Democratic Underground

Archives: March 3, 2006

Analysis: Video Explains U.S. Frustration

Demand a plan for getting our troops out of harm's way in Iraq

Dissenting on Atomic Deal

The Other Bad War

this from HalliburtonBillionaire Cheney...

Lies, Damn Lies and Poverty Statistics

The Pentagon Archipelago- Chris Floyd

The CIA's 'Black Sites' (V Voice)

Going nowhere fast!

British Chemists Examine The Fate of Heavy Metals in Wood Bark Burning.

Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting Rapidly

'Rapid Warming' Spreads Havoc in Canada's Forests

Chinese/Japanese Chemists study heavy metals from sewage sludge burning.

Thai Chemists report a continuous process for biodiesel production.

"Mystery Woman" Told Military of Atta Long Before Sept. 11

Every Vote Counts in NM!

We lost a Big One in PA today...And I can't figure out how...

e-mail to m. kennedy

Bachmann, anti-gay senator, tries to distance herself from Rev Phelps

Please bear in mind

Where is the election night parties?

i am so angry. not sure what to do. perry has told representitives

Well, I made my favorite death by crock pot meal tonight

Canada's high court allows Sikh daggers in school

Abolish Senate, McGuinty suggests

AP Florida News: Katherine Harris caught in fallout from bribery scandal

Civilians Bearing Brunt of Iraq Violence

Democrats Want Independent Katrina Probe

Last-ditch EU-Iran talks agreed before IAEA meets

Atomic agency hails US-India deal

FEMA Chief Struggling to Hire More Staff

Gangs 'kill freely' in Iraq chaos

Haiti parliamentary polls delayed

Congress expected to seek veto over foreign takeovers of some firms

Bloomberg: Bush Approval Drops as Strength on Terrorism Fades, Poll Shows

Wal-Mart Seeking Global Ethics Chief

FOX News: Hill Scandals Spark Interest in Publicly Funded Campaigns

Pentagon Agency's Contracts Reviewed (outgrowth of Duke Cunningham bribes)

"Significant Oil Spill at Prudoe Bay"

Russia wants foreign investment limits

Chevron bets big on Canadian oil sands

H5N1 confirmed in German cat as pets put on short leash

Bush's approval rating near his record low (CNN/USA Today/Gallup)

Dentist Indicted: Two Counts Gross Sexual Imposition (honored by Bush!)

Pollster: Dems Must Capitalize on Ports Uproar to Win in '06

AP: Leading GOP lawmaker fights ports deal

Pakistan bomb kills US diplomat (BBC News)

Rumsfeld says impatience in war on terror mirrors Cold War sentiments

WP: Paper Said to Show NSA Spying Given to Post Reporter in 2004

Did Bob Woodward Record Key Plame Case Conversation?

CD From Minnesota GOP Also Gathers Data

DOD panel mulls 10-year retirement plan

Ethics Office For Hill Rejected; Senate Panel's Vote Of 11-5 Is Bipartisan

Gallup: 2 Out of 3 Americans Want U.S. Pull Out from Iraq (and more!)

Rifle Stolen From FP&L Nuclear Plant

KRT Wire: Bush may miss chance to vote in Texas primary

Suit: W.Va. Police Chief Denied Gay Man CPR

U.S. Intel: Qaeda Plotting 'Big Bang'

Indian anger at Bush's petal tribute to Gandhi

In New Video, Blanco Says Levees Are Safe

Senate GOP Faces Vote to Increase Debt

Jagermeister- Nectar of the Gods!

Any truth to the rumor that Mettalica's James Hetfield was killed today?

If you were absolutely 100% sure that you could get away with it,

Minnesota Twins ...ARE ON THE AIR....

Phil Hendrie Show

Will MatcomNews Make National News Tonight? Will Keith Mention ME?

I just got back from watching Iron Eagle in my film class.

Sweet deams everyone..

I am ravenously hungry

This thread cracks me up.

Whether or not matcomnews makes the national news tonight, Mrs. Matcom

PK Dick--A Scanner Darkly

What is a banquet award?

I am eating the best curly fires I've ever eaten right now...

I CAN SEE!!!! I'm allowed to put my contact lenses back in!

Myspacers, I need help!

"My Name Is Earl" Offered the Best Rebuttal To Conservative Dogma

Clevelanders! Wanna meet up Saturday night?

Do you allow people to PM you?

A bad day, I'm looking for some Peggy love, my dear.

PM me if you want to see a cool website devoted to Match Game!

I'm 51 posts away from 21,000

What are your housemates doing right now?

"Your search - nazi dog blow job - did not match any documents."

Chuck Norris is so badass, he can make KING KONG his bitch

Make bush say what you want him to say

Tomorrow's another day

Has anyone suffered from sick building syndrome?

Should I stop my cat from taking turds?

Twins Win!!!!

Time to get XM Radio -- what kind of receiver is best?

whoisalhedges' last night in Cleveland

ZombieNixon says I'm a tease. Which I'm not.

Wanna see me in drag?

I remember.

We need to get Kleeb back

Favorite PC from the 1980s/early 1990s?

Why is this man grabbing his crotch?

I sat down to a perfect salad earlier tonight.

Did anyone catch ER tonight?

Eeeeeek.. I cannot contain myself...get me a container..quick

Good night, Lounge.

I'm on a long download, so please...

MySpace brings out my inner BITCH

Should I stop my dog from taking cat turds?


I wish celebrities would stop dying....

I just saw a Tom DeLay commercial that encouraged

I think it would be cool to see a 8 or 12 hour iron chef competition

Random Drawing Fun

Tell Polling Point what you think--- take survey re: b*sh---

Da Colbert Code

The polygamist said "Having 100 wives is terrific! What's terrible is

Favorite 1960's TV sitcom Divas: Samantha, Jeannie, Morticia, Elly Mae...

Quick,someone get me a sky hook and a board stretcher.

Where is JVS?

Neurotic cat night... SO and i just had our first fight

Who is in my clique?

If Arnie doesn't win a 2nd term, Warners wants him back as "Conan"...

I will watch the Oscar's for the first time ever

Snubbed By Countdown

Complete this phrase: Hens love roosters, geese love ganders...

So, no one else is impressed with Hund and Flocken, eh?

Someone is trying to sabotage my career with those sex tapes!

I'm bored. Anyone wanna play with me?

Genius, or just odd?

A Brand New Hottest Sounds TONIGHT @ 11Pm ET

New pictures of my most precious nephew, my Squishy...


I want to create my own clothing line called Geek Speak

Artful Dodger Actor Jack Wild Dies at 53 ...(kid from Puffinstuf')

Okay, Paula Abdul was drunk, right?

Every Friday and Saturday night, my Grandmother drinks

What's your favourite part of a Greek Salad?

Who is your favorite cat???

Carville and Matalin is like



My cats love me right now..

Should I kill the cat or the cleaner?

This is perhaps the most self-serving poll in DU Lounge history (pics)

Hablo Espańol

Sorry, bertha, THIS is the most self serving poll in DU Lounge history!

Any Hispanic Catholics here to explain something for me?


DUers, your assistance is needed post haste.

Men take lead in gay movement

Fighting terror with gay porn

Gay and Married? Watch out at tax Time

IRS Examines Tax-Exempt Churches, Charities for Political Activity

How do you deal with your anger at the religious right?

One Stupid Woman

Anyone getting bad vibes about Bush's trip

Four votes...

freeper troll on DU

Okay, I am missing something on the Election Fraud issue

Kerry and Waxman on climate change

BTW, we had a mini-meetup last night.

Media Matters on Tweety (again) bad-mouthing JK

Before tonight's show, please see my post on the nukes for mango thing:

Grumpy, soon-to-be-homeless Keith Olbermann. (And maybe sick too? :-()

KOEB 3/2/06 Bill??? What?!?!? Edition

Fastow set to testify at Enron trial

Is it just me or is John Bolton a pompous ass?

Now would be a good time

2006 Strategy: Dems must be united, Repubs must be DIVIDED!!!!!!!

Michael Brown coming up on CNN Situation room! n/t

"Nukes for Mangoes" on Lou Dobbs: anyone have a screen shot?

It's an insult

GOP Spyware? - CD From Minnesota GOP Also Gathers Data

"No one could have anticipated...."

