FOX TV Show "The Simpsons" does a NY'er cover type episode
Weren't the troops in Iraq scheduled to come home anyway?
Fete Nationale...July 14th,,,,,Bastille day....Viva Le France
Punished for being HIV-Positive?
I'm more concerned about that hack poll in Newsweek
Beach Democrats call for Drake to cancel fundraiser with Rove
Did the anti-FISA vote of last Wednesday completely vindicate Nixon?
Is The FDIC Insurance In Banks Of $100,000 For Each Account Or Is It......
Captain Combover goes beyond e-mail. What a high tech guy he is!
Presenting the "Indy Mac Dancers!" brought to you by your republican friends.
Afghan Government Blames Pakistan in Attacks
"This is not Nancy Reagan country, this is a place with reality". Just heard that during the
Peak Oil's ultimate outcome...
Great Election Reform thread by tbyg52! Please check it out and give it some DU love!
Which is better? Roy Orbison in Black & White Night or The Traveling Wilburys?
Just to be clear, Alex P. Keaton was satire
Each time I hear TeeBonePicker in his ads, I want to scream.
I swear, Craig Crawford has the goofiest voice
Hey, David Shuster's back!! Subbing for Dan Abrahms
Jesse Ventura Tells Larry King That He Is Not Running For Senate In Minnesota (VIDEO)
McCain calls New Yorker cover "inappropriate"
PBS "War of the World" Cold War Politics
The Right wing is "on point" about gas prices .... selling "the lie"
Barney Frank's Gone To The Dark Side - Democrats Back Bailout
Ventura isn't running for Senate in MN. He just said so on Larry King Live (eom)
Wow! Josh Hamilton! Home Run Derby! Incredible!
Daily Show is slamming McCain and Exxon- Colbert later.
Why it's safe to parody Obama and NOT McCain
Have you ever seen a hand-made sign "I'd rather beg than sell drugs"?
Bush sold the east coast for $0.33 today.
The message from the financial press is no longer "The Economy is Sound". It's "Don't Panic!"
With rising cost of everything and the failing banks, I am worried. Heard about the lines to take
Ventura will not run for Senate
With all the banks closing. How likely is the bank my wife and I or you
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Mike's back!
Socialism is bad. That’s what the righties will tell you. They know because Sean Insanity told them.
Gay tourism ad causes uproar in S. Carolina
anecdote on overqualified job applicants
Is My 8 year old on the Terrorist Watch List??????
Bush Seems to Renounce the "Bush Doctrine", and a Bushel of Bushisms-Bush History,7/15
A Concise History of the Bush Presidency
Pentagon Looking For Boise Actors
What do we do about bloggers who admit to "working" DU? (i.e. - deception)
Ventura says on Larry King that he won't run for Senate
I dreamed last night that I shook Obama's hand. I also once dreamed that Bill Clinton
Uranium Enrichment Plant in North Carolina?
Not that this is new information, but Alan Colmes is a joke.
What is the worst thing the media can do?
Do you remember this New Yorker cover from 2007? I still have it!
New Bushism: "The ball is squirrely in Congress' court."
Dana Perino, unhinged.....Pt. XIV: The 'Lawsuits and Things' Edition
Alternative version of magazine cover!
China Concerned by Sudan Arrest Plan, Considers Blocking Plan
I'm listening to MSNBC now, havent had cable in 4 years, wow!
Dean Baker: Rescuing Fannie and Freddie: Let's Draw Blood
Fiorina says we must ‘fully fund’ NCLB, forgets McCain voted against full funding.
Oil prices reshape how Air Force flies, trains
"Hard times a boon for repo men"
S.F. officials locked out of computer network
Fannie problems, anyone? perhaps a little Prep. H is in order...
Little joints, big hurt: Torn ACLs, other injuries hit young athletes
MSM blaming Sen. Schumer for "run on IndyMac"- what's this?
CREW wants Justice Dept. to investigate Stephen Payne's scheme to sell meetings
I don't know what I'm listening to, but it's damn good
Franken vs. Coleman for senate poll
wall st. gonna be ug-ly today, mon...
Holy %^&*!: Inflation Rate Now More Than 20% Per Year!
Rachel Maddow on the Today Show
U.S. Stock Futures Slide on Bank Outlook, Economy; Shares in Europe Slump
this is not a photo-shopped job...but a real snapshot
In bad economy, life is good for the repo man ("A lot of this is self-inflicted")
GAO: Govt. Not Securing Radioactive Material
Torture: MPs call for inquiry into MI5 role
Ga. governor says guns should be allowed in nation's busiest airport under new law
Waxman Sets Sights On Homeland Security Adviser (Steven Payne)
Who knew CNBC was a COMEDY channel?
Apropros theme song for the stock market today......"Ground On Down" by Ben Harper?
Stimulus checks......not so stimulating, apparently......
California leaders denounce Bush's lifting of offshore oil ban
Lawyers in YouTube lawsuit reach user privacy deal
Hard times a boon for repo men in Florida
Dollar Drops to Record Low Against Euro as Credit Losses Erode U.S. Growth
O’Hanlon ‘livid’ over Obama’s plan for withdrawal from Iraq.»
I heard that the poop flinging moron* is supposed to do his* best imitation of a human at 10:30am
So * wants to let the oil companies drill at US shores
Bush History,7/15 -- Bush Seems to Renounce the "Bush Doctrine", and a Bushel of Bushisms
District Gun Bill Goes to Council
Jim Hightower on Pot -- Sharing His Thoughts on Pot, That Is
GM eliminating healthcare coverage for SALARIED retirees over 65
Euro hits new high versus dollar above $1.60
Europe: Our economies are struggling, but the U.S.? Lord Have Mercy....
Iraq Army Base Attacked by Two Suicide Bombers; 30 People Die, 50 Injured
Bush to speak to a nation of whiners on the floundering economy at 10:20am EDT
P.O.V.: The Ballad of Esequiel Hernandez
How Can * Even Get In Front Of The Camera's And Face The American People?......
Gitmo video offers glimpse of interrogations
Prosecutor On Terror Watch List Says List Goes Too Far
Petition online to draft Zell Miller to run for President
Conyers may hold hearings, but plans no action on impeachment
Whining US CEOs: Economy is "Dismal"
The "satire controversy" is just an excuse to keep the Obama-as-terrorist cartoon on TV...
$4.25 a gallon this morning here in West Michigan.
Bush wasting everyone's time again, media no tough questions, Don't we
Apparently people should not have more than $100K in the sez Geo Bush
June retail sales fizzle despite stimulus
HuffPo morning SHOCKER: "Bush Holds Press Conference On Economy: Blames Democrats"...SHOCKING!
We have tried 8 years of tax cuts for the wealthy and it has only screwed up our economy
He just called himself the Justice Department
Monkey is on screeching and jumping up and down saying our money in the bank is safe
"My big, fat, collateral damage wedding"
I'm watching a war criminal speak on TV about the economy.
Who profits first, middle and last from OCS?
Poll: Franken up narrowly in Minnesota
6 charged in attack on dad protecting daughter at Valleyfair
CNBC: Price of oil falling (down almost 7 dollars) as some bank selling winners to raise liquidity.
Chimp on teevee explaining the intricacies of oil well drilling.
What turned the DOW around? n/t
You find prophecy in the strangest places.
The fallacy of the "oil-troubles"..
About Westboro. This is all anyone needs to see.
Dems are being pitched a slowball over the plate on offshore drilling
Great Caesar's Ghost! look at the roman columns on the stage.
Kucinich to introduce another impeachment article... Soon...
Thanx to D.U. ..... the wisdom of W 7/15/08
Why can't Presidunce get through a sentence without one of those annoying "I'm clueless" pauses?
Is there ANY doubt now that Rachael Maddow
Kucinich. "Our Constitution is being destroyed. We are losing our nation to a war based on lies."
What timing! Al Douri, a voice from Saddam regime, "supposedly" surfaces
Bush: Reefs are important for fishers
so mr. nails on a chalk board* comes out and says he's* always
The Stockades of Fort Dix - When Torture Was Practiced on U.S. Soil
Just met one of the 12% on another board.
