If Madoff falls off a balcony or has a heart attack something to consider....
Salon: Hank Paulson declares victory
I thought of a great way to show your face at the Inauguration in DC or your town!
ACLU claims Catholic bishops misusing grant money
Grrrr. This will really make you furious.
From The Cable, Laura Rozen's Blog: Derek Chollet to Foggy Bottom?
For those snowed in who have cats:
Senate Republicans brace for ominous 2010
The grass is greener, the snow we shoveled isn't so heavy.......
FedEx Delivers During the Presidential Inauguration
Do you feel more angry as the Bush occupation ends?
Dr. Evil is BAAAACK! UnionFacts.com’s new anti-union campaign repeats “Secret Ballot” myth
Skinner, how about a countdown clock for when bush leaves the WH?
Flame Bait: Clean coal plant to be built in
W.'s Greatest Hits: The top 25 Bushisms of all time
I can't wait for KO and Rachel to skewer Bush now
LIVE FROM DC!: The Mighty "CodPiece Unplugged!"
al-Jazeera English has restored their live TV feed...
The best laid plans ........ I will not be on the Mall on January 20th
More families seeking home heat aid
Obama to sign order next week to close Guantanamo prison- could be within hours of his inauguration
X-posted: Fans of the movie "Michael Clayton"
Going to the inauguration? Better plan on doing a lot of walking.
The jug-eared little prick ignores Helen Thomas in his final press conference.
The invisible hand with the extended finger
GM will build Volt batteries itself
Woo Hoo! Bernie Sanders gets big kudos
KO is going after Bush for this!
Say goodby to * with this: PINK's "Dear Mr.President" (some graphic pics)
What I Remember About George W Bush ?
Chimpy blames the Clenis. Says "These problems started before my administration."
Bush.... I rescued 30,000 People in "NO's" and if I'd landed on Air Force One...it would have harmed
Am I wrong to pray for a shoe storm during Rick Warren's speech?
Cheney ‘Not Enthusiastic’ About Bush’s North Korea Policies
We wouldn't have to stand it any longer if the world stood with us. If they demanded an end to the s
Barack Obama meets Mexican leader
John Kerry: Wasn't it today four years ago he introduced us
Gold mine to court: Let us dump waste in lake
Why did Bush believe other countries should take
Why did Bush believe other countries should take
Sounds like the new Ford Taurus almost has auto-pilot
Hey, Shrub, it AIN'T "momentary approval" ---------you SUCK for LIFE!1
Does anyone here know of a source for a high quality sound
W. comes clean-on his dad, Condi's farts and the time Dick waterboarded the house boy-By MATT TAIBBI
When Bush spoke today about his flyover of Katrina.. and stammered
If your town had a new mayor take office and they uncovered criminality by the old mayor
if you robbed a bank and had a satchel full of cash
This Modern World The raw, gritty and totally true story of a penguin. By Tom Tomorrow
US Marshalls IMPROPERLY Arrange - Free Federal Ride For Fox Sports
Scum Dog Billion hairs - Jon Stewart's take on
Atlanta thieves nab 2 bicycles from Jimmy Carter
The closing hour quackitude of a drunk
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Campbell Brown, CNN: Bush "disconnected from what really happened" during Katrina, can't see failure
Airlines, Small-Jet Owners Seek $4 Billion in U.S. Stimulus Aid
I Will Give Keith O Until Inaug Day To.....
Two blogs in praise of Howard Dean's efforts for our party. TPM, Kos. Pic from Samoa.
Do we really have yet another farewell feast of lies on Thursday? Wasn't today enough?
McDonald's 'most littered brand' in UK
If this morning's press conference pissed you off, look at what Junior has on tap for Thursday.
The Grandson of Slaves...Touching and especially poignant to
U.S. debt approaches insolvency; Chinese currency reserves at risk
David Van Os: As Inauguration Approaches
Help! Rachel said something about
Insert random and arbitrary criticism of Obama...
when are we going to post the ***Official Fuck You George*** post?
Not sure if Obama is interested...but I just took a male Jack Russell out of my yard
If you've tried to access Al Jazeera (English) and BBC World News and found them blocked in the US,
Finger length may predict financial success
Citizen's arrest poster for Johannes Mehserle
Can we please remove SOME of the reactionary restrictions on the I/P forum?
So Massachusetts residents are "overwhelmingly satisfied" with their healthcare experiment?
For the record both Bush and the Republikkans are correct
Murderers should be placed in prison...
Sony: Poster child for a recession
Don't miss WJ (CSpan1) this morning
Here's a hint for that stupid fuck: They wouldn't have had to be rescued from their roofs...
Barbara Ehrenreich: The Nouveau Poor Have Reached Numbers Too Large to Ignore
Check out Missouri's new website:
Am I wrong to be sickened by Tony Dungy love-fest today on the news?
Polanksi victim urges end to case
Polanksi victim urges end to case
Polanksi victim urges end to case
Senate boosts wilderness protection (the good guys now run the show)
By the way DUers, who set the tone in Washington
Kalamazoo Mi rescinds their anti discrimination ordinance
The first thing I thought to myself upon waking up this morning was...
The Democrats better start calling this economy what it is - The Republican Depression of 2008-09
Pair accused of assault over Wii Christmas gift
160 bills lumped into one yesterday.
From the annals of "teh stupid": Dad Sells Girl, Calls Cops to Complain He Wasn't Paid
NCLB Standardized testing: "Is our children learning?"
Attorneys Release Detailed Report, Closing Guantánamo Easy as 1-2-3
Non Sequitur on Wall Street - sort of (ROFL)
Ford to launch new line of electric vehicles
Watchdog: Bush ex-officials used leverage in private sector
Where Some See Mistakes, He Sees Disappointments
Now that there are 58 or 59 dem senators, what will be the composition of senate committees?
One 'disappointment' bush didn't mention, his FAILURE to get the perp of nine eleven
Guess a few generations of my family will lose our citizenship if this is passedRE:Texas Legislature
Obama Backs Sunshine For Secret Legal Memos
TheHiillary confirmation hearing - thread 1
How come no one is talking about.....
did Bush Order Rice To Abstain On Gaza Ceasefire Resolution?
Exposed: Prop. 8 part of 'Christian Taliban's' move to make Bible the law
Bush* is getting hammered on CSPAN, even
President Pissypants, The Most Hated Man In The World
Don't forget the protesters arrested during the GOP Convention: Townhall 1/25
Racist slur or army banter? What the soldiers say
Racist slur or army banter? What the soldiers say
Visualizing Corporate Bailouts
Will Cheney have to swear in Burris and Franken?
Mr Obama, make a clear break, cut the evil cord,
Bush Justice Department sues Indiana city for discriminating against whites
Franken Opens Three-Front Offensive in Minn. Senate Dispute
Roger STONE is now a fashionista?!1 With NIXON tatooed on his back--EWwww!1
bush kept our nation safe for NINE whole months, not 7 fucking years.
Lieberman thought it was “a good question” to ask if Obama was a Marxist
Roger STONE is now a fashionista?!1 With NIXON tatooed on his back--EWwww!1
Hmm. Rick Warren has his own MySpace page.
When Bernake came in and they said he is an expert on the Depression...
Helen Thomas should get the first question at the first press conference of President Obama! nt
There are volumes on bookstore shelves detailing the Bush years crimes - who can deny it?
I don't know if it's hitting cities yet but try not to complain when sanitation fees go up
Let carriage horses run free: It's time to ban the practice in New York City
Do you think, from your experience, that people from another country/ies
DOJ Releases Report On Politicized Hiring
So, it's the all Iran boogie man confirmation hearing
ACLU Director: "Eight days from now, the very worst president for civil liberties -- is history!"
