Democratic Underground

Archives: February 21, 2009

Did You Hear the One about the Financial Crisis?

This just in: It's not the Rapture.

I've gotten three Valentines today and I have two from before. Whoever

Liberal Anti-Waste Group

Just saw this ad on CNN


Coleman Lawyer: Maybe The Franken Voter Was Mentally Disabled?

I love the smell of scared bankers scrambling.

NY Post cartoonist drew illustration for article calling civil rights movement a "menace" to society

All Bets Are Off

Nixon tried that "silent majority" bullshit back in '69...

Nixon tried that "silent majority" bullshit back in '69...

I just wanted to take a second to thank whoever has given me hearts

Odd questions at the Vatican.....

That stain will cost you

Audit Reveals Abuse in Highway Contracting ($73 million for ballooning executive compensation)

Access to kids being denied, Winnipeg 'white pride' mother claims

Who lives in Congress Gregory W. Meeks district? It's NY's 6th.

Obama Justice Dept. Backs Bush Denial of Prisoner Rights at Afghanistan's Bagram Prison

GOP Ideological Theater.

What did they do and when did they do it? Exposing the BFEE's Lies...

I don't want any assistance from the stimulus bill

My sister's high school has no record she ever graduated or even attended...

Gay Man Awarded $90,000 in sex harassment case

US 'Troubled,' 'Confused' Over Pak-Taliban Peace Treaty

I like Tom and support him....

Citibank and be closed soon?

Alan Keyes goes totally off the deep end!

Pentagon Review Reportedly Says Guantánamo Complies With Geneva Conventions

bush be gone

"1959 Dallas ranch-style brick home" becomes "brick s**thouse" as Junior & Pickles move in

RIP Socks. You were one class cat

A sad anniversary, GDer's.

Audit: Surplus military equipment mishandled, lost?

Searching for answers in Cambodia

Lansing Mayor Slams Fox News Hack

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!!

Investigation: The oil money behind the anti-stimulus fight

Folks, there is one person I am ecstatic we should never have to see

meet the press w/david gregory this sunday=gov. bobby jindal (r-la) gov. charlie crist (r-fl)

Charlie Rose, Richard Holbrooke, on tonight. Very worth watching.

Why Are Senate Republicans Acting Like Dicks Who Want Us to Sink Deeper Into Economic Recession?

Now wasn't it nice of Bush's SEC to block short selling of financial stocks to keep them

Thank you, DUers.

Wanted: Lousy job, low pay -even less desirable job postings solicit thousands of responses.

I shouldn't repost this, but it's so refreshing to watch Santelli get spanked by Robert Gibbs.

The economic crisis ends when repuke criminals are arrested, it's that easy

Chinese Gay Penguins Marry

Bill Maher Is Back - Real Time - Tonight @ 10:00

BART holdup victim grabs knife, kills robber

Delete -- inadvertant dupe

NATO allies reluctant to increase Afghan presence

Here is an idea to save our economy.

Mr. Fish has something to say...

Before I get some sleep I want to thank whoever sent me these hearts.

I've been remiss with my thanks.

New Developments in the Chandra Levy case

New Developments in the Chandra Levy case

TOON: Ted Rall Must Read DU

Huffington Post: "Meghan McCain Explains How Her Blog Could Have Saved The GOP"

Radical Communist: 70% Alan Keyes: 27%

Thanks to whomever for my star.

I’m searching for a word. It would be an oxymoron.

The Messy Innovation Of America (political innovation) the US vs Europe

The Messy Innovation Of America (political innovation) the US vs Europe

Barbara Ehrenreich/Chuck Collins: Corporate America, Ground Your Jets

Someone Gave Me A Heart?

Self Portrait

Is it possible that we're wasting WATER while we sleep?

Is it possible that we're wasting WATER while we sleep?

LOL - Reporter almost breaks out laughing while interviewing Alan Keyes (R - Birther)

Economic Shock Therapy

Gates: Pakistan-style truce in Afghanistan acceptable

Gates: Pakistan-style truce in Afghanistan acceptable

New rule! Never, ever, ever leave a surplus for the Republicans to piss away

Remind the taxpayer who we're cleaning up after!

"Can anyone save the consumer?" by JOHN DVORAK .... LINK

How come I gotta Pay for mortgage rescues? WHAaaaaa

So the Working Class is pissed off at Wall Street and the Bankers

Drag queen becomes homecoming queen

New Mexico Mayor Thinks Plan to Transfer Nuclear Weapons Complex From DoE to DoD is Dead

Dollars & Sense: Massachusetts Doctors Push for Single-Payer

"Trickle down was Reagan's monetary policy"

20/20 Doing Story on Bernie Madoff

1 month in, repubs having a difficult time 'getting over it. Screw em'.

The latest Republicanthing - setting off one section of the community against the other

Credit Card companies are here to help

It's truly heartwarming to see how concerned

Keith quotes "Blues Brothers." LOL! nt

Arnold has a tiny little dick.

MarketWatch: Credit crunch may only have just begun, S&P warns

Large numbers of the political class in several Western Democracies

"Food Politics" author on C-span 3 at 1 pm EST today

We done come to wahn y'all

We done come to wahn y'all

We done come to wahn y'all

clinton in china

Jumbo-Loan Defaults Surge in U.S. as Recession Reaches Wealthy Homeowners

CSpan1 will be carrying the Governors' meeting

Are the multiple news stories on Twitter bogus?

Buy American Is About Building Jobs, Not Protectionism

Are the multiple news stories on Twitter bogus?

I hate CATs!

I hate CATs!

I am so sick of CNBC politicizing the financial news....

News Middle East Kerry shuns Hamas during Gaza visit

Socks Clinton dies; ex-First Cat known for sleeping was 20

Fillibuster-Phobic Republicans Demanding Up-or-Down Votes

Fillibuster-Phobic Republicans Demanding Up-or-Down Votes

My Letter to Barney Frank - Please Boot UBS Out Of The Country

Anyone remember the name of the facility that was under IAE control that was looted...

Anyone remember the name of the facility that was under IAE control that was looted...

In times of great American peril, great leaders have always emerged

Specter of bank nationalization driving historic fire sale of stocks including Citigroup & BOA

Specter of bank nationalization driving historic fire sale of stocks including Citigroup & BOA

Specter of bank nationalization driving historic fire sale of stocks including Citigroup & BOA

gOOd morning you freaks! Is your heart warm this am? If not check this out!

