WHAT A RELIEF!! 'Gitmo prisoners are treated incredibly well' (NYPost)
German-Turk held in Gitmo (from 19 to 24)---US knew he was innocent
!?!?!?!? AHamilton in The Federalist CONDEMNS GEORGE W BUSH
In Kabul schools, fear of Taliban return
U.S. eyes up to $750 million in military sales to Iraq
Hollywood film threatens to take the shine off Africa's gem trade
JFest, died...'He distorted history; helped relativize Holocaust'
Jon Ronson's "The Men Who Stare At Goats" was published in 2004.
Hand Counted Paper ballots NOW!!! or Fascism forever. n/t
LAVA: Let America Vote Act @ BradBlog
Cross-Post to GD thread on PBS "BLOCK THE VOTE"
A Simple Audit of Paper Ballots
Canadian evacuation from Lebanon cost $85M: CTV
CP: Harper to defend Afghanistan mission in first United Nations speech
CP: ...little doubt Tory failure to disclose donations broke the law
Softwood deal survives vote in House of Commons
Sudan blames Israel and Jews for many of its woes
Clinton sees new Mideast peace plan in two months
Doubts Increase About Strength of Iraq Premier (NYT)
Red Cross delegation will visit detainees at Guantanamo
U.S. tries to save its Iran plan
Sheriff: Race a factor in kidnapping case...
AP: Judge Dismisses Medicaid Law Challenge
Shell Faces Sakhalin Stumbling Block
Gen. says U.S. may boost forces in Iraq (4 US troops died since Sun.)
US may ban sale of cluster bombs to Israel
Train Derails; Evacuations Ordered (Crawford TX)
(Felix) Allen Says He Embraces Jewish Ancestry
Baby Kidnapped After Woman Slashed Missouri Mom's Throat Found Alive and W
(NYT) Bush Caves in on Terrorist Bill
Fox Trying to Lure Evangelicals
Reuters: Bush, Clinton have chance encounter at U.N.
AP U.S. military deaths in Iraq hit 2,687
The Independent: One Night In Bangkok
EU, Japan Issue Warning on Sakhalin
Israelis trained Kurdish troops in Iraq-BBC report
AP Bush anti-terror plan edges foward (uga uga-not good!!)
Foreigners beheaded in Saudi Arabia
(R PA State Sen) Regolas: Knew gun missing, didn't report it to police
Woman, 83, Is Deported Because of Her SS Guard Duty
Oprah Seeks To Avoid '08 Draft:Threatens legal action over fan's campaign
Anti-Pope Demonstrations Rage on
OK, it's that time of year again. Let's talk fortification...
What's the easiest way to lose ten pounds?
World War Z: After the Zombie war.
OK, it's that time of year again. Let's talk fornication...
One grey fox is hot the other is not...
OOoo yay... Marching band practice!
Anyone here read "End of Faith" by Sam Harris
Aw, what the hell. Since we're doing anniversary threads,
Why does your anecdotal evidence trump mine?
I waited all day for the cable guy.
Pope to BoZolocoaminijad: "Bl*w me & * off" you freeper sleeper
Thank God, that post about Gods got removed
FARK Photoshop contest: Tony Snow
What kinds of birds will I find in OK
9/19/06 U.N. Peace Protest Pictures & Report
Today I finally bought a notebook computer
How do I get older men to stop patronizing me! HUH?!??
An African American wins the MA Dem Gov. Primary....and now a monsoon....
Eleven days from now will be my first year anniversary on DU
I saw THE funniest editorial cartoon today.
There's an empty space in the Lounge that saddens me, and I just
Oh gods, the heater just turned on
John Stewart almost made me spew water on my iBook.
Is it me... Or is Justine Timberline really a dimwit.....
Situation that really messed with my head today. Help!
Attention: Revolutionary_Acts04!!!!
Is anyone watching the Steve Irwin memorial service on Animal Planet?
Fried okra and corn on the cob.
Ok, some young girl at work scoffed at my baking skillz...
The year was 1984 - Yeah I 'Had' MrsGrumpy In The Back Of My Station Wagon
After 3 years on DU this happened...
Shall I snitch? - Apartment living annoyances Part 2038
What do you think is the most difficult position to play in any sport?
Dancing with the stars... Vote for Jerry
Now, who are your favorite indie artists?
***Sending These Good Vibes to the Lounge***
"And You and I" - greatest love song or huge prog-rock circle jerk?
The official Janis poll, fourteen days early.
"Deer Hunting with Jesus" What the "Left Behind" series really means....
Notre Dame, The Duke of College Football?
Hey, my candidate won! Oh yeah!
My take on yesterday's speech: Faith, Politics and Values
A couple more from this weekend
The 18% of Americans who "strongly approve" of shrub's "performance" are..
Clinton on TDS: Video of Interview?
I watched the McGreevey interview on Oprah
So I go to an interview today and they base their decisions on prayer
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't strike me as "combative"
Best and Worst of Congress: "No Altar Boy" Rick Santorum
Some say voting law being used to scare minorities
We Waited In Line 20 Minutes To VOTE Tonight!
Has anyone seen the party breakdown for the Gallup sample?
Afghanistan:Rhetoric vs. Reality
The amazing Desmond Tutu is on AAR's Politically Direct right now....
Thank God! The newborn baby was found and is OK
At what point does the military say "Just say No"?
WCVB projects Deval Patrick winner of (D) primary for Mass. governor
Siblings reunited 65 years after Holocaust
Robert Greenwald ("Iraq For Sale") on Countdown Now
What if Halliburton came clean?
DFA Night School: George Lakoff is talking about his new book...
When Dubya pats Clinton on the back what is he really thinking?
Dancing with the stars... Vote for Jerry
I just watched "11'09''01 - September 11" on Sundance
so what's up with this "god of abraham" character
9/19/06 U.N. Peace Protest Pictures & Report
Want to see the DSCC skewer DeWine with a new and fantastic ad?
Coincidence? I think not. Scarborough fading from Olbermann into his
What happened, did Cooper buy CNN ?
At UN - Bush Cites Human Rights Declaration & PROVES He Has NOT Read It.
Employee Of Polling Company Used By Bush, Lieberman Pleads Guilty To Fraud
Mr. Gore's Carbon Tax Suggestion
October nears. Is Iran to be the "surprise"?
Did you see what M Malloy posted on AAR website?
Congress Considering Strip Searching Students
Croc Hunter's Memorial Service will be on Animal Planet starting now.
Potter Stewart and the Half-Baked Prince
Royal Society tells Exxon: stop funding climate change denial
Torture Videos Should Be Made Available on Primetime T.V.
How Iran's Populist Lost His Popularity
Did ANY MEDIA...Local or National show the THOUSAND Prostesting BUSH?
Don't know if you watched House tonight, but Progress for America ad..
