War supporters feel adrift as tide turns (check out this quote from war supporter)
Bush's problems? Just blame them on Bill Clinton
Guest Workers Fighting Back (Time) They are here legally-pre-signed contracts are all but fiction
10-Point Plan to Rebuild the US after Bush's Destruction: Redux and Explanation
John Nichols: "Malfeasance in Office"
Credit Union Target Of Takeover Effort
Religious Conviction vs. Political Dogmatism
Labor Rights in Guatemala Aided Little by Trade Deal (WP) took force last year
McCain/Hagel: Different Paths From Vietnam to War in Iraq
Co-gen in your kitchen from Ohio based Sunpower
British Muslims extend a friendly hand to Jews
Kucinich Hires Critic of Israel for Hill Panel
U.S. Decries New Palestinian Government
Darfur Refugees seek Israeli home
Majadele refuses to sing national anthem
Violence escalates in oil-rich Kirkuk
N.Y. Storm Strands Passengers in Planes
Ex-Qwest CEO Insider Trade Trial to Open
McCain Aims to Recapture N.H. Support
Bush: Dems Trying to Micromanage War
Iraq War Alters Political Landscape
Japanese labor union threatens sit-in at Yokosuka (US Navy base)
Chlorine Blasts Kill 8; 6 (US) Troops Also Die in Iraq (p. A-20)
AFP: Tens of thousands denounce Iraq war at Washington rally
WP: Amid Concerns, FBI Lapses Went On
Romney Seeks Cash Lead Over Competition
Group Blasts Mubarak's (Egypt) Anti-Terror Bill ("greatest erosion of rights in 26 years.")
3 Children Killed in Thai School Attack
Iran crushes teachers' pay protest
Dubai Ports completes sale of controversial US operations
A geezer remembers..."Songs were made to sing by the young"
Someone wanted to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Tommorrow, we make our first New England Boiled Dinner...
the perfect day-perfect patients,ultimate fighting,a screwdriver and a cigar
His orders come from far away no more
I'm bullish for Kudzu... Oh, wait... that's been done.
what's your best imitation of another DUers posting style?
latest sign of end times: 3 'Jeopardy' contestants end up tied!!!
Irish Coffee is like crack for me
i've never started a picture thread before, so be nice
Believe it or not: this is Tommy Ramone.
People ask what I'll do when I retire
A St. Patrick's Day vegan dilemma
For the DU'rs who are GD shy, I posted this tonight from the anti-war rally in Sarasota.
i've never made myself very human here in the lounge, but i really need your help
children shouldn't play with dead things
Buy Top Fuel Bread! It digests well!
So stephen hawking tries to buy me a HDTV monitor...
Liverwurst -- to me it's worse than liver
I found somebody's voice! Ask me anything! I'll answer! With that voice!
"$20?! Let's go da movies!!" Mean Streets is on.
The Miracle of Digital Editing - funny PowerPoint
So my birthday is next month. Who is going to buy me this?
I really hate the color "Pink"....
what the hell was so funny about steve martin's stand up career
I lost my voice. Ask me anything!
So now I post the recipe for the seafood chowder I made tonight.
So the guy at best buy tries hawking me a HDTV monitor...
How long can you watch an ANSWER rally before they bring up Mumia?
Wisecracks are like crack for me.
How about a St. Patrick's day potato thread
Should I go buy some milk tonight? Or wait until Monday?
Ok-Crucify me- I loved "Borat"
Home early... what a boring night.
I'm going to bed....Post here only if you are a big ol Meanie!
What, we're all in for the night? No dates, no parties, no nothin'?
Post your dumbest childhood MTV feel-good youtube video
Scotch experts or aficionado's? I need some help.
so...when I win the lottery tonight-where is the best place for a liberal to live?
i am not irish. but i am drunk.
Winter and Spring --a couple of paintings I'm working on
I have never asked for Lounge Vibes before. Today, I am so humbled. And twofold.
when the NSA and FBI view threads here
It must be Spring - the little bitey cat has left a dead mole on the couch
U of Oregon Wins first Round NCAA
Who's your *LEAST* favorite NCAA men's b-ball coach.
We were told to "Have a Blessed Day" at Walmart today...
World Cup Cricket: Irish eyes are smiling
Obama picks Florida to win title, McCain picks UNC
Someone in the Lounge needs lots of good vibes, white light, etc.
New Moon in Pisces - Sunday, March 18, 9:43pm EST
Dan Millman's MOVIE -- Peaceful Warrior!!!
Blackwater - Bush's Shadow Army
Cindy Sheehan, March on the Pentagon, March 17 2007
Big Brother Does More Than Watch
Inconvenient Truth on Showtime - Now (5pm PST)
Iran to U.S and Western Powers: don't make any "stupid move"
Hello Memphis..I Have Arrived...Checkin In...
