Secretary Sebelius Takes Questions from BlogHer on Health Reform
Another miscalculation of the Obama Administration
AMA backs Senate healthcare bill
Conservative Christians in New Zealand are all hot and bothered about this
People can trick mind to do hated things
What is the next step for your healthcare biil???
SCAN (Medicare Advantage plan) starts $25/month premium
Maine bill would label cellphones as risk
The vast majority of the world's population is now in the dark.
Found this on Blue Cross/Blue Shield website. Here is how they see you
Important!! - Be a part of Rep. Weiner's Online Chat Tomorrow (12/22)
Mexico City 1st in region to approve gay marriage
Frank Capra's "State of the Union" With Tracy & Hepburn On TCM Now
Cat rides roomba, smacks dog at every opportunity. Enjoy!
"Insurance Executives For Obama"?
Psst, Teabaggers, HCR soooo "socialist" that...
Bulletin from ILWU: Health Care Bill
Bulletin from ILWU: Health Care Bill
Play Lieberman Off, Keyboard Cat
I need help that I fear is never coming
Nate Silver: Why progressives are batshit crazy to oppose the senate bill
Obama, 2007: "I out Tom Coburn. He has become a friend of mine."
Guardian UK names "Fahrenheit 9/11" one of the 10 best films of the decade
Why do the Republicans hate America and the troops?
Revealed: Bush White House Raised Terror Alert Based On Con Man's Wild Al Jazeera "Decoding" Claims
The Nation: Taxpayers Lose in Citi's Payback Plan
If you don't have serious misgivings about this bill, you're not being honest.
Economists see no need for more stimulus (Allentown - this is for you)
Does the House bill eliminate the anti-trust exemption?
"It's like flying from the Jetsons to the Flintstones.' - Thomas Friedman on Rachel Maddow.
Osama bin Laden nearly killed Clinton in 1996, book claims
Teen charged with ice pick attack on motorist
President Obama gets H1N1 vaccine - pic
Obama Last Chance With Progressives - Pick & Win A Fight And Give Progressives a GOD DAMN Victory!
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
PMRC Senate Hearings: Just a little flashback.
Seeking Bust’s Return, Egypt Cites Diary Entry
Ugandan Pastors Demand Apology from Rick Warren
Pardon the interruption, but here's some good news from LBN:
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year (Im off to the beach)
Could we have a discussion section dedicated to "Obama = epic fail" so the rest of us can come back?
It's the modified filibuster rule that causes a lot of the problems.
Still behind on your Christmas shopping? Hate the shops? Here's an easy solution.
If the health care bill dies in committee, who gets the blame?
I know we don't like to talk much about the Bush/Cheney
Our next issue should be .....
Thanks, Ben. No. Really. Thank you, Ben Nelson. Seriously, man. **Thank You**
No lie! S.C. voices dominate '09 top quotes list
Guardian UK - "Rupert Murdoch accused of using Wall Street Journal to 'play politics'"
And The Progressives Are Doing PRECISELY What The Republicans WANT THEM TO DO!
So where are the battle lines, the ramparts to be charged, the battles to be fought...
Sheffield teacher charged with rape after being caught with ninth-grader
91 Year Old Man Accused Of Trying To Kill Wife Pleads Guilty
GOP Voted To Delay Funding For Troops -- As Part Of Health Care Debate
Tough choices for states on jobless funds
So I guess we can stop teaching the old adage "it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it is how you
Archaeologists to explore feasting habits of ancient builders of Stonehenge
Post on Kos: Jane Hamsher convinced me...pass the bill
Can we please dispense with the BS talking points
Remember how good we felt after 11/08? Lets all take a breath.
Want Universal Health Care? Move to Vermont
"But an additional step we can take to keep insurance companies honest...
Number of homeless deaths continues to rise
Another Sorry Episode in American History: Agent Orange
Here's a cause you can believe in.
Bernie Sanders due on MSNBC in next two hours (as of 7 am)
NDP: The "Huckabee" rally in Omaha on Sunday was really a "Huckleberry Rally."
Ben Kennedy - A hero you don't know
Callers give Nelson (D-Ne) an earful
Louisiana Has Much at Stake in Health Care Debate
A Very Interesting Article about Medicaid and HCR and a Question
Did Osama Try to Kill Bill Clinton?
'The fact is the U.S. government always has and always will subsidize abortions.'
Obama’s Senate Health Care Bill: A “Uniquely American” Idiocy
Study shows one dose of H1N1 vaccine may be enough for children
Shot Robber Has Extensive Criminal History
Health care reform should have taken the form of a constitutional amendment
Never, Ever Give Up (or make the most of what you have)
Retailers: WIMPS !!! You let 2 feet of snow prevent you from Christmas shopping?....You SUCK !!!!
Sixty Headless Skeletons -- 3,000 Years Old -- Discovered in Pacific Ocean Archipelago Vanuatu
**HEADS UP** Senate session opens in 5 minutes. Voting at 7:20.......
Cruel And Unusual Punishment? -- No More Coffee Served To Inmates
DU THIS POLL! "Are you disappointed Rudy Giuliani isn't running for the U.S. Senate?
DU THIS POLL! "Are you disappointed Rudy Giuliani isn't running for the U.S. Senate?
The Stories of the Two Somalis Freed From Guantanamo
I love that commercial.......
Larry the Cable Guy donates $1.2 million to Lincoln NE hospital
Should the Senate and House have different and separate responsibilities in terms of policy
How is it possible to communicate with Senator Ben Nelson?
Obama Won't Push Equal Rights Law in the Right Direction
Pot found in Manti-LaSal thought to be several centuries old
14-Year-Old About To Reach Lifetime Limit On Insurance Policy
Why do so many DU-ers want to please Republicans?
When Insurers Violate The Health Care Bill, What Will Happen?
DU, I think I've just stumbled on the solution to our troubles: Pony mandates!
These Republicans who are now so irate over HCR...
Taylor Swift, the androgynous ubiquitous marginally country pop singer is
Jesus' Neighbors' Home Discovered?
Jesus' Neighbors' Home Discovered?
The War on Christmas and Media Reports
"Putin: US hindering Russia's WTO bid". I didn't realize Russia was trying to get into the WTO.
