A U.S. View: Bush censure far-off in this climate
"U.S. Authorities Say..." All the News That's Fit to Slant By ROBERT FISK
Incredible article by Ted Rall (3/21)!
Migration rates of plutonium at the Savannah River weapons plant.
Cities in danger as scientists predict rapid sea level rise
Israel Lobby Dictates US Policy, Study Charges
Harvard Backs Away from "Israel Lobby" Professors
Question: Was bush's brother involved with security at the Twin Towers?
Google Caught Censoring Charlie Sheen 9/11 Story
How do they know the identity, nationality, etc. of the 9/11 hijackers?
Pentagon simulated plane crashing into it in 2000 (photos)
Cross-Post: Don't Glitch on Me graphic and $100 contest for subtitle!
Electoral Dysfunction - Official Exposes Gaping Flaw - Get's Ignored
TOdays .ERD had 55+ articles. . . . . . . WOW ! ! !
Clint Curtis Running for Congress against Tom Feeney! He needs your help!
Talk of Iowa program on election reform
this is great - Healey's running mate under fire ...
Collin County GOP: Infighting over use of God as a campaign issue.
No hike in deportations, Solberg says
Harper says Afghan Christian won't be killed
Relax, Harper tells public servants
(Charlie) Sheen Claims 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Belt Quits As Chief Of PBGC (Pension Guaranty Board)
Venezuela and U.S. Reach Airline Agreement
WP: Government (TSA) Lawyer (Martin) Subpoenaed in Moussaoui Case
Bernanke - Capital flow shift need not spell pain (this guy's a loon!)
Thousands rally in Milwaukee to protest illegal immigration bill
U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes
NYT/Reuters: Pentagon to Review Policy on Planting News Stories
KR: Republican fatigue could hurt the party's chances in November
Army faulted over wartime armor delays
Governor to Sign Bill That Bans "Wrongful Birth" Lawsuits
UN rights office urges Iraq to rein in death squads
Belarus riot police halt protests
Syria's First Female Vice President Hailed as Progress for Women
Canada says annual seal hunt to start Saturday
Bangladeshi Mosque in Michigan Vandalized
'Glacial earthquakes' warn of global warming
Hearing Friday for Abramoff associate (Ex Bush Admin David Safavian)
Mystery Document In Wiretap Suit Sent To Seattle For Safekeeping
Buena Vista singer Pio Leyva dies (Buena Vista Social Club)
Israeli Software Firm Drops U.S. Deal
Crist for abortion ban, adoption incentives
Cheney's hotel comforts:68 degrees, Diet Sprite (and TV tuned to Fox News)
Bolivia's Morales Irks US with Bombing Remarks
State bans abstinence program (RI)
US alert sparks political row (US terra alerts for Italy's election)
Venezuela demands US hand over 'terrorist'
I just finished making a new recording of fart sounds
The oldest tortoise has died at 250 years old.
Have You See The DU Ads For Sean Patrick Maloney?--Yummy! He's Kinda HOT!!
My Fellow DUers, If you liked the "War on Christmas"...
Whatchoo talkin' about, Willis?
My husband just warned me not to open the door to anyone...
I'm eating mac and cheese and I'm thinking of you
Universal Studios Orlando: 1 park or 2 park pass?
I'm eating whipped cream and I'm thinking of you
Anyone know if there are any movies on cable TV tonight?
Have you, in debt, lost your job since the bankruptcy "reform"?
Is it just me, or is there a substantial influx of, er, new posters in GD
And now.. a happy, upbeat German Children's Story...
Do you ever feel like pushing people?
Watching CHICAGO with the sound turned down
URGENT: Should I tip on top of these room service charges?
Watch this video of Frank Caliendo - Impressions
Anyone else see the end of Will & Grace tonight?
Eight more registered users till 87,000.
Anyone ever hear of this site?
Translate diese Anzeige, außer einem Wort!
Who do you want to die next ? (TV shows)
When people say 'hairy knuckles', do they mean
What's with all these characters crying in TV shows lately?
What wine are you drinking tonight?
Cool new book for fans of the Jazz Age, flappers & the '20s
My washing machine just paid me $85.32
I'm Sorry, but I have to post this
Happy birthday, Viktor Korchnoi
Halloway : Incredible media nonsense...
Everything goes better with CHEESE!
New Government Seal (oldie but goodie)
can you injure a person just by looking @ them?
Isn't Survivor supposed to be on tonight????
Name a DUer who YOU have on ignore
Can you judge a person just by looking at him?
Congrats DU for breaking 87,000!!
I got a call from one of my son's friend's mom
I "get" to drive 5 hours tomorrow.
Does anyone have experience with childhood diabetes?
Did anyone else have a Bizarre Day??? Man, this whole day has been
Another HOTTEST SOUNDS tonight @11PM ET/8PM PT
Syndrome causes female sexual overdrive (Constant, unprovoked excitement)
Great line on "Will & Grace" tonight...
We have the Church Sign generator
Today's shopping find of the week:
I was just reaaaaallly childish, but it felt good.
I know it's spring not by the daffodils and crocuses, but by the ...
Oh yuck, did I just see that Laura Bush is coming out with a book?
WOW...... Duke Just Lost ...Unbelievable
Jesus, I think I may have killed three people today...
Sorry, I know it is schadenfreude but man
what did people do before viagra came along?
**To What Are You Listening Right Now?**
What direction does your bed face?
I was run off the road by another vehicle and I was the one ticketed!!!
New pics from today! Mountains, and the grass.....Dial-up warning...
I could use some cheering up, please.
Britney Spears: "Monument to Pro-Life.."(Warning)
Killing zombies to grindcore/death metal, what more could you want?
Anyone have cats that are on Thyroid Meds...those chewy things?
Is Olbermann hitting it with Monica Novotny?
Is there a good musical album to listen to
Name a DUer who you think NOBODY has on "ignore."
Has anyone ever dropped their religion because of you?
Atheists identified as America’s most distrusted minority
Do ya think Dumbya's familiar with this passage?
Reduced Insulin in the Brain Triggers Alzheimer's Degeneration
Man Arrested for Partner’s Murder - 03/21/2006
Help me out w/this one--is Will & Grace ending or what...?
Faith-based funding turns blind eye to anti-gay bias
To Gays: Don't Mourn, Organize!
As an LSU alum who lives in ACC country...
This is a feel good local story.....
Synchronicity in reverse? When the Universe tries to tell you...
sending healing energy to person far, far away through his picture?
Another fat cat! (No, not Crashcart.)
KOEB Meeting -- 3/23/06: It's the Media, Stupid! Edition
"U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes"
who is John Lott? 1-he says women's vote root of all US evil
Question: Was bush's brother involved with security at the Twin Towers?
No Unfair Elections in New Orleans
pbs. jim leher is giving good segment on Afgan who converted to Christiani
When will Cheney's open to the public?
CNN 'Showbiz Tonite' on at 7 and 11 Eastern
Reid Threatens Filibuster on Immigration - Guardian
Time For Dems To State Obvious: WE'VE GOT THE STRONGER HAND-AMEN!!!
How dumb do they think the public is?
Will the media give the freed Christian Peacemakers face time on the tube?
Bob Schrum is an ass. On Hardball now.
For anyone who lived during the Great Depression
DAMMIT! I yearn for the days of Soapy Movies that gave a BREAK
Steve Bell about Iraq's 3rd war anniversary
TVNL Radio....8 pm. ET... call in with your 9/11 questions!
