There are days I wish Krugman did not go into the nitty gritty
Will Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Wyden stand by the limits in their own anti-torture bill?
Electric car network coming to Hawaii next
Legislating "Merry Christmas" In Utah
Ford Seeks $6 Billion for Volvo, Retains JPMorgan, People Say
Baghdad Scuttlebutt: Pssst! Obama's a Shi'ite
I really wish I could hear what Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman thinks about the economy .......
Automaker aid bill doesn’t have needed votes
Former RBA Governor: huge executive bonuses broke the economy
In my view, Saxby Chambliss rivals rotted pond scum for distastefulness
In my view, Saxby Chambliss rivals rotted pond scum for distastefulness
2-month-old girl dies sleeping in car
Michael Moore is on Countdown rippin' the Detroit 3 a big one.
For those who may not have seen it:
They love me, they really love me!
Can someone explain the $600/$1200 Stimulas Check?
War on Christmas - British style: I saw mummy hitting Santa Claus
Doctor killed in mysterious elevator shaft fall (was missing for a week) )
Who builds the military vehicles?
I've been wondering about something..
NOW Toronto: Take Canada back!
Vermont called healthiest state, Louisiana last
Toronto Star Q&A on Coalition Governments
The King is Dead. Long Die The King.
Media turns to Yosemite Sam Bolton for criticism of Obama's UN picks.....
If anyone is watching the 'Whale Wars' series on Animal Planet...
I have a real problem with having to pay Karen Hughs & Rove
I have a real problem with having to pay Karen Hughs & Rove
Designers draw Inaugural dresses for Michelle (lots of photos)
Krugman: Why deficit spending now will HELP not hurt future generations
Sean Hannity: If U don't watch Fox News, U R misundereducated
Do you think this is child abuse?
I'm so damn proud of my parents!
Will FUX NOOZ hire Dick when he is available?
That was a hell of an interview Keith, with Michael Moore
Hey you dumb rubes, you lost the election, deal with it (Cobb Cty, GA vandalism spree)
You remember back to Clinton's lame duckiness ... when everybody was asking (in seriousness) .......
Who was the worst President ever to serve two full terms?
Beggars can be choosers (Pat Oliphant)
Hope this is not a duplication. Letter I found in my inbox from Michael Moore
United Health to insure the right to insurance (OMG, can you believe this?)
Jon Stewart is just shredding prez shit-for-brains on his interview with Charlie Gibson
All Your Murdochs Am Belonging To Us: Author says Rupert "has come to like liberals"
edited thread title: "never mind"
Was Sarah Palin the reason that Saxby Chambliss won the special run-off election in GA?
Obama fires all Bush-appointed ambassadors
American nun murdered in Brazil to recieve UN Human Rights Award
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
#2 Official in Nevada (R) and supposed Reid challenger INDICTED
Nature is a kick-ass artist! -Skeleton images-
Nature is a kick-ass artist! -Skeleton images-
Obama's holding the strings to Paulson's purse
Okay, what's the deal with Hawaii, Renault/Nissan, and electric fueling stations?
Bail-out refusal knocks billionaire (Man asked Germany for a bailout for stock gambling losses)
Elected not selected (or cheated).....
Mainstream journalist admits the MSM wants drama
Canadian Secret Inelligence Service Spies On Mohawk Communities
Palin files late disclosure for free 2007 trips
Palin files late disclosure for free 2007 trips
According to sec of state...Al Franken 11,000 votes ahead..
In my opinion, retaining Robert Gates is one of the most brilliant political moves of all time
The American Family Association needs you all to become soldiers in the War on Christmas
17 year old escapes chains in Tracy CA
My sister has a Beagle that is over 17 years old.
You can (should) listen to a few songs by Phil Ochs at this link ...
The Democratic Underground is not a juvenile chat is a forum..take some risks
98.67% in according to the MN SOS. . .Franken leads by almost 1300 votes.
J.K. Rowling releases Thursday “The Tales of Beedle the Bard,” a follow-up to Harry Potter
11 minute out-patient surgery = $2,798.58
Baptist Board Alert! They still are in Love with Bush please read..thanks
Why lending the big three matters
It only took me a year to realize that DU had a facebook group
NYT: The 10 Best Books of 2008 -- Have you read any of these?
Dear Barack; Hello and Congratulations but please... "Don't Let Me Down"
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
I thought this was funny: The Free Market Clapper by Mark Fiore
Wal-Mart Worker’s Death Seen As Reason to Embrace the Union Agenda
Zimbabwe Declares Cholera Emergency
Progressive bloggers complain about New York Times' piece
Progressive bloggers complain about New York Times' piece
Indian/Pakistan Situation: What does this mean for the U.S.?
I'd like to personally pass joe scarborough, and the rest of the Morning Joe
Survey: Texas voters increasingly unhappy with GOP
TOON: Asay - "Bush stepped in with his NCLB program"
All You Need Is Love ~ All You Need Is Love ~ All You Need Is Love
Update to the Atlanta dog-beating story.
Best custom magnetic bumper sticker site you've found?
Unionization Substantially Improves the Pay and Benefits of Women Workers
Do you think J.E.B. has a ton of skeletons in his closet?
Is The Automaker Bailout A Blue Collar vs. White Collar Thing?
Making the Iraq War more Handicap Accessable
Is Donald Trump's Comb over To Big To Fail?
Would this be a good way of restarting relations with Iran?
Day Without a Gay (Prop 8) Asks Supporters to Volunteer (Dec 10)
The future of the Rethug party:
Did anyone just see "Jaywalking Contest" on Jay Leno???
Indian Opposition Demand Action Against Pakistan
Council rules bar to close in sex case
2 issues never mentioned about Iraq
Condoleezza Rice: Nothing To See Here - Keep On Moving
A point to ponder about the state of healthcare
Jimmy Carter Writes New Book On Middle East
WAR ON CHRISTMAS CASUALTY REPORT:Angry Children Attack Santa Claus Outside Local Mall!
Is anyone else listening to Carlos Gutierrez and the callers on CSPAN WJ now?
Here is a very cool Obama song, by "Matt the Electrician:
Repug Congresswoman Hangs Up On Obama - Twice
NYDN: Palin and Clinton are both women, so let's compare them!
Jack Welsh pushing for bankruptcy for auto industry. . (MSNBC)
Virginia Man Buys Million Dollar Inaugural Package At Marriott- For The Disadvantaged
AlterNet: Untold Story of Election 2008: The Death of the NRA
FL-Sen: Jeb Bush seriously considering run for open seat
So how come GEM$NBC et al can give us live
C-SPAN Alert: Automakers back in front of Senate Banking Committee n/t
OK, I know the auto execs hearing on Capitol Hill is important to us here in the Motor City, but....
How Kids Learn to Love Capitalism
Thank you for letting us spy on you: AT&T cutting 12,000 jobs/4% of work force
PHOTO: Karen Hughes has been hired to solve the problem of Bush's "legacy"
Va. man spends $1 million on inaugural package for disadvantaged
Bush admin final days scorched earth policy.
NYT: With Saturn, G.M. Failed a Makeover
Bush History-The World Pleads: If US is "not willing to lead ... Please get out of the way" 12/4
What would you pick as Bush's portrait in the White House?
Study: No such thing as an abortion-depression link
Do we want the Federal Reserve to loan the Big 3 bailout money
The real Power in the Obama Mo Rocca
GOP congresswoman hangs up on Obama — twice
Fundy Baptist Board Alert Please Read ...Should I Report them??
