So to Speak by William Safire (Cheney and deferentialism)
Gays in Iraq fear for their lives
How Long Will Fail to Oppose Bombing Iran?
I don't want to be cruel but I am tired of the Natalie Holloway case
People, I give you the vision the national Dems have been lacking.
Senate Hearings on Bush, Now (By CARL BERNSTEIN)
Monaco's ruler reaches North Pole {global warming trek}
UK scientists attack oil firms' role in huge Arctic project
The DC Petrocollapse Conference - May 6th
Syrian official: Syria will regain every inch of the Golan Heights
UN chief calls on Palestinian authority to act against terrorism
Israel Warns of New 'Axis of Terror'
Government backs S Arabia on ruling - - 4/17/2006
Did anyone watch the show on the National Geogrpahic channel last night
Question re: allocation of CA voting machines
CA: Rethug SoS Passes the Buck to Legislature over Voter Reg. Problems.
OK. Who was supposed to be watching McPherson's web-site?
Will the rolling blackouts affect Texas the way they affected California?
Petition drives for independents have tough time
Rumsfeld says of latest flap: 'This too will pass'
Syrian official: Syria will regain every inch of the Golan Heights
Senate Hearings on Bush, Now (By CARL BERNSTEIN)
Gays in Iraq fear for their lives
Nun Missing; Foul Play Suspected
New Bush aide tells staff to expect more changes
Suspected killer got lowdown on men using online sex offender registry
Delays in Renovation Costly to U.N.
US to urge other world powers to act against Iran
Crude Oil Trades Near Record on Concern About Iran's Shipments
AP: States Omit Minorities' School Scores
China Rushes Toward Oil Pact With Iran
Court Declines to Take Kissinger Lawsuit
China, Russia welcome Iran into the fold
Wal-Mart plans to help rival small businesses
Zimbabwe's Mugabe backs Iran over nuclear issue
Storm Evacuees Found to Suffer Health Setbacks
WP: Mississippi Senators' Rail Plan Challenged
Cheney Stumps for GOP Candidates in Wash.
China, Russia welcome Iran into the fold
US Planned to Attack Iran Before Iraq War
U.S. ignored Shiite militias, focused on Sunni insurgency
Chile to tighten ties with Bolivia and Peru
US refuses to discuss Iran's nuclear plans in face-to-face talks on Iraq
Georgia governor signs sweeping immigration law
Suspected killer got lowdown on men using online sex offender registry
Sen. Lieberman: US could attack some of Iran's nukes
(Conrad) Burns raises almost $6M for campaign
Death squad allegations threaten to derail Bush's last Latin ally
TRUTHOUT: Jason Leopold - State Dept Memo: '16 Words' Were False
Can anyone name one hooker that WON'T fuck me over?
Who's Counting the Votes in New Orleans?
PHOTO: Paragon of class Paris Hilton sucks boyfriend's face at Lakers game
I'm hung like a clothesline - ask me anything
What denomination of currency would you put Reagan on?
April 16. 9:30 pm Temperature: 88 degrees.
my flat iron just shorted out and burned a hole in my shirt!
Here's to copulation! The cause of, and solution to, all life's problems!
I'm going to take you away>>>>
My dear DUers... have I lost my mind?
24! (West costers: Possible Spoilers within about tonight's episode.)
I'm so thrilled with GD let me buy you all a pizza!
Bwahahahahahahahaha! Oh my Gawd!
Any k.d. lang fans here? I mean REAL k.d. lang fans? REINTARNATION!
So, who here flys radio controlled planes?
PBS: The American Experience is on the 1906 Quake
I just invented (another) language.
LOL, did anyone see Mind of Mencia, the interepretation of...
Again, what do freepers have for lunch?(pic)
If you're going to plagiarize....
My Refrigerator Went Up. Ask me anything.
i just got a nickel with the louisiana purchase on the back
So tell us about YOUR town's Easter egg hunt...
a B.O.L.O alert has been issued...
If I moved one floor down and 800 ft to the SE how would my life change?
My take/prediction on the latest Sopranos episode.
New pics from Tennessee. (dial-up warning)
Self delete due to user fuck up
Forest Gump plays with his *new* iPOD
I see sugar Smack...Goodnight children....
Here's to Alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all life's problems!
War on Easter - Colbert Report - this is hugh!1!1!
I had my gums probed, today. I had one seven mm pocket...
How I pirated a Bugs Bunny DVD and wound up doing Hard Time.
I know it's early in the season
I just hung my clothesline...ask me anything!
"The Last of the Mohicans" ...the greatest movie ever
If you're going to plagiarize....
George Bush invades the Napa Valley
If I moved from L.A. to Greensboro, NC how would my life change?
Johnny Cash fans, Americn Routes is airing a two hr. radio show this wk on
DUers! I summon your opinionated selves...
Say something nice about the opposite sex
We're planning a trip to Washington D.C....anyone got any cool ideas?
Your vote for the lamest automobile accessory or trick-out?
Spiritual Activism Conference - May 17-20
I feel like I've had something going on around me lately that is messy.
Vote for Kerry .This is a site for early 2008 support. Yep, another poll..
Interesting endorsement of Kerry's Iraq plan.
That 10 point plan of Sen. Kerry's and pending legislation
OT but Calling Blue, Homer and the
On the hunt for signs of spring
Have some new pics of Sheridan
KOEB Meeting -- 4/17/06: Anyone Bolten? Edition
EEEeeeewww MM didn't like being WPITW
Looks like we might have the world to fight over
Cheney Uses Katrina Tax Break To Minimize His Tax Liability
Bush's Tax Cuts: Who the WH says benefits
Places to satisfy your protest jones:
OMG! Crawford just said IMPEACHMENT Should Be Dem Issue in '06
Gore & Edwards......don't know...
GAS WAR - an idea that WILL work!
"Democrats need to put bush on the ballot"..."nationalize the election"
NEW Dobbs poll - changed the poll, didn't reset the votes:
Easter at Camp Casey - pictures, round 1
What? No "Worst Person in the World" thread?? FYI: Michelle Malkin
Why does every single time someone brings up the Exxon Gas Boycott
Feeling down? A little bored? Here's some H. L. Mencken:
Staunch US ally Qatar to give $50 mln funding to Hamas govt
The Mad Hare(s) Are On The March...
Shouldn't Fred Phelps be celebrating instead of protesting at funerals?
Recipe for Holy War: Add two nut jobs and stir
Would the USA be better off with coalition-style governance ?
Olbermann report on Abramoff scandal: David Schuster thinks Delay, Burns &
Oh, the HUMANITY..! Wheezy's signature story, trumped by a debate
Rummy's remarks: "This too shall pass." Rummy's final throes?
Enron backed firm run by boss's former girlfriend
AOL Top 10 and Worst 5 Sentaors poll being freeped.
