Actor Cuts Throat on Stage in Knife Mix-Up (he's ok)
Microsoft issuing "critical" emergency browser fix for IE on Wednesday
Anyone work with a Office Cheapskate?
Letter to Santa leads to Texas molestation charge
Consumer prices fall by largest amount in 61 years worth of records
As auto sales sink, Honda may cut earnings
A Band of Brothers With Camaraderie Forged on the Boards
Jackson, Jr. may have been working with feds to investigate gov.
GOP's War on Unions Already Underway
Wolf Blitzer talks with UAW President, Ron Gettelfinger about the auto bailout
Frank Gaffney is full of s**t that it is coming out of his ears.
Motor Trend: Ford F-150 is "Truck of The Year"
`We Are in a Panic': Desperation, Pain Show in E-Mails Over Madoff Scandal
KO: Bush never said the Taliban had been eliminated, even though he's on record saying it 4 times
Safavian defense rests without calling witnesses
You know what DUers - Cheney has just dared the world
Third of Hedge Funds Face `Wipe Out' After Returns Sink, IGS's Godden Says
Madoff’s Investors Needed a Blagojevich Moment
What is "lend america dot com" & why does Chris DODD allow them to use his name?
Whitaker: "We Can't Let Up" (questions related to Blagojevich)
Speaker for your club: “Face to Face with the Women of Iraq” - southern states
Christmas Wars Episode I: The Fundie Menace
Cheney, on whether he has regrets: "I’ll have a chance to reflect on that after I get out of here"
OMFG - GOP probes Holder’s role in Elian Gonzales case (and Whitewater and Lewinsky)
wondering, are there ANY american reporters in iraq?
Finally...evidence of my Election Night celebration!
Unions Second to Auto Execs in Bailout Blame Game
MarketWatch: Apple says 2009 Macworld Expo will be its last
Keith: "See, here's the thing. The president is just full of crap."
StarTribune: 171 Vote Projected Franken Lead!
If Republicans want to keep lowering "the wage" who will have any money
"TPM:" ..... Madoff: 'I'm Very Close To Regulators -- In Fact, My Niece Just Married One'
See - here's the thing: The President is just full of crap !
Nero ---> Fiddling. Bush----->
Do you grow more liberal or conservative as you grow older?
Elisabeth Hasselbeck "Miffed" At Prez Bush, Gets White House Apology
Cuts trickling down at my auto supplier employer, thanks Shelby & Co.
Is any wrongdoing by Blagojevich being exagerated by prosecutors and the media?
Documentary "Grass" w/Woody Harrelson on Sundance Channel now (9:40 PM EST). eol
You can't give him the dignity of the office if he didn't earn it legitimately. Period.
DU The 50,000 Signatures Campaign for Muntataha Zaidi petition
Hamas to Not Renew Israel Truce
The vice president of the United States has admitted to war crimes
Mexico drug gangs 'top US threat'
Anybody else think that the neocon, yuppie-scum weasel L. Paul Bremer...
What is the difference between Bush and Blagojevich
Petition circulating to call for vote on banning affirmative action in Missouri
Sarasota commissioners scrap law banning spitting
James Frey to write 'third book of the Bible'
One guy tries to blow a plane up with a shoe bomb... another tries to assault the president.......
Pakistan, China to Boost Military Ties
Obama Cabinet Is Shy on Southerners, Republicans
Western Sahara: Controversy Over McDonald's Happy Meal Maps
Gordon Brown Ready to Defy Barack Obama Over Afghanistan Troop Surge
Henry "The Surge Is WORKING" Paulson: No more major financial institutions will fail during crisis
Ad for making $5,000 working from home.
Where did the Madoff money go?
Kerry Admits Drone Strikes Are Counter-Productive
Rapture Ready finds it "interesting" that Barak = blessing in arabic & a dream & Hussein and hmmm
Any Honest estimates on Unemployment should the Big 3 go down
Brit HUME's last Faux anchor day is Tue 12-23 & will spend retirement "praying"
Firefox tops list of 12 most vulnerable apps
Goldman Sachs’s Tax Rate Drops to 1%
Glide Memorial Methodist Church ran out of food this morning. First time in 22 years.
At least Nixon had the good grace to resign...
‘Remove Your Shoes to Hear (His Excellency)George Bush’(For Real)
"You're better off being a gay male penguin in China than a gay male human in Arkansas."
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
THIS is a guest. THIS is NOT a guest... Any questions?
Paterson next SNL skit - a proposal
Someone should tell this idiot FReeper
Jesse Jackson Jr...Government Informant?
Phone-in Against Phony Charges on Dec. 16/17 : Arrested RNC 8 National Call-In Days of Action
. . . in the deathless days before she died
Patriotic helmet needs to go, Newton Fire Chief says
Re: Madoff money, Ponzi schemes, and Wall Street collapse----
Renewable Energy Could Power the Entire Country - 60min video download
"Liberated" Afghanistan on brink of famine, aid agency warns
It appears someone is busy trying to destroy evidence of a mass grave in occupied Afghanistan
wizbangBLUE needs DU comments re "Afghan Massacre--The Convoy of Death" film
US: Detainee dies in US custody in Iraq
Will Democrats wait for schools to implode too before they admit GOP ideas there are a failure?
Can anyone who works for Fox News really be considered "attractive?"
Iraqi group sues Rumsfeld for torture in federal courts in Virginia, Michigan and Maryland
When Hillary Clinton became a U.S. Senator,
If I was Barack Obama I would have one thing to say to the Naderite naysayers.
I saw a breathless CNN breaking news alert that Jesse Jackson Jr. was an "informant" for the Feds.
Matthew Yglesias: Bush Tries To White-Wash History; Portrays Himself As A Victim
Helen Thomas asked a question that is clearly still unanswered ......
Gordon Brown says Britain is not deserting Iraq
Goody Two Shoes still in jail?
EU Parliament votes to cap working week at 48 hours
Economically, things don't seem to be too bad here in Louisiana
Doesn't anyone not see what the hell is going on here!?
Cheney admits to torture on national teevee. He approved, authorized, supported it.
Obama admitted to using coke, but he won't legalize pot...
Forget Holiday Sales -- Struggling Retailers May Turn to Defense Contracts to Keep From Going Under
New RNC 'Leader"?... Ken Blackwell
Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied
Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied
Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied
The Great Unraveling - Tom Friedman
Thank Gawd It Passed: Dude, where's my $700 billion?
Amy Goodman: Workers Laid Off, Executives Paid Off, Bernard Madoff
Holder ... fight or wait to fight again?
Why is the GOP-controlled media obsessing over Caroline Kennedy?
Shelby: If the Big Three had only managed their business operations as well as the foreign companies
AIM's Self-Defeating Boycott, and a Boycott that we can ruin
AIM's Self-Defeating Boycott, and a Boycott that we can ruin
For Congressional Republicans, It CAN Get Worse
Bush: ‘I’ve Abandoned Free Market Principles To Save The Free Market System’
Matthew Yglesias: Bush Tries to White-Wash History; Portrays Himself as a Victim
NYPD Officer Indicted in YouTube Body-Check
Bush says sacrificed free-market principles to save economy
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like the War on Christmas
President Bush and the Flying Shoes: A Cautionary Tale
Two cabinet positions left, Dept of Labor and which other?
Does anyone know if Arne Duncan's kids attend public school in Chicago?
Pakistani Opposition Party to Start Blocking NATO Supplies to Afghanistan
Greta Van Susteren asks Palin about "one little controversy" in the wake of Wasilla church fire
Rice: No ‘American Money’ In Iraq Was Lost To Corruption»
1,000 apply for 50 fast-food jobs in Vegas
Western Digital to slash 2,500 jobs, cut executive pay
Iraq's Parliament Speaker Says He's Quitting Over Shoe-Tosser
SEC's Cox admits 'failures' over Madoff
PE Barack Obama named Time Magazine Person of the Year. Announced on The Today Show.
Dire financial situation for public transit in Boston
Jackson, Jr. an informant to Blago investigations
anyone listening to axelrod taking mourning joe down?
So why, with all this revision that the Administration is attempting, does no one
I think Cheney 'confessed' because he's dying
Has Morning Joe denounced Gingrich as a traitor yet re: Gingrich's recent statements
Two trains collide in Minnesota
== 12 things to throw at Bush = By Mark Morford
Classical music question - Mantovani
Elisabeth Hasselbeck "Miffed" At President Bush, Gets White House Apology
It's Official: Total Defeat for U.S. in Iraq
The pResident is "full of crap" said very matter of factly
DU’ers, don't hesitate to remind Republicans at appropriate moments,
Loss of jobs has a corollary loss of health insurance; silver lining - urgency for immediate reform
Save our tax money: release all non-violent drug users from prisons.
GOP probes Holder role in Elian saga
Happy Holidays - A MUSICAL PARODY
Doesn't Patrick Fitzgerald have a duty to convene a Grand Jury over Cheney's torture admission?
Riddle Me This... (Warning --- Rant Alert)
GOPers To Bush: No Auto Bailout Without Approval From Congress
Obama Prepares To Reverse Bush-Era Rules On Abortion, Birth Control
surge update - Bomb Kills 18 Near Baghdad Police Station
Meet the competition and your future: Chinese who live in caves.
I've seen no concerted or obvious effort to help American homeowners in mortgage trouble
I am opposed to torture (except when I cheer for it).
Quick glance at a few time-covers ---I'm missing a bunch though
Santa gets parking ticket while delivering toys
The Florida high court is about to be filled with wingnuts
USAG Mukasey recuses self from Madoff financial probe...
NBC: Chaos in Iraq's parliament - Speaker resigns over whether 'beaten' journalist should be freed
To those that don't remember Jack & Bobby: FU
I am ambivalent about the Salvation Army
Lack of Transparency + Greed = Economic Apocalypse
OPEC to cut 2 million barrels a day to increase income
pharma Barons making money off your preemie - the bastards!
SEC Chairman Says Agency Failed to Probe Madoff
Did anyone see these cool pictures of Barack in TIME magazine?
If you had to give up either sex or the Internet for two weeks, which would you choose?
If We Continue To Demand Prosecution Will We Get It?
Couple accuse United Airlines of overserving husband, causing him to beat wife
white powder being sent everywhere - CBRN
State Dept. panel recommends dropping Blackwater as security in Iraq.
Report Finds Some Federal Judges Put Off Swearing In New Citizens
Store Refuses to Make Birthday Cake for Adolf Hitler
Cheney re Saddam: "He had a long reputation and record of having started two wars"
To Politicians: I feel "Q" (of Star Trek) sums up my feelings on this whole "Shoe-Throwing" Stuff.
Danny Glover reads Langston Hughes "Ballad of Roosevelt"
Bush Passes The Buck On Iraq Mistakes And Economic Failures: They’re Not My Fault»
Will Bush/Cheney ever get 15 years of hard labor?
Toyota scraps 2009 dealer meeting
White House apologizes to Elisabeth Hasselbeck over Christmas invitation
on occasion I recc. a 'must read'. the following is a must read
Yellow margarine illegal in Missouri
Special days for urban cowboys
More influence: Environmental/Energy team or Agricultural/Interior team?
so- the Sec Ed nominee is big on standardized testing, and the Sec Ag is a big GM crops proponent...
Gimme everything ya got on PNAC, their agenda, and their crimes...
Vilsack -- Cronyism I cannot believe in.
U.S. troops confront Iraqis rallying in favor of shoe-thrower
OPEC actually cutting 4.2 million barrels
Bush's speech at the War College.
Why Toyota wants GM to be saved
The decision to torture individuals was made by Bush and Cheney before the CIA ever asked for legal
Cross-post from the Alaska forum re the church fire and media coverage.
Where are the follow up questions to bush and Cheney?
Casting about for cabinet filler
Who do you think has run the country the last 8 years? Bush or Cheney?
State Dept. reccomends dropping Blackwater in Iraq!
The Republican Party's formula to get back power... DO NOTHING DIFFERENT
Why do people question Caroline Kennedy's qualifications and not Al Franken's?
Does any Democrat have the courage to ask Holder if Water boarding is Torture?
MnIndy: "Faith-based Minnesota Teen Challenge cannot evade scrutiny"
Drunk George Tenet lashed out at Bush’s neocons...
I wonder if MSNBC realizes that people watch Morning Joe DESPITE Scarborough
My rightist friends are telling me that I'm an "ungratious winner".
RADICAL FRINGE TOON - Wednesday 12/17/08
RADICAL FRINGE TOON - Wednesday 12/17/08
Rep. Jerrold Nadler for SENATE! I want a FIGHTER!
Meanwhile back at the "War on Drugs" front:Girl Handing Out Cough Drops Accused Of Selling Drugs
Health board wants man out of bin
Bernie Madoff, who made off with billions of $$$, placed under house arrest
Vanity Fair: Tortured Reasoning...have any attacks on America been disrupted?
Breaking: Jennifer Gale found dead in Austin
Vanity Fair: Tortured Reasoning...have any attacks on America been disrupted?
Showing inauguration to my class....
Showing inauguration to my class....
Calif. Board To Votes To Halt $4B In Spending (affects nearly 2,000 infrastructure projects)
wasn't it sweet seeing smirk reach for and hold Candy's hand and then
Girl, 13, fatally struck by suspected drunken driver
Pepsi response to my complaint about their "suicide" themed ad
FDA says 2 "unapproved medical devices" meet criteria for torture.
Well, it appears to be catching on...
Oh, right. NOW the press is all outraged at lack of transparency.
Newly elected La. repuke seeks to join CBC. Only one thing: he's not black.
Why do most U.S. Senators start out in lower political offices? (Warning: a Caroline thread)
Madoff's Sons Used Outsiders To Manage Foundation Funds
Freedom Rider: Gay Rights and Black America
Vanity Fair Report: Officials say that, apart from being wrong, torture just doesn’t work
This new rush by BushInc to drop Blackwater's services in Iraq...smell like a coverup to you?
Colorado Doctor Finds Foot In Newborn's Brain
The Grandkids of Harriet Christian?
Horse Abandonment Spiking Nationwide, Particularly In Western States - USA Today
Obama Smoking Picture: Andrea Mitchell Investigates (VIDEO)
Protest banners hung at Acropolis
Will communes make a comeback?
A rant from a post that wound up locked before I could say this:
msnbc won't rest until they find a connection between blagovejich & obama
Zaidi Family Members and His Legal Representatives Have Not Been Permitted to Visit Him
Tame Deer Killed At Nature Preserve
Countries want peace in Somalia, but no major offer of troops
Store refuses to personalize birthday cake for 3 year old
Bush sez: CELEBRATE ME!!!111111!1
New York’s proposed ‘iTunes tax’
What happened to the Second Harvest Donation?
PHOTO: Anti-war protesters throw shoes at a prison uniform-clad "Bush-alike" outside the White House
Man steals hearse during funeral service
GM delays work on Volt, Cruze engine factory to save cash
Oh, man! Check out the "SINGING ROOFER", Don Ohman's CD made for Palin.
Randi Rhodes streams for free >>Link>>>
STEAL FIFTY BILLION and you get 'home detention'
Is it Caroline Kennedy or Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.
Republican Attack On Auto Workers Union Is An Outrage by Ralph Nader & Robert Weissman
John Walsh and "America's Most Wanted"
Child Writes to Santa, Asks for Molestation to End
The Savage Weiner: Who killed JFK Jr? Hillary Clinton!
Would you confess to a crime you didn't do if some thugs were holding your kids?
CNN: Children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms
Oct. 8: Pastor Rick Warren announces support in favor of Proposition 8
Barry Lynn Would Have Been A GREAT Choice To Give The Inagural Invocation
Tenet, Drunk in Bandar's Pool: "The bastards are setting me up-I am not going to take the hit"
Microsoft faces new Xbox 360 reliability accusations
Where are the follow up questions to bush and Cheney? Re-post
I wish to put my hat in the ring for Transportation Secretary.
Things that make you go "What the Fuck" ........ Ray LaHood?????
Things that make you go "What the Fuck" ........ Ray LaHood?????
Here is a post that needs much more attention.
Ray LaHood - are you serious Obama?
Presidential Training Wheels - plus more headlines 12/17/08
Bush-Era Abortion Rules Face Possible Reversal
REPOST Bring canned food to the inaugural
Interesting discussion on BBC. Would you take a pay cut for the greater good?
As if I didn't already know what selfish pricks most Republicans are,
Day two of Tweety tearing Cheney a new one
List of all the things that Bush has kept us "safe" from
Today is the International Day to end Violence Against Sex Workers.
I may be a late comer--have you seen this? I'm putting my Bio 103 class onto this
Environmentalists Wary of Senator Salazar, Obama’s Interior Department Pick
30 percent of CT voters who voted for Lieberman want a do-over.
PFAW: 'Profoundly Disappointed' that Rick Warren Will Give Invocation
Coleman Camp Gets Roughed Up By State Supremes: TPM
Here I was, up to my ass in Alligators all day, and there is a New, Bright and Shiny Thing.
Insurance loophole claimed in fire deaths
Twenty miles to the west of Mike the Tiger's beautiful habitat
Supreme Court Overturns Bush v. Gore
Chicago Sun-Times reporter wants to know
Any Theories: Why are Bush and Paulson Stalling on saving the automakers?
if the government decides to FULLY reimburse Madoff's would you feel about it...?
IMO, the Reverend Horton Heat should do the Invocation at Obama's Inauguration
Fuck Drudge. This is a low blow even by Drudge standards.
Bernard Madoff scandal: the London connection
Breaking: Chrysler to idle all of its plants for a month
Giuliani to replace O’Reilly on the radio?
Rightwingers SUCK and have done nothing positive for humanity - EVER!
What do you think of Rick Warren doing the invocation?
Traitor Joe Faces His Lowest Approval Numbers Ever
Bush: There can be NO DEBATE that I kept America safe!
why there is an angel at the top of the christmas tree
12/8/08: Pastor Rick Warren tells Sean Hannity the US needs to "take out" Ahmadinejad.
Waaah! Obama talks to people who disagree with him! WAAAH!
New York hits iPod users with tax on downloads
This Modern World: 2008 Year In Review 'Goodbye To All That!'
"Gee, maybe Donnie McClurkin wasn't a fluke"
Public mood darkens on job fears: Reuters poll
Environmentalists Wary of Obama’s Interior Pick (Ken Salazar)
It is about public exposure to attacks and being able to continue to campaign
Northcom Chief Vows to Address Worries About New Homeland Unit
Madoff Investors May Be Protected By Government
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Why Frank Gaffney Needs to Be Kicked in the Taint
I only want Bush to answer one question
Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg would make an excellent U.S. Senator.
No mistletoe or wine. Dinner bell ringing. You’re Doing Time. Police send Xmas cards to Criminals. - hit GeeDubya with a shoe! - 6171021 and counting . . .
Chrysler is shutting down all 30 of its manufacturing plants starting next week
Woman undergoes face transplant in Cleveland
As Iraq conflict drags on, neo-Nazis continue to infiltrate the military
Why does Santa make the kids cry?
So, California social services are on furlough from the 17th to the 2nd.
Thank you Illinois Supreme Court
Internet Exporer security risk
Unemployment is not an Abstract Concept
Time names Obama person of the year
Fukui in crisis mode, cuts Honda outlook
"If your name were Edward Moore instead of Edward Kennedy, your candidacy would be a joke."
Can someone with econ. experience tell me why printing money to replace assets that have decreased..
Hugo Chavez is the guest on FSTV's Speaking Freely series this evening (10-12 ET)
Horsey does it again. Too funny!
Judge Meets Shoe-Thrower in Jail, Possibly Too Badly Beaten to Appear
A life thrown into turmoil by $100 donation to Prop 10
FILTHY BETRAYAL - Bush Accused Troops Of WAR CRIMES Which HE Ordered Carried Out!
if you vehemently disagree with Slick Dick Warren
Chrysler to shut down all 30 plants...but ‘white collar workers’ will keep regular salaries.»
The 10 Worst Corporations of 2008 by Robert Weissman
Helen Thomas really pisses me off.
NPR today- Hope for Homeowners Act hasn't refinanced a SINGLE mortgage- but I smell a mystery
Sock and Awe -- the web game sweeping America!
Ga. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf
For Progressives: I know some of the picks aren't what we hoped for but, "McCain-Palin" Picks would
Possibly Bush's worst mistake: surrendering U.S. space independence to Russia
LOL!! David Horowitz thinks he "absolutely changed the paradigm of campus politics in America!"
"There was a tremendous feeling in Washington: just let it go. It’s old history."
Oregon bank bomber suspect called "very pro-American" by state GOP chair
Tweety is "excited" about discussing Jeb as our third Bush president
NY Gov. Patterson's Tax Plans Are A Stupid Idea and They Will Hurt Working Class NYers
Children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms, 13 yr old hangs himself in one
'I was still holding my grandson's hand - the rest was gone'
George Tenet, drunk in Prince Bandar's pool, screams about "the Jews" setting him up
There is NO practical or logical reason to continue bush's wars.
It's a good thing Jerry Falwell is dead
I really wasn't terribly concerned,...but now, I am terrified.
Ray LaHood, Republican asshat for Secy of Trans & rightwing
Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied
Energy pundit: "So, to be clear, I was wrong."
May I point out that Obama didn't pick Rick Warren . It was done by the
Include switching the US to the metric system in the stimulus package
What would be your weapon of choice?
What would be your weapon of choice?
Senate New Dem members give clue to Evan Bayh's new Senate Blue Dogs.
America, take note. People like this are your ENEMY.
Human Rights Campaign: Obama's invitation to Warren a GENUINE BLOW TO LGBT AMERICANS
Tom Vilsack for Ag Secy is a much bigger deal than Rick Warren for Inaug. Preacher.
Berlin's Poor Should Catch Rats, Says Politician
Dick Cheney's fantasy world - "GROSS MISREPRESENTATION OF THE FACTS" - By Scott Ritter
How about high speed roller coasters, totally electric
Six Reasons Why Obama Appointing Vilsack, for USDA Head is a Terrible Idea
Deflation... it is here... and I DO HOPE it does not stay here for long
how can the thugs blame the UAW for the detroit bailout if ford needs no fed funds?
PALIN-APPOINTED commission recommends $25,000 raise for the governor.»
We need to reward Shop Rite for doing the right thing with the Hitler cake. And shun Wal-Mart
The director of the CIA in the pool of a Saudi prince, ranting drunkenly about neocons and Jews?
OMG: I Actually AGREE with Pat Buchanan on this...
How would you feel about high speed rail service
If ya can't bitch about political shit here, then where CAN you?
Teacher Appreciation:. PSA I Heard this Morning about Teachers.
Why did you stop being a K-12 teacher?
So tell me again exactly when the Civil War ended
Twenty-one wiretaps on Rahm Emanuel - how many on Obama??
If "responsible" breeders didn't exist, where would dogs come from?
Muted Praise for 'Valkyrie' From German Critics
Are you seeing more homeless people? They seem to be everywhere
If Rick Warren gives the invocation, everyone in DC for the inauguration
RNC protester was Tasered 4 times, passed out from pain, and then arrested
REC this if Rick Warren giving the inaugural invocation is WRONG
Billey Joe Johnson Jr story (Black MS prep student possibly murdered) on CNN now...
"It is regrettable that they had to die, but I believe they did have to die."
My rightist friends are telling me that I'm an "ungratious winner".
Isnt this a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act?
I really have to adopt a Repug. Is this not the sweetest face you've ever seen?
Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied.
Rudolph, honey. If you are here, let me know and I will hide you.
The War In Common (some memories, and a wish)
In addition to my already crummy day....
Klonopin + Jägermeister = a good idea?
The Bush shoe incident: What are your thoughts on it?
The Season and the Accumulation of Crap...
I'm 40 years old and I just found out the truth about Santa Claus.
I'm 40 years old and I just found out the truth about Santa Claus.
I never realize how many people I know until I start doing Christmas cards
Give a DUer a .gif for Christmas
Give a DUer a .gif for Christmas
The dogs are so cute playing in the snow
I made a batch of chocolate peanut butter swirl cookies tonight.
960 hours of work for this vector illustration of a cruise ship. - NOT MY WORK!
Quick update on my little stray kitty friend (thanks to all who responded w/'good thoughts' last
I don't know, maybe it's a kind of "A Boy Named Sue" thing....
The Saga of General Butt Naked. This guy broke the mold for 'batshit crazy naked Satanist warlords.'
How wrong would it be to perm my back hair?
Has anyone played 1000 Blank White Cards?
SPK wants me to tell you he's a SEX GOD.
When are you freaking prima donnas going to quit acting like...
I think I have a swelling on the side of my neck....
Who is sitting at the bar and who is sitting in a booth?
translate please (spanish to english)
A game to share with all you DU insomniacs this morning.
"'The Universe,' brought to you in part by Jared."
Help me out here: An anatomy question (Yes, I have found a body part that is new to me)
Have you ever been so irrational that you do not want to sleep...
NFL player changes name to Stylez G. White (from "Teen Wolf")
There is a job I have a chance at getting, but it has been so difficult!
A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind - just for the holidays???
I wanna enter one of these competitions
Nothing says BREAKFAST, quite like a frosted sugar cookie...
Burger King's flame-broiled perfume--"Flame"
You know what I think makes DU more enjoyable?
Is there someone or something that I can sacrifice
What would you like on your pizza?
Funniest LOLdog in a LONG TIME!
My neighbor gave me the key to his house while he went away on a business trip.
Have any of you managed to get past severe math phobia to get that one math
Who would you not touch with a 39 1/2 foot pole?
Beccera Turns Down Job of US Trade Representative
I'm not sure what to think of indecisive people, Suggestions??...
You guys don't mind if I knock off work early right?
Wow, the future looks awesome, we will have phones in our cars...
Remember when Khruschev pounded his shoe in the UN General Assembly?
Day 6 of the blackout in New Hampshire.
Define your music taste in 2 cases of beer, a Snap-On tool, a biscuit, and an ungulate
Anyone else here like Andrew Bird?
Much damage has been done between the election and upcoming inauguration.
What does a believer in the Flying Spaghetti Monster yell during sex?
Five Myths about Christmas (#1 myth - Retailers have corrupted Christmas)
Twiiter: What the hell is it and are these messages by Hillary Clinton real?
Who wins a Kings of Leon fight?
PHOTOS Put your hands together......
Good and bad ideas for Secret Santas
"A Wish for Wings that Work: an Opus Christmas Story"-Bloom County Christmas special
"Please tell me you're joking"
Interesting Wikipedia page: Political positions of Caroline Kennedy
I like telling people a lot younger than me..."Don't take any wooden nickels"
Nothing quite says "Christmas" like a $100 pair of Samurai Underpants
'(I)sn't it great we can have a difference of opinions and you will still like my boobs?'
Extra 26 Min to spare? Animation Short
The Only Video Game I've Ever Played Is Space Wars
Who would you like to see fill the two remaining cabinet positions
Rachel was just successfully "talked down" for the first time since her show began!
Santa gets parking ticket while delivering toys
Shop-Rite Grocery store refuses to make birthday cake for kid who's name is Adolph Hiltler
What does an Agnostic yell during sex?
LOL. "The Brokers With Hands on Their Faces" Blog:
BBC News: Shoe thrower 'beaten in custody' according to shoe thrower's brother
I don't really care whether they pick Caroline or not.
Inauguration Commemorative Transit Tickets
The NY Dems who want Hillary's seat should instead focus on SCHUMER'S seat
Our automatic coffee maker machine has now officially died.
Animal Xmas Song - OMG the mouths!!!!!!
Good Christmas tip for our newspaper delivery woman?
Most Beautiful Movie Theater , that you know of, or in your area, still open..and showing movies..
I am not sick, and am always home.
Isn't it frickin GREAT that we have someone who LOOKS presidential?
I am sick and I want to go home
Beccera Turns Down Trade Rep Job.
Tomorrow is madinmaryland S.T.F.U. Day.
another Caroline Kennedy question
post your best holiday kitty recipes here!
I think I have an ear infection.
I'm having a motivational crisis
I am so hearbroken - once again Time Magazine skips me over for person of the year....
have you ever pushed anyone out of the way at the copier?
Obama needs to appoint Harry Reid as the Secretary of the Interior Toilets.
BIGGEST LOSER FINALE *spoiler alert*
polar tech socks: mmmmmmmm......
I'm not kiddin' ya man! Any closer, and that thing would have put ya in the hospital!
i think we've misjudged the whole shoe throwing incident
1/20/2009. 12:02 PM EST. President Obama signs a document.
Time for another edition of the Galactic Pot Healer Babel Fish Game.
Latin America asks Obama to lift Cuban embargo, show respect
WOW. I just got back from the Copier and this rude woman got really
It's a New Day! January 20th! I can't wait!
Harkin Hightly Recommended Vilsak to Obama for Ag Sec., and thought Obama wasn't listening
Caroline Kennedy speaks up ....
It has been weeks since taterguy told me to STFU.
I'm going out to get an I.V. of whiskey, can I get you anything?
Awe Gawd! KO just reported on Sun-Times columnist's rumbling of Blago/Rahm tape count!
Is it unhygienic to use someone else's Ped Egg?
So I was in Oxford, UK last weekend with a friend of mine.
You know what? Regardless of the way that this Senate recount in Minnesota turns out,
So the party that gave us a * x2 and wants to hand us another * in a senate seat
I'm not sure that I've ever told you this about myself, but...
Post a band that you like that I might have actually heard of!
Obama should give the mods advance notice before making controversial decisions
Europe has a continental divide
So I was in Costco, and this crazy Bunco lady showed up
Sheesh! Some people!! I was in Costco this afternoon, trying to get my
Who the fuck is Elizabeth Alexander?
Quicksilver Messenger Service fans...Wolfgang's Vault just posted a killer "classic lineup" concert
stay away from GD:P today, kiddies, it's EXTRA hot now!
Becerra declines US Trade Rep position; Dan Tarullo, Harold Ford, Ron Kirk leading contenders
So I was in Costco this morning and a fight broke out by the Activia samples.
I dont understand daytime cable news.
This is how a GOOD day starts:
Has Anyone Been at WAL-MART During One of Their Early Morning Pep Meetings?
It's been weeks since Philboy made a post that annoyed me
Well it's here.. the greatest stocking stuffer of ALL time.... The Amazing SCREAMING Flying Monkeys
OMG, I got Vick's Vaporub in my eye.
The Rec-Wizard is back and so is the post-count fairy!
Bush History - NCIS:Bush Actions "ain't right". Also, Bush Leak Hypocrisy
I'm IMing Pawpicker. Ask me anything! Oh come on. Now he's on the phone
Arena football to cancel their 2009 Football season. Rest of the country says "huh?"
So I'm sitting here quietly working in my cube...
Things I'm going to have fun saying to Republicans over the next 4 hopefully 8 years
Rick Warren? OK then, fuck you too, Mr. Obama.
I am done with my christmas shopping.
Best all-purpose (not one song) Christmas song vocalist
David Schuster sounds like Kermit The Frog.
Planning the company holiday party, and I suspect the Ice Sculpture guy is suicidal...
What should I do with my life?
Holy crap!! Santa Claus got TS'ed!!
"Dr." James Dobson to attend inagural
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Wed 12/17/2008)
George W. Bush is the Veritable “Old-Shoe”
OMFG! I cna't believe I just saw that!
Well, I'm off to the emergency room.
If anyone needs any free legal advice
Just Curious About Something, . . . Was I Ever On Your Shit List?
JFK.......not the most "qualified" man to be President......indeed
Do you respond differently to posters who have photos of themselves in their sigs?
Obama should release all information about Cheney's energy meetings
Baby Boy ripped from Adoptive parents and put into FOSTER CARE?
Question... Since Bush has now signed a time table to leave Iraq, are we by law stuck with it?
AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGEMENT...I responded to an old boyfriend who had been incessantly
Hey Joe YOU DUMB FUCK read the direct, exact quote you keep referring to
The folks in GD-P are an insult to progressives and liberals
My shy timid cat is sleeping on my feet for the first time since I got him
I just got an invite to something called a Bunco Party.
What did you have for lunch today?
OK-Gov, OK-Sen: Statewide Recruitment Thread
President Bush's 2008 White House Christmas Video. How long can you stand to watch it?
Moron Joe Scartissue is welcome to visit Chicago anytime for a..
Can we eliminate the distress single flag avatar on January 20, 2009?
Are the Republicans Still a National Party?
Got any names for the Obamas' new dog?
Is it unhygienic to use someone else's nail clippers?
Another one for the ballet fans...Ballet Trocadero de Monte Carlo
Time Person Of The Year: Barack Obama
Make no mistake (re: Caroline Kennedy)...
I'm going to open a nail salon called "Hand Job."
Time Magazine's "Person of the Year"
Obama's List Doesn't Quite Match Emily's
If you're going to have kids, have them while you are young.
ThinkBlue1966 just got done taking the test to be a Census Worker next spring.
Blagojevich was bookie, says federal informant
Caption this dog (taken in Berkeley yesterday)
Did anyone catch Howard Dean on Morning Joe?
Bush-Era Abortion Rules Face Possible Reversal by Obama
Is it okay to use a laser pointer to f*ck with your cat's head?
Would you like to charge the entire amount to this card? YES NO
Not even a criminal background check but a credit check on two apps. today
Define your music taste in 5 albums
Repukes are afraid of a clean up at Justice
Questions for anyone who played football in high school or junior high...
Wanted: 10 more Motown classics
Report: Emanuel privately urged Blago to appoint Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett
Holder Leaves Out Blago Tie in Judiciary Questionnaire
Holder Leaves Out Blago Tie in Judiciary Questionnaire
Hey Scarborough.. Do you ever read anything in full context?
WHAT in the Wide Wide World of Sports is a goin' on here?
Wisconsin second-graders write letters to Obama - one student offers to help find bin Laden
You got to be SH*TTIN ME - Repukes plan to attack Holder on Elian Gonzalez??!!!
NEW RULES for when there is a change in President.....
I know we're not supposed to give Drudge attention, but his current home page has gone too far.
Quick question about Caroline K.'s possible appointment (non controversial)
How you earn a living: Was it your ambition, or did you kind of fall into it?
I just saw a commerical for a company that delivers pajamas to women.
Arne Duncan, Merit Pay, and Materialistic America
Crash Space At My Home For Inaugural
Name something new (or new to you) that you discovered in 2008
Ok, so eHarmony officially sucks ass...
Dana "Dick" Milbank: "Obama's Press Treatment Just Like Bush's"
My friend's car won't start - she's in Montana where it's been
Bare Your Sole To President Bush!
Seven Pounds....MUST SEE movie
What are you making of Christmas dinner?
Answer to everything...Modest Proposal..China, 51st State?..Well?
Who will be the first Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee to ask Holder,
Just a thought ... let's have NO invocation. Let ALL the preachers stay home.
Gov Paterson Likely Will Name Caroline Kennedy to Replace Hillary Clinton as NY Senator
i see that when JFK gets trashed here
Is the Salazar pick unconstitutional?
Some people thought Al Franken wasn't qualified
When Obama is officially the President, and his nominees are confirmed, the buck stops at him
What the media DIDN'T report about Decimal-gate
Most of us Democrats stood unified with George W Bush right after 911
Anyone here a fan of Anonymous 4?
Top General: Large Military Presence at Inauguration
I'm supremely pleased at the pro-science stance the Obama admin. is taking.
If you like seeing Freeper heads explode, you'll LOVE this thread....
Is it just me, or is there something wrong here?
You wanna talk about actual gaffes that actually fucking matter? How many here remember
Everyone ready for the Blago comeback?
I dislike political dynasties & I back Caroline Kennedy for Senate
How about this. We ENCOURAGE everyone to stand up and turn their BACKS when Warren speaks
Hudson Valley (New York) morning radio douchebags Cooper and Tobin discussed the birth certificate..
You know, we're still seriously pissed about Prop 8
NYT, pg1: As Privacy Ends for Caroline Kennedy, a Rough Path Awaits
Any Southerners in Obama's cabinet yet?
What does DUStrange yell during sex?
Texas University Rivalry Question: A&M and UT Austin?
I cannot believe that HE is going to be on stage at the inauguration...
My head explodes. Contessa and Savanna Saying that Obama Needs to Answer for Blago
The Freepers are saying that John Linder (R-GA) plans to challenge Obama's Electoral Count...
So that wench from The Hill says Obama and team could speak out now,
Marist Poll: 83% Approval Rating for Obama
Obama Considers GOP Congressman for Transportation
Ya know...Rick Warren. Fucking Rick Warren. Is this a freaking joke?
Rick Warren? You've got to be fucking kidding me
Vilsack and Salazar revealed - link.
It's completely predictable that Obama outrages extremists
Warren Kennedy Clinton Salazar Vilsack LaHood
OK. You've all convinced me. I will now reach out to Rick Warren
Once again...Name that 80's Tune!
MSM is furious because Obama is not telling them anything. Chuck Todd: Obama is Frustrating Media
Obama announces list of people participating in the Inauguration Ceremony
I'm for Caroline Kennedy as the next Senator from NY for no other reason but
Obama should ask Jeremiah Wright to pray at the inaugural, as well.
Help with Obama Administration designees ...
Well, I know what GD-P now stands for:
EVERYBODY has a seat at the table
RightWingWatch: Warren a version of Dobson. Abortion, stem cell, gay marriage "non-negotiable"
Magical thinking in regards to Obama and his cabinet picks
As a bisexual, Rick Warren's invocation doesn't make me outraged
More gruel? More gruel? ANY gruel??
The fact that GLBT people have to EXPLAIN why this so beyond the pale with Pastor Rick shows
"Hi, Pastor Rick here, ask me anything about the gay".
Demonstrating teh stupid, some DUers
Small Business Committee (Kerry) investigation shows Veterans Corporation abused taxpayer dollars
RawStory: Ex CIA chief Tenet drunkenly mocked Bush neocons, right-wing Israelis
I think Prez O should have someone from the financial community speak
Rick Warren endorses Prop 8 and " big deal"
Is the Gov of Colorado a democrat?
Barak, don't you have a position for Tom DeLay?
Freepers and DUers apparently equally apoplectic about Rick Warren doing invocation at inauguration.
This may not be the best time to mention that Obama is putting another Republican in his Cabinet...
Justice Kennedy rejects 2 more challenges to Obama
Well, maybe if there are enough complaints Warren will get bumped.
Why is Rick Warren the "go-to pastor for major political events" for Democrats?
Why is Rick Warren the "go-to pastor for major political events" for Democrats?
This is good: Obama's Rick Warren pick irks liberals
"As your new President a big fuck you to California especially, here's Ricky!"
Will Rick Warren's role at the presidential inauguration affect the legal status of same-sex unions?
OK, a month and a half ago, give or take a few days, gay people lost equal rights in California...
Just because Obama has Rick Warren at his inauguration does not mean he agrees with him on anything
I will NOT have you ruin this for the rest of us.
Vilsack is bio/gen altered/ethanol guy and Schapiro is a wall street insider
Warren may be an olive branch to Evangelicals because Obama knows what's coming NEXT:
There is something you can do about Rick Warren, Donnie McClurkin, Etc.
If it were the Dalai Lama or the Pope giving a freaking prayer, many would not care...
When Rick Warren gets up to do his "thang" there should be a deafening
For those claiming it was the committees fault
Warren giving the invocation is a disappointment
I now am understanding Log Cabin Republicans. They are hated and they know it.
*** Watch as MN Electoral Board decides ballot by ballot --- Live****
Lest we forget Billy Graham.."Pastor to the Presidents"
I'm fucking sick of "reaching out", "bipartisanship", and all that other BS
It's easy for you not to be furious about Rick Warren - you think it doesn't affect anything
When cats attack. I need advice.
Before you get mad at Obama, re: Rick Warren/inaugural invocation
PHOTOS "You really don't shake kids' hands that much, you shake adult hands."
Imagine for a moment it is 1960 and Kennedy decides to have a chaplain of the KKK
What's your latest musical discovery?
A missed opportunity to speak with MORAL AUTHORITY, Obama
OMG!! Betty Currie answering phones at Obama headquarters!!
Cheney MUST be prosecuted (re: his admission of war crimes)
Everyone is going to have to "get over" something during the next 4 years,
Are there any gay-FRIENDLY political message boards on the Internet?
Is it possible for a 24-year-old female kitty to be the alpha to the boy kitties
Give a daughter of one of your greatest Presidents two years of your state's U S Senate...
Face it: If you wanted that Zinnist-Marxist Revolution it will not happen.
In Defense of Caroline Kennedy
Time Photos: From Emmett Till to Barack Obama
"Low Tide" for the Birth Certificate crowd...
"His (Obama's) Illinois liberalism won't line up with the people of Colorado's Western sensibility,"
The most overrated "Classic Rock" song is DEFINITELY...
Bush: I'm Open To Suggestions On What To Do After I'm Out
So then, how do you feel about Rick Warren being invited to give the inaugural invocation?
The Gays always have to "get over it" on DU
Live Streaming Video from the Minnesota Canvassing Board
Justice John Paul Stevens to swear in Biden
BC lawyer loses it, says "remove the usurper using all means necessary"
I Apologize if Im Making fun of Western Heritage...
EXCELLENT Holiday Slide Show with audio--**Please Watch**!!
Americablog: Warren pick shows gays are not part of the inauguration party & now expendable
did you think you would live to see the day?
LaHood considered for Cabinet post
President-Elect Obama - Warren is a smooth-talking bigot with hateful views - Please stop this NOW!
Harley Shaiken the New Labor Secretary??
Sorry...Obama is doing exactly as he promised during the campaign...
Ken Salazar Has A Cool Bolo Tie And Hat
I think I have some Obama Cred on here and I'm fucking pissed Warren is part of the Inauguration. Does that mean Obama is somehow THE ENEMY?
Obama Inauguration: Rick Warren To Deliver Invocation (Press Release of Inaugration Program)
On a day we should all be celebrating, some of us will be reminded they're 2nd class citizens
Well, we got what we wished for.
Gay and disappointed in Obama? Get over it.
Over the last 50 years the Senate has had 3 Kennedys and 3 African-Americans.
Has Obama lost your vote in 2012?
Pastor Rick Warren: Gay marriage akin to incest, child rape and polygamy:
Obama bashers get your free licks in now
Obama Invites Louis Farrakhan to light White House Menorah.
Facts: (1) Obama supports civil unions; (2) Rick Warren is the most popular pastor in the USA
What prominent pastor isn't anti-gay marriage?
Can anyone help me identify this book (on the primaries/Obama v Clinton, etc)?
Can anyone help me identify this book (on the primaries/Obama v Clinton, etc)?
BREAKING-Obama to name Mary Schapiro as SEC Chairwoman
Warren's view on gays is a symptom of a larger anti-intellectualism
"Who would you have wanted to give teh prayer???11" - - - How about Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy
I apologize and I reverse my position on Warren speaking at the inauguration
Huffpo: Caroline Kennedy Turning Tide Of Skeptics
Everyone is bitching about Rick Warren but he has to share the day with Lesbian and Gay Band Assoc.
5 Presidents Worse Than George W Bush
I have an idea: How about we get rid of these fucking invocations!
Brenda, the GoH is on her way here to clean up this pigsty.
PSA: It was apparently moran day in Costco today.
we got a dog from the animal shelter today!
Holy crap!! I got HATE MAIL!!!!
Santa Claus died of natural causes
If capitalism keeps declining after January 20th, what do YOU think Obama should do in response?
Caroline Kennedy / Arne Duncan 2016??
Word of the day is "DuStrange" - use it to modify a thread title.
I really like Tuesdays, normally.
My new Prius ... Little Greenie!
Obama appoints two more DLCers to his cabinet
So who would you want to do the prayer @ the inauguration?
Kitten Picture of the Day for Wednesday December 17
DU maddiejoan has died.......:(
Are you surprised Obama did not select Chuck Hagel for a position?
OH OH OH OH HELLLLLLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOO Terry McAuliffe has started fundraising
Lieberman Faces Lowest Approval Numbers Ever
Anyone Got The Google Phone? How Is It?
Well, I'm off to the morgue...
Essential reading for pet owners: MSNBC's "Avoid holiday hazards for your pet"
For those who celebrate Christmas:
Help come up with a nickname for the Iraqi journalist
BREAKING: Lena Horne NOT dead!
Samurai Underpants Sheaths Your Katana in Awesome
Gallup tracking: Obama confidence numbers still way up, 67%.
Please allow this unapologetic unashamed Christian to say why pickng Warren is WRONG
Elian Gonzalez is back???? A classic from Peggy Noonan as a bonus.
No "Change" at USDA as Obama Picks Monsanto Shill Vilsack for Ag Secretary
Who Will Win? Flying Spaghetti Monster vs. Cthulhu!
PHOTOS From Time Magazine - Obama: The College Years
Source: Ill. gov nixed job for Jackson Jr.'s wife
Chávez insists on integration mechanisms for Unasur
Indian Businesses Push for Security
Bush-Era Abortion Rules Face Possible Reversal
Three fallen soldiers return to a hero's welcome
Scientists find hole in Earth's magnetic field
SEC Chairman Says Agency Failed to Probe Madoff
Bush peppered Wilkins with queries on (Canadian) constitutional crisis
Taking a swipe at Bush: Zaidi-inspired shoe game on Internet
A camp for kids coping with war wounds of a parent
For the First Time in U.S., Extensive Face Transplant Is Performed
Iraqi police: Baghdad bombs kill 6, wound 41
Southern Africa launches urgent aid for Zimbabwe
Microsoft Scrambles To Fix Flaw
Honda slashes forecast again, Nissan cuts output
5 Presidents Worse Than George W Bush
White House apologizes to Elisabeth Hasselbeck over Christmas invitation
OPEC likely to OK 2 million barrel oil output cut
Army's new manual warns of 'persistent conflict'
Michigan lawmakers discuss differences on smoking ban
Rice: U.S. Under Bush Embraced U.N. More Than Ever
Microsoft Issues Emergency Security Patch For IE
Death toll in Baghdad twin blasts rises to 25
Downturn Hits Vacation Enclave of New York Elite ('Palpable Fear in Hamptons')
At meeting in Brazil, Washington is scorned
Detroit Free Press and News redirect staff, resources to digital delivery of news
Gondola tower collapses at Whistler resort trapping skiers
Senator's (Coleman) lawyer denies corruption allegations
Declining oil prices threaten Iraqi stability
OPEC agrees to record cut of two million oil barrels: Saudi minister
Insurer: Victims of Houston office fire died from 'pollution'
SEC chairman says agency failed to probe Madoff
California Congressman Turns Down Trade Post
Bush administration eases railroad route safety rule
Jackson Jr. went to authorities about Illinois governor
Businessman indicted in $62M Ponzi scheme
Ontario premier to banks: no more tax cuts, do your bit for the economy
Mercosur expresses solidarity with U.S.-spurned Bolivia
Parents of 'American Taliban' ask Bush to free him
U.S. deserter faces deportation Christmas Eve
Ga. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf
Obama named TIME’s 2008 Person of the Year
NASA reports 2008 is ninth warmest year since 1880
(AG) Mukasey recuses himself from $50 billion (Madoff) fraud probe
Bush to leave plans in case of crisis when Obama moves in
Illinois Supreme Court won't hear challenge to Blago's fitness
US says Iraq fails to tackle corrupt high officials
Motorola freezes pension plans
Breaking News: Vilsack will be ag secretary
AbitibiBowater may take legal action over N.L. expropriation of assets
Rival cobblers claim credit for shoes hurled at Bush
Bush Schedules Lunch for Obama, Ex-Presidents Carter, Bush, Clinton
US 'to drop Blackwater in Iraq'
Welfare Rolls See First Climb in Years
House Arrest for Madoff in $7 Million Apartment
Salazar's confirmation hearings could turn into slugfest over oil shale
Coleman Camp Gets Roughed Up By State Supremes
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday December 17
Archeologists unearth ancient city in Peru
Columbo Star Hit By Alzheimer's
Second GOP senator (Brownback) to announce retirement
Bush says 'no debate' about his keeping US safe
U.S. Wants Contractor to Monitor Mercs in A'stan
(SC) Justice Kennedy rejects 2 more challenges to Obama
Obama considers $1 trillion plan to jolt economy
LaHood asked to be Transportation Sec
Britons vent scorn at U.S. after 24 days in N.C. jails
Iraqi official says he's quitting over shoe-tosser
Governor's lawyer sparks fireworks at hearing
Obama urged to end Cuba embargo
Goldman Sachs’s Tax Rate Drops to 1%, or $14 Million (paid $6 billion in 2007)
Anti-war activists throw shoes outside White House
Ga. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf
BREAKING NEWS: All Chrysler Plants To Be Idled Dec. 19 - Jan. 19
In Appearance Upstate, Caroline Kennedy Says Little
Shoe thrower Muntazer al-Zaidi's brother Dhargham says he is too injured to face court
UK troops to leave Iraq 'by July'
Abandoned horses are on the rise
3 TGI Friday's restaurants close without notice
Rick Warren to give inaugural invocation
Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied (ShopRite says no-Walmart says yes)
Flint Volt engine plant on hold as GM saves its cash
PCHR: Israeli Authorities Deny Entry of UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine
Opinion: Israeli blockade of Gaza amounts to occupation
Poll: Most Israelis oppose leaving West Bank for Arab world's recognition
Rocket fire raises concern over Gaza truce
Goldman-Sachs Sees "Good Times!"....Tax Rate Drops to 1%, or $14 Million
Cheney Does Express One Regret: 'We Should’ve Invaded Imelda Marcos'
Why aren't we dancing in the streets? We just liberated ourselves from an American Dictatorship!
Bush Tries to White-Wash History; Portrays Himself as a Victim
Truthdig: What Future for the Ink-Stained Wretch?
Dude, where's my $700 billion?
Greg Palast: Obama Slam-Duncans Education
Bush Cites Janis Joplin in Shrugging Off 'Shoe Incident'
Another blow to reputation of SEC _ International Tribune lowdown on the Bush ADM. SEC
Media blissfully unaware of how bad lastest Rate Cut news really is.
David Horsey cartoon: At a remote terrorist training camp....
Poll: Obama family puppy should come from shelter
NYT, pg1: Obama Pledge Stirs Hope in Early Education
Coal Mines, Casinos, and Cocaine -The wild mess that awaits Ken Salazar
Arrest energizes pundits (Gene Lyons)
Deepak Chopra: George W. Bush Has Been Throwing Shoes at Us
Joe Conason: The Matter of Caroline's Qualifications
Iraqi Shoe Thrower Given a 'Seinfeld Sentence'
Obama's education secretary a cheerleader for failed GOP education ''reforms''
Glenn Greenwald: Prostitution v. War Crimes: The Real Moral Offense
Garrison Keillor: "Do not flush while seated on toilet"
Hartmann: Alexander Hamilton’s Advice To The Obama Administration
India asks US for more work visas
Lou Dobbs uses Wingnut Front group to attack SEIU and Obama
Harlan County Fishpond - the consequences of mountaintop mining.
George W. Bush Shoe Attack Barack Obama Thoughts
BBC: Shoe Reporter's Brother Says He's Been Severely Injured
TYT: Cenk's Take On 'The Shoes'
AP: Madoff Scandal Forcing Foundations to Close
Tom Tomorrow: A Very Sparky Christmas
Chris Matthews and David Corn smack around Bush Iraq War shill Frank Gaffney
Melissa Etheridge vs. Elisabeth Hasselback
Bush Shoe Thrower Speaks!! (Pure Bullshit!)
Naomi Wolf: The Air America Interview
Seal Hunt - the desperation of Newfoundland fishermen
Alan Colmes Tells Coulter She IS a Hate Crime
Cheney Waiting To Be Arrested For War Crimes
Olbermann: "See, Here's the Thing. The President is Just Full of..."
Countdown: Cheney Admits 'Most Certainly Unambiguously a War Crime' (w/ Jonathan Turley)
If someone commits a crime and everyone's around to see it and does nothing, is it still a crime?
Bush On Economy And Iraq: Don't Blame Me!
Green Technology Product You Attach to Your Tailpipe and Filter CO2!
Take a look at this version of the event-Shoe Throwing-Different Angle Of Pummeling & Smirking Bush
Juan Williams: Iraqi Protesters Are ‘Ingrate[s]’ Who Should Appreciate U.S. Invasion
W: I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system (1:02)
Countdown: Letterman on Shoe - 'Too Bad Bush Didn't React that Fast...'
TYT: Elizabeth Hasselbeck Finally Disagrees With George Bush?
TYT: Did The Obama Cabinet Pick Push For Gay High School?
Code Pink Does "Shoe-In" at White House Rally
Hasselbeck - The Rights Of Minorities Should Be Voted On
Rachel Maddow on Conan O'Brien/ Nov. 21, 2008
Army rolls out revised training doctrine
Huachuca soldier dies after road march
Bliss soldier who escaped custody arrested
Judge sequesters jury in Dix plot trial
2nd ex-Ranger sentenced for bank robbery
Pentagon readies 3 anti-IED UAVs
Disability claims lawsuit begins against VA
Thwarted Iraqi bomber blows himself up
Iraq vet gunman held at Los Angeles hospital
(Army Times) Backtalk: Military groups most deserving of government ‘bailout’
Wal-Mart donates $500K to military charities
U.S. worried about need for warrants in Iraq
Sailors blast wear rules for blue cammies
Somali pirates seize 2 vessels in Gulf of Aden
Naval Academy asks for diversity push
UFC fight raises $4M for brain injury research
Former Marine sentenced for sex with minor
Beaufort lance corporal found dead
Pentagon: Russian ships near Cuba are no threat
Marine recruiter arraigned in rape case
Panel: Navy will need oil for decades
F.E. Warren missile wing fails nuke inspection
F-22s to temporarily deploy to 2 Pacific bases
Ariz. lawmakers lobby to base F-35 at Luke
Attempt to burn jettisoned fuel at lake fails
(Air Force Times) Backtalk: Holidays offer chance to reflect on religion-military balance
10 female detainees given to Iraq
Dollar’s fall means more cash in paycheck
Report: $904 billion spent on wars so far
Italian police ask Navy for records to 6 Naples homes
Man who taught at Kubasaki High is indicted in Ky.
Drill addresses hot-button issue
Marine Unit Leading Afghan Troop Boost
Guard Responds to Winter Storm
AAFES halts sale of fuel coupons in Germany
Army cuts back on re-enlistment bonuses
Former Sailor Charged in Oregon Bombing
U.N. OKs land, air attacks on Somali pirates
Citing safety, Marine bulletin declares ‘Party Bus’ off limits
(Army Times) Editorial: Shinseki as VA secretary
Energy officials show "strong" belief in renewables
New Technologies Show Promise for High-Efficiency Solar Cells
Arctic ice volume lowest ever as globe warms: U.N. - Reuters
Taronga's eagle ready for take off
The Good Life Doesn't Have to Cost Us the Planet
Grand Canyon breeding ground for condors
Changes 'amplify Arctic warming' - BBC
Driven: Shai Agassi's Audacious Plan to Put Electric Cars on the Road
Transcript: Obama News Conference Announcing Environment and Energy Team - December 15
Salford team hails spluttering thin film solar breakthrough: … hopefully lower the cost of thin film
Wind turbines could be "disguised" as giant flowers
on msnbc just now saying that blackwater is being dropped for security in Iraq
WMO - Total Arctic Ice Volume Lowest Ever Recorded In 2008 - Reuters
PEMEX Taking Bids For 500 Wells In Chicontepec Region, Famous For Tough Geology & Low Pressure
Dolphins save Palawan fisherman
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Approves 5-MW Solar Project
U. S. Carolina Study Shows Heat Biggest Natural Fatality Risk For Americans , Thunderstorms #2
Signet Solar to Build 65 MW (per year)Thin Film Manufacturing Plant (NM)
Warming Likely Boon To Corn Earworm, Borer, Other Crop Pests - Reuters
Wind power in line for $1.38b grid boost (Alberta)
Cedar Ridge wind farm begins generating power (WI)
Wyoming in transition to greener energy
Power line from Canada is proposed
Seas will rise faster than (previously) predicted, say scientists
USGS - Sea Level Rise "Will Substantially Exceed" UN & IPCC Projections Before 2100 - Business Green
Japan Leads The Way With No-Waste Lifestyle
UA Fairbanks Survey - Methane @ 200X Background Levels In Arctic Seawater As Hydrates Begin Release
Solar home owners oppose wind farm
Sucking carbon out of the air: Are plans to take carbon dioxide out of the air just a pipe dream, or
First Solar Reaches Grid-Parity Milestone, Says Report: … solar costs less than coal …
Federal Reserve - ZIRP press release Dec 16th 2008
Negative Yields on Some Money Market Funds
Shoplifting up during holidays, hard times
Budweiser loses right to Bud name
USA Today helps with disinformation re the Credit Catastrophe - ignores PHIL GRAMM
Calpers To Report Losses of 103% on its Residential Investments
Chrysler Shuts Down All Factories
Question about an IRA - cash out or hold on?
TPM week long discussion of Depression Economics
Auto suppliers fear White House bailout ignores them
Trepidation About Quantitative Easing
On Trying to Inflate Four Truck Tires with a Turkey Baster
WSJ blog: Up to 42% of jobs potentially offshoreable
European car sales slumped 27% in November
Bail Out the Auto Industry? Why Not Take Over Their Health Care Instead?
Inspiring displays of international solidarity at workers’ conference in Tijuana
Auto Worker Vs Banker - two failed - who makes more an hour
Lots of Losers in the ‘Madoff Game’
Mukasey Recuses Himself From Madoff Investigation
The World's Biggest Sleazebag.. calls Madoff a Sleazebag!!!
Wal-Mart & capitalism to blame
Average Autoworkers Aren’t the Problem
An open letter from Michigan auto workers to The South
This Is My Grandfather, the AutoWorker
James Frey to write 'third book of the Bible'
American gay rights advocate dies in Scotland
RuPaul as Barack and Michelle Obama
I was watching the repeat of "The Daily Show" with Mike Huckabee as a guest.
Looks like it's McClurkin round 2 here on DU
Two Mormons just showed up at my door.
To paraphrase a chant from MILK:
Where's the fucking post where Skinner said GLBT would be supported
Can someone tell me what proportion of people are gay?
Life's "building blocks" scattered throughout the Milky Way, so . . .
Please please please know that not all of DU supports Obama on Warren
Rick Warren will be giving the opening prayer at Obama's inauguration
I think this Rick Warren selection is a sign of bad things to come from Obama.
Why we should be pissed -- and afraid -- at Rick Warren giving Obama's Inaugural Prayer
Since Jan 2004, I've never put anyone on ignore until today - now I
Is anybody really surprised about Rick Warren?
I am sad to see the "Get Over It" attitude here on DU RE: Rick Warren...
'Wicked' composer won't withhold work from LDS groups over Prop 8
Friends. I have some sad news.
Jeremy Clarkson's Motorworld - Cuba
translate please (spanish to english)
"The leftwing will not rule Colombia"
agreement on creation of South American Defense Council
Mercosur expresses solidarity with U.S.-spurned Bolivia
Latin American leaders back Cuba, hope for changes in US ties
100+ Experts Question Human Rights Watch's Venezuela Report
FYI. Marquette(23) is playing Tennessee(18) tonight.
Holyfield, 46, Will Soon Fight for His Fifth Title
The 5 Worst Officiating Calls of 2008
2 weeks and 2 days of no smoking
Study changes thinking on how HIV spreads
"The 'Make Your Life Easier' Miracles" - Karen Bishop - December 16, 2008
The Stars This Week: "Have A Plan-B in Place" - December 15 - December 21, 2008
Thinking of getting a new tarot deck- anyone here have Druidcraft?
Dolphins and whales save Palawan fisherman
A request of this wonderful group....
Losing it...., seriously, WTF...?
Seeking some psychic insight on my son's health
Citizens to Nickels: Hands Off Our Guns
If anyone is interested in a Canon Rebel
Morro Dunes - San Simeon St Beach, 12/17/08
Posting from Cambria, CA, 12/16/08
Why photographers save or should
Simple Basic German Potato Salad
Soaring, Cryptography and Nuclear Weapons - by Martin Hellman
Spinning water droplets behave like black holes
Drillers break into magma chamber
Mekong a 'treasure trove' of 1,000 newly discovered species (CNN)
Archimedes and the 2000-year-old computer
Short-armed raptor found in Argentina
Why it's not as simple as God vs the multiverse
Ancient Magma 'Superpiles' May Have Shaped The Continents
If programming languages were religions
Drillers break into Magma Chamber
Mercury or Bust: - Chasing Down the Galaxy's Fastest Planet
"The best basketball-playing Cabinet in American history"
Inaugural Ceremony participants, program announced
Arne Duncan, Merit Pay, and Materialistic America
School Teachers (K-12) Inauguration Info/Nickelodeon
George W. Bush's notorious inability to act, shows that 9/11 was HIS failure.
Fratto: ‘No One Could Have Anticipated’ Terrorists Flying Planes Into Buildings Before 9/11»
Career Army officer sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, saying no evacuation order given on 9/11
A Very Depressing Thing about DU.
X-Posted: Gratitude to Teachers
State Senate District 17 runoff results
30 percent more McLennan County residents getting food stamps
Cornyn wants Abbott to replace KBH
Austinite activist and candidate Jennifer Gale has passed away.
A bilingual version of West Side Story gives the Sharks their due
ONLY Nuclear Bombs and the China Syndrome Fit All the Evidence
Poznan press coverage of Sen. Kerry from last week
Boston Herald OpEd b y Sen. Kerry, 12/15/08
Small Biz Comm releases report on Veterans Corp (ah, might want to read about this.)
XPOST: Another example of the honesty of British politicians and the gentle nature of our police ...
You can't rule the world with Old Etonians says Davis
MigrationWatch is twisting the truth