Moderator, whomever deleted the post I was begging you to delete, thank
Parents' response key to health of gay youth
Mexico suspends buys from 30 US meat plants (Reuters) {fight over COOL?}
The Panic of '08... a look back
You are either with us or against us.
I read a thread here today about a child slave laborer. It was a link to
21 1/2 days til bush leaves office
How come I attract the most idiotic, uneducated, uncouth people in my threads?
Parents' response key to health of gay youth
So...Some of you are watching Matthews "Chimp" Redux?
Only now, in the waning hours of the bush administration, does the media discover that .......
Search for missing woman off cruise ship stopped...this is truly fishy (no pun intended) this
Parents' response key to health of gay youth
20% Say Dick Cheney Worst Vice President Ever
Track, Trig, and now Tripp??????
I just sent this to James Dobson
If Barack Obama is relected in 2012, he will join the ranks of the greatest presidents in ..........
Changing minds to say killing's not only okay but divine.
Rachel on Condi and Laura's legacy project
Fascist, war-mongering, gay-hating U.S. fully supports Israel's right to murder
I just had an immature moment at the post office
Homicides among black males spike
Obama adviser aligns with White House in criticism of rocket attacks on Israel
Top GOP aide: "Let's face it....George W. Bush was a Sarah Palin-like president"
Bush Opts Not To Interrupt Final Vacation As Middle East Crisis Escalates. Presidentin' is HARD!
Ex-Bush aides say he never recovered from Katrina
U.S. Retailers Face Store Closings, Bankruptcies as Holiday Sales Slump
Dear Dubya, on your retirement...
Civil War enthusiasts: The Wilderness under siege by Walmart!!
MSNBC Host: It wouldn’t be ‘funny’ if someone called me ‘Tamron Hall the Magic Negro Anchor Lady.’»
Should the U.S. recognize "freedom from want" as a human right?
A picture that the world needs to see (Graphic)
The Palins need to read my recent blog entry.
Authorities haven't released details of civilian casualties. Unclear if they were even being tallied
It's time to end poverty permanently.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Puts the Brakes on Stimulus Plan
Larry Elder is a first rate asshole
Asia Times: Waking from Lever-Lever Land
Baby Jesus's re-emerging all over America.....
We are Democrats. We are the FUN party! That's the way it is, so
Asia Times: Madoff and the folly of blind faith
In honor of our outgoing Secretary of State, quick, list all of Condi's many accomplishments:
Breaking on CNN: New rounds of bombing underway in Gaza
Cynthia McKinney is on her way to Gaza
Mukasey: Cheney Interview (Plame) Protected by Executive Privilege
Fuck our kids in Iraq and Afghanistan. OUR MONEY IS TANKING!!!
I saw the Duggars today, up close and personal.
Israel to allow 100 truck-loads of aid into Gaza
Republicans working with Hadron people on time machine.'s Most Peculiar stories of 2008
Recent news on women and girls of Afganistan
Palin's daughter gives birth to son named Tripp (you cannot make this stuff up)
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Best of Malloy tonight
Bristol Palin is a wonderful role model for today's youth
It's almost 2009, and *I* have something to say to you DU
U.S. seeks 147-year sentence in torture case
New Lang Syne 2008 (Thank God It's Over)
I'm glad I watched KO tonight.
At Plant in Coal Ash Spill, Toxic Deposits by the Ton..they lied .....where's bob corker?
At Plant in Coal Ash Spill, Toxic Deposits by the Ton..they lied .....where's bob corker?
A simple diagram illustrating the timeline of events in Gaza
"Many Gaza dead are civilians"... They're ALL civilians,
Anonymous posters are cruel and childish!
RAW STORY: Report: Military may have to quell domestic violence from economic collapse
bristol cream palin just gave birth. there goes my theory. nt
Pat Robertson salivates for the apocalypse re: Israel
When robbing a bank, use a sticky note to demand the cash, not your paystub.......
Damn it's after midnight already! See how time flies here. 20 days will be up in no time at all!
Quick, how much would you think the cheapest Yaris is?
Mother Raises Son With Father's Wisdom (Father killed in Iraq)
A book review- What we now think of as the picture of American masculinity ...
Did RFK have a chance of winning the nomination in 1968?
Why should I "support" a country that doesn't admit that it was founded on robbed territory?
Why should I "support" a country that doesn't admit that it was founded on robbed territory?
What would YOU have done? I thought it was obvious...
Police: 'Jena Six' teen shoots self, is treated
Okay I figured out who this Chip Saltsman mofo is. He's a jowlier version of George Macaca Allen.
Do you approve of such acts as slaughter of innocents and genocide?
Atlantic City Bleeds as Would-Be Gamblers Pay Bills Instead
Snapshots of the Economic Meltdown: Department stores and vendors feuding over discounts.....
A Sniper In the War on Christmas
Unrest caused by bad economy may require military action, report says
CNN reporting Gaza aid boat with Cynthia McKinney on board rammed by Israeli patrol boat
CO town lost 1 million gallons of water??
Vigilante killer Ellie Nesler dies at 56
Israel and the huge disconnect in America
When textile quotas end this week, will U.S. jobs go, too?
Mods: Here's to you. Thank you very much
Washington Journal: What should the U.S. do about what's going on in Gaza?
A talking point we should use when the GOP filibusters
Judge Rejects Class-Action Status In Katrina Trailer Lawsuits
Why hasn't Kucinich run for Senator or Governor yet?
How come "Latest Breaking", "GD" and "GD:Presidential" are full
was Palin's grandson named Tripp in homage to "she who brought down Clenis"?
In this dumpy economy, I remember Marshall Fields, Kreseges, Woolworth.......
Should they have cooking segments on Morning Joe?
Detroit and oil companies in cahoots?