Terrorists recruiting 'white Muslims'
Alternative power source creeping up on us and no one is
"Let their families take care of them" + bootstraps = uncaring
Memo to those Leaving US: Don't ask for validation
TOMORROW: Cindy Sheehan to Speak at Tent State University at UMass
UK scientists attack oil firms' role in huge Arctic project
Anyone watching the story about the FEMA trailers on AC360?
New Podcast by Wes Clark: Defends Generals Speaking Up!
Deja vu: McDonald's to Tout Healthier Menu Choices
U.S. knew Shiite militias were a threat but took no action because...
China, Russia welcome Iran into the fold
Illegal immigrants and former Gov Ryan's conviction...oh, irony!
Here is what my rabid right wing friend just emailed me:
Comparing somebody with Hilter is not unfair.
Mandatory Malloy Monday Truthseekers check in
A PEOPLE PLANK for the Democratic Party. Good read!
New Daily Show Tonight! On Now!
An up date on my personal goings
now on ThinkProgress: The Smithsonian Sells Out to Showtime
"sowing the seeds for the first world war in the 21st century"
Luke Ryland's interview with Raw Story's Larisa Alexandrovna
Carlos Mencia on Bush bumper stickers:
Please DU this soon- to -close poll on wolf slaughter
My strong belief in karma is pulling me through this.
Something I've noticed about "Hannity & Colmes".
48 hours after son dies in Iraq,parents face cameras and praise army's role
Just logged on and noticed that some DUers are threatening to leave the US
My lttes got under someone's skin
Are you honest with your family about all the badness that is coming down?
Death penalty paradox: If you support the death penalty and an innocent
DU this poll please; "Should Congress consider impeaching President Bush?"
Do liberals enable terrorists and make them respectable?
I'm scared and very very very angry.
PHOTO: Laura Bush spreads joy and laughter at Easter egg roll
Six Fire Trucks Called To Save Dog (dogs don't pay taxes though...)
Oil closed at $70.40 per barrel today.
College Loan Debt Collection Question
Unbelievable from the NYTimes. Bush has ceded authority to Bolten.
BREAKING: State Department Memo: '16 Words' Were False (Jason Leopold)
How low can Michelle Malkin get?
This Time Mag "Cartoon of the week" is excellent.
(Somewhat) Breaking: Two Duke Players Indicted
How Long Until Iran Has a Nookular Weapon?
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
"Vice Squad" - Cheney's secretive freak show staff terrify other officials
Did anybody else have a "we deserve whatever we get" attitude after 2004?
Ladies: New FITZ PICS! >>>>>>>>>>
No child left behind, Bush? Come to my school.
Two Duke Lacrosse Players Indicted - alternate version
HOLY *&^%! Delay appointee linked to Huffman>Atta>Jeb Bush>drug running!!
Should Israel disarm herself of nuclear weapons...?
The Lincoln Club of Newport Beach, CA
I looked up "feckless" in the dictionary last night. W's picture
Anyone Have Full Transcript of Oil Executives Before Senate Last November?
School Makes Kids Use Buckets for Toilets
Rumsfeld was on Limbaugh today - A two person love-in. Ugh.
bwahaha freerepublic says Tom Delay for Sec.of Defense...
NO mayoral debate live on MSNBC right now
Watch Norman Robinson during the debate tonight: REAL DEAL
AP: Cheney Stumps for GOP Candidates in Wash. (same old BS)
Engagement is the cure for Democratic Disillusionment
Kucinich, DeFazio want answers from Bush on Iran
GE, Bechtel, Enron, Energy, and India....Yes they connect!
George Bush invades the Napa Valley
Carl Bernstein: Senate Hearings on Bush, Now
Plame Wasn't Covert? (How many times has Bush's story changed?)
Chairman Dean on Majority Report
Neil Cavuto Launches a Class War - The Rich v. Everyone Else
What would a GORE-CLARK ticket do?
Please DU these polls. They've beenFREEPED so bad!! Help!
"Katrina Kids" and a bizarre serenade to Laura Bush (unbelievable)
Vanity Fair exclusive: Senate Hearings on Bush, Now (by Carl Bernstein)
Latest ClarkCast - Integrity and Dissent - The Generals vs. Rummy
Mike Gravel (Alaska Democrat) just said he is for the FAIR TAX.
NYT: Ruined Treasures in Babylon Await an Iraq Without Fighting
Strange bedfellows: Broder & Dionne quote Lt. Gen. Newbold
Ron Paul:Sanctions against Iran
Carl Bernstein calls for probe of Bush
How U.S. inaction led to rise of militias
FBI wants dead beltway journalist's papers before anyone else sees them
Roots of the Uprising--By E. J. Dionne Jr.
Allard's record speaks for itself
Molly Ivins (TruthDig): Karl Rove's Early Machinations
Would Someone Explain to Rumsfeld the Difference Between a Bowel Movement
Darrick Jackson (Boston Globe): Robbery, not reconstruction, in Iraq
The Generals' Revolt op ed wash post
Scottie could be replaced by Dan Senor
UK scientists attack oil firms' role in huge Arctic project (The Guardian)
Playacting Diplomacy Again on Road to War
Gore Revs Up Campaign - on Global Warming
Conscientious Consuming: Keys to a Successful Organized Boycott
Joan Chittister-Is this what they told us we were going there to do?
Lock Him Away to Stop the Next War
For once, Cohen gets it right (re: Gore)!
Halliburton's Immigrant Detention Centers
Rice Calls Brutal Oil-Rich Dictator a ‘Good Friend’
Gold at $610, Oil at $71, and interest rates are rising FAST
Lake Victoria Fisheries Collapsing Under Weight Of Diversions, Drought
Sand And Smog Hit Beijing With Worst Air Pollution In Years - Reuters
Oops #2 - Mine Wastes, Acids, Rainwater Rumble Into Nevada Creek
Key Marine Bacteria For Climate Regulation Hurt By Rising Water Temps
Danube Busts Barriers In Romania, Serbiam Bulgaria - Highest In 111 Years
BC Mine Killed 2 Million Salmon, Had Full Federal Support - Vancouver Sun
Oops #1 - Huge Mine Addit Spill Turns Colorado River Bright Orange
Hull Wind II is up (big img file)
Jeff Masters reviews "Climate of Fear" essay
Oops #3 - Another Pipeline Break At Prudhoe - BP Reports Natural Gas Leak
"The Calves Were Swimming Around Us, Crying. We Couldn't Rescue Them."
Film: Who Killed the Electric Car
Anybody know the scoop on NEVs? I have a Toyota Corolla that gets...
