Democratic Underground

Archives: January 18, 2007

Jane Smiley: Not Only the Worst President, But the Worst Possible President

A Spy Program in From the Cold --NYT

Gorbachev op-ed: History is not preordained: a new cold war can be averted

Eric Boehlert: Spocko, Glenn Beck, and ABC

Bush budget plan gets easier

Bills on Climate Move to Spotlight in New Congress

Solar Flares Contribute to Global Warming?

'The most polluted town in Europe' (BBC)

Asian states sign key energy deal (BBC)

Unions Aim for More Conservation Efforts

China's 'cancer villages' pay price (BBC)

Israeli Arabs 'racially profiled'

Thousands gather in Beirut to celebrate Halutz resignation

So this is how it works

A correction: Ed Felten of Princeton is NOT on the Sarasota audit team.

Florida Congressional Challenges need any polling data available on their races

Stick it to Ken Blackwell, kick him while he's down

Bush 'chain gang' attacked in Memphis; Protesters claim police ignored street scuffle

OECD looks into UK arms deal

U.S. Navy Decoms Trenton, Transfers to Indian Navy

Sen. Clinton calls for troop cap in Iraq

Snowe joins Dems in opposition to escalation!

Disaster Fund Is Said to Be Nearly Empty

LA TIMES: Commanding majority opposes more troops in Iraq

Give us guns – and (US) troops can go, says Iraqi leader (al Maliki)

'Total Bull' That Congress Can't Stop Bush Iraq Escalation, Says Edwards Campaign

Franken seeks advice for possible bid

CWA Urges Adoption Of High-Speed Internet Public Policy

NYT: (4th Cir)Court Rules for Wal-Mart in Maryland Suit (required contributions to emp. health care)

Reputed major Israeli trafficker pleads guilty

Give us guns – and troops can go, says Maliki

Officials: Bomb Found on Witness' Truck (Posada case)

Apple reports record profits ($1 billion)

House passes student loan interest bill

Venezuela Chavez: Special President Powers Could Last 18 Months

Weather Channel Climate Expert Calls for Decertifying Global Warming Skeptics

Did you know - is housed on Microsoft-based servers?

California Peggy

I edited this post

Want to see my cousin Vicky? She has a cable tv show in Calif. (San Diego)


Johnny Cash Live at San Quentin

I refuse to "let it mellow".

My leg itches...should I?

Potsie's Greatest Hits!

Um...everyone? I think maybe you should all check for VD.

Jim Gaffigan...freaking hilarious.

I had my first reproductive day in a while

I had my first productive day in a while

Just 4 more cc's of silicone and tit bits would cover the walls

My hat goes off to anyone that works in construction for a living.

Inexplicable earworm:

DU Lounge: Should this post have been deleted from the "Douche Bag Thread"?

Who has a foolproof remedy for a nasty chest cold?

Store Wars! If you haven't seen this, you really should

Has O'Reilly taken on Colbert yet?

My car got hit Friday while I was at work.

Kinda hard to tell the Lounge from GD today

Lot of sad things happening tonight. Let's try and lighten our spirits with a PIC THREAD.

I think "Invasion of the Sockpuppets" would be a great band name!

Who knew? ____(fill_in_blank)__ was GAY!!

Help - I have mice. I'm in an apartment and don't have control over

I just realized! I'm alone in the house with a small bottle of Petron!!!

JOE JACKSON FANS: If you've got Comcast On Demand...

Guess what I got in my PM box this morning?

Blast from the past! Barbara Bush on 'In Living Color'!

today kinda sucked.

It's time for Paul Harvey to retire.

"Well hello !"

19 posts to 4000.

I saw this in GD and HAD to drag it in here for women to take a look at it. Lysol...

Escaped Chimp Gets Snack, Cleans Bathroom

I just realized! I'm alone in the house with a small bottle of petrol!

My Way. Elvis or Frank?

What the hell are hot cross buns?

Close your eyes and listen -- Thank you for this life


All I want is a baseball bat and five minutes alone with this pervert.

So who here bought "The Burning Crusades" ?

this Peter,Paul and Mary song just fills me with emotion

Um...everyone? I think maybe you should all check GD.

What a tease!

I wish I had seen Little Richard's show at BB King's place Monday night

Why can't I play song clips off of

The montanto holy trinity

Why isn't it Friday yet?

Is Elton John singing "Hold me closer Tony Danza..." ?

I'm going to Traitor Joe's. Do you need me to get you anything?

What the hell happened to pop culture?

Cat location update

Henry here: I hate nailpolish. (indulge me)

Wow, I just experienced my first troll-Freeper

Well, damn, that was a short honeymoon.

One of my school's football players dropped dead tonight.

What makes me happy - That some young people know pop music is shit.

My neighbors pit bull dug under my fence today...

I'm reeeaaallly close to my 1000'th post...what should it be??

Showing Tavernertoddler "Sesame Street Old School" - all shows from 69-74

The Sarah Silverman Program

Meet Carter Douglas, my new grand nephew!

I'm about to do drugs!

Meet my boss's boss. He's twenty and has no teeth.

A useful website about beer

Tackiest Religious Themed "Art" Ever?

Verizon Wireless customers: what's this "VIP" thing all about?

saw a porcupine some photos of it

Is TV ever broadcast on channels 3 and 4 in the same market?

Why I won't vote for Obama...

Is 21 old enough to live on your own?

What do you think of a guy who says something like this?

so, are the bears going to the superbowl or what? bear fans, check in!

Stranger In A Strange Land

Name A Movie Or Movies That You CANNOT Watch Without Bawling Your Head Off

Something for those of you who don't like American Idol and the state of popular music in general

National Treasure Sequel...

I bought a new 2 in 1 Toaster Radio today, I feel so Red Dwarf.

My son-in-law's mother called him up the other day to rant about "N****r Day"

today's devotional-God's promise

Katherine Heigl DEFENDS Gay Co-Star against Homophobe actor

The Problem With Late Acceptance

Chuck Hagel for President ????????

Dick Morris apologizes to a Democrat.

Open source gets European boost (BBC)

Why are these Rethug Congressmen

Dick Morris apologizes to Barack Obama

British Cabinet Minister criticizes Bush

Local Virginia Lawmaker (Repuke) Tells Blacks To "Get Over" Slavery

British Cabinet Minister criticized Bush

FAUX's Cavuto: Is NY Times in mourning over Iraq hangings?

I read wierd sources - goes with being concerned about my kid -

Ethnic Cleansing of blacks in Southern California?

WP: Calling On Hollywood's Terrorism 'Experts'

'Christian' Nativism - 'christian' Right enters Immigration Debate

Pay Attention ! There Are Heroes Stepping Forward Exposing Corruption....

We need to demand CLEAR, CONCISE, and IMMUTABLE GOALS on Iraq from the White House

Conclusive proof that some people just have waaaaay too much time on their hands...

When we are trying to create media attention for something why write the offenders?