Even in these disasterous times it is not enough to change Washington UNLESS ....

Past Stanford board member holds his tongue

someone please tell me about home mortgage bailout. i heard it was refinancing

SC Rep: Opposition to stimulus is slap in face

2 video clips that Steele can use to take 'It off the hook" in the hip hop GOP.

Hey, is there a place I can go to figure out what my reduced payroll taxes will look like?

Hey, is there a place I can go to figure out what my reduced payroll taxes will look like?

My wife came home after being around her brother-in law

My wife came home after being around her brother-in law

So if Citibank goes under....will it effect the mortgage I have with them?

So, does fuckface just get to toss this goddamn mess to Obama, and walk away?

"Sir" Robert Allen Stanford's scam may be as big as Madoff's company has $50 billion under care:

"Sir" Robert Allen Stanford's scam may be as big as Madoff's company has $50 billion under care:

Anniversary of Barbara Jordan's birth, recommended the impeachment of President Nixon

My home equity line of credit got cancelled!

When there is too much month at the end of the money,$65 is food on the table.

How did existence become?

How did existence become?

How did existence become?

How did existence become?

I don't have to tell you things are bad.

US commander warns American troops will be in Afghanistan for years

US (finally) admits 13 civilians died in coalition operation in Afghanistan

Jet crashes at nuke reactors to be addressed tomorrow but not today

Jet crashes at nuke reactors to be addressed tomorrow but not today

Jet crashes at nuke reactors to be addressed tomorrow but not today

The GOP continues to lose all Credibility....they reject Reality and Sanity

Al-Qaeda founder launches fierce attack on Osama bin Laden

has anyone seen Binka?

Anyone watching Ted Koppel's special on the american-chinese relationship?

We live better than most kings and queens thru-out the centuries

Huge protest over Irish economy

I don't think Alan Keyes is who he says he is...

So who really is progressive in the House & Senate

Military opinion split over Iraq pullout

No Way, No How, Not Here - Indian Muslim reaction to Mumbai attack

Tonight; HBO - 8pm - "Taking Chance"; "When one falls, another brings him home"

Bill Moyers Journal -Robert G. Kaiser -So Damn Much Money

South Carolina's governor may turn down stimulus money

Leaked Memo from On High to NBC and MSNBC

When a Jag is not a car: They tagged a jaguar in southern Arizona.

When a Jag is not a car: They tagged a jaguar in southern Arizona.

Imagine spending five million dollars a year for one million years

Rumors to the contrary, aide says Ted Kennedy 'doing well'

SSSSHHHHHHH don't disturb me

Elder's Meditation of the Day - February 21

Books on the Persian Gulf War

The Republic party seems to be saying-----

Neat article about court interpreters in LA

I can solve every problem so easy

Whine, whine, reform this, reform that, whine, whine. Now get this:

Whine, whine, reform this, reform that, whine, whine. Now get this:

Whine, whine, reform this, reform that, whine, whine. Now get this:

GOP: ISPs, Wi-Fi Must Keep Logs For Police

Late Night with Conan O'Brien's last show

Late Night with Conan O'Brien's last show

"Wanted for War Crimes" is hiring...

Job hunters...are you shocked at what employers are offering these days?

Most important news story of the week (ending February 20, 2009)

How do you plan to spend your furlough?

U.S. Lawmakers Clash Over Nationalizing Banks to Stem Declines

U.S. Lawmakers Clash Over Nationalizing Banks to Stem Declines

Is this Atlantis?

You are more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist

AK lawmaker dings Palin on waiting 6 weeks to act on the AK village crisis

Wild Bobcats Move Into Foreclosed Home in California

It's time some Bush Administration Officials were arrested and carted off to jail....

I need to hear from a Minnesota DUer on this: Franken's chances in a revote?

Just a reminder - Rick Santelli is an ignorant lying derivative-trading republican asshole

If Freepers are THIS crazy already, omg!

If Freepers are THIS crazy already, omg!

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal to unemployed Louisianians: Screw you!

The big "Tea Party" and facebook - DU this?

Nancy Grace promo - "Brainwashing BS" - wow, truth in advertising

Would like your thoughts....hypothetical situation. You buy a house

Palin-Santelli 2012

Huge Protest over Irish Economy

Sexist stupidity at US News & World Report

This economy has a face.

Food Bank Friday! February 20, 2009!

Words of wisdom from a male C-Span caller.

Ignore the spin

Not a Friday goes by without a bank failure......

Why Doesnt Obama Press The Justice Dept

1FreakingK Posts Baby, Awesome!

Should Al Franken be declared the winner in MN

Meanwhile.... back in Baghdad

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed an increase in reports of domestic violence...

Thailand Frees Jailed Australian Writer

Ridge: We were wrong to torture (BBC)

The GOP has brought us the AGE of WORRY

Family takes in people hard on their luck

An Idea for Easing the Burden of Federal Student Loan Debt

Most arrested at RNC in Minnesota won't be charged

Most arrested at RNC in Minnesota won't be charged

Bill Clinton tells Obama to sound more "hopeful"......

Bill Clinton tells Obama to sound more "hopeful"......

Bill Clinton tells Obama to sound more "hopeful"......

Obama's Elf

Credit crunch may only have just begun, S&P warns

Interview with Sen. Snowe on Stimulus Package

The Stimulus Bill in Perspective

Did I miss the announcement of when the troops are being withdrawn from Iraq?

Bank Of America CEO Lewis: We Can "Make It Through This Downturn On Our Own"

RIP Socks

The Crisis of Credit Visualized:


Tom not in Tib anymore

Tom not in Tib anymore

RimJob wants to have a CA Porkulus Tea party

On the first day of Romance

The Improbable Claim That EFCA Is Unconstitutional

More people were killed in Mexico in 2008 than were killed in Iraq

US Tests Military Exit Routes Out of Iraq

Just Because You Vote Democratic Doesn't Make You A Small l Liberal

Video - The Onion tells us about Sony's latest product offering.

You want to know what's wrong with this damned country? Well do you?

25 States Claiming / Planning Sovereignty

Pelosi's latest film (Right America) and the faith based initiative

Saddest story I've heard about damage done by B. Madoff!