Chernobyl Toll May One Day Surpass 90K
Toyota Prius, Kia Sedona and Honda Civic emerge on top in crash tests
'Collect ID cards from all of them - the Jews, too'
Israel bars Hamas legislators from Jerusalem
Israel Considers Options After Bombing
News and updates regarding Loose Change 9/11
How could UA175 take two totally different approach paths to the WTC?
This Will Curl Your Hair (if your hair is curly - this will straighten it)
At what point was it announced that Flight 93 was heading for the Capitol?
Bush Defector To Demolish 911 Lies On May 6
FL Opinion: Sort of fixed - Broader election flaws persist
Warren Stewart: Paying Attention: Audits, Recounts, Verification Protocols
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News 04.18.06--Amusing Commentary Day
New voting machine$ cramp $ome countie$
Gideon: The Approaching 2006 E-Voting 'Train Wreck' Continues On Course
Recipe for a Bush dictatorship?
Great video clip on the MANY advantages of opscans over DRE's
E-mail from Alaska Democratic Party - suit filed
How difficult is it to build green in Iowa?
Vilsack adds to Personal Seriousness Factor
File conversion from .jsd (jet suite document, HP). Anyone done this?
So, who will be Tom DeLay's hand chosen by-atch?
I need your opinion on this. Bus trip to convention.
Ideas for leftover beef pot roast?
Nuclear-test cap: India rejects US rider for deal
Two Republican incumbents in key races out-raised by Democrats
Oil hits record $72 on Iran fears
US refuses to discuss Iran's nuclear plans in face-to-face talks on Iraq
Rape charges against three US Marines in Philippines to be downgraded
Baghdad street battle smacks of open civil war
Carl Bernstein calls for probe of Bush
How U.S. inaction led to rise of militias
In Revote, GOP Backs O.C. (scandal tainted) Sheriff
WP: National Archives Pledges to End Secret Agreements
Protesters may get charged for free speech
Greenpeace: Chernobyl Toll May Top 90,000
National Archives Vowed Silence on CIA Papers (second secret agreement)
Ignore bloggers at your peril, say researchers
Ariz. Gov. Vetoes Criminal Immigrant Bill
Head of White House religious charity efforts to lead Pa. college
EU commission 'admitted GM food uncertainty'
Army Told Not to Use Israeli Bullets in Iraq
US marines battle insurgents in western Iraq
Russia Still Opposed to Sanctions on Iran
BREAKING : suicide bombing in Israel
IRAQ: Ministry copes with rising numbers of orphaned children
Civilians injured 'by US forces'
DeLay's war chest grows to $1.4 million
Durbin: Rumsfeld should go as Iraq goes 'from bad to terrible'
Rice Calls Brutal Oil-Rich Dictator a ‘Good Friend’
UN torture panel presses U.S. on detainees
U.S. Contractor Bloom Pleads Guilty in Iraq Bribery, Fraud Case
Ex-Gitmo Commander Ordered to Testify (Miller)
WRAL: Two Lacrosse Players Surrender To Durham Authorities
(Congressman John) Doolittle Taps Ken Starr To Fight Abramoff Fallout
Bush nominates trade chief as new budget director (AFP)
US to watch for gas price-gouging: Bush
UT, Copley News with Pulitzer (Cunningham stories!)
Confidence Vote on Child Care: PM (Canada--breaking)
Fears grow over Sunni backing for Iraq insurgency
Bin Laden's Capture Should Be U.S. Priority, Saudi Envoy Says
Senator (Schumer) calls for gasoline price-fix probe (Dorgan on Exxon CEO)
Iranian official in Washington for ... who knows?
Vilsack takes aim at funeral protests
Signs of Panic in Mixed Iraq Neighborhood
Ethanol Switchover Could Stoke Summer Gasoline Prices
Crews clearing hurricane debris in Louisiana find human remains (NOLA)
Bush calls for justice over Hariri assassination (Reuters)
Star Trek's Mr. Sulu backs gay activists
Cisco plans $265M Saudi Arabian investment
Carlyle Group to be biggest-ever foreign investor in China SOE
Study: Health Insurers Are Near-Monopolies
Bush Says Winds Of Change Still Blowing
Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, Outspoken Scholar & Civil Rights Advocate, Is Dead
Former Federal Prosecutor Indicted In Tax Avoidance
Gallup: Bush Reaches New Lows on Ratings of Terrorism, Energy
(CA-) 50th: Kaloogian out, Roach decision unknown
Bush won't rule out nuclear strike on Iran
Army probes marijuana smuggling into Kuwait (Reuters)
Bush: 'I'm the decider' on Rumsfeld
(Bill) Bennett: Pulitzer Winners Risen, Lichtblau, Priest 'Worthy of Jail'
Gallup: Democrats Strengthen Position as Favorites in November Elections
Finnerty (charged lacrosse player) charged with assault in D.C.
Jack Anderson's Files to Go Public; FBI Wants to Remove Info
Wolfowitz: Bird flu will hurt economy
WP: Senator Clinton Sets Bar for '08 Funds
Author [Malachy] McCourt to Run for N.Y. Governor
Reopen probe of Flight 587 (AA Jet Lost Tail NYC Nov 2001)
Black-Owned Firms Grow at Four Times National Rate
Congress Moves To Except Religious Schools From Gay Rights Laws
Rob Portman named OMB Director
After 50 years, Alabama pardons Rosa Parks (Reuters)
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 18 April
Hil's piddling foes (new NY Senate poll)
Karen Hughes seeks better U.S. image in Latin America
(Katherine) Harris injects $3 million into Senate campaign
Judge overturns West Palm's clinic buffer law (abortion protestors)
Duke Rape Suspect May Have Alibi
Chavez Begins Training Civilian Militia
OMG!! Guess what happened last night!
I always seem to say things...
Who else just now finished doing their taxes? Hands up.
Any Kasey Chambers Fans Around?
How can I apologize to SeattleGirl?
Pacific cult hails second coming of its wealthy US messiah
Good Morning my sleep hours are officially fubared
Where can I find the V for Vendetta icon?
How will Jack Bauer get out of this latest scrape?
Hamlet with Sir Larry on TCM now.
I want to have intercourse with you.... relations...
How long does it take you to get to sleep after you've said
(Tom) Cruise 'will eat baby's placenta'
Barbara Bush looks just like Granny Goodness...
"USC football notes: Booty still is No. 1"
Say it ain't so - Tom Cruise to eat Katie's placenta
Please Vicodin, start working...
Ok, Cruise eating the Placenta is getting as old as the Brazillian joke
Good Morning. Long time, no see.
Happy belated birthday Random_Australian!
24 observation (spoiler re: last night's episode)
'Make Your Own' Pizza places: Do any still exist?
My tuesday morning treat for everyone, that you all will love! (56k alert)
I don't know just where I'm going
The Born-Again Baldwin is Broke!
