Double standards: a brutal shift of morality in the 'new normal' US
Fact Check Article: RNC Mischaracterizes Feingold's Censure (RNC ad)
Jonathan Freedland (The Guardian): Blair's luck has run out
Commissioner Rice? (LAT says get the NFL job Condi)
Time to Exit Iraq, A Leading Paper Declares
A Message to Republicans: Impeaching Bush Will Strengthen America At Home
Ask not what your government can do for you ......
Did a Group Financed by Exxon Prompt IRS to Audit Greenpeace? (WSJ)
Road map is a life saver for us.. (Bush says God told him to invade Iraq)
Check out Bradblog! Here is Babylonsister's thread..
I just KNRed like 8 posts here, @ the Election Reform forum
Texas Primary Recount Halted By SOS due to 20% discrepancies !
Chicago Tribune reporting many problems with Sequoia machines in Illinois
Voting machines for disabled assailed
While you were away from your desk - McPherson certified Sequoia
I need a tip to fix a small bug, left over from a Hard Drive crash I think
San Antonio-area schools consider banning "Handmaid's Tale"
Ashley McIsaac is running for Lib leadership.
IRS May Alter Some Privacy Protections....
Missing Ore. Family Members Found Alive (six missing from Mar 4
White House 'Discovers' Emails Related to Plame Leak
What Do Katie Holmes, Jimmy Jackson, and Tom Noe Have in Common?
Gunmen Kill 20 in Breakout at Iraqi Jail
More deaths as Iraq war enters fourth year (13 yo girl found -dumped)
Bush sees no pullout before '09
House votes down proposed amendment to ban gay marriage (NH)
Pentagon plans for an Iraqi civil war
WP,pg1: Fla. to Link Teacher Pay To Students' Test Scores
Rights defenders targeted worldwide, report says (FIDH/OMCT)
Britain pushes for military option to retrain Tehran
Blagojevich wins nomination (Illinois primary results)
War Vet Drops Out of Race for House Seat
Experts Rip 'Sesame' TV Aimed at Tiniest Tots
Mbeki: Sharpeville has a place in our history (46 years ago today)
More than 100 suspected illegal immigrants found in 8 traffic incidents
WP, pg1: Grants Flow To Bush Allies On Social Issues
Ex-Congressman's (Cunningham's) Loot to Be Auctioned
Evacuees' Lives Still Upended Seven Months After Hurricane
Iraqi police arrest leader of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad
Blair urges war of 'values, ideas'
NYT/AP: Some DeLay Charges May Be Reinstated
Call for censure is `needless partisanship,' Bush says
NYT: No Breach Seen in Iraq Propaganda (paying for news OK)
Microsoft to Delay Windows Vista Release
KR: Multiple wounds mark bodies of Iraqis killed in disputed U.S. raid
A Federal Eye on the Raging Grannies?(TIME)
NBC: Pentagon plans for an Iraqi civil war (including withdrawal)
WP: Inuit See Signs in Arctic Thaw ("The world is slowly disintegrating,")
WP: Florida to link teacher pay to test scores
NYT/AP: Huffington Apologizes for Clooney Blog
US economy could withstand sharp dlr drop-Bernanke
Coast Guard Rape Case Hinges on Drinking
This thread is about trolling,
I just set up 2 job interviews in the past 20 minutes...
New trailer for "The Da Vinci Code" movie...
Will Farrel skit that never made it on the air...
Microsoft delays new Windows O.S. "Vista" launch until January 2007
Most inappropriate use for gravy
I viewed that apartment I was hoping to get....
What type of connection does my school have?
I never thought I'D do this, but... my cat died.
All you can eat Chinese Buffet or Denny's. Where to eat tonight?
Awwww mom, I don't WANNA go to the lounge...
What's the cutest in this list?
I want ronnykmarshall to SANG again . That always cheers me up .
As a final act of American defiance against the Bush Administration...
I Just received my copy of "Beyond Chutzpah" by Dr. Finkelstein
I have headphones in my ears but there is no sound .
I'm putting on Fedora 5 tonight. Ask me anything!
Oops, no it's not, it's more of the American Shitheads, shit
I just saw my ex-boss who got fired on tv being interviewed in his
Taught a class a Scott AFB today
Wow, I was listening to this shitpot on American Idol, then finally looked
This is concrete proof that I am an asshole.....
seen on t-shirt: Operation Iraqi Femdom
Boston Legal is coming up! 9pm cst on ABC
This is the grossest video you'll see all week
Am I one of the cool kids now?
Could you all help me with a definiton please?
Where can I find an effective work out routine?
Have you ever had DU writer's block?
My first attempt at linking a photo from ImageShack...
Seinfeld Puffy Shirt episode on TBS now!!!
Professional musicians - Do you have a college degree?
I'm listening to one of my favorite songs from high school.
2006 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is on
My neighbors are driving me crazy!!!
How many people here work in a Call Center "Cube City" ? (and "lose it"?)
Nutjob Sighting - Springfield, MO
Potbelly cramped, wee of life!
Play DU Casting Director! Which actors should play...
A hearty, crumbly Good Evening!
Wow, who watched The Shield Season Finale? *spoilers*
I am STILL getting snarked in GD
my computer is a dick. enter key failed, arrow keys are being a bitch...
Do you post more since the DU Journals started ?
Accident photo *WARNING* May be extremely upsetting to some
I has no idea ...what is a PERMALINK
My first attempt at licking a photo from ImageShack
The "75 artists/bands" pic. Can you find them? Warning, large graphic.
Post your favourite Doug Henning photo here!
Thinkin about driving to DC from Atlanta. Doable/Fun or am i crazy?
Mr. Roboto + GirlinContempt + Eurotrash sunglasses = Comedic gold
Does anyone have sugar gliders?
Whew...Thai food is great but it is SO spicey! What's your favorite?
Oh. god. I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter tonight
Put the word "Klinger" into a well-known pop song.
Posting from the All Suites Omni Hotel Chicago - ask me anything
What do you use for bookmarks?
I need help with a party invitation my daughter received.
It is time for another "I cut my own hair" thread.
I just rolled a Porsche Carrera GT off a mountain and did not mess my...
Why are y'all being so good tonight?
Hundreds of Disabled Protesters Stage HealthCare Protest
The Potential of Human Papillomavirus Vaccines (New Engl J Med)
Liberty Counsel, Exodus International may not understand copyright law
New Hampshire House Overwhelmingly Votes Down Gay Marriage Ban
SF Catholic Charities official is gay adoptive parent
Trying to dose my cat and he freaks out/bites/scratches
John Kerry’s 10 Point Plan for Democrats
I voted today.... it got Diebolded
King George the Lesser holds a press conference.
Japan beat Cuba to win the World Baseball Classic.
KOEB Meeting -- 3/21/06: Bueller? Bueller? Edition
Hi everyone- I'm off to NYC for a vacation with my sisters!
Wolf Blitzer having Helen Thomas on his show!
Bush: "We all must rally around Iraq and smirk in the face of adversity!"
DNC: The Un-Sweet Sixteen: Breaking Down the Brackets (March Madness)
Hotline: CNN and Gallup breaking up, and it's not pretty.
Diane Feinstein--Fire Rummy. coming up on hardball, I saw ealier and
Did Iran's oil bourse open yesterday as it was suppose to???????
The only thing Blitzer can say about Gore is "He has gained a few pounds"?
AUDIO-Podcast Readings of 2 particularly good posts from DU
Keith Olbermann Countdown coming on now...
Help! Need link to article about Bush recallingweapons inspectors
Rightwingnuts; ya handed Osama bin Laden his wet dream...
I am so effing sick of people who think * and America are one and the same
Hillarious flash animation: BECOME A REPUBLICAN
I heard through the grapevine that dems in my area are uncomfortable
GOP to air ad criticizing Feingold for censure proposal
O'Reilly, editor spar over sex-offender case
Does any one have a link to the IGC meeting in Egypt...