Huff Po: Phil Gramm May Be Gone, But His Porn Lives On
Bush said the "Banking system is basically sound."
Question: where do employment opportunities come from?
Chief Dickhead just said all our problems were caused by
Inflation At 20%? Banks Failing? Dollar Tanking? Whatever.
The Incredible Shrinking Dollar Passed 160 Euros. What will Helo Ben Do?
It is the end of the nutball Christian right. Here is your proof. To go
fish in 4 mi. of river wiped out
NAOMI KLEIN ("The Shock Doctrine") will be a guest on Thom Hartmann's show today
Impeachment Resolution: First Reading Today
After 9/11, it was, like, ‘anything goes’ in the name of terrorism. (Harpers)
Text of my live chat with a Comcast representative concerning MSNBC move off of basic cable in PGH
Can You Keep the Earth in Balance? - take the quiz.
BWAHA!! As if! from DFA e-mail - Joe Liebermann (sic) can still make the right decision
The Bush Wars: Till Death Do Us Part
Mr. Fish's take on the Magazine Cover....
Did you ever wish you had a pre-printed card
If Today's Congress Had Presided During Watergate
a giant glacial wave kills two in Greenland
Middle East: Grave Mistake To Attack Iran, Warns Syria
Right-wing a**hole watch: O’Hanlon ‘livid’ over Obama’s plan for withdrawal from Iraq
COLOMBIA WANTS OUR STUFF !! Dammit.,.George is pissed
Jane Mayer talkling war crimes on "Fresh Air"...
Report: Pentagon official says Israel has 'amber light' for Iran strike
In case you missed it, Pres. Douchebag presser being repeated on SPAN2 now (12:30 E)
Curious: the monkey is wearing a yellow tie... (not the usual red or blue)
Social responsibility rankings for major gas stations
Help the GOP with their platform!
Bush on gas prices: ‘Where are they now?’
Tancredo's July FEC report. (Issues)
Email address for Jonathan Alter? eom
video released of 16 yr old Guantanamo interrogation = GOP astroturf
1000 US troops Start Training Exercise in Georgia
Since when did all Repugs become psychologists?
For Anyone Interested In The Fannie/Freddie Debacle...
TPM: Stephen Payne Worked for Pakistan (Musharraf) after September 11
Should death row inmates be allowed to have web pages and pen pal postings?
Nikkei plunging; Financials dragging down markets worldwide
"This is a horribly unfortunate story," Payne is a synopsis of the Bush years
Guardian UK: Worst of the Worst: Bush Administration's Torture Policy goes Beyond Waterboarding
Betancourt Unbound - Off the Script in Colombia
Another coverup happening with Brent Wilkes? Sounds like it!
Pricey gas: Fewer cops, more potholes
ACLU: Terrorist Watch List Hits One Million Names
Greenwald: Why Congress--and Democrats--are moved to immunize Bushists against prosecution
Associated Press DC Chief Ron Fournier "hearts" the valiant Karl Rove: "KEEP UP THE FIGHT"
Freedom of Information Act reveals Pakistani General met US Central Command
Life in the Bush economy: Atlanta leaves 53 police jobs unfilled; Delays hiring of Fire recruits
If you live in Canada or a state that has real cold winters, do crime rates go down in your state
How In The Hell Did This Guy Become President?.......
Bush shows his command of the issues at his news conference today.
Is there any way to tie a requirement for a reduction in Medicare fraud to the restoration of fees
Oil Brings Americans Closer to OPEC Debtor Dependence
CNBC Keeps Cutting Away From Financial Market Hearings
Bill Scher: What Bush Didn't Promise: Lower Gas Prices
Economic Report: Are We In The Most Serious Financial Crisis In Our Lifetimes?
Is the economy a perfect storm? Should we get out of stocks, mutual funds, maybe even the dollar,
Speaking of satirical New Yorker covers...
I swear, this site has been 'Assimilated' - can't believe how far to the right it has swung.
Fired Alabama blogger on Thom Hartman radio at 215pm today!
The New FISA Statute-- In Pictures!
Teen in coma after wrong dose of medication
Naomi Klein up next on Thom Hartmann.....
PA Lobbyist Charged With Destroying Evidence In Weldon Case
Lifetime limits on insured healthcare vaporize rapidly
In his speech today, Bush confirmed Peak Oil.
U.S. Banking System Slammed With Its Own 9/11 Magnitude Catastrophe Shaking It To Its Core.
So running AC reduces your gas mileage. By how much? Does it depend on
Some great, thought-provoking New Yorker covers
Been watching C-Span2 committee hearing on Fannie MAE/Freddie MAC bailout at 10am (ET) Douglas Feith-House Judiciary Committee inquiry into detainee interrogation
Rules on tools could handcuff DNC protesters
Americans least satisfied with their health care system in survey of 10 industrialized nations
G.M. Suspends Dividend and Plans More Layoffs
I believe that every few days this is worth saying:
William Greider: Wall Street's Great Deflation
Why the Bail Out of Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae is Bad Economic Policy
XM dumps Lionel and changes channel 167 to America Left.
Bush murder trial book, blacked out by mainstream media, thrives on Internet
my 142nd ltte printed today...on ANWR and McCain's support...please rate up
Matthew Rothschild: Irresponsible Bush Clueless on the Economy
First Guantanamo video released BBC News
Some info on National Bank. Anyone bank with them?
The Rude Pundit: The New Yorker Cover: Really?
Notes From the Telephone. (Wexler)
Fitter. happier. more productive.
Karl Rove denies political ties taint Fox News role
Mmm I don't see where it says you need an executive order to CAPTION
*KkkkkHhhh* Attention campers-Friday's missile test has been delayed
Hutchison: "Afghanistan is NATO's fault. They were supposed
Soliciting $ For Presidential Foundations-A Question:
This Modern World: Obama phenomena
In Defense of Bush -- The Mind of a Freeper
AP's Ron Fournier responds: 'I regret the breezy nature' of email to Rove
Family Wins $40,000 Law Suit over Urine-Tainted food.
Trent Lott on MSNBC, "Not a drop of oil was spilled during Katrina"
Anybody want to buy slightly used light bulbs cheap?
A question regarding what is "satire"...
Phil Gramm says Americans are whiners? More "strict father" bullshit, is it?
The Republican platform committee wants our help
There will be no legitimate investigations, nor any chance of impeachment
Bush Vetoes Medicare Bill. Override Expected This P.M.
Billboard displays burning World Trade Center with slogan, 'Please Don't Vote for a Democrat'
Apologies if this is a duplicate
Drivers who cause fatal accidents while on mobile phones face up to 14 years in jail (UK)
Live on C-Span: Medicare Bill Back After Veto- Overide Veto vote shortly
UK and European Parliamentarians Oppose Bushist Tribunals For Violating Humanitarian Principles
Denver rids parks of homeless meals; charity says DNC is to blame
First Guantanamo video released (excerpt) - Omar Khadr
Deadly raid on U.S. military base raises doubts
So, where's Rove and when does Congress issue contempt charges?
Holy shit! I just realized that Limbaugh and I were born within 10 days of each other.
I love these fwds by my right wing friends
The UN's United Buddy Bears, The Art of Tolerance, have come to Stuttgart
Turnout reported to be extremely light in Georgia primary today.
New Activist Corps Action posted: The Truth About John Sidney McCain III
TPM: Homeland Security Advisor (Payne) Provides Emails To Back Up Claims That He Was Conned
Nadler: In a ‘just system,’ Bush ‘would be impeached.’
bush says the economy is basically sound...that means we are royally FUCKED.
Democratic Party Was Co-Author Of This Economic Disaster
Want to REALLY save some gas? Reduce congestion!
I got yer satire for ya, right heah!
Articles of Impeachment to be read in the House today! 5 pm EDT!
Pastors for Peace is back in US
The waiting is the hardest part
Has anyone else been noticing the "Freepathon" when lurking at FR?
President Bush vetoes Medicare bill!
Lame Duck Republican Strategy - Scorched Earth
Can some people not "get" satire?
