Bush is Urged to bulk up inner circle (CNN)
Cunningham Felon Involved In Domestic Spying
This is why the Islamists are winning
Trash Talkers: The Black Mud of Bush/Blair Propaganda- Chris Floyd
Bono: Geldof Almost Spat on Blair
The Economist gives Chicago top rating
Recent press releases via apolloalliance.org
Brazil to develop comprehensive nuclear plan. May include 7 new reactors.
BP Solar drops thin film solar cells abruptly.
Amira Hess, Playing two different games, Haaretz, March 15, 2006
The Jericho Raid? What does it really accomplish?
So when does the evidence suppressed for Moussaoui trail get released
Has Accupoll gone chapter 11 ?
Can anyone help finding out what e-voting machine is used in Clinton, CT?
TruthIsAll love post! Clean elections needed to heal a sick country!
Note to Maxey: Get your facts straight. A sorta rebuttal
Poll: Who do you support for TDP Chair?
Why the hell not? Because Kinky is irresponsible!
Chrétien and Harper a lot alike
What do you think of the roll up the rim thing?
Army's Entire Collection of Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos on Web
Democrats seek to kill oil drilling in budget bill
Bush ratings continue to drop to new lows(NBC/WSJ poll 37%job approval)
Wal-Mart Boosts Central America Presence
Queen threatened with legal action (Melbourne)
10 top officials in Florida Dept of Corrections fired in corruption probe
Raw Story: Bush breaks the law (again)
Democrats Slam Revised Gay-Clearance Rules
Study: Most Get Mediocre Health Care
2 Times Reporters Win Prize for Articles on Spying
Congressional cmte. gets tough on Iran
NBC News with Tim Russert predicts WH shakeup
NYT: Hussein Urges Iraqis to Unify in War on U.S.
Lawyers for Libby Subpoena Reporter and New York Times
RawStory: Third Democratic senator backs censure resolution (Boxer)
KR: Iran tells U.S. allies it will escalate crisis if hit with U.N. sanct
Officer Says He Wrongly Approved Use of Dogs
U.S. Senate sets Thursday vote on raising debt limit
First declassified documents from prewar Iraq released
Va. Democrat (Rep. Jim Moran) Wants Al Gore to Run in 2008
Fukuyama Spurns Bush, Says War in Iraq `Didn't Make Much Sense'
WP:Bush to Restate Terror Strategy(Doct. of Preemptive War To Be Reaffirme
Us Isolated in Opposing New Human Rights Body
Harris to Stay in Race for Senate Seat ("I'm staying.")
Bolton compares Iran threat to Sept 11 attacks
Pakistan supplied American missiles to Taliban
U.S. puts machine-guns on Great Lakes coast guard vessels
The Internet failed to impress me long ago... until now.
Should I remove the TV from my bedroom?
Breaking: Ziplock now has a DOUBLE ZIPPER BAG!
Little Miss Tavernertot being kissed by Tavernertoddler
I just had my shoulder length hair...
HBO's Big Love: I just decided
By the poswer of grayskull....
I thought about starting a DU journal...
I know how this gerbil, hamster whatever it is feels.
Anyone else get an error on line 1b(4) when doing their taxes on TurboTax?
FYI Survivor's on tonight at 7pm Special night
OK, My 4 page paper on Reganite Cinema is due tomorrow at 5:15 PM CST.
this is like domestic violence gone wild!
Surviving Camera man said "She always sacrificed for her shots"
My Father smoked pot when I was growing up
Unclear on the concept - the burning of cds (pic)
Michael Jackson agrees to pay Neverland staffers $306,000 in back wages
12 words or less - What is happiness?
I have heard of trying to make arrival times but this is a little much.
GREATEST Allman Brothers Song from the Duane Allman Years
Any pneumonia going around right now?
**To What Are Y'all Listening? And I Want a STRAIGHT-UP Answer!**
If a thread title starts with "OMG" or "OMFG" etc., I am:
Any volunteers to give shrubeenie a BJ so impeachment can
Harvey Birdman,attorney at law is awesome!
I actually have two interviews this week!
How can some people be so gross?
Just trying to lighten the load a bit, thats all
Great quote from a graphic novel
Anybody else wish they could change their username?
Secretary Of State Rice Assesses President Bush's Missile Capacity !!!
Can I get a DU review of "Good Night and Good Luck"?
another little funny and then I'll behave.
A 1907 Merck pharmacy manual lists these uses for Cannabis Indica...
I put a freeper in his place today...
So, who got kicked off Idol tonight?
MSNBC Cancels Keith Olberman's Show...
The Magistrate did the dishes tonight.
Northwest to Charge Extra for Onboard Bowel Movements
Interesting coincidences in your life?
What was your first post on DU?
When you hear Mila Kunis' voice at random, do you think:
"I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty."
I'm stopping by to say hello...it's been a while
I have a sore throat and feel like crap. Anyone else?
Don't use the lounge bathroom for a while.
I tried to make my journal all pretty like.
Changing your name in marriage
Look at this face and try not to smile! (Post something cute!)
What are your favourite mp3 blogs?
I believe religion is the greatest danger to humanity at this time. ...
Mexico City priest brings dignity to an off-limits flock
Preventing Cervical Cancer in the Developing World (NEJM)
Toxic metals factor in most ADHD, juvenile delinquency, serial killers, v
Lupus: Anyone familiar with it? My 11 year old niece was just diagnosed
Why don't we just become a religion?
What does this sound like to you...?
Who is to be thanked for posting first the list of Democrats who
Welcome to the John Kerry Forum at DU. Come in, wipe your feet.
I braved the wind and snow for new Archie photos!
OT: Stern on Letterman last night (is there a DU vid-clip?)
KOEB for 3/15/06 Don't Forget Poll Land Show
I just have to bitch about O'Reilly
Is Tweety going to cry? It sounds to me like he is about to cry.
Majority now prefer a Democrat-controlled Congress
Should We Refer To It As The Military Industrial Congressional Complex ???
HAHAHA - "Falafel Fatwa"; Keith showing clips
Emanuel corrected Matthews: People trust Democrats on taxes
Everything you ever wanted to know about how our government & media work
WALL STREET JOURNAL: Bush's Approval Rating Fall Again
Clown on CNN (Jamie somene) just talking about us ...
The E-Mail I Just Sent To Senator Byrd
Republicans Block New Security Scrutiny
Jack Cafferty (CNN) Question: "Do the Dems 'run and hide' when it
2314 Reasons why the DSM is Important
American "Family" Association RENEWS FORD BOYCOTT over gay ads
Sen Boxer Becomes Third Senator To Sponsor Censure Resolution
CA Housing Finance Agency offers 40-year mortgages to 1st time buyers
Following is part of my letter to Harry Reid w/ copy to Feingold.
Things you have to believe to be a Republican today ...
HAHAH! Hilliary's new opponent in NY is said to be imploding...
"There's a lack of wisdom in the WH!"
Possibly one of the stupidest questions ever
Bush**-Rove & Co. in trouble- my real life experience.
For some reason today was ... meltdown day for me, it was a combination
Has Harry Reid done a better job than Tom Daschle did?
ASIA TIMES : The fragile Euro-US 'alliance' on Iran
Bush signed a bill that didn't pass congress.
OMFG!!! Are you watching Cafferty right now?
VIDEO- Tweets on Bush, Iran, 2006 Election- Selected bits
The Saddam of the Balkans makes his escape into history /by Justin Raimond
Alcohol Makes Mouth Cells Susceptible to HIV Infection
And Where Is Poppy Bush As Young Son Dies On The Vine?
Libby's lawyers subpoena Judith Miller, New York Times
Karl Rove vows a 'permanent' war. WHO ELECTED HIM????
Old 'Give 'Em Hell Harry" is getting hell on his blog, RE: Feingold!