Plame-gate: Time to Fire WPost's Hiatt
Check out this delusional Dr*dge teaser:
MS: Dem. Executive Committee denies certification to Dale (D?-Ins. Com) [after Bush support]
102-year-old served with eviction notice, 83-year-old daughter too
"Journey of faith" turns to journey of filth
Check out the ignorant poster "Supportsleftleansright" in today's Detroit
Joe Wilson talks to the Independent on Sunday about the leak case
3216 Reasons Why The DSM is Important
The NYT editors and the art of covering Bush's ass
Hard-core porn interrupts Brokaw broadcast
Large Iraq War Protests Across Spain, Europe's biggest protests
2007 proclaimed as "The Year of Lee"
NYT: In March On Pentagon, Protesters Recall War Anniversaries
Free-Speech Case Divides Bush and Religious Right
Breast-feeding mother protests treatment at restaurant, employee threw dirty dish cloth on her
How much is the Iraq Quagmire costing YOUR local community?
6 US troops killed today, 7 on Fri...Yet they say the surge is working...
White House changes story on prosecutor purge
Four years on, war costs Bush at home and abroad
Want free land? Move to Anderson, Alaska - 26 lots to be given away
Prevent a Military Attack on Iran - a response to the propaganda by the founder of CASMII
Buckwheat is back! 7,080-mile walk/bike/paddle to raise money to buy medical equipment for clinic
U.S. Encourages Israelis To Invest In Iraq - I thought Iraq and Israel were technically still at war
Met Aidan Delgado at the anti-war rally in Sarasota today.
So all you have to do after firing AGs all across the country is apologize?
President, vice president must face inconvenient truth of war in Iraq
My favorite sign from protest today
Where can I find a complete transcript of yesterday's hearing before Waxman's committee?
Federal court grants condemned Arizona man's execution request
About one US Attorney who "played ball"...
Suicide chlorine bombers hit Iraq
Dr. James Knodell, Director of WH Office of Security-who are the "senior management"
Tens of thousands more ANTI-Iraq war protesters than PRO. We're just more patriotic than Freeptards
Officer fired for tasering unconscious man
Marine and a native of Dwight IL Kill in Iraq as we march
Freepers remove 200 names from Iraq memorial
From my Brother on the March Both AP and Reuters gave Coverage to Iraq War Protest
Ski Industry Goes Green to Fight Warming
Something I learned from "The Power of Nightmares"
White House Travel Office firings: SIX investigations by GOP: DOJ, GAO, Starr...
Here's your next assignment. Get creative & crazy:
Rove defends president (With photo to caption)
Real Time w/Bill Maher repeat coming up on HBO2
Half of Indian children victims of abuse
Disappearance of red king crab in Kodiak still a mystery
Insight into the rightwing landfill they call a "brain"...
LA Times gives a major shout out to Josh Marshall
American mothers send breast milk to Africa to help keep babies HIV-free
The Language of the State: Who Decides It's Genocide?
on dying anonymously and in vain in Iraq....
Just heard a soldier say he was warned off stopping torture by Iraq death squads by superiors on CNN
Get tihis: the wingnuts are crying foul because Waxman wouldn't allow VT to
Independent UK: "My Wife, The CIA Agent" by Joe Wilson (Interview)
Why aren't there more DU Antiwar pix from today in DC?
Why are some "controversial" issues considered controversial at all?
Movie "A Face In The Crowd" on TCM in a few minutes.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - this guy nails it in one sentence :)
Photos, Video, & Story Anti-War March in Hollywood
andrew sullivan getting his impeachment on re: plame
Teen drag racers here illegally go back to Mexico (Interesting things to note in this story)
20 years in the service, told he could not retire until he went to iraq for 1 yr - dead
Has anyone asked the D.C. Bar to consider if Gonzales is worthy of membership?
10-Point Plan to Rebuild the US after Bush's Destruction: Redux and Explanation
Frank Rich: The Ides of March 2003
Government (and record companies) move to shut down internet radio:
Speaking of weird looking women disrupting meetings.
"Is America ready for a black president?"
Why did Pelosi make taking Iraq's oil a withdrawal benchmark?
WH fails to turn over US Att'y documents at deadline Fri, 16th: Dems say Bush playing with fire
Larry Johnson:Undercover, Covert, and Classified (Also Hush Hush)
"In our system, the decision to convict is made before the trial, not after."
Did you people not pay attention yesterday? (GI's and Vets?)
Just saw "A Prairie Home Companion" W/ Garrison Keillor & 1 protestor
Staff Sgt Ray Girouard found guilty of negligent homicide...
Pics Pics Pics from today's march
Peace rally in Anchorage today - photos (dial-up warning)
Can You Help Me Understand Something
My report from the march today
On these protests , I have just one question
Mine Union’s Report on the Sago Disaster Contradicts Earlier Findings (NYT) 12 men killed
WaPo: Candidates Try Web Video, And the Reviews Are Mixed
As status quo as status quo can get...?