Tom Cruise has lost his mind.....(WARNING...really gross)
Payola, good vibraphones and Chachi needed- I have another interview.
Placenta Helper - censored SNL skit
We have lots of "Pride" celebrations...what about the other deadly sins?
have you ever gotten a *dirt tan*
Obligatory "My kids are so cute" Post
What does the bunny say on Jan. 1st?
I think a skank needs to give me a beating.
Tom "Cruise will eat, really...
Deal...............or No Deal?
What's wrong with this picture?
What kind of service is this, the IRS doesn't have a help desk?
Do any women here dig bieng called 'chick' or 'babe' ? (4 situations)
Unsolved Computer Mystery. Is it a bug? Is it a security problem?
You see what the hippies have now done with this damn Placenta eating?
How much cash do you have on you right now?
white house shakeup extends to Twins...
Anybody have an evolution of man graphic?
Just spent $350 for 2 BONNAROO tickets. Seen the artist lineup?
A song for Heidi & Call Me Wesley...................
Have you ever gotten a "spray on" tan?
What part did Lewis Black play in the movie Jacob's Ladder?
Is it me or are the freeptards salivating for another SF Earthquake?
Homeless Man Returns Wallet With $900
Tom Cruise vows to eat puppies after birth
Will Tom Cruise replace Michael Jackson as the weirdest celebrity
Did Scientologists freep a Parade Poll about Tom Cruise?
'24' Fans: What President Logan Can Teach Viewers About Bush
who, besides me, that Iran should have nuke power
My military daughter just discovered what my user name is.
What is the DU record for # of posts on a single thread?
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire: April 18, 1906
The Official Bono's Music Basically Sucks Thread
FOUND: Picture of Bertha V's car.....
Wedding gift etiquette question….
It's time for a new Spring Haircut. Help me decide.
Questions about kitty litter ...
How much of this carp-registry is really necessary, baby?
I need some wisdom/advice re: a friend.
You might be getting old if you recognize any of the following:
another song for Heidi & CMW...
Is you Teddy Bear Evil, find out how.
2002 College Republican Conference with Jack and Tom
is there such a thing as work safe porn?
Three dozen hard-boiled eggs later,
KILLING JOKE is playing "The Wait" for me
Scariest drug scene in a movie.
Tom Cruise vows to eat placenta after birth
Replace the Republican's Elephant symbol
In memory of the 1906 earthquake -- book suggestions?
How much of this baby-registry crap is really necessary?
Has anyone here been inside an Automat?
Why is an article on Eva Longoria in Yahoo's Sexual Health News?
Ahhhh! A middle-of-the-day bath!
Love's Arthur Lee battling leukemia
Congratulations TahitiNut!! 35,000 posts
Congratulations Heidi!! 15,000 posts
Congratulations BOSSHOG!! 10,000 POSTS
Do we know what songs the kids on AI will sing tonight?
Do you think it is possible for me
Whats the quickest a thread of yours has been deleted or locked?
question for new york city tax filing
Ok...yet another...John Lennon vs. John Stamos
And yet another...Ansel Adams vs. Anne Geddis
$25.00 = 1/2 tank of gas (almost)
Robin Williams: "I banged a Gorilla once..."
And yet another...The Alamo vs. all of North Dakota
OK, I'm PMSing in a huge way. Anybody got any chocolate?
Not for a million dollars would I __________________________
What do you do that gets an infant smiling?
Tom Cruise: To question me, you must first have "the courage of a madman"
"Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!"
CONFESS!!!!! What was the last really dumbass thing you did?
Its now 6AM on Maui.. what the hell am I doing up so early?
Do you think of DU when you're away from your computer?
I know a lot of people hate the popcorn smiley...why?
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 4/18/06)
Is my sig line pic against the rules?
Alright...let's settle this now. Akira Kurosawa vs. Michael Bay
Poolside Merkel Photos Anger Germany*
Happy 5th Birthday LeftyKid!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oasis is being played on more radio stations than the Beatles now.
Painting flags on roofs. Patriotism? Or jingoistic BS?
Give Me a Hug; Some People Are STUPID!!!
Legally blind, but he hasn't lost artist's eye
IT support staff - don't you love end users?
I love the sound of loons. I have this sound/water fountain that my son
Boy, that Tom Cruise... He's kinda goofy, isn't he?
OK, I'm PMing in a huge way. Post here if you want one.
This is rich. That woman who heads that BBV site....
Sign in for Operation Poopypants:
My dog got to meet his litter mate this weekend!
Anyone know the name of the tune with lyrics "where'd all the good
If you click on this thread...
Bush taps Portman to head budget office
I don't know why but I feel good today.
One of my authors won a Pulitzer!
The Dixie Chicks song "Not Ready to Make Nice" is available on iTunes
If you really had to choose...
My journal has been updated - check it out, then ASK ME ANYTHING!
OK, why is it so hard for some people
if you click on this thread your chances of going to heaven will be...
Anybody Else Getting Into "Big Love" On HBO?
The CEO of Halliburton enters an important meeting:
The worst part for me about being a trucker
Time to play America's fastest growing game-WHO IS THIS?
Do you use a credit card for purchases less than FIVE dollars?
The thing about "I'm the decider, I make the decisions" that scares me
Happy Belated Birthday Random_Australian!
What are the FRENCH not telling us?
Who will rock to Rod Stewart tonight?
Please help me give some props to EstimatedProphet
Does this look familiar to anyone? (Help needed urgently! Please!)
Tom Cruise Tom Cruise Tom Cruise TomCruise tomcruisetomcruisetomcruise
Donald Rumsfeld was giving the President* his daily defense briefing...
The Tomkitten has arrived - Katie Holmes gives birth
Help me, Lounge Lizards! (computer question)
If I moved from San Diego, CA to New Mexico, how would my life change?
Are you one of those people who replies to every reply in your own thread?
You're My Hero, Mr. President - You're our Nero, Mr. President.
I'm about to meet my first DUer
You must die! I alone am best!
LOST: I forgot how Locke ended up in a wheelchair?
ok, what is the best sight in the us
Someone please slap me and tell me to forget her
currently, what is/are your greatest pleasure(s) in life?
This is why you never borrow money from a loan shark
CNN Breaking: Tom & Katie have had their baby girl
"I want a grande latte, skinny, half caf and half de-caf, with mocha
Happy Anniversary Heidi and Call Me Wesley!!
DU UPPITY Women's Club members (and Auxiliary)
I accidentally typed in ""
I'm home from hospital ...again!
Video: Pakistani Lady Trying to be Sxxxy! (OMFG, Funny!)
Forget the Tom Cruise idiot eating parts after the birth
This guy has rated EVERY album (2126) from the 60's and up
What is the REAL meaning of LIFE?
I just picked up my cap and gown!
This is the Skittles appreciation thread
I think it would be tough being a Christian with jealousy problems.