BUSH & GOP hide behind the phrase "Time of War"
OMG-Tweety, Milbank, Buchanan discuss Bush hitting Iran in Oct. to win '06
Apparently, The MSM Feels Bad Poll #s Are Enough "Punishment" 4 *
"The Execution of a Peace Activist' (freeper style)
A Continent Splits Apart-birth of an ocean (Africa) Spiegel online
Bolton compares Iran threat to Sept 11 attacks
TO ARMS!! 50% of Americans want Democratic-controlled Congress (NBC/WSJ)
Are These "Ladies" Related ???
Too Funny! The Democratic Party Rapid Response Team:
NBC/WSJ poll: Majority now prefer a Democrat-controlled Congress
Harris pressured to drop Senate bid polls 20 pts behind Nelson
One Thousand Days (On Three Years in Iraq Part 3)
This ole man will be standing up for anyone who stands up to the bush*
If nothing else, it's worth a chuckle...
US. vs. Iran US.Dollar vs. Euros.....
which dems senators censured bill clinton & will not censure bush?
Folks, the IMPEACHMENT polls will be coming soon
The White House refuses to change advisors/calls for a shakeup
Every DUer must see this ..... What we are doing in Iraq.
VIDEO- Worst Person in the World March 15 06 (Limp)
Countdown getting Smart: Appear on Colbert, Franken, and have Kos on there
The Medicare Drug Program Is Not For Me.
The changing face of terror..... article
Supreme Court Justice Bader Reveals Death Threats
Dimson at the lowest in middle America, specifically Indiana,
Gitmo Transcripts Paint Shadowy Portraits
If anyone cares Bill Maher is on Scarborough Country
Zogby Question: "The Morning After Abortion Pill"! What The Fuck?!
mini me............this is funny!
The E-Z smackdown when they say Dems have no plan
Why can't we add other people's posts to our journals?
DU This! Go vote for the Chicks!!
Smartest Freeper Ever : Harris : $10,000,000
Economic Suicide - the bastards have doubled the debt exposure
Secretary Of State Rice Assesses President Bush's Missile Capacity !!!
I reject those who "hate" liberals and progressives rather than,...
I taught a neighbor's kid this tune on guitar; "Strange Days" by Doors
Katherine Harris staying the course and in the race in FL.
Lasseter Reveals Iraq War's Dirty Little Secret: U.S. Stepping Up Bombing
Police clash with Rice protesters
IL Duers - IL 6th Dem debate on WTTW Ch 11 right now
I believe religion is the greatest danger to humanity at this time. ...
House floor now! Conaway says no LIHEAP for the poor unless
anyone have lobbying experience?
Greek strike shuts down country
AwwwRIGHT! - K.HARRIS & HANNITY staying in the race!!!!
I am trying to remember right AFTER 911
UPDATE: The Smoking Gun has PICTURES of the $1 Billion Dollar bills!
What does an Al Gore, Russ Feingold ticket sound like
What with the "needs a WH Shake-up" bullshit the media is selling?
Hoo-rah for Joisey: * Approve 26% Disapprove 70% Survey USA
VIDEO- FBI Spying on Americans- ACLU's Wizner-International Terrorism
VIDEO- Conrad on the Budget-Standing up for Americans against
VIDEO-Dorgan-in 2011, we will have to borrow half a trillion dollars
VIDEO-Tweety "They Just Don't Like Him" (Bush)
MANDATORY MALLOY: Hump Day Truthseeker Round Up
How America Won the Vietnam War, By Losing
KO Covering Feingold's Censure
The Daily Show's Nate Cordrey shows us how the "caned Hunt" goes!
Bryan Kennedy questions Sensenbrenner's Stand on Ethics
DHS Gets Another F in Computer Security...
To quote Tom Petty, BUSH IS FREEP FALLING! ... down to 33% ---->
Hey, I'm getting a lot wingnuts tonight
Letterman: Ways for Bush to improve his poll numbers.
Tweety gets his oats, or, I wish I was a TV personality too
Bush to Restate Terror Strategy - Doctrine of Preemptive War Reaffirmed
I can't stand these STUPID Pharma advertisements
On Barbara Boxer, And The Unelectability Of Progressives...
McCain Will Not Run - His Health Can't Take It ---pix--->>>
Substitute the word Terrorist for the word Communist...
Clinical drug trial puts 6 in intensive care
Why can't the wingnuts give up their hatred of everything French.
Gore and Feingold break away from mainstream Dems
FREE Tickets to "Thank You For Smoking" start tomorrow! RSVP...
This is an outrage. CNN: "Does Bush have a Jimmy Carter problem?"
Al Franken on Colbert Report tonite
firedoglake: The Lions and lemmings Hit Parade
The 2008 GOP Ticket: John McCain & Jeb Bush
Libby's lawyers subpoena Judith Miller
Does Patrick Fitzgerald ever get any sleep?
The Dirty Truth in One Paragraph
Alan Shores Speech on Boston Legal Last Night.....
DoD bought ICE for Abu-Ghraib from Saudi Arabia...
Please, Please Don't Quit, Katharine H.
Remember The Nixon Poster - Would You Buy A Used Car?
Impeachment: It's not just for sex anymore!
Where is driving while on a cell phone illegal
Okay, who do you gotta piss off...
what the Hell is this? Bush speaking and being coached?
Describe Bush in one Word. From the Pew Poll: Incompetent
VIDEO- Kos On Countdown (Crashing the Gate)
The Biggest * Lover I Know, My Co-worker, and My E-mail Exchange This AM
The Mythbusters just tried to test cell phone functionality on an airplane
House Bill to condemn 'anti-democratic' Chavez in committee vote Thursday
GRAPHIC IMAGE: There Freakin' Children! Bush Christians. You voted for it!
Time to Thank Tom Harkin For Co-Sponsoring Censure!
Why Virginia's Republican Party is on the verge of a meltdown.
How many think that the DSCC would've forced Wellstone out in 1990...
Thank You NeoConMen! by Mark Fiore
NBC/WSJ poll: Majority now prefer a Democrat-controlled Congress
Famous Basketball Player Meets Mentally Challenged Boy.
The Jericho Raid? What does it really accomplish?
Are we going to allow Republicans to position themselves as the "reform"
Checked the DNC webpage. Not a word about censure.
1049 days since "mission accomplished" YEAH keith
A drip that grows to a torrent or a biblical deluge in the here and now?
Bush hits new low in NBC/Journal poll
Senators Clinton and Murray vow to block FDA Chief Nominee
Photo: Arrogant, smug, Oedipal, AWOL, substance-abusing Frat-Boy-In-Chief
Bloated scum Tony Blankley: Dems "dragging out" domestic surveillance
Newsweek: Mississippi Churning
Whatever Happened to Ann Coulter's Felonious Act?
Salon.com Publishes All 279 Photos And 19 Videos From Abu Ghraib
Here's how we win in 2006 and 2008....
Call for Censure Is Rallying Cry to Bush's Base
The excuse of the "tired" administration
Newsweek: The GOP's Abortion Anxiety
What happens when half a 50/50 split no longer is?
Dems gotta grow some berries if they want to take the house or senate.
Could take the form of a mushroom cloud, but will probably be ring of fire
Thoughts that went through my mind about Claude Allen
Call (202) 224-2742 on Thursday and ask Kerry's stance on censure
Shall Democrats in Congress support filibuster, censure or impeachment?
Hey, I've got a great Idea: Let's just drill up some Arctic oil
My Useless Calls to Chuck and Hillary re Censure!
Bible or Constitution: You make the call!
Anyone really believe Congress is going to give Bush Iran green light?
War with Iran just in time for 2006 elections?
About That Censure - Feingold on Ed Schultz
Democratic Message: "Enough is Enough!"
Wolves, Lambs, Tyranny, Liberty and Elections
An Open Letter to GW Bush! (It's a Civil War, Stupid)
Timothy Garton Ash (The Guardian): Remember The Hague
KR: Quality medical care lacking 45 percent of the time, study finds
RAF doctor refused a third tour of duty in 'illegal' war
"Let's Divide Iraq as We Did in Yugoslavia!"
