Anyone else watching Dateline and the Concorde crash
Anyone else watching Dateline and the Concorde crash
A good read from my paper today.....
"Remove Gov. Mark Sanford" Facebook group
Imagine if our newsmedia from 2002-07 had been similar to the sports media covering A-Rod
Imagine if our newsmedia from 2002-07 had been similar to the sports media covering A-Rod
Hey, ya lazy ass piker.....take your money out of the 'big banks' and put
Limbaugh: Trying To Understand A Dem Like Trying To Understand A Murderer Or Rapist
Two New York Dailies Drop Sunday, Monday editions
Blast from the past: Presidential debate over medicare:
GOP governors debate how to revive party
Guardian UK: Britain faces summer of rage - police
These Red-carpet interviews prior to the Oscars are
Bloomberg News Svc: Americans Would Be Lucky to Mimic 1990s Japan
Mass transit gets the shaft in California budget......
Thanks for the heart! I needed it!
BAIL OUT THE PEOPLE, NOT THE BANKS!!!! March On Wall Street, Friday April 3 and Saturday April 4
Do the infotainers on NPR ever call the President
We've really got to get this economy going b/c I've got a "lot of energy"
In honor of the grandstanding governors..
Should the Drinking Age be Lowered to 18?
Should the Drinking Age be Lowered to 18?
Bill Maher REALLY screwed up last Friday.
Bill Maher REALLY screwed up last Friday.
Dustin Lance Black wins best political speech
With jobs scarce, volunteering on the rise
Sunday Morning News Programs = Most Informative and Objective?
Let's get rid of the word "Stigma." I have been using it for yeras, but I think
Desert military bases hold wealth of archaeological finds
Desert military bases hold wealth of archaeological finds
George P. Bush, the rancid spawn of the piglet Jeb, criticizes Charlie Christ for stimulus support
Olduvai, Evolution, and Darwin
"Please don't take our money", the millionaires cried...
More on "Mummies found hidden in Saqqara"
Trawlers are 'destroying history on the seabed'
Pages 490-491 of A.R.R.A- State Legislatures can accept the funds with or without Governor approval
What Attracts you to another person as a potential date/mate?
What Attracts you to another person as a potential date/mate?
Obama administration starting bank stress tests this week...
Obama administration starting bank stress tests this week...
Student Finds Rare Lincoln Fingerprint
Ponzi Paranoia Is Rattling ‘Madoffed’ Companies
these two stories trouble me....
In today's age....there is no opportunity to 'save'
"When you first prune a tree, it is really ugly. But it comes back better than it ever was."
SEC Probed Stanford Companies; Red Flags Abounded
On the solemn occasion of my 600th post - A moment of silence, please...
"You Commie, Homo-lovin' sons-of-guns!"
"So many messengers. What's the message? . . . not exactly the question you put to a soldier."
I found this garbage on a Facebook site "Reagan Conservative"
Did the repukes kill the golden goose (us)?
You have won a very unusual prize, Would you accept? What would you do?
What would happen if the right (and left) took a week off from being outraged and
Yes!!!! Sean Penn wins the Oscar for MILK
Microsoft seeks refund from some laid off workers
Sean Penn joins exclusive club.
Sean Penn joins exclusive club.
War tramatized Liberians want to stay in America.. Please help them.
Reform healthcare -- and leave Social Security alone - By Joe Conason
"You commie, homo-loving sons of guns."
"You commie, homo-loving sons of guns."
Well, I am off to see "Milk" and "The Wrestler"
Willing to buy: the link to Sean Penn's acceptance speech
Many Oscar winners display their Oscars in the bathroom
Paul Krugman:Banking on the Brink
Jeff Ballabon the new CBS Senior Vice President of Communication:Democrats are inherently bad people
U.S. Could Expand Its Stake In Citi To 40%
Damn it. Mickey Rourke got screwed
Freddie Mac investigates self over lobby campaign!
Check-in Thread for DUers Who'd Like Check-in Posts to Include a Link to Action
Senator Hollingsworth vs.Shamu...calls on "God Squad" for help! (I kid you not)
Rate Hugh Jackman as Oscar host
LOLOLOL "$1000 chance to hear Bush speak"
Idaho bill would amend Human Rights Act to include sexual, gender orientation
Price Waterhouse is in the HOUSE!
