are out in force today."
fun stuff you've seen or done at a ball game
Oh man, I'd hate to be these guys!
What's for lunch in the lounge?
I demand a congressional investigation!
Science sinks the myth of a slow death in quicksand
Type O Negative shouldn't be played on laptop speakers
Anybody here print their own money?
Can anyone recommend a good blood-pressure medication?
PBS tonight - The Sixties: The Years That Shaped a Generation
Either go away or go all the way in
ARGGHH writing my philosophy paper
Anybody Know anything about Richland, WA? The Good, Bad, & Ugly Please.
HELP! Anyone listening to Randi today have a problem on their end with
Sometimes, I'm right, and I can be wrong
My Harry Potter addiction is getting out of control
GoddessofGuiness: I bring to you....Rasputin Imperial Stout
Random House to Publish Early Capote Novel
"Sitting at my desk drinking a Bud, true true"
Do you know any Basement Dwellers?
Today is my Birthday and I am NOT having a good day!
so a piece of string walks into a bar and orders a drink...
another quote by my qirl Maya Angleou...
Got my chain saw sharpened and bought a frisky Chablis at the same store
Our Italian secretary just sent this to me and you gonna love it!
George Bush shows off his new exercise routine
New bumpersticker (redux) - Support the troops. Drive smaller cars.
Aoooooohh..I can't breeeeeathe.. (time for grape video)
Dylan special was CENSORED. Complain to PBS
Was Alferd Packer the original freeper?
Help me find the link to that your music sucks guys videos...
How you can tell your cat is a Scientologist
Today must not be my lucky day!
Let's dig on the groovy scene man!
10:45 AM, and just 93 degrees in south L.A. County!
HAHAHAHA! Office Cube War Pics!
Stevie Nicks visits injured troops w/o fanfare.
New moderator checkin. Are there any new mods here?
Anybody Know anything about Yreka, CA? The Good, Bad, & Ugly Please.
Will and Grace vs Smallville cant make up my mind.
Would your year-ago self have expected your life to be what it is today?
Great News for all of us... especially Matcom!
Anyone watching Bodies on BBCA tonight?
Missing man found driving dead deer in ambulance
"Will and Grace" is live tonight! Therefore...
If the Brewers beat the Pirates tomorrow.....
New SNL season, same SNL cast - whaddaya think?
Holy CRAP! Anyone watching Montel?
"The Majority Report" is on AAR. They are inviting Freepers
Who plays Delay in the upcoming
Are you now, or have you ever been a Democrat?
Hillary Duff turned 18 yesterday.
moonwalking birds, and funny researchers!
Friend of mine looking for feedback on his new band...
Is it time for a cute doggy picture thread?
TV Tonight: "Night Stalker'' back
Please sign this petition against extreme animal cruelty.
Has anyone been to Disney World lately?
First person who can tell me what this is gets a great howdyado.
Pete the Pirate Solves Your Problems - Ask Him Anything
I'm going between pissed and numb.
Melodybe!!!!! where are you? URGENT!!
Tea drinkers stirred by poor state of the cuppa
Observation. I just found a hair in my burger, got me to think
White Sox win the Central !!!!!
"Smallville" Season 5 Premiere TONIGHT
Limbaugh: Cindy doesn't have the IQ of a pencil eraser.
What music are you listening to today?
How come the most dangerous spiders always have unique webs?
Teacher Admits To Sex With Her Student - Accuses Mother Of Cashing In
Science sinks the myth of a slow death in quicksand
Would you continue to eat Soylent Green if you knew what was in it?
anyone here read "Why America Slept" by Gerald Posner
When Is It Best To Take Crack Cocaine?
OMG. Caught on Camera, AGAIN! Elehhhhna @ ...
Question about health insurance
Today's rumor to spread in GD: Bill Bennett had breast reduction surgery.
I'm bored as hell... ask me anything.
Best Thing to Read While Destroying the Country
I had some damned good Mary Jane today
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president
Should we have a new "Sticky Post" in the Lobby?
What are your favorite Firefox extensions?
Does FR have a thread "What do you do when your child ISN'T a racist?"?
RARG! I'm red hot from GD! Someone pour cold water on me...
Denim Day - Friday, October 7 - am I the only participant on DU?
What to do when your child is a repuke
In what ways are you still old fashioned?
My cynical Denim Day political tally
Good Dubya joke I hadn't heard before.
Behold, the Plaid Adder Mardi Gras mask!
It's VelmaD's BIRTHDAY!!!! How many spankings should she get?