Bush's "From my perch" Cartoon
Okay, the polls show the WORLD hates Bush. How about the corporate elite?
Why Aren't BushCo Celebrating Spain's Success Fighting Terror?
For those interested in a solid case for impeaching Bush & Cheney ...
The Pukes are desperately flailing about trying to find a scapegoat.
Issac Hayes is an interesting duck
anyone have any good links RE: soldiers opinion on iraq war?
Wake Americans up and solve illegal immigration…….
Ben "Plagiarist" Domenech on Jayson Blair
GET ME THE F..K OUTTA HERE! (Letter From Soldier in Iraq)
Great clothing label. In French. American company. Self explanatory.
My younger brother asked me to post the question...
HAHAHA - Babs Bush today's "Worst Person in the World"
Keith busting Bush's ass again
Georgia Hispanics call a General Strike for tomorrow
Is it just me, or has Keith O totally kicked ass the past week or so?
Why Are Guests/Panelists On PBS's "TheNews Hour" So Polite And Restrained?
Gayle Taylor - Who is this Xtian, Repuke Shill???????
Tweety and Fineman seem like little girls...
So...I walk in a room and announce I'm a Democrat and folks...........
Am I too sensitive regarding this email?
The new guy at Interior: More Rethug family values.
No more stalling on Iran: Rice
New poll shows Bush slipping in South
A sixteen-year-old gay teen versus George Allen.
Bolivia's Morales irks U.S. with bombing remarks
Just heard on AAR's Majority Report:
Pentagon to review policy on planting news stories
Any truth to the "no Casey Sheehan Gravestone" story all over the net?
What was the State Dept. doc on Iraq that Olberman cited tonight?
OMG... PUKE!!! GQ Magazine says repukes better in bed, WTF?!?
A new name for my beloved mountain: BROKEBACK
Can we say STUPID, CLUELESS bushbot ???
Bolivia's Morales irks US with bombing remarks
History Channel 9 PM - Free Masonry
Jesus, I think I may have killed three people today...
WOW...... Duke Just Lost ...Unbelievable
West Coast ABC news watchers---
Easter is not about BIG PLASTIC BUNNY RABBITS, folks!
Atheists are the most distrusted minority
gwb's cold rhetoric.. Exploiting the death of children. (Beslan Massacre)
Please Du Dixie Chicks poll - Correction!!! Dsylexia at work
Republicans: The Party That Outsources National Security
VENGENCE HAS ARRIVED!!!---Interview with Chalmers Johnson
Should Bush spend the rest of his life apologizing?
God has spoken to me and demanded I collect money from all
"U.S. War Plan Leaked to Iraqis by Russian Ambassador"
What's the deal with GM? Surely making more fuel efficient vehicles
US Intervention in Iraq: In 15 years over 1,000,000 Iraqis Dead
Gotta watch Southpark tonight. The CYA Chef and great stab at Scientology
A portrait of the blogger as a young plagiarist - smacked down by Conason
Be sure to vote now, ya hear ?
Was Colbert spying on me today? =-)
A lawless nation cannot stand...
"Engage My Brain Before My Mouth"
Exclusive: Santorum funneled earmarks, charity $ to faith-based groups
the correct link to dixie chicks poll
Is Ben Domenech a bigger douchebag for liberty than Bob Novak
With each further escalation, we come closer to the brink of disaster
is the press making up stories about iraq and the carnage that is going on
Why hasn't anyone stated the obvious?
Jeb Bush pushes controversial education legislation through FL House
Mandatory Malloy Thursday Truthseekers Check in with Peter Werbe
"V" Has Friends ...... (short Video)
My short/sweet LTTE re: Feingold
You Know What. That's It. They Ought To Be Ashamed Of Themselves.
Bush wants cheap labor - bring in the immigrants instead.
BushCo hires Hong Kong company to scan for nuke materials
I'm not ultraliberal. Am I the "base"?
Dear WASHINGTON POST : Can I be one of your high profile bloggers?
Video shows indigent hospital patient being left on LA's Skid Row
Democrats Must Lead to Save Christian & Stop Bush/Islamofacist Alliance
Does Hollywood treat Albinos worse than conservatives?
So long Charlie... When they take everything away from you, will you...
40 Ways in 40 Days: Remembering the Survivors of Katrina (Day 18)
Baghdad Bob named pentagon spokesman! (fun)
I want the crooks who robbed us to give us our money back...
*** Thursday TOONs: Helen! ***
LOL !!! - Here's A Poll That Definitely Needs DU-ing !!!
*, Ben Franklin, and Larry King. pics -->>
Don't GLITCH On Me: Provide the Caption for this Picture and Win $100
The damning of a population segment.
Frist charges that Reid won't rule out impeachment. -Reid responds
If you could decide the Income tax rates...
A Time for Heresy - Bill Moyers
The Origins of the Overclass (Why the Dems can't support the people)
WE DO NOT CONSENT - GuvWurld e-book launches Mon (please help)
ABC story - Iraqi ties to al Qaeda
Interview With an Anti-War Candidate
Mr. President, why did your Admin invade Iraq?
Mr. President, how much money has your family made from war and disaster?
Another military man to enter a Congressional Race
How long has the U.S. gone wo being involved in some war
Jack Cafferty: How would you prepare a room for the Vice pres?
A thank you from Tammy Duckworth
Why is U.S. beefing up Iraq bases?
ABC News Political Unit's 2008 Presidential Invisible Primary Ratings
The New Cold War! God Bless Ronald! He'd be so proud!
Get a load of "Chicken Judy" the GOP nominee for Governor in Illinois
FLASHPOINTS: Cindy Sheehan & Ray McGovern...
DNC Press Release: "President Bush's Pre-9/11 Security Strategy"
Rep. John Conyers on Ben Domenech Coretta King Communist comments
Rep Cynthia Davis(R) MO, on sex. Read it and be afraid. Very afraid.
"America can handle more dead soldiers but it cannot handle the truth."
The fact the Cheney only watches FOX "News" indicates why we are
NAACP calls for direct action to resist illegal New Orleans election
Wes Clark coming up on C-SPAN next. Rummy on now.
##@%$$!!!! Just pick a point, #@%###!!!
Bush Admin systematically discrediting any possible critics
Little Scotty McMeltdown resorts to faux-Shakespeare (today's transcript)
NYT: Women Wage Key Campaigns for Democrats
The next President will be Herbert Hoover...
Bush tries to show he gets it: "I read the reports every night"
Another Scary Hegemonist on TDS
Women Wage Key Campaigns for Democrats
Iraq Abuse Trial Is Again Limited to Lower Ranks
sitting president uses the full power of incumbency to generate no ideas
I need the help from my wonderful DU investigators.....
Why should a Senator Support Censure?
Afghan Christian's plight draws U.S. pressure
Some May Not Like It .....But It's A Good Read to Take Heed
Rep. King defends bill as 'God's work' ( illegal immigrants)
Please DU this poll. Help needed
Exactly what China needs......Harleys!
Pakistan Lodges Protest to Afghanistan (killing of soldiers)
I need help understanding this immigration thing...
A North Dakota Republican's Response to Katrina Victims.
I support Hillary for Prez, but Sen. Feingold has one thing going for him.
Democrats or Republicans, does it make a difference??
"Little Lord Fauntleroy can't use a remote" The Daily Show on Cheney.