Meghan McCain: Sarah Palin is the only part of the campaign that I won't comment on publicly
Bush and Jobs: A Remarkable Achievement
Any recommendations for sites with info re. the health care/insurance problem? nm
Israel testing ‘extremely nasty’ weapon: Norwegian doctors
Sen Boxer is questioning along with pics of women abused around the world.
Lawmakers turn to YouTube to feel our pulse
I have two messages to the world, to those who claim they love peace and seek freedom.
Does "discontinued" mean over forever? (Re; Jeff's DUzy awards)
Bush Presser. The abusive parent.
Sen. John F. Kerry: New directions for foreign relations
Who should Obama choose to replace Ted Olson
When will cabinet members actually be confirmed?
Dan Rather Volunteers to Install New Toilet in Joe the Plumber’s Guest Bathroom
Crowd control at Obama's inauguration.
As George W. Bush Gives Tony Blair a Medal, Britain Winces
Any thoughts on the Obama foreign agenda as Hillary is outlining it in the hearing?
Clinton Sets Out New Direction for U.S. Foreign Policy
Man accused of selling daughter for cash, beer
A feature I would like to see on DU.....
Cheney considering writing book: "I've got a lot of stories to tell. And a few scores to settle."
Is Sen Nelson (FL) not the creepiest thing in the world.. He looks like an alien
Ari Fleischer: "Obama should be thankful every day that he inherits a world without Saddam"
Gov. Dean's Statement on "Clash" with Obama Advisors: "IT'S NOT TRUE"
Gov. Dean's Statement on "Clash" with Obama Advisors: "IT'S NOT TRUE"
Sorry Tweety - this is no coalition government
Is anybody watching the SofS hearings?
For Those Coming to DC, Please Please Plan Ahead
Oh oh, Cheney To Write Book?- "I've got a lot of stories to tell. And a few scores to settle."
How long will this 2008 Depression last ?
How long will this 2008 Depression last ?
The Problem isn't Republican or Democrat
Kick and Rec if you like Kicking and Rec'ing silly posts for no reason. n/t
Another case of Voter Fraud against Ann Coulter and also being sued by landlord
Dallas County commissioners to vote on condom ban
Imagine the scandals (and crimes) that are going to appear once we have the paperwork
Ex-Gitmo Guard Reunites with Detainees to Go on Tour Against Torture
Ex-Gitmo Guard Reunites with Detainees to Go on Tour Against Torture
Ex-Gitmo Guard Reunites with Detainees to Go on Tour Against Torture
Retarded strangler has deal to leave Pa. death row
Someone with knowledge of the industry, let's say the coming SAG strike can last past the time
Mr. Obama, you must prosecute the criminals.
Someone, please mount a TV camera on the front of a speeding bus!
Milk in trouble (not the movie)
Alan Keyes Goes Stark Raving Insane (Birther Alert)
More evidence released of politics in Justice Dept. hiring
A hero's fall: Honored for Trolley Square bravery, Hammond now an ex-cop
Stalking the Shadows: Faithless
HEY ELECTED DEMOCRATS - Study: Gay-friendly state politicians are better off
I got your Presidential Medal of Freedom right here >>
And the Senator from New York Is..
A new rip-off game. The class action suit.
Just finished watching An Inconvenient Truth.
CHENEY: "there's never yet been a congressman come forward & volunteer to take 250 al Qaeda members"
Iran Tells Obama Not To Repeat 'False' U.S. Charges
New talking point: Any republicker who's opposed to Obama's
Rude Pundit-In Brief: Because We Won't Have Him to Kick Around Much Longer, Part 6
"52 months of uninterrupted job growth"
Why Obama won in a 3 minute YouTube Clip
WH interns forced to fill seats at Bush’s last press conference to make the room seem less empty
California senator cares more about Tennessee than TN's own senators.
The Growing Clout of the Nouveau Poor
If we're gonna have employment statistics, why not have real ones?
Legacy - "Bush Should NEVER Have Become President" In The First Place!
Download A Free Copy Of The New Windows 7 Operating System At:
Britney's New Single "If U Seek Amy" Faces U.S. Radio Station Ban
New Jersey-New York Delegation Calls for Hudson River Rail Tunnel Funding
Former Gitmo prosecutor rips military trials, calling interrogators' practices 'despicable'
Senators Mikulski and Cardin Introduce Bill in 111th Congress to Honor Harriet Tubman's Life
Kohl, Feinstein introduce bill to revive community policing program (50,000 new officers)
Something else that will be nice after next Tuesday.
DERF TOON: how Bush will leave office
Is "Homeland" just another code word for the RW? I detest that word. Last
Yippee! A 4th GOP senator is not seeking re-election, no democrats have announced any retirements
Miami Herald: Rep. Kendrick Meek of Miami to run for U.S. Senate
My Crowning Achievement of the Bush Administration: https://www.donotcall.gov/
My Crowning Achievement of the Bush Administration: https://www.donotcall.gov/
With Economy Sour, Consumers Sweet On Herbal Meds
We'll Miss The Vermont Rebel Yell ~ Blaise Nutter . Huffpo
U.S. marshals misused as sports escorts (lawyer for service also worked for fox sports)
Schlozman Emails Indicate GOP Voter Suppression Strategy
After catching a case of police brutality on video one should...
Snark: How to get Congress to overwhelmingly pass single payer health care for the US..
Feingold, Baldwin Reintroduce bill to protect cranes
Senators Boxer and Snowe Reintroduce Airline Passengers' Bill of Rights
Rachel Maddow on Bush's look back at Katrina: "Maybe I could have done the photo op differently"
Rachel Maddow on Bush's look back at Katrina: "Maybe I could have done the photo op differently"
Playing this game could seriously damage your health - The Inquirer
All the proof you need re Republican values versus Democratic values
Nelson: bring oil traders out of shadows into light of day
Bush refuses to have his picture taken with the press corps on last Air Force One flight.»
FINALLY!!! - Conyers BACKS Prosecution: Imperial Transgressions Against Constitution & Country
Vitter The Hookerman is Crying......
The Response To Katrina Was A Crime Disguised as Incompetance
Obama to order Guantanamo Bay prison closed
Man with loaded gun arrested near LAX - Third bust in a week, this one's legitimate IMO
Bush's Final Press Conference: White House Interns Forced To Fill Seats
Forest Service halts plans to change road rules
Israeli politician calls for nuclear strike on Gaza
What do we do now that we know who really controls our government?
Kucinich Threatened by Pelosi & AIPAC to Drop Impeachment
I'm very surprised at how easy the Pubs are dealing with the Clinton confirmation.
Report says medical equipment is vulnerable to terrorists
Report says medical equipment is vulnerable to terrorists
U.S.: Olmert NEVER asked us to abstain from UN vote on Gaza truce
-36 degrees in Upper Midwest --- !!!
Global Temperatures cooler in 2008, Pirate activity extremely high in 2008
Senate Set to Pass Public Lands Bill
Flashback from the Nation: AIPAC's Hold
How many Bush Crimes will come to light next week and month?
Vitter questioning Hillary with concerns about ethics is kinda rich,
Leahy On Report: Schlozman Lied To Me
A boy asks his father: "Dad, what is politics?"
Vote to keep wingnut blog from winning "Best Science Blog"
does anyone know whether 2008 income taxes might be affected by Obama's new policies?
does anyone know whether 2008 income taxes might be affected by Obama's new policies?
I may be waaaaaay off base in thinking this, but they're sorta crotch sniffing again.
Propaganda Alert: Cheney's Office Lies about Gitmo Recidivism, Reuters Prints It
IDF To Appeal Human Shield Ban
Is it just me or do Congressional Democrats seem to still be missing they are in power?
Police: Man tried to sell daughter into marriage for cash, beer, meat
I believe having an openly gay priest speak does offer some balance for the bigotry of Warren
Franken going to court to get seated
I posted this earlier about people being laid off from my company...