UN-Iran discussion mirrors Iraq debate
Bush's Fantasy of 'Progress' in Iraq ..... Robert Scheer
Cheerleading: a sport in crisis(usa)- the Guardian
CSM: Once-Republican Rockies now a battleground
Bet on a Bet but Not on a Ballot-WP
Sacramento News & Review's WAR ISSUE
US Military Airstrikes Signif Increase/Iraq (KRidder)
US Military Airstrikes Signif Increase/Iraq (KRidder)
Bush administrations "rules of engagement"
Juan Cole: "Saddam Was Trying to Capture Zarqawi" as enemy of his regime!
Molly Ivins: Digging in for the 'Long War'
Memo to (FCC chairman) Kevin Martin: GROW UP.
NYT: An Irish Face on the Cause of Citizenship
More Rallies, No Sale Bush Fails to Resolve Public Doubts About War
Free Speech Denied for Bush Town Hall Mtg Attendee
Halliburton failed to purify GIs’ water:could've caused death
World Climate "Past Key Physical Tipping Point" - Breakdown Inevitable
NASA-Funded Expedition Uses New Technology To Measure Arctic Snow Depth
50,000+ Researchers Will Take Part In 2007 International Polar Year - BBC
G-8 Energy Ministers Discuss Supplies: Think Firmly Inside The Box
Gov't Study Backs Calif. Emission Rules
Cross-post: Bush popularity mainly depends on gas prices.
7 In 10 British Butterfly Species Declining Rapidly - Guardian
I finally got my own bi-line in the newspaper locally and I have
2005 - Biggest Payouts Ever For Natural Disasters For Insurance Companies
Sago Mine Owners Say Fire Lightning-Caused, Then Refuse Comment
Welcome To The Anthropocene - Notes From Elizabeth Kolbert's Book
With Oil Fields In Decline, Kuwait Considers Inviting In Foreign Capital
UK Business Leaders Call For Carbon Pricing, Government Action - Reuters
Three Mile Island reactor 1 (not the one that melted) breaks
'Israel prevented initial Saadat trial'
Israeli envoy: Syrian girls bite snakes
Iran’s Ahmadinejad: West opposes our nukes to let Israel live on
Amira Hass, Playing two different games, Haaretz, March 15, 2006
British relations with Palestinians at breaking point
We warned of prison attack, says Israel (Guardian)
Sept.13 2001...20 photo's taken by Ed. rare pictures
Interesting NEW piece of the puzzle.
Koehler on Sancho & outsourcing our elections while they say "trust us"
Franklin Co Dems: Blackwell Blames Dem BOE Chair for long lines
WTF: "Toggle switch glitch likely caused some ballots to be counted twice"
Fitrakis: Blackwell and the '04 Election
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News, Thursday 3/16/06
WP graphic,"How to Steal an Election,"
Does the Election Reform Daily Thread Deserve More Recommendations?
Ion Sancho and Brad Friedman on radio tonight, Thursday
You Can Judge an Elections Official by the Tabs He Keeps (ON HIMSELF)
Honest Legal Advice for Your Local Elections Officials. IT ROCKS!
WaPo: "How to steal an election" (Steve Freeman) Is MSM getting it?
Who else who subscribes to the DM Register thinks that
Help - I have a friend who would like gubernatorial delegate counts
If Terry Braindead were still governor he could solve this
Harkin supports Feingold's censure amendment
Record Number of Iowans receiving State Aid..
Day #3-Kennedy's office with NO support for Russ Feingold
Take 5 to call Dayton on giving Bush a Free Pass on domestic spying!
Strib's Kersten plays polygamy card
Glen Maxey's "Open Letter to the People of the TDP"
Chris Bell: Join me in supporting Boyd Richie for TDP Chair
Texas Senate District 18--Massive Foul-up
SOS Roger Williams whoring at a republican fundraiser
Charlie Urbina-Jones: The Texas Agenda
Do you have family in the military ?
WP: Brown Ignored Disaster Plan, New Report Says
Bush to reaffirm U.S. anti-terrorism strategy
Cheerleading: a sport in crisis(usa)- the Guardian
Bill honoring Fonda hits snag in GA Senate
WP,pg1: Embattled Lawyer Had Limited Role in (Moussaoui) Trial
Boost for Google in internet privacy case (Guardian)
Krekar can be expelled soon (Norw. - Aftenposten)
DPW (Dubai) to sell off all its US ports (BBC)
BBC: US panel to study policy in Iraq (bipartisan, chaired by James Baker)
Harris pledges to stay in race
Bush restates pre-emptive doctrine
Sanctions threat by EU on US tax breaks
Memo: Halliburton failed to purify GIs’ water
NYT: Call for Censure Is Rallying Cry to Bush's Base
BBC: First meeting for Iraq parliament (3 months after gen. election)
Bush Sees Iran As Possibly Greatest Threat (dated 3/16/2006)
UK: Met chief faces new Menezes query (BBC)
Rep. Harris Pledges Fortune to Revive Senate Race
AP: Memo: Halliburton failed to purify GIs’ water
Beebe outpaces Hutchinson in governor's race fundraising
FCC wants record fine for CBS group
I knew that she was not that stupid...
U.S. releases first declassified Iraq documents
Iraq secure in couple of years: Rice
Schwarzenegger Bond Issue Not on June Ballot
Daring to criticise Belarus' president (BBC)
(Sen. Mike) Crapo(R) donations questioned (More from VI than Idaho)
Dutch Immigrants Must Watch Racy Film (imagine if we had similar tests)
Senate Approves $871B Debt Limit Increase
Orange County Register: Express checkpoint lane closes
Australian firm proposes LNG terminal in ocean off Malibu coast
initial unemployment claims rise by 5,000 to 309,000 -highest since 12/05
U.S. willing to talk to Iran about Iraq
Gov't Study Backs Calif. Emission Rules
Rice calls for a more open China
Gov't Study Backs Calif. Emission Rules
Firm (haliburton) failed to protect U.S. troops' water (sickness & death)
Firm Failed to Protect U.S. Troops' Water (I let you guess which firm :)
Toyota rolls out 1st hybrid sedan under Lexus brand
DeWine joins Dems on health amendments
LAT: Fearing Senior Backlash, Senate Supports Drug Plan Extension
GOP Seeks Curbs On '527' Groups (excited about "crippling" dem orgs)
Medicare May Hurt Access for Seniors
(Newport Beach) Daily Pilot: Protest up the coast
Senate permits national debt to grow to $9 trillion
Sectarian attacks kill 30 a day in Baghdad--U.S (blame al Qaeda)
Computer Researchers Warn of Net Attacks
Senate permits National Debt to grow to $9 trillion
Commander expects Iraq troop reductions to continue
Major Milestone for Bob Woodruff's Recovery
Senator complains of Republican censorship
Stones Kill 4 Indonesian Officials in US Mine Protest
(Repub. Senator Lincoln)Chafee Does Not Rule Out Presidential Censure Vote
MarketWatch: Defense sector reaches new highs
Museum Officials Trying to Save Musical Treasures From Fats Domino's Home
Poll: Most Americans fear vulnerability of oil supply(71% * not solving)
US releases confiscated prewar Iraqi documents
Illinois group opposes waiver for HIV-positive Gay Games athletes
Best if Guantanamo closed: Blair
French Student Uprising at the Sorbonne (A letter from a student)
US urges restraint over Jericho jail raid (Reuters)
Bill Gives Bush $92B for Wars, Hurricanes
Government Recommends Stocking Up on Canned Tuna
(Sen. Mark ) Dayton assails Feingold's call for censuring Bush
Containing China a big mistake: Alexander Downer tells Rice
Lawyer in Moussaoui Case Placed on Leave
Iran says it's ready for talks with US over Iraq
RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)Chips Vulnerable to Viruses
State (Kansas) says parents must sign off on sex ed
CNN Breaking: Military launches probe into how 15 Iraqi civilians died
FOX News Poll: President Bush and Congress (39% approval)
Nebraska's deployment set to peak (Iraq)
US FCC nominee McDowell gets nod from Senate panel
Iraq: Al-Sadr Forms Shadow Government in Baghdad Stronghold
Diplomats Will Try to Break Iran Impasse
Senators urge slower pace on immigration bill
U.S. Senate approves bill permitting government to borrow
'Operation Swarmer' Expected to Last Days
Bush battered by US pessimism, leadership doubts
Report: E. J'lem hospital held newborn triplet as 'deposit'
Ala. Segregation Arrests May Be Pardoned
Illinois files suit against Exelon for nuke spills (Reuters)
Kurds destroy Halabja memorial in protest
(NYT) (extinct) Ivory-Billed Woodpecker ID is Disputed
U.S. Seeks Reversal of Moussaoui Ruling
Senator's charity "a weak effort" (R, of course, "charity" for military
BBC: Harman gives up Lords reform role (UK honours scandal deepens)
Bush picks Idaho's Kempthorne for Interior
Alabama Mad Cow Case Sparks PETA Protest In Mobile
Poll: 75% of Americans Want More Federal Action on Global Warming
Parental consent requirement rejected for emergency contraception (NH)
Mars Hill student loses computer over Bush criticism
Survey: Republicans Happier than Democrats
San Diego NCAA arena evacuated on bomb scare
strib: (Minnesota) Senate approves restrictions on funeral protests
Audit: Millions Wasted on Katrina Response
LAT: Sea Temperature Boosts Storm Force, Says Study
Russia says bird flu may hit US in autumn, mutate
British Scientist Wins Religion Prize(for progress in spiritual knowledge)
American Research Group Poll On Censure & Impeachment
32 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Inquiry
White House Says "Operation Swarmer" in Iraq "Tactical"
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 16 March
Justice Dept. OKs New Orleans Election Plan
Senator (Lieberman) takes issue with challenger's tone
Rent-to-own stores get 'capped'
Franklin Graham Reaffirms Scorn for Islam
House OKs birth control funding ban
Quinter sponsors bill to ban assault weapons (MD)
One-click access to your DU Journal from almost anywhere on DU!