Bush Admin - Set to Eliminate Water Regulations for NEUROTOXIN
Economic times turn desperate for some metro Atlantans
Sea Shepherd Crew Heading South to Defend the Whales
"Black Friday" turned into "Where the f**k did the shoppers go?" Saturday.....
Coleman to Withdraw Ballot Challenges
MarketWatch: Not much for retailers to hope for this holiday season
Don't be suckered by supposed deals:
Stupid Freeper letter of the day. Brought to you by the Old Dominion.
Does Anyone Else Find This Cartoon Offensive?
The Chinese investors we rely on to prop up our debt are balking
Only 8,000 folks have Voted for MEDIA DEREGULATION against BUSH ABUSES ...What's Wrong?
Fox's House Liberal quits Hannity and Colmes
Harper gets his way. GG prorogues Canadian parliament...
I'm Really Gonna Miss Systematically Destroying This Place - By George W. Bush
Isikoff: Rove may testify in prosecutor's Attorneygate probe
Panicky (Kashmir)Border Residents Reconstruct Underground Bunkers
List of things we wouldn't have without unions?
Were the Attacks in Mumbai Part of the 'Global War on Terror'?
U.S. not among nations to sign cluster-bomb ban (xpost from Veterans)
The biggest challenge for Obama is to not be bold enough?
The Rude Pundit: Al Franken's Requiem for Florida 2000 ...
Somali piracy and the enchanting water circus
its Dec. and Russia is having a record breaking heat wave
It is ON!!! Colbert vs. the New York Times Science editor
Senate banking Committee hearing : Govt Assistance to Auto Industry - thread 1
Corporate Personhood: how far?
Auto Bailout - Why Is It All Or Nothing? Can't We Save One Or Two, But Not Three?
Its not enough that we've been stolen from, kicked down and our jobs thrown away
Green Christmas mailing tips -- Re-Use, Reduce and $ave some $$s
"Not in my neighborhood": my weekly column
Have you purchase a semi-automatic firearm since Obama was elected?
How about GM spinning off brands for cash?
Huckabee Downplays Violence Against Gays: Christians Are Having Their Crosses Taken From Them Too
How realistic is it that the 'stimulus' plans Obama has proposed will create enough jobs
I almost fell off my chair. ElisaTwit apologized for uncalled for remarks about Deepak Chopra
the Pirates known as Blackwater are off to wage war on other Pirates, oh yes
Would it be feasible for some Freight Trains to add on a few passenger cars in the right situation?
Dana Perino, unhinged.....Pt. XXVIII: The Cluster-Bombs Cluster-F**k
The Stink of the Citizenry: Congress Celebrates the Opening of the Visitors Center
Which state's US Senate pair is the most vile on Capitol Hill?
Religious groups' fury at Osama bin Lego toy
Well, lookie here. A report from The Texas Int'l Historical Coalition of the Shockingly Obvious
Now that we're all unemployed,
Mormon Homophobia: Up Close and Personal
Thom and a caller just reduced one o' them libertarian wingnuts to jello!
UN Security Council passes resolution allowing entry into Somalian waters to fight piracy
Wow, maximum unemployment benefit in Tennessee? 275.00
THE ONION: "Bush Dragged Behind Presidential Motorcade For 26 Blocks"
Istanbul: Fake cops drag woman out of restaurant by hair
Green Christmas mailing tips -- Re-Use, Reduce and $ave some $$s
Hi! I'm having problems here with the size of my fonts in DU. Is this happening to anyone else?
The term "Right to Work" has become a detested phrase
The term "Right to Work" has become a detested phrase
Thom, please stop interviewing the Ayn Rand's, libertarians, and other idiots
ONE MONTH Ago Today - Obama Wins!
RE: Big 3 in Congress, can anyone verify this?
Matthews advised to quit MSNBC
IMPORTANT Inaugural security info re. banned items (It might be difficult to bring kids.)
Obama puts premium on competence: "point by point refutation of Bush's handling of the White House"
For Indian Jews, sense of security is shattered
Truckers: Proposed air regulations unaffordable
Does it seem like the Republicans are blaming their failed economy on "greedy" union workers?
The smartest and most effective way free up money for these financial 'rescues' is to exit Iraq
You Mean We Can Talk Back? "Sometimes, the change is enough to make your head spin."
If 90+% of new car sales require some kind of loan, why aren't the bailed-out banks in the hot seat?
Yiiikes! Teens 'sexually abused elderly patients'
Too Little, Too Late: The Health Insurance Industry Unveils a New Plan to Reform Health Care
Just released and censored news/rumor? Mossad behind Turkish Ergenekon plot...
Nice lil' victory for some immigrant workers in Canada
They keep calling it a loan, not a bail out.
Unemployment Benefits Claimed by 4.09 Million Americans, Most in 26 Years
Closed two credit card accounts and couldn't get a lower rate.
Donna Smith (of "SiCKO"): Will We Be Honest in Our Healthcare Reform Effort?
"The Third Jihad"--could someone, preferably someone Muslim
Uncensored Interview re: Muslims & terrorism in the world by Deepak Chopra (WELL WORTH READING IMHO)
Crowd Control In Action- Inauguration Organizers Working To Keep Kids Out
Crowd Control In Action- Inauguration Organizers Working To Keep Kids Out
why didn't congress grill the bankers and aig live on c-span and msnbc?
why didn't congress grill the bankers and aig live on c-span and msnbc?
One man feeds 500 - Another heart warming story
After the Victory: Engaging Obama Volunteers
"Shameless Britney Spears is endangering your child"
Have a job and no union? Employers will be real nice to you in the new year
Hey, you dumb fuck. AIG didn't have to submit some bullshit plan for YOU to approve
"The people who worry about being remembered are guys like Reagan, Bush..."
Outside of the loan arguments. Anyone resent all the auto industry people testifying basically act
I have this weird feeling that this Nursing Home story could be a fraud...
Eric was foreclosed on.He tried to buy his home from the mortgage co. for more than the mortgage.
Reach across the aisle to Bob Corker and pick a scab...
27, 37, 300, 22, 10, ahead, behind.....?
Universal health care and the "nuclear option."
Universal health care and the "nuclear option."
Colors of the white house: Red, White and IMPEACH
Prescription Handguns For the Elderly and Disabled: This Won't End Well
A million jobs here ..... a million jobs there. Pretty soon, your talking about a real ......
My simple-minded question about the auto companies.
Cute (formerly) little Knut, the Berlin Zoo's famous polar bear cub, about to be evicted?
Actor Paul Benedict has died at 70 (Mr Bentley on The Jeffersons)...
Health Insurance with "Preexisting Conditions". Please advise.
So the senators from TN & other states with "foreign" auto makers are trying to sink the American
Needed: A working-person's business channel to combat CNBC/FOX News Business propaganda
Washington's gain (Bush moving out of the White House) is Preston Hollow's pain (Bush is moving in)
Washington's gain (Bush moving out of the White House) is Preston Hollow's pain (Bush is moving in)
Honestly--I don't get the Franken/Coleman recount numbers...
Senate Auto Hearings ...GM Say they could be gone....
The Californian reduces work force by 10 percent (1 reason, ads from car dealers down)
Barbara Walters 10 Most "Fascinating" people (tonight at 10PM)
War criminal found in phone book
Hagel thanking Nebraskans for 12 years in Senate
Campaign Promises on Ending the War in Iraq Now Muted by Reality
Snapshots from our "Strong" Economy
Bush & UN standby as 100,000's perish
you wanna have a fucking hearing? I gotta hearing I wanna hear ......