Conservatives are Soooo Arrogant

NY Times, Wash. Post, USA Today entirely forgot Bush claim that no one

Career Navy officer getting assigned to Iraqi prison

The One campaign

Brownie - heck, he makes a lot of sense on CNN

The ARROGANCE of these people! 'Cheney Urges Americans to Save More'

Why has Hillary hired James Carville?

Impeachment forum on the air?

NEW LAT Poll-38% (CBS-34%, CNN-38%, FOX-39%, Quinn 36%) Is It Toast Time?

We should bring back the OEO (Office of Economic Opportunity)

Torie Clarke: "I can forgive the American People"

A list of Bush's Nicknames for people.

Iraqi Leader Blamed for Week Of Slaughter

Bush KNEW that the intelligence was bogus - MORE PROOF

A precursor of things to come?

Question for anyone who heard the crazy caller on Al Frakken's show today

Pigs are flying & hell has frozen; bush voter: "Bush is just plain stupid"

Bush was warned about the catostrophic danger of the levees being "topped"

Mine Safety and Health Administration another sham Bush* Agency

U.S. and Britain in joint underground nuclear test last week

I have been in and out of town for the past 2-3 weeks

KO-If I wanted to hear the lurid details of someone's murder, I would

DU this: Should teacher Jay Bennish be fired for comments he made about *?

Jesse's TVNL Radio Show on NOW.... (9pm ET)

Soviets 'ordered Pope shooting' BBC

The autistic basketball player from feel-good story of last week...

Another dead Vermonter....

We lost a Big One in PA today...And I can't figure out how...

So now Michael Brown is a hero doing the circuit

You're the cutest Prime Minister I ever did see

"We're sorry, but the provider of this video has not authorized Google..."

When we follow the money ~ we see WHY they LIE

New TV show: The Unit

Oooooh! Chuck Morris... I so want to vote for him!

KHOU: Did Gov. Jeb Bush push cruise ships on FEMA?

Stick to your guns on the port deal Mr. President!

Make a committment to do one action OFF the computer.

So Randi is being deposed by CACI tomorrow

What if Americans staged an independently monitored papertrail election?

I had a stunning idea driving home tonite...

Killer Nurse Sentenced to Multiple Life Terms

Democrats face an unprecedented challenge in 2006.


The Incuriosity of George W. Bush

I really admire Keith Olberman's loyalty and affection toward

Most U.S. troops want out of Iraq Zogby Poll

Horowitz versus Rectenwald - tonight on MSNBC

Gitmo is a "NIGHTMARE"

How do you feel about a nuclear weapon that could be launched from the bac

MP3 of the drunken Chimp talking about Indian Mangos

just a reminder Mike Malloy on for Randi

Why is this man grabbing his crotch?

Did anyone catch ER?

Singh Gives Bush Grief Over Taj Mahal Snub

I watch "Comedy Central Presents" and "Reno 911" most nights.

Dick Cheney Action Figure

Asia Times economist sees US inflation ahead

Bush's 'code name' in India

My Response To Some Freepers......

Reminder.. Harry Connick, jr on Letterman's show 3/2/06

Bush Free Fall Continues in Three New Polls

KO on MSNBC doing Katrinagate! Showing the video...NOW!

If Cuba is not a friend, what are we doing there with Gitmo?

Topped or Breach; is this the new "what is, is" question?

U.S. Cites Exception in Torture Ban:Guantanamo

Quick question. Where is Robert F. Kennedy buried?

Iran to Invest $1 Billion in Iraq--Azzaman in English

Mandatory Malloy Thursday Truthseekers Check in Mike interviews

Enron witness: Skilling said 'they're on to us'

Name some of your favorite local businesses you are proud to

KO............Rove May..................

SD and MS Abortion Rulings vs. Ceaucescu's Romania

What is the Value of a Presidential Pardon?

CFIUS ? Should they be dissolved?

"Situational Awareness" - Shrub's Newest Excuse

LAT/Bloomberg Poll: Bush Approval Drops as Strength on Terrorism Fades

Randi Rhodes to be deposed in suit?

VIDEO- Woodward Audio Tapes about Plame

Fuck Michael Brown.

Back In The Days When Abortions Were Illegal In Many States...

Some lunatics really did kill our people in NYC,

What It Means To Be A Republican

'Former Enron Executive Rocks Court' Anyone know what this means for Ken

This is breaking my heart - Malloy Interview

Must Read Interview w/Robert Fisk!: Who's Provoking Civil War in Iraq?

Did Bob Woodward Record Key Plame Case Conversation?

Ted Kennedy's Father Was a Nazi Sympathizer?

McCain/Lieberman ticket -

you know, before bush, I really wasn't that active in politics

Hannity lied on his radio show about what suspended teacher said

40 Ways In 40 Days: Remembering the Survivors of Katrina: Day 2

OH Damn! They're supposed to OK "shoot first" laws in Ga!

There is a red/blue divide in this country

Would SOMEONE read this trash and tell me what you think?

Jesus...they are trying to smear Blanco "new video shows blanco"

CBS Poll: Only 3% of Americans identify themselves as Republicans

DUers. Need your help, here.

Would hate to have this IMPORTANT piece of info lost amidst the cluster

Funny Katherine Harris video

ReddHedd at fdl: "he knew and lied" or "he doesn't bother doing his job."

Coyote Ugly bar not welcome in KC

I'm confused, Is this Liberation?

The dollars & sense of hybrids

Pics from my very first anti-invasion vigil!

Christian School Spurns Alum Up For 'Brokeback' Oscar

Caption this picture

LOL !!! Great Freep Post Here:

Why did the Dems just cave on the Patriot Act?

Bush is TOAST!

Tens of Millions of Americans Are Standing For It Right Now!

Showed My Father-In-Law, A Veteran, Very EX-repug, F-911 Tonight

Send this to your friendly conservatives

Super-bases in Iraq

Does anyone understand Postmodern Haircut (Noam Chomsky comic)

I remember reading about what WW3 is going to be about

Want to boost a young girl's self- esteem?? (Body Image stuff)

I just spent a half hour talking to a former Gitmo guard....

Just got back from NOLA, here are some photos

Falwell Asserts Jews Can't Go To Heaven

Who Else Was at the Harpers/Conyers Impeach-Bush Town Hall in NYC Tonight?

Bush Never Fires Anyone, Because When He does....

Remember Miss Miller?

Military gearing up to use more soldiers as cannon fodder

Mardi Gras is over....

Time: "Bush Heads for Bin Laden Country" (Oooooh...he's SO brave!)

Nuclear pact between U.S., India draws fire ("Weapon plan on steroids")

Katrina video shows Bush exactly as he is; completely clueless

Anyone interested in a massive protest

"The USA Patriot Acts: Anything but Patriotic"

Here's some trash for you:

Ethics Office For Hill Rejected

Katrina: People died, Bush lied

Md. firm's deal with Israelis analyzed

I just of something cool regarding Joementum....

DU Book Club: Crashing the Gate just starting

Clinton Challenger Pulled From Reagan-Era Hat

How about, instead of impeachment, when we control the Congress in 08 ....


Something that the White House DID deliver

I am still so pissed about Dick fucking Cheney saying that

UAE scores a 3 , 4 being the worst as a human rights violator says a

What Is Bushes Blue Stained Dress.........

Howard Dean on Fox TV tonight (Thursday)

Righty "nightmare scenario"

"Catalyst George"...something he finally did right...

Lieberman on War and Peace vs Lieberman on domestic issues

The "capitalists" vs the "nationalists"....

New video showing Blanco saying levees safe- AP news

From John Conyers' blog, 2 March. Did I mention I love this guy?

ok, how can you cry, beg, and plead, please please stop abortion

Democratic Nightmare - Strong Black Republican Candidates

AP Florida News: Katherine Harris caught in fallout from bribery scandal

me email to the DCCC on the Illinois 6th District race.

You know what.... The Democratic Party is a coalition...

ALERT...Anti-War-Katherine Harris March In Sarasota County Set!

I Am Boycotting Dominoes Pizza, And here is why........

PA-Sen: Former NARAL head Kate Michelman is considering a 3rd party run

Who the %@#K is Safer Without Saddam?

