Democratic Underground

Archives: December 21, 2009

Israel Harvested Organs in ’90s Without Consent

A few thoughts.

More homes are poised to hit the market

Can we have a ban on calling progressives the same as teabaggers?

Goldman Sachs threatens Spanish move

Investors first, employees/customers second, Lobbyists first, voters/public second

Thousands of bicycles & toys were given away to families in LA (they waited in line for 26 hrs) pics

Do it Obama just do it.

The "Full Nelson" of Health Reform - pic

Two calls came today. DFA and PA Dem party, for donations.

I love Alex Baldwin

Cop Pulls Gun After Getting Hit With Snowball.

DC cop brings gun to a snowball fight

Hey, Dead Intern Guy -- You must be blind.

How much ya want to bert the Pubs try to postpone the vote at 1AM?

Christian Anti-Porn Add-ons for Firefox...I kid you not!

Sarah Palin wins and award! For biggest lie of the year. From PolitiFact.

Bailed-out Goldman Sachs played bigger role in AIG trades: report

Tony Blair insists: It's not true nobody likes me

So has there been or not been a terrorist attack on Indian nuclear facilities?

prius owners (again)

I'd sure like some conservative t-bag or d-bag to tell me that Fox News is actually "news"

Colombia 'facing foreign threat'

Feingold: Obama Responsible For Loss Of Public Option

How Health Care Lobbyists Influenced The Reform Bill

Nelson got himself a hell of a deal.

Sign stolen from Auschwitz found, police say

This will seem obvious to many, but.....It seems to me that our Senators

The Copenhagen waste of time conference shows how badly we need a more powerful UN

Digby wants contributions

Feingold: Obama Responsible For Loss Of Public Option

Feingold: Obama Responsible For Loss Of Public Option

Feingold: Obama Responsible For Loss Of Public Option

Sen. Paul Kirk: the latest person put up to trashing Howard Dean

AIG, Health insurance, TARP and HCR

Can someone explain Tom Coburn's position on health care?

Worst Aspects of the Current HCR & What Might Happen As It Moves to Conference:

Yemen accused of rights abuses

Olympia Snowe confirms she’ll filibuster health reform

Why are Progressives like Feingold supporting the Senate bill?

Ah trends.... started doing some research into the US Labor History

I am listening to Mark Begich, and I need to say it doesn't sound too bad /nt

Better than nothing

time to resurrect the national women's party??

Verizon Wireless Defends Fee-$350 Charge for Breaking Cellphone Contract Is Justifiable

afghan coalition casualties doubled during Obama's months of decision

Nuclear cooperation highlights French PM's visit to China

Christmas card from the Obama's

NY Times - "Senate Debate on Health Care Exacerbates Partisanship"

Vote For The WORST Xmas Song!

Health Bill Money For Hospital Sought By Dodd

Govt-backed gay bar opens

"Sen. Mitch McConnell: Approving health bill would be historic mistake"

Bart Stupak - Is He Being Challenged In The Primaries, And By Who?

So when will the bill be available for us to see /nt

So if the HCR Act wins, what does it say about coburn's and other pseudo-christian rebpulicans god?

Hey! Just try to MAKE ME buy mandatory insurance

Michael Moore suggests boycotting Connecticut due to their voting in Lieberman

Good grief. eom

I am heart broken...

I am heart broken...

mccain is an asshole /nt

Please support DU member Mirrera in getting her video back on DU!

Im starting to become convinced there are 2 CBOs

It's a good thing I'm here on the left coast.

Bill Nelson just called the republicans liars. At least that is something I agree with /nt

McCain is natering on.

Is Senate Healthcare vote in 30 minutes?

Is Senate Healthcare vote in 30 minutes?

Reid is reading letters from his constituents begging for healthcare reform. What do the republicans

What's going on now? All this silence??? nt

How were we *ever* going to get a public option with Lieberman as the 60th vote?

Joe Lieberman just voted Aye /nt

EFF lawsuit reveals US improperly collected data on citizens

Senate healthcare bill now relies on regulation

Want free health care for America?

Who's up for senate-watch-pajama-party?

We Never Saw it Coming-Of Course the Corporatists Wanted Our Party

The number of filibusters in the Senate 1947 to 2008

Childhood hunger’s many fronts

CNN & Fox Are Reporting On This Historic Vote - MSNBC Has......

CNN & Fox Are Reporting On This Historic Vote - MSNBC Has......

CNN & Fox Are Reporting On This Historic Vote - MSNBC Has......

Bill-O, you'll love my war on Christmas

Uh, when the hell was McCain ever for reimportation of prescription drugs?

Just curious...why does it take politicians so long to get on the floor to vote?

Women's medical information will not be posted online in Oklahoma -- for now

I support Ben Nelson's deal

The American People will be wrapped up with a bow on top and under

The American People will be wrapped up with a bow on top and under

How many republicans voted for social security and medicare? /nt

Do yourself a favor and go see Avatar.

Hey Repubs! Don't like long bills? Maybe you shouldn't have given us the PATRIOT Act!

its official, 60 Aye's

Senator Whitehouse's take on the health care bill

Here it is again: My favorite Christmas story.

A Sense of Community Exemplified

For Jews, Yemen no longer a place to call home

Arms-laden plane seized in Thailand 'was heading for Iran'

As someone pointed out, the health care coverage I receive is what we'll be getting

Aryan Nations and Senator praying his enemies will suffer - welcome to the US healthcare debate

Judge ponders Roeder's 'necessity defense'

The Spirit Of The Season

Obama 'Controlled by the far left'?

God damn, I hate listening to Mitch McConnell.

Limbaugh syndicator, Citadel, files for bankruptcy!

Think about this , why are they voting on X-mas eve ?

A health insurance reform cartoon to pass around: "Ali wanted to kill Americans..."

is this worth a look?

Does anyone know? Do mandates kick in before subsidies?

Veterans for Peace looking for executive director

WJ this morning - Senate Votes on Health Care

If I hear praise for the Senate working this late like it's a miracle one more time...

Left and right finally have discovered a common foe. Too bad for the country that his name is Obama.

Left and right finally have discovered a common foe. Too bad for the country that his name is Obama.

Heartbreaking story on 60 minutes - Wilmington Ohio.

2 November Days & Crunching Leaves

Boy Rescued From Costco Gun Safe

I'm listening to axelrod on mtp and all I can think is

Remember how capitalism is supposed to work?

Really? You think the repubs want this legislation?

Drunk 4-year-old boy steals neighbour's Christmas presents

how will the insurance bill help people like me?