Philly Inquirer, Daily News,, file for Chapter 11
94 Years after Ludlow Massacre, site now national historic landmark
For DUers in "We Don't Want The Money" states ..... what's the mood there?
For DUers in "We Don't Want The Money" states ..... what's the mood there?
Hi-tech research shows Neolithic axes have travelled from the Alps
Am I the only one that thinks most of the MSM is burying the Robert Allen Stanford story?
When did spoiled brat, smart ass Italia Federici plead guilty?
On Bill Maher's show they were talking about a movie made by
"A Resounding NO to Gov. Mark Sanford" (new on Facebook )
"Understanding the Next Phase of the Global Systemic Crisis"
I'm glad the Democratic party has evolved beyond benchmarks
Mexican drug dealers support my local economy
Anyone watching this interview on Today about the documentary about Sarah?
The wisdom of Karl Popper......
Sean Penn: Best Actor Oscar gives great proposition 8/Obama acknowledgement SPEECH (Video)
Revealed: full horror of Gitmo inmate's beatings
Philly newspaper owner latest to file Chapter 11
Paypal security update question
It seems that right-wing has set their sights on the 17th Amendment
You all picking up the latest Repub comebacks?
C-Span caller gives definition to a Blue Dog Democrat
The Wisdom of Protectionism. The Madness of Free Trade (Part 1)
India’s Terror Stance Vexes Obama Amid Voter Ire at Pakistan
Last night God "Hated" Fred Phelps - but we all knew that anyways
Citigroup Nationalization Talk of Gov Stake Causes 40% Stock Rally
Food for thought: Quotes on runaway corporatism and privatization
The President Reads 10 Letters a Day from the Public
Can anyone get to Is it down?
Can anyone get to Is it down?
Bush declines hardware store job
U.K. - Police fear 'summer of rage' with middle-class protests
Sen. Bunning (R-KY): Justice Ginsberg Has Nine Months To Live
Siegelman believes Rove will never testify truthfully
AlterNet: Screw Big Chain Franchises: Support Your Local Bar!
Jobs Still Elude Some Bush Ex-Officials
Soros Says Upheaval Marks End of Free-Market Era That Started Under Reagan
Conyers is not in Washington D.C. this morning.
Dollars & Sense: Time for Permanent Nationalization
Any word on whether Kkkarl is going to show up today?
Soldiers still waiting for tour bonuses
Obama nixed full surge in Afghanistan - Asia Times
Proposals to change Supreme Court organization....what do you think?
NCLB renamed? How 'bout Act to Help Children Read Gooder?
Jim Bunning Another Loud Mouth Republican Idiot
If anyone is responsible for increasing taxes- Republicans are.
DCCC targets 12 Republicans on stimulus
Freedom from religion and 2nd hand athesists.
If you missed Frontline last week, watch it online. Inside the Meltdown.
Suspend military aid to Israel --
TurdBlossom watch: Rove is due before the Judicial Committee in two minutes
Obama pledges $15B for Medicaid, answers critics
ChicagoTrib: Chicago lender owned properties (REOs) jumped 575% in three years
Be a hero on your own time (says McDonald's)
GOP Vulture Forecasts Justice Ginsberg's Death Anticipating an Opening for Conservatives
Gorby smarter than Obama: Soviet leader accepted defeat and brought his troops home from Afghanistan
Hypocrisy Alert! Remember How Republicans Supported John McCain's Foreclosure Plan?
I'm gonna bet tomorrow is "F U SEAN PENN Day" on Fox Noise
Republicans weigh strategies to employ over the next two years ....
Condoleezza Rice agrees to a three-book deal
KTLK website - Randi WILL be back.
"All my life I’ve had a choice of hate or love. I’ve always chosen love and I’m here."
Nude Carnivale Queen Paints Obama On Her Leg
look out! BREAKING: Beer No Longer Recession-Proof
Rift Over Stimulus Embroils G.O.P.
The Department of Defense Contractors
The Department of Defense Contractors
**Obama LIVE now on MSNBC giving solid speech at economic gathering in the WH!!**
U.S. Stocks Fall, Sending Market Below Lowest Close Since 1997
If it were free, what medical proceedure would you want today?
Why in the heck was this guy allowed to keep his Driver's License?
Hidden headline in Binyam Mohamed case: 1 in 4 CIA ops in UK!
