Bush’s widening credibility gap (Wichita Eagle editors blog)
If 9-11 Hadn't Happened, Where Would the World Be?
Alito describes 'out of body experience' of court appointment
European authorities scrutinize shadowy journey of American jet
Bombing Iran won't work, history's lessons tell us
With No Ideas, The GOP Seeks to Scare (Meyersoin / WP)
Bush has made the world more dangerous - bin Laden is grateful
Panda births break record in China (AP/CNN)
Documentation of signif. sea surface temperature increases
This Global Warming denialist is so dense he's funny.
Box cutters were forbidden since 1994!
Baltimore NAACP wins suit to give voters extra hour to vote
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Wed 9/13/06 Train Wreck In MD Edit
Diebold Election Train Wreck in Maryland: 646 comments on Kos
David Wagner Responds To Question From House Committees
Seaman cheats on wife. Blames it on Dick.
"Texas Politics" blog mentions DVO, Big Oil billboards
Info czar raises alarm on ad for his job
Army secretary reveals combat death plan(every death will be investigated)
NYT/AP: Gates, Rockefeller Foundations Fight Hunger in Africa
Overzealous staff fingerprinted Canadians: U.S. official
Democrats Call NSA's Input To Senate Panel Inappropriate
NYPD Built Bomb for Terror Study (Operation Kaboom)
Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs
Qaida 'leader' claims beheading of Sudan editor
Bush assassination movie gets U.S. deal (Reuters/CNN)
Lawmakers to probe housing "bubble," mortgages (DUH!)
Guarding Against Every Terror Risk Would Bankrupt U.S.,
Cheney sent to Capitol Hill to break up surveillance, tribunals deadlock
Independent: Soldiers reveal horror of Afghan campaign
With more than 375K served, Cuba expands free eye surgery to Asia, Africa
White House Pressures GOP on Detainees
Hotline: DNC Chairman Howard Dean, DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel Reach Deal
NATO steps up pressure for more troops
Federalism Plan Dead, Says Iraqi Official
Canada won't retreat, McKay tells Rice
WP: Wealthier Seniors to Pay Higher Medicare Premiums
5 (US) interagency groups hard at work preparing for Cuba after Castro
US thanks Syria over embassy raid
Moderate Republican US Sen. Chafee wins primary
Ellison Takes DFL 5th, Erlandson Concedes (be 1st Muslim in Congress)
BBC did not know of (ABC's Path to) 9/11 film's link to religious right
Bush Tells Group He Sees a 'Third Awakening'
My FIRST Knotty Girl Appreciation Thread!
Kittens love to play the piano
Remember when the worst W had done was trading Sammy Sosa...
OHMYGOD ! Did you see who was just on Larry King Live? DAVID GIANCOLA!
Anyone else with a fifth generation Ipod?
I need a hug........I am just too pissed and want to leave this country.
What The Fuck Is A "Happy Ion" Feature? Anyone Have A Clue?
I do think I'm different from other kids.
Wow. I'm getting lazy in my old age, apparently.
Are you the type of DUer that would watch "Ghoulies 4"
This really should be the official hymn of the evangelical fundies
I just skipped out of THREE programming courses!
just bought two books and a DVD - over $50 - spent less than $5 for 'em
Dirty old men: adapting to new techology
I completely cleaned and rearranged the living room today...
My dog closes his eyes before he pumps my leg.
"Too much bondage, too much bondage...
WTF?!?! Colbert promised us Bisconsin's Beventh - now he's in Jersey!
Please!!!!!! Anyone live in Central NJ who is...
(Chicago) Bears' shutout scores furniture shoppers free merchandise
BB 7 finale...what was the final vote count??? America wants to know
The part of your body that you hate the most
Ahhh...White Russians. A tasty, refreshing, light-headed treat.
Is there any place where I can get a chickenhawk costume?
Ahhh the joys of owing Citi bank my soul for student loans...
Nudie suit worn by Chriss Hillman/Flying Burritos Bros.) for sale on Ebay!
A Goofy Song of Love for Mrs. Venation
Infinity is infinite, of course.
The REAL discrimination in Presidential elections
My Second Naughty Girl Appreciation Thread!!
Prettiest (not cutest) cats on DU!
OMG! This country singer trash on Colbert is the total embodiment
Guess who's back (after some terrible browser trouble)
People disagreein' everywhere you look
Dog owners...what do you give your dogs to chew on?
I just heard a stupid argument in the hallway...
My youngest, my daughter, wants to watch A Clockwork Orange with us
Grounds for impeachment (tongue-in-cheek)
I am sick of the Rabrrrrrr Agenda being shoved down my throat!
Okay, which one of you ignorati spilled your Zima in my Appletini?
Most memorable TV commercial jingle ever (preferably good)
Was one of Muhammad's goals to ensure that people continued to
Expert Panel:FDA claim of dental amalgam safety is unreasonable
Russia-China plan for moon mission (AP/CNN)
Rick DiPietro signed to a 15 year contract with the Islanders.
Heads up Veterans a Pharmacy Scam phone calls
HuffPost: Max Blumenthal connects dots between PT9/11 & SBVT
Diary about loose nukes and favorable about JK makes Diary Rescue
The terrorism feedback: Taliban adopts Iraqi insurgency tactics
Bill O'Reilly knows more than the US Government!
If this picture doesn't say what a fuck up he is then I don't know what
OK, lets start counting some votes.
Number one hot story plus link at Netscape.net is none other
Cliff Schecter: Thank you, Mr. Olbermann
Apparently we do have electronic voting in Northern New York
American Airlines Considers Pulling Ads From ABC + Is Mulling Legal Option
Some of a few questions that bother me...
The official(?) Lieberman limerick
From Americans United IMPORTANT
The Continual WillyT, "In CaseYou Mised It!" Series...
Republican Meme. Warning: may cause severe cognitive dissonance.
NYT editorial: 9/11 Commission chair Kean's image tarnished by "9/11"
Bush's Path to 9/11: How Bush Dismantled National Anti-Terrorism...
DARK MILESTONE: More Americans Have Now Died In Iraq Than Died On 9/11
The Propaganda War: Revisiting Afghanistan on 9-11...
Plame Will Add Armitage To CIA Leak Civil Suit...
off to the Board of Elections website for a bit
VA Study is being called by us veterans a cover up
At Film Fest Sean Penn calls Bush "a Beelzebub"
Katherine Harris: The Helmet Years
CHENEY: "If On 9/11 They'd Had A Nuke Instead Of An Airplane"
FYI: Former Senator Gary Hart on TDS w/Jon Stewart tonight!
PT 9-11 Aftermath - Are We Still Mad? Are You All Doing What You Said
Bush fundraising Pioneer - Ohio Coingate Felon Sentenced...
OH GOD! Another primary funny!!!!
polls now closed in WI. Link here for those interested in results:
MTP--Cheney's mendacity on Saddam and al-Qaeda: An October04 WSJ
Whatever happened to the Conservative Movement?
If Olbermann had as many viewers as Murrow, this would all be over now.
iTunes 7 Now Has Movies: Calling Michael Moore... Hellooooooo...