Obama should do a Bush

K&R if you have seen the movie "Avatar" and think it rocks.

the pres. is in deep doo-doo. he's lost Mark Slackmeyer!

All of our little crystal balls aren't worth jackshit.

well, this has all been very educational

Israel Harvested Organs in ’90s Without Consent

Spanish quest to identify black soldier who fought against fascism in civil war

Spanish quest to identify black soldier who fought against fascism in civil war

The Night Before Christmas- Congress version

SEIU's Stern Softens Tone And Outlines What He Wants From Final Bill

Want to know what's in the Senate healthcare reform bill?

In support of the Filibuster

Republicans Test New Delay Tactic On Al Franken: Farting


By the way, did Rachel ever get an answer from C-SPAN?

Here is some really great bullshit!

Matt Taibbi, Bill Moyers and Robert Kuttner: Why Can't Democrats Do Anything Right?

Q: Why doesn't the (health care) free market work in Libby, MT?

Spitzer: expansion not reform

HP ponders opening technical support call center in Africa (guess India is getting too expensive)

Soon enough in time, we will accept what will be dealt us in health care legislation.

Soon enough in time, we will accept what will be dealt us in health care legislation.

White House: 'Reality' will 'trump polls'

Target fires 7 workers for buying Zhu Zhus

an open rebuttal to sen. mitch mcconell

Canada's healthcare timeline- it was not accomplished overnight.

Conn. has a nuke plant event

Firedoglake: Kill the Senate Health Care Bill

Despite everything HCR will be the most progressive legislation passed since the Great Society.

"White House comment line is closed due to inclement weather" But not the Senate. Unbelievable. nt

10 Reasons to Kill the Senate Bill

We Should End The Filibuster

GI Resistance

18-Gigapixel Panorama Offers Breathtaking View of Prague

A timely message for many of us...

American People: Current Decade Rates as Worst in 50 Years

I call for a moratorium on Democrats sniping at Democrats.

Stuck on the Tarmac? Passengers Have New Rights

I can't help but feel in many ways the health care reforms focused on the wrong targets

I can't help but feel in many ways the health care reforms focused on the wrong targets

More Ted Rall

Picks for Afghan Cabinet show little sign of hoped-for reform

From Senator Bernie Sanders site on HCR

GE sends message that-it will not tolerate doctors raising health concerns about its products

When did progressives start to care more about destroying corporations

Who figured, Sen McCain is allowed to call Palin. "Sarah"....

"Operation White Christmas" in Italy, performing house-to-house searches for "illegals"

To Deal With Obsession, Some Defriend Facebook

Sheldon Whitehouse: "The lying time is over....there will be a reckoning." By GottaLaf

The Man Who Conned The Pentagon (Con-man convinced Bush White House he had a secret decoding tech)

Martha Stewart Celebrates First Gay Wedding Ceremony

Political and Economic Elites...

Chavez OKs shooting drones over country

"Hope and Change" - Not for us - for the insurance industry! HaHaHa! nt

Might Obama had this in mind? Joint conference bill can't be fillibustered

MSNBC: Target rehires the 7 employees who were fired

Ha! Dylan Ratigan just apologized to Rep. Wasserman-Schulz

Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning

Could Obama have ended the for-profit insurance industry?

The Fate of California's Forests - The Economics of Cut-And-Run

Video: Four Seasons, Winter (part 2) with Finnish violinist Pekka Kuusisto

DC Cop Pulls Gun On Snowball Fighters

republicans hate liberals

If you are following the chain of disappointments here's what comes next

Law & Order in Pennsylvania - Corruption, Murder and Race Hate

'Sesame Street's' Olivia dies of cancer

Will President Obama and Congressional Democrats allow the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010?

ok, i've been educated

Report: Bush Admin Raised Terror Alert Based On Con Man's Al Jazeera 'Decoding' Scam

Report: Bush Admin Raised Terror Alert Based On Con Man's Al Jazeera 'Decoding' Scam

Top US Officer (Mullen): Force Must Be Option for Iran

Polish police recover stolen Auschwitz gate sign

Copenhagen climate summit: Five possible scenarios for our future climate

What leverage do we have over Lieberman?

Stay-at-Home LGBTs in 2010

Procedural question: When the Senate and the House bills are reconciled...

Pregnancy as punishable offense

wowzer. denny hastert gets $40,000 a month in taxpayer monies

wowzer. denny hastert gets $40,000 a month in taxpayer monies

FBI Linguist Guilty of Leaking Classified Documents

Why HCR, why now?

The time to kill the bill is passed.

Well, at least there's this...

"The only good liberal is a dead liberal"

Judge to decide whether Scott Roeder can use "necessity defense" tomorrow

I smell treachery....

Who can answer this question ?

Wait for it... Global Weather Change Denial

Washington Post: Dodd got $100M project for his home state added to HCR bill

Elliot Spitzer, et al. : "Show Us the Email"

Pittsburgh mayor drops tuition tax push

You want to fight the HCR bill, unite and start our own healthcare COOP

Senators want drunk driving convicts to pass breathalyzer before starting cars

What Congress Critters don't understand about Medicare and the health care issue.

Is it true it just takes a majority of Senate to change the rules on cloture?

Why did the Senate allow insurance companies to exclude pre-existing conditions for adults

The Christmas Pickle...

It is time to go nuclear.

A joyous Winter Solstice to you all..

Are the Dixie Chicks back from banishment?


Fugitive doctor found living in tent on Mont Blanc (fraud, malpractice)

Pastor warns of 'Goth' culture after plot

Pastor warns of 'Goth' culture after plot

cheney named asshole of the Year

Health Industry Stocks up 1.05% today. No more than the general market.

Let me ask you all a question about your Progressive and Conservative friends

Re- HCR, Anyone Else Reminded of Something?

Notice how you're called a Republican if you criticize the HCR Bill?

I basically told the DSCC to go to hell this weekend when they called asking for my money again!

It makes me sick to see many here turn on Bernie and Russ. Just pukable.

Which things in the Senate bill wouldn't you think were good if they

Glenn Beck vs. Dale Gribble

Explain to me how public funded abortions are any worse than...

Setting up an openly-fake insurance plan?

Anyone else feel that many here who claim to speak for the poor are advocating against them?

Media Matters Misinformer of the Year 2009

My Letter - Day 2 - Where is yours? Those who stop trying go nowhere fast!

Barack Obama believes in the Golden Rule.

Museum exhibits pictures drawn by Delta passengers-they were given crayons to ease nerves after 9/11

Would you support HCR?

Rec/Unrec works for non-donors?