Tweety Sounded Pissed Off About * Statements re: Media Coverage
For Californians only: Phil or Steve?
WP's E.J. Dionne: In Charge, Except They're Not
Cafferty: "We were sold a different ending to this story 3 years ago"
Could Feingold be the next JFK?
Barbara Bush is the "Worst Person in the World"
Joe Conason (Salon): A portrait of the blogger as a young plagiarist
Federal Drug Sentences Keep Getting Longer
From Her Lips to His Ear ( A Dear Laura letter)
The Last Communion (of the Episcopal Church in the USA)..in The Door
Three years later, 'progress' replaces 'victory'
National Security or National Scare-You-Ity? I Want to Opt Out!
Sidney Blumenthal (The Guardian): Apocalyptic President
Juan Cole-Bush Denying Iraq Civil War, but Facts Contradict Him
JASON MILLER: Democratizing the World: One Torture Victim at a Time
Madeleine Albright: Good versus evil isn't a strategy
The Case For Comprehensive Reform (Immigration)--good summary
Bush's Requests for Iraqi Base Funding Make Some Wary of Extended Stay
Ben Domenech Resigns (Washingtonpost.com)
Gospel by pasta sticks it to religion's funny bone
The Harder He Blows (Chris "Tweety" Matthews)
San Antonio school district reverses book ban ("The Handmaid's Tale")
Abramoff May Be Subpoenaed in Slaying Case
Workers on the Slag Heap of History
John Dean's Latest on NSA Program
Madeleine Albright: Good versus evil isn't a strategy
Andy Sullivan expresses buyer's remorse.
Sorry, "Anonymous." Democratic Men Are Better in Bed. Just Ask My Wife.
Denmark Approves Sizable Bioenergy Plant
MT, ID Pine Beetle Infestation Nearly Doubles In One Year - ENN
Murkowski Will Press Newspaper Chains To Support Refuge Drilling - ADN
Court order deals setback to Japan nuclear industry
Salvadoran Mass Turtle Deaths Tied To Red Tide - MSNBC
Robert Clive's Pet Tortoise Dies In Indian Zoo At 250 Years Old - ENN
India nuke deal meets wary Congress
Biofuels for transport provide a rosy future (EU)
Pesticide Use Linked To Lower Intelligence In ND Farm Kids
Governments Have No More Excuses For Climate Inaction - UK Chief Scientist
All 117 N. Cascades Glaciers Receding Since 1984 - 7 Completely Melted
Global warming doubles glacial quakes
Yucca (Mountain) Johnny targets youngsters' hearts, minds
Commission Proposes Reduction in California Solar Initiative Incentive
Maybe 10 Years Left To Soften Impact Of Catastrophic Melting - CSM
Goddard/NASA Report - All Oceans Warming, Powering Rapid Ice Loss - AFP
Carbon cloud over a green fuel (coal 4 ethanol)
Scientists See Superior Plankton Crash Now Underway In Huron - Free Press
Canadian manufacturer of Vanadium based redox regenerative fuel cells
National Forests To Allow Corporate Ads
Israeli restrictions create isolated enclaves in West Bank
After the rhapsody, the bitter legacy of Israel and the left
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Whoever votes for Kadima will go to hell
National Security or National Scare-You-Ity? I Want to Opt Out!
DU this poll. CNN: Do you agree with Charlie Sheen?
Is It Safe Yet? 911Truth.org Hits Prime Time on CNN
Charlie Sheen has capital and he doesn't spend it. He donates it.
I've got a "DU this POLL" thread in the GD about Charlie Sheen....
Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up
An Amazing Letter from a Pro War Republican re 9/11!!!
Air America Rachel Maddow Show this morning: 9/11 Truth & NY Magazine
CNN follow up tonite on Charlie Sheen 9/11, etc.
Question about "Loose Change 2nd Edition"
MIHOP & LIHOP hits the mass (?) media
Theologian talks about 9/11 and how religious people view it
81% believe government covered up real events of 9/11 (CNN poll)
I am now convinced it was incompetence
I need info on the group of people occupying one of the floors
Member of Scholars for 911 Truth shot dead
The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll (NY Magazine)
Do you believe the official account of 9/11 is accurate?
Please Kick & R the following threads to help "Katrina" voters...
Excellent Clint Curtis Piece on Front Page at Rawstory!!
Call for CA Senate to Independently Investigate E-Voting Vendors
Election Reform Daily News Thread for March 24, 2006
Let's support Guv's e-book thread in GD!
A Fair and Balanced Look at the DoJ's HAVA Lawsuit Against NY
Dickinson Desperate for Labor Support
Will I see anyone here at Loebsack's bash tonite?
Fallon criticizes Values Fund job figures ----- tell it like it is Ed!!!
New England Anarchists Bookfair
Romney lied about an invitation to Rome.
interesting "left leaning" Massachusetts blog
Tom DeLay's concealed hand gun permit is suspended
One of these things is not like the others....
Strayhorn sues over enforcement of independent candidate laws
San Antonio school district reverses book ban ("The Handmaid's Tale")
I went on a cooking jag yesterday!
As usual, Layton Hugs Cons, Blasts Libs
US Carlyle Group's purchase of Xugong Group halted by China regulator
Whistleblower group asks Rep. Souder for apology (NSWBC/Sibel Edmonds)
NYT: Earth's warming likely irreversible, study shows
Pentagon Orders Investigation Of Cunningham's MZM Earmark -Pincus
Edwards Revives Talk of Rich-Poor Divide
U.S. to pay foreign firm to detect nukes at port
Iraq leaders meet as US presses for govt deal(Allawi could have a role)
Nearly 20 Iraqis Die in Baghdad Attacks
U.S. to Place Up to 3,000 Soldiers in Bulgaria, Ambassador Says
Candidates Distance Bush, but Not His Cash (Fratboy)
Lloyd's Urges Rethinking on Cat (catastrophic) Losses
Bush's Requests for Iraqi Base Funding Make Some Wary of Extended Stay
General: War on terror will last for years (Gen. Pace)
Dubai was safer bet - Chertoff
GM to Fire Salaried Staff Through April, People Say
OMFG: U.S. hiring Chinese firm for cargo security checks
U.S. hiring foreign firm for nuclear tests at port
Abramoff gets subpoenaed in Boulis murder case
"Lieberman Joust Fuels Bloggers, Spurs Donations To Foe"
Wiretap program to continue, Cheney tells 600 in Tucson (disses Dems)
Madeleine Albright: Good versus evil isn't a strategy
WP/Bloomberg: Nominee for Appeals Court, Henry Saad, Withdraws
E&P: His Old College Paper Troubled by Plagiarism Charges Against 'Wash Po
Iran's President Congratulates Lukashenka
Katrina Donation Earmarked for Bush Firm
(Rasmussen Poll) 80% Say bin Laden Still Alive
Gaddafi lectures US on democracy
UPI - FBI Whistleblower asks judge to withdraw (Sibel Edmonds)
Red Cross accused of Katrina mismanagement
Box Turtle Ben is toast... Resigns
Gold Medalist (Jim) Shea Drops Utah Bid
Ex-KBR Employee Pleads Guilty to Kickbacks
Lecturer suspended for race remark
Blast hits Sunni mosque in Iraq (Friday)
L.A. Investigating Alleged Patient Dumping (wandering Skid Row)
Actor sues for payment in 'Brokeback'
Iraqis in Tal Afar question Bush‘s optimism
WP: Some Readers See Red Over Post.com's New Blogger
Afghan Christian's plight draws U.S. pressure (Bush may lose X-tian base)
Thousands To Participate In "Day For Latino Dignity"
Lobbyist Abramoff gets subpoenaed in Boulis murder case
"Deep Throat" Memo: Detroit Man Sought Protection After Munich Standoff