Politics & Spirituality Confrence-Pasadena, CA
Scarborough...does piece on Stewart, anyone see it?
Pakistan Rape Reform Fails after Musharraf Caves in...
I know , I know ..another email from RW rabid cousin
Links galore for primary results
AAR has to pay more attention to their ads
Top Marine in Iraq says his mission is not to defeat insurgents
Anyone else had their AAR stream interrupted
I Was Wondering, Do You Think freepers Spend More Time On DU & Other
Try Doing This At McDonalds Next Time.....
"Don't let Osama Bin Laden tell you how to vote."
The man who claims to be Jesus (from FL, of course)
We used to worry about silly, hippie type things
Iraqi PM heads to Iran seeking "no interference"...
Sean Penn, our liberal, On Larry King on Thursday
Okay ABC, we'll call it even if you dump Sean Hannity of ABC Radio
Is the post 9/11 Dan Rather appearance on Letterman
It's too bad Laffey didn't win the primary
Geneva Conventions and the ICRC -- FYI
New Bush Comic: America Will Find You
Iran and Iraq kissed and made buds today, Iran to help Iraq with fighting
Have you seen the newly updated ABC logo?
The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right
Beyond fundamentalism as a problem, why does it occur?
Congressman Conyers:The Republican "Fix" for FISA
(VIDEO)Bruce Springsteen - My City In Ruins. From 9/11 tribute telethon
Has anyone started a Path to 9/11 lie list yet?
Just how threatening IS terrorism really?
bush wants to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. ALRIGHT!!!
Fallujah again in the line of US fire...
I just realized that Presidents can unilateraly end Treaties.
American Airlines letter to me "Inaccurate and irresponsible"...
Head On Mike Malloy Tuesday Best of....
bush DOUBLES Osama bin Laden's score!
These times are too important to vote for Republicans..
Who has not seen this re Innovative Emergency Mngmt Systems?
Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs
How Much Do You Love This?! Seriously!
Who is this man-babe Colbert is talking to??
Dahr Jamail on with Mike Webb NOW -- stream link
War does not end Terror, it creates it. We need to wage
Wanna know how bad it is for Repubs this year???
I have a very short but powerful message to answer Republicans on Security
Colbert was very easy on Toby Kieth tonight....
Daily Show on Bush's speech...
What The Heck Is Air America Streaming?? It's A Religious Show?
OMG! Henry Rollins love letter to Mann Coulter!!!!! You MUST watch this!!!
Chaffee vs Whitehouse in RI in November
"The object of torture is torture"...
Fuck did you see how the Colbert show started?
take the Democratic Loyalty Quiz...
Next summer, I'm taking a road trip
NYT: There's gossip about a Condi Rice romance
Bow tie boy on Dancing with the Stars...
911 VENDETTA author responds to my invitation
Rasmussen has shrub approval at 44%.
How long can a political party justify its worth on one date?
Video of manic Bush Boy button-holing Matt Lauer
Tucker comes in dead last....dancing with the stars....ha ha
Congressman addresses hate group
How long would it take Disney to call out their lawyers...
In new Doc Dixie Chick calls Bush a "Dumb Fuck"
"Flat Daddy" Life-Sized Cardboard Figures Of Soldiers Eat Dinner At Home
HEADLINE: Iraq, Iran relations "excellent", sign deal on shared oilfield
Bush sends US. troops off to war, then cuts their hazardous duty pay.
Who is this politician? Anyone know?
Keith Olbermann, thank you for teaching every democrat in congress the
The YouTube KO video keeps shutting down on me 25 seconds
AP: Washington Man won't shave until bin Laden is caught
How long was it between 1993 and 2001?
Bush In Action On 9/11 -- With His Commentary
Colbert slipped in "Internets"! I love it!
OMG look what I found while surfing for primary returns in AZ
Lol. Look for Tucker Carlson to make an early exit from Dancing.
How I truly despise these people.
Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs
Couric can't cut it on non-news fringe
Good ole boy Affirmative Defenses or, "Everything you need to know
No need for Olbermann to apologize
Contact Scholastic. Tell ‘em what you think about The Path to 9/11.
Yankee Magazine - "5 Years After 9/11"
Baltimore NAACP wins suit to give voters extra hour to vote...
Driving Across America (for Tom Yossarian Joad)
How Many Admendments Has The Bush Regime Broken?
I get four news channels and three CSpans
Daily Show tonight is a DO NOT MISS IT!!!!
Mods please indulge me. Need friends.
Who is singing "I'm Taking my coutry back"!!!
Philosoraptor!!! Jon Stewert just stole your idea!!!
So. who is the blonde sucking face with Shrub on 9/11/2006?
VICTORY STATION: A subdivision for Christians only, please.
What is the difference in your mind between genuine ADHD/ADD and just a
Military Wants to Use Microwave Weapons on American Crowds
Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs
Former space tourist takes on Microsoft (Reuters/CNN) {Ubuntu}
*** Tuesday TOONs to get you through the week ***
Help me tear apart this new Friedman column
I want to make this crystal clear, microwave weapons ARE LETHAL...
Weird Praying JesusCamp kid off DU soon?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the October Surprise.
Why we all must vote in November even if we are worried about fraud
Remember your grandpa's house?
Dixie Chick Calls BUSH A 'DUMB FUCK'
Amnesty International seeks emergency gifts...
They Eat *WHAT*? What Are They Feeding Animals on Factory Farms?
Analysis: Bush's Shameful 9/11 Address to the Nation - worth a read
Got this from PFAW...durn that pesky Rule of Law! (K&R, please!)
New York State Primary results:
Waiting On The World To Change
You can express your opinion of 'The Path to 9/11' at IMDB
Don't say "Kinky",don't say "Arnold", don't say "Condi". We're not friends
Here's a Fox News opinion poll to spin the other way!
New Bush Comic: America Will Find You
The DNC's Howard Dean and the DCCC's Rahm Emanuel strike a deal
Are there any Republican Senators or Congressman that we can flip?
Lieberman just keeps on getting more pathetic
Rhode Island election results link here
Got a recorded campaign call from a fundy asshole this evening
Discover Magazine Features Newt Gingrich
9/12 Primary Elections results thread all states - Links included.
"All of us. Not everybody, but a lot of us"
A point of view I heard recently, amazingly accurate! Devastating to *
An idea for an American Black Ops Terrorist Hit Squad
Texans, who is better? Bell or Kinky?
Lincoln Chafee fends off strong challenge by Laffey.
First Muslim in Congress may be Democrat Ellison of Minnesota.
Anyone Look At The Rhode Island Numbers? Republican Turnout Sucked.
Rhode Island - 80,00 Democratic votes, 61,00 Republican votes
Armitage to be Added to Plame Civil Suit
My letter to MSNBC about Keith Olbermann's commentary last night
MFume will be screwed by the voting irregularities in Balto. county.
WP: Rhode Island: National GOP Helps Secure Chafee Win
So what should happen the day after the election?
How about a ***THANK YOU*** Thread for Carl Sheeler
Self-inflicted wounds (We've done more damage than 9/11 hijackers)
Wives tell gangsters to lay down arms or go without sex
Is Brown & Blair in cahoots? "Britain has been left a poisonous legacy"
Former Iran president met by protesters
"Nazi Privatization in 1930s Germany," Journal of Economic Perspectives
Chavez - Castro Friendship Tricky for U.S.
