What Raul's Cuba might look like
Dodd favors free travel to Cuba
"Iraq: the Road to War From John Foster Dulles to the War in Iraq:
Just what is 21st-Century socialism?
Laura Rozen: The Nonwar War Against Iran
John Nichols: Freshmen Favor Fair Trade (The Nation)
Daniel Coquillette: Patriots in Defense of the 'Enemy'
Crusading in the Arc of Instability: George Bush's Crusading Scorecard (2001-2007)
Dean Baker: The War and Student Loans
Garrison Keillor: A Whale of a Challenge
''We're watching you, Mr. Cooper'' (Wilmington J re: Lacrosse case)
Good deal on glass solar capture tubes (Gently used by Uncle Sam)
Authorities Warn Germans To Prepare For Kyrill - Top Winds Of 112 Mph Expected - Reuters
who has been watching Roscoe Bartlett discussing Peak Oil on CSPAN??
Ford Considering Plug-In Hybrid Development - Reuters
US Wants 500% Increase In Canadian Oil Sands Production - CBC
Nigeria's Forests May Be Gone By 2010 - 4.9% Total Land Area Now Forested - AFP
Drought Drives Deadly Venomous Snakes Into Australian Towns - 3 Fatalities To Date - AFP
Inhofe Urges Executives To Resist Siren Song Of Climate Action - The Hill
As Worst Bushfire Season Ever Continues, Victorian Gov. Warns Worse Still To Come - NYT
Australia's True GHG Emission Totals May Be 20% Higher Than Thought - Reuters
Voracious Invasive Shrimp Lake Ontario's Newest Ecological Problem - Globe & Mail
Submerged Town Emerges As Reservoir Shrinks In Parched Albania - Reuters
Jellyfish Numbers Exploding In British Waters - Particular Threat To Remaining Cod - Guardian
China's "Cancer Villages" Pay The Price For Breakneck Deveopment - BBC
Davos Meeting To Be Dominated By Climate Issues - Reuters
AMS Convention Finds Plenty Of Skepticism Regarding Climate "Skeptics" - Reuters
Your PCs forecast climate future
Israel, Palestinians 'can forge peace deal in 2 years'
Prosecutor says presidential recount rigged in Ohio county
Reuters: REFILE-Pentagon sees U.S. war cost in Iraq rising
State Supreme Court rules against City Light (can't buy carbon offsets)
Accused Egyptian Blogger Stands Trial
NYT: Taking Power, Sharing Cereal
Ex-Powell aide: Cheney snubbed '03 Iran offer
Gates, commanders plan naval operations (in Persian Gulf)
House Votes to Rescind Oil Drillers’ Tax Breaks NYT
Bloomberg: Pelosi Gains With Public as Democrats Get High Marks for Agenda
WaPo: GSA Chief Scrutinized For Deal With Friend
CIA brainwashing victims seek Canada court action
Contractor in Cunningham probe defaults on headquarters (Brent Wilkes)
Hurricane-force winds hit northern U.K.
Senate passes ethics-lobbying reform bill 96-2
U.S. criticizes China over missile test
Trial Begins For BOE Workers Accused Of Rigging Recount (OH)
Guantánamo captive to family: Send help
Parents think kidnapped son was molested
NYT: Rebuke in Iran to Its President on Nuclear Role
Surge in carbon levels raises fears of runaway warming
Where's The DU Gallery? (For All Us Pic Junkies)
Say what you will about Paul, I think RAM is an amazing album
NBC Nightly News just had this graphic under Art Buchwald's picture: 1925-2006
I just asked my ex whether or not the word "douchebag" is offensive
I'm having some fun at YouTube...
Ever get really hyped about a person's personal ad, only to discover
Important Lounge Poll: Which would you rather be called, douchebag or sockpuppet?
The official Lounge montanto Sockpuppet Appreciation Thread
I am going to the Berkshires from 2-9 to 2-16-07
The crazy-ass god warrior gargoyle woman is going to be on Trading Spouses tomorrow night.
"Where the devil are those Douchebags?"
Paging Rev_Acts - I know it's not Friday yet, but
Replace a word in a movie title with "douche" or "douchebag"
How many women here do not carry a purse, I carry a small backpack for what I need to carry.
so how DO you mend a broken heart anyway? n/t
Favorite Song From Douche Mode?
Who just did that cover of "Love Will Tear Us Apart" on Grey's Anatomy?
Are ALL nine year old boys braindead...or just mine?
What Are the Advantages of being a Member of Another Planet?
I'm not gonna watch AMERICAN IDOL...I'm not gonna watch AMERICAN IDOL...
I'm telling mom - haruka used the 'D' word in GD
You know whats mean? Telling GLBT Du'ers that they are somehow lacking in morals
Remember when you used to go to rock concerts? When the lights went down the POT lit up?
WHY don't we get a group of DUers together and do a Habitat for Humanity project??
Whoa, dude! 'White Rabbit' never looked so trippy!
For a personals ad, which song sounds more representative?
I had a lady in my apartment today. She was really nice.
Okay, what the devil is going on?
Famous Headsones, or, Ever see a HOOVER cease ??
For those who missed it, O'Reilly on "The Colbert Report."
Isaiah Washington from Grey's Anatomy...
Hey BNL! I've got something for you!
So. In my local grocery's email was a recipe for....
Confessions of a, uhm, well, douchebag
How Long Did You Date Your SO Before You Learned her Last Name?
Everyone in the lounge needs to do this at least once
So this pissed off guy behind me in line gave me a quarter.
What Kind of Head Do You Prefer??
Stephen Colbert gets called a douchebag on his own show. By a woman!
Dominatrix Poll! What have you got?
I had to give my poor baby dog Benadryl.
Mean girls’ trend points to deeper problem
Evidently, the Bobster likes to golf. Who knew?
O.M.G. -- my experimental shiTurkey escaped...
Colbert hosting Bill-O tonight. Discuss. RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!
Anyone need a free RSS Editor program/software??
Can we still say 'Don't get your panties in a wad'?
I'm downloading World of WarCraft, after 700 MB, there's only 8 hours left
This is THE cutest YouTube video I've seen so far...
I eat mean, dumb people's words for breakfast
Remember when you used to go to Great White concerts? When the lights went down the BUILDING lit up?
How many men here do not carry a purse, I carry a small backpack for what I need to carry.
Today is the Vegan Beagle's birthday!
Orville Reddenbacher is back from the dead
DC cab drivers - are some racist?
I'm kicking my ex out of the house next week so Haruka can visit me
Favorite short story? Favorite short story writer?
I need a good example of first-person fiction...
Let's play a game, y'all: Briefly summarize the plot of a SONG here, and let people guess
Really funny website: www.whatnottocrochet.com
It's RevActs fault I did not sleep last night and SHE KNOWS WHY!!
How Long Did You Date Your SO Before You Decided to Move In Together
Another guy who REALLY doesn't know what an asshole he is.
when did wiLL pitt shave his head?
