Where's the Outrage? - Gary Kamiya
The Nation: Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and the New Definition of "Honesty"
Paul Krugman: The Texas Strategy
Richard Cummings: Lockeed Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Bush's big mess in the Middle East
Iraqi Hangings Bring More Condemnation
A Look At Insanity In Practical Terms
Israel announces settlement expansion as Rice meets Olmert
Tropical Sea Surface Temperature, Vertical Wind Shear, And Hurricane Development - GRL
Pingo-Like Features On Beaufort Sea Shelf: Possible Relation To Decomposing Methane Hydrates - GRL
Where Climate Change May Be Most Prominent In The 21st Century - GRL
1000 Years Of Atmospheric Sulfate Concentrations In S. Asia Recorded By Himalaya Glacier - GRL
Future Precipitation Changes And Their Implications For Tropical Peatlands - GRL
Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out
Secret understandings reached between representatives of Israel, Syria
Hamas says will never recognise Israel
EAC scandal grows--Sarasota's "undervote" voting machine models certified by banned lab, Ciber,
In private memo, Major investment bank warns of joint US-Israeli strike on Iran
A Newsroom Fight Spills Into the Streets of a Once-Peaceful Town (NYT)
Senators introduce bill to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions (by 2050)
Teamsters Say Minimum Wage Hike Not Enough To Make Congress Pro-Labor
We are not leaving, Gates warns Iran as troop surge begins
NY Governor Rewards Judge Who Jailed Union Leader
MI6 and Blair at odds over Saudi deals: No national security issue says agency
Raytheon strike over, new contract signed
Nelson (Dem Ne) opposes curtailing Iraq cash
WP: Iraqi Hangings Bring More Condemnation
Former Iraqi translator tells of threats
Reuters: Bolivian governor calls off autonomy plans (Cochabamba)
A not-so-special relationship (Ségolène Royal's faux pas)
At least 55 Iraqis die in attacks or found dead
McClatchy: Residents say snipers are firing at random on Haifa Street
Far-right group formed in European parliament
Rice says planned Mideast talks most ambitious in six years
Staffers: Obama Will File Presedential Papers
Germany bids to outlaw denial of Holocaust across continent
Blair to face questions on Iraq
NYT: Democrats Seek the Middle on Social Issues
Texas will consider death penalty for repeat sexual predators
Venezuelan Oil Reaches Alaska Villages
NYT: Rice Speaks Softly in Egypt, Avoiding Democracy Push
Kucinich: Congress Will Consider Bringing Back Fairness Doctrine
IHT: Freezing temperatures destroy most of California citrus crop
Google contributes thousands to conservatives
Report: Castro in serious condition
NYT: 51% of Women Are Now Living Without Spouse
Someone sent this cute email to my parents. Imagine the world 100 years ago.
New threads for copycat rules:
Mark Whalberg has a resemblance to a young JFK.
I refuse to watch the inuenudo man
Another one: When did "Bewitched" jump the shark?
Why do we keep insulting monkeys and chimps?
How many people have blocked you?
Songs you would love never to hear again
WTH does "jump the shark" mean?
Watching a documentary on Sundance
What happens when you mix Miles Davis and the Wiggles?
When did Happy Days jump the shark?
"Long story short" and other trite phrases.....
Will the new ignore function allow you to Jump the Snark?
I never jumped the shark, nor will I ever jump it.
I haven't blocked anyone from replying, at least I don't think so.
Memo: avoid re-gifted venison sausage.
When did "jump the shark" copycat threads jump the shark?
I'm gonna have surgery on February 7th.
I am getting addicted to Mexican fotonovelas
I don't know what it means to "jump the shark"
My best friend has now decided
What can I do about a serial litterer? It is bugging me!
Yeah Ugly Betty just won a Golden Globe
caramel swirl bailey's + chocolate soy milk + regular soy milk = teh yummy
how many people have Rocked me?(lame copycat)
Anyone feel like joining in important medical research?
Post songs that make you feel nostalgic and sad (or nostalgic and happy)...
I think I just hallucinated a thread.
My sister just told me I have "ugly-pot asses!"
FINALLY got the car up the driveway, with help from two neighbors.
Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand...
When did 'jump the shark' threads jump the shark?
Breast-enhancing beer gains popularity
School's cancelled tomorrow, should I.......?
How do you chest off a head cold before it brings you down?
Rubio's Fish Taco Eaters: Any clue what the white sauce is?
omg, who's watching the Daily Show?
Isn't all this "It was just their time" stuff just something we invented...
I've been away for a couple of hours, so let me guess, we've found a dead shark in someone's pool.
My sister just told me I have "ugly-ass pots!"
What happened to Africam? Solar blast?
Is it odd that I find this picture beautiful? --Warning: wide picture--
How do u know what your post count is?
Kate Bush Won't Leave Me Alone
transmission update...thanks everyone
Have you ever had "Holiday Road" from National Lampoon's Vacation stuck in your head?
Anybody remember this? (trippy 60's Japanese scifi stuff)
which is worse: jumping the shark, or jumping the card shark...
When did Rev_Acts jump the shark?
Warren Zevon is looking at you
If you could bring five women to a desert island?
Freecycle Folks: How do you "make the drop"?
How many recommends can I get for this post?
My son and I are busy looking up each other's noses with a flashlight
How do you head off a cold chest before it brings you down?
I'm back, we have power again..
I need to start relaxing in life... so I bought one of those sappy waterfall lamp things...
Honestly: Is this a scary-looking dog?
Thursday on The Colbert Report......Bill O'Reilly
Ebay Sellers, have you recently received this message-
Why do people pretend to be better than..
I finally saw the movie Billie Elliott
If you could bring five movies to a desert island
How do you head off a chest cold before it brings you down?
how many people have blocked me?
I'm planning my spring production (suggestions please)
Post songs that make you fell encephalitic and borane
Employers Reading Your E-mail, logging your internet treks, etc.
What I like about the new season of 24....
Sam Cook/Bob Dylan ~ A Change is Gonna Come for MLK Day
If you could bring 5 MEN to a desert island?
Shhh... I'm pretending to be Darlene Iskra in a teen chat room....
The idgiehkt Appreciation Thread
Need some recommendations for interesting
DU Meetup Plan- Middle America
Well, I got a new MacBook Pro with the 17-inch widescreen display today. Man, that's one
Post a pic of you and your wuvy-duvy. (AKA your crush)
If you could choose the only 5 movies that Shrubbie McCokewanker gets in prison
DUers...Your Top 5 Books of All Time?