"Helen...No President wants to go to war." G. Bush 3/21/06
An interesting perspective from an Arab/American woman
Material witness detentions under scrutiny (Abuse Of Law In Terror Cases)
Rep. John Conyers: New Iraq Strategy Released: Blame the Media
Strange MSNBC version of the press conference.
"How would you like to be her (Ann. C) lawyer at a sanity Hearing?" says
What does this tell us? CNN web site front page big story - snowstorm!
Kuwait court refuses to recognise sex change
You won't believe what I saw on today
I think I made progress with a Repuke at work
Hillary gives Bill permission to belch in public. Story at 11.
VIDEO- Worst Person in the World March 21 06
Has Rush been putting on weight?
Any video of the Helen Thomas slapdown of wolf-face? n/t
Other instances of Bush talking to the "Man Behind the Curtain"
Huffington Apologizes for Clooney Blog
Helen Thomas *SLAP* Wolf Blitzkrieg
More deaths as Iraq war enters fourth year (13 yo girl found -dumped)
VIDEO- Full Helen -Bush Exchange at Press Conf
Tweety jumps the shark - sounds like a pissed Democrat
I have a question regarding shrub and all the fund raising he seems
Boston Legal is coming up! 9pm cst on ABC
Dems response to "Dems help Terrorists" comment from Shrub today?
OLielly, "Great to see the President finally Passionate"
V for Vendetta -- what's Bushco's take on it?
Did anyone else feel relieved when Bush said that it would be up to the
anyone watching larry king? imus and his wife have issues
Bomb shelter discovered in Brooklyn Bridge
The 'See clearly Method' - does it work?(Advertise a lot on Clear Channel)
We need TV ads showing bu$h LYING!
Clark is the only truly electable candidate I see.
DNA evidence clears Texas man of rape conviction after 18 years in prison
People that still can see FauxNews...go and block them to protect kids...
"Bush says war effort working" -I don't see a mic in this shot
VIDEO- Bush "Political Capital on War" March 21 06
Imus is on CNN with his wife- He is repulsive- Why do people like him?
Here comes the B.S. Blame the media for Iraq violence.
Congress may gut identity-theft laws
Jon Stewart tonight-new? w/Clive Owen:
What planet does Sean Hannity live on? What an ass!
We all need to email Helen Thomas our gratitude and congratulations
"I wouldn't put THOSE KIDS there," Bush declared
VIDEO- Bush on Terror. Surv Pgrm and Dissing Democrats
FRONTLINE replay of "The New Asylums" about how prisons ending up...
Some DeLay Charges May Be Reinstated
Laughing at the President in San Diego
Thailand's Prime Minister given 48 hours to resign
White House 'Discovers' Emails Related to Plame Leak
AOL Poll: Dem's $'s over GOP's & Who will you vote for
Bush's speech on 10/6/05. Fascinating tidbits and clues.
VIDEO- Bush/Helen Iraq War - "Knowing What I KNow Now I Still Would
(VIDEO) Marcy Winograd launches campaign (Jane Harmon challenger)
Laura Ingraham wants us to talk to members of the Iraqi millitary
Fact Checking What Chimp Said Today.....
Bush's Divine Guidance, " - He (God) instructed me to strike at Saddam.."
Did LBJ in 1968 sound like Chimpy ? Or was he less in denial ?
Jesus! bush is an idiot! No really he is! I've never heard someone
OK, I'm pissed and in need of some on-line assistance...
Hey Freepers We will be Iraq until 2009 still time to sign up for the Army
John Edward's latest mass e-mail
US building permanent base in Iraq for 120 helicopters & more...
What is their last ditch plan to hold on to power?
So why did Wolfie interview Helen today?
what is the link to the website that watches hannity and all the other puk
Republican Election Crimes -- Almost From the Beginning!
Pictures From San Francisco Anti-War Protest
PHOTO: Cheney presides over re-enlistment oath
Gallup Cuts Ties to CNN-Citing low viewship
Wrath of God behind Israel bird flu?
"No President Wants War"---Really? Let's Go Down Memory Lane, Shall We?
On my way home today I saw a "W=Worst President" sticker
Think Progress: Faux News: Is the US Already at war with Iran?
Lou Dobbs has the hots for Randi Rhodes?
Bush to reporter: "I don't pay attention to the polls." (he doesn't care)
A Very Thin Line-Iran/Contra question- private financing versus Congress
Florida fair election initiative
Mandatory Malloy Tuesday Truthseekers with Peter Werbe
Impeachment calls from Brattleboro and New Mexico
Clark: "It was all PR. It's not strategy...we are in a civil war."
Am I the last person in the world to discover James McMurtry?
Will Pitt just posted two great links for watching the Illinois results
New voting bloc: Voters for Peace
My secret interlude with a trucker!!
Why all the nail biting about e-Lections?
Bush: "From my perch...the economy appears to be strong..."
CA SoS Sued for Recertifying Diebold *** Sen. Bowen Comments, 3/21
BBC News - Just said B** at lowest approval ever 32 %
The tide is turning, here's how I know
Is history calling Gore back into White House politics?
Gergen: Praise Bush for taking questions from an "unscripted audience"
What did Hillary ever do to Imus?
While primaries are the hot-topic, a little reminder about the next ones
The Real Motivation for Anti-Abortion nuts:
ILLINOIS: Cegelis vs. Duckworth steel cage death match!!
Stipe, Moby rock against Iraq War
Sexual Liberty vs. American Liberty
VIDEO-Pat Robertson-Professors are Killers
Dirt is surfacing on Bush's Kangaroo WMD Commission
Pat Robertson has lost it. Completely.
Question that reporters should have asked Bush:
How far does Bush's mental slide have to go before he's declared unfit?
Story about hurricane season '06, target possibly Manhattan
Chavez Says U.S. Lying About Iranian Nuke Ambitions
What is the truth on artificial sweeteners?
Daily Show, Jon Stewart dissecting Bush's speech
Media Avoids Covering Vote on Permanent Bases
Im Proud Of Randi Rhodes Thread.......
WP, Milbank: A Punchy President Meets the Press
"we're safer" -lies bush . WRONG ya stupid MFing LIAR.
Extended presence of U.S. in Iraq looms large
Netflix putting our neighborhood video store out of business
Is Bush "miked" - wearing an ear piece in recent speeches?
Get the feeling that Bush is fed up of being President?
Alcohol and Crime - heck with banning smoking in bars, maybe ban beer?
US economy could withstand sharp dlr drop -Bernanke
Democrats Out Raising Republicans in Money? Thank Howard Dean here!
Is the Iraq invasion the worst mistake in US history?
Resolution re-affirming Bill of Rights...
lets go in for the long haul!!!!!!!
Has anyone posted a clip of Randi Rhodes on "Lou Dobbs?" nt
Straight talk express to nowhere
Breaking news: Prostest work. Who would have thunk it!!!
Censure Resolution, COSPONSORS (2), Waiting for the investigation...
Must see: Full transcript of Bush response to Helen Thomas ++
Anyone listen to Democracy Now today?
Finkelstein's Beyond Chutzpah...Under Chutzpah
Middle Class Advocate will win Presidency in 2008
My Grandfather said O'reilly went apeshit tonight
War Vet Drops Out of Race for House Seat (Tim Dunn)
Two ships pass in the night. One ship doesn't want to be seen with Cheney.
Debate rages over media’s role in Iraq war
Feingold at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Leadership Awards
Bush’s Poll Ratings Continue to Plummet
Republicans blame the press on Iraq, what a bunch of retards
like Claude Allen, con the president pulls is price-tag swapping
Did Bush's Recent Press Conference Change Your Opinion Of Him?
Bush didn't use the word "war" at all in his brief remarks
They knew it would be a bad idea to trot out Bush today...
*Bush's troop withdrawal statement - - - - - - - - watch out.
What Bush really meant to say today in his press conference (MP3)
Don't anyone faint but I THINK * was OFF the plane today
Some February fundraising comparisons from the blogs. DNC, etc.