The Senate Bill, formerly known as Crappy Bailout for Insurance Industry has passed.

Pulse of the economy ( pic)

Interesting Point from Paul Krugman's Op-Ed

Sen Coburn PRAYS A Dem Senator Will Die--Or At Least Become Incapacitated Before The Vote Tonight

Has the Speaker had anything to say about Conference

For all the uneducated about medicaid and welfare,

Anyone listening to Thom Hartmann kick this fundie loony's ass with Scripture?

Anyone listening to Thom Hartmann kick this fundie loony's ass with Scripture?

Who Needs Facts? Glenn Beck's Dishonorable "Lie of the Year" Award

Senator decries delays on Hispanic claims

Please, everybody. Can we agree to pass the Senate version and direct our energies

The anchor on MSNBC right now...

Ginger Conspirators Throw Support to Senate Bill

Today, December 21 is National Homeless Person's Memorial Day

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

A step toward regulating the health insurance industry.

Combat veterans going deaf (Afghan.)

I understand there are 2 more procedural votes requiring 60 votes this week. What are those about?

What do you feel is the main reason the Dems won by such big margins in 2008?

Why Obama was Right to Allow Congress to Make the Bill

The REAL Reason Health Insurers Stock is SKYROCKETING

Deer Shot At Woodlands Zoo - Animal Shot While In Pen

Darn it Obama and the Democrats!

Not to go all Ron Paul or anything, but the fire-safety cigarette makes me kinda hate government

Last Marine battalion set to leave Iraq

Medicaid expansion in the new bill.... any details?

So apparently if you don't back democrats 100% you shouldn't post here

Do DUers who support this healthcare legislation do so out of loyalty to President Obama?

If you are positively affected by the HRC bill, post here.

Ruling Class Graffiti

Stocks go up. Stocks go down.

The right-wing health care "solutions" all come down to cutting taxes

Has anyone posted here yet that Brittany Murphy played the dead girl in "The Dead Girl"

Those who support Obama and the "HCR" bill that we will wind up with are now touting

How Barack Obama undermined the Obama presidency

HCR-IT'S NOT OVER-Conyers: "Without Material Changes-This Legislation Will Be Reform In Name Only"

Does anyone else wonder...

How do we get rid of the filibuster? /nt

Read My Lips, No New Taxes

What exactly are these people celebrating?

Dean, Lieberman Point To Obama for DEATH of PUBLIC OPTION

Dean, Lieberman Point To Obama for DEATH of PUBLIC OPTION

How long can one Senator possibly filibuster?

Q: Couldn't Obama Negate Stupak/Nelson Thru A Signing Statement?

USA Today: Officer accused of pulling gun at snowball fight on desk duty pending investigation.

I've worked on Christmas Eve, I'm sure many of us common folk have...


What is becoming obvious as the shit hits the wall

What do you believe the Democrats can accomplish without any Republican support?

60 votes... now what happens? n/t

Its like buying your gold coins from a TV ad

Happy Solstice, everyone!

Virtual HCR townhall going on now

A Great Response To This Ridiculous Chuck Norris Quote

Stop blaming Obama for the problems in the HCR bill.

"No Opportunity Too Big to Blow" Naomi Klein:

just a minute!!!!!

I just learned a new trick

Busted for his acts of kindness, Freeland teen to get award

100s' gather in field to protet global Warming (Photo)

Looks like Big Ed Schultz is beating the tax on tanning booths.

Signs of class war as Senate plans health care vote

Letter - Day 3 - Where is yours?

Video: Lindsey Graham accuses Obama of 'seedy Chicago politics, backroom deals, bribes'

Comparing the Senate and House Healthcare Bills

Obama Empowered Lieberman: The Nation

Robert Byrd's Death Seemingly Prayed For By Tom Coburn

It's time for us progressives to accept some simple realities.

Mexico City assembly legalizes same-sex marriage


Where does the majority of DU stand on the healthcare legislation?

"479,640 minutes later"

I have a question if the deal for Nelson's vote is unconstitutional?

A quick summary of my ideology so people will understand my anger at the bill

Boston mom calls 911 over over son's video game habit

Viagra/Cialis causing marital problems instead of solving them?

Deep in Health Bill, Very Specific Beneficiaries

They are going to start rounding up and jailing American Citizens

So...ummm...when are we going to actually go UNDERGROUND again?

Pedophile laws are unfair and punish people who like under aged kids.

oops - duplicate (except for my own comments) -- apologies to "upi402"

Little Boxes

When This "Thing" Passes It Will Be Quite The Cathartic Moment

The truth of what happened at the summit by Fidel Castro

Privatization with subsidies vs privatization without subsidies.

Medicare buy in.. NOW!

Is Alterman right?

CSPAN: Sen. Whitehouse Rips The GOP Today - 'The Lying Time Is Over... There Will Be A Reckoning'

Wow! I think there are going to be lots of unhappy people on DU when Obama is re-elected handily

Should fines be tied to income?

Senator Lindsey Graham Lists African-Americans as a Problem in His State

DUI laws are unfair and punish the poor

Brittany Murphy apparently ill with flu like symptoms days before death

There is Gross Profit, and Adjusted Gross Profit, and then there is Net Profit

On "Cooling the Mark" Out- for those feeling betrayed

$22 billion of federal bail-out funds went to Goldman Sachs execs

Have Progressives been the one's "stalling health care reform for decades"?

McCain on Dems & health care: "It's one of a great Bernie Madoff gimmicks that anybody's ever seen"

March 20, 2010. March against War in DC

I order you to give your Mom a hug, after you read this.

r/w blogger Bob Owens: "All I Want Is A Byrd Dropping For Christmas":

Can anyone tell me how we could have gotten a public option when we didn't have the votes for it?

So Jebus turned against Coburn and

Leadership, Obama Style: Pretty Speeches, Compromised Values...

Oh Senator Harkin, you are so sweetly naive.

It feels like a battering ram was used on "the left" this week for questioning policy.

Parents: Religion Led To Children Being Taken Away

Pope passes special Vatican copyright giving him exclusive right to use his name, title, image

Regarding the millions of citizens that would be "covered" by this HCR bill

Can anything destroy the Democratic Party faster than a phony "reform" that destroys the middle...

Relax, contributions to corporate tyranny are completely unenforceable. Taxing isn't collecting.

When Obama said he thought the public option was best, was he flat out lying?

Is this nannyism?

There is a very good reason why a HRC bill needed to be done this year. We have some Senators

President Obama reads Polar Express to children at Boys and Girls Club of Washington - pics

A wild theory about why we couldn't have a public option.