After eating at Olive Garden, Going shopping at Wal-Mart, the two were breastfeeding in public
Bayard Rustin, gay man behind the march on Washington...
This MLK Day, let's reflect on Coretta's words on gay rights...
Greater Bostonians: Is that Michelle Obama hosting the MLK special on Channel 5 ?
The Anti-Empire Report - Johnny Got His Gun...
"Second Class Schools and First Class Prisons" Jesse Jackson
Chuck Hagel Smacks Lieberman: Questions his competency
The neo-cons’ route to disaster...
Katie Couric and CBS Evening News did not mention Bush once.
Saddam aide decapitated in hanging
Lawyers to be punished economically for defending Gitmo detainees.
time for countdown and Keith on MSNBC
Skull suggests human-Neanderthal link
Well, shut their mouths! Some halfwit claims Democrats are going to try to silence them!
USA Today/Gallop poll: Chimpy down 3% after speechifying (lying)
If you could bring five movies to a desert island
What do you suppose came out of bushs meeting with the repugs ?
White House warns news channels that Iran will move up the agenda
Anderson Cooper out, Keith Olbermann in?
So...the chimp went back to the fake cowboy accent for 60 Minutes
Where is Michael Ware Reporting from Baghdad on CNN...Wierd John Burns is All we SEE!
British paper The Observer claims Bush U-Turn on Global Warming
Caption Wayne Allard at his press conference!
Bush used "decision" twenty-four times in under nine minutes.
Bush’s Pants Spontaneously Combust
You'd Think, Being a Real "Cowboy," Chimpy Would Be Well Familiar
Iran target of US Gulf military moves, Gates says
Mmmm.... bigots on MLK's birthday! Ya gotta love America!
Looking at the new Congress, a thought occured to me
"Bush's presidency drowned in the flood waters of Katrina,"
If Bush-Cheney are really planning a sneak attack on Iran, it's the worst kept secret in history.
SIGNS pointing to an attack on Iran. Post here.
New US backed Somali government launches media crackdown
Pelosi warns Bush shouldn't 'abuse power' on troop escalation
Rice Speaks Softly in Egypt, Avoiding Democracy Push
Oh my God! Freerepublic has their own T.V. show!
"Even if our new strategy works exactly as planned, deadly acts of violence will continue"
Did Chris Matthews chastise Ron Christie tonight about using the word "Democrat"?
Disastrous Post-Speech Poll Numbers (CHIMPY BOMBED! Surprise! Not.)
Why isn't there an antiwar movement like Vietnam? Must read --
What are the US interests in the Middle East?
Major investment bank issues warning on strike against Iran
Local News Just Reported: Surge is on...Showing trucks pulling out of Kuwait...Surge is on.
VIDEO - McClaughlin Covers the NEWS Properly & Laura Bush "Attacks" Condi!
History Channel: "Jonestown Paradise Lost." Bush is reminding me of
What do you think Bush Sr is thinking right now?
OMG! Rice arranges three-way...
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
In memory of Martin Luther King , my salute to the Black Republican Congressional Caucus
Bush ally hopes to win over Islamic world (Karen Hughes)
My fellow Americans: Repeat after me (in progressively louder chants)...
"Tubes" for the internet(s) are here.... Sen Stephens is a "visionary"...
Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence
Buchanan and Scarborough: Dems won't impede or impeach over Iran
MSNBC.com Breaking Banner: "Castro in Serious Condition"
So, Faux News wants to play the “guess who…” game
Sick, Literally, of Fighting in Iraq
"Iraq is not Hilarious" you smirking little asshat
Bush wants to read our mail? Lets let him!!
Russian Admiral Says U.S. Navy Prepares Missile Strike on Iran
The Repuke dilemma--Bush has made them all richer--but party destroyed
I need some Legal advice (Bank of America)
Animated Gif of Mc Naught Comet as seen by SOHOLasco3
When Revolution is the Only Answer...
China:Capitalism, Market-Socialism or Neither?
So you think that you can trust a televised image? Think again..
The Ballad of the Yellow Beret
A great source for a daily read
In This Turn at the Top, Democrats Seek the Middle on Social Issues
"I don't ask blind people for fashion advice..."
Shoes needed for 'Walk in their Shoes'
The Earth Hangs In the Balance
About the assassination of MLK...
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Some Guantanamo detainees fall into limbo
"iraq is not Hilarious" you smirking little asshole
Global warming: the value of a Gore presidency
Ok, even the TOONS are getting repetitive
I'm a dumbo who needs to learn
Joe Biden has found a new way of showing how to be a corporate douchebag and hurt my quality of life
They fucking did it - FOX plunges to new depths of Islamo-phobia *SPOILER*
Colbert ripping on the bogus attack on Boxer
Jeepers....what an article!! Richard Cummings...
GOP Nightmare Scenario Could/Should End Bush Presidency...
Oh, how nice. The fundie group is finally accepting the obvious.
Richard Wolfe says the GOP is near telling Chimpy "it's over"
I read these last threads - let me see if I got this right -
Open Letter to the People of Canada from the Detainees at Canada's Guantanamo Bay North...
OK, is Castro close to death or already dead?
face it...nobody, nowhere is going to stop bush...no-one..
There was a fire fight on the news last week.
Why the Bush Administration Argument in Iraq is B.S.
WSJ: 50 Active-Duty Officers To Deliver Petition To Congress Against More Troops
Chuck Hagel (I-NE)? - Could he run for POTUS as an Independent?
Strong Libby defense expected from Cheney testimony...
Bob Dylan - When The Ships Come In (March on Washington with MLK, 1963)
John Edwards:realizing the dream PART 1
Senator Obama speaking to Olberman on Bush speech
Rarely seen version of MLK's 'Dream' speech
Young Voices from the Middle East
Jon Stewart on Oil Executives, Cheney and lying to the public...
Practicing Preachers - a theme song for the Busheviks and their ilk
New Campaign Against Iraq War Escalation Includes Labor
Chuck Todd: "Obama and Hillary will court Hagel as running mate."
Use of Kurdish Troops In Baghdad Debated
The media is saber rattling for war with Iran
January Photo Contest preliminary 3
Withdrawal from Reality - Toon
The current "rovian" strategy..do something bad but not the worst possible thing.
Build a case for impeaching Cheney first!