I posted this earlier about people being laid off from my company...
Is it time to consider a distasteful but effective solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem?
Clinton Just Lied - Said Hamas Broke Cease Fire - Live On CSPAN
1.2% Indian representation on Obama’s transition team ... Where is the cabinet-level appointment?
Democrats Seek Criminal Probe of Bush 'Abuses'
Doctor Warns About Putting Vicks On Kids
The right responds to Gitmo closure news
List of racket and mortar attacks on Israel in 2008 - 3,000 by Dec 27
Oops Geithner has some problems re SS and medicare taxes
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. So Voinovich goes.
Retired physicist's lofty aim: one billion pairs of adjustable spectacles for the world's poor
What's wrong with Pelosi's face?
Rick Warren's collaboration with a homophobic African church leader
Trust me on this. Check out my new climate video on youtube
A legit question to my fellow DUers..
Kerry Just Lied - Said Hamas Broke Cease Fire With Israel - Live On CSPAN
One more long, miserable, fucking week
One more long, miserable, fucking week
Franken Asks Minn. High Court to Grant Certificate
Flash: Obama Changes His Mind - Headlines 1/13/09
Matthew Shepard Act will be a Priority of Obama's Admin. --Return Human Dignity
More than 50 labor unions back overturn of Proposition 8 (file amicus briefs)
Congress puts up video on YouTube, has to disable comments.
Cheney: It ‘Always Aggravated Me’ That The NYT Won A Pulitzer For Exposing Warrantless Wiretapping
BUSHCO-Eliminated 4th Amendment-“Justifying” Warrantless Wiretap Program & Detention Of US Citizens
Blago to preside over Senate that will try him
Kentucky Division of Forestry seeks input on forest issues
BBC presents World News America's 'Notes to Obama' series.
Man accused of selling daughter for cash, beer
(Wired) Surveillance If you think you're being watched, you're probably right.
My sister finally shut down her puppy mill...
About Palin's future in-law (maybe)
I need help/advice about credit card fees
Vice Presidential Handlers Lure Cheney Into Traveling Crate
'Boiling anger' over Bush legacy
Former GOP Aide Pawns Inauguration Tickets on Craigslist for $3,500
Former GOP House Aide Nabbed Trying to Sell Inaugural Tickets
Can state prosecutors indict Bush?-Consider the federal wire fraud statute...
Sacrifice 10 Facebook Friends, Get Free Hamburger (Burger King)
'My Dinners With Dubya': Bush Guest On Prez's 9/11 Behavior
7-Year-Old Totes Gun, Raps Profane Lyrics on youtube
WWII officer who said 'nuts' to Germans dies
Franken asks Minn. high court to grant certificate
Lanny Davis is not a fresh, steaming pile of
Obama to select Julius Genachowski for FCC
How would you deal with someone who is making harassing phone calls?
If only someone could do this for the final * address...
If you are aiming to be Secretary of the Treasury,
Record Numbers Need Help Heating Homes
Geez, * just declared a State of Emergency for Inauguration Week
Democratic Lawmakers May Investigate Bush Years
W: Biggest Presidential Failure IN HISTORY
Things looking down ... and up
Recession Could Spur Traffic Citations
Geithner, Choice for Treasury, Questioned on His Tax Returns
Dodge ESX3 Hybrid Gets 72 MPG...what happened??
Hillary looks very tired today
Hillary looks very tired today
Does anybody know what this might be all about? I just received a phone call
Boxer Introduces Legislation to Make Hybrid Cars More Affordable for America's Families
Geithner has a maid problem and a tax problem
Only one Toon required for today...
Senate Democrats Gain Big Edge in New Committee Ratios
An afternoon with Vincent "Keep Fighting" Bugliosi.
CA rejects Superfund listing for Rocketdyne site
Schlozman believed DC Civil Rights lawyers were 'commies'; enjoyed 'bitchslapping' them
Anyone else having global warming doubts?
Huckabee: Homosexuals can control their behavior like alcoholics can control getting drunk
Jumping the Arc: Freepers discuss faith-based dino science (illustrated!)
Monkey’s Last Press Conference
The Final Press Conference: Portrait of a Narcissistic Psychopath
Interesting point of view: The Democratic Party kept Lieberman and kicked out Howard Dean.
RIP VISTA. I think Windows 7 will eliminate Vista by Christmas
So .... there was an attempted break in across the street this afternoon .....
This election is teh proof positive why the Democrats need to attract the center.
So, who will need a name change here like I do ??
Should tobacco be regulated under the FDA
Progressive Bloggers Launch ‘Get Afghanistan Right’ Campaign Opposing Troop Escalation»
Democrats seek criminal probe of Bush 'abuses'
Hey Natalie prostitution is still prostitution
Senior U.S. military commander re: Afghanistan: "We have no strategic plan. We never had one"
Dangerous coding errors revealed (BBC)
The birth of a DU'er and the end of an era.
"I thought maybe that people would have some sense of warmth about George Bush as he leaves office,
Yah Republicans ! - U.S. mortgage meltdown linked to 2005 bankruptcy law
I got this email from my Mom today...
"CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION" (House Judiciary Report: page 271)
Cheney: It ‘Always Aggravated Me’ That The NYT Won A Pulitzer For Exposing Warrantless Wiretapping
How Do "Conservatives" Recover?
The other dark meat: Raccoon is making it to the table
Mickey Rourke: yet another dumbass celeb I can add to my "ignore" list
I just accidentally a coca cola bottle is this bad?
"Only the little people pay taxes" --- Taxes 101
Student auctions off virginity for offers of more than £2.5 million ($3.7 million)
Huckabee gets even with Ann Coulter, rattling off her insults and lies (RawStory).
Huckabee gets even with Ann Coulter, rattling off her insults and lies (RawStory).
Kucinich offers Resolution for Cease-Fire in Gaza, unimpeded aid to Gaza
Olmert Says He Made Rice Change Vote
Need great depression stories, recipes, etc.
Man says he killed his ex-wife by accident (sex and guns don't mix)
Dominos Stores Closing; More than 100 Laid Off , franchise owner sites high min. wage as one reason
An apology for our 2001-2008 interruption in service
Kick & rec if you are still a Democrat!
Oh, my, I think Sarah is losing it.
Whatever It Takes: The politics of the man behind “24.”
No need for condoms – GE corn can do the job
In society’s view, a double standard on teen sex abuse (girls seen as victims, boys as lucky)
Brad Schlozman found to have perjured himself in front of the Senate. AG will not prosecute? WTF?
Downloading YouTube videos FYI
Turley to Olbermann: If Obama doesn't prosecute war crimes by Bushco, then he (Obama) owns them, too
Glenn Greenwald: Criticisms, political pressure and Barack Obama
Labradoodle is NOT a dog Breed but a continuing experiment with bad results
Labradoodle is NOT a dog Breed but a continuing experiment with bad results
How's your weather today? It is gorgeous in California
Rant on "personal responsibility" and paperwork...
Call: Make Credit Card Reform as part of the Economic Rescue . . .
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse: If Obama doesn’t investigate Bush’s crimes, I will.
"But we havnt been attacked in 7 years"
The Internet, Anonymity and Misanthropy
Sex offender wins $500,000 Alaska lottery
For coupled members, how often do you have sex?
The GAME – Part 2: Consequences and Remedy
The GAME – Part 2: Consequences and Remedy
Post #2001! I've finally evolved!
Is there anything in the world more powerful than lounge vibes?
Anybody else going to Austin for the 8th Inauguration for the 80th Legislature.
Jack Bauer is wearing my dad's short beige raincoat...
Contraception next on list of forbidden things? Next slide down slope for women's rights?
Y'know, if Jack Bauer ever tortured me, I'd crack in like 4 seconds.