Countdown & Rachel Maddow Show still beating Billo & H&c
Gov. Jindal's (former doctor) state - the unhealthiest in US
Dear noozmediamorons ......just a hint: I would bet NO one cares a fat shit about .....
Chip companies set to drive hybrid vehicle opportunities
Man answers Craigslist baby-sitter ad, uses child for porn video
I'm for bailing out the auto industry, but...
Automakers pitch Congress anew on rescue
I did not watch the Gibson Bush interview
Record number of Americans using food stamps: report
Report: Samsung among top patent holders in solar
It really frosts my ass when people think it is okay to punish ......
I don't know who I'm more pissed with: COMCAST or the History Channel
FYI: Good Fresh Air today. David Kaplan on the terrorist/organized crime nexus.
FYI: Good Fresh Air today. David Kaplan on the terrorist/organized crime nexus.
can we start a Democratic Underground forum?
Autoworkers and the Anti-Union Agenda
I'm so pissed--my sister just got laid off.
Why one never hears about Saudi Arabia. American businesses go extra mile in permitting bad policies
Jobs, an endangered species.....
Oooga Booga Smooga Wooga! - Into the Darkness
Lawmakers Dodd, Frank Warn Paulson May Not Get Second Half of TARP Money
Republicans are really quite good ..........
NC community supports gay marriage
Calls for $1 Trillion Stimulus Package Grow as Economy Tumbles
Oh you cute little Christians with your naivety scenes.
Electric cars put Hawaii on the road to independence
Does the Declaration of Independence give us the right to access to health care?
Here is a cheap gift for your bushitler friends for twismas
Pakistan Daily: 5 Points That Destroy India's Latest Mumbai Fairytale
Why shouldn't we give the big 3 a blank check? Here's why:
Friday: the 75th anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition
KBR, Halliburton sued for sickening U.S. troops
An hourly wage is NOT the same as an hour of cost.
Thursday TOON Roundup part 1- Recession Blues
7 ways you can afford to protect your health, even if you are uninsured
Birmingham Mayor Arrested for Corruption
210,000 Christmas lights. Computer animated and synchronized to music in Pittsburgh Pa
Interesting post from the the Chrysler Topix Forum
Marsha Blackburn with a (small) dick
Yahoo tells a very stupid lie.........
MSNBC - Ford Is Not In As Dire Straits As GM and Chrystler - Just Let GM Fail?
Congress grills big-3 - worried about protecting taxpayers money - yeah -
2 teen girls charged in nursing resident abuse - UMMM WTF???
Shouldn't more car parts be interchangeable?
I'm sorry but the best the Oakland Raiders can do for that poor boy
Good sites for socially responsible charitable giving?
Obama responds to 8-year-old's letter
"Government Grants For Republicans"
Canadians! Explain to me what Harper is up to now
The narrative of the Wall Street vs. Detroit bailout proves that Class Warfare is an American Value
Business Group Urges Japanese to Boink more often, for the sake of the economy
Al Franken now has the lead in the contested race.
I love the passion of the mayor of Lansing, Mi who's on with Ed Schultz now -
Transportation strategy: The whole picture, complete with gaps
Half of Americans want health care as is?
Abortion not seen linked with depression
Remember When "Laid Off" Didn't Mean "Permanently Fired?"
Why the hell doesn't anybody on the m$m ever mention...
'He was a charming man, someone who was only ever nice to me, a great boss to work for.
On history and our allergy to it
It's time for that great holiday special, Sam Seder wages the War on Christmas
Ikea accused of animal cruelty for selling reindeer meat
Publishing biz has its "Black Wednesday," job losses at film studios
1 in 5 young Americans has personality disorder
In Rush Hour Labor, Ticket Issued
Do you sense a shift in Obama's philosophy since the election?
When (OH, WHEN) will our beloved...
4.5 % mortgages for "new" buyers for 30yr fixed..not a panacea
Knowing what you know now, do you believe that Taliban could have given us bin Laden?
CNN - Girl From Iconic Dorothea Lange Great Depression Photo: 'We Were Ashamed'
CNN - Girl From Iconic Dorothea Lange Great Depression Photo: 'We Were Ashamed'
Any word on Palin's daughter tying the knot with the redneck?
Send Happy Holiday Cards to Rep. Chris Butters!
Stand up and be counted...Yea or Nay for the UAW?
You know how everyone was afraid that Bush would not let go of power? It just HAPPENED in Canada
What happens when no one has money to pay their debt?
Franken camp says they're ahead 22 votes-Dem demands recount extension after ballots lost
Eliot Spitzer: Too Big Not To Fail (Stop Rebuilding Gigantic Financial Institutions)
The Jehovah's witnesses were just around....why the fuck were they driving a hummer?
Which credit card companies are the most EVIL, and why?
If the only way to save the Big 3 is to slash wages, what have we saved?
Fundies pushing zygote personhood
Thursday TOON Roundup part 3- Bailouts, Wal marts and the rest
What a missed opportunity for one or all of the Big Three CEO's.
What I want to know about General Motors.........
Police chief, two others indicted for letting 8-year-old play with Uzi -- the boy killed himself
Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz Even Worse Than A Corporate-Leaning "New Democrat?"
Smoking Gun has photo of Dubya's New Dallas Digs
Michael Moore's Plan to Save the Big 3 (Petition)
Two neighborhoods in Milwaukee are considering printing their own currency.
So ... the UPS guy shows up at my door and drops off this huge package .............
Consumers (as a group) are idiots. They are as bad as children.
Obama fires ALL Bush-appointed ambassadors!
Thoughts, prayers, good wishes & healing light for AtomicKitten?
Hummers the new status symol amongst wealthy Iraqis
Are Southern Rethugs more obnoxious than other Rethugs?
Please show your support for American Labor...
Monsanto Beets Down Opposition
Bankruptcy Allows Big 3 to Slash Pensions? That's Their Solution? What Am I Missing Here?
Rec if you think Jeb Bush should stay the hell away from the White House.
Do you support 'right to work' laws?
Bush to move to $2 million Dallas home
Indian interrogators to torture "baby-faced gunman" for information
Were the Mumbai Terrorists Fueled by Coke?
One extra Christmas/Holiday card
Why Loan them $34 Billion if you can BUY them for $11?
GM needs bailout, workers need to sacrifice? Read their annual report.
George W. Bush ALWAYS Planned To Invade Iraq
What about those worthless, greedy military retirees in our country
Dana Perino, unhinged.....Pt. XXIX: I'm the Debunker
U.S. Supreme Court: State Medical Marijuana Laws Not Preempted by Federal Law
KBR gave troops ice tainted with ‘traces of body fluids and putrefied remains.’
When photographers get bored, (pic heavy)
I'm Really Gonna Miss Systematically Destroying This Place
Speaking of t-shirts....ANOTHER dude at work......
So who is watching the 'Whale Wars' series?
For all our Lovers, Lost Lovers and the Rest....Manhattans.."You are My Shining Star."
More evidence Michigan's hurting.
Amorphous Kitty - A Convenient vagueness
Are you prepared for the economic trouble ahead?
They may go south only once a year...
Guitarist Gary Moore loses plagarism lawsuit over his "Still Got the Blues" solo
what was the last Bumble you reformed?
The calls are coming from inside the uterus!
Obama Says Richardson Will Be ‘Economic Diplomat’
Argh! Bobby Flay is trying to make Red Velvet Cake
This is just SWEET !! ~ ooohhh...aaahhh... for all those that had a bad day today.