Republics in DC now fear that the Iraq War will affect them personally
Hussein's hanging "not dignified"? (Rice) How the hell can a hanging be dignified?
What progressive really means.
Best Candidate or Best President
What has been the Iraq timetable?
Are They Fueling The Speculation About Iran
Nevada is game for '08 caucuses
Iraqis will never accept this sellout to the oil corporations
If Edwards is serious about promoting the immediate withdrawl of 50,000 troops, he'll have to do a
Rep. Jack Kingston (R, GA) : "I don't like Bush either anymore..."
Now Is The Time For All Good Men
Video of Edwards' MLK speech at Riverside Church in Harlem ("Realizing the Dream")
Little Debbie Schlussel - Just Another Candy-Ass Republican
Iraqis Will Never Accept this Sellout to the Oil Corporations
Mainstream Media to Bloggers: Bug Off
John Nichols: Cheney is Longtime Bad News for US
Paul Craig Roberts: Bush Must Go - Only Impeachment Can Stop Him
Bush on Iraq Surge: A Kissinger Ploy? - Washington Dispatch at Mother Jones
Truthdig: Dying to Play the Wii
"(Senate)Panel Sought to Tackle Social Security Costs"(is Kent Conrad D-N.D. a traitor?)
Dick Cheney's "Modest Proposal" to Round Up More Troops
Bill Moyers at Memphis -- A must hear/read
Britain and US turn screws on Iran
Lone Star Iconoclast: The Window Is Closing
Italy takes step back from U.S.
Bush and Iraq Executions – The President and his Hypocrisy have reached a new Low
Adultery could mean life, court finds --BRIAN DICKERSON Detroit Free Press
CafePress: To Surge or Not to Surge?
Rocky Mountain News: Not Just Wrong, But All Wrong
Marketing Conservatism and Corporatism by Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest
Is Iran driving new Saudi diplomacy? By Nicholas Blanford at CSMonitor
How US is deferring war costs - By Ron Scherer at CSMonitor
The Fed’s role in the Housing Crash of ‘07
TIME: The Evolution of Jack Bauer
Antiwar.com: It's All About Iran, Washington wants war
Is Energo-fascism in Your Future?
Iraq Edges Closer to Iran, With or Without the U.S.
Buck Farleigh got his letter in the paper
Marie Cocco: Resolving to End the War
Governor Spitzer Wants New York to Enter Stem Cell Race
Differences Snarl Iraq Plan (Robert Reid / WP)
Land of Enchantment and Impeachment
Are the dead porpoises on Scottish beaches more evidence of global warming?
Sweden's Tree Line Moving at Fastest Rate for 7,000 years
China to become world's largest wind power producer
Environmental Studies in Peril, Panel finds
Energy Time: It's Not About Something for Everyone
Write up of my Climate Project experience
Maine, other states join forces to muscle EPA on air pollution
SunPower's SunTile Powers Largest All-Solar Neighborhood in America
Two more New England towns seek municipal wind turbines (RI and MA)
Green Energy Resources Seeks Ice Storm Wood
Rescuers try again to help dolphins in shallow New York state cove
Reuters Global Biofuel Summit January 16-17
2 IDF officers get probation over deaths of Palestinians in 2002
New York Rabbi Finds Friends in Iran and Enemies at Home
Israel's military commander resigns under pressure. CNN TV reports
Being ashamed is not enough (Ha'aretz editorial)
Prosecutor orders criminal probe of Israel's Olmert
"Screw 9/11 Mysteries" - The Preview
Whatever hit the South Tower was definitely NOT a commercial aircraft!
The most important book you'll read this year...
Any OCTer's wish to discuss either or both
Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Tuesday, 1/16/07
Please post evidence of influence-purchasing efforts of voting machine companies
Comparing FL 13 to NC 08 Congressional Races
Feinstein & Sr Dems - Will Begin Scrutinizing Electronic Voting Machine Irregularities
Bush faces mutiny over extra troops for Iraq
Castro reportedly in grave condition
Saxophonist Michael Brecker dead at 57
LAT: Review is said to find safety failures at BP
AP: High Court to Hear Consumer Credit Case (insurance rates)
Interrogation Research Is Lacking, Report Says
Darlene Conley, longtime soap opera actress, dies at 72 in LA
Reuters: Gore Says He Won't Be Candidate For President
Khodorkovsky associate, on trial for fraud, flees
AP: Judge Rules Agent's Lawsuit Against CIA Can Proceed
Chirac wants to send envoy to Iran
Why They Fight -- From Within (AppealforRedress.org)
Pakistani Army Kills Suspected Terrorists in Raids
Italian criticism of U.S. reveals shift
CNN: Iran, China exploit U.S. military surplus supermarket
Sen. Allard (R- CO) announces he will not seek re-election.
AP: Iran gets army gear in Pentagon sale
Use of Kurdish Troops In Baghdad Debated
HMO fitness program may lower health care costs
Turkish prime minister warns Iraqi Kurds against seeking control of oil-rich Kirkuk
Democrats, Congress, Accountability and Revolution: A Special Comment
University bombing kills 60 in Baghdad - Reuters
Capitol Police Evacuate Long Wharf Congressional Office Building
WP: Burden Set to Shift On Balanced Budget (Bush Likely to Force Democrats' Hand)
WP,pg1: Cutbacks impede climate, weather studies: U.S. Earth programs in peril
"GE to buy Smiths aerospace unit for $4.8 billion" by Rachel Layne and Andrea Rothman
Saudi says backs U.S. plan to stabilise Iraq
France's birthrate climbs, probably highest in Europe.
NYT: Second Iraq Hanging Also Went Awry
AP: Iran gets army gear in Pentagon sale
Reuters: Man wins suit in airline race-profiling case
SF Chron: Iraq refugee crisis exploding; 40% of middle class believed to have fled crumbling nation
Four U.S. soldiers killed by bomb in northern Iraq
Russian Admiral Says U.S. Navy Prepares Missile Strike on Iran
Spitzer Wants New York to Enter Stem Cell Race
Court nixes sentence of man in bomb plot (Ahmed Ressam)
French WWI veteran dies at age 108
Iraqi vice-president “caught by surprise” by executions
Tancredo sees "void," plans presidential committee
Conservation Group, Unions Joining Forces
Gonzales: Challenges slowing Gitmo cases
Saddam Execution Rushed to Hide Information — Russian Ex-PM
Iran 'taking control of Basra by stealth'
(AP) U.N.: 34,452 Iraq civilians killed in '06
Verizon to Spin Off Some Local Assets
Bremerton-Based Stennis Deploys To Gulf
BBC: Top Taleban spokesman 'arrested'
Webb to give State of the Union response
UN warns of looming crisis in Kirkuk (ethnic cleansing of Turkmen and Arabs)
Mahdi Army Commanders Told 'Not to Resist' U.S. Troops
Bush chides Iraq over recent executions ("It makes it harder for me to...)