There's a great Nova on tonight.. Monster of the Milky Way
I got fired today, and I didn't even see it coming.
Who here has a completely different personality on DU, than real life?
Got some time to answer a few questions?
What kind of head do you prefer?
Pic Thread - How about a wintery picture thread?
Diocese says it will take legal action over church property
Do Lutherans read the writings of Luther?
Grey's Anatomy Star Issues Statement on 'Anti-Gay' Remarks
Oh my! I just realized that one of my beliefs is that I have to worry
Looks like an answer may be at the end of the month
Something has to change in the hospitals in this country.
While Bush pursued his oil interests, China developed
Whoa. Anyone Listening To The Republican Rep Ron Paul On Cspan Defending Those Who Want The Troops
Fox Poll: More Americans Dislike Bush Than ... Cheney!
People from Maine- what's the deal with Sen. Snowe?
After over a month my sister got electricity and the price was high...
42 hours, 25 minutes. “Six for ‘06” agenda checklist complete - image
I finally had the chance to watcha lot of the Judiciary committee hearing,
Passport Requirement for Air Travel Begins January 23
Colbert on the 'The O'Reilly Factor' - pics
Right WIng Bat Shit Crazy Moonie Times publishes hit piece on Hillary...
Hannity today called Al Franken a "failed radio talk host"
Olielly calls Vermont media corrupt
Tell Speaker Pelosi to support the Progressive Caucus bill to get out of Iraq
New form of Christianity religion "prosperity gospel" teaches "God is the gateway to wealth."
Ted Nugent makes an ass of himself at TX Governor's ball.
If you're a Democratic politician and you speak out against the war...
The Great Democratic Landslide Of 2008
Is Anyone In America More Hated than Dick?
I see what O'Lielly does (COLBERT IS ON NOW)
The Resident is backed into a corner
I am doing a paper on the Iraq War Res.
Highlights from O'Lielley/Colbert showdown on MSNBC/Scarborough next
Scarborough to show excerpts of Colbert on Fox...coming up.
Why do you watch Tweety's show?
Why is there no focus on the root causes of terrorism?
How sharper than a serpents tooth...
worst person in the world . . .
Colbert video up at Fox News site
"its the Blame and Run game"--Bush setting up Milaki to take the
Hillary made Iraq statement on NBC, CBS morning shows; snubs ABC
The Grand Irony of Gonzo's Idiotic Interpretations of the Constitution Is...
Us left leaning christians are starting to hit the wires now-
I'm not gonna watch AMERICAN IDOL...I'm not gonna watch AMERICAN IDOL...
Worst President and Vice President in our history: Dick Cheney
U.S. aims to restart 10 Iraqi factories in weeks - Ford, GM, Chrysler closing more than 20 plants
New Democratic Presidental polling for New Hampshire by Zogby
The first of what the Kos hope is a series of High School pics of 08ers
Thankfully, the rest of the House Democrats aren't listening to Pelosi on the war
Hi My name is Art Buchwald & I just died......
Scarborough thought Oreilly/Colbert was like the Globetrotters.
Andrea Parhamovich, 28, of Perry, Ohio was killed yesterday.... in Iraq
Four wisdom teeth extracted-bill to my insurance co $12000+
OH. MY. GOD. "I'm doing you, Bill."
Kucinich is now one of the the "overseers" of the FCC
Does anybody remember Ngo Dinh Diem?
Creepy Christian Shirt at Work Today
So who is watching Bill O'Reilly on Colbert?
Impersonator Told Not to Imitate Colbert
Originally posted this in the Lounge.. wanted to see what GD thinks of it..
How about a surge in consciousness instead? ("Ooga, Booga, Smooga, Wooga" New Moon alert !!!
Will the United States be no more. A look at a possible Future for us
A DUer asked H2O man "Who are you quoting?... Link"?
Can someone explain to me what the whole deal is with people being jerks on the web?
Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blowjobs Anymore!
A Christian Minister Speaks Out About "Moral Values"
The video of my news show thing is up, link inside.
Pelosi Won't Block Iraq Funding to Stop Troop Surge
hehe...O'liely is blaming the "liberals" for his bad press on the kidnapping
Today's Dr. Phil summed up the ridiculousness of the debate over marriage
FISA Court Judge WANTED To Share NSA Order With Congress-Bush/Gonzales Say NO WAY!
It's on now! Cspan1 - Gonzales! 11.00 pmT
McCain’s Popularity “Tanking” In New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada…
First, It's "impeachment Off The Table" Now It's " De-Funding The Surge Is Off The Table"
Snope's debunks the "Obama ideologically a Muslim" email.
Another future for the United States?
HOLY CRAP! "China Tests Anti-Satellite Weapon, Unnerving U.S."
AP: Bush Eyes Pardon for Border Patrolmen (who shot Mexican)
Bush: "The FISA courts yesterday said I did have the authority (for warrantless wiretapping)"
Bill O'Reilly: YOU ARE A SLIME
McGovern on with Keith, giving him praises for bringing us
DU Poll: Should Congress Cut Off Funding For The Iraq War To Block Troop Increase?
Organizers Of WH Press Corpse Dinner: NO Repeat Of Colbert- Rich Little Told To Be Nice To Bush
I feel the same way about Kofi Annan as Bob the Angry Flower does
Help me understand this thread....
When Michael Richards used the n-word, there were threads all over the place. But...
I Know My First Name Is Steven
Can We Start A Late Night Thread On The gonzalASS Ass Kicking On C-Span 1?
Is DU now just a mirror of what's happening on television?
Limbaugh: "If Obama's got fire in his hands, what has he got in his pants?"
Ted Nugent does the impossible - embarrasses RWers at Perry inaug
Bill O member of Nambla? He was preaching their word...
DU Lawyers: Can You Explain Something To Me?
Dems Complete 100Hr Legislative Agenda In 42Hrs, 15Min...
California Lawmakers Propose No spanking Law (A no spanking law for children under the age of three)
Harry Shearer (Spinal Tap, Simpsons, Huffington Post) on Letterman
Private Gatherings At Home To Be Illegal In Miami Beach? WTF!?
I just paid $1.99 a gallon for unleaded gasoline in Janesville WI
Your guide to the Bush Administration
More Al Gore whispers of a comeback....
Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Anyone else suffering outrage overload?
What Is The Correct Thing to do?
O'Really-Colbert up on Crooks&Liars
without him all this killing can't go on
A Quote From Hyman Rickover (1957)
I Need To Wacth "A Day After Tomorrow" Again
I'm Tired As Hell, But That gonzalASS Ass-Kicking Is Coming Up Soon On C_Span 1
I saw the ultimate Assholemobile the other day
Churches protest the 'surge' of U.S. troops in Iraq
Terrorists are using Google Earth!
Democratic Scorecard: where the candidates stand on Iraq pull out
Who should Nancy Pelosi be looking out for in light of her recent remarks on the Iraq "surge?"
Turn on C-SPAN 1 a Republican now talking about energy...
There's a great Nova on tonight.. Monster of the Milky Way
A Question for HoJo Lieberman...