You have to read Gitlin at MuckRaker...
Spiegel Interview With Zbigniew Brzezinski
"Afghan mission feels like war" (Oregonian lead article, 09/13/2006)
Guantanamo an 'affront to democracy'
Dahr Jamail: Meanwhile, In Baghdad...
This Day in Radical History- Sept.13th-WOW a great list today
Vice Must Wash Hands Before Returning to Work--Maureen Dowd
With No Ideas, The GOP Seeks to Scare (One Big Swift Boat Flotilla)
Lawmakers to probe housing "bubble," mortgages
Inhofe (Asshole - OK) Cancels Vote On Bill To Punish CA For Climate Plan
Royal Bank of Scotland - Figures For UK Oil/Gas Output, 2005 & 2006
Bluefin Tuna Nearly Gone From Med As Catches Collapse - AFP
Romney Will Not Rejoin NE States' Greenhouse Agreement - Reuters
Arctic Ice Melting Rapidly, Study Says
UK's Millenium Seed Bank Racing Against Time, Climate Change - Reuters
On Climate And The Dangers Of The Politics Of Personality - Guardian
Nature 9/14 Issue - Human GHGs "Far Outweigh" Solar Variability - AFP
Phytoplankton Counts Surge In SF Bay - Scientists Seek Answers
Malaysia Pledges To Preserve Primary Forests, Expand Palm Plantations
NSIDC Report For 12 September - Unsure If We've Reached Ice Minimum
Summers In EU Set To Destabilize - Expect More Wet, Dry Extremes - AFP
Ivory Coast Toxic Dumping Poisonings Reach Nearly 16,000 - AFP
Spain's Reservoirs At 39.5% Of Capacity As Drought Continues - Reuters
Europe to test seagoing fuel cell plant
Australia designates "solar city" -- envelope please...
The readers' editor on ... charges of an anti-Israel hoax in south Lebanon
Jewish terrorist convicted of murder
Israeli troops kill Palestinian boy in Bethlehem
Court convicts Israeli couple in attack on Nazareth church
Israel's Lebanon war general quits
Israelis Asked to Take Down Barbed Wire (Lebanon)
Nafeez Ahmed: Interrogating 9/11
UNH Trustees Defend Prof. William Woodward
Funny Demolition Expert Reaction Re: Building 7.
Expert from Finland's view of WTC demolition
Scientists and engineers simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center
A question concerning the towers and them coming down
Was Willie Brown warned not to fly on 9/11?
A message to our Loose Change debunkers
A question about controlled demolition.
HAVA needs numerical-formula state goals to prevent "Voter ID"
Princeton researchers show how to steal an election with Diebold machines
STEALING AMERICA: Vote by Vote premiers Friday Sept. 15 at Camp Democracy
Appeals court to consider reinstating charge against DeLay
Paper Ballots and Hand Counts........ NOW! or more fascism n/t
In the "Hasn't he got anything better to do" file... Tom Delay....
Texas court to reconsider DeLay charge
Jerry Springer talked about Kinky on today's show
Saw this in latest breaking . . .
Does anyone else eat Seattle Dutch Babies?
9/13 Wet Wednesday Edition of What's For Supper?
Use 12,000 troops to guard Canadian border, U.S. urged
Alito describes 'out of body experience' of court appointment
AP: Car Bomb Kills 8, Injures 48 in Baghdad
Ford (Motor) to seek 30% cut in salaried, other costs: WSJ
Former Political Fundraiser Thomas Noe Sentenced to 27 Months in Prison
Chafee wins as nine states vote (Reuters)
Woman arrested for rewarding her son with weed.
Letter questioned airport staffing
Statement by RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman on Charlie Bass's Primary Election
AP: SKorea: U.S. Had Offered Talks With NKorea
Baltimore NAACP Sues to Give Baltimore City Voters an Extra Hour to Vote
Air Force Chief: "Test Nonlethal Weapons on US Citizens"
This war is just beginning, Bush insists
Soros gives $50M to anti-poverty project
NYT/AP: Lawsuit Says Government Funds Fundamentalist Christian Goals
Labor Department Eliminates Tool For Employment Discrimination Enforcement
George Clooney Will Speak To UN Security Council Thursday About Darfur
New TV Ad Condemns Republicans for Politicizing 9/11, Ad Planned to Air
Pipeline opponents invoke Owens Valley
Civilians hit hardest by Afghan violence
National Media Briefing on Voter Suppression in the 2006 Elections
Challengers Who Championed Gun Violence Prevention Elected to Maryland Sen
Couric, One Week After CBS Debut, Loses Lead in News Ratings
Animal Rights Advocates Given Prison Terms (NY Times)
Texal Court Reconsiders Delay Charge
65 bodies found in latest Iraq bloodshed
Wives tell gangsters to lay down arms or go without sex
Colorado rule limits union's contributions (State Democrats have fired bac
38 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Review
U.S. seeks Iran sanctions now, EU stress talks first (Reuters)
Shooting incident in Canadian college
Congressman introduces resolution seeking Rumsfeld's resignation
Senate panel approves Bush-backed spying bill
Tourists Finding It's a Big World After All (Disney lobbies Commerce)
DNC: Dean Sends Mehlman Letter on RNC Funded Discriminatory and Un-America
News From the Democratic Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid
Al Qaeda Will Nuke US in Late September
Grammy-winning singer Whitney Houston has filed for divorce from husband B
College: 2 gunmen dead after shooting
Banned items fly past security (Passengers Flouting Rules)
AP: Study finds majority of Bible courses not academic
German cabinet authorises Lebanon mission
Investigator: "Photos not of missing boy" (Johnny Gosch)
Three claims filed for bag containing $165,000
Chavez says it's plausible Washington orchestrated Nine-Eleven attacks
Cameron's criticism gives US jitters over a future Tory government
Chaplain enters plea at court-martial
Senate rejects Democratic plan for ports
Singapore Denies Activists Entry for World Bank, IMF Meeting
Survivor of Attack on US Embassy Dies in Syria
Appeals court agrees to consider prosecutors' appeal in DeLay case
WaPo: Democrat seeks to be first Muslim Congressman
U.S. says cannot "subdue every bad guy" in Iraq
Iran says U.S. departure would calm Iraq
Bush admin says to name cyber security czar soon
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 13 September
50 killed in widespread Afghan violence
Annan: Middle East leaders say Iraq "a disaster"
(Sen.) Grassley says Iraq criticism emboldens enemy, dampens morale
NBC/WSJ Poll: Dems seem likely to pick up midterm seats (* 42%)
Osama's on the move again (asia times)
Israeli general quits over conduct of Lebanon war
House battles over 9/11 resolution
I-Team: Military to scrap $32 million worth of planes in Hondo
Sen. Allen again apologizes for remark, regrets use of Confederate flag
Gallup: Big September Leads ... (Dem Lead In Cong Poll Jumps: 53 to 41%)
Pelosi rapped over bin Laden comments
Dozens of fires burning across West
Reuters: Sixty bodies found in Baghdad in 24 hours: source
'Still the One': Ex-Rock Star John Hall Wins Primary for Congress in NY
Teacher Arrested, Accused Of Anti-Islam Tirade
Democrats ask for Whitman probe on 9/11
CBS: (State Dept) Official: Time Running Out In Iraq
The Hill: RNC's Mehlman to spend $60M, five times Dean’s $12M on midterms
Darfur in 'free fall' as deadly violence escalates: Egeland
El Nino weather pattern forms in Pacific
Princeton Prof Hacks E-Vote Machine
Plame Sues Armitage Over CIA Leak
Study acquits sun of climate change, blames humans
UN chief: U.S. can’t stay or leave Iraq
Spitzer and (Hillary) Clinton Win in N.Y. Primary
President of New Oil Producing Nation Makes First Official Visit to U.S.
