Iran: Seven Women at Risk of Stoning
Stay the course in Iraq? What course?
Jamail: A Broken, De-Humanized Military in Iraq (War is lost?)
523rd Fighter Squadron has 'blatantly sectarian religious ... patches'
Iraq policy has led to Blair's downfall, says top British UN official
Imagine Giving Rumsfeld Unbounded Discretion to Detain You Indefinitely
Report Links White House and Corrupt Lobbyist
Iraqi Journalists Add Laws to List of Dangers
Breaking News: Land Availability Exhausted In California
Measure hastens waste to Yucca: Surface storage part of senator's proposal
U.S.-India nuke treaty hits snags (Reid - Yucca amendments)
Judges dismiss Yucca suit, but state is happy
Thank You Brad Friedman - Media Going Crazy Over Emergency Bill
Did anyone watch the house hearing on e-voting on c-span today?
Breaking: America died today from a self-inflicted wound.
Bottled water no threat to Ontario groundwater supply: industry
Sentence in death of newborn called disturbing, unusual
Harris' account of law she pushed is at issue
FBI Denies Overestimating Anthrax Power
LAT: Study: Working Parents Struggle to Insure Children
(Belgian) Bank faulted over data transfers to U.S.
NYT: Congress Is Told of Failures of Rebuilding Work in Iraq
House of Representatives Passes Warrantless Wiretap Bill
House Passes "Iran Freedom Support Act" tonite- *Voice Vote*
Seven people face charges on seal hunt protest
Breaking: House approves Bush's wiretapping bill
Military official: Iranian millions funding insurgency (CNN)
NYT: "Report links White House and Lobbyist "
Sentence in death of newborn called disturbing, unusual
Fired pollster revisits 2000 election
U.S. soldiers' overseas votes ripe for fraud
Sensing Weakness, Senate Democrats See Strength in Bucking the President
Risky mortgages threaten a squeeze(500,000 homeowners )
NYT: Iraqi Journalists Add Laws to List of Dangers (Sedition Laws)
Middle-class families in worse shape than ever, study finds
Middle-class families in worse shape than ever, study finds
Venezuela says U.S. is harboring terrorists
Great Lakes Machine Guns Raise Ire in Canada
Smithfield Workers Take Justice Campaign To New York City
U.S. war deserter critical of Canada as he heads home
The "yoiks" smiley should be reversed.
A tornado just touched down in Severna Park, Maryland.
Is a political suicide a worthy notion?
what is your fav halloween song?
Prisoner transfer from cell block 1138? - I'm watching the ORIGINAL!!
So where do think we should meet?
When I commit genocide against 4 billion people, do I get 4 Nobels,
And on a non-gay cooties note, I went to the Dodge Poetry Festival today.
Where can I attend courses on human sexuality?
Damn you, Survivor! (Spoiler alert!)
Please, recommend a fictional book for me to take on my vacation with me.
The first Iron Chef America episode that I wish Jeffrey Steingarten was on
What's with all the incredibly loud music on TV shows?
This is the sweetest dog ever! My girl Angel. (Dial-up warning)
"The headlines read: 'These are the worst of times'. I do believe it's
Ever have a whole conversation by yourself?
Alexander the Great, Ethelred the Unready; What's GWB the _____?
anybody still watch ER? (spoilers)
Will reason win out in the end?
DU and Daily Kos: Compare and Contrast
Say. How do you like my new avatar?
I'd be honored if you kissed me! I'll even kiss back!
Can we talk about something really, really dumb?
OMG, Jason Jones on the Daily Show just slammed our local
Help! Our friends 27 year old gay son wants to "hang" with us....How can
The DUmmies ar goin crasy over there cuz of tha torchure stuff! Thsi is
Hi. My name is Lara, and I'm a gym-phobic.
Top 10 reasons why women want sex?
I just freaked out and blew up at her.
Beck fans! Hold on to your horses..
Have you apologized to Stephen Colbert yet?
It never rains in Southern California - is this true?
The Preservation Hall Jazz Band is playing a concert at my uni...
I am tired. Is it worth staying up another hour to see the Daily Show
Does anyone know of a website...
If everyone else is getting kisses, I want one too!
Me loves me da Sugah Smack...A song for her:
Ok, how does a toy start going off sitting on a table with no one around?
My show is coming on in a few minutes
I just need a dang picture of Peter Wentworth.
Anyone ever bought a cell phone and found it doesn't work at home?
The Phillies and Nationals are about to start in D.C.
I'm sick of playing hearts. Ask me anything.
Anyone see the documentary "the God Who Wasn't There?"
Export and post your playlist right now
HiS ASs - Homeland Security Advisory System
Why I don't miss _______________.
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In Bloopers...
HANNITY car give-away ain't worth the sacrifice
Can Michael Nesmith and Black Sabbath co-exist peacefully...
Just learned some interesting things about house am in...and the landord
And you thought the Islamic youth are dangerous
Fucoxanthin reduces abdominal fat accumulation
Surgeons Do First Near-Weightless Surgery
Cheating DNA Death: How an Extremophile Repairs Shattered Chromosomes
Thanks for all the positive vibes
Europegirl4JFK: did this debate get any play in Europe?
Heartbroken? Send your love to anti-torture candidates. (Like Joe Sestak)
Oh and BTW, The Dictator of America whined about critics again today
Thank you Senator Kerry for standing up for moral decency
Senator Kerry on Paula Zahn tonight
Kerry campaigns for Lamont in CT
Whew! Ok, I'll simmer down now
dynamicdems just put up a completely KICKASS post in GD
I have gort to say it.F***k the so called "progressives".I have been
Photogroupies, I'm getting political
******Open thread: put up something*******
MSNBC: The smart politics of the detainee vote helps democrats big time
House Suspends Hill Telecom License: Va. Firm's Award Linked to Abramoff
WP, Froomkin: Senate vote "defining moment for this nation"
Take UK troops out of Iraq, senior military told ministers
Nazi Germany began this way...
"A Howard Beale moment" Wanker refers to Big Dogs response on Hardball...
2710 Reasons why the DSM is Important
Here's where we throw sand in their face.
Is the administration using NSA and blackmail on our senators and reps
i have spent my day telling ALL the repug party is the party of torture
So, we ought to see some measurable results on the "terror war" now
Open Letter to the Freepers Among Us
Ok, how does a toy start going off sitting on a table with no one around?
Welcome to The United Soviet States of America. Enjoy your stay, but
Soviet style mass protesting is the only option left
The World News Trust Daily Broadcast Report 09/28/06 (Steven Srebrenick)
Bush: "Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction"
It isn't Bush's job to 'define'
What will it take to bring Detainees act before the SCOTUS?
BREAKING: DNC Voting Rights Inst. Endorses Emergency Paper Ballots! MORE!
LIEberman and 11 Democrats voted for torture. Plus *every* Republican.
Best. BigDog. Photo. Ever. Infinity.
Okay, folks - the torture bill passed. This is what you do now...
In the wake of the Torture Bill passing do you believe America is over?
Olbermann Receives Death Threat and NY Post Thinks It's Funny
All the Democratic leaders have to do...
Republicans are human beings with severe personality disorders
I missed the first 20 minutes of Countdown-can somebody summarize, please?
Should we just throw in the towell?
House Dems have a Motion To Recommit the wiretapping bill at the desk
485 Contacts Between Jack Abramoff Team and Bush White House Officials
All is lost... cede all to the neo-cons...
What Is It That Rachel said about Airport Security
Congratulations, Osama Bin Laden, from a cave in who-the-fuck-
It all goes back to the same question, don't it?
John Danforth Warns of Christian Right but Says Tide Will Turn
Please help me reply to this email blaming Clinton for 9/11
Will Someone in the Media PLEASE NAIL BUSH for This Quote?
A few words on mercy in a time of torture
"Jesus Camp" coming up on KO!!!
The House is sure having a spirited debate on the NSA bill. I did not
On October 5th, storm the media!
I'm one of those who was angry about the torture bill, but listen to this:
Four Strong People Are Holding You Down. You Are Powerless To Resist Them.
The "Its OK to Torture Bill" and Its Aftermath
America's Pathetic Putin-Envy --- The Fear of Falling
let's presume the Democrats take control of Congress big time
The Republicans have the characteristics of fascists
On Keith Olberman: Jesus Camp.
A plea to Keith, Molly and Helen, our national voices of outrage.
The No-Compromise GOP PIgs showed their snout today
"have i mentioned yet tonight how much i HATE these people?" - malloy
Can the next (Democratic) President use executive order to nullify torture
What is the process of working this torture bill through the courts?
There are no liberals, moderates, or conservatives that support torture
starting tomorrow morning (or now), flags at 1/2 mast or upside down
so, I'm now pro torture for defending Reid, who voted against the bill
"My America is better than this" election meme.
I just don't get how people live their lives and don't even pay
Bush's Dictatorship is Official
Nancy Pelosi speaking against the wiretapping bill now
Senator Kennedy amendment to Military Commissions bill?
If the Democrats do not win the House or the Senate...?
Are we there yet? Civil disobedience?
Here's an idea: Vote against incumbents. ALL of them.
The Democratic Party needs us.
There is NO "War on Terror" it does not exist except in the tiny
Economy Booming for Billionaires
Should we just throw in the towell?