Uh, Dick, don't look now....a bit of a funny
Libby's Jury Selection--A Comment
Sixty American Dollars For One Pill
Isn't Suspending Habeus Corpus Declaring Martial Law?
The twisted Republican mind.....braaaahhhaaaaaa!!!!!!
Leahy rips on The Minister of Torture, Gonzo
Senate passes Democrats' ethics bill
Marcos has a rant and give his most irritating awards to some supporters of 08ers
Republicans Thwarted! Won't be giving Bush the Line-Item Veto any time soon
I don't judge anyone - not in me to do that.
We can't control one street - I don't think 20,000 more troops are going to help
Are Libby's lawyers anticipating Cheney might be contradicted by another witness?
Half-human, half-animal: return
Vote in DFA poll for Presidential Choice in 2008
Gitmo terror trials will allow hearsay evidence & coerced testimony
US base expansion plan splits Italy government
"I catch the world in the headlights of my justice" - Colbert does O'Reilly
As a "Nation of Immigrants" should we allow Iraqi's to Immigrate Here
Seder played a bit from Limpballs show - it's getting very strange over there
Edwards to speak at University of Iowa on Saturday--Bush's plan to escalate the war in Iraq
Can somebody tell me who in the hell is Geffen: read this
Georgia enforcing uniquely christian only holiday
I want this WHOLE BUNCH of sons of bitches GONE ...... NOW
healing iraq`s post-Baghdad’s Mustansiriya University
A big, belated thumbsup to Speaker Pelosi and The House Dems for today's votes.
neurotic iraqi wife`s "the black globe of terror award"
OK--Who Is Gonna Pay $240 So We Can Watch Gonzales On The Judiciary Committee?
Justice Department Oversight Hearing tonight on cspan--looky here:
Pat Leahy of the judicary committee is on C_SPAN now.
George McGovern: all the troops need to get out of Iraq NOW!!!!
DU Poll: (On C-Span) Should Congress Cut Off Funding For The Iraq War To Block Troop Increase?
NYT: Taking Power, Sharing Cereal
Obama: "I know, I have seen, the desperation and disorder of the powerless"
bill introduced to honour alice paul
Ann Coulter: Democrats are stunned that a black man can walk and talk
Malloy just said tha Pelosi will announce tomorrow the Dems will support the escalation
Paula Zahn just called Obama "Osama!" - said it was a typo on the teleprompter
He stuck his finger up his ass and smelled the shit storm coming his way Bill O
Press searching for scandals - going after Edwards and Obama. Seems pathetic.
Senate passes Democrats' ethics bill
O'Rielly put his foot in his mouth AGAIN!!! saying Hornbeck wanted to stay .
BREAKING NEWS: Major New End the War Bill Introduced
Richard Perle can spin all he wants. He's still a liar.
PAUL KRUGMAN: Surging and Purging
The Nation: Vietnam — And Nixon — All Over Again(All Options, Including Impeachment, Should Be Used
Blood on the Courthouse Floor-Six U.S. Attorneys Fired. Why?
H. Kissinger - The New Iraq Strategy
Christian Science Monitor: Whither all the War Protesters?
US lacks 'explosive' evidence against Iran
GEORGE MCGOVERN: An Impartial Interrogation of George W. Bush
Cuba's post-Castro life already begun
Cenk Uygur: America Strikes Back
William Rivers Pitt: The Next 100 Hours
White House backs down on wartime powers (Courts & Dems on to him)
Friend: Cheney says Washington is 'all BS,' full of 'suffering fools'
N.Korea: Deal reached in U.S. nuke talks By BURT HERMAN, AP
How ghost soldiers are bleeding the Iraqi army of guns and money
Prickly City pays tribute to the high IQ of Charles Krauthammer
The Grown-Ups Are Back In Town
Another egregious showing by the "liberal media"
What Does It Mean to Be a Politically Active Citizen If No One Is Listening?
David Sirota: What They Said, and When They Said It
What to do about torture? Manfred Nowak interviewed
Gail Dines: CNN's "Journalism" Is a Fool's Paradise
"scared the pants off Congress and the American public." HSA
Amy Goodman: Make King's Dream Come True
Amanpour: Radical, moderate Muslims battle for young English minds
Retired Generals Criticize Bush’s Plan for Iraq - by Michael Temchine for The New York Times
Saif Rahman: Five Reasons Why I'll March on Jan. 27 (And why you should too)
The Radical Christian Right Is Built on Suburban Despair
Failure is not an option. It comes Standard with every Bush Model by Larry Beinhart at Huff Post
Jordan's king says he seeks ‘peaceful' nuclear program - by MATTI FRIEDMAN at AP
U.S. Defence Secretary travels to Iraq - AP
Senate Passes Vast Ethics Overhaul - By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK at NYTimes
Jimmy Carter: A New Chance for Peace?
What price free trade for South America?
(WP front page, by John Solomon:) Identity of Edwards Home's Buyers Veiled
US Media Overlooked Major Humanitarian Stories in 2006
Amazing true story about a wrongly convicted man in Texas (from NYT)
Truth is Speaking… Is Power Listening? (Jason Miller)
NYT: Flexing Muscle, China Destroys Satellite in Test
The battle to save Iraq's children
The War Comes Home to Air America
Iraqi militia expressing siege mentality
Art Buchwald's Moveable Feast --WaPo, By David Von Drehle
Shakespeare at Wal-Mart? (A new Globe Theatre for the 21st Century)
Marty Kaplan: We, the Libby Jury
Speaker Nancy Pelosi --Progress is Possible Again
How ghost soldiers are bleeding the Iraqi army of guns and money
Globalized Breaking and Entering
Twelve month Rolling Output: Grid based Solar Energy Continues to Decline.
GE Is Among Companies to Call for Carbon Cap Before Bush Speech
UN-Pledge To Plant One Billion Trees In 2007
Climate Change Affecting Washington/Glaciers Worldwide
Senator Boxer Lays Out Climate Change Plan/Too Little Too Late?
Mexico - the "Global Problematique" in action
US weather forecasters do battle over mankind's role in global warming
Please unfreep this global warming poll
Maine has options for leaving (New England) power pool
Exxon cuts ties to global warming skeptics
Industrial, utility applications for fuel cell technology grow
Swordfish and jellyfish thrive in warm N. Atlantic - Reuters
Hurricane-force winds hit northern U.K. (crosspost)
McNulty, Camp introduce act to extend solar tax credits
Olmert: Overseas conversion to stay 'open'
Official: Abbas and Meshal to meet Saturday in Damascus
Palestinian convert to Judaism charged with aiding militants
IDF freezes ban on Israelis driving W. Bank Palestinians
Palestinian news: Now in English
"The Second Holocaust is Looming"
Abbas' strongman talks tough about Hamas
Israel's 'invisible hand' still controls Gaza, says report
Palestinian girl wounded by Israeli troops dies in hospital {edit}
Voting machine test lab merger despite EAC ban on Ciber puts Wyle lab partnership in question
"Any form of intimidation should not be tolerated" ERD, & Related News, FRI. 1/19/07
Excellent Resource of Current Pending Election Litigation:
Fitrakis&Wasserman: Do New Ohio Recount Prosecutions Mean Unraveling of 04 Election Theft cover-up?