Which Rick Roll band should be in the Hall of Fame, but isn't?
Damn - how much chocolate vs, dog?
Breaking: Jan 21, 2009 CNN economy
I sense the presence of Bertha Venation nearby
I have the sudden impulse to go flood GD with "Friends" references
If I can suggest something for Mike Malloy's show on Thursday
Who would win in a Death match? Jack Bauer or Ben Linus?
"Michael Clayton" is an amazing screenplay. What do you think Michael's future is?
You know what ole Jack Bauer always said at a time like this?
I knew that Hoedown would get Keith going
So, for the whole meeting, I could not understand why my coworkers were talking about testicles.
How would you like to spend the winter babysitting my hotel, I'll give you lots of money?
I'm going to miss Der Chimperor. Post your fav anti-Shrub tunes
Who would win in a death match? The "original" loungers, or the "new and unfunny" loungers?
For those snowed in who have cats:
Exorcist fans: Ever see the spider-walk scene?
Exorcist fans: Ever see the spider-walk scene?
I'm Jonesing for Lost. But I'm scared they'll kill off the wrong people
I knew that shrub's press conference would get Keith going
Obama service project (with pics!)
Crimes against civilization & nature
What's up with Pennsylvania Avenue sports teams this year?
I watched Wall-e for the first time yesterday
I am liveblogging 24 right now
Who would win in a Death match? Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra?
Just so you know, salsa in the nasal passage HURTS
Who would win in a Death match? Steve Martin or Nancy Sinatra?
*This*...will be a messed up movie!!
The faculty of my Physician Assistant course have postponed class on the morning of Inauguration Day
Tuesday..Afternoon..Barack is Prez...
ok, i'm bored and i'm playing final fantasy 4 on my DS, ask me anything
i had no idea it would be so hard to write a four-sentence bio of myself
Ain't it FUN living in the upper Midwest?
Eight years ago there was a very accurate prophecy. It was funny back then.
My girlfriend was channel surfing and stumbled upon a rerun of the God Warrior
Take a look at these gorgeous strippers
So , where exactly does the milk of human kindness
The Anantomy Of a Joke or some such other type of Nonsense
What's that editorial cartoon that features a penguin talking to rightwingers..? n/t
Post your PG-13 thoughts here.
Post yer great money-makin idears here
Is this the perfect job or as close as it comes? Link inside...
Rare fiveway photo: Naked page-3 chicks!
Oh joy: my day is looking up. I have to take my mother to the ER.
In these times, don't you think Xanax should be OTC? nt
W00t! I got carded last weekend!
Octopuses given Rubik's Cubes to find out if they have a favourite tentacle
So, there's this straight boy who's into me...
It's 2009. Who will be the next The Knack
Some people are pricks - they deserved to be engulfed into flames of lava and melt away!
The only reason the Miami Vice theme was popular was the show.
Why I hate Minnesota in January:
Anyone else watching Mommas' Boys?
It's 2009. Who will be the Next Bruce Springsteen?
I tried to gouge its eyes: surfer’s battle with shark to drag girl from its jaws--incredible account
Huff Post: Breaking: Obama Heading To The Hill Tomorrow
Huff Post: Breaking: Obama Heading To The Hill Tomorrow
Citizen Kane or SHAUN OF THE DEAD?
34% of Americans are obese, 32% are overweight - 72 MILLION are obese
Mike Malloy will be commenting on the Chimpapalooza press conference tonight.
Larry Craig and Bob Allen have apparently been Law & Order-ized...
Herr Bush's Press Conference Today: Condensed Version.
Well of *course* the lounge is a fun place perish the thought
Anybody else like Salted Licorice?
Hey, Chicago DUer's! Where's the place to be next Tuesday?
Stimulus slots more cash for schools
I bet you a million dollars that Obama will pardon Bush by the end of 2009.
As Bush Goes out the Door with "Mea Culpa" to the Whore Press that Exhaulted him...this DU'er Weeps!
"24" didn't desensitize us one single bit to anything.
In 1986 I opened a checking account at a little bank called First Atlanta.
Co-sign my farewell letter to George W. Bush
I'm aghast!! Watching excerpts of Chimpy's farewell-a-palooza speech on Countdown
Which way do you prefer your chicken prepared to eat?
Obama's Closing Gitmo by Executive Order, Week One
Obama's Closing Gitmo by Executive Order, Week One
Retiring from the Senate in 2010
Julius Genachowski Said to Be Obama’s Choice for FCC Chairman
"Blair House: The President's Guest House" (unless you're an Obama) on CSPAN Saturday.
I Encourage DUers To Watch Bush's Last Press Conference
MST3K fans! RiffTrax (Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett) LIVE online, FREE, Jan. 15th
Fill in the blank: I accidentally _______ the whole box
Kick and Rec if you like Kicking and Rec'ing silly posts for no reason. n/t
Chuck E. Cheese TV stolen during setup
Here. This is what they are trying to excuse - that which we previously prosecuted
The Internet, Anonymity and Misanthropy (X-Posted from GD)
I am SO excited for my upcoming peaceful weekend! Check it out!
I'm weak, fearful, and I don't know how to skate.
Where did O live when he was a Senator?
Capacity Crowd Will Close Checkpoints
Has anyone here taken the census bureau job test?
We will not be subjected to this anymore!
Bush provides good justification that no natural born citizen should be allowed to run for President
Airedale terrier? I'm not advocating this, but someone mentioned it.
I am being taunted by a mouse!!!
The four great religous truths
"if you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding.
After today's pathetic display of Lord Pissypants, I now know what W stands for:
It's getting cold. Know what happens when it gets cold?
Mission Accomplished...Time to wave bye bye to Georgie
pink cadillac- the killer and the boss
How closing Gitmo really sells out liberals...
bush in the cradle: Maron and Seder
Like him or not, George W. Bush's legendary incompetence laid the groundwork for Obama's election.
Lights are on in the funeral home, cops check it out.
Hey, Simon Tisdall, what part of "we have one president at a time" don't you get?
I finally finished typing out all of my planned OP's for 2009.
Hope Obama overturns the Global Gag Policy immediately
Hairy, floppy, fully exposed manboobs = fine
After today's pathetic display of Lord Pissypants, I now know what W stands for:
Nightline announced that viewers could provide feedback about Bush's leadership
I thought of a great way to show your face at the Inauguration in DC or your town!
Semi-remembered, kinda forgotten comedies
Today at DU I was reminded of the movie- The Caine Mutiny
Student auctions off virginity for offers of more than £2.5 million
Where's flvegan? There is a LABRADOODLE flame war in GD....
Meet Julius Genachowski, Obama's FCC Chief Nominee.
The pukes are going to use Holder to try and weaken Obama
On my resume I'm listing all my skills as being "mad skills of ___".
Bernanke: Obama Stimulus Would Lift Economy
I quit smoking 6 mo ago. I just burnt some incense and now I'm hacking
Former Rep Tom Davis Shreds GOP
a meltdown worthy of three mile island!
Kerry "Aims to Make a Mark as a Senate Chairman"
Your Shipment of Fail has Arrived
Bill Clinton will continue raising money for Dems
Recite the alphabet out loud and post on DU when you're done.
The pardons are coming ! the pardons are coming !
Title Insurance on a Mortgage Refinance?
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) up for reelection in 2010. If we don't put the fear into him now ...
I'm gonna open the bar cause I miss Parche
Parting song for our Great Leader: "Go to Hell"
************* 7 MORE DAYS! *************
The Dark Hard Thunder Man appreciation thread
Why Is Harriet Myers Behind Hillary At Her Confirmation Hearing Taking Pictures?
