Democratic Underground

Archives: March 13, 2006

Iraq: The reckoning

Let's get real about our rigged voting system

Caring Hearts Can Revive American Democracy

Bush Blasts Pentagon Leak of Iran War Plan "The Big Right Turn"

Big Brother Is Listening

WP: Senior White House Staff May Be Wearing Down

Marcel Berlins (The Guardian): How Milosevic made the courts look foolish

US Army: Peak Oil and the Army's future

Monday Exclusive: Another Voting Machine Co. Whistleblower Steps

Diebold Worstest Voting Machine in the World

Elections chief 'comfortable' with touch screens

My friends know where they can reach me

Matt Entenza: Draft Dodger?

Pharmacists could reject prescriptions on moral grounds in Minnesota

Tonight's interesting quesadilla


Canada almost alone in supporting Guantanamo

Harper makes surprise visit to Kandahar

Iraqi Official: Kidnapped Hostage Tortured Before Death (Tom Fox)

Colombian voters brave violence to elect Congress

Move to change US public opinion (Oprah to Gulf re: ports)

Rudd urges Govt to pursue US over China

Colliery gas blast traps 25 miners in Inner Mongolia

Report Reveals Critical Security Failures At U.S. Ports

Rove Says Troops Will Remain In Iraq

Cash for honours: What am I bid? £10,000?...

Army Dog Handler Facing Abu Ghraib Charges

President's budget includes EPA cut that could reduce access to records

No. 2 Korean automaker to build first U.S. factory

NYT: (Knight Ridder) Agrees to a Sale for $4.5 Billion (to McClatchy)

Death squads operated from inside Iraqi government, officials say

GOP lawmakers: Fear fueled ports criticism

New Venezuela flag divides nation

The War Dividend: The British Companies Making a Fortune...Iraq

U.S. Campaign Aimed at Iran's Leaders

(Canadian Prime Minister) Harper makes surprise visit to Kandahar

Grads moonlight for $$: Second jobs the norm for debt-ridden ex-students Quality?

WoW humor: what kind of raider are you?

In the Middle Ages

Is it safe to use stainless steel cookware at high nakedness??

What is up with

Bernie "Boom Boom" Geoffrion, inventor of the slap shot dead at 75.

Forget Kudzu! *THIS* is going places...

As of this moment I am launching the "Heterosexual Agenda."

Are the moderators getting a bonus for quicker locks?

The George W Bush Legacy Tour t-shirt is done!

Does anyone know when the last West Wing episode will air?

2nd Tornado Warning today!

Seabob finished all the requirements for his

2 Minutes to go!

if I become a sperm donor, will I be more likely to be brained?

Is it better to have a thread locked, or deleted...

Has you seen " Savior" ? A gutwrenching antiwar movie.

Well Goodbye

WBC. Puerto Rico vs Dominican Republic. Best players in baseball...

"Family Guy" thread (New Episode)

Time for "The Sopranos!" The wait is over! Thread here later?

What personality trait of yours..

I made someone very sad today, and I feel terrible about it.

The Weather Service is interrupting The Sopranos !!

Grizzly Man is a weird movie.

Who will win the WBC? World Baseball Classic.

Have you ever sent a naughty PM?

With this post, I am 26 away from 5000

Where did I put my computer?

Bill Napoli has been google bombed.

Just one word:plastic

Just watched the Kirby Puckett memorial service.

Not engaged last night! Not naked either! Which party should I go to?

I just boked a smole ask me anything

Got engaged last night!

I had no idea nightstands cost so much!

If I become a donor will I be more likely to be banned, less likely, or


Anybody seen "Anger Management"?

Have you ever sent a haughty pm?

Reasons to become Republican

Salty, unflavored, or caramel-coated?

Hey - just realized that I haven't seen that dork 's commercial for

Security cameras in stores

Don't mess with me, I have a Wiffle bat, and I know how to use it!

I have nothing to say....

Please don't let the moose play on the swingset. Okay?

Is this the party to whom I am speaking?

Gah! Computer problems!

Post # 900 and

What is best in life

I did not go the the Puckett memorial

Bambi's mother

Holy shit - this is funny!

I am a black gay hippie racist homophobic yuppie freeper

Revenge of The Nerds: 80's teen romp or genius?

Crap. My date has been moved to Monday


12 Angry Men on TCM right now

My Sopranos predictions

Stop it. Seriously, just STOP. IT.

Post something you don't understand

I've noticed a tendency for threads in this lounge to get silly--

Replace a word in a movie title with auto-erotic asphyxiation

Listening to homosexual heavy metal

Damn you Law and Order Criminal Intent! Damn you to hell!!!!!!

Hi there, Lounge Critters!

Favorite drink?

Do you have TREMENDOUS plans for St. Patty's day?!

The neatest townhouse I have ever seen

Anyone else catch the 1935 version of Midsummer Night's Dream on TCM today

Why doesn't everyone get over it?!?!?! There was no election fraud!!!!



Thought of jpgray while reading a 2005 Ian Frazier article.

Confession time - one of my biggest fears

I've decided to become a Freeper

Movie quote trivia:

John Cazale Appreciation Thread.

As if the Girl Scout cookies weren't bad enough...

Post a favorite quote

Tell me again why Reese won the Oscar for Best Actress?

Best computer game quote?

If you could recast the leads in any movie:which one and who?

what do you call the police?

Takin' a break from my thesis. Who wants to talk AI?

"The Wizard of Oil", (dialup warning)! Hilarious!!!

Oooohhhhh.....NAVY SEALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody here planning to watch "Big Love" -- a comedy about

So if I don't mention sex, sports or music... will anyone respond?

We got our kitties back today!

OMG Who is watching The Sopranos?!?!?!

I need a new sig file. I'm taking suggestions.

Had the strangest earworm today

Gay DUers. What exactly is the "Homosexual Agenda"?

Reese's Cookies - husband just bought them on a whim--

Replace one word in any movie title with "Asshole".

The desire to be not just "great" but also good.

'Blackstar' System Shelved at Groom Lake ?

Edgerrin James to the Cards.

Randle El signing with Redskins

My Big East Bias

Annual question. Who is a darkhorse in the NCAA Tourney?

American Floyd Landis wins Paris-Nice cycling race

Band of Brothers Letter / Commercial

Don't forget, KO on C-Span in 5!

Japanese city rejects plan for more US Marines

Death squads operated from inside Iraqi government, officials say

Please see my message of hope for Joe Lieberman

Bad Bush-loving capitalist

Oh, dear. I do believe I am losing steam.

Can someone explain to me the Zogby polls and the questions

Top commanders approved use of dogs at Guantanamo Bay

Can someone start a network for sane people that is "fair and balanced"?

"You know there's a problem when Brownie is the competent one."

Democracy is on the march in Iraq, and the hanging tree is


As an aside, Prime Minister's Questions is on CSpan 1 right now

Condos and houses built right next to each other going up all over. chat starting at 9 pm est (right now!)


ON LINK NOW! 8:00PM EST) "Weapons of Mass Deception"...

Stupid ABC News - Saddam Told His Cabinet No WMD's

the day will come when the wheel will turn and the bushes will no longer

What we desperately needed was.....

FR On * Censure: CLINTON Is The "Invation" President!

All Things Reconsidered Radio Program By Bruce Burch At 10pm EST

Joe Lieberman channels Karl Rove in his praise for the Ports deal

Rove-Why We Can't Leave Iraq - Tyrants Would Laugh At Us!