AP: Commander Wants Afghan Tours Extended
Gallup: Americans Back Congressional Resolution Against Iraq 'Surge' -- And Withdrawal Within a Year
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday January 16
Reuters: Twin Baghdad blasts kill 15, wound 70
LAT: Iraq edges closer to Iran, with or without the U.S.
Blair warns against Scottish independence
National Park Service Now Distancing Itself from Creationist Book It Approved
Lam's ouster concerns lawmakers (Bushco's U.S. Attorney "purge" now happening)
Northrop Grumman to show off anti-missile system
Soldiers give Kuchinch an anti-war petition
Train derails, catches fire near Louisville
Russian missiles delivered to Iran: Ivanov
Spanish court issues arrest warrant for three US soldiers
Obama Takes 1st Step in Presidential Bid
Wal-Mart pharmacist denies couple morning-after pill
Doucheitude is the best new term since
Good citizens check for duplicates!
Good citizens check for duplicates!
Good Duplicates Check For Citizens
Iway inkthay iway illway ostpay inway igpay atinlay
Who knows The Gettysburg Address?
If I ever have to hear Arnold Schwarzeneggar utter the words
I went outside a few minutes ago and it is a little cool outside and windy.
Rut Roh - I posted a thread in GD!
OMG!!!! The Trading Spouses "God Warrior" is back!
Anyone familiar with Medicare spend down requirements?
does anyone here use Hughesnet for their highspeed internet?
I don't know if this important question has been asked, but When did Kudzu Jump the Shark?
I'm watching Puppetry of the Penis...
Bertha and Cats: Obsessed, Servant of Man and Beast, Giddy, Merely Annoying, or Looney Tunes?
"So I put on some tangerine lip gloss and answered the door."
Helen Mirren - those are not 60ish year old "girls"
So I just turned 27 about a half an hour ago...
Group starts national discussion about how kids' birthday parties have gone too far
Half-way through Palast's "Armed Madhouse"
if your black or christian dont click here
(Joan Osborne's) "One Of Us" covered by ReinaDelCid on YouTube
Today is my first day back at school.
It's time for bagel pictures!!!
Who sang lead on "Help Me, Rhonda"?
College town starts ticketing bars that serve drunk patrons
Scriptures Removed From School Bathroom
Favorite Homestar Runner character
Are the components of "Chex Mix" sold separately?
Doctors Kill 7,000 A Year Because Of Sloppy Handwriting
Ice storm non-event in Houston. Poor reporters.
Photos COULD Show Britney Throwing Up On New Boyfriend
No, he's not the worst kid in the world--but he's driving me insane
Another reason to love Russ Feingold
Homeowners Use Blowtorch To Unfreeze Pipes - Sets House On Fire
Male Panda Is Too Fat To Have Sex
Police Find 22 Pounds Of Marijuana In Car's Trunk - Man Driving Without License Plate
IMAGE: Earth Seen From 4 Billion Miles Away
World's tallest man saves dolphin
Any Vegans ever consider going Dane?
World's Heaviest USB Flashdrive
Stupid question! How do I create a jewel case insert for a burned CD?
"24" fans! More than you really want to know! (SPOILERS)
OMG! I've been brainwashed by 24!!
Just got done filling out a police report.
Anne Hathaway in the Devil Wears Prada = HOTTIE!
Police Officer Arrests Homeless Woman - Drags Her Belongings Behind Cruiser In Shopping Cart
Professor Teaching "Phallus" Course
Any Vegans ever consider going Jayne?
Jennifer Hudson's Golden Globe speech.
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Thoughts, prayers, best wishes, positive vibes needed
Old sins. With old twins. Discuss.
Who gave the best portrayal of Jimmy Olson?
how is it i can make a post requesting that somebody out there suggest a new avatar for me
Can someone explain the sport Curling to me?
CT vs Texas - who invented the hamburger?
You guys are a bunch of copycatting assholes. discuss
Leave me be. I'm listening to a Joaquin Rodrigo number.
"When are you and daddy getting divorced?"
Two things that bug me about 24
Anybody see Sacha Baron Cohen's Golden Globe acceptance speech?
I am running off to the Isle of Misfit Toys
this has to be one of the funniest things i've seen on craigslist in quite some time
If you could LEAVE 5 men on a desert island...
Okay kids, it's time again for...JACK BAUER FACTS!
does anyone know what "M.O." means?
Ever meet a real demon at a ramen shop?
What's your favorite Shirley Temple film?
jpgray has seen a Shirley Temple film
How to make the Starship Enterprise out of a floppy dick
Does anyone else remember penny candy?
So it seems a small plane crashed about
does anybody have any good resources for fluffy bunnies or cute kitties?
name some du'ers you got into fights with
Olsen Olsen. Discuss (and listen)
Whatever happened to whoisalolsen?
Brett Michaels vs Sebastian Bach in a steel cage death match
Why does the NY Station 1600 WWRL home of AAR keep on
Okay, so I'm a silly little geek. But I'm tickled anyway!
What is winzip and what does it do...
OK, so not exactly a blizzard, but there is snow on the ground here.
Cybercheating Poll - Harmless fun or flamewar in the making?
Serious Question: were you ever at ease with your racism when younger?
what's your favorite work by peter greenaway?
What is Google and what does it do...
Police Chief Accused Of Stealing From Toys For Tots - Having Porn On Work Computer
Amish Cheese Plant Shuts Down Over Technology Dispute
How to make the Starship Enterprise out of a floppy disk:
This is my rant about women's mini-clothing!
Did anybody post a link to this month's photo contest polls
What's your favorite pagan temple film?
Was someone you know buried without a gravestone?
Which Golden Girl is your favorite?
What is YOUR theme song - and why?
Will someone tell the operatives in GD that spellcheck is a gift to be USED???
I don't know what Ecumenism is but the Rapturists downgraded it on their index
matcom's skidmark sponsorship. discuss
Mother Misplaces Her Baby - Calls Police
How many Oscars will "Talladega Nights" win?