OMG...I'm Happy! And y'know why?? Because...
Anyone watching the Animal House Doc on Biography Channel?
Is your Pagan Idolatry Tree up yet?
Help! My kitteh crashed my mac and now my monsters aren't working.
If you ever wanted Mrs Slocombe's pussy, she's got it available for a really low price!
I realized something today: it's ok.
So I've decided to start a dating website: I'll Settle
Is it cheaper to buy boneless chicken breasts or the split-breast kind?
Mental note: waiting the night before works for most homework... unless...
I just watched "Secret Millionaire" on my local fox station
Words of wisdom from turtlensue's soon to be boyfriend:
The greatest TV show of all time is on right now.
Obama's equivocation on the Iraq war has shattered the last of my faith...
Is Zombie Holocaust season over yet?
Schweitzer to lead Democratic governors
LBN: Plan Is Said to Tie Energy Plan to Economic Stimulus
Jon Stewart rips MSNBC as the new Fox
Obama Asked To Overturn Detention Policies
Tyler Perry titles you'd like to see
I just re-watched one of the most important movies ever made.
There is a funny smell coming off of me tonight...
"There is no evidence that anyone will buy energy efficient green cars"
Worst Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe song?
i'm a chauvinist warmonger conservative with a northern accent, who hates rock music and bowling
What's your name, little boy? HO. HO. HO.
So when did you realize that Star Trek was cooler than Lost in Space?
So if having a great love your country is patriotic, what is having a great love for your state?
Have you ever had to deal with an STD? What did you do at first?
I have a little pet monkey named Augusto.
Aussie Puppy Cam - Sausages with legs
Please hear me out...I know this is hard to believe, but I have some info on Parche
i made this. you play this. we are enemies.
I just re-watched one of the most important movies ever made.
Do they ever move threads from the Lounge or only to it?
Merlin never climbed on the table before Kittimus Prime came along.
To anyone who is friends with me on Facebook!
{{{sigh}}} You know that you're a grownup
I feel great !! - No 'FLU', no 'STD's", no 'UnKnown Quantity or Element'...
Workers Given Loans To Purchase And Run Bankrupt Companies In Venezuela!
Have 3 sons, all wore T-Shirts with Logo's and NEVER was told to have them change them
My son in Pre-K was told today to change his shirt because it had this message on it:
Which bloc should we blame for Jim Martin's loss?
Would anyone like to help me with some advice?
Nothing like Brownie Scout day to take more energy out of me
Charlie's Angels, Baywatch, or the McNeil Lehrer Report?
The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/3/08
Excuse me Mr President, did you make a boom boom in the middle east?
Nickelback is like the only good rock band!
Alright, which one of you bastids first brought that EVIL
Feels like the flu is coming on....
AARRGGHH!!! WAR SUCKS!!! ~ ' All Along The Watchtower'
The aurora borealis - as seen from the ISS.
"Blogswarm"...3rd annual "Festival of Zappadan" honors the life and work of Frank Zappa
Hey LostinVA There IS A SantaClaus
Damn, I wish I could afford the Sundance Film Channel.
All You Need Is Love ~ All You Need Is Love ~ All You Need Is Love
What's wrong with this picture?
I went in for some medical tests -- and I am baffled
I went in for some medical tests -- and I am baffled
Hs otogydraobek ym htiw nrw gnihems'ereht ,ple
Happy "call in sick, smoke as much dope as you can, and post all day on DU" day.
My son wanted to take a bazooka to school today.
"The Impossible Dream"- Lee Ving (Fear)
I found out where everyone from GDP went
Kitten Picture of the Day for Thursday December 4
Yes, I went to see "Twilight" for the second time last night...
Beloved Bush & McCain campaign veteran Nicolle Wallace or Pulp Fiction's Marsellus Wallace?
*This show is long overdue for a DVD release!*
My son wanted to take a puppy to school today for show and tell.
I'm taking GeezerM to a talking picture show tonight
You are all too numerous to mention. n/t
Sticks and stones may break my bones...
DS1 is insinuating, no, flat out stating that I am old.
Why isn't the Hershey bar with almonds in the candy bar variety pack but they have a Mr. Goodbar?
It is that time of year again, time for the Charlie Brown Xmas special...
lawrdy lawrdy... mdmc now on facebook
****New Car Depreciation Thread*****
Chuggo would ______ (what?) What would Chuggo do?
In rush-hour labor, ticket delivered
Official XMAS Movie Thread...Name your favorite..
What would you like to say to your hairdresser?
An observation of modern "slang" grammar
OMG!!! I meant to bid $20 for something on Ebay and instead bid $200!!!!
I just ordered LynneSin's Christmas present
OMG... the DU Lounge has lost it's "YAK FEVER!" anyone remember the "Old Days?"
I Just Bid $200 On Ebay For A Thomas Kinkade Nutcracker
Don't you people know how to smile?
The DTTB thread shows up exactly 19 days before Festivus.
I just ordered DS1's Christmas present.
Instead of giving Brenda the Goddess of Housekeeping a
I just ordered LynneSin's Christmas present
Some evil person bid $200 on my Ebay auction and then retracted their bid!!
I took BabyM to the store last night.
It is that time of year again, time for the Xmas special from Soviet Russia...
Rachael, I didn't need to hear about the various aspects of inspecting a baby hole.
Anyone ever heard of the Steel Drivers? Just heard/saw them
Favorite grammar/spelling mistakes
I just made clam chowder with baby whale hams.
Well, a bowl of muligatawny would hit the spot. n/t
Clearly I spend too much time here, I just appeared in another Du'ers weird kinky dream
I just made clam chowder with baby whole clams.
Do You Have Curly Hair? I need some advice.
yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want
I am listening to this horrible music right now. Some dazed, confused crap?
Can we agree that Google Maps with satellites and street view
Ghost kicker is back as well. Run, people. Save yourselves.
I love you, Charlie Brown - I understand
I wore this on the front of my T-shirt, and my yoga instructor made me turn it inside out.
This is the motely36 appreciation thread!!!!!
Post here what you're getting Midlodemocrat for adjusting your package.
Which thread, having jumped the shark, thereafter fell the farthest?
I've been hanging around the house waiting for the gas co. guy ALL DAY.
Thank goodness for good neighbors!
Holy Crap My Boss Is On A Rampage
I've been adjusting my package around the house waiting for the gas co. guy ALL DAY
I've been adjusting my package around the house waiting for the gas co. guy ALL DAY
My song for the day. Post yours.
any legal advice would be appreciated.
Cell Phones and calling 911 - any experience?
Pics of the Prophetess in her new ensemble
sinatra has been hanging out on the piano today
Look into the eyes of pure evil.
So, did anybody burn their house down while adjusting their package?
What do you have to complain about?
So I've been trying to send a fax all damn day.
Deer gets revenge after hunter shoots him
Man Flu (it's a bit from a comedy show thing)
I just realized I haven't smoked any pot in almost forty-eight years
Anybody here use a cooling pad for your lap top.
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Thu 12/4/2008)
I just realized I haven't smoked any pot in almost two years
Did anyone get their copy of The Tales of Beetle the Bard?
My roomie is making me crazy, AGAIN!
Unfortunately for you people, I am between projects.
we're finally getting our first snow of the year
Anybody here use a cooling pad for your laptop.
I'm itching for an argument...
Some random dude is getting a new one ripped on flickr.