The U.S. is Helping Pakistan Torture 'Terror' Suspects
why is Scarborough obessing over Jon Stewart this week??
Take UK troops out of Iraq, senior military told ministers
Here is the sad scoop folks. We the smart, the concerned, the idealistic,
On good men doing nothing. (please RECOMMEND)
I Pledge Allegiance to the Corporations... (Jason Miller)
Does the supreme court have the ability to overturn this torture bill?
Throw in the towel? I don't know about you, but I have tons of fight in me
Just saw Tammy Duckworth's ad to fight Roskam
Stop torturing yourself and others - please read this post
Religious leaders arrested in protest of Iraq war
Another friend of my daughter was killed today
Millions of dollars and a piano may put Korean in UN's top job
Anti-Burns firefighters ad is finally on TV
OK... So who's drinking after today's Vote of Torture?
you don't reckon ole georgie porgie is shit faced about now do you
What *should* have been the lead story today, were it not for the Torture
Take this from my experience and you ... WIN
Feck, the wiretapping bill passed the House
This is your GD friendly PSA--Everybody just watch this...
I'm a first-time canvasser for McCaskill. Pointers please?
"Karzey" silenced before revealing location of Bin Laden
Catch 22: How to overcome the "No Habeas Corpus" clause?
The U.S. has the political leadership that it deserves. Leadership that
Remember, remember, the fifith of... October
This is why I still have faith in the Dem party and why I won't give up...
An appeal to the Anti-War movement
The meaning of a vote on Election Day.
Now for an important question....what annoys you more - the Head On
Joe Conason - GOP Can't Handle 9-11 Truth
BUSH: “Freedom from torture is an inalienable human right…"
Thursday Polls: A whole bunch of them.
Breaking....House Approves a motion. Bush is God.
Inmate Has Victim's Name Tattooed on Him
WAKE UP ! And fight !!! In the words of Omar Khayyam:
Did the Democrats surrender on the torture issue?
The Russians and Chinese read the PNAC plan and have their own
When was the last hard push to enforce a party line Dem vote?
An alternative way forward for the US
Two days ago, we were talking about the NIE and Clinton on FOX...
AAR reported that the supreme court would overturn the torture bills
Will you be surprised if Bush's poll numbers go up tomorrow?
DU's Unhappycamper makes it to the Daou Report at Salon!
Here's what Security knows about you when you fly
"Are you people insane?" - Shame on the United States Senate
Two images begging to be made....
Memoriam - Habeas Corpus - 1679 - 2006
They were ready to impeach Lincoln for suspending the writ.
Death squads roam Baghdad - Why our soldiers can't see them
7-11 chain says no to Chavez oil - US. should say No to Irans oil too
My email to Harold Ford, Jr....
Jesus Camp : Kids Worshipping to a George Bush Picture
NYT: "Karl Would Like 3 Tickets For His Family"
Osama must be partying hearty tonight
Because he must we!
Students: School Suspended Us For Dressing Alike
The "October Surprise" is: There is none.
Mid-term elections seem as important as Bush in 2004, he loses power
What'cha all complainin' 'bout freedom for?
Judge received death threats after ruling on intelligent design
U.S. says attacks up in Afghan border area - The Afghans are desperate
Costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to reach $549 billion this year
Today's lead NYT editorial on the "terror" bill -- WOW! ... simply WOW!
Torture is useful for one thing.
Even Though "Control" Of Congress Is Important
Looks like the bill passed by the Senate today is not so bad after all
I have finally had it with my veterans' board.
Our forefathers fought to defend freedoms that bush has taken away.
Do you want to piss away peace?
Dream world a strange, scary place for liberals: Ottawa Citizen
Everything within you asks for peace
Bush passed on a chance to get Bin Laden in 2001?
For What It's Worth - Steven Stills, 1966
Is it torture? Ask the Führer. He's the decider.
THE DIRTY DOZEN How does the Democratic Party Excommunicate it's Traitors
Another travesty - warentless wiretapping passes House
Head On Radio Thursday Best of Mike Malloy! Truthseekers Check In, It's
Oliver Stone : Bush has ‘set America back 10 years’
Halliburton's Statement re Attacked Convoy Caught On Tape...Excuse Me?!
Anyone Can Be Declared An Enemy Combatant
US fast-food chains sued over carcinogenic chicken
I think one of the networks oughtta run BRAZIL commercial free.
Reid simply CANNOT REMAIN as Senate leader
Know those frogs in the pot of slowly heated water?
USS Eisenhower Fleet Deployment.
House passes Iran Regime Change Bill tonite--- Hello ??!
I'm going to watch "V for Vendetta" again tonight--and drink.
Hey DUers, ya gotta get out once in a while to get the message out
Those against torture sign in....
I support voting for Dems who sold out on torture
The United States of America, 1776-2006. R.I.P.
Should we just throw in the towell?
Rosemary's New Constitution (originally written for GWB in '01)
*** Thursday TOONs : Scapegoat ***
A question for those screaming at the Democrats
My "Representative" Government has long since ceased to
Trent Lott on Iraqis: "They all look the same to me."
Iraqi journalists charged under Iraqi law for speech against govt.
So, hey, was there any good news today?
Water crisis grows worse as India gets richer
US House agrees to piss away another $70bn mostly for Iraq war
What will Happen when a Soldier REFUSES to Toruture?
Dem may be first muslim in House...
Trent Lott: "They all look the same to me"
US Supreme Court to Revisit Landmark Abortion Case Next Week
Roll Call: White House Intervened For Abramoff Clients
Why I'm voting straight-ticket Democratic in November
So if the next President decides anyone who owns a gun and opposes
Some Thoughts on the Need to Hold Our Government Accountable
The Supreme Court may very well strike down this bill.
VIDEO: "Lo-lights" from Bush's 2000 RNC Acceptance Speech.
Brother gets 3-year-old sister drunk, police say
there are a lot of upset people here
*********HALL OF SHAME*********
Join me in Pledging to work for a clean sweep in NOV, VOTE DEM
Torture bill should be a rallying cry from one end of the US to the other
Wish Stephanie Miller a Happy Birthday
Pat yourselves on the back DUers
The Republicans Have Done What Bin Laden Couldn't...
The Metomorphosis... Joe Lieberman
Bush Approval Rating Rises in Polls: Possible Reasons...
My 1st DL to You Tube, Have you had enough? Vote Democratic
Thank you, Senators Clinton and Schumer
September 28, 2006-65 US Senators Vote To Make USA Torture State
This is disturbing! Jesus/Bush worship camps for kids!
The first dictator in the history of the United States...
Inside Agitator...a look inside the DNC and Howard Dean's goals.
Will Bernie Sanders ( I ) have any power as a Senator?
FBI covers terrorists as al-Qaeda prepares next American attack
NY-20: Timeline By DWW has SMOKING GUN on Sweeney, FORCED ABORTION!
I have never had more respect for the greatest generation
WP, Cohen: "This Time, Congress Has No Excuse"
Charlie Rose Thurs: CHRIS WALLACE & RICHARD CLARKE & Al Hunt
Law professor describes torture bill as the mark of a banana republic
Better names for the Republican Party, 9/28/06
My friend just arrived in Iraq.
Do we now live in a Dictatorship?
Not just a whisper campaign: Bush is FOCKING CRAZY and I think some media
Before you behead Menendez and other Dems up for election
OMG! Jason Jones(The Daily Show)getting even funnier and Jim McGreevey...
Senator Dorgan wipes floor with Bushworld apologist Tom Friedman
If ever there's a day to call in sick, make it OCT 5....
LAT: Texas Governor's Race Both Colorful and a Little Kinky
What Secrets Is the 'NYT' Keeping for Condoleezza Rice?
U.S. Health System Gets Failing Grade Compared To Other Industrialized Nat
Economic Report: U.S. Economy No Longer The Most Competitive In The World
Never, in all my time at DU, have I composed as many posts
Attorney Says Insurance Company Political Lobbying Undermining Workers Com
For those of you who are HOT HOT HOT on either side of the torture vote
Surveyusa: Dewine, Santorum and Burns least popular in the Senate
A remider to those of you stating you will NOT vote in retaliation
From the grave-a note of friendship addressed to the American president
Open letter to Senators Lautenberg and Menendez a tirade.
So who do you support when your Senator is a bu$h loving repuke
The GOP NO ANSWER PARTY::: The Republican Party is void of
Lamont should highlight Lieberman's support of the torture bill.
"Are you people insane?" - Shame on the United States Senate.
I knew I shoulda joined the National Guard!
If you ask ten people to define habeas corpus .....
Is the ACLU the next best tool to fight the torture bill?
I remember living in a place called America
California becomes global leader in the fight on global warming
GOP - The Un-Christian party of war and torture
On the passage of the torture bill -
On good men doing nothing. (please RECOMMEND)
George Allen, up for a 2006 Strommy Award
So, JoeHole Lieberman voted FOR TORTURE, eh?
How do you think the average US citizen feels about torturing Muslims?
The legalization of torture is the direct result of gross cowardice
Where the future of American politics should be discussed..
List of Democrats and Repukes that crossed party lines on wiretapping bill
Pre-election solidarity - Black Armbands
Doh, the torture bill is not about torture!