Tueday TOONS, Part 3! Bank shots
GAO gives U.S. food safety low marks
Dennis Kucinich will be reading articles of impeachment
C-Span3 - House Judiciary hearing on detainee torture
My mother-in-law is in a hospice dying of lung cancer. (VENT WARNING!!! )
Who is this person reading the Articles of Impeachment on C-Span?
Tuesday TOONS: The Economy is Mental, and so is the Prez
Tony Blair Cancels Gaza Visit After Israeli Intel Uncovers Plot to Kill Him
US oil EXPORTS up 33 percent over last year!!!!
Will they ever admit it doesn't work?
Is Rachel still filling in for KO? Was she on MSNBC tonight?
Is the position of senator greater in prestige than that of governor?
I want you to KICK THIS THREAD, not just recommend it
Atlanta DUers what do we need to know about
Ex-Pentagon Aide Denies Favoring Torture of Prisoners "Some people do bad things."
We have Fucked ourselves into a corner...every few 11 to 14...we double our consumption
New Web Site: Require Candidates and Members of Congress to Wear Stun Bracelets!
Parole board denies release for Manson follower
I don't want the press to use the word "plummet" in describing daily oil prices
Sicko Part Deux: Newt Gingrich wants to do for healthcare what he did for government
Can one still donate to Democratic candidates through DU?
My name is Cheryl Harris. I’m the mother of Staff Sergeant Ryan Maseth, who died from electrocution
8 Years ÷ 2 Oil Men in WH = $4.00 a gallon gas!
"She kept begging and pleading and begging and pleading and I got sick of listening to it,
Flashback: Labor leaders boo McCain on immigration, Iraq
See, this a senator who actually has balls and does his job:
Bastille Day - our 8th Birthday & an important message to our supporters... Investment opportunity?
VIA Jay Bookman: McCain sending his cyber minions out to infiltrate liberal blogs
Ron Fournier and the AP...changing from factual reporting to opinion and bias?
This "satire" is over the top and in extreme bad taste:
Can anyone tell me how to find recalls for Nestle product
Saudi Offers Russia Arms Deal To Curb Iran Ties
With a minute left Kucinich Resolution is headed for failure
Oh George. You've done it again. (Bush at press con today)
Bertha is the longest surviving tropical system
W's coming to Redding. How should I "greet" him?
Is it just me, or is this country going to hell in a handbasket?
Laura Ingraham, The show is OVER
Motion to Refer Adopted. Just Announced on CSPAN. n/t
Can you even imagine how stupid he was BEFORE he went to Yale?
"I'm not an economist, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night..."
A brilliant mind saw something coming, and this is it:
FLASHBACK: If White House press secretary Tony Snow won't save for retirement, why should you?
Consumers in for higher prices as costs surge
Snark time: offshore banks have no FDIC coverage. Think the offshore account holders are worried?
Chimpy says the economy is growing. Says "I'm not an economist, but
"In Arizona, the only way to get around the state is small private plane."
WHY did so many people not know any deposit at a bank over $100,000
Hey, the poll on out-of-state gay marriages needs some DUing!
CNN is being deceptive about the tape of the young Gitmo prisoner.
Funny moment during McCain speech today
It's BASTILLE DAY! Say something nice about France/The French!
Bush: "They have no disregard for human life"
Saudis give the Pakistanis 5.1 billion of free oil...WTF?
Rep Kucinich did another "Resolution of Impeachment' against George Bush II...and it was Read on
Mortgage Giants’ Collapse Could Herald 1930’s Style Depression
California Targets New Menace: Helium-Filled Foil Balloons
Ditzy Michele Bachmann (R, Minn): there are no trees at ANWR
A few words about Afghanistan, and why the US Warlord gangsters will never force Afghans to submit
Is there a secret presidential succession plan?
Flashback: McCain joked about how much women love to be raped.»
Do you believe this magazine cover
Question about the off-shore drilling debate.
Radical religious right EXPANDING McDonald's boycott: domestic partner benefits "promote" Teh Gay
Some idiot posts Obama is a monkey on my blog and is arrogant enought to leave her email
Overriding the Veto of Medicare - Senate Roll Call Vote Tally and Names
As a Democrat, I am tired of our party being led
TVNewser: Helen Thomas has not been feeling well the past few weeks
Heh heh! On Sunday, I went to see a parade in Chesaning MI. County Dems
Impeachment Resolution: First Reading Today - SIGN THE PETITION
Medicare Veto over ridden by House (383-41) & Senate (70 - 26) !
In honor of Miss Ava's Puppy Perv - - What's the creepiest pickup line ever used on you?
Mass. Senate Votes to Let Out-of-State Gays Marry
Hey HeyHey , why is the polar bear in your sig such a fatass ?
Is this inappropriate, or right on target?
What are we going to do with the shmoo?
Camping with Cancer -- my friend's incredible saga
I just paid $1.32 for a nectarine
Glenn Greenwald: The motivation for blocking investigations into Bush lawbreaking
Anybody else have a dog that likes to chase the flashlight beam?
I picked a zucchini from the garden this afternoon
Mayer: Cheney ‘Repeatedly’ Held ‘Highly Unusual’ Meetings with CIA
Woman plants dead rat in chinese food
Serious idea/question for DU formatwise... (Widescreens and stretching of the pages)
Who here lived through the Broadway Musical Beatlemania?
I never get tired of watching this video
This shit again....Billboard displaying burning twin towers reads "please don’t vote for a Democrat"
Dems Silently Killing ANY Effort To Hold ANYONE Accountable-BECAUSE They KNOW They Are Guilty Too!
Anyone else watching the Home Run Derby?
What books must I buy immediately
Won't someone please tell this insignificant little shit-kicker to shut the fuck up ...
Straight Females only: Did you ever go through a "Lesbian phase"?
What Will You Do Personally If There Is a Stampede Of Bank Runs?
It is time for my annual GD vacation.
Why did they call them the Golden Girls?
Anyone here live in LA in the 70s?
Happy dance - and for taterguy no spoilers
When the time comes Obama should make the White House available ...
Best grunt in a song, bar none. (2:16)
I finally got to use my new grill tonight! NOM NOM NOM
Perhaps total coherence is a quack
Who here lived through Bananaramamania?
Yay! New poll has Franken edging past Coleman in MN
Please Use The Exits Immediately!!!!
yanno how they (me to) say "NEVER SAY NEVER"
Playboy: the Girls of Olive Garden
north by northwest on tcm right now...
Since when did running government like a business become gospel?
Who here didn't survive Beatlemania?
radiohead.......need i say more?
FYI: There are no more escape pods in GD:P
Leaving for the Piggly Wiggly in five minutes. Get your requests in QUICK.
hey. you there, with the computer.
Is it me, or does these ladies kinda sound a bit "Smashing Pumpkins-ish"??
WTF is wrong with Conyers? “We’re not doing impeachment, but he [Kucinich] can talk about it”
Kucinich wins hearings but not on impeaching Bush
It isn't the "no disregard for human life" gaffe that is important. It was what he said NEXT:
Listening to Kucinich can be depressing for me
Tuesday TOONS, Part 2: That darn magazine
Lounge Drama, Dali Lama, Dolly, Llama
I'm not running for the Senate
On the subject of Lounge drama:
Hot Chocolate - You sexy thing 1975
OMG I can't believe I just watched 10 minutes of a hamster video and cried!
Repuke Customers of IndyMac Refuse To Take Government Handout from FDIC
Super-rich American tax cheats busted in Liechtenstein....
Laura Ingraham Unhinged! Behind The Scenes Video: Angry At Producers, Thinks She Looks Shiny (VIDEO)
mc stupid: 'I know how to win wars', oh yeah, what wars have you won asshole?
“Why on earth is the * admin trying to discourage ...contraception to people who need it?"
Lying evil pieces of shit! Waste of food and oxygen! Murderous bastards!
Crowded House's "Nobody Wants To"
Ever feel like your body is going haywire?
Lucky Scrotum Pouch! --Who wants one?
On the question of the internet and real life...
Any Yellow Magic Orchestra fans?
Emanuel Santarromana - Métropolitain
What do people have against enemas?
Any Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark fans?