Bush pathetically trying to answer a question on Tuesday
George "The Chimp" Bush is set to appear in my town Wheeling WV
C&L Vid Clip: David Gregory & Laura Ingraham Dust-Up
Jeff Greenfield is a major tool.
DNC: The Un-Sweet Sixteen: Breaking Down the Brackets (March Madness)
MSNBC Poll: "Do you agree with Bush RE: progress in Iraq?" (83% NO)
Tucker Carlson: "Thomas uses W.H. briefing room to air political views"...
GW Bush is not dumb and he is not insane.
ABC doing a whole segment on K Harris
The Next President Will be Inheriting this Evil War
Santorum: "I encourage you to let your voices be heard from the pulpit"
Shame: If this has been posted already. Read again any way and when you
Robertson lashes out at professors
re: The Daily Show .... I have done a search,
Illinois District 6: Cegelis 40.3%, Duckworth 43.7%
I need some help fighting William Kristol at my school
I keep going over this scenario in my head
Colin Powell - Express your thoughts on the man
Gore in '08? Will you support him? How do you think he will campaign?
America is Not God -- Bush's Delusional Speech
LTTE: In Vt., more outpouring than outrage
How can a moron such as Bush, never have the chance to become President?
The march of folly, that has led to a bloodbath (Robert Fisk)
To the Guy Who Called Me a Traitor (ARNOLD OLIVER)
How can a moron such as Bush, never have the chance to become President?
Back to the Big Lie (Nichols - The Nation)
John Pilger: Blair insults our intelligence
Dissident Voice: Death Squad Democracy
Top U.S. Court Limits Investor Suits in Merrill Case
Washington's 2006 National Security Strategy Confirms a Policy Void
Won’t Get Fooled Again: The president, protests and profanity
Nice Red State LTTE (Mobile Register)
Arizona Republic Editorial: The West Wing needs housecleaning
Ohio police dept.'s aren’t reporting property seizures
A Punchy President Meets the Press (bush says he has a lot on his mind)
NY Theatre drops Rachel Corrie play (the usual hypocrisy)
The Double Standards of the United States
Republicans and the religious right
From Senate job to nuclear lobbyist — twice
Counterpunch: Mysterious Photographers of Nothing
SUSAN SARANDON to play cindy in movie
Gutless wonders: Dems haven't shown any spine against Bush ..
My plans for the next Prochoice protests in front of the Supreme Court.
Inside Scientology (Rolling Stone)
Mr. Bush Unvarnished--WaPo (Unintentional humor?)
Katherine Harris Gets a Telephone Call From God
Wal-Mart Targets Upscale Shoppers
Miami Herald: (Katherine Harris) Shying away from reporters
9% of Americans would agree w/attacking Iran. To Bush, that's a mandate--
What's the Matter with Law Enforcement These Days?
Why Republicans aren't Christian
Court Makes It Harder for Investors to Sue
Is the bottom about to fall out of the economy?
Feinstein takes aim at global warming
George W. Bush and Peak Oil: Beyond Incompetence
Proposed Mackenzie pipeline spurs coal gasification mega-plan (Canada)
Australia Counts Cost Of Cyclone Damage
The oil is going, the oil is going!
Oz Cyclone 1st Estimates - At Least $500 Million Loss Just For Crops
Radiohead Singer Yorke Turns Down Climate Meeting With Blair - Guardian
Migratory Bird #s Declining Rapidly In UK - Overall Totals Down 20% 76-01
Ontario Renewable Energy Policy Breakthrough Hailed
Australia may be face of {global} warming (CNN/AP) (REPOST)
Cat-5 record for 2005 season updated: Four cat-5 hurricanes
Insurance costs for Nuclear Power - a closer examination
US Oil Majors Lag EU Rivals In Stance On Climate Challenge, Liabilities
Polar Ice Sheet Melt May Raise Sea Levels Faster Than Anticipated - AFP
Hamas snubs PLO call to alter agenda
Israeli Human Rights: Starve the Palestinians
France: Anti-Israel acts like anti-Semitism - hmmm...
AP Erases Tape of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy
Charlie Sheen believes 9/11 was a controlled demolition.
Charlie Sheen & Webster Tarpley on Cnn Headline News
Anti-Semitism and the "New Jews"
CA SoS Sued for Recertifying Diebold *** Sen. Bowen Comments, 3/21
NH: 3 Motions Seek to Keep Tobin the Phone-Jammer Quiet, er, I Mean, Free
$$$ Counting Time, But Not Money, Could Be $aved After Election $$$
CA: McPherson approves Sequoia voting machines
OH-party leader recorded making threats (Blackwell campaign chief?)
rare SOS public hearing - re Diebold - Austin - Thursday 3-23
IL: Uncounted Ballots Cast Doubt On County Elections
my thoughts on the cegelis campaign.
historic reminder on the Sequoia systems .."When Suspicions First Arose"
TX--Statewide candidate (Smith (R))-- "serious mistakes were made"
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News 03/22/06 --
Elections officials threaten legal action against supplier ES&S
The "Consent of the Governed" Applied to Elections
State tested system seven ways to Sunday - didn't find anything wrong
Is Bruce McPherson related to Sally McPherson, SD Registrar of Voters?
"In God We Trust. All others we audit." From an auditor friend...
From RapidResponse on verified voting machines
Anyone know what's up at the Iowa House in Des Moines?
Shrubeenie to campaign for reverse Robin Hood
Same-sex marriage opponent admits to fantasy of three-way sex!
Anyone else going to the SD 41 DFL convention on Saturday
Texas counties and related voting problems during 2006 primary
Austin DUers...where do we want to meetup this Saturday (3/25)
rare SOS public hearing - re Diebold - Austin - Thursday 3-23
DeLay Expects charges to be dropped after election
Charlie Urbana-Jones in Corpus Christi March 28th
The Democratic bone head political play of the week.
Prosecutors Want DeLay Charges Reinstated
How elections are lost or stolen
Exciting New Tool: Requests for Mail Ballots Made Simple
Tofu? Can it be ground and used in place of hamburger meat in recipes?
My bread machine is malfunctioning.
All passengers, crew safe after Canadian ferry sinks
Looks like Duckworth will win...barely
Iranian President Wants West to Apologize
Road map is a life saver for us.. (Bush says God told him to invade Iraq)
Iraqi video details end of alleged attack (AP Wire)
U.S., Iraqi Forces Trap Dozens of Gunmen
Families have a lot riding on stem cell debate (Michigan)
German Politicians Consider Sanctions Against Belarus
Auction block is end of the line for corrupt congressman's loot (duke)
Navajo Nation president calls for true consultation at BIA meeting
NYT: Study Says U.S. Companies Lag on Global Warming
WaPo: Grants Flow To Bush Allies On Social Issues
ACLU Wants Answers In Government Snooping On Peace Groups (WA State)
New Scrutiny for Law on Detaining Witnesses
GOP Sen. Burns Faces Primary Challenge
Car bomb explodes near busy Baghdad market - police
No violation found in propaganda work
Suspicious Package Found At White House
Vouchers, class size up in air for GOP
New York, California worst for U.S. pollution
Iraqi Cameraman for CBS Faces Trial
Haitian children face greatest challenges to life in Western Hemisphere -
Italy's Berlusconi burnt by fiery temper
Top N.M. Dems don't join (Bush) impeach call
Court to Decide Future of Detainees' Suits
Huffington apologizes for Clooney 'blog'
Abortion-rights groups back Casey opponent
US Plans To Renew Ties With Iran
Religious Death Squads Killing Gays in Iraq
Row looms over next Arab US deal (Doncasters - UK weapons programs)
Fears over Afghan convert trial
Rockefeller, Byrd to skip Bush speech
LAT: N.Y., Calif. Air Is Dirtiest, EPA Says
Jordan orders Zarqawi to surrender over hotel attacks
Chinese President to Visit U.S.