WorldNetDaily: Don't buy Dubai

CAFTA's Corpse Revived

EU Parliamentary Committee hears first testimonies in CIA case

Clinton Challenger Pulled From Reagan-Era Hat

T Friedman/NYT OpEd: The Big Question - "peace or civil war" (Iraq)

Why do corporate polls matter?

What Bush Was Told About Iraq (evidence he was NOT out of the loop)

Party Hacks, by Chris Floyd

NY Daily News Editorial: Lies and videotape

Bush, bin Laden visit Pakistan in tellingly different ways

Hall of Shame

This Is Fully Prepared?

Ex-Official: Iraq Abuses Growing Worse

[UPI] Analysis: Learning from Saddam

US Agrees to Pay Egyptian Man-in Detention(though cleared of charges)

St. Petersburg Times: Dirty Harris

"20th Hijacker" Claims that Torture Made Him Lie (

It's been a while but time to check in with Maniac Michael Moriarty!!!

Wolcott: "Color Him Gone" (Buckley and other cons on Iraq)

UAE intends to operate US Military factories (WTrib)

Is it political conjunctivitis, lack of humanity . . . or both?

Feds to Query Labels About Online Prices (Itunes must be making too much)

Forbes - Dubai Inc.

I Do Not Wish to be Associated with Torture (R McGovern)

National Archives halts reclassification of documents

'Post' Did Not Feel It Had to Return Classified Document

A heckuva job by 'Brownie' after all?

NYT(Hillary) Clinton Challenger Pulled from Reagan-EraHat

Will Viewers Like Ads For The People By The People? Al Gore's Current TV

Diebold's Revenge

Baby Bush go home

Why Jon Stewart isn't funny

Another covert deal, sans brouhaha (nukes for mangoes)

Ha ha, FOX Ratings In Free Fall - O'Reilly Leads The Way Down

'Lieberman Democrats' Have No Place In an Opposition Party

FY2005 SECNAV Environmental Award Winners

International Environmental Data Rescue Organization

CU Boulder/CIRES - Total Antarctic Ice Balance "In Significant Decline"

Antarctica Cannot Replace Ice Loss - LA Times

Western Energy Boom Fuels Land Conflicts

Africa Facing Huge Water Shortfalls By Century's End - Guardian

Reefs More Vulnerable Than Previously Thought - SMH

Japanese Make Gasoline From Cattle Dung

Iditarod Diverted Again To Route With Enough Snow - Reuters

GM Now Sees Hydrogen Cars By 2010 - 2015 - AFP

Pesticides in Almost All Rivers, Streams

UK Environmentalists Enraged By Decision To Dump Wind Farm - Guardian

Vermont Yankee gets OK to hike its power

Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Melting Rapidly (Washington Post)

Upcoming hurricane season looks to be another bad one

Qassam hits strategic facility near Ashkelon

In Moscow, Hamas firm on refusal to recognize Israel

Analysis / A new wave of terrorism?

South Africa invites Hamas for talks despite Israeli objections

Israel plans to imprison five Palestinian villages near Jerusalem

Israel's clear-cut policy

IDF officers: We have less freedom than terrorists

FM Livni meets Blair in bid to deny Hamas int'l recognition

Not greening, but weeding the Negev

Unrest after Israel church attack

The stairwells in the two Towers

Ouch! You will laugh at this paradigmatic example of the debunkers' art

False-flag synthetic terror: advancing a precise agenda

Experts Call for Releases of 9/11 Evidence - Joins Judicial Watch

Ejected Steel Beams - What do you think?

Favorable article about CA activism: timeline on certification.

NYTimes "A Voting Machine Mess" Danger of rushing to purchase DRE's

Diebold's Revenge (this is SICK!!!)

Hey Elections Forum, check it out :)

Inspirational Fitrakis quote:

Ohio HB-3 provision(s) re: DRE's

Question: Can a Massachusetts town pass a bylaw requiring hand counted

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Friday, 03/03/06

CA up in arms over Diebold certification.

I count coalition ACTIONS lobbying etc.

State-by-state e-voting system certification database?

DIEBOLD - 2008 "The fix is in" - Moscow Times

The Cinti. Enquirer failed to investigate the Warren County lockdown here

Exit polls 2004 discrepancies made quick & EASY for the math impaired !

Blouin Schedule...

Rebel Sky Tribute in honor of Freda Rebelsky

Weekly picket Friday at Kerry's office. Friday, 4:30PM

I returned from vacation to find my home a flooded nightmare

Wes Clark at private fundraiser ($$$$$) in Boston, 3/10

Sabo signed on to H Res 635 yesterday! Let's encourage McCollum

Really Late Notice, but a really good Anti-War Conference this Saturday

Ford Bell and Amy Klobuchar debate twice today.

Is the Gateway Convertible laptop a good one to buy?

Yahoo news won't refresh - most of front page too

Acer Aspire 5003WLCi Notebook

Gregg County: Democratic forum turns into shouting match (2/22/06)

Texas independence belongs to the Tejano too

See the great Texans for Public Justice article on creepy James Leininger

John "DeLay lapdog" Culberson email AGAINST port deal

Asparagus means spring is here!

Latest "why the hell have we been paying this much $ for this" discovery:

Afghanistan: many questions, no answers

What does the Canadian men's hockey team and the Titanic have in common?

Ethics watchdog to examine conduct of Harper, Emerson

KHOU: Did Gov. Jeb Bush push cruise ships on FEMA?

Most U.S. troops want out of Iraq Zogby Poll

Horowitz versus Rectenwald - tonight on MSNBC

White-collar Iraqis targeted by assassins/ Asia Times

USA Today: Lawyers for bribed ex-lawmaker plead for leniency

U.S. panel objects to software handover to Israeli company

Former Rocker Convicted Of Obscene Acts


Panel Chairman to Fight Port Deal (Washington Post)

Mysterious error to cost government energy royalties

Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Melting Rapidly (Washington Post)

Lobbyist's Credit Card Bill Outs DeLay Trip

NYT(Hillary) Clinton Challenger Pulled from Reagan-EraHat

CAFTA's Corpse Revived

After Afghanistan trip, Bush unlikely to see US troops in Iraq (AFP)

Despite Daytime Vehicle Ban, Gunmen Kill 9

In Moscow, Hamas firm on refusal to recognize Israel

Ethics Office For Hill Rejected

FM Livni meets Blair in bid to deny Hamas int'l recognition

Twin Satellites Reveal Shrinking Antarctic Ice Sheet

Cunningham Asks for Leniency in Fraud Case

EU Parliamentary Committee hears first testimonies in CIA case

Reuters: Oil climbs toward $64 on supply concerns

Bush visits Indian tech city, draws protests

Terrorist growth overtakes U.S. efforts (Wash Times)

Times/Bloomberg Poll: Ports Deal Faces Wide Opposition

US troops want out of Iraq

U.S. Opposition to (human rights) Panel Frustrates Annan

Archivist Urges U.S. to Reopen Classified Files

Harris says she sought jobs, not political cash

Lynn Swann's 'goal is to win today and to win now'

At least 25 killed in attack on town near Baghdad

Pundits Part Company With Bush on Dubai Deal

U.S. Cites Exception in Torture Ban; McCain Law May Not Apply to Cuba Pris

Clinton Challenger Pulled From Reagan-Era Hat

Abbas begs Iraq to stop killings of Palestinians

Agency nominee taking Senate heat (David Sanborn's role in Portgate)

Australia News: Mass beaching kills 40 dolphins

Spain honors military deal with Venezuela despite US opposition

Dubai Ports deal broke law, Shelby says

Homeland Security Operations Center director resigns (Broderick)

Democrats seek debt-limit debate

Bill, Hil no shipmates (says she didn't know Bill was giving advice)

Fla. Sheriff Gives Inmates Cold Case Cards

(AP) Anti-U.S. Protests Erupt Across Pakistan

DOD panel mulls 10-year retirement plan

Three Killed at Indian Anti-Bush Protests

Ex-FEMA chief: Chertoff should be fired

Guantanamo man tells of 'torture'

Republican Will Try to Squash Ports Deal (Duncan Hunter)

'War on terror' trials could allow evidence obtained through torture (AFP)

Students walked out to protest putting Bush criticizing teacher.