US Forces Mounted Secret Pakistan Raids in Hunt for al-Qaida
A Rahm's Eye View of the Democratic Base
A simple fun challenge that I hope every DU'er will take. You may learn something too!
The more I hear about the sweetheart deals and special provisions in the senate
Huffington Post: Even In Recession, DC Influence Industry On Track To Shatter All Spending Records
November home sales soar 7.4 percent, highest in 3 years
This Modern World: 2009 - The Year In Crazy (Part 1)
Scrooge Lives: Taxpayer Bailout of Underfunded Teamsters Pension Funds
Russians Aim to Send Monkey to Mars
Anyone else noticed a change with DU's spell checker?
So lets work the opposite approach: Any positive suggestions for handling pregnancy in the military?
Worst of the worst from the birthers, tea baggers, homophobes, anti-choicers, etc., in 2009
What more do you suppose they will give away before this becomes law?
Vegans: Vegetable Assassins of the New Era
Leaving Me Behind-HCR treats women & progressives as expendable objects...
Leaving Me Behind-HCR treats women & progressives as expendable objects...
Politico tweet: Rep. Parker Griffith (D-AL) switching to Republican party today
Sarah Palin did not lie! (At least this once.)
POTUS: Public option 'symbolic'
Midlands museums face Vatican battle for Staffordshire Hoard
Lou Engle and "Senator Brownback": roommates in martyrdom?
To Get Ben Nelson’s Health Care Vote, Nebraska To Receive Kansas
To Get Ben Nelson’s Health Care Vote, Nebraska To Receive Kansas
Same ones screaming about health insurance stocks going up now would be screaming if they fell?
Barrasso & Corburn & those MDs who are in the Congress just are plain evil.
The Battle for Tora Bora-December 10 2001 (New Republic "The Definitive Account ")
Rasmussen, 12/22: "lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President"
Lawrence O'Donnell just did a great job in pointing out an Achilles heel to Claire McAskill
Parents, please watch your kids when you are out shopping
Greenwald: Yemen Cruise missile attacks part of a never-ending, self-perpetuating cycle
I wish I was Evan Bayh's wife right now
Americans More Upset By Tiger Wood's Sexual Affairs Then Bush/Obama Destruction Of Civil Liberty
Do you want anti-cancer drug in junk food?
Do you want anti-cancer drug in junk food?
Graham says 'sleazy process' will damage Congress
Rationing? Then Look to Women's Health
Michigan Rental Homes Needed For Tennessee GM Transplants
Awesome! The republican party is on the verge of self destruction
They can charge older people 3 times more based on age!!!!!!!1!!!111
While claiming to support a Pub Opt, why did Obama HIRE "adviser" who wants to PRIVATIZE MEDICARE?
Fundies are right. Man and dinos co-exist.
Burris's 'Night Before Christmas': Senator Backs Reform With Rhyming Poem On Senate Floor
Unemployment Programs In 40 States About To Go Broke
Whooooeee! Teabagger on Wash Journal this morning said they prayed
Christmas gift list for various Americans.
Are there some who will fight against the people in power/the system
Does the House bill eliminate the anti-trust exemption?
LOL! C-Span Caller To Repubs: "How hard did you pray because I see 1 of our members was missing...?"
States' jobless funds are being drained in recession
OMG!!! the blond on The View is trying to show off her Mrs. Obama arms!!!
How long should it take to recover from the Bush/Republican recession?
OPEC Meets to Discuss ‘Public Exchange’
Another letter - Can we get a new Chief of Staff for Christmas Mr. President?
Congressman switching parties is a major break for RNC's Steele & helps bury this embarrassing story
Congressman switching parties is a major break for RNC's Steele & helps bury this embarrassing story
Ridiculous "Study" Supposedly Finds Widespread Anti-Semitism on Progressive Websites
Feline Found At Owner's Work Place - Cat Disappeared 2 Weeks Ago
Rick Sanchez Gets New Show "Rick's List" On CNN, Cuts Into "Situation Room"
HP computers are racist? ROFL - and HP acknowledges the problem...
HC expert: Nelson will have 'chilling' effect on coverage, extends beyond Hyde
Michele Bachmann: Welfare Queen
Besides me... How many of you have your representatives on speed dial?
Besides me... How many of you have your representatives on speed dial?
Leadership, Obama style, and the looming losses in 2010....
Laredo (Tx.) could be largest US city without bookstore
Conservadem Congressman from Alabama switching to GOP
A few questions on TEA PARTY protests
Nate Silver adds "global warming denialists" to insults hurled at opponents of Senate health bill
The Happiest Man On The Planet In Regard To HCR Being Passed - RUSH LIMBAUGH
Holy shit. An old high school friend just became a fan of Blackwater on facebook. nt
An Unconstitutional Exercise of Congressional Power
I don't like the deal, but I like this picture
First-known venomous dinosaur lived 125 million years ago, say scientists
Iran projected to experience massive unrest next Sunday
I support Federal Mandates as Progressive Legislation
I thought this songs relevance had passed - Unfortunately Not
I Have A Question About HCR, As If There Could Be More Questions... BUT
Disarming the auto vs health insurance meme.
Disarming the auto vs health insurance meme.
An honest question about the HCR bill, filibusters and reconciliation...
John Ensign: constitutional scholar
An article to reflect on going forward
EMTs suspended as officials look into allegations they refused to help pregnant woman who later died
Top House Liberal Suggests He Could Accept Deal On Senate Bill
If you were going to run for office as a Democrat now, would you be more apt
"Stop Wall Street's Economic Rampage"
Pleasure #57 of lurking on RW boards:
Online posting of women's abortion information challenged in Oklahoma
Will this Health Insurance Reform Work?
I give up. The Corporations and Lobbyists control EVERYTHING!
Future 2010 campaign ads for both Republicans and Democrats
The only thing I love more than Democratic Underground
Economic observation from the Mall of America: "The place is packed but no one's carrying any bags!"
Democrats in the Senate have an Epiphany: Republicans are obstructionist..
What if you're wrong? Will you cop to it?
Here are the disgusting pigs (all male, all Repug) who voted against the Franken anti-rape amendment
I am normally against violence, but
Mormon candidate touts Mormon-only male-only campaign rallies
Michelle Bachman: Welfare Queen
Gov. Paterson, Mayor Bloomberg and other NY pols: Health care bill is prescription for disaster
Hardest Partier in the US Senate? Richard Burr of North Carolina
If A Picture Says A Thousand Words... What Does This Graph Say ???