Navy relieves submarine commander after deaths of 2 sailors
Report details missteps in search for Kim family
Casey: 'Surge' Could Go Home by Summer
Venezuela's Chavez granted power to rule by decree
CSIS, RCMP probe threatening 'FLQ' letter
MTA admits subway spill errors
(WP front page, by John Solomon:) Identity of Edwards Home's Buyers Veiled
US lawmakers demand Bush ask Congress before attacking Iran
Aide to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr arrested in Baghdad
Iraqi militia expressing siege mentality
Eight plead not guilty in boy's boot camp death
Ex-Ohio congressman Ney faces sentencing
US rejects claims of Maliki rift
N.Korea: Deal reached in U.S. nuke talks(Hill unaware that deal had been reached)
Gates in Iraq to Meet With Commanders (surprize visit again)
Muqtada Al-Sadr Aide Arrested in Baghdad
Iraq denies PM criticised Bush
(Former VP Walter) Mondale criticizes Cheney's actions
Roadside bomb kills one U-S soldier and wounds three others in Baghdad
Rocket attack on UK base in Basra
Bush announces nomination of next ambassador to Afghanistan (WOW)
More jurors on standby in CIA leak trial
U.S. 'knew damn well' Arar would be tortured: senator (Leahy)
U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne quick-reaction force faces possible problem: Full deployment
Friend: Cheney says Washington is 'all BS,' full of 'suffering fools'
Hoyer and Blunt now on CSPAN agreeing to change the 5 day work week back
EU considers U.N.-style Iran sanctions: sources
Ex-Ohio Rep. Ney sentenced to 30 months
What price free trade for South America?
Dems Seek to Bar U.S. Attacks on Iran
Military planners in Iraq may soon be seeing 'red'
Breaking: Reported stabbing death at Lincoln Sudbury High School
Reuters: Morocco acquits 5 ex-Guantanamo inmates
3,500 to go in Motorola jobs cull (BBC)
U.S. defence chief says Iraq at "pivotal moment"
(Reuters) UK general: UK troops to stay in Iraq through 2007
Iraq (president Talabani): Iran wants understanding with U.S.
Retired generals bash Bush on surge plan
High Court to hear campaign finance case
Errant airliner on LA runway forces Delta pilot to abort landing
US ambassador says Bush will certify Dominican Free Trade Pact
Globalization Meet Opens In Kenya
Honours police arrest Blair aide
Companies press Bush, Congress on climate: reports
AP: Russia Weathers A Disturbing Warm Winter
NYT/AP: House Approves Page Program Overhaul: When Mark Foley resigned, page board had not yet met
Whither all the war protesters?
Brooklyn stands up to Bush - Nadler bill calls for U.S. troops to return home by year’s end
Hotline: Martinez Elected RNC General Chair
Dallas County records 12th DNA case
Paper: Jordan King wants nuclear program
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday January 19
Duo of Democrats say they will try to unseat Sununu
Posada ally surrenders arms cache
(Robert) Redford demands apology over Iraq
Democrats Pass 6 Bills During First 100 Hours
San Diego Union-Trib: Defense contractor ADCS losing Poway headquarters
Guardian: (UK) Key No 10 aide arrested in honours inquiry
CNN: Former Congressman Ney sentenced to 30 months
Congressional Leaders Fire Warning Shot At President (re: Iran attack)
Pacific Lumber files for bankruptcy
Kurdish Iraqi soldiers are deserting to avoid the conflict in Baghdad
Young Earth Creationist Sentenced to 10 Years
Associates: Rep. Ney hit bottle all day long
Morales Says Bolivia to Nationalize Mining Sector
Pelosi: U.S. Not Obliged to Stay in Iraq
Turkish-Armenian editor shot dead in Istanbul
Feinstein claims White House using Patriot Act to oust prosecutors
Director Paul Greengrass ("United 93") to do Iraq invasion film
Bill Richardson to form presidential exploratory committee
Colombia's "Para - Political" Scandal Widens
Kerry calls for probe of Pentagon sales
Last of the Christmas stollen!
I have a one hundred dollar bill in my pocket,
I am so excited - I scored a free chest freezer from Craigslist!
Any loungers listen to late 60s band Free Design?
I have a funny but sweet Taco Bell story.
I just found a site where I can buy a bunch of cool weird french prog rock
I Do Exist- I Know This Because I'm Tired- Good Night Everyone!
President Bush raids the White House Kitchen and does some cleaning...
Cheap Trick w/ very special guests, Soul Asylum
I hope all you liberals decide to undergo training
Can anyone here help this guy out?
It's raining again here in the UAE
Hey Underpants see ya in training!!
I'm betting no one else remembers this silly old song
Woman Tried To Sell 8 Year Old Daughter For Sex - She Is Sheriff's Dept. Employee
Drunk Man Enters Tiger Cage - Tries To Share Bag Of Chips With Tiger - Bitten
Man shot, drives pickup into cemetery building (with video)
Sucker sends $1.25 million in county funds to Nigerian scammer
Congratulations ralps!! 20,000 posts
You Can Get Life in Prison for Adultery in Michigan
Scientists Discover How Seahorses Have Sex
Anyone Else Just So Tired of the Cold and Ice? I am.
Soccer stars fails drug test - sex with girlfriend is blamed
Are people more self-centered than they used to be?
Ever see a bird that can moonwalk? (video)
Okay. I may be dense, but I am starting to think that Haruka and Lost
Tomorrow, I'm drying out. Ask me anything!
Hitler and Jesus: Together Again
SKINNER IS A DADDY...here's the thread in GD!!!
Check out this really cool Ghost Picture!
Teledildonics Company Allows People To Connect Their Sex Toys Over The Internet
Apple released it's latest product.
Not looking real good for this dude!
Cop Frees Boy Who Stuck His Tongue To Metal Stop Sign
The Silent Umbrage Of Drinking Too Much Lemonade
Update from angioplasty--AP bad, results are actually GOOD!
Do people with similar interests end up becoming 'an item'?
Only 14 hours to God Warrior Redux!!!
Question to all: How long till the first kiss when you are dating?
FOX news poll: "Would you take on credit card debt to buy a new gadget like an 'iPhone'?"
All your candy are belongs to us
I just got to see the Lounge invasion of the douchebag thread in GD
Cat Recovering After Arrow Removed From Her Head
Does your dog howl with tornado sirens?
What's going on in GD with all of the Douchebag threads?
my mom said I didn't need to know what a douche was
That's it! No more threads about touchebags.
HOLY BATCRAP - Skinner was allowed to reproduce. Why am I the last to know?