Publicans Will "Cancel Stimulus Bill" in 2010 if they "retake" majority !

Roland Burris reminds me of someone who shows up at a party but no one knows who invited him,

Pomegranates could kill off Afghanistan’s opium trade

Sarah Brings Jesus To The Eskimos?

Republican Bill Would Require Home Owners To Retain Internet Access Logs

Propelling prisoners' heads into concrete walls...

Not that I am upset....but what happened to Randi this time??

When I hear the Repigs bitching and moaning about Obama's first month in office

The real differences between 'left,' 'right,' and 'center'

Wow, Pat Buchanan's racist pig meltdown on GEM$NBC Friday

Who Should Replace Rahm?

The real Stanford SCANDAL is about offshore, unreported accounts.

Damien de Veuster, Priest Who Aided Lepers In Hawaii, To Become Saint

Ann Coulter offers Joy Behar a solution for that pesky "Jewish interviewer" problem

Help! Just had bloodwork. The numbers are bad. Need advice, yr story.

Why not set all mortgages now to the principle currently outstanding?

Who here other than me does not care about the high tech world

Is it wrong for some of us to be looking for paid employment?

NH Sen. Denley resigns after DWI arrest

CNN spends half hour going on about Chandra Levy.....

What about Flippers?

This is bullshit, man. Bullshit.

Members of Congress heavily invested in Military-industrial complex.

Massachusetts is no model for national health care reform

Maybe it's just me, but there was Deja Vu in the Rick Santelli comments

My Two Cents on the Chimp cartoon

Oh give a FUCKING break! The SEC is corrupt, it didn't "miss" Madoff or Stanford.

First they took the food stamps away from the lazy poor...

Today's Zimbabwe Trivia Game!

Is "Democratic" Congressman Gregory W. Meeks of NY's 6th a crook?

What number comes after a trillion?

Okay. I'm not as drunk as I usually am when I make an ass out of myself here, but I have a question

Whom should you hate today?

Stars & Stripes LTTE: The ‘hilarity’ of PTSD

Juan Cole: Iran Nuclear Program Hyped Again

Are you currently living beyond your means?

Maxine Waters: "People don't know how close we are to collapse"

Volcker says things going down even faster than during Great Depression

Al Franken Opens Up on His Recount Battle, Rush Limbaugh, Recession Politics - 1st Nat Interview

WOOOO-HOOOO! I Made It Into Buzzflash's "What's The Buzz"!

I think my server is under attack from the Chinese...

Todays Clay Bennett Toon! Excellent

If you lose health insurance, what are the options?

Leon Panetta Gets a Rock Star Welcome at CIA Headquarters

Why We Immunize

To pay property taxes, or not?

15-year-old girl facing child porn charges for sending nude picture of herself over the internet

Former Maine prosecutor faces child porn charges

Former Maine prosecutor faces child porn charges

Resentment Grows Over Paying for Others' Foreclosure Misery

Mandatory Insurance would be a REPEAT of the PxDrug fiasco (higher drug prices, corporate welfare...

I heart my heart! Thank you whomever!

Any predictions on who will be the next governors of NY and CA?

In 1 hour I hired 10 people for $15-20/hr jobs today and will do 1000 more next week

In 1 hour I hired 10 people for $15-20/hr jobs today and will do 1000 more next week

Inspired by the "Tide" thread..Adios large your cottage industry faves:

Here's an idea regarding credit card companies that might be worth considering....

Simple moving average suggests 6 to 12 more months of the bear

Dennis Kucinich wants to know who told the SEC to stand down re Stanford

Why do I have to bail out the stockbrokers & banks - I never bought

Dubya's coming to Cowtown

2005: Bush assures us on investing Social Security money in Wall Street: "Your money will GROW!"

Fred Barnes from "The Beltway Boys", Fox news just called Eric Holder "HOMEY"!


nuke plant event update and a new nuke plant event

Propelling Prisoners' Heads into Concrete Walls

Schwarzenegger: I'll take fellow GOP govs' stimulus money

We need to be counter protesting against the right wingers who are protesting against Stimulus Bill

Report: Between 70-75% of nearly 3000 ex-Bush officials looking for jobs are unemployed

Guard of Honor

Are you watching CNN? Did you just see Jonathan Levs report? Debt doubled in one year! 10.8 trillion

Two things that caught my eye on television this past week - bet you've seen one of them

MUST READ: America's Financial Apocalypse 2009 Update

Why isn't there more outrage at DU about Rihanna?

Just Figgered it out - Obama = BDD

Do you support a ban on linking to Politico?

I Am So Fucking Fed Up With Our Tax Dollars Going To These Phony Wars!!

Dolly Parton: "I think Obama is going to be a great President".

My credit card company finally got around to me (Capital One)

Lessons in Courage from Congresspersons Who Took a Stand

My weekly POLITICO post .......

'Obama will be tested': Feb. 23 "Fiscal Responsibility Summit" targets Social Security and Medicare

Users Of Tide Laundry Detergent - Are We Being Taken?........

Arrest in Chandra Levy's murder case?

The oil money behind the anti-stimulus fight

How Dangerous Is This Man? THE THREAT CLOSER TO HOME

Why the Republican Party needs to get its act together

Prawo Jazdy: mystery motorist who bamboozled Irish traffic police-solved!

The Biggest Deterrent to Recycling is the Recycle Centers

What exactly was Baricle trying to say about race? It didn't sound good.

What sci-fi movie will most closely resemble the coming dystopia?

Has it been leaked yet who will be replacing Randi on Monday at Green 960 San Francisco?

Oh, ho, ho...I'm digging and finding dirty shirt in re: Allen Stanford.

San Francisco man faces fallout from `Wife Swap' - loathed as a stereotype of 'liberal elitist'

Why couldn't Congress request a clean sweep of everyone's credit reports?

Oh, boy, happy days are here again! THIRTEEN whole extra bucks every week!

[Funny Pic] The Biggest Ship Ever To Sink [PIC]

You want to know what's happening to the economy?

Here's something disturbing I found on Craislist... Clockwork Orange anyone?

WTF?! Obama Administration To Subsididze Hedge Fund Industry While People Are Waiting In Food Lines?

