Democratic Underground

Archives: December 1, 2008

"...can't hardly wait ta git back..."

Iraq-- the BUSHIT stain on our flag

Glacial ice melting at alarming rate: researchers

In These Times: Monsanto Beets Down Opposition

MarketWatch: Worst job losses in almost three decades expected

Guardian UK: Unhealthy incomes

You're Invited to a Rally with Ludacris and Others

Fascinating Idea: A Dam Across St. Lawrence Island?

Which comic character do you think most resembles bush?

Sarah What's-Her-Name's Hometown Paper BLASTS Her Re: Campaiging For ChickenHawks!

Is gay the new black? Marriage ban spurs debate

Bush's Delusional Take on His Legacy

I Hope Wal-Mart Takes A Hit For This Whether They're Guilty Or Not

I was right 13 years ago, and I'm right now

Deccan Mujahideen email threatens Delhi

Anything Into Ethanol (Except Energy Sinks Like Corn)

Very cool sight in the western sky. Looks like Mercury and Venus

Press and "Psy Ops" to merge at NATO Afghan HQ: sources

"Two things fill the mind with ever increasing wonder and awe....

News Article: Mumbai Massacre Carried out by Brits

Has his Old Man been Hitting the Coffee Again? Well, its time for Sanka!

Muslims condemn Mumbai attacks, worry about image

Washington Plans Mass Slaughter of America's Mustangs

Pro Prop 8 group: Couldn't have done it without the Mormons!

Twilight movie

Pakistan may shift forces away from the Afghan border: The Guardian:

"Obama is not yet ready to name his intelligence advisers,"

The perfect Christmas gift for all you Christmas haters out there...

Knowing what you "know now" ~ into the future....what do you "think of this guy's resume/credentials

Humor: Lost bible verses about Christmas (black weekend edition)

Please DU this Story!!

Just turn around and LOOK, you idiots! Quit talking all the time and LOOK RIGHT BEHIND you!

Right Wing Lies Exposed

Wow. Seattle Is About To Get An Injection Of About 19,000 Smart People Into Its Job Market....

Monday will be the last day for a peaceful resolution in Thailand

Andy Rooney: A Cheap Bastard

PBS Frontline Editors' Notes - Mumbai: The Pakistan Connection

Should online gambling be illegal?

Venus and Jupiter

I saw President-elect Obama last Wednesday.

Nostradamus on this past week's events

Palin visits airshow in New Jersey

Palin visits airshow in New Jersey

Terrorist Victims were Tortured ? "the Israeli victims bore the maximum torture marks"

The Anti-Grinch

I miss Top Ten Conservative Idiots...

Columbus Dispatch: Kilroy counting on uncounted ballots (Dem House Majority may swell to 257)

COMPARE Reuters and AP stories:

Columbus Dispatch: Kilroy counting on uncounted ballots (Dem House Majority may swell to 257)

Warnings of Mumbai Attack Ignored

Mumbai Attacks - City Fears Five Terrorists Are 'Missing'

AlterNet: Health Care: It's Time for a Major Overhaul

Archway: Avalanche of costs led to closing (cookie company)

Michael Medved LOVES the Hillary appointment!

Mods, pls delete, there was some kind of quirk posting error

How to Find out the Hidden Secrets of the Bush Administration

Hmm. My Pakistani stepdad said the following about the Mumbai shootings:

Oh gawd, on MJ Mark Halperin just asked Annie Liebowitz to photograph him with his IPhone!

NATO trucks attacked in Pakistan; bomber kills 8

From slavery to the White House

MSNBC willl have live coverage of Sarah Palin throughout the day

Are you in favor of a playoff in Division 1 College Football?

I turn on TV and Sarah Failing is on damn it

Mumbai police bought luxury cars not new weapons

Breaking: FBI: Birmingham Mayor arrested on federal charges

JPM to announce layoffs of WAMU employees.

Daily Beast-MTP: Give it to Rachel Maddow, Josh Marshall or Glenn Greenwald?

Daily Beast-MTP: Give it to Rachel Maddow, Josh Marshall or Glenn Greenwald?

Today is World AIDS Day. What are you doing?

My favorite Christmas animated special is "A Charlie Brown Christmas" what's yours?

Why is the Wasilla Wolf Killa still in our lives?

All bow and pray to the God of money

U.S. Breaks International Pledge Not to Recruit Children Under 17

PHOTO: Lydia Wilkins, 104, casts her vote

**** Heads Up - Obama about to announce new cabinet positions on MSNBC ****

I love you President Obama

Systemic failure seen in India's response to attacks

Citigroup spending your tax dollars and taking on more debt

What excuse will Paulson use to get remaining $350 billion of bailout money??

surge update - Two Bombings Kill at Least 30 Iraqis

Why are Republicans so unable to understand the terms accountability and competence?

CNN Pitches a Cheaper Wire Service to Newspapers

Greenhouse gases will heat up planet 'for ever'

If You Have A Friend In Georgia Please Give Them A Call Today

Anyone else think we could have done better with $8.8 TRILLION ,,,,

The world is made up of ALL types.

Robert Kennedy only 4th man to win Harvard? Award

Republicans Just Can't Stop Picking Partisan Fights

Time for the Government to mount a hostile take over of the Auto company's

Freedom From Speech

Freedom From Speech

George and Laura will spend remaining time of Presidency re-defining his image.

Will Bill Clinton get Hillary's senate seat?

Tina Brown says give Meet the Press to Rachel Maddow.

Ninth Anniversary of Seattle WTO Protests: New Videos Released

I know the Obamas do not have a puppy yet, but I do.

I know the Obamas do not have a puppy yet, but I do.

Doctors: Terrorists' Torture of Jewish Victims 'Beyond Words'

Bush: "I think it's going to be real important for me to get off the stage"

People are fucking stupid...

We try our damndest to strip terrorists of their humanity.

Breaking News 12:32 PM ET: It’s Official: U.S. Economy in Recession

Liberals to keep pressure on Obama for results

The Left unites in Canada......

CNN Breaking (Email)

CNN Breaking (Email)

President George W. Bush to Receive 'International Medal of Peace' on 20th World AIDS Day

Gee, here I was feeling a little good about Obama's team

Someone help me out here because I'm really confused. Doesn't Sarah Palin have a day job?

This is a program the military is using to prevent suicide -

Does anyone know if Obama will make the FEMA head a cabinet position,

With Democrats you get "Tax and Spend" with Republicans you get "Borrow and Spend" but the differenc

With Democrats you get "Tax and Spend" with Republicans you get "Borrow and Spend" but the differenc

Raise your voice for Sanity And Peace..We must end the war in Afghanistan.