Rep. Matheson (D-Utah) again fights automatic Congressional pay hike
Was George Orwell the first conspiracy theorist?
Pakistan Closes Afghan Supply Route
From November: "US Puts Pressure on Israel to Refrain from Attacks"
EXCLUSIVE: RNC draft rips Bush's bailouts, slams him as "socialist"
It's almost 2009, and I have something to say to you DU
Ask Obama For a Torture Special Prosecutor
Family statement suggests woman took own life by jumping off cruise ship
Tom Tomorrow: Thanks for the material, George W. Now get lost!
This Modern World: Thanks for the material, George W. Now get lost!
Under Bush, OSHA Mired in Inaction
Is Israel committing genocide?
Like, you betcha' you know....this Kennedy speech thing is HUGH!!1!
New $120k Mercedes sitting in a repo lot (photo at link)
Boehner, McConnell Demand Hearings On Obama Stimulus
Honey laundering: A sticky trail of intrigue and crime
Woe to them that are both gay and Palestinian...
How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as mass murderer warcriminal
Larry Wilkerson: Bush was ‘Sarah Palin-like’ in his knowledge of foreign policy
Price of gas is quite low, why aren't the Oil Comps screaming about
Republicans: "Magic Negro" Song Good For RNC Candidate - Saltzman may win
Ooops the Palin birth is a People scoop
Today's Washington Post had only 7 job ads
Is the palin girl 'living in sin' because she STILL hasn't married?
I wonder if two shoes and shitstain are worried about prosecutions
Proof that Ford execs should be FIRED- NOW - Before it's too late
Tune into Hartmann. He interviewing a guy who covered the NOLA Martial Law
Honey laundering: A sticky trail of intrigue and crime
Guest view: Free Choice Act good for America
US tacitly backs Israel offensive
US tacitly backs Israel offensive
I'm having an acupuncture for my bad back pain.First time - I'm scared. Tell me what to expect.
Almost one in 10 Floridians on food stamps
Blago Names Obama's Replacement
When you read DU, do you become really depressed?
Describe 2008 in 3 words or less.........
Thom Hartman discussing the Katrina Vigilantes right NOW
Thanks for the material, George W. Now get lost! (Tom Tomorrow)
Tennesseans With Sludge-Destroyed Property: "Clean Coal Is A Myth"
Krugman: GOP has ‘no coherent theory’ behind obstructing economic stimulus package.
Is it Tamryn Hall or Tamron Hall??
I finally figured out the entire name of Bristol Palin's kid!
Will fire set off cluster bombs left behind after a war?
After Backing Massive Wall Street Bailout, McConnell Plans To Block Obama’s Economic Stimulus Plan
Former Aides Say Katrina Was 'Tipping Point' for Bush's Reputation
Geez, CNN certainly doesn't care about trying to mask any anti-Blagojevich basis do they
Geography Gaza Strip - Palestine
Honey laundering: A sticky trail of intrigue and crime
Kerik Pleads Not Guilty to New Charges
Is it really George W Bush's fault ??
I asked the Good Fairy to bless Bristol's baby with the gift of enlightenment and wisdom
Taliban rebels are beheading and burning their way through Pakistan's Swat Valley
Funny how Sarah names "her" child Trig........
Three important points when discussing health care
Treasury More Likely To Seek Other Half of Bailout Fund
Chinese drywall causes problems on the Treasure Coast
Thieves knock on wrong door, awaken detective
Pelosi: US must stand strongly with Israel
Calculus of War. In Principal.
Bill Clinton officiates at the funeral of a local educator/coach
Economic Recovery Plan May Fatten Take-Home Pay for Workers
The Bush administration took the same cease-fire stance regarding Lebanon
Report: Blago to pick black former state AG, Roland Burris, to Obama's vacated Senate seat
Why do too many dealers cost the carmakers money?
DNA test Trig and Tripp now!!!!!
that F'n Wet Brain Alcoholic AWOL Draft Dodging Psychotic Narcississy is setting up Obama to walk
Women, kids slain in Congo church massacre
Humanitarian aid boat in international waters rammed (3 times) by Israeli navy;
The Global Elite: The 50 Most Powerful People in the World (George Bush not among them)
"When coal releases into the water, the mussel population goes into deep freeze"
Cruise ship victim was a journalist and Florida Election Poll Worker
Crude Oil Rises as Israeli Attacks on Gaza Roil Middle East
Bush never recovered from Katrina?
The US better get this supply line mess fixed ASAP. Don't send soldiers until they do!
McKinney Relief Boat Reportedly Attacked
Bob Herbert-Adding up Bush Damage
Russia Professor predicts the end of the US
Obama should engage Hamas, former U.S. envoy says (Zinni) - CNN
Senate Leadership: Burris 'unacceptable'
Does anyone else feel the 'Cheney' imprint on the Israel plan?
NASA reports graphic details of Columbia deaths
Blago pulling end run around everyone; will appoint Roland Burris
Hamas had it's tentacles around Gaza - WH hack on GEM$NBC
IL SoS White will try to reject Blagojevich Senate pick
Former Merrill Lynch executive pays 37 million for NYC apartment (with taxpayer money)
Obama should not be vacationing.
BBC: Sarah Palin 54th Most Annoying Person of 2008.
Well it looks like the battle lines are being drawn and it is not where you might think
Iraq Readies Torture Museum On Saddam Anniversary
Let's hear Senator Reid speak from his high horse now
Why do we stay Catholic? Here's one response:
This shows you the shithole that politics (and politicians) is in Illinois
As Bush Exits, Expats Staying Put
TEDTalk Tuesday: The Year in Review
Blagojvich press conference coming up
When the Obama girls are attacked by freepers, if you
World Powers Call for End to Gaza Fighting
I honestly had never heard of Preacher Warren prior to this fiasco
Iranian Students Break Into UK Embassy Residence
U2's Larry Mullen: Bono's friendships with 'war criminals' Bush and Blair makes him cringe
This Press Conference In Chicago Should Be A Lesson To David Patterson
Network news readers' diction.