I just want to say "GREAT JOB' to SharonRB
The American Idol debate about how mean it is... thank William Hung for what you saw the other night
Tyler's Ultimate Fried Chicken
Anybody else psyched for the new Galactica on Sunday night?
I am going shopping on Craigslist - Anyone want anything?
I've decided I'm not going to get angry at those people who have
OK, WTF is up with all of the douchebag posts?
I had forgotten about the horrible sleepiness that comes along with pregnancy
Talking On A Cell Phone While "Using" A Stall In The Restroom At Work
Yer earth are 14,000 years old !!!
Look the bartender right in the eye and say "Douchebag"
Lawmaker Wants To Ban Spanking Of Children
Re-run of Colbert - O'Reilly on Comedy Central now.
Thieves Steal GPS Devices - Forget To Turn Them Off - Police Drive Right To Their Home
What if Da Bears were all turned to stone by some kinda voodoo spell
Massive electronic vote fraud confirmed!
'You're About To Learn Secrets That Most Men Will Never Know About Women...'
Happy Birthday to Jean Stapleton!
Funny FUNNY stuff!! E-mail Response to Pat Robertson
someone please help me! I think I have created a small black hole in my house!
Why did they choose to call a play writer a playwright, and not playwrite?
I need something new in my sig line to go with the picture
What's with no nylons in the middle of the winter?
Post Apocolyptic Zombies Flying Helicopters?
Today's performance has been cancelled. Bozo is very ill and is coughing up spotted rheum.
Congratulations LostinVA!! 20,000 posts
Computer question: Sound input
U.S. Army just called, trolling for my elder son.
Old funny video but a great one. I laugh out loud everytime.
Puzzled by this Bumper Sticker
Pardon me, but I have to fret and fuss and grumble - and protest
That's it! No more threads about douchebags.
Have you noticed that when you post "douche bag"
Less than two and a half hours to GOD WARRIOR REDUX!!!
I modified my clothes dryer so the drum spins the other direction...
Amsterdam to get statue to honour prostitutes
Are there days when you feel the world hates you?
Amsterdam to get statue to honor prostitutes
which is better New York or Chicago?
I'm working from home today. When should I stop drinking?
Youve seen the Cessna hover...
Are threads about Il Duce bags OK?
DUzy awards for the week are up in GD
Congratulatons SeattleGirl!! 25,000 posts
It is bounce your boobies Friday!
I just got back from the doctor about chest pains I posted about earlier
For my 20,000th post: I am madly, deeply, and truly in love with Haruka3_2000
Plumbing advice needed Re: Toilets -
for my 200th... what's the weather doing where you are?
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 1/19/2007)
Happy birthday MrsVenation & Dave Reynolds
What shoud I do with this letter from the Army asking if I would be interested in joining again.
I'm chatting with TJW Mason. He says hello!
Where did your most memorable first kiss happen?
Has anyone else not gotten their tax info from their mortgage co?
A small prejudice: Baseball caps worn backwards.
I've Got An Earworm... It's A Good One I Think
Time to play:What word did I google?
One day our son's going to grow up to be a Doctor, or a Lawyer, or
Can "The Hitcher" possibly cover it's advertising expenses?
Those Nuvaring commericials really annoy me
What will young baby Skinner's DU username be?
Holy crap, I can be airheaded sometimes.
Post here if you've never been convicted of a sex offense.
"All your digits are belong to us."
Do cats and dogs get jealous with the arrival of a new (human) baby in the family?
This kid's got a hard-on for God
I Thought I Was Inspired.... I Was, But Not In The Same Way I Thought
Haruka3_2000's second grade school photo
Happy 198th Birthday Edgar Allen Poe
"Papa" Denny Doherty dies .....
'Old Country Buffet' may be blue, but they sure as hell act red.
I am Arthur, King of the Britons!
I have today off. When should I start drinking?
Mike Love might be the most malevolent figure of eternal evil in the history of rock music
People can't drive on ice in Portland (video)
Wouldn't it be cool to cook on a stove like this?
Anyone else had a grandchild and THEN had another child?
When Skinner returns, I'm going to propose splitting GD into
Happy Birthday to Dolly Parton!
Ack!! I just spent $500 on books for this semester... ask me anything
DU couples who are leaving blue states for red ones out of love: which is more hardcore?
What eye color do you naturally have?
Costco Chicken Noodle Soup. Nuthin' better on a cold day.
I was in the hospital till 1:30 am today with chest pains
Odd things you notice in the background.
How many movies or books in the last, say, 20 years, feature blue collar workers
We just unveiled an important upgrade to the ignite function that lets you ____ other members.
Describe what you think your DU personality is....
"(Take Me Back) To Dillard Street"- The Near Myths
The Moral Agony of Genie, a Feral Child
How can the meek inherit the earth?
Is Christ's name really Chris????
LGBT candidate ytraining in Philadelphia
Seminary to Host Transgender Conference
Dolphins pick Cameron but must work out details
Norm Chow - Racism in NFL/NCAA
Can I ask a question about Pluto transit
Question re: astrological profile.
Aaand now, rounding the last corner and heading into the home stretch...
Here is my latest manifestation!
Bush: The Army and Marines Pay the Price
OT: Some Friday fun -- meet "Barry" from the '70s
You've got to read that to believe it (DLC blogger claims Clinton is anti-establishment)
JK re-introduces bill to repeal oil tax breaks, etc.
OT: Friday fun part 2: Dem Real World
Good diary on dailykos about "The First Rule" for the primary wars
Markos going easy on Hillary. Good God.
This Moment in History: The Case for John Kerry
I will be away for a few weeks
Do we have a detailed rundown yet from Kerry on his meetings with Maliki?
The campaign is really getting nastier every day
Kerry's tribute to SFRC staffer (This is beautiful)
Rumble in the RNC: GOP Factions Brawl over Immigration, Martinez
How does Bush know his new Iraq plan will work? He doesn't, he BELIEVES that it will work.
Russ Feingold grilling Gonzalez on CSPAN2 right now (8:16)
Possibly the world's smallest Catholic priest stole $1M to support wife and 3 kids
Who did Maliki just throw under the bus?
The Sundance Kid Demands an Apology for Iraq
Lil Gonzales on CSPAN II being grilled by Schumer.
Anyone logging in from Eastern Oklahoma?
LEAHY's Press Release: "I've Never Seen A Time When Our Constitution & Rights Were More Threatened"
Good Morning! - Morning Headlines
Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus- By Robert Parry
Anyone notice the "Today's Military" ad campaign?
***** Call the Senate to Raise the Minimum Wage! ***** 1-800-459-1887 ***** (VOTING MONDAY) *****
WaPo runs smear attack on John Edwards....
Texas GOP showing its true colors?
Karen Hughes: "US is a country of faith! I represent 7 million Muslims!"
Leahy on Gonzales HOLY SHIT! - CSPAN II
So, how are you gonna feel about impeachment if Pelosi does it now & we get 55 senators vote yes
"The liberal media only shows the bad things going on in Iraq"
Parents Television Council says Fox TV is fucking hypocritical and dubious
Why is it that the rich kids always get the free rides to college?