Kids displaced by hurricanes reunited (good news for a change)
From Senate job to nuclear lobbyist — twice
GOP Trails Democrats in Senate Fundraising (Dems Lead 2-1)
Huffington apologizes for Clooney 'blog'
Abu Ghraib dog handler gets six months
Florida to Link Teacher Pay To Students' Test Scores
CNN on-air: "Suspicious package found on White House grounds."
Spitzer fires new shot in Grasso pay war
UPDATE 1-Carlyle invests $25 mln in China loan guarantee co
More journalists killed in Iraq than in Vietnam
Governor (arnie) won't oust Reiner from commission
Voting machine woes force ballot backup
Iraqis tired of US-run show at criminal court
(Update) White House Package Harmless
Longtime A.P. Correspondent Ousted From Job in Vermont (For Leahy column)
Suicide Bomber Hits U.S. Convoy in Baghdad
Afghanistan says court to decide fate of convert
Former Iraqi minister refutes NBC report he told CIA about WMD
NYT/AP: Official: FAA Didn't Know Moussaoui's Plans
(Mass) Gov panel clears DSS in tragic beating
NKorea weapons 'could not hit US'
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 22 March
Wolf at door for homeless shelters (won’t share data with city govt)
Republican Split on Stem Cells Creates Political `Wedge' Issue
Sun-Herald -2 barge workers killed (Gulfport, MS)
Abu Ghraib Dog Handler Is Unrepentant
Europe sees more Russian gas disruptions
Supreme Court Backs Searches in Some Cases
Argentina fires drinking water supplier
US targets "misinformation" on Iraq family deaths
Russia digs in against UN Council action on Iran
Senators Ask Rumsfeld To Simplify Military Voting
Bush to speak in West Virginia about Iraq war
Big Water Companies Quit Poor Countries (Privatisation failing)
FULFILLING DEMAND: GM to boost output of its large SUVs (WTF?)
NYT: Enron Ex-Treasurer Says Lay Endorsed Accounting
Iraqi Cameraman for CBS Faces Trial
Ferry sinks, passengers taken to Hartley Bay
Demand for home loans at lowest level this year
Voter registration firm hired by Riverside GOP under fire
(Sen. Craig) Thomas doubts Iraq in civil war
Ed Meese stumps for local candidate (slams Reid)
Bush Approval at 38% (Zogby Poll)
Republicans slam Democrat plan to hit Bush from (military) bases
Eta declares permanent ceasefire
American Research Group Poll: Bush Approval 37%
IRAQ: Aid agencies unable to enter Samarra (Blocked by US Troops)
(Harry) Reid criticizes President Bush as 'dangerously incompetent'
Predator controlled from Nevada crashes in Iraq
Republican defends Democrat's comment
N.Korean defector says disabled newborns are killed
Thousands of Russian women sold to slavery abroad
(Katherine) Harris will "not own anything" after Senate race
Charges Dropped in Fla. Student Sex Case
Man Convicted of Rape Despite Having Twin With Same DNA
Studies Spot Obstacle to Human Transmission of Bird Flu
American Arrested in Bolivian Bombings
Iraq Vet Duckworth Wins Democratic Nomination In 6th
Irons (D) wins Alabama House District 1 race
Did anyone else just see Martin Short on The Late Show?
Get a Motivational Phone Call from any of 81 A-List (not) celebs
Okay, the Rupture just happened
39 years ago today, a baby was born.
Take a look at this. LOL. Even funnier than Crazy Guggenheim.
Elvis face in the clouds? Photo
"Airplane" now showing on Comedy Central!
Anyone want to Piss off Hastert?
Only song by Toby Keith I like!
I have finally figured out the cure to my insomnia .
Unattended Toddler Leads to Arrest at Tulsa Strip Club
Wanna see my grandnephew? (Extreme Cuteness Alert!)
Alright, Fleabert destroyed any semblance of dignity I might have had.
I finally have a post on the "Greatest" page!
When I was a kid, I wanted to be Hans Brinker
I am the most pure liberal on DU.
Field Trip Today! Yay....Okay, not really, but...
Could someone get out the vaccuum in here
9/11, London bombers, vaccines, asbestos, Nick Berg, Wellstone, UN bombing
I need to get this out of my chest. (WARNING: grody to the max)
That Larry The Cable Guy film looks like a definite think piece...
How to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you need a new job
My car got broken into tonight. Fan-fucking-tastic. (pics for y'all)
Post 2006 in The Izzybeans' year 2006
i LOVE all the Debra Lafave coverage
Okay dammit, how come nobody told me that all three seasons of
Record Bass Caught (25.1 lbs) - Catch And Release
Laura Bush's Miracle Twins (possible with the help of fertility)
How sad.. "No Whammies" show host & wife died in crash
I have a mild rant going in GD
Toddler Wanders Into Strip Club (Dad Left Him In The Car)
Which European nation has the friendliest greeting?
I just found out that Chipotle is owned by McDonald's
Major annoyance: Reporters reporting on other reporters reporting
Shrub Twins: "miracles" - immaculately conceived - space aliens
Why am I not surprised that these peiple were dumb enough to get
look out for the flamewars today
Happy... BIRTHDAY... to... William... SHATNER... 75... TODAY...
Super Bowl trip adds 4.5 years to prison sentence
Game: A through Z of television shows>>>>>
OMG! Meet the T A L L E S T woman in China!
Try the "bush shoot out" game.......
Yeah! It seems that my "name" is starting to get around
girl ball-peens abductor,escapes
Well aren't I the good little CAT STACKER
FYI- some Good News- all but 12 "Hurricane Kids" re-united with family
It is time for another "I performed my own vasectomy" thread.
Led Zeppelin Viking Kittens! what is more DU than this?
Sick of voting for a losing party then switch to the Republican Party. lol
Afterglow, the new Inxs song is really good....
Okay, the rupture just happened...
If I commit to a new job, how obligated am I?
I wonder if this new show "The Evidence" will be any good
Remember the guy who cut off his penis and threw it at cops?
Create a SouthPark version of your favorite celebrity!
Anyone know anything about the Air America music bumpers?
It's about 40 degrees outside, I'm wearing a short-sleeve shirt, and
I wish I could take my bed to work .
HAPPY ........... BIRTHDAY ............. WILLIAM ............. SHATNER....
Who else does NOT have a Sandmine?
Evil face in the clouds? Photo
One month to Silent Hill...the Chained Thing wants a word with you...
The mask used in Halloween was the face of Shatner!
Is it just me or is SPAM getting more and more bizarre?
Miami dancer says bulging bust got her fired
What's the best DU user_id you've seen recently?
What would happen if an Arquette married a Baldwin?
Texas Love Song -The more things change . . .
Naked 'Green Machine' juice smoothie thingy
One of the greatest, underrated movies of all time:"Blood Simple"
Post something that didn't really happen to you today.
Anyone but me foolish enough to go to check out freepville and see their
OK, The Web design people at my university are morons.
Tatum Delilah, Astrid Elizabeth and Fiona Nicole:
YES!! "Jesus, take the wheel" (VIDEO)
Anyone know anything about those Sattelite Dishes that get intl programs?
One month to Silent Hill...Pyramid Head sez HI!
Thank you and enjoy the buffet
i just installed trillian, ask me anything!!!
to those who rasing intelligent children
Interesting: Just heard that Samuel L. Jackson....
2006 Democratic Underground Anti-Virus Poll
Free association of fiction.
Call Me Wesley is about to fall off the journal most viewed list
TV or movie characters--their fictional political bent
I am an blithering idiot. an IDIOT!
matcom news flash: Man's pantyhose leads to his arrest!
i just installed tribbles, ask me anything!!!
YAY AMERICA! 65 Y.O. Stands On Street Corner With "Hire Me" Sign
Today there are 44 people farting for Bush.
Hi. We're Mr. and Mrs. Peters. I believe we have your Aunt Bertha's figs.
Aerosmith's Steven Tyler to Undergo Surgery
Teen Thrown 1,307 Feet by Tornado (Fordland, Missouri), breaks record
Student Hoping MTV Can Find Him A Girlfriend
What exactly is Geraldo Rivera's appeal?
eBay seller offers "20Gb Ipod Recovered from Airplane Toilet –Blue tint!"