Raise your voice for Sanity And Peace..We must end the war in Afghanistan.

All Clinton, no Gates?

China says 290000 children sickened by milk products

There is nothing wrong with my greed, fake religion, torture and deregulation

I'm Not Post-Racial

Another congressional seat to be decided this Saturday

Australia Government not sending ship to monitor Japanese Whaling in Antarctic Sanctuary

Hillary's Success As SoS Depends On The Appointment Of A Good Manager As Deputy

Zoo Teams Up With Creation Museum - Shame on the Cincinnati Zoo

Why is it that recessions have a nasty habit of timing themselves to embarrass the GOP?

recession? depression?

How Easy Is It To Buy A Gun Where You Live

Paulson looks like he's speaking from the gates of hell

Breaking down the "He kept us safe for 8 years" meme. What President hasn't?

Why do we REALLY need 20,000 troops deployed to state side?

Let me get this straight...The FED can loan as much money as they want...

Have we heard anything about a potential Secretary of Labor?

Dear friends! Have you never heard the saying "Two steps forward, one step back"?

It's official: U.S. is in recession

George Bush did NOT keep us safe for eight years.

Bush says some voters backed Obama ‘because of me’

The good news is the DOW closed above 8000

Have you read "The Prosecution of George W Bush for murder" by Vincent Bugliosi?

Remember: The Corporate Media, not Public Opinion, defines the Political Center...

Spinning Black Friday Retail Sales

sorry if this was already posted....But police are going after the shoppers?

How can we start a secret santa/giving tree type thing on DU?

India Knew Those Mumbai Attacks Were Coming - The Gateway of India

India Knew Those Mumbai Attacks Were Coming - The Gateway of India

Who watched Obama's presser earlier today ....... can you even IMAGINE what that might ........

Has Prezdent Monkeypants admitted yet that we are in a recession?

Clash of the titans: Olbermann vs. Maddow, which do you prefer?

What do you think DUers were MOST concerned with this long holiday weekend?

Gays march in Haiti for first time

And we thought McDonald's was just about bad food

I have to shop at Wal-Mart, torture people, pray to a fake god, remain stupid

So .... the feds are now saying we've been in a recession since Dec 2007?

George W. Bush Belongs in Prison

NYT: Lowey Not Interested in Succeeding Clinton

Cincinnati Zoo selling 'Combo tickets' with Creation museum (Motto: "Prepare to Believe!")

Lookie what Sarah's been up to...

dow -651

Venice is hit by serious flooding

Conservative Crowd Cheers When Palin Mentions 9/11

Democracy v. Liberty: The Paradox of the California Referendum System

Let me tell you a little bit about Ethical Consumerism

Tweety decides that Obama's "diverse" cabinet is kinda like United Fucking Colors of BENETTON

NYT misleads on Taliban role in opium trade

3-4 pm / It is the Dreaded Hour at the Stock Market - this has been discussed for weeks now

Hey kids, get in on the fun! Play the Clinton was a bad president game.

Things I learned from right-wing extremists

USA steel production down 43.3% from same period

USA steel production down 43.3% from same period

My retort to the Bush interview on ABC

Republicans utterly bankrupt morally - more political prosecutions

It is possible to move beyond the Hillary anger and be happy with Obama's choice --- I have.

How does Palin "energize the base"?

How does Palin "energize the base"?

Why I am against nuclear power

Canadians, a woman from Haiti representing a woman from England is going to decide our future

Job martys, is it discrimination

I just found out my uncle is a real nutjob...

When is Bristol's kid due? When was the wedding? I never got my invite. Did you?

FBI arrests Birmingham, Alabama, mayor

Students For Equality: Nationwide walkout of class 9am Dec 3rd.

Obama is announcing and Palin is campaigning for Chambliss.

Obama is announcing and Palin is campaigning for Chambliss.

Kiva loans -- who here has made them?

Parents: Slain anchorwoman was sexually assaulted

Urgent e-mail plea from Jim Martin (Dem. candidate for US Senate running against Chambliss).

Harvard to honor Kennedy with an honorary degree. Biden, other pols to attend.

DC Likely to Gain Voting Member of Congress

Why do they schedule 60 MInutes for 7:00?

Why do they schedule 60 MInutes for 7:00?

The Ethical Consumerist Report - Demand for sushi endangers tuna

Tina Fey explains her facial scar: when she was five years old she was slashed by a stranger

Explain why not a single top member of Obama's foreign policy/national security team opposed the war

Bush History-Military and Bush Insiders: Iraq War was "a strategic error ... unnecessary" 12/1

MC Karl Rove's most faithful groupie David Gregory To Moderate "Meet The Press"

Chavez proposes re-election

Indian officials quitting left and right---How many American officials quit after 9/11 and Katrina?

Papua New Guinea women kill male babies to end tribal war

Did you know that homosexuals are not harassed, intimidated or threatened?

Did you know that homosexuals are not harassed, intimidated or threatened?

Franken May Appeal To Senate, Courts

How soon after inaugurated will Pres. Obama submit the Iraq Status of Forces Agreement to Congress

Bush: 'I Was Unprepared For War' (ABC Interview to Air Tonight)

Is It Possible To Support Barack Obama While Still Belonging To DU?

Your FAVORITE menu item at the George W. Bush Presidential LIE-berry cafeteria-slash-gift shop

Nobody **really** thinks Obama's a flaming liberal, do t hey?

A Star Has Dimmed/The Light's Gone Out in Georgia

Warning from a retail veteran: It might be a very good idea NOT to publicize your polite-language

Pres. Elect Obama & Sen. Hillary Clinton PICS from this morning:

If you MUST shop for the holidays, this site is awesome...

Sunday Dental Thread Returns! I am no longer a Professional,

Report: Rove Deeply Involved in U.S. Attorney Firings

Helen Thomas says it's a depression


Regarding WalMart: Liabilty and responsibility are two entirely different things--and WM is LIABLE..

Weird and new stuff happening in Canada right now.... the left wing is uniting to toss out the cons

My Problem with Banks Abruptly Reducing Credit Card Line Limits

DOW falls off the cliff again... down 680.

Boycott Dadeland Mall

"Gonna donate 'em to charity, oh, you betcha"..Sarah "Maverick" Palin Still Wearin' Campaign Clothes

Kentucky anti-terror law requires God be acknowledged

Larisa Alexandrovna: Treasury Dept Investigating Bush U.S. Attorney for Leaking Target's Tax Returns

PHOTOS: Bush interviewed by Pastor Rick Warren after being given "International Medal of PEACE"

A Nobility of Spirit

What states make up the Mid-west?

My mom just blamed me being gay on my easy-bake oven.