Interesting local Chicago talk radio stations online discussing blago now
Vote Michele Bachmann for C&L Biggest Wingnut of 2008
21 more days until "our long national nightmare is over."
So who is prepared for a long recovery?
Leaders Vacation While Gaza Burns - Headlines 12/30/08
Military Chinook Helicopters buzz low over L.A. twice today
the quality you want - at a price you can afford to pay!
HO, HO, HO, Pat Buchanan still in love with Sarah! LOL
ACLU Asks Court To Strike Down Arkansas Parenting Ban
RNC accuses Bush of going socialist...
Family Mourns 5 Daughters as Civilian Death Toll Mounts
Harold Pinter (RIP) speech for George W. Bush
Non-political New Years Resolution thread --- care to share?
Free inauguration lodgings for Obama organizers
Why conservatives make terrible professors
Kevin Bacon among those bilked by Madoff...
Dakota Sno Blade - Made in the USA
HOW COME those two Alaskan nitwits ain't married? Republican values? I think not
Who Has Inaug. Tickets and Needs a Hotel Deal?
Tweety et al on the Biggest Election Moments
Tonight on Frontline, "The War Briefing"
New tack on energy: Weatherization
Reid's statement blasting Blagojevich:
Phoenix officer won't allow neighbor to get stranded cat
what are your New Year's Eve plans?
Employee Free Choice Act opponent admits one million workers disenfranchised by current system
Bolton: Gaza Crisis Means We Should Attack Iran Now»
CODEPINK Memos to Obama: Peace
Atlantic City Bleeds as Would-Be Gamblers Pay Bills Instead
Gaza relief boat damaged in encounter with Israeli vessel
They are selling our personal medical records!
Breaking: Iranian Students Storm Britain's Embassy in Tehran
Parents set their kids up with the names. See what Tripp is likely to have happen to him
The banking industry/wall st. has collapsed. The housing industry has collapsed...The auto
"You have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on..."
Has the Bush family ever declared their assets?
Kucinich criticizes Israel; wants U.N. probe
Just Nailed A National Furniture Store Big Time
Just Nailed A National Furniture Store Big Time
How would people feel about "Earvin Johnson, Magic Negro Hoopster"?
Saying NO to a toddler v. "That behavior is unacceptable"
Any American has a lot of nerve pointing fingers at any other country for killing civilians
Cornyn Indicates GOPers Will Resist Seating Al Franken In The Senate
Caroline Kennedy says "you know" over 400 times in three interviews
Out of food, Zimbabweans eating cow dung
I knew I flipped bushitler off too many times.
Jesus Camp On Biography Channel. Scary Shit
The situation in Israel will awaken Bin Laden from his slumber
So no one on DU knows about unemployment in their state.
Bristol Palin paid up to $300,000 for baby Tripp's photos
If this Wonkette pic is real, Blago and Burris have something really big in common:
Why does it seem that there are more non-news I/P posts going into the GD section?
U2 drummer Larry Mullen on 'war criminal' Blair, on Bono/Blair and on Bush/Blair
Video of Scarborough/Brzezinski on Youtube for your viewing pleasure
For those who want to start the "Peace on Earth" campaign in their
Former U.S. Atty: Blago appt. shows he’s ‘crazy like a fox,’ playing to future black jurors.
Cats given kiss of life by firemen
Please help support a ceasefire in Gaza by contacting John Kerry (non-partisan action info).
Blue Man and Assistant Principal get in trouble
Increase the size of your home library by over 1700 books.
I don't think Bush could have screwed up this country more if he tried.
Today I went to purchase three items at the Lowe's home improvememt store
Laura Bush on quitting smoking....
Al Franken: "It looks like we're on track to win."
Is the phrase "clean coal" an oxymoron?
Resolved: Will Create Peace on Earth
Vanity Fair: Farewell to All That: An Oral History of the Bush White House
Scientists watch unusual Yellowstone quake swarm
What's a progressive Israel supporter to do?
When America breaks up, what will be the smaller new countries?
So when Harry Reid tries to stop Senator Burris from taking his seat in the Senate
Abortion rights under assault in Texas
Everything the EPA Never Wanted You to Know About the Toxins in Coal Ash*
I admit, I did not know that Sasha's name is... Natasha
As President, Obama Will Have The Constitutional Duty To Prosecute Bush For War Crimes
Good idea or bad ...... getting rid of the artificial 60 vote Senate rule?
Jena 6 defendant Mychal Bell charged with shoplifting, resisting arrest
Is your junk mail coming addressed to a FEMA name ? Ours is.
'Stop criticizing Obama. You'll ruin everything!'
Joe Scar bitchslapped by Zbigniew Brezezinski..."stunningly superficial"
Sharing our Vision for a Better Country with President-Elect Obama
The Rude Pundit: End of the Year Haiku Submissions
Trial of Iraqi Shoe Thrower is Postponed
Attorney General: "Cheney Interview Protected by Executive Privilege"
SF Chronicle stops publishing 'World Views'; author goes out with a bang
China's Largest Shopping Site Bans Sale of Shark Fin Products
Behold the most powerful weapon in war.
I'm glad Barack Obama hasn't spoken out on the Gaza attacks.
"If a couple of guys in a garage can engineer this, what are the car makers doing?"
Should the US condemn the Israeli Navy ramming a humanitarian aid ship?
Teacher terminated over marriage
Help the Hungry! $15,024 raised so far in the DU Charity Drive. Still time to DOUBLE your donation!