I think we need a "moran guy" photoshop thread!
We have two years to develop a movement around a primary candidate against Obama
Compromise means sometimes you get only half a loaf...
ABC News: Nation Suffers 230 Million-strong Prolapsed Rectum from Constantly Being Fucked Over.
Anti-socialist Bachmann got $250K in federal farm subsidies
Toronto breaks ground on ambitious "Transit City" project
Former speaker gets pricey perks - Dennis Hastert
"I will not leave until my friends in the Senate have completed their work.
insurance companies spent millions a day to ensure we got no reform this go around.
So they ran out of stupid names.. Now I need to lay off the Mushrooms.
Judge easy on medical marijuana crusader "no real victims"
The health insurance plan the religious right has bought into
Forty-year-old air sample found
Forty-year-old air sample found
Is there a legitimate summary of highlights for the Senate Health bill?
Jesus joins the war on Christmas
The "economic crisis" predates September 2007.
Have We Ever Had A Discussion Here About The Ramifications Of Doing Away With Health Insurance .....
Shiny City of corruption, death, and destruction on a hill
"Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays". Vote in this poll!
FDL warning to "pass anything" camp: Reforms Don’t Always Magically Get Fixed Over Time
Good Riddance! Rep. Parker Griffith of Alabama Switches To R
So... Does The "Little Guy" STILL Turn To The Democratic Party ???
Ala.'s Parker switches from Dems to GOP
While we argue Health 'Insurance' Reform, the Wall Street Banksters make their Big Getaway...
Conservatives Not Ready to Embrace Party-Switcher Parker Griffith
Odd how easily I see my mental illness in DU’s reaction to HCR
US Reps Barbara Lee and Jim McGovern to ask for up-or-down vote on escalation in Afghanistan
Corrupt gov't, propaganda and pure greed = Goodbye USA
The Rude Pundit: Harry Reid and the Sad Facts of American Compromises
Colombia admits new "false positives" killings
This Tom Coburn thing is kind of lame, methinks.
Denmark the world leader in Green Technology
Heath Care: One thing to remember
Ugh... who else is tired of Hal Sparks' endless spin for the current Healthcare fiasco?
This is the Netroots' Waterloo.
Rep. Maxine Waters: House liberals to put up tough public-option fight
Gov.-elect Chris Christie compiles plans to slash N.J. spending up to 25 percent
Nation's Largest Nurses Group: Senate Bill 'Could Actually Exacerbate The Health Care Crisis'
Save Janet Jackson, Kill the Gays?
The reason the republicans are so much against this bill is because they know it will get better
(106 Year Old Obama Voter) Ann Nixon-Cooper dies at 107
Local official wants Rep. Shea-Porter banned from town hall
Obama Calls local talk show: DU Outraged
If no Republicans vote for this...
Thought I'd take stock of how busy the Grim Reaper has been this year.
Governor Jim Gibbons' divorce case: New documents show alimony, property values are sticking points
Peace Activists Set up Encampment in Washington
Court bans sale of Word; Microsoft has fix ready
Obama Defends Self Against Black Critics, Says He's President Of The Entire United States
Bankers 'like Scrooge' says Charles Dickens's great-great-grandson
At long last, pilot returns - after 50 years...
I'm fixin' to get me some of that old time "Health Care" in a few hours.
Out of the Blue, DARPA Seeks Means to Manipulate Lightning
A delicious rant on the "War on Christmas" ---
General Cucolo backs away from controvertial move on pregnant soldiers
Question: Should we have Nelson and other DINOs in the conference committee?
Window Rock (Az) Dem. Chris Deschene (Navajo) eyes Sec of State run
Baucus is ripping the NOP a new asshole
I just really don't understand republicans
Passengers spend the night on the Long Island Railroad
The only way to change this country...
Catholics in Philadelphia archdiocese aren't going to Catholic hospitals to have babies
Politics is a negotiation. If we, the left, have nowhere else to go, we have no power.
I guess I'm the last to post this, but I've made a hard decision about Obama.
Police allege that karate-coach cop sexually abused girl, from age 12, for 8 years
Hope it's OK to post the whole E-mail I received from our President
Holy crap! Mandate not Mandatory!!!
There is far more uniting us than dividing us
Michelle Bachman, welfare queen..
Defeat inevitable, GOP gives in on timing of health care vote
IMHO: The REAL reason the senate vote has been moved up to in the morning 8am Thursday...
If they pull off this corporate control over health care, SS and Medicare will be next...
"Limbaugh: McConnell Told Me Republicans Are Proposing Amendments In Order To Stop Health Care Bill"
Obama Will Win: Why and How His Critics from the Left and Right Will be Proven Wrong
I have a question for the legal minds
Obama rejects criticism on health-care reform legislation
Jailtime for pregnant soldiers? The Army has made getting pregnant a punishable offense
Small Positive Signs, from Personal Experience
What will happen when 30,000,000 newly insured people start
DK - letter: Values of Health Care Stocks Increase Fearlessly as Public Option Is Dead
What is the latest news on ethanol? Was it a just fad or what?
Griffith donated to Dean's presidential campaign
Hail Mary: Racist E-Mail Doc Reaches Out To Liberal Critics, Quoting Dean, Greenwald, Ed Schultz
We voted for change. This is clearly not the change we voted for.
Women Soldiers Forced to Resort to Back-Alley Abortions: Why Are Their Reproductive Rights Denied?
The peculiarities of our news reporting . . .
3 1/2-fer: OBAMA set for Time Mag covers. SHRIVER's lawless. IFILL to replace Geo.STEPH?
Hatefilled Christian Book Store?
I am glad it was no on reimportation on drugs, and heres why.
Per TPM: House progressives prepare to accept Senate bill.
Jesus-era home found in Nazareth
Obama appoints Bush adviser as national cybersecurity coordinator
Two brothers drown trying to save dog
Rahm Emanuel is a punk. I just had to put it out there.
Obama Lifts 20-Year Ban on Needle Exchange
Fed announces "airline passenger rights" - will they force us to buy tickets, now?
