Democratic Underground

Archives: December 16, 2009

I'm going to kill myself.

ok, in an act of reconciliation, will any and all DLC DUers

and we thought we defeated these guys....

For those of you who know answer to questions about leg. procedures, etc.

Ya gotta be kidding me. Really. Ya gotta be fuckin' kidding me.


Chuck Norris has clearly taken too many kicks to the head....

Alzheimer's risk linked to level of appetite hormone

Well I guess Joan Walsh told us.

Well I guess Joan Walsh told us.

anybody watching this bullshit kabuki theater in the senate

Clintonista2 trolls Sarah Palin world of warcraft players!

dorgan amendment failed

MSNBC is finally in HD on Comcast in Atlanta!

Joe Lieberman: Fifth Columnist ... (PS, someone tell me now how to get involved)

A plea to Justices Stevens and Ginsburg

if all the people on your team step out of the way for the other team

O... M... G... Can You See It ???

You know those people who run in between cars at stoplights, selling stuff for 'charity?'

Is the Singularity nigh?

Lieberman: Liberal Enthusiasm Convinced Me To Oppose Medicare Buy-In

Obama and billionaire Buffett are distant cousins - afp

I noticed that many of the teabaggers were wearing red, the color of Communism,

WSJ: Labor Secretary Solis Pushes Agenda to Bolster Labor

On a serious tip..

Tourists unexpectedly have breakfast with President Obama in the East Room of the Whitehouse

The Ultra-Elite Versus The Poor

Lieberman expresses regret to colleagues over healthcare tension

Imperial County, Calif., passes *emergency motion* to support Prop. 8

Medical marijuana on tap at Oregon cafe

Republicans must be laughing their asses off

Capitalists celebrate Christmas cuz..

Noam Chomsky, liberal sage


Minus one for the "doctors are only in it for the money" meme

Copenhagen Climate Summit: Strong Mood Against Capitalism - and Its Police Force —

I haven't made very many OP's about this health care debate. I've been trying to formulate one now

End Run Around Health Care Subsidies-Lowering the FPL. The hits just keep on coming!

Digby: Nobody’s “getting covered” here.

Kill The Bill?

Anthony Weiner Mocks Lieberman For Medicare Flip-Flop

First... It Was The Republicans Lying To My Face Over The TV Machine...

What kind of a democracy allows one man to dictate policy

We don't need 60 votes in the Senate. We need 1

Could We Just Be On The Same Page About Lieberliar....

HC reform: Start over from square 1 by repealing the insurer monopoly exemption.

HC reform: Start over from square 1 by repealing the insurer monopoly exemption.

Was there this much debate over SCHIP and increasing taxes on the poor?

Was there this much debate over SCHIP and increasing taxes on the poor?

"It's Joe Lieberman"

You, DUers, you. You're letting the shitty be the enemy of the craptastic!

Ya know what's fun? Picturing a guy with a toupe .... without his toupe

Senator Tom Harkin is trying too hard on TRMS and doesn't sound sincere.

Duplicate Post Sorry

The Only Thing That Made Me Feel Semi-Good Today...

Rachel. DICK Armey.

Who said the eleventh commandment was thou shall not speak ill of any member of our political party

Man wins lotto, leaves wife, then she is evicted from her home

One last thing to cut out of the Health Care Bill and then I can accept it.

Less public option = less individual mandate

All events are the sum total of events that led up to them

There is no starting over

If only we'd been nicer to Lieberman in 2006...

"I'd like an omelet, plain,

Unfortunately the path to 'real change' always ran first through Campaign Finance Reform, then HCR..

Let's be practical.

I'm with Howard Dean: dump the bill, go to reconciliation.

Where would we be if Joe had been the deciding vote on the civil rights bills?

I think the world has gone mad

Will Obama ask Congress for a law allowing indefinite detention on US soil and

We know we need 50 votes and Joe Biden. This is a fix, a scam, a sting.

Open Letter to the AFL-CIO:

Image of what is happening in Big Pharma and Insurance land right now

UK banks set to vote tomorrow to phase out 300-year-old tradition of paying by cheque


How did your senator vote on the Dorgan amendment?

We had dinner tonight with a friend who was visiting from the Netherlands.....

Doesn't Israel have a Single-Payer government health insurance plan?

Please Watch and Rec: Dr. Dean on The Reality of the Health Care Debacle

You know there was also some good news today, too. In DC, gay marriage was voted in by City Council.

UK banks to phase out 'cheques'

We have private interest rule...

The mammoths' swan song revised

Time to play hard to get.

Is Lieberman misunderstood, or is he what he appears to be?

Kill the Bill?

"Rise of the New McCarthyism" - How the RW Tries to Paralyze Government Through Smears and Lies

The dangers facing Russia's human rights groups

Just a reminder of who could have been president...

Italy investigates pasta makers over 'price-fixing'

Can we send a message to Lieberman, Rahm, Blue Dogs, ect....

I *Knew* That Mischief Was Afoot When They Picked 2013 As The Start Date


'The Road: A film that every one of us needs to see'

Lieberman is after Dean and the Deaniacs for 2004 defeat.

So this is representative govenment?

Everyone who wants to kill the senate bill and start completely over needs to give up their health

Jesus... U.S. Gave Up Billions In Tax Money In Deal For Citigroup's Bailout Repayment - WaPo

Obama's gift to us all

Writing an oped, please let me know if you think this is a good argument:

Tibet's glaciers in danger of disappearing

We Need a New Political Party — To Represent the Millions of Working People — Not Corporate America

You HCR INCREMENTALISTS are Rubes, Suckers, Hayseeds and Marks


If you want to get a look at politics at the city and county level

I have been in a coma for the last year

The Conundrum

Palin: A disgraceful opportunist and a real moral coward...

Viking Weapon-Recycling Site Found in England?

Did anyone else's employer cancel the holiday party this year?

Study Shows Religious Belief Caused By Dysfunctional Social Conditions

I'm not a hateful person, but I've felt more hate this year than ever.

French find puts humans in Europe 200,000 years earlier

Lieberman's stance reinforces my pride in voting Nader in 2000

I got a Christmas card from the White House.

Suppose the current Senate health plan -- without a public option -- is put up

Obama Craigslist listing

As much as I DETEST LiebLIAR, I DOUBLE support HOWARD DEAN today...

"If I wanted John McCain's health care plan, I would've voted for John McCain"

Still in search of a message board that is 100% unabashedly unapologetically TOTALLY pro-Obama?

Just keep in mind .... Howie and Rahm are ..... uh ..... not the best of friends

If Mike Gravel was President, he wouldn't put up with any of this shit!

Flight could cause problem for [John] Edwards

Faith healing case to go to trial

Why Lieberman knows he won't be punished for ruining HCR

Talk Radio Has Fewer Fans than Thought New People Meters Show

Caption Joe

It wasn't (just) the insurers who killed Medicare expansion, thank the Hospitals and Physician lobby

We are going to be slaughtered next year and here is why

We are going to be slaughtered next year and here is why


Obama has set the trap. He instructed Rahm to cave, give Lie%$& whatever he wants.

Iran test-fires improved missile, state TV says

Who started the meme that congress is only allowed to debate major HC issues every 16-20 years?

Will there be a secret plan to use reconciliation to expand Medicare to everyone?

ROFLMAO: "Stop Obama's Radical Transformation of America!!!"

F** these f***ing corrupt to the soul motherf***ing F***ers and the way they use us like trash.Sorry

An oldie but a goodie from 2007 - "10 Reasons Why Joe Lieberman Sucks"

I will not be Joe Lieberman.

MODS: I think people sometimes hit the "unrecommend" link accidentally.

To those who want to "kill the bill", a question...

A 'customer' was seriously pissed at the shoes and handbags on sale:

Congressional Progressive Caucus Principles for the Health Care Reform Bill Conference Report

30. 30 Dem Senators voted against drug reimportation

MoveOn Launches Fundraising Drive For Anti-Lieberman Ad Campaign

Questions about DU. I could use some feedback

Questions about DU. I could use some feedback

DOD: Obama's Afghan Surge Will Rely Heavily On Private Contractors (56K)

One thing's for sure: Come 2012, I'm contributing all I can to defeating Joe Lieberman.

Is anyone listening to the Bill Press Show?

OpEdNews seems to have been attacked..

The nuttiest thing you will read all week

Connecticut colleagues ‘fed up’ with Joe Lieberman

Army bishop praises Taliban's 'conviction to their faith'

Lieberman's head has swollen up so big that he's ruptured his sphincter wall.

1 corrupt and moribund Senate + 1 weak President

Calm Down People--and Let's Get Organized

Do you realize that all of us are a great gift to Lieberman?

Schwarzenegger slams Palin

Schwarzenegger slams Palin

Ben Bernanke?

Koalas Dying From STDs, Loss of Habitat

Koalas Dying From STDs, Loss of Habitat

Some pretty interesting povs expressed by folks on Washington Journal.

It's getting harder to keep turning my head.

Ebenezer Lieberman?

Bank's antifraud tactics stun security expert: How much do they know?

Hey Mainstream Media

Hey Mainstream Media

Obama Supports Government that Murders Gays

Tomatoes Removed for Palin

At the very least it should be named the Lieberman/Snowe/Blue Dog Healthcare bill

Unwitting tourists attend White House event -

Arpaio, Unfazed by Prior Lawsuits, Will Force Jail Inmates to Listen to Christmas Music All Day Long

Are there 50 votes for reconciliation after the bribery?

Maybe this could be a semi-good bill if we took the mandates out

The Price of Pushing Our Troops Too Far

The Senate bill allows for annual caps, terminating coverage for very ill patients

Who originally came to Lieberman's rescue in 2006? Sen. Barak Obama, with a ringing endorsement.

police confirm seven horses dead in possible neglect case

Question about how the House/Senate bill reconciliation works.

On NOVA now, NSA special.