If we "Fire Alberto" we will put all the blame on him...
Congressional oversight needs to be stepped up (FBI's illegal use of NSLs)
Entering Year 5 of an unpredictable war
As House Moves D.C. Vote Bill, Panel Measures Constitutionality
SAN FRANCISCO Unlicensed contractor charged in labor exploitation case
I think buxh should just fire all of those attorneys. The ones not fired may be even
Interpretation of a Republican TV ad.
George Bush's nephew visiting New York City.
Gonzales! Turd-blossom's Rectum of Justice?
What Is The NUMBER ONE Characteristic A Dem POTUS Candidate Has To Have
So, I'm listening to "On the Media" rip the crap out of Gonzo...
Impeachment? Not for a generation....
Tues, WH will announce if ALLOW Miers, Rove others to testify:
Edwards goes on the offensive (global warming)
Photos, Video, & Story Anti-War March in Hollywood
Does Plame have a license to kill?
AP: Obama Draws 10,000 to Downtown Oakland Rally
Why didn't Fitzgerald expose the fact that there was no WH investigation into the Plame leak?
Gonzales' Struggle Predictable
NYT: 'Bong hits' case divides Bush and religious right
What does this mean when I update my journal?
Obey said, "I know you're from the South, but can you speak faster?''
Why the pile-on of Hillary at DU?
Tracking Maureen Dowd on Al Gore.
Canadian, U.S. and Mexican officials held secretive meeting on integration
Robert Parry: Plame-gate: Time to Fire WPost's Hiatt
Newsweek: Disorder in King George's Court
Thirstier World Likely to See More Violence
In the Name of Improving People's Lives: Mounting Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq
Gonzales emerging as Bush’s creation
truthout: Once More to the Pentagon
Alec Baldwin: There is a Candidate Who is the Answer (awesome!)
WP: Egypt- Opposition Campaign Embodying Bush Vision Now Lies in Pieces
'Traumatized' Iraqis a growing concern
Nurse’s blog stirs dad against war in Iraq
Observer: How the good land turned bad - 4th anniversary of Iraq invasion
DeLay titling his book No Retreat, No Surrender is like Abramoff calling his memoirs Ethics&Honesty
Amid Concerns, FBI Lapses Went On (WaPo)
Iraqi Sunnis plan lobbying operation in Washington (Boston Globe)
Political intervention in prosecutors' duties is a bad mixture, Keating says
Al-Qaeda in Iraq May Not Be Threat Here
Release of Guantanamo Prisoners Undermines U.S. Claims of Threat, Analysis Says
NYT: G.O.P. Anger in Swing State Eased Attorney’s Exit
Army Foresees Natural Gas Crisis
Leak shows BP knew of Texas risk - The Observer
The race to 100 mpg (CNN/PopSci.com) {new X Prize to winner?}
Teenager achieves nuclear fusion at home
Scientists Question Climate Tinkering
Tenn. mine enriched Gore, scarred land
EU Site to Offer Extreme Weather Data
Jason Hill And G. David Tilman on Minnesota prairie biofuels
Xcel solicits proposals for local wind projects (MN)
Luke Metzger: Texas, warm up to solar (OpEd Dallas News)
Bald eagle nest found in Philadelphia - AP
Tens of thousands of Palestinians detained in 40 years of Israeli military rule
TV documentary: Egyptians killed captured IDF troops in 1973 war
West Bank homes for sale here (So. Florida)
Past shared, present shattered
Poll: Over 25% of Israeli Arabs say Holocaust never happened
Statement by Mark Ortiz on fallacy of "accessible" voting
DIEBOLD SELLING E-VOTING? Election Reform, Fraud, & News Sunday 03/18/07
Power shift puts Bush team on defense
Flag, noose exhibit angers veterans group
Large Iraq war protests across Spain
Iraq experts say draft oil industry law fraught with problems
Iraq says TNT traces found in Sunni lawmaker's cars
Feinstein Says Rove WILL get Subpoena
Lawyer to appeal Pearl case conviction
U.S. to allow some contacts with non-Hamas ministers
US 'blocks environment progress'
White House veto threats proliferate
Bush Urged to Develop Overall Nuclear Arms Policy
Gates sidesteps question on Pace apology
U.S. attorney candidate can't practice law
Confession of 9/11 architect backfires on US
Taliban chop drivers' noses, ears in Afghanistan
Iraq experts say draft oil industry law fraught with problems
Poll: Most Iraqis live in fear of violence 4 years after invasion
War protests to move to NY after march on Pentagon
Czech village rejects US radar base
AFP: Russia warns US not to use nuclear issue to change Iran
White House veto threats proliferate
Israel, U.S. scale back war game
Reuters: Gates: "so far, so good" on new U.S. Iraq strategy
Bush adviser decries Democrat Iraq plans (Hadley)
Leahy to push for White House subpoenas
Sunni, not Shiite, militants emerge as biggest threat
Uruguay rejects Bush Trade agreement
Iraq police find 9 decapitated colleagues
Supreme U.S. commander in Europe calls Israel 'model state'
7 US Troops die in Iraq Violence - AP
Taliban say have released Italian journalist
Zimbabwe opposition spokesman attacked (Nelson Chamisa)
AP: US Airways Says Thousands Still Stuck
E&P: Marking 4th Anniversary of War: 'Washington Post' Accepts Some Blame
Walter Reed privatization deal delayed
DeLay absolves himself in his book
Hicks 'given sedative' before being told of charges
Schumer: Gonzales unlikely to survive(people at DOJ want info to come out)
Confession of 9/11 architect backfires on US
New CNN Poll: Confidence In Iraq War Down Sharply ("61% Not Worth Invading")
Subprime lending worries hit home
Colombian leader favors extraditing Chiquita execs
Blair, Bush could face probe at The Hague
is there anyway to effectively combine my rock and rolling all
2:00 and I bid you good night.