Stand by Songweaver Amy Carol Webb- needs DU help - pls Rate It Up and Pass it On

Galbraith: US-Iraq Security Agreement Is ‘Stunning and Humiliating’ for Bush

Plea deal offered to 8-year-old murder suspect

it is three o' much worse will it get?

The Rude Pundit: Obama's Cabinet Choices Are Shut the Fuck Up

Ru-Row....Consumer Credit Lines To Dry Up in 2009

Best place to spend shopping on Black Friday.

This fervently anti-war Clinton basher is fine with her as SOS

But It's Okay, See, 'Cause He's a BAAAAD Person...

Why Prosperity Requires a Welfare State


1 in 5 young adults has a personality disorder !

Leahy Pledges To Investigate Bushco: ‘Torture will be a major issue-All that’s going to be reviewed’

Do you support the continued occupation of Iraq? Obama just said we WILL NOT WITHDRAW completely.

aWol officially hits rock bottom

Y'all need some learnin'.

Always remember why the windows are open in the security vehicles leading and tailing Obama's car

"We're fighting two wars"

Some Things You May Have Missed Over Thanksgiving (Howard Dean, O'Reilly, Dumb Politicians & More)

The Virtuous Woman - SLAVERY IS NOT WRONG

The Virtuous Woman - SLAVERY IS NOT WRONG

FYI: General Wesley Clark's Son Is Guest Hosting TYT Today. He'll be joined by...

I Would Still Like To See Impeachment

I Would Still Like To See Impeachment

Wyeth Employee Balks At Outsourcing & Gets Fired

Courage to Dissent: Attacking Obama vs. Criticizing a Choice

Helen lets another one rip: "28% of Americans don’t think Sarah Palin is an Idiot"

As Congress Lay Dying

If You Just Listened Very Closely To Dana Perino You Wouldn't Be Smiling Now

Have any of you posted a comment at

Getting short-shrifted at the grocery store

Bush's White House sent *this* invitation to Jewish leaders for the Hanukkah reception

Here's one Obama supporter who sees no reason for the ferocious primary fight with Clinton

Andy Gibb is a Bad Ass.

I only WISH the Democrats had this much SPINE

JEB Bush urges GOP to create a “shadow government” during the Obama admin

Local PBS stations have a begathon again...

zOMG. Teh Patriots are getting PWNED!

Tweet has been reading DU and some arguments made by some of us

Psssttt... Walmart Has Thousands Of Stores. They All Market Too. They All Had Sales. No One Died.

By pressing down a special key, it plays a little melody

War on Christmas! I am with Santy Claus! HO HO HO!! Put up your damn lights!

Why do the networks not allow enough time for a game?

Looking for something when it was right in front of me the entire time....

Is The Dark Knight the best American film of 2008?

No, health care reform should not allow you to keep your employer's plan, even if you like it

No, health care reform should not allow you to keep your employer's plan, even if you like it

The Simpsons tonight - is Marge is wearing Michelle Obama's dress

** Offical turtlensue DeadSkin thread ** Seriesly!!

The Guthrie family will be bookending my holiday

Official "Conservatives are out of power in Canada" party thread! Complete with party music!)

If you married HypnoToad

The lost world of Conservatives

The Obama "Dream Team": Rubin-clones And Other Fakers

What's the most unusual thing you've ever deep fried?

Recurrent Thanksgiving woes

Do You Support Obama's Planned Troop Surge in Afghanistan?

WTF? I just tried to log onto

What YouTube video are you watching now?

Am shopping on EBay for Bunco Wine Gear! Ask me anything!

Anne and Nancy Wilson (Heart) Still Lookin' and Soundin' good.

Could someone please just kill me...NOW?

J-E-T-S... (spoiler)

Any fans of Chrono Trigger? If so, you should pick up the remake for the Nintendo DS.

I created some bad turbulence today.

What's your best latest basic science findings websites? How about a tech site?

It's cold enough to freeze my Tauntaun!

Who started this "Have a blessed day" thing, anyway?

I just put ingredients into the never before used bread maker.

I tried texting today for the first time...

I'm shopping on EBay. Ask me anything.

Sonic BOOM

Christmas Is Bullshit

A priceless kitteh expression (pic). Feel free to caption.

I am vindicated. My cake baking skills appeared to be in jeapordy on Friday

Must-see America!

Does anyone know how The Amazing Race ended tonight?

Who is stupider as far as color commentary goes?


FUCK!!! no no no no no!!!!

Who here feels excessive guilt about everything?

Help me prove that Santa is in fact dead! ( Post proof here)

would you eat what he eats? check this out.

One week from tonight: Your 8-4 Baltimore Ravens take on the 7-5 Washington Redskins...

Who else likes The Smiths?

I had an old school hometown Sunday today....

How to lose friends and alienate people was SOOO funny

Okay, I'm officially a character in "Idiocracy"

OK, that 3 Minutes on the Beach game!!!!

And now.... selections from the greatest Christmas album ever recorded.

What are we calling the battle on the front page of DU

My son called me today

Dean and Borosage: words to progressive groups from 2004, 2005.....just as pertinent in 2008.


I'm home.

Introducing a friend a mine, the newest DUer...

I just used a Neti Pot for the first time

Favorite DU exclamation of disbelief?

I have this problem with cashews. Gesundheit.

My First Du Thread !!!! Britney vid

You'd think so, but nope!

Who else here is of the opinion that drugs are ALOT of fun, but you don't do them?

"High Class In Borrowed Shoes"

Name five LIVING non-Republicans dumber than Plaxico Burress. Darwin Award winners do not count.

Anybody here watch Sordid Lives?

Anyone have any CyberMonday links?

A little late, but more pictures from Election Night

That same tire was flat this morning.

my take on this past weekends shopping experience...

Good morning Lounge

I don't want your guns....

It's such a relief

!!! ***CLICK ON ME*** !!!

Real or Fake?

Daily LOLBilly of the day.

Women or cross-dressing men... a question.

I'm going to be in Times Square. What Chinese Restaurant do you suggest I visit?

this is not a sex thread, but seriously... "Nipples"

I haven't seen LP or SA around since the massacre in Mumbai.

If you were king/queen of the world, what previously verboten thing would you allow?

Most creative sandwich you've ever made.

This may be the cheesiest way to buy gifts but money is tight

Ok, so I watched 4 straight hours of "Whale Wars" on Animal Planet

I'm interviewing this guy who has donated literally

I'm baaaaaaaack! Did I miss anything?

Great Scott!

Baby nearly drowned by watered-down formula ("pro-lifers" created this economic crisis, mind you)

Great Scotch

I've got a technology craving

What do you think about asking Skinner for a "Morning Whiskey and Potato Chip" Forum?