A Fable That's Playing Out In Many A Mind
Weather forecast for next Tuesday - Washington DC
The Hillary Clinton Doctrine: Tough, Decisive and yet Diplomatic
Turley on KO right now discussing war crimes.nt
Okay, this whole clone thing has gone a bit too far.
What's The Latest On Bush Pardons?.....
Former Republican representative Tom Davis: Voters see Republicans as extremists
For All Of You DU'rs Going To The Inaugural, I Hope You Have Fun
Bush History-Better to Let Criminals Go Free than Allow Investigations of the GOP?, 1/13
First Movers - How exactly will Obama get all his stuff into the White House?
I love hulu.com for its free TV content--its free movies are TERRIBLE!
Just heard the new Indigo Girls Song
In support if Obama's blackberry addiction, here are some fake ads about it
Empower and fund Agencies and Departments, not WH task forces. Cool.
SophieMN wants "wall shelves and some paper" for her 7th birthday.
Many of us applauded Obama when it came to gitmo closing
Many of us applauded Obama when it came to gitmo closing
Inaugural event in Philadelphia
Obama is Juan Carlos I to Bush's Francisco Franco
I want to create a thread that never flies
'08 Campaign Guru Plouffe Focuses On Grass Roots
I want to create a tread that never dies.
Poll: Will Barack Obama prosecute The Bush Administration for its crimes?
I want to create a Fred that never lies.
7 days left! You Should be Dancing!
You can describe the Senate hearing in three words.. Expand the Empire!
I want to create a Fed that never spies.
The dangers of defining yourself in opposition to others
Twelve year old lurches blearily from bedroom and mumbles, "Hey mom..."
UPDATE: 10 year old reporter Damon Weaver gets his press credentials for the inauguration
Hillary Clinton in Confirmation Hearings....
In case anyone has been tempted, let me just say it now.
Check in here if you dont watch 24
Obama will Investigate....and pardon
Obama will Investigate....and pardon
The rethug crusade against closing Gitmo begins...
Another Obama breakthrough- The first President since Teddy R. to come from a big city
Vice Presidential Handlers Lure Cheney Into Traveling Crate
Obama presses urgency of bailout funds, senators say
Sen Jon Kyle to Dems: "You will not sit Franken any time soon"
44 to reverse 43's executive orders
Media MSNBC To Air Obama Inauguration In Theaters
Have you ever done MBs spring cleaning?
bush farewell speech to stress dangers of foreign entanglements & the military industrial complex.
What does it mean, the "shine box"?
Dear Obama, bring back Government Cheese.
It's -22F outside, but it doesn't really feel *that* bad.
This has got to be the WORST dress person at the Golden Globes
Anybody tried the Pedi-Paws pet nail thingie?
What about a Cabinet-level position of Secretary of the Arts?
A farewell reminder to the outgoing Bush administration--from Spain, 1936
A farewell reminder to the outgoing Bush administration--from Spain, 1936
Jimmy Carter's bicycle stolen! If you don't think Kkkarlll Rrrrove is behind this your a foole!
The new Friday the 13th remake looks dumb.
Is there an online cliffnotes version of the stimulus package Obama wants to sign on 1/21?
Tomorrow I will go see items recovered from my possible burglars!
Kerry asks brilliant question re. Iraq/Afghanistan and Whorah jumps right in as HC starts to answer
Conservatives: In seven days, you are either with Obama, or with the terrorists.
Duncan on Obama: "Never Before Has Being Smart Been So Cool"
Robinson: Obama "most gay-friendly person we have ever had in the White House"
You know what Bush leaving office feels like to me?
Hillary Clinton's favorability ratings skyocket. Personal 10 year-high (New Gallup poll)
General Wesley Clark live on Ed Schultz right now. Smart, smart man.
It's crack I tell you. Legal, virtual crack. I'm so doomed.
In case you missed This Modern World....
Obama threatens his first veto
Charlotte schools letting inauguration trips be an excused absence
Want to see some real horse shit? Sun-Times: Journalists Being Shut Out by Obama
Obama shelves Jobs-credit Proposal
Bush declares state of emergency for Inauguration
anyone out there who was predicting that chimpy wouldn't leave office on Jan 20 still take that view
Bill Nelson blasts Peter Orszag during his confirmation hearing
Will Russia move on the Ukraine before the 20th or after? Will they play the
In Freeperville Raped woman were looking for "it" anyway
What will be the last Bushism?
Sarah Obama, Barack's Kenyan Grandmother, Heads To Washington With Gifts
Full Text - Hillary's Opening Statement to SFRC
I have the sinking feeling that Obama's legendary speeches will end after he's sworn in
Entertainment announced for Neighborhood and Kid's Inaugural Balls
Obama's call "Change We Need" hits my neighborhood ... Clintonville, OH
My Grandparents had their dish for 6 months now
Sarah Palin Attacks "Anonymous, pathetic , bored Bloggers who lie"
Your QUESTION to Commander Cuckoo Bananas at his last Press Conference?
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 1/13/2009)
Why does Hillary Clinton bug me? Or maybe it's not her... I'm confused.
Life Of The Party-The Obamas' Party Planner
That Bush presser was hard to watch
Honorably serving the dishonorable
What DU'er do people confuse you with?
Tweety hot over Clinton's dealing$ for Dubai-Saudi $$$, but never showed concern for Bush1 dealing$
How would Obama prevent a nuclear Iran?
How would Obama prevent a nuclear Iran?
Most U.S. Corporations Pay No Income Tax
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2009
Researchers demonstrate that environment causes autism.
Trying to find the name of a foreign film...
Anyone tired of all the hoopla but ready for Obama's presidency?
Gay man picked to head OPM — "Highest ranking openly gay official ever"
Round two of me Vrs my sister cause of her brat
Who Has The Best Mass Transit System In The US?
I don't think I'll ever consider myself a non-smoker.
What do we do with Gitmo detainees?
If you begin a sentence with the words "I wonder", goddammit, don't end it with a question mark!
Hillary Clinton has been SOS for minus one week and we're STILL at War!11!!11
No, you DON'T have a good reason to be cynical.
I'm streaming Hillary's confirmation hearing.
Ok, I am more devastated that the DUzys are gone than any of Obama's picks
Comcast launches all-Obama channel
I was right about Bush, and I bet I'm right about Obama too
How's that Geithner pick looking?
I just want to say this, Kerry looks incredible in this position.
I just want to say this, Kerry looks incredible in this position.
At Obama's first Presidential press conference, he should call on Helen Thomas first
Obamas choose interior designer for White House
The look on Hillary's face when Vitter started in...
Kerry: New directions for foreign relations
If Your In Memphis next Tuesday Come To The Inauguration
Dog-gate: the West Highland White Terrier gets shafted
per merh's experiment: so i'm taking this class on how to levitate small woodland creatures...
The TRUTH about the imaginary feud between Obama and Dean
What's a good martial arts style to learn?
Obama picks lobbyist for deputy defense secretary
Obama picks lobbyist for deputy defense secretary
kitten picture of the day for tuesday january 13
Okay, let's cut the BS. Name/post your one absolute favorite song ever.
Put four or more DU names in a sentence.
Is it okay to eat too much molasses?
Yet another shorts and T-Shirt day in NORCAL!
Did Obama pull a bait and switch with cabinet appointments?
Have you ever gone to your MLB team's spring training?
The Lounge thread starters poll
Now here's a song that was perfect for its time
Now here's a song that was perfect for its time
Good morning Lounge - with new pics of my condo
Being drunk, posting on the internet and being behind the wheel of a car
Christmas Is Not Over 'Til I SAY It's Over! (note from my cat)
My cousin, the insane climber.
No cuts Line jumper and dad land in jail
What is a good marital art to learn?
Why Did Mickey Rourke Win A Golden Globe?
Tell Me That American Idol Is Not Here Again
What Song Brings Back So many Memories For You?