Set up a website in August for Future outrage in February

Obama widens missile strikes inside Pakistan

VetVoice: "I wanted to Stop Bush's Surge, but I Support Obama's Stabilization"

OK man gets visit from SS..over "Abort Obama Not the Unborn," sign on his car

Obama should just say "F-Bipartisanship, I'm moving on with my Liberal Agenda"

"If you give a mouse some (rhymes with cookie), he'll probably want some (rhymes with the theme)

I have trouble believing that the "I think we're dead" brownie phonecall is authentic.

White penises for the week are up in GD.

I'm bullish on white penises. They're going.

Hey! The beagle's back! nt

My theme song.

"These are the legends. These are the DICK BOSSES."

Did anyone check out my white penis???

At what point do I just give up?

Any Californians been out to see the Amgen tour?

Former Bush Admin member whose naked body you'd least like to use as a sushi serving platter

Lounge Vibes Needed

The OFFICIAL "Thank you for my White Penis" Thread

Making shitty sequels to good movies straight to dvd should be illegal.

LOL - new laptop I bought activates the OEM license but says "This copy of Windows is not genuine"

Slow news day? NO. Dance party Friday!!

Batman in a moment of candid reflection

What happens when you add Benny Hill to Friday the 13th:

Raise a toast to the memory of Socks Clinton!

Need suggestions for CARE package contents...

Time for a White Dick post

Find somebody to love my white ______

so i got into a political "debate" with an idiot tonight

Just to let you all know...


howsabout everyone switch gears

You know what happens when you take one N out of peninsula

I just watched a John Lennon documentary and I realized I will never ever get over his dying

This not smart.

So in all of this, I am suprised to not see a pic of the JENIS.

climb upon my knee sonny boy

Your Favorite Spice Girl?

ZOMG, elevens. Olbermann had a white penis story!

Goin out for sushi and cucumber martinis! YEAH!

Socks, Clintons' White House Cat, Dies

Are you now, or have you ever been?

Post here if you've ever lived in Zurich (not vacationed--lived).

Post here if you've ever lived in Zurich (not vacationed--lived).

Does this disclaimer suggest the website I am ordering from is fishy?

Because I was curious I did a DU search

The phrase of the day is "WHITE PENIS" and it is Lady Effingbroke's fault - and funny!

In another ground-breaking study: Women see Speedo-clad men over 30 as objectionable

24 bit music sounds better than 16 bit music

GDP proposes white penis as Scretary of Commerce.

Dammit to hell. One snowflake falls from the sky and what do drivers do?

Where am I? n/t

i just traded my car about a month and a half ago

Brain and Brain. What is brain?

QWEST DSL is of good quality, but sign up for a promo upgrade plan for being a good customer and...

So I'm at my job in a gift shop at the hotel when who walks in but

Is your tap water, where you live


Mea Culpa to CaliforniaPeggy

I'm posting from the bar that is 500 yards from my house.

Hey! Wanna loaf around?

I'm in the hospital...

is this a tumor?

Stupid cat.

Food for thought, or just because you are hungry and it is quick

I'll be right back! Keep the fucking excitement flowing, ok? n/t

Bye Morrison

Heads up! Conan O'Brian's FINAL late show on now!

If you people don't pick it up. I'm going over to Assfacefuck. and I will ask you to be my friend.

Tonight's Lullaby

I ha*e aler*ed on each thr*ad with *he w*rd P**is in it.

So is McTaTas behaving?

So Paddy won't be around tonight, he told me to behave...


F**c*** Wh**gi** S***i* Fu***r*.

Paddy is not around, so I'm going FUCKING WILD!!!!!!!!!!

Another White Penis Day has come and gone

I swear to God, someone just told me they would not want to eat a cold piece of fish that was...

Does anyone else like "Joop"?

I really miss the old days of dancing

You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore, or me neither.

I prefer my penises with gentle shades of olive undertones.

Dream a little dream...

Cool T-Mobile Cell Phone Commercial

anybody got the scoop on the new talk show house band lineup?

Once again, and hopefully not for the last time: GOOD NIGHT DU!

How many people live in your city/town?

My 16 year old Siamese is wearing a cone of shame

Thank you for this evening/morning, all...


Guess what I'm posting from?

What are you all drinking tonight?

I just discovered John Hiatt.

What is the best penis whitening agent?

Our winter storm warning kicks in in an hour, and Shamu is completely

Oh Snap! I just found my 20 year old GameBoy and it still works!

What if Moby Dick was a white penis instead of a White Whale?

Happy Birthday, Alan

I want to create a bread that never rise.

My oscar has a first name, it's W-H-I-T-E.

My play and plug went wacky. I put in a CD and it plays other songs???

The Greatest Song Ever Written About Curvy Women

I've always wondered about this. How does the no-stick teflon stick to the pan?

Are you the kind of person who

Are your cats getting cabin fever?

Are your cats getting cabin fever?

Is there a DU group on Facebook?

Umm... I think my teenage daughter's friend may need some professional help.

Lots of talk, but only one DUer produced a new white penis....

Lawrence Welk is Dead.

I ain't never been arrested in DC in my life!

gOOd morning you freaks! Is your heart warm this am? If not check this out!


I'm looking for a trucker who posts here

Two funny pics (repost from 3 years ago)...

An excellent post I found on Denver's Craigslist..

Sad Man's Kama Sutra

You OK, Buddy?

You know, people talk a lot of shit on English cooking, but scones with jam and clotted cream are...

Okay, Trojan is gone....I think, but I can't stay on IE

Please, please don't come to my party.

Chinese buffet time

Kitty adoption update

Things I can't stand:

Have you ever looked at Denver International Airport on a map? What do you see here?

I've been here since the winter of 2001 and this is my 200th post.

Where is MrPerson? I'm feeling neglected.

I'm on hold.

There is a new member in the DU family!

Peace Frog

I hate it but have to finish watching this "Judge Dredd" video...

Late Night with Conan O'Brien's last show

Anyone use Wowbrary?

Revenge is a dish best served at the Olive Garden.

I'm watching the snow sift down and making a big pot of chili

It's taking all the self control I have

The best Scorpions song?

Narwhals. They're awesome

Whale wars in e/e!

anyone else in Michigan getting socked with a February blizzard?

When window washing was an exterme sport

Anyone go to grade school in the early '70s? Remember

Should Michael Moore Make A Film about

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

A question about Ibuprofen.