Humala Has Four-Point Advantage in Peru
San Antonio-area school board reverses book ban
Man Pleads Guilty to Killing Ind. Girl (IMHO this is the way it should
"Red America Ends" - Ben Domenech
Eliot Spitzer backs marriage equality drive
Outcry rises over Afghan Christian convert (International pressure)
Heather and Paul McCartney Issue Statement on Start of 2006 Seal Hunt
Explosion rocks university in France
CNN Breaking Explosion in College building in France
Hurricane Donation Earmarked for Bush Firm
Rumsfeld Says U.S. Trainers May Be in Iraq in 2009
Planners Raise Funds for Veterans Memorial
U.S. to Impose Sanctions on Belarusan Leaders
NYT,pg1,lead: Red Cross Sifting Internal Charges Over Katrina Aid
U.S. presses Russia to back UN action against Iran
Candidate Accused of 'Donation Swapping' (RI Senate race)
Tennessee may preserve DNA samples from some abortions
State Department computer purchase from China draws fire
Opponents of S.D. Abortion Ban Seek Vote
Government offshore report becomes political hot potato
Court OKs bid to block burned tree logging
Chemical company: Outlawing MTBE dangerous
Republicans try to change subject from Bush
Two Soldiers Killed in Anbar Province
GOP official defends anti-Feingold ad
Report: Russia had sources in U.S. command (Fri PM news dump)
Mood hardens against Afghan convert
American Muslims gaining a foothold in politics
Russians Fed Saddam U.S. Military Information
Personal bankruptcy filings up 30% last year
FEMA breaks promise on Katrina contracts
U.S.: Iraq on own to rebuild (reconstruction "a dismal failure")
Washington worried about a GM bankruptcy
Photos disappear amid AMI cleanup (National Enquirer)
Hero of Katrina, sheriff may be prosecuted (Seized FEMA Ice Trailers)
New Mars orbiter sends its first pictures
Bush Blasts Democrats on Economics("We've got a record to stand on"
Soldier, wife accused of forcing kids to fight (3yr old girl 5yr old boy)
Authorities Say Minister's Wife Confesses
Rescued couple wanted on drug charges (17 Day Motor Home Snowbound)
New Stamps Honor Baseball's Big Bats
Pentagon: Russia Gave Saddam U.S. Intel
Pop goes the bubble - - new home sales plunge 10.5% in Feb
Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement
Microsoft Warns IE Users Of 'Highly Critical' Flaw
Guest help "welcome" (gwb pushing plan, Frist's head is spinning)
Ben Domenech Resigns ( Washington Post conservative blogger)
WHO is that annoying "beep, beep" woman in the Mustang...
For all you late night people, the ragin cajun, Carville, is coming on the
Franz Ferdinand Frontman Shot By Gavrilo Princip Bassist
Oatmeal Creme Pies or Peanut M&Ms?
Anyone remember the Beatles' Saturday morning cartoon, and "Flip Your Wig"
That's It! DISH Network is toast! DAMMIT! (obviously a RANT!)
post something interesting to someone you have a crush on
How often do you self-censor your posts?
How often do you self-center your posts?
World Leaders Urge Condoleezza Rice To Take NFL Commissioner's Job
I'm going to bed, and you can't stop me.
Did I see Dave Reynolds in here earlier?
Don't buy your kids toy SUVs, buy them toy hybrids
How often do you post up your center?
Okay, this is a fantasy question.......
I am going to stay awake....and you can't stop me....
I think my signature phrase in GD is turning onto "God Damn it!"
Who is for and who is against modality?
I have a secret crush on myself
Phrases that just sound "dirty" but are not
The making of itty-bitty consumers
Jackson's Snake Film Creates Huge Buzz, extra scenes filmed.
When and where is Cheney appearing in Orlando today?
To all my dear newfound sibs and comades... Good Night!
So, who thinks Dierks Bentley is cute?
This one time...it was my BIRTHDAY!!
Callers To Road Construction Info Line Get 'Nasty Sex Talk' Instead
'The Simpsons' to Show Live-Action Opening
My baby's gone back to Boston, spring break over.
Read this horrible story on the way to work:
Our baby looked at me and called me "Dadda" this morning
Here's your Friday Morning Earworm
In which the author offers advice about Beta fish, and muses on pet names
How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bu
And the next Bad Brains CD I should buy is...
It's Bad Joke Friday, Post em Here!
What did you know? And when did you know it?
Ben Harper: If I'm gonna acknowledge a president, he's gotta act like one
There are some cases where, regardless of how "cool" the technology
Yet another Friday-related ear-worm
Since its friday, song of the day
Who was it that asked us all why we hate JJ Redick?
Tom Cruise Furniture-Hopping Once Again (PIC)
Even Grammar Nazis can be flexible
Help me pick a Muthafuckin T-shirt!!!
Please dear god say it isn't so: They're remaking Revenge of the Nerds
Woman Hears Knock At Door - Answers It - 8 Foot Alligator On Porch
From the matcom files: Man Catches Train, Forgets Baby in Car
We may have to put our kitty to sleep.
IT's been a while since we've had one of these. Who is your secret DU
Please make it stop.. Horrendous earworm
'99 Red Balloons' Video to Air for an Hour
Baltimore MD has some of the smartest, brightest, most intelligent people!
I was arguing with an anti-choice person in my dream last night.
Had my first experience with poison control yesterday!
here's a better scan (no curly)
Police Eye Drugs, Alcohol in Hollaway Case
POst like its FReepers!!!!11!1!!!!
Awwww and it isn't even Mother's Day
Is there a smilie for the emotional condition known as "We miss you"?
Britney Spears spends over $60,000 on K-Fed's 28th birthday party
Telemarketing calls on cell phones?
This is HUGH!!111!!!11!!11 I'm SERIES!!111!!!!
MSNBC / Today Show: Name the New York Zoo's new baby monkey
Any Hardcore "Futurama" Fans Here? I Have A Question About An Episode
Today's joke from Comedy Central
Brainshrub! Calling out Brainshrub!
One of my best friends from HS is attempting Mt Everest!
Just wanted to share a song with y'all!
Friday morning "WTF?" moment from Fox "news..."
Jack's preschool just called and I had to go get him because
I'm interviewing at Smelly Hemp Services today
I have a phone interview this afternoon, and I have no idea what to say
JesusMaryAndJoseph, I need a DRINK!!
Call Me Wesley no longer has me immortalized
I got all types of food and need to know what;s for dinner.
I'm a much happier man today. I got raised from the dead
Heads up everyone, Pickles is on Larry King tonight.
a Dem and a Repug decide to have a sex contest...
Name a DUer who you think EVERYBODY has on "ignore."
Student Takes Dump In Cafeteria Bowl - Sets Off Chain Of Events
Friday earworm. The second one I could not find the words to...
Who is for and who is against mortality?
some a**hole put a brick through my window
Please kick the following post: re Katrina and voters
I hate getting tuna in my whiskers
My computer's going crazy with Symantec email proxy messages!
For those fasting for Bush, why not join the presidental prayer team too!
I feel tears welling up from down deep inside,
Lies, alibis, and disinformation. Why is The Lounge so slow?