Poll Finds Spitzer Ahead in New York G.O.P. Areas
Just read this on You Tube. A comforting thought in a sickish way
American democracy needs a tourniquet; House approves warrantless wiretaps
Bush: Greatest danger to America is premature withdrawal from Iraq
I'm really getting concerned about Riverbend.
Evil's still evil in anybody's name..
Are the Yahoo message boards worse than Free Republic?
If it's bad enough to suspend habeus corpus, maybe it's time for a draft?
Right wing site recommends putting landmines on the Mexico border
Did Bob Woodward get his groove back?
Maher Arar: Timeline (the torture of an innocent man)
"at least we don't behead people!"
Starting tomorrow there are 12 democrats on my S**t list and they will
KERRY to campaign for LAMONT in Connecticut
What Rethugs would've done if Clinton called them the "cut & run" party...
ENOUGH! Instead of the 12 traitors, here are the 34 AMERICANS
Feingold: "Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with self-defense."
BOTH of my NJ Senators supported torture? BOTH?!?!?
Pollster: Gore won in 2000, media call gave election to Bush
"The State has the right to torture innocent people."
Some DUers on these boards need to read this...
Another Republican Congressional Pedophile
The Left and the Jihad by Fred Halliday
(Iraqi) Family reeling from matriarch's brutal slaying
Pain of Bush's War seems lost on many Americans
Bloggers and Parties - Can the netroots reshape American democracy?
Woodward: Kissinger advises White House on Iraq
Rep. Jane Harman :Campaign Rhetoric Won't Fix Iraq
Detainee law may not provide total immunity for CIA interrogators
At Checkpoints in Baghdad, Disguise Is a Lifesaving Ritual
In Iraq, a Journalist in limbo
A Must Read Article "Thanks, but I'll sit this one out"
LAT: Wary eye cast on new Japanese P.M.'s conservatism, nationalism
What Fresh Hell Is This? Jane Smiley
Fear Is a Weak Motivator --WaPo
'Terrorist'='Trafficked to the US for a $78k Pakistani-equivalent bounty'?
Becoming Fearless -- The Ripple Effect --Naomi Wolf
LETTER FROM JESUS CAMP (A Parody of ‘Camp Granada’)
It may be business as usual in Venezuela
Kinsley: Bush's Conception Conflict
Senate Wins Fight (Lower Allowable Amps On Detainees' Testicles) Onion
The devil made them do it by Ellen Goodman
Do corporations benefit from being sued?
Scientists develop more powerful nuclear fuel
Gore Addresses UN, Meets With Annan On Climate Issues - ENN
Stanford Biologist - What Now Approaches Is Comparable With KT Extinction
Bush Budget Will Close EPA Scientific Libraries, Block Public Access
Skunks, Moose Appearing For First Time In Canadian Arctic Villages
EPA Announces Virgin-Sacrificing Plan To Slow Global Warming
Sci Am - New Mineral Evidence Strengthens PETM Climate Record
Met Office (UK) Projects SE England Temps Up To 114F By 2100 - Independent
Sunderbans Sinking As Seas Rise 3mm/Year - 10mm/Year In Bangladesh
Split Between Climate Science, Political Changes Wider Than Ever - Reuters
As Climate Warms, Blue-Green Algae Spread Through Quebec's Waterways
A pleasant (if small) note in the horrible chorus of environmental news
Researchers stress adaptation to global warming
Cost Of Limiting Climate Damage - One Year's Economic Growth - Guardian
Average Temps In Great Falls, MT Up 1.5F Since 2000 - Great Falls Tribune
Federal Commissioner - Canadian Climate Policy A "Losing Battle"
Lula Faces Green Skepticism As Brazilian Elections Approach - ENN
Deal Allows Hunting on Calif. Island (AP)
In Teeming India, Water Crisis Means Dry Pipes and Foul Sludge
One killed, five hurt in Rishon Letzion car bomb
AP: Hamas Supporters Rally in Northern Gaza
Victor Davis Hanson: The new anti-Semitism
Israel attacked UN post in south Lebanon with precision-guided bomb - UN
SWC accuses BBC of broadcasting “blood libels” v. the Progressive Magazine
Archived post: How Computers Steal Votes
Experts warn Congress of e-voting woes
Bowen bill would reveal who's bankrolling initiatives. Ahhnold vetos it.
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News, FRI. Sep. 28 & 29, 2006 - We Can!
Tired of screwed up elections? Ron Rivest shows how to do it right!
Another Canadian soldier gets killed in Afghanistan.
Senate gives Bush broad leeway to interrogate terror suspects
Harper, wife on different pages
It may be business as usual in Venezuela
Pakistan accused of terror abductions
Explosion hits Iran-Turkey gas pipeline (REUTERS)
Congress Chronicles Abramoff's Contacts (485 contacts with WH)
RCMP Apologizes to Falsely Accused Man
Bush was offered Bin Laden and said NO
Ashcroft Is Denied Immunity in Case --WaPo
Bush was offered Bin Laden and said no
GU: US: Iraq failing to tackle death squads
2 relatives of new Saddam judge killed
Commander backs Iraqi PM after criticism
Abramoff had more White House ties
Democrats take shots at Brown, DeWine ( Terrobill )
LAT: Labor Protest Targets Airport-Area Hotels
Poll: Lieberman leads Lamont by 10 points
AP: Senate Approves (by 100-0) $70B for War Spending
Mexico opposed to U.S. border fence
Walt Disney World cutting 125 jobs, outsourcing to contractors
Canadian soldier killed by blast in Afghanistan
(Jeb) Bush appoints 2 to circuit judgeships (attn. for parent of Terri S.
Report: Abramoff team had 485 contacts with White House (AP/CNN)
Foley submits resignation to Congress
Doubts Aside, U.S. Set to Boost Colombia Aid
some GOOD news- "Massachusetts judge allows out-of-state lesbians to wed"
BBC: Iran mulled nuclear bomb in 1988
Take UK troops out of Iraq, senior military told ministers(Cut & Run???)
Florida Republican Foley Resigns From U.S. House Seat
Bush acknowledges problems in Afghanistan; predicts Taliban ultimately
Democrats Who Back Terror Bill Get Cover
Court Challenge to New Detainee Law May Come In "Days"
U.N. official decries anti-terror bill
Democrats cite Woodward book in criticizing Bush's Iraq actions
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday September 29
'The Operation Is On!' Iraq's Sunni Tribes Fight Al-Qaeda
U.S. homework outsourced as "e-tutoring" grows
White House denies understating Iraq violence
At Checkpoints in Baghdad, Disguise Is a Lifesaving Ritual
(Iraqi) Family reeling from matriarch's brutal slaying
Chance at Osama pre 9/11, sez book (Rice brushed off 7/10/2001)
Congress restricts Bush on Iraq spending (slap at the administration)
New leader wants to make Japan a force
Rasmussen: Bush Approval Falls To 40%
WP: NATO Agrees to Lead Allies in All Afghanistan
7 tortured bodies found in Baghdad
Reuters: Tooth a key clue in UN probe into Hariri killing
Rice to visit Mid-East for talks (BBC)
U.S. Congress restricts Bush on Iraq spending
U.S. confirms voice on audiotape is that of al-Qaeda leader in Iraq
Bush says critics swayed by terrorist propaganda
Internet control 'nears autonomy'
US commander:His goal is not to defeat insurgency but leave it to Iraqis
Abortion clinics still face violence
Sen. Coleman says he won't run for higher office if asked
Kathy Augustine's husband arrested for her murder (NV state controller)
(Conrad) Burns jokes about Italian-Americans
WaPo: Card Urged Bush to Replace Rumsfeld, Woodward Says (new revelations)
(CA) State Legislature to Consider Airport Authority's Future
Ala. governor defends white Masonic unit
Al-Qaida No. 2 Calls Bush a Liar
Principal shot in rural Wis. school
Medicare cuts worry docs, seniors
Timken Slashes Forecasts, Plans to Cut 700 Jobs
Democrats press White House on Abramoff contacts
Ex-US Supreme Court justice worries about judicial independence
Reuters: US warns charities on any links to terror groups
Court Challenge to New Detainee Law May Come In "Days"
Reuters: Phone companies shield may be added to security bill
AP: Carter: Bush has brought U.S. "international disgrace"
U.S. commander has doubts on Anbar fight
Feds Give Mortgage Guidance to Banks
Reuters: "UN: Israel used precision bomb to hit UN officers"
EU and U.S. shape a deal on passenger data (itineraries, credit card #'s)
The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resi
R.I. club owners sentenced for '03 fire
Total Curfew Declared in Baghdad
'Hazed' Frat Member Needed Eardrum, Buttocks Surgery
Allen unveils bill to help black farmers
LAT: Legal Battle Over Detainee Bill Is Likely
Newsday: Senator Clinton urges Dean to raise campaign funds
Book Says Bush Ignored Urgent Warning on Iraq (nyt---“State of Denial,” )
Free trade a myth, U.S. executive says
Another teammate confirms Allen used "N-word" (Salon 9/29)
WP: Religious-Right Voter Guides Facing Challenge From Left
India Economy Grew at Torrid Pace Last Quarter
MSNBC: Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) Resigned...
Gonzales Cautions Judges on Interfering
Am I the only one who doesn't get the whole Halloween thing?
Boston area pet shop burns to ground, arson suspected
Black Bear Eats Family's Chihuahua In Front Of Children
...well-adjusted adults with unyielding, often secretive, eating practices
Finally found a place that sells 100% pomegranate juice
I can't stop watching this video...Charlene (I'm right behind you)
So I'm looking for a great political poem for my presentation...