Watch this and have a geekgasm.

Great Scratch!

Flew in some bad turbulence today.

Obama - Never gonna give you up

Is there anything I can do for a business, getting unwanted calls

Favorite exclamation of disbelief?

Oh, dear God.

Should we recycle urine?

Dammit, I think I have a small animal, most likely a squirrel, in my pants...

Drove in some bad flatulence today

I'm having such a good day, I don't feel like going to choir practice tonight.

Favorite 80s music vids? Inspired by RQ's Smiths thread...

I just found out that Ziggy Stardust IS David Bowie

Who is still eating turkey?

I'm thinking of dumping a mixture of mayo, honey mustard and ketchup on my mac and cheese.

I propose giving everyone assigned time slots for traveling around the holidays

Happy Thread

I just found out that Screaming Lord Byron IS David Bowie

Where is the official "Giants absolutely crushed the Redskins" Thread. Did I miss it?

Favorite bad-ass, most kick-ass African-American ever?

Cliffhanger in a Sea of Blue - Lets support Charlie Brown (D) in CA's 4th Cong. District

No more bodily function threads!!

I can't let these Smiths and 80s threads go without a shoutout thread to Joy Division

I just found out that the Edward Norton character IS Tyler Durden

I saw a Prius yesterday that was plastered with pro McCain and anti-Obama stickers


I don't think I've been so disappointed in a long time...

The DUer Shakespeare ROCKS!!

I just found out that Hannah Montana IS Miley Cyrus

Great scat

Dick Tracy is on the case!

I just found out that Soylent Green is PEOPLE

A facebook page was set up for me today.

Who is going to win next weeks Ravens v. Redskins football game?

apparently it is illegal to download bestiality videos in some states

nudist mullahs vs. crazed sex hippies

Britney Spears: Getting Back in Shape Took Hard Work

Who wants to play some Chubby Bunny?

I just found out that Verbal Kint IS Keyser Soze

Name The Song

kitten picture of the day for monday december 1

"The federal government has just awarded $700B for mortgage bailout."

We've been invited to a holiday open house. Hostess gift?

Dammit, I think I have a small animal, most likely a squirrel, in the wall of my house...

Pushing Daisies got canceled but somehow According to Jim is still on the air.

immanuel kant is wrong

Man says God ordered him to ram vehicle at 100 mph

Why do supposedly intelligent people forward urban legends to their

I saw Primus yesterday. They were plastered with pro McCain and anti-Obama stickers

Who watches Boston Legal

I just found out Morrissey IS Vanilla Ice.

electronic devices help?

Apparently, it's National Somebody Peed In My Wheaties Day.

I just found out that Tina Fey IS Sarah Palin

So this guy in a seminar started talking today about how Bill Murray's character tried to get...

I just found out that Parche IS turtlensue

Question about Obama's cabinet

(think of something witty to post, think of something witty to post.....

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Love It or Leave It

MySpace Music is giving away a trip to see Oasis.

I just found out that Turtleandsue IS Turtleandsue Romo

why can't indesign do everything that photoshop can do?

Can Mice and Squirrels Hear Train Whistles?

OK, so then, what's the WORST fictional universe?

THEORY: The Jonas Brothers played in a movie called "Camp Rock." Hence, they are a REAL rock band.

I just found out that Parche, Madinmaryland and Tony Romo are the same person....

The only holiday shopping I am interested in is getting a few cases of beer and a big ham.

The following was posted on a Yahoo stock board that I is lovely

Okay, this has really been bugging me

Laundry FAIL.

LOL... if you married into this family, would you change your name?

Hey, Who Put The Rum IN My Slurpee?

How great was my Thanksgiving? I was adopted by Biko the ranch cat.

Fruitcake Is It That Bad?

my quote of the day

Been awhile since I've seen a football game. Is Bret Star still the Cowboy's quarterback?

Mario Lopez has a job!

What's your high score for "3 Minutes in the Crackhouse?"

I Have Been Trying To Call Amex All Day, But Brenda Keeps Answering And Hanging Up

i ran over a box of puppies before i plowed into the christian daycare center this morning

you know that saying, "it's five o'clock somewhere"?


Douchebag, Total Asshole, Champion Dumbass

find a little wood

Why do you people hate on fruitcake so much?

Name this tune.

is it any wonder i reject you first?

I'm watching a downloaded copy of Twilight at work.

Gay DUers: What is the significance of the Greek letter 'Lambda'?

The revenge of the corneal ulcer(s)

I need objective opinions about something I made.

do you even realize that "cool jerk" was originally entitled "pimp jerk?"

SonOfGoG the Younger has a nasty stomach bug...

Apparently I have to lose 15-20 Lbs since I have the beginnings of Osteoarthritis

Who is going out to look at the moon tonight?

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Mon 12/1/2008)

Boy George Admits To Handcuffing Escort. MEANWHILE: Duck admits its ass is water-tight. Film at 11.

do you even realize that "soda jerk" was originally entitled "soda nerd?"

My favorite Christmas animated special is "A Charlie Brown Christmas" what's yours?

Have you guys been in GDP today? Proof that, if there weren't anything to argue about,

I Love The History Channel Show Extreme Trains Tuesday Nights

I just got back from India, anything happened here while i was gone?

Why are some people so proud of their own ignorance?

The Day That Never Comes...

Do you realize...

What would MLK say if he were alive today?

Update: My brother got his wallet back intact


A Black Liberal President Elect Obama and Hillary as Sec. of State .... Oh my!

For the first time in 4 years, I'm having a Christmas tree!

How the Hell did I gain 6 Pounds in two weeks?

Is there a more obnoxious and childish-sounding epithet than "hater?"

datasuspect datasuspect datasuspect datasuspect datasuspect

CNN: Declassified government docs show U.S. let Saddam gas Kurds for farm deal

Need help getting smell out of car

Favorite French kniggit insult from Monty Python & the Holy Grail?

How Walmart Could Have Avoided Friday's Tragedy - Simple Diagram

Does anyone here work a job on the midnight shift?

Name an animal that starts with the letter...

Jonas Brothers Like Them Or Hate Them>

For all of you STILL unsure whether GAY is a CHOICE:

Today is World AIDS Day.

Richardo Reviews: 'Australia'

any current or former federal employees?

Comic Books

How do you like these Boobies?

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/1/08


McDonald's raises price of Double Cheeseburger to $1.19, effective today...and a nation weeps.

People are not mere "things".

Fuck It!

What fad words or sayings would you rather people stopped using?

Why can't I get through to anyone at Amex all of a sudden?

The but tutcher is failing Kindergarten!