Is Bush really as stupid as we think he is? I doubt it and here's why.
Kissinger: We're Not In Iraq For Iraqis-We're There "For Energy Supplies Of Industrial Democracies"
Another Way to Support the Troops--pet lovers, please read
Please DU this global warming poll
video: Couples "role play" in the bedroom -- with politics!
OMG!!! John Edwards SOLD HIS HOUSE And...And...I Dunno But It's WP FRONT PAGE!!!!
Barack Obama's High School Pictures Surface...He was called WHAT?
Smoking Question: how many people have died from second hand smoke?
Really cool map showing everything going on real time, in the world.
Have you ever spoken with a 'Nuke em' all' type person?
Can we open the suicide booths yet?
BREAKING NEWS: Major New “End the War” Bill Introduced
Calling on Congressional Dems to Let Jim Webb Deliver His SOTU Response to Full Joint Session!
Do you support a Minimum Wage Increase?
Homeless woman freezes to death
My thoughts on the Jan 27th protests
"He was governor?" The sorry state of Arizona's public schools
John Conyers To Gonzales: Your Answers Have Been"Insufficient" - Calls For NSA Wiretap Hearings
King (R-IA) & Pearce (R-NM) on floor now whining on behalf of the oil industry
Welcome to the Bush Library Party!
How many smoking guns do we need?
Oh I am SO EXCITED! My dear friend has released his CD - PLEASE check this out!
WTF? RIAA and a SWAT team jointly raid a DJ...
I have this e-mail I need to check at Snoops.com but they have
Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Democratic House has been doing?
The Radical Christian Right Is Built on Suburban Despair (AlterNet)
Is it too late to get Murtha to lead the House???
Rawstory teaser: "Ex-Rice speechwriter says she doesn't have
Remember this guy??? Man who beat (killed) dog dies in prison
Had Lunch Yesterday w/Abramoff's DOJ Prosecutor .....
Zippy calls Bush "President Shemp!"
Anti-U.S. President George W. Bush - pic
Robert Redford, opening Sundance Film Festival: "I think we're owed a big, massive apology."
Words have consequences, so picking the right words
***DUzy Awards for week ending January 19, 2007***
Must Read Ray McGovern: Show me the Intelligence
Zogby asks: a person is NOT poor if he/she possesses which of the following
LIEberman on Imus: "I'll support whomever will be the best President - REGARDLESS of party."
Robert Kennedy Jr. (D) is ready to run for U.S. Senate in NY
Fox and Friends says Sen Obama is...
No One Anticipated ‘Eruption Of Sectarian Violence’
Jesse Jackson: 'All of my heart leans toward Barack'
Wall Street Is Betting on the Farm
Meet the newest member of the Skinner family... It's a baby boy!
"Plame Case: Fitzgerald is Getting Nifonged" (Mother Jones)
Question: WTF is a "good" black?
Capital News poll - Grade Dems on "100-hour Agenda"
Ex-Rice speechwriter tells paper she doesn't have the 'vaguest notion' of Middle East history...
& the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there?
Unmanned Aircraft To Patrol Central Florida City
Just got this in my email...PASS IT ON!!!!
This smoking stuff is going to cost us
Arlen Specter's snake bites him
Whither all the war protesters?
Dalai Lama: "'I am humanitarian Marxist... Marxist economic theory is for all"
I saw Feinstein in the Judiciary hearing yesterday, but
Mamas and Papas Member Dead at 66
Cindy Sheehan: Non Compus Mentis, Non-Binding Resolutions & Supporting the Troops
Chavez asked for and received "special presidential powers" for a period of 18 months:
We need to have a conversation regarding global warming and accepting that it's real
Is it possible that moron* invaded iraq at saudi arabia's bidding?
Bulldozing New Orleans: A Tale of Two Sisters
YEAH!! Rocky to 'highlight' D.C. anti-war rally!
BREAKING: Barney has moved out of the White House
I almost wet myself last night
S.1 passes infringing on Free Speech
BTW- 2 years from tomorrow (1.20.09) 730 days
Iran offered deal in 2003. Cheney shot them down! This is BIG!
Friedman snaps, tells caller he'll be a better liberal, stop thinking Arabs are capable of democracy
'toonist RAMIREZ -- crossing the wingnut RACIST line? Or am I over-reacting (OBAMA)
Tax evader may cause new Waco/Ruby Ridge standoff...
NYTimes: Surveys Show Continuing Decline In Support For Bush, Iraq Operations
Who is calling the shots in our Middle East policy: Saudi Arabia or Big Oil?
CNN Poll: Do you think the House Democrats' "100 hours" agenda was a success?
When we worship faux heros, we get into trouble
Army officer warns of Mental health woes
Pubs are giving Weather Channel folk a hard time on the TWC blogs re: gloabal climate change
Does anyone have any access to what Bill-o's numbers were BEFORE
Doctors plead for Iraqi children - medical shortages are killing Iraqi children
I think Keith has been a good influence on Tweety. He (Tweety) sounds like a raving liberal!!
Faith-Based Public School Sponsored "Rites of Passage" program counselers assaulted teens
Buchanan writes “See the Superpower Run”, recognizes *’s failure but blames Democrats.
So I saw this magnetic ribbon on someone's car today ...
Ft. Stewart chaplain prays with departing troops: Dear Lord, God of Eternal Battle ..." - CBC video
NY Times: "Apology Not Accepted" Charles Stimson is an asshat.
U.S. seizes Sadr aide as Gates visits Iraq - Why don't they just pick up Sadr?
Official damage from my debit card theft totals to more than 4,800 dollars
Chavez Says Castro Is Fighting for Life (AP)
The Biggest Bullshitter In America Says: "He Thinks It's All Bullshit"
KBR private security contractor killed at checkpoint by Australian forces
Wolfie says Dems 100-Hour Plan Was a Stunt
Jordan says it wants peaceful nuclear program
OMFG !! The George W Bush Library burned down !!!
Arnie said he was "smacked about everything" during his childhood (re: spanking law)
LOL! Time's Picture of the Day!
RW Wiki Update - RW Infopedia takes on Hoaxes and Terrorism
Who lobbies Congress for a Sane Foreign Policy?
Soldier's parents speak out against war
Would you spend $2.5 Million just to propose to someone??
Does anyone remember Fallujah? That same tsunami of violence....
I hope DUers are listening to these maniacs
Attention: Company holding 40 MILLION credit card records has been hacked.
Is the Bush* Administration Dropping Acid?
Pelosi comments draw White House ire
Kos calls Bullshit on the Fox/Moonie Times hit piece on Obama and Hillary...
Eighteen-year-old males are as risky behind the wheel as 80-year-old females
FoxNews.....Hillary Drops Bomb On Osama...
CNN airing Larry King??? Never seen this before. No News Today?
Two US grandmothers voice protest against Iraq war
Cafferty: Why would the Bush administration suddenly fire a bunch of federal prosecutors?