How can I keep my 2 male dogs from fighting?
If like were like WKRP, who would you be?
Well, now someone has sunk to the Top 100 Most UNsexy men list.
What's the one thing you look forward to everyday?
Post a funny name of a landmark or business near you.
I don't think Conan O'Brien is very funny anymore
Can someone tell me where to move so my life can change?
where HAVE all the cowboys gone...
How to keep my cat from tearing up the carpet?
Just got phone call. My dad is in ER. Brain scan.
I finally found it - that feeling that's been missing for 20 years
PIC POST--your favorite rock n roll images here
The Good Vibe Thread for Maddy McCall's Father!!
Has the Lounge Missed Me Yet? Or Should I Disappear for Longer?
I don't shop at fucking Walmart!!!
The post you are now reading may appear to be more entertaining
I got Naked Pictures of Famous People for my birthday!
Is the attack on Liberal thought by many Christians and most Republicans
"What's done to children, they will do to society."Orlando A. Battista
My mind is not open to experience
Why Is Scientology Viewed As Being Wackier Than Any Other Religion?
Meat-Eating Dinosaur Was Bigger Than T. Rex
Scientists unveil world's oldest ice block
A truly beautiful animation of evolution
Congress Moves To Except Religious Schools From Gay Rights Laws
Saturn & relationships -- help?
This post has to do with the belief of a church I have attended
I think Darth Cheney hates us. Beware lest he unleash the death star
We need to start a thread titled
2008 selector - with a problem
2008: The Case For John Kerry - Run John, Run!
Kennedy's first late-night TV appearance
Take the 100 post Internet challenge:
Protest in Anchorage today for transparent elections
There is a new version of my favorite photo processing software out now
Countdown Newsletter -- 04/18/06: Rumsfeld Under Fire, Fighting Back
hey, Crispy & DG. Did you guys get hit with blackouts yesterday?
Keith Olbermann will repeat in the AM now!
a B.O.L.O alert has been issued...
War Planning Part II: Iran. . . (Today's Tom Toles cartoon)
Roots of the Uprising (Washington Post) -re Generals speaking out:
Tom Cruise has lost his mind.....(WARNING...really gross)
washington journal time-US/China relations
State Department Memo: '16 Words' Were False
Senate Hearings on Bush, Now...By CARL BERNSTEIN
This Will Curl Your Hair (if your hair is curly - this will straighten it)
30,127 sq ft .... 3 story brick bldg for sale.... $100K
Jobs that won't be outsourced? Some say "services science."
Rummy to speak with Generals today..
OPEC delegate says oil price rise "not justified by market fundamentals"
DU Group Proposal: Hispanic Group.
Reid says recent calls for Rumsfeld's ouster aimed at Bush
Anyone else as worried about these generals coming out as I am?
Can Bush Extricate himself from Rumsfeld politically?
The Coming Oil Crisis: "Oil at over $100 a barrel & gas at $5 to $12/Gal"
The Nine Stranded Walrus Pups Are Presumed to Have Died...
Since the WH Press Secretary job is known as just a vehicle for lying....
Diane Benson to challenge Don Young for Ak congress seat
US plans to open three military bases in Turkey
Breaking: Harold Ford Jr. Nearly Outraises All 3 GOP Opponents Combined
Baghdad street battle smacks of open civil war
KRN: LIHOP in Iraq With Shiite Muslim Militias....
How do you feel about voter turnout this November?
Drat, a Tuesday. . . . Well, there's always a picture to CAPTION!!!!!!
Bird Flu will hit San Francisco along with an earthquake and $4 gasoline.
CIA Urged US Court To Drop Case Citing Absolute Power Of Secrecy
If Josh Bolton really want to clean house, he should start with GWB!
National Archives Pledges to END Secret Agreements
cnn doing a great story about climate change/drowning polar bears
Protestors May Get Charged For Free Speech
Tom Cruise vows to eat placenta after birth
Why can't everyone just shut up and die like they're supposed to?
Wetlands increased under bushco! But mostly golf course ponds
Rumsfeld:War Critics Manipulated By Zarqawi and Bin Laden Media Committees
Chertoff: "Federal gov't is responder of last resort"
Monica Crowly DEFENDS Rumsfeld
FBI Seeking 25 Years of Jack Anderson's Papers In AIPAC Case
Counting Noses in let me get this straight...
Congressional Democrats Confront Bush Over Iran Operations
Steph MIller: "Rumor has it Gore considering 2008 run"
MSNBC Vote:Should the Senate open a Watergate-style investigation of Bush?
News sites that ask questions in their headlines attempt to sway opinion!
Josh's First Move -Rob Portman will take over at OMB
"... throw spammers in prison..." I just heard that on Air America Radio
Iran was not ordered to Stop Enrichment
"If you're planning on leaving, leave now."--WH Chief of Staff
No wonder Chavez makes Bush uneasy
What's with Republicans leaving the GOP?
"Concerned Christians" to rally against "myth" of church/state separation
Anyone know what the heck this green thing is?
My new fave bumper sticker (spotted in Fort Worth tonight)
The consequences have been catastrophic
One set of Founders. One Constitution. Two Nations.
Australia braces for second severe tropical cyclone
Pentagon Declines Comment On Report Of Iran Strike Plans
Health Insurers Are Near-Monopolies
Fed Prosecutor took Skilling to the Woodshed today! Fitz needs to produce
Tom "Cruise will eat, really...
Rumsfeld has been meeting privately with cable news warmongers all along
Saudis consider nukes to achieve 'balance of terror' (!!!) with Iran
Easter Bunny brawls with parent in Edison Mall
Gallup: B*sh Reaches New Lows... (36% approve, down 1 point)
The PNAC is dead - long live the Henry Jackson Society?
Public criticism of Rumsfeld says it all (Boston Globe Editorial)
Uh oh. Bush must be shopping for a new war memorial
New Yorker subscribers: did you get the "Seymour Hersh" issue?
Hiatt's F'ing WaPo Editorial beats up on Generals who finally spoke out
Lou Dobbs' staff fixed the poll question from yesterday
Revealed: Iranian diplomat quietly in DC without visa....
Consider supporting Greenpeace
So Basically Bush is a Stupid Idiot and Rove is His Evil Puppeteer
Our Gas Shot Up Again Last Nite - Anyone Else?
As Bush reaches new lows in polls, a reprise: my assessment of his core.
I can't wait until the November elections are over...
Anybody know the scoop on NEVs? I have a Toyota Corolla that gets...
How Long Will Fail to Oppose Bombing Iran?
TS: Ed Rollins Delivers "Buzz Kill" On Bush's Sagging Numbers
Have you started cutting back on how much you drive?
All your anxietites are absolutely legitimate...