If Bush played a video game with a 12 year old kid and lost

Bush Faces Deepening War Opposition, Demand For Congress To Act Before He Kills Again

FYI: Robert Parry on Flashpoints Radio today: link

Murtha and Obama announce major Iraq initiatives

Afghanistan->Iraq, not a "move", just a "shipping". Thanks Snow, here's Helen.

(TOON) Steve Bell on the decapitation of Saddam's brother-in-law

Repug talking point .... "the dems don't have a plan."

A riddle or parable or just a question.

RW'ers making a big deal out of section 220 of Senate Bill 1

Jane Hamsher (Firedoglake) has breast cancer, going in for surgery:


Dumbass Defense Dept spokesman realizes he has egg on his face & apologizes

Dense breast tissue hikes risk of cancer

No - Fly List Being Checked and Cut

Bill In The Senate: Critics of Congress Required to Register and Report to Congress

Global Chicken redux

Is Mickey Mouse really a big, fat right-wing rat?

US lacks 'explosive' evidence against Iran

I was at this business dinner and had repuke for desert...

Judy needs to run for president of the U.S.

I sacrifice...I watch TV!

9 Year Old Boy Sneaks onto 2 Southwest Airlines Flights

Duncan Hunter

Freepers: "Line up (Iraq dissenting) US troops against a wall and shoot them"

RW Terrorism Alert - Someone tried to kill a witness in case against Anti-Castro Militant

Why O'Bama or Hillary should Beg Al do be his VP! Digestion

George Bush is not a doofus but, a Madman

A Reason Why Bush Insists on Staying in Iraq

Outlaw war profiteering and...

Coulter: Iraq like California, Baghdad like LA

Did you notice Drudge dropped the quotes around GLOBAL WARMING

Dick Morris - as slimey as always

"24 - A Neocon Sex Fantasy"


Iran's discontent with Ahmadinejad grows

Alberto "Torquemada" Gonzales goes on Chairman Leahy's Hot Seat tomorrow

Text of the Bipartisan Iraq Resolution That Has the White House Scrambling to Shore up GOP Support

Blanco looks like toast in LA governor race losing to Jindal 58-31

Criminal Charges Possible In Water-Drinking Contest

Do you realize the House & Senate are still in session ?

Showing some legal courage...

I spent three hours earlier today arguing theology with street preachers.

Hagel Gets It (Iraq)

Sometimes the truth hurts

Should the Democratic party try and trade off Lieberman for one of the following Republicans

Think Smirky and Gonzo blinked over the NSA domestic spy program?

In a surprise reversal , White House will end its eavesdropping without warrants

Libby Trial, Day Two: Watch Out for Juror No. 0677

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

I think I have a solution

The sacrifice the wealthy have made?

Ain't this purdy?

I haven't seen a Bush bumper sticker since last summer... until today

AP: Iran gets army gear in Pentagon sale

Tales of a Teacher...underpaid and under appreciated...

Mikhail Gorbachev: Bush's recipe for disaster

Saudi Arabia to ban the letter X for religious reasons


Whichever Dem Wins The White House In 2008, What's The First Thing They Do When They Move In?

Helen Thomas Grills the Prez at the National Conference for Media Reform

Turkey Industry Uses ‘Ethically Repugnant’ Breeding Practices

Anyone ever seen Jack Abramoff's propaganda puff piece "Red Scorpion"?

Don't Say you Weren't Warned...

Solar Flares Contribute to Global Warming?

Please I am about to stragle my FIL

What is the 'Army of God'?

I'm sick of Scarborough's comments about "wag to dog

How Will Bill Oh'Really React On The Colbert Report Tomorrow Night?

"I think he always liked fantasy" (Scooter Libby is a Trekkie)

Repubs and Media want Clinton or Obama ....

Considering the Iraqi Tragedy, I Still Harbor Resentment to Dems That Supported the IWR.

The shame of Guantanamo exposed in Cuba

The White House doesn't pay their taxes.

Interesting article about Hillary-hatred in Mother Jones:

are the democrats trying to get constitution change from electoral

FCC: No XM / Sirius Merger

Where is the Iraq democracy?

Is The U.S. Planning a Horrific Global Nuclear War?

Happy 65th Birthday to one of the Greatest US War Resisters- Muhammad Ali

Va. legislator: Blacks should "get over" slavery...should Jews 'apologize for killing Christ?'

GOP Sen. Hagel takes aim at Bush: 'This is not a monarchy'

Anyone noticing less Hummers on the roadways?


On CNN, Racist Theorist is an Expert on Intelligence

Dubai court sentences human rights lawyer to jail for sex out of wedlock

Just Curious How Many DUers NEVER refer To * As "President"

Now I need a passport to go to Canada?

Cheney rejected April 2003 Iran offer to open nuclear programme, stop funding Hamas & Hezbollah

My husband had a meds change that went south and he decided to leave me.

Disgusting- US Soldiers Taunting Crippled Dog In Iraq

Do people have a right to be Racists? Should racism be made illegal?

Political Bloggers Could Be Required To Register Or Face Jail Time

O'Reilly blames the victim.

If You Think Congress Isn't Doing Much about the Escalation Check this out


Transient Servitude: .. Exploiting Mexican and Central American Workers

Moveon McCain ad on escalation

Turley Reacts to Pentagon Attack on Due Process...

Olbermann - Jonathan Turley...war, money, control; who has it?

Cowgirl's Morning Line--Democrats January 17 edition

The failure of this administration to protect US from foreign/domestic enemies is obvious.

In Senator Menendez, unions see a blue-collar guy (unions are putting their money and numbers behind

Where will a non-binding resolution lead?

Unions, Employers Quarrel Over Safety Gear Tab (Bush administration has stalled )

Surge in Iran's direction?

Is Bob Graham physically able-bodied enough to run for Vice-President in '08 ?

Are any of the major Presidential candidates really LEFT-wing?

Competing cap troops legislation.

Waterboarding black inmates in NY state prison in 1858

World Can No Longer Trust U.S. On Human Rights

Why should us teens have to pay?

What if we had a "real" war

Partisan Dispute Derails Ethics Reform (AP)

Keith Olbermann just posed the question to Craig Crawford of CQ, re: Clinton and Obama, .......

Hillary is her OWN Person..with that I don't disagree..BUT would you Vote for Bill Again?

Kennedy On Opposing Escalation: "Now is the time, this is the moment"

John Murtha: “It’s a whole new Ballgame”

LouisianaPoll: Jindal bests Blanco in new battle for governor

College Republicans To Finally See The Real Cost Of War (Visit Walter Reed)

‘Fairness Doctrine’-Like Media Reform Coming

Great day to be a Maryland Democrat... Governor O'Malley sworn in.

Cowgirl's Early Morning Line--Republicans


Ann Coulter: Bagdad is like LA with the crips and the bloods fighting'...

Clark: "I think the union movement it the real secret weapon of the American economy."

Schmookler: Are the Bushites Bringing on Impeachment? A Speculation

Failure Is Not An Option! It Comes Standard with Every Bush Model.