Obama's pragmatic choice: Prosecute the criminals or be Whitewatered!
VW accuses Lamborghini O.C. of $12 million theft
Check in here if you're going to be in DC for the Inauguration
I'm feeling punchy. Tell me a band or song that you like so I can insult it.
Post your very best asshole-induced rant!
2 and a Half Men is one of the funniest shows on TV
Anybody remember the little plastic pencil boxes
Our Corolla is $700 away from being totaled
Southpawkicker appreciation thread!
Sexual Pancakes - My very own home made Youtube show
So Ricky Henderson, perhaps the most selfish player in the modern era,
DemocraticUnderground.com: January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2009
Obama Preparing Order To Close Guantanamo-(In First Week On Job)
Committee on Rights of Child opens fiftieth session
UPDATE: S Korea Nuclear Envoy To Discuss Fuel Rods With North
Obama to Limit Dividends From Banks Getting ‘Exceptional’ Aid
New policy emphasizes U.S. interests in Northwest Passage
Capacity Crowd Will Close Checkpoints
Racist slur or army banter? What the soldiers say
Capacity Crowd Will Close Checkpoints (Inaugural parade)
China's December exports, imports fall sharply
Stars sign up for Obama celebration
US car workers protest at wage cuts demanded for bail-out
Ill. Gov Got $80K From Road Builders
Activists plan more BART shooting protests
U.S. International Trade In Goods and Services - November 2008
Goody's lays off most of corporate associates, to file for Chapter 7 Tuesday
DOJ Report: Schlozman Broke The Law, Then Tried To Hide It From Senate
Obama Shelves Jobs-Credit Proposal
WH interns forced to fill seats at Bush’s last press conference to make the room seem less empty
CEO Firings On the Rise As Downturn Gains Steam
Obama tells (Mexican President Felipe) Calderón he wants to 'upgrade' NAFTA
Obama Learns Fast That Dems Are Hard To Herd
(DOJ) Study Finds Ideology Fueled Justice Dept. Hirings
Man accused of selling daughter for cash, beer
Sex offender wins $500,000 Alaska lottery
Iraq’s oil revenues are 174 % higher in 2008 – oil ministry
No room at the graveyard, as Gaza fighting rages on
Top Officer Urges Limit on Mission of Military
Military summit tells ‘ugly story' of suicides
Ex-military prosecutor backs Guantanamo legal challenge
Obama Picks Julius Genachowski to Head FCC
Judge: Copy of disputed documents (re: Bush DOJ firings) goes to Obama
Clinton: U.S. committed to ending war in Iraq
At Confirmation Hearing, Energy Nominee Steven Chu Shifts His Stance
Bernanke says more steps needed to stabilize banks
Cheney: It ‘Always Aggravated Me’ That The NYT Won A Pulitzer For Exposing Warrantless Wiretapping
No cuts Line jumper and dad land in jail
European Commission says Ukraine blocking resumed gas flows
Congressman Baca wants health warnings on video games.
Biden discusses troop withdrawals with Iraq leader
Obama picks lobbyist for deputy defense secretary
Michigan Kids Living In Poverty On The Rise
Israel: Boycott, Divest, Sanction
Bush says he leaves with `good, solid record'
Yahoo Names Bartz as CEO to replace Yang
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Snowball
Bush Awards Medal Of Freedom To Blair, Howard, Uribe
Democratic Lawmakers May Investigate Bush Years
Bush to Obama: your friends will betray you
Morgan Stanley Pays $2.7 Billion for Citi Brokerage
New admission over legal advice on Iraq invasion-
Fugitive money manager bails out of plane to fake death
Colombia asks US info on Chiquita executives
Venezuelan pianist to play at Obama’s inauguration
Bush Awards Medal Of Freedom To Blair, Howard, Uribe
Iran says uncovers U.S.-backed coup plot
Hammond (LA) man arrested for making threat on Bush's life
KIPP Teachers Organize (first of it's kind in the US)
Ice skater Jayne Soliman gives birth after being declared brain dead
Clinton vows to revitalize US diplomacy
Faulted By Environmentalists, EPA Nominee Has Fans In US Senate
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday January 13
Hutchinson Technology layoffs go into overdrive (1,380 Jobs Lost)
Israel, Hamas locked in fierce Gaza street battles
There's the rub, Vicks may actually make kids sicker
Obama to reverse Bush executive orders
AP: Clinton Acted on Concerns of Husband's Donors
Computer keyboard is 'dishwasher-safe'
Largest-ever study of US child health begins
Bush’s final days fraught with Israel-related developments
State Dept: Israeli PM flat wrong on Rice
Drugmaker Pfizer cutting up to 800 scientist jobs
Pregnant as a result of rape, she was killed by her family
Revealed: why some foods are addictive
Gay Group To Protest at MLK Service
European Parliament passes pesticides bill (to save the bees)
Geithner failed to pay personal taxes
LG wins race to power GM’s plug-in car
Bush Farewell Speech Thursday Night On Primetime
U.S. arms shipment to Israel canceled due to Gaza conflict
Rice shame-faced by Bush over UN Gaza vote: Olmert
Alabama NAACP criticizes use of Azalea Trail Maids in Inaugural Parade
Held captive by their half-brother for 10 years
US: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism
Press TV: Fans thank Jon Stewart for Gaza stance
Who is Dawn Johnsen, newly appointed to Office of Legal Counsel, DOJ
Tuesday meeting about Xcel's rate increase: Boulder Colorado
The Last Ignoble Act of the Bush Justice Dept: Busts Bill Cosby for Voter Fraud
Bush's Missed Opportunity to Express REAL Regret
The Ceasefire: Finding Bodies in Gaza
Man accused of selling daughter for cash, beer
Gaza is Sinking in a River of Blood: A Message from a Gazan to the World
Transcript of press conference by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at United Nations Headquarters
Bush spins scandalous neglect of vets
US award to Uribe sends wrong message (HRW AIUSA CIP HRF LAWG RI WOLA)
Cocaine plane trail is open challenge for Obama administration
Bill Stone, one of Britain's last surviving World War I veterans, died Saturday. He was 108.
Eugene Robinson: Bush’s Short View of History
CU's College Democrats oppose hiring of right-wing prof
For Kids Sake - Don't Stop The Aid
Five Essential Things We Must Do to Stop America's Idiotic War on Drugs
How To Resolve The Credit Crisis: Credit Where Credit Is Due by Dr. Ellen Hodgson Brown
US: Carbon monoxide deaths on the rise as economy sours
Why Single-Payer Health Care Can't Wait
Hillary: “They LIKE Me, They Really LIKE Me!”
The World at War |~ US 4 China 2 Indonesia 4
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
Obama: Declare an End To 'The War on Terror'
AlterNet: Five Essential Things We Must Do to Stop America's Idiotic War on Drugs
NYT editorial on immigration: A Sense of Who We Are
Israel Is Losing This War by Uri Avnery
Volcker: This Crisis Is Different .
The lessons of Gaza By Andrew J. Bacevich
OBAMA for the First Time Dropped in for a Bite to Eat at Ben's Chilli Bowl Diner
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record
Some See Mistakes, Bush Sees Disappointments; an "innocent bystander" in "one long pratfall"
Bush evokes passion, sometimes anger (CNN)
John Nichols: Clinton Temperature on Gaza: Relatively Moderate
Eminem - Mosh. A little nod to the Bush legacy as Junior slithers out the door...