Once again, it's time to EXPORT AND SHOW YOUR PLAYLIST
New Doctor Who season starts tonight on SciFi
make up a blatant lie about a right wing pundit
Michigan Sports Radio Talk Show Hosts Melts Down On The Air....
Songs that send shivers down your spine (in a good way)
It's Friday, I am in a great mood...
I'm doing a century bike ride on Sunday!!! 100 miles in a day!!
(Ladies) Would you donate your eggs?
I just stopped in to get a hug....
Post a cool animated gif (I should be packing)
I just downloaded 58 versions of Ghost Riders in the Sky!
Post here and I'll tell you something that will really upset you
Happy birthday mac56 & VelmaD!!
It doesn't matter how hard you try, how delicate you attempt to be...
I have discovered the best feeling life has to offer.
What do you think of my front door signs? HUGH!!!1! PIX
Holy Food Porn baby!!! Insane Guac!!
I'm going to need your job vibes for a bit longer.
looking for suggestions for dog names
4 Students Suspended For Wearing Same Clothes On Same Day
Doctor Claims He Travels Back In Time To Heal
We went to Ruby's Open House at school yesterday...
Stick a yellow ribbon on your SUV - Asylum Street Spankers
Just want to let every know that a pair of twins named Rosie and their 10
Name a jerk you like who's supposed to be a celebrity in private?
I got a standing ovation today.
My professor spends 10 mins a class talking about "junk" science
I find the concert of Santana hilarious
I find the concept of stain hilarious
I just stopped in to get a slug...
Who's been watching Survivor??
OMG I can't believe the idiots that work for some of these places
(Pet parrots) Would you donate your eggs?
Mark Foley (R-FL) was just pissed he was too old to attend.
I find the concept of satin hilarious
Who are you voting for in 2008? (note which forum we're in)
Would you donate your body to the lounge?
I find the concept of Satan hilarious.
My son got accepted to The University of Copenhagen
I find the concept of Stan hillarious.
DUDE! Like, I'm TOTALLY going down to California, okay?
Floating a Halloween idea for DU'ers...
Favorite Richard Thompson number
It's Friday, I am in the mood...
I got a stabbing ovulation pain today.
Which pic of Satan should I add to my Front Door Sign?
Just forget about voting this year, gang, we're going to lose anyway
Congratulations Hardhead!! 10, 000 posts
I just had the most amazing nap of my life.
I just stopped in to get a drink
How many hours a day do you spend on DU?
"Escaped hamster interrupts jet flight."
I have **HAD IT** with just about EVERY ONE of you (rant!)
An error was encountered, please try again shortly
What the world needs is a flowery urinal
Did anybody watch CSI last night?
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 9/29/06)
So I'm looking for great political porn for my presentation...
I confess! I didn't vote in November 2004
I'm soooo happy. I've finally had a major breakthrough with Evita
How do I keep the knitting out of my cats?
How do I keep the cats out of my knitting?
I don't think i am gonna vote in connecticut in november.
Please DU Poll and help support a fellow DU - Lisa0825
I don't think i am gonna vote in indiana in november.
Billysank..or any other DU'er from Europe or Canada..
Chess championship rocked by restroom scandal
today is Stephanie Millers Birthday!!!
Congratulations to my (non-DU'er) friend
I don't think i am gonna vote in kansas in november.
Yah! It's time to slice eachother to pieces again in GD:P!
Speaking Of Torture...Jim Nabors & Leslie Uggums
The ICY Cold Stare of the... (Big Pic)
Seeing Carol Burnette tonight--request for advice
A Health/Heart-related question
I just stopped in to get a chug...
Worst torture scene in a movie?
Stick a magnetic ribbon up your SUV
I've had worse things in my mouth.
Dun dah dah-dah-dah (manah manah), dun dah-dah-dah (manah manah)
I just stopped in to get a pug...
I just stopped in to get a shrug...
I just stopped in to get a tug...
I just stopped in to get a rug....
Mars Rover Opportunity Reaches Victoria Crater
Just so you know - The Rapture Index is 156 this morning.
How many hours a day do you spend on
There's a chill in the air, I smell apple cider outside, and the leaves
BTW- the "Survivor" racial tribe thing is over after 3 shows
Given the choices, which show is funnier?
Good morning everyone :o) (no pictures today)
In 45 minutes, I'm taking my first exam in almost 10 years.
My pants smell like a slough and my shirt smells like birds
I have to sell hot dogs tomorrow. What do I wear?
All my life I have been fascinated by me......... [View All]
Anyone here read any Harry Turtledove?
This would be a better world if
Need Help... My friend is in charge of Blood Drive
Mars Rover Opportunity Reaches Victoria's Secret
I write Database Reconciliation Procedures that make the whole world sing
Doggie help! Can anyone drive from Greensboro NC to
Why does picking up a guitar always make the phone ring?
Hey, Happy Birthday to Confucious
Man Sits Next To Jockey On Airplane, Sprayed Him With Perfume, More...
'Telepathic' Chiropractor Surrenders His License - Charged $60/Hour
The Radical Fringe toons are now on COMIC SHERPA!!!!
These Pretzels are Making Me Thirsty
And the world gets smaller and smaller...
Well, I'm bored, hopped up on percs and watching "The X-Files."
ok, who killed the lounge?? HELLLOOOO!!!!!!!!1111
YAY for me ! I got a higher job at my job YAY !
My brother threw up when I told him Screech was in a porno...
See alot of TSing went on around here last night after I went to bed
Motherboy used to rock pretty hard in the 80s
Anyone else surprised they don't have more advanced torchure techniques?
Did you ever think about how much data can fit on a 1 GB SD card?
Just watched one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes!!
anyone seen Screech's sex video yet?
Dog Shot In Leg Needs Someone To Foot Bill
I passed 16000 and didnt even notice till now
What's that Lassie? Timmy's getting e-mails from Mark Foley?!?!
I'm not going to vote at all in November.
I think I Caught Some Gay from Haruka!
I'm Linking To A Thread In GD For All You Lizards (Cause It Made Me Smile)
I want the names of every goddamn famous DU'r here
Would you donate your body to science?
Do you consider yourself a sensuous person?
For those of you who have been in abusive relationships...
There IS one bonus to getting sick
House Passes Measure on Religion Suits (ACLU vs religious displays)
Kenneth Humphreys: The Dark Age Restored
Episcopal Church head says split would cause chaos
Cleveland Clinic--Reiki, yoga and acupuncture dovetail with Western scienc
Saw a woodpecker last week and didn't know what kind it was
Gay groups doubt sincerity of Zuma's apology
Alleged Gay Bashing Incident With UVa Students
Schwarzenegger Signs 'Gay Panic' & LGBT Housing Bills, Vetoes School Bias
Transgender substitute teacher hired; no audience comment
Protestors Fail To Stop Homophobic Musician's Concert
Judge: Rhode Island Gay Couples Can Marry In Massachusetts
Kramnik forfeits game 5 of world chess championship; match in doubt
I've been sent another dream...
What is up with the recent school shootings?
Rick DiClemente's Starself for October '06
A little shameless self-promotion
Sorry -- no longer can verify Allen/Webb tied.
Nasty hit piece on Deval Patrick w/ a side of Kerry bashing for fun
Trascript of interview with Paul Zahn
Anyone in charge of putting Kerry's speeches and QandAs on YouTube?
Hillary and the Blogs: Gaining Traction
Ok - shoot me - - I'm vain (to an extent)
Kerry to campaign for Lamont in Conn.
“Let America Be America Again” - article about JK's speech today
Ahm, can I just point out, that for all the Massachusetts bashing
Perfect example of how the media smear Democrats. This is about
Feingold, Kerry introduce Resolution to Refocus U.S. Efforts on
Is Allen going to win? Will all this racist stuff have an impact?
You Be The Decider...Let's Have Some Fun
With Facts & Polls Against Them, MSM Calls In The Pundits To Defend *
US House approves Bush eavesdropping program
My Turn: Reading, writing, and recruiting
What's that putrid, rotten, filthy stink coming from Iraq? FREEEEDOM!
We have all just entered Bush’s Room 101.
Suicide attack on Baghdad army post as violence surges
old quotes can be very relevant today...
has anyone seen the film "Iraq for Sale:the War Profiteers"
Iraq lost $16 billion on oil exports due to attacks, bad equipment
A very compelling portrait of Mike Malloy has been posted
Are there some political principles worth dying for?
Moon to become the next UN gensec?
2,710 U.S. troops now dead in W's war of choice
I need someone to tell me everything is gonna be alright.
After all, it was really only a clarification...All Hail Bush!
America the prison surrounded by towers
* Enablers (Mistakenly) Think They're Not On His Enemies List
What group would ROVE wiretap first
Bernie Ward's raging on over the 'terror' bill - stream link
Anyone else a bit freaked out and afraid to go to bed tonight?
What are the prospects of this torture bill going up before SCOTUS,
It's time for all these worthless politicians to lose their jobs
IF all this effort to pass uncontitutional laws was put into victims
Who can challenge the Detainee Treatment Act in court?
so how will the legal challenges to the torture bill work? . . .
House o.k.'s Wiretapping, Senate o.k.'s Torture. Only in America.