Obviously, you have never been to a rock concert...

Listen up, Jonas Brothers Haters.

Thanksgiving stories?

Can you hear train whistles from your house?

So, we were looking for a nanny for our daughter...

Your favorite: "Love the music, hate the singer"?

Now that turtlensue has re-emerged after her mourning period, on to the matter of Skins v. Ravens.

I have experienced "Panda Express" for the first time

Best post-nuclear-holocaust movie to date?

I don't WANT to 'have a blessed day', okay?

Anyone have access to a Navy Exchange?

How do you guys feel about this home remedy?

My state is better than (name another state).

Whopper Virgins: it doesn't get much more offensive than this

Whopper Virgins: it doesn't get much more offensive than this

Brits on top...

How important is physical attraction when confronted with


Ok, there was a mouse in the house and I put poison down. Just noticed the poison is gone.

Fuck You Failure George Fucking W. Bush . . . .

Electric guitar players: what think you of the Line 6 Spider III 75 amplifier?

A Man Who Likes Disco Music is a

As a right-winger I blindly followed my party. I will not make that same mistake again.

Another Lounge cat thread! :)

Great Scot!

Loungers, please say hello to Harry

What Is The Worst Remake Of A Song Ever

So I saw the movie Twilight this weekend

Let's see a pic of your city and a youtube vid from a band hailing from there

Hey genius! Yeah, YOU. You over there at the fax machine.

If there is a 'Five Below' store near you, I heartily recommend checking it out.

The new smoke detector works well.

How's that Right-wing meme about 'winning' the Iraq war going?


Obama’s Choice for U.N. Is Advocate of Strong Action Against Mass Killings

move along

5 Great Progressive Columnists' Advice and Ideas on the Coming Obama Era

So when is Biden gonna have a secret energy policy meeting with the oil executives?

why do people apologize for torture?

Excellent DU post about Wal-Mart disaster.

You know what Huckabee's show isn't half bad

Op-ed: The GOP's McCarthy gene

One year ago today Obama made a pledge to have members of his team meet with grassroots activists

Hillary's Got Company: Obama To Restore UN Ambassador's Post To Cabinet Rank


What a great day this is--two of our greatest democrats joining forces

Radio Coverage of Our President's Nat. Security Team Press Conference

What can you do for your country?

In honor of Hillary's appointment as Secretary of State,

****Why I, A Known "Clinton-Hater", Am Not Concerned About Clinton As SOS****

I don't have to like Obama's defense-related appointments, but I'm not disappointed by them

Where's Cheney? Has he passed on to Satan? nt

Oh for Cripes Sake: Article 1, Section 6 prohibition does not apply to HRC. Can we stop this

Let me just say that Obama's press conferences totally kick ass.

It's still just a RUMOR!

Palin in GA trying to get the Moran vote out for Chambliss

Obama announcements: Hillary, Gates, Holder, Susan Rice, Gen. Jones, Napolitano!

The best thing about the National Security Team announcement:

Dreams from my father v. Audacity of Hope: Which one did you prefer?

Neocons, Republicans and War Criminals Rave About Obama's 'Team of Rivals'

Jim Martin bringing out the big guns today. Ludacris to stump for him today

Look over your shoulders, Hillary Haters......Karma is gaining on you....

since she won't go away, why haven't we been told about Palin's son's terrorist activities?

Does Gates have to be confirmed again?

Obama to the few squabbling Americans remaining: Give it up. Grow up. And Move On with It.

Secretary of State Clinton will be fourth down in the presidential line of succession.

Obama Walks The Walk...

USA Today: The Dow has rallied 17% during 5 day session since Obama economic news conference

DAMN IT just when I thought it couldn't sink in more it has sunk in deeper WE ARE REALLY TAKING ...

Normally I think Joe Klein bites, but this week in Time he nails it!

Obama has assembled an incredible National Security team

Is Juan Williams a Dem.? You'd never know it!

New national security team takes a bow (Obama's prepared remarks)

SOS Caption

****Heads Up: Obama Now Live To Announce Security Team****

A Handpicked Obama Team for a Shift in Foreign Policy

President Obama has a kick ass National Security Team. Congrats to them All, and Congrats to US!

Secretary State Designate Hillary Clinton has a learning disability!!!!

There are no "Hillary Supporters" or "Obama Supporters" on DU

What a great Nat'l Security team: Sec. Gates, Gen. Jones, Sen. Clinton

Biden: "one of the most talented national security teams ever assembled."

Bush says some voters backed Obama ‘because of me’

What is the conservative ideology?


What is the liberal ideology?

I Have To Admit - One Thing About Today's Press Conference Disappointed Me A Little...

Is Susan Rice any relation to Condi?


Obama inauguration is all the buzz at L.A. schools (kids raising money to go to event)

Franken has picked up a few more votes so far today...

DU GDP got Punked!!!!!!

Obama on the Grass Roots

It's really pretty funny that Hillary Clinton will likely get that 3am call from Pres. Obama

Breaking news! Breaking News! Heads are popping all OVER

I congratulate HRC on her nomination for Sec. of State.

Anyone else thinks that Hillary has her eyes on the pie?

British Foreign Sec'y tells Condi: "You'll be a very hard act to follow."

OK, "progressives." Put up or shut up.

Thoughtful, reflective, intelligent, well educated

A note about Hillary meeting with hostile leaders...

This pic from HuffPost is awesome.

Cheney must have sold off his holdings, dow down near 700 points.

Did the Dow drop today because of the "officially in a recession" thing?

Gates, What do you think?

I am SOOOOO proud to belong to the party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton!

How long will it take to vet 200K donors?

Saying the far Left and the far Right are Obama's biggest problem is crap.

Anyone else think Hillary still has her eye on the presidency?

Huffingtonpost: BUSH LETS IT ALL OUT

What Do You Expect?

Susan Rice is a Secretary of State in waiting...

No questions from Fox News have been taken by P-E Obama at any of his five press conferences.

Not a One Way Street between President and his/her Advisors

Sarah Palin still pisses people off.

Once upon a time, OBama was ridiculed for his "Change" message by many, But now....

It Is Now Official: Hillary Will Be The Next SOS!

I never supported Hillary, but....

There have now been 11 recessions since World War II..... 9 of them during GOP administrations...

O/T-A funny moment on MSNBC

Press is going crazy with the Obama-Clinton relationship

Clinton among the rivals

OBAMA: "Hillary’s appointment is a sign to friend and foe of the seriousness of my commitment"

President Obama and Secretary Clinton...has a nice ring to it eh?

Obama: "I expect them to implement that vision once decisions made."

Get your hot crow sammies here!