The RW Media Propaganda Campaign Continues - CBS Chooses GOP Operative As SR VP
Diesel Falling Below Gas as Valero, Total Expand Supply, Boosting VW Jetta
SNL's Last Survivor (Huffington Post) about Tom Davis, Al Franken and SNL
What CAN'T the Dems Try to Change?
UN: New York Expected To Lose Up To 100K Finance Jobs
People have to stop buying into the language "entitlement"
American Express Pays Cardholders $300 to Close Out Accounts
Old racists die, but hate-filled actions linger
Let me re-frame the Drug Debate in different terms
Interesting read: CA Republicans are at each other's throats!
Competition and competitiveness in America
I see John Ziegler is being given a platform on GE-NBC for the Palin doc.. Why?
Between crooked and heartless employers...
What is the impact of banks that own our homes, cars, and credit becoming "nationalized"?
TIME: Pay Wall Street Less? Hell, Yes
Did the citizens of Republican-led states agree to secede from the Union?
Free-market terrorist Thomas Woods blames REGULATION for the market meltdown....
I think I’d rather be water boarded than deal with a car salesperson
A piece on marriage equality in the New York Times
Fundies freaked out by 'far-left ideologies' of Obama Justice Dept. picks......
The lenten catholic fish fry is coming up at my parish soon,
Elder's Meditation of the Day - February 23
Man who lost face in '05 mauling knows hell of new chimpanzee victim
Humana Health Care's fortunes sinking.......
Here's something for the eco-friendly folks out there....
What is the repuke talking point about the Philippines? Heard a RW caller on Stephanie Miller
Looking for suggestions in my argument with a con
That was the best Academy Awards show I've seen in 30 years. Anyone agree?
Does your business depend on their software?
This shows how the Mormons are champion liars when
Today, no one in America hates Prop 8 more than
Unbelievable: Latest Conservative Meme
Vulture Bunning of KY seems to be implying that GOP will fillibuster Obama SC nominees
Arkansas Presbyterians OK rule on ordination of gays (vote 116-64)
Check-in thread for DUers who hate check-in threads
"Reduce the capital gains tax" is the newest screed by the Repugnation
I hear 75% of ex-Bushies can't find jobs. I know where they can apply. I'm compassionate!
Stars & Stripes LTTE: PTSD letter should be shared
Kelsey Seybold Clinic, Houston's largest internal medicine group, opts out of traditional Medicare..
Anyone else having trouble with Day Life?
Check-In thread for DUers that have HAD IT with check-in threads!
Gingrey the Doctor won't vote for something unless the conditions are PERFECT
Dollars & Sense: The Great Real Estate Bubble of the 1920s
American Express Pays some Cardholders $300 to Close Accounts..
Should the Media apologize to the country for putting us though four straight months of Gary Condit?
Republicans on prowl for political hopefuls use Craigslist
Bush is hitting the speakers' circuit - offers his thoughts on the power of freedom
A question about the stock market
I just received a jury qualification questionnaire for the US Disctrict Court...
Did you think that Sean Penn would be where he is today when he played Spicoli in "Fast Times..."?
Social killing grounds: (eastern ) Europe - Shock Doctrine under our very eyes
President Peter Chernin to leave Murdoch's News Corp.
Anyone else watching coverage of this Fiscal Responsibility Summit?
It's time to NOT buy all the Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Aquafina etc that you can........
Alabama Paper Stands By Story: Reported Shelby Comments "Accurately and Completely"
I love it when Repubs insist they lost because they weren't 'conservative enough'....
Al Gore at the National Clean Energy Project forum - pics
Dittohead LOL...Oh, gotta getta a load of this:
Finally! A song that makes you look forward to "Have You Forgotten"!
Mayor out-Foxed his interviewer on Fox News.
Do "Conservatives" Have A Credibility Problem With the Country?
Fascinating. But, not if your driving under the influence.
Thanks to Rahm Emmanuel, I am no longer represented by JD Hayworth
And it takes another leg down, just like in the GD.
I know this is not recommended, but I closed the damn Chase account anyway.
I like the way Obama has this bipartisan group on the economy sharing their thoughts on the meeting
India moves to patent yoga poses in bid to protect traditional knowledge
Flashback - Joseph Stiglitz in 12/07 Predicting Economic Consequences Of Bush
AIG Seeks More US Funds As Record Loss Looms
-News Corp President Chernin leaving-LA Times
A Series of Suicides Unnerves West Point
'Stop-loss' Soldiers Still Waiting for Pay
When will the markets come back?