Need a little help here re Torture Bill...
Democrats - The Constitution Party
I am American, but that Country Doesn't Exist Any More
So- who thinks Bush is leaving in 2009?
US Congress Irresponsible on Antiterrorism Bill
Hewlett Packard's Spying vs. George Bush's Spying
"..When a long train of abuse and usurpations, pursuing invariably
But don't Republicans hate moral relativism? ; Click on Mosaic (If your not familiar)
What happens when governments operate in secret
Conservatives try to nail Murtha with bogus ABSCAM accusations
CAPTION W's post presidential job training
If you are tired of Nelson and the She-Devil--- Look here.
"They All Look The Same To Me"
Haven't the goddamn senate Democrats ever heard the word "filibuster?"
So I guess emails re: terrorists torturing Americans will stop now?
Macaca campaign tries to tar Webb with obviously false "n-word' allegation
RUMMY Impeded & RICE Ignored bin Laden & Terror Fight In 2001
85 Bodies found in Baghdad in 24 hours. Let's hope no civil war breaks out
Amnesty: U.S. Rubberstamps Torture
Victims of the Volksgerichtshof (Roland Freisler revisited)
What's the difference between 9-11 and the WTC bombing of '93?
Report: Abramoff team had 485 contacts with White House
This is a work in progress for an LTTE, any suggestions
Anyone else listening/watching Washington Journal?
Words of Wisdumb From The Decider
New Fox Unit to Produce Christian Films
19 year old David is back in the USA.. (after a hellish year in Iraq)
Attn: Veterans, Supporters of Veterans and History Buffs
How much more damage can Congress do today
Can anyone do a quick translation from Dutch to English, please?
Radical Fringe Cartoon - Fri. 9/28.. the "pep" rally
Ctr. for Constitution Rights condemns removal of habeas, will challenge it
Expressions no longer operable:
this is the best psychological analysis of Bu$h yet.... LINK>
Walk-On Photo Op Not To Be Forgotten - 29 Sep 06
So Dems win in a Landslide in Nov. What are they Gonna Do About It?
Bob Woodward's "State of Denial:" classify the truth coming out of Iraq,
So, I can put away my tin foil hat now?
Yesterday, Senator Leahy spoke for me. Thanks, Senator.
Hey! Dictators are supposed to be eloquent and charismatic!!
Congressman Conyers:Democrats Exhibit Strength in Bucking the President
Bush was offered Bin Laden and said NO
Well thats it.....your freedom is now
We know they lie, but what are they keeping from us?
Documents to download to help us remember.
10AM CSpan3: "Distance Learning" class on Media, Money, Political System
Rise of American Fascism by Chris Hedges (KO's guest)
Bob Woodward - Stealth Author/Reporter?
Judge: Detainee may sue - Ashcroft Denied Immunity in Case
I thought I'd resurrect my 1000th post-Bush scandals-enjoy
The repubs are just trying to protect us...
The most fucked up thing about what we saw yesterday...
Nation: At Moon's Washington Times: racism, sexism, generational change
2fer-Poppy:Not my fault. OliverSTONE:Shrub set back U.S. by 10yrs
Spread the Word: Bush to Cut and Run from Iraq after 2008
Michael Smerconish - "SOB Arabs"
Iraqi Journalists Charged Under New Laws Criminalizing Speech Against The
So,President limpnuts is talking again on CNN
Should you engage a * supporter, ask them one simple question:
Outrageous!!!! This is the real reason for this law.....
We deserve this for letting McCain fight our battles for us...
Hooray for the KOEB wishing Steph a happy birthday!
Challenging the Torture Bill, through the back door
Finally! NotBannedYet has a brand new cartoon!
Which is more rude? "Dems are cowards" meme or Dems being cowards?
who's afraid of the big bad bush, the big bad bush, the big bad bush?
Report Finds 82 Contacts Between Abramoff and Rove
How to fight Rightwing Terrorism
Just Breaking on Raw Story: over 100 Homeland Sec. Computers Missing
* just said that the "terraists" are in Iraq because he has denied them
can bush be charged with betraying our constitutional democracy?
More from Woodward: Andy Card Urged Bush to Replace Rumsfeld
Ex-Prez Carter: Bush has brought U.S. "international disgrace"
our Congress looks incredibly small and insignificant compared to . . .
Called Stabenow: They are getting a BOATLOAD of negative calls.
America has been in a persistent vegetative state since 2000.
So - How do we take our country back?
A proposed guideline for adjudicating torture
From whence our hope? Our history
WASHINGTON JOURNAL on C-SPAN: Guess who was just on?
Poll: 4 in 5 Iraqis Say U.S. Military Causes More Violence Than It Stops
How would you have voted on the torture bill?
Carter: Bush brought 'international disgrace'
GOP is urging their online listserve to vote
We're in the midst of a political season where there are no rules...
My response from FEC on "The Path to 9/11" -better than I expected
Interesting, compilations of old (mostly) Democratic ad spots on youtube
Howard Dean coming up on CNN n/t
Three school shootings in a week
Iraqi reporters jailed for "publicly insulting" government officials
Robert Byrd on C-Span2 now. Always a pleasure to watch!
March, 2007: The Democratic-controlled Congress repeals the detainee act
White House: "These Are The Records Of A Liar" (Abramoff revelation)
Abramoff re: Rove: "He's a great guy..anytime we need something let him.."
Got a letter from Katherine Harris
It turns out that 'Path to 9/11' was partially written by the BUSH ADMIN!
"I am a man of constant joy..."
Government report: Over 100 laptops missing from Dept of Homeland Security
Southern Baptists solidly behind War Criminal Bush, leader says
"Jebbie says we got it!" Ellis shouted to the Fox decision team
Now, I am not surprised. (About torture.)
Here is my email to cnn this morning
BREAKING NEWS ON CNN!!! Holy shit, stop the presses.
You Think Its Bad Now? Wait Until The Signing Statement
Please help me establish some historical perspective re: the torture bill
Heads-up! Howard Dean coming up on CNN to comment
Oliver Stone: "I am Ashamed For My Country"
Iran and Turkey Prepare for War in Iraqi Kurdistan
A Must Read Article "Thanks, but I'll sit this one out"
So now that Habeus Corpus has been pretty much suspended...
Karen Hughes opens flap again. Look at what falls out...
America Is Like The TV Show, "Saturday Night Live"
Can someone give me an alternate stream for Sam Seder?
Well, I Guess We Now Know What Happens When The Xians Run the USA
Chinese newspaper article on 'terror bill' vote w/ Abu Ghraib photos
Has anyone ever tested positive from a TB skin test? I did today and
The New and Improved Bill of Rights
It is thoroughly, absolutely mind-boggling to comprehend the ego,
How soon must we Democrats truly go Underground?
Bush: "You do not create terrorism by fighting terrorism."
Anyone seen this film yet? - The Peaceful Warrior.
In the next 5 and a half weeks I want to see no one at DU
"In darkest night, the stars shine brightest." All stars post here.
Brunch with Bernie on Thom Hartmann. Discussing yesterday's travesty.
What is the Value of Defeatism?
How about the next Dem president designate Repugs "enemy combatants" and
'Iraq Civil War' gets it's own page on Wikipedia
Prime Suspect -- Mother Jones on the real estate bubble. Well
In the currant political climate, what book or movie do you feel
Can we discuss the phrase "N" Word/ N-word?
Does anyone else remember how the Whitehouse administered
Bottom line: WHO is responsible for what's happening? WE ARE.
An observation - Is the use of the word "DEMS" on the rise?
No Chairmanships for Quislings
Iraqis Re-Institute "NO Criticizing The Government Law"
No more watching Bridge Over the River Kwai and being appalled
Bush was offered Bin Laden and said no
For whatever its worth...I called my Senators to thank them
I Was Just Tortured For A Full HOUR! "freedom, freedom, freedom"
America has not spread "liberty/freedom" the terrorists have spread
By the time NON-NeoCon Repubs Wakeup, It Will Be Too Late....
The Difference Between US and Them?
The latest NYTimes's hack job on Hillary
Does this new detainee bill apply to American citizens?
Democrats! How's this for an October Surprise? ...INSPIRE US.
"You are against Bush or you are with the Terrorists!"
Establishment Clause could be killed along with Habeas Corpus
Who are the Repukes that voted against torture?
Idea for new forum: Defeatists and Whiners
You won't hear this in the media
U.S. commander has doubts on Anbar fight
weak on terror / coddle terrorists - there's our message
While we are debating fine points, repukes are accumulating control
Dan Rather raring to go on his new cable show
Please DU this CNN poll - has Bush been honest about Iraq
Anybody else getting email from MANY dems asking for cash today?
REPUBLICANS: The Torture Party bumper stickers. Where can I get one?
* - "You do not create terrorism by fighting terrorism" - story and pics
What happened to Jose Padilla, Yaser Ramdi and John Walker Lindh?
The next Dictator will be a Democrat.
Dean says Bush Continues to Peddle His Failed Foreign Policies
Democratic Press COnference on
MarketWatch: Arianna Huffington challenges "Cult of Objectivity"
Hartmann's got a "blame clinton" guy interview now.
Main camera on aging Hubble (Space Telescope) shuts down
Dan Rather's new show will air 10-24 on HD Net
Where did all the Diebold fans go?