Sen. Fritz Hollings: They're All Against Jobs
The horrors! The horrors! Why the WSJ hates the health care bill. HATES, HATES,
If Obama is a Corporate Stooge
How Walmart games the system to avoid paying taxes:
Toronto Star: Rugby icon Gareth Thomas's outing a shocker
We are no longer a country of Majority Rule
Evolution of the President's thinking on Health Care
D.C. Mayor Signs Gay Marriage Bill
What's Wrong With the Healthcare Bill? Ask a Nurse.
What's Wrong With the Healthcare Bill? Ask a Nurse.
The populist path versus the collaborationist path: again, The People are led astray.
What part of women should not be penalized for not having penises don't you understand?
One of my diaries at DKOS got quoted in NYTIMES opinion page. Just goes to show you --
I really don't understand about 60% of the people on this site ...
For those of you who think that this is the first step, that we must progress incrementally
Balloon Boy parents hit with $42,000 tab for October stunt
Peace Activists Set up Encampment in Washington DC- Truthout
Peace Activists Set up Encampment in Washington DC- Truthout
Not long ago, there were more than a few posts on DU about the demise of the republican party
GOP Again Opts Out of Making History
I advocated killing the bill because I really, really resented the gift to insurance companies
Kill the Mandate, Save the Bill
Check-in if you agree that we have been sold out again to corporate America
French identity debate is getting out of control
CIA breaking ties with BLACKWATER: You betcha!
Interesting and relavent post I ran into on another message board.
Christmas gifts when you have almost no money
"judges to charge jail and prison inmates $50 a day" (Fl.)
"I wanted Medicare for all / Public Option / Single Payer, BUT..."
Swallow this bill, we'll improve it later is BULLSHIT!
I just had to make a rare trip to the city and all I can say is: What economic crisis?
Obama the Comedian in Chief: the Senate showed it could "stand up to the special interests"
By making it personal, the Democratic Party will be playing with fire.
A mind exercise for the tough-on-crime types.
Executive Order -- Amending Executive Order 12425
Presenting: Fundie Quote of the Day. #9. And a new pic, also.
Imagine if we had a "far left" president and a "far left" congress doing "far left" things.
Drinking Tequila Shots Leads To Life-Saving Discovery For 13 Year-Old
What Happened When an Anti-Choice Catholic Woman Needed an Abortion at Dr. Tiller's Clinic
Q About Nelson, Landreiu & Other Dems Who Got Paid Off For Their Votes on HCR
Christian leader supports death penalty for gays
Owning a dog is worse than owning an SUV...
AlterNet: How Wall Street Bought Barney Frank
Let me be Very Clear about my position on the HCR Bill. I don't support it.
One thing I am certain about the final bill and a Public Option
Can Someone Help Answer A Question For Me?
'Sesame Street,' '227' star Alaina Reed-Amini dies
If economy is so bad why are stores so full?
If economy is so bad why are stores so full?
Current average credit score in US?
I rebut Ezra Klein's rebuttal.
I rebut Ezra Klein's rebuttal.
Are residents of Red states happier than people in Blue states?
Why are all the congressional "progressives" suddenly on board?
Breaking News, FLASH FLASH, OMG, This just in.....
Mandatory corporate insurance is NOT a "small step forward". It is a BIG step BACKWARDS.
One of the seven habits of highly successful people is to see the end first.
Anyone else see Mary Landrieu on Washington Journal this morning?
B. Sanders on MSNBC: "Let me break the truth to you. BIG MONIED INTERESTS CONTROL CONGRESS.
Systemic problems of the Medical System
Obama: "Public option is an area that has just become symbolic"
Cat Saved After Being Superglued To Highway
Check in if you are glad Obama is President
Polar Bears At San Francisco Zoo Celebrate The First Day Of Winter With Snow - lots of pics
Even TruthOut and Buzzflash are tsk tsking Dean for speaking out. That surprises me.
Mexico City assembly legalizes same-sex marriage
Can we PLEASE stop using "poutrage," "concern trolls," etc.?
Senator Bernie Sanders new health care poll link - only 10 questions. Take it!
Senator Bernie Sanders new health care poll link - only 10 questions. Take it!
Nurses Say Senate Bill Entrenches Chokehold of Insurance Giants
Obama calls local talk show: 'Barry from DC'
Obama calls local talk show: 'Barry from DC'
Leading Climate Scientist James Hansen on Why He’s Pleased the Copenhagen Summit Failed
I really don't understand how bills are passed in America
It's time to increase the penalties for animal abuse.
Oklahoma Couple Want to Return Troubled Adopted Son to State
Healthcare bill experts.....What happens to my family?
President Obama seems to be reading DU...
Hamsher Proves She's Not Progressive - Violates Principles to Go On Fox
What would happen if ONE Senator stood before his colleagues and said:
Huff Post: Leadership Obama Style: Pretty Speeches Compromised Values and the Quest...
Quelle Surprise! GDP growth for last quarter was revised.....downward.
Impact on the Arctic - GLOBAL WARMING (2009 report summery)
Nader: Obama in the Shark Tank
Obama: "I didn't campaign on the public option"
It is official, we now live in a corporately controlled country
Posting Political Video Threads Broken
Tarren Mill is under attack! nt
Is it too late for me to apply for the Summer Olympics?
I skated with 1992 Olympic silver medalist Paul Wylie today!
How do you interpret Rammstein's "Amerika" music video?
Two Bumbling Bandits Beaten By Family That Own Medical Pot Dispensary
Could this day get any better?
YouTube - Grand Funk Railroad, "I'm Your Captain / Closer To Home," Shea Stadium 1971
YouTube - Paul McCartney, "My Brave Face"
You know what the Airplane's downfall was?
What would happen if all GD posts were parodied in the lounge?
YouTube - Sun Ra, "Calling Planet Earth"
Vintage Holiday Cheer from 1927 and 1938
YouTube - Artist paints Elvis portrait on black velvet with Cheetos
Youtube - Opeth's "Damnation" album live in its entirety.
Has anyone seen elshiva lately? I'm worried about her again.
YouTube - Rihanna w/ Young Jeezy, "Hard (So Hard)"
YouTube - Arthur Lee w/ Love, "Alone Again Or," Later with Jools Holland 2004
Frank would have turned 69 today.
Are you interested in Ivy League football, Tommy Lee Jones, and Shrub's college roommate?
Late-night heartburn. Not fun.
If you are going to follow 1 person on Twitter...