Arctic sea ice shrinks, a sign of greenhouse effect
ThinkProgress: Air America To Declare Bankruptcy
State might require new vaccine for girls (Michigan)
Treasury: Federal Deficit Down 14.1 Pct
Polygamy in West requires inquiry, Nevadan says (Reid wants fed panel)
U.S. Military Investigates Leaked Photo
Hanesbrands Will Close 3 Plants (2200 jobs gone)
Chaotic scene as shots fired at Montreal college
Cuba slams 'morally decadent' US
Treat us like lesbians, say sisters in UK tax fight
Texas alone pollutes more than Canada
I spent all day working on a primary campaign in the rain and he lost
When was the last time someone with angina was elected vice president?
Energy of love and hate is not = to humor
When was the last time someone with a vagina was elected president?
Stuck at work again...Ask me anything!!!
good morning/late evening everyone
When was the last time someone with a vagina was elected vice president?
Aggh! Help! Why does all my DU text look rough edged and choppy?!!
Tucker's 'Dancing' Premiere: Lowest Score Of The Night
Man Allegedly Shot Women In Feet For Throwing Trash In His Yard
Congratulations LostinVA!! 15,000 posts
Congratulations Robbien!! 10,000 posts
Call Dwight Shrute's voicemail (The Office fans)
ACK!! I am wearing my new trifocals and I cant see a thing.
How do you do a screen capture from a Win Media Player vid?
Is "Competitiveness" in the worst sense, a Mental Illness?
GoPrOx (how often can you copy cat your own screen name)
Seahorse in flotsam after a heavy rain
Man Refuses To Shave Until Bin Laden Caught (Hasn't shaved for 5 years)
Man Breaks Leg Helping Daughter Overcome Fear Of Heights
This model is broken-there something wrong with it
Car flies 200 feet and crashes into 2nd story apartment
Man May Have Sent 2 Billion Spam E-Mails
I wanted to post something monumental for my 15,000 post
Remember my psycho ex-girlfriend?
Men Arrested For Beating Duck To Death (Duck Stole Their Fishing Bait)
I want to lose my inner asshole
If you set out to walk 10 miles,
Thoughts I try to live by. (long)
Pit-Bull Attacks Miniature Horse
MINUS ONE DAYS remaining before the start of nuclear war!
Cross post from GD:P (sorry but y'all can't miss this...)
Whatever you're worrying about, forget it--don't worry, be happy,
Men Give Kidney's To Each Other's Wives
BREAKING!Creators Confess to Lonelygirl15 Mystery BREAKING!
Any James Randi fans out there?
The Airlines always block off the days that I want to travel.
China Center Sees Panda Baby Boom
Your favorite (non-alcoholic) drink.
Why is it that when I'm almost out of milk, all the stuff I crave
Any Wikipedia editors here? Advice for a newbie?
XP home users, here's an insightful set of tweaks by a pro to enhance your
Hehehehe... Is it bad to laugh at (with ;) ) your own child
OMG I just busted my son's baseball manager kinking the stats numbers
College Football Team's Second String Punter Stabbs First String Punter
One of my flying cats has learned to fish!
and let's go, yet again, to our (cue music) HURRICANE UPDATE!
Good Wednesday Morning, Crew! Captain Clintmax Returns!
Need help with Google Homepage
Bob Lang (cartoonist on CNN) emailed me back.
I hate living in the Mountain Time Zone!
TRIVIA- Mike Farrell, Bon Jovi's parents, Rod Carew, George Jones
Gee, Whitney - what took you so long?
Cat owners--how do you keep your indoor cat from going stir-crazy?
Freshman Leave School To Avoid Attack By Cheerleaders (Urine Balloons)
I'll have a Bloody Mary and a steak sandwich and...a steak sandwich
i'm MrCoffee, and i approved this message
You're going to a cemetery with your toothbrush. How Egyptian.
Man won't shave until Osama caught (pic included)
Grammy-winning singer Whitney Houston has filed for divorce from husband B
Whitney Houston Pulls Head Out Of Ass!!
Great poetry or incoherent spam e-mail...you decide...
Anyone else get CNN Breaking News e-mail alerts?
ET Awful rarely comes around here anymore
Big Brother 7 or why NOT to go on "reality shows"
El Nino is back...amazing picture!
Weird, someone left a dish on my windshield
Are you Buying a Stag today? Some folks are.
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Wed 9/13/06)
My wife just gave a freeper a smackdown on Myspace hehehe
Wednesday, September 13. William Shakespeare's Thought For The Day:
Oh GAWD!! Happy Birthday Jacqueline Bisset!!!!!
Greatest cat toy ever invented!
Traffic lights? ... We don't need no stinking traffic lights!
Did anti-depressants play a role in the death of Anna Nicole's son?
Do you agree with banging "too-thin" models from runways?
QUOTE: Tucker Carlson is the new Master P.
Are you ever sitting there peacefully going through the day, when suddenly
*sigh* I just changed my entire weekly schedule to justify eating nachos
Cat owners--how do you keep your indoor cat from going stir-fry-crazy?
Disputed Scattergories Response (Help!)
Ever get the feeling you're being watched?
Congratulations Old Crusoe!! 15,000 posts
Congratulations liberal N proud!! 10,000 posts
HTML questions from a lazy dunce (slightly unrelated kitten pictures here)
Alright, who's going to rub my back?
Hey, I love the late night GD crowd!
i need to write a short resignation letter.
Did you watch Dangerfield's show on Comedy Central? Adam Sandler...
I have questions about using microwave weapons on people
Congratulations Sugar Smack!! 10,000 posts
WTF! I'm watching CNN, or so I thought--but it's FAUX?!
Well, it's day 499 without a smoke!!
Bahamas Official: Death Of Anna Nicole Smith's Son 'Suspicious'
Falling, Dead Pigeons Mar City Festival
T-Ball Coach Offered 8 Year Old Boy $25 To Bean Autistic Player
My wife just got her promotion.....:)
Ya'll remember this poem , I had the poster.
Happy birthday wishes to.......
OK...I know I'm slow but I just discovered Dylan's "Highway 61 Revisited"
So the other day I went shopping,
Tell us something amazing, wonderful, selfless that another person has
NFL Fans!!!!! Make this weeks picks over in the Football group
'Rockstar Supernova' watchers: who would you like to win?