Dean 2012

Toronto Star: Gloom turns to doom in Copenhagen

Chamber of Commerce Campaign: FIGHT HEALTH CARE REFORM -- And WIN A Trip To HOOTERS!

Chamber of Commerce Campaign: FIGHT HEALTH CARE REFORM -- And WIN A Trip To HOOTERS!

You Can Set Your Watch To Dismantling New Feature (Bwahahahahahaha!)

Now they're just laughing at us behind our backs.

I just had to respond. I couldn't keep silent anymore.

If the Senate passes it's non-HCR, what happens in the House?

Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism

Howard Dean: Health Care Bill 'Bigger Bailout for the Insurance Industry Than AIG'

Many with mental disorders not treated

Schadenfreude Alert! Looks like Gary Kreep's "" just might have met its end!

Bwah-HAH Gawker had a "crazy-off" of PALIN-ites vs Scientologists!1

Fuck the Democrats? Fuck DU. Hello GOP majorities!

Jobs ..Jobs..Jobs available

Advice needed about contacting representatives:

Bachmann Invokes 'Charge Of The Light Brigade'

Ran Prieur and Ecclesiastes

House Discussing Glass-Steagall Revival, Hoyer Says

Lieberman: 'Unlikely' That I'll Run With GOP In 2012, 'But I Wouldn't Foreclose Any Possibility'


If the Senate HRC passes, when the GOP takes over they will...

U.S. gave up billions in tax money in deal for Citigroup's bailout repayment

Straight Couple in Brooklyn Challenges Legality of Opposite-Sex Marriage

How about this idea?

Max Baucus

Really Operation Rescue?

The Senate is Lucy, HCR is the football

The Senate is Lucy, HCR is the football

The way the health-care bill is shaping up now, I won't be surprised if Republicans support it.

Some people here seem discouraged that Obama hasn’t made mucho changes since he’s taken office.

Does anyone know what is in the Senate health care bill?

Senate rejects low-cost drug imports

A 2000 page Health Care reform bill. What the fuck is in it?

How'd you like to fight government-run health-care -- and get a free gift card to Hooters out of it?

OK, I love Sanders and Feingold, but why isn't one of them-

President Obama's "Grade" - a teacher's incomplete

President Obama's "Grade" - a teacher's incomplete

How can it be so hard...

Check in here if you think TIME should be punished for making Bernanke person of the year

'Drug Re-Importation' is a Cop-Out and a Sham

Let's join in a general strike in support of meaningful HCR!

Let's join in a general strike in support of meaningful HCR!

Someone needs to tell this poor woman what teabagging means

Devil of your own making... Obama backed Lieberman

Tom Harkin on Rachel Maddow last night talking up the senate bill

Here is what evil looks like:

The spite of a deeply immoral senator

Is it me, or are most of the people telling folks to calm down

Does anyone have a list of Republican and Blue Dog senators

O.K. so help me Glass Half Full People...

BBC: Copenhagen police battle climate protesters

"Obama, The 'Just War' President" - in Two Acts

A castle made of popsickle sticks...

TonyKornheiser just called the Washington Post the "Wall St. Post!" nt

TonyKornheiser just called the Washington Post the "Wall St. Post!" nt

Will Senate progressives sit silently by as the public option dies? (Credo Action petition)

State Officials Looking At Rise In PG&E Shutoffs - up 40% for low income customers

The NY Times Calls out Joe LIEberman...

Another WTF? moment: Citigroup gains huge tax break, offsets TARP repayment

Fitness guru Jack LaLanne undergoes surgery in LA

Fitness guru Jack LaLanne undergoes surgery in LA

35 Great Quotes On The Subject Of Religion (Sure To Enrage All Fundies)

More dispatches from the world of 'Chickens for Col. Sanders'

Why shouldn't healthcare reform be a national referendum?

Please tell me why this post would get blocked?

NY Times Twitter Freudian Slip!: 'Please beat back protesters in Copenhagen.'

Fuck You Tom Harkin (on Rachel M)

Walmart supports the troops,unless there's cash is involved.

How many more HCR votes must be 60?

It's isn't being anti-science to distrust big pharma and their wares a bit

It's isn't being anti-science to distrust big pharma and their wares a bit

Damn but a lot of the temper tantrum brigade is begging for pizzas today.

It's been a bad year for the Washington Metrorail system....Even for its feathered customers

WTF! Drug Reimportation Killed Too? 30 Dems Vote To Strip It!

Petraeus Accuses Iran of Aiding Afghan Taliban

For the HCR Bill - how many times is 60 votes required?

For the HCR Bill - how many times is 60 votes required?

The secret formula for being pleased with Obama

Los Angeles Times: Asian Americans drive Army recruiting boom in L.A.

And After All This... After All Of This SHIT... Joe Lieberman Will Keep His Chairmanship

"Playing Us for Chumps" -A Senate Democratic Chief of Staff weighs in ...

Why does the Today Show insist on having Jenna Bush on each week??

Toons: Crappy health care bill

Beyond their normal election fraud! Republican Uses Voter Database to Stalk Woman?


Budding cartoonists -- can you picture "Tail Gunner Joe (Lieberman)"?

Budding cartoonists -- can you picture "Tail Gunner Joe (Lieberman)"?

Joe Lieberman is a pharisee

US billionaire indicted for fraud

US billionaire indicted for fraud

For all the frustrated DUers, please try to remember that Lieberman was Gore's running mate.

What if the Rapture really did happen,

Enough is Enough? Ford Executive Demands An End To Japan's Automotive Trade Barriers

I get it now! The slogan Change We Can Believe In really meant

I get it now! The slogan Change We Can Believe In really meant

Glenn Beck Defends Founding Fathers' Decision to Count African-Americans as Three-Fifths of a Person

Military Tribunals Will Be Held at (Illinois) Prison

ok, the next person that tells me to STFU and calmly accept this betrayal

UK Newspaper runs story: "Climate Change is Natural: 100 Reasons Why"

Obama at the Bat - A Parody

Weiner: Snowe? Stupak? Lieberman? Who left these people in charge?

Weiner: Snowe? Stupak? Lieberman? Who left these people in charge?

the world hates Gitmo because of TORTURE

'Playing Us for Chumps'

'Playing Us for Chumps'

ACLU Calls “Gitmo North” Near Iowa Border “Alarming”

ACLU Calls “Gitmo North” Near Iowa Border “Alarming”

Public cooling to health-care reform as debate drags on, poll finds (no shit!)

Lieberman is Mikey from the Life cereal commercials

Is the Washington Times Preparing to Shut Down?

Is the Washington Times Preparing to Shut Down?

The Rude Pundit: What Would Jesus Lie About? (Health Care Reform Edition)

I fear we've elected President Lieberman. Just younger, better looking, and more articulate.

Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL): Yes, we tortured detainees and we should do so in future.

Guys! Guys! Look at us! Squabbling! Bickering, like children.

Chamber of Commerce Campaign: Fight Health-Care Reform -- And Win A Trip To Hooters!

Nate Silver: Why Progressives Are Batshit Crazy to Oppose the Senate Bill

About the "it takes time to fix things" talking point

The Next Most Underreported Health Reform Story - What will happen to SCHIP?

DU brain drain

Feeling suicidal (figuratively) about the loss of the public option? Read this.

Obama Sides With Blind in Copyright-Treaty Debate

Would we be better off if a Republican were President right now?

My letter to Wesley Pruden (Moonie Times)

From Democratic Underground to underground democrat.

Does this meet "all of your criteria"??

California's plan to curb mammograms for lower income women sparks protests

"The liberals are angry that..."

Poll: Americans Reject Big Oil's Big Money Blitz

Susan G. Komen Foundation Still Doesn’t Get It

I suppose cautioning patience is wasted breathe here abouts.

Recruiting stations are, like, so Vietnam-era

'You Lie!' On Yale List Of Year's Memorable Quotes

How about a constitutional amendment for term limits?

Question. If the HCR bill goes to conference, what members of the Senate

A Rhetorical Question about Smoking (tobacco, not pot).

Ex-trainer accuses circus of elephant cruelty...from the grave

With one exception, the House completely outperformed the Senate with HCR

So let's look at what Vermont's Health Care Reform has brought to their state........

So let's look at what Vermont's Health Care Reform has brought to their state........

50 needles inserted in a two year old Brazilian boy

Gun Arrests Galore, No Convictions At All

Yes, Democrats are politicians, but...

Ted Klaudt, 49, a Republican rancher from Walker(despicable pig)

November housing construction up 8.9 percent

Jailed Ex-State Rep Tries To Copyright Own Name, Wants $500K Per Use

Upset? Let the President know how you feel via his social networking sites.

I'm stuck...and I'm staying stuck

Rumsfeld told Army commanders that they didn't have to stop the looting early in the Iraq war

Don't Act Now, It's Not Too Late Yet

So who is this DLC shill on the phone with Thom Hartmann right now?

I am so mad that Republicans have blocked true reform and yet,

'He's a Total Lieberman, Don't Turn Your Back On Him.'

I was wrong

Who are they trying to convince?

Did you all know McCain won the election & put Lieberman in charge of HCR?

Tape of Captured US Soldier Due

TIME's Person of the Year: Ben Bernanke

Man Murdered in fight over time on Nautilus Machine at gym

Man Murdered in fight over time on Nautilus Machine at gym

Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Why is it that Dems need 60 votes, but repukes only need 51?

Call Senator Coburn and thank him for slowing down the health care process!!!!

email from Democracy for America: No Public Option? No Mandate!

Republican congressional candidates lead Democratic rivals in poll

Not everything about the HCR bill is bad... CIGNA UP 2.25% IN ONE DAY!