I called Clinton and Schumer and demanded a call back
read what a Texan said about Katrina and N.O.
Bush declines to exclude nuclear strike on Iran
McClellan could be replaced by Iraq spokesman - Dan Senor
AN INSIDE LOOK: Democrats Uncertain On Iran (Raw Story)
7/16/03 Spc. Clinton Dietz said......
I am sick and tired of hearing the same excuses from freepers
More Remains Found at World Trade Center
States Omit Minorities' School Scores
We must go on the attack constantly.... leave no room for the Rethugs
How many generals are in the US army?
cnn is having report on dying polar bears--climate change. Its good.
Reid: "When you throw a punch at me, you end up on the mat."
Heads up:Scotty WH Daily Briefing scheduled for 12:45 pm EDT
Terrific Anti-war Song by Pink
Rummy coming up. Fox (prob. others we can switch to but they are
Rummy on C-SPAN 1 now. Snotty to follow.
Duke student arrested for rape also faces charge for gay assault!
How serious are we about conserving gas? Enhance some speeding fines
Hu to meet with Frist. And by the way Hu is on Frist?
Harlem grandmas hit the warpath over Iraq
All right, then - Let's Bomb Iran video
Could someone please explain to me why Leiberman is felt to be a Democrat?
Carl Bernstein calls for an investigation into the administration!!
Surprise!!! Freakers Idea for GPO win in 06...Demonize Democrats
Hey Rummy! We hate you because of your War, not your management style
At what point was it announced that Flight 93 was heading for the Capitol?
Professor Put On Leave In Wake Of Anti-Abortion Display's Dismantling
Haunted by Abu Ghraib- Anti-torture whistleblower blacklisted
There isn't any action in the tropics, but look at the temps
Rummy's trying to run out the clock
Mex. poor are poorer then Cuban poor. are N.O. poor poorer then
US will keep close eye on gasoline prices: Bush
U.N. torture panel presses U.S. on detainees
Why all the angst in the media about Barry Bonds?
Yuba County Woman Disappears After Losing $500,000 in Contest Scams
Crawford's "Lone Star Iconoclast" newspaper a valentine to Cindy
What has happened to our country?
They don't care what we think of Rumsfeld. They're just biding time.
owner of Wash. Times said: "After the act of love,"
*: "I say, I listen to all voices"
Bush taps Portman as new Budget Director...
What if next terrorist attack is domestic? Warrantless spying?
Response to a 36 percenter . . .
Lunatic Bush declines to exclude nuclear strike on Iran
Looking for a GREAT Mother's Day Present for your Dem Mother??
whoooo, they gonna get us electricity!
General Zinni on Al Franken now
Bush on CNN: "I am the decider"
MSNBC is STILL wasting air time on the Natalee Holloway case! PLUS!
So, has Bush-Ass-Kisser Dennis Miller been heard from recently?
You have to see this to believe this; now I have heard it all
Congress gets ready again to discuss the " NO ALIEN LEFT BEHIND BILL."
BFEE wants you to be afraid... Check this out re Bird Flu and CDC Chief!!!
Ex-Gitmo Commander(Miller) Ordered to Testify In Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal
VIDEO - The Daily Show: Rumsfeld Faces Insurgency of Generals
Student Arrested In Duke Rape Faces DC Gay Bashing Charge
Purdue student charged with threatening Bush (on Yahoo forum)
I don't care if Rumsfeld resigns
US Rep. Ron Paul: Iran is the next Neocon Target
Iranian diplomat in the US WITHOUT Visa (but it's legal??)
Cheney's shady charitable contributions net $2 million refund
OK, tell the truth - did Bush say "I'm the decider" or "I'm the dictator?"
MSN Headline: "Halloway Case Continues to Intrigue Nation"
To commemorate April 15, I donated to DU! Who'll join me?!?!
Signs of Panic in Mixed Iraq Neighborhood
Well, it was all my fault anyway
I'm going to be a decider, too. Deciding isn't hard work for me.
Why I want Rumsfeld to "resign".
I feel like I am watching a sitcom with canned laughter when Rumsfeld is on
Why Is Scientology Viewed As Being Wackier Than Any Other Religion?
ABC presents "Decision 2008: Who Should be The Decider?"
MSNBC Switching Joe and Rita (Now when will they cancel Bowtie?)
18 PAGE AMENDED FIBBY FILING of 04/05/06 Ex-Parte/ CIPA mentioned
New Bush Comic: What Budget? Why He Hired Portman
moveon subscribers: help me confirm AOL censoring all my moveon mail?
Cause of current Bush unpopularity?
Army Turns Its Back on Torture Whistleblower
White House press slams McClellan on Rumsfeld...(Transcript)
Will Bush announce that he's ordered "Nuklar" strikes against Iran
NO Guy James Show today---Please keep kicked till 4pm
I received a reply from Cathy Cox (Dem candidate Ga. Gov.)
Ex-Gitmo Commandant General Miller Ordered to Testify - Rumsfeld skates
Randi to be on Lou Dobbs again today
Pelosi: 'Record Gas Prices, Record Retirement Packages, and Reco
Are Jenna and Barbara (* twins) on their way out?
He's a uniter, not a divider, he's a decider!...Set it to music...please!
Remember the story of Bush getting mad at Barbara and riding bike..?
Hey, America---Be "Competitive" with your CAPTIONS...
'Iraqi women worse off after American 'liberation'
Do people really think the price of gas is the biggest issue right now?
What I Hope RE bush And Bombing Iran
Have you ever threatened someone you disagree with with death?
Do you know about this website to find best gas price ?
SILLY RABBIT - eggs are for straights (4/18 toon)
The Only Voices Bush Should Be Hearing Is Our Voice
Al Franken's ditto head taking a beating!
WP's Pulitzer winner Robin Givhan took flak for Katherine Harris appraisal
How long before they restart the whole anti-war/Bush = anti-America thing?
Would you rather work for a can't miss winner campaign or a tougher one?
Harlem grandmas hit the warpath over Iraq
A president invoking national security to defend wrongdoing?
Harlem grandmas hit the warpath over Iraq !
A little reminder about gas prices in Jan. 2001
What, exactly, was a "Reagan Democrat"?
Ford To GOP Candidates: "Replace Rumsfeld With Powell. Let's Ask Bush Toge
General Sheppard (CNN) on Rummy's meeting: It was "the usual suspects"
With the infestation in the 'puke party, what are the chances Bush is a...
Recipe for Holy War: Add two nut jobs and stir
Brit Hume goes after General Zinni
You know, a year ago I wrote an LTTE suggesting Zarqawi was a phantom
DNC: Under Bush, America Not Moving Ahead of the Pack
Does anyone believe Bush will televise Iran Nuke warning?