I just got the best job today!
There's a Great Blue Heron on my dock.
My good friends, who already have one of the cutest kids in the world
DU Funbox: Snarky, witty and capture the moment responses
for weeks, I have been trying to decide what to post for my 15,000th post.
My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark
There's a Great Blue Heron on my dick.
There's some great blue heroin on my dock.
I just got the dribbles, ask me anything!
My Journal is now the Daily Poem Archives
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Wed 3/22/06)
And now - time for some quality musical stylings from K-Fed
So this is how I post to my journal.
Man Arrested After Asking Police To Test His Crack Pipe
There's a Great Blue Heron on my duck.
Radio host fired after saying "coon" during Condi Rice discussion
Native Americans still shocked by US invasion of Iraq
Texas Police Arrest People In Bars For Public Intoxication - Massive Sweep
post here if you have nothing to do with the Kudzu thread
Tatum Delilah is a terrible baby name. Help Iris pick a replacement:
Inappropriate places for phone conversation.
Journal question: How do I get smilies to show up
Do you love animals? Could you use a warm fuzzy right about now?
TSS450PLT infinity speaker system
"If I have _____ in the kitchen, I can always make dinner." NOT take-out
Challenge: Name a work of fiction set in every state and province!!!!!
Who else does NOT have Minesweep?
What lounge "in" jokes are just too tired?
Hey DU'rs! Check out my agency's new website.
This guy's a freakin' genius (dialup warning)
Tell Hastert his days are numbered
Post an image of Jesus appearing in your food or around your house.
Okay, the rapture just happened...
My favorite bin Laden (major babeage alert)
A question for Allman Brothers fans
Animal lovers! Buddhists! Come one, come all!
How is it that I can post swears,but Skinner uses @&%#+! cartoon swears.
FUNK YOU!!!!! Favorite Funk Band
There's a snake in the grass. What do you do?
I think God just told me to quit my job
I beg your GD/P indulgence--S. 1955 is out of committee
OMG, The Shield... oh.... man..
80's Children - Remember this Cartoon?
Anyone quit smoking out here? I havent smoked a cigarette in 21 hours...
Cool and useful or really dorky? You decide.
Things you'd rather do than sit through the Larry the Cable Guy movie
Today there are 44 people fasting for Bush
Book Deal for Stephen Colbert, Man Who Coined "Truthiness"
Isaac Hayes did NOT quit "South Park" on his own.
My Teenage Daughter Embarrassed Herself in French Class
I'm in a Hawaii state of mind! Join me for a pictorial romp! (PHOTOS)
Pics from the first international DU meet-up
What Do You Do When You've Been an Idiot?
Who else does NOT have a Landmine?
40 things you would NEVER, EVER hear a Redneck say...
How does one "kick" a message?
Why did you choose the avatar you use?
Location of Schools and the NCAA Tournament
my last post before i grab some sleep: american idol
a special message in my inbox this morning
*&^#@$& credit card company says they get mail on Sunday.
Newborn kitten photos! Get your fix
This is not really news to me, so I am not complaining. Just an
'Misquoting Jesus'...anyone reading this?
Why are the two obvious examples of evolution, mankind and dogs,
Interesting Article: "The Good Old Days"
The Age of Autism: Allergic responses
FDA Hearing to Weigh Safety of ADHD Drugs
The Sun's New Exotic Neighbour
'Lack of deep sleep led to dinosaurs' demise'
SF Archdiocese Assailed Over Threat To Ban Gay Adoptions
Homosexual Marriage - a question
A 16yo takes on Sen George Allen (R-Va)
ACLU To Defend Blogger In Ex-Gay Suit
Utah Governor Vetoes Anti-Gay Parenting Bill
Sacramento newspaper gay rights poll:
Why is it so hard for the politicians to use such simple language?
Cincy's search for new basketball coach includes some hot prospects
Bush to attend Reds' opener on April 3rd -- BLECHHH!!
Just finished reading Where the Red Fern Grows.
Pics of my new foster dog and a question for other rescues
How do I handle a momma cat who doesn't want me near her babies?
What's your cat's current favorite cat litter? Is it relatively dust free?
OK, I don't know if I have Jupiters new red spot to thank for this...
The president is about to be found in bed with either
Republicans release Ad that Mischaracterizes Feingold's Censure Resolution
I'm trying to find the audio for the Ulster speech
THK Kerry to be Honored with Award in the Field of Suicide Prevention
Kerry's Defense Fund - against the 'Stolen Honor' lawsuit
The OTHER dems finally get on board??
We Love John Kerry update: we love THK, too!
A disturbing dream - natural disaster and MY CAMERA !!
Countdown Newsletter -- 03/22/06: War on the Media
63% of the people want US troops out. What people? The Japanese people
Grants Flow To Bush Allies On Social Issues...
In Death and Service, Soldiers are only Army personnel
The V-Chip on one of my TVs blocks FAUX
Dayton Daily News fires back at misinformer Bill O'Reilly
Um... Is Faux News Channel (Cable) 'Dark' In Your Area ???
US asks Arab countries to pressure Hamas to deal with Israel
I thought Bush said previously that the Iraqis would decide when we exit..
A shameless plug for a great blue company!!! The Organic Wine Company
Jesus! Doc goes to help Africans, gets killed by crocodile!
Saudi govt bars men from selling lingerie
"I did notice that nobody from the Democratic Party has actually stood up"
Have you ever had a town hall meeting with your Senator or Congressperson?
Iraq Veterans-- a huge new wave of homeless men
who was that precocious little blonde girl on Leno tonight?
BBC runs special report on Iraqi civilians killed by US troops
Warning, Lib Republicans: Your Pro-Homosexual Record Will Cost You Votes
Mother Goose and Grimm -- Paul Revere Riding again :) :)
Baron von Bushhausen ( Toon waiting to be made )
Regarding this "Noah's Ark" thread...
Grants Flow To Bush Allies On Social Issues
My LBN Tread was moved -- against the DU rules...
Voices from the UK: "Well, well, well. The penny's finally dropped."
The rise and rise of the un-West, Rice maintains Iran the challenge...
Gunmen Kill 20 in Breakout at Iraqi Jail
ADHD has become speed drug of choice - addictive
Documents Show U.S. Spied on France
Do you love animals? Could you use a warm fuzzy right about now?
Cook County, Illinois, is a total train wreck tonight.
Bush choose Helen Thomas as the best foil so he could go back to his
New probe into US killing of civilians in Iraq
A cruel question I wish Helen Thomas would ask.
LOL! C-Span Caller: Repukes calling in are like Jimmy Jones Followers!
Lapham On Impeachment Coming Up On C-SPAN
Local party leader recorded making threats to elected official
The vilification of North Korea begins - OMG, they're killing babies!
Just heard from a friend in Spain that ETA has announced
Supreme Court to Rule on Patent for Your Thoughts ...
Wal-Mart Sushi Arrives in Plano, Texas
I know this is a risky statement to make BUT:
So, how's your state governor doing these days...
Just a sad story about one Afghan girl.
Another question about The Idiot's Q&A Yesterday
Here we go again with the AAR stream.
Colin Powell: "Leadership Is All About Followership"...
Bar Sweep Sparks Controversy In Texas
Helen Thomas is the epitome of "Fair and Balance"
they are talking of the Helen Thomas question on Imus.
Reply from Sen. Patty Murray(D) to my email re: censure/impeachment.
NYT-MUST/MUST READ (MoDo) Fly Into A Building? Who Could Imagine?
Who can believe this twit on CSPAN now? We are going to rely on
Anyone with an opinion to share on Bill Press?
How "rigged" was yesterdays news conference?
Fair and Balanced: Meet Ben Domenich
How long before Bush calls on Helen again?
Iraq Propaganda Program Cleared as Legal by Inquiry. But is it Right?
Local Utah radio show BASHING BUSH NOW
Let's NOT Forget: Bush "was thinking about invading Iraq in 1999"
Saddam's FM was on CIA payroll
I just emailed this LTTE. Think they'll print it?