Sen. Whitehouse: There Will Be A 'Reckoning' For GOP's 'Desperate, No-Holds-Barred Mission Of Propag

A Man who Drives a Car in Circles was AP's Athlete of the Year.

To my ideological adversaries and dear friends on this day

Does this bill help or hurt the poor?

No one is talking about the worst aspect of the Senate bill - another of Obama's failures

Howard Dean now for passage of Senate Health Care bill?

So, HCR supporters - how's that a Vagina Tax gonna go over with females?

Sen. Franken Nails It

Can I ask a dumb question about the Health Care Bill?

FireDogLake: "kill the healthcare bill" - is this REALLY happening?

Howard Dean says pass the Senate bill!

Serving U.S troops could face prison if they fall pregnant while active

Destroying the Everglades at 25 Cents Per Ton

Your Forthcoming Holiday Present:

Presenting: Fundie Quote of the Day. # 8 And a new word, also.

Midnight In The Food-Stamp Economy

From June 2009. 313 billion cuts to Medicare to pay for new health care plan.

Merry F%$#@!& Christmas Freepers!

The Unconstitutionality and Ramifications of a Health Insurance Mandate

How different you would life be if we had some form of national health care.

My disgust for the Repukes just spun out in overdrive

If you are not happy with what has happened to health care reform...

OK, so Tweety says we are not Democrats, Emanuel says we don't matter,

If you are a progressive who is pissed about what happened with this bill

Payments for cardiovascular Medicare patients may go down by 50% under HHS new rules on January 1.

Show Santa you meant well. . . . please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!

M.Baucus secured universal health care for the residents of Libby, MT

TAVIS SMILEY Calls Obama’s Health Care Victory “SMALL CHANGE”

Obama Follows a Proud GWB Jr. Tradition With Warrantless NSA Wiretapping

Rate the current HCR bill based on what you know of it

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments 1848

Have you ever thought about the concept of a 'Worker's Paradise'?

Have you ever thought about the concept of a 'Worker's Paradise'?


Shadow's annual Happy Winter Solstice thread. If that's possible this dreary year.

US demanded lots gave almost nothing

Far right Christian group endorses Ugandan "death penalty for gays" law

True reform, I repeat, will not occur until healthcare is removed from

This midnight session looks really bad

Let's hear it for all of the republicans who helped pass HCR.

Letters to Santa

Harsh Realities of the Senate Bill from FDL

Co-Pays, Deductibles, Out of Pocket Expenses, and Me

Co-Pays, Deductibles, Out of Pocket Expenses, and Me

The Senate Bill Saves Families Money

Hooray! Celebrate the Winter Solstice. It is hereTODAY!

If you ask me, we'd be better off keeping those 30 million uninsured.

If you ask me, we'd be better off keeping those 30 million uninsured.

Priest outrages police by telling congregation: 'My advice to poor is to shoplift'

I'm switching to Republican

Sumerians Look On In Confusion As God Creates World

Firefox 3.5 is now the most used browser version worldwide.

Chávez: US Military Aggression Against Venezuela Escalating

For those who like to insist the poor get medicaid

OK DUers help me out

At first I was totally disillusioned, but when I found out that

Fighting Fascism (Do You Know This Man?)

Tom Coburn Prays for Robert Byrd's Death

How the "third way" screwed the World.

D.C. Detective underfire for pulling gun at mass snowball fight, snowball hits his Hummer

China to execute British man for heroin possession

Famous Flames

Mayor blasts EMT who refused to help: Pregnant woman collapsed while they were on break. Woman dies.

RW radio guy said the reform will kill the insurance industry

US President: "The masters of the gov't...are the combined capitalists and manufacturers of the US"

Dear MSNBC, Please stop calling it the "Roman Polanski sex case"

The Gospel of Consumption: Of Subservience to Machines, Human Welfare, and Kellog's Six-Hour Day

The Thrill of Victory; The Agony of Deceit! United Health's stock up big today.

The Thrill of Victory; The Agony of Deceit! United Health's stock up big today.

The Thrill of Victory; The Agony of Deceit! United Health's stock up big today.

On Big Ed: Jane Hamsher Just Declared A Devastating Blow to the Progressive Movement

LIVE: WATCH Nation's largest Health INSURER'S Stock Price SKYROCKET! (Somebody get a screen pic!!)

"The Race to Nowhere"..A NYU professor and historian looks at push for charter schools.

Wish Teddy was there!

Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine: The Audacity of Hype

Yes, Obama’s Af-Pak War is Illegal

One more new underclass

Resolutions, Not Hopes

Hartmann was brilliant as usual today. His view - our "culture" is broken.

mzmolly appreciation thread!

Huffington Post: Health Care Industry Stocks See Double-Digit Growth Since Death Of Public Option

Are the SNL skits where men kiss each other funny?

A Dangerous Dysfunction By PAUL KRUGMAN

SOLSTICE! 'Tis the Reason for the Season!

I just un-subscribed from OFA

Christmas gift suggestions:

Christmas gift suggestions:

There's a certain mentality I just don't get.

Why are Progressives falling in line?

America practices FALSE Capitalism.

War Criminal Dick Cheney 'Conservative Of The Year,'

DANNY GLOVER: I See NO Difference Between BUSH And OBAMA Policies

Homeland Security signs contract for 200 Million rounds of ammo...

time to resurrect the National Women's Party?

You want more progressives in Congress? Then help with this special election in Hawaii.

Do you celebrate Christmas?

The "LoZoccolo" account you see on the conservative message board isn't me.

Things that happened while "the left" was being battered by party leadership.

Things that happened while "the left" was being battered by party leadership.

Planned Parenthood nails it

It's time for this cheerleader to lay down her pom poms.

Universal Mandatory Health Insurance In The Netherlands: A Model For The United States?

I know from experience that if I wrote an honest title on this thread, most people would ignore it.

A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott is on AMC now

I had to fill a latrine today

Did James Cameron rip off Poul Anderson?

Why does Name removed always have 0 posts. Is he bashful or something?

Post some photos of your beehind... I'll go first.

We'll miss ya Deja Q!

After watching this, I can now consider that my life is complete

San Francisco Sunsets

&%$#@!!! One frikkin' point!!!

Do you like music?

Ever play "Wind Up The Kitten?"

Watching Russian Youtube on Thai TV

Beautiful Asia (warning: Picture heavy)

LOL!!! TV Show, "Survivor" (No Spoilers)

RIP Alaina Reed Hall of Sesame Street

Bah ____________!

mice in the attic

Oh, the Iron-E!