Battle hymn of the Repbulicans
Need Dubya/GOP jokes, please help!
The IDEAL mascot of the current GOP: THE HAGFISH!!!! Here's why:
we haven't had a kitten thread in a while
What does your bumper sticker(s) say?
IconBaby update! One giant pic:
Anyone going to see Serenity tomorrow?
U of I/ General college question
'Showgirls' swimming pool clinch named worst-ever movie sex scene
Official Oct. 16 Chicago gathering thread
Christian Alliance for Progress..Science and Faith are partners
Is there definitive proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed?
Quicksand Myth Debunked: You Can Float Free
Get A Look At The Bottom Of The Ocean With The Click Of A Mouse
Maine Protestants Denounce Anti-Gay Measure
Civil rights activist recalls days of danger, victory
Wyoming Regulation Could Allow Druggists To Refuse To Dispense AIDS Meds
Arnie Vetoes Marriage Rights, signs four other bills for gays and lesbians
Okay, I need a sure fire bet for a Sunday NFL game
St Louis Blues no longer owned by Wal-Mart heirs
Red Sox acquire Stanton from Nationals
need help confirming "alleged" former NFL
Hate to say it...but the Red Sox won't make the playoffs this year
[Boxing] Upcoming fights this weekend.
Great. Our new neighbors are irresponsible dog owners.
Question about pregnant cat...
This probably isn't a good place to post because we all have too many
A digestive enzyme supplement helps dogs recover from illness and injury.
I could use a lift and some psychic support.
Kerry, &... Fight to Protect Environmental Equality in the Gulf Coast
PA people: Don't say I don't love you - Santorum story WOW!
This is another reason for me to love John Kerry!
Interesting comment in the Nation
On Day of Senate Vote on Roberts, John Kerry Explains Why He is Voting No
bush* briefing story making the rounds.
Sexy hot New Gull Bay ..... Adults Only!
What is the deadline for getting a name on the Nov. 2006 ballot?
Too early for me, but Dean will be on ABC and CNN morning shows.
VIDEO: "A Republican Tradition". From Nixon to Delay...
Who will * name to head the FED since Greenspan is leaving.....
My idea for a frame/meme to use during the upcoming DeLay wrangling...
If you buy Bush did all he could for Katrina, read this....
Why the Ice Trucks Never Made it to New Orleans
Fox's Napolitano accused DA prosecuting DeLay of political motivations
Roy Blunt: "We have an agenda to move forward here."
Does a prediction of a negative event absolve the one who predicts?
Campaign against "intelligent design" in schools
Has anyone seen an official count of the dead in NOLA post Katrina?
Salon: "Vast corrupt Republican money machine exploding before our eyes"
Ken Mehlman Finally Shuts Up (Almost)
Tillman was against Bush, loved Chomsky, and against Iraq War!
The Hill: "A bad year for the party just got a whole lot worse"
The Latest Bonehead Decision By FEMA
Pelosi plans to replace Harman on Intel Committee
Bush's influence with his own party wanes as House Republicans look to '06
Anyone see Russert on Today? Media has been given its playbook
CREW: Maxine Waters one of the 13 most corrupt congresspeople
AP does a little pro-DeLay editorializing in this photo caption
Will the Washington Pre$$titute Corps Confront Bush on His Latest Lie?
Republican Congressional Candidate Hopes Katrina Victims Don't Move Back
Am I the only one feeling both very happy AND frustrated as hell?
Is anyone listening to cspan 3? operations in iraq
DeLay and Friends React To Indictment With Spin, Spin, Spin
Here we go… "Mr. Akaka… Mr Alexander…"
What would be wrong if 1 or more of our Dem leaders who voted for the war
Hmm, if DeLay is convicted, and this definitely IS a felony,
Feingold going after Bushco on Iraq - CSpan 2 now
So called Air America "Scandal"?
There are candidates on "Give Em Hell, Harry!" Any opinions on $$$
House to vote Today on Pombo bill weakening the Endangered Species
Robert's term on the Supreme Court will outlive me
Great the man who worked to stop counting votes is now Chief Justice.
Dailykos predicted Blunt would replace DeLay last May.
Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO), after Delay, the Most Corrupt Member of Congress
With Roberts confirmation, I want an explanation from my reps.
Santorum is a hypocrite - now that's NOT news.
Hostage Gave Meth to Atlanta Fugitive
Judge orders release of photos
Karen Hughes Faces Female Wrath in Turkey ("war for the sake of peace")
Does Bush v. Gore allow losing TX Dems to sue DeLay for irreparable harm?