TMZ photo: A Christmas Story's Zack "Scut Farkus" Ward, 2009
Everyone please shut the hell up until the holidays are over.
Fark year end headline contest - just for fun. (
My keys don't fit the door... You know, my thoughts don't fit the man. (They never can.)
There are no "merry gentlemen" in that carol.
This may seem like a dumb question...
'tis the season for highway folly
YouTube - Beatles on the roof, "Don't Let Me Down"
The University of Kentucky becomes first college basketball team....
Cooks. What is a good substitute for Maderia?
Lieberman claims Obama tried to push him under the bus.
James Brown - Get Involved/Soul Power
James Brown - Papa's Got a Brand New Bag & I Feel Good
Kohaku Utagassen Akagumi (New Year's Eve Song Contest--Red Team) (pic heavy)
Kohaku Utagassen Shirogumi ( New Year's Eve Song Contest--White Team) (pic heavy)
The Supremes - My Favourite Things & Silent Night !
Kim Peek, the savant whom "Rain Man" is based on, has died.
Carrie Underwood to become Carrie Fisher?
Is Chex Mix, christmas cookies, and rum a good dinner?
Vince Guaraldi Trio - O Tannenbaum
Goddamnit, when did aluminum foil become so expensive?!
Police find pot plants at fortune cookie factory
When the heck did all my high school classmates turn into raving religious wackos?
BREAKING: Cookie Monster Tries First Scone, Enjoys It, Legally Changes Name To "Scone Monster"
I hope the new health care bill has mental health care coverage for Reid's sake....
"chicks dig me, 'cuz I rarely wear underwear...
I wonder how many of the "Cameron works for the Evil Empire" people are Star Wars fans?
What animal represents your love for DU?
Ouch! Woman arrested for yanking, tearing man's genitals
Which of these performances would you vote for?
I'm sending Chesterfields to all my friends. That's the Merriest Christmas any smoker can have.
"Stupid, full of shit, and fucking nuts"
I got an early gift. It is making me very happy.
Human error we agreed, it was a careless oversight
Do you have more than one monitor hooked up to your computer? If so, what do you use it for?
Now about the movie Lesbian Vampire Killers
James Cameron won't stop leaving dirty messages on my voicemail.
Send this cartoon to the deer hunters!
I'm bored. If you are also, check out picks of my cool new set up.
How did people change their profile names last year?
White Christmas forecast for here
Saw Avatar , and while I will admit I had fun ...
last meaningless post for a while, I swear.....A or B
What American English sounds like to foreigners
Puddy cat rescue doesn't go as planned
Okay, calm my nerves. I am a little nervous about tomorrow
Do you have a live tree this year?
"Waiting for the Man" - who did it better? Velvet Underground vs. David Bowie
Taylor Swift, the androgynous ubiquitous marginally country pop singer is
Early musical christmas present for lounge lizards: One of my favorite tunes, ever;
I've decided to minimize the drinking over the holidays.
Sorry, Vegans: Brussels Sprouts Like to Live, Too
I was at a chain drug store last night. They had a Valentine's day display
I have 18 dollars in my checking account.
The best "The Phantom Menace" review you'll ever see.
A Snowy Christmas Eve in Hershey (True Story About Mr. Hershey During the Depression)
who are your favorite 'supporting' tv cast members?
How American English sounds to foreigners
And you thought all they did here in Brussels was make chocolate
What is your favorite machine, fictional or otherwise?
I had three spine MRIs today. First, the good news:
I just got fired over a french fry!
Special Colonel Klink Poll. Has Hogan gone too far this time?
Up until the 1940's fire companys were run by insurance co. You called your fire ins co when you
Anthony Weiner Online Chat, Tues 12/22, 7 pm EST
"Saving Your Tax Dollars, Bottom-Up"
"Giving Thanks and Giving Back"
"Centenarian honored by Obama dies."
A proposal: if Nelson does not vote for the final bill
Obama's Message on Health Care to Organizing For America
The Washingfton Concensus rears its head once again
So About That Public Option With a Trigger...
Photos: The Obama Presidency December 21st, 2009
Ex-RNC chiefs rip Steele speaking fees - Party chairman charging $8,000 to $20,000 (Moonie Times)
Mike Lupica: Grifter politicians Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman do number on health care bill
"Of course, the great omission in the 1935 Social Security Act was health insurance."
Maybe it was a good thing that happened this last week. It showed the mentality
Andre Bauer gets Huckabee's backing
Senate Health Care Bill Built on Obama’s Broken Promises
Spratt says he will seek re-election
Obama naming Hispanics to top posts at record pace
If the mandate was taken out of the HCR bill, would you support it?
Don McCanne, MD gives the skinny on the administration's & health insurance industry's plan
NY-Sen-B, NY-Gov: Goodbye, Rudy (Tuesday)
It may make more sense to pay the penalty and pick up health insurance if you get sick.
As deadline approaches, Obama speeds up Guantánamo Bay closure
Tell me again why Sen. Nelson doesn't want Public Option but
Exposure of a "good" Republican. The lies and duplicity of Senator Snowe
A progressive divorce? What the Democrats can learn from the Republicans about managing
Senate Health Care Bill Clears Another Hurdle
Economists see no need for more stimulus
Analyst, on soaring health insurance stock prices
The $2 Trillion Man-How Obama saved Brand America.
I am going over to the dark side.
"Dem senators to get good polling news."
Economists write to Reid in support of health care reform
When next Republicans gain a majority in the Senate
Support for HCR Increasing, Particularly Among Dems
it's all about the conference.
House Braces For Final, Painful Compromises But Leadership Confident They'll Win Over More Blue Dogs
For the Uninsured, a Ray of Hope
*****************Live: Senators debate health care bill*************************
On the bright side, Byrd can go back to the hospital Wednesday if needed
How about letting those 64 and 3/4 buy into medicare....
Recovery on track to strengthen at end of 2009
Seven-year-old challenges Obama to game of foosball
Quinnipiac Poll: Only 36% approve of HCR bill; 56% want public option; 64% want Medicare for all
Ha! The pugs have magically added the annual medicare fix to the CBO numbers
Social Security> Medicare/Medicade> Health Care Reform
Bookmark this and look at it the next time you dont feel like going to work.
Impending Mid-West Ice Storm Could Move Final Vote to Wednesday.