Jonathan Turley: Can Congress Stop The War?

Al-Maliki hits back at Bush, Rice criticism

McCain's Popularity 'Tanking' In New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada...

George McGovern: An Impartial Interrogation of George W. Bush (The Nation)

Iraq leader: Give us guns - and troops can go (timesonlineUK)

The Cost of War

End job-killing trade agreements say 39 freshman House Democrats

'Half-animal' woman found in Cambodian jungle

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: The Triad (Lee/Woolsey/Waters)

Franken to Seek Senate Seat as I Predicted: Are You Listening to Me Yet?

Big Change, Not Big Oil: show the dinosaurs of death the door

Truthout: Bush and the Psychology of Incompetent Decisions

McCain no longer rocks in Granite State - by Brett Arends at Boston Herald

Iraq resolution exposes GOP divisions By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer

Oil, the U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area and the Bush Agenda

Blumenthal: The fighting side of McCain

1918 Flu Virus Limited The Immune System --WaPo

Why He Was In Memphis ---TAP Peter Dreier

"General Boykin's Christmas Vacation" by Matthew Yglesias

Energizer Money: Enviros delighted with House Democrats' energy bill

Paying to keep your shoes on --Int'l Herald Tribune

Has the Washington Post sold out to pharmaceutical industry? (William Chirolas)

Alternet: Drinking Liberally: A New Strategy for Progressive Politics

Washington 'snubbed Iran offer' (BBC)

Paul Cummins: We Reap What We Sow

Contenders for deputy PM take stand on Iraq

Ahmadinejad be damned

Joe Conason: Our Iraqi Friends Befriend Our Enemies

Memo To Democrats: You Are No Longer Bush's Bitch

Waas on the paradox that is Scooter from HuffPo

Iraq: Disaster's Already Here-- Russ Feingold's WaPo LTTE

Study: Public Transportation Saves $6,200 Per Household, 1.4 Billion Gallons of Gasoline

2006 was a bad year for European nuclear power

The Economics of Building a Nuclear Power Plant in Fresno

Father of energy efficiency to get Fermi Award

December, 2006: or, "human-caused climate change is upon us."

Unconsumption (Freecycle NYT)

Record Biotech Plantings in 2006

Bike or car? Think twice (Shanghai Daily)

Stern upbeat over climate action (UK)

Chrysler questions climate change

Hallowell inn cuts ribbon to solar-electric system (Maine)

White House Resists Call for Carbon Emissions Caps

IEA - Non-Opec Production Increases 20% Lower Than Thought For 2007 - Reuters

Third of fish species lost in China's Yellow River - Reuters

Head of EU monitors at Rafah condemns IDF restrictions

Tunnels for hire as Gaza's smugglers risk their lives

Peace Now activists protest Hebron settlers

Love story: Israeli, Iranian soccer mates

Convicted killer on furlough hurt in Arava crash; wife, son killed

It's the little things that make an occupation

Thank you Dr. Jones, I couldn't agree more . . .

Here's an interesting revelation

"Screw 9/11 Mysteries - The Clunkity Clunk Edition" - Now on GVideo and BitTorrent

Analysis of WTC 1 and 2 Collapse Times

Great new site!

What Bothered YOU about 9/11?

EAC Commissioner Plants Phony Info in Media; As the Voting Machine Companies Rape America

Election Reform, Fraud, & News Thursday 01/18/07 - Ohio '04 Recount on Trial

[Ohio] Elections suits may be settled


Electronic voting continues to put our democracy at risk

Time to Doff Tin Foil Hats - No Suspicious Undervote in NC 08

So if the IGNORE Feature is for IGNOR-AMUSES....

One more time, Hand Counted Paper Ballots, or HCPB

Pelosi won't cut funding for addtional troops in Iraq

Parents say "enough" as child parties go wild

TJX: credit-card data may have been stolen (TJ Maxx, Marshalls)

American aid worker dies in Iraq ambush

When will Bush start the war with Iran?

No-fly list checked for accuracy, cut

AP: White House demonstrators case dropped

Iraq resolution may expose GOP divide

Climate Expert Calls for Decertifying Global Warming Skeptics

Iraqi forces need more guns so U.S. can exit: PM-- (Reuters)

Testimony details death squad acts in Colombia

Group may have funneled Perry aid

Baghdad bombs kill 17 as violence grows

POM Wonderful Halts Animal Testing!

SMU president defends plan to host Bush library

U.S. sailor died in 'non-combat related incident' in southern Iraq

Witness against militant Posada reports a bomb under his pickup

American soldiers set their sights on delights of Rio

Congress may force free-trade pacts with Peru and Colombia to be revised

Political Bloggers Could Be Required To Register Or Face Jail Time

NYT/AP: Partisan Dispute Derails Ethics Reform

Democrats Unite in Defiance, but Not With a Plan

Always Low Benefits! can continue in Md. (Wal-Mart reprieved)

Iraq insurgents plan to escalate attacks (but offer "truce")

Lawmakers to Press Gonzales for Details on Surveillance Program

Report says freedom is not growing

Sanctions could escalate Iran : ElBaradei

House votes to halve student-loan interest rates --Yahoo

Gates seeks to reassure Saudis on Iraq, Iran

Sheriff Looks Into Water-Drinking Death (Radio Contest Stunt)

Kucinich to chair domestic reform panel

(Sen. Chuck) Hagel to decide on White House bid 'soon'

Turkey welcomes U.S. raid on Iraq camp, wants more

NYT: Bills on Climate Move to Spotlight in New Congress

Iran envoy: Iraq to free captured Iranians

Iraqi PM: 400 Shiite fighters detained

US admits searched Sudan embassy compound in Iraq

Rice criticises French plans for Iran overture

MSNBC: New Pentagon detainee manual could lead to executions based on 'hearsay evidence'

Iraqi Christians Lose All Hope With Violence, Anarchy

Gonzales defends Bush's revised domestic spying

7 Texas border mayors' message on the wall: No

McCain's Popularity 'Tanking' In New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada...