Defense bill breathes new life into canceled programs

DNA sets free D.C. man imprisoned in 1981 student slaying

Report: Pelosi will insist Senate act first on controversial bills

There is still hope for decent HCR

Amazing how we can lose when a majority of the Senate and the House

Revealed: Bush officials e-mailed bogus rumor blaming Gore for failure to kill Bin Laden

Doing Palin's hair? Don't talk to her unless she talks to you first.

Starting Over

Lieberman, Rockefeller, and Whitehouse's: Medicare Commission

4,000-year-old flowers found at Bronze Age dig

Skinner, Elad: can we get some new smileys?

Dick Durbin is a real DICK....

A year ago the price of diesel fuel was over a dollar more then unleaded regular gas per gallon

? To Axelrod On A Plane: "Is this 'change we can believe in'?"

I hope DUers who mindlessly attacked Nader and his supporters GET IT now

DFA says "No Option? No Mandate"

Sarah Palin Hits Back at Schwarzenegger

Voting Present

For 8 long years, I waited for an Obama

So... what will be the state of health care 2-3 years from now?

So... what will be the state of health care 2-3 years from now?

In light of Bernanke's "Man Of The Year", I wish to formally file a Missing Person report .......

How to dissect a Glenn Beck broadcast:

How to dissect a Glenn Beck broadcast:

why not kill the bill?

Best News I've heard all day: Lieberman considers joining GOP

A thought about the polls measuring the pubic's support for health care reform

I keep hearing that if Obama were more like LBJ we would have a stronger bill...

I'm willing to hand Obama a defeat.

AZ RNC Treasurer defends GOP Director's Use of Voter Database to Stalk Women

So if the Senate passes a weak bill--won't the House vote it down in the end?

Coburn ties up Senate by having 790+ page amendment read ALOUD - MSNBC breaking

Fla. Wants Citizens To Report Tobacco Tax Cheats - will pay informants

So I take it that Coburn's constituents are satisfied with their health care and can afford coverage

South Carolina's Henry Brown Votes Against Taxpayers and Military Families!

How Top Chefs Stay Thin

How Top Chefs Stay Thin

Folks.... WTF are you buying this 60 vote talk for?

The way to win the party back

I missed the interview (Andrea Mitchell, Jay Rockefeller) -- why did Rockefeller

I respect the Republicans for their ability to get what they want done - including blocking

Howard Dean on Thom Hartmann show NOW

So how would any president including a President Kucinch get a Public Option thru Senate?

From the beginning, I thought the individual mandate to buy health insurance was a mistake

Finally: Why Lieberman opposes healthcare - Revenge for 2006

Kimbo! and a prediction

Since any reform we do get will probably not solve our long-term problems

Curbing Big Banks: Draw the Damn Line

I really wish that Matt Taibbi would write an article on the HCR

I really wish that Matt Taibbi would write an article on the HCR

Dr. Dean is wrong -- maybe because they don't have the filibuster in Vermont.

Brazilian tot has 50 sewing needles inside body

THIS is why I voted for Hillary over Obama in the primary..

This is a war on Christmas I could actually support...

Lieberman: ta major question that remains for me....

Why won't the house of representatives do their job, and NOT accept the Senate version? /nt

This just in.. from the War on Christmas...Zombies

Anyone know why Sanders is now withdrawing his SP amendment? n/t

Digby: The Best We Can Do?

Digby: The Best We Can Do?

Democrats Lash Out At Obama Over Health Care Disappointments

Gee. I wonder if dropping the public option has anything to do with the public's souring on HCR.

I seem to recall during the 1994 storming of Congress by the GOP that

The White House and Obama can go F-OFF

Suspicious package found at Sen. Baucus' office

Ending the fillibuster...Good idea or bad...discuss.

Right-wing "24" creator Joel Surnow will produce mini-series about the Kennedy family

"God bless Cecil Bothwell" I'm lovin' this Asheville NC story.

LBJ once famously said of Hubert Humphrey, "Pardon me boys, I've got to remind Hubert ...

New immigration bill introduced in House

House Likely to Vote on COBRA Subsidy Extension Today

Sander's on FIRE on CSPAN. He appears to be withdrawing his ammendment to end the GOP nonsense. nt.

Adding Insult To Sodomy

Time magazine names Bernanke 'Person of the Year'

the bills still hang over my head like a thundercloud...

Dean on KO. Insurance Companies Will Take, On Average, 27% of Your Money for Premiums

Please explain what I've got wrong

HCR bill being delivered to President Obama......

Up to 56,000 More Contractors Likely for Afghanistan, Congressional Agency Says

Bernie Sanders For President In 2012......

Brazil toddler has 50 sewing needles inside body

Live Webchat now going on w/ DSCC

I'll take bizarre Christmas decorations for 600, Alex

Obama Must Persuade Democrats on Troops, Pelosi Says

Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment Survives

So Joe Wilson was right???

The Decade In Pictures

Is Dr. Dean interfering with the legislative process?

Some very surprizing comments from my fellow worker-outers at the gymnauseous

If a Senator votes for the current senate bill is he or she a sell out?


As predicted on DU, Rush is using Dean's words as ammo against HCR and Liberalism.

If 2012 were here, who'd you vote for?

CNN reporting

Don't Get Offended, Don't Give Up, Get Organized

This Toon sure sums up the senate "debate"

My call from the Democratic Party

The more I look at it, this is actually a good HCR bill

Carlin: We LIKE War

Death row inmate wants to donate organs

I AM one of those Far-Left Liberal crybabies who is pissed off at our Government

Obama Administration Cleaning Up the Bush Email Scandal

Obama Administration Cleaning Up the Bush Email Scandal

sick, fucked up and completely stupid

Why Progressives Are Batshit Crazy to Oppose the Senate Bill

Toon: the three party discussion

Blame the Media as much as anything! If we had a Free Media

Rod Blagojevich to debate merits of Elvis & the film Viva Las Vegas tonight

Rod Blagojevich to debate merits of Elvis & the film Viva Las Vegas tonight

I watched a Nature show the other night about dogs

Ben Bernanke is Time's person of the year.

Health Care (without public option) on the Road to Neo-Feudalism

Important discovery that I hope distracts us and teaches us a lesson

Has the CBO reported on the impact of the health care bill in the meantime, while those of us WITHOUT healthcare continue to get sick...

MS Office 2007

Next Up, US to Reinvade Vietnam

Reid needs to go. Discuss.

According to Thom Hartmann, Jeff Merkley (Oregon) is going to vote NO on health bill...

Christian Group Launches New Attack on Christmas Commercialism

Christian Group Launches New Attack on Christmas Commercialism

As the GOP crumbles, Dems wilt. Nice timing.

"Till I Collapse" - edited for political message:

Has anybody on DU actually looked at the health insurance reform bills? There must be a

The massive (but under-reported) Reagan Administration corruption

Poll: Public sours on Obama's overhaul plan

Man's blood donations reach 80 gallons

If you really want a more Progressive America....

Mocking what could have been genuine Health Care Reform

New law lets Lynn GE avoid paying personal property taxes

Has AZ Maricopa County turned into BIZARRO WORLD? Sheriff Arpaio Investigates Judges Who Cross Him?

ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Obama 50% approval, 46% disapproval

The American People are the stone that you can't squeeze blood from...

FYI: Bernie Sanders

It sounds like Dean will be on Hardball with Tweety this afternoon

Today Organizing For America Emailed Me, Asking For Support ....

Blue Cross of California threatens to revoke the coverage

Toby Keith Targeted for 'Racist' Gesture

Wall Street Journal: American Dream 2: Default, Then Rent

House passes $636B defense bill

I Refuse To Give Up....I Won't Pack Up And Go Away...However....

Dean on with Chris Matthews now on MSNBC 5 pm EDT.

I'll remember - and I'm sure many others will (RANT)

Why are all the talking heads insulting money going to study irritable bowel syndrome?

I just gave $20 to moveon to organize against Lieberman

Democrats Lash Out At Obama Over Health Care Disappointments

Something mom said in 1984 about politicians:

Tiger Woods Wins AP Athlete of the Decade

I need a GPS locator for my ass

I need a GPS locator for my ass

How shellfish saved the human race

Tweety is back on the dark side again.

Government functions!!!! House Approves $636 Billion Pentagon Budget Bill

remember the bush tax cut bill, with its much-hyped $300 credit for "everybody"?

It's time to put a huge counter up like the 'Deficit counter.'

At the Moment, COST CONTROLS are More Important than a Public Option

Heads up - Chris Matthews is going to have Howard Dean on.

What happened to all the Dems who said they "won't vote for a bill unless it has a public option?"

The Holiday shopping business must be really bad

Mary Landrieu and Howard Dean - Saturday Night Fights!

Fox once again shows their "journalistic standards"

Our political system has many, many flaws. But I am thankful for this feature.

Hey Nancy Pelosi

I believe the Senate bill will be the end of employer provided insurance as well....

This one of those moments. It is all converging.

Consensus eludes climate talks

Mary Landrieu: Lying SOS, OR Lying POS

The DU "Regressive" movement

write your own health care bill ... or is it doomed?

I'm hearing on the news channels this morning that the WH is upset with Dr. can we get

The Republicans have exactly one goal: regaining power. Shouldn't this be a time to KEEP POWER?

Roland Burris is the key to killing the bill

So...Jesus was illegitimate?

After Senate dropped the public option, a poll by NBC found...

Perhaps Liberals in senate should use the fillibuster to their advantage


Microsoft ends 10-year fight with Europe on browsers (BBC)

Microsoft ends 10-year fight with Europe on browsers (BBC)

Do you think sixteen year olds are able to fight and be drafted into the military ?

Black Lung on Rise in Mines, Reversing Trend

Intel being sued for using size to keep out rivals (BBC)

Health Care Humbug....

Nearsightedness Increasing in U.S.