I can't post a poll 'cause I didn't donate this year.
New Doctor Who episode tonight!
What's it like from Here On In?
Pick my lottery numbers for me and I'll play them
Time for a post a picture of your Cat or Kitten thread!!
Does Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Theory make him more or less credible?
its the completely PC-free thread
Fat Cat Nears 50 Pounds, Has 33-Inch Waist
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 3/24/06)
Confess!!!!!! I Never___________________
I just got flowers delivered to my house--it's not me birthday
New Battlestar Galactica Podcast out
Easter Seals donation for Easter, Ostara, Spring, etc.
Post here and I will absolve you of all sins, past and future....
Excuse me...I'm looking for sechs.
What a bizarre day... and it's only half over... What should I do? Do I?
"We Can't Make It Here Anymore" - EXCELLENT song
Serious Presidential Preference Poll
Post something not at all obvious...
"Jack Daniels Chicken" Suggested Wine: Beringer White Zinfandel
Is $100 per day enough compensation for wrongful imprisonment?
Check out this link...Dancin' Duh-bya...
My puppy chewed up one of my Docs
What would you say to a 14th floor office overlooking the river?
How long since the last pic of you was taken?
I'm interviewing at Kelly Temp Services today
Hey, I need a FAVOR! It would be a big help!
Neat my union's pension management firm has lost all our personal info.
Post here and I won't do jack shit!
Its my birthday! Happy birthday to meee heeee!
On KCAL - USMC send recruitment letter to 78 year old woman.
GD has chewed me up and spit me out
The next MOTHERFUCKER to 'Bang A Left' in front of me at a light
Shameless self-promotion -- Some moderately humorous things I've written.
Congratulate me! I killed the TV!
Been a month and a half at my new job and I just gotta say....
Can I declare myself official lounge Ninja?
It's 80 degrees in LA today... (PICS)
Happy birthday wishes to...........
How many DU'ers have over 1000 posts?
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Are any of my fellow VA DUers GLBT?
**Do You Have Anything You Really Like to Do, But Hate to Start?**
I have a new world band radio...ask me anything.
I have Joobs...or is it Jewbs?
Have you ever wanted to do a mime?
Good people of the Lounge...if you use Firefox...do NOT
Randy Quaid to sue Brokeback Mountain producers
What do you want when you're looking for a prospective partner in crime?
Whoa, darlin! Put down that _____________!!!!!!
Lounge Lizards who don't like cats, check in here!
I just decided to quit smoking.
As a kid, did you ever...interrupt your parents while they were...bonding?
I'm a much happier man today. I got a raise
My 17 y/o pug died in my arms last night.
Which one of these boys would be LEAST likely to be beaten at school?
MatcomNews Friday News Dump: Student on school bus forced to crap in bag
IDENTITY THEFT: Debit card usable at motel, safely?
Fuck! My neck and arm are killing me!!!
Post here and I will tell you which celebrity has a secret crush on you...
How come people will go back 30 or 40 years for rock music
More distrusted than a gay black liberal Jew. Yup, that's me.
Ex-"Raymond" star (and Freeper) Patricia Heaton eyes daytime talk show
Google your pets name and post the first picture found
what is the longest time you have spent posting on DU?
What do you think your final spoken words will be?
Helicopters, Police, men in ski mask are on the loose in my neighborhood!
Anyone else almost never get angry?
Alright, Loungers, you win. I can't name my future son Alastair. So:
Academics vs. Physical Education in our schools.
"If there are no dogs in heaven, then I want to go where they went.",
I'm Laura Bush - ask me anything
I need a graphic or some graphics created for my web site.
NSMA was in a car accident ***GOOD VIBES PLEASE***
Time for a POST YOUR PIC thread!
Gnostic Scriptures (Nag Hammadi, Gospel of Judas, etc.)
Bush/GOP criminalize Good Works - Hillary/Church fight back (immigrants)
Theologian talks about 9/11 and how religious people view it
Cardinals in Baltimore, DC Lobby Against Sex Abuse Bills
The basic disconnect in the discussion of atheism/theism.
Gov't Advisers Reject Strong ADHD Warnings
Benefits of Omega-3s Seem Fishy
For Robots, Fuel Cells That Double as Muscles
First molecular-machine combination revealed
Surface plasmons squeeze light
Geomagnetic flip may not be random after all
new ESA technology : solar sail
Tiny Tunnels in Mars Rock Hint at Possibility of Life
Whale song reveals sophisticated language skills
Rocket aims for low-cost flights (BBC)
I'm taking a wait-and-see approach to giving money, time and my vote
I guess if you post anything re: homos outside of GLBT forum, it just
Utah Town Boycotted Over Anti-Gay Slogan
Bid To Name Vermont Peak Brokeback Mountain
Gay, Anti-Gay Measures Gain Support In Colorado
Tennessee State Representative statements:
as much as I hate it...TEXAS!!
LSU v. Texas in the Atlanta regional - who's your pick?
...and Keyshawn Johnson is a Panther
Another FANTASTIC finish! UCLA!
Terrible, awful local story (Tulsa). Warning: Dog abuse graphic
I visit this site daily, at least once and sometimes more. It gives
Are we "clearing" ourselves with bad dreams?
This bill should have more cosponsors
Gone fishing: How 9/11 happened on Bush's watch (my title)
Censure discussion-vote? announced for next Friday. Just
Tie Day Update at We Love John Kerry!
The excite, inspire, and primaries factor
Oh, good Lord, the chimp is in town.
It's sunset season!! Woo-hoo!!
My new "Cable Quotables" column is up!
How do they know the identity, nationality, etc. of the 9/11 hijackers?
Secretary of Homeland Insecurity
Just saw Feingold on Daily Show. Russ, could we clone you?
Here's a story for those that question why the NAACP et al are needed ....
Corrupt congressman's loot sold for nearly $100,000 at auction
Jimmy Stewart, " Bend in the River" classic line... If you don't know ...
Dallas Police imposter or police raped woman
"brave enough to ask rumsfeld" if he was going to resign because according
One of the strangest Bush animations I've seen yet
Deborah Howell - WPost Didn't Hire Domenech WPNI.com did
I'm not sure what's going on here, but something's afoot in Stinkville:
OK, someone explain to me what the "scandal" about the ABC news producer's
Bush: "Like an autistic child staring blankly through an iced-up window."
Hartford Courant followup on Lieberman/McEnroe dust up
Lori Piestewa honored at daybreak ceremony
So does Jon Stewart's staff read this board or what?
Is this why Leiberman backs 'the commander in chief' so glaringly...
CNN Poll....Please vote this up.!!
58 killed in Iraq as attacks rage on. US says violence is "confined"
IMO Connecticut is THE Bellweather State
Has anyone ever dropped their religion because of you?
Just say Cheney has a heart transplant and runs in 08...Can Hilliary
Lets' be Fair & Balanced about the Patriot Act
Tennessee Senate approves bill to require DNA samples from some abortions
Woo woo check*** What are all the "echo clicks" on my computer?
GOP struggles to fill out the ticket
MIHOP & LIHOP hits the mass (?) media
Should The U.S. Be Intervening In The Rahman Case In Afghanistan?
CA Action *** Ask CA Senate to Independently Investigate E-Voting Vendors
Jobs vs Careers, Specializations vs MultiTalented, and our current economy
George Bush: An inadequate, arrogant, ignorant little man.