Detainee dies at Abu Ghraib (24 years old, "natural causes")
Largest Iraq Air Assault Since '03 Begins
What was your last post on DU?
Who here depends soley on WiFi for their internet connection?
Nightmare... I wake up on November 5, 2008...
Congratulations To Mr & Mrs Grumpy!! They Are Expecting...
Ok the funniest thing I've ever seen is on HBO Latin
So I'm trying this "signature" thing for the first time. Whaddaya think?
You want funny cats? Get your funny cats here!
Rats! My new DVD (Good Night, and Good Luck) is flawed.
Congrats Radical Activist on 10,000 posts!!!
Can we get some love for Joyce?
cool Terry Prachet quote for your evening..
Isn't America great these days
To which do you give more credibility:
Where can I get a PC board made at low cost?
Should I kuss out people who post the Brazillion joke?
If the Democrats want to lose in 08,
Just popping in to say DadBat's pulled through
'Puter help desperately needed!
Is anyone watching Janet Reno on Kimmel?
It's time to hug my pillow for a few hours. Goodnight everyone.
OK, I just watched the first episode of Ghost in the Shell SAC 2nd GIG...
you know what you get when you cross an eleaphant w/a rhino??
"Do I have any openings that this man can fill?"
QVC caller offers surprise endorsement for Dell.
Who here would be interested in a DU billyskank group?
This car has a problem with tailgating
Any "SHIELD" fans in the lounge today?
Welcome back, Welcome Back Kotter?
Well, thats one way to make money:
Does the title "Peeping @ Peeps" sound risque to you?
What a great movie - "In Her Shoes"
Anyone catch Stephen Colbert in Harvey Birdman?
talk about dominoes!!! check this out....
Kitchen Floor Day!! Kitchen Floor Day!! Kitchen Floor Day!!
I should never post anything when I'm fuckin' exhausted
Turkey Smashes Window As It Flies Through Living Room
Jet! Wooo ooo ooo wooo ooo ooo wooo ooo ooo
somebody posted a funny cat video link last night...
If I See That Brazillion Joke One More Time....
What's your pick for March Madness?
So, today is the day when somebody chases you...
Jack Thompson: Threatening to sue... Wikipedia editors?
Can we have a few more "V for Vendetta" threads on DU?
Anyone name their cat Piewacket?
Today's thing that I don't understand
(Minor, but not to me) Good news!
Beating NY99 at her own game, I hereby congratulate myself on breaking 10K
WHOLY CRAP! Laugh At My Scooter All You Like - Honda Automatic SPORT BIKE
Due to Misunderestimator's big heart, I am fully admitting to being
Big news for Minnesota Twins fans
Holy Shit- "Debaser" on commercial radio!
Question about the "Top Ten" list we have here at DU...
I feel better now. I just had the most satisfying bowl of chili
Anyone ever hear of or own an Optigan?
OMG! What a great bumper sticker. You gotta see this one!
Orange shiRt-CHECK Green pants-CHECK
i think 'Randy' is a good name for a clip cloppy old carriage horse...
Man Sues Himself For Vehicle Damage - Case Pending
Take my wife, please...it's Henny Youngman's birthday
President Chimpy... (one kind of large pic)
somebody cue the banjo music ! ! !
Saddam hates cats, loves dogs!
Anyone heard any great new music lately?
Forget who you THINK will win, what's actually ON your bracket?
"First we bleed the cow then we ask it were the other terrorists are"
Most annoying ringtone you've ever heard
The Bush family just cannot stop breeding pricks
Squirrelly Accident - The quiet, wooded community of Rockyville, Md...
Totally shallow question: best teeth whitening product out there?
Okay, everyone - go to GD, post in a random thread from your cache,
Three breeding pricks walk into a bar...
Post a picture of what YOU think the mod hot tub looks like!
Get your WU TANG ON, tonight on the HOTTEST SOUNDS! 11PMET-8PMPT
Three Brazilians walk into a bar.....
Katie Holmes Contemplating Childbirth in a Scientology Ship?
why do people argue about whose pet conspiracy theory is the "real truth",
I need a scanner with automatic feed that will PDFize documents
How does one psych oneself up to clean the bathroom?
ok lounge, we need some new material
Holy cow, I watched 5 Busby Berkeley films last night!
this BC student is exhausted-- I LOVE March Madness!
An old joke (NOT THAT ONE, I don't do THAT one - long)
Sometimes I get weak and let them hurt me
Time for MLB predictions: When will your team be out of playoff contention
Store tuna under the bed? Why stop there?
When did you first feel like an adult?
so hows the Blutowski project coming along?
An Ol' Man...A Boy and A Donkey ~A Moral To Live By~
I rarely post here - but please go watch this video.
So I bought the bluetooth phone - brilliant! But a complaint...
I am back in town attending my convention with excess to computers.
It's 3 o'clock, i'm snowed in, should I start drinking Martinis now,
Who wins? BLUE magnet team or RED magnet team?
George explains the situation in Iraq (cartoon)
How many entries did you make in your local NCAA pool?
Don't use the Lounge's coin-operated Velociraptor creator for a while
People who make simple things difficult - a short rant
CNN poll - Is Jessica Simpson right to refuse to meet with Bush?
I'm not Irish. But what the hell.
St. Paddy's Day Invitation... My first thread
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Dead Man Wins Election By A Landslide
I'm starting up the Irish Rite Masons
I have nothing to say and I want to be alone....
Anyone know if the visine in food trick works?
Jerry Lewis turns 80 and receives French Legion of Honor Medal
video: Nickleback pelted by rocks in Portugal
First NCAA Tourney Upset of 2006 has arrived!
Woohoo! I gave my fucking notice!
Grovelbot's Love child...exclusive photo
What kind of dumbass would think invading China is a good thing?
I have been banned from working at our upcoming Home Show Expo.
So, Mary Magdelene's Was Jesus's Old Lady?
I just got this post on The Greatest Page. LOL. Thank You!!
Jewels of Detroit - Check 'em out (Warning: Dial up)
What would your peeps say is the most ANNOYING thing about you?
Why do I always scorch the first sheet of cookies?
Please.! someone tell me how to pass the preEmployment personality tests.!