My conversation with Lieberman's office

The two faces of Prez. Obama

Early Bipartisan Support for Resolution to End War in Afghanistan- Kucinich Announces 12 Cosponsors

FYI: Fresh Air (NPR) 12/16/09--Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater: Private Army In The News Again

Corporate whore Woods whores around with golf whores, News At 11

Microsoft admits code theft for Chinese blog Juku (BBC)

The Democrat and Republican politicians are both like huge violent butt-rapists, the difference..

Use reconciliation to expand Medicare - forget any industry reform

If he forces reconciliation the R's get to say "dictator" and the

I'd like to know who when and how the annual cap was put back into the Senate bill.

Just curious..why didn't the Dems just let them read the 800 page/10 hour long

US Silent About Taliban Guarantee Offer on al Qaeda

Palin's McCain Cover Up!

The often disturbing reality of social media

Last night on Countdown Howard Dean said something that didn't quite make sense

Ed Schultz tearing them a new one right now on MSNBC.

Merry Christmas, America!

Rep Kucinich: Expanding the Debt for War and Wall Street - The ‘Bailout Generation’

Salt Lake City Costco Removes Tomatoes Ahead Of Palin Event

Torture suit too hot to be heard, admin. accused of trying to cover up wrongdoing

Progressives!!! The "Critical Path" to passing ANY real Progressive reforms...

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Forces Inmates To Listen To Christmas Music All Day, Ignoring Lawsuits

So do we get to set the salaries of insurance company CEOs?

New AP/ Roper Poll out today has Obama approval rating at 56%

HCR, CitiGroup, Afghanistan, DADT, too big to fail, and the little guy is on the street broke

Next time I see President Obama on TV, say at a soup kitchen handing out food during a holiday...

It's not about vindication, it's about prevention of the next royal fucking.

This is a one-sentence post.

Rod Parsley (Christian Rightist in Ohio): The demons have taken my money away! Please help!

I've got a better idea than allowing drug reimportation

Well heads up folks from district 22 of Florida, the republicans have found their man

I think the Democrats have now figured out where the line is.

anyone got Ed on?

If I hear that they are making sausage one more time

So when forced insurance mandates inevtiably destroy the Democratic Party, what will rise instead?

How the right wing lies about Obama's tax proposals--

How the right wing lies about Obama's tax proposals--

Let's establish some goals for our next republican President.

From SCHAMA/French Revolution to BECK/screamers: Verbal violence IS prelude to real thing

Lawsuit claims: police beat to death a Hispanic teenager, then hung him to make it appear suicide

We really want single payer. We compromised that to support a public option.

We really want single payer. We compromised that to support a public option.

Obama Promised to Allow Americans to Purchase their Meds From Canada in His Campaign. What nerve!

The Strategic Value of Nihilism

Check in here if you called your senators and representative and

My son just told me that Time is giving Man Of The Year to...


Beautiful bird, the Norweigan Blue

Beautiful bird, the Norweigan Blue

The reason there is a 'mandatory purchase of private insurance' requirement in the bill is..


How much extra money do you have each month for mandatory insurance?

The Original Climate Conference

56,000 private contractors will join 30,000 troops in Afganistan

Hope. Change. Yes we can.

Hadassah Lieberman and Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer charity

It's beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas.

The left has been right about everything, ever since NAFTA.

The left has been right about everything, ever since NAFTA.

A good question.

If we called it 'life care' instead of health care...

Well if you were actually wondering at this point it is pretty damned clear

Who are the Dem. Senators that are not going to run in 2010?

I Can't Get Over the Defeated Dorgan Amendment and Let It Slide. Behold All of Our Liebermans!

KO has a Special Comment tonight

Well, CPAC is showing how far-right they will go...

Well, CPAC is showing how far-right they will go...

Democrats Love Obama, 81 percent job approval

Landrieu just flat out lied about Dean, and Chris did not call her on it.

The Canadians and the British have to think we are idiots!

Those who mock the voices of despair heard here today...try something ELSE

Share something positive.

God has spoken to me!!

Obama's new jobs program: 56,000 contractors in Afghanistan

White House as Helpless Victim on Health Care

Would the current credit crunch

Would the current credit crunch

LED Traffic lights unable to handle winter weather. Accidents ensue.

How long did it take Social Security,Civil Rights to get delivered?

If they REALLY believed in Free Trade, they would allow us to import drugs

"Obama is starting to remind me of Hoover..."

Obama considering steep tax increases, cuts in Medicare, SS?

I posted this OP on July 28th.

As bad as things are, Dr. Dean has given me hope!

Name the new planet

A Vacuum is Forming

Bush's top 1% tax cuts will be "rolled back" was the campaign promise

U. of Minnesota Biologist Destroys Evolution Denier

America, this is the the epic battle between democracy and corporatization.

Burial shroud discovery raises further doubt about the Shroud of Turin.

Looks like someone....(WARNING, will make you sick. Good.)

Author's disgust as religious right halts new Compass movie

In 2008 I Voted FOR Obama - In 2012 I'm Voting AGAINST The Republican

DU has jumped the shark

Naomi Klein: The Copenhagen Process Is Out Of Control, US Politicians Should Stay Home

Demoralized is what I am...

I got my pony at long last...

Have Lieberman, Nelson, et al. compromised on ANYTHING on HCR?

The innauguration is almost a year ago, and what has changed?

The innauguration is almost a year ago, and what has changed?

Thom Hartmann: Healthcare: First They Came for the Banksters

Health Care For All!!!

Nate Silver: 20 Questions for Bill Killers

Is it just me? Or are we really living 'The Outer Limits'?

It's hard not to hate...

So, are you for U.S., or are you against U.S.?

This is NOT a criticism, but rather an honest call for discussion.

Obama has nothing to say about Dick or Liz Cheney but is furious with Howard Dean.

If the 2012 Democratic Primary election were held today , who would get your vote

Does anyone else think maybe

Everything is broken.

I think I'm going to take a break from ALL news for awhile.........

I think I'm going to take a break from ALL news for awhile.........

Kill the HC boondoggle bill & simply expand Medicare in reconcilliation. Done Deal. nt

Zero inflation?

How does 'starting over' with a HC bill produce anything better? Or even different?

Senator Kirk and Senator Burris.

The Salt Lake City Costco removed all tomatoes from the store before a Sarah Palin book signing

So tell me why we don't let FReepers post on this site?

Animal groups' criticism bounces off hunters who feed hungry

Oh. My. Caption It! (pic)

Avaaz 15million PETITION & Liveblogging youth sit-in NOW for Real Deal at COP15:

Who killed off The Golden Compass?

So the White House sez Dr. Dean is irrelevant, huh? Really? Irrelevant?

From a stock investment advice site:"Watch Out for a Backlash on the Lieberman Maneuver"

Today, I am proud to be a Canadian! not an American! Canada YES! American NO!

Today, I am proud to be a Canadian! not an American! Canada YES! American NO!


The Democratic Party Leadership has done the IMPOSSIBLE!

My letter to Dianne Feinstein

Credit where it's due, Democrats are working hard.

Stop uranium train - Feds to ship DU to Utah soon

refresh my memory -- didn't lieberman cut a deal back at the beginning of this congress?

What happens if the senate bill gets killed?

Obama is not playing Three Dimensional Chess, he is playing Three Card Monte

Do you approve of the job President Obama is doing?


Man jumps on subway tracks to retrieve ipod. Guess what happened...

Man jumps on subway tracks to retrieve ipod. Guess what happened...

Firedoglake raising money for TV ad telling Harry Reid to use reconciliation.

The Empire’s New Clothes: Protesters Offer the Best Hope for Our Planet

Pelosi, Reid, Obama will go down in history as the Dem "leaders" that let the middle class die.

Republicans smell the blood in the water.

Howard dean is intellectually and factually dishonest.

Lieberman says he won’t rule out running as a Republican in 2012.

PBS/NOVA * NOW*: The Spy Factory

WH: Howard Dean Is Having "A Tantrum"

If Dave Vitter didn't resign why should Tiger Woods?


Charting a typical Glenn Beck broadcast LOL!!!

Detroit's Unemployment Rate Is Nearly 50%, This was planned people!!!

Rockefeller slams Dean: 'Nonsense,' 'irresponsible'

Now, a third major error by President Obama rips our country apart.

Fuck Chris matthews

The Dems have fucked themselves out of power in 2012...

Bipartisan House Group (led by Rep. Kucinich) Pushing For Enforcement Of War Powers Act

Lieberman Threatens To Go GOP In 2012, Torpedoing All Hopes Of Getting To 60 On Healthcare

I'm with Howard. Kill the bill!

'Everyone chill the fuck out!! I got this!'

For any and all who need a smile today...

Is Lieberman simply a willing fall-guy for the Insurance Lobby bill?

Is Lieberman simply a willing fall-guy for the Insurance Lobby bill?

What happens to the 40,000 people that die every year with out health care?

What happens to the 40,000 people that die every year with out health care?

Tiger Woods: wife Elin Nordegren 'has decided to divorce him'

Can someone explain something to me about this "covering millions" in the health care bill

Healthcare: First They Came For The Banksters -- Thom Hartmann

Do you stand with Dr. Dean?

Is Federally Mandated Private Insurance Constitutional?

So I muted Obama this morning. Just I like I use to mute Bush.

So I muted Obama this morning. Just I like I use to mute Bush.

Shelter helps homeless female vets get on feet

ok, so let me get this straight.

Feingold Calls Obama Out for Hiding Behind Liebereman

Feingold Calls Obama Out for Hiding Behind Liebereman

Now he's going to raise taxes???

The only reason to support this bill is to prevent the Republicans from claiming victory.

The only reason to support this bill is to prevent the Republicans from claiming victory.

The only reason to support this bill is to prevent the Republicans from claiming victory.

For Christian DU'ers (Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays)

Kid's Jesus-on-the-cross drawing: School district says father is lying

So Chase gets to borrow $$ for next to nothing and Chase Credit Card Rate is 27%(not even default!)

More WTF, Obama: Obama considering setting up commission to

Angry Liberals: Why didn't Barack Obama fight?