"regime change" U.S. Campaign Aimed at Iran's Leaders-WaPo

WTF? Navy Warrant Officer leading Marine platoon?

A1M1 in shambles... yes, things are going swimmingly in Iraq.....

Porn Star Mary Carey Invited Back to WH:Lunch with Rove - Dinner with Bush

Advise please..Thinking of working on this ballot initiatives

British soldier quits army, accuses US troops of illegal tactics in Iraq

2008: Hillary for President?!!


Website fights against Christian right wing extremists

Isn't The NSA Bill An Ex Post Facto Law???

Dash to Baghdad Left Top U.S. Generals Divided

Oh great. Mr. personality may run for prez.....Daschle.

Harry"ashamed for our country" because of Katrina Mobile Homes

"The Right's Man" (Krugman, NYT, 03/13/2006)

Patrick Fitzgerald Co-Grand Marshal of the St. Patrick's Day Parade?

Carville and Begala on CSPAN2 10pm Take It Back: Our Party, Our Country..

AmericaBlog: Danger Will Robinson, new Bush talking point revealed

Movement to impeach George W. Bush

NPR and "Air America" Poll

Who thinks the US needs more unwanted children?

Question for folks around in the 60's

Movie 'Valley of the Wolves Iraq', CNN Hates It! It Sounds Interesting.

New bunker-buster weapon? - "Rods from God"....(Holy shit!)

Rice & Hadley Sought for Testimony in Spy Case

Wake For An Indian Warrior

I will grant Biden one thing

LA Real Estate Developer Sues 350 Poor Families

I don't care what you say,that's funny...

Condi Rice has been looking pretty awful for a while now...

Ed Schultz: Is he what he really is?

Stealing Chinese Babies for Adoption

Comedian Bush cracks jokes about Cheney's bad hunting

Graham preaches in New Orleans

Bill O'Reilly is helping Keith get more and more face time

Sen. Feingold is going to need all the support he can get.

KO on now on C-SPAN 1 nt.

Mexico-Leftist presidential challenger up 9% against Fox's right wing party

Worst sticker on a vehicle ever *sexist*

I found a Data Mining website the other day, here's a link if you want...

Dean handles the Ickes database issue deftly, with a big grin as well.

Why is a zygote "human life" but a sperm or egg not?

Frauds 'R' Us- The Bush Family

Link to Satellite images?

Dubai-In Move To Change Public Opinion-Invites Opra Winfrey Show

Question to the 50+ members: Did it ever get this bad under Nixon?

Frist: Feingold censure proposal "a crazy political move"

Rate these Radio Personalities!

A fair and balanced list of web news sites from an alleged Democrat

TIA Prayer Thread -- "Whatsoever You Do to the Least of My Brothers"

One difference between Nixon's Watergate and scrub on impeachment.

Another Voting Machine Industry insider stepping forward: Bradblog

Tweety on the GOP's "united get well card" sent to Bush...

Revealed: UK Developes Secret Nuclear Warhead In Conjuction

Anybody seen or heard from Ahmed Chalabi lately ??

Keith Olbermann on Cspan - Interview Transcript !

I know lots of people in the US like John McCain, but

Why I'm marching against the war in Iraq

* to address AIPAC/neocon group at GWU Monday , March 13.

Good GOD...Pierce Bush, Junior's nephew...what an effing TOOL (vid clip)

the Republicans are going for the Line Item Veto ... say it is needed..

Yes We're Liberal and hell yesss We are Armed

If you were meeting with a potential Democratic

Why is McCain Whoring for *?

Feingold's censure of Bush, doesn't go far enough

YOu are missing WEST WING and LEO

Habeas Schmabeas: A new first hand report on what we are doing at GTMO!

Who do you feel is the best orator of the Democratic candidates?

LOL! Saint GWB.

NYT: A Bush Alarm: Urging U.S. to Shun Isolationism

Biden stands up for Bush administration again, this time on Iran policy

Why we need Feingold in '08.

"For the want of a Nail, the shoe was lost...for the Want of a Democratic

Iowa will still be first... but NH may no longer be 2nd in Dem primary?

Peggy Noonan is DIVORCED!

Free Speech? Not When It Comes to State of Israel By Robert Fisk

When the cheerleaders admit they were wrong, we'll move on

Op Ed by Condi Rice: Our Opportunity With India "strategic achievement:"

Wes Clark's WSJ Op-Ed: 'A Petty Hitler'

The UN Human Rights Council: Another Missed Opportunity

I Am a Revisionist Historian

PA. Attorney General Seizes Newspaper Computer Drives to Catch Leak Source

Visiting Iraqis Find Little Comfort Here

George Will vs. John Edwards

Radical Iraqi Cleric Expands His Reach

Dictatorship is the danger

Molly: Enough of the D.C. Dems

Dash to Baghdad Left Top U.S. Generals Divided

The Party of Death

Congress folds on Bush spying (intell comm)

Krugman -The Right's Man---McCain isn't a moderate.

Wolcott: "Teen Titans" (Bush and Blair giddy as schoolboys)

The Great Bail-Out (The Century Foundation)

The Second Death of Rachel Corrie

CLOONEY on HUFFPOST: I Am a Liberal. There, I Said It!

A very depressing must read from Eric Blumrich. (BushFlash)

Killing Off Slobo - Was Serbia a Practice Run for Iraq?

Police state USA and Big Brother's most cool tool

Marines Hunting Down Vietnam Deserters

Real inflation much higher than official figures

New Mexico Solar Market Expected to Boom

Erie Shores Wind Farm Starts Commissioning Turbines

Recent Arctic Weather May Have Killed Bulk Of UK Frog Spawn - Scotsman

Solar Bus seeking items for project

Looking for Gore's slideshow on global warming

Texas Grassfires Burn Over 600,000 Acres: 100,000 Acres Burn In NM

NASA Suddenly Finds Its Voice In Ice-Sheet Studies' Press Release

Wasting Disease Affecting 3/4 Of Chesapeake Bay's Rockfish - MSNBC

Drought Threat Intensifies Across Western, Southern Europe - LA Times

Timely Reminder - Exxon Still Owes $4.5 Billion For 1989 Valdez Spill

Warmer Winters Boost Insect Invaders In Alberta - Edmonton Journal

$2000 federal tax credit for PV systems

Volvo Promises Hybrid Truck Engines By 2009 - AFP

Death of the world's rivers

Mango-Eating Beetle From China Discovered On Ship Docking In Florida

Ultra-clean coal – scientific breakthrough?

"Field Notes From A Catastrophe" By Elizabeth Kolbert

Nuclear power is not the answer to tackling climate change (UK SDC report)

Sharp rise in CO2 levels recorded

Watering Ban In Place Across SE England - BBC

Iran urging Islamic Jihad to attack Israel ahead of election

Free Speech? Not When It Comes to State of Israel By Robert Fisk

3 held on suspicion of attacking Arab for dating Jewish girl

Israeli Police Assaults Venezuelan's Ambassador at Al Aqsa Mosque

ARIEL SHARON: The man who taught the Jews to fight back

Pakistan lobbied (and bribed?) 9/11 Commission to drop references

Scholars Question Cheney's Role in 9/11

Anyone notice anything funny about the second picture down here?

Where's MercutioATC?

MISSED DEADLINE: Time's up for voter database (NV RED STATE!)

Can someone please tell me what is up with Truth Is All?

Brad:New voting machine co. whistleblower speaks out; TX primary afftected

Can someone help me to help you?