Mmmhh -- I like them French-fried potaters
OK, I'm on a movie kick - just saw "Stranger Than Fiction"
I got fucked in Al Haig's driveway.
"Womens' Wellness Expo at the Big Wood Center in Fergus Falls"?
Bleached hair on dark haired men who grow beards
To all those who actually post on DU:
i have that "not so fresh feeling"
Two drifters off to see the wold.
AARRGGHH! Black fly bites! All over my legs and arms!
Good Morning DU! Here's a song to start your day!
It's Tax Time! And I just did all 4 of our returns in less than an
Request for people that live in NCAA tourney venue towns
I got stuck in Al Haig's driveway
After waiting 2 weeks for delivery of our new refrigerator, it's broken.
For those of you that are hung over, some advice
Who else is mad because the 'Casino Royale' DVD lacks DTS sound?
Who wants to come to my coke party?
A little Dropkick Murphys to help with your hangover
‘Microsoft sucks’, says top blogger
Many Boston Plow Drivers Have Poor Records -- "potentially dangerous"
What does M.I.A. mean in hip-hop gangsta talk?
Is it a good idea to buy property without a real estate agent?
I put myself on ignore a while back...
Help an idiot: Cooking question
Another random cooking question.
you know you're from Oklahoma...
Just saw "A Prairie Home Companion" W/ Garrison Keillor & 1 protestor
Solar eclipse heralds Vernal Equinox collapse of Bush Evil Empire
Does one really need a big shiny & expensive degree to get ahead (or even get by) in a field?
So my son came up to me, having watched 'The War at Home', and asked me what a douche bag was...
Ex-girlfriend turns wedding into a brutal fight (VIDEO)
Fauxnews claims Al Gore is going to run
I am looking for a "career change" buddy.
What is the meaning of this song?
Bush and his minions can't suck enough.
Would you ever drink this right from the bottle?
Simon Cowell gets a taste of his own treatment on 60 Minutes tonight?!
What 250 milliom dollars looks like:
I am good at video games, I am intelligent, and I am good with logic problems. So tell me
Last Huzzah for the Celts on St. Paddy's
60 Minutes just PISSES ME OFF!
I can't take my family anywhere.
Seen any fabulous Freeper flameouts lately?
My First Full Day In Memphis...MLK
Apparently, the duck went to Southie last night.
OK, how do you get the stink out of a pair of shoes?
This is a tough time of year up here.
Happy birthday RandomKoolzip & datsafact!!
Receipt with you or in the bag?
Why, oh why, oh why do I keep posting in GD?
Just saw "An Inconvenient Truth".
Eleanor Roosevelt on being "up against a wall."
let me tell you about things i hate
Does anyone here like The Killers?
In keeping with Saint Patrick's day, I met a cute Irish girl last night
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sun 3/18/07)
Whatever's worrying you right now, go to sleep. It'll seems more manageable in the morning.
"Have a Guinness When You're Tired."
I think it may in fact be RandomKoolZips birthday today
So, I finally bought a copy of "From Dusk To Dawn" tonight.
And how are things in Glockamora
Woman in Italy buys bag og potatoes, receives free hand grenade
Spring is coming...New garden pics today...
The Golden Gate Bridge Was Just Destroyed
What robot are you? Take the quiz!!
For those in crispini's Career thread, here are some links:
Post your St. Paddy's day pics...
Female type DUers - does being called Ma'am piss you off?
Appeal to the Lounge fashion gurus... wedding attire?
What should *not miss* if in Nashville, TN for a day (and not a C & W fan)?