FRONTLINE on Fitzgerald investigation now (11:14)
Arguing the Constitution against a fool.
Wesley Clark joining "Veterans for Claire"
Bush at the U.N. - A Rude View
Head On Radio Tuesday Best of Mike Malloy! Truthseekers Check In
So now Allen (R - VA) "embraces his Jewish ancestry"
Ben Affleck on TDS w/Jon Stewart tonight!
the radical right and the religious nuts have siphoned trillions of $$
Pasadena Church May Fight IRS Summons
I don't fear the terrorists ...I fear other drivers
"Freedom, by its nature, cannot be imposed-it must be chosen" (Guess Who?)
Has anyone been a "precinct captain"?
Mr. Schwarzenegger is a Republican, even if he runs like a
LMAO! Colbert just tied Tobey Keith's appearance to Willie's bust!
Corvallis Oregon DU'ers... HEADS UP!
Glenn Greenwald : Well beyond satire
Syria saves U.S. Embassy in Damascus from Islamic terrorists and bush
James Fallows ('Blind into Baghdad') on w/Tavis Smiley tonight - WOW!
We hear nothing from the "moderate" Muslim leadership
Boston Legal Fans: Watch Boston Legal or protest ABC?
Homeless veterans can get free aid today
My fellow DUers, I sense that the tide has turned and that the evil
If Al Qaida assassinates the Pope, what would the global fallout be?
A fairly Disturbing Bible Freak/Bush Licker Site.
US vs. Iran (II) Hybrid War: Abbas Bakhtiar
Congressman Conyers: Torture is Torture
How would you rate Ahmadinejad's speech tonight?
Wal-Mart Supercenter Opens in Rosemead; Recall Election to Follow
I'm not against requiring I.D.'s at polling places....please
Turley On Countdown-We're About To Hear Bush ORDERED Americans To Torture
American Airlines Flight Nearly Diverted because of Gay Kissers
Prison Labor- Sweatshop Behind Bars
(Reuters) Olbermann navigates tightrope minus a net [feel the love!]
CA 4: Dem's Marianas Forced Abortion, Sex Slavery Ad-Now Tied w/Doolittle!
You're a BAD conservative if you...
The Rest of the Story: Iraq's Links to Al Qaeda (see!)
Germany Strugles to Explain FarRight Election Success
Has anyone seen "Torture: The Guantanamo Handbook."?...
I couldn't be happier seeing the nauseating photo of
'Adjusting' for race, sex, class, handicap, sex-orientation - Fair or Not?
Here's what Democrats stand for:
Tell us what you think of this ad DU Please
Who would Jesus Torture - bumper stickers. I am SO angry today.
Woo-Hoo! Boston Legal tonight!!!!! I know... Hear me out! We Won!
Just heard from my nephew who started boot camp 3 wks ago.
This shit between the Pope & Muslims is just too ridiculous
My letter to the brass at MSNBC on Keith Olbermann
My Mother Asked Me How She Should Respond To "Nazi Appeaser!" Accusations
Camille Paglia: Why has Marie Antoinette suddenly become so ubiquitous?
Can we talk? ( A piss spitting rant)
Help DEM Tom Wyka NJ11, the battle for OUR HOUSE
***** BLOCK THE VOTE ***** PBS NOW *****
Iran’s president says Bush pushing for war
Story has gotten lost today: US troops to be in Iraq till spring 07
If you don't usually listen to Bob Kincaid
Employee Of Polling Company Used By Bush, Lieberman Pleads Guilty To Fraud
WHY is it that northerners vote for southerners, women vote for men,
View from under the table. Webb vs. Allen
Bush plans visit to Greenwich CT for fundraiser Monday---Newsday
Bush attacks Iraq with faulty intel -- Is he right with attacking Iran?
My take on Il Dunce's speech to the UN today
DSCC skewers DeWine as of today with new ad
Is anyone beside me disgusted with Dems and others who are STILL
Is Bill O'Reilly soft peddling torture?
TIME: Bush at the U.N.: Another political masterstroke?
How come I'm the only one in the neighborhood with political signs
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend.
"I'm Takin' My Country Back" video on youtube
Anyone seen this "anti-stem cell" ad?
I want to see ONE EXAMPLE where DU'ers like Ahmadineejad
Rassmussen has Bush Starting to Drop Again - 40%
Daily Kos: The Jewish Question and George Allen's Anger Issues
My take on Kerry's Pepperdine Speech yesterday: Faith, Politics and Values
Felix Allen Claims He JUST Found Out About His Jewish Heritage
Ahmadineejad is NOT a 'good guy' and some here are foolish
Do they really hang gay men in the streets of Iran ?
Another repuke Sen. seat now in "toss up" column? Kyl (AZ) up by only 5!
WA State Primary LIVE Results coming in...
Open Letter to: Head-Up-His-Ass Harris ...
1953 Iran coup was the CIA's first successful overthrow of a foreign gov
Woo Hoo!!! Deval Patrick wins Boston gubanatorial primary!!!
Greenwald mocking Malkin -upset because "Muslims will execute Christians"
New Polls Indicate Democrats Gaining Momentum in Bid to Recapture Senate.
Report Shows EPA Fails Minority and Low-Income Communities:
Turkey F1 organizers fined $5 million (Cypriot ‘state’ issue)
!?!?!?!? Gay kiss (a threat??) nearly diverts Paris-to-NYC flight
Will the Republican uptick hold?
Bush to Daniel Pearl's killers:
Does AMLO Have a Future? - The Final Chapter in Mexico (for Now)
Flight Attendant fight about all working Americans
We Are, And Have Been, In A Recession (Mogambo Guru)
Top British Scientists tells Exxon: stop funding climate change denial
Molly Ivins (Truthdig): Bush’s Rose Garden Debacle
Terrific GQ article on Lamont/Lieberman primary race
The Disastrous Rule of a Mayberry Machiavelli..... Sidney Blumenthal
Iraq: Trying to spin the unspinnable
'New climate' detected as Britain grows ever hotter
Fatty food takes its toll of the French
I don't fear the terrorists ...I fear other drivers
Econ question: how does capital move?
California greenin' (new RPS: 20% renewable electricity by 2010)
Wind may generate 30 pct of (global) electricity by 2030-study
Just wondering...is there some unwritten rule that fuel efficient cars
AK Village's New Seawall Washes Away - Dedication Ceremony Canceled
America's energy policy boomerangs on Big 3
No more tax breaks for buying Toyota hybrids (beginning next year).