What caused the death of Daniel Smith, Anna Nicole's 20-yr.-old son?
anyone been flying by plane lately?
High Zero Experimental music festival in Baltimore this weekend
Did you ever have a crush on someone who works at a place you go to
New name for "The View" -- "The Rosie O'Donnell Show with friends"
Nathan Thurm (representing Big Oil) interviewed by RFK Jr.
I am making 6 Homemade Apple Pies for the Democratic Party
OMG! THIS IS NOT THE ONION!! Bush to Hold Talks W/ Kazak Pres. Over BORAT!
I sure wish someone would start a picture thread..Wink Wink..
What's a good wine to drink whenever?
Do you agree with banning "too-thin" models from runways?
Has anyone else noticed that it seems checks take longer to clear
*MINI-NYC-MEET-UP ALERT* 9/22 Y'all come ~
Just what are Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist?
Merck's New Painkiller May Have Same Heart Risks as Vioxx Pill
Wait-and-see approach lowers antibiotic use for ear infections
What are some remedies for pain in osteoarthritis....
Increased dietary fish oil could save many lives
Earthly weather linked to space weather
Scientists reveal how H5N1 ("bird flu") kills
Episcopal Summit To End Gay Feud Ends In Failure
When punters go bad- backup stabs starting punter in punting leg
New College Football Clock Rules, Love Them Or Hate Them?
I've gotten a dream that I am completely confused by...
Just got done watching The Secret
Have you seen this VoteVets ad about body armor?
Sept 20: John Kerry speaks about national security Johns Hopkins Univ.
Did you see this? This goes beyond Boehner and is scary
GD post: Vote-stealing demonstration... "erases all evidence"
Kerry commenting about Boener's remarks yesterday.
Harry Reid just said that there is a "bipartisan" effort
For those from NJ - Is there anything true in this article?
Hey Mass. folks: dKos diary right now about the Gov. Primary
Top ten Digital Cameras on Flickr
Wanna know who's running the world AND what YOU can do about it? GO HERE:
WP op-ed: Jihad: Generational phenomenon that will burn itself out?
Tucker Carlson on "Dancing with the Stars"?
At "Cynicism's Cliff": looking down, back and out.
911:Toxic Legacy is on Discovery NOW...it is really a tough look
Bernie Ward guest : author Chris Mooney..."The Republican War on Science"
Group slams Disney over labor abuses in factories
An Apology For Poetry.... (Dedicated to Ruiner4U)
Catch more bees with honey than with vinegar
Do you think about signal to noise ratio before posting a new thread?
Election Justice music for your ears (and your head!)
OMG I just busted my son's baseball manager kinking the stats numbers
This is an antidote too Path to 9/11....
Sylvia Plath's And Adrienne Rich's Poetry, From A man's POV
(VIDEO) The Word - Shall (Good smackdown of Senator Macaca)
How much would it cost the gov to sufficiently guard nuclear plants ?
Fundie wins Arizona GOP Gubernatorial primary
Need opinions on a site I'm working on.... WARNING!
Hey, I love the late night GD crowd!
Last 3 Primaries take place next week: Runners and Riders
Figure don't lie but liars figure
The war in Iraq & the war on terror. Are they one in the same or not?
911 VENDETTA redux. If you thouht the first one was good
¡Nunca Olvida! Never Forget! The US role in Iraq’s death squads
Imagine all of the positive things that could have been achieved
DU'ers, Stand up and be Counted! Show up at CampDemocracy, DC!
Fallujah again in the line of US fire
How do we know there's a war if they keep hiding the dead?
Maryland 4th: Edwards and Wynn are dead even with 75% reporting
2 day old news I missed-- "CNN Poll: More Americans blame Bush for 9/11"
How do they sleep at night? Like babes in their mother's arms.
NY 19th . . . chance for a Dem pickup . . . and an unexpected one . . .
(VIDEO) Senator Gary Hart on The Daily Show
Banned items fly past security
Death squads roam Baghdad - Our soldiers can't see them?
Our Senate challenger lineup is now complete. Roll call
My answer from Sirius about Mike Malloy
The Top-Secret Warplanes of Area 51
John Boehner's comments about Dems
Katrina victims need to stop whining about losses
Why do some states have September primaries?
Same Distribution Co. for 'Passion' to bring 'Death of a Pres.' to U.S.
House hearing on Iraqi reconcilliation on CSPAN3 in one hour
I'm waiting for a lawsuit for slander, President Clinton, Madam Secretary,
More proof that W's War on Terra is a bunch of crap
Salon: "PT911" not scriptwriter's first "crockudrama":
Better educated workers needed for auto industry
Just TRY to convince some folks that we're NOT at War.
LMFAO!!! Gas at $2.50 just before Nov. So, WHO'S IN CHARGE, HERE!!!!
NSA Is Asking Senate Intel Committee To Use WH VOICE In Wiretap Policy
Radical Fringe Cartoon for Wed. 9/13
The Tubes are just for the Gas Tank
Lamont / Chafee wins show electorate shifting LEFT (despite media's take)
The 9/11 tie: Now you'll never forget--what to wear to work on this day.
The Swift Boat Connection of ABC's 9/11 Deception
WMD were found it Iraq. Really!
Are the neo cons & their followers in Jim Jones Mode now?
The WH gaggle must be watching Olbermann
Damn Herb Payne, antiwar candidate is behind Chilton by 2 votes
Instead of fighting with the truth, why don't we come up with better lies?
Since Bush insists like acting like a King, when will he go into war?
Rendition Jet located in Romania
Block the Vote: The 10 Worst Places to Cast a Ballot...
John Nichols, The Nation, on Democracy Now! today:
Here is today's heartfelt blessing:
un-freep this dumb poll, please. Washington state.
At last! Peace! Plans for Prosperity! Victory in Iraq!!
We have ALWAYS been at and will ALWAYS be at war if they have their way.
MN-05: Dems Poised to Send 1st Muslim-American to Congress
Interesting: Baker reveals Bush team wanted to dump Quayle in 92
Cafferty: "This Is a Nightmare Scenario For WH".... Iran/Iraq love fest
Bush admits failure in Iraq (sort of)
Battle Cry For Billionaires, Broadcasters, and Bloggers
Soros gives $50 mln to tackle African poverty
GREAT S. Blumenthal Article! Bush May Contaminate Repubs for A GENERATION!
AA Considers Pulling ALL Ads From ABC- Because of Blogger!!
Christian Sciene Monitor has great op piece up on State Secrets & Wiretaps
Raw Story: MoveOn.org announces ad campaign against Bush's use of 9/11
Teacher Charged After Uproar Over Arabic (WAPO)...
from the mouth of a co-worker... RE: Where's Bin-Laden?
I'm ready to gloat this November
conscientious objector in Germany needs help/support
Feds Ignore State Anti-Terror Intelligence
Hubris: Cheney silenced one of the war's biggest skeptics, Dick Armey
Relax...it's just a movie - "advice" from the SD Union-Tribune
I never thought I'd miss Ari and Scotty, but I do.
If you work in/own a business that makes its money from tourism,
Kerry and Jane Fonda at an anti-war rally
Oliphant...not another Viet Nam
Bush is Kraptonite to the Republican Party...