Need to share a burst out loud laugh. I was looking for a picture of the book Dow 36,000
The Solution to the Budget Deficit: The Peter G. Peterson Intergenerational Fairness Tax Credit
LIFE DIGITS. The spying-on-the-we-the citizens database - what is it's status?
Mark Sanford, stimulus hater, is inspired by guy who predicted Dow would break 40,000 in 2008
Karl Rove did not show up for his deposition this morning.
The Social Security Fix - so simple and yet so difficult
a comet's heart may have just nailed Earth
Update on lost high school transcripts...
3 U.S. soldiers, interpreter killed in Iraq. They're still dying there!
Sanford Offers Unemployed South Carolina Resident ‘Prayers’ Instead Of Stimulus Funds
Citigroup's Clever Plan to Screw Taxpayers Again
CNN Anchor: Rihanna must deal with “stigma” of being abuse victim
Were there any Republican Presidents
Flashback - September 2007 - George Bush Downplays Growing Mortgage Crisis
The Solution to the Budget Deficit: The Peter G. Peterson Intergenerational Fairness Tax Credit
George H.W. Bush's federal judge appointee skirts sex charges, pleads guilty to obstructing justice
Just think in less than two years there is a real good possibility that we'll have super majorities
Return to me all the money my retirement account has lost in the last 18 months.
Will our Democratic majority in Congress fight against Obama's
DCCC targets 12 Republicans on stimulus
Has Jim Bunning been sipping the Moonshine again?
President Obama to be live shortly on m$nbc
Randi Rhodes and NOVA, Problems? Anyone Have Information?
If the government goes to 40% ownership of banks through common shares
Ziegler on Today show this AM:"Palin is NOT a moron!"
New CBS Senior Vice President of Communications Claimed Democrats are Bad People
On a day when the Dow plunged 250 points on economic worries, WHY did the financials go up?
New Congressional GOPs "Playbook" from 20 years ago...
Who wants seconds.. or thirds.. for that matter..
1924 snowmobile prototype like you've not seen before
1924 snowmobile prototype like you've not seen before
Citigroup's road to nationalization
"As long as the US is committed to a way of life measured entirely by gain, debt is the only weapon"
Obama to name former Abramoff investigator to oversee stimulus spending
Jackson Browne v. John McCain - Heading to Trial?
Internet threat: Hackers swarm bank accounts
Why corporatism must die update: They're discussing universal health care on Bloomberg TV now......
Millions to Be Spent To Help People FInd Jobs
Senate Chairman says he'd investigate Democrats who backed Bush policies
Ratings for Reality Are Down -- Love and Sex Storm Back on TV
Here is an email the right wing is circulating on the stimulus bill
Iraq Minister On War Widows: 'There Are Too Many' To Help
Every Friday, the FDIC closes 3 or 4 more banks....Now the Fed is upping its stake in the megabanks.
Look at the DOW, look at all economic indicators. How can we afford more war?
Knock, Knock, is anyone listening? - Danny Schechter wants to know
I know the President needs a helicopter, but Jesus, TWENTY-EIGHT of them?
Check in thread for DUers wanting to end the illegal occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The story behind Dustin Lance Black's speech
Hey, YOU! Ya gotta check out the "List of the Day" blog....
When Asked Whether He Would ‘Consider’ Gay Civil Unions, Steele Replies, ‘What Are You, Crazy?’
Why Not Let Ronald Reagan Be the Real Ronald Reagan?
I'm Scheduling Job Applicants for Interviews with our Company, and I Feel Like Santa Claus
Micron may slash 2,000 jobs......
Kudos, President Obama. That was leadership.
Kudos, President Obama. That was leadership.
Exxon Screws People Affected by its Spill
As the GOP Burns, Some Party Leaders Still Cling to Conspiracy Theory
AP: Wall Street "experts" say "The government is doing a lousy job of alleviating fears"
Partisanship run amok: The Oscars put political agenda ahead of artistic merit...again
What happened to "Sirius Left"?
David Shuster is giving Darrell Issa a SMACK DOWN on 1600!!!
Parade poll "Does America Still Need Labor Unions? "
Parade poll "Does America Still Need Labor Unions? "
The GOP's efforts at diversity - AKA Bobby Jindal and Michael Steele. Will it work?