Wasteful efforts to curb global warming
"Global warming' shrinks Arctic sea ice" online article
9/19 - Arctic Ice Still Has Not Hit Minimum - "Unusual Polynya" Discussion
West could lose out to China over aluminium resources
England, Ireland Prepare For Tail End Of Hurricane Gordon - AFP
Hull (Mass.) tilts toward more turbines...to put 4 windmills...off shore
Arctic Sea Ice "Fragmented" - Loss Bigger Than British Isles - AFP
Nature - Greenland Ice Sheet Loss Up 250% 5/04 - 4/06 Over 2Yr Trailing
British Antarctic Survey - Sea Levels Rising Faster Than Thought
Meeting ‘peak-oil threat’ will cost $20tn: US
FT - How global warming could suddenly tip over and ignite calamity
This seems like a great cause.
Electric Car Leader ZAP Plugs into Europe
Cherokee County offers tax incentives for organic farming
UPI - Aspen sunflower warns of global warming
Institutional investors warned about peak oil and climate change
US may ban sale of cluster bombs to Israel
Israelis use bulldozers to wreck crops in South Lebanon
Katsav affair: Alleged evidence for 3 indictments
So now they're robbing banks (IDF)
Can Internet criticism of Mideast news footage be slander?
HRW slams UN body for anti-Israel bias
Wild thoughts about the Palestinian issue
Israeli troops raid Nablus bank
9/11 Truth: What Happened to WTC Building 7 (video)
9/11 Truth: What Happened to WTC Building 7 (video)
Popular Mechanics tries to explain 911
TruthMove 'Ground Zero - 9/11/06' Media Retrospective
Footage of Donald Rumsfeld's actions on 9/11
Fury as academics claim 9/11 was 'inside job'
smoking dumpsters/or whatever it is at the pentagon
American Elections: Free for the Stealing (no change-backs allowed)
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Wed 9/20/06 Free For The Taking
Criminal Complaint Filed with Coshocton County (Ohio) Prosecutor
Book recommendation IRV/Preference Voting???
Pathetic plea for recs & kicks
Counsel withdraw from Ohio lawsuit and are replaced by Arnebeck & Fitrakis
Dobbs: Voting machines put U.S. democracy at risk
DU Love needed in GD Forum--Jim Jones and "Jesus Camp"
The Constitutional Restoration Act & its current sponsors
NYT: Canadian Man Tortured in Syria Wants Explanation From U.S.
Officials apparently tipped unlawfully about identity of document seekers
Toronto Sun: Wait time fix [Harper's "5th priority"] will wait
Globe and Mail: PM's approval drops
Error Not Sign of Weakness: Former PM Clark
Harper deflects calls to apologize to Arar
Fewer Canadians Back Mission in Afghanistan
Wesley Clark: Canada's Afghan mission 'noble', but needsmore than soldiers
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday September 20
House Campaign Groups Even in Funds
Braving death, Baghdad's children start school
Adult stem cells little or no help to heart repair
Bush's allies struggle to keep war bills
Zalmai Khalil Zad Invites American Companies to Invest in Kurdistan, Iraq
House panel backs Bush on detainees
Bush would send troops inside Pakistan to catch bin Laden
ABC - Government Accused of Censorship Over Global Warming
AP: FTC yet to pay ChoicePoint victims
Poll Shows N.J. Senate Race a Dead Heat
Fed Leaves Key Interest Rate Unchanged
Police headquarters attacked in Baghdad (5 US troops killed since Sun.)
Poll shows Ohio senate race a dead heat
AP: Attacks on U.S. in Iraq up since threat
U.S. sees delay in big rise in alternative motor fuels (extra 20 years)
Mubarak’s Son Proposes Nuclear Program( Egypt)
(UK) TV presenter critical after crash
Drug debate threatens security spending
U.S. says Iran abusing global financial system
U.S. House Judiciary Panel Opposes Military Tribunals Measure
Plan to halt Iraq deaths sought
Watch your sons for extremism, Reid tells Muslims
(Afghanistan President) Karzai says terrorism rebounding
(Rep. Peter) Hoekstra calls on broader effort to tackle extremism
(Rep. Heather) Wilson’s wiretap bill moves toward Bush view
US copters intrude into N. Waziristan
Bolivia and Venezuela, military cooperation agreement
Space shuttle cleared for landing
Republicans Call for Ney to Resign
Bush to Meet With Palestinian Leader
White House Drops a Condition on Interrogation Bill
Woman dragged to death in Colorado
Musharaff Reveals New Bin Laden Intelligence
Allen tells of his Jewish heritage (Va. Senate)
Doubts Rise on Iraqi Premier’s Strength
Papal assassin warns Benedict his 'life is in danger' if he visits Turkey
2 GIs Killed in Copter Crash in Germany
Gov. (Schwarzenegger) Vetoes Bill to Restore Some Workers' Comp Benefits
Flight Attendant fight about all working Americans
Draft ethics ruling: Don't do the math
Saddam Hussein lawyers walk out of trial
WP: Dissidents' Detainee Bill May Face Filibuster
Lamont Calls Lieberman a 'Turncoat'
U.S. denies Arar was deported under America's 'extraordinary rendition'
Cantwell, McGavick heading to Round 2 in clash for Senate (Wash.)
H.P. Is Said to Have Studied Spying on Newsrooms
Scientists tell Exxon to stop anti-climate change campaign
Iraqi police find 34 unidentified bodies in Baghdad
Attacks on U.S. in Iraq Up Since (al-Qaida) Threat
Bush to Daniel Pearl's killers:
Pentagon faces tough choices on Iraq
Hungary police brace for more clashes
AP: Bombings kill 28 in Baghdad, Mosul
European MEPs Look Into German Role in CIA Deportations
Thai coup leader says he'll be acting PM
Fatty food takes its toll of the French
Israeli troops raid Nablus bank
Bombings kill 28 in Baghdad, Mosul
NYT: Canadian Man Tortured in Syria Wants Explanation From U.S.
Woman dragged behind vehicle near Denver
Will the Republican uptick hold?
White House Decides to Release Entry Logs
New americanresearchgroup poll- Lamont & Lieberman dead heat
Republicans have campaign fund-raising edge (unlike even house funds)
Federal judge reinstates Clinton-era rule against roads in ...
Senate panel clears FDA nominee
Red Tape Fuels Raging Wildfire (Feds Fiddle as CA Burns)
DNA Evidence Frees Man After 15 Years in Prison
AP: NY judge orders release of more Guantanamo detainee information
3 more objects found outside shuttle
White House: Chavez speech not worthy of a response
White House to release entry logs
Air Controllers Chafe at Plan to Reduce Staffing Levels
Navy Times: Expect the smallest pay raise in 13 years.