The Percocet just kicked in. Ask me anything.

The picture of the eye on my medication is winking at me.

I like James Brown, but...

Water bears

All DU-ers named crim son, check in here.

Mythbusters: Star Trek Gorn Cannon (video)

I just heard a song by a group I had completely forgot about.

I Saw 'Avatar' (in 3D) AFTER My Kids Played The Videogame...


UK's number-one song for Christmas = "Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine!

OH! What the hell?!?!?

Whew. Just got back from GDP

Post some photos of sunsets and sunrises!

Happy winter! Have a great season!

Going to give that old sleep thing another try, so I leave you with some Charlie Parker.

My Favorite Things

Am I the only one depressed this season?

Snow Day - Fed govt closed in DC

Good morning, Lounge, Miss Honeychurch. nt

Just got home from ER with pain pills. OMG I finally feel soooo much better.

BREAKING NEWS: Entire Washington DC traffic grid covered under 2 feet of snow.

Can someone please cyberstalk me?

Rigging up the lights...

New Starz Series: "Spartacus: Blood & Sand" promises lots of sex & violence

FUNT - A new DU game anyone can play.

Cold Cold Heart

Nancy - November 7, 2006

self delete/repeat of same post below


Best TV show ever? I'm gonna say "Lou Grant"

It's coming on Christmas, they're cutting down trees

The Balls of the Tiger

There's foxes in the hen house, cows out in the corn

Rage Against the Machine topples 'American Idol's Simon Cowell

Pa. man dies after snowmobile hits buggy


Why are some DUers allowed to continue locked threads?

These are the best sweat pants EVAR!

I'm not leaving my house until Jan 2.

I am SO SORRY for posting that drunken rant last night.

Bitter feminine age. You

22" of snow

She's My Rock

Just wanted to tell all of you.

favorite Christmas carol mondegreens?

So I spent my whole day trying to rescue my XP machine so I wouldn't have

Remember the jokes about Microsoft making cars?

Kitteh van Gogh

teds hamburgers in meridan ct

David Caruso appreciation thread

Having trouble with holiday decorations

Having trouble with holiday decorations

Some people are saying that Glenn Beck (CENSORED) with a goat while listening to Rush.

At long last, can we please have a David Caruso appreciation thread?


Linus Forest challenges Tiger Woods to putt-putt contest in Jersey; winner to get choice of name

Step aside, Kinkade. Here's true Winter Wonderland (dial-up warning)

I need a new humpage.

The People Have Spoken!

Happy Agnostica!

2010 Boobies Calendar

Magazine editor sues Tom Cruise for $5 million for hiring P.I. to "allegedly" wiretap his phone

Well, it's time for winter depression to set in. The days start getting longer now.

Some tech-support people are completely useless

Ticked at Time Warner- Sorry I enjoy TV

Three Dog Night

Silver or Gold?

What's the most fantastically super-amazing wonderfullest film of all time ever?!?!?

Congratulate me, everyone. I got a "B" in Statistics!

BREAKING CNN: Facebook to cease operations on 1/1/2010.

Mr. Smith goes to Washington- tonite on TCM at 9:15CT...

I have this weird theory about Brittany Murphy...

The internet tough guys around here crack me up.

I'm a total last word freak on DU.

What's the farthest you've made it through "The Abyss" in one sitting

We Do NOT wag our genitals at each other to make a point!

My spouse is a permanent resident of Canada as of 8:39 this morning

Gigantic Robots.. in Asia!!!!

I just ate a McRib.

Under the tree: Video games, nerf guns, and board games...

Poor dog gets beat up by a cat riding a roomba.

I have cold feet

Am I the only one who thinks this song is catchy beyond belief? Zing a Ding Dong Day!

Naughty or Nice?

I deserve the Mother of the year award for this

Festivus for the rest of us!!!

What entire TV series do you WANT to own on DVD? My picks:

Fuck you, Mason Crosby.

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/21/09

It's a boy!

Happy Winter Solstice!

Don't honk at old people!

Happy Festivus!! Today post your "Feats of Strength" from year 2009

Cat rides roomba, smacks dog at every opportunity. Enjoy!

Greetings from India

I am a little embarrassed to have to ask this after being here so long...

Why is it so difficult to find a tuning fork?

"I fell 6,000 feet and survived."

Merry Christmas

Skating, Vince Guaraldi. Great Winter Tune.

Best Weekly World News Headline ever?

Facebook is going to start charging?


So I'm sitting here stirring my Smucker's.

K&R if you have seen the movie "Avatar" and think it rocks.

A good time to look back on 2009 resolutions.

TMZ Photo: Ken "Eddie Haskell" Osmond, 2009 (plus bonus Eddie Haskell quotes from IMDB)

Round 2 of Chemo is Wed. Finally

Good "girlie" name for a stuffed grey wolf?

Oh geez, this was Brittney Murphy beginning of December?

Renee Descartes?

Best 80s TV Show Theme Song?

RIP Kia; magnificent canine!

What Is The WORST Xmas Carol/Song?

Trying not to feel like a Scrooge

Boy, am I glad I bought a convertible...

post your facepalms/not this shit again pics here

Which smilie should be the ***OFFICIAL*** smilie of GD(and/or P)

Memories of Christmas Past......EVERYBODY SING...

Paging some old DUers!

Watching Arrested Development on my IFC channel.....


Medicade co-insurance. Anyone with first hand knowledge?

Maine Coon Kittehs attack a Christmas tree, drink Santa's cookeh-dunkin' milk (video)

Howard Dean interview on MTP link

Well, it's clear Washington Insiders Approve of the Bill

"misplaced, whiny outrage"

"Pass the Bill"... " Kill the Bill" .... "Fix the Bill"

Dem. Senators Attacking Howard Dean On The Senate Floor

Olympia "Filibuster" Snowe - your state is #2 in food stamps per capita -

Krugman: "How could he have made Joe Lieberman less, um, Liebermanish?"

Questions: What is in the health care bill now?

FT - "Obama secures ammunition for Congress fight"

Most calls on Cspan are against the bill - currently a call for SP from ...

Why the 2013/2014 kick in date?

Why the 2013/2014 kick in date?

we didn't know what to think of him till he sang 'Feliz Navidad'....

I swear, some of you on here are NO different than the teabaggers on the right

Fill in the blank. With friends like these, ___________.

First time I'm seeing McCain after midnight and it ain't pretty

Pink Fluffy Bunnies. No choices. Obama wins, Who cares anymore?

All this love for Dean, and he still can't manage to win a primary

So when they vote on cloture, all 58 Dems will be wrong and all 40 Rethugs will be right?