George Bush is not running again....but his accomplices are...
Happy Happy Joy Joy Bush to give a talk in West VA on Iraq
Dumbya to the troops in Iraq: You have been abandoned.
Iraqi Cameraman for CBS Faces Trial
VIDEO- Helen Thomas on MSNBC- as young woman with Nixon
(VIDEO) The Daily Show on Bush's latest speech
So, when are we going into Iran? (I mean officially, not counting the
French racism report causes controversy
NJ-Sen, OH-Sen: Running scared from radioactive Bush and Cheney
WOW! Dems Lead GOP (2 to 1) In SENATE Fundraising!
Shrub Twins: "miracles" - immaculately conceived - space aliens
Why we should have a healthy fear of the military...
Elayne Boosler & Mario Solis-Marich
American Arrested in Bolivian Bombings
Can any nurses out there help me???
Pentagon Reporter: Shock & Awe-type Action May be Coming to Iraq Soon
CIA: Ex-Agents Must Get Approval To Blog-Larry Johnson Smells Censorship
For those following the Lafave sex scandal - Mom speaks:
Has anyone here ever tried to get on Hammity's program?
How Stupid -- Man Asks Police To Test Crack Pipe
How can so many veterans back Bush*
IRAQ: Aid agencies unable to enter Samarra
"These guys could fuck up a baked potato"
Breaking News: Washington Post publishes a cat scan of bush's brain.
Imus promoting child molestation on TV...
Raw Story: "Mea culpa: Redesign reversal, and tell your friends"
Rumsfeld: Iraq can maintain war without US help
Iraqi Cameraman for CBS Faces Trial
Bush, like Johnson, is hearing voices
WOOHOOO!! C_SPAN caller asking Bushbot to explain PNAC docs
"Plan for Victory" is the big banner in back of podeum for speech in Wv.
Scientology Riots Erupt (Bad Reporter)
VIDEO: Nightline trashes the "you only report the bad stuff" talking point
Charlie Sheen believes 9/11 was a controlled demolition.
TOON: Bush caught by Hurricane Latrina
Republicans vs. Civil Liberties -- 1862 Edition
Norm Coleman says he's not going to run?
Helen goofed in her question yesterday and allowed B*sh
War Crime Alert - US troops blocking aid, violates Geneva Conventions
Did ANYONE hear one word from Helen about Afghanistan???????
Pissypants Just Looks More and More Nixonian ---pix--->>>
Iraqis tired of U.S.-run show at criminal court
Chimpeach! (Today's bumper stickers)
"In Defense of a Play" - a letter by Harold Pinter, others
Did this quote originally come from the Wa Po (reality-based community )
VIDEO- Richard Engel-I've Never Seen Iraqis so depressed
A "Liberal" war supporter defects, admits it was folly to trust Bushists
Russ on "The Daily Show" Tonight
VIDEO - U.S. Investigates Killing of Iraqi Civilian Family
Chimpy giving ANOTHER "unscripted" Q & A Today
Joint Chiefs of Staff Essay Condemns Bush GITMO Policy
City approves ban on feeding homeless downtown
Don't miss Democracy Now if you are following Rachel Corrie...
US Troops are Blocking Aid Agencies From Entering Samara
Is Chimpy screeching yet? Time to turn on the telly?
Bushitter keeps talking about freedom...
BushCo has abandoned the claim of a "coalition" fighting in Iraq
The idiot is on MSNBC and Faux
If we are going to report on the number of schools built in Iraq,
Does Mr.bush know that Afghanistand and Iraq are 2 different countries?
Given the Fact That POS Bush Drops in Polls Every Time he Talks Now...
Bush admitted that he's LOST the war on TERROR
Don sL-IMUS is a self-hating scumbag
The Taliban have established a foothold in the Pakistani tribal areas!
If a person can get that far with a "suspicious package" how safe
This is like one of those old Hercules movies - out of synch...
CNN is becoming the "suspicious package" network
a seriously upset Wash. Journal caller made a funny
NOW fighting back in Pa. - Sandals over Casey
Paramedic who worked at WTC morgue dies of respiratory illness
The Media Made *, And They Can Destroy Him
A Short History of the Bush Administration Apollo Project
Helen Thomas to be interviewed on msnbc "coming up shortly:
I wonder if they have a Bush double ready yet.
Just one more "unscripted" appearance and everyone will be calling for
Visa Debuts RFID-Enabled Payment Card
Bolivia to nationalize natural resources by July: president
Top CNN Story - Family Survives After 17 Days in Wilderness
AP Erases Tape of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy
Sam Seder (Al Franken Show) just had a Limbaugh clip
Souter denounces first dissent written by Roberts
Tom's of Maine is being purchased by Colgate-Palmolive
Vatican change of heart over 'barbaric' Crusades
When Will The Swiftboating Of Tammy Duckworth Begin?
Something is seriously wrong with the presidents' brain...
Interesting: Just heard that Samuel L. Jackson....
another clue proving a metamorphosis
Where did they get this fuckin' crowd? Standing ovation for ripping
Illegal War...Illegal Wiretapping...WHY IS THIS MAN NOT IMPEACHED!!
Ned Lamont to be on Franken's show today (Seder hosting)
Ex-Iraqi Minister Says CIA-WMD Report TOTALLY Fabricated
Breaking News: Bush loves living in the White House
Lalu Prasad Yadav - a name to bookmark in case we regain control
WTF does "Educator in Chief" mean?? (Mr.bush's latest self label)
Tweety Matthews: We only show good economic news, not bad
I don't see what the point is with the play-by-play of the Bush speech
Did you see the SS agent that look the Pamphlets from Bush
Thoreau, the original American liberal activist
After listening to Bush today, can anyone deny we need some masks made?
The Monkey is ready to take the stage in W VA!!!!
* just said how important it is to have integrity in politics
How will * supporters react when/if Bush is impeached or leaves office?
Secret Service: WH mysterious package was done by repeat offender
My, What a Big Backdrop You Have, Little Man! ---pix--->>>
Oglala Sioux Tribe President stands up against SD abortion bill
Parents Upset School Gave Kindergarteners Clorox
"strangers stand up and say we are praying for you"...Bush
oh dear God the hand picked Bush crowd is also blaming the media!!!
The Monkey is ready to take the stage in W VA!!!! >> Thread #2
Shrub's in the Greenhouse Again.
Wine critic, Robert Parker, bristles at Bush comparison
Supreme Court Has Chance to Make Significant Law Regarding War on Terror !
This is HUGH!!..I'm Series!! It's like being "stocked" by a spocksperson
How can rich M**F**s even talk about problems with Social Security
BREAKING: "Suspicious package" found at WH....right on cue.
WaPo blogger Domenech: Coretta Scott King was a communist
I need links to Bush linking Iraq to: 9/11 or al-Qaeda or terrorism
VIDEO - Murtha Responds to Bush's Press Conference
So, just how do you get a "suspicious package" right next to the...
How long would * have lasted as CEO of your business?
Ex-Enron Treasurer: Skilling, Lay Lied
Top 10 Reasons Cheney Won't Resign
How many schools have we built in Iraq, and how many do they need?
It's not about Repugs vs Dems but Hawks vs Doves
CondiBot just says NO to NFL post....
My LTTE ragarding Repub support of wiretapping...
Some crazy idiot is up on the CIA BLDG in Pittsburgh with a gun!!!!!
Just Like Nixon, Plus Backdrops ---pix--->>>
Democracy: What A Concept / Campaign for a National Popular Vote
Do you know who has delivered the best smack down of the far right so far?
Dubai Funds Neil Bush's Company
This Tammy Duckworth isn't going to know what hit her in the fall (Il 6th)
Every morning Washington Journal has some Hack trying to sell the war
FAUX News: Too late, we're already probably at war with Iran.
I sure don't see the Media giving Democrats much air time.