Dobbs: Patience favors the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan
Maryland: Election Board Workers' Error Hinders Voting
Mickey's message to Disney CEO Robert Iger
Republicans, it's time to WAKE THE HELL UP and smell the BLOODSHED
The police state has arrived...
THE DECIDER (a Dr. Seuss poem)
Granted things were not great before 9-11 in our relations with
Dem Primary for Maryland's 4th District still up in the air
I know this should be in the computer forum but WTF???? My
"Those who never retract their opinions..."
Wow! Did You Catch Michael Ware's Propaganda Piece About Iraq on CNN?
c-span3 - Sectarian Violence in Iraq
Why is the republican "quick response team" so silent??
Move to empanel Grand Jury in Muskogee Oklahoma re: Bush-Cheney crimes!
I heard about the Pope's latest speech on Islam this morning,
Review of "Death of a President" from Toronto Film Festival
Air Force Chief: Let's Use DU on DUers
Anyone else getting some quack health show on Air America stream?
Its Banned Books Week and check out what google is doing....
Please DU this poll (opponent is using such poll results in his campaign)
Many rural Ohioans find themselves down and out
Absolute Proof Bush and Regime was Lying about WMDs and Iraq
2 US troops killed in Iraq per NPR news: 1 in Baghdad; 1 in the Western
Where will the terrorists strike next?
I-69: Yet Another NAFTA Super-Highway
Edit - Stopping Stupidity could pay for HEALTHCARE.
Sen Stevens wants to table Biden Amendment (more $ for port security,
Snow Lies About Hussein-Zarqawi "Relationship"
So how tempted do you think Bush is to hit Cuba today?
How many souls would still be here if w had only warned us?
Kerry on Sen floor talking of UNcivality in Congress.
Repost: Matt Lauer Surprised Me By Being a Journalist
" there are eight separate Americas instead of one."
Armitage to be added to CIA leak civil suit
Terror in the Levant Who attacked the U.S. embassy in Damascus – and why?
Support the troops! Quick, buy a yellow sticky ribbon!!
David Gregory Vs. Tony Snow (Round 2)
Who is actually going to watch a movie on thier iPod?
What kind of teacher would drive a hummer?
House Repubs send out email boasting lower gas prices, quote Katie Couric
GOP meme - F911 compared to PT911
The latest story about the Hitler Youth.
Last request -- from today's obituary page
Bush's Dark 9/11 Speech Calls for More Wars - If you paid close attention
could dyhradation on a plane to the Bahamas have led to a kid
Post September 11 terrorism attack question.....
GREG PALAST to be on with Thom Hartmann in roughly 30 minutes
Al Franken....says to "vote even if your vote will be ripped off..."
Hartmann said after the next break he will discuss the AAR Bankruptcy n/m
Did you see this yesterday? "ABC's '9/11' gives ABC win Monday" (Reuters)
Be afraid of this man's mentality. Be very afraid.
(VIDEO) Daily Show: The Misappropriation of 9/11
David Gregory Vs. Tony Snow (Round 1)
Bush and God Again: "senses a "Third Awakening' of religious belief"
Robert Byrd speaking about 9-11 and Iraq: (cspan-2 1:45pm)
Hartmann addressing Bankruptcy NOW... n/m
My LTTE Published in local weekly suburban news
U.S. Can’t Protect All Targets, Chertoff Says
A LTE I sent to the New York Post (they'll never print it, but...)
I know I'm going to get yelled at but Novak: Armitage did NOT tell all
Place your bets.. will Randi address the 'Bankruptcy'??
*'s National Debt Calculations
Centralization or decentralization?
Sludge Report: Novak accuses Armitage of being deceptive re: Plame leak
wh press briefing starting on c-span3
Breaking on MSNBC: At least two people shot at Montreal college
Tony tripping all overhis tongue (link between alquida and SH) issue on
Al Franken talking about e-voting fraud now
My Child is an Honor Student, My President is an Idiot! (bumper sticker)
"We screwed the pooch, so re-elect us so we can keep doing it."
Get "Screwed" by Thom Hartmann
Rep. Murtha at news conference where he said Rummy should resign - pics
Did anti-depressants play a role in the death of Anna Nicole's son?
El Nino is back. Probable reason for weak Atlantic hurricane season.
Oh boy the VA is hoping to fund 2,000 beds for Homeless short again
Rush Limbaugh is a proven racist.
from Al Jazeera: Oils Supplies Could last 140 Years
Yellow Elephants shooting at cardboard cutouts of Dems...
Tony snow on cspan 3 or web here:
Wow-Iraq Bloodshed Made Headline on CBS News
Welcome to the Nightmare - Al Qaeda de Mexico?
who is buying up all that Afghanistan opium?
Teacher who refuses to shave until Bin Laden is caught...
Angelides campaign blamed for leak of Ahnold's "hot blooded" comment
It wasn't 9-11 that changed everything it was 12-7-00
America is a tyranny of the majority; the two types of democracy:
Anyone having problems accessing ThinkProgress.org? I
This nation belongs to "we the people"; WE THE PEOPLE WANT IT BACK!
My 8 yo Daughter Initiated a Petition Drive for Recycling in the Cafeteria
38 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Review
Apparently, we haven't wallowed enough. House Res on floor
So now Menendez is the subject of a criminal investigation.
Panel Blocks Dems' Attempts To Rein in Bush Wiretapping Program
ABC, CBS ignored Democratic call for equal time to respond to Bush 9-11 sp
OMG! THIS IS NOT THE ONION!! Bush to Hold Talks W/ Kazak Pres. Over BORAT!
Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules
Permission to torture is really an obligation to torture
Judy Miller: "I've Been Waiting For This War For 10 Yrs-Wouldn't Miss It!"
El Nino forms in Pacific Ocean, probably why Hurricane season is slow
I'm more concerned over a foiled terror attack
On spying, GOP senators "work together" -- with the White House
Who actually falls for attack ads?
ABC News gets a "no comment" from ABC Entertainment? And pigs fly!
Chaffee and Lieberman support proves RNC cares more for image than prolife
www.soldierspeace.com - Utah Soldiers for Peace
Molly Ivins - I haven't seen a column for a few weeks. Is she ill?
Video - Soldier vs. Ram (very funny and cute!)
URGENT: Stop U.S. Authorization of Indefinite Detention
Video at YouTube shows how the GOP, especially Allen,
Let's make this clear-it's the GOP that are aiding and abetting Terrorists
Microwave weapons & Congress and Conspiracy a Rant..
Md. elections board in hot water
Case dismissed by police, but not by the public
Video Compilation-More Ammo-Against Bush For His Bin Laden Defense Policy
Review of the lack of balance on CBS ala Couric news "Free Speech" segment
TX-State's Higest Court To Consider Reinstating Delay Conspiracy Charge
This is probably the first book I read after the election.
Faith-based Voting Fallacies Revealed
A Question on Emboldening Terrorists
Baker surfaces as key adviser to Bush on Iraq
Night School is back. With George Lakoff.
Carter On Lieberman: No Confidence In Joe-Don't Want To See Him Re-Elected
Lamont Says Iraq War 'Dangerously Wrong'
Just exactly how has my civil liberties been infringed?