National Security Threat: The Internet
Looks like a tough month for the bush Administration: FRONTLINE
How many wussie-dems would vote to suspend elections?
Mommy, What's Waterboarding? by David Swanson
Take the battle to where it NEEDS to be taken - Outside major TV stations
Imagine it's 2009 and Hillary Clinton is president
I just thanked "my" senator (Pryor) for helping destroy my beautiful
Jackson Browne website has Sy Hersch and William Rivers Pitt
"Oh yeah, well we're not as bad as the Nazis!"
A letter the the editor in news print need your help before I send it
This just in from Amnesty International targeting companies that violate
Remember the website ""
A friend of mine (Mike) has an Iraqi neighbor.
Nazi Propaganda Compared To Conservative Propaganda
Court Challenge to New Detainee Law May Come In "Days"
Bush Free Trade Plan Puts Amazon (rainforest) up for Grabs
I am very depressed and sickened.
Giving the Devil the benefit of law
How pray tell does pissing off the rest of the world
Popular Christian Right group actually attempted to launch a coup in 2004
How can grassroots Republicans "support freedom" while hating freedom?
Petaluma sex sting show airs tonight
On AAR: Kerry was invited to Values Voters' conference . . .
I want to be free. What should I do?
We need to count.and record every word coming from the mouths
I don't think i am gonna vote in kansas in november.
So the Torture Bill - I'm assuming this is going to the courts
RIP Staff Sgt. Jose A Lanzarin, #2710, my condelences families (list here)
(VIDEO) "How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?"
Do we have a list of the "yea" and "nay" dems on the torture bill?
Study finds higher yields, lower costs with organic cotton in India (28/9/
What Did McCain/Warner/Graham Accomplish? Ivins Link....
Dems smacking GOP around on C-SPAN
Ottawa OK’d pact to let U.S. arm Great Lakes
Human Rights Watch on Detainee bill - NO!
Remember that Congress was complicit
Would You Consider Voting For a Republican Who Said This?
Evidence Clinton's Fox bashing catching on: Barbara Boxer did similar
For DU Lawyers, Your Legal Education Is Now Worthless
The Democratic Party needs to include FDR clips in their ads
Help me out here. This should be fun.
White House spied on the Senate
Some synagogues waiving holiday fees
Anyone "who knows Rove knows that he doesn't drink alcohol"
I would spit in Bush's face if he was standing in front of me right now.
And now, on a lighter note: Michelle Malkin, Girl Gone Wild
Let's not forget about Halliburton's "immigrant" detetion centers...
First law passed by new Dem congress?
How will they top Black Thursday?
Foley helped Bush steal 2000 election. "This election is over"
Randi is mentioning WillPitts "In Case I Disappear"
Randi just mentioned Will Pitt!
Now that it has had time to sink in, people are even more angry...
My letter to the editor about the war crime enabling law.
WH response to Woodward's book: "it didn't contain anything new."
Sherrod Brown's excuse is even worse than I thought!
Who is raising the objection to Conrad's farm bill?
Flashback >> Silberman/Robb commision based info from Woodward's book
Court Challenge to New Detainee Law May Come In "Days" (TPM)
info on Olbermann's ratings........
"I understand the radical change in the nature of our enemy,
Don't be scared, It's all Local Politics
How do I explain to my children what happened yesterday?
Non political question about starting a post
Mark Foley tried to stop media recount of Gore victory
Help, please. What exactly is an "enemy combatant?"
tonight on "Dateline" Republican internet predators edition.
WP, Dionne: Why Bill Clinton Pushed Back
For the truly paranoid among us.
Will the US military be allwoed to torture inside the USA proper?
"Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children"
Parts of the Act you should know: You spy? You die.
Declaration of Grievances Against Federal Officeholders of United States
Pro-active action: Join ACLU today/get Congressman Conyers email --
If you haven't read 1984 yet...
GOP's rendition/torture strategy similar to others throughout history
Gee....A Friday Afternoon Resignation?
Pelosi : on Abramoff and White House Officails
Psst! Wanna join the CIA? Take this Personality Quiz!
Carter and Clinton should take a STAND against the bill and explain to
A spot in the sun (AMAZING PICTURE)
"It doesn't send the signal that we would have expected after Abu Ghraib."
From the Declaration of Independence to the Declaration of Dictatorship...
jennifer loven get`s "bush slapped" by the emperor
anyone have a list handy of the votes on the Specter Amendment yesterday??
DU this phone poll (and cost the PA GOP a few pennies with each call)
It Amazes Me That Baby Doc Bush Has The Gall To Say
bush Praises Repressive Kazakhstan President/Dictator
The sexual predators write the anti-sexual predator laws.
Gen. George Washington. What he thought about the current atrocity.
"I'm George W. Bush, and I approve of this message. And so does Karl."
What is the torture bill, really?
Bush’s Key Iraq Advisers: Kissinger, and His Dog
Spin This! Rummy impeded bin laden efforts BEFORE 9/11
Something strange: The Right fears the anti-torture pro-peace crowd
So: who's next to resign or be indicted?
Shouldn't we call it stupid if the intelligence is always wrong?
Parts of the Act you should know:Flash sign at judge?Punishment uncertain
With Foley's resigning, a timely reminder......
Rep. Foley also had AIM chats with references to sexual organs and acts
US commander says insurgency in Iraq is unlikely to be defeated
Report: "Better hurricane research needed - will include Global Warming
Parts of the Act you should know:Obstruct Justice? Commission decides fate
even cat lovers break Godwin's Law.....
Bush says critics embrace propaganda hours before Al-Qaida No. 2 video??
Parts of the Act you should know: Destroy property? Any punishment
Bush insists progress being made in Afghanistan
Was a flight nearly diverted on account of two affectionate men?
Parts of the Act you should know: Bush crimes? Pardoned
Amnesty International's List of how the Torture Law violates Human Rights.
Best. Yahoo. News. Parody. Ever.
Parts of the Act you should know: Breach of allegiance to US? Rules apply
These freaks are the ones in charge of "regulating" the internet(s).
CNN: Talking about Woodward Book "Bush Admin. deeply dysfunctional"
Does America understand Repubs are gonna attack IRAN ??
"It Can't Happen Here" . . . a novel by Sinclair Lewis (online book) . . .
Sherrod Brown on Schultz, Talking About Detainee Bill, E-Voting NOW
They Secretly Call Themselves "Christocrats"
anti-child porn bill from Rep. Foley's own site....
Iraq at the Gates of Hell: Chilling Stats of Dead, Tortured & Insurgency
how come no one says "drip drip drip" here anymore?
He's half the man he used to be
CSpan - David Obey "Bush is weak on terror & a Hypocrite"
What will it take for the repubs to clean up their party of corruption...
Parts of the Act you should know: Speedy trial? Self-incrimination? No
Feel Better! Caption Fat Tony!
She died an ordinary death in Iraq, at least by today's standards:
Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids
Parts of the Act you should know: "I'm no terrorist!" We say you are
Parts of the Act you should know: Review of fitness of judges? Forbidden
'Jesus Camp' Debate Rages On (teaching children to be cannon fodder)
With Foley's Resignation, our chances of retaking Congress have improved
Parts of the Act you should know: Restrictions on Punishments? Zero
Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit!
Another conservative turns on the bible beaters - Dick Armey
Rep Mark Foley (R-Fla) sends inappropriate e-mails to ex-page
From NPR - Easy to understand breakdown of the new law.
Parts of the Act you should know: Record of proceedings? Maybe
Pedophilia and Internet Porn - that's a scandal Merkins can understand
Don't Just Get Angry About This Travesty -- Get Loud!
Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Now Up In Senate Reviewing *'s Sorry History On Terra
With apologies to Winston Churchill:
"Cafferty "What are we becomming" video
Question: What Issue is A Red-letter Issue for You?
Parts of the Act you should know: Challenge judge? Judge decides challenge
Time running out to nominate a Democrat to labor board (* dragging feet)
Give Foley's DC Office A Call....
Stone: "Bush has set us back 10 years."
Breaking CNN: Things going SO WELL in Baghdad, sweeping curfew imposed
Iraq a "democracy"... ROTFLMAO!!!
Out of the mouth of Mark Foley...
imagine what its like to be fighting in Iraq?
Parts of the Act you should know: Rape? Commission decides punishment
Ayman al-Zawahri is still around to taunt us
Good thought: Vote "NO" on ALL California Ballot Initiatives
Will any of the people that did the abuses at Abu Ghraib?
Congress man Foley (R) Resigns Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors
Nadler (D-NY) "This is worse than what we rebelled against England for!"
Great conversation today with former rabid Bush supporter : )
Could yesterday have been the last dying gasp of this administration?
Yes, I know he flip flops...but Tweety was PLEADING with Murtha
"Are you talking about the terror 16 year old boys feel when hit on by GOP
Passenger detained for writing "Kip Hawley Is An Idiot" on bag
Foley's actions were felonious and we should be able to track him
what was that interruption? was it a DOS attack? whenever there's good
Parts of the Act you should know: Who it applies to? Aliens, at least
Try or die. That's it. That is the only choice we have.
anyone who starts a sentence with look. listen, fact is
WAsn't Foley instrumental along with Lindsay Graham in Clinton's Impeachme
Image of Foley's letter of resignation - pic
Foley's Departure Screws Florida GOP( name will stay on the ballot)
I am telling you they are all CHILD MOLESTERS, CROOKS, CRIMINALS
Do Sexual Predators have a mental disease?