Bush: Outsourcing painful, but remedy is worse

Bomber Hits Canadian Vehicle in Kandahar

20 California Students Suspended Over A Web Site

Protesters egg (Australian PM) Howard's car

Two Resign From Illinois Hate Crimes Panel

Jewish member of Illinois committee resigns over racist remarks

Canada backs Sikh dagger rights

Antarctica Cannot Replace Ice Loss - LA Times

Bush-shy Republicans warned of 2006 losses

One killed as Muslim anti-Bush protest turns violent in India

Chicago runway too slick at crash


Ethicists Blast Study Testing Fake Blood

OPEC president says world "oversupplied" with oil

U.S. Uses Surveillance to Protect Mosques

(Newport Beach) Daily Pilot: ACLU files suit against Costa Mesa

A disturbing chopper mishap in the presidential convoy

Military to continue to pay Iraqi media: Casey

Hoekstra has plan for NSA, FISA rewrite

Bush Arrives in Pakistan; Security Heavy

Bush: U.S. Should Welcome Competition

Settlement reached in BlackBerry patent case

Pentagon Prepares to Release Gitmo Names

Peanut(Butter) kiss did not kill Quebec teen: coroner

'FEEDING FRENZY' COULD BE OVER: Spread of gambling loses steam

Real or rumor? Chertoff has few days left-up on drudge

Dubai port deal is delayed over protest

Bush goes on trial in Morris, New Jersey.

Pentagon Releases Names of Gitmo Inmates

British Pol Criticizes U.S. Over Gitmo(Menzies Campbell)

Forbes - Dubai Inc.

CBS: U.S. Intel: Qaeda Plotting 'Big Bang' (In Iraq)

Health Canada Advises Diabetics Not To Use The Antibiotic Tequin


AP Wire: Dubai firm submits to broader U.S. review

Investigators Clear Disney Employees Of Alleged Rape

Gov. Bush questions need for state cargo inspections

Dean: Republicans Weak on Security

San Francisco impeachment vote doesn't resonate afar

Poll: Bush's popularity sagging in five ("Red") Southeastern states

Coalition Commander Says Iraq Crisis Has Passed

More for U.S. to Do in Iraq, Official Says

Ex-congressman Cunningham sentenced to 8 years, 4 months for corruption

Vatican slams Guantanamo Bay

Judge Lets FEMA Remove Evacuee Housing

Blair 'prayed to God' over Iraq

GOP: Politics Blocking Survey of Spy Units

Guantanamo names to be released (today)

Gonzales Denies More Extensive Domestic Spying (Washinton Post)

Harris Shuns Spending Requests

Wal-Mart to Stock Morning-After Pill

Europeans fail to reach deal in last-ditch nuclear talks with Iran

Bloomberg: Pakistan Braces for Bush Visit, Nationwide Strike (Update1)

CBO Analysts Say Bush Overstates Deficit

Gore Asks for Ad Time to Fight Global Warming

WP: U.S. Cites Exception in Torture Ban

Cannibal film banned in Germany

DoD Identifies Marine Casualty ( #2299 )

Bush Considers Outsourcing Some HIV/AIDS Care To India

Northwest, pilots reach a deal

LAT: Dozens of New O.C. Democrats Were Signed Up as Republicans

Pollsters react to Bush's bad numbers

Republicans Turn on Santorum (Abortion Rights issue)

Some National Archives Documents Removed

Ex-Los Angeles Officers Charged in Robbing Drug Houses

Wiccan request gains support : Commander hopes VA allows symbol

La Nina weather phenomenon is coming: WMO

Exclusive: FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds is Ready to Talk! (Brad's Blog)

Teach vs. speech (critical of gwb, student walkout/protest, very cool!)

AP: Pizza Magnate Modifies Plans for Fla. Town

US general won't rule out chance of Iraq civil war (Gen. Casey)

L.A. Hospital Gets Rebuke for Transplant (gave Saudi man liver w/o wait)

GAO: Rules Were Bent on Education Grants

State bill proposes Christianity be Missouri’s official religion

AC-130 Gunships Returning to Iraq

Man drives SUV into students at UNC.

Reagan psychologist 'lost up to $3m in internet scam'

Top CIA Official Under Investigation


Survivor: "a bunch of spineless little twerps"

What did Paula do? (American Idol question)

Salma Hayek is on the Leno show...


YAY Rev_Acts! 21,000 posts!

I'm looking fo 86,000 people for my exclusive clique

I love you awl!

Did Selma Hayak get a boob job

So I went and saw Eight Below

Who wants a snack? I'm gonna raid MrsGrumpy's fridge and larder.

Time for bed

Bean with bacon soup, cheese and crackers.

Pioneer Pies?

I'm bored again, who wants to play with me?

Has anyone here ever seen the movie "Ravenous"?

Hey, my thread is still at the top of the Wyoming forum!

Damn, It's amazing how this Tom Petty clique shit has persisted...

Lets start an Irkutsk DU group!

Join the unclique!

The mechanic told me I blew a seal.

Rumble in the Lounge!

San Francisco DUers


that's it, I am hiding the kudzu thread...

Click here to hide the kudzu thread

Of COURSE it hurts... you're getting screwed by an

"Superman"- The Clique

Listen lizards, I'm 50 posts until the big 5000.

Is this song about fundies?

Let's have a OSCAR DU fundraiser

Well, I have to sleep now

Great T-shirt on GD....

I'm going for 5000 posts in the next two hours. Can I ask you anything?

Is anyone else not seeing the ads on the homepage?

Just saw the trailer for "X-Men 3"

Check this out!

WAKE UP.. It's Time for.......

Night everyone!

Night all!

The primaries are coming up, Who's the worse Democratic candidates?

Bear in a Bag! (Cat pic!)

Former Rocker Convicted Of Obscene Acts

So many possibilities! CAPTION these photos!

Lights, Camera, *SHOW BIDNESS!*

Has anyone heard of the Swedish group Hurdy Gurdy?

The checkbook balanced on my first try

David Sedaris is, quite possibly, the funniest author ever...with the

4,999 posts and I'm going to leave you in suspense.

I'm going out for some great food & spirits tonight

It feels good to be back!


Excited about Marriage

Big Thrill Coming For 12-Year-Old Granddaughter Today

Friday earworm.

So I finally went back to work.

awesome juggling video,,,enjoy

Going through my emails...there's bs and then there's BS

Apolo on Leno

Here's a shock: 17 Sinclair Stations to join Fox Mini-Network

What ever happened to our captioneer, Skip Fox?

Thank god this wasn't my 13,000th post:

So what exactly does George "Dubai" Bush have against tourists?

The Golden Doodle for $999

It's our cat boy Oscar's birthday!

Who's your favourite part of a Greek Salad?

$56 for basic cable

Holy Mother of God! There are TOO MANY NC contestants on Am. Idol

Kid Rock: Scott Stapp 'idiot' for losing sex videotape

More Kid Rock news.....

I triple-dog dare ya!


A beautiful act of civil obedience

How a bad day turned good

I'm this close to lapsing into a coma

Who was Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person's in The World!" last night?

Jessica Alba is NOT in Playboy this month!

Kid Rock blames Stapp for losing sex tape. Bawitdaba de boo fuckin hoo.

Am I awful? I don't feel like taking a shower today.

How should I spend my tax return?

It's killing me not being able to participate in American Idol discussions

World Baseball Classic...ok I have been sucked in...

Oscar fun: Let's cast the film "Impeachment!"

"Jesus, Take MY HUMPS"

CAPTION THIS-- * in India Pic

Funny optical illusion in College Station newspaper

Teen Pleads Guilty To Hiring Hit Man To Steal Block Of Cheese

I just won the lottery! $1 million!

Make a Wish Ads on AAR...SO CUTE!

Has anyone gotten any Girl Scouts thin this year?

the truth about chemtrails

I must be really sick in the head...

No Oscar Poll This Year??

Could this be the world's most beautiful octopus?

Who loves liver?

I'm scared----I need hugs today......

Anyone here like Pho?

Convicted Nipple-Pincher Sent To Juvenile Hall

Sex & the City-- how does it end?????

Best morning song/song to start off your day

Best Picture

Oscar Poll! Actor in a Leading Role

Actress in a Leading Role

Ever read the nutritional panel on the side of the girl scout cookie boxes

I'm bullish on Kudzma. He's going places!