Anyone know of any good websites to go to that support Obama?

Somebody please answer these questions

Winners and losers in the Senate bill:

Obama plan could limit records hidden from public

Which dems will vote against the actual bill? (in the Senate)

Joe Scarborough Bashes Dems - Reps For Selling Out

TUNE IN to C-SPAN LIVE -- First Cloture Vote is Scheduled for 1:00 A.M. tonight

Why Obama Is Failing

A Bill Fit for a Kennedy

Ominously dysfunctional- meet some of the policy makers

Figuring out Obama and the future of health care reform

The End of Polling. (Tom Toles)

Party of Quit may quit stalling on HCR

Please think about the past and how the Democrats have voted and compromised

**Heads Up: HHS Secretary Sebelius Answers Questions on Health Reform from, 9:30am **

States can now opt-out of women's reproductive health care--The Democrats agree!!

Is this bad? Is it worse than the status quo?

I am on sabbatical from DU for the holidays.. but I think I know why insurance companies stock rose

Many Democrats today sound the same as W enablers.

How Pres. Obama Wins By Vetoing The Senate Bill

Article: How lobbyists and the revolving door shaped health care bill

Feingold contradicts those who claim that Obama fought for a public option

The real losers are the people from states who are not in on Nelson's deal....

"Vote your hopes, not your fears. Seize the moment," Senate Dems clear hurdle on health care

Senator Sanders: Health Care Landmark legislation backed by President Obama passed...

The 50 state strategy.

It's sad that a 60-40 vote is considered a "squeaker."

While the bill may not be close to what all liberals want, it is close to what Obama promised (Ezra)

See Wellpoint, Inc. (WLP) Soar! Up almost 4% when market opened today!

Proof Pres. Obama Always Wanted The Current Senate Bill

If I were a senator I would vote for this bill... but why?

Feingold: Obama Responsible For Loss Of Public Option

Obama Administration imposes 3-hour limit on tarmac strandings!!

Creator of the "public option" still backs current health care bill even though it was eliminated

If you want the health care bill to pass, you really need to act

"Howard Dean's Op-Ed Entered Into Senate Record - By GOP"

"Howard Dean's Op-Ed Entered Into Senate Record - By GOP"

Obama's Constitutional Moment, Part Two

(who will) ....... "Win or Lose?"

Obama Has United The Left And The Right On Wall Street + HC

A Dangerous Dysfunction

E. J. Dionne: Progressives: Don’t Scream, Organize

UPDATE 1-Healthcare shares rise as US reform bill progresses

Sen. Whitehouse: There Will Be A 'Reckoning' For GOP's 'Desperate, No-Holds-Barred...Propaganda'

AMA announces support for passage of Senate health reform bill

hyperbolically challenged

Ed Schultz (Live)

Right-wing blogger Owens wants Byrd to "do the right thing, and expire" before health bill passes"

OMG! Oasis!


Obama will sacrifice his second term on the altar of HCR. Come and worship.

Guys, projections from the CBO on premiums are the only ones to be taken seriously

Why can't one of these reporters who interview Obama ask him about the public option and drug import

I'm Sorry, Secreatary Clinton.... I WAS WRONG

Obama's Promises Kept

Jon Walker on Ezra Klein's "absurd claim that Senate bill closely resembles Obama's promises"

Not one credible person has said millions will be forced into debt or thrown in jail

Lieberman: Obama Never Pressed Me On Public Option

Like it or not we have to remember what Obama promised in 2008

David Sirota: Are Progressives "Special Interests Who've Prevented Health Reform for Decades"?

McCain: Ted Kennedy Would Be Disappointed Health Care Bill Not Bipartisan

McCain: Ted Kennedy Would Be Disappointed Health Care Bill Not Bipartisan

Oops! Dupe, pls delete. nt

CNN Poll: 6 point jump in support for health care bill - Obama approval also +6 (54%)

So, When You Go To Jail For Failing To Buy Corporate Health Insurance

OK I gotta scrounge up the cash next month...

To those who don't like my position in support of passing the Senate Health Care Bill

Sargent: "Journalists Cheerfully Urinating on Senate Bill's Critics"

Can the actual conference bill be filibustered or just the conference report?

Paul Krugman: Coverage and costs

Feingold: Obama Responsible For Loss Of Public Option

This is why many are so sad and angry about this bill

Which Obama Official Would You Like To See Let Go And Why

Obama--lead or lose--well, obviously he's leading

Obama: Senate health care vote 'big victory for the American people'

The cruel Senate

My worry, the 2 or 3 year delay gives the Insurance Companies time to screw us over!

Thread For those who don't always agree with the Prez, but still support him

Republican files lawsuit against Obama administration

Health Reform: Help for Families in 2010

Where we stand

Are you pleased or not pleased that the Senate approved cloture on the health care bill?

Krugman: Down memory lane

Perhaps health insurance stocks have gone up because the Dow has gone up at the same pace. Let's see


Reasons Not To Kill The Senate Bill

Sarah Palin told 'biggest lie of the year'

For President Obama, No Opportunity Too Big To Blow

Why every progressive Senator supports this bill

Ooopsie! US airstrike goes all wrong in Yemen. Many children and women killed.

Another way to deal with global warming (Fareed Zakaria)

Who from DU is running against Obama in 2012?

I stand with President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the entire progressive caucus. . .

Will the House be able to materially change Senate bill, or accept it relatively unchanged?

Tom Harkin: The Public Option Will Be 'Revisited'

I'm sorry, but because of the vitriol on this board I'm FORCED to do this... (photos)

Flash Forward to January 2014: An Ohio Couple Frank and Anne Duggan Open Their Mail

For the 1000th time, you can DISAGREE with Obama on HCR and the WAR and still vote for him!

Kill Bill or vote it through

Frustrated liberals voice discontent with Obama

The HCR bill is historic

Obama signs Franken’s anti-rape amendment into law.

I agree with Big Ed -- Mandates for private insurance are UnAmerican

Another reason not to kill the bill

Media declared PO dead for weeks, now asking if no PO is a Gift to Insurance Cos?

"In an MSNBC appearance Monday, Dean reversed his opposition to the Senate bill from last week"

Leadership, Obama Style: Pretty Speeches, Compromised Values (Drew Westen)

Yep, Dean's right kill the Senate bill...

Howarfd Dean's second thoughts.

Reid and Pelosi do not deserve our scorn on HCR

E.J. Dionne: We are no longer a normal democracy

"Governance is the art of the possible."

Obama talk about Public Option.