What do you think Osama Bin Laden's theme song is?
I just passed a BIG exam! w00t!
It's supposed to go down into the 20s tomorrow night, and I've got spring bulbs sprouting...
Kiefer Sutherland Set Fire To His Action Doll Prototype After Drunken Night Out
One thing about English and Scottish and some Irish
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 1/16/2007)
Feeling better, in spite of...
Caption Paris @ a Golden Globe party
Mildred and Toonces -- wild ones to be spayed today! Trap success!
Pandas are fucking cheapskates.
Any Vegans ever consider going Jain?
Post here if your salary is a prime number.
My wife and I wanted a smartass for a son
Does the University of Phoenix even have a football team?
Your boss forces you to let Lindsay Lohan write all your reports.
Help! What kind of birds are these? Can you tell? They're here in the afternoon snow! (PHOTOS)
I belong to a medieval re-creation group. A Viking woman who is
Admit it - you dig Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam
James Brown's will drawn up before marriage
Silly weather warnings; we're under a winter storm warning
Suddenly, I really miss Mrs. Robinson. (KOO-KOO-KA-SHOO)
Who's your favorite "Match Game" panalist?
I'll give you 20 reasons why 90's music was good.
How can I put this delicately...
If you could bring 5 WOMEN to a dessert island?
Suddenly, I really miss Anne Robinson (THE WEAKEST LINK)
Quasi military schools, does anyone have any experience with them?
Quasimodo schools, does anyone have any experience with them?
what ever happened to whoisalhedges?
Whoisalhedges Set Fire To His "Ol' Fella" After A Drunken Night Out.
Does the Electoral College even have a football team?
Happy Birthday, Steve Earle!!!!
100% of mens' willies drawn up before marriage
Happy Birthday, Steve Urkel!!!!
How many colleges have rules like Falwell's?
the best awards acceptance speech EVER
Meaningless Trivia Bit for today: Life under the Confederacy
Anyone know anything about smatchy.com?
Let's just say you get to have lunch with Paris Hilton. What would you say to her?
X-ray reveals thief who stole ring
Talked to a guy today - 500 had been submitted in three days. WHAT are they?
Quote from a friend in San Angelo, Tx. about how hard it is snowing right now...
Let's just say you have to marry Paris Hilton at gunpoint?
Someone go reply to my Daily Poem Thread
Asteroid dubbed "Apophis" (Stargate reference?) to buzz earth...twice in 2029/2036
Get yourselves to New Orleans ASAP. That's an order!
How long do insurance companies do stuff like this?
What is your favorite Shakespeare comedy?
What's your favorite Shirley MacLaine film?
Who else thinks LynneSin is WAY to rapped up in
I just used the Nuclear Ignore Option for the first time
Tuesday Shoe Blogging, dedicated to Burton Malkiel in congratulations
Here's a match made in hell: Lindsay Lohan and Joe "Girls Gone Wild" Francis
Kayne West vs. Fifty Cents in a presidential race 2008 - who'd you vote for
Do you enjoy Ethiopian cuisine?
If I were my car keys, where would I be?
Heelys: Scourge of the Earth or Really fun shoes you can skate on?
A couple of icy pictures taken from my front doorway.
FDA and Battlestar Galactica -- separated at birth!
If for some reason the title of Shrub's presidential memoirs was up to you,
This is quite possibly the coolest band you've never heard of...
Congratulations primate1!! 20,000 posts
What was the last thing you bought on ebay?
What's your record for a single phone call?
Guilty Pleasure Celebrity Crushes
What's your favorite Shirley Temple film?
Who is gonna win the Super Bowl?
This is my mini-rant about women's clothing!
Post your trite conspiracy theory here:
I HATE getting the "let's just be friends" talk
Cybercheating - Actual cheating or harmless fun?
January Photo Contest is up in GD
What is the most effective product to get rid of a headache?
Serious question, have you ever been sexually harassed at work?
Borat's Golden Globe Acceptance Speech
Brett Michaels vs Sebastian Bach in a presidential race 2008 - who'd you vote for
Anyone here know anything about String Theory?
BBQ potato chips and vitamin water - the breakfast of champions
Post here if your salary is divisible by 7.
What's the most caloric, heart clogging meal you ever ate?
How money colleges have rules like Falwell's?
Colorado Rockies To Hold "Faith Day" At Ballpark - ("Faith" = Christian)
Motorhead video, "Just 'Cos You Got The Power"
If you could bring 5 WOMEN to a desert island?
Ever had real ramen at a ramen shop?
PHILLY, NEW JERSEY: Come see me play in Atlantic City this weekend!
When they make a movie about the Bush years, who do you think should play King George?
elehhhhna is FLODDING the internets!!!11
For all the Christians who are pissed the Jews killed Jesus
A bit about doublethink (from 1984)
It's one of those days when I feel very hostile toward religion.
Yale Attack Story = Media perfect storm
Madison, Wisconsin could become first city to protest gay marriage ban
GOP Virginia lawmakers continue gay bashing, Subcommittee backs bill opposed by gay-straight groups
Plan for Warsaw Monument To Gay Victims of Nazi Concentration Camps
The San Diego Chargers should change their name to the San Diego Crybabies
Mike Shula Enters Dolphins' Coaching Hunt
Ex-NASCAR champion Parsons dies
Wow what a week for Va.Tech basketball (#25)
Beckham Kick-Starts MLS Ticket Sales
Astrologers! Has anyone done a chart of Nancy Pelosi as
What's going on cosmically right now that's causing all the nightmares?
Time to manifest happier work days!!!
Raymon Grace on Coast to Coast
Daily Tzolkin - Tone: 9, Sacred Sun Sign: Maya/Ix Jaguar
GWOT as a globalized counterinsurgency: Kerry could OWN this issue
Sen. Obama on why he opposed Kerry/Feingold Withdrawal in 6/06
That DOES it! Senator Kerry, you're just going to have to run.
I wonder what JK thinks about this
it's official -- Obama is running for president
Poets for Kerry gone: calling all poets!
Bloggers gain access to 'Scooter' Libby trial
Mike Webb is broadcasting a lot of King audio tonight
far-Right group formed in European Parliament
Who here has called their representatives since the 110th Congress convened?
Underground (literally) power lines?
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
2008 Electoral Vote Prediction:
"Some of my best friends are American..."