My baby turned 10 on 2/16...look at this face!

What would you do if Democratic Underground closed up shop?

Once again, I have sallied forth into GD. No flames, so far...

Actor in a Supporting Role

I'm bullish on Cthulhu. He's going places!

What are you drinking tonight?

Check out this dude's Myspace blogs

15 years later, R.King beating and what Hannity would have said...

I don't know just where I'm going

The ULTIMATE Club Sandwich

Loungers, MUST SEE thread in GD (warning:cute overload)

Madonna eyes Israel house to await Messiah

ok, i'm assuming no san francisco DU meetup tonight.....

SHIT... I need passport help BAD

Violence! Violence! Violence! Burps! Nose Picking!

Well, I got a new job.

Newspaper Editor Misses X-Rated Sports Photo (Photo At Link)

Alfred E. Newman from Hell


Kegger at my place tomorrow night!

Tell us a secret, and make it good!

Where's Randi?

Pass that Chronic.......


Ok, Post your tattoo picture thread..


Anybody else hate taking something to help you sleep?

worst date to have to explain to her parents

Which corporate neighborhood do YOU choose?

Actress in a Supporting Role

The top two longest threads

Dell? Gateway? Micron? What Should I Get for my New PC???

Did you agree with the choices on American Idol last night?

mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho


Movies where the musical score just blew you away.

"Jesus, Take the Wheel"

I am going to try to quit smoking after this weekend

Tell us what you're gonna do tonight, pretty mama.

Should I stop my ribbon from killing other ribbons?

Drunk Driver Caught Driving In Reverse Down Street (13th DUI)

Well, that was weird...

Post here if you are hip to the funk and/or too legit to quit.

My golf/baseball trip begins tomorrow morning

Is the Gateway Convertible laptop a good one to buy? (cross-post)

I got a speeding ticket on my way to a root canal

We've got Five Years - That's all we've got!!!

Create your own THUNDERSTORM!

Oh no! My neighbour's girlfriend is here!

Going to rent movies. What should I watch?

I's in love with a girl on marijuana

Way cool scroll wheel trick:

Have a great weekend y'all!

How can I convince my puppy it's still cold outside?

At last, trof has new sig.

$100,000 Swagbag.. Damn I want to be a presenter at the Oscars

God DAMMIT, my favorite co-worker just got sacked.

whom would you have rather shared an 'altered state' with...

Anyone else play on GSN?

The greatest music video ever.

The Friday Holy War between the Spaghetti Monster-ites and Shatnerology

Okay, I may be a lonely guy alone on a Friday night, BUT

I just want to say for the record

I'm gonna burn my bras!

Has The GEICO Gecko Always Had The Same British Accent?

Jackson 5 Drummer Slain (Johnny Jackson, cousin, stabbed to death)

The George W. Bush Speechwriter

I just got tix to see "Capote" tonight!

that commercial drives me NUTS

From the keyboard of a 4-year-old

Televangelist Robertson Ousted From Religious Broadcaster Group

Oh MAN I hope I get this!

I don't think that I like short stories much

I posted in GD....

Acer Laptops?

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 3/3/06)

Please SOMEONE tell me this is a spoof (hannidate)

OK...Cute Dog Pictures...

ER had some things to say about the U.S. government last night

I just came to the stunning realization...

Those resilient little birds...

When I say "pocket penetrometer," what do you think of?

I have a terminal STD.

My younger sister got another cat...

Post a pic of your bunny

What are you giving up for Lent?

Doggie makeover- The groomer just left!

Hints on forcing Netflix to give you what you want.

I have one American Idol question from last night:

Your 13 year old holds a party and there is $60,000 worth of damage


I just got back from getting the shots in my back at the doctor's office.

It's time for the first ever FRIDAY AFTERNOON SIX LINE RANT

Anyone know Keith Urban's politics?

You have heard of Jesus on a trailer hitch... Now we have Jesus on a 20.

Tomato Rice Soup and Applesauce....

Beer in a bag (Not a cat pic!)

Just five more posts...

Should I stop my bird from killing cats?

Annoying Cubicle Habits!

An invention that will change our lives FOREVER (video)

Good Friday Morning, Crew!

It's the Oeditpus Rex appreciation thread!

No painkillers, no screaming, no baby...just Tom Cruise.

Favorite Queer Eye, and why?

Looking for a job?

Post your SPOILERS here,

Who has a hot date tonight?

Anybody else go to NO for Fat Tuesday?

Does anyone believe Stephen Colbert is sexy? (dial-up warning)

Safari browser question

Crawfish boil tomorrow!


***BREAKING*** American Idol was CANCELLED!

Dr Rice steals the drapes

Has anyone gotten any Girl Scout Thin Mints this year?

What will you positively never ever buy again?

How to dress for a funeral - can I wear color?

Puppies have doubled in size since birth. One week old now.

Who would you rather "have a beer" with?

Isn't this the cutest thing you've ever seen?

It is sofa king cold here!

Help vote my blog for blog of the week in MKE magazine!

Need some postive energies, prayers, good vibes,

30 Second Bunnies remake Brokeback Mountain.

My 17 yr old cat is in kidney failure; how do I keep him comfy?

Diaries, Journals and other potentially embarassing items...

You have a curious smile and a mysterious nature.

Post a pic of your bras - burning or otherwise

Post your Oscar predictions in the DU Oscar Pool!

Word Association

ok, who's up for a 'post a pic of your honey' thread?


Substitute One Word In Any Movie Title With "Kudzu"....

Matthew McConaughey is a REPUB!

Wes Clark Photo (dial-up warning)

Ooops...spell check?

Bungle in the Jungle

Pic Thread For People With No Honeys

Should I stop all these birds from laying waste to the town?

Baseball fans: somethin' new

When I say "penetration tester," what do you think of?

The Old Sergeant Major

Thoughts on "Instant Refunds"

Goodnight you all!

State bill proposes Christianity be Missouri’s official religion

Will gay rabbis be made kosher?

Everything Bad and Sick In This World

Could anyone claim that Christianity is a violent Religion?

Protective effect of fish oil on exercise-induced asthma

Amateur Cracks Secret Nazi Code

Study: 'Ex-Gay Movement' Focusing On Gay Youth

Arab countries deny gay marriage - so you're either for equality

Gay man died because W. VA Cop prevented friend from performing CPR

Will gay rabbis be made kosher?

My LTTE regarding the travesty I posted about last night.

Illinois town rejects Gay Games event

1,000 Gay Couples Wed In Spain

Pastor Says She Was Right In Marrying Lesbian Couples

Every once in a while, an eBay auction comes along that touches you in pla

Bush Considers Outsourcing Some HIV/AIDS Care To India

Utah Leg. Goes Home: Gay Club Bill In Limbo

Anti-Gay Group To Challenge Protest Ban

Stakes races coming up

Strangest dog injury ever -- any suggestions?

My Yellow Tabby caught.........

New pics of my little feral Chance...

If you were me and you'd just read that your progressed Mars is in H. 8...

Strange dream about a rat and PM Tony Blair

Current developments in Iraq: more false-flag terror

A series of bills introduced yesterday and for which Kerry is cosponsor

For Kerry interns or anyone with Kerry connections please read!

Another celebrity gets (or got) it. (Kerry related)

Mission for Kerrycrats: response to FT editorial (Port Security)

From the Congressional report, Kerry's explanation on his votes on the PA

Lawyers-Cunningham is “Penniless”: Kerry on Cunningham’s $40,000 Pension

Editorial about Jon Stewart in the Boston Globe -

New Kerry E-Mail. (It's so nice to get the e-mail again.)

Good diary at dailykos defending JK

Anyone catch Imus the last two mornings?

Wonder no more about McCain.

Condi and Pickles go to India and...

Don't read this if you're eating, but Don Imus is trying to smear Stretch

Found 11 Katrina Bushes on Yahoo...

thread about KO and "Ted Baxter" from GD

Dear Bill O'Reilly, Thanks For All The Free Publicity. Love, Keith

In India, Bush Suffers Comparisons to Clinton

OK.... NOW who likes my latest Tshirt???