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News March 13,2006--Hang tough TIA

Diebold Whistleblower: Visit the Defend Stephen Heller Site

VoteTrustUSA - Electronic Voting Machines: Programmed for Failure?

Got the weirdest email from the Blouin campaign

Pioneer Press has to be sold again because of antitrust laws

Adobe Distiller - Is it me or is it really this complicated to reduce PDFs

Corrupted Files

AOL&IE on XP w/Panda, only one site loads, rest 404.

If you don't like Kinky, here's what to do

Texans for Peace- March Events for 3rd Anniversary of Iraq War

My grandma with LBJ (cross-post)

I just have to do this....

Stealing 2006.

Has anyone ever tried this stuff (Gourmet Garden tubed herbs)?

Veggie steamer cleaning--How Ollie?

Easy chicken pot pie recipe

Late Chief Killed By Tugboat's Propellers.

Coincidence?...or is Harper following Karl Rove's script?

He he - Emerson's office vandalized

Iraq: The reckoning

Iran urging Islamic Jihad to attack Israel ahead of election

NYT: McCLatchy will buy Knight-Ridder

WP, pg 1: U.S. Campaign Is Aimed at Iran's Leaders

Israeli Police Assaults Venezuelan's Ambassador at Al Aqsa Mosque

Dash to Baghdad Left Top U.S. Generals Divided

Report: McClatchy Buying Knight Ridder

Milosevic died of heart attack, UN says, but questions remain

Human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Iraq

WP: Senior White House Staff May Be Wearing Down

Iraqi officials admit death squads exist

NYT: Upset 'Brokeback' Fans Advertise Their Feelings

Russia: No need for Syria sanctions over UN Hariri probe

Capital One to Buy North Fork, Join Top 10 U.S. Banks

Iraq's president warns of civil war after bombings

Non-Prescribed Drug Found in Milosevic

Radical Iraqi Cleric Expands His Reach

Russia will not soften position on Iran in exchange for WTO - Lavrov

British firms enjoy billion-pound Iraq war dividend

Hockey team plays on Cheney's woes with vest giveaway

US marine killed in western Iraq

Radical Shiite cleric avoids blaming Sunnis in Sadr City bombings

UK troops in Iraq to be reduced (by 10% - all training Iraqis!)

RIP Maureen Stapleton

Vietnam deserter held at Camp Pendleton following arrest

Taliban's Omar orders execution of foreign hostages

Non-Prescribed Drug Found in Milosevic

Four Men Found Hanged in Baghdad Slum

Iraqi Group Say They've Killed 5 al-Qaida (Iraqi Gov't backed?)

Sadr city morning after attacks (Six Car Bombs Sunday)

Kerry Visits Harvard Amid Some Protests - Harvard Crimson

Witness coaching disrupts 9/11 hearing

Court upholds student speech rights

Gitmo Detainee Allegedly Tortured at 15 to Face Tribunal

Sectarianism is new war in Iraq

Kerry Visits Harvard Amid Some Protests ("Bush Lied. Kerry Complied")

Mad Cow in Alabama

Tube victim’s kin angered by rape claim

Nine Members of Congress, Staffers Probed in Abramoff Investigation

CNN: New Low For Bush... 36% Approval!

Bush says Components from Iran Increasingly Make Up Bombs for Iraq

FRIST attempting to preempt Feingold!!

Ohio Law Keeps Noe Coin Fund Files Secret

BBC: New 'cold war' looms with Iran

(Ohio's) DeWine Paints Picture of Independence from President's Viewpoints

Censure Support Thread: Post Who & How to Contact in the Legislature

WP: Detainee in Photo With Dog Was 'High-Value' Suspect

NASA puts its weight behind warming signs

Soul singer Isaac Hayes quits "South Park"

NY Post: Yacht Club Bars Randy (GOP) Mayor For 'Aft Grab'

Scientists ponder bird flu findings

Bush Speech to Focus on New Iraq Efforts

U.S. Mideast envoy threatens to quit

Iraqis fear imminent civil war(rumors suggest Iraqis believe US behind it)

Bolton: U.N. Security Council Faces 'Real Test' (re: Iran)


Noe's Campaign Contributions Trial Set For July (drip-drip-drip!)

Majority of senators oppose block grant cuts

Budget Restraint Emerges as G.O.P. Theme for 2008

9/11 Commissioners Bribed to Omit Pakistan, Says Pakistani Weekly

19 Groups to Reinstate Boycott of Ford

Azerbaijan: 3 Dead From Bird Flu

Ten dead in Midwest twisters

AP: Convicted Wisconsin Lawmaker To Step Down

W.House dismisses Democrat's call for Bush censure

Charlie Gibson: WNT's "Temporary Permanent Replacement"

Iraqi radical Shiite leader blasts Rumsfeld

Guardsman's name missing from memorial (wicca)

Blackwell Agrees to Remove Social Security Numbers from Web Site

Pakistan weekly spills 9/11 beans

Bush Calls on Iraqis to Embrace Compromise

Al-Sadr calls for declaring Al-Zarqawi disbeliever

Judge Recesses Moussaoui Trial (government coached witnesses?)

Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship

Charlotte Pritt loses case against RNC (and a statement from Charlotte)

Microsoft's labor troubles

BREAKING: Sen. Inouye's wife has died (Yahoo link)

U.S. Spending Billions to Stop Iraq IEDs

Pharmacists Say Medicare Drug Plan Threatens Their Incomes (meet w/ Rove)

100 Senior Citizens Rally Againts Food Cuts

Sheehan Cancels Trip to Europe ("not fit to travel")

USAT/Gallup/CNN Poll: Bush approval rating hits new low (36%)

Al Gore fires up crowd at West Palm Beach fund raiser

148 executions legal, Saddam trial told

Alabama cow tests positive for (mad cow) disease

Democrat to enter U.S. Senate race to challenge Joseph Lieberman

UAE may convert holdings to euros

NAACP urges Justice Department to block New Orleans elections

Gov't quietly changes rules on sexual orientation and security clearances

BRAD BLOG EXCLUSIVE: New Voting Machine Whistleblower Comes Forward!

U.S. short of skilled workers

Saddam 'did not plan' insurgency

Gas prices up even as crude goes lower

Anyone know if Video Now discs are playable on Video Now Jr machines?

Well, a miracle happened tonight........

Question for mods---

I want to post a sex thread so BigMcLargehuge will lock it

I am about to lose one of my last two baby teeth! Ask me anything.

Digital/compressed music tech question. Help, please?

goodnight DU!

Some thoughts on the movie "Revenge of the Nerds"

Is Xema in the house?....

Distracted by bright shiny objects: Damn, I don't wanna write this paper!

My rant in GD ...............

Dammit; four days of rain in a row.

I'm here and ready to party!

Happy Scrappy Hero Pup!

Name five movies you like that were set in Chicago

Be honest this you want Crazy Guggenheim to leave?

I watched "Lilies of the field" last night for the first time

So does anybody want to play bust-in-the-face?

I'm going to bed.

I'm off to bed.

My dad is probably dying and I feel so helpless

The best Moderator's Locking Post Ever:

I've Never Seen The Sopranos

if I read one more profile I am going to puke

How come the earth is only 5000 years old?

Why am I not in bed?

Yay for me! Eddie Izzard 'Dressed to Kill' is on BBC America.

Paging Clintmax - good morning thread appers to be missing.

The Aussie Says Goodnight!

What's up, dudes: and other double entendres

My new cell phone

Shadehouses And Septics

Eddie VanHalen at 51

Is Stephen Colbert Still on the Daily Show?