WTF? martinlutherking.org is owned by Stormfront
Bank Issues Warning to Investors of a US/Israel strike against Iran
No TV Just Internet, When They Bomb Iran Where Do I Go For Live News And Video?
What "Torture" Got The Empire...
'Will Politics play a Role in its Outcome?"
Nancy Pelosi on Bush at MLK Day Speech
Framing, Death, and Democracy - by George Lakoff
How much longer will CNN allow Glenn Beck to say racial slurs on his show
As I remember veterans against the war, and not a draft, is what ended the Vietnam fiasco
How do you bring war crime charges?
Attorneys for Marine in Haditha killings ask for leak probe (AP)
Paulson Warned by Conservatives: No New Social-Security Taxes
How to retaliate against the Bush Administration for the Escalation AND save lives too
Remember way back when...and the Media framed the subject as "Clinton Fatigue"
For a moment there was hope that he might pay attention
Gates: Why, Yes, We are Insane...
Iraq Is Not Hilarious, Mr. President
Did you ever notice that McCain sounds just like Pat Robertson
Has anyone else ever wondered about those reports of
Iraq refugee crisis exploding, 40% of middle class believed to have fled crumbling nation
Why They Fight -- From Within (AppealforRedress.org)
N. Dakota Man Aims to Be 1st Hemp Farmer
Castro Reportedly in 'Grave' Condition
Anyone tuning in to Sam Seder??
"I Like Making Decisions": The Bush Interview That 60 Minutes Didn't Transcribe
"Please describe any feelings you have about vice president Cheney."
Iran keeps F-14 fighters flying on the cheap
Are you enough of a patriot to play OUR “essential” card?
'Scooter' Libby Trial Could Be a High-Profile Bloodletting
Pelosi: "We Have A Plan, And Bush Knows It - Democrats Oppose The Escalation Of The War"
Anybody got a line on best blogs for Libby trial news?
Richard Perle didn't hear the * Administration's use of tying Iraq to 911 to sell the war.
The Real January Photo Contest preliminary 1
Good Morning! - Morning Headlines
Co-worker rattling my chain today.....
Deleted by poster - link won't work
Defrost a Frozen Tuesday with the warmth of your . . . CAPTION!!!
BUSH ADMIN Supplying Iran With Military Gear
Laura Bush in Paris for literacy meeting
Where is the second part of the investigation
Russia completes air defense system deliveries to Iran - Ivanov-1
Guardian: "'The jihad now is against the Shias, not the Americans'"
Conservatives Have 'No Qualms About Torturing' Prisoners
This one goes out to the good people of New Orleans.
Was there any evidence another "terrorist" attack was planned on US ?
EUREKA!!! - I've finally found the problem!! DOH!!!!
Bush's War in Iran: How Will It Happen? (If It Does)
Question about being thread-banned by a poster
Great rundown of hearings on 'Axis of Oil' post at Dkos.
Playboy: "If You Think The Iraq War Hasn't Worked Out Well For Anyone, Think Again..."
'What you are doing has first and foremost cost now over 3,000 lives'
Leahy hearing on data mining - C-SPAN
Do public owned companies have to disclose when they shut down
Major investment bank issues warning on strike against Iran
Chimpolini will be on The News Hour this evening
Attack Iran/ Iran gets Nukes and by there own words
Can't Believe this Headline: Witness: Executed man's 'head just snapped off'
Scientists hope to save rarest creatures
Bus Accident in Canada Injures Washington DC-Area Students
I remember when East Pakistan was Wiped off the Face of the Map
you say cheeeeney, i say....jackass....
Congress Warns Bush Over Iran - Resolution Telling Him-NO Iran W/O Congressional Approval
TPM: US Attorneys being replaced without Senate approval
Officer Ridiculed For Helping Homeless Woman (could be reprimanded??)
Anyone here know about ACN digital phone marketing?
Iraq Is Not Hilarious, Mr. President
REID: "In 6 Yrs Of Bush-Nothing Accomplished Except Biggest Foreign Policy Fiasco In US History"
American Idol starts tonight--will the Libby trial be overshadowed?
Borat's Golden Globe Acceptance Speech
Bring a Pair of Shoes to Washington D.C. on Jan. 27
42 dead from storm in 7 states
"We cannot even contemplate, in my view, trading American blood for Iraqi blood."
Obama's Presidential Exploratory Website
Is Jeff Alan Wolf a liberal talk show mc?
Am I the only one disgusted by Newsweek publishing part of OJ's book?
CNN Radio news 100 + dead in Baghdad today
Hey - New USA poll has Bush down 3 points in a week.
Edwards, Obama and Clark leading Daily Kos '08 poll
George McGovern on C-Span - IT IS GREAT! ! ! !
Thoughts? Do you think the stock market will continue to rise?
"GE to buy Smiths aerospace unit for $4.8 billion" by Rachel Layne and Andrea Rothman
"americans pay the least for drugs of any country in the world"
IRAQ: Disease alert after sewage system collapses
Riches keep the US in Iraq (part 1 of 3)
Libby Trial Pre-Game Show @ Firedoglake
34,452 Iraqi Civilians Killed in 2006, U.N. Says
If Global Warming does cause the US to get behind a drastic reduction
Barack Obama: in his own words:
Who do the Freeps think we will run?
Shoot, missed the WH daily press briefing. Anyone catch it?
Have you visited michaeldukakis.com?
George McGovern-A True Progressive
FReeps in denial over Right-Wing=Nazis
Amsterdam To Honor Bill O'Reilly
I Thought the Iraqi Execution was Barbaric - until I remembered out
Ughh, you know what I hate about these disaster news conferences?
Last week, the House passed the Ethics Reform bill 430-1.
"what we wanted.. to ensure the honor, dignity was given to all fallen heroes regardless of rank"
Prohibition, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution
Republican House speech mantra "God bless our troops, we will not forget 9/11"
White House: No Libby pardon-talk
When will people say "I remember 02-05-03" instead of "911"?
So, who is really in charge of the US troops in Iraq?
Iran, China get gear from Pentagon sales
Service Members Join War Protest
Amsterdam To Dedicate Statue To Prostitutes
Poll: Would you meet with this president?
Cheney's/ Neocons Iran Strategy
Headline: WHouse says Iraq death toll 'too high' (WHouse? - blames terrorists for the death toll)
MoonieTimes: Because war with Iran was not an option, next best move was to begin capturing Iranians
If Americans found out the real truth, it'd be torch & pitchfork time.
new Mexico to introduce impeachment legislation?