I'm still not convinced the Clinton camp didn't stage that whole press conference.

Hillary fell for it!

Chavez pushes for more time in office

The Return of Debate? "Nobody would pull the plug on stupidity."

Mama Voted for Obama!

Hillary supporters: Please try to rise above it.

Why is the press de-emphasizing Susan Rice?

The US will never be a social democracy...

Is this "inappropriate?"

George W. Bush Belongs In Prison

Should we be worried that Rush Limbaugh thinks Clinton as SOS is a "brilliant stroke?"

The Michelle Obama “Career-Launcher” for Emerging Designer Jason Wu

Obama lacks the political courage to go help Jim Martin personally

I congratulate HRC on her nomination for Sec. of State. Best wishes to her, and good luck.

Should Eric Holder Sing "Let The Eagles Soar" During His Confirmation Hearing?

Obama's Trickle-Down Equanimity

Obama pledge on treaties a complex undertaking

Covering Barack: The New Yorker Vets the President-Elect

John Kerry congratulates Clinton and other national security nominees

Worried By Obama's Picks? Support Anti-War Groups

Anchorage Daily News Editorial Page Editor on Palin campaigning for Chambliss

Key members of Obama-Biden national security team announced

Hillary, I Am So Damn Proud Of You!

Buchanan on Tweety: "this is the last roll of the dice"

end of a ranch icon

I am a Democrat, I am "the left", I am a "liberal". They are all good things to be.

Obama is creating the American near equivelent of a National Unity Government

Gates and the "October Surprise"

REALITY CHECK: This horrible, murderous, incompetent woman has no business being Secretary of State.

Why Obama Sees Hillary As "A Big Potential Asset At State" (Emptywheel)

I love this latest New Yorker cover...

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are on the same team. The knee-jerk bickering is a bore.

What I wanted to hear --Obama "I am calling for the start of an immediate withdrawal

Obama-Biden Transition Project releases names of donors

Should We Now Admit That McCain's Attacks On Obama's Associations With Radicals Were Fair?

On being left out at the table

Handy US Government Organizational Chart to remind people who is in charge (large graphic)

Is it possible for Susan Rice as UN Ambassador to have more

Is it too early for Senator Bill Clinton (NY) as replacement or U.S. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand?

If you enjoy watching Freeper's heads exploding

A World Awaits the Return of a Familiar Face---Waiting for Hillary

Oh no! David Gregory new moderator of Meet the Press

It's all about our expectations...

Bush on the economy and accountability: "A lot of the decisions were made before I arrived"

Obama gets elected and now the recession starts!

Miss Alaska--who BEAT Palin in 1984--campaigned for Martin today!

Did anyone else just watch Christopher Hitchens on Hardball?

I'm in the tank for the team of rivals to be thrown under the bus

True or false: This was the promised price for Hillary's support during the election

Pray for me. Pray for Arizona.

Those nervous about Hillary as S.o.S.... you DO realize that Obama has the final say in EVERYTHING?

You Guys Do Realize That Clinton Is The Most Respected/Adored Figure In The World, Right?

President Clinton left America in a State of Wealth, Peaceful, Stable, and a yearly SURPLUS

K & R this thread if you want an end to hostile relations with Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba.

The Far Left needs to get a fucking clue: stop whining and sniping and ORGANIZE ...

AS I PROMISED: Valerie Jarrett and Melody Barnes to meet with GRASSROOTS LEADERS on Dec. 4

Sanchez (CNN) hints at wrongdoing by Gov Napolitano

Hillary isn't the problem. You are.

The Cluster Bomb Disgrace

Have the raw EXIT polling data ever been released?

Poll: Obama job approval by primary choice

Change that We Can Start to Believe in......

Oklahoma jumps Texas in BCS standings to claim Big 12 South

Pakistan warns west: we cannot fight al-Qaida if crisis escalates

Trump Entertainment to miss interest payment

Obama’s Choice for U.N. Is Advocate of Strong Action Against Mass Killings

Deccan Mujahideen email threatens Delhi

UN starts climate talks in Poland to seek deal in Copenhagen

Big showdown in Paul v. Clinton, et al. now set for December 4 in Los Angeles Superior Court

FDA Allows Melamine In Infant Formula

U.S. Muslims worry about new federal rules (FBI expanded powers to investigate suspected terrorists)

World leaders pledge to fight HIV

Chavez pushes for more time in office

Video Allegedly Shows India Terror Arrest

Court may not be able to end Thailand crisis

Chabad Movement Vows to Continue Work of Couple Killed in Attack

Systemic failure seen in India's response to attacks

Mumbai police bought luxury cars not new weapons

NATO trucks attacked in Pakistan; bomber kills 8

Doris Dungey, Prescient Finance Blogger, Dies at 47

AP IMPACT: US diluted loan rules before crash

Dozens killed in Iraqi bombings

President George W. Bush to Receive 'International Medal of Peace' on 20th World AIDS Day

Bush: 'I Was Unprepared For War' (ABC Interview to Air Tonight)

U.S. troops investigated for abuse of Afghans

End of Immunity Worries U.S. Contractors in Iraq

Police: suicide bomber kills 10 Afghans in market

Huffington Post Gets $25 Million for New Initiatives

NPR journalists narrowly escape Iraq car bomb

Treasury Dept investigating Bush US Attorney for leaking state Supreme Court judge's tax returns

Determination of the December 2007 Peak in Economic Activity

Bangkok Protesters Aim to ‘Re-educate’ Rural Thais

Brits most promiscuous as Aussies rank fifth

Wyeth Employee Balks At Outsourcing & Gets Fired

Conservative Crowd Cheers When Palin Mentions 9/11

Bush: My Biggest Regret Was Failure Of Iraq Intelligence

After Terror Attack, Indians Rage at Government, Pakistan

Feds unseal 101-count indictment charging Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford

A Handpicked Team for a Foreign Policy Shift

Bush: 'I'm sorry' the economic crisis is occurring

U.S. Warned India in October of Potential Terror Attack

Schwarzenegger declares fiscal emergency in Calif.: report

Bush administration ignored clear warnings (of financial meltdown)

Bush Officials to Announce Economic Agreement in China

John McCain makes surprise visit to Baghdad

U.S. Economy Entered Recession In December 2007: NBER

Labor Department Accused of Straying From Enforcement

China rejects EU criticism of Taiwan spy execution

Nestle water ads misleading

NDP, Liberals reach deal to topple minority Tory government

Impeachment spot to run in California

Oil Falls to Lowest in More Than 3 Years After OPEC Defers Cuts

Manufacturing Slows in China

OPEC Failure Foretells Decline 10 Years After $10 Oil

Ted Kennedy to get Harvard honors

1 hospitalized after shooting at Miami-area mall

Anti-smoking advocates target Michigan spending

Dow closes down about 680 points (plunge is fourth worst daily drop in history)