Hartmann just said "stick this bill where the sun don't shine".

Couple together for 59 years; die moments apart

Right wing persecution story has holes in it. School denies suspending boy over drawing

*101 reasons why men cheat /By Mark Morford/

On NPR this morning, on one of the call-in programs, I heard that the bill for universal health care

Now I've seen everything. Healthcare gift cards.

Howard Dean now on Thom Hartmann

Grade President Obama's first year

Daryl Cagle TOON on Senate healthcare bill

Bernie Sanders - summarized - it is the People, or the Corporations.

Bernie Sanders on Senate floor now discussing health Insurance

Markos: Strip the mandate, and put GOP on the spot

I suppose Paul Krugman's the latest sellout

FEINGOLD: Don't Blame Lieberman-Blame Obama-The Bill Is What "The President Wanted In The 1st Place"

On health care reform - some things you can do TODAY to act against this atrocity

I can see myself supporting a lot of Primary challenges around the country.

Viva Morales !!!! (Bolivia)


HOWARD DEAN WRITES OP-ED: "I know health reform when I see it, & there isn't much left in the bill"

Hit 'em again, Dean.

i am still howard dean's special interest. i

DFA: Bill doesn't really "cover" 30 million more...just fines them if they don't buy insurance

Howard speaks for me on this legislation. Check in if he speaks for you.

Howard speaks for me on this legislation. Check in if he speaks for you.

Thug bites off part of Rabbi's finger during Chanukah menorah lighting in Vienna

Not a wise decision by the WH to try to make Dean look bad and Lieberman look good.

YouTube Video - CHANUKAH MENORAH TORN DOWN by priest & thugs in Moldova, recalls Kishinev Massacre.

YouTube Video - CHANUKAH MENORAH TORN DOWN by priest & thugs in Moldova, recalls Kishinev Massacre.

Audio of Howard Dean's comments opposing health insurance industry bill: Listen to the public radio

Is Joe Lieberman Protecting Israel?

If we lose Congress in 2010, President Obama should retire

Some including radio and TV hosts and even members of Congress should go back and

Speak softly and carry a big stick

K&R if you'd like to see Obama go to the senate floor and punch Lieberman in his damn mouth...

"Vamos" By the Pixies

Resolved: Strip Lieberman of Homeland Security Chairmanship

So, if a faith healer dies...

Pet peeve: People who feel the need to "conduct" 'Happy Birthday'.

Until there is a Bill Obama Signs or Veto's we are really just killing time.

"Landrieu: Now is the Time to Pass Health Care Reform."

Can we all agree on a little weirdness?

Lieberman is a red herring, the problem is Harry Reid and no reconciliation....

What's left in this godforsaken bill in the Senate that's even worth supporting?

Obama would have to sign a congressional resolution overturning DC's new marriage equality statute

They just killed off both the Dorgan and Lautenburg amendments for drug re-importation.

ok so we had

I hate having to wear clothes.

VIDEO: Howard Dean on HCR on Countdown

Fourth House Democrat To Retire

LIE*****n On Bartcop:

This Health Reform Bill Is Political Suicide

Boston Lobster dinners on the internets... delivered

Do you have friends that are always trying to get you to try B&D?

Lieberman: 'Unlikely' That I'll Run With GOP In 2012, 'But I Wouldn't Foreclose Any Possibility'

Whip Count: Senate bill has 56 on board. Five unknowns: Burris, Feingold, Nelson, Sanders, Snowe.

I'm tired of being lied to!

Photos: The Obama Presidency December 15th, 2009

Dean might be doing the reverse psychology thing...

NOW it's officially the Christmas Season, just watched A Charlie Brown Christmas

Byron Dorgan is a bad Democrat

The Ted Kennedy Better-Than-Nothing Act

Pass the bill and call it what it is: a defeat for progressives

Video Game player ? I need your advice.

Video Game player ? I need your advice.

One of the Best Christmas Commercials this year...

Sunday night's Family Guy/House crossover gets Parents Television Council mad

New Hampshire, Ohio Missouri, Arizona.

Ya know what's fun? Picturing a guy with a toupe .... without his toupe

Could a Vegan lick a Cane Toad?

What's with the Esparanto flag on Google's main page?

I've seen it asked. Who could do better?

Man wins lotto, leaves wife, then she is evicted from her home

Pundits who are saying we shouldn't make this about LIEberman have a point -

Let's not over-react to the death of drug-reimportation.The White House has said it's not necessary

We never got a CBO actuarial...

Did You Contact Your Senators And Tell Them What You Think About This So-Called Health Care Reform?

Video: POTUS After Meeting with Senate Dems

Senator Harkin's Apperance on Rachel's Show Tonight (and others)

And another DI Special Thread bites the dust.

I don't quite know what to make of this ...

"Secret Santa" How do you feel about it? Go to the bathroom already!

Do we really believe that this bill will go into effect?

Guitar Hero Xmas House!

Sandwich-cake. Forget about the saltfiskur and hardtack.

Can anybody explain the rational of who voted AYE and NO to the Dorgan amendment

HCR: I see both the ideal and the reality of American democracy at work.

GOP favorite to face Childers gets primary opponent

New motto.......Kill the Mandate or Kill the bill.

Well, I believe I have been a supreme success as a parent....

Could Congressman Meeks actually do it?

Gordon Retirement Sparks Tennessee Scramble

Remember this?

Senator Sanders on the health care bill

A lot of off-topic threads in GD and GDP about a Tarantino flick

I'm thinking about getting pregnant during comps. My oh my.

Is it okay if I post here, still?

Watching Gone With The Wind on a 20inch screen TV, too.

Let's talk about New Orleans and JAZZFEST!

My relatives want me to come to Texas to visit......should I go?

Kill the bill because...

Public Image Ltd. perform for first time in 17 years

Why We Fight: Understanding Liberal Anger over HCR and False Progressivism

More internet funnies....

Tom Harkin Peddling Crap To Maddow

How crazy should I go with christmas presents?

Rachel Maddow and Roger Ailes in deep discussion tonight at the White House (IMAGE)

If I ever meet Joe Lieberman in person, I'm giving him a goatse.

Would you try this?


Is your phone hooked to cable (VOIP?)

Anyone know where I can get a cool golden calf statue for Xmas?

Christmas party horror stories

Whenever someone posts a photo of themselves or their pets at home,

delete dupe

If you don't support EVERY DEMOCRATIC BILL you are a TEA BAGGER!!!!!

A Crist-Miss Story: Florida's First Couple Celebrates First Anniversary... Separately

If you have a 200x full size GM truck/suv

Good morning, Miss Honeychurch.

Guess what?

cat proof christmas tree

Doompunk: is the new steampunk trend more evidence of pessimism in the US?

Nothing to see here.

Q: What's the worst part of the holidays? A: Commercialism

Q: What's the worst part of the holidays? A: Commercialism

Texts From Last Night (from Stephanie Miller's show this morning)

Republicans going after Chet Edwards

My daughter-in-law's photographer friend won a contest with her pic

The cold weather is making one of my cats PSYCHO.

I'm thinking about a vacation get-a-way type of wedding

Things to consider about the Senate bill

Here's a safety PSA for you (seriously).

Q: What's the worst part of the holidays? A: Children singing

Letting peferct or good be the enemy of adequate is unwise, pass what we have & build on it quickly

SNL Should Do A Skit On nomentum

So today I was smoking a cigarette in a room full of breastfeeding mothers at the olive garden

When you agree with the teabaggers & other RWers that the bill should be killed...

Bacon Appreciation Thread

Yes, the bill should pass. Yes, Lieberman is a douche. And yes, Obama deserves some criticism

Yes, the bill should pass. Yes, Lieberman is a douche. And yes, Obama deserves some criticism

I trust everyone realizes (whether it's fair or not) that this will be called Obamacare

Kill the bill? Seriously?

Man reported for parole check with crack pipe in his pocket

Let's kill the bill and

Piles of more loss. I really do not want another new year, and haven't for a while.

How will the American electorate respond to mandates and huge

No Way, No How, No Bill!

I suspect Kucinich's idea of allowing states to start their own Public plan.....

Wesley Willis Appreciation Thread, Or, "Sick of Carols? Listen to This!"

"Shall We gather at the River?" (Ken Kesey appreciation)

Self-deprecating sense of humor

Self-deprecating sense of humor

The GOP is Mavericky and Rogue-A-Licious and we are Hopey and Change-A-Riffic

Anyone ever been able to retrieve old memories, through hynosis or some other way?

Marvin, You're The Man

LOL! All my ignores are out in full force.

Howard Dean - a call to ACTION for progressives!

If I were Obama.....

So that's what happened to Friendster

When to bring a lab inside in cold weather?

Weird news of the day: New Zealand driver distracted by, runs over young woman flashing her breasts

I was reading about the James Bulger murder

The big picture is the GOP will save HCR for...a DEM sponsored "draft". They

Obama, banksters, and the deal with the devil that WE get to pay for

DOH! I fell asleep while meditating!

Any El Vez fans here?

What hope is there? Just say NO to Liebercare! (CAPTION PHOTO)

The Alternatives

Most Earth-Like Extrasolar Planet Found Right Next Door (42 LtYrs away)

I've dumped Firefox for Google's Chrome browser. domain has expired

Paramount is filming a Keanu Reeves movie outside of my place of work right now

Land Of The Kings

Darcy Burner (Progressive Congress) Says "Kill Lieberman's Bill!"

Deal or Die on Health Care

Bacon Haiku

Don't Make Me Over

Do you have friends that are always trying to get you to stay at B&Bs

One Less Bell To Answer

What's New Pussycat?

Kay Bailey Hutchinson was saying some weird stuff we should be paying attention to

Close To You

I Say A Little Prayer

HG Ridiculous House porn

I love the movie "Ruthless People"...anyone else?