Leak Lawyer Wants Bush Critics on Jury

Reuters: Global warming dissenters few at U.S. weather meeting

Panel grills Gonzales over spy program

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday January 18

Iraq says UN death tally unrealistic

House Dems to support Iraq resolution

Reuters: Marine accused of shooting older Iraqi pleads guilty

Washington 'snubbed Iran offer'

7 Bush critics may serve on (Plame/Wilson CIA) leak case jury

Plan would tax porn, not corn

U.S. officials say rumour of Iran strike not true

Long-used drug shows new promise for cancer

AP: 2nd soldier to plead guilty in Iraq rape

Baghdad entrances to get security gates with surveillance cameras

On the Clock: Democrats Close the 'First 100 Hours'

Castro Reportedly Did Not Want Colostomy

International Truck plans engine plant in India

Washington 'snubbed Iran offer'

Lieberman: No Need For Iraq Resolution

McClatchy: Judiciary Committee presses Gonzales on security

AFP: US lawmakers demand Bush ask Congress before invading Iran

Workers die in Dubai tower fire

Bernanke Warns Budget Could Hurt Economy

AP: U.S. Criticizes China Over Missile Test

House votes to repeal oil industry tax breaks

AP: After 34 hours, 5 bills down and 1 to go on Democrats' 100-hour House agenda

Blunt: Bush critics 'don't want to do what it takes to win'

Blame Philly gun violence partly on Iraq, mayor says

Pelosi Creates Global Warming Committee

Nicotine in cigarettes rising: Harvard study

Iran offers to help train, equip Iraqi forces

NBC Reacts To Bill O'Reilly's Bias Criticism ("sad and pathetic")

FBI Search For Man Who Spilled Mercury On LA Subway

PA Gov Ed Randell announces health plan to cover all residents

MSNBC Breaking: Suspected terrorists can be convicted on hearsay/coerced testimony

Lethal staph strain alarms MDs; Superbug causes quick and deadly pneumonia

U.S. 'knew damn well' Arar would be tortured: senator

Muslims protest reprised role as terrorists in Fox hit series '24'

Special prosecutor (Fitz) upset over defense jury tactics

Sex-changing chemicals found in Potomac River

Art Buchwald, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, dies at 81

Container ship sunk south of Cornwall - Storm "Kyrill" threatening Germany

AP: Methodist ministers: No Bush Library at Southern Methodist University

Sending a big

I'm pretty sure I just want the world to die...because of American Idol

Go watch Idiocracy. Absolutely hilarious movie.

I bought a new piston engine today, I feel so Monty Python


G'night y'all...

I Know It's Kinda Late, I Hope I Didn't Wake You....For The Women Of The Lounge!

Why does THIS strike me funny right now?

Anyone know where I can find cartoon type posters

Really funny Johnny Carson clip..

Up all night working -- anyone else up late? n/t

We have just been told to move our cars

Check your PM.

Just signed into the account I used to use to talk to my Love. It's been deactivated!

My Life With a Murderer.....

How about that Top Chef ***spoilers***

For people that hate sports

When is ground hogs day?

Need info on cleaning sterling silver

Man Frees 3 Pit Bulls - Pit Bulls Maul 3 Other Men - Man Arrested

Mom To Marry Her Foster Son - She Already Had His Baby

Workers Crushed By Coffee Beans

cLuck, cLuck, cLuck


Congratulations AtomicKitten!! 10,000 posts

Is Paula Abdul the new Foster Brooks?

I propose a Lounge Road Trip

Doryx. My doc gave me some samples yesterday.


Anyone see the previews for Blades of Glory?

Viagra Use May Decrease Ability To Smell

My wife's company is now offering pet insurance.

Keynote Speech At Milwaukee Gynecological Society Titled: "The Politics Of Tits"

Malaki vs. Rice

Father Shoots His 4 Year Old Son With BB Gun To 'Teach Him A Lesson'

Pillow Fighting League photos

If you click on this thread...

Bird Carries Lit Cigarette Back To Nest - Burns Down Both Nest And Office Building

I think we need to find a new lounge meteorologist. underpants is again putting lives in danger.


What do the "24 / American Idol Suck " posters hope to accomplish

Michael Vick Allegedly Tries To Sneak Marijuana Onto Plane - Not Arrested

Ladies of the Lounge.......

What is the origin of asshat? The top choice in Urban Dictionary....

Row over angry, penis-removing doctor

Canadian Navy Runs Out Of Money

I must celebrate; I had my first night of a computer-related class

Hooters Sign Saying "Plagiarism Saves Time" Pulled Near School

were you born annoying, or did you become a PITA later on?

'Half-Animal' Woman Found In Cambodian Jungle

10 Reasons why I still live in the Midwest...

Since 'douchebag' is out, is "I'd Tap that Ass" still acceptable?

Can you be funny without a sense of humor?

Here's pics of my friend...

Lindsey Lohan is in rehab

Why I won't vote for your momma

Recently discovered the Band Dread Zepplin

Video: a great imitation of "president" bush

I am officially a parasite. Took a leave of absence from school.

I have a great "Lady Englander mattress and innerspring but

Hey Lounge! USDA interrogation:

If the Saints win the SuperBowl will the parade have floats?

Hey Skinner.. I think I located Romeo's long-lost Papa

Last year, it was Human-Animal Hybrids. What will it be THIS year?

Snow in Los Angeles...

Towns Call Emergency Meetings To OK Smoking In Public For Chicago Bears Games

It's official. Teenage love sucks.

The secretary of state just has no staying power

What kind of wood should I use for my trip today?

Anybody ever make a new top for a table?

Name a Movie or Movies you cannot watch without bowling your head off

I'm craving me out of going!

I found the one thing São Paulo has better than Rio de Janeiro:

Another Fast Food Post: Tell us your grossest stories from when you worked at a fast food joint.

I think we need to have a talk about Ivanka Trump

Taco Bell...

Snow falls in Southland!! Los Angles snow!!

Why I wont Vote for ME: I have a funny accent...and i dont trust people with funny accents!

How many _______ does she have in her mouth?

My car's cd player suddenly died. Stick a CD in and the console

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

Do you like turkey jerky?

FYI-"Douchebag" is off the list

Hilarious (non-youtube) video

ooh! I just passed 1000 posts

Saigon Kick.

Grandma Arrested For Smuggling Heroin In Her Underwear

Damn, it's actually snowing here in central NC...

Minnesota/Minneapolis people who are old like me: Look what I found!

I still say the best jazz on the Internets is

Name a Movie or Movies you cannot watch without balling your head off

Downloading WoW.

Despair while trying to write a novel

Do you like capers?

It's official. Teenage love sucks.

Post your nominees for "DU Shit Disturber of the Week".

The worst kisser you have ever bested?

Icehouse's "Crazy"

whats the last thing you saw on TV?

Post your favorite Monkey picture....

Hey college students (past and present) - How hard is the SAT

Larry King Calls FNC "A Republican Brand"

Anyone work in the jewelry business?

I'm posting from Anthro lab, ask me anything.

Things I like:

I do believe that the douchebag thread and the

My Own Private Idaho:

About ears: a scientific (albeit anecdotal) survey:

I'm posting from smack dab in the Dougherty Valley...ask me anything!

Yosemite under a full moon!

Fill in the blank: Nothing is as good as a good_______________.

shout out to those of us who once worked fast food!

Do you like Dom Capers?

Does it really shock anyone that American Midol has gotten mean?

Why I won't vote for YoMama

Alright, I am sick and damn tired of everything I buy comes

My American Idol prediction

Stop Making Sense

Congratulations yellowcanine!! 10,000 posts

Congratulations in_cog_ni_to!! 25,000 posts

The worst kisser you have ever kissed?

The Official "Dreamgirls" Appreciation Thread


Joan Rivers annoys me to no end.

after much thought i've decided to re-enter a phrase into my vocab

Word of the Day: Doorker.