Really, let's all take a breath and imagine what would be going on to Obama if this bill failed...
Obama: No Vacation Until Senate Passes Health Bill
Question: Are republicans happy with the senate or house bill?
Nate Silver: debating the kill-billers has debating the global warming denialists
President Obama marking the death of Ann Nixon Cooper
President Obama marking the death of Ann Nixon Cooper
Obama Appoints Issaquah resident to lead national cyber-security effort
TPM:Hail Mary: Racist E-Mail Doc Reaches Out To Liberal Critics, Quoting Dean, Greenwald, Ed Schultz
Nation’s Largest RN Organization Says Healthcare Bill Cedes Too Much to Insurance Industry
Do Conservatives/Republicans REALLY support HCR?
One silver lining -- I disagree witrh Bernie on HCR-- But he is expanding the power of Progressives
Obama calls local talk show: 'Barry from DC'
My greatest fear is we won't attempt Medicare buy in before we lose the house or senate
Problem: No denail for pre-existing conditons doesn't work without mandates
Exclusive: Blue Dog Rep. Parker Griffith switches to GOP
Parker Griffith (Turncoat- AL) opponent: "Was he lying then, or is he lying now?"
Mr. President: Please think about the people you tried to help as a community organizer.
Anti-Abortion health care: brought to you by Olympia Snowe
Senior Republican Lawmaker Urges US, NATO To Consider Rearming Georgia
Regarding the Public Option....we lost it because...
Here's why the public option had no chance.
Paid into Medicare\caid for 35 - 65yr olds via reconciliation makes 2010 a slam dunk for dems...
It just seems to me it it no longer about HCR - It's about people painted into corners
Republicans agree to destroy America in exchange for easier travel arrangements
Barack Obama: I Never Supported The Public Option
American Nurses Association supports health reform
Drug importation in the health bill would have been a poison pill
Morning Jokesters loved Bernie Sanders straight talk on the health care bill which Sanders supports.
Reality Check: Most rich people only "care" about poor people up until the point
Politico: Parker Griffith, freshman Democrat from Alabama, will switch parties this afternoon.
Obama rejects criticism on health-care reform legislation (WaPo)
President Obama: "The public option has just become symbolic of ideological fights" !!??
Nations largest Nursing professional organization says "Pass the Bill"
Bombshell: Diaz-Balarts call it quits with Charlie Crist
Handel quits as Secretary of State, says she’s “all in” for governor’s race
Public Plan mentioned in "Change We Can Believe In"
That depends on what your definition of "on" is...
Sometimes we hear about how awesome a movie is, but then the movie turns out to be just OK.
Senate Health Bill: The Economists Are Happy Again
TX-10: Top Dem Challenger Drops Out
We're all accusing each other of acting like Republicans.. GOP Underground?
So here we were, calling Lieberman a liar for saying Obama didn't press him on the public option...
Gibbs: Obama 'Absolutely' Did Everything To Get Public Option, Despite No Talks With Lieberman
Nurses Slam Healthcare Bill, Say It Entrenches Chokehold of Insurance Giants
3-term breast-cancer survivor tougher cookie than the President of the United States
Earlier Benefits Could Be On The Table In House/Senate Health Care Conference
Dem Memo Says: 'Good News' Is That Democrats Haven't Done Enough On Health Care Reform
ROLAND MARTIN: Mr. President, TALK IS CHEAP To Bankers
Most adorable video ever. Happy Holidays
KY-Sen: Paul Takes a Huge Primary Lead Over Grayson, Conway Leads Mongiardo
Sign in HERE to oppose ANY U.S. intervention in the Colombia/Venezuela dispute.
Woman held in Hawaii after Michelle Obama threat
PHOTO: Wheels When You Need Them
Joe Madison, on Ed Schultz's tv program, Just called for Rahm Emmanuel to resign
Final Vote on Senate Health Care Bill Scheduled for Thursday at 8:00 am (ET).
Dem Game Plan: Force GOPers To Say Whether They Want Reform Repealed
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
How can the republicans still be allowed to claim they are fiscally responsible
Someone Tell Lindsay Graham That White People Get Medicaid
How Obama Captivated Ted Kennedy
Under the old saying that a broken clock is right twice a day, Chris Matthews actually make sense...
I Have A Question About HCR, As If There Could Be More Questions... BUT
Obama delays Hawaii vacation over Senate vote
The Obama administration did a very good thing!
What's wrong about progressive lines of attack on the health care bill
PHOTOS: The Obama Ladies (and Bo) visit Children's Medical Center
Political branding ideas for 2010 and 2012 elections
I wonder how many people on DU will come out and admit they were right or wrong about this HCR bill
As Health Bill nears passage President Obama's support among Liberal Democrats still high 86%
Senate healthcare bill includes gun ownership rights! Gun lobbyists win another victory!
Federal Ban on Needle Exchange has been lifted
Ezra Klein responds to Firedoglake's Jane Hamsher's 10 Reasons to Kill the Health Care Bill
Jane Hamsher convinced me: Pass The Bill!
Obama administration does something excellent! Ends ban on needle exchanges.
We need a "Christmas Truce" ala 12/24/1914
Go here to sign Hamsher petition to kill the bill
Sen. Sanders "At the end of the day 25 million more people will get health insurance"
Saudi air strike kills Yemen rebels as US drawn into fight (second air strike in a week)
There has been a lot of talk about what Pres. Obama promised on health care- here are the facts
Ooh. Obama's "I didn't campaign on the public option" is cringeworthy
They need to clean house in the FAA
Why Obama will beat the haters from both sides
Why Obama will beat the haters from both sides
Jane Hamsher Goes On FauxNews To Promote "Kill the Bill" (VIDEO)
"we're about to pass a $900 billion bill to help low-income Americans afford health-care coverage"
Obama needs to offer SCALPS to mend fences with progressives
#1 rated diary at Daily Kos: "How to Change the Subject: Manufacturing Hatred of Jane Hamsher"
Revisionist history, and when did mandates become unconstitutional?
Where I grew up, if a person told a lie, he/she was considered a liar.
Medicaid is not "free" and it is not "insurance"
Politico: Party switcher Dem Parker Griffith Donated to Dean's Presidential Campaign.