I honestly don't think anyone knows what to do to stop this economic free-fall.
Obama said today he would put the full cost of Iraq and Afghanistan on the budget
Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
The more I hear and read the less I understand.
Economist Nouriel Roubini made this simple and crucial point in an interview with Reuters.
With Coleman down in MN Senate count, paper suggests "do-over" election
Breaking: AIG will report the biggest loss in US corporate history
(Rapper) Ludacris makes peace with McCain
If you liked Slumdog, there is a movie from 20 years ago called Salaam Bombay
Howie Kurtz: "Santelli may or may not have a populist point, but isn't he supposed to be a reporter?
"Dear President Obama": The President Reads 10 Letters a Day from the Public...
FBI, police bust child prostitution ring
Village Voice blog: Oscar Night Rightbloggers Mad at Milk, Indians
Lou (the racist) Dobbs is defending the post and the cartoonist right now
Freepers weigh in on the Big Gay Oscars
"If they're too big to fail, they're too big to exist."
Does anyone have any details about Texas nat guard being called out.
Attempted humor sent from a RW acquaintance
How Much Of The Federal Debt Is Financed With Drug Money
How Much Of The Federal Debt Is Financed With Drug Money
What's this? 11 year old kills his dad's pregnant girlfriend with a shotgun?
Yay for me! I'm gonna make my first million this year!
Yay for me! I'm gonna make my first million this year!
Yay for me! I'm gonna make my first million this year!
Why isn't Bernie Madoff in jail?
FR Drama-Queen Plans For Obama Taking Away The Insulin
No surprize here... Junk food kills!
Hey Dudettes & Dude: Let's Talk Drugs
In tough economy, working 7 days becomes norm for some - how many days per week do you work?
Santelli Claims The White House Is Threatening Him: ‘My Kids Are Nervous To Go To School’
Cheney Dunk Tank Raises $800 Billion For Nation
Iran is developing and exporting alternative energy expertise
Paul Krugman: Entitlements on the back of an envelope
Damn! Did Sean Penn serve up a heaping bowl of Scorn Flakes, or what?
Larisa Alexandrovna Interviews Don Siegelman: Rove Will Never Testify Truthfully
Binyam Mohamed statement in full
I was just informed that I've been awarded an $830,000.00 bid.
If THESE three can get along as friends, what's OUR excuse? Watch this:
What should Michael Moore's in-the-works film about the banking/Wall St./bailout mess be called?
Helping Afghan Women and Girls
If banks are nationalized, what is the argument for EVER giving them back to rich assholes?
The Bankruptcy Bill, Examined : Flashback In Case You Missed It
Sean Penn Schools Prop. 8 Supporters in Oscar Speech
Ford Fusion Hybrid Tops Camry, Prius in Comparisons
Obama is doing some terrific Bush bashing right now
MSNBC's Brewer keeps asking if $250 thou a year for a family is 'wealthy'
Breaking research finds US weapons in Gaza
CA To Introduce Bill to tax and regulate marijuana? NORML
Bill Maher called people's gods silly last night. I just watched his movie
Could Chelsea Clinton run and win in 2010 Senate race?
Could Chelsea Clinton run and win in 2010 Senate race?
If you needed any more proof that Rushican scumbags
"There's been a major shift towards acceptance of the Taliban,"
Hey Skinner :Can we get rid of
Recommend this thread if you support Sean Penn in the inevitable shitstorm to follow after tonight
Robert Parry: Obama in "Seven Days in May" Scenario?
Sean Penn to Prop 8 Supporters: You get to sit and reflect on the shame you'll live with
The failure of the War on Drugs...
Who has seen the documentary "Pete Seeger: The Power of Song?"
My wife and I are boycotting McDonald's. We will not be taking our nieces there anymore.
Obama's 'Seven Days in May' Moment
Cemeteries Are Dying Due To Cremations
The People vs. Bank of America: B of A Giveth and It Taketh Away
Bush Administration Crimes and the International Criminal Court
Well, sirprise, sirprise, sirprise Stanford's fraud was referred to the SEC/FBI by Texas 10 yrs ago!
Help me out here. Someone apparently got a hold of my
It Is Time To Arrest Karl Rove For Contempt of Congress.
When I was going to high school, to many girls we same-aged guys simply didn't exist.
i thought these shows were the shit when i was between 4-7 years old
What the hell does my sig line mean?