I think the Lounge needs some of this:
My Gov's dog is cooler than your gov's dog! St Pat's in Butte, MT (pic heavy)
"The Pornography of Everyday Life"
James Randi loses million dollar challenge
Truth about 666, the beast and the seal of beast
The Jack Rabbit Chess Report for March 18
Boy oh boy. The Big Ten(11) flamed out of the tourney fast
Pluto will be a planet when visible from New Mexico
Larry Scott of VA Watchdog is looking for returning vets who have has Medical Records problems
Stunning recap of how Iraq war unfolded
Biden needs to hire a new joke writer.
Live Blogging JK on Fox News Sunday
Anyone else want to take on Scafe's paper The Tribune Review? It is trashing TMOE.
A Message from Santa the North Pole is melting
WTF!!!!! Well the rethugs have started the mudslinging on Hillary DISGUSTING video bashing Hillary
Brzezinski: George W. Bush Gets a "Failed F."
Fox News co-host exposes Fox News bias
March 19th 2003 according to CNN Money
On Plame, the war, code pink, du, liberals, religion, etc - and the US (a rant of sorts)
Strength Through Diversity - This is the essential foundation of any true people's movement.
Veljko Kadijevic: Former Yugoslav General Indicted for War Crimes Advising the US DoD?
Why do the right wing sites refuse to acknowledge our Iraqi dead
Berkeley...getting naked to save tree grove.
Projected corridor from Mexico would route hundreds of semis daily through one-stoplight Marfa, TX
This next week may be historic
Louvre museum to build branch in UAE
International ANSWER... I know, I know the question is asked
Problems for the US missile shield?
WJ this morning: Oh look at those protests
VIDEO: Actor Martin Sheen joins 6,000 at Hollywood & Vine Protest (KABC Los Angeles)
Woman dies after police restrain her at group home
* * Is the traditional "document dump" doomed? * *
Ted Haggard's troubling behavior, including in front of Alexandra Pelosi's cameras, was overlooked
Kristof Pleads for More Debate Over U.S. Embrace of Israel
3,216 now dead in W's war of Choice
Mornin DU, peace rally/march photos
FBI Stalled and Used DENIAL/POSTPONEMENT/COVER-UP Tactics To Continue To Spy On 1000s Of Americans
According to U.S. Military Theory, We Can't Win in Iraq - "Lose Moral Legitimacy, Lose the War."
Bush suddenly remembers where he put his veto pen
A few photos from Fayetteville 2007 Peace March
To all those who actually post on DU:
Tom DeLay coming up on MTP. Is he in shackles & chains?
David Shuster acting weirdly this AM:
Not billions but TRILLIONS, and just look who lost it.
Everything Bushco related that Congress has looked at has had problems
The Bush Gonzales relationship
Did Bush's Australian lap dog almost get shot down over Iraq? Sounds like it
steffie's show and guest selection
sunday tweety - top story? it's rudy!!!!!
WTF Is Tom DeLay Doing on MTP? BS-ing on WMDs, Terror Camps in Iraq, etc.
Who cares if Gonzales resigns?
Albertogate--What legal charges can come from this?
Iraq is a Failure, not a Defeat
Perle --Reason # 14 of why we went into Iraq, Saddam Had To Be Removed...
Church youth leader arrested on charges of molesting girls
Who else had success in local marches/rallies on Mar. 17?
'D.C. Madam' Ordered Not to Sell 'Little Black Book' to Media
This is the man the WH sent to negotiate with Democrats on USA dismissals
Jesus H. Sunday, Why In The Hell Are delay and pearle On MTP?
What a crew!!1 Hadley, Brazile, & Waterston on Stepanopoulis
Cong. Black Caucus is working with FoxNews to host a Democratic debate
Iraq gas attack makes hundreds ill | U.S. protests
Colorado farm owners replace immigrant labor with 'chain gangs'
Four Years of war by the numbers - incredible breakdown by StarTribune
We do not need to impeach Gonzales We need a Resolution on Confidence
Glen Beck is on Reliable Sources begging to be treated as
News you probably didn't hear about - White House threatens to veto pro-whistleblower bill
Hahaha don't you just love Tom Delay and Richard Perle? LOL
What exactly did Karl Rove mean by his comment "She is fair game"?
DeLay & Perle on MTP show how chickenshit the republican leaders are.
"U.S. approach to counter-terrorism is that 'enemies simply need to be killed or imprisoned'"
Compare these pics, and tell me....
"Leahy to Push for White House Subpoenas"
A fiercely loyal, longtime DUer just passed away
Josh Marshall gets credit on This Week for busting AG on Attorney scandal!
What would another Great Depression look like? Here's one view...
NYT editorial, "The Army, After Iraq": Repairing the damage Bush has inflicted on our Army
Now they are trying to say the Iraq war is a bargain...