Why no MSM coverage of Gonzalez saying Habeus
An open letter to the Villain Billy Tauzin the Phrma troll who appeared at a hearing on cspan 2 days
Tweety is really going after the Republicans on Iran!
Noboby's mentioning Hilary Clinton's middle name.
Lobbying backlash could hit bloggers
Just finished reading Justin Franks' excellent analysis....
The Protest on January 27th has to be massive
Before folks hyperventilate about the Edwards home sale---consider the writer.
I just saw my first Anti-McCain commerical on tv here in Georgia sponsored by MoveOn.org
The SMU minister is on MSNBC right now
People mag: Desperate Iraqi Doc With Crippled Baby Reaches Out to US
So does anyone know what happened in Fitzmas land today?
E&P: 'Wash Post' Reporter Wonders About Paper's Front-Page Story On John Edwards' House Sale
CNN says movies with female heroines cause increase in
Rep William Jefferson will be a major embarrassment for Dem Majority.....
Why would SA want to undercut oil prices, by not restricting production?
WaPo/Art Buchwald's Last Column: "Goodbye, My Friends"
Drudge sarcasm over global warming announcement.
Are you ready for your close-up, Mr. Bremer?
Chicago Tribune Blog: Bush to Give 'Global' State Of the Union
Report: Cheney was involved in secret Israel-Syria talks
LOL! The Real Shawshank Redemption.
To get an idea of what Congressional Investigations will unearth, go back and examine Nixon....
Why did Bush flip-flop about his spying on Americans? Don't want a Dem prez with these powers maybe?
Fox News Channel Audio Added to Mobile Phones
Happy 198th Birthday Edgar Allen Poe
Anti-war/anti-globalization compated to 60's Movement
Obama Smeared(on FOX) As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist
Extreme Genetic Engineering: ETC Group Releases Report on Synthetic Biology
Bush college pal Pat Shea is being considered as purged attorney Carol Lam's replacement!...
Ex-Ohio Rep. Ney sentenced to 30 months - sentence was harsher than rec. by prosecutors
"I won't vote for Obama because he's not expierienced enough."
Corn pest expansion consequence of transgenic crops?
Those ingrate Iraqis! How about some gratitude for cutting energy consumption and overpopulation?
Bush doesn't want to talk to Syria about Iraq
RADICAL FRINGE TOON 1/19/07 --- they're baaaaaccck
NC McHenry on C-Span whining again about Pelosi - again
Globe cover story: B*sh Leaves Laura!
Don't think the Dems have forgotten the Repubs special session of Congress for a brain dead woman
Mondale rips Cheney for giving bad advice to Bush...Go Walter
Faux Catapulting the Propaganda
Man critically injured on set of Tom Hanks movie (Mock Stinger Missile Explodes)
Jenna Bush Shopping Book Deal (Drudge)
Glenn Greenwald's blog mentions Democratic Underground...
Twit McHenry whining on C-SPAN 1 Now...
beautician gets 15 years for injecting mazola oil into a client's butt...killing the client
Morocco acquits 5 ex-Guantanamo inmates
Gonzo just said He's the primary legal adviser to the executive branch!
Judge: Severly Disabled Autistic Students Must Testify Against Teacher
Latest Faux News Poll: Cheney less unfavorable than Bush
Whither all the War Protesters? (from the Christian Science Monitor)
Are the "Internets" slow today -- or does DU need its
Question: Who Has A Transcript Of Gono At Judiciary Hearing From Thursday?
AAR's Marc Maron and Ana Marie Cox (Wonkette) to host political gabfest on HBO
DISCOMFIT BUSHIES: Have Bush cronies, war profiteers, and big oil pay reparations to Iraq AND us
How the hell can people watch O'Reilly's show? Whether they agree with him or not?
S.1 was amended - no longer has provision about grassroots lobbying
Friend: Cheney says Washington is 'all BS,' full of 'suffering fools'
A must read .... about the new republican minority congress members
Fox news poll: Americans dislike Bush more than Cheney
Anyone listening to the Press Briefing. Dana Perino is way over
Bush Calls up Troops; Time to Call Your Broker? 1-800-MERCENARY
Another Grim Milestone: 500 Amputees
'Wash Post' Reporter Wonders About Paper's Front-Page Story on John Edwards' House Sale
Help! Can't view You Tube Snips on DU. Browser throws me Off.
2004 Presidential Political Compass
Theft of 2004 Election happened in Cuyahoga County, Ohio!
The Pentagon Makes Plans To Become the Global Slumlord
Best Part of the Colbert Interview Last Night
Interesting show on 'U.S. War on Drugs' - History Channel
Seminary to Host Transgender Conference
110th Congress Passes No President Left Behind Act (humor)
Guardian: Indian tsunami victims sold their kidneys to survive
It's over. Obama's toast. He smokes.
Harold Ford, Jr. takes over as head of the DLC (Democratic Losers Club)
The Soft Bigotry Of Drinking Too Much Water
Statements about liberals vs. conservatives: agree or disagree?
just heard on the radio that today is Janis Joplin's birthday,
need DU help responting to this dweeb...please make him weep?
French far-right leader to appeal (fined for questioning Holocaust)
Anyone watching Roy Blunt-R crying about working 5 days a week in the House on C-SPAN 1?
Crooksandliars has a great CNN screenshot (100 hours)
From Senator Kennedy-pls. sign if you haven't:
James Pinkerton@Huffpo: Walter Jones Meets Rudyard Kipling
Hillary, please put a halt to this dumb new seatbelt legislation proposed for NY state
DLC - Clinton anti-establishment.
"Ex-Ohio Rep. Ney Sentenced to 30 Months"
colbert / o'lielly videos, du links??
"God Warrior" Marguerite Perrin is returning to do another episode of Trading Spouses!
By Stopping Bush on Iraq, Dems Can Restore Congress's Power
Iraq Redux: "There are no smoking guns about Iran in Iraq"
Taking nominations for inhabitants of Dante's new 10th Circle of Hell.
Jordan's King - To Develop Nuclear Power: "After This Summer EVERYBODY's Going For Nuke Power"
Hoyer and Blunt now on CSPAN agreeing to change the 5 day work week back
"No one is able to save this country."
Sweet Jebus! Schultz just ripped Hammity a new one, sewed it up...
O'Reilly stole microwave from the Colbert "green room"?
Freshmen Dems speaking on the House floor now
Diary of a Guantánamo Attorney & The Shopkeeper Caught In Bush's Evil Web
It is good that the Dems are letting the freshman Reps speak
Associates: Rep. Ney hit bottle all day long
House members bitching about five day work week
Upcoming Host of WH Correspondent's dinner asked to treat baby Bush with care
Republican Whiner Of The Week Rep Marsha Blackburn R-TN
Congress cannot end this war. Only the Constitution can.
Reid to Challenge Bush on Iran: "Bush Does NOT Have Authority To Launch Military Action In Iran"
So if Rich Little can't talk of current events like Iraq what will he speak
Republicans, remove the log from thine eye...