I bet 1/2 the people won't have teeth soon
Have you ever watched the documentary called "The World According to Monsanto" ? presents 2008 in pictures!
Bolton: Gaza Crisis Means We Should Attack Iran Now»
Democratic Underground Surpasses DailyKos For Entire Week
How can you watch tellevision????
Weird happenings in Florida during the last year. Tasered emus, frozen iguanas...more.
I am taking down the Christmas decorations...and getting ready
An old Jewish lady's perspective on Israel and Anti-Semitism
Should Pres. elect Obama speak out on the Gaza crisis?
Disturbing story on the news. People are returning Christmas gifts en masse
Something I hope nobody ever sees again.
Need your puter screen cleaned? Here's the Doglick screen cleaner
Need your puter screen cleaned? Here's the Doglick screen cleaner
The World Pastry Team Championship is on Food network now
Tarzan: "I'm going out for some smokes."
Why do people write fake autobiographies? You could just as easily
One more reason to not believe what you see on TV
More youtube clips regarding cats!
I just cleaned my refrigerator
Why do sports arenas and movie theaters have to be so loud?
What did nuts do before the internets?
PSA - Do not say words containing the letter "L" when you have a needle in your mouth
Russian to English translator needed --
Because when you're hip and trendy, it's important to be dumb enough to do what people tell you to.
Fluent French speaker needed for a translation
Ok, I 'm getting confused...Tarp, Tripp, and whatever else is starting with a T..
Girl dies on cold walk; dad charged with murder
Anyone here heard of Kyle Vincent?
Funny Gene Simmons story today.....
maybe this will go over better in the lounge
DU has kinda gone insane again, hasn't it.
I'm going to discover a new species then name it after myself.
"Race To Nome" On The Weather Channel
I swear, my new co-worker pisses me off
Alamo bowl heading to overtime now
So I finally got around to seeing 'Kung Fu Panda'
Do you do a few things considered 'outside the law' or a 'little dangerous' or 'unacceptable'
I went from Michael Nesmith Down The Rabbit Hole
How do I explain to my dog that he's only in the kennel for a few nights?
I gave my sister the same Christmas present she gave me
What airline steward(ess(e))s have you flown?
The rumors of Rev_acts and I being a couple are greatly exaggerated.
I could not make this up even in my strangest dreams...
4 Marguaritas, 2 Jager shots, and 4 hours of bowling
Have you ever called customer service for a utility company and NOT been told
Have you ever called customer service for a utility company and NOT been told
I'll kick your ass with singing on Rockband 2
I feel like an "Are you an alchoholic" quiz gone bad
Getting a little squirrelly - caption???...
An appropriate bit of prose for this time of year...
Harper's Magazine: 'Prosecute Bush'
I'm afraid to click on my "MY DU" button the next 48 hours...
Arrrrrrgh! My family drives me CRAZY!
Video: Dog eats Bean Burrito in 1 second
Exclusive footage of Superman coming back around to finish off the plane crash survivors
i'm so angry i want to start smashing shit
Should I get my tongue pierced?
I swear my cat has mastered teleportation
Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera sequel, coming in 2009
I get the feeling the Muppet performers aren't even trying anymore...
Music to stumble around drunk to?
ah, some peace and quiet for mom - the menfolk are sleeping in!
Let's discuss how Loungers keep repeating the same stupid shit over and over and over
I just got an Eames lounge chair for a steal.
So I got the Flaming Lips' "Christmas on Mars" cd/dvd for christmas, and
So how many here plan to stay on home New Year's eve.
Any opinions about online dating?
Do any of you have suggestions for shopping for an assisted living facility?
How long is it smart to wait to get a new job after coming back from having a baby?
lets discuss circumcision, olive garden, breast feeding, boobies, and cornflake chicken...
Female British Pop Singers Wage Skank Wars On Each Other
lets discuss circumscription, olive-gourds, breast eating, bubbas, and pornflake chicks...
This has nothing to do with naming babies.
You know what irritates me? I mean besides being a second class citizen?
I always thought that she liked the hard floor and the hard monitor
Family statement suggests woman took own life by jumping off cruise ship
How f'd up is it that the only family member to wish me a happy birthday was
Saw "Valkyrie" today. I'm in the "It's Pretty Good" camp.
Has anyone here seen/read . . . .
Firefox is Irritating Me. Help?
A shout-out to my buds here on DU . . . .
I've been away from DU for a bit . . . .
I don't care what someone else named their children.
The recommend fairy is back....
Is it blasphemy that I prefer this version of "Father and Son" to the original?
I'm eating Platypus for breakfast
Automoble problem...Hard starting ....when warmed-up ...runs fine
I'm thinking about using the Internet to chalk people
I'm thinking about using the Internet to Falk people
The Underground Tape Railroad!!!
Should I test my new UPS by flipping the main breaker at my house?
I want to create The Monkees: Head that never dies.
The worst wireless/mobile/cell phone EVAH!!!!!!
I gave both my girls unusual names.
Well, I am of f to bring in the cows, me and the dogs.
kitten picture of the day for tuesday december 30
You can all remove your 01/20/09 bumper stickers
You can all remove your 01/20/09 bumper stickers
I finally figured out the entire name of Bristol Palin's kid!
Now that Ghost-kicking has been beaten to death and fixed, can we have the Rec privileges revoked
Anybody here see "Doubt"? What did you think?
We're taking DayDreaminHippie to Dealey Plaza in Dallas today...
They did not fail, Valkyrie, White Rose, Shindler, Partisans, and many others
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 12/30/2008)
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 12/30/2008)
Women of DU, a question about your height
Name a band, song, movie, TV show, play, opera, book, poem or artwork that has a color in the title.
I had to buy word/ office for my pc - do I need to buy another for
Freddie Mercury is doing triple somersaults in his grave!