Trouble in paradise? Saudis give Rice "lukewarm" reception...
What will it take for the GOP Senators to tell Bush to back off and will he?
DKOS: New Mexico Legislature to get impeachment bill
Four US Soilders Killed in Iraq Today
Ombud Concurs on NewsHour's Iraq Panel (FAIR)
Does the surge makes Bush look like he really wants to win?
How Long Till DU Gets 200K User Registrations?
Ha! Around here, in Milwaukee Wisconsin, gas prices dropped by
Oh my God. I just watched the 60 Min. interview with bush.
Congresscritters can co-sponsor bills brought before the Congress but
A surge would likely cost us 1,000 more American lives.
Yet another reason to boycott ABC (as if we needed one)
Man O Man are we in need of a Secretary of State or what?.
I Guess I Owe An Apology To The People Who Were Pro-War in 2002/3
Damn I must be old: World's first test tube baby gives birth to her own baby
So, who's going to D.C. 1/27???
U.S. civilians can face military trials
Juror Number Seven, How Often Do You Watch "The O'Reilly Factor"?
* to address global warming in SOTU speech-still opposes mandatory limits on greenhouse-gas emission
Are Republicans finally yielding to the idea that REALITY is more important than talking points?
The blood of students, mr. bush*, the blood of students. Those ingrates.
What will it take before the scary ass media...
Hannity coming unglued over FAIRNESS DOCTRINE.
Why is MSNBC showing a segment on the Scott Peterson jury,
George, "I've made it a career out of people underestimating me."
WH Moved Swiftly to Replace US Attorneys (Update-Section 502 Patriot Act)
MSNBC: Saudi Arabia mulls sending troops to Iraq 'to protect their interests' there
Saw on MSNBC that the Saudis will send troops into Iraq if the surge fails
Someone needs to tell Shooter - "You can't run a war by DICTATORSHIP!"
Big Flip Flop for Condi... Rice’s Short-Lived Commitment To Middle East Democracy
NYT- Crash of the condo market in many big US cities
Breaking MSNBC: Obama is going to run
Fox News "Democrat": "We don't have a serious terror strategy"
Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water... and I WAS ACTUALLY DEFENDING BUSH!
Clinton's new anti-terrorism laws.
Please help me re: a response about Ted Haggard-a law professor
We need our own, controversial talking points.
When bush pushes his surge does he think that...
Latest AFA Alert: Fox Deliberately Displays the 'F-Word' During Prime Time Football Game
Negroponte & Co: Castro Sets Stage for Power Transition (AP)
Presidential Primary DU Straw Poll
Brit HUME & flying monkeys doing the number on "Barack HUSSEIN Obama"
Allies 'go after' Iran as beefed-up naval force sails for Gulf (The Times UK)
Lord Bush Bestows Kisses on the Wounded ---pix--->>>
Golden Globes beats "24" in ratings.
Troops uncertain about Iraq's future - "It's hard to tell what's right here anymore"
If you haven't voted in my latest '08 straw poll yet, now would be a good time
Bush chides Iraq over Hussein execution - looked like "kind of a revenge killing"
For any DUer that says Obama can't win because of his African American heritage...
Another Very Bad Idea and more TOONS
Gonzales Blames Legal Challenges For Five Year Delay In Bringing Gitmo Detainees To Trial
Is it OK now to say that Iraq would be better off today with Saddam in charge?
Cheney:"president of Iran, who appears to be a radical, a man who believes in an apocalyptic vision"
CSPAN discussing and taking calls on Libby trial..NOW.
Bush Administration Suppressed Scientific Panel Recommendation to protect Arizona Bald Eagle
One Year After Colbert Flap: Are WH Correspondents Playing It Safe?
McCain runs fourth in a GOP straw poll in --Arizona!
Kucinich to push for media reform
Blast rips hole in Miami condo
3024 Reasons Why The DSM is Important
Deaths top 100 in Baghdad bombings, shootings
Streaming Audio of Committee Hearings
Hint: If you're afraid black voters will automatically vote for Obama
I saw a license plate in Dallas that said DUBYA 1-
Have YOU lit any (virtual) candles for Tim Johnson lately?
Who will be the Republican presidential nominee in '08?
Global War, not on terror, just Global War
Democrats, Congress, Accountability and Revolution: A Special Comment
Why is the House spending the afternoon congratulating football teams?
An Appeal For Unity - My Speech to the Humboldt NAACP on MLK Day 2007
Bill Moyers on Democracy NOW! today on big media:
Ann Northrup, fresh from her drubbing Nov 7 is now running
Minister pens "Obama: Sheep or Goat?" to "WARN EVANGELICALS" about him
Have you visted barackobama.com?
Have you visited johnedwards.com?
Andean farmers pick potato fight with Syngenta
So our action in the Middle East is about oil, but now how you think....
Playing It Safe After Colbert: Comedian Rich Little Hosting White House Correspondents’ Dinner
How would we feel if Britain and Argentina decided to fight the Falklands Wars in our borders?
37 Bills That Barack Obama Has Written or Co-Sponsored in Just 2 Years in the US Senate!
An open letter to Senator John McCain.
Bush Is 'Emboldening Enemies' And 'Empowering Iran' In Iraq
Choice of Martinez sparks GOP rebellion
U.N.: 34,352 Iraqi civilians killed in '06
Uterine transplant. Just because something CAN be done, SHOULD it?
Smoking foes bring the fight to apartment buildings
Jim Webb will give Democratic response to State of the Union
Governor of California gives last award at the Golden Globes
please stand by for a message from our administration...
US Civilians Can Now Face Military Tribunals
Another chance for Gore?-In Recent Weeks, VP Camp Quietly Put Out Feelers...
looking for a union company to print custom tshirts, mugs, etc.
The Thing That Not Even Olbermann Will Mention
Throwing down the gauntlet on climate change
Libby Trial Witness List - from Firedoglake live blog
What I Didn't Find in Africa by Joseph C. Wilson 4th
Caption this amazing pic of the Evil Trinity
Time for yet another unofficial DU '08 straw poll--vote early and often!
Please Help Me Support Al Gore's Work
Playboy: "If You Think The Iraq War Hasn't Worked Out Well For Anyone, Think Again..."