Kentucky Man Demands Proof That Obama Is A U.S. Citizen

Ford weighs selling Volvo amid industry downturn

Parish Backs Priest's Call for Obama Confessions

9,200 Washington Mutual jobs cut

Bush says 'I'm sorry' economic crisis is occurring (kind of blames Clinton for it)

Doctors shocked at hostages's torture

Treasury Dep't Investigating U.S. Attorney for Leaking State Supreme Court Justice's Tax Returns

Venice is hit by serious flooding

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday December 1

Obama Announces Clinton

Deep Discounts Draw Shoppers, but Not Profits

J.P. Morgan sees Fed cutting rates to zero in Jan

U.S. troops may be out of Iraq in 16 months: Obama

Mumbai: Muslim body refuses to bury 9 killers

Schwarzenegger Cites Fiscal Emergency, Orders Special Session

It's official: Recession since Dec. '07

Bailed out Citigroup buys Spanish Company for 10Bn

Bailed out Citigroup buys Spanish Company for 10Bn

Sen. Durbin asks Bush to commute sentence of ex-Ill. governor

Pakistan blames 'non-state actors' for attacks

Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security

Government warned of mortgage meltdown(Bush WH Ignored Mortgage Meltdown Warnings)

Bush FCC Chairman Considering 'Porn-Free Internet'

Franken May Ask Senate to Intervene in Minn. Recount

Sacked Japan air force head defends WWII actions

Obama Cabinet Pick Napolitano Gives Arizona a Republican Governor

Ford Chief to Drive to Washington for Hearings on Aid

Credit Card Industry May Cut $2 Trillion Of Lines: Analyst

Primary Care Doctors Urge HIV Tests for All U.S. Teens, Adults

Bush says some voters backed Obama ‘because of me’

Chavez renews reelection ambition

Daughters of the desert -- Rachel Cooke meets the Bedouin women who officially do not exist

The One 'Condition' That Almost Sunk Hillary's Cabinet Appointment

Mormons Losing Members Over Anti-Gay Campaigns

Obama's not Black

A Breathtaking Aspiration for AIDS (NYT editorial)

A Breathtaking Aspiration for AIDS

The Doves were Right.

Weekly World News > World Net Daily

Marjorie Cohn: After Seven Years, Guantánamo Prisoners Need to be Tried or Released

Chabad Movement Vows to Continue Work of Couple Killed in Attack

Guardian UK: Unhealthy incomes

Toronto Star: The upside of the economic downturn

Documenting the Undocumented

Chris Matthews Already Instigating an Obama-Hillary Rift

NYT, pg1: A Handpicked Team for a Sweeping Shift in Foreign Policy

WORLD NEWS TRUST: Does Mr. O Know? (James Kunstler)

Team of Centrists

Star Wars creator, Google CEO among Obama donors

The F Word: DC to Delhi: Only Our Missiles, not Yours.

Uncovering the Final Secrets of the Bush Administration

H-1B Visas to Get More Scrutiny

Bush administration ignored regulators' warning of mortgage meltdown

Saxby Chambliss Doesn't Care About You

Neo-Conservative Terrorists Who Poisoned The FDA-And Poisoned Everyone Else BPA, Melamine, Bribes

Bush Aides Rush to Enact a Rule Obama Opposes

Five-figure bonuses stun Chicago plant workers

Neoconservatism for Dummies

Calif. budget deficit turns spotlight on Prop. 13 (July 2 article worth another look)

Bush: 'I was unprepared for war'

White Supremacist Republicans Unite!

Paul Krugman:Deficits and the Future

OUTSIDE AGITATOR - Naomi Klein and the new new left

Pentagon hires British scientist to help build robot soldiers that 'won't commit war crimes'

Simon Calder: Cuba as risky as Darfur? Don't make me laugh

Secy of State Hillary good news for India

There's A Stynk

Bush: Iraq intelligence failure 'biggest regret'

Forget Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song, Here's the Atheism Song

Bush ‘Ignored Remarkably Prescient Warnings That Foretold The Financial Meltdown’»

World Stability Hangs By A Thread As Economies Continue To Unravel

Glenn Greenwald: The ongoing disgrace of NBC News and Brian Williams

GOP Intellectual Center: Goldwater, McCarthy, Reagan, Elmer Gantry?

McCain’s Gift to the GOP, Palin the Time Bomb?

Do You Know What You Are?

Israel alarmed by EU bid to reopen Orient House as part peace plan

Israel to free Hamas 'bargaining chips' arrested over Shalit kidnapping

Family of Mumbai Chabad victim rejects official Israeli memorial

WORLD NEWS TRUST: Gaza: Salvation in a News Broadcast (Ramzy Baroud)

Try Tough Love, Hillary

Thin line makes vast difference to life in israel

TheRealNews: From Standard Oil to Big Oil

Saxby Economics

The Week In Cartoons 11/30/08


Stock Market Blues

The Parallax View (1974) | Original Trailer (& review)

The News Behind the News pt. 2

The Chris Matthews Show: Obama's Problems Will Come From The Angry Left, Not Republicans

GA Sheriff Instructs Deputies To Remove Tracker From Public Saxby Chambliss Rally

The News Behind the News pt.1

Priest Tells Obama-Voting Catholics to Attend Confession

Palin Strumps For Saxby Chambliss

GOPS: Pardon Me?

Ga. Senate Race Last Big Contest of 2008

Hillary Clinton's Speech Upon Nomination

Obama Marks 20th Anniversary of World AIDS Day

Saxby Chambliss Gropes his Granddaughter

TYT: Andrew Zimmern of the Travel Channel's 'Bizarre Foods' Talks To Cenk & Ana

Alleged Videotape Of Valley Stream, NY Wal-Mart Incident

Israeli warships block Libyan aid boat near Gaza

Darryl Hannah Joins Sea Shepherd Crew to Antarctica

LGBT AD - Aids Awareness

Jeb Bush flagrantly brandishes his giant bloated head, advocates GOP shadow government

Jeb Bush flagrantly brandishes his giant bloated head, advocates GOP shadow government

jones and biden on obama's national security

Obama's Dog?