I just paid my homeowners insurance policy.
I tripped on a carpet in a shopping centre. I couldn't regain my balance. I fell flat on my face.
Check out my new look - DU Post your pic here!
what are you doing on the 31st
Why are Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend getting Kennedy Center Honors?
DNA test Trig and Tripp now!!!!!
Do you have "Alarm clock" pets?
The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/30/08
I was just caught staring down Ava's shirt at the piggly wiggly.
What was the best thing that happened for you in 2008?
One Lonely Congresswoman Speaks Out on Gaza
Embarrasing fact about yourself you'd care to share?
I Passed My PMP Exam!!!! Whoooo Hoooooo!
I'm thinking about using the internet to stalk people
Shocking latest casualty of NFL coaching carousel, MIKE SHANAHAN fired!
since we're doing music a song that you associate with 2008
Should I get my kitten's tongue pierced?
what are you doing New Years Eve?
Most depressing songs on the planet
Vacuum Helps Pull Puppy From Well In Plum Borough
i just caught the bag boy staring down my shirt at the piggly wiggly
Worst gift you got this Christmas?
I was harrassed by a Cowpies fan in the Wawa parking lot this morning.
Post a picture of something you've created
I am at work and, it is PHOTO TIME!! I want pets and kids and DU'ers!
You just don't know what to believe any more, do you? I saw the
James A. Michener's Centennial on DVD....
Parents' response key to health of gay youth
Anyone who's already damning Obama is being prejudiced.
Protecting Obama When the Lights Go Out (Honolulu had a Major Blackout)
Possible Presidential Library and Museum locations
Has anyone gone to Obama's "Ask a question site?"
Bicycle Group to Offer Valet Service on Inauguration
No, Barack Obama is no "Magic Negro" fact, he's not even Magic!
I know this is a stupid question, but did Al Franken win?
Sarah Palin becomes grandmother. Bristol gives birth to son named Tripp
Would Obama have won Arizona if it weren't McCain's home state?
Study: Premarital abstinence pledges are ineffective
"Our news network is not a news network."
"Our news network is not a news network."
Heads Up: Rachel Maddow discussing the current situation
Obama Team Engages Public on Health Care
Inauguration Morning Schedule Announced
The Gov appoints the next senator but there's a special election for Rahmmy's seat? Huh?
So I guess since the black Blackwell thinks it's ok to call the President-elect a Negro, it's cool?
Hey, DICK! Guess What? You've Earned 15 Years Behind Bars!
How did the Obamas fly to Hawaii ... anyone know? My guess is NOT his
Another non-presidential-related GD-P thread.
Zbigniew Brzezinski should replace Colmes and go Mano a Mano with Hannity
Could there be a headline any more emblematic of the decline of the Republican Party...
For those who haven't seen this - Protest Rick Warren - wear a white knot
Palin Wishes She'd Talked to the Media More
Seen MILK? Now check out the Oscar Winning Documentary - THE TIMES OF HARVEY MILK - right here!!!
Achieving Unity Takes Time And Courage (please read)
Bush History-In '57 We Called it Torture and Said it Didn't Work. In '02 We Started Doing it - 12/30
"What does this inaugural mean to you?" Write an essay and you too could go, all expenses paid...
Obama health, labor pick hearings planned for early January
for everyone saying "sit down and shut up"
Bohemian Rhapsody! 21 days left.
Bohemian Rhapsody! 21 days left.
The internet is a hard taskmaster..
Go ahead, bitch, moan, complain, bloviate, cry... yes, cry
With a new sheriff in town, everybody's scrambling to get to the top of the heap
Pro-Palestinian Protesters at Obama's Hawaii House
I may be wrong, but I think that anybody Blago wants to select for Senate should turn him down
This video sums up Chicago politics, I give you the Chicago way!
The MSM is loving this: The Blago Circus
The Golden Crookies 2008: Who was the year's biggest wingnut?
Franken lead at 50 with absentees left to count
BREAKING NEWS: Chicago Tribune reports Blagojevich to name ex-state AG Burris to Obama seat
Gallup daily: Obama favs jump to 73% -- unfavs down to 17% -- his best numbers so far
We Should be Thankful for the PUMA Viewpoint
Poll: Do you believe you are informed enough to make decisions in American democracy?
Ried should rethink his position re: Illinois Senate seat and hold confirmation hearings. . .
It was suggested that Blagojevich should get his own TV show ...
Seniors give Daschle health reform ideas
MSNBC reporting that a "Democratic Senate source" said Roland Burris will NOT be acceptable
Why is Burris Accepting Blago's Offer?
Defiant Blago to Appoint Burris to Replace Obama in Senate
DU Essayists: Win tickets, airline flight and hotel-room to the inaugural
I'm so angry at Rush, am I over the top, out of line?
Burris will be seated...I see no way around it...
Jeff Greenfield: Senate may have no choice in seating Burris
If every DUer emailed O'Reilly these three words: Senator Al Franken ...
I have no real problem with Blago appointing Roland Burris
LOL - I don't blame Blago; it's his right and duty to fill the seat...
Please check out my 2008 year in review (GD post) ...
I submitted this question about Warren to - Only those with most votes will be answered
Stupid Nothalfbigoted now wants blacks and young voters banned
Pro-Palestinian Protesters at Obama's Hawaii House
BRILLIANT move by Blovo to appoint Mr. Burris
RNC going off the deep end -- plan to formally accuse Bush of embracing "socialism"
Pro-Palestinian Protesters At Obama's Hawaii House
uh-oh. pat buchanan likes burris. should i be nervous?
***New Polls*** Obama +5 in Ohio, +6 in New Mexico, -2 in Indiana
Obama agrees with not seating Burris
Dear Lord, this is starting to get ridiculous.