I'm going downstairs to make dinner. Don't do anything douchebaggy

It's time for another jpgray appreciation thread.

For those whose political vocabulary is filled with Colostomy bags!

The Ignacio Anaya Appreciation thread.

Waterfall as billboard

Am I the only douchebag "out of the loop" concerning this douchebag thread?

What weird things do your pets do?

Kenny G is a douchebag.

Cat headed back to owner after three weeks stuck on plane

Who wants to go hijack the douchebag thread with me?

For those who only venture into GD to threadjack :eyes: WillPitt is going to

Should I douche before or after I fry my cornflake chicken?

Someone please clarify the douche dilemma!? WTF?

IT HAPPENED IT HAPPENED!!! It snowed in Delaware

My Daddy the Dancer (humor)

What Did Delaware, Boys?

So, Lounge, who in the BOOSH adminstration is the biggest douchebag?

What sort of thread should I post to elicit many replies?

I want to post a photo....

So many to choose from!

what was your favorite part of the GD invasion?

Martini Time

We watched Darth Cheney's '04 RNC speech in Advocacy and Debate today

Don't you just want to grab Richardo's puppy and squeeze the stuffing out of it?

The douchebag thread is getting a little steamy.

White Castle...

Leaving the (gas) stove on and leaving the house...

i have THE most boring task to do for work.

Lounge: I just do not feel that...fresh right now!

My douche (no bag attached) story:

101 uses for a peanut butter jar.

Mr. Diety: Episode 1.

OK, cognosceti...What's a '4 fixture bathroom'?

What am I supposed to use THIS for??

So I just laughed my ass off over the douchebag thread in the middle of work...

Happy birthday RebelOne & skygazer!!

Who fed my dog rancid cabbage?

Why do the clubs that served Lindsay Lohan still have their liquor licenses?

Pictures of my new cat!!! And new pics of my old cats!!

What's the worst slur you can think of?

Replace a line in a song with the word "douche"

A flea collar killed the Invisible Cat

So I took this picture yesterday

My Own Private Maine...

Ever seen a Cessna HOVER?

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Thu 1/18/2007)

How many Pool Balls does she have in her Mouth??

Do you like Tofurkey Jerky?

Let's play a fun game: Let's make fun of fat people and dorks!

Mattress poll! What have you got?

Can we dig something up?

Now that THAT's settled, what about bidets?

The best kisser you ever kissed?

Casting call. If/When a movie is made about George W. Bush, who do you think should play him?

What is for dinner?

Name a Movie or Movies you cannot watch without blowing your head off


27 days

Talking parrot stuns scientists. (BBC)

Important announcement:

Why I won't vote for the candidate you will vote for

Calling All Babyboomers - Be Ready to Drink Koolaid for the good

Jerry Seinfeld loses real estate dispute

This is a PROUD DAY in LOUNGE history!

Support your local pizza shop--name your favorite!


I hate Illinois Nazis and Fundie Cardiologists...

Where did you meet your SO?

In honor of the douchebag thread - post other memorable DU threads

The zebra spilled its plastinia on Bemis

Anyone else wear flannel pajamas

Become a M&M....

Crap. Crapety. Crap.

almost three months - I still can't believe she's gone

I got reminded that I owe you all a leg update on my sister

Does it really shock anyone that American Idol has gotten mean?

Am I the only person who has nothing to do with MySpace

SMU doesn't want the Bush library. There's a petition to sign.

Does the stupidity ever end? Harry Potter and 'witchcraft' is a fundie favorite

The faces of Jesus

Strategy & Tactics: Defending Marriage with the Power of the Majority

MassEquality holding public meetings on Marriage Equality

I have waited a long wish is coming true!!

Please consider supporting SoulForce

How many "official" game balls are used in NFL playoff games?

Report: Andre Waters' suicide tied to brain damage

Michael Vick faces potential drug charges; hidden compartment found in water bottle at Miami airport

Well, THAT was interesting! I just sent (or tried to send) an email

Need good thoughts and luck sent

OK something is going on here @ DU. People are acting like the biggest

Second day at work

There's a part of the University of Arizona that has "confirmed" certain psychics??

You have got to go to Conscious Media Network and watch

Okay here goes another OBSW effort for the New Moon

Small Biz committee hearing this morning.

Interesting Hearings this morning in SFRC: Military Response

Sen. Kerry Stands Behind New England Patriots

The primary wars have started for me

Vote for JK

Liberal Oasis advice to 2008 dems

Dkos diary about Iraq War bills

OT: American Idol Reality Check

Kerry, Dodd in Davos this week-end.

Another good diary on DKOS

Update on Ohio Voting 2004 trial

Coping with anxiousness/anxiety

Kerry calls for probe of Pentagon sales (to China & Iran)

Kerry coming next on CSPAN

OT: Jerome Corsi setting his sights on Hillary

On the MSM front ---

Anyone in the mood to defend Kerry's honor?

Deadly Weapons on Parade Part 2! Which gun is more effective in combat?

Study: Nicotine increasing in cigarettes (AP)

Israeli Arabs 'racially profiled'

Can someone explain this to me (re: 9/11 recommendations bill)

Talk about a change of attitude in congress.

Obama's bill on Iraq he Plans to Introduce Tomorrow

White House and Repub leaders on defensive with non-binding resolution...

Egg on our faces and feets in our moufs. I hate when we do this...

When will Bush start the war with Iran?

Dear DUers - please help my thread...

Happy Belated Birthday to Ben Franklin

Weary of war…American soldiers set their sights on delights of Rio

What an idea!!!

Let's come up with some more creative insults...

On our country's recent weather disaster areas...

Here's a Bush clip I hadn't seen...

Bush Admin Convinces A Single Judge In A Secret Session To Cover Presidents's Ass

Harassed by the TSA at the airport

Healthcare...and Republicans

'Ware the Watchers

Why waste time & $$ on these constant photo op trips to the Green Zone?

Lots of clips of Hugs -McCain and Bush--the new Move-ON ad that I


Susan On Washington Journal Says Dems Don't Have A Plan

Bush reminds me of an abusive husband

We got a guy at Gitmo to admit he was with Osama in a video. He was working in UK at the same time

Good Morning! - Morning Headlines

Am I being Ignored?

** A hearty WELCOME to DU** thread for new members

Hamburger wars: Fox & Friends declares Athens TX winner over New Haven CT

Now this is a horrific story; what's in the water?

Washington 'snubbed Iran offer'

CNBC SquackBox: Which Dem candidate is worse for wall street

9 year old boy steals car, then stows away on 2 Southwest Airliners

were you born annoying, or did you become a PITA later on?

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing to begin within 32 minutes. AG Gonzales will be testifying...

Corporate fascist front organization ( runs full page ad

Well, it's a new day all you Virginia Republican politicians...

CHENEY Rejected Iranian Offer To Help Stabilize Region In 2003

All hail our glorious leader! He is ALLOWING the court to do perform its role!