Viewpoint: The end of the neocons? (BBC/Jonathan Clarke)
Commentary: Bush still doesn't get it (CNN/Ed Rollins)
Tavis Smiley: There Is No Such Thing As A Post Racial America
Ideas for Obama by Paul Krugman
A blogger responds to Sarah Palin UPDATED
Bush's Final Swan Song: 'I Did It Lie Way'
Joe The Plumber's New Gaza Report
Dear America: From a Saudi Girl
The 10 Worst Corporations of 2008
Bernanke urges clean-up of US banking
Myron Rolle, FSU Football Player, Choses Oxford Over NFL
In Foreign Policy, a New Trio at the Top: Clinton, Kerry and Obama Begin to Realign Their Roles
Freegan cheap eats - dumpster diving goes upscale
BBC argues with Israeli Spokesman over UN School Bombing
NC Governor Beverly Perdue takes the Oath of Office
Who's Running TARP? You Might Not Wanna Know
NC Gov Beverly Perdue's Inaugural Address - Part II
Countdown-Jonathan Turley -closing gitmo, Holder, torture prosecutions
Obama names Raytheon lobbyist for defense post
NC Gov Beverly Perdue's Inaugural Address - Part I
Bush refuses to have his picture taken with the press corps on last Air Force One flight
Rachel Maddow talks with Major David Frakt on the need to close Gitmo
Obama Vs. Constitution (60 Sec. TV Ad)
HUCKABEE: "Nope. I am definitely not pro-sodomy. I promise, scout’s honor."
“What in the name of humanity are Israel doing?” CH4 UK
Rep. DeFazio tells it like it is (on the "tax cut" plan)
WABC News: Jacob Javits on the campaign trail (1980)
Pro-Israel and Pro-Peace Rally's 1/13/09 Democracy Now 1 of 2
TYT: Joe the Reporting Plumber
Pro-Israel and Pro-Peace Rally's 1/13/09 Democracy Now 2 of 2
Saving the Economy, One Furnace at a Time
Cambell Brown Rips Bush On Katrina
1 of 2 CBS: Wall Street caused oil price spike
The Young Turks REALLY SUCK for posting the lawyer getting sucker punched video
WABC News: Devastating earthquake in Italy (1980)
Christopher Hitchens vs. Bill O'Reilly on Torture
EU bans pesticides and chemicals to save Bees
How close are we to Martial Law in the US? ALERT!
WABC News: Presidential Campaign 1980
AlterNet: Now I Understand Why They Hate Us
NBC News: Alaskan Oil Bust (1987)
Coulter, Gonzalez, Saltsman, Oh My! - Part 2
Coulter, Gonzalez, Saltsman, Oh My! - Part 1
TYT: How Much Power Does Israel Have Over the US?
Worse Than Hoover-The personality flaw that's made Bush one of the worst presidents ever
Civilians in Gaza 'feel alone in this world'
Keith Olbermann Breaks Down Bush's Final Press Conference
Speaker Pelosi Presents Capitol Cat Cam
Veterans Say CIA Tested Drugs, Mind Control on Them
TYT: Is Bush A Psychological Mess? Cenk Explains.
TYT: Cenk's Thoughts On George Bush's Last Press Confrence
Obama preparing order to close Gitmo
1 dead, 4 hurt in Black Hawk crash at college
Army may stop notifying COs of counseling
WTU soldier found dead at Stewart ID’d
Lawsuit: Guardsman fired over military service
Suicides rise as time spent in combat increases
Dix case convict proclaims innocence in note
Guard tops recruiting goal by 43 percent
Top Army recruiter weighs fat camp for recruits
Trial set in for deserters accused in slaying
(Army Times) Editorial: Time to get creative
(Army Times) Backtalk: Ammunition alternatives
(Army Times) Backtalk: Suggested reading (for PE Obama)
(Army Times) Opinion: Give the right award
Electronic warfare career field to be formed
Army makes deployment hearing test mandatory
SecNav to stay after Obama takes office
Swift becoming fixture in SouthCom diplomacy
Another veterans-only court established
Senators press Gates to buy more Super Hornets
Refurbished Stennis leaves Bremerton Tuesday
(Navy Times) Backtalk: Dispersal is a priority
22nd MEU doing pre-deployment urban training
(Marine Corps Times) Backtalk: Defending the Defense dollar
Some Army surplus unlikely to be used
(Marine Corps Times) Backtalk: Answers are few, but treatment is available for PTSD
DoD: Poor job market help services reach goals
Donley will stay, but won’t say how long
Robots could refuel JSFs on the flight line
Biden visits Iraq, bombs go off in Baghdad
(Air Force Times) Editorial: Air Force fails PT test
(Air Force Times) Backtalk: Wary, but willing
The ups and downs of energy drinks
British activists protest, call for closure of Gitmo
Okinawa official tours U.S. in bid for SOFA changes
17th Air Force to airlift equipment to Darfur region C-17s to carry U.N. vehicles
AFRICOM counters piracy with training
Navy Testing the Telecommuting Waters
Afghan Insurgency Drawing New Fighters
Combat Moves to Gaza City Neighborhood
Booted Confession Gets Court Hearing
Museum Dilemma -- Depicting OEF, OIF
(Military Times) Op-Ed: Vets Demand KBR Come Clean
Israel Bans Arab Parties From Election
Special Session of Parliament: MPs unite to condemn Israeli attacks on Gaza
Who will save Israel from itself?
Commentary: It's time for the U.N. to impose tough sanctions on Israel
Olmert seeks push in Cairo talks before Gaza op enters third stage
Gaza: Canadian Union of Postal Workers calls for boycott
Israeli cabinet divided over fresh Gaza surge
Israel losing PR war - January 12, 2009
why can't i recommend threads from this forum??
al-Jazeera English has restored their live TV feed...
Red Cross: 28,000 People Displaced in Gaza
Israel seeks airwave supremacy
What "Waltz With Bashir" can teach us about Gaza
Horrific Hospital Scenes Of Casualties in Gaza
Gaza clinics destroyed by raids
Gaza comparable to Sabra and Shatila massacre
Israeli Leader Warns Hamas of 'Iron Fist'
In case you were wondering who is really in charge of the US.
Video - Palestinian men shot by Hamas for singing at a wedding. Plus more video clips.
Gaza is Sinking in a River of Blood: A Message from a Gazan to the World
Israel faces calls for Gaza war crimes investigation
Egypt to Hamas: Sign truce or risk collapse of Gaza regime
Things one sees from The Hague (Gideon Levy)
Israeli troops move into suburbs of Gaza City (Baltimore Sun)
Amnesty International: Firm action urged to ensure accountability in Gaza conflict
Gunmen shoot at Border Police patrol along Israel-Jordan border
Perhaps Israel should quit Gaza op while it's still ahead
Israel in No Mood to Brook Dissent
Report From Rafah: Doctors Stopped at Borders
(Livni): 'No Negotiations' With Hamas
The fog of war: Root causes and resolution
Hamas raids aid trucks, sells supplies
Rice shame-faced by Bush over UN Gaza vote
A Damn Foolish Thing: Why Israel Loses Asymmetric Wars
Hill of Shame where Gaza bombing is spectator sport
Help plug leakers of army secrets, Israelis urged
Children Heavily Represented Among 917 Dead, Say Officials
Anti-Apartheid Poet, Activist, Breyten Breytenbach warns against comparing Israel, Apartheid
The IDF put up webcams at the crossings!
The lessons of Gaza By Andrew J. Bacevich
700 Israelis Arrested For Protesting Against War
US cancels Israel arms shipment over Greek objections
Gaza is Sinking in a River of Blood: A Message from a Gazan to the World
Minnesota's iconic moose are dying off (global warming)
Testimony from Gaza: Will take decades to rebuild
Selling heat – by the pellet (Maine)
Japanese Harpooner Feels the Heat in East Java
Ignore the media hype and keep Googling - The energy impact of web searches is very LOW
About the TVA coal waste spill. Please watch this video.