GOP candidate hopes Katrina victims won't move back, so NO turns red
cnn reporting the rising nat. gas and winter heating $ DUE to hurricanes b
HELP stop Pombo's "Wildlife Extinction"
"You could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate wou
Rumsfeld not reimbursing troops who purchase their own body armor
From the Headlines: DeLay rebuts indictment: 'It's a sham'
Freakonomics vs Bill Clinton / Did crime rates fall due to abortions?
Look at what Tom Delay and other prominent Republicans said
$630m deal made two days before Frist announced he would be leader
Ray Taliaferro on the GOP: "We have to be as ruthless as they are"
Bush has used obscure doctrine to extend power 95 times
Rice refuses to respond to drug questions, "wants to see through walls"
Anyone else grossed out by how many democrats voted for Roberts?
"Yea" and "Nay" John Roberts Votes (Democrats)
Real Democrats.......Endangered species
OK Kids - One more day until know what that means...
C-Span covering Endangered Species Act Debate now....
Miles O'Brien spreads misinformation on delay's indictment
Abu Ghraib images to be released - BBC
Bush pardons coal mine bomber, 13 others
Why was Roberts nominated? Why do we reward corruption?
A call from the DNC I just received asked for money
Americans United Criticizes Confirmation of Roberts
Kerry & ... Fight to Protect Health And Environmental Equality in the Gulf
Are our elected officials suppose to work for the American People?
For weary emergency workers on ship, hope floats
Tom DeLay inhaled way too many insecticides .... and....
I propose a new law. If a President is impeached or resigns...
"Moving elections into the courthouse is dangerous to our democracy."
Dean goes out on limbs, but the tree- trunk eventually catches up to him
Attn: Photoshop wizards and wordsmiths all
Haha OMG Hoyer and Blunt on the House floor...
I heard Scotty say that DeLay has done good work for the
Bloody Bush's Iraq War "Tower" of Death reaches Earth's Stratosphere
DeLay vs. Earle...Cage Match...Oct. 21...BE THERE!!
Dem/Rethuglican scandal contrast - why we can't get tracking...
Sen. Feingold: "*'s policies in Iraq are breaking the US Army"
Jeb Bush applauds a "good, common sense, anti-crime" FL state law
Just saw a disgusting political ad praising the Roberts Nomination Process
Has Roberts ever kissed his wife?
Seymour Hersh, 07/15/04: "The soundtrack of the boys shrieking"
Is There Anybody Who Can Identify 3 Dem. Representatives For Me?
New York Times Judith Miller Released from Jail
Bush Is Bad Opens at the Triad Theatre Sept. 29
Tonight Larry King Live...WYNONA JUDD!!!
Did you guys see this Velvet Rev offers $100,000 reward for...
Dean on Senate Vote on Judge Roberts
Deval Patrick (MA gov candidate) spoke in Framingham MA - here's my recap
Why is there no charges being brought against the RNC?
Judith Miller's "source" gives her permission to release information.
Texas redistricting now illegal?
If Bill Clinton were to run in a special election held October 1
Sen. Feingold: "How the President's Policy is Weakening America"
Dean Calls on Republican Leadership to Repudiate ...Bennett's Racist Remar
Terrorists "do not need pretexts for their barbarism."
DEFCON: Fighting the Religious Right
Has Brian Williams Been Too Vocal for the White House’s Taste
Photo: Roberts takes oath, Bush looks like crap
DeLay said the charge couldn't hold up to even a glancing scrutiny
Sludge has a photo of Janice Rogers Brown on his page
Scott McClellan: "Republican Party is a party of ideas,finding solutions"
DeLay "paralyzed" by indictment, "trying to avoid handcuffs"...
Howared Dean on Nightline (transcript)
Anyone have a list of who voted for or against Roberts?
CNN: "Bush's poll numbers up" (Rita photo ops and "stabilized" gas prices)
Two battalions of Iraqi troops swallowed by the earth!
DeLay lawyers request that he not be handcuffed, fingerprinted etc.
PLEASE help AZ turn blue...we are really, really close!
The Picture The Neocons Don't Want You To See: TOP SECRET
five countries already feeling peak oil
Hillary Fatigue: Don't Drink the Kool-Aid!
You Know, While I'm Happy That The Republicans Are Embroiled In Scandal...
Why can't the Democrats capitalize?
Katie Couric shows her true colors on Today Show this morning
23 Democrats and all Republicans in Senate betray American people
De Lay Indictment : politically motivated?