Some bonehead on Washington Journal said Bush can see people's souls
Who Represents Clean & Change? - Answer = Women (NYT)
How to spot a baby conservative
I don't think we tell the Bush voters often enough that they are stupid!!
Dozens of Cities-Incl London & NY Could Be Flooded By End Of Century
He shakes his ass, they get paid. But they're ashamed to be seen in public
The Bush administration is seeking $348 million for base construction
Today, the Bushbots let Rumsfeld play Beat The Press
Has there been ANY confirmation from CREDIBLE media of the ABC email?
White House Joins EU in Belarus Sanctions
Documentary Sends Warning to Congress
calling in sick on Flag Day June 14th 2006 PROTEST
Instinctive feelings about Bush that have materialized
Low Income Parents of High Schools Students-Free Tuition
Question for regulators: Can Wal-Mart open a bank?
Has WaPo issued a statement about the Domenech plagiarism?
FYI: guests on HBO's Real Time w/Bill Maher tonight:
Repuke Strategy for 2006/2008....Barney Fife Makeover
NBC: A bipartisan group of Reps. plan to call for debate on the Iraq war.
Chirac walks out of EU summit in language protest
NEVADA sues Bush: "What are they trying to hide?"
Dick Cheney, George and Laura Bush on Air Force One
The Accepted System of Dissent A Veteran’s Speech on March 18, 2006
A question about Babs Bush's "donation" to Katrina victims...
Did Eleanor Clift get neutered? Is Cheney watching?
Young conservatives, and plagiarism (The two seem to go hand-in-hand)
Sally Quinn tells Laura it's time to act, passes advice from senior GOP
Largest decline in new home sales in 9 years!
Phillips on Diane Rehm NOW!!! great discussion of religion and Bush
Battle to overturn S. Dakota abortion law begins
History Channel: Organized Crime Amazing!!!
France’s New DRM Law is State-Sponsored Piracy - guess who's sayin' that?
Is Bush the leader of our government, or a right-wing talk show host?
Faux News: "Female Pedophiles Get Off Easy?"
Institute speaks out for gay adoption rights
Charlie Sheen has capital and he doesn't spend it. He donates it.
Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement-Says Oversight Rules NOT Binding
Is It Safe Yet? 911Truth.org Hits Prime Time on CNN
Hey, Hey... Looks like I am going to have beach front property soon
Thank You Elayne Boosler For Filling In......Steph Miller....
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" Be a WaPo Blogger!
Bragg Soldier Arrested on Immigration Charges
The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll (NY Magazine)
VIDEO- Assortment of Letterman Jokes from Monday and Tuesday
Sticker Shock from my oil bill. Anyone else?
Anyone got info on the Dan Rather Bush Document thing?
Is Bush the Leader Of Our Gov-Or A Right-Wing Talk-Show Host?--E J Dionne
(VIDEO) KO on The Death of Chef
kevin phillips on diane rehm's show 11am est
How is it farmers are allowed to get around minimum wage laws?
'Wash Post' Blogger's Old College Paper Troubled by Plagiarism Charges
No more stalling on Iran: Rice
Why didn't the US media care about this case? Afghan woman stoned to death
Are you now or have you ever been......
What Results Are Needed In The 2006 Elections To Save This Nation..??
Media Matters to Wash Post: "Fire Bigoted Blogger"
It's always a "close knit community" and they're always a "perfect family"
(TOON) Steve Bell on the Abu Ghraib dog handler conviction
c-span to shill Horowitz book on Professors
Students walk out of LA Schools To Protest Immigration
"The MSM only reports the bad news in Iraq"- I guess Chicago Trib listened
Do you believe the official account of 9/11 is accurate?
Republicans Learn To Bush Bash...
Anyone have a good list of all the scary/illegal things that Bush has done
Wow. A true patriot just blasted a Rep. party leader on Lynn Cullen show
So the media should try to find "good news" when reporting disasters?
did President Ass have another Q&A today?
When Silence Becomes Betrayal: Thousands of Iraqi Children are Dying
Senate Coverup Committee update: Phase II
VIDEO- Bush "Future Presidents" Remark with Thomas/McClellan WHPressConf
One more reason for Cheney to choose Foxnews
Q1 2006 is shaping up to be a big GDP downer (RECESSION)
Listen to today's Edition of Democracy Now! (links/stories)
you know I really wish all of you dang liberals would stop reporting
Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up
BUSH: If we start trying to suppress our press-we look like the Taliban
Bush says new Patriot Act oversight rules 'not binding'
Tony Trupiano on with Thom Hartmann NOW -- link
WTF?"U.S. to Contract Foreign Co. to Scan Cargo"
What You Need To Believe To Be A Republican
So what is Laura Bush's "urgent message to American women" on
Roberts Appoints Conservative Ex-Starr Deputy to FISA Court
Drive launched against S. Dakota abortion ban
Where 'Homeland' came from, and why it was rejected at first:
I’m Trying to Understand Freeper Praise of Bush War Speech
Cheney to go after Dems who have attached Bush as incompetant.
When you rearrange the letters:
Faux News covering hard hitting stories today.. LARRY THE CABLE GUY
Clint Curtis who alleged plot to steal Florida election runs for Congress
Oceanfront property in Florida
am totally psyched and feeling hopeful for a change. . .
Am. Prospect's Gitlin on Chris Matthews: "The Harder He Blows"
Randi had a great one yesterday re: Chimp's "blame the media" strategy
Ex-Halliburton Employee Pleads Guilty - Kickbacks From Saudi Subcontractor
A white pastor is killed in TN. CNN's all over it. What about Dafur?
Why does the whole world hate George W Bush ??
Slain Tenn. Minister's Wife to Be Charged
Man wrongly imprisoned for 21 years gets compensation of $100 per day
How do you respond to a moran like this?
AOL Poll: Rate the Media's Coverage...Please DU second set of questions!
10000 people protest on cnn now n/t
How do you feel about a Hillary Candidacy?
I Don't Know If I Want The Dems To Win The WH in '08
Is DU "censoring" discussion of the problems with the 9/11 story?
Infantryman in Ramadi Tells The Real Story of Iraq
I called Senator Cornyn's Office RE: Ben Domenech
SIBEL EDMONDS Asks Judge To Recuse Himself
Berkeley study:"How to spot a baby Conservative"-yes, they're the WHINERS!
LOL John Arvosis just dropped the F Bomb on AAR. :D
American domestic & foreign polity: Banality, Bullshit, Bullets, and Blood
Shameless self-promotion -- Some moderately humorous things I've written.
B*sh, Dry Drunk Syndrome and our Iraq Adventure
Box Turtle Ben is toast... Resigns
Just mentioned on CSPAN.........
Attack the Strawman! -- 3/24 toon
Has the Iraqi tortured any of their captives, I wonder
John Dean: Bush's Gambling With Presidential Powers/Election 2006 Is Key
Inconvenient Facts: Russian Government Tipped Off Hussein To U.S. War Plan
Why has that dead minister been front-and-center on CNN.com all day?
Lousiana Senator Landrieu wants $250 Billion to rebuild New Orleans
Keith Olbermann Shreds O'Liely...
Proposing a "No Man Above the Law" Project
Now we know where to look for a General Strike,
The Republican Vs Republican Media Ruse
AP: 1000s Of Immigrant Rights Supporters March In Arizona
My New CAR-SIGN For the Weekend
Interesting (civil) exchange with a RWinger...