How bad is it that I deleted my daughter's Ipod playlist?
So when fundies say sex should not be enjoyed...
Weiland calls Axl Rose fat, Botox faced, wig wearin' frightened litle man
How Long Have You Been A DUer?
anyone want to buy a candybar? :) daughter's fund raiser WalMart refuses
AWWW St. Patrick's Day, the Holiest of Holy Days.
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Thu 3/16/06)
BEHOLD! It's the UGLY ASS SHOE thread!!!
How Long have you been a Freeper ?
Grassy Knollington, conspiracy theorist
My people were sent to kill lots of Irish. We did.
Working from home changed my life!!! I went to this website
For my 1000th post I'd like to do a magic trick.
I knew that she was not that stupid...
RL Stevens and assoc.... Anyone ever hear anything about these
I'm not going to the funeral home tonight.
For St. Patrick's Day - green beer or not?
Nighthawks 60 (dial-up warning)
I'm calling out another DUer, and if you don't like it, that's too bad!
I am a bad Granddaughter...and yes, this is a rant. Feel free to hide it.
So it's pitch dark, I'm alone in this house in the middle of nowhere,
Now that we have the mod hotub down, what about their suits?
ATTENTION - People doing kewl shit to their journals.
It's official. He's finished. Simpson deserts *!!!
Question for other women re: underwear
My name is HypnoToad, and I'm a Peepaholic.
What's The OLDEST Thing In Your House?
Post a pic of a place of importance to your family history...
My name is Buffy, and I'm a Bookaholic.
Too bad there will never be much use for this smiley...
Repost here the one particular post that "made your reputation" on D.U.
The Five Stages of Properly Pissed
One-click access to your DU Journal from almost anywhere on DU!
I see a lot of threads here blaming religion...
What do we learn from the gospels?
I have a question about Baha'is
Award to cosmologist who says religion best explains laws of universe
Most Get Mediocre Health Care - study
House rejects spending for birth control (Missouri)
Quality medical care lacking 45 percent of the time, study finds
Birdflu, Human 2 Human: time fm Africa to USA?
Kill all birds? To stop birdflu... should we?
Longevity, calorie restriction, and red wine. From Scientific American.
Does your hospital offer Reiki or therapeutic touch?
Cosmic 'DNA': Double Helix Spotted in Space
Viruses leap to smart radio tags
New Type of Volcanic Hazard Discovered
Log Cabin Republicans push for repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Kids Books About Gay Families Placed On Restricted List
Comics w/ gay themes attract young females - and bring out the Freepers
MEMORY HOLE: Deleted HHS Webpages on GLBT Health Retrieved
Conservatives Refuse To Accept Judge's Ruling On Gay-Straight Group
Death Threats Against Supreme Court Justice
Anyone else watching March Madness on your computer?
God damn it. Willie McGinest signs with Cleveland
Does anyone know the expiration date for canned cat food? Can't
Sweet wittle noses and wittle toeses!!! (The kittens have arrived!)
Largest Carpet Bombing Since 2003 in Iraq today
I found out my birthtime! Woo-hoo!
My method for astral projecting
Kerry's statement on the debt limit - from the congressional report
Great 60 second video about paper ballets.
Photos of John Kerry and others at the NH fundraiser last weekend.
Possible upcoming appearances.
Does anybody know if Kerry is making public an official position on
Did anyone watch Hardball last night?
Through the Republican looking glass
JK just made the amendments list, I *think* - will he appear soon?
Kerry: Investigation Shows Bureaucratic Bungling Still Hurting Our Ports
Senate Passes Kerry-Snowe Proposal Reversing Some Small Business Cuts
Read this and be happy! Bush's polls are way lower than the temp
Cool! PTSD funding announcement
Recently scaned slide I shot years ago.........
Countdown Newsletter -- 03/16/06: Major Combat Operations, Today
KO reminded me of how much I love Bob and Ray...
Fear in politics - a problem on the left and the right
At the very least, Bush should be censured....
Is the comparing Bush to Hitler a complete waste of time?
Republicans have taken "Ownership Society" to the extreme...
Watching Silkwood. 25 years later... Kerr McGee still going strong.
If Dems win control of Congress in 2006, what's their immediate agenda?
Our government does not intend to get out of Iraq
I've always thought Gloria Steinem is HOT!!
Even some non-political webcomics I read are starting to speak out...
Despoil ANWAR if you want to save income heating assist
Smirky= 'a little bit heartless' (Medicare Drug Plan)
I am so sick of the BushCo failures that are WASTING taxpayer $$$!!
2,314 American troops now dead from W's Iraqi war
my fantacy is someone going to recieve a medal of freedon and turning
NYT: Censure/impeachment threat allies conservatives and liberal Dems
Cities CAN re-invent themselves.. Paducah is doing it..with ARTISTS
Mother of slain US Marine creates tribute to him on her Hummer
Slipping into, "A Vacuum of Un-applied Democracy"...
"Robin & Co." are a waste of air space....
Bush is running up 1.3 trillion dollars a year in debt
Prattle On, Mr. Bush, But What Comes After That?
CNN: "Republicans want to raise debt limit, as if Democrats wouldn't..
Vets Gulf March (Day 3), Walking to New Orleans
US$: Forget Iran, the problem's at home...
Freepers permit for counter demonstration in Fayetteville
UN creates new RIGHTS body , ignoring objections from the United States
Iraq & the Nuremberg Precedent
Joe Scarborough ISN'T retarded.
Dubai firm to sell all its U.S. port operations
Ordinary Iraqi families getting ready to fight
Iraqi Lawyer: "Every day I feel like I am waiting in a queue for death"
Lawyers for Libby Subpoena Reporter and New York Times
Bucks County Pa.. just got the WORST vapor-vote machines..
Voice Prompting Bush Caught on Tape!!!
Feingold, A Peculiar Politician - embarrassment to senate, hero to...
Freepers coming out of woodwork over gay themed comics
Immigrants to Netherlands must pass 'liberal tolerance' test first:
Pre-Emptive War, Massing Troops in Iraq, War Games in Korea, Iran=9/11
U.S. military airstrikes significantly increased in Iraq
Do DUers ever recommend to rate DOWN a story (Yahoo &c)? Do you ever see a
Rice defends Iraq, protesters cry "war criminal"
Memo: Halliburton failed to purify GIs’ water
Let's Name some possibilities for the WH Shake Up!
Iraq: The big lie---By Sidney Blumenthal
Philadelphia Inquirer: Spector (r) says Santorum should be re-elcted
Bush Sees Iran As Possibly Greatest Threat
Chafee won't rule out voting to censure Bush
Feingold: Harry Reid handled it like a pro.
Question on rich Dems using their own money
Bush is guaranteeing MASSIVE tax increases for the wealthy
Wife Says She Shares Blame in Assaults
"If we were to censure or impeach *, we have Cheney and that's like
LATEST: Sen. Russ Feingold To Hold 9:45 a.m. Press Conf. On Censure Today
Rush Limpballs supports Feingold. NYTimes
House panel OKs bill to stop Net gambling..
200,000 People in U.S. Terror Database
Jon Stewart did a great Sosobad O'Brien smackdown last night
Justice Scalia: Public Should Decide on Abortion---WHAT?
Connecticut man sues for return of colonial document
Halliburton Failed To Protect U.S. Troops' Water Supply
Let's not forget about ANWAR! Kerry's amendment is to be voted
Want To Know? Too Bad! It's A Secret!
"Worthless piece of paper" - anyone have a soure for this?
Our "AYE" of support to Senator Feingold will go tonight, are you
Senator Collins rejects subpoena against White House
Bush's diving numbers article on MSNBC being rated down....
Immigration bill showdown for GOP in Senate
Feingold out-maneuvered Hillary, Kerry, Bayh, Obama, and other...
Who's going to pay for our gas if we attack Iran?
Watch Bush's poll #s, I have a bet on with my Republican brother.
Bolton compares Iran threat to Sept 11 attacks
Google Judge's questionable past
Who saw the Harris & Hannity pukefest last night?