Doctors: Woman Died After Stepping on Venomous Caterpillars
I just obliterated my clock-radio.
The DU Lounge Quija Board. Play Along
About a year ago, I posted that I had placed an ad for my daughter on a dating site...
massive attack - Be Thankful What You've Got
My dear Khash...May you rest in peace...
An interesting little factoid about Bush the brush clearer
Why Christie Brinkley and her daughter
Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile Atlanta '69 '70
OMFG, How soon untill this thread is locked?
American capitalism is dying ?
Was the Kuwaitist Entity created on land belonging to aboriginal Iraqi people?
The Blackbyrds - Walking in Rhythm
you gotta watch the HR derby NOW!!
I like London in the rain - Blossom Dearie
Grace Jones - Pull Up to the Bumper
Kanye West ft. Adam Levine - Heard em say
May I please have a hug, please?
The Late, Great Adult Swim Bumps
Level 42 - Lessons In Love (live)
I have to drive a lot today, and I don't wanna...
Battlestar Galactica - Tribute to War
Broke my side mirror off my car this morning..$500 deductible..what should I do?
That outfit you're wearing today? Ridiculous.
Do you DU mostly during the day, or during the night?
Lewis Black...Damn this clip makes me laugh!
90-year-old groom marries 88-year-old bride
OK, so I've been LIED to. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle NEVER wrote a book called "No Shit Sherlock."
New mullet wingnut, while troubling with Photobucket
Aren't you just pissy at sunrise?
This is going to sound really strange.
What baseball stadiums have you visited and what teams have you seen?
Building a home entertainment system out of a laptop
These asswipes are out of Project Mayhem
What does the "buddy list" do, and why should you be my buddy?
Funny event on the way to work this morning...
I'm thinking of taking a mental health day one of these days soon
Shortages at the gas pump, nationwide.
Need help from DUers with car repair knowledge.
This weekend I'm going to see the one Clinton that Liberals & Conservatives can all agree RULEZ!!!
I'm not sure about you, but I think that the way Americans approach
What do they call turkey in Turkey?
Want to hear Julian Lennon being interviewed by John S. Hall (of King Missile)?
LOL! My mother is in a total snit right now, because I got "The Prosecution of GW for Murder" today.
What do the Danes call danish?
My little suburb must be getting desperate for cash
Sibel Edmonds Case: The Central Asia Islamization Cocktail: Mosques, Madrassas, Heroin & Terrorism
What do they call Belgian Waffles in Belgium.
Finally, I Received the Coroner's Report on My Dad's Death
When your favorite rock star goes to Heaven, don't you think the MSM
What do they call French Ticklers in France?
Poll: "Street View" on Google Maps - Creepy or Cool?
FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR - The Kucinich Impeachment Resolution - Yeas = 238 Nays = 180 !!
Goddamn motherfucking son of a pox-ridden whore of an excuse for "service:"
What do they call Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese in France?
Did any of you like Mystery Science Theater 3000?
What do they call "Going Dutch" in Dutchland?
What do Chinese call their China cabinets?
Do you save your pm's, or delete them?
What do they call Columbian Neckties in Columbia?
Anyone here ever use an Arab Strap?
What do theey call an Arab Strap in Arab countries?
If they MUST put a McDonald's in the neighborhood........
God help us all. Bush is giving us an impromptu press conference right now!!!
What do they call French kissing in France? nt
What do they call English Muffins in England?
What do they call hanging chad in Chad?
Brenda the goddess of housekeeping was here yesterday.
Breaking News: God files for bankruptcy protection
What do they call Swedish Meatballs in Sweden?
Just downloaded the latest iTunes, and...
What do they call Turkey sandwiches in Turkey
For PeterU: What do you call gnats at Nats Stadium....
What do they call rich Corinthian leather in Corinth?
I think I'll go for a walk outside now - the summer sun's callin' my name.
You've all been in the liquor cabinet again, haven't you?
I dreamt last night I was on the President's cabinet.
What do they call Indians in Indiana?
Canseco pummelled in 97 seconds!
What do they call pizza in Pisa?
If your aunt had balls, would she be your uncle?
Do they have Belgium Waffle Houses in Belguim?
I'm so upset I COULD SPIT NAILS! My neighbor is throwing
Hey Terwilliger (or anyone who can contact him)!
What did they call old grease in Ancient Greece?
I had a very enlightening conversation with a disabled woman earlier this evening
Does anyone else prefer studio music to live versions?
What do they call loungers in the Lounge?
Bush Gave Taliban $43 Million Four Months before 9/11
What do they call calculators in calculatoria?
What is your philisophical view?
Is Chimpy the first president to be installed in office based on electoral fraud?
Anybody seen this crazy ranter?
What do you call potatoes from Eastern Washington State?
I hate commercials, but Dolly Parton's Target ad rocks
Coheed & Cambria to perform their entire "saga" over four nights in NYC and LA (Oct. and Nov. 2008)!
What to they call an Afghan in Afghanistan?
Quick! I need excuses, and I need them now!
I know you've all been sick with worry that I haven't been around much
Is there any where on the net to pick up the skit last Saturday Night
Is there any where on the net to pick up the skit last Saturday Night
Lack of bank note paper threatens Zimbabwe economy
I just ignored all the threads that I have on ignore...
What do they call Freedom Fries in free countries?
Sweet, I just found this in a pile of records!
I just put all the "ignored" threads on my "do not call" list.
What do they call people who listen to police SCANners in SCANdinavia?
What do they call a Mexican standoff in Mexico?
What does Dick Clark call his...nevermind.
People who listen to police scanners: Informed or creepy busy bodies? Discuss.
What do they call Jordan Almonds in Jordan?
What do they call Russian Roulette in Russia? nt
What do they call Scottish Terriers in Scotland?
“We’re not doing impeachment, but he can talk about it,”
Kitten Picture of the Day for Tuesday July 15
Obscene: Dole tries to name AIDS bill after Helms
Don't you just love pussy at sunrise?
What do they call earth on Earth?
Possible Connection between the FISA Amendment and Election Fraud 2008
Rush Limbaugh Defends His Work By Claiming It Is Satire As Well
Mo the Kitten is a shameless attention hog
What do they call lima beans in Lima?
What do you call a "what do you call.." thread??
What do they call German Shepherds in Germany?
What do they call your anus on Uranus?
What do you call an Ignore thread started by
What do they call Irish Coffee in Ireland?
What do they call a Polish fire drill in Poland?
Priest, rabbi and minister walk into a bar. . .
Do you watch The Office from the office?
What do they call a Chinese Shag Swing in Tibet or Taiwan?
What do they call ghetto blasters in the ghetto?
What do they call Klondike bars in the Klondike?
In hell, how do you tell someone to "Go to Hell?"
What do they call an unoriginal copycatter in Douchebagadonia?
Sorry to ask a dumb question ...
I just put all the "What do you call" threads on ignore
I just broke up with my girlfriend.
What do they call a Galaxy in the galaxy?
Hey Midlo, is your printer still all in one piece!?
Hey Midlo, is your printer still all in one piece!?
What do they call fucking in Fucking?
Roy Orbison wrapped in Clingfilm
School Project Gone Wrong.....
Any Electric Light Orchestra fans?
Why so few students do science
this is going to be a long, hot day
Angelina's obstetrician Dr Michel Sussmann ...
Anyone else getting a ton of robo call spam on their cell phones?
You are cordially invited to the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library
I Can't Get This Song Out Of My Head (Chikezie);
I dreamed last night that I shook Obama's hand. I also once dreamed that Bill Clinton
Let's play he or she is dead to me
HEADS UP-Obama about to speak at NAACP event
A satirical cover would have consisted of
GD:P Janitorial Services Status Report
"I was in the jungle, the bush, we called it...
I know what you're thinking right now!
Another McCain co-chair resigns under ethics scrutiny.»
Tonight at Tavernertavern: The long awaited debut of Blind Pig in a bottle (again)
Obama tells NAACP blacks must take responsibility
white lion cubs from the internet
A Brazilian iphones? Say it ain't so!
Obama tells NAACP blacks must take responsibility
Life is short my friends, let me tell you about our trip to France.