BushBots Speaking Out Against Unfair Press Reporting Only Bad News
ACLU Files More Than 150 FOIA Requests Concerning Gov Spying On Activists
The purpose of Life? "to suffer and die"?
Clean Water Violations Run Amok
Looks like "The Screamer" Curt Weldon may go down this fall
Need links to NSA Wiretapping comments from BushCo
How many DU'ers have over 1000 posts?
Worse than a Fool - Criminally Negligent
The Bush bot who got the standing ovation in West Va was on Fox last nite
South Dakota Abortion Law Under Fire
$352 billion in 2005 in interest payments
Wondering how the Democratic Senators running from Feingold
Who is protecting the affected people/victims in Dafur?
another Bush to contend with in the future....
Murtha's challenger: 'standing by our fighting men and women'
The PsyOps War: Lincoln Group and the U.S. Military's Planting of Stories
Freeper Logic: "If the phone tapped is in germany, FISA doesnt apply..."
Russia Had Sources in U.S. Command in Iraq
Official "Guy James Show" thread. Please keep it kicked:)
'Mr. Arkin, do you consider yourself a journalist or an American.'
Government Managed Health care. A true story.
Bill Would Block Republicans From Adopting Children
Don't get drunk in a Texas bar
Move over shot preacher, they have found some Whites in Oregon
Cardinals Scramble to Defeat Abuse Bills
First, CIC, then Educator in Chief-now CNN calls Bush Fundraiser in Chief
Asia Times : Losing faith in Afghanistan
Important petition in GD-P regarding Katrina and Voters
Laura Bush on Larry King tonight (total desperation)
Is that Hitchens on Tweety spewing his BS? Sharpton's on, too.
Kobe Bryant; "I wouldn't mind becoming Jewish"
Lou Dobbs Show schedule tonight. Sounds like he's on a roll again!
UT Students: FBI displays watch list(included Indymedia, Food not Bombs)
Documents Show Russian Sources
Progressive Latinos Speak to America
SurveyUSA Says!: Senate-race poll numbers SUCKING for G.O.P.
Republicans trashing other republicans' reputations...
"Soldier, wife accused of forcing kids to fight"
"Red America Ends" - Ben Domenech
Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold to travel to Iraq
Did Larry King want to be a clown when he was little?
Tweety Watch: Matthews & Chris Hitchens both Drunk as Skunks!
U.S. Pulls Plug on Iraqi Reconstruction, Press Yawns
Rita Cosby on Laura Ingram: "I think what she said was terrible"
Complete 2006 Senate Rankings w/Exciting New Format
Anybody watching the protesters on CNN? Immigration.
offshore outsourcing study suppressed
Nicole to Tweety, only one who defends the actions of the president.
Hardball, WH communications Dir. is worse than scotty. Nicolle Wallace
Wash Journ NOW. "From Her Lips to His Ear" Laura to George
Little Lord Pissypants, JR. Ben Domenech is the son Idiot Son never had
Would Iraq be better off split in three?
VIDEO- Cheney Takes it on himself to defend Bush's Incompetence
I just picked up a National Review for the first time.
Now that George W. Bush has given up on Iraq...
So, how long before Russ Feingold has his own estrogen brigade?
i just got an email from Wonkette
Dobbs poll:are policies risking the lives of U.S. Border Patrol?
Helen Thomas thanked me for my email!
Who would you rather have as president...
So pro-Israel that it hurts --- By Daniel Levy
Dali Lama tells CNN interviewer that one doesn't need god
Is America a sovereign nation, or not?
Demonstration outside Afghan embassy for 'christian convert'
2322 Reasons why the DSM is Important
VIDEO- Tweets on Ingraham's Lashout at Press with Reagan comments
USA is considering measuring the amount of oil we are stealing from Iraq
Outcry rises over Afghan Christian convert...
VIDEO- Tweets, Carlson and Reagan Laugh it up about Bush's Signage
Ken Mehlam, GOP chairman worried
Homeless = dump 'em and forget 'em
"(War) causes concern among our people. I know that." This man is a ..
"breathing fire on Irag: cheney attaching kerry, Reid, others in his
Imagination therapy. If you were given one wish, what would you wish for?
A country that is morally and financially bankrupt is not "strong."
"Laura Bush's mission to save Amer. women from #1 killer...heart disease"
How will the right react if we win big in November?
Sheriff Displays Photos, Says Mexican Official Captured In US
Why weren't weapons of mass destruction found?
Need tech help to start a petition to have Cheney sing on American Idol
Protectionism BACKLASH-demmit, I WANT protectionism
HUGE story for the wingnut theocratic base of the corrupt Republican estab
It's Friday, hasn't Fitzgerald got some indictments?
Michelle Malkin Condemns Domenech Plagiarism - ROFL
The cruise ship fire near Jamaica
S.F. Bay Area loses "Most Productive Region" title to Boston MA
Programmer who alleged plot to steal Florida election runs for Congress
Get your Chicken Hawks here, dime a dozen, Chicken Hawks
Little Bennie Domenech is already whining at "Liberal Attack Machine"
LMAO! Saw this link on Bartcop...Dancin' Duh-bya...
Safeguarding The Smoking Gun?-Back to the illegal wiretapping case.
The President and White House that can't think straight.
Has anyone done a video of Cheney singing yet?
Lierberman=Newman of Seinfield
British woman may get death penalty for eating a slice of pizza
Did Ben Domenech get a promotion at Regnery yet?
What was/is the most prosperous period in American history?
Iraq War Vet who received Purple Heart says Army is making him repay money
Why do so many rePUKE wives kill their husbands and kids
Freedom is a thing of the PAST!!!
Israel Lobby Dictates U.S. Policy, Study Charges
Cheney: If Democrats can lead, then I can sing
Josh Marshall on Red State dude: "Vainglory, today, thy name is Ben."
Max Cleland on Dick Cheney! FUNNY!
On AAR: "I'm not concerned about *'s circumventing the Constitution
POLL: Houstonions are "weary" of Katrina evacuees
Is Bush the Worst President Ever?
VIDEO- Bush on Sectarian Violence -Duh
What is the news on the Iranian Oil Bourse?
Colonel suspended for calling Bush "a joke"
Wow... Malkin Agrees With Domenech Resignation, And Makes Me Puke...
Why Does Everyone Misspell the Word 'Moron'?
Barbara Bush's Katrina donation ignites debate
WH expects Allawi to lead parallel administration on new Security Council
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.
Life is Good, If You're George Bush Junior ---pix--->>>
Over 15,000 at Phoenix March today!
Anyone interested in calling the Mike Malloy show about Roses for Helen?
I REALLY detest that Courtyard hotel commercial--you know the one
IRAQ views bad - media fault???? we can turn the tables on this one
Sy Hersh-- Someday Bush will be hunted like Pinochet
Today is the Day - Exxpose Exxon
PIC: Neocon warmonger and world bank pres Paul Wolfowitz at his best
Quick Vote: Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S.
Dear "msm"; STOP reporting about KATRINA; how 'bout all the GOOD WEATHER!
Protecting Marriage - get grant money to add No Divorces to amendments
Will the English language survive??
Bruno. A Perfect Example of Today's Racism.
Madeleine Albright DESTROYS BUSH: "Good Vs Evil Isn't A Stragegy"(LAT)
The Three Little Pigs Buy the White House
Bush blasts Democrats....on FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY! Hahahahaha
Kevin Phillips on Diane Rehm show made some interesting Jim Lehay
I am not a legal eagle, but don't understand the case against Moussaoui
*... "If you want to keep more of your hard earned money vote Republican."