Hoax Worry in Photo of Child Missing Since 1982 (Johnny Gosch)
Bush waiting for someone to drop a dime before he goes after bin-Laden
So how viable of a candidate is Whitehouse against Chaffee?
Attention Language Bigots and Xenophobes!
Ye p - CNN is so relevant - all is going to hell and we have breaking
Can we just adopt legal standards for parenting??
I just read over at Huffington that Air America is going to go into
I Hope That We May Find the Courage... by Senator Robert C. Byrd
I'm going to be a touch-screen voting machine judge
Looking for list of security priorites of B**h admin early 2001
Oh No!!! Air America To Declare Bankruptcy
tweety shows pic of eugene mccarthy instead of joe mccarthy
Novak contradicts previous recollection of how he got the Plame info
The schedule of AAR if I ran it
"DHS risks becoming the DMV of Federal Gov": Daniel Prieto, Director of
No shaving until bin Laden is caught
This guy was so upset by the evil liberal stuff on my Web site
Senate approves $63 billion more for Iraq and Afghanistan wars
Air America - Let's get it out on the table
Does the current AAR managment have any radio industry experience?
Online betting site gives GOP 50/50 odds to keep the house
Joe goes after Ned: "The Full Lamonty"...time for Democrats to stop this.
I did NOT get the memo on Islam
I was off work yesterday, I read three Chaucers!
The Think Progress site is posting a reply from AAR denying bancruptcy
Disturbing scene in parking lot...
Yet more proof that Freepers are stupid
Come on New Yorkers! Show them how it's done!
Air America Stiffs Franken - He says he hasn't been paid
AAR: Which is it? (Sorry for yet another AAR thread, but....)
I swear, I am not going to get as obsessed with this election
Some "Hump Day" Graphics that I made
The most disgusting Republican campaign commercial to date.
I love Randi -- But she needs a boot up the backside today
king soopers/kroger now carries Disney Magic food products!!
FWIW-Webb is to debate Allen on MTP on Sunday.
Woah, Dobbs sandbags the smirking moron
U.S. says cannot "subdue every bad guy" in Iraq
Bob Schieffer CBS "Free Speech" commentary totally rocked
Tony Snow: Pluto is "just a number..."
Air America to declare bankruptcy
"The Human Behaviour Experiments" on CBC the Current--clip of
Daily Cup of Joe: Lieberman Missed Over Half of All Iraq Votes
"Kurdistan: The Other Iraq" A New Commercial on my TV!
shrub receives undeserved 9/11 anniversary bounce.,,.45% approval
It took Amazon.com several years to get out of the red.
Moonves(CBS) says ABC "partially misled" by Producers PT911
Vitamin D 'reduces cancer risk'
Isn't this the exact thing the RWers keep accusing Clinton of?
You REALLLLY have to hand it to Lil Fucker Tucker
How many of you have read "Hubris?"
Check out this truthiness on J.D. Hayworthless!
As bush's base discovers the awful truth, will there be a backlash?
Mother of Missing Boy Commits Suicide
Does Chris Matthews watch his own show??
Keep This Picture Going !!! Walking On Flag Of USA In War (not iran)
Two Axioms of 9/11 (Manuel Valenzuela)
Why I'm glad that I've retired from the US Air Force:
Where are all of these negative AAR threads coming from?
Bush's New Lie? Leads 'stone cold'? Osama's on the move again...
SEN Rockefeller: WH Has NOT Been Able To Document Benefits Of Wiretapping
The Daily show video, you will pee your pants. LOL
Democracy for America Night School- take a class!
Plame sues Armitage over CIA leak
Sam Seder just comfirmed AAR schedule:
Senator Reid calls on White House to stop cover-up of Cheney's Iraq lies
Lou Dobbs to report on disturbing new voting machine irregularities NEXT.
I just tuned in... Did Randi say anything about AAR going BK?
Okay, I've donned my flame-retardant suit (Harry Reid mini-rant)
I'm a Poll-Worker -- Why Don't Democrats Vote? Did You??
Murtha introduces resolution seeking Rumsfeld's resignation
The media is going to steal it for the re pubs my prediction
HIPAA privacy act and DHS: no privacy at all.
Congress reaction to Microwave weapon use on American civilians
fom repulsiveness, to anger, to madness ...
Operation Northwoods- some thoughts
Kinda late, but here are my camp casey photos
Eeww-Ed Gillespie on The Daily Show tonight!
People, I detest youtube postings.
Fonda, Steinem Launch All-Women Radio Talk Network
Not enough people really care; we were in having our tires rotated...
John Lennon: Just Give Me Some Truth - - - - - - - -> VIDEO
I hope the Dem strategists see this....weigh in, tell me what you think.
ROVE STRATEGY: "Dems Have Gone Too Far W/ Their 9/11 Conspiracy Theories"
Three claims filed for bag containing $165,000
Regarding Demise of Air America: I don't expect anyone to agree with me...
Teacher Arrested After Anti-Islam Tirade
Progressive radio can never survive in an unregulated market
Ed Schultz is an ASS. I've had it with his attitude toward AAR
Proof: Baghdad violence did NOT drop in Aug. Bush just fudged the numbers.
There is no housing bubble...No, really, there isn't....
WP, Milbank: "Treason Season" has arrived as Republicans revive old trick
What are your expectations if the Dems are successful in November?
60 Bodies found Scattered around Baghdad. (but there's no civil war)
Bush Gives Visas to 15,000 Saudi Wahabis
Hey DU'ers, ACTION ALERT for Camp Democracy in DC!
Newt Gingrich Insists Congress Pass Legislation That Says We Are In WW 3
Via Atrios: Jimmy Carter on Lieberman, from his appearance tonite on LKL
"Editor" of his chickenshit "newspaper" in Georgia still at it...
Rasmussen has Bush at 45% !!!!!
Mom Jailed for Son's Bad Teeth
Hey-This is the U.S., they would never fire upon protesters, would they?
Snow: Main purpose of Iraq invasion was to train Iraqi forces
Helen Thomas: Bush falls back on 'lame justification' for Iraq war
Senate Judiciary APPROVES Specter's FLAWED Wiretap Bill
Commission Finds President George W. Bush and His Administration Guilty of
Look what happened in Maryland guys. Disgusting!
Holy Crap! Last time I saw a drop this steep I had a parachute on.
does anyone have a linke to the Photo fraud
Raytheon's "Silent Guardian" Microwave Weapon is LETHAL! Coming Soon ...
The TRUTH about Bob Corker.......
Will the next terra attack be done with airplanes?
So Who Are They Going to Hire to Replace Katie?
AP confirms endurance of freepers
Jon Stewart Said Last Night, “… if it is a war against civilization…
Job one: Deport Sensenbrenner from the House!
Check out this wingnut caller to the Stephanie Miller show yesterday.
George W. Bush Speaking His Mind or Minding His Speech ----->
WJ-What will happen if the GOP loses
The suggestion to use microwave weapons: Let's call it what it really is.
To those who consider online petitions ineffective. I agree.