400 Pounds Of Pig Intestines Spill Onto Interstate

Edy's Fudge Tracks

Dana Delaney is 50 today

Be my friend, My Buddy, My Pal!

Is Keith's appearance on C-SPAN last night available online yet? n/t

Remeber this?

George Bush bought three new cows...

Hot and cold running beer...

I need some help re getting married by a JOP

Passion of the Asshole

NCAA Tournament for DU - KitchenWitch started one

I must have done something right

The Kingston Trio...

3 AM "The Song Remains the Same" and Text messaging

Heartwretching WWII movie on TCM.... Search.... Displaced People

Monday earworm.

Hockey team plays on Cheney's woes with vest giveaway

Missouri DU'ers check in!

Permission to rant, captain?

Oh my god...'The Shaggy Dog' is "Liberal Propaganda"?

Battlestar Galactica is on the Sci-Fi channel


Re: ?????

Did anyone watch "The L Word" last night?

Last year was the year of the hurricane, is this the year of the tornado?

The World's 207th Richest Person, you ask? It's this guy.

Are my legs still flesh?


The Electric Grandmother passed away today (RIP Maureen Stapleton)

Ant Farm Maker Celebrates 50 Years Of Killing Ants

Better song, Popo Zao or My Humps?

I knew, I just knew it.

Naked wedding photos a hit in once conservative China

Vermonty Python

Tell me again why there's a seperate category for best actor and actress?

Khash is a crazy 4 year old

Are my eggs still fresh?

So, my landlord's Realtor thinks I'm going to help him sell the property.

What should I get for lunch?

Actress Maureen Stapleton Dies at 80

Insult me -- Go ahead, I can take it.

My Space dot Com?

Monday list thread

Vietnam Deserter Arrested On Way To Vacation

My husband is on his way here for 15 day leave from Iraq!!!!

I just gave the kitty a bath...

Good Monday Morning, Crew!

Woman Gets Beer From Her Kitchen Faucet

I've got four threads on the Greatest Page right now

Popo Zao.

I sense there'll be "The link for posting polls has moved" copycat threads

Flavor Flav is a big dummy. (SPOILERS)

Sure a lot of **ck

My Gmail can go fuck itself

My Picks for the tourney.

What if GEICO, Progressive, State Farm, etc. stopped running TV ads?

Anybody taken Requip for RLS?

Can I share this wonderful afternoon with you?

Queen Victoria contemplates dating again.

Happy birthday Diver Dave and Suich!!


Damn, the Soprano's rocked last night: Discussion and Poll *spoilers*

Impeach The MotherFucker Already

So my tire blew out yesterday

3 1/2 inch hail. ((really) big pictures)

Looks like Bud Selig stumbled into another success...

I'm sorry

I hate going home to an empty house

I spent most of the day posting in GD, and seem to have a whole,

I saw Grizzly Man last night

Bu$h talking "terror" on CSPAN.

Here's a good one, and NO it's not the brazillian joke! The Lie Clock:

Kinky Friedman Violates Open Container Law, Open Beer In Car During Parade

ROBOT BARTENDER, A man enters a bar and orders a drink...

6 Tornado Warnings in less than 8 hours!

Rant of the Day by Starbucks Anarchist

What I wouldn't give for a raging thunderstorm

We are looking for a new credit card and could use DU advice...

WOWZA! Richard Clarke's "Against All Enemies" may be coming to big screen

RIP Maureen Stapleton

'Baseball's Best Burger' - Burger, Cheese, Bacon Served On Krispy Kreme

Vid Clip: "Do NOT ever put your fucking HANDS on me..."

Vacation tip for fellow scuba divers

Aren't they beautiful (pic heavy)

An "OMG!" video...

The weekly world news this week

Oh my! A journal icon!

? regarding this season's "24"

Anybody remember Bill Deal and the Rhondels?

Psst...check out the "Journals" icon up top

Hey Denverites


The sun is setting over my house....


The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Mon 3/13/06)

Good news, bad news day at work

I keep trying to hit 'My Posts' and hit this ghosted out 'Journals' thingy

Anybody familiar with the Japanese pop band "Box"?

alto recorder and guitar on medieval song

Britney Spears puts K-Fed on a budget ("Big items need to be approved")

Sean Connery Undergoes Surgery...“I was opened in five places.”

With birdie flu approaching, how will you owners of pet birds deal with it

I got a big, fat job offer

Let us now discuss:CHIPOTLE

March Madness aficianados - I have formed a pool over at Yahoo

billyskank sure sleeps a lot!

My eyeball just fell out of its socket! What should I do?

Holy crap! I have 10,015 posts here at DU!!!

Yay! My SO got a job!

Thunderstorms and Tornado Watches...

Thunderstorms and Tornado Witches ...

Saw "Arlington West" and "Ashes and Snow" today. Sensory overload.

Soul singer Isaac Hayes quits "South Park"

How often do you clean out your spam filter?


Does ANYbody write cuneiform anymore? Just curious....

Anyone see any job openings for PRINCESS?

3d ultrasound pics of baby unblock!

Question for techno / TV experts....

iPod nano...How embarrassing

Damn but I like having long hair

Help I'm addicted to Starbust Jelly Beans!!!

Top 10 most annoying alarm clocks.

My grandma with LBJ

If you're in a punk rock band (unsigned),

I saw someone MOWING the lawn today

I'm sad about the American Indians.

Your most prefered method of swan-related death?

I learn better from a book than a screen

"Quail Hunting School"

Here's a photo of one of our baby girls, with her schnauzer cut.

So where should I go on my next vacation?

What did I miss on West Wing last night?

And from "fantastic" fiction, who would you pick as Pres/VP combo?

I found 2 songs that I haven't heard in well over 20 years

Isaac Hayes Quits 'South Park'

Elton Bans Paris Hilton from Future Oscar Parties

OMG! Spring is totally here!!!

The "Have You Ever?" quiz...

Assuming you could pick anyone, who is your ultimate Pres/VP combo?

There had been talk of a Boston gathering this coming weekend....

Is the new system for psting polls more sensible?

Does ANYbody write cursive anymore? Just curious....

27 hours tobacco-free!

Rock 'n' Roll Hall o'FAME 2006 inductees ...

Where should Critters eat lunch?

"Male" posters turn out female, "female" male, I'm confused

A dog and his boy.

Actor Michael Douglas tosses a few bricks from his glass house

A question about snakes

And if you could pick anyone from fiction for Pres/VP, who would it be?

There is no point resisting. I might as well go with it.

Just Got Back from Costa Rica

Spring seems to be coming ... (Kitty pix: dialup warning)

zen sarcasm

Philly/NJ DUers! Two chances to see me play this weekend!

On Wednesday I'm auditioning for scholarships (voice and piano).

Spring is coming - here's some flowers for the lounge....

My cat can go fuck itself

What does atheism offer?

"God has given men the role of 'loving' leadership ...

What is this forum for: A Rant

Fundies vs Progressive Evangelicals: the Quiet War

Statin drug shown to reverse plaque in arteries

Pharmacists Say Drug Plan Threatens Their Income

Study: Electricity kills cancer cells

Thailand to make evacuation plans after underwater tremors

Black holes: The ultimate quantum computers?