Little Lord Pissypants ENDORSED Iraq's Islamofascist constitution
whats up with Harry Reid and this?
the Fox news panel agreed that it is the media's fault
I Love Helen! Curious About Something . . . . . .
Stars & Stripes letter: "I don't like George W. Bush."
Anyone quit smoking out here? I havent smoked a cigarette in 21 hours...
Yes, bush the psychopath really did say this...
Bear Stearns warns against airline stocks due to 'imminent' bird flu!!!
From the Illinois' Sixth (Cegelis vs. Duckworth) to PDA
Was that Iraqi General on The Daily Show legit? WMD's?
'It's my turn to talk,' says Michael Schiavo
Newspaper Sues for NSA Wiretap Docs
Another Awesome Freeper Post - Proving * integrity!
If underemployed/unemployed, read this.
Helen Thomas will be on the Guy James show TOMORROW...
Looks like there may have been at least one dissenter at the * love fest
I also frequent a football message board
April May Bring New Medicare Drug Problems
Our local Democratic Club had 7
Did you See? Lewis Lapham (Harpers Mag) Impeach Bush/C-Span WJ
The Contract with America...12 Years Later
How many guys gave their virginity to an older woman?
The United States Debt To the Penny
****See the CRASHING THE GATE ad HERE***and tour dates
Distorted propganda about new Walmart in Atlanta.
So Bushie wants kids to learn more science and math...
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
I think I have seen the future.
Supreme Court splits on police searches (rules for the People!)
Anyone seen any reaction to *'s little love fest today?
how many plants in the audience ...
Excused juror in Lodi terror case skeptical about alleged confession
The Savage Weiner: War in Iraq is 'White Man's Burden'
The “My Lai Phase” Of The Iraq War
I have come to the conclusion that Humanity is doomed
Best idea ever!!! Randi Rhodes on Bill Maher's panel
No terror attacks in US since war of terror?
Federal standardized testing for colleges coming?
Rightwingnuts say a painted school is MORE IMPORTANT than DEAD Americans.
Welcome To Shrub's Townhall World... Media's Wrong, Shrub's Right
Which one of you is feeding bananas to Bob Dole?
* speech covered live, right now...
What was that on my TV? A mock People cover with Wolf as Sexiest Man...
Is it really all about winning or is it about getting policies we want?
Help need link to: Gore really won in 2000. The article that stated
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Leslie Blitzer!!!
Who Was Impacted/Affected by/Learned the Most from 9/11?
This happened at a VA hospital of all places...the tide continues to turn
David Schuster on Hardball last night
LTTEs that probably won't be published, part 1
Abu Ghraib dog handler gets six months
LTTEs that probably won't be published, part 2
LTTEs that probably won't be published, part 4
89-year-old woman blacklisted by McCarthy to be honored
Today's dog & pony show was Rove's attempt to shut the media up
I was hearing it on Wisconsin Public Radio today
LTTEs that probably won't be published, part 3
I was hearing it on Wisconsin Public Radio today
Countdown tonight: War on Media, guest Helen Thomas
ALERT: IRS wants to sell your tax return
Caption this pic of the godly administration!
Bushisms as a classroom tool. My son's 6th grade class has
75, 30, 28, 23, 23, 22, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3.
The Educator in Chief. He really said it...
'Missile' Crocodile Grabs, Kills Well-Known Infectious Disease Expert
Bob Dole just reminded everyone that 3000 people died on 9/11.
So, GWB says it will be up to "future presidents"
'Lack of deep sleep led to dinosaurs' demise'
Heads Up: Court TV Has A Segment On Haditha
How is an electronic voting machine any different than an exploding tire
Man was choked, taunted at work wins $1 million abuse case
Bush to campaign for SANTORUM: $10,000 for a photo with them
Fred Barnes demonstrates how to live in a fantasy world w/o imagination
Hey tucker carlson, you milquetoast punkette!
It Stops Tomorrow - March, 23, 2006
From Freeperville: The Cult of Dumbya Lives !!!!!!
Lou Dobbs talking of Bush speech today
Reid: "We Don't Want to Stay the Course, We Want to Change The Course"!
Lewis Lapham and his book on Impeachment
Did Saddam move his WMD's to Syria? You decide.
School Cancels Diversity Day Over 'Ex-Gay' Demands
Long Time AP Correspondent FIRED For Posting "Partisan" Column
Randi to be Lou Dobbs regular?
Daily Show 3/21 guest says WMD's were in Iraq and moved to Syria?
I just Emailed Helen a gigantic THANK YOU!
If Saddam had WMDs, why would he move them to Syria?
Official "Guy James Show" thread. Please keep it kicked:)
VIDEO-Jerks and Smirks - Suck Up Bubble Audience Edition March 22 06
Ashcroft, 1st AG to become a "help" in homeland security.
Bush said "I'M THE EDUCATOR-IN-CHIEF!" I can't stop laughing!
Randi is totally smacking down a RW/freeper caller RE: abortion
I am HUMLIATED! I've started to watch Tweety and Lou Dobbs!
Democrats sweep... A sign of things to come?
Gonzales Points Finger in War on Drugs:
When Law and Ethics Collide — Why Physicians Participate in Executions
Heads Up everyone tomorrow on Lou Dobbs - Chinese.......
No nooz on Claude Allen anymore?
Convicted Soldier Unrepentant in Court: Dog Handler at Abu Ghraib
Army Still Trips Over Cover-Up
Editor fired for running Leahy's opinion - how can we fight this?
Bush truly is our "Educator in Chief."
Rumsfeld: Iraqis Now Capable Of Conducting War Without U.S. Assistance
July 5, 2001 Richard Clarke warned the FAA of impending terrorist attack
HAW HAW: Katherine Harris Vows to Sell Her Assets to Pay for Campaign!
LOL!! Tweety Says Cheney Should Go to Iraq with His Rifle! hahaha
It was OK for Phelps to protest AIDS victims funerals
I Think We're Going To Whomp The Repukes In November
Bush should NOT be impeached! (I'm serious about this.)
A message to Congressional Dems; FIGHT OR GO HOME.
After 5 years of * we have all had it up to our eyeballs (animated gif)
Carlson on MSNBC lying in promo openly...
MSNBC live vote on Congress and staff moving into lobbyist positions.
Christians distressed by The Da Vinci Code-ready to refute...
Russ Feingold will be on the Daily Show tonight
KERIK: "Arab nation's SYMPATHY for the US could be in doubt" re: Ports
Chavez: Bush is a Drunken Donkey (Pics)
A Right Winger's Confession --- Makes Me Want To Puke...
Olielly rips into Helen Thomas
19 'arrested' on Monday - Sit In at Ron Wyden's office
Yesterday morning on the West Coast: waking up with George W. Bush
Wow! This poll doesn't even need to be DU'd!
Why isn’t the Christian Right yelling to high heaven because of Afghan man
Just a question about gay marriage and polygamy.
Savage: American Imperialism over Muslim imperialism
"Friends don't let friends vote Republican" (Elephant with strike-out)
Three Names, Three Stories, Three Lives
Iran poses threat to dominance of the US dollar
Some classes are being divided up by sex......
Domenech called Coretta Scott King a Communist
"I am the President of the United States and I am scared...
I'm Famous!!! (Edited to add op-ed piece)
Image of Jesus in drywall heals the sick
WTF is wrong with Kansas? Why don't we expel them and be done with it?
Helen Thomas: They didn't do anything to you, or to our country.
How can a moron such as Bush, never have the chance to become President?
The most important information of the day: Clinton admin, caught,
Tonight on Law & Order looks like a must see
The Pubs are always using the line: Support the President in Time of War
List of things "going well" in Iraq?
Religious Death Squads Killing Gays in Iraq
my latest ltte re: my son and the war
How many GM workers will take $140K to "sell" their retirement health care
In honor of all the Electronc Voting "glitches" yesterday....
Bev Harris burned ANDY. And we're surpised she burned a source why?
OK, we invaded, overthrew your government, tore up your country,
Memos Reveal War Crimes Warnings!!!! IMPORTANT!