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 7/15/2008)
If I were to throw my printer out my office window
Republican Jewish Coalition's Kurtz Spends Day Lying To Reporters About Obama
Hey, it's working! CNN said it will start broadcasting more candidate events live!
McLame and Mittens Now “Good Friends”
I'm on the world's worst musical hold
Has the New Yorker had any covers satirizing McSame?
Need something from main stream media that disputes that Obama went to Muslim School.
Another McCain Co-Chair Bites the Dust
How many DU Lounge Lizards does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Obama v. McCain - Economic Policy - MSM Offers Speculative Attacks on Obama
This cracked me right up just now...
I need someone to help me convert an MP3 into a youtube video.
Transcript of Obama’s Remarks to the NAACP Convention
Hrmm....Sock yarn...$18.99 a skein...I need to justify this purchase...
Which is better? Roy Orbison in Black & White Night or The Traveling Wilburys?
There is only one major issue in this campaign: Get Angry About Words!
Who here LOVES reading and correcting cover letters while offering suggestions?!
I want to post something inane
Rasmussen daily GE graph for 7/14/08 - Obama 44, McCain 42 (O up 1, M down 1)
The New Yorker cover is satire according to Mr. Webster.
Political Irony: "If today’s Congress presided during Watergate"
Political Irony: "If today’s Congress presided during Watergate"
The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 7/15/08
Imagine a new swing state Obama is trying to win, now, imagine where Nader is campaigning ....
I have returned from my journey...sunburned, tired, and happy
mcbush doesn't know it's 2008 and I guess he doesn't understand English either
538's take on the New Yorker cover hits it on the head (as usual)
How the New Yorker cover hurts Obama.
While DU is outraged over a cartoon, people are losing their retirement money.
Colbert, Stewart & Maher comment on the New Yorker cover & reaction (in NYT article)
In this absolutely must see video Governor Sanford explains McCain's differences with Bush
They just got married ... in a Waffle House parking lot
Just so you know, the Krogers in Greensboro plays this over and over
I heard a sound-bite on Bill Press today. A potential puke VP candidate....
They can email me until Hell freezes over
13% of people believe Obama is a Muslim
It's not well know but Tony Snow loved puppies and kittens
McCain says: "Slash Social Security Benefits"
What I've learned from DU: Attacking Clintons = Not OK. Attacking Obamas = OK.
Tampa's Club Reubenesque: What do you think?
Who wants to pay $195 so I can attend a CIA class taught by Marcel from Top Chef?
At least there's one silver lining to the New Yorker controversy
If You Were the President of the Pirates
Driving home from the doctor tonight, spotted like five Obama signs in Salt Lake.
I see there are those who DON'T find The New Yorker's "Obamas as Terrorists" cover offensive.
the problem the New Yorker has with doing a McCain cover ---
Heads up tomorrow morning 10:45 AM EST Obama giving address on Iraq and national security
Excerpts of Obama’s Speech on Iraq/National Security, -- "This war distracts us..."
Howard Dean to head South this week for votes
About McCain as Commander-in-Chief
McClatchy: For Americans abroad, bridges symbolize their Obama hopes
Barack Obama magazine flap shows an irony deficiency
Breaking News!77% of Americans Think Barack Obama Would be a Better...
Just so you know, Hannaford's Supermarket in No. Conway plays this over and over and over
Obama leads McBush for the 12th consecutive time in Iowa polling
Here is the best plan going forward
Teachers, give me the name of some good professional development magazines.
Paul hit a cat today while driving
Would Obama even think of a Repub for VP ??
The Page: DNC head Howard Dean kicks off voter registration drive in Crawford, Texas
Went to the gas station this morning...
The Doublespeak Dictionary for 2008
Can you imagine the media melee if it were Michelle instead of Cindy?
Yes, we need change....and fast.
Comcast trying to silence liberal voices.... moves MSNBC from channel 31 to 183 in Pittsburgh area..
Phil Gramm May Be Gone, But His Porn Lives On, by Max Blumenthal
Is Obama getting STEALTH "google-bombed?"
John McLaughlin calls Obama an oreo
Bush is on TV throwing out an oil fish with McCain's face on it
Does someone have a Complete List of McCain Flip-Flops?
McCain's Ideological Flip-Flops
I have a weird intuition that Obama is on his way to Iraq. What's the venue for tomorrow's Iraq
Obama has lots of ammo to use on McCain regarding Bush's press conference
Do you think the timing of Bush's press conference is meant to steal the spotlight from Obama. . .
RAS TRACKING POLL: Obama 44 (unchanged), McCaint 40 (-2)
McCain Camp Hits Obama Over Iranian President's Scheduled Visit To New York
*****Presidential News Conference Thread*****
One possible upside to the offensive New Yorker cover
In honor of his press conference I'm bringing back a nickname courtesy of Sally Baron
McCain defies organizers attempt to end La Raza event on time
My nephew likes cartoons... I mean he really likes them... *Dial up warning*
Is Bush's Presser scheduled to be at the same time as Barack's speech?
Obama's speech on Iraq is right on. TURN ON CNN
Obama is really tackling the national security issue
"This is a war we have to win"......
Anti-war activists target McCain fundraiser
"Of course McCain doesn't worry about Social Security; he married it!"
My one post on this New Yorker cover thing-a-ma-bober
Journey AT the Center of the Earth
What do you expect from an Obama Campaign?
Someone should ask John McCan about this video:
Obama: "I Strongly Stand By My Plan To End This War"
Worst song (Now with **Mitigating Circumstances!!!**
New Obama Spot Focuses on Nuclear Threats
Who is the greatest asshole in Lounge history? Post your nominations here!
Hillary Clinton Asks To Keep Donor Money for 2012
My night at the Playboy Mansion, in support of medical marijuana
The McCain Flip Flop Number is Now 70
No fuzzy math: State Dems sign up voters 7-1 over GOP
"I wish Obama was my Social Studies teacher"
Is the surge working? No, Democrats just stopped Blackwater .
Pizza employee: Surprised to see dad when wig falls off robber
Bush declares McCain too old to serve as President!
Another morning on CNN and another backhanded way to bash Obama.
Obama On Loose Nukes (new Ad running)
Heres the shoe on the other foot:
What journalist will jeopardize his seat on the Straight Talk Express and ask McCain
The Expert on Political Photo Analysis on the New Yorker Cover
Check out this campaing ad idea
What I wish Obama had said about the New Yorker cover.
****Heads Up: Obama Live Right Now Giving Major Iraq Speech****
Obama promotes foreign policy cred in new ad; cites bipartisan work on nuclear security
It just doesn't add down ---- Why are states showing the bottom following out of the McCain campaign
McCain Again Refers To Czechoslovakia, A Non-Existent Country
Got my first John McCain e-mail spam
First convention protester: Bob Dylan? - Helps convince son Jakob to not play for Repukes in MN.
McCain reading from a piece of paper on a podium-trying to slam Obama on his remarks
Obama on Larry King Tonight (Tuesday)
Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel break up
Quinnipiac POLL: Obama 50 (+3), McCaint 41 (-1). Obama enjoys a massive +26 favorable rating.
New Polls: Obama up by 10-points in Iowa and massive 18% lead in Minnesota
Can you handle just one more wee little post about the cover of The New Yorker?
McCaint campaign is FUBAR - Check out the backdrop for his big "foreign policy" speech.
reflecting on a world without ice
Rasmussen Polling Gold: Obama has big leads in MN and IA. Also within 4 in SD.
When George Bush leaves the White House to go to Crawford,
Watched Carville and Bill Bennett on CNN just now. Bennett was right, and Carville was a mess.
Just got a email about how great Cindy McCain is and bashes Michelle
It's a dog's life- and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Who can tell me any more about this song lyric? "Save Your Confederate Money, Boys...
What is with the freakin' arrogance of country people?
ABC News: "Hot Mic Moment." WTF? Why is this news?
Obama Phenomena! Some even observed in the wilds of DU!
Did Obama Force McCain To Flip-Flop On Afghanistan?
Why things like the New Yorker cover are so dangerous and effective.