Holy Shit! This Domenech Plagiarism Story is the Funniest Shit EVER!!!
Kudos to the Red Cross and any of you that volunteer with them....
Hey you freep-chickenhawk cowards. Yeah, I'm fucking talking to you.
Condi Rice - an inadequate, arrogant, little girl
Illegal immigration a felony? Include Cubans!
Jon Stewart Plugs Feingold's Censure Call --->>>
Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Farenhype 9/11 selling for $1 on Overstock.com!
Has anyone looked at Neil Bush's "Education Program"?
When did you last see a pro-* bumper sticker?
Lobbyist ABRAMOFF gets subpoenaed in Boulis MURDER CASE
It's Like When Clinton Aides Removed all the "W's" from Keyboards
Please sign this stem cell petition from the DCCC
(Katie) Couric finds a guy who's RIGHT for her
CNN Breaking 3:36 - Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss Censure
HOLY MOLEY! Bush Signs Patriot Act Addendum Saying HE IS ABOVE THE LAW!! >
C-SPAN and American Enterprise Institute. Is Brian Lamb a Neo-Con?
DailyKOS - It's All Here: 41 Categories, 250+ Links
VIDEO- Worst Person in the World March 23 06
Replace the Red Cross with Halliburton while your at it
Theodore Roosevelt and immigration quote on Lou Dobbs
In Honor of RimJob: Hideki Tojo's Postwar Legacy
Dean afraid Frist immigration bill will criminalize clergy, church members
I heard an amazing thing yesterday
I was thinking... that it would be a nice gesture to back Charlie Sheen.
40 Ways in 40 Days: Remembering the Survivors of Katrina (Day 19)
Manipulation Through "Terror," A Graphical Representation
Woot! Helen Thomas wrote back to me! (Letter + reply enclosed)
forbes smacks down Microsoft's Vista
War protestors turn in mugshots to federal agents
Peter King (R-NY03) viciously attacks the Catholic church (Jail priests)
Please, tell me what political/historical books you've read recently......
Weldon Able Danger tale unraveling
Does the father deserve to be punished for forgeting his kid in car? Poll
I once had a plagiarist steal my work---and it sucked big time.
Lou Dobbs says Norm Coleman will introduce "Ports Security Legislation"
Church members beat, hog-tie burglary suspect
Kucinich and LaTourette propose $500 billion infrastructure project
Is there still a "latest polls" link somewhere
BOOK TV Schedule March 25th - 27th
Lou Dobbs talks of massive protests now --whow what a pic from Phoenix.
Had to post this --- What Do You Think?
VIDEO - ABC's 'Good News in Iraq' Story Turns Violent
Woman from my town cited for Bushit sticker-going to court in Dekalb,Co GA
The Afghan Civil War or Return Of The Taliban.
Republicans can't comprehend Personal Integrity
Huge crowds march against immigration bill
Presidential Signing Statement: A History of
Charlie Sheen interview transcript
DU this poll: was the invasion of Iraq wise?
Congressional oversight is so........Old America.
Help with the votes that do count and are accurately recorded.
Republicans eating Republicans!!
Chertoff; we would have been better off if Dubai owned the ports
Hutchison Whampoa & Port Security
Imus; Rumsfeld's an arrogant prick
Campbell Brown & Dan Senor Sitting In A Tree...
"R" for Sheriff Robin Hood Mcgee, who "robbed from the rich" after Katrina
Can Kristen Breitweiser - "The Jersey Girls" bring a civil suit against *
McCain hires boss of NH phone jammer, nothing here move along folks
bushmilhousegang gives another no-bid contract to foreign country
Falwell: Christianity, the Easter Bunyy and ‘Diversity Days’
How the CPT Hostages Were Freed
KOS, Leiberman "losing it," make front page of Hartford Courant!
forgive if a dupe, but WTF?!?!?!?
Ground Hog Day in Iraq compliments of george bush
question about Repugs fund raisers
1924, the Klan, and Shifting Political Allegiances
last night i watched a movie about chile in 1973. it was about
Check out this web site to bash Bush - literally
New 'Wash Post' Blogger Domenech's appointment bit the dust
DU Home >> Discuss >> State and Country Forums
Things that make you go "hmmmm"....
Rumsfeld Learns From Mistakes, Stops Predicting End Of Iraq War
Chris Graff (ousted VT AP Bureau chief) makes statement
http://www.timnews.org/ - Gone! Is it coming back?
Tell me again how rifles are the "weapons of choice of criminals"?
Matt Drudge is a real slimeball jackass
Hey Congress?? FUCK YOU! - "Moment of Silence for the Troops" grr..
Senate to hold hearings on Feingold's censure measure
Since the rightwingnuts always bring it up
Why is W Campaigning & Raising $ for Repukes on Goverment Time?
Hillary Clinton/Mark Warner 2008
It's late Friday afternoon. Waiting for the latest scandal to hit the AP
Scary thought: large scale records thefts could be coordinated neocon
Bush:Patriot Act Restrictions not Binding on Me
Kennedy e-mail: It's time for hope (stem cell research)
Seattle PI editorial board calls out Sen Cantwell on her war position
Zinn, Sheehan, and certain DU members endorse ExxonMobile War Boycott
Private Account Language Fails (House vote)
C&L Vid Clip: Joe blows another big Lieber-smooch toward Bush's ass
The worm has turned. Tweety & Imus discuss how BushCo lied
DCCC recruitment of candidates
Cali Governor Tossup(Rasmussen)
The lowdown on who is running in the MT Statewide Races in 06
i still want a "V" mask and a red rose! n/t
Norquist and Kevin Phillips on C-Span this weekend!
For Houston area DUers. There is a rally for David Van Os (Att'y Gen)
Afghans want to chop off the head of man that converted to Christianity...
Color of Change! Please Help Katrina Victim's VOTE!
The Grand Finale of this week's V for Vendetta parody
Did you see Michael Mandelbaum on The Daily Show tonight?
In opposition to killing religious people.
Has anyone questioned whether * constant rallying about how good
Dems must frame upcoming "Terrorist Surveliance Act" vote NOW.
9/11 & Bush's 'Negligence' (Robert Parry)
Michelle Malkin calls for Domenech to resign
Going into Iran. Would the Army Generals resign to save
Attention: Thanks to John McCain, Free Republic will shut down tomorrow
Kevin Phillips - 06 Dems need to go for the jugular not capillaries
Duck! The vice shooter takes aim at critics; lets bin Laden escape...still
Bush sticks it to reckless Dem "spend-a-crats"
Republicans running for re-election run from Bush, but not Bush money
Photos: Bush, Santorum & Rove in Pittsburgh. Faith-based family values!
Personal Bankruptcy Filings Up 30 Pct.
Rethugs and Dems push for Amnesty for Ilegal Immigrants.
For Women Only - How to Stop Making Decisions Now!
Russ Feingold is just one in a parade of 'darlings'
John Kerry: President Fails to Explain Why He’s Above the Law (Jan. 23)
Is this T-Shirt site for real or are they spoofing conservatives?
Weigh in here with your pick for the 2016 nomination!!!!!!!
I gotta baaaad feeling about this TN preacher's wife
"Censoring Censure" by the Nation's John Nichols
Exactly when does "incompetence" stop being a credible excuse?