Wolf Blitzer and Jack Caferty are so awkward when they interact
Giant amoebas found rolling on sea floor
Jones Big Ass Truck Rental And (you must see the commercial)
Anyone ever see "The Shape of Things"?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NewJeffCT!!!!!!! Two days late, but hey, I didn't know.
Do you often often open lounge threads and think
Please tell me this is a photoshop. (Disturbing image.)
My razor just died and I only shaved half of my face!
If you could create a career that would give you guaranteed income, what would it be?
Tom Cruise's real like historical character in Valkerie got wacked.
"Adjusting your package" is the phrase for today. Modify a thread title to include "adjusting your
Which Christmas film release are you most looking forward to seeing?
Have you ever been burned by "Repy to All"
Have you ever been burned by "Repy to All"
Is it good that only assholes like me stick around?
How do I get my dogs to stop peeing on my replica Michael Vick jersey?
Thursday afternoon Smack-O-Rama. Who would you like to slap the shit out of today?
I'm sticking to my guns! Gattuso---> HAIRPIECE!
I can't believe MrsG is a vampire-lusting Cougar
Have you ever known anyone who overcomplicates the simplest thing?
Post here what you're getting Midlodemocrat for Xmas
My Father In Law Has Cancer - Could Use Some Vibes
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!
What department store had the best Christmas window display when you were a kid?
Florida Congresswoman Hangs Up On Obama Twice
remember this thread from last week...
California Peggy is at it again!!!
Excepting childhood, what is the longest that you have been completely sober? No booze, dope,
Any Mac Experts? Please HELP!!!
K&R this thread if you think the Bangles were HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
Does someone want to borrow my arthritis for today.
Four things the Dems in congress got terribly wrong, and "the left" got very right.
Hey, let's do another SIX DEGREES OF MRSCORPIO!
The U.S. Military as an Oil Acquisition Service
Anyone know FOR SURE how to conjugate(?) Ancient Greek/Macedonian patronymics?
I am on this major "Pet Shop Boys/Moody Blues" kick...
Are there any good songs out there about morphine?
My husband told me on the cell phone he wants a divorce
Clearly I spend too much time here, I just had a weird kinky dream about another DUer
Yes, Virginia, even death may die.
Does someone kick the "Don't tutch the but" thread up every week or so?
Dog saves other dog injured on highway -- if you speak Spanish, please
Favorite Moments From DU This Year
My Abi is getting a new home today!
15 years ago today, Frank Zappa departed from this world.
Good news...Son's girlfriend is ok...
If you had to live in a red state which one would it be?
Pfeffernuesse (authentic German recipe)
What would you do in my situation?
I have another frikin sinus infection. Same symptoms, same side of my face
Tom Cruise's Hitler movie - possible spoiler
My sister has a Beagle that is over 17 years old.
K&R if you think LynneSin is the bestest out there ever!!!!
Best sequel? (Please read the criteria)
Favorite Vampire (who do you want to have bite your neck?)
My dear friends! Please do me a favor...
Dog saves another dog hit on freeway.
What do you want for Christmas?
Men of the Lounge: Please explain the adjusting your package thing to me
Hey, guys. If you would. Some good thoughts, prayers, vibes.
Eric Holder was to blame for 9/11 and will be the reason for the Next Terror Attack on the US....
ran across video Obama on election night
For all those who want to accuse me of being anti Bill and Hill or a disloyal Dem:
Which bloc should we blame for Jim Martin's loss?
Obama Is Screwing Up Big Time!
Obama Is Screwing Up Big Time!
Official XMAS Movie Thread...Name your favorite..
AP out with a hit piece on Xavier Becerra before he even accepts the position
PHOTOS Obama on the cover of special issue of EBONY Magazine
Predictions about Obama and Congressional Republicans
BREAKING! Senate Seat will go to "placeholder" until Chelsea Clinton is qualified to run in 2012!
New poll: 75 percent of Americans approve President-elect Barack Obama's cabinet choices.
So I'm confused...which Bill Richardson is the good twin and which is the bad one again?
Parker Brothers indoctrinating kids into using credit cards...
Obama shelves oil company tax after price fall: aide
Obama Campaign Manager to Write Book
Who would you rather have as your next President
watching the msnbc replay of election night, Sen Burr of N.C.
Song about Obama with great lyrics:
Bread, Bombs, and the Big Stimulus: The Nation
Obama Gives Bush's Political Ambassadors Their Pink Slips
Should I be okay with Obama keeping Gates?
RW re-writing history = bush was innocent (poor george), Nixon was a simple, peace loving Quaker...
I received a response from the FCC
I support the Rovian "Bush Legacy Project"
Draft Alan Grayson for FL U.S. Senate for 2010 to replace Mel Martinez
Did anyone take screenshots of all the news websites on Election night?
I'll be delighted with Obama's Cabinet if he doesn't choose people....
We must think big... REALLY BIG
WP: Obama Policymakers Turn to Campaign Tools-Network of Supporters Tapped on Health-Care Issues
Barack isn't going to waste his chance to be a great president
Brennan. What's the deal? Did DU cause him to withdraw?
133 ballots have gone missing in Minnesota Senate race
This economic crisis is definitely going to end. It will probably end
Am I the only one who thinks even Jeb Bush stands no chance as president?
Oprah will tape Inauguration Week shows in D.C.
Flashback: Anybody remember this Obama speech from 2006?
Ros-Lehtinen hangs up on Obama and Rahm Emanuel
Food for thought...I wonder who the CEO's of GM, Ford, and Chrysler voted for in the election?
Republican congresswoman hangs up on Obama. Twice!
Obama on the leader of the UK's Conservative Party, "What a lightweight"
George W. bUsh...STOP THE LYING already!!! Stupid MFer!
WP: Obama seems to be assembling his senior staff with an eye toward gender and ethnic diversity
Someone help me understand this Star Tribune results vs. Minn State re: Franken
And now for something totally NP: A Christmas Story is running on TNT tonight!
Obama Gives Political Ambassadors Their Pink Slips
Rasmussen PA Senate: Specter 46% Matthews 43%
MN resident is notified by Franken Camp that his absentee ballot was rejected due to unknown reasons
WA Post: "Va. Man Spends $1 Million on Inaugural Package for Disadvantaged"
Upon annabanna's suggestion ... An observation and a few Analogies
Baghdad Scuttlebutt: Pssst! Obama's a Shi'ite
No Linda Tripps in the Obama White House.
RNC to dislose TRUE Palin Clothes bills TODAY....
"Alito ribs Biden for plagiarism"...thanks Bush for such a lovely legacy at the Supreme Court
Obama not picking enough "progressives" and "liberals?" Here's an idea!
Maybe we all should check into Underdogs Anonymous to cope with DLS
AG Says Obama May Not Get Sensitive Legal Opinions Till January
Who would beat Jeb Bush for the 2010 Senate seat?
Ted Rall on Obama Picks:The Rest and the Rightest
"I'm reminded every day that I am not a perfect man. And I will not be a perfect President."
TPM: Obama Spokesperson Reaffirms Commitment To Rolling Back Oil Company Subsidies
Obama proves that he does not go for "yes" men around him
Matthews advised to quit MSNBC - serious about run for Senate seat
For fun, Which Presidential child is most likely to become President?
Travel Industry Praises Richardson Pick
National Mall will be open for Obama inauguration
SecDef Gates outlines Pentagon Reforms; Sounds very reasonable
A proposal: The UAW should OCCUPY the auto plants, then run them themselves
Do we know how much Obama raised in September?(nt)
A Few Good Women - Obama ushers in a feminist revolution in foreign policy and national security.