Senate Democrats plan probes into Iraq war
More adults tap Internet for election news: survey
Scientists shocked as Arctic polar route emerges
[ISG] Panel Leans Toward Phased Iraq Withdrawal or International Talks
Bush says he'd send troops into Pakistan
New Orleans nursing home owners indicted
Restraining order to prevent attacks on Iran, Syria denied
Global warming could put Walker´s Point (Bush estate) under water
U.S. spends most but gets mediocre health care
(Sen. Hillary) Clinton, Gingrich Both Defend the Pope
Tancredo tells Pope to stand ground
Calif. sues 6 carmakers in global warming suit
Arar Legally Deported to Syria: Attorney General (Gonzalez)
Feds cast doubt (on Claims WTC Workers Illness)
Incursion at MacDill raises security questions
Iran blows away Bush's warm words at UN
DeVos says he wants intelligent design taught in science classes
Papers show Bush allies' inside access (Norquist and Reed)
Thai Army Chief Gets King's (Thailand) Endorsement
Poll on French Muslims blasts popular cliches
FT - How global warming could suddenly tip over and ignite calamity
What my roomie's 7-year-old son told me
I will take my ann richard's picture off my deal
Anybody understand The Black Dahlia (the movie)?
I have a question I hope that someone here can help me with...
Missouri baby found alive YAY!!
I would appreciate your comments
screw all you Happy Loving Couples
I'm in spanish withdrawal. (lame copycat)
I got shoes! They're multiplyin'! And I'm looooosin' the flo-oor!
Is there a limit to the number of threads you can hide
Do spade(?) female dogs still go into heat and bleed?
Bush's "Doodle" at the UN -- 2006
"Tell us about your balls Pete"
Man Plummets 50 Feet Into River To Grab Missing $20
Help! Anyone have experience with the UK or Australian education system?
I got in a fight with a wave-the wave won!!
Panda bites man, man bites panda back.
Do you think Xena wears a little too much makeup for a warrior princess?
Today is industrial music day.
Woman Demands Free Gas- Clerk Says No - Woman Hits Him In Head With Hammer
Ninjas & Fried Eggs: The Most Ineffective Drug PSAs of All Time
I'm finally relenting and posting a full-frontal picture of myself here
Panda Bites Man, Man Bites Him Back
Stevia users: there IS a difference
Naked Man Tosses TV From 2nd Floor Of Hotel
Paging LynneSin. LynneSin, are you in the house?
He's strong to the finish 'cause he eats his spinach...
Commit Indy (anapolis) heresy with me!
9/11: Clinton MIHOP......The sad truth finally emerges
Deleted, as Commie Pinko sucks
I once heard a quadruple negative in conversation
which statement do you most agree with
Do you think it's wrong to talk about loungers in GD
18 Y.O. Graduates From University of Virginia In One Year (Double Major)
Wow, has anyone seen this before?
What's the most ferocious animal you've ever met eye-to-eye....
I wish to make Naughty Girls COMPLIANT
I want to start a website and add a forum, What do I do?? Sorry!!
Anybody have experience with wallpaper?
I tell ya, The Ministry of People Sucks. (Human Resources)
Rural Louisiana Newspaper Clipping re Wal-Mart
i have no opinion about leaving or staying
Fill in the blank: Is that a ____in your pocket, or are you just glad
Cheer up for a moment: A Tribute to The Daily Show's Even Step(v)en
I'm not leaving DU. Just thought I'd say hello.
Man Posed As Retarded Person Who Needed Diapers Changed - Sentenced
Need advice. Do I have legal recourse against LynneSin?
This is a little late as I have been away....Hook em my ass!
post your favorite autoerotic torture
DU Classic Film Discussion for 09/20/06 "The Sand Pebbles"
Check out this thread and look at this stupid post
Acid really messes with your mind, man.
Just listening to "A quick one (While he's away)" By the who
What's your favorite kind of chocolate?
Elizabeth Taylor fed to the sharks
Man Licks Woman's Feet At Wal-Mart (Tells Police It Is Religious Ritual)
Am I alone in being pumped for The Departed
I swear I'm hacking up a hairball for lunch.
General question on accounting practices: Bills due within 48 hours?
I swear I"m eating fricking cat food for lunch
something you won't see very often
I am making pancakes this morning
Piss off someone who won't post anything at DU.
The Dumbest Thing I've Ever Seen
Wow, my buddy actually had a long lost relative leave him money
What do you think is the most difficult position.......?
I wish to make a Naughty Girls COMPLAINT
I have someone who I really need to THANK - any ideas?
Preview of the Project Runway Fashion Show (**with pics**) maybe spoilers
great Holloween recipe - kitty litter cake!
HELP - My cat needs a good hairball remedy
Punctuation Author Collects Examples on Web Site
I'm not at all hungry, but feel as though I could spend the entire day
Anyone here yank the chain of a 419 Nigerian scammer?
Suggestions for free forum hosts/sites?
I smell good and it's making me hungry
Microwaved Yak Semen Smells Like Popcorn
"Only in New York could an aspiring mortician be a star witness against
What will make you spend more money at a bar?
Microwave Popcorn Smells Like Yak Semen
It is no longer green. It is black now. And my heart rate is back down.
Bill O'Reilly calls himself "T-Warrior", what's the "T" stand for?
How about a kiss for your Cousin Dupree, eh?
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Wed 9/20/06)
Parnell Definitely Off SNL, Too, And The Daily Show Hires A Marine
I'll never be able to eat Pasta Fra Diavolo again.
how do you afford moving INTO california???
You're at work. What are you supposed to be doing?
Playboy To Feature Victoria's Secret Employees
You know that it would be untrue
"I'm Not Afraid of You And I Will Beat Your Ass"
So like, the favorite like word on my like creative class is like like..
This is a " I Heart Mrs. Sniffa" Thread!
If you don't click on this, the terrorists will have won.
I'm so tired of these saggy, grainy boobs...
When does the next season of "Deadwood" begin?
Awww the neighbor boy is practicing on his trumpet.
"Oh yeah, I'll tell you something,
A tree,some horses,a flower,a tutu, and a butterfly
Congratulations eleny!! 15,000 posts
Yesterday we got a notice saying 'no smoking/loitering/drinking allowed'
A cultural difference I noticed that means nothing at all
Happy birthday The CentipedeShoes.
OK - Some asshole is giving out my phone number
Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move
Happy anniversary Cathyclismic and, uh, her husband!
Fashion question for a wedding.
This day in music history 9-20
Waiting 4 help @ the cing. store, I realized both reps were playing pool
Bedroom Adventure (Dialup Warning! 20 Pics!)
I'm making fried chicken tonight
I almost hit a stupid idiot driver on my way home from work today
Speaking of Halloween, anyone have an idea for a baby...
Keith Richards laments the declining quality of modern drugs
First Grader Suspended From School For 2-Inch Plastic Squirt Gun
Am I totally fucking unemployable?!
Post something that won't piss off anyone here at DU
After 5 (almost 6)years, my boyfriend dumped me last night.