We Need A New Party For Ballots
Hastert & Frist have to change subject from terror bill to Foley - pics
Obey:President's Record on Homeland Security Funding
It's time for mass action., Locations of protests Oct 5
The next great American conspiracy...
Remember This? "Mark Foley Targets Nudists"
The next great American conspiracy...
al Qaeda Iraq #2 audio tape; US intel can't confirm voice, Tony Snow can
You wanna see what waterboarding really is?
Foley, another Republican hypocrite
Is this the page in question with Mark Foley?
Last night I saw America sleeping in the streets...
You wanna see what waterboarding really is?
Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA"
Mark Foley (R-Child Molester) voted for the Clinton impeachment in 1998
I'll take Republican pedophile hypocrites for $200 Alex. n/t
On AAR -- Thom Hartmann (?) -- This Bill Legalizes RAPE!
My daughter finally found a Walmart
How many of your congressional leaders have had town halls in your cities?
Dem leaders rebuttal of Shrub, based around Woodward's book, on CSPAN1 now
Anyone listening to Thom Hartmann and that freeper?
FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!):
AP: Gingrich Urges Overriding Supreme Court
(VIDEO) Shepard Smith splits from the program again, savages Bill Kristol
Has anyone ventured over to freeperville to see...
How many people is the govt. holding?
Why is Mark Foley an evil pedeophile while women who sleep with
GM Hires Fox News Mouthpiece Sean Hannity As Spokesman
please DU this gay marriage/constitutional ban poll..very close right now.
LOOK HERE FOR INSPIRATION - What gets you through the night?
These have started to take off peeps...
"I'm 77 yrs. old and I work as a waitress.and without
Page: US Congressman Mark Foley generates excitement on the floor!
Thom Hartmann just finished reading from the Declaration of Indepedence...
Iraqi Curfew Imposed...The reason...An attempted coup!
Dobbs: North American Union - NOW!
ABC going for the jugular, RE: Foley. Providing
Pitt's worried about being Targeted.....It's true what he says..but would
didn't W cut and run from Saudia Arabia, as per Osama bin Laden's demands?
Pat Campbell on Tucker just said he wants Mann coulter to run in Foley's..
Parts of the Act you should know: Evidence? No warrant, decided by judge
Boxer Asks HELP for Emrgncy Paper Ballots! PLUS: Feeney's 9/11 Conspiracy!
Weird --> The Georgia Guidestones - Has anyone heard of this before?
Vote to give Jack Cafferty his own show on CNN
Why Newsweek ran different national and international covers
Funny photo of Cheney and Rice in the Oval Office (CAPTION)
...and now we have Waxman giving Rove a pass on CNN/Wolfie.
AIM brought down Foley, imagine what will bring down lawmakers 10-15 years
Today I am reminded of a christian end times novel I once read
When one of their own is caught, wingers turn bleeding heart
Tweety trots out another liar - the cross eyed dude with
Did bringing in Susan Kennedy as chief of staff work for Arnold?
Anyone just see the TN bimbo Blackburn? She recited talking
Ashcroft Can Be Held Personally Responsible For Wrongful Detention
Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?"
Parts of the Act you should know: Torture? Sometimes.
Can someone provide an idiots guide to the new so called torture bill
Parts of the Act you should know: Geneva con.? Yes! Wait, no.
Rep. Pelosi says Bush has become 'Mr. Rosy Scenario'
goddammit, the American people WILL stand up for the Democrats IF . . .
Senator Leahy interviewed on Democracy Now - detainee bill
Gesetzvertretende Verordnungen
Here is my take on reason Sherrod Brown voted for torture
Is there a GOP vs Dem pervert scorecard?
Maybe this new detainee legislation isn't so bad
Notice the headlines with the Foley case: Resigns after e-mails to teens
Dems Will Win Analyzes Abramoff Report, Link - CRIMES, LAWS BROKEN - rec
Weak Dems can shove that "dry powder" up their collective *ss
Iraqi Blog re: Baghdad > "unknown armed men have taken to the streets"
Housing slowdown may hit bank profits ("Positives are starting to fade")
DU was blocked at my Husbands job
Might I suggest fear as a possable tactic
"They are denying they're in a state of denial."
Shhhh!!! Let's talk about...Mexico...
Does anyone remeber this many resignations in one year
Foley, to Woodword to Abranmoff---lead stories on abc evening
Ugh, Conyers paying tribute to Senselessbrenner on the House floor
October Surprises? Rove thinks they'll help after the September Meltdown?
I have $1,000 - Missing Money. com
A "law" that is not subject to judicial review? Kind of like a
Let me get this straight - did I lose my right to a fair trial by a jury
BlogACTIVE appears to be dedicated to outing gay Republicans
Oh no! They're going to swift-boat Bob Woodward!
Thom Hartmann doing a Great "Rest of the Story" on HITLER
Please DU this poll ... it's unbelievable!!
Is there a place I can get this Thom Hartman broadcast?
Stuck in Dulles airport.... Security threat raised to Orange??
U.N. official decries anti-terror bill "Esp troubling after Abu Ghraib"
Tweety is dicing up this airhead Congressperson from TN
just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert
Why did the plaster cast kid release his IMs?
Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake"
Foley's district: the Florida 16th
Why are we engaging in Swiftboating?
Make Sure Foley Is Long Remembered
Foley on child model websites (kiddie porn-lite)
Time to cue up some Warren Zevon
is there some problem with crooks and liars?
Joe Biden on Imus (according to Jack Cafferty)
New Hampshire's constitution guarantees legal right to revolution
CNN: Carville slaps down Bay Buchannan
First of all.... This is the Mullahs 14th tape this year....
Help me out with the Foley "ick" factor, please
We are definitely through the looking glass now
After we all finish laughing at the Foley situation
To me this is a true statesman
What you need to know about the Military Commissions Act
Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial
Some Dems HAD to vote for this thing.
Parts of the Act you should know: Habeas Corpus? Nope.
Will 2008 mark the end of DU as we know it?
So this is how liberty dies? With thunderous applause
Whats the bottom line driving force behind this nation being so fucked up?
Action Against GM...Go GM car shopping this weekend.
HAHAHA - now I wanna ask each and every DUer
Vet Amputee Duckworth Will Slam Bush In Dem Radio Response
Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!!
UK military advises withdrawal from Iraq
McCain's ad for Allen (just on Hardball) - jaw dropping
BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay."
"Radicalize yourself on the internet" or "virtual Jihadist".
Real Time With Bill Maher: Robin Williams, Richard Clarke and Tweety
We've lost America. We tried our best, but it's gone.
The party of Richard Nixon, is still the party of Richard Nixon.
I have been calling Democratic Senators for torture all morning
Hearing on e-voting available online
My new photoshop & poster I just ordered. And GREAT quote.
WWJT? "Who Would Jesus Torture"? Does anyone know if there is a
A Great Ad on the Economy from Bernie Sanders. How it should be done
Do you believe some elements of corporate media are...
Pollster: 2000 election was 'stolen' from Gore
How on EARTH is this woman sleeping nights?
WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley
Randi just said the Foley seat is ours, its a done deal
How to justify torture in three sentences!
Guess it shows how important AAR really is? --- Malloy...
Civil Disobedience - by Henry David Thoreau
Chris Matthews Just called her "Condoleeza Lice" on Hardball! LOL
ARTWORK: My New Anti-Bush Installation (Fitting Now More Than Ever)
Yet another "oooh, ooooh, oooh, eeek, eeek, eeek, screech" pic
WH's deflections regarding bin Laden before 9/11
ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE: Children handcuffed in police drug raid (dog killed!)
'Bounty hunters...mass arrests...sold(at $5k per) to the US as terrorists simply
Remember it. Repeat it. Choke Them With It.
Letterman . . . Top Ten Chapter Titles for McGreevey's Book . . .
It's NOT defeatism. It's REALISM.
Maybe Bush made a deal to Resign with Congress help? Plausible Scenario?
Top Washington Times Editor's Wife Confirms Racism Allegations
Copy it. Print it out. Pass it around. Too many have forgotten.
Our American Constitution was created/crafted to PREVENT guys like BUSH
Iran: "The End of Summer Diplomacy; Assessing US Military Options"
Will Woodward's Book Shake Up Lamont/Lieberman Race?
South Africa welcomes skilled employees if Canada won't let us in
What if we lived under a liberal Democratic dictatorship?
Must read article on torture from Rolling Stone
ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy
I found a butload of quotes I gathered a few years ago
Isn't this interesting: Woodward, Risen at odds on major point:
On "Torture Day" Judge Taylor DEFIES BUSH Again- He Has 7 Days To Comply
Hey, it's payday. Go join the ACLU! (and rec this thread)
Gonzales Cautions Judges on Interfering
ALERT, DUers! Bush now at war with public's right to know re: environment!
Chris Matthews just tore up that blonde bimbo...
torture bill passage makes international news
Andrew Sullivan: They (GOP) have gone too far. Vote them out
I consider torturers and their supporters no less scum than child molesters
I need help with a t-shirt design
*** Friday TOONs: Gas and Torture ***
Lou Dobbs says the immigrants are dumping Lazy-Boys in the desert?