AA and GLBTQ... there are similarities *and* differences.
Blagojevich's legal counsel resigns
I'm Sorry but Burris looks like a Fool! What a F-ing Circus!!
Powell v. McCormack as it relates to Blago
The Burris matter may not be quick or simple
A propsal for the people of Illinois
Mika's dad just EMBARRASSED THE HELL out of Joe Scarborough to his face with her watching. . .
Gov. 101: the President doesn't write laws
Obama’s Website Should be Called
Obama Cabinet Confirmation Hearings Scheduled
Um...there are black gays too; I am one.
Um...there are black gays too; I am one.
Governor Blago is awesome, I am starting to like him :)
'Freedom From Religion' Group Sues To Stop Inauguration Prayer
When you say gays can hide, it is offensive, and often just plain false
If I was in Obama's shoes, I would give Pres Clinton another chance to bring peace
Blago is worth his weight in gold just for sheer entertainment value alone
Chicago Democrats: Are we not the most entertaining group of folks or what?
So, will there be an orchestrated effort to Boo over Warren
Official DU unemployment thread! Help us Obama!
On January 20, 2009, for the first time in my life ...
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
Study: Murders among black youths on the rise
Recession Opens U.S.-China Rift Paulson Talks Bridged
HP mum on selling printers to Iran
Easy come, easy go after gold glitch
U.S. slow to meet needs, Iraq refugees say
Gazprom, Once Mighty, Is Reeling (Russian Natural Gas Monopoly)
At Plant in Coal Ash Spill, Toxic Deposits by the Ton
Somali president quits as fighting rages between rival Islamists
Even fashion giants Chanel and LVMH forced to economise
Jena Six Defendant Mychal Bell Hospitalized With Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound
Vacuum Helps Pull Puppy From Well In Plum Borough
Number of uncounted ballots in Minn. still unclear
Ex-Bush aides say he never recovered from Katrina
4-year-old who lost parents in Mumbai attack dies of long-term illness
Houston sports clinic will drop Clemens' name
Paper: Blagojevich to fill Obama's Senate seat
Cititgroup pumps 800 million into S. Korea unit.
Freedom from Religion Foundation sues over prayer at inauguration
Black Workers Hurt by Detroit’s Ills
'Magic Negro' flap might help Saltsman
U.S. to buy huge stake in GMAC
Molotov cocktail thrown at Chicago synagogue
As Bush Exits, Expats Staying Put
Ex-US Rep (McKinney) on Damaged Gaza-bound Ship
Three-Month Merrill Employee Peter Kraus Buys $37 Million Apartment
Minnesota edges closer to deciding Senate winner
Fritzl's daughter leaves clinic
D.C. lobbyist (Iseman) sues Times over McCain affair story
Russia's Medvedev signs law on longer presidential term
Australians angry over bid to ban topless sunbathing
Japanese tourist spends 3 months in Mexico City airport
When textile quotas end this week, will U.S. jobs go, too?
Bush Talks To Palestinian Leaders
Pakistan suspends NATO supplies to tackle militants
Trial of Iraqi shoe thrower is postponed
LAT: Pardo intended to kill others, police say
GM, GMAC seek to jump-start car loans after bailout
Martin Drops Porn Filtering from FCC Free Wireless Broadband Plan
US, UN, EU and Russia urge immediate Gaza truce
December consumer confidence drops to all-time low
Jatropha-fuelled plane touches down after successful test flight
In Chihuahua, plaudits as police strive for transparency
Scenic Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants
Gazprom sets up action group to start gas cuts to Ukraine (and by extension, Europe)
McALLEN, Texas; The Department of Homeland Security has sued The Nature Conservancy to condem...
Soldier alleges military pattern of Christian bias
Obama condemns Blago's move to appoint Burris
Obama condemns Blago's move to appoint Burris
China faces new melamine scandal
California sues to block Bush endangered species rules
Ex-aides say Bush never recovered from Katrina
Jazz great Freddie Hubbard dead at 70
Georgia, U.S. to sign strategic pact on Jan. 4
Senate Democrats' statement on Obama replacement
Macedonia archeologists uncover 4,000 year old writing
Ugandan rebels kill 400 in DR Congo: charity
Builders unearth 18th century galleon in Argentina
Lesbian Pair Wins Ruling Over Refusal of Ceremony
Russia To Set World Record With 39 Space Launches n 2009
Idaho computer maker shuts down due to bad economy
Man sues after "POLICE" t-shirt arrest
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday December 30
Infamous 'Vigilante Mom' Dies of Cancer
NM sect leader gets 10 years for molesting girls
NASA faults equipment in Columbia shuttle disaster
Blagojevich to name Burris to Senate
Egypt arrests 23 opposition Muslim Brotherhood members
Researchers unlock secrets of 1918 flu pandemic
Economy's toll: No bailout for the overqualified jobless
Kucinich Calls for Independent United Nations Inquiry on Gaza
Lawsuit would challenge oath, invocation
Conflict management - by Jeffrey Halper
Israel's Wanton Aggression On Gaza
New rounds of bombing underway in Gaza
BBC: US tacitly backs Israel offensive
55% of Israelis believe attacks motivated by political considerations.