I'm going to the mall to club Santa's knee caps.

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

Does this post make me look fat?

The Look Of Love

Do You Know The Way To San Jose?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer question (1964)

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer question (1964)

That car with cameras for Google earth, has it been near you?

Highway 101

24 Hours From Tulsa

Some guy named The Situation is on Conan from last night.

This isnt a FAIL......It is a job unfinished.....

Circle of Hell Oral Roberts went to?


I want to point something out.

The Hangover? Ughhhh

Dorgan amendment goes down and is withdrawn. The vote was 51-49 and required 60 votes for passage.

The Problem is the SENATE and not Obama...

You screaming libs are shitting all over a good man who is trying to move mountains for you.

Contact your Senator: Tell him or her to kill the mandate

"Obama weighs ordering new debt commission"

Why call it "compromise" when it all flows in one direction?

Putting Obama on Hold, in a Hint of Who’s Boss (BANKSTERS!)

***DECEMBER PHOTO CONTEST*** Come vote. :^)

Can someone explain why this bill allows the Insurance Companies to keep the Anti-Trust exemption?

Teamsters Praise (Kerry) Bill to Close Loophole for Tax Cheats

Harry Reid "I don't work for Obama" (link). Again, Lieberman is a red herring Reids the asshole here

I Would Support Him If He Would Support Me...

The only way to achieve HCR is to quietly accept betrayal of HCR

Oh hell, let's just have Obama issue an executive order.

Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

need cookie dough help...

Are you a Burt Bacharach fan?

How the view from that highchair?

Student Banned From Minnesota Campus Over Facebook Comments

It has been cold to very cool weather in Houston since Nov. 30, almost no sun.

Small point

The Weiner Word

The kids at my school are hurting today. One of their classmates died

Lieberman - I predicted THIS October 30th - do I get a prize?

Always Something There To Remind Me

Housing starts accelerate in November

Hey kid... learn the lyrics and blow your nose before posting to YouTube...

Walk On By

What kind of wedgie does Lieberman desperately need?

The tough talk on Sunday to the banks was just that talk

Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies - Let's make some!


Obama writes letter to NKorean leader

A brand new Lucy Pretty Kitteh pic!

I still think Obama could pull it out if he doubled down and went public NOW

Obama's Influence on Bank Lending Is in Doubt

Why are some people disagreeable simply for the sake of being disagreeable?

Man wins lotto, leaves wife, then she is evicted from her home

Harry Reid's results

Lol. Doesn't it figure. The White House is reportedly furious at Howard Dean

Lieberman the most powerful lawmaker in DC? CT Dems want him Out!

I've Tried A Number Of Times This A.M. To Call The White House Comment Line.......

Health-Care Bill After Compromise with Lieberman: Worse Than Nothing

C-Span2: Senate Debates Bernie Sanders' Single-Payer Proposal (around 11AM)

Any Dr. Pepper drinkers?

What will you be wearing when you vote in Nov. 2012?

Is anyone else looking forward to seeing Curling in the Winter Olympics?

Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax To Tour Together


Tiger Woods Signs Record Endorsement Deal

Bernanke Man of the Year. Really?

What happens after a House-Senate Conference?

Does anyone recall a single instance during the Bush years when they mentioned needing 60 votes?

>>>>Hedz Up -- Sanders Amendment on floor (CSPAN) Now...12:15 pm

Olympia Snowe: "Harry Reid assured me that Medicare buy-in and public option are dead"

I know this is not a "Democratic" party site.. but it gives me great joy

New Moniker for the man who made a joke out of the Nobel "Peace" Prize:

"Starting Over" on health care reform is a fantasy

If Dems are planning on doing a Reconciliation Bill AFTER passing this Bill containing Insurance

If Dems are planning on doing a Reconciliation Bill AFTER passing this Bill containing Insurance

Democratic President Word Association Poll...

So what will happen in conference on HCR

I told you so. I said that Obama would be a Clinton type Centrist. (Not an Obama bashing thread)

Gibbs 1, Boehner 0

I'm sorry. Obama is the furthest-left candidate you will be allowed to have.

Kill the Bill?

K&R if you're willing to work to put in a 65% PROGRESSIVE majority congress !!

"Shake your fists, then get real"

Ugh... Is there anything lamer than former atheists that turn into fundies?

Looks like the Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress are doing a great job

Hell No! Joe Lieberman Has Got to Go!

GOP playing with Defense spending bill

In Bid To Derail Health Care Reform, GOP Delays Passage Of Troop Funding

What bothers me the most is how the Dems all get together and lie down in the

How do you deal with a NASTY co-worker?

Okay, I feel better today.....Because I've given up and don't give a damn what they do.

" X "

"A Dream for Insurance Companies? Must Be News To Them"

"You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead."

Just so we are clear... I LOVE all those disappointed & angry about the healthcare reform situation

Just so we are clear... I LOVE all those disappointed & angry about the healthcare reform situation

Kill this Bill.

"Pssst. This Isn't Over." (HCR)

So apparently Sherlock Holmes was first and foremost an Ultimate Fighting champ. Who knew?

So apparently Sherlock Holmes was first and foremost an Ultimate Fighting champ. Who knew?

New Sherlock Holmes movie....looks good or bad? Discuss.

DU brain drain

Children poorer, your-yes your insurance made worse by this bill

I really need to get up and clean up my place, company is coming for the weekend.

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/16/09

Bernies up on Senate floor -- for real CSpan (2:56)

If Sanders withdrew his single payer amendment, then what is he now debating?

True to form...Congressional Democrats achieving Unity -- United for Failure

On a scale of One - Ten, How screwed by the Democratic Party do you feel?

Guess what mailing list I just 'unsubscribed' to....

When HCR is signed, in the Rose Garden, DU'ers will post pictures to be fawned over.

Daily Kos Diary: Arianna Huffington, White Privilege, Nihilism & Health Reform

Anyone else averse to bringing children into the world?

WTF is going on? I go out for a haircut, and I come back and my husband tells me

I think Reid and Obama wont use reconciliation because it will expose the Democratic Party

Anyone knows what happened to Dr. Strange?

You see what happened to health care bill? Campaign finance reform is now the most important issue!

Senate voting now on motion to kill the Republican motion to stop health care taxes until benefits

Suspicious package found at Sen. Baucus' office

Dupe - please delete

Liberals: We Lost the Health Care Battle But Won the War

When you were younger than 30, did you think that you'd never get old?

President Obama/Drug Industry win fight against importing cheaper prescription drugs from Canada

Too bad Pres. Obama isn't the Dem version of "The Decider" eh?

Obama Administration sending up to 56,000 more military contractors to Afghanistan!

Ambinder: New Dem strategy: hasten (move up) dates for #hcr mechanisms to kick in; add subsidies...

Turn on CSPN 2 (the Senate) NOW!

"The importance of the individual mandate."

Gibbs: "I don't know what piece of legislation Dean is reading."

Here is what I think I know. Which is quite different from actually knowing.

Here is what I think I know. Which is quite different from actually knowing.

If You Called Your Senators And Supported A Public Option - CALL THEM BACK

If You Called Your Senators And Supported A Public Option - CALL THEM BACK

Obama = Terry McAuliffe 2.0.

I have to ask again--how does the Public Option pass?

I have to ask again--how does the Public Option pass?

Why wasn't Medicare buy-in at 40+, removal of anti-trust offered as part of reconciliation?

How popular were the Medicare buy-in and drug importation?

Think Obama Will Have A Town Hall Meeting With Average Americans And......

This appeared to be the official Excrement Hitting the Fan Day for HCR

Smallpox/Dengue Fever 2012

Anyone have a RECENT and CREDIBLE source on the use of reconciliation?

At this point the 56 Dems who support a Public Option should tell Obama & Reid

Best. Web. Site. EVAH.

Truthiness quiz: Gibbs versus Dean

Kill the Health Bill - Howard Dean

The Obama Effect: The Demise of the Democratic Party and a Gift to the Country

Off topic, but is Obama still planning on attending the closing day of the climate summit? nt.

"Liberals Against Health Care Reform Are Nuts"

US Envoy Rejects Higher Emissions Cuts, Reparations

What is your opinion of taking a course where you are in a group of three and

I'm getting a new TOY for myself for Christmas!!

What are you wearing?

Is there anyone who's not thrown under the bus? Not a good sign for re-election.

Lost Highway


Video: Dean, Landrieu on Hardball

Favorite highway that's divisible by 4?

Gallup Daily Tracking Poll - 49% Approve, 41% Disapprove (+1/0 from 12/15)

Republican's 2010 Obama Agenda Survey shows how Out of Touch they are.

How different would things be today if Hillary was President Clinton?

anybody here own a bar? or want to comment on owning a bar?

Is it true that Nancy Pelosi has just said "NO BILL THIS YEAR"?

Good thing the election isn't today...

Weiner: Snowe? Stupak? Lieberman? Who left these people in charge?

The media is letting Obama off the hook on Drug Re-import like they did w/ Bush and Iraq

Sanders withdrew his Medicare for all amendment so no vote was taken!!

John Birch Society Sponsoring CPAC

Ed Schultz just said "Horrible" poll numbers coming tonight about Dems from an MSNBC poll

NYT: Burris Pushes Back (on HCR)

Step away from the spin. The Obama administration is not on the verge of collapse.

More and More, Obama Seems a Faux Liberal

Who are the Dems that voted against drug reimportation?

Charles Gibson wasn't easy on Obama like he was with dimwit Bush in his interview tonite.

Question for Obama Critics: What Can Obama Do To Get Lieberman and Others To Not Filibuster

1 in 5 in U.S. lost health insurance since 2008

Of all the stupid, over the top theories of the HCR bill

my father died this morning

Is this why Obama never entertained a single-payer system?

Bipartisanship may have been a sensible strategy for a 50-50 nation, but...