Wow, check out this pic of Obama speech in Oakland
Too soon to weigh impact of troop 'surge' in Iraq: Gates (AFP)
So who DID review the USAs and find them underperforming?
Iraq violence blunts US claims
Executive Privilege (another flashback)
There ain't no gays in this man's A-R-M-Y!
Analyzing the Surge: A Creeping Suspicion
All dem Senators from Republican Governor States should hire 24 BODY GUARDS
Iglesias: My Firing Was A ‘Political Hit’
TOON: Sunday's Doonesbury - "Join The U.S. State Department! Openings At The Embassy In Baghdad!"
Will someone please define "freedom" for me?
Attention right wing idiots, the country you despise has had a right wing government for years.
Veterans groups fight for homelessness funding
GD, please watch this short video trailer, and then listen to what Granny says at the end . . .
4-Year Iraq War Anniversary Protest Coverage In Sydney Morning-Herald (PHOTO & word 'Impeachment')
Senator says Libby trial should have never happened
The "left wing blogs" get credit for Gonzalez losing his job.
Kevin Sessums and the Power of Sissydom
Jeffrey MacDonald: A Time For Truth
Where have all the militias gone...
Contractors rarely face disciplinary action in Iraq
Rep. Delahunt to investigate immigration raid fiasco
Western Shoshone Nation Fights For Environment - Against Administration
VIDEO: Sestak, Andrews Dominate Debate With Tom DeLay and Richard Perle
Hundreds Arrested At White House Christian Anti-War Protest
Today's video from the backward, repressed Middle East...
Why does he look so awkardly STUPID in 90% of the photos taken of him?
Bjorn Lomborg is now also a witness with Mr. Gore this Wednesday (?)
Meet the 11.5 French presidential candidates
Why is Waxman Not On Sunday Morning Talk Shows?
Helen Thomas regains her front-row seat in WH press room (guess who got booted)
Too Funny! Tom Delay Will Be On Meet The Press this morning
TahitiNut launched a level 10 snark rocket @ Brit Hume
How Does Bush Plan to Mark the War's Fourth Year?
Ben Stein on CBS Sunday Morning just now : 'buy mortgage stocks now and you'll be glad you did'
Fashion Critique for the House of Cheney & Clintona: Pink Bhurkas Make for Lousy Camo
Carville On Late Edition Nailing The US Attorney Issue
4 Years Ago: A Press Briefing on the Eve of War
Al Gore To Headline PBS Celebration of Teaching And Learning
AP article asks: Is the Iraq war a relative bargain?
The framers of the Constitution were not stupid, but the document contains some monumental screw-ups
Diane Watson is on kpfk right now
Gore Advisor:"He lost a few pounds, Hillary can read into that what she wants"
Syria has had a Technological Disaster
MSNBC: Teacher who seduced boy sentenced to 10 years (talk about obvious MSM hypocricy!)
Republican support for Gonzales erodes ( another fall guy for Rove?)
Kagen's views on troop withdrawl draw cheers in Kaukauna
Time to investigate why reconstruction of Iraq is going slower than molasses
Advocates Praise FDA's Choice to Fund Office of Women's Health
Waxman/Plame hearing on C-Span1 now...
Who else had success in local marches/rallies on Mar. 17?
We are starting our 5th year of the war in Iraq.
So the impression I'm getting from the Main Stream Media is
Donald Trump "it's all a big stinking lie" r.e. the Bush Adm
Stars & Stripes letters: Won't sit down for "stand up" (Ann Coulter)
RADICAL FRINGE TOON Sun. 3/18 - White House to Purify?
Senator Tim Johnson seems to improve quite nicely. Sorry Freepers.
Why do you think so few Presidents have been impeached? Here is why...
The completely unassailable RW talking point which can never be defeated
AOL Polls on the war and protests
It's the Senate's turn to have Plame hearings
What do you think is most likely, if you saw a "I reget my abortion" bumper sticker?
Global warming, meteors, nuclear war, peak oil, genetic crops,...all doom and gloom for decades
More photos Anti-War March, Hollywood -dail up warning
The question you'd most like to see put to Gonzo, under oath?
Firemen douse Rudy’s image as 9/11 hero
The guy may as well have been making rabbit ears over Valerie
This week in Senate Judiciary Cmte: War profiteering, Patriot Act abuses and more
Was anyone here in New york...
VIDEO | Hollywood mobilizes against war (Martin Sheen, Laura Dern) (France24/AFP)
Waxman's cmte on Monday: Political Interference with Climate Change Science
FYI, the membership of the joint cmte. President Gore will be testifying to
Warming World is Harming Crops - but offset by genetic crops and better farming
Barbara Bush -- disgusting!!!! (Like mother, like son)
Think Progress: Iglesias On Fox News Sunday - My Firing Was A "Political Hit"
3218 Reasons Why The DSM is Important
We had over a thousand at San Diego's march yesterday.