Israelis got nothing on the USA
Washington bears guilt for Gaza war crimes
The true story behind this war is not the one Israel is telling
Kucinich Calls for Independent United Nations Inquiry on Gaza
UN official says Israel attacked during lull
Writer Amos Oz: Hamas responsible for outbreak of Gaza violence
Israel to allow 100 truck-loads of aid into Gaza
Israelis look for knockout blow
"Many Gaza dead are civilians"... They're ALL civilians,
Branson calls MRSA problem "horrific"
A simple diagram illustrating the timeline of events in Gaza
Outrage in Gaza: No More Apologies by Rabbi Brant Rosen
Chris Floyd: Shock, Awe and Lies: The Truth Behind the Israeli Attack on Gaza
West Bank anger at Gaza strikes
View From a Palestinian Leader: Palestine's Guernica and the Myths of Israeli Victimhood
Obama Should Engage Hamas, Former U.S. Envoy Says
How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as mass murderer warcriminal
Gaza: The Logic of Colonial Power
Chicago synagogue firebombed; police probe possible link to Gaza violence
Hamas Credo Led It to End Cease-Fire
Egypt Says Border to Stay Shut Until Abbas Back in Power
Mubarak: We'll open Gaza crossing only if Abbas' PA takes control of it
Pro-Palestine Group Tries To Lobby Obama At Golf Course
Ex-US Army engineer pleads guilty to spy charge
U.S. says will give $85 million to help Palestinians
Netanyahu Calls for Hamas's Removal in Gaza
Israel shuns truce calls on Day Four of Gaza blitz
Israel/Hamas: Civilians Must Not Be Targets
Framing The Debate About #Gaza on Twitter
Family Mourns 5 Daughters as Civilian Death Toll Mounts
'Israeli air strikes represent massive violations of international law'
Iranian Students Signing Up To Fight Israel
Hastings: Israel had “no other choice”
UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian Human Rights: World needs to see the victims & carnage in Gaza
President Medvedev Orders Aid To Russians In Gaza
Gaza Attacks: Murder with Impunity
Defense establishment to recommend 48-hour truce with Hamas
Hamas: Abbas is preparing to take over after Israel leaves Gaza
Ex-Army Engineer Pleads Guilty to Spying for Israel
Why can't the Mossad take out the missile launchers?
Israel vows to destroy Hamas brick by brick
Why should I "support" a country that doesn't admit that it was founded on robbed territory?
In Gaza Conflict, Context is Key
Israel accused of ramming Gaza aid ship
Pro-Palestinian activists say Navy fired on protest boat off Gaza
Israeli Vessel Hits Gaza-Bound Boat
Israel and the huge disconnect in America
Hamas Says No Truce Without Open Borders
IDF launches YouTube Gaza channel
Defiant Hamas hits Israel with dozens of rockets
the consequences of israel not reacting (mods if you will indulge me...)
Cynthia McKinney is on her way to Gaza
Connell declared emergency before fatal crash
Will Barack call out the Israel BS on the Gaza campaign the way he did Bush's Iraq dissinfromation?
Olmert rejects French proposal for 48-hour truce - Summary
With the World Racing to Armageddon, Maybe Obama Really is the Messiah
Guardian UK: The world gives Israel a free hand
Californians Shape Up as Force on Environmental Policy
George Bush Claims He "Kept Us Safe". Really? Did History Begin on January 20, 2001?
Legal outsourcing set to boom (India)
E.J. Dionne: Coming Soon (January 20, 2009), The 21st Century
WP, pg1: Chicago School Reform Could Be a U.S. Model
Year of the hungry: 1,000,000,000 afflicted
Bob Herbert: Add Up the Damage
Tariq Ali in The Guardian: From the ashes of Gaza
Reading Into Bush's Book List: "The reality of the intellectually insulated man endures."
43 reasons we won't miss President Bush
Vanity Fair: An oral History of Bush WH (Powell's CoS calls Bush a Sarah Palin-like President)
Bob Herbert: Adding Up (Bush's) Damage
10 Worst Corporations of 2008 (Counterpunch)
Most Valuable Progressives of 2008 (The Nation)
GOP in California, Who Once Gave us Reagan, Now Dying
Toomey, Club for Growth, Demonize Unions, EFCA
Bush farewell song/video montage (original work by "Holmes")
Bush administration's epic fail in Afghanistan. Rove, Condi & Pickles wait for us to THANK him.
Letterman's Top 10 George Bush moments
Uncle Jay explains: Year-end! 12-22-2008
Rachel Maddow on Sleepy OSHA head and GOP racist yucks
Bush Still Finds New Ways To Break The Law
TYT RANT: Do Americans Spend Too Much Money?
Zbigniew Brzezinski calls a combative Joe The Intern Killer Scarborough STUNNINGLY SUPERFICIAL
MSNBC: It wouldn't be funny if someone called me 'Tamron Hall the magic negro anchor lady.'
Joe Scarborough - Stunningly Superficial, Embarrassing
Rachel Maddow Show: History of Conflicts in Gaza best of 2008 pictures Warning Picture heavy
Roy's Response to Rush: Eine Kleine Barackmusik
Bliar - his worshippers and those with a moral compass.
Official: Unlikely missing soldier mistook pier
Iraqis to take charge of Green Zone in 2009
Lawsuit on religion in military expanded
Court: DoD violated veterans hiring preferences
Kerry urges caution in taking action on Somalia
Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants
Army identifies 3 soldiers killed in accident
China, Russia hold first hot line chat
Boat crash on Christmas kills sailor in Bahrain
Lawmakers urge Obama to support submarine plan
Navy, allies seize 20 tons of drugs since Oct.
Role of law enforcement rating developing
Marine pilot killed in Harrier jet crash
(Marine Corps Times) Backtalk: The right tools for the job
Marines could fight pirates once again
Iraqis taking a larger role in securing warrants
It’s pay raise time for troops, DOD civilians
Overcharged fuel card users paid local prices
EUCOM personnel in Israel unharmed
Ex-US Rep on Damaged Gaza-bound Ship
(Military Times) Op-Ed: The Real Holidays
Fate of the F-22 in Obama’s Hands
Californians Shape Up as Force on Environmental Policy
Is Ontario on track to kick coal dependency in 2014?