The 'butter-side-down' school of science (BBC) {Ig Nobel Prizes}

2.6 Million Manmade Ponds Have 'Dramatic Impact'

Gov't quietly changes rules on sexual orientation and security clearances

Gay Democrats Leader Steps Down

AFA Reinstates Ford Boycott Over Gays

Gay Bishop Wins Praise For Public Battle With Alcohol

NYPress) Party Line: Messagemaking Swallows Moviemaking at the Oscars

Majority In Mass. Favor Gay Marriage, Adoption

Most intense, adrenaline-boosting, boxing match

The team my brother coaches is going to the NCAA Women's Tourney

*** BELMONT !!!*** Go BRUINS!!!

I have formed a DU pool for March Madness at Yahoo

Chaney RETIRES!!!

Dropped isabella off for spay, vet called, he can't have one.

Gratuitous Kitty Pic, and no bad news.

Help you guys, I'm trying to adopt a dog & need some legal advice

Check out the newest member of our family

I have a lot of energy

Question on a visusal experience

March 14: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) in Virgo

March 2006 Prayers and Healing

Hearings This Week: Busy week 3/14 - 3/16/06

Great letter to the editor

Wicked good times!

For WEL: Happy St. Pat's Day! (List of good pubs in Boston.)

George Allen: Not ready for prime time

Kerry in Ohio today concerning small businesses

Knee jerk much?

Humble Elias gives Kerry some advice for 08

Must be Spring Fever.

Bush on IWR not being a vote to go to war

Lively forum at Harvard on Friday.

"Road to the White House" .

Great post by Will Pitt...

Kerry supports Feingold censure motion, according to --

A cross processing shot

A Bug and a Bird

The same old poll.

St. Innocent's Russian Orthodox church

Ansel Adams spent a LOT of time in the darkroom.

I'm sitting here waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Countdown Newsletter -- 03/13/06: Call for Presidential Censure

Am I Just Being Paranoid?

Repug class .... young staffer gives Russ Feingold the finger during talk

Paging Gogi......


Tell me again why Reese won the Oscar for Best Actress?

The House of Commons is kicking Blair's ass re: Iraq on C-SPAN right now.

Crash' director eyeing timely terrorist thriller: based on Clarke's memoir

"execution-style shootings (by) Shiite militias & police have sky-rocketed

Iraq-War Vets: The Democrats' Newest Weapon

I am SO bad...

Washington's mullahs campaign against Iran's mullahs

Taliban's Mullah Mohammad Omar orders execution of foreign hostages

The real reason we invaded Iraq...

Newest Zogby poll is all about abortion -- Join in!

Pleasantville: A movie that reflects our world of today

Has the presidency been handed over to rove?

The Dubai Deal You Don't Know About

Were some 9/11 commission members bribed ???

Feingold's presidential Intentions - perfect answer!

Tommy Douglas: Progressive Icon

Stop your meddling, Iraqi minister tells US!!

Zelikow at the ABA--"It's okay to make it up as you go along".

Lawyers for ex-AIPAC officials look to subpoena Rice, NSA

What does McCain stand for?

The best form of abistinence only education

Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug!

E&P: 2005 State-Of-Media Report (Idealists have lost to the accountants)

Newshounds Digest 3/6/06-3/12/06

The Secret Government

Hardball Tonight: Cost Of Iraq War 100 Billion? wtf?

Top 10 Conservative Idiots faux pas ...

Al Gore fires up crowd at West Palm Beach fund-raiser

Please pause before using 'secret' stamp again

Anybody know what time Russ is up today?

C-Span is repeating the KO

Dachle looking at WH run

$75 million to promote democracy in Iran, yet, Bush sets out to subvert it

Frist: Dubai Ports Deal Not Dead Yet

Pollution Soaring to Crisis Levels in Arctic (Climate change)

Bin Ladens neice on reality I the only one bothered by this?

Republicans control all 3 branches of Govt. Run in '06 AGAINST BIG GOVT

Repost: Open Letter to the Sheep

Biden is an awful choice for Prez...

Prorgessive Evangelicals vs Fundies: A quiet war worth fighting

Fill in the blank: I would trust [blank] before I would trust Bush with...

If Bush Gets Impeached Who Would Pardon Him??

C-Spand Comment - Right on the money!

Do you agree that Slobodan Milosevic has cheated justice? (and more...)

c-span 9am est - "Brownie" up on washington journal

What are the chances of the "Diebold's not affecting 06 elections

Here is what I wrote to my Senators this Monday morning.......

On MSNBC Feingold said censure is appropriate, impeachment is radical.

Breaking News on CNN : Gov't. misconduct in briefing witnesses. Massaouri


Milosevic murdered?

Photographs From Iraq: February 22 - March 6, 2006

Russ Feingold on MSNBC right now! 9:32 a.m. EST

Feingold Live on MSNBC now. (9:30 a.m.)

al-Sadr calls Britain, Israel, United States, 'Triad of Evil' on TV

WJ CSPAN-All these Dems calling in to say how great McCain is

Ghost Recon:Advanced Warfighter - racist video game?

Craig Crawford:Bush Seen As Protecting His Hide-Not Nat'l Security

George Bush bought three new cows...

Judge Recesses Moussaoui Trial-Gov Coaching Witnesses

The real "Dick" and his pet Rock "W"

New York's Finest


Mike Brown on CSPAN now, as an expert,,

Moussaoui Trial Recess (Government Misconduct?)

Are We Headed for Another "Great Depression"?


House sign forces point of contention (Racist neighbor)

Work to commence on 9/11 memorial

By God I'm a Liberal

Cnn to do segment on "Presidental Censure"

Feingold Proposes Censuring President Bush...

WSJ: Millions Are Facing Monthly Squeeze On House Payments

Face it people Bush is NOT the main problem, the problem is..........

*'s latest and greatest Iraq TP: "the US can’t afford to be isolationists"

Inside the US's regime-change school - From a Special Correspondent...

Warner on Feingold censure "it tends to weaken our president."

72% of US. troops think the U.S. should exit Iraq within the next year

Some senior Republicans with WH connections want either Rove or Card out..

Someone pull Judd Gregg's battery back,. Please!

"Here he is proving his independence by remaining loyal to bush"

McClatchy to Buy Knight Ridder for $4.5B

Great deal on a house in Oregon. 4000+ sq. ft. $600k

"Crash" Director to make Bush Expose "Against All Enemies"

Inside the US's regime-change school

Found on Craigslist - Why I am getting out of the Marines

Al Gore fires up crowd at West Palm Beach fund-raiser

Father Of Marine Killed In Iraq Begins Long Protest March (241 Miles)

Imagine this 2008 Ticket: McCain/Hillary

And on Sunday We Rode Bikes, and Then Mommy Made Us Mac & Cheese --pix->>>

George is SHOCKED, SHOCKED to Learn That There Are Criminals in His Admin.

Sen. Conrad: Over history of U.S., took Bush to DOUBLE foreign-held debt

Iraq's president warns of civil war - Neocons claim its librul media lies

Hillary in '08

A good frame to consider

Replace congress and send them to Iraq...

Former Clinton Adviser sees possible Gore Run

Republican Family Values

Internet blows CIA cover!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rumsfeld Ignored Threat Of Insurgency, Cancelled Early Reinforcements

Just Dept Pulled Financial Records of 9 Congressman Linked to Abramoff

Is Kos down?

2008: Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck vs. Yosemite Sam/Elmer Fudd

If anyone has the right to say, "I told you so," it's Al Gore

Make up a fresh batch of purple Kool-Aid...

Little Lord Pissypants Gets Briefed ---pix--->>>

Federal prosecutors say eff-you to Moussaoui judge and cheat anyway...

Looking for Gore slideshow on global warming...