Bush Tells Seniors He Won't Extend Deadine Because He Won't Extend It >>>
THAT is quail hunting? (The Daily Show last night)
What happened to Feingold's Press Conference?
War Powers Act of 1973 versus Bush's Pre-emptive Strike Policy
Senate debating a bill to increase the national debt to $9T.
a feel-good story about Paul Wolfowitz
Republicans Happier than Democrats
"We're living in a dangerous world."
U.S. embassy denies Iraqi couple visas to attend their own son's funeral!
***** 1-800-459-1887 ***** CALL TODAY – Thurs., March 16! *****
Byrd on the Senate Floor now! 11:10 am
Australian protesters call Condi Rice 'war criminal' and 'murderer'
Question: Is using Air Strikes against Iraq a violation of international
Missouri House Votes to Ban State Funded Birth Control
Harris contributing $10 million to her Senate campaign
Why are GOOpers so obsessed with sex?
Get well, TIA! And to heal our sick country--TRANSPARENT Elections!
Isn't it nice that the Democratic Party supports censure of Bush by Feiny
These Repubs Are Insulting Bastards
Compassion, not Criminalization in Immigration Reform!
The "average" Republican never imagined Bush could run up so much debt..
VIDEO- Hoyer on the Debt Ceiling Vote (one minute speech)
He's more popular than the polls show
VIDEO- Doggett-Budget Amendment for Disasters (TX)
Are the Dems using a Rope-a-dope strategy??
VIDEO- Berkely (D-NV) about Medicare & Budget (one minute speech)
State to Offer 40-Year Home Loan for First-time Buyers
Largest Iraq Air Assault Since '03 Begins
Teacher Fired After Allegedly Biting Pupil
VIDEO- Moran on the Budget (March 16 06 One minute speech)
"Bring 'Em Home" concert, NYC, March 20 - Feat. Cindy Sheehan - SIGN IN
So is this prima facia evidence Halliburton never intended to do squat...
VIDEO- Watson on Bush Incompetence (one minute speech)
1500 Iraqi and Coalition forces?
Question - How many times was the debt ceiling raised during Clinton?
Impeachable Strategy ~ David Corn ~ WARNING, well reasoned opinion.
Sectarian or Insurgence - How do we know what type of fighter
The Surreal Filings Of Team Libby
Man o man this is getting out of hand. Wonder what Russia and China
Vehicle Mounted Active Denial System aka The Pain Ray for Crowd Control
Where are the terrorists? 'Operation Swarm'
Death Threats Against Supreme Court Justice
So, why do Elections matter in Iraq if we go and bomb the Hell out of the
Freepers Orgasmic Over New Bombing Campaign
Censure will bring about impeachment
Rearranging deck chairs on the SS chimpy*
Six fall ill during London drug trial
Will the MSM show the pics of dead Iraqi children tonight?
Lets help the White House : Step 1 : Fire Scott McClellan
My letter to Sen. Blanche Lincoln
During the Vietnam Conflict people actually set themselves on fire
John Cole on "Keeping the Crazies in Check"
Iraq falls into a living hell ... Death Squads and Civil War.
You're next Iran!!!! -- cartoon
Senate Votes to Raise Debt Limit
1500 Airmen being trained for combat in Germany
Update: Iran says ready to talk with U.S. on Iraq
Clear Channel lays down their law on Gerlach
Shake-Up at the White House? one can only hope...
Wow - Look at Louisiana on B** Approval - Yikes
New immigration reform plans a government money making scheme?
Dean: Big deficit suits Republican's plans to undermine Social Security...
US launches largest air assault since the invasion
Bush battered by US pessimism, leadership doubts
A disturbing thought on "pre-emptive war"
I wonder how many innocent people the chimp will slaughter today
Snotty Scotty on MSNBC now, 11:23CT. nt
I need the link to Democrat and Republican congress people that served
Scotty the liar is distancing the chimp from this air assault...
REPUBLICAN Senator Chafee Does Not Rule Out Presidential Censure Vote
The perfect illustration of why the Dems will keep losing (Video)
Check the screenshot. Story number 2 explains story number 1.
A Modest Proposal for the Military Industrial Complex
An exhibit so big they're building museum around it
Censure Update...ARG Poll 46% -Favor/44% - Oppose (43% Favor Impeachment)
ummm Hello? China? Hi. Junior here. Listen....about that oil deal with
Poll in South Dakota says majority would strike down abortion law
GOP urges Party to write Democrat Leaders about Feingold
Asia Times a must read today - 3 articles - 2 on US money and one
Yahoo...Harris staying in FL Sen Race
Doesn't it make you wonder how much more
The Terrorists Have Won (incompetent lying idiot)
Poetry And Politics: Autum Ashante's School Appearance
Samarra offensive: Trip Down Memory Lane?
OK! Let's bomb Iraq so them peoples in 'Murika don't notice the $9T Debt
Breaking down the Bush Doctrine point by point-We are at war
Who saw this WAPO headline: "Bush Restates Terror Strategy"
Largest Iraq Air Assault Since '03 Begins
CBS fined big-time by FCC - alleged group teen sex
Your thoughts on the Southern Poverty Law Center
Question? Is this airstrike going on because of *'s poll numbers?
Iraq-War Vets: The Democrats' Newest Weapon
I'm going to repeat these statistics because they hit me in the gut.
Everytime the talking points are bush no's are down but WHAT ARE THE DEMS
Impeachment? HELL NO, IMPALEMENT!!!
When someone discusses bush's low poll numbers they say the economy's good
Senate OKs hiking debt limit to nearly $9,000,000,000,000
Baptist Church celebrates at deaths of US Soldiers
VIDEO- Hadley on Bush Doctrine-Explains Pre-emptive Force
I haven't seen a discussion on this in the media
Evidence of Innocent People at Guantanomo - Public Radio
An example of why we don't like spying. BBC article.
What I would give today to be griping
Snotty McLipless is so FUCKING funny! He actually said that what we're
N.Korea army threatens pre-emptive attack
VIDEO- Hadley on Iraq and Pre-emptive War (oops)
After watching this, I am ready to vote for our first Jewish President...
If you believe in the Feingold Censure resolution on the FISA violation
House OKs birth control funding ban
Boycott Wyeth and contact the FDA
What could possibly be achieved by Chimpy revamping his staff?
Saddam Was Trying to Capture Zarqawi (Juan Cole)
Clooney, Huffington Clash Over Blog Posting - blog slapped...
CENSURE POLLS: Americans SUPPORT censure!!!
Get ready for some more "How can Bush bounce back?" stories on the MSM.
FREEPS.....You need a reason to wake the hell up ?
San Diego's muni. workers would be better off finding employment elsewere
What about Feingold's press conference?
did Franken talk about being on the Colbert Report yet?
I just read all 49 pages of "The National Security Strategy."
Bill Thomas (R-CA) Does anyone know what this buffoonish
I thought Tamiflu wasn't supposed to be very effective against Bird Flu.
The current offensive in Iraq and a recent history review
The attack on Samarra - a Fallujah in replay?
I'm getting pretty sick of the Catholic right wing wackos who are intent..
Are the Dems wimpy & the GOP Nazi yes-men?
siddownandshudup! new toon 3/16
2006 winds of change...want proof:
~ Authorization for Use of Military Force Explained ~
Just tuned into Big Ed - Is that Hackett's voice I hear?
FOX News: Abu Ghraib Detainee Is ‘Taking Advantage’ Of Being Tortured
Supporter of Iraq invasion displays unintentionally anti-Bush sign
If Iraq was "liberated" a couple of years ago
The "War on Terror" vs. "The Cold War"
U.S. puts machine-guns on Great Lakes coast guard vessels
Where the hell is the grown ups in this whitehouse. We can't just
Roger Ebert reviews "V for Vendetta"
Anyone else read this month's Harpers? Case for Impeachment?
Black/White whats your experience...
MoveOn's LLTE Writing Tool - makes it so easy to do
Something my son learned today
Tell me again why "censure " is such a bad idea?