He just does what he wants to do...


Damn-- I am gonna testify! is teh awesum!!111!

1FreakingK Posts Baby, Awesome!


Are you a Windigo?

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sat 2/21/2009)

Am I the only one who puts bacon on his veggie burger???

Do you refrigerate your ketchup?

Does anybody know how you can use pre-paid debit cards for online shopping?

Clingy friend issues.

Firefox users: list your extensions

Posted without comment, but it's FREEEEEEEEEE!!!

do you put ketchup on your fridge

I thought you all could use a laugh

"You can't get to Heaven on the Frankford El, because the Frankford El goes straight to

Drummers: What is Bass-Snare-bass-bass-Snare (Repeat)?

When you order a pizza, which of the following is most important to you?

Do my legs look ok? Please let me know. Thanks a lot. n/t

I'm just teething (moderately high awww factor)

All hail Steve Hale

An aunt I haven't seen since I was 17 (I'm 44) asked me to be her Facebook friend

Is it okay to give curb feelers as an anniversary gift?

What's the connection between a cough, a coffer, and coffee?

Off to my Birthday Extravaganza...

My friend is selling his old underwear at yet another garage sale

"Change" by Andy Thomas

Battle of the Beas!!!

Due to budget cuts...

I turned the garden dirt in preparation for planting this week. (I love the south)

Faux Mexican food...

My show starts at the top of the hour

Naughty James Bond Titles

I am taking a water pill, and my left ass cheek has shrunk to the size of a baseball...

You down wit' OPP?

Wait, whaat?

What a Wonderful World

Went to the Polar Bear "Swim" today in Detroit

I got those cheap little cardboard box speakers for my computer. No off/on button. How do I get them

Draft Graywarrior for state senate!


early evening pic thread!

All printers, faxes and scanners hate me.

A friend of mine was raped

Can we stop the PENIS posts please?

Slumdog Millionaire

I Just Test Drove A Hummer, Went To Walmart, Ran a Mini Cooper off the Road

I hate the goddamn phone.

kitten picture of the day for saturday february 21

Make a random Google-Images search and post one from the first twenty

No more penis posts! Let's talk peninsulas...

Which blue state would you not want to live in.

How do you like your burger?

Prayers please for my 91 year old grandma who had a heart attack this morning

Are you an Indigo?

Did you shave your legs and change the sheets?

Dollhouse - season 1 episode 2

On behalf of night shift workers, a little rant

In honor of Socks Clinton, all tuxedo cat lovers check in with pics of yours

Boy charged with killing dad's pregnant girlfriend

Was Travis the chimp intimately involved with his owner?


Socks lived to be 20. How long can cats live?

Conan O'Brien

Which color is your favorite?

If you are on Face Book: A favor, please

Keith Obermann interviewed Dr. Evil tonight.

Aww Larry Miller died.

Aww Larry Miller died.

Battle of the power trios: Jimi Hendrix Experience vs. Cream

You want change?

The monkey cartoon demonstrates that we are now eating well into gains from the '90s

Post a word that you think just sounds funny whenever you hear it.

Let's make a deal with the wing nuts to stop using the word "Chimp" as an insult...

My DirecTV got cut off for not being able to pay my bill but it's not totally dead..wierd...

UBS, the IRS and Phil Gramm (Justice Department file lawsuit against UBS)

Mr. President, Keep the Airwaves Free - fron Rush Limbo

I just got home. Worst date of my LIFE! Who's up?

NY-Sen-B: Enter Pataki?

(Former Gen.) Taguba backs commission to investigate Bush-era abuses

(Former Gen.) Taguba backs commission to investigate Bush-era abuses

MO-Sen: That's Really Super, Supergirl

Hey, I'm growing an apple tree! :D

Whose agenda is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supporting?

Off "Hot Topics" I Know... But Does Anyone Know If There Are Going To Be

For The Cartoon Apologists (POLL)

President Obama, This Man Should Be Your Commerce Secretary

President Obama Extends Gulf Coast Recovery Support Through Executive Order

Please sing along (to the tune of "I got some ice cream!") Barrack Obaaaama

I'm up for the refinance-all mortgage proposals (mostly for political reasons)

After comparing Obama To Castro And Kim Jong Il, Hannity Complains About Rev. Wright Being Divisive

Obama Rejects $2.7 Trillion In Bush-Era Budget Gimmicks

Going along to get along

What Is a Populist Caucus?

Why would Bill Nelson return the $46,000 Stanford donations to Stanford.....

So Repuglikins think President Obama is being too much of a downer?

A GOP smear email that compares Obama to millions of deaths and catastrophic destruction

Obama: tax cuts will be felt by April 1

Obama's 'Seven Days in May' Moment

Anyone bored and want to read over my shoulder?

Boehner: Ignoramus, Liar or Lying Ignoramus?

A good way to fix the mortgage bailout proposal?

Obama: No plan for taxing motorists on mileage

People like Alan Keyes, Glenn Beck, et al make me rather scared, but the question is:

Nagin On Jindal: Presidential Ambitions Clouding His Stimulus Judgment (updated)

Jared Bernstein is the administration's best economics spokesman against naysayers - video

The New GOP....renamed as the WHIM Party....since they do and say things on a Whim...

Obama's Fixer-Jim Messina-"I did have someone tell me this week they hope I died," Jim proudly said

Transparency and the September 11 attacks

Why Can't Pressure By Advertisers Be Put On FOX And The NYP To Fire The Cartoonist & Editor?

GOP governors consider turning down some stimulus money

Rate 'em - best to least - Rachel, Keith, Schuster, Rick Sanchez, Tweety, AC

From the time Jesus was born?

Gov. Nixon on C-SPAN's Washington Journal at 7 a.m. Sunday morning

Troubling signs from Obama’s Administration (ACLU Blog of Rights)

HAs Our President commented on the GOP Gov's refusing stim $$ yet???

I know it's Saturday, but is this REALLY front-page news?

Team Obama is the worlds most innovative company

WTF is Alan Keyes and "fair and balanced" Birther drivel doing on the LA Times homepage?

Mayor McCrory - "Now that the bill has passed, I want it to work the best way it can."

Dear Bill, the President's job is not to blow sunshine up Americans' asses.