Waxman Turns the Key in the House Oversight Committee's Ignition: Thursday
Major update on DUer who saw UFO at O'Hare International Airport
Crooks and Liars.com has an action allert posted against Lieberman. Re: Katrina
I respect Sharpton more than Obama
Woman dies after Wii contest ( took part in 'hold your wee for a Wii' radio show competition)
Does anyone else get pissed off by the premise of 24?
Vang said "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you," - Vang didn't speak english
REEP DICTIONARY ALERT !1!! New Entry : "Flodding"
I make minimum wage and I will be donating to Obama...
Please AL GORE: RUN for President in 08!
In one day, Al Gore sells Out All 10,000 Seats at Boise State University.
Iraqi reaction to pending legalization of OIL profits theft
The Silver Lining inside the Dark Cloud of Our Broken Election System
NSA Helped Microsoft Set Security for Vista
Who was the first politician you volunteered for?
Libby-Juror Dismissed: “Nothing” Bush Admin "Can Say Or Do Would Make Me Think Anything Positive"
Barack Obama is promoting coal and Ted Stevens is pushing for higher fuel-economy standards?
US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights
Two Navy men wage war against a war...
Unreal...Embryos were saved from NOLA Hospital while people drowned
Enron gave Taliban millions of $$$$!
Scientists and Evangelicals unite to fight Global Warming
Who Was Behind Ethiopia Invading Somalia? More Blood For Oil
‘Cultural left responsible for 9/11.’... so says conservative intellectual Dinesh D’Souza
The Real January Photo Contest preliminary 3
The Real January Photo Contest preliminary 2
Ahmadinejad seems to be having some trouble back home.
Slavery apology sparks furor at General Assembly
Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons
Of savage imperialism, pigskin monopolists, and intellectual emasculation
And gay people still cannot donate blood because????
MSNBC's Olbermann now "go-to guy for antiwar rhetoric"; words entered into Congressional Record
"GE to buy Smiths aerospace unit for $4.8 billion" by Rachel Layne and Andrea Rothman
George Bush Sings "Christmas at ground zero" by weird al
Tactical nuke used in Baghdad.
Barack Obama Will Run for President
50 Shots an a Mule ~ The Sean Bell Murder Protests
Barack Obama -- Sex Offender? (Un. Fucking. Believable what Fox has stooped to here)
I fear it is the calm before the storm...
US has ignored seven clear pointers to failure in Iraq
The Mission Has Been Accomplished
Democrats Seek the Middle on Social Issues
The Ballad of the Yellow Berets
Gore has OFFICIALLY ruled out another run for President
TIME: Senate Leader Harry Reid: The Democrats' Inside Man
Conservatives want to stop Mel Martinez from RNC Chair
I thought the insurgents were backing off...CNN Breaking
Please delete - too many on this topic
U.N.: 34,452 Iraq civilians killed in '06
You know who I wanna see denounce the war? Its' not just Hillary, or Kerry, or Edwards...
Looks Like We Aren't The Only Ones Struggling With 'The Far Right'
How many Repubs supporting Bush now will be backtracking by next year?
Live Blogging At The Libby Trial...............
my concern with Wes Clark as a "peace candidate" begins with allegations...
McCain looses another straw poll this time in his own state
Some People Are Just On A Mission Here Today
article in The Nation about Wesley Clark.
Just caught a bit of "The Gestapo" on the History Channel
Deadly day in Iraq leaves 109 dead
Former Minnesota Rep. Vin Weber to serve as Der Mittenfuherer's Goebels
Merry Fitzmas, Libby Trial started this week
I predict Sonny Perdue will be the Republican nominee for Pres in '08
Have you seen BillHop? A wiki for wonks...
Experience: Obama v.s. Edwards
Iraq edges closer to Iran, with or without the U.S.
If experience matters then a number of past candidates who ran would have been President ...
Kudos to MSNBC. They ask the *right* question re: Fox's "24"
Pretend you're a Republic and you're out to shoot down the Dem candidates ......
The GOP has a real impressive line-up for 2008, don't they?
AP: Frank Keating (R) decides against presidential bid
My thoughts on the Obama run...
You want your peace candidate? You want your "real" Democrat?
CSPAN Now: House Armed Services Committee
Scott "McLobbyist" McInnis threw his hat in for the Rethuglican nomination for '08 for CO Senate
One day later, King's lessons lost
It's official, NM legislator introduces legislation to call for impeachment
Joe Klein: Sometimes the Obama Stumbles
Rice could testify in trial of White House aide (Reuters)
George Bush loves it because we believe him......(nothing against any group personally)
What do you expect from the Plame trial?
Is blogging more associated with the right?
Paid operatives? On DU? Slamming candidates?
Support the troops! They are standing up............so should we!!
Your own personal Doctor......
Right wing nuts pushing civil war here
I think we are potentially looking at Iran-Saudi war, if
CSPAN Poll: Should Guantanamo be closed? 75% say Yes even without
Leaders without followers are no longer leaders
Republicans concerned about cutting student loan interest rates
Gore "Not Running" Story Bogus: Daily Kos Diary by Draft Gore
Haven't Heard Much About the Dems First 100 Hrs. Lately......
McCain doctrine or Bush Doctrine - which phrase to use
The Worst Possible President (great essay by Jane Smiley)
T shirts illegal in two states? Why, Where?
Repubs can't accept 2006 loss, circulate false arguments via email
FYI-McHenry (R-NC) continues to get slapped around on Am.Somoan min.wage
Rude Pundit: George Bush Has No Soul
Rumor: Boortz faces arrest in Atlanta prostitution case?
What do you think should be the key message the Dem nominee conveys
80% disapprove of the escalation. Yet it's going to happen. what went wrong?
OMFG! Rich Little to be guest of honor at WH correspond. dinner!!!!!
Susan Page: Obama reminds me of Reagan
Rush just read a poll that says 2/3 of Repugs polled don't expect
Here is a cartoon I did. My first and last. Promise.
AP: Rep. Tancredo forms '08 bid committee
Jim Webb to deliver Dem response to SOTU!
Boston Globe claims Gore is quietly "putting out feelers" about an 08 run
Gore Has NOT Definitively Ruled Out Another Presidential Run...
2008 DU Presidential Straw Poll
Obama running - a huge mistake, IMHO
What if we win the Whitehouse in '08
If someone says something about your candidate that displeases you....
If Edwards is so upset about the war, why did he leave Congress?
Can Hillary or Clark win swing states?
The Experience Factor - Edwards weakness
2008 Electoral Vote Prediction: