Democratic Underground

Archives: December 29, 2008

Juan Cole Minces No Words on the Gaza Strikes...

Is it okay to put this link on here?

Financial Planner Advises Shorter Life Span- The Onion who else?

In the Space between Holidays, the Peace between Unholy Daze, Cherish Your Dreams and Each Other

(MN) Sen. Klobuchar: Seat The Winner (Likely Franken) Until Legal Battles End

Crude Oil Rises After Israeli Attacks on Gaza Roil Middle East

MarketWatch: How Iceland Collapsed (video)

Israel's elections are coming up in February.

Does Israel withold Food, Gasoline and drinking water from Palestine?

NPR Debates whether Bush was the very worst President

London Protests Gaza Attacks

Nobody Loves You (When You're Down And Out)


Does anyone here have U-verse for their TV/internet connection?

Dave Barry Year in Review: Bailing out of 2008

Gaza complicates Obama's policy in Mideast

Hey, the rich had to scale back, too!

Obama will stick to tax promise, his aides say

Have any government officials addressed the Vanity Fair article about torture?

Speaking of Pardons....

72% of Conservative Republicans Still Support Bush

Guardian UK: Australian snorkeller snatched by shark

TV News Winds Down Operations on Iraq War

BBC: Iranians hurl shoes at Bush pictures

Anti-worker effort is steeped in lies

Economic Death and Millionaire Taxes

Economic Death and Millionaire Taxes

Dark winter on Broadway

Cough. Gasp. Choke. (trying to catch my breath)

The War on Terror..

Wonder if anybody else ever listens to radical radio.

Which is the funniest example of off-target insight?

My church is on the warpath over Freedom of Choice Act

Appeal of the bathroom that Senator Craig was arrested in is going down the drain

Double dipping rises despite outrage

DU's treatment of discusson about the I/P conflict is shameful....

Military recruiters having no trouble filling quotas

Kennedy takes pragmatic view of Senate job (Buffalo News 12/28)

25% of Retailers Poised To Go Bankrupt

Where has Obama been?

Would it not be more ethical to simply shoot down rockets and mortars?

In These Times: The Body Count On Main Street

PLEASE, dear GOD, make it STOP: "Rice: People will soon thank Bush for what he's done"

Pictures from "shoe throwing contest" in Iran

Yikes, eight feared dead in avalanche in BC

I am stunned.

Error: This functionality is for donors only.

How do you get tax records for a property?

Even the "experts" can't tell shit from shinola any more.

Foreclosures give Skateboarders a Plethora of Empty Pools

Today's "Non-Sequitur" pretty much some up talking to the GOP

Barbara Boxer on the Economy of California: Want to see how bad it is?

My wife fell, and since she's pregnant, we called the OB/GYN

Is the Wall Street bailout actually hurting America?

Meth an Accepted Aid in Loan Processing at WaMu


"Fifty Herbert Hoovers " By Paul Krugman

I just want to thank the Admins for the GLBT and Israeli/Palestine topic forums....

I just want to thank the Admins for the GLBT and Israeli/Palestine topic forums....

Bush and Condi's Excellent Gaza Adventure

Focus on the Family website yanks Glenn Beck interview

Thank you DU for having the good sense to have the I/P forum and 9/11 forum

Enough war mentality! We sure could use a Dept of Peace!

We Must Stop the Bloodshed in Gaza

Ford, Chrysler & GM's contributions after 9/11

This Week in God: Pat Robertson Turns on Bush, NYT Lies About Church Numbers, and More

Eartha Kitt: The patriot who was right all along

Sorry Pat, but I don't believe in YOUR God...

NYT: The Labor Agenda

Suicide Bombs Kill 20 in Afghanistan; Day After Bombing Kills 16

Gaza Morgue Overwhelmed...

TV News Winds Down Operations on Iraq War (Guess I'll have to see Al Jazeera)

The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Pinter in Memoriam

The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Pinter in Memoriam

repubs falling all over themselves to defend the worst president ever

Did I just hear a caller on WJ refer to

Can you help..or know anyone who can help dogs to be gassed tmw South of Atlanta?

HULU has "The Times of Harvey Milk" now

mourning joe with their daily caroline kennedy slagging

GMAC and GM Screwing over their Dealers by repossessing Inventory?

Tell Obama to help end the genocide in Darfur.

Will the NeoCons Exploit Gaza to Keep the US in Iraq Forever?

Top Ten Quotes of 2008 compiled by the editor of the Yale Book of Quotations:

The Presidential Family

“God bless Greenspan...patron saint of pool skatin’.” Skateboarders in foreclosed swimming pools

Touching Holocaust love story a hoax

Bush's legacy by the numbers

Freepers ask: PRAY FOR OBAMA

C-SPAN - American Muslim Task Force LIVE news conf 10 am (now). Releasing letter to Obama.

Street-Level View of Israeli Bomb Drop on Civilians

Nir Rosen: "Terrorism Has Proved A Rhetorical Smokescreen...The Strong Crush The Weak"

John Lennon - The Luck Of The Irish

Salt Lake City Mayor Becker leads with gentler style

Sometimes maybe revenge is not as sweet as advertised

Child Neglect Cases Multiply As Economic Woes Spread

Lehman bankruptcy filing wiped out billions: report

Bookmark this post: Feel free to repost my stuff in any forum, group, or place

Bush vs Clinton - The Final Exit

Robert Fisk: Leaders lie, civilians die, and lessons of history are ignored

"George W Bush presidency not a failure", says wife Laura ., like Nixon's "I am not a crook"

Part-Time Government Employees Earn $160,000 a Year

Serious Questions For Skinner And The Mods

My Niece's Husband Just Spent His First Christmas In Afghanistan

Serial Killers vs Bush

Car financing and usury

Unemployment compensation (running out)

The United States Of America declared war on Iraq 5 years ago

Rude Pundit:Because We Won't Have Him to Kick Around Much Longer, Part 3 (Middle East Blood Edition)

Wow. Big protest in London right now on CNN in front of an Embassy.

The Iraq occupation - out of sight, out of mind

Freepers aren't conservatives, they're Gribbleites

New idiot of 2008 poll

RNC members call unprecedented special meeting

New Freeperism: living in squabble!

Sen. Craig restroom tanking as tourist destination

Dick Cheney: "How Come Nobody Luvs Me?"

Pakistan/India conflict will cap the Iraq/Afghanistan pullout....

The US financial aid to Israel and its cost to US taxpayers

Santa Claus bailout hearings

Q for DU IT folks....enterprise anti-virus

Violence and Lies: What, Exactly, is Israel's Mission?

Chinese drywall causes problems on the Treasure Coast

Man spends days unnoticed in Pa. family's attic

If you wanna vote, you gotta make a choice. No equivocating. Protectionism or not?

The Independent (UK): It's war to the end, Israel tells Hamas.

Respecting Israel's Right To Defend Themselves-But RECOGNIZING-There Is NO Military Solution.

Lawrence Wilkerson: Cheney's team would spy on the the National Security Council staff

I have just put in sell orders for all my U.S. Treasury funds

Caroline Kennedy receiving criticism for not being articulate. 54 "you knows" in short interview

CNN broadcasting from "anti-Gaza-invasion" rally in London...

Are You "Done" with Meet The Press?


Who's the college student in Crawford running the Presser?

Why aren't the citizens of California recalling

4 million Iraqi refugees?

Nice headline CNN morons

Newsweek: Rumsfeld, Ashcroft Could Soon Face Legal Jeopardy

T minus 22 days, and Chris Rock still has the best quote about Bush.

December 29th

Results of DOJ Probe Into Siegelman Prosecution to Be Released in 'Near Future'

The Israeli massacre - funded by US aid

Covina 'Santa Claus' Rampage leaves 13 kids ophaned. 2 others lose 1 parent.

Child maid trafficking spreads from Africa to US

The year 2008, in Pictures.

Ed Gillespie sets the record straight.

Condi: "Generations are going to start to thank this president for what he's done"

Either you benefit from or you rage against the corporations


1,000,000,000 gallons of sludge shames agency

Delaney Bramlett dies in L.A.

Richard Clarke: "from the first weeks of the administration they were talking about Iraq"

Egyptians open fire on Palestinians


I wrote my representatives today: NOT ANOTHER DIME FOR ISRAEL!

Bolton: ‘In 100 years people aren’t going to remember Guantánamo or Abu Ghraib.’

Starbucks: "Hey Partner, Remember That 401K Match? You Believed Us?"

Taliban Overruns Picturesque Pakistani Valley; Militants Behead Opponents, Burn Schools

Ask Obama Part 2

Duchess of Carnegie, 96, refuses to leave home

The freedom of choice act screaming by the right in the Catholic church is total bullshit

United Mountain Defense Promises Independent Testing at Spill Site - High Levels of Arsenic Found

An Interesting Article - "Sustaining Moore's Law - 10 Years of the CPU"

Iowa City considers ban on happy hour

Here's why you can't compare today's economy with the 1930's:

Did anyone else see Pat Buchanen say Sarah Palin debated Walter Mondale?

Visiting family warps your brain, study says

Anderson Cooper on Rachel Maddow

Obama Can Do No Wrong (plus more headlines) 12/29/08

Bernie (Madoff) Stashed His Cash Offshore

Does anyone Irish or Irish decent want to puke watching Londoners protest

Another person goes overboard on cruise ship.

Question - does anybody else find The Onion a tad boring?

GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell obstructs Obama's stimulus package

WTF???? Father Gives Daughter Bikini Waxes, Rides To Work At A Brothel

So where do you want to go?

new years' resolution: bailouts are for the NEW economy, not the OLD economy

Surgeon Uses Human Fat As Alternative Fuel To Run His Car

The oddness of the sale at old navy..

"Holiday Sales Drop to Force Bankruptcies, Closings"

Israel says Gaza assault 'war to the bitter end'

John Bolton objects to "blaming every consequence of the overthrow of Saddam on the United States"

Klobuchar suggests temporary senator be sworn in

Kulongoski to pursue mileage tax

I have a legitimate question about the conflict in Gaza

So.. Hamas can fire all the missiles it wants at Israel, but when they say enough is enough..

Bush's presidency has not been a failure

When do you think Bush will issue the pardons? guess is Wenesday,, or

gas prices here went up 12 cents overnight, anyone else?

Things you should know:

I have no idea what you're talking about. So here's a picture of Condoleezza with a shoe on her head

Uproar In Australia Over Plan To Block Web Sites (AP)

Tweety's Documentary - the Decider

California Dems Taking Reins Of U.S. Environmental Policy

I've got this great idea for a new kind of financial instrument--the Parking Ticket Derivative.

I sincerely wish this was not so but 10 Years from now you will be making $100,000 a year

Confiscate now

I can't help but feel the end of the nation is at hand

A word about the "Single Issue Mosh Pit" system...

Daily Kos: Nothing's Too Good for the Working Class

mika doesn't like caroline kennedy near as much as she likes palin

Kerry to Hold Hearings on Chasing Pirates

Mika Mouse .........

CNBC Madman Jim Cramer's Dec 2007 top ten predictions for 2008

JH Kunstler: Predictions for 2009

Similarities and Differences. The Irony.

RWingnuts take 'ludicrous' to whole 'nother level.

Pickups and SUVs will outsell cars this month

Can you believe how high the price of Beluga Caviar is going?

What is the role of the media?

Mexican president finds drugs now corrupting military, too

So is this Israel trying to set the world on fire before their RW lunatic friends leave office?

Stalin voted third-best Russian (BBC)

What is the state of the unemployment office Department of Econmic Security in your state? In AZ

So where is Bristol's baby ?????

Did you know Saab was a GM product ??

An aspect of gender-neutral marriage you might not have thought about...

Regarding "Barack the Magic Negro."

News-Press of Fort Myers, Florida: Florida high court to rule on same-sex adoption ban

Why does Obama have to give up his Blackberry?

Breastfeeding Moms Protest Facebook

Senator Webb Eyes Prison Reform

Which group is more nuts?

How I wish the white supremacist republicans would just die off.

Economic Recovery Solution: Legalize it and tax it.

Was the 'Credit Crunch' a Myth Used to Sell a Trillion-Dollar Scam? (Joshua Holland, AlterNet)

Wouldn't it be great if we could have cars designed to last 30 or 20 years?

Elaine Chao defends her Labor legacy

Bristol Palin has her baby...names him "TRIP."

Thing is - I don't think anyone should have to die

96 yr old resisting Carnegie Hall eviction from upstairs apartments.

Baby Presents Piling Up for Palin

Jewish Voice for Peace

FDR valued all work and all workers

Kansas man lights 50 sparklers at once, loses fingers

Friend of mine calls me an asshole for telling him we aren't going to spend the night in Atlanta

David Gregory shows why he's the perfect replacement for Tim Russert

Virginity Pledges Ineffective....a story at MSNBC.

Trip Palin born

Tainted Chinese Imports Common

Recession Should Change Housing Tastes: So long McMansions?

Wall St. Bailout proves Orwell right: financial elite, you are OBSOLETE!

Is there a doctor in the house? Or, why are my elderly relatives told to go the the EMERGENCY room?

GM And Chrysler To Shut Hundreds Of Dealerships

Monday TOON roundup

New Book: Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, a

Mom is back in the hospital again :(

Because we can all use a smile! Post a photo of your furry or feathered friends!

Inventor's 2020 vision: to help 1bn of the world's poorest see better

I'm thinking of getting some chickens for my New York City backyard. Anyone else?

Request: I need a cartoon that would be the most offensive to conservatives.

Windows 7: Some Minor Improvements, No Game Changer (

Unbelievable AT&T telemarketing call.

If you want to be able to discuss Israel and Palestine outside the confines of I/P

AlterNet: The 10 Most Awesomely Bad Moments of the Bush Presidency

Smoking ban proves difficult to enforce

We will run out of time before Obama takes office on the 20th in 22 more days?

We will run out of time before Obama takes office on the 20th in 22 more days?

The Passive Voice President

No Furnaces but Heat Aplenty in ‘Passive Houses’

Hope Fades for PS3 as a Comeback Player

Listening To MSNBC This A.M. - Somebody Is Really Afraid Of Caroline Kennedy Getting The NY Senate .

He Kept Us Safe*

Coleman refuses to count hundreds of legitimate absentee ballots

Coleman refuses to count hundreds of legitimate absentee ballots

What is the worst element of the bush legacy?

I recommend the death penalty for anyone operating a motor vehicle while talking on a cell phone

Sean Hannity: Media Matters' 2008 Misinformer of the Year

does this not bother anyone?

Kucinich criticizes Israel; wants U.N. probe - The Hill

Kucinich criticizes Israel; wants U.N. probe - The Hill

Wine, Tea, and Chocolate are brain food.

Bush Refuses To Interrupt His Final Vacation As Middle East Crisis Escalates»

Remember last month when a bunch of DUers argued FOR the Wall Street "bailout"?

Remember last month when a bunch of DUers argued FOR the Wall Street "bailout"?

Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, really. Now if you can come up with a better

Please. I would like a non-emotional analysis of a I/P topic. No flames in this thread please.

They were deceived into believing if they worked HARD everything would be alright

Chinese drywall causes problems on the Treasure Coast

Men's Health Magazine Reminds us of how stupid Freepers are

Is the NY Times a legitimate news source?

There is a strange newbie obsession with definitions in GDP these days

The Dophlins + Cowboys= Why I love the NFL

Self-Employed DUers...How often do you pull an all-nighter?


Somebody asked about "Sunday Afternoons," Here:

My cat chews his nails and leaves pointy little devil spikes everywhere

Freakishly windy weather

That inbred fucknozzle from Kiln, Mississippi can kiss my freckled Irish ass

Those fists aren't the hammer.


What can I say about the Detroit Lions...

Sen. Craig restroom tanking as tourist destination

My goals for 2009

Hey fellow Dudeists...

Looking for a movie is some of the story line. CHALLENGING for you

ack! gack! gurk! urp!... thud!

How to coax a scared kitty out of hiding all day?

Is the "Top Ten Conservative Idiots" gone?

Words that would have vanished from American English if not for computers

So what video game character are you?

Post a picture of an overpaid, overrated, over the hill...

The Times They Are A-Changin

Negro? Fucking NEGRO? Are you fucking kidding me?

I'm sorry DuStrange....

I won the fantasy football championship of my league today.

Chemical weapons testing in US through the years. It's startling they would do that.

Trying to watch "Dogtown: Saving the Michael Vick Dogs"

PETA has put out a new pronouncement...

How Long Have You Gone Without Seinfeld?

"I said SHUT THE F**K UP!"


So who is this mysterious 'Moderator'?

Have you seen this video?

Snow on Mt. Baldy, today...

Giant Salamanders?

Madonna directed a film? And it's actually pretty good? Weird.

What was the subject of the stupid thread that wouldn't go away?


Interesting spam e-mail I received

I just have to get this off my chest

It was three days late, but my Christmas wish was fulfilled.

I have 3 cats and a border collie in bed with me

Apparently it's a STFU night for all the Redskins lovers

Words cannot begin to tell you how I feel - only this will.....

i am completely addicted to rockband


When is the best time to plan a trip to the Northeast?

I asked Mrs. V. if we could get a Wii. You know what she said?

Nanny sues Paul McCartney's ex, claiming unreasonable hours and naked spray-tans

My husband is on-line trying to register for the warranty on a Christmas gift,

Post here to send madinmaryland a hug

Finally, back on the air

Finally, back on the air

my husband went camping, I slept and watched c-span and pbs all day...

OK this is sooo wrong that I just had to share it with you: Scuba Diving Cat..

How Many Psychiatrists Does It Take To Screw In A Light bulb?

I almost bought some panties today that had Southpark characters on them.

Mah Jong there one shape that you can never win?

Dating website protocol question....


A song for the Lounge.

kitten picture of the day for monday december 29

Another song for the lounge

Good morning Lounge

Back from DC...

Apparently it's a STFU night for all the Dallas Cowboys haters night.

Like a ship that's tossed out

can anyone decipher these two words?

Men: How Long Have You Gone Without Shaving Your Chest

1650 mgs. of augmentin per day times 10 days-ugh

Beware the Deadly Land-Whale

Beware the Deadly Land-Whale

Do you ever "Google" hypothetical lovers?

Bloggers: I could use some pointers in pimping my blog?

Favre says MRI will affect decision to play next season

Do you ever "Google" hypothetical covers?

Question from my 4 year old: Who's faster? Hotwheels or Sonic the Hedgehog?

Women: How Long Have You Gone Without Flashing Your Breasts

You know what the Lounge needs? Another PHILADELPHIA EAGLES THREAD!!!!

Need a cleaning tip

Do you ever "Google" farmer lovers?

Jets fire Mangini after missing playoffs

So I dreamt last night that I got into a major fist fight with Keith Olbermann

Wow. I just visited a DU Forum that makes GD:P and The Dungeon look civilized and reasonable

Cleaning in preperation for the new year.


Paper or plastic?

I have Bob Dylan on the brain

Plans for New Years Eve?

Are we doomed to hear this song every 10 years?????

In memory of Delaney


Going To Starbucks With My $10 Gift Card

So I dreamt last night that I got into a major fist fight with LynneSin

Is it really that hard to time traffic lights to match the speed limit?

Are you going to set a new year's resolution?

A Poem to Condoleezza Rice

I'm bored... I'm bored... I'm bored... I'm bored...

So, I saw 'Marley and Me' was actually really good.

Anyone know how long it takes for your body to re-plenish blood?

What's a good brainless movie out now?

To Know Jesus....

Parche told me that they are changing the Delaware forum in order to save bandwidth

A rescue dog we all probably have needed......

Is it ever too late to copycat a thread?

What does "cleansing of the soul" mean to you in non-religious terms?

Gah. This is what happens when you wait to sign up for classes.

Best Birthday Present!! Billyskank called me!

So what the hell are travel agenst typing anyway?

Goodie, a breastfeeding thread over in GD!


My Monday started with four cases of Champagne sliding off a shelf that collapsed

My Monday started with four cases of Champagne sliding off a shelf that collapsed

Post a picture of you wearing a bra.

I haven't worn pants all day

My daughter got an allen wrench for me for Christmas. In a very large box.

Mom is back in the hospital again :(

Anyone use a system for doing housework? I've been using the

My rabrrrrrr-level high quality solution to the Israel- Palestine conflict

OMG - the Patriots didn't make the playoffs???!!1

Tripp. His name is Tripp.

eHarmony - the free report, their gift to me for failing their personality profiling test

What sick bastard invented those supersize "racecar" shopping carts?

A parishioner was in a car accident. A rant.

Because you can never have too many cat pics...

Cute dog pic for today

Happy birthday Bi-Baby!

Have you been Rick Roll'd?

PSA: NO PSA* in Dubai

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Mon 12/29/2008)

I just bought two original art pieces, what do you think?

I just ate Carvel ice cream cake. What about you?

I have a serious complaint about DU

My wife is leaving me.

Smooth-top or coil range???

The Lounge's Cutest Couple For 2008

What are the best foods to take to a bereaved family?



Riddle of the day

Should I get a tattoo?

What are the most depressing books you have read?

Bottled, Tap, or Filtered Tap Water

Why doesn't anyone rave about Judy Tenuda anymore?

Q for DU IT folks....enterprise anti-virus

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/29/08

A weary social worker writes: You Know Who We Really Hate?

I'm worried I'm losing my mind.

Anybody got any...

Wii Fit tells me I'm overweight.

mmm .....Bud Light with Clamato!!!! *with* "Certified Color*

1,000 People Hired to Eat McDonald's Quarter Pounders in Japan

I don't see Jesus!

My Favorite Albums of 2008 list changed slightly. Any others have final best-of lists?

Today is the 118th anniversary of the Massacre at Wounded Knee.

I just looked at some BOOBIES!

The Newest Member of Mah Familia

I'm starting a new line of dishes, and I need names for the colors

Valkyrie and White Rose.

Do you ever "Google" former lovers?

Pay or Don't Pay?

Sunset in Florida (dial-up WARNING)

My daughter's first kiss was with....BLAGO

If you hate bagpipes, don't click on this thread

alright, pick your superbowl champions

Did I forget to mention how much I HATE job hunting?

Another rightwing dumbass bombs at the box-office: Frank Miller's "The Spirit' flops hard

Dear DUers, I have never posted on here but I do read postings

First name of Channing: male or female?

A few parting words for the senators who squashed the auto rescue

Why is it called "GLBT"?

Watching 60 Minutes...

Turn on 60 minutes!!!

Are You Still Lovin The Obama/Biden Ticket

Panel investigating Blagojevich won't subpoena Obama advisers

The Surgeon General has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health... - since we're on the topic...

From A Political Perspective, Israel's Actions Were Pretty Much Designed To Tie Obama's Hands

OK this is sooo wrong that I just had to share it with you: Scuba Diving Cat..

Contest to replace Lyric: GEORGE BUSH IS ONLY FOR NOW in song, "Just for Now."

Please don't recommend this "Where is Bristol's baby?" thread

CNN: Obama Parody Controversy being bandied about by

The Bacon Explosion!

Obama Tax Cuts Likely Soon

Suggestions for Participants in Obama/Biden Transition Team Health Care Community Discussions

PHOTOS Someone to watch over me...Axelrod, David Axelrod

Next up! Joe the Vice President on Larry King Live 9pm Eastern

PHOTOS Someone to watch over me...Gibbs, Robert Gibbs

Obama and the Israeli/ Palestinian Problem

Bush History - Why Opinion of US Improved in World’s Largest Muslim Nation, 12/29

Ever Notice How Wrong It Is To Call Someone Racist Just Because They Said Something Racist

So, teh Gays are Now PUMAQ's?

Israel or Hamas, my support is with....

I have been accused in threads about telling people to be quiet re: Warren, I need to respond

Bush steps out of world picture in which U.S. is no longer the star

I need help, my outrage center is malfunctioning...

Liberal legal group comes to the fore

So the press is complaing that Obama doesn't like being followed. . .

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, My oh my, 22 days left!

So am I still allowed to have a party in DC on January 19th?

An aspect of gender-neutral marriage you might not have thought about...

Our local dollar store is having a half-price sale

TPM's M. J. Rosenberg: The Media Blitz Justifying Gaza Attacks

Has Obama's office made any response to the outrage over Warren's role in the inauguration?

Oh oh: Prosecutors seek to release Blago's calls

How America Is Like NBA Point Guard Ron Harper

Your unethical twit of the day: NH AG Kelly Ayotte

The American Agenda - Experts give Barack Obama advice on crime, education, energy, health care etc.

Links to MSNBC and NYT photos on the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza...

So far, Obama's disappointing...


Anybody Watching Tweety's special?

I think I got it now. We have no release.

Predicting the Nature of Obama's Presidency

Day -22 of the Failed Obama Presidency...

William Kristol finally gets one right


Despite the best efforts of SOME DUers to paint me and others as enemies of Obama who don't care....

No leader in the history of this PLANET has ....

Obama made a goof?

Norah O'Donnell-"Has the NYT done this with MALE candidates and what about that criticism out there

A walk down memory lane, the Wassup guys (Change)

Despite our differences, I assume that posters on DU generally support Obama for Prez

If we are going to use a solemn ceremony to create negative PR for bigots, let's invite the Pope!

Obama may set new policy on Cuba's aging revolution

If I were going to have the AG indict Bush on Jan 20th

GLBTQ.. what is the Q for? Not to be dense....

DU Guide to Outrage

PHOTOS An, um, private holiday in Hawaii....

Herr Bush Enjoys Vacation As Gaza Burns

Why should I care about Sarah Palin and her granddaughter?

The Nation's John Nichols : Obama Should Engage Now for Middle East Peace

How would you overall rate Obama's performance as President-elect?

How many threads will be here in the next 24 hrs on Obama's smoking?

The Sarah Palin 2009 Calendar

So who's going to DC?

Obama Releases Latest Transparency Tool

Quoting Obama in the Knesset

PHOTOS Someone to watch over me...Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel.

Being a Democrat in the Military

I just learned today that my cousin was a PUMA

Questioning those you admire requires more courage then hurling stones at enemies

Hillary Clinton's Big Plans as Secretary of State

Why hasn't Obama fixed America yet, goddamnit!

Does Obama have MANA??? By all appearances, he has it...the ability to

RW talk radio will be the likeliest cause of death of the GOP.

Obama may set new policy on Cuba's aging revolution

Obama Wants a 'Surge' in Afghanistan?

Do you think terrorism is wrong, no matter the circumstances?

PHOTOS There's Something About Joe.........

When you have been rejected by your own family because of how you were born, then you can tell me

Now that I think of it, the LGBT community should thank Obama for the Warren invocation

So far, Obama's disappointing

Meet Baby Tripp

Israel bombs university in Gaza

Results of DOJ Probe Into Siegelman Prosecution to Be Released in 'Near Future'

Panel investigating Blagojevich won't subpoena Obama advisers

Axelrod Puts Stimulus Plan at $675 to $775 Billion

Under Bush, OSHA Mired in Inaction

Two dead in Afghan car bombing, US soldiers hurt

Bangladeshis vote for 1st time in 7 years

We have no words left

Trying to 'teach Hamas a lesson' is fundamentally wrong

Bradley Burston / The Madoff betrayal: Life imitates anti-Semitism

Obama's silence on Israeli airstrikes disappoints many

Venezuelan President Shocked by US Reaction to Israeli Attacks on Gaza

Cold War humanitarian program had covert side

Was the 'Credit Crunch' a Myth Used to Sell a Trillion-Dollar Scam?

Ugandan army says rebels kill 45 people in Congo church

Man Is Freed In Swiss Probe Of Nuclear Ring

China drafts first law on social insurance

Veterans of ’90s Bank Bailout See Opportunity in Current One

Thiamine 'reverses kidney damage'

Bush moves to open (California) state coast to drilling

Under Bush, OSHA Mired in Inaction

Shoes flung at Bush flying from shelves

(Senator) Rockefeller vows fight on Gulf War syndrome

Obama may set new policy on Cuba's aging revolution

Hospitals Hit Hard By Recession

TV News Winds Down Operations on Iraq War

Lehman bankruptcy filing wiped out billions: report

US activists call for release, pardon of Iraq shoe-thrower

How one family's mortgage is linked to meltdown

Suicide attack rocks southeast Iran

Child maid trafficking spreads from Africa to US

Former Police Commissioner To Be Arraigned (Bernie Kerik)

Tick tock ... tick: Extra second added to 2008

U.N. Secretary General Condemns Both Israel and Hamas

Candidates for R.N.C. Chairman to Compete in Forums

Fitzgerald wants to release Blagojevich wiretaps

Rolta to buy another US IT co

US seeks 147-year sentence in torture case

Pro-Thaksin protesters ring Thai Parliament

Stalin Voted Third Most Popular Russian

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday December 29

Oldest man in the US dies in Sacramento at 112

Nicaragua Turns To Wind Power, Builds 19 Windmills

Vice president defends his record


Wall St. faces record losses in last week of 2008

Palins grandson born. Mika just announced it - Project Postcard and other organized activities

Republicans Want Say in Economic Stimulus Plan

Israeli Troops Mass Along Border; Arab Anger Rises

Unrest caused by bad economy may require military action, report says

False Radio Report Fooled Hamas

Amira Hass / 'Gaza strike is not against Hamas, it's against all Palestinians'

Does Israel withold Food, Gasoline and drinking water from Palestine?

Venezuelan President Shocked by US Reaction to Israeli Attacks on Gaza

Obama advisor talks about pratical solutions to I/P conflict

"Israel's last chance to assume automatic diplomatic support from Washington" from Gaurdian article

We have no words left

International community piles pressure on Israel

IAF Uses New US-Supplied Smart Bomb

'Hamas Chief of Staff May Be Dead'

Israeli Assault Targets Symbols of Hamas Power

Arab media: Shalit wounded in bombing

We Must Stop the Bloodshed in Gaza

The Israelis decided (probably with Bush/Cheney) to launch strikes now, before 1/20

Are Israel's War Aims Achievable?

Gaza Morgue Overwhelmed...

Perspectives: Gaza and Israel

Israeli killed as barrage of Palestinian rockets pound west Negev

Will the NeoCons Exploit Gaza to Keep the US in Iraq Forever?

Street-Level View of Israeli Bomb Drop on Civilians

Soldier vs. Scum

Crude Oil Rises After Israeli Attacks on Gaza Roil Middle East

perspectives: Gaza and Israel

Nir Rosen: "Terrorism Has Proved A Rhetorical Smokescreen...The Strong Crush The Weak"

Can somebody answer some questions for me because I'm confused here.

Report: Captive IDF soldier Shalit wounded in Gaza air strikes

The neighborhood bully strikes again

Violence and Lies: What, Exactly, is Israel's Mission?

Wars and rumors of wars.

Egypt's role in the current situation in Israel/Palestine should not be forgotten.

We have no words left

Fresh Israeli raids kill 7 kids in Gaza

Illegitimate "pro-Israel" arguments: a compendium

Should the U.S. Break Diplomatic Relations With The Israeli Apartheid Regime?

Palestinian Death Toll Rises to 325 as Israeli Strikes Continue

(The Guardian) Killing a two-state solution

Israel Mounts Third Day of Gaza Raids

Would it not be more ethical to simply shoot down rockets and mortars?

Thank you moderators for combining as many threads as you have.

Five Palestinian sisters killed in Israeli raid on Jabalia

Iranian Group Registers Volunteers to Fight Israel

UN demands immediate Gaza cease fire

Foreign Ministry readies 'diplomatic exit plan' from Gaza

Across Mideast, Thousands Protest Israeli Assault

Palestinian MK tossed out of Israeli Knesset session

The Israeli massacre - funded by US aid

Israel Reminds Foes That It Has Teeth

Obama's silence on Israeli airstrikes disappoints many

Many Israelis support ineffective violence against Palestinians

Abbas blames Hamas for bloodshed

So.. Hamas can fire all the missiles it wants at Israel, but when they say enough is enough..

Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan see anti-Israel rallies

Today I end my support of Israel

Tanks Deployed at Gaza Barrier; Barak: War to the Death

Venezuelan President Shocked by US Reaction to Israeli Attacks on Gaza

Johann Hari: The True Story Behind This War Is The One Israel Is Not Telling

Communist Party of Israel Condemns Deadly Attacks on Gaza & Calls for International Mobilization

Defiant Hamas hits Israel with dozens of rockets

The US financial aid to Israel and its cost to US taxpayers

London Protests Gaza Attacks

Hamas Military Barely Dented By Israeli Attacks

I wrote my representatives today: NOT ANOTHER DIME FOR ISRAEL!

Juan Cole Asks: What exactly is Israel's War Goal?

Robert Fisk: Leaders lie, civilians die, and lessons of history are ignored

Two Israelis killed in attacks from Gaza

Activists sail to Gaza with medical aid from Cyprus


Israel Declares Border Areas With Gaza Closed Military Zone(Cutting Off Access to Journalists)

Study: Teenage 'virginity pledges' are ineffective

Israel Vows to Destroy Hamas Brick by Brick

Trying to 'teach Hamas a lesson' is fundamentally wrong

Haaretz: Israel to mount emergency international PR effort in wake of Gaza campaign

Obama talks about Hamas

Saying Yes, WaMu Built Empire on Shaky Loans {supervisor was snorting methamphetamine daily}

Obama and the Future of the Conflict Management : The Mediative Leader and the Activist Mediator

Consumer advocates hope watchdog agencies get more bite; new era of protection expected from Obama

Delayed Justice for Political Reasons, in Palin's Alaska

AlterNet: Madoff's Shocking Scheme Is Just a Microcosm of a Much Bigger Disaster

Olmert's Final Failure

Laura Bush Dances a Little Sidestep

America the Illiterate

Veterans of ’90s Bailout Hope for Profit in New One

Amnesty report damns stun weapons

Fifty Herbert Hoovers

European Union “overregulated” says new EU President Mirek Topolanek

Reuters: ANALYSIS-Gaza offensive set to boost Israel's Livni

Obama bristles as the bubble closes in: "The glare on his family is shaping up to be unprecedented."

Public Enemy Number One: The Elites (aka, the "Have's")

Chávez: Capitalists Have Manipulated the Message of Christ to Exploit the Poor

Nuclear Armgeddon! Run Away!

America 101, Saving Democracy with Civic Literacy

The spy who turned his back on the C.I.A. - Philip Agee

Sad Irony for NPR reporter

Webb Sets His Sights On Prison Reform

Tim Pawlenty is This Year’s Katherine Harris?

The New Yorker: Whistle-blower

AlterNet: Was the 'Credit Crunch' a Myth Used to Sell a Trillion-Dollar Scam?

The Pre-Blame Game: "The winter air is thick with excuses at the White House no-regret fest."

Was the 'Credit Crunch' a Myth Used to Sell a Trillion-Dollar Scam?


Why no balanced reporting on Gaza invasion in US?

Guardian UK: We have no words left

Wipro says buying Citigroup unit will boost IT infrastructure outsourcing in India

Explainer: Israel's attack on Gaza

Norman Solomon: A Hundred Eyes for an Eye

Four Decades After Milgram, We’re Still Willing to Inflict Pain

Hard Laughs - George Carlin

Chris Hedges: Why I Am a Socialist

Here's a list of all 41 Republican "parody" songs

For Kurdish Girls, a Painful Ancient Ritual

With God On Our Side - Bob Dylan

Egyptian security forces clashing with Palestinians

Funny Infomercial - A break from DU's regular programming

Is China Trying To Kill America From The Inside?

Deadly Chinese Imports

4 minutes of complete nonsense from Rick Warren ( Larry King 12/2/08) but he does 'have less STDs'

Sea Shepherd Documentary from 2005

CBS 60 Minutes 12/28: Obama Campaign Comeback (Road to The White House PT. 2)

CBS 60 Minutes 12/28: 'No Drama' Obama (Road to The White House PT. 3)

Kondracke & Barnes yearn for Reaganomics, worry Obama stimulus package will hurt economy

Rick Warren's Homophobia VS. Christophobia

Media Pulling Out of Iraq

What Is The Common Good?

TYT: Young Turks Holiday Greeting (& Some Great Links)

2010 US Dissolution Predicts Russian Professor And Former KGB Analyst

CBS 60 Minutes 12/28: The Long-Shot Candidate (Road to The White House PT. 1)

As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.

AP: Former Child Slave Speaks Out

Divers searching for missing Bragg soldier

A wish before deploying to Iraq: citizenship

Benning soldier killed in motorcycle crash

Nimitz sailor charged with attempted murder

State lawmaker wants Mo. Guard leader examined

Corps moves to replace M249

Corps spending millions to up-armor Cougars

‘CSI: Baghdad’ it isn’t: High-tech gear not a lot of help in getting Iraqi warrants

U.S. hopes U.N. resolution ups cooperation in piracy fight

Patch Barracks officials look for ways to provide parking

Hib vaccine shortage at clinics to continue until mid-2009

Israel Launches Air Strikes on Gaza

Soldier killed by roadside bomb in Baghdad

Army signs agreement for Incheon hospital care

No Evangelizing At Recruiting Sites

Study: DoD May Act On US Civil Unrest

National Guard pulled from N.J. nuke plants

Wary feelings about Obama

(Air Force Times) Backtalk: At new year, Air Force has problems, promise

A Question For Veterans And Active-Duty Personnel:

Force recon back at Lejeune

Big bonuses aimed at specialized soldiers

Toss your cookies!

A dry continent (Australia) demands creative solutions

EDITORIAL: Inertia is threatening long-term energy strategies

Phoenix opens $1.4 billion light-rail system

From the 'be careful what you ask for' department...