Bush and Iraq: Image vs Anti-Image
(VIDEO) Randi Rhodes smacks down Bay Buchanan
I need your help to determine how to handle situation- re rotary blogging
U.N. warns of worst mass extinctions for 65m years
Bully for CNN! They didn't follow the marching orders...
Holy Crap! Up to 56 million American jobs could be outsourced.
Sibel Edmonds files motion in court to recuse Judge Reggie Walton
Traffic cops in KS will start fingerprinting motorists
Right-wing's love and hero-worship of George Bush makes it impossible...
17 yr. old girl lost in Egypt - nobody cares
"HBO's 'Big Love': Combination of Sexual and Cult Fascination!!!"
RICE hits sour note: major Liverpool orchestra may boycott her visit!
Democratic Underground: "I wish I knew how to quit you!"
**Update on missing Milwaukee children**
The Budget and the Damage Done
F***! Langugae alert (DUH!)
Posted this letter behind my front door, on my fridge and by the computer.
Lou Dobbs poll: Is the media to blame for opposition to war?
Flight instructor warned FAA, breaks down on stand in Moussaoui trial
Terrorist Surveillance program in action
Roses for Helen Thomas like we did for Barbara Boxer?
Leaked letter in full: UK diplomat outlines Iran strategy!!!!!!!!!!
Mark Warner for President - 2008?
Milwaukee boys vanish while this story won't be 24/7
What do you think about legislators deciding morality issues?
40 Ways in 40 Days: Remembering the Survivors of Katrina (Day 17)
Veterans: How do you feel about the issue of Universal Single
Does the Bible forewarn of Bush?
Afghan man faces death for abandoning Islam
Witchunt in Colorado: X-tian Teacher suspended for showing Faust
Just the sheer thought of gay marriage puts my marriage at risk
To my friends at "Democratic Underground,"
"The only moral abortion is my abortion" - A whole page of hypocrisy
I think I may have touched on how to counteract fundies.........
Democratic law students meet at Harvard with Dean to organize.
13 suggested audience questions for Bush's next public appearance
AIPAC works against US interests - JERUSALEM POST - study
"Maybe we can (get something going) in Iran"
Feingold connects at home - Rural Constituents Applaud Censure
What did they tell you to say? And I have a follow-up...
Where is the quote by George W Bush about if he had a chance to go to war?
The thirsty fine line between truth and fiction...
The GOP - you gotta hand it to them!
Help please--does anyone have the link to a thread a day or so ago
Jewish attacks hint at deep malaise
Grants flow to Bush allies on social issues
The theocracy of George Walker Bush . . . its legacy . . .
Compassion in Action? at least $157 million to conservative groups
Question - Would Iraqis elect Saddam if given that option?
ETA has announced a permanent cease-fire.
Can't find text of speech yesterday, did idiot-in-chief use the
A Media Matters 50-state strategy
C-span now. Lewis Lapham. Impeach.
Lewis Lapham, Harper's editor,on C-Span to make case for Bush impeachment.
Republicans slam Democrat plan to hit Bush from bases
MSNBC brownshirt Randy Meier continues the swiftboating of Helen Thomas
DNC: The Un-Sweet Sixteen: Breaking Down the Brackets on Repuke corruption
Even if WMDs found, would it justify invading Iraq?
Is it part of the Bush/Rove strategy to "attack the press"?
Can someone explain the up coming Medicare penalty.
We need more people Like Ruben Zamora in politics.
On DU, there are plenty of threads about the press conference
"We The ISP" - our last bastion of FREEDOM
Is it only CBS that has a cameraman under arrest in Iraq?
Help Nick Lampson kick Delay's butt.
What's really in the suspicious package at the White House?
Photo: Bush "walks to Air Force 1," confidence oozing from every pore.
FreepNationalReview predicts: March to the Senate (state by state)
He's Right About That - "He Can't Look Mothers In The Eye" ask
How can anyone buy into this Bushit?
GOP "peace room" to counter attacks from Reid's "war room"
Please sign this petition re: Katherine Harris
Bush uses the "faith-based" funding issue well, doesn't he?
Lots of catterwauling from right wing radio about the lack of good news
Philly Inkquirer's Dick Polman on Gore possibilities
Delete. Dupe of Harper's Impeachment (C-SPAN)
I'm waiting for the inevitable "Suspicious package on USS Lincoln" joke...
exiles stunned Bush seemed unaware of Sunnis and Shiites existence
Senator Feingold and Electability.
I Thank God That You're My Commander And Chief.... Keep Telling
Cheney says claim insurgency in its "last throes" was "basically accurate"
Blagojevich (D) v Topinka (Nazi), IL Governor's Race
Those People Behind * All Have Sour Faces....
Doctor group decries hospital's care for poor - at Senator Frist's Hospita
Invitation from BERNIE SANDERS: AL FRANKEN comedy benefit
smirk bribes religiously insane with $157 million of our money
Russ on "The Daily Show" Tonight
Weren't "conservatives" opposed to good news about Iraq before the war?
OC weekly Blog: Corruption breeds bargains
So W is very sure he'll be passing our troubles to the next president?
C&L Vid clip of Helen Thomas putting Leslie "Wolf" Blitzer in his place...
Durbin: Hearings Needed On Warrantless Surveillance
Ny Daily News: I'm boss, Hil tells Bill
Elaborate U.S. bases raise long-term questions
More "compassionate conservatism"
Boxer email:-- support of Bill Nelson against Katherine Harris (FL)
Bush: "It's time to get a government in place" (In Iraq, not here at home)
"Eternal fascism" - Any of this sound familiar?
Michael Moore question: did he ever claim Flight 93 landed in Cleveland?
"Fox Fans" SPEAK OUT on Bush & Iraq: "He is showing his resolve..."
Meet Denny Hastert's Dem opponent, John Laesch!
HARPERS EDITOR ON C-SPAN will tell YOU why we must Impeach, CALL HIM!
Chavez: Bush is a Drunken Donkey (Pics)
Judge in Libby Trial Hides Financial Background
"cut and run" ... you mean like bush is doing with Social Security, NOLA
Bush in WV, Smirk Overdrive: "I'm PULLIN' fer mah LONGHORNS!"
Quick Question: Weren't we a "Nation at War" when Clinton was Impeached???
Statement Of Sen. Patrick Leahy On Sunshine Week 2006
2006 Dem Prospects - Steve Clemons (New America Fndtn) Norm Ornstein (AEI)
His Royal Chimpness can't even protect the WHITE HOUSE
The Rethug Ad against Sen. Feingold UPDATE WITH TRUTH SERUM
'American Theocracy,' by Kevin Phillips
How in the hell are these witnesses helping Against Moussaui?
Prosecutors Want DeLay Charges Reinstated
And so the pointless exercise of voting by machine continues...
New website opened. DemocraticWarrior. You are invited to signup.
Rawstory: Group files IRS complaint against pastor network aiding Santorum
Does * Go To Church Every Sunday?
O'Reilly: Press undermines Bush, thinks he's a dummy, don't like him....
Who wants to piss off Hastert?
Fox News' Cameron Spins For The President, And Bush Happily Plays Along
Enter the Natalie Portman character - Wed cartoon
Neil Cavuto-- "We're already at war with Iran
Must read article from Observer's Chris Lehmann on Feingold and the Dems
C-SPAN - Bushie focuses on COCAINE... It's hard to break an old habit!
Bush was required to link Saddam to 9-11 to get his war
Softball question time: "do you like living in the White House?"
"Hey AL GORE lovers: You must see this!"
great piece about "the media only reporting the bad news in iraq"
Who can beat the right wing media juggernaut?
Does anybody get the feeling the DLC is jamming us with Hillary?
Would a Clinton Clinton ticket be legal?
General Clark *hearts* liberal votes, buys stereotype about liberals.
Rasmussen: "Montana Senate: Burns burnt?"
"TCNs" or third-country nationals employed at Gitmo
Cegalis-Duckworth Race update.
Bush's Strange Speech Mannerisms
Should Moussaoui face a death penalty?