Obama: The Half-Billion-Dollar Man
Breaking: AP officially joins McCain Campaign
A waste of bandwidth, but it is about Obama.
I got a speeding ticket today.
Will the ‘Dream Act’ be a nightmare for McCain?
Talkingspointsmemo's Josh Marshall: McCain Now Playing Catch-Up On Afghanistan
Obama consistent on Iraq (CQ Politics).
PPP South.Carolina Poll: McCain (R) 45%, Obama (D) 39%
It's the Crashing Economy Stupid
Obama on Larry King tonight-ask him a question~
Barack Obama gave a big speech today
I'm not one to spread rumors here, but this one is disturbing if true.
Is it just me, or are these Chick tracts getting a little weird?
NYT: Obama Borrows Page From Clinton
Post 2 names from the cast of a movie, plus the director, and let us guess the movie
Because this one photo pisses me off so much....
Peggy Noonan is a real piece of work.
CNN: Obama argues U.S. wars with Bush (Now, this I like!)
do you believe in hell? (the recent deaths of jesse helms and tony snow returns this to my mind)
When are Obama and McCain going to debate?
I am trying to understand why the Obama campaign decided to call attention to the NY Mag.
"You don't have to live in the ocean to learn about fish!"
TYT: V. Bugliosi Discusses Why President Bush Should Be Prosecuted For Murder Once He Leaves Office
I have a Ped Egg and I am not afraid to use it.
Why are people being attacked for not liking a NYer cover?
nothing better watching Bush and the Dow in real time
Watch Obama`s Major Iraq Speech From Today - Full Speech
What I admire the most about Barack Obama is___________________.
TPM: Obama Doubles Down on his 16-month withdrawal timetable in big Iraq speech.
Barack needs to eat more. His cheeks are hollowed out
800 rec'd Hillary-smear that praises dead repuke propaganda whores as well
800 rec'd Hillary-smear that praises dead repuke propaganda whores as well
A stern message for John McAnus
Cindy McCain finally releases her own, non-plagiarized cookie recipe
Jon Soltz: Is McCain Flip-Flopping, Calling for Draft, or Just in Fantasy Land?
Is Bush trying to bigfoot Obama's speech today?Bush is holding a press conference at 10:20, Obama's
"This country is not a private preserve for Protestants," Joe Kennedy once said.
"This is Nixonland we're living in. So damn it, play by its rules."
Obama's speech on Father's Day sound almost verbatam like Farrakhan
McCain Adopts Obama's Afghanistan Policy
NYT: Want Obama in a Punch Line? First, Find a Joke
What do they call "going Dutch" in Holland? nt
"David Axelrod: Architect of Obama's Unlikely Campaign"
Yeah! Talking Points Memo is aiming some fire at Mark Halperin, as well as AP.
India Post: Indo American Clinton supporters merge loyalties with Obama (at Clinton's request)
Obama's "shift" to the Center or the Right and the Media's role - Interesting Analysis from FAIR
41 Days Until the Start of the Democratic National Convention, When Will Veep Be Announced?
I guess the New Yorker can't tell a joke
Why is McCain getting credit for stealing Senator Obama's plan for Afghanistan?
McCain: Two gays only count as one parent, therefore they shouldn't be able to adopt
McCain Now Playing Catch-Up On Afghanistan
Latest Quinnipiac Poll Gives Obama Solid Lead
Obama Team Jumps on Multiple McCain Comments
Did you know that Mondale led Reagan by 2-points in a NEWSWEEK poll four months before '84 election?
New Yorker Outrage Guide: Offensive things you might not have noticed
PHOTOS: BARACK OBAMA from Hyde Park Barber Shop to major Iraq policy speech today in Washington
What do they call Canadian Bacon in Canada?
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell gives platform for Trent Lott, John Breaux to shill for big oil today
Obama on PBS tonight being interviewed by Gwen Ifill; Newshour
McSame says "I'll turn it around in Iraq and Afghanistan" So the repukes
Charlie Gibson: Coming up, poll show doubts about Obama's foreign policy readiness.
Barack Eisenhower vs. John McNixon
Howard Dean heading to Crawford, TX to start voter registration on bus trip through South.
McCain is the second biggest idiot to run for president
Canada to Deport U.S. War Resister Today
I found the cover of the New Yorker offensive
Hillary campaign garage sale. Desperate!
Bauer: 'America cannot endure four years of Barack Obama'
McCain wants Obama to go to South America. Where should McCain go?
APA: Suicide Among Vets Could 'Trump' Combat Deaths
Breaking: Smoking makes you smart!
MSM says that John McCain mocks/ridicules/etc. Obama
New Yorker Cover of Obama Being Lynched
John McCain thinks rape is funny.
What would you expect from a McCain administration?
Cindy McCain:"In Arizona The Only Way To Get Around The State Is By Small Private Plane" (VIDEO)
LTG Robert G. Gard, Jr.: Marketing a Myth: How John McCain Actually Got The Surge Wrong
NYT/CBS POLL: Obama 45 (-3), McCain 39 (-3). Obama w/ enthusiasm. McCain w/ negative favorables.
New Yorker Cover: I can't believe so many of you are that stupid.
Susan Atkins will stay in prison
How the New Yorker cover helps Obama.
John McCain, today: "I know how to win wars."
Obama Accused of Treason: My Letter to the New Yorker
They'll attack Iran to help put John W Mccain in the White House...
Nine British women arrested after oral sex competition on Greek island
The Daily Widget – Tuesday, July 15 – Obama 386, McCain 152 – Big Sky, Baby!
Ok amuse me I am waiting for results for my son he may have a ruptured appendix. It is funny in a
Obama's foreign policy speech today was superb.
Is there a big rivalry between Maryland and Delaware?
Will someone please explain to me why the DNC isn't pounding McSame on his lies, gaffes?
VP poll - for trolls ONLY!!111!!!!!111!!!!
Dayum. Scott Kleeb is babe-a-licious.
Barack Obama just now shown on CNN talking about the New Yorker cover
Barack Obama just now shown on CNN talking about the New Yorker cover
NEW Satirical John & Cindy McCain Magizine cover debuts (National Review)!
Anyone here have any experience raising money for charity?
McCain says: "Slash Social Security Benefits"
No John McCain. No. I'll Tell You Who "Knows how to win wars"
McCain Picks Genocide Advocating Statesman as His Role Model
I was annoyed at the cover & avoided all threads, but something came to me. I have a question....
I would say to Chris Matthews, "Shhhh. We need to use our indoor voices"
Obama drew loud applause Monday night at NAACP demanding blacks to take more responsibility
New Poll - ABC News/Washington Post: Obama: 50% McCain: 42%
For once I agree with Pat Buchanan: GOP deserves to lose the Reagan dems.
Jonathan Alter: The Power of Images-The New Yorker cover only reinforces the silly Obama rumors
What do they call lettuce in Oregon?
Photographic Proof that John McCain "knows how to win wars"
Back after long absence. Everythingsxen and I got married. I have a Real Job.
God! Please give me some guidance on a personal pet issue.
Battlestar Galactica - Tribute to War - Bear McCreary
A new Lounge game: Guess the DUer by the image in their sigline.
My daughter just destroyed her second cell phone since Christmas.
Art Spiegelman, cover artist for the New Yorker, gave a strong, STRONG defense of the Obama cover on
McCain announces plan to visit Constantinople in the near past
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Electoral Vote Strength Factor
MSNBC - Obama makes the hardliners in Cuba nervous - editorial in local
Newsweek Poll Large sampling ERRORS
Horsey: "A John McCain Magazine Cover"
Has anyone complained about the New Yorker Covers on Bill and Hillary?
Obama would face tough decision on whether to retain Gen. Petraeus
Biden Praises Obama's Spine, Tells McCain To Study History
The problem with republicans isn't that they're stupid...
Obama's speech today was an election game-changer
This Modern World Obama phenomena.
FRANKEN takes the lead!! 44-42%
That's what I'm talking about! Obama Camp nails McSame for flip-flops on gay adoption and more.
Did anyone see Obama's senior foreign policy advisor call out Andrea Mitchell today?