Rebulding my transmission? $1800
WOW! I can't believe this is happening to me.
sick day. I have a cold, which has dropped into my chest
lylly llyjk tkpo 5o5o5 otoog otoo6 o0y6 50 95 989 erv furf
Is it okay to write in the vernacular around here?
I am absolutely obsessed with the Snow Patrol song:
New Indian Casino Has Problem: Built On Land Where Gambling Is Illegal
I'm popular. I'm busy. I'm moving. Naturally, I'm getting sick.
Post something bound to piss off someone.
I'm staying at DU. Just thought I'd say "who cares."
I'm leaving DU. Just thought I'd say goodbye.
Do you have any irrational pet peeves or dislikes?
Shoud waitresses share a % of tips with cooks,busboys etc?
Scheduled downtime Thursday night from 11pm-12am EDT
Need hugs, prayers, white light, or whatever you believe in.
My good friend's husband just died. Only sick for 3 weeks.
Are you subject to random drug tests at work?
Post something nice about someone!
This is a request for prayers and good thoughts
Has anyone ever dated someone with bipolar disorder?
Anagram your DU name, then post it here.
Post your WORST name for a Real Town !
***September Photo Contest (prelim) *TREES* Poll #3***
***September Photo Contest (prelim) *TREES* Poll #2***
***September Photo Contest (prelim) *TREES* Poll #1***
Congratulations Fridays Child!! 15,000 posts
'Lucy's baby' found in Ethiopia (ie same species)
New Exploit Rocks IE, Downloads Scores Of Spyware, Adware
Primary Elections Yield Victories for Pro-Equality Legislative Candidates
Gay Marriage Hearings Begin In South Africa
Hong Kong Court Strikes Down Sodomy Law
Boston To House Nation's Biggest Gay Health Complex
Missouri State U bans gay discrimination
Judge Critical Of Alaska Gay Benefits Proposal
Hilarious Daily Show look at how fuc*ing sick the gay haters are!! ---
Coors praised for treatment of gays
Gay news anchor leaving Wisconsin because of marriage legislation
10% of straight men admit to having gay sex
Final Showdown Looms In Anglican Gay Dispute
Washington Blade Parts Ways With Jeff Gannon
Bung scandal in English Premier League
Happy birthday, Stellanoir. September 20, 19...um.
If our psychics and sensitives here can spare their time: new job concern.
Ow...ankle (good thoughts / prayers request)
This Scorpio is for a some good thoughts, prayers and well wishes
Weird comment on yesterday's Hardball Show
Jackpot! Two Kerry e-mails in one day!
Two Kerry posts at Liberal Values
Kerry-Murphy editorial on Iraq - THE TRUTH ABOUT IRAQ
Pic Thread to celebrate the primary wins this year!
John Kerry is on the cover of my newspaper today . . .
If the group smugalugafug looks odd or is missing
~~~The September Photo Contest Prelims are up.~~~
How in the HELL is the Idiot War Criminal Gaining Popularity??
Lets cut to the chase here with Iran
Jeesh! THE "NUMBER" IS UP TO 2690 this morning.
Confessions from a Keith Olbermann neophyte
Who the hell taught George W. Bush to speak - he's AWFUL!!!
German Jews warn of neo-Nazi role in poor regions
Iraq "Study" Group won't report until after November....
Iraq Study Group won't give report until after November 8th
Dubai Ports World Retains Control of U.S. Ports
Wyoming Schools are Flush with Money
Article IV Of The Constitution
Could a parallel government save the world?
Gay Marriage Opponents receive help from shadowy RW organization
Global Politics in 30 seconds.
Do you remember when Bill Clinton spoke...
Pentagon Iran Office Mimics Former Iraq 'Office of Special Plans'
YouTube teams with ABC (Disney)
Obstructionist Republicans? Frist threatens to filibuster detainee bill
Watching my TIVO'd Countdown, with tears in my eyes....
Tell the FCC: No More Cover-Ups
Anybody listening to Sam Seder?
Here is today's heartfelt blessing:
Use Customer Reviews on iTunes to Rip Disney and ABC on PT911
Officer allegedly draws weapon on 7-year-old girl
Who Will George Bush Torture In Your Name?
I Was A 14 Year-Old Marianas Sex Slave -- ALL GOP Candidates Responsible!
George Washington's Farewell Address: This Day in 1796
Funny: If you google "Dumbfuckistan" you get a Rush Limbaugh page
After $8 Billion Spent, The Salmon Are Still Dying
Damn, look at all this asshat's youtube videos
Question about the Dem pols . . .
"Peace Mom" now available ,just released and available at amazon.com
BREAKING: Democratic leaders announce "The Alliance for World Peace"
Doctor accused of giving stripper a hand
not sure, but I think someone REALLY wants us to see "Jesus Camp"
NeoCon, Repuke desperation EVERYWHERE....WooHoo!
I like this quote by Eugene Robinson
Did Cooper buy the CNN Network or what ?
While some people count the days to the Rapture and Second Coming, I
i have several questions this morning:to
I've had it with the Post 9/11 World. There is no such thing
Help me get back at Disney, ABC using the Customer Reviews at iTunes
I wonder how many people will die in Iraq tomorrow...
It's Right-Wing Christian Day on "Imus In The Morning"
Note word choice: "Mounties, US were wrong on Canadian rendition victim"
George Moisha Rabinowitz Allen
Hugo Chavez to speak at the UN at 11:30 am (Eastern)
Repukes get together to offer tribute Henry Hide
New Bush Comic: "We Gotta Educate 'Em"
The White House is uploading anti-drug videos onto YouTube
So what's the goal with Disney/ABC?
Opponents of Torture Are True Patriots - By Joe Conason
Frist and White House Promise to Filibuster for Torture
Torture and Accountability, The War Crimes Act of 1996
E-mail needs a 'weird propaganda' filter
Team Bush rewards Daniel Pearl's killers with F-16s
Parental leave bill killed -- deployed troops' kids are the victims
Bush Keeps Finding Losers For Important Jobs: Can You Say "Brownie"
The coup in Thailand--a little help please
Into a Moral Desert - By Harold Meyerson of Washington Post
Could We Get Olbermann To The NBC Nightly News?
Is Syria on our side or not? (Arar, Gonzales, and torture)
Is this Frank (MMC-AZ) on Washington Journal up for reelection this year?
Popular Mechanics tries to explain 911
Amnesty International USA---call Congress today
Let's say I break into your house
From the Stupid File: Idaho Gov Candidate Changes Name to "Pro-Life"
RADICAL FRINGE CARTOON - Wed 9/20 , lumbering loudly with big stick
Repugs desperate to pass racist poll tax before they lose House
So. Now the White House and ABC are taking over YouTube....
A repuke Compromise for bush offered on surveillance bill
D'Amato says McCain too traumatized to think clearly
Putting the Con in Confusion 101 - Muslims and the Media
Press Release, Kentucky Democratic Party - Wesley Clark
MUST SEE DAILY SHOW CLIP on gays in the military.