Any guesstimates on numbers at yesterday's march?
Schumer Says Former Gonzales Aide May Testify About Firings
On 300 and partisan eyes part two
Play the devil's advocate: I still say the timetable argument is totally illogical !
Just watched three films today , man I tell you
Why wasn't Waxman on the Sunday shows?
This is a volunteer military. No one forced them to enlist, and I don't see many refusing to serve
Walter Reed was selected for privatization in 2003.
NPR spotlights "First U.S. Casualty in Iraq"
Flag, noose exhibit angers veterans group
NBC Nightly News...Gives Tom DeLay airtime..Clip from MTP
Receipt with you or in the bag?
What do we win, if we win in Iraq?
Al Gore in the House (and the Senate)
Schumer: Gonzales Unlikely To Survive
Peace forces take over recruiting center
Right wingers making a big deal out of this. Anyone have a response?
Obit: Ida Honorof, radio host who investigated pesticide contamination
Who looks more like death warmed over?
Oops! I've been chatty today and my 1000th post almost snuck up on me!
Ya think Miss Vickie is on the short list for new AG?
McCain doesn't know about condoms and preventing H.I.V.
Specter...evil bastard to the end on Faux re; Patriot act, the USA issue and Schumer
Need a list of RW media figureheads/talking heads
Presidential candidates on myspace (the kids don't like the Repubs very much)
Lets hear it for Ralph Nader and Code Pink!
What a Repub said about the US atty situation....
Thank you, George Stephanopoulos
Doesn't anybody want to yell at MTP/NBC re booking DeLay?
Everyone is missing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's true message.
Perle and Delay Need To Be Arrested Not treated as honored Talk Show Guests
Lots of same-sex couples featured on HGTV - AWESOME
need help please. the person who posted on friday about the pet food recall also posted a link
A great article on complicity in religion in the LA Times:
FOX: Hume: Valerie Plame LIED Under Oath
For those who listened to the Malloy show friday night
Billboard's 'Captivity' audience disgusted
Utah papers won't leave this alone: Right-hand man now a scapegoat?
Feinstein Says Rove WILL get Subpoena
Pretty good synopsis of my feelings about Clinton: HuffPo
Freepers - Midge Potts ran for Congress as a REPUBLICAN
We are doomed! No...really...we are...
Leading Southern Baptist suggests hormone patch for expectant mothers to prevent gayness
NEWSWEEK: Gore isn't running. But in fact he is.
While we were protesting the Iraq War here in the U. S.
WaPo: 4 Years After Start of War, Anger Reigns
Pastor convicted of molesting a teenage boy
Larry Johnson: Undercover, Covert, and Classified (Also Hush Hush)
Pix from yesterday's peace rally & march in Toronto (dial-up warning)
Does anyone know anything about railroad track safety regulations?
Commander Bush is Hamstrung by Democracy
A Big Diff Between Watergate and the Bushgate Scandals...
Sibel Edmonds: we aren't safe today. you can help.
Reclaiming What Makes Us Human
too funny: Rudy in drag gets smooched by Donald Trump! (video)
Bush U.S. Attorney nominee CAN'T PRACTICE LAW.
Please tell him about charging soldiers for uniforms when injured....
I've figured out something that had given me road rage many times.
Do YOU support the death of between 2 and 5 billion people?
Mobile Veterans for Peace Rally (dial-up warning, lots of photos)
URGENT: Vote in the MoveOn Poll (pass it on)
I am told that my views are "radical" and "controversial"
Is something fishy about yet another USA's departure?
Caught offguard today - a woman said "Have a blessed day"... I truly had no idea
The MSM has successfully minimized the Plame hearings, and parade delay and Perle on MTP
DKos Diary by Mayor Rocky Anderson, Speech at "March on the Pentagon"
In Defense of Midge Potts (Code Pink Protester)
Uproar hits Fla. Confederate flag show
Woman who stole baby in Texas had two miscarriages and wanted a baby for "years"....
What's with the "I Regret My Abortion" bumper stickers?
The left's Roe v. Wade: Corporate Speech is not 'Free Speech' (overturning Santa Clara Co. v. So.PR)
WOW! Did you just hear Bob Schieffer's comment at the end of his show?
Contractors Sought for Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): Too Few Soldiers Stateside to Implement
I wish there was a law that opposed
Is Alberto Gonzales still pleasuring the President?
What would be the effects of a catastrophic volcanic eruption on global warming?
Meanwhile, in the James Baker Cone of Silence, AG Candidate Interviews Are Underway...
Uproar hits Fla. Confederate flag show
I was diagnosed with cancer on friday. Female DUers (et.al.) please check in; especially those 50+
This coming Wednesday it will be Al Gore facing off against Freakoid Jim Inhofe.
An urgent call to cat lovers!!