Coal Pollution: Hiding in Plain Sight
Hamas forces are damaged but intact, Israel says
List of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel in 2008 - 3,000 as of Dec 27
Israel PM Appoints Min To Coordinate Gaza Humanitarian Aid
At least 10 Gaza rockets strike Negev, one near Ashkelon school
Israeli politician calls for nuclear strike on Gaza
China announces plan to single-handedly finish off the climate
President Oil Pig lays claim on Arctic
Keeping home life-support up when power goes out (Maine)
Obama doubles renewable energy tax credit in stimulus plan (now $20B)
IDF To Appeal Human Shield Ban
Climate Hackers dump iron into ocean, tests global warming solution (Antarctica)
Bill targets controversial Utah nuclear power plant plan (Utah)
Greek Govt Under Fire Over U.S. Arms to Israel
Pitiful amount of aid reaching Gaza
Double blow to ESBWR (new nuclear reactors) from Entergy and Dominion
NRC, nuclear industry mull personnel lack
Binyamin Netanyahu demands 'crippling' of Hamas
Future cloudy for California solar farm (credit crunch)
Global warming denier site set to be crowned the "best science blog."
New Prius gets 50 mpg -- and the solar roof rumors are true (for air ventilation)
NASA Modis Imagery Captures Progress Of 12/08, 1/09 Wilkins Shelf Breakdown
Niels Bohr Institute Study - Sea Level Rise Of 1 Meter By 2100 Possible - 3X IPCC Projections
Arne Naess - Deep Ecology Philosopher - Dead At Age 96 - AFP
FL State Officials Checking Chinese Drywall As Complaints Of Metal Corrosion, Stench Continue
2nd TVA Fly Ash Spill Smaller Than TN Disaster, But Ash May Hold Far More Toxic Metals
Victory Garden on the White House lawn? Visit EatTheView.org.
All-in-One Solar Panels and Solar Thermal
Kentucky Division of Forestry seeks input on forest issues
Prices for rooftop solar systems fall as supply grows
Iran tones down its vocal support for Hamas
Black Light Power signs second commercial deal with
Honda Insight tops 60 mpg in test drive
Chu's confirmation hearing Tuesday, 10 am EST - c-span3, webcast, and live blogging
Sea Shepherd news - Indonesian animal activists protest Japan Whaling Ship docked for repairs
Truthdig: There’s No Delicate Way to Put This ...
The Ceasefire: Finding Bodies in Gaza
Super-predator humans reshape our prey
More than 100 media sign Reporters Without Borders petition for international journalists
and now, another point of view
Modern Israeli/Palestinian literature?
Israel testing ‘extremely nasty’ weapon: Norwegian doctors
Israel testing nasty weapons in Gaza, claims Mads Gilbert
Legal expert: Rising Gaza death toll doesn't mean IDF acts are disproportionate
"Transition Towns" - a new life......without oil.
Pro-Israel Rally Attended by Big-Time NY Dems
Palestinians Suicide Bombing Attack Kills Several Israeli Soldiers
Climate Denial Crock of the Week
Obama to Add 20+ GW of Wind Power (and 4 GW of solar and geothermal power) in 3 Years
Iran says Israel stops its aid ship to Gaza
Oil from Algae looks promising - and it can absorb excess CO2
Oil supply run-up in 08 was due to speculation - 60 Minutes report
Israel Trying To 'Wipe Out' Palestinians In Gaza: Abbas
Jewish women speak out against Israel's war on Gaza
AlterNet: Pro-Israel Rally Attended by Big NY Dems Descends into Calls for 'Wiping Out' Palestinians
Why We Should Oppose Both the Israeli Army and Hamas
State Department: Olmert never told U.S. to abstain from UN vote on Gaza
Gaza: Israel under fire for alleged white phosphorus use
Clinton: No negotiations with Hamas
Global warming denial site wins Best Science Blog 2008
Red Cross: Israel's use of white phosphorus not illegal
Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields
Turkey's PM stands by criticism of Israeli offensive
I'm refinancing my mortgage with an interest rate of 4.250%
Germany agrees 50bn euro stimulus (BBC)
So now Chase is raising the min payment to 5% of balance
Oil Price run-up in 08 caused by speculation - 60 Minutes and they actually mentioned "deregulation"
Balad to petition High Court over disqualification
Dr. Evil is BAAAACK! UnionFacts.com’s new anti-union campaign repeats “Secret Ballot” myth
Today in labor history Jan 13 Mounted police charged into the crowd, beating men, women and children
DSA Urges Action on Trade Issues
Starbucks: A Mixed Blend for Workers
As China's Jobless Numbers Mount, Protests Grow Bolder
Gay Rights Ordinance Repealed in Kalamazoo
I thought of a great way to show your face at the Inauguration in DC or your town!
Warren: “ I’ve been on Gene Robinson's attack list for my position on gay marriage.”
Al Sharpton: Churches should focus on social woes, not gay marriage
HI--I am a volunteer adviser in my daughter's Gay-Straight Alliance and have a question:
Maine: Gay marriage bill being introduced
thank you Skinner and mods for taking homophobia seriously
Obama Once Backed Full Gay Marriage
Official tally: 2,165 people were killed in Caracas in 2008
Academics Respond to HRW Director's Defense of Venezuela Report
Zapatista statement on the massacre in Gaza
Venezuelan Opposition Attacks Chavistas at Governor's Swearing In
COLOMBIA: Most vulnerable fall through gaps in health system
Internet use booming in Latin America
Well the PAC-10 & Big Ten get what they deseve if this article is correct.
Does Rooting Against Jesus' Favorite QB, Kurt Warner, Make Me Evil?
Clear something up for me, Sports Forumites.
It's official: Nolan is Broncos' defensive coordinator
Who Is The Most Pathetic Sports Fan On This Forum - I Humbly Submit That I Am
If I were to be reborn as a sports fan, I admit I'd root for
If you, or a loved one is over 50, please arragne for a colonoscopy!
Krugman: Ditch The Tax Cuts, Fund Universal Health Care
Gun laws in New York State: actual gun, or parts?
111th Congress proposed firearms legislation (so far)
interesting read on the Heller Decision
Anti-Gunners started early this year.
The Republicans in the Brady Campaign have declared war on us!!
I could use some good job and other vibes here
Let's step it up for Lizziegrace, who is still having a heck of a time.
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? EVERYONE
Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts & vibes!
'You are a bridge of energy for the union of Heaven and Earth'
Blue_In_AK always talks good sense, so here's a few pics from January 1
Fun w/Street Scenes Last Weekend... (Pic Heavy)
Anybody want to circulate a petition against HR45?
Experimental turkey breast in crockpot was a big success
Dreaming of New Kitchen Wares...which color would YOU pick?
I'm watching Bourdain in Venice on the Travel Channel
feeding vegetarians and carnivores at the same time. ugh
I was amazed to find the complete Cosmos Carl Sagen series on Youtube
Scientists may have created life in the lab
Catholics ordered to keep quiet over Virgin visions
Does anyone have an Ikea kitchen?
I recently made a 'coq au vin' recipe in a slow-cooker, and I left out the bacon entirely.
Does myth, consciously separated from reason, have intrinsic value?
Is there such a thing as an emotional truth, which is distinct from a logical truth?
Where was the U.S. military on 9/11; who was in charge; and
Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (2 & 3)
Helicopter that crashed at Texas A&M based in Austin
David Van Os: As Inauguration Approaches ( Crosspost)
Court won't hear Texas voting machine case
The Texas Legislature is now in session
State legislator seeks to outlaw sale of novelty lighters
Battlestar Galactica Season 4.5 Starts Friday!!
Canada's shameful security legacy
RCMP follow up on NDP complaint over tapes
New directions for foreign relations - John Kerry
NYT: Kerry Aims to Make Mark as Senate Chairman
Heathrow protesters buy runway land
Iranian protesters burn Barack Obama pictures
Evil Tory Bastards To Abolish Safe Labour Seats