Brainstorming AL Gore's Proposal to Abolish Payroll Tax.
The enemies of humanity have continued their campaign of murder.
Survey USA Poll results are in (great for dems less than 50 days out)
Lou Dobbs: Voting machines put U.S. democracy at risk
Radicalism masquerading as conservatism...
Molly Ivins: Proposed Program Is Illegal-For BothYoung & Old War Criminals
WAhat was * up to with Abbas just now?
Conservatives Offer Ridiculous Logic To Suggest Republican Win In November
If We Spent $300 bil on Alternative Energy Instead of Iraq....
Garrison Keillor: Pennies for my thoughts (on Pope, Ford, et al)
Discussion in the House, CSPAN, on voter ID. McDermott (D-WA)
E-mail from my sister in Thailand...
500,000 coffins? You tell me, please?
Retirement offer to US Navy Officers
MSNBC Analysis: Midterms look like fight to the finish
Diddy On Bush: “It's Like My Man Has No Marbles Up There”...
Profiles in Courage Award - How to Nominate
VIDEO: Robert Greenwald on War-Profiteering Last Night on Countdown
Chavez calls bush "The Devil" and the smell of sulfur is still
Freepers Freak as Chavez call Bush the Devil!!!
NY Observer: NY Times Draws Ragged Line Between Fact and Opinion
Thinking Points, by George Lakoff
"How do we fight it? We turn it off."
Update on Suzanne Swift from her mother
NBC News Beating the Drums of War With Iran?
Ignoring Senate Intel Report, White House Releases ‘Fact Sheet’ on ‘Iraq’s
I am taking a Zogby survey right now...Who is my choice for President?
Tom Toles most-excellent torture cartoon
Need links to show how moron* has cut VA benefits...
Governor proclaims "Fox News Channel Day" in Massachusetts
Bush & conservative columnists: "Stubbornly hopeful" or "OUT OF TOUCH"?
Remember Cheney's trip to Alberta, CA oil sands during Katrina?
Third Baby Dies After Hospital Overdose
23 Reasons George Bush Must Be Impeached- The Short List
Do alot of the mainstream media read this site?
UN Reports Continuing Widespread Torture of Detainees in Iraq
I want to take out the 72-year-old Avacor guy.
(VIDEO) Daily Show: Papa Don't Preach
LA Times in crisis; Tribune Company said "cannibalizing" paper
"How Global Warming Could Suddenly Tip Over and Ignite Calamity"
25 most corrupt: Harris, Burns, Frist, Murtha, Hastert...
Crisis seen in luggage screening
The US dismisses nations' leaders as if they don't exist
What book was Chavez holding (and recommending)?
BUSH Admin & Senate Move To AXE Reporter Shield Law
White House refuses to respond to Chavez speech.
Quick! Name the first nation to force sterilization for eugenics purposes
I got stuck watching a local dog and pony abc station last night
Chavez Presser now on CNN International
FREE BUMPERSTICKER: Defend America - Fire the Republicans
What do you suppose she is laughing at?
Extension of homeless veterans programs sought
CNN is 100% shit -post Chavez speech spin
Cowardly WH Too Scared To Reply To Chavez's UN Speech
What is wrong with this picture?
Do any of you Viet Nam Vets out there, know how wide spread the
Pick Your Favorite Homoerotic Torture Technique (Ted Rall)
AAR broadcasting Obama speech right now
Is it possible to Impeach a "Unitary Executive"?
Did anyone else hear that the Red Cross is making rounds at GITMO?
So Idiot Son stinks like sulphur.
Best venue for prochoice lawmaker to advocate their view to prolife crowd?
CAPTION a real president and a phony first lady
Oprah, move over! Venezuelan prez Chavez introduces HUGO'S BOOK CLUB!
Will George Bush's Presidency Survive?
I think I'll update my resume and apply (not !)
Blitzer to have the Devil on today...
The Road to Guantanamo - I'd like to share this important movie!!!
WH still finding it useful to blame Iraq on George Tenet
Stars & Stripes letter: Our leaders are naked!
Anyone else watching this Voter ID debate in the House?
Michelle Malkin Hearts Terrorists
TOP SECRET info to Chinese - Good friend of Negroponte - 3months jail time
Report documents 25 'most corrupt' in Congress
Polling company employee pleads guilty to fraud (Liebermen etc.)
Hugo Chavez: As If Bush Was The Owner Of The World
Wingnut strategy/rationalizing: "Best for us if we LOSE 1 or both houses"
US: Pentagon Spends Billions to Outsource Torture (BILLIONS)
Apparent random highway shooting outside D.C...
Pentagon Iran Office Mimics Former Iraq Office
Is it even possible to be energy independent??
One fundies response to an Evolution question on Howstuffworks.com
Macacca's Manager, Waddams launches Anti-Semitic Campaign against Blogs
Whora Odickhead: "Is the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez,
The Dumbest Thing I've Ever Seen
"What accounts for the failure of American policy in Iraq?"
9/11 Truth: What Happened to WTC Building 7 (video)
Don't forget the simple things in life....Love
Hip-Hop Caucus president plans civil disobedience at the White House...
Attacks on GIs in Iraq RISING.
We Need A Gay Marriage and Flab Burning Debate Right Now
UN: Nearly 6,600 Iraqi civilians killed in July, August
lords of "open wide" (separated at birht)re-encounter each other at last!
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Gerrymandered To Serve Make-Believe Agenda
New ARG Poll RI Senate: Whitehouse: 45% Chafee 40%
What else didn't the intelligence community say pre Invasion of Iraq?
Iraq for Sale - The WAR Profiteers
Live Chavez press conference coming up on UN webcast
The Forests Win: Judge OVERTURNS Bush Plan On Roadless Forests
Snow, Gonzales to speak alongside Coulter, Falwell
"Nearly 6,600 civilians killed in Iraq in two months: UN "
Dana Milbank: Iraq Study Group calls a press conference, to report nothing
My wife just told me that Bill O Reallys real name is "ORALy"
Anyone notice that MSM is covering the
West-Winging It: The premiere of "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip"
CNN, Blitzer, Fox, etc....enablers, aiding and abetting ..UN speeches
Jack Cafferty's Questions for Today
Two protesters still jailed after UN protest yesterday..
Wolf Blitzer, drama queen, turning news into US-vs.-them fantasy thriller
Iraq deaths surge over last two months: UN (Since Bush's big crackdown)
One of my nephews just turned 18 a couple of days ago.
Decline of the American Empire
Freepers solution for Iraq: hit them F^%$ so hard they would think ALLAH
Thought everyone should see this freeper shit....
Red Cross Expects to Meet With Detainees
I'm getting sick and tired of groups on our side screwing me
What happened regarding Alice Fisher yesterday ?