The man CANNOT take a good picture.. This one takes the cake

Jim Cramer: Hawking Diebold stock on Mad Money/CNBC

U.S. Cites Exception in Torture Ban McCain Law May Not Apply to Cuba Priso

Bill O’Reilly: First Blood

News Hounds: Fox News Tries Misdirection on Katrina Tapes To Hide Bush Lie

Schoolhouse Rock: "No More Kings"

Why Rush Limbaugh is on AM radio

Artful Dodger Actor Jack Wild Dies at 53 ...(kid from Puffinstuf')

Whilst visiting our jobs in India, look what Bush has the GALL to say.

Can Someone Put the Col. Teacher's Thoughts in Context...

TIME: Is the Dubai Ports Deal Doomed?

Of COURSE it hurts... you're getting screwed by an

Need Opinions On Bumper Stickers...

Robertson Loses Seat on Religious Broadcasters' Board

Progenitorivox: Greatest use of QuickTime EVER!

Just a reminder about our Iraqi deaths

Check out this political statement in a game description

Has the moment every been more ripe to address election fraud?

I could open a Waffle House with all the toast Bush is supposed to be

Is Sean Hannity a great American?

Washington Times: Republican chairman vows to kill ports deal

Why is Randi being sued? she mentioned this a month or two

bush spent your social security

Marc Maron may be about to come on, I think UCLA B-Ball is over...

Want to know if the government is spying on you?

I'd rather have a president who screwed his intern than one who screwed

Help DU re Bush gay talking points

OC Weekly: Which Jon Stewart will host the Oscars?

After Afghanistan trip, Bush unlikely to see US troops in Iraq (AFP)

Must See TV....

quick opinion on something

Arundhati Roy up next on Rachel Maddow (AAR)

Tom Oliphant on with Imus at 8:30am ET, Jeff Greenfield at 7:30

Hah-ha-ha! hateful Pat Robertson gets the boot!

NBC Today Show did not report all the dismal poll numbers for Chimpy

Democratic/Left Value #1: Egalitarianism defined.

Dr Phil said something fascinating today

Bush - India Tour and critics -- something is missing

A Small Man in a Tiny Room Before the Big Storm: (Rude Pundit!)

This Is 'Fully Prepared'?By Eugene Robinson

Pataki is AWOL--and no one really cares!

Lawyers in CIA Leak Case Tangle Over Sharing of Information (WaPo)

Everything Bad and Sick In This World

VIDEOS-Three Letterman Jokes

Caption this photo:

"We see your democracy soaked in blood"

Admin Lawyers Argue: TORTURE OK AT GITMO!

Washington Journal time

C-Span2 Gen. Casey giving press conference from Iraq 9:20 a.m.

If this nation ever elects or selects another member of the * family,

Online amateurs crack Nazi codes

what is * doing to that young girl ? caption

This Is The Truth - excellent video

Where does Springer do his radio show from?

Republican senator plans foreign divestiture bill

Don't You Dare Say Anything Against King George.

Onion Radio News: "Terrorist Recruitment Far Outpaces Army Recruitment"

SURPRISE!!!! I actually got a response from........

Bush is giving speech today AT THE ZOO!!

Who is subbing for Stephanie Miller?

(FIORE) Long War Inc

Could a Katrina Victim sue Bush* after viewing the video?

PICS- ever wonder why they madeW out to be a "rancher" and not a "farmer"?

To sum up the Bush* Administration in five simple words

W. Pincus:New Pentagon Counterintell Agency Reviewed For Corruption Ties

We have something today to look forward to, its all up from here.

In regards to the teacher that was suspended.

How do you respond to the Freeper-rati when they gleefully ask

Senator Burns of Montana, and his extreme racist and sexist utterances

Harry Reid up in the Senate - C-Span2 10:29 a.m. - Stem Cell Research

Brownie doesn't deserve any praise

NORM: Abdul again has Homeland Security/airplane issues

What's with the ad on top of Josh Marshall's page...??

LUDDITE, i need the name of Colbert's guest last night

Chertoff and Brown should be Charged with Murder.

Energy Sec on CPSAN sponsored by BP

GOP Naked Photographer Sentenced

The Polar Express theory of Iraq

Tonights lineup on Real Time with Bill Maher

Saw this * bumper sticker this morning, what does it mean?

On AAR: Students walk out of class re teacher laid off for Bush rant

Dubai Port Deal Is Delayed Over Protest

The only two items you'll ever need are WD-40 and duct tape.

Democrats Vow Not To Give Up Hopelessness (onion)

Before Katrina Struck, Brown Warned Bush ‘The Levees Could Actually Breach

LAT: In Border Battle, Land and Wildlife Are Casualties

Tinseltown's best kept secret comes off the rails

so, remind me again...

They remain nameless on the national conscience

Hunter (R-CA): "Dubai Cannot Be Trusted"

Who was the greater founding father--Adams or Jefferson?

Dean say its his job to insure a clear difference between Dems and GOP

Hastert's conversion from man to pig looks to be progressing well -

"Diary of a Mad Freeper"

Think Dubai Ports World & all its other companies--think Carlyle Group

Do-It-Yourself FOIA for Budding Investigative Bloggers

They want to tax e-mail, they say it's not really a tax

Republican senator says Dubai port deal broke the law

Oops. demink's thread didn't last in GD after all.

Before Katrina Struck Brown Warned Bush "The Levees Could Actually Breach"

Today's global warming spotlight: Rain in Nunavut

* reveals that he and Pickles do some farming and plantation work

Springer is interviewing Hannity now on AAR..

Has Republican Strategist Ed Rogers been on tv lately?

Bush v. Clinton in India - A Photo Essay

Image of Bush in that little room in Katrina video decidedly creepy.

Jon Stewart on the Dems: 49% of the vote and 3% of the power

Dick Cheney made ONE big mistake.

what is trent lott whinning about now on c-span2?

Protestors Anti-American or Anti-Bush?

How can DU support the students who walked out in Colorado?

"De-volution"..."Unintelligent Design"....all there to see!

Nostradomus WWIII 2006-2012

If Bush said "I think the American People shouldn't jump off high bridges

LOL! bush is the " Naked Nazi of the Present World" in India!

Time to post these timely words from Tom Robbins again...

Anyone notice that Drudge hasn't been updated in two days?

37 Sunni mosques destroyed, 86 damaged by grenades ANARCHY! COCKTAILS or

Whatever happened to Reids senate shut down?

Could anyone claim that Christianity is a violent Religion?

Yearly Kos Convention 2006 - Las Vegas June 8-11 - Sen Reid Keynote

Pigs flying. GOPUSA criticizing White House.

Folks, impeachment isn't going to happen

My friend called at 7am RANTING over this

Bush wants the Pakistanis to handle our airport security ?

Katrina Video Refuels Debate Over Response (WaPo)

VIDEO- Protectionism (Bush/Dorgan)

Fire Chertoff (DCCC)


Anybody else having trouble with the AAR stream?

Sam Seder was excellent this week filling in for Franken.

Student Faces Possible Jail For FCAT Phone Cam Photos

The crap I get in my work e-mail. Warning! CRAP ALERT

Rick Springfield, American Citizen, REPUG.

CAPTION THIS -- Bush in India PIc

self delete

809 Area Code Scam

Michael Jackson is building a mosque

Poor and Muslim? Jewish? Soup Kitchen Is Not for You.

You simply won't believe this statement

WWLTV was reporting a levee breach by 9:30am >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Some people can wear a shimmery blue dress...some can't

"Richard B. and Lynne V. Cheney Cardiovascular Institute" announced

Caption this * pic...

Teach put on leave for making anti-Bush remarks.

Muslim charities targeted, group says

So, the Pretzeldente was 'fully engaged' for Katrina...

Raw Story: "After critical article, conservative nonprofit accuses

Brent Bozell does something useful: counts the # of nose picks on TV

Bush arrives in Pakistan: Security Heavy.

Senate Approves Tight Control on Cold Medicine to Fight Meth

Is Sean Hannity a Great War Criminal?

15 Arrested At White House Protesting U.S. Torture

What is an "FM type"?

Pentagon’s Deputy Counterterrorism Director: We’re Losing

Bush did a good job appointing Brownie

If you pay down debt and you could find Homeland Security on your ass.

Bush Defends Outsourcing of Jobs in India

Why Would Protesters With A 'Death To America' Message Protest The Chimp?