US forces mounted secret Pakistan raids in hunt for al-Qaida
Legislators demand arrest of Benazir’s killers
China rejects UK claims it hindered Copenhagen talks
Obama signs bill for defense, jobless benefits
Ford offers incentive packages to cut US staff
White House picks new cyber coordinator
Report: Guinea massacre 'crime against humanity'
GOP Voted To Delay Funding For Troops -- As Part Of Health Care Debate
Key Dem: The Public Option Will Be 'Revisited'
Mich. files suit in US high court over Asian carp
Iran 'holding bin Laden relatives'
French identity debate is getting out of control
Serbia submits EU membership application
Russia-U.S. strategic deal demands 'radical' arms cuts
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood conservatives win vote
Taxpayers Help Goldman Reach Height of Profit in New Skyscraper
POTUS: Public option 'symbolic'
2 sheriff's officers badly hurt in Wash. shooting (ambushed)
2 Pierce County deputies shot, critically injured
Americans' Views of Health Care Steady This Year
Nurses Say Senate Bill Entrenches Chokehold of Insurance Giants
Giuliani to back rival in NY gov. battle, forgo run of his own
States' jobless funds are being drained in recession
Political activist pleads guilty in window-smashing
India welcomes Copenhagen accord (BASIC 'defeated' 2050 targets)
Obama calls local talk show: 'Barry from DC'
Senate leaders will return next week to plot health conference
AZ activist agrees to community service, not jail
First Solar opens largest California solar power station
Pakistan court orders men's ears, noses hacked off
Top Cuban official says Obama lied in Copenhagen
Existing U.S. Home Sales Rose in November to 6.54 Million Pace
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday December 22
Ford shares hit highest price in 4 years
Nestle made misleading drink health claims: FDA
NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal
Lithuania hosted secret CIA jails
Employees: Tulsa's Arrow Trucking Is Suspending Operations
Senators overseeing health bill debate get dose of PAC money
Lithuania hosted secret CIA prisons
US woman held after 'threat to kill' Michelle Obama
Barack and Michelle Obama get vaccinated against A/H1N1 virus
Columbia to Chavez: 'Spy drones' may have been Santa's sleigh'
Exclusive: General Backs Off on Court Martials for Pregnant Soldiers
Final Senate vote on health care set for Thursday morning
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani expected to announce Tuesday he will not run for U.S. Senate
Honduran election turnout lower than first estimated
AT&T Workers Seek Nearly A Billion Dollars In Overtime Pay Suits
Fund Boss Made $7 Billion in the Panic
Iranian crowd stops execution and frees convicts
Pelosi takes on Palin over 'death panel' claim ("Lie Of The Year")
Republicans Lodge Constitutional Challenge to Health Bill
Judge rejects 'necessity defense' in abortion case
Contraception is 'greenest' technology
Documents come to light relating to secret nuclear pact between Japan, U.S.
Court: Microsoft violated patent; can't sell Word
Rep. Parker Griffith (D-Ala.) switches to GOP
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says US fabricated nuclear documents
Glenn Beck: Media Matters' 2009 Misinformer of the Year
(U.S.) Army General Makes Pregnancy Punishable Offense in Iraq
Indians are head-and-shoulders above other immigrants in US: Forbes
Xe aims for a piece of expanding Afghan contracts
'Dr.' Coburn Finally Tempers His 'Bye, Bye Byrdie' Remark
Copenhagen's failure belongs to Obama
Guardian: Strategic Balochistan (Pak) becomes a target in war against Taliban
If you want to know who's to blame for Copenhagen, look to the US Senate
Saudi air strike kills Yemen rebels as US drawn into fight (second air strike in a week)
British Army 'waterboarded' suspects in 70s
From Roman to Third Reich: anti-Semitism has long history
America's Greediest: Our Picks for the 2009 Top Ten
The Man Who Conned The Pentagon
There must be a line…a wall to hit…or the struggle for reproductive justice is merely a suggestion.
Juan Cole: Top Ten Worst Things about the Bush Decade; Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs
To Obstruct Health Bill's Xmas Deadline, GOP Plans to Kidnap Santa Claus
"On TREASON you can wretch on" ...The War on the Public Option
Harkin 'Surprised' By Lieberman Claim He Wasn't Pushed On Public Option
How Myths Can Kill - ROBERT PARRY
China's Export of Labor Faces Scorn
Avoidable hospital deaths in the UK. Yes, we have our health-service problems in the UK, too,
A Peek Inside Sarah Palin's Diary
Who Put Christ In The Solstice?
Asked About Charge Of Meddling, Gibbs Says FDA Drug Imports Stand Hasn't Changed
How to Change the Subject: Manufacturing Hatred Against Jane Hamsher
Sen. Graham says he can't explain why there is no bipartisan support for HCR!! REALLY???!
Nation’s Largest RN Organization Says Healthcare Bill Cedes Too Much to Insurance Industry
AlterNet: The "Slow Money" Movement May Revolutionize the Way You Think About Food
The Elephant in the Room: The U.S. Military is One of the World's Largest Sources of C02
DREW WESTEN: Leadership, Obama Style, and the Looming Losses in 2010
I'm Starting a Left Wing Militia. Wanna Join?
An email I got from Dennis Kucinich
President Obama: "I Didn't Campaign on the Public Option."
Jonathan Chait (TNR): The Rise of Republican Nihilism
Colombia: ex-para names US banana companies in murder of trade unionists
'Twas the Congress Before Christmas
Inside Story - Foreign intervention in Yemen
Lazy Afghanistan Army: Afghanistan’s Toking Troops Not Exactly Battle-Ready
Whitehouse: GOP Have Embarked On A Desperate Mission Of Propoganda, Falsehood, Obstruction & Fear
Eisley Live in Concert with JTMP!
President Obama Makes Surprise Call to Gov. Kaine Radio Show - ''Barry from DC is Calling''
Nader: Dubya and Obama are "a Seamless Transition" on the War
Raw Video: Darth Vader Opens Wall Street
Reid Promises to Pass Health Care Reform
Papantonio: Wal-Mart Sweatshops, Unions Fight Back
Papantonio: Climate Change & The Flat Earth GOP
Matalin: Watch Out For Health Care Jihadists!
Dean to Schieffer on CBS today: Dems need to toughen up.
Senator Lindsay Graham on the real health care problem - 'African American population'
Play Lieberman Off, Keyboard Cat!