Sec. Leavitt on c-span pre-emptively blamed local govs for bird flu deaths

One Month later exclusive photo of Cheney beer hunting comes to light

Hehehe guys!! Come on guys this isn't funny .... .... GUYS?!?!?!?

guess where Elizabeth Cheney has turned up - Dubai

Feingold to take Senate floor at approx 11:30 EST

Rant! I do not understand the shock from people when John McCain

One would think there might be some kind of statute of limitations here...

Liberal! Lesbian! Bitch! Carpetbagger! Fat Ankles! Liar!--Da Hillary Code

Rep. Katherine Harris to decide if she should stay in Florida Senate Race

If 9/11 changed everything, then the terrorist have already won.

Look out, here comes Al Gore

I think that Bush/Cheney should get a fair chance to explain themselves.

There is still time to vote for Dear Leader!

'Crash' director eyeing timely terrorist thriller (Richard Clarke book)

VIDEO: GOP commercial uses Twilight Zone & ALL GOP hot buttons (funny)

Heads Up! Asshat will give same old, tired, Iraq speech shortly...

Your Face Is So Red, George ---pix--->>>

A 'Security Company' Kills Two Of Chalabi's Guards in Baghdad

Does Feingold Get Up Before Noon?

Not to dwell on old news, but the 2004 Senate election results suck.

Why censure & not impeachment?

VIDEO- Keith Olbermann on Corporate Broadcasting and Criticizing the Prez

Bush fans... who needs em!

Question to Senator Feingold: Why Is Impeachment Radical?

Vanity Fair's Margolick on Apologizing / Abramoff says he played Hardball.

Feingold in '08

Dang! Where's Feingold? Somebody go remove the rope and gag

03/12/06 - Lt. Col. Bill Burkett: Why I did what I did

RIP Maureen Stapleton

So a tornado ran through my RW bro's neighborhood last night...

Ex Post Facto - Is the GOP decriminalizing Bush's NSA wiretapping?

Angry Moussaoui Judge May Throw Out Case...

Self delete

Was Scott McClellan Asked About Censure Resolution Today?

Dean seen boosting DNC from bottom up

Ben Bradlee to Vanity Fair: Woodward's Plame Source was Armitage

Well, isn't this just lovely...

Mitch McConnell's up and I have it muted (CSPAN2)

This is what it will accomplish.

Moonie Times: Saddam's WMD ambitions revealed in tapes

Feingold posted a diary on Kos this morning:

New BushCo Iraq Speech Protocol - quote dead soldiers


What did I miss on West Wing last night?

Am I the only one peeved about Sandra Day O'Connor's criticism towards....

If someone you despised came over to our side, what would you do?

Rummy's big score

Tom Fox Remembered Around the World as Dedicated Activist

msnbc Bush speech LIVE now.

Got a question for those who know about government snooping......

Pennsylvania's senators are incommunicado

What exactly is the "Foundation For The Defense of Democracies"?

Do we want to put Neo-Conservatives to Death?

does anybody know if the censure motion will be aired

A new day, a new Chimpy face...

Justice Dept. pulled financial records of nine!

I. Am. A Liberal

Sen. Judd Gregg, "the economy is ROBUST not dire"

"The State of the News Media" report is being discussed on NPR Live now!

Holy crap! I have 10,015 posts here at DU!!!

What Iraqi security forces is * jabbering abou.?

Bush War Strategy - REVEALED !

Did I miss Feingold's motion?

Bushies screw up again-- this time in Moussaiou's trial!

Components for IEDs coming from Iran?

George Clooney for President in 2008

Bush's Speech today was given to think tank group FDD (Cliff May)

Tweety's network show was a BASH on Senator CLINTON

Chaos or Unity - - Accept the new authority or "slip into anarchy"

Sen. Reid Response to Bush Speech on CNN (cut off now)

Ipsos: Polls shows B**'s Katrina Relief Approval - Declining !

C-SPAN2: "Coming Up - Feingold (D-WI) Censure Resolution"

What is Condeleeza Rice's religion???

Jerry Falwell issues correction, Jews ARE all going to hell

I just contacted my senators re: censure, how about you?

Dem Scoreboard on Censure?

Olbermann: Some NBC execs don't like criticism of BushCo.

A way to hold him accountable 74% msnbc poll on Feingold censure

Pat Tillman's Mother >> "The Administration used Pat,"

RNC Chief Mehlman Removed Abramoff Enemy (TPM Muckraker)

Why are the Republicans so afraid (of the truth)? by Rep Louise Slaughter

Rep. Slaughter on DKos: "Why are the Repubs So Afraid of the Truth?"

Three Years In Iraq: a video review

Questions about censuring the Prez

"We Will Not Negotiate With Terrorists" ...... Really?

"Pray for Bush Day at Free-repub-lick"

Coming soon to my hometown: gated golf communities!?

If we don't go for the throat now, we deserve everything we get.

Americans that fear terrorists are cowards.

Raw Story: U.S. Quietly Tightens Access To Classified Information

Come on Democrats, unite!!!!

now cspan 2 says it will about half hour before Feingold comes to floor.

Chaney RETIRES!!!

Ohio Law Keeps Noe Coin Fund Files Secret

Look at the Bush incompetence! why is he still in office?

HEY! There's a prominent DU reference on the Google News front page!

Defense of New Iraqi Military to Lead Off Bush's New Propaganda Tour

Bush Administration Right to Abortion Request

WSJ: Political Hothouse: Florida Sends Help For Condo Elections

DU this MSNBC Poll : Feingold Proposal to Censure

IDEA! MANDATORY Drug testing for ALL those in political positions

RawStory & DKos: Feingold Says He Will Give Censure Speech at 4 p.m.

I am SO Proud to have played a part in this....hopefully more people

Anyone notice the Google icon today? Can we create our own? A contest!

OK, it's 4 --- where are ya Russ?

Tomorrow * will be four miles from my location. The local TV stations are

Moussaoui F*ck up....CNN calls it a Gov't 'goof'...

Little Lord AWOL Pissypants: "WE will not lose OUR nerve"

Ron Christie - This guy is whiter than I am.

Religion is not a Church

Man Charged With Raping, Killing 7-Month-Old Niece

I just got off the phone with Sen. Bill Nelsons office and I feel great.

Does Condoleeza Rice ever speak before any largely black audiences?


Scotty M. news conf on cspan 2

C-SPAN 2: Scottie McClellan on Now

GOP....... The Party of Death

Frist calls for censure vote - This Afternoon or Tonight...

Scott McClelland lying about Claude Allen on c-span now…

Shiite Vigilantes Kill 4 in Sign of Lawlessness in Baghdad


"Saddam was bad but Bu$h is worse". From an Iraqi storekeeper.

Go Senator Russ Feingold...Speaking truth to power. AMEN

wolfie is Freakin Over Bush's New Low CNN Poll Numbers. 36% Approval!

Cheney disses Feingold in home state - censure "outrageous proposition"

Bu$h talking "terror" on CSPAN.

Feingold is up NOW!

Ladies, when going through security

Feingold, Cenure an appropriate "first step."

Jeff Gannon/Guckert is such an ass...

Second Scandal Prosecutor "Promoted" by bush

How many US forces remain in Afghanistan?

Best and worst states on minimum wage. Where does your state fall?

OMG did you just hear Frist??

A Petty Hitler (Gen. Clark on Milosevec)

FYI: Reid on Ed Schultz today

Just in case you missed this flash earlier...

Specter is a jerk. I give him "inherent authority" to kiss my ass.