AL-03: Lilly Ledbetter for Congress?

This pretty well pegs it...

new fcc commissioner jonathan adelstein on c-span now.

It is time for drastic measures. Enough with kowtowing to the Repuks.

President Obama Freaks Freepers Out. (See Text for Title)

President Obama Freaks Freepers Out. (See Text for Title)

Tina Brown is a Right Winger and Bill Maher knows it

Maddow Tonight - Great Response To GOP's Claim That Obama's First Month Is A Disappointment

Hillary immediately greeted by Sexism.

Obama administration tries to kill e-mail case (WTF?)

Can someone debunk this Obama smear about saluting him and not the constitution?

Alan Keyes- "Barack Obama Must Be Stopped"

Hillary the ALL POWERFUL SoS!!

Post here if you've read the Hobbit and the entire LOTR, please.

Obama praises habeas corpus ruling (Flashback)

Has anyone explained how good our new SoS Clinton is?

Montana Gov. Schweitzer Zings Sarah Palin For Being No Show

My positive takeaway from the cartoon controversy . . .

Obama Introduces Win-Win-Win Budgeting

WaPo: Obama to raise taxes on wealthy, "wind down" war

Reuters: Obama to allow Bush tax cuts to expire on schedule.

"If things do not go well for me in the States, I know I can come to Canada."

Meghan McCain doesn't seem to be impressed with Steele's 'Bling-Bling' Strategy or Sarah Palin

Bizarre list of top 25 conservative films - Brazil, Ghostbusters?

There Are No Simple Solutions To This Complex Economic Crisis. None.

ron paul is a boob

Best protest songs of the 21st century! add if you have any ideas!

Before we are critical of anything President Obama does...

Corrective: As SOS, Hillary has raised the issue of Human Rights (China) and women's rights

Sunday talk show lineup for February 22

This is rich. Cathy McMorris (R) voted 'no', but says stimulus has benefits

Paterson admits role in Kennedy withdrawal flap: report

Wow...I hit 42,000 and didn't realize it...

Seriously, there should be international cooperation (through the UN?) to end smooth jazz

Santelli, you and your GOP ilk are the real moral hazard.

"half hearted?" The Size of the Stimulus Plan is MASSIVE and there's more to come

8:00pm bedtime, chores, making your own bed, etc. - How the Obamas are parenting in the WH

Presidential Address Tuesday evening. Wow, two in a month

Where's the outrage? Obama sides with Bush, detainees in Afghanistan have no constitutional rights.

Is Piyush Jindal a natural born US citizen? Was he born in India?

Chu jumps in 'deep end of the pool'

Republican circus show - Santelli, Palin, Joe the Plumber, Bling Bling Steele = who's next!

An Obama Administration might mean no protest music?

Obama Expands Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan- (With Pakistani Intell?)

Can't there be a middle ground on Obama?

I don't think I can watch Rachel Maddow anymore.

Someone explain why Obama backs Bush's detainee policy

Post Your Words That Sound Pevy! I'll start: pussywillow

CODEPINK heartbroken by Obama's commitment to continued military aggression in Afghanistan

Look at Obama's approval rating among Republicans,

Hello Dears. Sister Rosa in the house!

Not For Nuthin', Michelle Fry, But WTF Have You Been?

USDA To Meat Cos.: Give Shoppers More Details

Breaking: Burger King Backs off Opposition to Employee Free Choice Act

Rights may take second place on Clinton China visit

Obama administration keeps Bush view on Afghanistan detainees

Tamil Tigers attack Colombo with aircraft

Kazakhs demand resignations at rare crisis protest

House Speaker Pelosi meets with Karzai in Kabul

Guardsmen to conduct urban training at Arcadia in April

Groundbreaking set for Flight 93 memorial - But fundraising still $20 million short of goal

Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

Merkel Seeks Lead Role With European Pre-G20 Summit

Reports: Arrest close in Chandra Levy slaying

Syria, US explore improving ties as Kerry visits

Court papers lift lid on Stanford’s lifestyle

Ariz. AG asks for Pima County's transportation election ballots

British Muslims 'providing Taliban with electronic devices for roadside bombs'

Sri Lanka says major disaster averted

Serbs ordered to pay for mosques

Obama to Unveil an Ambitious Budget Plan

Blast on Pakistan supply line to US troops kills 1

Pakistan seeks lasting Swat truce

Obama Upholds Detainee Policy in Afghanistan

US tests military exit routes out of Iraq

Jindal rejects unemployment money in stimulus

Fishermen rescue trapped dolphins

Ex-Senate aide charged in Abramoff scandal

Pakistan: Mother of captive American issues appeal

Clinton in China pushes environment, finance

FDIC, regulators shut down Oregon's Silver Falls Bank

Health Care Industry in Talks to Shape Policy

Threatened Mexico police boss quits

Khatami Websites Blocked By Iran

Thailand frees Australian author

U.S. Wants UBS to Break Swiss Law By Naming Clients, Bank Says

Obama tells Treasury to begin cutting taxes

Paterson admits role in Kennedy withdrawal flap: report

Africa border opens for Gaza aid

Police may be close to arrest in Chandra Levy case

Brown and Obama to meet in March

Arnold: I'll take govs' money

Soros sees no bottom for world financial "collapse"

Jobs Still Elude Some Bush Ex-Officials

Obama administration tries to kill e-mail case

Palin Ribbed by Montana Guv for Being No Show

Obama's Budget Plan To Slash Deficit By Raising Taxes on Businesses & Wealthy And Lowering War $$$

Pentagon concludes (Guantanamo) detainees treated humanely

US finds 13 civilians died in Afghanistan strike

Huge protest over Irish economy

Morgan Stanley offers $3 billion broker bonuses, Wells none (TARP $$$ involved)

Ridge: We were wrong to torture

Nigerian Accused in Scheme to Swindle Citibank

Peru investigates Stanford for money laundering

Pa. Boy, 11, Charged With Killing Pregnant Woman

Kucinich on Stanford Group Fraud: Who Told SEC to "Stand Down?"