Study: Depression not linked to abortion
Thursday TOON Roundup part 2-Presidents, past and future
Will Obama make more history and appoint Mary Beth Maxwell as Labor Secretary?
Nuttiest wing-nut email I've ever seen:
Why is Eric Holder taking all of the heat for the Rich pardon when this was done by the Clintons?
TX-Gov: Hutchison Forms Exploratory Committee
The Benefactor of the Ball - Va. Man Spends $1 Million on Inaugural Package for Disadvantaged
From Slavery to the White House (about Michelle Obama's family)
AFAIC, the Big 3 automakers dug their own grave & don't deserve squat
Obama may speak from an Islamic capital
How does the left get Obama over his ideological hang-ups on health care?
Nothing CRACKS ME UP more than Free Birth Certificate TinFoilHat Nuttery RepublicDotCom
UK "Arrogant and joyless: Obama's take on Britain?"
U.S. surge in Afghanistan could lead to more violence: ISAF
NBC holding off on announcing Gregory as host of MTP - furious about leaks - Chuckles Todd to blame?
Obama Spokesperson Reaffirms Commitment To Rolling Back Oil Company Subsidies
Remember those obnoxious "W: The President" stickers after Bush was appointed to The White House?
World AIDS Day letter from William Jefferson Clinton..
Obama considering making a major foreign policy speech from an Islamic capital
Obama considering making a major foreign policy speech from an Islamic capital
Obama considering making a major foreign policy speech from an Islamic capital
Stop telling me NC is not blue.
Is this the worst Obama souvenir ever?
Greta Van Sustern: Pimping Palin and Trying to Stick Sexism on Democratic Males
Obama- Highspeed Rail = Helps with Jobs, Infrastructure, energy independence, global warming....
GET C-SPAN2 NOW: Realizing the Promise (an event I'm involved with) IS ON
Here's what will happen tomorrow at the SCOTUS RE Obama
Did anyone see "Morning Schmo" this morning?
Lisa Jackson to be named EPA Administrator
WOW, AIG gets $150 Billion with NO PLAN and the BIG THREE don't have the votes with a plan!!!
Hmm. The recommend fairy is back and I don't see kentauros.
Obama's Windfall Taxes Shift: First Broken Promise?
NYTimes: Obama To Speak in Islamic Capital in First 100 Day
Who is the most UNDERRATED Democratic president we've ever had?
Isn't it ironic that by methodically killing the UAW, the "big" 3 have cut their own throats?
How does anyone know that Kerry wasn't offered the SOS position early on?
I know a lot of you are going to be really ticked at this idea...
Thomas Breaks Custom: Forces Supreme Court To Look At Obama Citizen Case
Where's the Richardson celebratory thread?
America's ready for a black president , aren't we ready for a black news talk show host?
Those unhappy with Obama's picks: tell us who you would choose instead...
Winning the Direct Attack on Democracy & Obama (Sup Ct Bush v Gore Pt. II decision due Friday 12-5)
The more you try to drum up anger against Obama -- before he even takes office --
Beatings and abuse made Barack Obama’s grandfather loathe the British
Clinton's Confirmation May Spark Constitutional Battle (Fox News not giving up)
GM, Chrysler Win Union Concessions to Bolster Aid Bid
New star-studded Web video protests Proposition 8
Big powers refuse to sign cluster bomb treaty
The Big Brother state – by stealth (Britain)
Judge in Haditha case told to review '60 Minutes' clips
Senate Democrats will pack plenty of muscle
Ex-WorldCom chief Ebbers seeks clemency from Bush
Ressam sentence reinstated; judge decides government had role in terrorist's lack of cooperation
Bail-out refusal knocks billionaire (Man asked Germany for a bailout for stock gambling losses)
Homebuilders shrink American dream, spark wrath
Mukasey Says Obama May Have to Wait for Some Legal Opinions
Capital One To Buy Chevy Chase Bank
FL-Sen: Jeb Bush seriously considering run for open seat
Palin files late disclosure for free 2007 trips
Officials: Mumbai gunman promised cash for family
Chicago approves privatization of city parking meters
Wal-Mart Worker’s Death Seen As Reason to Embrace the Union Agenda
US gives Mexico anti-drug funding
Man-made noise in world's seas threatens wildlife
Poll: Public opposes aid to carmakers (61% to 36%)
Two US soldiers killed by car bomb in Iraq
Isikoff: Rove may testify in prosecutor's Attorneygate probe
European court rules DNA database breaches human rights
Bush To Ease "Mountaintop Mining" Rule
Democratic governors elect Montana's Schweitzer as chairman
Were the Mumbai Terrorists Fueled by Coke?
Suicide strike destroys Iraqi school; at least 15 killed, including students
Franken camp says they're ahead 22 votes-Dem demands recount extension after ballots lost
Mumbai police to use truth serum on 'baby-faced' terrorist Azam Amir Kasab
45 years for collar bomb planner
British soldier found shot in Iraq
Poll: Calif. gay marriage ban driven by religion
Shooting breaks out at New Delhi airport, BBC reports
Canada suspends parliament (to prevent vote on Harper)
Moscow's mayor links gays to spread of AIDS
Surgeon saves boy's life by text message
GM, Chrysler May Accept Bankruptcy to Receive Bailout
Iraqi army finds 80 bodies in four mass graves
India Tightens Security at Major Airports (Intel officials noted possible New Delhi airport attack)
UPDATE 2-Starbucks to cut more costs in tough economy
Ros-Lehtinen hangs up on Obama. Twice.
No relief in sight as radio ad revenue declines
(Senator Kay Bailey) Hutchison Confirms Governor Bid
India names Pakistani masterminds, date plot to 07
Police Chief indicted in death of 8 year old at gun show
Palin Got $30K More in Clothes
ArcelorMittal to lay off 340 Cleveland steelworkers
Lincoln Electric cuts staff in anticipation of long recession
Alito jabs at Biden over long-ago plagiarism
AT&T cutting 12,000 jobs, books $600 mln severance costs
U.S. Economy: Jobless Rolls Climb to 26-Year High
Breaking: Six gunmen shot at Dehli airport
Eliot Spitzer debuts as columnist for Slate
Obama Aide: Green-Jobs Proposal Ties Economic Stimulus to Energy Plan
Suit contesting Barack Obama's citizenship heads to U.S. Supreme Court Friday
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday December 4
Obama responds to 8-year-old's letter
S.F. archbishop defends role in Prop. 8 passage
General Motors May Fail This Month Without Aid, UAW Chief Says
37 Down, 215 to go: Franken edges to victory in recount
Justice Department Re-Opens (Siegelman) Juror Misconduct Investigation
Justice Department Re-Opens (Siegelman) Juror Misconduct Investigation
Canada PM set to ask for Parliament's suspension
From Poland with love: Warsaw missiles end up in militants' hands (Chechnya)
Obama Policymakers Turn to Campaign Tools: Network of Supporters Tapped on Health-Care Issues
Israel said to be studying Iran attack
Russia Sending Warship Through Panama Canal In Symbolic Move
'Several Cities' Could Have No Daily Paper As Soon As 2010, Credit Rater Says
Former Treasury chief O'Neill issues warning of potential economic disaster
Looking for the Ideal Spot: Obama considers major foreign policy address in an Islamic capital
Cops: Crowd confrontation sparked Black Friday stampede
Bolivian unrest ruled 'massacre'
Bolivian unrest ruled 'massacre'
(Texas) Couple Bit Child More Than 20 Times in Fatal Exorcism
Police chief, gun club indicted in boy’s Uzi death
Parliament shut down till Jan. 26 (Canada)
Mean Girls Allegedly Spit At, Poked Patients
PHOTOS A Love Supreme? (VERY pic heavy!)