Earlier, Thom Hartmann quoted BronxBoy's Monday posting about The New Yorker cover
HHS Moves to Define Contraception as Abortion
Woman has 140-pound tumor removed
Hillary gearing up for 2012...
Senator Barbara Boxer on Hardball DESTROYS the Oil-Drilling Talking Point
It didn't take the "mouth breathers" long to love the New Yorker cover
I just really want to say this. Yell it, actually.
A graph about taxes that I just sent out to all my email contacts
What do you expect of an Obama Administration?
Brangelina clearly hate their new son
New Activist Corps Action posted: The Truth About John Sidney McCain III
Time to Consider HAGEL?? The short-list has been shortened by decliners. Hagel is now more likely
Pittsburgh-area Comcast has moved MSNBC off of basic cable
Radio Lady: Need your Dark Knight movie fix before Friday? Here's some of the buzz going on:
Joss Whedon's - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - Part 1 is up!
Trying to get back to reality!
Word Association thread. The word is "terrapin"
Take a current thread and delete the last two numbers from the url.
Lousiest Fictional Planet (not a poll)
To women who pee all over public toilet seats: I HATE YOU!
My dear Khash...May you rest in peace...
"Imagine, for a moment, what we could have done in those days, and months, and years after 9/11."
Question to Assist Research: Confederate Flag Perception
Downie (exec editor): 'Wash Post' Chandra Levy Series Worth The Effort
Report: Gov't tardy securing radioactive material
Analysts Say More Banks Will Fail
European officials ask judge to delay Guantanamo trial for Osama bin Laden's former driver
Low health insurance caps leave patients stranded
Paramount forced to suspend $450m financing
Betancourt Emerges as a Possible Rival to Uribe
Two suicide bombers kill 20 at Iraq army base
In ’06 Bomb Plot Trial, a Question of Imminence
U.S. Producer Prices Rise 1.8%; Core Rate Gains 0.2% (Update1)
First Guantanamo video released
Poll: Obama holds 9-point lead over McCain nationally
Police say German man detained after 12 Iraqis are found in his van
Ga. governor says guns should be OK in airport
Live: Obama delivers anti-war speech
Violence returns to Anbar following months of relative quiet
Pizza employee: Surprised to see dad when wig falls off robber
Central bank leaves interest rates at 3 per cent
Venezuelan Lawmakers To Review Car Pricing By Dealerships
Bombing campaign (further) intensifies in Afghanistan
Al Douri, a voice from Saddam regime, supposedly surfaces
Poll Finds Voters Split on Candidates' Iraq-Pullout Positions
Bush Vetoes Measure Blocking Medicare Doctor Fee Cuts (Update1)
U.S. troops start training exercise in Georgia (VAZIANI, Georgia)
(New York) Post and Daily News Explore Print Pact
Lieberman: 'I won't run with McCain'
Volkswagen Chooses Chattanooga For Plant; Deal Means Jobs For Ga.
McCain says he 'knows how to win wars'
Official: Thai troops enter Cambodia
FDIC chair: Deposits in nation's banks are safe
House votes to override veto on Medicare bill
GM To Cut Salaried Staff, Dividend, Retiree Health Care
Republicans Pick a Party Rebel to Run for Fossella’s Seat (NY-13)
Google, Viacom Reach Deal Over YouTube Visitor Data
Fed chief details woes in markets, housing, jobs
Bush: Financial system is 'basically sound'
Suicide Bombers Kill 35 Iraqi Recruits
Ventura: I'm not running for Senate
Euro soars to $1.60 against U.S. dollar, a new record high
Bush says he's 'a big believer in nuclear power.'
Customers furious in Day 2 of fed takeover IndyMac
Bush Hits New Low: Ties Carter Approval (ABC News Poll - 28%)
DDG 1000 destroyer program facing major cuts
Blair postpones Gaza visit, cites specific threat
Rove defends defiance of congressional subpoena
Terror alerts misused, Sen. John Kerry says
Undeterred, Kucinich to introduce another impeachment article
SEC to Limit Short Sales of Fannie, Freddie, Brokers (Update1)
Conyers may hold hearings, but plans no action on impeachment
Congress Overrides Bush’s Veto on Medicare
Killers of 2 homeless men for insurance get life without parole
California on verge of banning trans fats in restaurants
Brit Hume to Step Down as Fox News Anchor
Labor Gets Its First Openly Gay National Union President
U. S. deserter loses bid to stay in Canada
12 anti-Nader PA Dems charged with theft, conspiracy
Videotaped interrogation of Gitmo suspect released
Nazi hunter: We're closer to `Butcher of Mauthausen'
Russian Warships to Again Patrol Arctic
Wholesale inflation is worst in 27 years
Apple suit: Psystar's Mac clones must be recalled
Day of Reckoning? Super Rich Tax Cheats Outed by Bank Clerk
Billboard displays burning World Trade Center with slogan, 'Please Don't Vote for a Democrat
Democrats Are Weighing More Tax Rebates, Pelosi Says
In honor of Bastille Day...a classic scene from Casablanca.
COUNTDOWN w/ Maddow: Obama has always been right on Iraq
COUNTDOWN w/ Maddow: BUSHED! 2008 07 14!
COUNTDOWN w/ Maddow: McCain Learns To Use Internet
MPP-TV, Profiles in Marijuana Reform with Jim Hightower
COUNTDOWN w/ Maddow: Richard Clarke Interview July 14, 2008
Barack Obama at NAACP Annual Conference
Pat Roberts - A Record to Run From
New Obama Spot Focuses on Nuclear Threats
McCain vs. McCain on the DREAM ACT
McLaughlin on Calling Obama An "Oreo"
Robert Newman - History of Oil
COUNTDOWN w/ Maddow: This New Yorker Cover is Nothing New in American Politics
Roy Zimmerman's ode to W: 'Don't Make Fun of the Crippled Boy'
Obama Policy Speech: "A New Strategy for a New World" (Excerpts)
Bush on gas prices: ‘Where are they now?’
1984 Nightline: Sen. Christopher Dodd/Roberto d'Aubuisson debate part 1 of 2
1984 Nightline: Sen. Christopher Dodd/Roberto d'Aubuisson debate part 2 of 2
Guantanamo Bay child soldier CSIS interrogation - Omar Khadr
TPMtv: Iraq Back-to-Back (Obama vs. McSame)
John McCain: I graduated fifth from the bottom of my class
Red State Update: Obama New Yorker Cover
"The Dark Side" Of U.S. Policies
The Onion: 'No Values Voters' Search For Most Evil Candidate
TYT: Cenk On Mark Sanford Drawing A Blank While Defending McCain
Coffee, Tea or Water ONLY - Elements of a Revolution
TYT: Cenk's Thoughts On The Controversial New Yorker Cover On Obama
Mike Farrell of MASH call for Democratic candidates
Barack Obama's New Yorker Cartoon Shocker
Barack Obama`s Major Iraq Speech, July 15, 2008 - Full Speech
Obama on New Yorker Cover: Insulting to Muslim-Americans
First Guantanamo Bay VIDEO Released
'The Great Derangement' by Matt Taibbi *SPOILER * alert
Powering the Empire - Oiling the War Machine
U.S. Mercenary Company Implicated in Mexican Torture Videos
Country, the City Version: Farms in the Sky Gain New Interest
Printer dots raise privacy concerns
Low health insurance caps leave patients stranded
Betancourt Emerges as a Possible Rival to Uribe
I got your "whiners" right here
Barack Obama magazine flap shows an irony deficiency
The New Yorker's David Remnick Claims 'It Coulda' Been Worse'
Independent UK: The full extent of the crisis is only just emerging
Rush Limbaugh was right (Salon Magazine)
WORLD NEWS TRUST: Event Horizon (James Kunstler)
Want Obama in a Punch Line? First, Find a Joke
The Nation: Term Limits: Our National Obsession With Late-Term Abortion
The New Yorker Continues its Irony Tour, with Bush on Rushmore
WORLD NEWS TRUST: I Think I Saw Tom Paine On The 4th Of July (Carolyn Baker)
Major R. Owens: A Peace Surge in the First 100 Days
The Bipartisan Road to War in Iran and The Activist Response
How About a New Yorker Cover with the Editor's Head Up His Ass?