Obama turns to budget, health care, entitlements

Obama's Fiscal Responsibility Party

Robert Ellis Orrall sings "Al Gore" - from Slacker Uprising

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn Calls on Burris to Resign

Thousands flee Swat valley to escape danger - 4 Feb 09

Paul Volcker: Mother of all Financial Crisis in US

Steve Earle sings "Rich Man's War"


Obama CBC interview

Rachel Maddow with Melissa Harris-Lacewell: Republicans going Hip Hop

Young Turks: Post Cartoon Talk

Westboro Baptist gets Rick Roll'd

Stanford: Yeah, It's Fun Being a Billionaire

University students cover President Barack Obama's historic visit to Ottowa

President Obama, "Thank-you for giving me a reason to use Air Force One.... It's pretty nice."

Countdown: Worst Persons in World - Rick Santelli & Rush Limbuagh

TY: Dow Jones At Lowest In 11 Years

February 20, 2009: The Day in 100 Seconds

Bloomberg: US Government Sues Swiss Bank UBS Over Customer Names - Swiss banking secrecy at risk


French on march to 'save universities'

NYU student arrested at peaceful protest

Defending Foreclosures

Pakistan - Doubts raised and concern grows over Swat sharia deal with Taliban

Real Time w/ Bill Maher: Opening 2/20 - "I'm Still Writing 'F*ck Bush' on My Checks"

On board a British Royal Navy pirate patrol

Real Time w/ Bill Maher: New Rules - Boner's Bronzer

Your Weekly Address:The quickest and broadest tax cut ever

Blueprint for truth~Trailer

Spoiled Brats Unite

What exactly is Mike Barnicle trying to say about race?

Second American Revolution: Jeff Ziegler

Your Week In Three Words

Kucinich on Stanford Group Fraud

Thom Hartmann - Swiftboating Social Security & Health Care Reform

Bobby Jindal Rejects Money For State's Unemployed

Amy Goodman Covers Protest Against the New York Post Racist Cartoon 2/19/09

TheRealNews: Obama's Vietnam? The Afghan Trap

Thom Hartmann - Conservatism Kills

Thom Hartmann - Repeal The Reagan Tax Cuts!

Bill Nye's "Stuff Happens" - Cigarette butts

TYT: How Greenspan's Ideas Ruined the Economy

Australian police raid Sea Shepherd ship to confiscate video for the Japanese authorities

Huge Protest Over Irish Economy

Young Turks: Crazy Republican Wants to Cut Capital Gains Tax to Zero!

TYT: Cenk Breaks Down Obama's Plan to Help Homeowners

The Glenn Beck Fear Olympics

People in Haiti are eating mud--nothing else to eat.

K.O.'s Countdown: Alan "Birth Certificate" Keyes' Wing-nuttery and NY Post Protests

Young Turks: TYT Supreme Court On Questionable Death

Faux's Megyn Kelly : "Are you a pot head, fucker?"

Congressman tells Hannity that Republicans will cancel Stimulus Bill if they retake majority in 2010

Home repair -- Obama's mortgage plan is a long-awaited lifeline

Our view: Help for Alaska

Possible signs of life detected at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue!

Please Attach the Word BOONDOGGLE to the word AFGHANISTAN where people can see please

Why tech cos may not lobby for H1-Bs

Obama: No Rights for Bagram Prisoners

Political Oscars 2009: And the Winners Are...

Paul Krugman: Who Will Stop the Economic Pain?

A New Afghanistan Nightmare (Ramzy Baroud)

When pig hunters fly!

South Dakota attempting to close school for deaf kids.

FOX News' Slants Reporting On Its Own Poll

Friday Talking Points (66) -- MSNBC's Faux Populist Rage

Peter Garrett, Australia's Environment Minister lacks power and the passion

be afraid, very afraid....

The Upsdie of the Downturn

Inside the Doomsday Seed Vault

Obama Widens Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan

Jindal's Swindle: Rejects Stimulus Funds, Urges Citizens To Go On 'Millionaire'

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis Plus Ameriquest Mortgage and Roland Arnall

The GOP’s 'No' Problem


Bob Herbert: The Invisible War

State of War (Mexico)

The Outrage Industrial Complex

Major General Taguba: "You can't sweep unlawful activities under the table"


America on $195 a Week

Miscreants like Rick Santelli are the true 'losers'

Iraqis Have Voted: Will the U.S. Be Kicked Out the Door Soon?

War Criminals, Including Their Lawyers, Must Be Prosecuted (Marjorie Cohn)

"Looking Ahead" or Overlooking Crimes Against Humanity? Aaron Leonard

“The United States of America is Going to Cease to Exist!”

Why the GOP Remains a Threat to Democracy and World Peace

'Nationalize' the Banks

"Stop the Democratic Suicide!

Weekend Economists" Washington's Birthday February 20-22, 2009

The Growing Anger In the Heartland

Republicans Dont Count Anymore

Once You See What Truly Happened in Gaza, It Will Change You Forever

Barbara Ehrenreich: My unwitting role in acts of torture

The Credit Crisis Visualized (THIS IS A MUST SEE)

Jim Lobe: Amazing Appointment — Chas Freeman as NIC Chairman


Nature Reports Climate Change—Interview: David Crisp (Orbiting Carbon Observatory)

Cheaper materials could be key to low-cost solar cells

Iberdrola Planning 1.2-GW Pumped Storage Hydro Plant in Portugal

US summons Syrian ambassador over nuclear issue

Closing the net on illegal fishing (BBC)

The sun is a star when it comes to sustainable energy

Cost Of Solar PV Systems Drops Significantly Over The Last Decade

Mercury pollution treaty proposed (BBC)

Mass migrations and war: Dire climate scenario

Australian Green Senator Bob Brown slams 'outrageous' raid on Sea Shepherd ship

Iran has enough fuel for a nuclear bomb, IAEA report says

Bizarre craptastic outerspace microwave energy bill advances in the Hawaii legislature

Murder of Small Farmer Rights Organizer Sparks Protests in Yaracuy, Venezuela

TIME: Why Obama Should Talk to Chavez

Haitians Shocked at Mass Deportation Order

CUBA: Lugar, GOP Senate Report Urge Fresh Look at Relations

Chef Mario Batali drops F bomb on King and Queen of Spain in Miami

WIN: Companies Accepting Stimulus Money Will Have To Try Harder To Hire U.S. Workers