Ezra Klein: The Most Important Table You'll Read Today

CNN puts negative spin on improving poll numbers

Administration: Obama to Push for Allowing Drug Re-Importation

Top 10 Reasons to Kill the Senate Health Care Bill

Reasons Not To Kill The Senate Bill - A Graphic Representation

Reasons Not To Kill The Senate Bill - A Graphic Representation

Do any of the Anti-Health Insurance Reform folks here actually have a Pre-existing condition??

Andrew Sullivan: Obama achieved a "substantive, enduring legislative victory" not seen since Reagan

Let's put this in as simple terms as possible.. you turn against the Democratic Party in 2010 & 2012

The Senate Bill Saves Families Money

Who from DU is planning to volunteer, organize, donate, and work for Obama in 2012?

Victoria Kennedy at Senate: "I feel fantastic"

Joe Klein: Coburn's comments are "borderline sedition...dangerously close to incitement of violence"

State Public Options

Jacob Hacker's (Public Option champion) suggestions for improving the bill

I want to post some things that some might find a little upsetting...

I want to post some things that some might find a little upsetting...

Many on DU are now experiencing the same sense of betrayal/frustration us GLBT have felt for years

Health Bill PASSES Key Test in the Senate With 60 Votes

Israel admits to harvesting Palestinians' organs

Rockwall auto shop has slick promotion: Nobel with every oil change

Clashes reported at funeral of Iranian dissident cleric

Arms-laden plane seized in Thailand 'was heading for Iran'

Stolen Auschwitz sign recovered

This Illiterate Wants to be President

The Man Who Conned The Pentagon (Con-man convinced Bush White House he had a secret decoding tech)

Senate Dems clear hurdle on health care

China, U.S. praise nonbinding climate agreement

Rage Against The Machine become Christmas Number one in The UK

Serving U.S troops could face prison if they fall pregnant while active

Possible Volcano Eruption Threatens Philippines

Insurance stocks lead rally on Wall street

Major volcanic eruption feared in Philippines

China loses WTO media imports appeal

Tom Coburn Prays for Robert Byrd's Death

BT to complete super-fast broadband network by 2012

Health sector leads Wall Street higher

Copenhagen climate summit held to ransom - Gordon Brown

Social unrest 'on the rise' in China

China targeting 8% growth in 2010

North Korea declares disputed waters 'firing zone'

Mousavi's car 'attacked' on way back from funeral

Polish police find stolen Auschwitz gate sign

Japan's decline in exports slows

Brazil top judge to rule on U.S. custody case (Ruling Delayed)

Chicagoan Said to Have Helped Terrorists Target Nuclear Plant

thom hartmann "gets it"...

Coast Guard vessel hits pleasure boat, killing boy

Mexico City lawmakers approve same-sex marriage, first in Latin America to do so.

Microsoft CFO Chris Liddell be GM CFO

Olympia Snowe Confirms She’ll Filibuster Health Reform

Senate Democrats’ health overhaul bill passes tough test in party-line vote

Iran cleric's funeral becomes opposition protest

Passengers win as government imposes 3-hour limit on tarmac strandings

Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning

South Korea let off for nuclear deceptions

Russian experts say nuclear-free Middle East unlikely

Who wins, who loses in Senate health bill

Lieberman: Obama Never Pressed Me On Public Option

DOT imposes 3-hour limit on strandings

Crime Drops In First Half Of 2009: FBI

Russia's Communists mark Stalin's birthday

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday December 21

Feingold: Obama Responsible For Loss Of Public Option

Egypt to demand Germany to return Nefertiti statue

Key Dem (Harkin): The Public Option Will Be 'Revisited'

White Conn. firefighters seek back pay, damages

Cuba President Raul Castro lashes out at Barack Obama

Maoists threaten more action in Nepal

Obama signs Franken’s anti-rape amendment into law.

Appeals court denies Roman Polanski's bid to throw out sex case

Russia decries demolition of war memorial

Italian town where a White Christmas is a police matter

First house from Jesus' time found in Nazareth

World Jewish Congress criticizes Pope's decision to beatify Pius XII

President Obama tightens reins on contractors

Short Story: "Health Care Reform"

A Real War on Xmas, as Outrage Grows Over Excessive Bonuses to Santa's Elves

Elizabeth Warren: Feminomics: Women and Bankruptcy

Senate passes Health insurance Profits subsidy act. For-Profit Insurers party all night.

Sonia Sotomayor doesn't like commercialization of "wise Latina."

The rot of the "free-market'

Smalltown America's growing voice of rage is a force to be reckoned with

The underlying divisions in the healthcare debate

Understanding Obamacare

Health Insurance Company Stock Prices Say it All

Paul Krugman: A Dangerous Dysfunction

Sarah Palin told 'biggest lie of the year'

David Sirota:The Long-Term Value of Insisting The Health Bill Is Not Enough

My Initiation at Store 5476 / Will Steve Carrell or Will Farrell play the lead

To Get Ben Nelson's Health Care Vote, Nebraska To Receive Kansas

Deal-making called corruption by Republicans when it's for people who can't afford insurance but

Obama Health Reform Efforts Caused Blowback Damaging Liberals and Their Causes

Credit Unions and Development Financial Institutions Get Short End of Stick


A Dickens of a Problem: Interesting facts on the Christmas classic.

Leadership, Obama Style, and the Looming Losses in 2010: Pretty Speeches, Compromised Values, and

America's most wanted: doctor found living in tent on Mont Blanc

Glenn Beck wins Media Matters' Misinformer of the Year award

Blockbuster Avatar Delivers Massively and Offers Anti-War Activists an Opportunity for Street Theate

A Holiday Special: The Pagan Roots of Christmas

Lieberman: Obama Never Pressed Me On Public Option

A Leprechaun Riding a White Unicorn

CVS Goes to Generation Health for Caremark Head.

Goldman Threatens to “Move” 20% of UK Staff to Spain to Escape Bonus Supertax

What the Media and Obama Never Understood About the Public Option (Cenk w/ #1 Diary @ Dkos)

After 20 years, US invasion of Panama leaves bad aftertaste

Capitulate and lose the left and center

a little perspective... The Known Universe AMNH

Bashing Bible bashers

Famous Ted Kennedy Healthcare Speech in 1978

Famous Ted Kennedy Healthcare Speech in 1978

The Housing Collapse of 2010 Will Be Worse Than 2008

People & Power: Citizens Taking On The Banks And Fighting For Financial Reforms


Sarah Palin Wins "Top Lie Of 2009" - Stupid CNN Anchor Fails In Pathetic Attempt To Defend It

Holy Crap! I agree with John McCain!?!