Counting the dead with a pool cue
March 14: Special Forces conference
Does anyone know if Kerry was able to remove the drilling
Fats Domino's pianos to be put on Katrina display
PHOTO: Bush has pivotal role in V FOR VENDETTA
43% of Americans in favor of IMPEACHMENT (ARG Poll)
White House Alters Security Rules for Gays
'Boy Crisis' in Education Is Nothing But Hype
Please Read Progressive on "impeach *
I did it, I actually pinched myself..
Stadium evacuated and being searched
Dubai threatened over cooperation with West (2002)
Republican legacy: Passing our debt to future generations
Faux Poll: 53% now consider * a lame duck president
Photo of war protest in SF 3 years ago (large file) & MP3 of Danny Glover
Resolved: Democrats need to learn to hate Republicans.
Cunningham felon Mitchell Wade did counterintelligence for the Energy Dept
There's one reason that pushing Censure is a bad idea...
New Interior Secretary: Idaho Gov Dirk Kempthorne
Selective Service site up and running... Draft coming for War with Iran?
White House Cuts Backroom Deal on Spying, from ACLU
Debating Freepers is like playing "whack-a-mole"
Um..have any of you seen the MTV V for Vendetta ad?
Gas prices literally jumped 15-20 cents here overnight.
Iran Willing to Talk With U.S. About Iraq...
Debating a freeper about Teddy
Poll: 46% Favor Censure ... 42% Favor Impeachment ....
I e-mailed Conrad's office and requested that he quit
Post all the different names people have for * here.
"Now, the only people who are motivated by what America is doing are ...
Bush to start bombing IRAN...call congress NOW!
Inspector Gen'l's Homeland Security report BLASTS port security priorities
Bush popularity mainly a function of gas prices: pollkatz graph.
Who Has Seen The Movie "Small Soldiers"?
Proud of our House Dems trying to Stop Funding/Permanent Bases/Iraq
Take Back the Party: I've Had Enough Of The D.C. Dems (excerpts), Molly Iv
Greenwald: "Americans have deeply instilled within them the value that
Woo-hoo!! Latest Poll - 70% Dems; 42% Indep FAVOR CENSURE
You know, there is one thing Bush has done that I'm grateful for.
Karl Rove-Why hasn't anything been done to this bastard?
Tragically, Russ Feingold Will Never, Ever Be President
Disgusting! Bushbots getting off to Operation Swarmer
Is KKKarl wasting his time thinking up dirty tricks?
Iraqis Are Being Slaughtered For Poll Numbers
Peggy Noonan Has Conned Herself-Would'nt of Voted For Bush If She'd Known
What is next for George to screw up? Here's a start:
OK, let's give "Operation Swarmer" a better name! I vote "Schwinger,"
Just ONE question re: Feingold going to his fellow Senators first
MY spin on the IRANIAN CONFLICT to come:
Banks should prepare for avian flu
52% of Americans Favored Impeachment in January. So What Gives???
Scotty Press Brief says Bush didn't order Strikes in Iraq, Generals Did!
Police: Found Fetuses Were Woman's 'Self-Abortions'
Operation Swarmer! (wtf?) Cue: Flight of the Valkyries! Puke.....
What ARE Democratic party values? I need your help on this!!!
Cars swamped by Katrina set for final ride...to a used car dealer near you
The President spikes free speech (again)
Disgusting "photo-op" pictures of bush "helping out" in New Orleans
All the ex-generals are now talking it up in the msm.
God's scientist receives supreme award
Frist To Bring Censure Resolution To Floor-After Recess (Hotline)
Okay.. no more "picking your own vice president"
So basically, what is happening in the Senate today is that
James Webb on Hardball Transcript - 3/14/06
What is cheaper - contraceptives or raising the child?
One reason I believe Impeachment is a good thing to run on as a candidate
Food Safety Bill passed the House...strips states of food labeling rights.
Poll: Majority call Bush "out of touch," "incompetent," "idiot," "liar"
Lead story, NBC Nightly News....devastating report on airport security
Ken Mehlman's letter to republicans
What I think is wrong with the news media
Corporate cost cutting to enhance profits is going too far!
Alex Kaseberg is an idiot, a coward and a liar. Now Alex, send me to Gitmo
Republicans Block Democratic Bill to Scan 100% of Shipping Containers
Survey: Teens Fear War, Crave Parental Contact
I think if the Democrats want to lose in 2008 they will nominate Hillary.
House approves $91.8 bln for wars, Gulf Coast
God is gonna open his wallet for me!
VIDEO - Senator Feingold's Press Briefing on Bush Censure
The Disenfranchisement of the New Orleans Voter
When does a country become a theocracy?
Who was the last decent Republican President?
Did you all see "Bankrupt Tweety" SUCKING UP to John Edwards who
Will the latest slaughter of innocents help or hurt Chimp in the polls?
bird flu shmird flu...this is not some new disease
So, how much time has BushCo bought itself?
Factory starts take plunge. WSJ yesterday. Who has this?
Iran/China/Russia/North Korea declare "pre-emptive strike policies"...
I made a tactical retreat today on writing a letter to the editor....
Which Senators have come out for or against censure?
Bush Disapproval Map: What More Do The Democrats Want?
IdiotSon: Incompetent, Idiot, Liar and, yet, somehow, more Christian?
Saturday Night Live circa March 2000
VIDEO - Senator Feingold's Press Briefing on Bush Censure
Where to find list of Democratic legislation stalled/block by pukes?
Limbaugh said democrats not manly
Oh Great! Now some tool (fmr. Special Forces officer
This, my friends, is a look of DISDAIN. Tell me I'm wrong.
Best argument ever for a flag-burning ammendment (graphic)
Probably a dumb question about bird flu...
MEMORY HOLE: Deleted Gov't Health Info for Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans Retrieved
VIDEO- Kucinich on Bush Preemptive War (one minute speech)
Jessica Simpson snubs bush big time!
ACTION: Pre-emptive war on Iran and Congressional Auth-Video of Rice
Dean petition (Allard): Stop Attacking Patriotism of Feingold
The gop & jr have their underwear wrapped tightly around their ankles
US Senate votes debt limit hike to $8.965 trillion(52-48)repubs
A special thanks to president bush for $2.50 gas
Scalia: "sexual orgies eliminate tension and ought to be encouraged"
The democratic party is confusing the hell out of me.
I do not not believe the repubs could really
Dean: Bush Losing His Security Blanket....The War in Iraq
Katherine Harris: I'm in this race and going to win!
What do you think the "thing that is brewing in Washington" will be?
Is it more important to attack *, or Republican leadership in Congress?
Walkin' To New Orleans Protest March UPDATES FROM THE ROAD
Dixie Chicks need your support against right wing nutcases
Open letter to Cindy Sheehan from the Iraqi Freedom Congress
We Won! (H.Con.Res. 197) Amendment-No Permanent Bases in Iraq
Bush popularity mainly depends on gas prices.
Florida's New State Motto Passes Committee
Can we have a Journal Of The Day pinned?
I nominate Stephen King as our Nostradamus.
Democratic Party vs Republican Party Explained
Before believing our so called "News" Articles - let's ask ourselves...
Vote Lou Dobbs Poll: meaningful difference between Repubs&Dems
Lets get down to it: Feingold's Censure
Republicans "FURIOUS" at Jessica Simpson; she snubs Chimpolini
Help: I need the pictures from Iraq of all the civilians
Please make legitimate arguments why we are not going to Iran.
HPV, Cervical Cancer and the Vaccine BushCo. won't let us have
Contraception leads to homosexuality
Ok, Get your Pre-war Position on Record Now !!
TOONS: NEOCONjuring Edition! (dialup warning)
I just Googled "incompetent" : 1st hit was about gwb!!
Does Anyone Else Think The Freepers Are Jealous of our DU Journals?
Day #3-Kennedy's office with NO support for Russ Feingold
Some Bush crowds are screened better than others
How Many Terrorists Does It Take To Paint A Wall?
God help us, they are going to go into Iran!