Economic Report: Number Of U.S. Workers Age 65-74 Is Increasing

Chicago Veteran Returns From War Only To Fight For His Rights On The Job

Unemployed Workers Get Benefit Of $21 Billion In Medical Insurance Help

New Ad Thanks Obama for Putting Jobs First

Dave Lindorff: Organize! Many Employers are Just Using the Recession to Stick it to Workers

NYT: Blood on the Street

Universities Cut Off Big Apparel Company for Anti-Union Closing

100 % USA Union Coffee from Tree to Cup (includes Obama Java)

100,000 protest in Dublin over impact of recession

Unions, employers gearing up for card check battle

Hoffa Denounces Hershey for Exporting American Jobs to Mexico

Today in labor history Feb 21 Barbara Jordan, "a true champion for all the people," was born

The Improbable Claim That EFCA Is Unconstitutional

Steelers Kicker Jeff Reed Temper Tantrum No Towels in Men's Room

Fear the Turtle. Maryland beats UNC in OT!!1!!

the bar is now named La Lounge --

The Celts are done

Hmm. Mike Schmidt gives the thumbsup for the Roid-ragers going into the HOF..

Fair Wisconsin Applauds Governor Doyle for Protecting Committed Couples

Advocates clash in Utah gay rights debate

Whoever gave me a heart...

NY Post cartoonist has history of anti-GLBT cartoons as well

Investing In The Wake Of Nationalization

U.S. Lawmakers Clash Over Nationalizing Banks to Stem Declines

General Growth says has defaulted on loans

Did Ben Bernanke Pull the TARP Over Eyes?

Thailand May Urge Banks to Lend Money to GM, Foreign Automakers

Why the Madoff fraud story is a fraud...

The Looong Bubble Bath - How Bush's Debt-Recession topped Clinton's Equity Recession

Is Geithner Pandering to The Hedge Fundies?

Why Stocks Still Aren’t Cheap

Crisis may be worse than Depression, Volcker says

billmon: Chocolate Covered Cotton

Fooled ya! - How Team Bush used GOLD to artifically inflate the value of dollar based securities:

Seeds of the Meltdown

Israeli Paralysis Calls for Arab Action

US Empire and the Conflict in Israel/Palestine

Rabin's assassin Yigal Amir forced to look at picture of his victim

How Can Israelis Play Games in the Arab World?

2 rockets fired from Lebanon towards Israel

Violence erupts on Israel-Lebanon border

Israel to relocate 1500 Palestinians from Silwan

Why we must reclaim antiracism from the far left

To Sue or Not? Palestinians Face Dilemma After Report On Settlements

The real Israel-Palestine story is in the West Bank

Israel critic is reported appointment to top intelligence post

Viagra helps to save endangered animals

Bush's Wacky World of Science

The Far Right's All Out Offensive Against Medical Research

Anatomy of a Scare--Newsweek's history of antivax hysteria.

How Not To Report Health Stories: "How using Facebook could raise your risk of cancer"

Please see my post in the Outdoor Life forum for a link to a very good site

Wisconsin man not guilty in open carry gun case

The AWB - HR6257 - truths!

NY Guard warns of online con artist

New GI Bill preliminary payment list released

Still no rights for Bagram prisoners

Fort Campbell to get more than $100 million

Mayor: DoD won’t gain control of labs

Official: Pentagon reports says Gitmo humane

Troubled recruiting battalion gets new command

Beret faces more evidence in murder trial

2 convicted in water contract bribery scheme

Gates: Russia considered in missile defense

19 House members want KBR contract review

Army exercise twins combat, nation building

Critics say DoD spending more, getting less

Prosecutor to judge: Do not toss Dix verdict

Kyrgyzstan issues eviction notice for Manas

Chief pleads guilty to Iraqi detainee abuse

Ensigns arrested, linked to bird deaths

Remains of Tahoma skipper returned to family

Corps eyes 10 Osprey squadrons in Southwest

Lejeune Sgt. pleads guilty in child-sex case

Lab to build special order satellites in days

Coming Home: An outsider in your own life

Manas Air Base closure signed into Kyrgyz law

Dal Molin project gets final approval

Navy detailers brief sailors on career options

Soldier’s death investigated

Keating reverses talk of delay on moving to Guam

‘Terrain denial’ may be new blueprint for rebuilding in Iraq

Guantanamo Meets 'Humane' Standards

Quarrel Stirs on Flag-Drapped Coffins

Treatment, Not Jail, for Vets?

Agencies Rapped Over Untracked Weapons

Strykers Gear Up for New Afghan Mission

Robots Remove UXO From Training Ranges

i-ENCON Program Realizes Record Savings

Yellow dust season arrives in Korea

Ospreys Deploy to Sea Aboard Bataan

Mullen Cites Need for More 'Dwell Time'

Gates: Future truce in Afghanistan acceptable

Americans at advantage as won falls against dollar

Wisconsin to Deploy Largest Force Since WWII

Mullen: Thumb drive ban won’t end soon

Schwartz takes up fight for more Raptors

Hi everybody, Scuba here.

Tres Senoritas

anyone going to New Orleans for

What a crap day this has been. Wanted to post these to cheer myself up.

Do I need Photoshop?

White Out

The Recession

This week's Starcodes from We'Moon

Losing patience :(

Anybody up for a group manifestation?

Cross-post - Scientific conventions boycott Louisiana

Telescope spies cataclysmic blast (BBC) {Gamma rays are comin' to getcha!}

Here's what I most don't get about the Big Bang...

Galaxy has 'billions of Earths' (BBC)

Rediscovering Arabic Science

Priest who aided lepers in Hawaii to become saint

Genesis and the Big Bang

I may dread this concoction

favorite food writers?

Corn fritters

Just got a crockpot on sale

Quick reminder on quick defrosting

Any advice on pizza stones vs. pizza crispers?

Thoughts on refreezing previously frozen fish?

Whats for Dinner? ~ Saturday the 21st

Bread Porn (new no knead recipe test - photos)

I would like to improve my knife skills

National Young Scholars Program

Why it could not have been LIHOP

Question re: Silverstein collapse study

Anyone heard Jerry Yester's latest album?

Dead Like Me fans...anyone see the movie yet? Life after Death

Heads in the tar sands

Canada: Horatio to Obama's Hamlet

File Security question

BTW, these are very good polling numbers

The term 'swiftboating' (sort of Kerry related) drew my attention to this...