Howard Dean on Meet The Press 12/20: 'The Major Problem: We Committed to Private Insurance for UHC'

TYT - Cenk Uygur - Healthcare Reform Bill Is Weak - Vote NO

No Public Option, No Bill?

US Healthcare: Republicans admits they cannot block passage

The Ku Klux Klan, A Secret History

Coburn: "People ought to pray" that a senator can't show up and vote

CNBC's Harwood to Liberals: "Lay off the hallucinogenic drugs"

Satan Stole Right-Wing Pastor's Money (McCain's "Spiritual Guide" Rod Parsley)

11 year old shot in ass by brother


Interview with Vietnamese parents of 28 yr old Agent Orange victims.

HP computers are racist

Climate reality: Voluntary efforts not enough

COP15: Climate Justice, climate shame

Global Temperatures Could Rise More Than Expected, New Study Shows

BBC: India's wettest place 'lacks water'

ODAC Newsletter - Dec 18

Drumbeat: December 21, 2009

Somebody please explain to me

San Diego Gas & Electric Selects Lockheed Martin to Support Beach Cities Microgrid Project

China to blame for failure of Copenhagen climate deal, says British Secretary of Energy

Florida Manatee Deaths 1/1/09 - 12/11/09 Hit Record High - 419

Polluting pets: the devastating impact of man's best friend

Did we just wave goodbye to last new Florida coal plant?

Another Wave Energy Project off the Coast of Scotland

Science Daily - Africa's Leaf-Eating Primates "Likely To Be Wiped Out" By Climate Breakdown

Dozens of Bird Species Nesting In Holland Declining Since 1984 - Trees In Leaf 2 Wks. Earlier

The Fate of the Endemic Species of Madagascar

Four Remaining Fertile Northern White Rhinos Leave Prague For Kenya - Last Hope For Breeding

Free electric car(t)!

Into the heart of the climate debate—What’s warming us up? Human activity or Mother Nature?

Carolyn Baker: Winter solstice reflections

First Solar and NRG Energy Open Largest (21 MW) Solar PV Power Plant in California

100 mpg: What we'll drive next

How many gas engines do you own?

LOL @ the Steelers onside kick up by 2 late in the game.

NFL to ask its players to donate brains for study

N.F.L. Acknowledges Long-Term Concussion Effects

Jerry Jones shooting for 100K at NBA All-Star Game "It will be intimate."

Lowell trade is off

No Belmont Stakes next year?

(Upton's) Playoff Dreams End In Philly

Lionel Messi wins FIFA World Player of the Year award

Looks like Belicheck's team will win the division again, as the Jests and phins


Nats sign Jason Marquis--2yrs. 15 million--per ESPN

Childress tried to bench Favre but couldn't

Colombia 'facing foreign threat'

Virginia Beach man charged with bribing Panamanian officials

Nice of Amb. Llorens to Drop by to Tell Zelaya of his Christmas Plans

Urgent Action Alert for Honduras

The San Francisco 49'ers were OFFICIALLY ELIMINATED from the playoff picture

New Honduran leader's promises lack specifics to help poor

Amy interviews Hugo Chavez @ Copenhagen, aired today.

Colombians Refuse to Be Displaced: Over 5,000 Occupy the Piñuña Negro Police Inspectors Office in Pu

Angel Falls is no more; now it's Churún-merú.

20 years later, Panamians reflect on US invasion

Israel threatens to use force against settlers

Former Israeli premier Olmert pleads not guilty

Lebanon PM on 1st Syria visit since father's death

Israel admits to harvesting Palestinians' organs

What would you think about this, if it happened to you?

Fort Bliss soldiers told to register private guns

More "Big Lie", heavenly deception, or cooked stats?

Investigators: Woman beaten to death during home invasion

Gun Owners, Unfiltered

Angry off-duty cop waves his gun around after his Hummer is pelted with snowballs

Today in Labor History Dec 21 Powered by children 7 to 12 years old working dawn to dusk $1 per week

Christmas at the White House on HGTV now...if anyone is interested. n/t

Thanks for the invite...

The Deadly Cost of Blocking Health Care Reform

if jane hamsher is a progressive

Great Post on GDP for any late sleepers who may have missed it.

Evidence of "Moles":

The one phrase I simply cannot stomach on DU ...

Doesn't feel safe to post this elsewhere

sign of the times

Second ...

Try #1

snow dog to the rescue!

Can someone give me easy step by step

Prague 360 gigapixel

My 2009 retrospective


Glint of Sunlight Confirms Liquid in Northern Lake District* of Titan

Do you understand the difference between complex and imaginary numbers?


Flashback: Me, February 10, 2008

Is the GLBT community in an abusive relationship with the Democratic Party?

Don't worry guys, we're STILL responsible for everything wrong with the democratic party

My apologies to the readers of this forum who attacked Obama . . . you were right.

Mexico City Legalizes Gay Marriage, Becomes 1st Latin American City to do so.

Has anybody ever come out as bi?

No gay change for the Salvation Army

If you support a church, synagogue, temple, mosque that is homophobic you are part of the problem

OMG! Sapphocrat is back!

Dr. Housing Bubble 12/20/09

Spyker submits a new Saab offer to General Motors (BBC)

(Oh, Commercial Real Estate)

Looks like Citi is still stuck in TARP, afterall.

Blue Christmas By James Howard Kunstler

Some happy news for a change - Chocolate Bars could save You!

Healthcare Stocks EXPLODE Higher After Big Vote On Reform

The Senate votes on the health care bill on the winter solstice

Last Lunar Cycle of 2009: Time to Do Something Adventurous

Dance to bring back the light

Winter Solstice 2009

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 12/21/09

Volcano about to erupt

Does imbibing possibly lower one's defenses enough to make one super-sensitive (empathically)?

I was struggling to remember this thought I had just as I woke up

The Epic End of Year Scream Therapy and Pillow Fight of 2009! join the fun!

Rasul v. Rumsfeld

Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning

17% more Americans have myopia than 30 years ago -- computer work blamed

BCBS "Medicare Blue Private Complete" Plan

Post vaccination soreness... can anyone offer tips?

Why I Still Believe In This Bill: Jacob Hacker on the Senate health care reform bill

The Holidays and Sleep Apnea: Change a Life

Cognitive science is accelerating math concept teaching to earlier ages

Give me all the facts on Obama's education platform.

Frontline special: "From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians"

Do you celebrate Christmas?

Made a simple and tasty old fave today: Harvard beets!