Texas Legislature could be going 'green'
IN 2008: Natural disasters killed over 220,000
Low-carbon lifestyle in China: fad or return to tradition?
Gazprom, Once Mighty, Is Reeling
Spill may have permanently altered Tenn. community[
Is Global Warming Creating New Climate Zones? Experts Say "Yes"
ACCIONA Puts 46 MW PV Project (World's Largest) in to Service (Portugal)
At Plant in Coal Ash Spill, Toxic Deposits by the Ton
High Hurdles for Obama's Green Stimulus: … projects must be green, shovel-ready, short-term, and …
New Report's Data Show Better Odds Of Accelerated Sea Ice & Glacier Loss, Drier SW United States
Denton CO (TX) Residents Discover Limits To Property Rights (Theirs) When Gas Drilling Begins
Good Idea!, Part 1 - TVA "May" Consider New Approach To Coal Waste Storage - MSNBC
‘Nearly 15 million environmental refugees likely’ (in South Asia in the near future)
Inventors Find Inspiration in Natural Phenomena
Dark clouds over (Colorado's) solar energy economy
UPS Delivers with New Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles
Good Idea!, Part 2 - TVA Head Says Utility Will Pay For Well Testing In Spill Zone
Running dry, running out: we're wasting too much water despite warnings to turn off taps
British secretly dumped Maralinga plutonium in ocean
Sprayed Aerosols Could Ease Climate Woes
World photovoltaic production 1990-2007, by region
Milpitas Schools, Chevron & BOA Complete 3.4-MW Solar Project (Calif.)
USGS - "Rapid And Sustained" Sea Ice Melt Likely By 2100 - Sea Level Rise Will Exceed IPCC Outlook
German Scientist Warns Climate Change Accelerating: "… previous predictions … too … optimistic …"
Cyber warfare could wipe out economies
Breaking Up Is Harder to Do After Housing Fall
Black Workers Hurt by Detroit’s Ills
Jim Kunstler's Predictions for 2009
Nouriel Roubini : Will Banks and Financial Markets Recover in 2009?
Rather terrifying experience tonite.
Anyone buying a foreclosure at auction? Tips?
What is safe in terms of saving for retirement?
myrichuncle has "paused" taking new applications
Today in labor history Dec 30 Immigrants were being lured to the US under false pretenses 1883
Under 'labor peace ordinance,' Teamsters begin organizing Minneapolis waste haulers
Why Detroit Has an Especially Bad Union Problem
"Save Our Secret Ballots" Group Includes Arizona in Anti-Labor-Union Plans to Change State Constitut
Indecision and delay characterized Bush's OSHA
Fledgling Newspaper Union Appeals Labor Board Decision (1st newspaper union to be formed in 40 years
ConocoPhillips faces $116,500 in OSHA penalties
IWW Starbucks Baristas to Spill the Beans in New Blog
Chilean Workers Unions Threaten Wal-Mart ‘Boycott’
Average woman worker loses nearly half a million to pay discrimination
Mediator joins talks over unloading ship (Oakland Bay Bridge)
Director Of 'The Wrestler' Calls for WWE Superstars To Join Screen Actors Union
Equality California's 2008 legislative scorecard
You’re Likable Enough, Gay People
Google now has "Themes for Causes," but none for Equality. But you can submit one.
Who is going to the inauguration and if/how will you protest Warren?
From 'Mama's Family' clips to 'gays must die!' hate -- Youtube offers window to this nut-crazy world
Just got off the phone with my mother and I'm so upset (a little personal rant)
Would Obama have signed the Defense of Marriage Act?
General Motors Colombia hopes to export 10,000 vehicles to Venezuela
Unemployment climbs to 10.8 percent in Colombia
2010 Pro Bowl will be in Miami
Houston sports clinic will drop Clemens' name
CBC: With Germany beaten, Canada turns sights on U.S.
Pretty amazing how fast great QB's hit the wall....
Broncos fire Shanahan Bwahahaha
Lessons for Other Smokers in Obama’s Efforts to Quit
I'm having an acupuncture for my bad back pain.First time - I'm scared. Tell me what to expect.
The FDA Is Killing Crohn's Patients
20% 'have blood pressure gene'
Patient’s DNA May Be Signal to Tailor Medication - Experts say that most drugs work for only about
Happy Rhodes: Collective Heart (lyrics)
twice yesterday something psychic happened
Unemployment Commission bureaucracy blues
While we're on the topic of dreams...
Ahhhh, FES Flourish. (Combo flower essence formulas; a gift from the Universe.)
Good video on Semi auto rifles
I've decided to be a Christian
Tough love. How do we send light and still be tough to people who deserve it.
Brady Campaign Sues Interior Department Over Rule Allowing Concealed Guns In Parks,
as frank-N-furter sez.... one from the vaults
It was either here or DIY ..... my Kitchenaid dishwasher ..... sucks
A few general points on the atheism/theism debate.
For Good Self-Control, Try Getting Religious About It
Federal Way (WA) officials approve copter pad for mega-church
Scientists Find that Size of Earth's Species Occurred in 2 Great Leaps
derby's Seven Wonders of the Universe
NASA faults equipment in Columbia shuttle disaster (CNN)
A way to share light and compassion without being depleted
Question about college / grad school
So you tell me that Clinton could not have an affair with an intern without everybody finding out...
$60 rebate on Nitro PDF software from Fry's until 1/1/09
Ottawa Citizen: Tories forgive $36M in late penalties for helicopter contract
CBC: Payroll taxes to wipe out income tax cuts in 2009: watchdog group
Canwest: Harper stiff-arms talk of reopening abortion debate
How John Kerry's presidential loss affected a man from Uganda
Kerry once again generous to Democrats this year.
Gaza: time to fire Middle East piss process envoy Blair?
Brown 'bombing Britain to brink of bankruptcy'