Ignoring Intel Report-WH Releases Fact Sheet on Iraq’s Links to al Qaeda
do you think Chavez is still alive just because he is so
House GOP pushes 'just for show' bills on immigration
California sues carmakers over global warming
Abeer's "alleged" killers returned to USA(Hadeel, Qassim, & Fakhriya too)
Al Gore's Speech At NYU was Inspiring
Lady Chimp: Most popular republican in the country right now..
New ARG Poll: 47% Lieberman 45% Lamont
The big month long story ends in an etc.
What is it with repubs & torture now, is it some sick sexual thing?
Another Dragging Death - This time in Colorado
Let's stop asking where Osama is.
Heartbreaking Story about a Grandmothers anger over Gulf War Illness
Good News: House Judiciary Committee to consider impeachment.....
Polygraph thwarts suspicion of moles and traitors.
Barbara Boxer's on C-Span2 now.
So what is keeping Bush from trying those he is now holding? Clinton
Al Jazeera wants to cover the New Orleans Saints Home Opener
Who is participating in Declaration of Peace activities 9/21/2006
Republican Politician Sues Bush & Cheney on Iran
You have got to be kidding me?! Any other states have this too?
Just how many countries does Bush's coalition of the willing consist of?
Kondracke:Iraq violence result of Bush adversaries trying to sway election
2691 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Ignore Gore (Media Commentary from The Daily Holwer)
ALERT: NYT Columnist Frank Rich on Fresh Air today: New Book...
O' Reilly Claims He and others at Faux on Al-Qaeda Death List
Since when did CNN start allowing moveon ads?
Can anyone help me debunk this Neal Boortz crap?
Why does the Department of Homeland Security have a Religious Wing?
Breaking: Disneyland tour bus injures seven!
Specter on Senate floor--Habeus Corpus and the new Sec. bills. Good
Do you think your safe flying guess again
How Has Our Military Been Able To Comply With Common Article 3 In The Past
I've finally seen the program that epitomizes American culture...
Bill O'Reilly Calls Himself 'T-Warrior'
What the hell are "likely" voters? If someone asks me if I'm "likely"
Is your voter registration info accurate and "safe"? Find out!
Anyone watching C-Span 2 talking about Habeas Corpus? n/t
Has the "Terra Alert" been like this for some time or is this new?
This MIGHT work to cut down the underage pot smoking
Terry McAuliffe Tells Biz Buddies He'll Be Chairing Hillary's 08 Prez Run
"Pete's Couch" anti drug ad...tells the truth about weed (youtube) real ad
Hey Everybody, become a Republican today!
DU Polling love wanted! Is having Bush come to our city an honor or pain?
Congressman Blocking Crackdown on Predatory Lenders on troops
Iraq and Afghanistan are 'failed states' according to US magazine
UK soldier beat Iraqis into pain ‘choir’: prosecutor
Movie Suggestion: "Judgment At Nuremberg:" Will It Be "Judgment At Iraq?
I guess Tweety is offended that Chavez called the monkey
New Fox division focuses on faith; film of Jesus as a black man
Robert Scheer: An administration's descent into barbarism
How do you think Dog the Bounty Hunter pissed Bush off?
The terror alert for tomorrow will be raised to "Ernie"
Look they changed the pose of the wax figure
Now if * could just convince me he doesn't exist
EUROPE: France pays mothers to have more children
DU This Poll: Will your vote be counted in the upcoming mid-terms
It would be so, so easy to fake Osama's death.
TRUTHOUT: Canada May Protest U.S. Treatment of Tortured Man
Owners of St. Bernard Parish nursing home indicted for negligent homicide
World wide Federal Reserve ownership
Oprah threatens to sue fan wanting her to run for president
Coming Up On CNN: "*I* Ask President Bush The TOUGH Questions" - Wolf
"How confident are you your vote will count?" Lou Dobbs Poll.
Here's a new descriptive term for neocon/freeper types.
Jim Webb coming up on "Hardball" on MSNBC.
(VIDEO) Robert Novak: Douchebag of Liberty (original segment)
Washington Blade Parts Ways With Jeff Gannon
This Congress is totally absurd
Leader of Thai Coup is a Muslim
George W. Bush and the inner punk
HR 4844, the Ehlers/Hyde bill, and the politics of economics...
Arrest made in Colo. dragging death
Conservatives Say Religion Under Attack....
Karen Armstrong on the Pope's Remarks
AP: Tea-Bag Mail Protest Worries Post Office
What is the problem with Iran having nuclear weapons when every nation
Woman dragged to death in Colorado
TV's Least Appealing Lady (Ouch) - - !!!!
I can't decide which of the following evils is worse. Help me decide:
Lou Dobbs just lost me with "Leftist Menace"
"Muslims told to leave Major US Cities."
SurveyUSA: Green party idiot killing Ben Cardin, Steele leads in poll
Hugo Chavez Address to the United Nations
Chavez: Oil could unite Christians and Muslims
mind control, tinfoil, or ? JUST 35 YEARS AGO, FREEPERS WEREN'T RETARDED!
George Allen says acknowledgement of his Jewish ancestry = "anti-Semitic"
Obviously Allen's mother is Jewish, Allen doesn't deny anymore
There was APPLAUSE when Chavez called Bush "The Devil!"
3 grandparents killed in shooting in front of g'son at ballfield in Tenn
If Bush is so Correct, so right, so Good, How come his ratings are 39%?
Chavez inspired Poll: What IS pResident Bush?
Republican: it's not just a political party anymore
Anyone remember "Why We Went In: Version 10.0" by PJ Crowley?
Caught in Lies again GAO report show VA's budget failures
Live Poll On Dobbs Now: Cast Your Vote
Do you believe the media hype, that Iran would use their nukular weapons
Aussie "Muslim" Chain Mail Now Morphed Into US Xenophobic RW Fundie Rant
Master Sensei Bush Teaches the U.N. The Art of Fucking Up: 201.01 Level
What were you terrified of in the Clinton Era?
Ted Turner says Iraq war among history's "dumbest"
Help me with a question that has been bothering me. Is there a
Congress has dumped its toll-free phone service -- WTF?
Allen says he eats ham sandwiches and pork chops
Thousands Gather To Say Farewell To 'Crocodile Hunter'
Water boarding? Has anyone ever seen the process?
AOL Poll on: Pres. Hugo Chavez comment at UN
Anyone know what happened to Randi Rhodes today?
A little cartoon fun in the morning
Dumbya was smirking when Wolf was asking about Iraq mutilation deaths
Estimated 20 to 30,000 PROTESTING Supporting Israel in UN against Iran
Michael Smerconish - Roger Waters: The Pink in Floyd
New Fox Unit To Produce Christian Films
(sigh) Katie's idea of a lead story...