McCain/Obama Campaigns Bedeviled by Iraq
The Financial Tsunami: The Next Big Wave is Breaking Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and US Mortgage Debt
For all the irony challenged literalists who were upset by the New Yorker cover
Fox-Owned National Geographic Uses Gorillas as Cover for Exploitation of Congo
The Wedding Crashers: U.S. Jets Have Bombed Five Ceremonies in Afghanistan
Event Horizon by Jim Kunstler July 14, 2008
Self-Satisfied New Yorker Cover Fails
Guardian UK: Global warning: Melting ice threatens Arctic foxes
Climate Change Means More Kidney Stones
Take the nuke-heads bowling, take them bowling
Canada's Boreal forest gets some protection
Bush on the Environment: Wrong, and Proud of it, Until the Very End
Can Anyone Own The Rain? - Water Rights and Rain Collection.
State rebates lead more people to go solar
Wegener Institute Projects Near 100% Probability Of 2008 Arctic Ice Extent Beating 2nd-Lowest Record
Asphalt Shortage Headache For Colorado DOT - Delays Or Extensions Possible For 34 Projects
UK: Farming industry reeling as key input costs double
Behold, The Power Of Albedo - 2007 Fire Means Tundra Soil Temps Up 3.6 - 5.4F Over Unburned Areas
Biden On Bush Oil Plan - Just Another Last-Minute Giveaway In The Last Months Of An Expiring Admin.
Holland Confirms Marburg Fatality In Tourist Returning From Uganda - 1st European Case Since 1967
Dubai: Cement shortage spurs black market
Time for our Moment of Bjorn: The green inquisition
Can someone tell me wtf is going on here... I mean aside from the
Peak Oil Review -- July 14th, 2008
Efforts on 2 Fronts to Save a Population of Ferrets
Bill to Protect Right Whales from Shipping traffic - pending in Senate
Archbishop Of Sydney - Breed! Breed Or Die! Ignore Global Warming - It's Just A Hoax!!
Ken Salazar Eviscerates Bush On "Oil" Shale - Great Op-Ed Piece!
Electrify 36,000 miles of mainline railroads
Scientists Map Out "Dream Reservoir" for CO2 Storage
Five psychological stage of grief
Australia: Study Projects 40% Water Loss In Murray - Darling River Basin In Next 20 Years
KY: Plans Unveiled For Four Billion Dollar Coal To Liquid Fuel Plant
New Studies Comparing Renewables to Nuclear; Nuclear power is a false solution to climate change
Oil Falls Most in 3 Years ($7.38) as Worsening Economy Threatens Demand
Extreme Swimmer Lewis Pugh Will Kayak From Svalbard To The North Pole - Starts 8/29 - AFP
Gas crisis kindling new interest in bicycles
Settlement reached with group soliciting donations
Thousands of veterans may have been denied payments, Kucinich report says
Defence Tech: MV-22 Engine Problems in Anbar
And you think recruitment waivers don't cause problems?
Here's an idea. Why don't we kill the sugar tariff, reduce the cost of sugar and import sugar for
Monday night/Tuesday morning - Asia indexes hit 2 year low
Why is the Stock Market necessary?
Inflation or deflation? Here's one essay:
Would you be willing to pay a lot for a ride in a horse-drawn carriage...
Lesbian singer-songwriter Reider dies at age 30
McCain against adoption, equal marriage rights
We lost on the NC Bullying bill
Gay Egg Pelting Ruling Draws Intense Criticism
False Equation: Opposing Same-Sex Marriage and Opposing Interracial Marriage
Mass. Senate votes to open nuptial gates
There seems to be confusion as to what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are and what they do.
NM hospital ordered to negotiate with union by NLRB
State employees welcome to bring babies to work
Today's working family cartoon: computer-class
video Rock-Tenn Workers: Manufacturers of the Midway (paper recyclers)
Today in labor history July 14 Singer Woody Guthrie was born
NYC Museum That Honors Labor Struggle Refuses To Recognize Its Workers Union
Today in labor history July 15 Leader of the Share Croppers Union, is murdered in Cap Hill, Alabama
Hotel workers in Indonesia need your support today
Gov. Schwarzenegger Offers to Assist in Hollywood Contract Negotiations
Children of conflict: stress takes its toll on both sides of border
WORLD NEWS TRUST: A Kodak Moment: The Not-So-Historic Talabani-Barak Handshake (Ramzy Baroud)
Hope, pain in film about Palestinian organ donor
Bolton: U.S. should help Israel hit Iran
Fatah accuses Hamas of gruesome torture of party member
Synagogue becomes terrorist training center
Two Palestinian collaborators sentenced to death by firing squad
After eight years, Gaza student walks to freedom and an education
Argentine Tax Plan Lands a Tough Ally
Gunmen kill Guatemalan prosecutor
"Haiti Violating Former PM Yvon Neptune's Human Rights" Says Inter-American Court on Human Rights
Pastors for Peace is back and got 32 computers back from Homeland Insecurity
President Correa welcomes Chávez in Ecuador
What is the Venezuelan News Media Actually Like?
U.S. Mercenary Company Implicated in Mexican Torture Videos
Painful task: ID'ing Guatemalan dead
Report: Donaghy made 134 calls to fellow referee
Derby announcer Kruytbosch found dead in Indiana home
Phillies shouldn't trade away the farm or clubhouse chemistry for mediocre pitching.
Favre does an interview with Greta Van Susteren? I mean WTF!
Yankees won't rule out pursuing Bonds
They made a big deal about Hamilton hitting out 28 home runs.
Wickfordbard's Capricorn Full Moon newsletter
Is Pirhana slipping? You tell me.
Check out the pic of Joe they used at
I love all my fellow Bidenites! That's all I wanted to say!
Biden Praises Obama's Spine, Tells McCain To Study History
Biden crushing Hillary in the veepstakes!
Any painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis people on DU?
Aging Brain Can Learn New Tricks
Take Two Prozac and E-Mail Me in the Morning
Bad karma: When yoga harms instead of heals
Camping with Cancer -- my friend's incredible saga (x-post with GD)
Interstitial cystitis and quercitin
D.C. Council Chairman Gray’s statement of intent to restrict RKBA in D.C.
I Gourmet is having their 50% off Cheese sale
Pork with lentils, brown rice and black eyed peas.
Ga. governor says guns should be OK in airport
Taking a Cue From Ants on Evolution of Humans
Picking out the perfect ear of corn.
Might you buy one lottery ticket?
Man to ask Dolan to help defrock priest
The fundies were, unbelievably, correct
If Salman Rushdie announced that he has converted to Judaism then would he be safer?
Who ordered the murder/execution of adherents of Judaism who refused to accept him as a prophet?
This is why so many of us have problems with Christians
UCF Catholic Group Faces Hazing Charges For Protecting 'Body Of Christ'
TPM: Stephen Payne Worked for Pakistan (Musharraf) after September 11
General Ahmed allegedly met with Wolfowitz, Feith, and other neocons the week of 9/11.
This is just awful and unacceptable news about Iraq and Maliki
Letter: Kerry should have won.
Kerry gives an interview to the Boston Herald.
Crash space for Netroots Nation?
Weird one- desktop is replicating copies of pics and docs
40 gig, - 500mb partitian, 100+ programs, about 1GB free space
Do I need a new wireless router?
Whats that? A Minneapolis Police Officer charged with corruption? Say it aint so...
SimonDelivers to shut down in two weeks - citing high gas costs
Apparently, the Obama campaign was right not to run TV ads in MN
Cheating on ACT, SAT college entrance exams has few consequences
Case that led to Calif. home school ban dismissed
CBC: Elections chief counters Tory defence on expenses practices
NY: 50 Percent of Sequoia Voting Machines Flawed
My night at the Playboy Mansion (in support of medical marijuana). X-post.
Interested in being an Obama intern for August and/or fall?
so farve finally does an interview.... on FOX news????
Money Magazine lists Roseville among best 100 places to live