SUSA (* Approval) Map from March - Made from nov one (blue all over)
Could this be what Bush is up to?
HELP! DU this poll: (from Rhode Island) on CENSURE!
Want to see a visual that is MIND BLOWING ?
Republicans are Weak on National Security.
Bet on a Bet but Not on a Ballot - Washington Post
c-span wj - dude where's your common sense
Helen Thomas: "Does the President know that he's in violation of ...
Censure!!! Support is building. It's because of us. Lets get this done
From Feingold 's press conference
New Map of USA, It's Mostly Blue
hey SKINNER! can we have shamrocks for tomorrow like the hearts
Tom Harkin: Why I Fully Support Bush Censure
I JUST CALL THEM AS I SEE THEM (Feingold-Great Interview-Ed Schultz)
What is it with people equating adult porn and child porn?
Spaceplane Shelved? (Aviation Wk)
London Times: Dallas considers tear-down of JFK memorial
Choose Your 2008 White House...Thursday DU Straw Poll
Trash-can transcript: Reid and Feingold Discuss Censure Resolution
Holy Moly: Freepers Talking About Voting Dem
Right-Wing Blocks Funding For Port Security, Disaster Preparedness
"Shortage of cheap labor" due to abortions ... Sen. Nancy Schaefer (R-Turn
Help! Need Catchy Phrases For Anti-War March!!
Does the US Military often do this type of operation in broad daylight?
Congrats John Murtha - Profiles of Courage award for 2006!
Hadley on Bush Doctrine speaking now
IBM: The 'next big thing' no longer exists, no research for the sake of it
Unbelievable. "I don't know what a trillion is"
The ABC's Primer Behind Bush's Sinking Poll Numbers
Letter to A Child I Haven't Met Yet
John Edwards in NOLA with 600 student volunteers; also on hardball
Sanders supports Bush impeachment probe (joins Conyers)
So I just finished watching "Inherit the Wind"
Right wing review of V FOR VENDETTA says why we should ALL see it
FYI: An online anti-war song database (link)
There are plenty of reasons to oppose RUSS. The best reason is
One-click access to your DU Journal from almost anywhere on DU!
check out the Bush tax cut video from AFSCME
It's only 6 months till the election...
Feingold's Censure is a test to see if Democrats can pull together.
House Republicans (and Dems) defying Bush on Iran policy.
Mike Whitney, "On the changing face of terror", sees it so clear!
Need some late-nite DU research help (maybe you have it bookmarked)
Sen. Harkin on co-sponsorig Feingold's censure resolution
Nice "Osama Finger" pic of Junior on CNN's front page
Wrote my first angry letter to the DNC today..
It's March 16 and Fearless Leader is still in the White House
It's all about the swing voters why Democrats can't think straight
Matt Stoller: Rick Kaplan and NBC's Ethics Problem (re: Chris Matthews)
Plug for Freeman book " "Was the 2004 Election Stolen?" in WP column
Vermont Democrats Stirring Things Up Again
MSNBC appears to speak with a forked tongue regarding polls.
My theory re: Rush's dissing DU: worried about loss of pardon
Dammit ! By Any Other Name It's "Apathy!"
House Republicans Criticize Watered-Down Lobbying Overhaul
Bush's Ill-Prepared "Point Man" On Health Emergencies Resigns
Taxes, School Closure and Iraq - Where's the leadership?
Question - How will Katherine Harris make up her $10 mil
called Congress to ask if anyone believes in congressional oversight
The threats against Iran are all about the worsening conditions in Iraq
CENSURE...Get the Hell out of my way!
How to "free Iraqis" who hate us already-Operation Swarmer
A new war in Iraq, (Operation Swarmer).
Proper role for Republicans is as critics, not in leadership
MSNBC just announced "Largest military strike in Iraq since 2003 invasion"
Mississippi Abortion Bill on Life Support
President May Have Known of Constitutional Defect Before Bill Signing
Folks in the Northeast - Ned Lamont extended appearance on radio
US Virgin Islands paying big bucks to Sen. Mike Crapo - why, you ask
For everything, there is a season....
Cindy Sheehan invites DU to a party!
A 12-Step Program for Destroying a Nation ...
Homeland Sec. Bill protects Eli Lilly from autism suits
smirk's phony austistic moment
oh jeez - U.S. puts machine-guns on Great Lakes coast guard vessels
Koehler: Outsourcing voting to corporations while they say "Trust us!"
Bill O'Reilly attacks ... and attacks ... and attacks (From Media Matters)
From today's press conference, Feingold in his own word:
Profiles in Courage (Feingold's censure resolution)
bush impeachment a republican campaign issue!
WaPo: "How to steal an election"
Scientists say FEMA trailors unsafe if another Hurricane hits Coast
$385 Million Concentration Camp To Be Built By Halliburton
Maybe impeachment is not the way to go.
I've finally figured out GW...
I had to share this with someone who would understand.
Will Bush Clean (The White) House? (from TIME)
Famous war reporter pounds on Rumsfeld!!!
Will the REAL Al Gore Please Stand Up!
OMG! The ACLU wants to turn Alabama into San Francisco!
John Edwards on Hardball tonight from New Orleans
Skip Airport Security Lines? (somehow I missed this Big Bro story)
Is privatization of essential services like water a form of terrorism?
Isn't this great? "Most frequent response was "incompetent"........
Bush Confronted on Nuclear Past (from the LA Times)
Condi calls Moscow to discuss "firm, meaningful action" on Iran nukes
[B]HELP! Need Some Ideas For Anti-War March!
Lt. Col. Ralph the Fool Peters (ret.) opened his mouth on W.J.
Remembering Congressional Democratic Response to McCarthy
And Bombing Iran Will HelpThe Current Administration, HOW?
Operation "SWARMER"???? (today's huge Iraq air assault)
Abramoff: Republicans Are Lying About Knowing Him
How Feingold's "Grandstanding" can Energize "Depressed" Democrats...
This Band of Brothers Deserves Our Support.
Democrats should look at the Frist threat to bring censure vote to floor..
Video - Paul Hackett on the Daily Show
Last Call: "AYE" for Feingold. Sending tonight at 8PM EST.
What do these words/phrases have in common?
HuffingtonPost: Trey Ellis: Why Is Hillary in Bed with Blank-Rome?
DU mentioned on Omaha radio program, re Top 10...
Someone please help us for we seem not to be able to do so
bush signs law that wasnt' even passed by house...what a dumbass
Up yours, Iceland. (And you, too, Iran?)
Is bush showing off his dick again today?
Hotline reports Frist to bring censure resolution to floor after break!
If a terrorist attack occurs at a basketball tournament site
AP Poll: One third of white evangelicals prefer Democratic Congress
What about the ANWAR /Aritc drilling amendment? Any News! n/t
Majority Leader Boehner: Feingold more interested in terrorists'
It's beginning to look a lot like 2002 ... cartoon
Doesn't it make you wonder how much more
The Republican excuses for voting to raise debt limit (on NPR's ME):
Al Franken just did TWO segments of The Colbert Report!!!
Crooked Idaho Governor to replace Gale Norton
One-click access to your DU Journal from almost anywhere on DU!
1,000 semen-stained dresses hanging in the Oval Office.
HHS announcement on Tuna and Powdered Milk result of Hacking (report)
Obituary for Russ Feingold – a question?
WP graphic,"How to Steal an Election," compares slot, voting machines
"The truth is, there is almost no true poverty in the US."
Things are looking up for November elections
The Republican message machine is out of control
Kerry: Bureaucratic Bungling Still Hurting Our Port Security
Boy, Josh Micah Marshall in dire need of Cranial-Rectoscopy
This is why some best dem Senators were censure-shy:
WTF? Why does Kerry support the Line Item Veto?
"Is the Senator an accessory to a crime?"...
Jessica Simpson, A Texas Girl To Be Proud Of.
John Edwards in NOLA with 600 student volunteer: blog, pics, tweety
I shook John Edwards hand yesterday in Chicago.. Ask me Anything!
Propose a proposal to help the poor. Lets see your stuff!!!!