Roland Burris: The Night Before Christmas (Republican Obstructionist Remix)
NRCC ad blasting Parker Griffith resurfaces.
O'Reilly's 'Dumbest of the Week' wishes a Catholic 'Happy Hannukah' (too funny) 1:55
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Apologizes for Outburst at Florida Congresswoman
TYT: Cenk Slams CNBC's John Harwood For 'Libs Need To Lay Off The Drugs' Nonsense
Sen. Whitehouse: GOP's Ardent Supporters Are Birthers, Right-Wing Militias & Aryan Support Groups
Dean on MSNBC today...the disinformation at DU on this interview is stunning.
Amazing Speech by Iraq War Veteran
Tearful teabagger calls into C-SPAN, worried he prayed Inhofe to death instead of Byrd
Media Matters: Disinformer Of The Year 2009 - Glenn Beck
Environment: Rio de la Plata Fish and Fisherfolk Under Threat
Anaba Wines: Making Wine with Wind Power
Folsom - Palladio 16 theater opens plans largest solar powered movie theater in the world...
Oilwatch Monthly December 2009
Glitter-sized solar photovoltaics produce competitive results
Single King Tide Ruins Year's Crops On Ifalik, Micronesia - Sea Level Up 4" 1993 -2008 Per NASA
Alaskan Coastal Erosion (45 Feet/Year) Threat To Oil Production - Reuters
SYNTHe: An Urban Rooftop Garden Prototype in Los Angeles
Digital Quantum Battery Could Boost Energy Density Tenfold
You could be supporting poaching........
Confirmed 2008 Case Of Marburg In CO Woman First In N. American Resident - NYT
After The Ice: Life, Death And Geopolitics In The New Arctic - LA Times Review/Interview
The Rape Of Madagascar - Armed W. Stacks Of Cash, China Builds Fake Ming Furniture From Rosewood
Housing growth near national parks may limit conservation value
Peak Oil is an immediate issue, but why is no one talking about it?
Climate change: Copenhagen fizzles, California forges ahead
Cowboys sign ex Redskin placekicker Suisham
Fuckers did it again. Yankees face $25.69 million penalty for going over salary threshold.
Good Grief. The Bulls (nba) stink
Holmgren agrees to deal with Browns
Washington just got screwed on the fight/penalty. Giants grabbed a facemask and threw first punch.
Watching this atrocious shit, I'm thinkin' maybe it's not so bad being a Chiefs fan.
Kentucky Basketball is first team to reach 2000 wins
The Redskins suck and so do the Reds of Liverpool. When it rains, it pours.
Bob Ryan:Final tally? We went 6 for 10
Florida's Senate candidates agree on Cuba (byline: grubbing for dollars)
Colombia to Chavez: Maybe 'spy plane' was Santa
Colombia: ex-para names US banana companies in murder of trade unionists
Colombia: Peace Community called "FARC haven"
Colombian troops hunt for kidnapped state governor
Is the new Colombian base, at a very threatening spot re Venezuela, going to be a **U.S.** base?
Israeli pullout bad for Mideast security
Palestinian ex-PM against immediate resumption of talks with Israel
MK Tibi: Israel is democratic for Jews, but Jewish for Arabs
World 'failed Gaza over Israeli blockade' - aid groups
FBI: Murders fell 10 percent in first half of 2009
Here's one that appeared in "States" forum. Deja vu Kellerman?
Shot Robber Has Extensive Criminal History
County workers carrying guns? NM Otero County
Confessions of a liberal who supports the right to bear arms: Commentary
Judge Sentences Female Straw Purchaser to Warn Other Women About the Crime
Some good advise for us Civil Rights advocates here...
US cops; Gunfire Fatalities UP 26% in 2009
Burglar's Loved Ones Want Charges Against Shooter
We urgently need ice pick control!
"Ford offers incentive packages to cut US staff " - bbc
Today in Labor History Dec 22, 250 deported marking the beginning of the so-called "Red Scare
The AFL-CIO Says The Health Care Reform Fight Continues – Senate Bill Isn’t Final Product
Hey, Obama group--my daughter and I saw "Invictus" tonight. Highly recommend!! Uplifting!!
Check out this chart from Andrew Sullivan
Don't miss this one. Give it some love.
President Obama's numbers for Liberals and Democrats go up (12/22)
A bit of fun: a Barack Obama mural in the East Village, NYC
Single Payer for all = De-facto Mandate?
Obama Will Win: Why and How His Critics from the Left and Right Will be Proven Wrong
The Twelve Days of Obama- Post Some Positive Links Everyday
"Have you ever written a post without "DLC" in it?"
more selective colorization/desaturation
A friend sent this to me. Hope y'all enjoy it.
Scientists discover natural flu-fighting proteins
Tuesday votes pass, New schedule for final vote Thursday morning
Machine Translates Thoughts into Speech in Real Time
I was watching the West Wing the other day, when CJ got really worked up
Marijuana, Alcohol Addiction May Share Genes
Small-business bankruptcies rise 81% in California
Greek Woes Rattle European Financial Markets
Obama urges small US banks to lend, eyes red tape
70% Of The Q3 GDP Growth Was Cash For Clunkers
Must Read: Treasury Cover-Up of Goldman's Role in AIG Crisis?
And yet ANOTHER adrenal/thyroid thread! :) Specific question:
I received a STAR from someone during the Solstice..... Thank You ;=D
Astrological Configurations and Marriage Endings
H1N1 Cases Still Increasing In Many Countries; WHO To Begin Shipping Donated Vaccines Within Weeks
is the problem really the mandate?
A Common Set Of Genes Responsible For The Use And Misuse Of Alcohol And Marijuana
Warning of cancer link to certain herbs
Pomegranates could be used to fight MRSA
Doctors Giving Cancer Patients Vitamin D
NYC Schools Under Bloomberg/Klein: What Parents, Teachers and Policymakers Need to Know
In my kids' classrooms, it's All Christmas, All the Time
Turns out Mormons might not be Christians after all...
English Priest Says Shoplifting Okay At Times
Angels can't fly, scientist says
Anthony Bourdain dishes about No Reservations, Rachel Ray, and turning veggie!
Sorry vegans; Brussels Sprouts like to live too.
Biscotti in Pictures! (dial-up warning)
Oh, Stinky! Paging Mr. Stinky!!