"There is a price to be paid for candor"...Howard Dean 2004
300.... Is the most insulting movie I have ever seen.
Rolling Thunder get a taste of pay back
Al Gore On Capitol Hill Is The Defining Moment of His Life
Prediction: Gonzales gone by the end of the week.
7 Year Old Handcuffed, Arrested & Booked For - Sitting on a Dirt Bike on the Side Walk
New PeaceTakesCourage Video: Our Choice!
they printed my letter about helping the least among us
Trump: "Bush worst President, Iraq biggest U.S. Disaster."
A DU collaborative investigation: National Energy Policy Development Group/NEPDG
About Binka: Does Anyone Here Have Personal Contact With DUer Binka?
Al Qaeda "safe-haven" built by Halliburton.
tainted Dog/Cat food story. Why so few facts?
Edwards presents ‘big ideas’ in addressing U.S., world poverty (Concord Monitor)
Professor Testifies Before Congress: Protecting The Right To Vote.....
The other Massachusetts Republicker running for President
Check Out These Articles To Be Released this Week......dr. elsewhere here
What's the status on the Draft Gore initiative?
Straight-talking McCain vows to fix world's view of the 'ugly American'
Did Anyone Notice That KKKarl Uses The Phrase "Pleasure Of The pResident," And
A plurality call themselves DEMOCRATS.
I hope Newt Gingrich runs for President
Video: Iglesias: My Firing Was A ‘Political Hit’ (faux)
Why is Tom Delaid brain on Meet The Press
Rev. Jesse Jackson to Push for Improved Working Conditions, Patient Care Protections at LA Hospital
Jeff Cohen 1993: Clintons vs. Insurance Industry: A Media Myth
Power shift puts Bush team on defense
Parsing Hillary Clinton on Iraq (5 Letters)
Get the kids out of the room and watch Stovepipe Johnson rip up McCain! (video)
Another US Attorney who ought to be investigated.
GOP's Remaining Talking Point: CIA's Fault We Outed Plame
Excitement surrounds Obama's visit to Oakland
Meet the Press studios surely need a cleansing ceremony now.
Party Before Country - the motto of the Bush Administration
Oust the Bush regime before Iran becomes a threat
War milestone marked by tombstones (link goes to pictures of 4th anniverary display)
Victoria Toensing specifically said, "I wrote the law" when she testified?
Seems to me there's a good chance of Bush delaying impeachment until after he's gone.
Will /can someone please explain to me why
Amid Concerns, FBI Lapses Went On-Records Collection Brought Internal Questions But Little Scrutiny
Even Gates now says it: "This is not going to be solved by the military."
Glen Greenwald: The significance of the FBI's law-breaking
No to the Iraq supplemental spending bill! truemajority campaign here: please sign on.
From now on lets call them anti-peace demonstrators
They Put Me On A Political Hit list: US Attorney
colo spgs police rough up 65 year old peace protestor
Take hope, Clarkies! Proof of netroots influence.
I swear, every single time they continue to say "She was not covert"
On Recapturing The Language Of Liberalism
Will Voter Fatigue Figure In Long 2008 Campaign?
Stunning recap of how Bush's approach to Iraq failed, and the idiocy of escalation.
Giuliani Defends Firm's Work for Citgo (AP)
MySpace to help elect next president?
Donald Trump critique of George Bush (YouTube)
Tom DeLay was on today's Meet The Press because:
McCain is in Trouble, but It's Still Early
Hume Launches New Smear: Valerie Plame Lied Under Oath
57% said they think Obama's middle name
Joe, Val, Wilson and family moved to Sante Fe, NM.
Bob Perry (SBVT backer) joins Romney.
I've got some BITCHING' to do RE: World Net Daily
Rate left-leaning media's ability to push a story into the mainstream from 1997-2007
We had dinner last weekend with some Republican friends, nevermore?
Leahy intends to push ahead with White House subpoenas
Sibel Edmonds - Brewster Jennings - ATC - AIPAC
mass consciousness and a pink tiara
Wanna know why I support ANY candidate in the current 08' field?
New Zogby on Candidates' negatives
What I want to know about the Plame outing and her appearance:
Newsweek: Gore on the Un-Campaign Trail
colo spgs police rough up 65 year old peace protestor--more pics
how did they get this shit to FLY?!
Mr. Limbaugh since you like to read the DU...
Dean in CA: ""The Bush people rely on us to be chicken to talk about the tough issues."
"Plame Outed As Non-Covert CIA Employee" YouTube clip
Sharpened Edwards ahead in Iowa (new outlook is winning support)
A scary kind of anger...picture and article from WP..pro-war does not want free speech.
An Intolerant Minority - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Bush aides try to "stop the bleeding" from Gonzales firings before Rove, Bush himself endangered
Should Wesley Clark Run For President ?