Obama: The Man vs. The Idea (Tom Tomorrow TOON)

Didn't the Ron Wyden proposal have a smattering of BiPartisan supposrt?

So is anyone here still defending the Whitehouse Private Deal with Pharma?

For those that didn't see this: Conyers ripping Obama/Emanuel for lack of leadership says it all!

Bye Bye DU......

Caption our Commander in Chief! 20 Questions For Bill Killers

Glen Beck in Depression ...did not make Times MAN OF THE YEAR

It's About Affordability And The Mandates, Stupid

The Progressive Case For Passing The Senate Health Bill (updated)

I'm looking for some new bedtime music, so pls tell me:

Give the Health Care Industry the one thing they really fear

Passing this "stack of paper with health care on it" will kill any chances we have to try again.

Poll: Do you approve or disapprove of the job President Obama is doing now?

WH official calls Howard Dean "irrelevant". Video.

The first negotiation demand should have been give up pre-existing conditions and the....

One for the President. [Check in for supporters!]

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the mods during difficult times at DU

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse asks, 'Why spurn a victory in hand?'

Why did many Democrats, including John Kerry and Chris Dodd vote against drug re-importation?

Wow, Dean sure changed his tone from yesterday (updated)

Greenwald rips "White House as helpless victim on health care" excuse

Howard Dean knew Iraq was a bad idea and he knows HCR without PO or Medicare

Not everyone on the Left are bunch of whining kids with no grasp of reality

Stocks for WellPoint, largest health insurance company in the nation, hit year high

A Civics Lesson For Obama-Bashing DU'ers.

Poll: Loss Of Public Option Causes Big Increase In Opposition To Health Care Bill

Rockefeller: What Dean is saying "is nonsense... and he's wrong."


interesting to see how the liberals are being marginalized by the WH and congress

Howard Dean is anything but irrelevant. If he was, the idiots in the White House

Cillizza: "Why Health Care Will Pass (and what it means.)"

I'm thinking about becoming a lounge rat

A message from Bernie

OK, I'm ready to blame Obama

There's this AmEx radio ad for the "Smart Cookies"

Howard Dean and the Goal Posts - His healthcare plan in 2004 was worse than the current bill.

Hello. I am still among the living

D.C. DUers, I need your assistance - longish , but please read all of it

Industrial Love Ballad

Dumbest moments in business 2009 (these are great)

UK court issued warrant for Livni

Mass. 2nd-grader sent home for crucifix drawing

Former Councilman Gets 5 Years for Slush Fund Fraud

Italy investigates pasta makers over 'price-fixing'

Climate Talks Near (Sweeping) Deal on Preservation of Forests

Conservative boycott shuts down (Canadian) Afghan detainee hearing

DC City Council votes to legalize gay marriage

Judge rejects backdating case against former Broadcom executives

Poll: Crist And Rubio Now Tied In Florida GOP Primary

Peanut Corp. officials fight for piece of $1 million policy

Yegor Gaidar, architect of Russia's free market transition, dies aged 53

Russia to complete WTO accession talks in 2010

Obama To Dems: Don't Screw Up This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity

Roll Call: How they voted on drug imports plan

U.S. steps up special operations mission in Afghanistan

Shanandoah, PA Police officers charged by FBI in murder case tampering

Obama: 'We Simply Cannot Allow Differences' To Derail Reform

Russia-NATO relations enter new stage

Sterling public hearing on prison sale still a go: Prison can be sold without panel’s OK

Citigroup gains massive tax break in deal with IRS

U.S. Clears Way to Recognition for Shinnecock Tribe

Rights activist who protested Honduras coup killed

Obama: Senate on the Precipice of Passing Health Care reform

Person of the Year 2009 -

Current Account Trade Deficit Widens in 3Q

EU drops Microsoft browser charges

Revealed: Bush officials EMAILED BOGUS RUMOR Blaming Gore For Failure to KILL BIN LADEN

Revealed: Bush officials e-mailed bogus rumor blaming Gore for failure to kill Bin Laden

Sarah Palin Hits Back at Schwarzenegger

Copenhagen police battle climate protesters

Iraq security forces involved in bombings: PM

Spandau Ballet to be first band to perform in space

DFA says "No Option? No Mandate"

Gulf petro-powers to launch currency in latest threat to dollar hegemony

Russia’s Market Reform Architect Dies

Tony Blair’s new claims on Iraq invasion are ‘very damaging’, says Archbishop of Canterbury

Senate rejects low-cost drug imports

Democrats Lash Out At Obama Over Health Care Disappointments

Abu Dhabi sues Citigroup over its $7.5bn investment in US bank

Rally-Goers Urge Lieberman To Support Health Care

Friends of the Earth among activists barred from Copenhagen conference centre

Union pulls back on supporting (Senate HCR) bill

(Sen. Al) Franken’s amendment on rape included in appropriations bill

House Passes Defense Bill, Rushes Toward Recess

Burris Pushes Back

Illinois town welcomes plan to house Gitmo detainees

Torture suit too hot to be heard, U.S. says

Torture suit too hot to be heard, U.S. says

Nelson (D-Ne) aide: Offutt (air base closure if a no vote on health care) claim false

Copenhagen climate talks yield no deal as leaders arrive

US Silent About Taliban Guarantee Offer on al Qaeda

Couple together for 59 years; die moments apart

56,000 private contractors will join 30,000 troops in Afganistan

Climate talks stall amid protests in Copenhagen

Uninvited Tourists Get Big Surprise at White House

Suspicious package cleared from Baucus office

Person of the Year 2009: Ben Bernanke

Treasury Said to Be Backing Away From Immediate Sale of Citigroup Stake

House backs $290 billion debt limit increase

Brazil court rules for U.S. dad seeking custody

Labor Holds Emergency Meetings To Discuss Senate Bill

U.S. gave up billions in tax money in deal for Citigroup's bailout repayment

First Solar: 1 Billion watts in 2009

$130 Million for Helicopter Obama Doesn't Want

Company: Roy Disney, nephew of Walt Disney, dies

Johanns (R-Ne & 19 other GOP senators) : Probe Offutt 'threat' (stall healthcare with diversion)

House Votes To Expand Sanctions On Iran

Swiss minaret appeal goes to European Court

Up to 56,000 more contractors likely for Afghanistan, congressional agency says

Up to 56,000 more contractors likely for Afghanistan, congressional agency says

Senate to Take up Bernie Sanders Single-Payer Health Plan Wednesday

Blue Shield of California gets tough over late payments (Miss A Payment-Imediately Lose Coverage)

(German) Students shut classes in tuition protests

GOP (Senate) slow down effort underway

Single Payer Health Care Plan Dies In Senate

France to bring in bank bonus tax

Copenhagen police fire tear gas at climate protesters

Woods voted top athlete of the decade

President to Appear on WWE Special

Alien 'water world' found

Speaker Pelosi to shield vulnerable members from controversial votes

Report: Feds improperly gathered intel on Nation of Islam

Lawmakers: Soldiers have problems with combat gear

Chrysler won’t repay $3.7 billion TARP loan

Lieberman won't rule out run as Republican in 2012

Howard Dean: Health Care Bill 'Bigger Bailout for the Insurance Industry Than AIG'

Immigration overhaul bill unveiled in House

Scientists crack 'entire genetic code' of cancer

'Green'(LED) Traffic Lights Blamed For Fatal Accidents

If you are for killing healthcare reform legislation, you are on the same side as...

LED lights making their way to mainstream in 2009

What Dean is saying on Countdown is absolutely chilling.

I'm In - And I'm Stayin' In

House passes COBRA subsidy extension bill

President Obama Writes Personal Letter To NKorean Leader Kim Jong II

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday December 16

This Health Reform Bill Is Political Suicide

Independent UK: It's the protesters who offer the best hope for our planet

VIDEO: Howard Dean on HCR on Countdown

Scarlett accused of misleading inquiry

The Sham Elections in Honduras (The Nation)

Progressive Caucus Urges 'Drone' Attack on Lieberman

This Isn’t Health Reform; It’s Extortion for a Protection Racket

"How Does Somebody Have a Baby in Jail Without Anybody Noticing?"

Spiteful Joe

Twitter Tweets about Insurance Companies as of December 16, 2009

Obama Urges Insulation of Lieberman as Sexy

Why We're Fascinated by the Paranormal, Masonic Myths and Secret Societies

"Obama Writes Letter To North Korea's Kim Jong Il, Says AP Source" by Kwang-Tae Kim

The troubled belly of the populist beast

Markos: Remove mandate, or kill this bill

Unbearable Lightness of Obama: The Audacity of Retrenchment

Victims' families tell their stories following Nato airstrike in Afghanistan

"The Jobless Recovery: Larry Summers and the End of the Economic Crisis" by Anthony DiMaggio

"White House as Helpless Victim on Health Care" by Glenn Greenwald

Who's afraid of the big, bad Zinn?

Thinking Outside the Box: What Obama Could Have Said

HCR likely dead in Senate. With Lieberman and the rest of the Corporate Lobbyist Party strangling

Kill the health bill ...Howard Dean ...Wash Post

Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism

Health Care "Bill"

Two-legged dog gives hope to disabled vets

Hostage Situation (James Howard Kunstler)

Two Bills In Congress Restore Glass - Steagall.

Since this is a Republican HC "reform" bill now, Dems ought to add "anti-price fixing" language

The Washington Post Is Panicked, Again!!!!!! (Dean Baker)

Poll reveals depth and trauma of joblessness

Robert Scheer: Wall Street’s Fat Cats Are Still In Charge

The Lesson of Lyndon Baines Lieberman (R-CT)---Sirota

Romania's bloody revolution remembered

From the files of "Shit we already knew....": Real loneliness can do serious damage


The Fall Guy AKA Shitty Joe

Cost Estimate for Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as Proposed on 11/18 (Director, CBO)

More and More, Obama Seems a Faux Liberal

Was Organized and Systemic Fraud Perpetrated by Banksters?