Tour extended for brigade

American soldiers set their sights on delights of Rio

Matt Lower, Poppies golf bro is giving Bill Bennett credence

U.S. Army Ranger Discusses Iraq - (Must See)

Global Warming deniers are not only stupid, but they are dangerous

Smirky- I am going to have to block you. (SOTU)

Joe Wilson (R-SC) to be on Washington Journal. He's the guy who had the meltdown

The King of Oppositeland

David Gregory just did some work for the darkside on the Today Show.

I just saw a commercial for the "Airforce Freestyle Jump Team"

SOTU Address: Lies, BS, Delusions

Letterman: "Bush has the answer to global warming....He's going to send 20,000 troops to the sun."

Sen. Foreign Relations Comm hearing, Generals testify on surge

Maliki: Condi Giving Aid and Comfort to al Qaeda

AP: Escaped chimp gets snack, cleans bathroom

What is John McCain's middle name?

CSPAN WJ: Joe Wilson (R-SC)...Glad We're Gonna Go Door To Door In Baghdad

Colbert vs.O'Leilly Tonight!

Hagel is spanking so so bad this morning

Senate Battle Over Iraq Heats Up

Sacrifices: "No new taxes. Dying and Killing are free." . . . . ? Does BushCo understand

" exorbitant and extreme theory of executive power that ended up weakening the presidency."

Record of House Oversight Committee Organizational Meeting Today

A question about Dubya's latest flip-flop

Let's Stop The Horseshit Line: "Higher Oil Company Taxes Mean Higher Pump Prices"

It's time to redefine the role of Commander-in-Chief

Let's Stop The Horseshit Line: "Higher Oil Company Taxes Mean Higher Pump Prices"

"City Information" Quiz From Wold Watch

If you're in the DC metro area and need a cheap car (auction alert)

"City Information" Quiz From Wold Watch

Qatar News Source - Bush's New Iraq Strategy is All About Striking Iran ...

Question about 'cheap' insurance

Qatar News Source - Bush's New Iraq Strategy is All About Striking Iran ...

The Democrats aren't going to cave on the Line Item Veto in order to get their Ethics Reform Bill

Qatar News Source - Bush's New Iraq Strategy is All About Striking Iran ...

The myth of 'standing behind your president'.

New Iraq oil law provides the right to "amend" any old Saddam or Kurdistan gov't contracts

Glenn Greenwald: FISA ruling - Nothing to Celebrate

Nationality test: Can you pick what country these women are from?

Here's a mind bender for ya.

Qatar News Source - Bush's New Iraq Strategy is All About Striking Iran ...

Analysis: White House retreats under pressure on domestic eavesdropping

New Iraq oil law provides the right to "amend" any old Saddam or Kurdistan gov't contracts

Dr. Sanjay Gupta- Saving Your Life (and missing the point completely)

Has there not been a post about Art Buchwald's passing?

A possibly useful metaphor for Global Warming deniers...

All right everyone, letters to Reps time. Congress readies for debate on troops

The Case for a United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Iraq

Turley: "Bush Routinely, flagrantly-Violating The Constitution That He Took An Oath To Uphold"

The Democrats aren't going to cave on the Line Item Veto in order to get their Ethics Reform Bill

Movie_The Road to Guantanamo (2006)

My Friends, We were right. It IS all about OIL....

Fitzgerald fights to keep Bush critics in Libby jury pool

Short Quicktime video by Joel Pett

U.S. criticizes China over missile test

Sessions is an ass-hat!

Bush Seizes Control Over State Militias

Marcy Wheeler book signing at DU meetup Friday night before the march

UNICEF: 1,000 under 15 get HIV each day

Maine's Senator Snowe joins Democrats opposing escalation of Iraq War

US Soldier-- "Not more troops, but fewer Fobbit-motherf***ers"

McCain has made one of the biggest political blunders in the history of politics.

Scotland to give all schools free copies of Gore's book

"Iran warns it's ready for nuke standoff"

Minister: Java mudflow 'natural' (re: the flows near oil wells)

Time to Doff the Tin Foil Hats - No Susp Undervote in NC 08

Congressional Procession of Iraq Proposals Likely to Lead Nowhere

Question for Wes Clark People

SENATE JUDICIARY Gonzo Grilling Thread #3

Something 'goofy' is happening with DU this morning. I've been following

Have you seen this Anti-McCain ad???

The Bible and Legos?

Sacramento DJs joked as contestant guzzled fatal quantity of water

There's certain threads here on DU that make one's tongue bleed....

I bet I know where there is a pair of shoes full of shit right now, on torture boys feet

U.S. Criticizes China Over (anti-satellite) Missile Test

American Idol: "Don't You Wish You Had A President, Just Like Me?" -- Jerry Politex

Do you believe the US government should eavesdrop on bin Laden?

Single-Payer Healthcare In Mass.

If I were al Maliki, I would take all my money out of the bank and move to France

Help!!! Senate grilling Gonzales not on CSPAN

The real war is a war on law (and lawyers)

"If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines"

On the lunch break, Alberto Gonzalez is

Damn welfare queens. I'm talking of course about "BIG OIL"


HA-HA!! Caught in the act...again.

It shouldn't be illegal to offer $ to a congressperson...

In the political climate today,,,with the precedents that have been set

After they are done with Gonzalez...

Are any of the news channels reporting any of the Judicial Committee hearings

Impeach! Imprison! Restore and Protect the Constitution of the United States of America!

Gates, Commanders Ready Buildup in Gulf

Sing a tearful tune for Thursday, unless you . . . CAPTION!!!

Pentagon Sets Rules For Detainee Trials: Why does the Pentagon hate America?

Clueless Coulter: Iraq Is Like California, "The Crips And The Bloods In Baghdad"

Who is the woman reading the news on Air America?

Methodists: No Bush library at SMU

LOL. Methodist Ministers Don't Want Bush Library!!!

A friend just called me with a horrible story out of Iraq

Announcing the Iraq Veterans Memorial

Sen. Pat Leahy blog: The Attorney General Represents All Americans, Not Just One

LOL... anybody watching the House on C-Span?

They threw softballs at Gonzoles in the afternoon session...

Doomsday clock moves forward 2 minutes closer to midnight

Conventional Wisdom: Denier In Chief Edition

Bush Actually Cut Funds for Cancer Research - Fact Check

Denny batting for the oilmen

Finding a solution in Iraq

Why do some "liberals" seem to hold outspoken Republicans in higher regard than uncorrupt Democrats?


God Bless Art Buchwald

I have good news and bad news. Good news: Cheney doesn't talk to himself...

Senate Judicial Meetings are live on C-Span3

GOP: Democrats didn't win, 'we lost.'

Can Connecticut recall Lieberman?

The Mad Scientists Cook up a New Image for Hillary?

Newsweek: Bush admin hoping wiretapping reversal will get critics off their backs

Does it really shock anyone that American Idol has gotten mean?