Senator Chuck Schumer: FTC should probe Big Oil on gasoline prices
Democrats Call For Action to Prevent Gas Price Gouging
Bush saw himself as a “bold” and "decisive" leader.
"State [Alabama] Seeks to Supplant Red Cross"
I just had the BEST phone call!
Bill Bennett says 8K generals..US Census says 873
Two New Filings In the Libby Case
Does this gas prices timeline sound about right?
Regarding that ad that blames Dems for putting the felony provision in
Rumsfeld ignored militia warnings
$73.09 and climbing current price for light crude per barrel.
Tom Cruise was only kidding (about eating placenta)
Is it just me, or is Bush looking more and more like an aged, insane....
Is anyone really nervous listening to Dr. Frank on Randi?
Tampa Trib just invited me to their "Letter of the Day" Luncheon
Karl Rove on the Stand? by David Corn
Shrub is the ONLY reason oil is at $70/bbl
Dorgan:Oil Co.s Have "Hooked Their Hose Up to Pocketbooks of Americans"
Bush says he's 'concerned' about gas prices. He's going to 'investigate'
Amazing New Tool Song "Vicarious"
Rummy just had a meeting with Ret. Gens-coming up on Wolf. Sheppard
Bush was angry--I just saw the whole clip of Bus defending Rummy on
Which is the most important story: Duke, Aruba, or Uganda?
The Generals = Vote of No Confidence in Shrubco and their War.
Randi's going to have "Bush on the Couch" author Justin Frank on Today
Who do you think will win the Lieberman-Lamont primary in CT?
What else could Bush and the Repubs do to harm this nation more?
I guess Bush and his pals have instituted a new War on Women....
Did you catch our Democrats' targeted responses to Big Oil today?
So many people are so scared and bummed now I decided to
VIDEO: Tagging of AF1! Is It Real?
Protesters! We should play that 60s song "They're coming to take me...
Asked about personnel changes, Bush waxes pedantic on oil prices
Don't Worry About Gas Prices...
Suspicious phone call from the "DNC"?
if the GENERALS are revolting against RUMSFELD,
Kerry Doing Now What Would Have Given Him a Landslide
Someone TOLD him he was the decider.
Randi Rhodes on Lou Dobbs tonight!
Is it me, or is the gas price rise all staged?
I'm only surprised this wasn't made and released earlier.
Japan's Pro-Whaling lobby hijacking the International Whaling Convention!
Aide to Iran nuclear chief in US
CNN Breaking: Tom & Katie have had their baby girl
Lou Dobbs: Drowning Polar Bears and Global Warming!
Duke is an "extremely liberal" college??
Pro-Hunting Japanese Seize Control of Whaling Commission
Congratulations, Little Rhody, Now Can You Please, Please
Jack Cafferty talking about Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
Neil Young Calls for Bush's Impeachment
I'm seriously considering a motor scooter to fight back against Exxon, etc
New Zogby poll asks open-ended questions.
There's no bubble, no inflation, nothing to see here, move on...
Washington state smoking ban and its differential impact
Much talk about Al Gore perhaps running for prez again
I recommen that you read this on the fate of our oceans.
They even sold our History! Smithsonian 's secret deal with Showtime
IRAQ: Ministry copes with rising numbers of orphaned children
I met an old fellow at the store who was wearing a USS Pueblo cap.
IRAQ: Aid agencies focus on children detainees
Chavez says US warships threaten Venezuela, Cuba
A few notes from a visit to my home state of Montana
Pro-Rummy Generals are trying to reframe the issue of the dissenting
I'm the Decider! Gobble Gobble!
I'm going to do what the RW does...Two selective quotes:
kicking Dachshunds v. kicking German Shepherds-- Molly Ivins
Drastic times call for drastic measures. Close down all the drive
Other countries like China and Russia don't like Iran's prospects either.
American troops/taxpayers left holding the "Coalition" bag.
Judge rules for abortion protesters
Falwell: no Dem can attract conservative Christian vote, shuns Giuliani
Senator rips ex Exxon CEO ( Dorgan"shameful display of greed")
I found this post by a conservative Christian. I think it's excellent
Video >> Bush: "I'm The Decider and I Decide What Is Best"
Graffiti artist tags Air Force 1
strong link between excessive drinking and mental illness
Would it be possible to be secretly bombing Iran....
Freddie Mac pays record $3.8 million fine: Made ILLEGAL Contrib's to Reeps
Why is this not being covered by the MSM? Dafur.
If you have oil or gas on your land watch out for directional drillers
"I pledge allegiance .. to the ELEPHANT"???
Military Mom on Hardball is READING HER PRAISE FOR RUMMY
A question about the Armed Forces Radio in Iraq & Afghanistan
13 U.S. Physicists-Letter to Bush-Take Nuclear Option Off The Table!
Tweety Watch: Two Mothers who lost Sons in Iraq....Don't miss it !
Canucks, Yanks losing interest in electing evangelicals, says poll
take the george w bush loyalty quiz 10 questions..
Anyone notice the name of one of Iran's nuclear plants?
Why do we have to wait until 2008 to get rid of Bush?
DU dissent has made Craig's List
First Mothers' Day 1870 was antiwar protest according to Pinkers
So is "Operation Endgame" still on the agenda?
Bush vows to bring Hariri assassin to justice.
I sense a disturbance in the force.
economy is great my ass Boeing Wichita laying off 900
10,000 mosquito eating fish imported to New Orleans
My trip to the grocery store yesterday-higher gas prices impacting food
Dixie Chicks on CNN - I think this proves CNN has gone freeper
DUers living in Nevada, are you freaked out by the detonation
Tired of typing "[div class="excerpt"]" ?
Sacramento: the next New Orleans?
Do you think that Iran would nuke Israel?
WP: First Family Shakeup: First Daughters to be replaced
Boston Legal on tonight!!! NEW>>>
Piss Me OFF!! Illegal Aliens Recruit Workers: Companies Behind Push! -->
New Bush Pardons: Tax Cheats , Drug Pushers, and Thieves
Tell me Susan Schmidt didn't win a Pulitzer!?!
Brent Scowcroft travels to Seattle to meet Hu. Wonder how Georgie boy ....
Am I living in some freaking bizzaro world or something?
Has he thought about the aftermath of the explosion at ALL?
The Biggest Loser ---pix--->>>
Lieberman ... Who he is really aligned with.
"I'm the dictator and I dictate what's best"
Group Files FOIA For Findings On WH Involvement In Phone-Jamming Scandal
Spread this around...Let's use their "mushroom cloud" imagery against them
Speaking of the death penalty...
Is there a point where fuel expense stops farmers from farming?
Racist Neocons Can't Admit They Are Racist
Tweety does Pulitzers: Risen and Steno Sue!
Chinese President to attend a $20,000 dinner at Bill Gates' house.