More Palin ‘Accessories’ Spending Revealed
Business urges Obama to loosen Cuba embargo
Women Say That Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin Received Unfair Treatment in their Political Campaign
Conservatives Expected to Split Episcopal Church
Another Bush Faux Pas: Holiday Cards Sent to Muslims Contain Dreidels
Tricky Dicky: Nixon recordings confirm popular view
Auto Workers Give Up Notorious Featherbed
The spirit of the season, for some (David Horsey cartoon)
There’s Barack the Nice Guy, Then There’s GOP Creepiness
UnitedHealth to Insure the Right to Insurance
WND in Mail to the Supreme Court!
Evo Morales: "Save the planet from capitalism"
The news from 2015: Senate recount is settled at last (whimsy from the Star-Tribune)
"Health Care Reform is Good for Our Economy"
Thomas Frank: Health-Care Reform Could Kill the GOP
NYT editorial: Gloom, but Not Doom
Record number of Americans using food stamps
WORLD NEWS TRUST: New York Times Misleads on Taliban Role in Opium Trade (Jeremy R. Hammond)
In These Times: Illinois Schools On Uneven Field
Perils of public passion - Garrison Keillor
WORLD NEWS TRUST: Woody Guthrie: A little recession music, please (Mickey Z.)
Colombia Confirms It Cannot Meet Necessary Prerequisites for FTA consideration
WORLD NEWS TRUST: The Mumbai Attacks: More Than Meets the Eye (Jeremy R. Hammond)
UAW grants concessions, exec warns of depression
Afghanistan, Another Untold Story by Michael Parenti
Gulf Oil CEO says gas could hit $1 next year
WORLD NEWS TRUST: George W. Bush Belongs in Prison (Joel S. Hirschhorn)
No Choice in UK: All Must Have ID Cards
Guardian UK: Republicans should stop embracing the anti-intellectualism of George Bush
Gift Certificates for an Abortion?
An Open Letter to We The People Foundation...and the Cult of the Certificate of Live Birth
Texas Catfight: Perry v Kay-Bailey R on R
GOP to Start Affirmative Action for Racists?
Bush Signs Executive Order Barring Union Rights
Obama Should Make a Clean Break With the Past on Latin America
Hebron evacuation completed within hour
Israel reopens Gaza border to journalists, aid workers
Palestinians’ Rift Prevents Gazans From Traveling to Mecca
Libya accuses Israel of piracy by blocking aid ship
Israel: Economic surge in W. Bank
"Time For the New Whine" Philip Slater
Egyptian MP: We won't tolerate 'Islamist emirate' in Gaza
UN Security Council Rejects Libyan Attempt to Reach Gaza
Standing up to Jewish terrorism
The Onion Bashes Bush (Literally)
Odetta at Philly Folk Fest 2005
Living Colour - Cult Of Personality: On Stage At World Cafe Live
Obama & Clinton, rivals or friends?
Rachel Maddow Show: Latest on US AG Firings. Dare we hope Rove will be frog-marched?
NBC News: The Oil Bust ... How cheap oil cripples Texas' economy (1986)
NBC News: Rise of France's National Front (1986)
NBC News: Insurgency in the Philippines (1986)
Schiff: “The Boom Is The Problem, The Bust Is The Solution”
TYT: Automakers Come With A Plan For Bailout
Tweety has decided it's OK to dump on Bush and (sort of) tell the truth about Iraq
John Kerry On High Speed Rail, Cambridge Town Hall
Rachel Maddow on the Bush Legacy Project: Re-Writing History Before Your Eyes!
KBR Subcontractor Holding Workers Prisoner
CNN - KBR's worker Prison Camp In Iraq
A "Perfect Storm" of Bad PR for Mormon Church
Neil Cavuto paraphrases FDR's 'fear itself' quote as: Get over your self-pity!!
CNN Censors Peter Schiff Federal Reserve Rant?
Impeachment for Xmas, Prosecution for New Year's
Henry Rollins Riffs on Bush and the Media
Oh goody, Bill 'the gambler' Bennett has written another book about how GREAT America is!
Countdown: Michael Moore on the Auto Bailout - 'We're Gonna Own Your Ass'
Pope Benedict And The Crime Of Being Gay
Tweety pits his big giant brain (and mouth) against Nobel winner Krugman, barely lets him speak
O' Reilly Says Ramadan Out, Aetheists Out - Jesus In - Constitution Anyone?
Suit claims Halliburton, KBR sickened base
Combat deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan fall sharply
Ind. guardsmen sue KBR over chemical exposure
Artifacts stolen by helo pilot return to Egypt
U.S. not among nations to sign cluster-bomb ban
Sgt. faces Article 32 in 2007 deaths of Iraqis
Navy: Call girl actually retired at O-3
2/7 to complete return from Afghanistan
Group: Marine accused of desertion has PTSD
First UAV set to patrol border with Canada
Detainee killings were for revenge, witnesses testify
Italian base employees’ protest has slight effect on Capodichino
Okinawa Assembly pins hopes on Obama
Soldier in South Korea denies stealing phone in rape case
Equipment lets prime-time U.S. shows air in evenings on Yokota
Obama team meets with anti-torture generals
Old missile sites hold Cold War mystique
Obama Reps, Retired Generals Talk Torture
Pak Taliban Pledge to Fight India
Navy Humanitarian Missions on the Rise
'Robo-docs' May Soon Help War Wounded
GI's Death Ruled Negligent Homicide
Guard Eligible for Child Care Subsidy
AF Doctor Tackles Movement Disorders
UN Strips Pirates of Somali Haven
Air Force plans to create fourth B-52 squadron at Minot by 2010
US Plans Spur Russian Missile Upgrades
CV-22s Complete 1st Operational Deployment
Marine deserter told to leave Canada
Why is the Chabad Center Torture Not Being Reported?
Rat attack: Mosman ready for rodent invasion
ESA Satellites Capture Latest Images Of Wilkins Ice Shelf's Rapid Distintegration
Solar Power System to be Built in Prince George’s County (MD)
Get free (hydrogen) fuel-cell car - & a place to fill up (NY)
US Renewable Energy Production Increases 7.4%
Decision near on Black Mesa coal mine permit
US GHG Emissions Up 1.4% In 2007, Up 16.7% Since 1990; Global Output Up 3% 2006 - 2007
Russia Pushes Back Plan To Cut Gas Flaring To 5% Another 3 Years, To 2014 - Flares $13 Billion/Year
The Next Disaster - As Drug Gangs Battle Gov., Oil Output, Income Plummet In Mexico
BLM Pulls Lease Tracts Located Along Green River In Desolation, 9-Mile Canyons - MSNBC
WHO Estimates 500 Dead From Cholera In Zimbabwe; Anthrax Epidemic Has Claimed 3 Lives To Date
Feds Set to Eliminate Water Regulations for Neurotoxin (perchlorate)
TVA seeks 2,000 megawatts of clean energy
Shipping container homes in the Lounge
As More Eat Meat, a Bid to Cut Emissions
BOA stops funding mountaintop removal mining
Agencies Revise Guidance to Protect Wetlands and Streams
Vital Signs for the Planet: A widget for your computer from NASA-Free
Al Gore leads new ‘Reality’ Coalition to debunk ‘clean coal’ myth
Do low oil prices+Recession = No market for electric cars?