Oh Yeah!!! Caption *

Severe storms batter northwestern Europe, 11 dead

I need a tutorial...

More than 846,000 Americans have now voted to Impeach

Bush can disappear you, torture you, and kill you.

Malevolence Inc.

Scooter Libby Trial - Watch Out For Juror No. 0677

George McGovern:"Mr. Bush-Are You Above The Constitution, The Law, The Geneva Accords?" (The Nation)

Life in prison for adultery??? As the law stands now...

Next time you need to make a complicated decision – stop thinking.

I wonder if the war-loving republicans know they will be paying to relocate

Defining liberal principles.

Derbyshire goes for a Derbyshire Award: Disses NOLA murder victim and husband!

POM Wonderful Halts Animal Testing!

If we're going to have to have a line-item veto...

Woman wins right to use dead son's sperm to have grandchild

Correct me if I'm wrong...

CHENEY: "How many casualties should the United States accept (in Iraq)?"

'Mona Lisa' model's burial site found

Saudi Prince Turki: Bush sabre-rattling Iran to show region he still has authority in a Dem congress

Check out CSpan1

House Dems to support Iraq resolution

"NBC News Chief Takes Swipe at O'Reilly"

C-Span Will Show The Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing At 9:00 PM Eastern

“The Fastest-Growing Humanitarian Crisis in the World”: Iraq's Refugee Nightmare

Has anyone heard anything on the Horse Slaughter Bill?

Can I get a review of this song I just wrote?

Quick Question For Avid CSPAN Watchers.

Amber Fields of Bland

Kerry calls for probe of Pentagon sales - Iran and China acquiring aircraft parts and military gear.

Sam Seder's bit with "senator Katherine Harris" is absolutely funny

DC March on Janurary 27th How many people

"Pentagon Sets Rules for Detainee Trials" convictions and executions now allowed with hearsay and

McCain’s Popularity “Tanking” In New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada…

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Now the freakin' Senate is going to attach the Line Item Veto

HR6 being voted on NOW, CSpan1 (last of 6 for 06)

Set Your Recorders for Matthews at 7:00 p.m. (est) Tonight

McCain quote send to media

Woman Jailed in Oil Injection Death

Why does the 'christian' Right love corruption so much?

My Daddy the Dancer (humor)

Should it take Shilpa Shetty's Experience on 'Big Brother' to Get People's Attention on Euro Racism

Poor Rachel .... she's really having a hard time.

Air America hosts upset over the death of a colleague.

If Congress can stop Shrub - how fast can it REALLY happen?

Dick Cheneys Soon Resignation....???????

Bush always manages to amaze me

"Cracking Inside Toronto's Terrorist RIng" CBC (Available Online)

Repuke Spin: FISA Changed to accomdate Bush's TSP

So, do you think the GOP '08 candidate will want Bush campaigning with him?

Just got home from work and logged on to DU and my head is

Perhaps we need doomsdays clocks displayed

Coulter is back: Compares Iraq factions to LA's Crips & Bloods!

Some dumbass has requested one hour for personal privilege..

Don't forget to watch Steven Colbert on FNC O'Liely tonight!!

U.S. ends 3 days of talks with N.Korea in Berlin

Last week when Dubya announced deployment of Patriot missiles...

Methodists: No Bush library at SMU

Headlines from the year 2029:

Leahy and Specter's questions about the anthrax

U.S. Retracts Canada Spy Coins Claim (AP)

Sen. Stevens steered funds to nonprofit

All right, my fellow pol. geeks, I have a serious question (for Mama WIMR) re: the federal budget!

Am I the only one who wouldn't vote Obama?

I know this doesn't mean much but everyone I know thinks Bush should be removed

This was parked in my driveway this morning...

Officer Reassigned Over Homeless Woman's Cart

SENATE JUDICIARY Gonzo Grilling Thread #6

Seriously, who died and made Brent Bozo the Expert on Media Bias?

Lobby reform Bill defeated. Just got this in an email!

Audio of DJ's laughing about danger of deadly water drinking contest:

Pentagon's New Manual: OK To Imprison Or Put To Death Tortured Detainees With Heresay Evidence

Kooch (Kucinich) UP NOW on Lou Dobbs/CNN!

Illinois Guard members arrested in military-gear sales

An open letter to Representative Joseph Wilson R - SC who appeared on CSPAN today.

Judiciary Hearing repeat on CSPAN 3 now

House creates new sub-committee for organics!

Does anyone have a c&p of the Resolution opposing troop escalation?

I have to do a live news show tonight.

Musgrave receives poop in mail.

Alberto Gonzales should not only be impeached, he should be disbarred.

What the hell was that on the House proceedings?

Sgt. Liam Madden: "We will not be silent while thousands die."

SENATE JUDICIARY Gonzo Grilling Thread #5

Perry's talk of unity hits a sour note (Ted Nugent alert)

Blast from the past:

To those who believe Obama is a creation of the Media

Kudos to Chairman Rahall on Big Oil Anti-Subsidy Bill (Hometown Pride)

Location found for Bush Library!

Woman Return After 18 Yrs in Cambodia Jungle

Why is Venezuela a dictatorship according to the Right, but El Salvador is not?

I am going to say the VIEW is my new favorite daytime talk show!!! Bill O got it today

White supremacists arrested for sex crimes

tonight is the night - Colbert vs Billo!!!

Hall of Shame! Sens who voted against the Ethics bill!

It's incredibly windy here in Germany

Iraqi Vet speaks out from the grave

Randi talking about AAR employee killed in Iraq

Oil has fallen below $50/barrel....hmmmmm

Experience And Wisdom Are Not Synonymous


Hillary's team has questions about Obama's Muslim background (disgusting)

Pelosi creates global warming & energy bill committee - "to truly declare our energy independence"

Message to Hillary Clinton. We need more than "puny opposition" to this war.

Gonzales claims the constitution does not guarantee the right of Habeas Corpus.

CIA prisoner airplane lands in Iceland

Crafts Group Proposal

Medical marijuana clinics raided in L.A.

TX Gov.'s Inauguration Features Ted Nugent in Confederate Flag Shirt & Machine Gun props

This has to be impeachable!! "Washington 'snubbed Iran offer'"

No Way Out: A 50% Dollar Devaluation

The Libby Conviction (Plame Thread #2)

If we moved the capitol of the United States, where should we put it?

Here's what "Anti-Choice Paradise" looks like. Read it and weep.

O'Reilly Tries To Get Dennis Miller To Whine About Liberals

The Key to Bush's Sudden Reversal of Warrantless Wiretapping? MUCH Worse Than You Think! >>

Basic Income Guarantee

AG Gonzalez on Habeas Corpus just now (OMG)

Should there be laws of war for civil wars?

Time to Impeach AG Gonzalez

Here's To The Republican Defectors!

totally nuts criminal Sen. Ted Steven's wife on no fly list - you'll never guess why

America is really a sick country

I assume Dems wouldn't mind if republicans wanted bush impeached.