BUSH: "I'M THE DECIDER" - I Decide What's Best!
Keith Olbermann will repeat in the AM now!
"Bush's...sway over much of the WH press corps seems to be fraying."
Ladies, You Should Know Better (WSJ/Duke)
If Dems win only the House or the Senate, which one would you choose?
Freeps Mount War on CInco de
NOLA: How the free market works
$8 trillion dollars in debt--a trillion's meaning in a time perspective.
Up to 7 Generals calling for Red Rummy ouster
Campus Debate questions that need answering. Help please
Organic Consumers Association Calling for Boycott of "Organic" Milk
Yup. Today is one fucked up three-year anniversary...
FLIP-FLOP! "We don't believe in deciders making decisions!"
After all we've seen, some people still don't get it
Sick DUer alarcojon gets good news
Why don't credit cards require PIN's?
When will the 55-mph national speed limit be reinstated?
Cheney Receiving Katrina Tax Benefits For Non-Katrina Donations...
The frightening truth of why Iran wants a bomb
2 Duke Lacrosse Players Arrested for Rape
Must See Film: Sir! No Sir! --->>>
Alternative energy not a fantasy
Robbery, not reconstruction, in Iraq
The propaganda war against the U.S. people has begun in earnest
"I'm the decider and I decide what is best."
Melancholy warning.. I'm an old hippie
According to Iraqis... This Sunni vs. Shiite thing is US. BS.
Robbery, not reconstruction, in Iraq - By Derrick Z. Jackson
I'm the Decider - CLEARLY the work of Speechalist Harlan McCraney VIDEO>>>
It's happening, it really is...people are waking up!...
Call Hatch Mr. Moneybags - ACTION ALERT >>>> (we raised money for Helen)
Ohio Bill: FELONY For Women To Cross State Line For An Abortion
Republicans are sick freaks: Purity Ball = girl version of NAMBLA?
this is not an invitation to RAPE ME
PLEASE HELP ME OUT DU! Peace Takes Courage
Which media idiot has been most influential in screwing the USA?
Breaking: Harold Ford Jr. Nearly Outraises All 3 GOP Opponents Combined
The phrase that pays for 2006: CULTURE OF CORRUPTION
Shorter Rumsfeld: It's hard out here for a Pimp.
The Iranian Oil Exchange Proposal and the Demise of the Dollar
Sen. Lugar bucks Bush. Talking to Iran is essential
WOW! Rob Portman plans to cut the "groaning US budget deficit" in HALF!
New blogger ya'll might like...
bush is gonna by god keep an eye out for price gougers
The wasting of a precious resource continues
Our new Budget Director, dictator-enabling Rob Portman
bush doesn't appreciate all this speculation about rumsfeld
Response to the "freeper" strategy of "demonizing" Democrats...
Spin Cycle Day Six: The media quotes the WH quoting media quoting WH...
It's seven minutes to midnight
Now we're at "all options on the table." What happened to "wild
CNN headline on Bush Rose Garden Ceremony: "I'm the decider."
PDA Endorses Stephanie Studebaker for Ohio's 3rd Congressional District
Anatomy of Spin Cycle: Five Days and Six Generals
Sign our------Out of Iraq in 2006 petition now.
They did hide the press conference!!!
Rummy on LIVE! Briefing about Nukes! He's just about to ask for NEW Nukes!
Tax Day is OVER for most now! Did you find any ODD new tax breaks???
Hundreds of thousands of retired Generals and Admirals support
Is Tenet going to give W a little payback in Oct?
Scotty on tape? WTF? Why ..........
Chuck Hagel: I've lost confidence in Rumsfeld
Pulitzer winners have a tendency to report what the President asked
Tom Feeney resigning from Congress?
Major Kerry speech on War and Dissent to come in 4 days
Gallup: Democrats Strengthen Position as Favorites in November Elections
bush is concerned about gas prices and says rumsfeld is doing a fine job
If Retired General's criticized Clinton's foreign policy
History now being written regarding "Iraq War"
We can reach them if we have the right issue
Justin Frank, author of Bush on the Couch, is on Randi now, 4:47 EST
Bush Comic: What Budget? Why he hired Portman
Kerry email on pushing for change in Iraq
Please DU this poll for Sen. Pat Roberts' sake!
The Note reports Russ Feingold to be in Austin, Texas, today
If we have troops in Iran at this moment, is it illegal ?
George W. Bush: The Decider, The Central Scrutinizer, or General Asshat?
Ben Cohen (as in Ben&Jerry's ice Cream) demostrates federal budget mess!
Which of these streams carries Thom Hartmann live?
What's the meeting going on right now with Rummy?
U-T, Copley News win Pulitzer Prize
Video: Nutcase Monica Crowley on "hypothetical Iran nuke ground zero"
MARY LYON FROM THE LEFT: They're Missing the Point -- AGAIN
Acquisitive NYSE pushes toward Europe: sources
The NRA is coming to New Orleans tonight
Flight Of The Investor Class Defections are endangering the GOP's hold on
GEN Zinni comparing Clinton and bush SECDEF's
Rumsfeld Won't Be Called in Prison Case
Democrats Call For Action to Prevent Gas Price Gouging
US contractor pleads guilty to corruption in Iraq reconstruction
Tom Toles really nails Bushco today!
Oil at $71 per barrel; Dow Jones up 130 points.
Ditto Head on Franken this afternoon
States Omitting Minorities' Test Scores
DeLay still soliciting contributions for a campaign he's not running
Do you think Bush is capable of dropping a nuke on the US if he
It's not the lying, it's the incompetence!
The Democrats are not looking for revenge or justice...
"I’m the decider and I decide what’s best"
Drug Firms 'Gouge' Consumers After Taking Taxpayer Handouts
The most depressing thing about the Dems regaining the Government
Fox's Tony Snow to Replace Scott McClellan?
Rumsfeld: "thousands and thousands of generals and admirals..."
Can we stop the strike on Iran?
Senior Iranian aide irks Washington with US visit
Sherrod Brown calls for extending deadline for Medicare Pt D
A huge Ohio GOP OOOPS . . . and the media buries it
George Bush interactive "Fall from Grace"
defense cuts cause Boeing in Wichita to lay off 900 what economy?
Street Battle in Baghdad Smacks of Open Civil War, Kerry Was Right
"You hate Bush, your readers hate Bush, congratufuckinglations..."
The Joys of Elderly Tourette's Syndrome: Lee Iacocca on the Bush Admin
DC Insider tells Dems to Campaign on Impeachment -- Will they GET IT ??!!
Hilarious video - Bomb, bomb Iran
WP political blog: 2008: The Case For John Kerry
"Charged With Raping A Stripper"
Do YOU have a Thinking problem?
Bush, Rummy, and the Retired Generals - new cartoon!
The Republicans need to ask themselves...