WaPo: 12-Year Term for 'Cell Phone Bandit'

Bruce Willis denies that he is a Republican!

Did Jon Stweart diss Plamegate???

can't get Air America stream....

Stock market is acting like it's 1999 all over again...

Cunningham sentenced to ten years

Caption these * Photos >>>>>>>

VIDEO- Bush in India-Compilation from Indian sources

Social Security "fright mail" targeting Srs helped fund GOP Leader's trips

Republicans Going After Their Own: Santorum Targeted

DUers do you thing (Cunningham poll

Framing Bush's India visit nicely...

Pentagon Develops Brain Implants to Turn Sharks into Military Spies...

FATMAN & Little Boy

Given the fact that everyone in the US hates Bush, where will Bush move..

Chertoff Resignation Rumors Make the Rounds

Is the era of big government over???

Madonna eyes Israel house to await Messiah

Bush finds New Love in India

Dear Bill O'Reilly, Thanks For All The Free Publicity. Love, Keith Olberma

Demand a Katrina Commission (Sen. Reid)

What else is missing? And the M$M never mentions the coverups

We Catholics Must Understand The Need for Separation of Church and State

Why do 9/11 theorists post in G.D. ?

Milosevic asks court to subpoena Bill Clinton

Can someone email Keith Olbermann asap for me?

When Bush spends political capital, he really spends political capital!

Amer Cmte for Peace in Chechnya - neocons trying to seize themselves ?

MediaMatters AGAIN shows us how Chris Matthews is a mediawhore.

Paying OFF Credit Cards-considered questionable behavior


Today's Bushism

Air America stream unavailable... help!

At what point do we not even have a country?

AUDIO/PODCAST- Reasonable Suspicion versus Probable Cause

Pay off your credit card bill, homeland security comes calling.

“Conspiracy Theorist” Is the Word the CM Uses to Disparage Those Who Dare

Did the floodgates suddenly open and now all the WEIRD is flowing out?

S. Dakota Slaps Up It's Women - Mark Morford

Mexico: San Blas Under Siege (Oaxaca)

McDonald's KOSHER?

Missouri pushing for Christianity as state religion

UAE / Al Qaeda Connection Gives Port Security A Needed Lift

Should the NSA program be legitimized by Congress as long

Art Buchwald dying - refuses dialysis

Heads up - Jon Stewart on Ellen DeGeneres show right now.

US lags in propaganda war: Rumsfeld

Flying Spaghetti Monster bumper sticker sighting!!

Quote the Photo (Condi with Bush behind her)

Israelis set off firecrackers in church

Did anyone notice that the Dominos guy is building his Catholic town...

Repub pollster..."assume [the election] will tip for the Democrats"

Southern Baptists and the Council for National Policy

They all look alike to Bush

So, if I wanted a nice, LONG list of crimes of the * administration...

I missed this pic yesterday. >>

At the end of the Clinton years we were on top of the world

AP Blogs From Iraq (Antonio Castaneda - embed with Marines)

MSNBC's David Gregory is getting to the Freepers....

The photo Mike was talking about

And in the "Water is wet" category, a study finds more violence in

No Review Of Links Between UAE and Al Qaeda!?!

Note to Freepers:

It is our duty as human beings...

Cunningham should get 10 years

The US paid Pakistan to hunt for Bin Laden. What would you be willing...

Department of Justice, investigating the price of digital music downloads

Booooosh to Amurika: "Don't fear competition with that guy making $1 an

Does Michael Brown deserve a brownie point for trying inform shrub

What will Bush do when Bird Flu hits the US?

2299 Reasons why the DSM is Important

what was the tally on Dem reps who voted for the Iraq war?

A wager for a lurking freeper:


DU this poll: Olbermann, O'Reilly, or King?

The What If Project/LINK

Can we get the double as President instead of Bush? At this point, I'm...

Why is this story about "detainees" being ignored by the MSM?

MoveOn: * lied about Katrina -- help get your local paper to cover it

India does not deserve any nuclear concessions from America

Here's My E-Mail To Cafferty File:

Sick sentences - our country is truly screwed up.

Shakespeare's Sister says we need a do-over

Settlement, thankfully

The FACTS on The O'Reilly Factor Ratings Drop

Media Matters: Top ports deal myths and falsehoods

'he came in the night like a thief'

National Guard Introduces New Plan To Recruit Soldiers

FEMA critic's shirt gets him tangled up in ticket

Georgie's got a little magic for you...

email for Bob Simon @ CBS

O'Reilly/Fux strongarm attempt needs to be publicized

New Pollkatz graphic - includes Bush's latest string of miserable polls

I Just Had an Epiphany

Bill Maher's Approval Ratings Are Way Up

Why does Alito want to meet with Dobson? The overlooked part

DIEBOLD is at it again

Could you hit the poll--please?

Abortion and Disasters.

Letter:Coast Guard Warnings Over Terrorist Infiltration Never Addressed

Californians must be SO proud of their governor

National Popular Vote

If Bush was so "fully engaged" with Katrina, as the WH says he was, then

"Justice for Immigrants" inspired by Catholic leaders~

Lou Dobbs poll

My rethuglican mother in law on global warming...

Chris Matthews, just moments ago, talked about New Orleans

BREAKING:Cunningham Sentenced To 100 Months/Almost 2Mil Fine

March 26th-March 29th......??????

Who Is Working, & Who Is Begrudgingly Posing for a Photo-Op? ---pix->>>

UPDATE: Petition to replace O'Reilly with Donahue: 6334 and counting!

OK, twice today I've heard that * had to speak in an Indian zoo!

Here's two ways to take care of O'Lilely and him 'calling security'...

This is so cool! When you email a thread to a friend,

Do we have to repudiate any entertainer who is conservative?

A hour/day/week in the life MSM America

* Security Detail: Sergeant Woof x 65

MANDATORY MIDDAY MALLOY.....Official Bush/Condi BootieStare Edition

is this the Final Patriot Act vote?

OK, I think this needs to be discussed: Why are Conservative Men such

Did I just hear Mike say Ron Paul (R) has come out in favor of impeachment

This needs to be said. Democrats = Republicans.

Rude Pundit today - How To Start a Civil War in the Republican Party, Pt 1

Giving new meaning to "Don't take drugs": Drug companies drop the ball on

Now McCain's camp is claiming Kerry rumors in 2004

Please tell me if I'm being supersensitive here...

Mom cracked baby's skull


Why isn't the anti-War message stronger than it is in the Democratic

Free Country MP3 - Takin' My Country Back ** (ATTN: Ed Schultz) **

Galloway: "History is going to judge these men harshly for what they did"

Oh no! I've discovered their plan.

Bush sneaks into Pakistan "like a thief in the night".

Are your missing the REAL deal behind the nuke deal with India?

Ethics Office For Hill Rejected...

Can you name the general who is in charge of Pakistan?

O'Reilly needs to hear from us.

Now would be a good time to re release F-911. It would be good to see

Who is the next most influential RW blowhard aside from Rush Limbaugh?

Peanut butter Kiss Didn't Cause Death

VIDEO: Port Deal - Bush Family Ties To United Arab Emirates

Still months after Katrina... has it really gotten any better?

Police: Teen Burned Alive Over Pregnancy

Caption yourself

NBC is doing an alarming report about melting Antarctica right now

Freedom in Iraq?

Wal-Mart pharmacies to carry morning-after pill

Flag Of Dixie Ignites Dispute At Tenn. School

Just say "Olberman" and make Bill O'Reilly explode in anger!!!

"Telescopes Useless By 2050"

Gary Glitter gets 3 years for child rape

Mississippi to Pass "Rapist Rights" Bill (- FireDogLake)

heard on MSNBC--Bush uses a double overseas

Quick Media Survey/ Tweety/Blitzer...."Brownie" lying ass off w/Tweety

40 Ways In 40 Days: Remembering The Survivors of Katrina (Day 3)

Real or rumor? Chertoff has few days left-up on drudge

Lou Dobbs: An incredible week for the country; a terrible week for *

O'Reilly's Plummeting Ratings: I credit Colbert.