(New England) Wind, wave power play - Boston Globe

Electric car startup downshifts for rough road

NASA/JPL Study Links High Tropical Cloud Formation To Overall Warming, More Intense Storms

2008 Temperature Summaries And Spin - RealClimate

Canadian Government Desperately Seeks to Avoid Seal Product Ban

EPA: Rivers high in arsenic, heavy metals after sludge spill Story Highlights (CNN)

Some good news

Free SUV Offered As Solar Investment Incentive

President Chimp Moves To Open Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt Coasts To Oil Drilling - Chronicle

Whalers claim Sea Shepherd is not stopping whale cull

Cold Case in Cold Waters - Sea Shepherd and the Japanese Whalers Antarctica

Funnel webs out and looking for love

No Furnaces but Heat Aplenty in ‘Passive Houses’

Tiny Beetle Chews Way Through Millions of Trees

Faces of the Crisis: Nouriel Roubini

Trends for 2009:

Veterans of ’90s Bailout Hope for Profit in New One

Saying Yes, WaMu Built Empire on Shaky Loans

Great Depression 2009 Similarities to 1930's

There's No Pain-Free Cure for Recession

Payroll tax holiday -- would this work?

On line broker question


President Obama, Please Stop the Exportation of Our Jobs

USA Today: Our critic's TV bailout plan promises to pay off in quality

From The Picket Line: Stella D'Oro Strikers Say : - No Contract, No Cookies

Unions: 6 months with no construction deaths good

Unions Look for New Life in World of Obama

LA Times: Ed Asner on SAG's choice (the union can't take the deal that is being offered) by Ed Asner

Auto bailout fight reveals sticky issues

A Much More Pro-Labor Administration (than Clinton)

Payouts to jobless lagging State unemployment funds can't keep pace with demand

Child maid trafficking spreads from Africa to US (Shyima was 10)

Labor complaints have tripled in Dubai

Southern politicians fight for cheap labor

2008 in Review: McCain Revealed and McCain Reviled (March-April)

Board finds in favor of union

IWW International Solidarity Commission Monthly Update Bulletin -- December 2008

Toss your cookies!

Indian Company Looks at Options After Stock Plunge

Job skill for the times: coping with a layoff

New subject: tell your boss off here anonymously!

"Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?"

The Road Ahead For Detroit 3 U.S. Auto Workers : More UAW Concessions. More Massive Auto Job Losses

The Road Ahead For Detroit 3 U.S. Auto Workers : More UAW Concessions. More Massive Auto Job Losses

Today in labor history Dec 29 U.S. Army troops massacred 150 men, women and children-Nixon OK'd OSHA

The Labor Agenda

Sad irony for NPR reporter

Microsoft advised to lay off over 9,000 employees

LGBT Groups Unite to Support Employee Free Choice Act

Hey guys.

PRIDE It's important!

Lovely. Sometimes genealogy turns up stuff you'd rather not know.

Labor Amicus Brief Against Prop 8

Folks, this cries out for response.

Can some people help me with this thread?

Research help: Looking for full text online article from "The Nation"

A tale of two threads

Parents' response key to health of gay youth

Linking an old post of mine - how issues connect

Renewed efforts underway to divide our LGBT community....

The Pope's Christmas Condemnation of Transsexuals

Donations urgently needed at blood center

Similarities and Differences. The Irony.

We recently had a pic-post thread for GLBT forum members.

Yardwork appreciation thread.

Caracas gunmen vanish from city payroll

U.S. election observers praise Venezuela's election system

Obama may set new policy on Cuba's aging revolution

Venezuela's anti-drug agency reports 54 tons of drugs seized in 2008

Nuff said!

Go San Diego

Ohio --cradle of coaches (also-first pro franchise and NFL HOF)

Congrats to Drew Brees and the Saints

Browns fall just short in their 2008 "Super Bowl Run"

Browns fire Romeo Crennel and GM Savage. And Bill Cowher says...

We should be classy and allow madinmaryland to grieve alone.

Marinelli Out As Lions Coach

Tony Romo collapses in the shower

Good Day for Ted Thompson

Now that the Cowboys are out, can we still continue to get hourly Tony Romo updates?

Mangini out as NY Jets Coach

Who's Your Pick for the Super Bowl??

Payback is a bitch. But very enjoyable.

49ers retain Singletary

Don't look now Pats fans, but Tom Brady may not play NEXT season either.

Why is it called "GLBT"? - since we're on the topic...

The Surgeon General has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health...

Common Food Additive Found To Increase Risk And Speed Spread Of Lung Cancer

Single payer universal health care in the USA

Anybody know anything about these people?

Job stuff !! Need some advice and energy info, please

Seriously Stuck? Blast Those Thought Forms! by Donna Cunningham

Anyone in here from around western Mass?

Does anyone here reload .45 Colt? I'm looking for a reloader to

Are you paying attention to your 12 Days of Christmas dreams?

This is what can happen once citizens are denied freedom and the use of firearms

Tonight's moon

So, I know people here will go far to get a good shot


Shelby Farms Today

is this more like it for lines?

two questions - side dishes for fried catfish and a good gumbo recipe

I've decided that I really like Farfalle!

Not half frickin' bad (pizza crust)

what's the best internal temp for a burger?

95,000 affected by twin quakes

Scientists plan to ignite tiny man-made star

The Parent-Teacher Talk Gains a New Participant

Happy DANCE on Craddick Bye Bye!!!!

Question How can a site be corrupted by one brouser, and not another?

The best program in the Universe just got better.

Jazz Trumpeter Freddie Hubbard Dies

Batman 3 possible Line up of Villians...!

WTF???? Father Gives Daughter Bikini Waxes, Rides To Work At A Brothel

Blackberry? iPhone? Windows SmartPhone? Palm? MotoQ?

SFRC hearings being planned on problems posed by intl piracy

Hitting the reset button and moving on to 2009