Mondale: Cheney Cooks Up Lousy Advice
Dems seek to bar U.S. attacks on Iran
Brunch with Bernie - two minutes
I can't keep score here, can someone please tell me which Dem congresspeople
NYT A-1 Exposes Sham in Tactic Shift on Domestic Surveillance
Chinese anti-satellite test...are we making to much of it...?
What are "blue dog democrats."
Got the Friday Funk? Come "tear it a new one," . . . please CAPTION!
eBay Auction: Domain name "ImpeachBush.com", current bid: $25,000
Friday's the fuse for the weekend. Gotta match? Please come . . . CAPTION!!!
Speaker Pelosi live at the National Press Club now, SOTU preview
How do we educate the public about the military industrial complex?
Bush to limit his wish list in State of Union talk
Has anyone heard from my boy mark foley?
Which blogs are popular on Capitol Hill?
Genoa riot evidence 'disappears' (BBC)
House is in session, CSPAN1. Currently one-minute speeches
Let's stop stalling and get down to business
U.S. official: Chinese test missile obliterates satellite
Parents tell Oprah they think kidnapped son was molested
Is Condi using facts she learned from the Simpsons?
"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” MLK
BREAKING: Blair aide Ruth Turner arrested in Cash-for-Honours scandal
Why does being Christian matter to the RW'ers when it comes to electoral politics?
Normally I would never post anything by this mealy mouthed neocon
Failure GUARANTEED with EVERY Bushco Product! (no refunds)
Texas County hopes to bribe children to turn in their parents.
Colbert, O'Reilly face off on both shows
Colbert called Bill O'Reilly a sex predator!
UCLA Taser Victim Sues University
VOTE: Who won, O'Reily or Colbert?
OMFG! Look at this venomous email being circulated by the RW!
is DU running slow for anyone else this morning
All passports issued after 1/1/07 will have RFID chips
Leahy on cspan2 now--questioning Gonzalas now about NSA
Here's why it is so important to have Repubs defecting against Bush and his insane Iraq policy
University of Michigan Professor, Juan Cole, calls for Cheney's impeachment
The Constitution Party -- Penny for your thoughts
Does John Edwards have a crisis on his hands or a new target on his back?
Yesterday's Judiciary Committee Hearing with Gonzo on CSPAN 2 right now.
Eight plead not guilty in boy's boot camp death
YOUR State of the Union Speech.
Now THIS gives me the creeps... How 'bout YOU?
VIDEO | New Obesity Drug Goes On Sale in Europe
If you could get a paid position on any 2008 campaign, who would you work for?
Administration plays "shell game" on surveillance to avoid accountability, judicial scrutiny
It's feet to the fire time-U.S. legislators to see file on Arar
8.4 billion a month to be spent on Iraq
Bush's makes first strike in new bid to 'secure democracy' for Iraq by arresting Sadr's media dir.
I think the next POTUS will come from Illinois
Are rightwingers EVER capable of being honest?
Obama-Obama What's going on? there's far too many dying
Keith Olbermann interviews Mayor Rocky Anderson
John Fogerty (antiwar) Deja Vu
Colbert on Bill O'Reilly's show; you know-in case you missed it or something...
Mad tv presidential debate sketch
Preview of the 2008 Republican Convention...
New Orleans: The day the music died
Culture Warrior: 30% off. Colbert owns O'Reilly, Part Two
Obama-Obama What's going on? there's far too many dying
Top Ten Senate seats most likely to change party in '08: Early Democratic advantage
He's really over the coals right now and he's worried about his legacy.
VOTE: Who won, O'Reily or Colbert?
Pelosi: U.S. Not Obliged to Stay in Iraq (AP)
Gonzalez being grilled on CSPAN2 right now (8:23) N/T
Hawking warns: We must recognise the catastrophic dangers of climate change
Factcheck.org: Medicare Hot Air. Can the Democrats' bill bring lower drug prices? Don't count on it.
Harry Reid on Cspan2 now - Nat. Press Club
Harry Reid on Cspan2 now - Nat. Press Club
Gonzales response to Leahy question on opening citizens' mail
Do people have to sign agreements when they go on O Reilly?
If you have read "The One Percent Doctrine" what did you think of it?
House approves page program reforms (AP)
Cunningscam's demand for bribes put troops in (even more) harm's way
Don't you love the Bush/Cheney** apologists who say...
Is Stephen Harper's Conservative minority government supporting another Oil War?
Repukes were whining about Dems using "clock management" to stretch 100 hours
FOX NEWS Poll: Americans Dislike Bush More Than Cheney
The brilliant "conservative" mind constantly at work
U.S. Marine Corps Reserves chief defense counsel on Pentagon tribunals
Restoring the Fairness Doctrine: For or Against?
Former aide, public policy scholar agree: Rice doesn't have a clue about ME history
CNN: Do you think the House Democrats' "100 hours" agenda was a success?
With TWO YEARS left let's look at W's record to date
This Just In: Barack Obama linked to group sneaking in aliens from Mars
Where do I even begin? Look at this crap going around about Obama:
Blue Dogs Split Dems on Iraq -- Don't Favor Disengagement
FOXNEWS smearing Obama and telling on Hillary's camp. DISGUSTING!!!!
D.C. Dirt as reported on Tucker's program on (MSNBC)
Hannity to attack those who criticize the Hornbeck for not escaping..
Tweety just compared AWOLbush to Mussolini
King (R-Iowa) on floor whining over the success of first 100 hours
Obama Article - Am I Missing Something???
Media already drumming up the coming war with Iran
Allow Sen. Jim Webb to Address the Full Joint Session in His Democratic Response?
Libby’s Memory Defense Highlights His Failures on National Security
New Christian Conserv grp calls for end of birthright citizenship
I understand that Many DLC Dems are comfortable with "The Clintons," BUT Gore was their VP!
Dear Nancy Pelosi: (my email to her)
Tweety is going off on the repuke pundits RE: unlimited executive power
Senate Republicans worry McConnell-Lott friction may allow Reid to "run roughshod" over GOP
Joe Kennedy: Don't deny the needy
Turn the Dem response to the SOTU speech into the STFU speech
Will Rogers -- "I don't belong to an organized political party -- I'm a Democrat"
For those not going to DC on the 27th.....Lakeland will have its own.
After this week I can ultimately say that i'm proud to be a liberal, here's why.....
Rep. King said it's okay to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because nobody goes there
Jesse Jackson: My heart tells me to go with Obama
Retired Generals Slam Bush's Iraq Plan
"Democrat party" I have to ask
Morris Reid: I ultimately don't think Hillary is going to run
House Repugs just had press conf--cspan--C/O being shut out and
Pelosi better not blow her position on funding for Bush's surge.
U.S. lawmakers aim to ease Cuba travel, trade bans (Reuters)
How should Obama respond to Swiftboating of him as Muslim and Terrorist?
John Edwards: Honest Leadership
John Edwards rhetoric is not endearing at all. Yet another quote from him
This Moment in History: The Case for John Kerry