Pro-lifers achieve a victory they can’t handle

VIDEO-The Bullchit before Feingold's speech to try to trip him up

Reid Calls Frist a "LAPDOG OF THE PRESIDENT" (On Ed Schultz)

For the record- 12 year old rape victims can and DO get pregnant

I request unanimous consent that today be officially delcared

Buddha Boy Dissappeared!

And Just What Is Censure Supposed To Accomplish?

Any Prez '08 Ticket Must Include Feingold

Is there text of Feingold's censure resolution available?

Frist Looks Like A :

On A Scale Of 1-10, Rate Spector's Speech Today:

We Just Called Both of Our Senators In Support Of Censure

Pat Buchanan was right and Bill Clinton was wrong

40 Ways in 40 Days: Remembering the Survivors of Katrina (Day 8)

Tweety making my head explode

Abramoff/Wade Prosecutor Moves On-Second Scandal Prosecutor to be Promoted

Informant Says al-Qaida's Number Two Lived in Lodi (California)

Now Is The Time For "Extended Debate"

Arrgh, MSM sucks SO BAD! (Feingold)

If ala carte cable/sat becomes a reality, what channels would DUers

03/13/06 - John Howard's Apology

Banks could be hurt by new credit card minimum payment rules...

Will there be a vote on the Censure tonight?

Correct me if I'm wrong - wasn't Bill Clinton censured?

The mafia would keep us safer than bu$h

A Plea for Men to Stay Out of the Abortion Question

Censure Vote Breakdown

Energy Secretary said he didn't know about North Slope spill for a week

David Drier on Sit Room said....

Top policeman secretly taped calls

Sinclair Broadcast To Close News Central (RW Shills)

Why did Feingold leave the floor? I'm just tuning in.

India gets nukes and all we get is a lousy mango.

U.S. lacks ventilators to aid bird flu victims!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm thinking I should send WHITE ROSES to Feingold...

Reason number 2000 to love and adore Keith Olbermann

Controlling the banks

Look at the Text of Junior's Speech ---pix--->>>

Parents of slain Iraqi wait for appeal to attend funeral

"Crash" Director Making Film Version Of Richard Clarke Exposé On Bush

DLC's Rahm Emmanuel UP NEXT on MATTHEWS! 5:49 est!

Human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Iraq

Clooney: "I am a Liberal"

The Kerry story is WRONG!! He WILL support the censure resolution.

VIDEO- Frist versus Feingold-Terrible Signal

Next appropriate career move for Soledad O'Brien

"What's Up With Treas. Secretary John Snow?"

Get Up Stand Up

E mail or call your Congressperson or Senators ASAP "Russ gets the bird"

Why don't Democrats make a bigger issue out of college legacy admissions?

Justice Dept. as inept as FEMA. Zacarias Moussaoui

Democrats. Neighbors helping neighbors.

Jeff Sessions distinguishes himself yet again

This week on The Daily Show

People Feel Empowered!!!!!

Morales gives Rice coca leaf-inlay guitar

Dammed if I ain't tired of all this fear shit

I've got to give it to Olbermann and Dobbs ...we only have two!

a British, EU twist on abortion...6 embryos to be destroyed

It's one big clusterfuck, isn't it?

Was Cheney booed in Wisconsin today

Fish mercury testing is ok but not mad cow?

Concern over Iraq drives Bush's rating to new low

Assault on the forests

Hmmm, a "Journals" Icon in the Menu Now...

Biz Journals: 10 jobs with the lowest annual earnings (and the 10 highest)

'Dick Cheney Hunting Vest Night' planned

Ready or Not, Bird Flu Is Coming to America-Officials Advise Stocking Up

Can a non-Christian win the Presidency ?

EXCLUSIVE: Hart InterCivic Whistleblower Warned of Texas, Ohio E-Voting 'F

Wes Clark coming up on The News Hour to discuss Milosovic.

Insiders: White House Staff Physically/Emotionally Exhausted

Why not Dean?

CNN/USA 36% Bush's approval rating hits new low [Reuters]

"I don't give a damn about Amy Goodman" -Ed Schultz 3/10/2006

Hilarious!! Freeper says Russ Feingold is no McCarthy!!

Don't know if this has been posted before: "Quail Hunting School"

Noam Chomsky: A Brief Overview of Media Control/Propaganda

help - I need that artlicle by Bruce Bartlett, a Reagan speechwriter

On A Scale Of 1-10, Rate Feingold's Speech Today:

A young repug staffer sitting behind Russ giving him the bird?

Censure falling down memory hole as of this moment, never to be heard

CBS NEWS Poll 73% Believe Iraq is in Civil War!

Feingold Draws Little Support for Censure

Censure Support Thread: Post Who & How to Contact in the Legislature

Do you think every Dem Senator should vote for censure of *?

Tonight on Countdown w/Keith Olbermann...Call for a Presidential Censure

Feingold on Floor but Frist first cspan 2

9/11 Commissioners Bribed to Omit Pakistan, Says Pakistani Weekly

Let me get this straight.... re: South Dakota.....

Lou Dobb's Poll Tonight

Du this poll Help Lou Dobbs figure it out

Good GAWD! Dems Ditch Brazille and Pay Al Sharpton! He does more

"BIG LOVE" -- Anybody see it? Any thoughts?

Former Top Judge Says US Risks Edging Near to Dictatorship...

Cameraphone shot of staffer giving the bird...


Bush Wants a Civil War in Iraq (conjecture)?

Why should we call or Senators to vote for Censure

BUSH: "I know a prairie fire when I see one!"

AWESOME! Paper-thin solar panels rolling off a printing press!

I have to know this is right -

"I Am a Liberal. There, I Said It!" By George Clooney

Just Rec'd A Call From The Dems Asking For Money

Which Senators besides Kerry have come out in support of censure?

Feingold/Censure Thread 5

Can a non-Christan be elected to the Presidency in 2008???

NYT: Upset 'Brokeback' Fans Advertise Their Feelings

Plame Gossip - The leaker identified?

Pictures from the war - not shown in US media

George Clooney writes on Huffington Post - LOVE THIS MAN!!!

Strippers Force Way Into Home, Rob Man (on his way to bible class...)

Chatting With Jesus (about GWB) - This is good folks!

Tornadoes, Fires, and Divine Wrath at Red States

Lou Dobbs Poll: the president's low ratings

AOL Poll with some interesting results; Iraq War...Please DU!

PAUL KRUGMAN: So here's what you need to know about John McCain.

Feingold smacks down Soledad O'Brien on CNN!!!

Dahr Jamail: "Iraq: Permanent U.S. Colony"

Full-Page Impeachment Ad in SF Chronicle Today

E-Voting - Memory Cards Fail - During Ohio Testing!

Schools Group Wants Anti-Bullying Bill To Protect Gays, Others

DU >>MSNBC: What do you think of Feingold's proposal to censure Pres. Bush

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: "

Feingold/Censure Thread 3

CAPTION this photo...

Olbermann: Some NBC, GE "hierarchy" don't like any criticism of Bush adm.

In-Depth Interview With John Edwards in WaPo

Please Post What You Think is the GREATEST MODERN DAY WHITEWASH...

Just called Kerry's DC office about Feingold's censure and....

Rest Easy Bill Clinton, Milosevic Can't Talk Anymore

Feingold/Censure Thread 4

Gore to become a cult figure?

religious TV shows all upset over 'la carte' cable

Kerry Unsure If He'll Support Censure

VIDEO-Feingold's Censure Speech

I just called my Senator and told her I expect her to back Russ

We shouldn't nominate a Senator in '08

Women and Crosses and Coffins on a Beach Today in Santa Monica

Ohio Doctor: Women can't get pregnant during a rape. WTF?????