Columnist Art Buchwald dies at age 81

Waxman Invites First Iraq Reconstruction Fraud and Abuse Witnesses

What will happen when Bill O'Reilly goes on Colbert Report?

defense of marriage?

The Åntiwar Movement Gets Religion...Antiwar Rally Jan. 27 in D.C. To Have a Religious Component

Regarding Barack Obama and experience

What $1.2 Trillion Can Buy

All I need to say before I go

Why did Cheney Nix Iran Concession Plan in 2003?

John Gibson: Why Is NBC No Longer Worried About Terrorism?

What Makes Some States "Red" and Others "Blue"?

By Gonzales' reasoning, you have NO rights that the constitution does not specifically

I don't buy into the crap that Iraq is responsible for its own wretched situation

Here Comes The New Gulf Of Tonkin

The Constitution That Never Was (Early Drafts & Things You May Not Know)

SENATE JUDICIARY Gonzo Grilling Thread #2

Well, I finally found out why Boehner wanted to adjourn this morning!

Rapture ready board: "What Are You Not Going to Miss?" (after the rapture) Liberals! Al Gore! ACLU!

What $5 did...

Why does the Right Wing hate Harry Potter so much?

Beware of a bad computer virus

SENATE JUDICIARY Gonzo Grilling Thread #4

Which congressional action is most important for saving the country from total theft by the Cons?

Does the Bar Association have the authority to disbarr a sitting US AG?

Waxman's Organizing Meeting: New Rules Relating to Hearings, Etc.

Just a note on the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE

SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE hearing now: Leahy opener a stunner

BREAKING CNN: Deer possibly saved/hurt by heliocopter.

"2008, when 22 of 34 open Senate seats will belong to Republicans, could make '06 look like picnic"

A McCain quote to remember...forever.


THE SURGE Will Add $200M to Halliburton/KBR Revenues, Analyst Estimates

BBC good news: Americans embrace politics online

Perhaps the problem is that Bush wants a *Library*

Why I worry about our getting out of Iraq and leaving the Middle East alone.

Pictures/Video/Slideshow from "Hurricane" Storm Kyrill/Cyrill

MoveOn's Eli Pariser talks about anti-escalation coalition


Sam Sedar helps Dewey the Republican with his feminizartion issues

We Won't Get Fooled Again

Shirley Phelps-Roper Interview

Helen Thomas Grills POTUS

Senator Leahy Speaks for Millions of Us

LOST LIBERTIES we have experienced in this country the past six years

Perle: "I didn't hear statements to the effect that Iraq was responsible for 9/11."

Nancy Pelosi: Speaking Chic to Power

Petition Amazon CEO Bezos to deal fairly with Carter's book

Maliki disses both Condi and Bush (in interview with Italy)

Maurice Brandt letter: Here’s the real story about Nancy Pelosi

UnitedHealth posts $1.2 Billion quarterly profit

And in Montana, what's up with racist Republicans?

Criticism of Bush's Iraq policy mounts in US Congress (AFP)

Poll:Has President Bush persuaded you that an increase in the number of troops in Iraq is necessary?

Question about "anti-surge resolution" in Congress

Our long wait is over-Santorum weighs in

Is our system of government broken?

POLL: Most oppose troop buildup, *Majority want Congress to act against escalation

Simply priceless column: "John Derbyshire's Wonderful Life"

US 'to halve' no-fly watch list

Article on Cost of War

Why do I feel like the guy has just got to be our President?

Democrats Unite in Defiance, but Not With a Plan

Obama and the Middle East -- The Next Big Bamboozler? (Joshua Frank)

Accept no substitute. Prohibit Bush's escalation. This is binding:

Anti-McCain-Doctrine Legislation For Dummies

Does anyone know why Boehner, after scolding Dems in the House

Iraqi PM Maliki said statements such as Rice's "give morale boosts for the terrorists"

Der Mittenfuhrer picks self-loathing gay closet-case as his congressional liason

Virginia Republicans determined to turn the state deep blue...

What to do with the remaining hours

Senators JOCKEYING for 08

"Happy Hours"

DNC Podcast: A Military Mom's Perspective on Bush's War Escalation

Just watched Sen Leahy tear AT Gonzales a new ass hole!

Rudy leads McCain by larger percentage

New Mexico!

Bush's End Game : Circle the Wagons, Scorch the Earth

Mr. straight talk express himself real nice guy hum

Irony: Bush's reversal on NSA, a desperate move, exposes admin's legacy of bullying, deceit

McCain no longer rocks in Granite State (Tanking in NH and other states)

The Attorney General on opening your Mail

Can Alberto Gonzalez be impeached?

Imus: out of the three Edwards is the only one who could get elected President

America will be ready when we say its ready!

Reassessing the Rule of Law in China

71 Employees in Bush's Office owe $660,000 in Back Taxes

Who do you think is the most likely voter to sit out the 2008 election?

What is the procedure for removing an Attorney General from office?

Did the Judiciary Committee mention anything about

In view of the defeat of the Senate Ethics Bill...

It's the party infrastructure, stupid (2008 related)

Goehner (R) Texas - C-SPAN 1 Upset with the term "Corruption" and

UNC anti-poverty center and Edwards gain from each other (AP)

Maliki smacks down Rice; sets conditions for withdrawal timetable

Taking Power, Sharing Cereal ... At Home With G Miller, R Durbin, C Schumer, & B Delahunt

Senator Gordon Smith may join Hagel and Snowe in opposing Bush

Fox Poll - Americans Dislike Bush more than Cheney

D. Kucinich on Dobbs now

Edwards raises money, and a new star rises

ACLU Calls on Lawmakers to Demand Accountability from Gonzales...

Am I hearing things?

Edwards, Democratic presidential hopefuls paying new attention to Alabama (AP)

Regarding Repukes comparing Bush favorably to Lincoln ...

Dems to AG: How Many Prosecutors Have You Pushed Out?

Why is there no coverage about the Gonzo hearings?

It All Started With an American Taliban

Please check this to see if your Senator or Rep

An update on "more get killed in car wrecks" logic

Two Sides To Obama Debate

NYT: "Think MTV’s “Real World” with a slovenly cast of Democratic power brokers."

Kerry calls for probe of Pentagon sales

Gibson called Obama's long-known cigarette smoking a "dirty little secret"

WOW! Leahy just laid Alberto Gonazales out to dry!!!!

WH is demanding now what Teheran offered 4 years ago

What do folks think of the DLC?

What does Congress do when the president decides he is a dictator?

Rude Pundit : Why Glenn Beck ...

Zogby: Iowa Dems favor Edwards (double–digit lead among likely caucus-goers!)

John Edwards the best choice for 2008 (op-ed from the University of Alabama's student newspaper)

Edwards is the Dems best chance at blowing the GOP out of the water...

Annual cost of the Iraq War in perspective (show everybody you know)

Why I want as many serious Dem voices as possible to run for 2008.