The Self-Destruction of Barack Obama

Could the US use a little protectionism?

Healthcare: First They Came For The Banksters

Lawmakers want more H-1Bs, new 'Founders Visa'

Mr. Lieberman: The Democrats' Albatross

Randy Newman - I Think It's Going to Rain Today!

mary black,dolores keane,de'danann-hard times come again

TYT: How Cenk Would Handle Sell-Out Democrats

Hope is making a comeback!

Summer Rayne Oakes on the walkout at Cop 15

Kaona Cut: Ittai Wong and Jamaica Osorio

GOP [Hearts] 100 Wall Street Lobbyists


Senate Divas: Lieberman, Lincoln, Landrieu, Webb & More

MIT's Copenhagen Wheel for your Bike debuted at COP15

TYT: McCain Fights For Financial Reform But Obama Doesn't ?'s Jane Hamsher on Joe Lieberman and Health Care Reform

Ned Lamont Discusses Joe Lieberman's Health Care Reform Flip-flop

Rep. Marcy Kaptur: Pres Obama Held Yet ANOTHER White House Meeting To Jawbone Wall St Bankers!

How Do You Go In A Room Without Punching Lieberman OUT! - Ed Shultz.

Jonathan Turley On Moving GITMO Detainees To Super Max Prison In Illinois

Videographer gets arrested and beaten for not being deferential enough to cops

Rep. Alan Grayson: We Have to Fight for the Power of Peace

Arianna Huffington: It Is Absurd To Cede Control Of Health Care Reform To Joe Lieberman

Gore: Tell The Senate To Pass Climate Change Legislation By Earth Day, 2010

Naomi Klein: To Obama & US Politicians - DON'T BOTHER

Maldives President Nasheed: "We Refuse To Be Quiet" On Climate Change

Naomi Klein discusses non-violently shutting down negotiations in Copenhagen

Thom Hartmann - Are protester's voices being heard in Copenhagan?

Erik Prince, Blackwater, and the CIA

TYT: Obama Admin Weakness Vs. Bush Admin Strength

Dean on ABC: "This is an insurance company's dream, this bill...the Washington scramble."

Thom Hartmann - How does a remote control get stuck in someone's butt?

Papantonio: Inflation is a Good Thing

The Trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by Ted Rall

Waxman-Markey Bill To Give Energy Sector Special Status?

DN! “If Bush Was In Kindergarten, Obama Is In 1st Grade” – Indian Environmentalist Sunita Narain

Pap and Jim Hightower Discuss Obama's War

Friends Of The Earth Delegation Get Expelled From COP15 During An Interview With Amy Goodman

TYT: 8 Year Old Suspended For Drawing Jesus On Cross? (& HUGE TYT Announcement!)

Dean on Countdown. Not happy with Senate bill.

Sanders: The Day Will Come When Congress Has Courage to Stand up to Private Insurance Cos

Bernie Sanders speech on the floor about Single Payer

Thom Hartmann - Obama's Big Sellout with Matt Taibbi

TYT RANT: Pathetic - Barack Obama Caves In To Joe Lieberman

Rare gold coin found in Salvation Army donation kettle

Maddow strikes back at Dick Armey's nonsensical attack on her

TYT: Cenk finally comes to his senses, now supports single payer health care

Tom Harkin (on Maddow) Health Reform Bill: 'Strong Foundation'

North Korean News on Traitor Joe Lieberman

Ottawa eyes breaks for oil sands

Dupe - Please delete.

MIT's Copenhagen Wheel for your Bike revealed at COP15

Report: Meaningful Numbers of Plug-In Hybrids Are Decades Away

NOW Toronto: Canada's rep still slipping

Energy-Efficient Traffic Lights Can't Melt Snow

Drumbeat: December 16, 2009

the Water War in CA. Feinstein's Water Transfer Bill Madera County Builder to take more.

Statement from the UK science community

Deniergate - 8 Quivering "Scientific" Turds Paraded As "Evidence" By Denial Lobby - New Scientist

Mayor Of Wood Buffalo, Alberta - Cancer Problems In Ft. Chipewayan "Not A Municipal Concern"

Typhoon Laurence Hits Cat 5 As Rigs NW Of Australia Evacuate Crews - Landfall Likely Today (12/16)

Humboldt Squid, Southern Species, Now Range North To Sitka, AK - Fisheries Impact Worries Scientists

Leaked Documents Suggest Canadian Oil & Gas Sector May Only Cut Emissions 10% By 2020

Summer Rayne Oakes on the walkout at Cop 15

Climate Wizard makes large databases of climate information visual, accessible

"Ocean Acidification Irreversible On A Timescale Of 10s Of Thousands Of Years" - CBD Report 12/14/09

Renewable timetable is a long shot

Audi exec: Obama's love for electric vehicles premature

New book on Chernobyl from New York Academy of Science

Researchers develop nanotechnology for dirt-resistant solar panels

GREENLAND GLACIERS: WHAT LIES BENEATH—Researchers learning more about how water beneath glaciers …

Water Loss in California's Central Valley 30 cubic kilometers since 2003

10 Most Magnificent Trees in the World.

New Scientist Crushes Daily Express Denialist List With 50 Referenced Reasons For Climate Breakdown

Toxic Algae Blooms Hit Record Levels In US - Red Tides, Beach Closures, Fish Kills, More - AFP

Can You Name the Planet's Biggest Gas Guzzler?

Air Car - Gotta See This !!

Wickmayer, Malisse cleared to play; ITF lifts ban

Kimbo! and a prediction

On Countdown tonight -- Did Tiger take PED's?

U.S. to play at Netherlands in World Cup warm-up

Tiger Woods Wins AP Athlete of the Decade

The Sporting News ranks the Sun Bowl as the best bowl game this year.

Dodgers trade Juan Pierre to White Sox

Clinton Portis discusses Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods voted Athlete of the Decade

Boxing (Dec 16 - 19)

Lane Kiffin breaking the rules---Again.

Big 10 (11) to expand to 12 teams?

Gunmen fire on Honduran journalist's car, 1 killed

U.N. experts say Venezuela's Chavez creating fear

Funes rules out incorporation into ALBA

Whom the gods would destroy, part 4: The crisis in Honduras.

Honduran de facto government announces withdrawal from ALBA

Evo in Copenhagen: Amy Goodman's report.

Brazil's Senate approves Venezuela in Mercosur

Top Ten Ways You Can Tell Which Side the United States Government Is on With Regard to the Military

Brazil Senators Approve Venezuela Entry Into Mercosur (Update1)

Haaretz Op-ed: Bring on the Transparency

UN: Much of West Bank closed to Palestinian building

Silently Stealing Jerusalem

Gaza's Azhar University shuts down fearing clashes

Analysis: Making sense of modern anti-Semitism

Abbas to remain Palestinian president beyond January

Weighing Netanyahu as Peace Maker

Jewish town won't let Arab build home on his own land

When Will It Be Our Time?

Armed intruder killed by homeowner in St. Rose

The effects of relaxing gun restrictions on MARTA (Atlanta rapid transit)

Gun Banning Oak Park Pass Out Whistles to Fight Crime

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case Against Gun Maker...

Ya gotta be kidding me. Really. Ya gotta be fuckin' kidding me.

Workers at bun bakery sue Wendy's

Tell Toyota: Keep NUMMI open! (apparently Toyota feels American workers are more expendable)

Most grocery workers reject union leader's call for strike

An injury to one is an injury to all

OSHA cites Stanton, Neb., firm (1 preventable death)


Does this make any sense?

IMHO these few days will demonstrate the wisdom of Obama keeping his blackberry

Where Did Democratic Underground Go?

"Merry Christmas* you wonderful Democrats with the capital D and Obama supporters

a couple wide-angle night shots

Close-up photos of dying star show our sun's future (w/ Video)

First Global Map of Mercury Revealed

Thousands evacuated as Mayon volcano threatens Philippines villages

'Super-Earths' orbit nearby stars (BBC)

Proof of Physical Theory provides Quantum reasoning for 2nd century Buddhist design

Gay Uganda bloggers conversation with a Ugandan Legislator (OMFG seriously)

NC: largest county - Mecklenburg - approves domestic partner benefits for workers

Anti-Marriage backers going to push further retreat from real world

Group urges Salvation Army boycott

DC Council votes for marriage, Catholic church blinks

Healthcare Stocks On Fire As Investors Wake Up And Realize Healthcare "Reform" Is A Giant Sellout

Washington warned of crisis unless debt is stabilised

Senator Jeff Merkley( D-Oregon) will vote against re-appointing Bernanke.

Wow, just wow..........

Gary Craig of EFT fame retiring

Proof of Physical Theory provides Quantum reasoning for 2nd century Buddhist design

It's a sad day when a person can't even enjoy a conversation with those

Crossposting from health

Crossposting from health

Homeopathic relief from "Cedar Fever" - tea with juniper berries

Hormone that curbs hunger may guard against Alzheimer's (BBC)

Low Dose Naltrexone for Cancer, AIDS, MS and other autoimmune diseases

Vacuum Cleaner For The Brain

Mercola: Baking Soda Cures H1N1!

Mass. school denies suspending student for drawing

Prosperity Gospel Pioneer Oral Roberts, Dead At 91

Latest "War on chrisTmas" Story shot down within one day

CNN: Shroud Discovered in Jerusalem Adds New Nails To Coffin Of Turin Shroud's Claim of Authenticity

35 Great Quotes On The Subject Of Religion (Sure To Enrage All Fundies)

'Jesus-era' burial shroud found

War On Xmas - The FSTDT Edition

Ulnar Nerve Transposition (dat's my funny-bone)

Festiveness, Stacked Up Southern Style

Advice on Freezing bread and bread dough

OMG! We got a gift certificate in the mail today.

How Top Chefs Stay Thin