Feingold/Censure Thread 2

Are Virginia's school testing results fraudulent?

What did Bush mean by this? Is it a joke?

Isaac Hayes Quits 'South Park' over Scientology???

VIDEO - CNN's Soledad O'Brien spars with Feingold on Censure

Encounter at the filling station this morning...

Fwd: Press Release on Best and Worst of the 2006 Candidates


GORE: The People of "U.S. Are Going to Stand Up & Take Our Country Back"

This really is line in the sand time - CENSURE *

OK I was wrong. Bash all the Dems you want. Campaign against

Warner-Feingold 2008

Alaska's current oil spill biggest ever

New wave of outsourcing is hitting highly skilled US workers


Here we go: The Next Issue - Gay Marriage = Polygamy

Keith Olbermann's Bloggerman - Daily Made-Up News :)

Sen. Reid needs 4,724 more LTTE's (re: repub dangerous incompetence)

VIDEO- Was this PUNK giving Feingold the Finger?

RW Blog: Faux News reporting BushCo in closed door Iran war meeting

Lieberman supporting rapist rights in Connecticut

CNN: Cow in Alabama positive for Mad Cow

My 8th grade daughter's poem for an assignment I HAVE THE BEST DAUGHTER

WaPo's Michael Fletcher on NPR: Claude Allen blames (evil) twin brother.

This conservative columnist couldn't understand the hate for Bush until now

VIDEO- that Punk WAS flipping off Feingold - Take Two

Senate Democrats. What have you done for us lately?

This Russian dude makes a lot of sense. Read this. It will make you think

Petition to stop H-1B visas.

Why should we expect all Dems in Senate to vote for censure?

Sign Russ' Censure Resolution

CLOONEY: "F-U to dems who voted for the war"

Ted Rall has raised the money to sue Ann Coulter for libel

Feingold/Censure mp3


Oklahoma Governor says no evidence of civil war in Iraq.

From "Buy duct tape!!" "Buy tuna and powdered milk!!!"

Two personal experiences with John Kerry, and why I'd support him...

Local (NJ) Quizno's offers Christian Discount on Sunday!

Somewhere over the Mushroom Cloud

I am a 21st Century Hippie, A Liberal Progressive & I am NOT Going Away!


Your Input on crating a hand card/lit drop off piece

DU Folding@Home - Thread #10 - Put your PC to work to fight disease!

I started reading the "Confessions of an Economic Hit man"

Dupe thread n/t

VIDEO: The Bushisms

Boston Globe article highlighting Dean's strategy:

McCain is Such a Sycophant, Disgusting Behavior

Santorum VIDEO--great reporting on another lobbying scandal!!!

Please DU this petition to censor Bush at

Feingold--- two thumbs up

contact YOUR SENATOR here to support censure -post their position here

DU'ers provide the best advice...

Call your Senator this morning about the Censure Resolution


Official True Blue Democratic Candidate Anouncement in CT Today!

"The Debt is the Threat"

Wash. Journal never mentioned the impeach bush ad in paper

"Exploding the debt"

CNN just doesn't get it

Censure is the beginning not the end; Bush should be impeached

Bernie Sanders on Indecency and Censorship

Gonzalez defended Bush against Feingold's censuring!

Joe Biden Gets It Right

When will Feingold actually introduce the censure bill? Has it already

Utah's $14 mil campaign secret slogan "Life Elevated"

Why I'm marching against the war in Iraq this weekend

The Right To Rule

The shrub is speaking. Just heard him say that Iraq had

Is this Dick Armitage thing good or bad?

Cheney Makes Questionable Reference When Speaking To AIPAC

Feingold Clip on CNN -- what is Soledad O'Brien's problem?!?

Taliban spin doctor taking classes at Yale - for real

Learned something new-- history says Gore would win in 08 :)

Photo: A penny for your thoughts, Condoleezza. You look so "pensive."

John Warner: "The president is not perceived as breaking the law."

msnbc poll on Censor

What is going on with Matthews and this straw poll? Why is it a top story?

Call Your Senator Today To Fight Illegal Warrantless Surveillance!

Play Rove, Play God: Choose YOUR Bill Frist in 2008 DREAM TICKET.

Abortion battle lines drawn in Mississippi

Ya know, I don't believe that Marie Antoinette listened to the polls,

C-SPAN: Senator Feingold's Censure speech set for 4 PM Eastern Time

No one's at the wheel, Dems say Go after Bush on 'competence'

In honor of Russ Feingold's censure motion today...

IRAN - The next reason to wave the flag and not enlist

Note To All Dem Senators: Are You With Your Base, Or With Bush?

FRIST attempting to preempt Feingold!!

Frist tries to rush censure vote. Speaks before Feingold - ANNOUNCES

Censure: What could go wrong?

Biden did something GOOD? Mediamatters says yes

What Will Happen with Censure (A Prediction)

Feingold censure motion getting LIVE coverage on CNN!

arlen specter's response

Is Russ going to come back & debate Specter?

Bush: "The Iraqi people made their choice"

Sen Feingold is giving republicans the opportunity

Should Bush Resign?

In view of Senator Feingolds bold move, may I suggest:

I have concluded: There already is a big Third Party.

Sometimes, maybe we just have to face reality.....

I listened to limbaugh for five minutes today and learned

Impeach Cheney First!

Is this a "new PR offensive" or the start of the push for War with Iran?

Clooney Faults Democrats For Failure To Speak Out Before Iraq War

U.S. quietly tightens access to classified information

geez, I see why Russ left

I'll ask-Why haven't I heard Wes Clark's name mentioned?

Another Hillary poll, not good news for her

Were is Tucker Carlson?

Just checking in: Do we have a slogan yet?

Brad: New voting machine co. whistleblower speaks out; TX primary affected

"Contraceptive issue creating political storm" in CT

WP headline on Feingold- "Feingold Draws Little Support for Censure"

Clark WARNED us about Bush's plans for IRAN in the '03 debates!

that porn starlet is dining with smirk again and getting an award

Bush Opens Week with Iraq Speech - cartoon

One More Time: McCain is NOT a moderate!

Op/Ed by Pat Roberts (R, co-Chair Sen Intel Comm) re Surveillance

Bush launches PR offensive on Iraq

Hillary Clinton...the candidate that scares both sides...

OH: Bad batteries cause 30% failure in voting machines. IDIOTS!

Conyers: "I need your help to build case for an impeachment investigation"

Dems, support Feingold's censure resolution! Let R's justify a NO vote!

Lou Dobbs Poll: Vote Now!

Fundy smack down

"A furious George (Clooney) hits gutless Dems"

I listened to Specter's rebuke of Feingold,

Please call Frist and ask for an "up or down vote" on censure

New Band of Brothers commercial. A must see!

Survivalist, anyone stocking up?

In-Depth John Edwards Interview in WaPo

Bush's Port Concerns Are With MAFIA?

Well I Like and Support Hillary

Bush**'s advisor caught stealing from Target is a "market oriented

My 8th grader's poem for class tomorrow. SHE GETS IT>>>and shes 14

WSJ: Fukuyama's Pivot

fundies get upset by gays, but NOT bratz dolls?

Will the DLC support/endorse McCain's presidential bid in '08?

Feingold Censure Speech to Senate mp3

Wes Clark comments on death of ex-Yugoslav leader

When it comes to corporations, some of us may be fighting the wrong battle

There is no reason for Democrats not to support censure -- except one