Mommy & daddy bush worried & lost sleep over jr's war in Iraq.
My small part in the War on Terror: No More Republican Insurance Agent.
Take a moment, just a moment, just a wee moment...
Rejecting the Republican Party of Fear
How will America react when a white "christian" is disappeared?
I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley
Gonzales Cautions Judges on Interfering
GM Hires Fox News Mouthpiece Sean Hannity As Spokesman
OMFG! This is beyond outrageous, is this true?
Why Are Republicans Coddling Terrorists With Wiretaps?
so is there any ethical line that now exists
President Clinton Jails 938,000 Illegal Enemy Combatants
So when are you Republicans going to start bringing decency back
Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted)
The world's oldest democracy has ceased to exist.
Educate your children about the constitution!!!!
'Operation Return to Sender' stumbles: PLEASE READ!
UN investigator fears more torture to be used by Bush administration
Stand back everyone! It's gonna blow!
The October Surprise is a done deal. Please read.
Hillary says: incalculable damage done to country in last six years
Afghanistan: Why NATO cannot win
Free Hugs Campaign (video w/ music by sick puppies)
Woodward: Rice Brushed Off Tenet's Warning About bin Laden in July 2001
U.S. allies will fight Taliban - if they don't get hurt
TOONS! "No One Expects the American Inquisition!" Edition (dialup warning)
Sugar linked with mental problems in Norway study
War Crimes Proven: "Rights Not Judicially Enforceable"
Yes, it's bad. No, it's not Nazism.
Hannity or no Hannity: BUY GM cars (or Ford, or Chrysler)
Abramoff report billing records spreadsheet - lots of contacts blacked out
Molly Ivins: Don't be surprised when world compares us to NAZIS
Hate to be pessimistic, but...
The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year
Sherrod Brown Voted For Torture??
Finally, a voice in the wilderness
Rosemary's New Constitution (written about * in '01)
"may they get exactly what they deserve"-- each and every
John Kerry: “Let America be America Again”
Mark your calendars. 9/28/06 marks the death of the U.S.A. as we knew
Changing direction when other side has momentum..good article.
We should protest and just suspend the Virgina Senate Race
What good is a Democratic legislator who would vote to suspend
Molly Ivins' take on the torture bill
Slapped in the face by Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) - Torture = OK!
If a Dem needed to endorse the Terrorism Law to get elected, it's OK.
Are these real? Here's all 3 Vernon Robinson for Congress" hateful ads
Sen. Wins Fight To Lower Allowable Amperage Levels On Detainees' Testicles
That lunkhead Kramer on CNBC said yesterday
A letter I wrote Sept. 28th to Sen. Norm Coleman, R-MN
George Allen is desperate (Allen Unveils Bill to Help Black Farmers - AP)
constitution not dead, but in a coma, on life support. a friend
So,will Saddam's attorney ask for any torture counts to be dismissed?
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Senate to vote on sanctions against Iran today (House passed Thurs.)
University of Maryland Poll: Most Iraqis support attacks on U.S. troops
D & L: Democrats must be ready to sink the Republican swiftboaters
Whats that quote from WWII ?? They went after the Jews but I didnt speak..
Democrats See Strength in Bucking Bush
Video: The Lies of Bush 2000 Acceptance Speach at the Convention
Vintage W(H)INE from Joe-Mentum
Military lawyers spoke out before Congress sold out American values
Do the children have their placards yet for a stadium display of W's face
The Congress Will Be Home Next Week - Go Get 'Em.
Republicans The Real Cut-And-Run Cowards
White House Releases Updated Version of the Constitution
Another school shooting ... this time in Wisconsin
Tim Grieve explains Ben Nelson for us
So much for freedom of speech...
Photo: Torture Boy thanks Cat Killer & Mitch for his nice new torture bill
Jesus' General sums it all up ...
"We want to bring Democracy to the Region"
We are in the fight of our lives.
Realpolitik 101: 41 needed to filibuster; Senate has 44 Dems + 1 Ind
Oliver Stone: 'I'm ashamed for my country'
Anyone Have Any Good Resources...
Good editorial cartoon by Luckovich
I Just Got This Email From My Right Wing Brother -In law
Prime example of intellectual disconnect - a convo with RW co-worker
Hitting Bottom on Neo-Con Bullshit
Quick question...did Bill Nelson of FL vote agsinst Spector amendment
You know ..... if we can change the use of the word 'war' .......
I know how we feel, but what about the masses?
Interesting comment by Dean on CNN today.
Today seems like a good day to view this oldie but goodie...
Homeland IN-Security: over 100 laptops, 20 printers missing / stolen
The BIG PICTURE: Either we vote for Blue or we vote for Red
AP: Most in U.S. Say Congress Short-Sighted
Anybody else have as much fun as I watching how Woodward...
The Democrats offer NOTHING but endless second guessing
Does anyone have a concise summary posted?
Sons of Confederate Veterans turn on Allen.
Forget party and politics for just a moment .....
SurveyUSA (9/29/06) Allen 50% Webb 44%
The Dow may reach a record close today or Monday, but here's the truth....
Do Principles matter in Politics any more ?
No, your not crazy and Yes, you are being watched
Just where is the line in the sand going to be drawn?
Foley's e-mail issue on CNN right now.
When I watch this video from Eminem I get fired up! Don't feel
So, my husband and I called Landrieu's office
Macaca Boy pisses off Sons of Confederate Veterans
It's the Unanimous Consent Agreement that Hurts the Most
See! perception isn't always reality-42% see gas price fix
Open letter to Senator Frank Lautenberg
Waxman on CNN now, discussing sordid activities
What is wrong with Republican pols? Why do so many get caught up in
Fox Breaking: Al Qaeda's No. 2 Zawahiri Blasts Bush, Pope in New Video
PA-07 Dem Sestak polling in lead against Welden
Photos: "The latest in a series of speeches on the war on terror"
Foley is only a distraction from Abramoff. ABC was running a headline
You DO realize they are going to steal it...
9/11 and the Greenberg Familia (as reported by Democratic Underground)
I'm ashamed about the Dems who voted for torture yesterday too but........
Newsman Woodward Hid Bombshells for $$; Allowed Bush Re-elect
mccain should be made to give back his medals and honours
Civil war? Iraq is in anarchy, chaos. Falling into civil war?
Ok so now we can hold people just because we say they are terrorist..
Rumsfeld: No one anticipated insurgency's strength
U.N. Official Decries Anti-Terror Bill
Do you still believe Feingolds plan to censurship for Bush was wrong?
AP: Ala. Governor Defends White Masonic Unit
If the Democrats win back the House...
About NOT being represented by Hastert...
I'm sick of these RETHUGS keep saying the dem's have no plan
This is the last time I will ever write or speak the name "Republican"
Most Democrats Voting For Bush Torture Bill Silent Today
Are you trying to persuade people to vote a certain way in Nov?
Dorgan on Globalization on Newshour. Don't miss.
KO guest Chris Hedge - 'Bush talks in code to Christian Crazies'
the torture bill will be overturned in the courts. it doesn't matter how
Imus gloating that Lieberman supposed to be 10 points ahead of Lamont
Photo: "Mmmm...I hope we're having fish sticks for lunch. And Tater Tots."
Please, spread the word on this! Legal immigrant held without charge!
October surprises coming early...
7-11 Drops Citgo, Citing Ties to... Chavez (Citibank/Pakistan connection)
How important is an army of yard signs?
Florida Election law says Foley's name will remain on ballot
27% of Senate Democrats voted for Torture. What does that imply?
American voters: Does it have to get ANY worse for you to rise up???
Crooks and Liars site is down hard at this time
Tweety: I like this guy twice, he's said this whats up with him
Tucker got SMACKED!! down again...
I received my absentee ballot, today! Woohoo!
To keep seat, Republicans will have to vote for a pedophile in Nov
Will limbaugh take Foley to Dominican Republic this weekend
Democratic Duo Brings Bravado to Party
My Senator voted FOR torture. In November, I will cast my vote for him in
White House Caving In On Itself And It's Congress
Bush Administration's First Memo on al-Qaeda Declassified
Honesty in Sen Jeffords Farewell Address Stings
Foley's Departure Screws Florida GOP
Mark Foley's (R-Likesboys) resignation will be hard for the RW to swallow
The ONLY reason I will vote for Senator Bill Nelson
So this is how liberty dies? With thunderous applause
Tweety cuts off Repug Marsha Blackburn
"There ought to be a poll tax to take the literacy test before voting"A.C.
At Risk Of Sounding Negative - We're Going To Lose In November.....
Foley may be prosecuted under child sex predator laws
To Naderites and other third-party supporters...
New Jersey Senate: Menendez ahead for first time in over a month
"Pity The Election Year Democrats, For They Know Not What They Do"
Seriously, is there a group of people out there NOT offended yet by Allen?
Just thought I'd share this...
Zogby has Lamont and Lieberman in dead heat while
RawStory: Diebold Added Secret Patch to Georgia E-Voting Systems in 2002
Another Democrat for Healey/Hillman
a warning to the party's center ... and a warning to the party's left too
BTW, I'm pulling the Democratic Lever this Nov. Got a problem with that?
If you can't vote for your Dem Rep/Senator b/c of this torture vote...
Foley's explicit e-mail to 16 year old kid is discouraging Democrats from voting!