Stand by Amy Carol Webb

Impeachment ad to run in California

TYT: Conservative Author Claims Liberals Cause All the Problems in America (On Air Guest)

Doctors shocked at hostages's torture

Barbara Boxer Slaps Jim Inhofe

'Up or out' rules eased

Deadline approaching for captains to apply for special schools, training

UN unveils anti-fraud measures for Iraq vote

Bases brace for stress-related disorders

Neb. vet still recovering from Iraq wounds

New probe sought in Iraq death

Some vets exploring Chinese healing

Court to focus on vet substance issues

Gulf War vets still face health struggles

Report blames crews for Super Hornet collision

Deep-diving NR-1 wraps up its 40-year career

Sailor forgives shipmate who stabbed him

Pirate plan goes global with intel sharing

NATO trucks attacked in Pakistan

Tank-laden Ukrainian ship could be freed soon

P-3 flight heralds end for Maine base

(Navy Times) Op-Ed: Confronting piracy

Corps closes some jobs to re-enlistment

Marine Corps plans solar, biofuel power

Corps mulls training for Afghanistan fight

$30,000 Redux bonus could cost you $427,000

Less troops choosing Redux plan

Specific plan can make Redux better option

Iraqi officer arrested in assassination probe

Cognitive tests required for Europe-based troops

Corps mandates predeployment TBI test

Army embeds FCS training in vehicles

Marines Try Out New Explosives

Minister Quits Over Mumbai Intel Failures

DOD Places Burden on Pregnant Spouses

What is it? (Sydney scientists crack sea monster mystery)

Alaska's 2008 Muckracker of the Year - Dr. Riki Ott, author of "Not One Drop"...

Bangladesh's climate refugees search for higher ground

Nuclear plan faces scrutiny (SC)

Tax break could mean more solar panels in Anne Arundel (MD)

Oregan farmers reaps stability from wind

The overoptimized society

BMW, Vatenfall Plan Electric Car Network for Berlin

Farmers may pay a stiff price for contributions to global warming.

Think Globally, Shop Locally

Mandates driving surge to the river for hydropower

Earthquakes in LBN

Climate change juggernaut on the horizon, UN talks told

Carbon is forever: Fossil CO2 impacts will outlast Stonehenge and nuclear waste

On Bailouts and Sports Cars (response to NYT hatchet job on Tesla)

Germany targets one million electric (cars by 2020)

Wind could renew manufacturing - Demand for turbines outstrips supply


I saw this thread on POVERTY from this morning...

Squeezing the Most From a Stimulus Plan

UN team warns of hard landing for dollar

Culture of Life Financial Rants!

Hedge Funds Impose Emergency Measures To Block Withdrawal Requests

Paul Krugman: People should be reading Adam Posen

Will someone in power say the D-word already???

What's a good left leaning econ 101 book?

As labor markets crash nationwide, New Orleans is holding onto its jobs

Labor takes low profile on Team Obama

Meat industry: Sizing up how labor affects meat prices

A SAG strike won't cripple TV

NWA flight attendants union sues Delta

OSHA Investigates Local Fatal Mulcher Accident

OSHA Fines Goodyear $67K After Death of Employee

OSHA: An agency that is ripe for an overhaul

Tone of card-check support shifts (labor spent $450 million on election efforts)

OSHA Cites Florida Transportation Services Following Employee Deaths

Shop union for the holidays

Dear OSHA, a worker died on the job at Walmart (not a peep out of you)

Why Schools Aren't Businesses (Or shouldn't be!)

Our Lacking Labor Laws

Union files objection to sale of Archway (cookies bankrupt)

So, what do the Supremes listen to, while we wait our turn?

Hmmm I suspected as much...

Which item from the LGBT agenda should come first from Congress?

Newsweek : Profile on Maddow

one bad apple.

LGBT Groups Unite to Support EFCA

Mormons Losing Members Over Anti-Gay Campaigns

Question about Gay Pride festivities.

As of Today, I'm a Card Carrying Member of Lambda Legal

"Gay is the New Black" . . . uh oh.

Chavez Cancels Cyndi Lauper Concert Due To Her and Obama's Gay Rights Stance

I just found my estranged younger sister. She's in Maryland and has a partner.

Venezuela: Proposed law will silence NGOs... threatens free speech and human rights

What counts as democracy in Bolivia? (Buffalo News)

Chavez announces re-election plan

Three Venezuelan unionists assassinated

Chavez to CNN: “Please, tell the truth, if they let you"

My dear dear friends here, thank you.

Any book suggestions?

Was there really a thread asking if Cassel was better than Brady, at anytime?

Fill in the blank: The BCS deciding the Big 12 South winner is like _____.

For Die-Hard Fans, A Red Sox Casket

Good win for the Steelers,

Latest in health foods (bad health): Chicken fried bacon strips.

Expert or Shill?

Medicare’s Too Costly Private Plans

My friend, M, had her baby!

Pluto in Capricorn Pt 1: 2008 ~ 2024 - Soul Making on Mother Earth

Nolle's DECEMBER astro-report

Astro-Financial trends/update

Weekly Healing Project #14 | Nov 30 - Dec 6 | Healing the Inner Child & Birth Trauma

Geriatric cat - 18 years old and drooling

Digital Camera Advice: Help Please

Enough with the "Gun Nuts" already!

Enough With The "Gun-Grabbers", Already!

DE state police look at mental health records for gun purchases, ACLU concerned.

December 2008 Prayer, Light, and Healing Requests

Is there a safe cooking spray (like Pam) to use?

Wow! The only way to describe this wine we just tried. R. Merlo Trinity County 2004 Zinfandel

I think of all the holidays,

What justification does a question require?

So, is salmonella in eggs no longer a problem?

If you believe in an afterlife, why do you believe in it? nt

Potentially Universal Mechanism Of Aging Identified

Video of Giant Iceberg forming

Russian birch water?

Request for new 9/1 commission scrubbed from

Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker'

SD-17 runoff (Chris Bell!) early voting info

Dual boot question.

NDP, Liberals reach deal to topple minority Tory government

Prime Minister Ignatieff? So says the National Post

The Hill Times: Conservatives truly surprised by opposition parties' 'furious' reaction

Wouldn't you love to be a fly on Harpers wall?

Bob Rae just officially filed his nomination papers to squelch...

NDP considers legal action after Tories tape private meeting

What can the GG do now?

Baz Luhrmann Is Going to Direct "Wicked"

Have you all called your MP yet?

I can't fucking wait until Harper is officially opposition again......

As I was saying, Dion will lead the coalition.

Conservatives "fume" about blunder

"Terrorists have no soul. They have no religion"

Freepers at call for "armed insurrection" if coalition goes ahead

Some gracious quotes from Kerry about Vice President Elect Joe Biden

NYT on Climate Change...mentions Kerry...

Boston area folks: 2 Town Hall Mtgs this week with Sen. Kerry

Sen. Kerry congratulates the new Natl Security Team for Pres Obama

Fire Ted Thompson, Yes Or No?