Pay too much (debt) and you could raise the alarm-Homeland Sec

The World’s 10 Worst Dictators

A Bully Gets Bullied: Why Rush Limbaugh Never Became the Next Oprah

Now THIS is the Catholic Church I used to know and love

WooHoo - Ex-Fauxer's killer --DRY, very DRY-- ltr to O'LOOFAH

Things are getting scary in Arizona -- 135th day w/out rain in Phoenix

`Fugitive' lawyer arrested -rented 2 underage girls for sex from thier mom

Couple investigated by Homeland Security for paying credit card bill

State bill proposes Christianity be Missouri’s official religion

"I think Fred Phelps is gay"

Conservative nonprofit accuses Raw Story of violating copyright

Reuters Cheney photo: Innocent picture or political commentary?

Marriage In America

Did the NYT subtly alter Bush checking out Condi pic?

Colleen Graffy did America no favours, this morning on BBC radio

Controlling the Future of the Internet

An organized takeover of the churches - what's really fueling the wingnuts

Domino's Land in Florida - the new religious town

Sir Paul and his wife on Larry King tonight !!!!!

Baby Bush go home

GOP growing increasingly angry, frightened

***Absolutely horrible new law that punishes social workers; H.R. 4437***

Cheney can kiss my declining middle class ass!!!

CNN: Cadaver Dogs are engaged as heavy debris removal begins in 9th ward

Pathetic anti-Jon Stewart opinion piece in the Boston Glove today

Bush: "the United States is looking forward to eating Indian mangos"

So why are the republicans being forceful with the UAE deal?

The Bill They Don't Want You to Know About: H.Res.635 (Hint: IMPEACH) -->

Where's Noreiga?

imagine if you changed the word illegals to human beings ....

Don't Let Them Forget DARFUR! But watchout for NeoCon role.

The bungling Bush presidency is falling apart

O'Reilly threatens caller (audio)

Characteristics Of Conservative Trolls On Liberal Blogs

proposed: wittington's apology proves cheney shot him ON PURPOSE

Governor Dean: Republicans are weak on security.

Brad Blog: Sibel Edmonds Ready to Testify.

Randy Duke Cunningham being sentenced NOW

Bush's Nukes Deal with India: Another example of weakness on security?

The godly US flag

I cried. These are the people who make it worth while.

Salon >> The I-word goes public

Bleak deficit picture in Treasury report concerns lawmakers (HolyShit!)

I saw something on TV last night that kicked my @$$, DAMN!

"The War on Women: A Modest Proposal"

Please don't criticize your fellow DUer

Where Are the Good Americans?

Did Bush Blink?

16 days until we all MUST take to the streets/ It's YOUR responsibility

DIEBOLD - 2008 "The fix is in" - Moscow Times

Col. Teacher Jay Bennish: Sheesh.

DEBATE: I argue for blanket legalization of all drugs for adults.

Now here is a comprehensive list of Bush's failures.

Another outragious example of Christian Dominance...

Centcom creates "blog team" to scan blogs

How many Freepers wanted mid90s anti-terror legislation passed then?

On racist and sexist content and being "politically correct"

Wow, here's a Freeper if I've ever seen one. (VIDEO)

Missoula AAR Station Off-Air - Great Ratings, Worried Advertisers

VIDEO- Leftist Talks about Pakistan Protest of Bush

Dean: Republicans Weak on Security


Christian School Disowns Brokeback Mountain Actress...

Bill O'Reilly's head of security called me 'cause I mentioned Olberman

Is Dick Cheney a Grateful Deadhead? (please interpret this lyric)

Raw Story threatened after Abramoff-nonprofit article

The problem with the Abortion debate

Someone got a new Thesarus!(LTE Huntsville Times (al)) You gotta see this!

Please post links to Bush lies & proof of lies here:

DU computer geeks...DIEBOLD

USA Today: GOP rift on ports, poll dip hit Bush

Republicans support corrupt politicians

Another RW columnist jumps ship on Iraq

Dubai: Deal in the form of a mushroom cloud (UAE helped move WMD mat'ls)

LTTE: Criticism of Cheney hard to understand

Do we just accept the deception?

Hey Ros-Lehtinen & Rohrabacher, hadn’t you heard?

Trading "nucular" technology for mangos.

Why is Tom Monaghan's Ave Maria new town in the news now?

An onion article about democrats

"Shays supports Lieberman bid"

So how many people have died due to bush's trip?

Did anyone in Congress followup on Katrina bus contracting ?

Viewer comments on Lou Dobbs....sign of a sea change, or just transitory?

Gallup Poll: 59% say Bush can no longer effectively manage the gov't

Glen Greenwald shows that Senator Byrd is really fighting for us....

Leno just said that Clinton has been advising the Dubai company on

Daschle aiming for GOP senators -- Democrats' goal: Regain majority

Lawyers for bribed ex-lawmaker plead for leniency (for Cunningham)

Does anybody know if India has a lobby group in the U.S. equivalent

Photo: Junior "helping worker plough".."Ich bin ein New Delhi-er, Stretch"

Free Website for DUers running for Congress

Republican Candidates Red State Platform

"Catalyst George"... he finally accomplished something....

Senate votes on USA Patriot Act legislation - Feb 2 thru March 2, 2006

The Republicans are going to lose.

Government Religons

bush and situational awareness (Katrina)

Duncan Hunter....Expect A BitchSlap.....

The Rude Pundit chats about bush and katrina

U.S. invasion responsible 4 deaths of over 250,000 civilians in Iraq

HOW will Zombie Chertoff respond to Brownie's call for his resignation?

Subject: UAE Port Deal: Is It About Heroin Smuggling?

A "stop the UAE Ports Deal" ad

You Sirius people listen to Alex Bennett?

To All Religious Nuts - Get A Hold Of Yourselves - Literally!

"Lieberwomen" fundraising for Joe

Californians - how are Der Gropenfuhrer's prospects for November?

The I-word goes public (calls for the impeachment of George W. Bush)

Harris says she sought jobs, not political cash

The Bush Concept of the Middle Classes' Future

John Edwards on MTP Sunday - YES

Freeper Friday - Caller gives Lamb a good one

"A voting machine mess" NY Times. Danger of rushing to buy voting machines

15 Arrested At White House Protesting U.S. Torture Practices

George W. Bush, a true LIB

"Strict-Obstructionism", The President, and His Party

The US's nuclear cave-in (to India)

Ed Rollins just called Rumfeld "State of the Art 1976" on Lou Dobbs

The following districts need Dems to run for Congress. Here's your chance

Kevin Drum on Jon Stewart

Bush* was forced to speak in a ZOO!

"Rubber stamp Republicans" Sam Seder just said that on Frankin's show.

Chicago Tribune endorses Tammy Duckworth

Not authorized.

DU this poll!

FIGHTIN DEMS: Duckworth snags Obama for TV ad

Missouri Lege wants to make "Christianity" the majority religion

Bush, Osama, and the U.A.E. Royal family - Friday cartoon

Please DU this CNN Poll regarding outsourcing.

Katherine Harris to 'Reclaim America for Christ' - really

Howard Dean: Republicans Weak on Security

"God does not make mistakes"

Another Rethug bites the dust: Cunningham cries over bribe taking

Katherine Harris Caught Up in Bribery Scandal...the Duke-Stir Connection

Paying for $500 appetizers and just smiling....

Photos of a nice, warm Pakistani welcome: "GO BUSH GO! GO KILLER GO!"

ALERT: Olbermann to respond, 8:30 PM EST (O'Reilly "Security" Threats)

NeoCon Francis Fukuyama Live on In Depth, Sunday at Noon ET

Top Five Contenders for 2008 ... Repub and Democrats

Moran named Herman Cain filled in for Neil Boortz today - a real jerk

NOLA-700,000 displaced Louisiana voters will soon get information packets

"Here, Bullet" by an Embedded Poet

The next time my RW brother decides to send RW propoganda

Should the 06 Message be for Balance or for Impeachment?

Cunningham has been sentenced to eight years and four months

Lawyers - Cunningham is “Penniless”: Kerry on Cunningham’s $40,000 Pension

The Swift boating of Bernie Sanders

Media Action Alert! Ensure Balance on this Sunday's Political Shows

Wonder no more about McCain.

Is There a Case for Impeachment? -- Yep, say Conyers, Dean, Holtzman, etc.

Channeling TruthIsAll -- One of the Best Ever -- TruthIsAll