Bush's Worst Midnight Regulation Yet
WP - Silver Line To Dulles Airport Finally Approved By Federal Regulators
Less grass means less gas, cattle researcher says (Canada dot com)
Melbourne Age - Victoria Residents May Drink Recycled Sewage If Water Policy Doesn't Change Soon
GRL Article/James Hansen - Arctic Sea Ice "Beyond Point Of No Return" - Der Spiegel
Bull market starts this week - for sure
Barack Obama, the rest of the Federal Government, and the FED are there to ensure a long recession
Wal-Mart Shrugs at Employee Death; Releases Sales Number
I don't want to be a troll, just want to see what helps the economy
Is The Deficit A Threat To A Future Recovery? ,,,,, James K. Galbraith and others give their views
Man’s Testicle Reveals Image of Automaker
GM, Chrysler May Accept Bankruptcy to Receive Bailout
In bid for loans, Detroit auto makers outline plans for drastic downsizing
Roubini: Worst Recession in 50 Years ... video from today
Roubini: Bail Out the Automakers, But Only on These Conditions...
Federal expenditures versus receipts for Michigan, Alabama and Tennessee
Cathereine Austion Fitts on the G20 & Life in the New World Order
Krugman: "I’ve been ruminating over economic prospects for next year, and I’m getting scared."
Class warfare, what can we do about it?
AIG May Double Some Salaries With Retention Payments
YRC, (Teamsters) union reach tentative deal for 10 pct pay cut
Healthcare Workers Reach Tentative Agreement With Enloe Medical Center
Star Tribune seeks union cost cuts ($20M necessary, publisher warns)
Corporate layoffs surge to nearly 7-year high
Will Obama Fulfill Pledge and Walk Congress Hotel Picket Line? (video he did in 2007)
NLRB files vs. U.S. Foodservice
Fired Employees Bill Lawhorn and Russ Teegardin Will Be Met by Co-workers When They Return to Work
Bloomington-based Stark Excavating faces $247,000 in proposed OSHA fines
Philly Comcast Center Workers Seek $200 Million Class-Action Lawsuit
IBEW Hosts “Solar Industry Night” In Vermont To Grow Green Jobs
U.S. Steel Cutting 3500 Jobs As Jobs Hemorrhage Continues
Economic Report: U.S. Service Sector Posts Worst Slump Ever
Today in labor history Dec 3 Textile strikers win 10-hour day
Today in labor history Dec 4 Cesar Chavez jailed for 20 days for refusing to end UFW grape boycott
Weekly Toll: Death in the American Workplace
DuPont to cut 2,500 jobs, trim 4,000 contractors
CTA (Chicago) using unsafe buses: union
Huffington Post: Wal-Mart's Failure to Protect Its Workers: An Unfortunate Symbol
Chlorine plant tries to head off fines (public was at risk total penalties of $48,650)
OSHA Extends Comment Period for Proposed Rule on Cranes and Derricks
NFL players union seeks to block suspensions
WalMart promise... (to prevent any more tragedies)
Worker safety eroded during the Bush years
More than 300 Trane employees lose their jobs
Momentive cutting salaries, laying off workers
Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire to cut 158 jobs
Daily Kos: Let's Lower Our Expectations; or Who Cares About Workers?
Valmont lays off workers at McCook plant
ArecelorMittal to lay off 340 steelworkers in Cleveland
New Documentary Released on UFW and SEIU Leader Eliseo Medina (video on line must see)
Kings Island fined for violating child labor laws
Calif. lawmakers voice support for gay marriage
Attack on man outside gym-lounge may be hate crime
Anti-discrimination ordinance enacted in Kalamazoo, MI
Celebrities mock Prop. 8 proponents in musical
Daniel Kliman Zichrono Livracha
Episcopal Split as Conservatives Form New Group
It's a shame it took puting our minority human rights up for a
Moscow's mayor prohibits gays and lesbians from "promoting their way of life"
NC community supports gay marriage
LTTE Fire Mission for my GLBT friends - San Diego Union-Tribune Op-Ed by Roy Dixon
Poll: Majority support gay couple rights
Conservative Christian university official busted in gay sex sting
Obama Should Make a Clean Break With the Past on Latin America
Business urges Obama to loosen Cuba embargo
Colombia Confirms It Cannot Meet Necessary Prerequisites for FTA consideration
Bolivian unrest ruled 'massacre'
Bills prove even home has a price
Surveying the Brain for Origins of the Senior Moment
New Products Bring Side Effect: Nanophobia
CDC - Study Shows Soda Linked To Kidney Disease, Likely From High-Fructose Corn Syrup Content (XP)
Magic kids alert! Magic kids alert!
Ascend today at low, low prices
Best books and sites for astrology newbies?
"Wings....The First Posting" - Karen Bishop - December 3, 2008
Thanks very much for posting, Dover. This subject haunts me
(sticking my head in the door) . . .Just asking,
St Louis representative urges resident to obtain guns for self-protection
Have you purchase a semi-automatic firearm since Obama was elected?
Free Plaxico Burress - New York City's gun law is unconstitutional
I want to make a Christmas cake with white fondant frosting
"Bless me father for I have sinned. This is my first confession. I stole a dime and two nickels...
Man’s Testicle Reveals Image of Virgin Mary
How far can we get as a species if we can't even agree on what reality is?
Oh you cute little Christians with your naivety scenes.
An attempt to define Christianity.
Christians Pull Ahead With Insurmountable Schism Lead
The Life of an Antarctic Archipelago
Ancient supernova mystery solved
CNN eliminating Science reporting unit
Dogs Chase Efficiently, But Cats Skulk Counterintuitively
Is there something like vapor pressure for dust?
"Threat of Punishment Works, Study Suggests"
Brookings Science ‘Expert’ Doesn’t Understand Basic Science
Atheists Sue Kentucky Homeland Security Agency
I babysit my 2 year old great grandson and he is talking but often
Vermont Town Turns to College in Bid to Guide Change
Will Barack Obama open the X-Files (UFO investigations) to the public?
In case you missed it....Craddick's ethics complaint
I suppose ya'll saw that Senator Bighair is going to run against Governor Goodhair.
Ugh! Dallas's former village idiot to return.
Opinions regarding showing emails on websites?
Anyone familiar with Sophos anti-rootkit software?
Having a weird problem with emailed pics.
"If this software turned up at your door, you'd call the police."
Here's a quote I heard from some bimbo interviewed on the
I wonder how the GG is feeling tonight?
Toronto Star: Canadians fail democratic literacy test
"Lets not forget this letter Stevie wrote!"
Harper Index: Lies and name-calling blow up on Conservatives
One governor-general to another: Don't aid in evading Parliament's will
So what's the coalition response going to be?
Seriously, what was up with Dion's video response?!?
What's to stop Harper from proroguing again in January?
Dion should go before the cameras and say he is stepping down IMMEDIATELY.
Unbelievable! What a horrible precedent the Governor-General has set...
Hey, btw, we missed our own anniversary! 4 years for DU JK!
Some You Tube excerpts of Sen. Kerry's town hall meeting.
As far away as Jerusalem, Kerry's wise words still resonate
Kerry - The Road Ahead (Huffington Post), and other news.
Nice little article in Politico about Marvin who is going to be Pres. Obama's Trip Director
Can somebody let me know when the ugliness stops?
Heathrow runway decision delayed until 2009
So . . . the future of the Canadian parliament is in the hands of . . . the Queen's representative?