Aww what the heck...another poem..The little teddy bear
MSNBC's Tucker Carlson dances with the stars to dead last: photos, video
Princeton Research Group Demonstrates Vote-Stealing and Virus Attacks on D
Should Dem leadership make an issue out of recent remarks...
Open letter from David Brock to ABC/Disney
Lou Dobbs reporting on Maryland evoting NOW
Hey, ConAgra (ABC advertiser), how's THIS for a "buying pattern?"
Racist kicks pregnant woman in the belly!
Did anyone see the interview with matt lowery and bush ...
Bush, Evil, and a Third Awakening
Rosie: Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam
Oliver Stone hints at darker 9/11 film in future
Marijuana helps patients stay on medication
Sam Seder just confirmed he is moving, also discussing AAR bankruptcy
My 1st grader came home from school with a picture of a building on fire
MEXICO to Burn Ballots - Now what could that mean: ELECTION FRAUD!!!
**HE MADE IT!!!** Ed Wiley (the W. VA Grandfather) Arrives in Washington
Wingnuts downrating VoteVets ad against George Allen on YouTube
Oh, the fucking irony: Iraq Asks Iran For Security Help...
Non-Aligned Movement Seeks to Declare U.S. a Terrorist State
We need to declare you know what on you know who.
Freeper soldier comments on my Cindy Sheehan vid...
Couric's "Free Speech" segment - no liberals to balance the docShopper
John Stossel to address Disney execs in Florida today
I propose we create a FACT ATTACK TEAM here re: PT911 and hammer Media
Al Qaeda Will Nuke US in Late September
my letter to John Wollaston's base commander....
How do we stop the GOP from stealing this election , too ?
Mike Malloy update: a couple of good radio possibilities
For anyone interested in Enron,
Besides George W. Bush, Which Members Of The GOP Have Committed Treason?
Students beware: the draft is real
Little Richard helps B*sh give speech
I'm back! My mom has passed away, life goes on...
MSRNC: Dems are not TRAITORS but GENETIC MAKE-up is pacifist
Mehlman to spend $60M, five times Dean’s $12M
Bush Tells Group He Sees a 'Third Awakening' (WaPo)
Remember the headline in Le Monde on Sept. 12, 2001?
Bye bye Aunald, here comes the Unions
I'm having a REAL problem understanding all the problems with
Your opinion: Forum’s ‘poster boy’ bashes Bush, offers no real solutions
Amount to investigate Clinton/Monica scandal: $100M
The real "War on Terror" is already lost.
Maryland Electronic Voting System beset with problems
Bad news out of CT - Lieberman leads by 13%
Ken's oil for brooms deal: fuel for us, a clean-up for Caracas
Here's a biased view of the races.
Statement by RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman on Charlie Bass's Primary Election
Ford (Dem) leads in new independent poll....
Bush's first six months in office
U.S. facing diverse security challenges
College Democrats of America Organize National Youth Canvassing Day
A Dem President. In the tradition of T. Snow, who's Press Sec'y? (poll)
Annan on Mideast view: "Iraq and its aftermath...'a real disaster.'"
Snow Lies About Hussein-Zarqawi "Relationship"
Please DU this poll (opponent is using such poll results in his campaign)
I'm Glad Bush is the President (Your input is appreciated)
In Setback for Democrats, Incumbent Wins Republican Senate Primary
Cartoonist Mike Lester joins the list of villiage idiots
Pres Clinton Hosts Roundtable for Progressive Bloggers
First Employers Sent Your Job Overseas. Guess What? You’re Next medical
You know what burns my ass more than a stupid Republican?
WaPo - ABC's 'Path' Not Taken (points out more inaccuracies)
Britain’s Role in the Israeli-Hezbollah War
Okay, can someone help me here? (ABC News again)
Bush tries to cover ass on domestic spying. Sign, K & R please!
Imagine if John Kerry had said this
Kerry up on CSpan2 - Says Boehners comments yesterday
Clueless irony: Lincoln Chaffee
55 days left until the election...what are you doing to help?
David Gregory Vs. Tony Snow (Round 2)
Seems Bush and the GOP have a new definition for unity
Looks like Cardin will win fairly comfortably...
What Is This Biden Amendment That Pukes Are In Favor Of But
Will Chafee win save GOP? They seem to think so.
Gore Can Beat Hillary for the Nomination
NYT headline contradicts General's position on Iraq report
Any blue state that votes a Repub into office loses all whining rights.
"George W. Bush, right or wrong!"
The Republican Party today is like a CULT
Heed wins Democratic and GOP contests for county attorney
Novak: Armitage did not tell all
TX Gov: Rick Perry (R) 33%, everyone else 56% (Rasmussen)
Murtha calls for Rumsfeld to resign
"I approved this message...and so do we"
Okay. The Primaries are over. The candidates are all now known.
Afterthoughts instead of afterglow .... the primary's over
NSA ‘talking points’ rile up Democrats
Patriotic, stirring ACTION pics: Junior's 9/11/06 Oval Orifice Infomercial
The Primaries are over with, time to get the democrats elected
Yes, Virginia! Poll: Webb Within Three Points Of Allen
GOP Facing Prospect of Going 0-2 at Top of Ohio Ticket
Winning the American people back to the Dem Camp should be easy...........
David Gregory Vs. Tony Snow (Round 1)
Republican dirty tricks in South Dakota:
'Still the One': Ex-Rock Star John Hall Wins Primary for Congress in New Y
Posner: Why protect the Saudi royal family and Pakistani military?
The link to Murtha's calling for Rummy to resign
Repugs have ROVE flying all over US with "gameplan"; Dems have _________.
Let's Get the VoteVets Body Armor Ad run against Santorum
"Condi shows up in public with a man and tongues start wagging"
Glen Greenwald: Senate Democrats must filibuster the Specter bill
Just got my first Republican junk mail of the season
Mmmm...lemon fish, 2 veggies, and "better health care than Americans get"
Will * be subject to the involuntary return to duty in January, 2009?
A Word The Democrats Refuse To Say,...
Reminder: Granholm on Kos TODAY (9/13)
ALERT: A lawyer's warning about Republican strategy for 2006
Powerful Vote Vets Ad Rips Allen
Is withdrawing from Iraq and bringing our troops home not a plan?
NSA Wiretap talking points! Why doesn't anything surprise me anymore?
Black Democrat says he will endorse Allen, not Webb
Kerry on Senate floor: Calls on GOP Senators to condemn Boehner's remarks.
Dress your baby in the latest in Anti-Santorum wear
More U.S. businesses join seafood boycott Action opposes seal hunt
Today's Senate Projection: 50-50
Tucker and Springer on Dancing with the Stars **VIDEO
Jeb's *new think tank* urges school reforms, no class-size limits
Bush senses a "Third Awakening" of religious devotion in the United States
TPMcafe: Did you see the VoteVets ads? OMFG!
I saw Gov. Mark Warner speak today.
Air America will file for bankruptcy
"Reminiscent of Paul Wellstone."
Send your Questions to Meet The Press/Webb-Allen Debate
Scholastic and P-2-9/11- worse than you can imagine... (long, worth it)
Democrat could be 1st Muslim in Congress
Ohferkrissakes .... Bev Harris on MSNBC talking about BBV