Dobbs: Voting machines put U.S. democracy at risk
Christian Newswire: "To claim Islam is a peaceful religion is a lie"
Three Minute Video: What's In A Flu Shot?
To all talking heads and news readers:
Non-fiction book recommendation thread!
So what does Jesus think about torture?
BREAKING: House Judiciary Reconsiders BACKS Bush Torture Bill
"An Inconvenient Truth" being used in my child's 5th grade class
Pelosi Slams 'Tawdry' GOP Attempt to Suppress Millions of Votes
Too many DUers are being duped by this "Bush poll bounce" nonsense
Once Again, Why Is Ann Coulter Not In Jail?? Rush Limbaugh??
THEY ARE BACK Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
Senators complain that tithing should be allowed during bakruptcy
HUGE GQ article on Lamont-Lieberman race (16 pages!)
Poll: Sensenbrenner vulnerable!
Sen floor cspan2 Lots of testimony about loss of crops cuz of immigatratio
Why shouldn't everyone have nukes (like me, you, etc)?
"Too bad the people of Venezuela don't have free speech."
The response to Pope shows hypocrisy. (a worthwhile read)
Has anyone watched the 9/11 "In Memoriam" documentary?
Will Pitt: Swiftboating the Swiftboaters
Clinton criticizes Chavez for calling Bush a devil
Yes or No: Will the Neoconazis ever be prosecuted?
New book: JFK "doodled" the numbers "9-11" and the word "conspiracy"
I am so SICK of this "Jesus Camp" Google Ad!!!
!! House Committee Approves Bill to SHIELD BUSH FROM WAR CRIMES!!
Abramoff Allies Had Over 100 Bush WH Meetings Including Meetings With Bush
Scheduled downtime Thursday night from 11pm-12am EDT
Jim Jones, Jonestown, AND "Jesus Camp"
VIDEO: The Reid and Durbin Show
Declaration of Peace, in Italy, too!
The ugly history of the term "Homeland"....
Voter ID bill results - Government issued ID required by 2008
Allen Mgr Trying to Paint Webb as Anit-Semitic for Ad in Primary
Cat Killer Frist pimps Nov. GOP votes by dangling US-Mexico fence carrot
Will Republican perverts get enough Dems to support them on HR 5295?
NYT: For Governors in G.O.P. Slots, a Liberal Turn
Clinton sees hope of fresh Mideast initiative
Smear Campaign Backfiring--Bernie Sanders lead 66% to 27%
Condi is going to be in charge of the Israeli thing? They should send
VoteVets Body Armor Ad Going to Run Against Santorum - Woo Hoo!
The House is in session. Voter ID to be discussed. Cspan Now.
Photo: "Our opening hymn: "In the Garden of Eden," by I. Ron Butterfly..."
What form of torture would Jesus have preferred?
New Bush Comic: "We Gotta Educate 'Em"
HRW slams UN body for anti-Israel bias
Anderson Cooper (9/19) David Gergen and Frank Rich
Tell Your Senators: Don't Let the White House Legalize Torture E action
Trying to create a mass email. RE: paper ballots and why the average
Bush Appoints Former ‘Big Dig’ Manager As Special Envoy To Darfur
No One Dares to Help -- The wounded die alone on Baghdad's streets.
Mary Matalin on Imus now saying the Bush Administration doesn't
America caught in a VISE of Ignorance and Osama's strategies
WOW! Greta Van Susteren STALKS 'n' BLOGS Laura Bush in NY! WOW! USA! USA!
WOW! Pederson (D)Closes in on Kyl(R) in Arizona!!!
Difficult Working Conditions at Center of Nursing Shortage
Jonathan Alter on MSNBC talking about the US backed coup of Chavez
Is there an opportunity for Labor and (very) small business owners to be
They are Back Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
U.S. troops face gangs of children in Baghdad
Katherine Harris to stump with president after all, in Orlando on 9/21
Re Basics: Never expect Success from those without Talent
What Turley Didn't Say: Bush is a War Criminal
bush Make A Major Confession.....
Torture Fails Again ("black eye for U.S." -- tortured detainee cleared)
The twenty most corrupt members of congress - interesting read
Dobbs: Voting machines put U.S. democracy at risk
Doing The Moral Limbo: How Low Will They Go?
Benchmarks: 20,000 U.S. troops injured
Sens. want more Iraq report declassified
NPR: Dubai Firm Fails to Sell Ports in Timely Manner (but we get pathway!)
White House to release entry logs
When people were not allowed to vote
THURS., C-SPAN3, 9AM ET ---Impeachment Hearing
DSCC "Burns" Conrad Burns with Fireman Ad - Woo Hoo
Corps must be pissed about the Thai Coup...
army has refused 426 Army Reserve resignations since Dec. 2004 & other
Bible Study classes inside the Green Zone
Is Chris Matthews that stupid?
Make your own billboard and embarrass Beauprez & Chimp in Colorado in Oct
Democrats House Armed Service Committee on Shortfalls Family Support
Barbara Milkulski, answered my letter on signing statements
Hoyer challenges Republiclowns to prove citizenship right now.
AP: House Passes Voter ID Bill
Tweety's worked himself into a LATHER: "Bush is COMING BACK UP!" (44%)
Congress.org Congressional Power Rankings -
Pathetic Re-thug Advertising...
what a friend georg b*sh has in wolf blitzer
Gas prices dropping? It's NOT because of the Republicans...
"How confident are you your vote will count?" Lou Dobbs Poll.
Is there any good reason for Des Moines to have cheaper gas than Houston?
Joe Scarbourgh showed his true colors last night.
There is no UPTICK in Bush's approval rating look at...
How are we doing on reclaiming "liberal"?
AP: Obama Urges Challenge to Bush Policy
Torture and the Tenth Amendment
Free Bumper Stickers: "Fire the Republicans" from moveon.org
MN-02: GOP Staffer Caught On Camera Yelling About "Jap" Cars
Rove Promises October Surprise
So, Frist & the Rethugs in the Cover-up Congress are Pro-Torture
"Freedom Isn't Free But It Doesn't Cost Us Our Rights"
O'Reilly: "The FBI warned me that al Qaeda had me on a death list"
No "pulling a Lamont" in Washington State. Cantwell winning.
Dem strategist on Hardball not too strong
The War Against the Common Good
Chavez Calls Bush the devil at UN
Joe Sestak (PA-7) will guest blog at CCN tomorrow (Thursday) night
Buyer's remorse: The Bush story the press won't tell
Frist Blames Democratic Minority for Do-Nothing Congress, Gets Spanked
Can we fight "Either/Or Dualism" without being "Centrist" sell outs?
My van was shot by a freeper (update).
AP: Texas Candidate Accused of Racist Crack (Kinky Friedman)
Chavez calls Bush the devil and, no doubt, many DUers cheer