It's official - Ryan Seacrest is a dweeb and I feel like I'm offending people by saying that...
An American Carol wasn't even nominated for a Worst Film Razzie Award??
i drank all my boss's beer on friday
is it a womans perogitive to change her mind???
Don't you just love it when an ex accidentally texts you instead of their current
90-something's homes are not the greatest place for 3 3-6 year olds to play
I'm here posting on DU.. and sick..
I live 3 blocks from the Kodak Theatre. It sounds like Apocolypse Now outside.
this is the clothing optional thread
A little background on Monsanto for your edification.
soo I have been officially dissed
Testing testing,1,2,3. I'm getting an error message every time I post.
I'm posting from the administrator's office at the nursing home...
Product placement, Mr President?
Ok time to break out the tissues - Best Supporing Actor
State Street - Madison, Wisconsin
I just saw the "Sandberg Game" on the MLB channel (June 23, 1984)
Ok, I need a Direct X 9.0c compatible video card, only I have no idea...
baby, i got a time machine in my pants
heh..Up From The Depths..a Godzilla rap. Far better than the Oscars.
OMG OMG O... M... G!!! Miley Cyrus is like AT THE OSCARS!!!
I have successfully cut my own cheese. Can global domination be far behind?
Whoever thought of having Hugh Jackman to host the Oscars should get one for that idea
Someone take the stick out of Angolina Jolies ass
i'm gonna quit smoking tomorrow
Shout out of Thanks to the person who gave me a valentine!
Anybody else have the virus du jour?
Great user review of "Star Trek: Nemesis"
I admit- I've not watched much news or TV lately.. wtf is a slumdog millionaire?!
Well...I WAS going to post my erotic poem...
Anyone else notice that Peter Gabriel boycotted the Oscars?
There should be no shame in addiction
Who is not watching the oscars?
What actor/actress do you like who isn't "all Hollywood".
Post your award HEADLINES here
does anyone else think Angelina Jolie looks different tonight?
I was pulling for Mickey Rourke, but I'm happy Penn won it if nothing else than
*** Official 2009 Academy Awards Thread ***
Best reading music ever! Soul sacrifice
I dunno...I do think the "Slumdog" worship messed up the Awards pretty bad.
Lately I'm craving pizza. Is there such thing as a healthy frozen pizza, or a healthy pizza
Has Anyone Seen "Little Children?"
Screw the bourgeois Oscars. When are we going to get the new...
So.. I saw my bro for 1st time since I booted him from the house
OMG Kindle2 is out in two days
I think Cheney took notes when he watched this episode:
Crap self-congratulatory crap is crap
Shortlist of six of the nation's [UK] strangest book titles revealed
*** Official 2009 Academy Awards Thread 3 ***
My 3 cats are all asleep in the same comfy chair, Which means
Can I just mention, again, that I have a girl crush on Kate Winslet?
*** Official 2009 Academy Awards Thread 2 ***
Dolly was 6 years old when she was born.
I think LostinVA just had a baby orgasm
Official Fuck Slumdog Millionaire Thread.
Sean Penn wins Best Actor!!!!!!!!
Are any of you watching Mel Gibson as Col. Sanders on Jimmy Kimmel?
Oscars wasn't the only big award show this past weekend. Hell Paris Hilton won THREE awards....
So how many "Heath Ledger won an Oscar!" threads were there last night?
Well it's getting to be late winter and the natives are restless.
Melissa Leo ("Frozen River") check out her imdb page-amazing
The TV sceen went blank and then a woman said "I think you have it all the way in." ...
"...This is my message to youuuuu..."
Now playing: The Monkees' "Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones" (mono mix)
Add creativity, computers and MIT...
The strange allure of Flo, the Progressive Insurance checkout girl
Thanks to Hugh Jackman Musicals are now officially dead.
BAD NEWS this morning- no pineapples for my daughter for breakfast
So, anyone else not watch tonight's Hollywood wankfest?
Last night I took NyQuil & had a dream where I met Obama!
It's Monday and I'm not depressed
I have to start saying 'have a nice day'
Dear Barbara Walters - last night was your Oscar special. Why the F*#@ were the Jonas Brothers on it
Before I order this computer memory, could someone tell me
I just had 2 cats offer me TZ for real cheap
Ennio Marchetto, the "Human Cartoon"
What was the best film of 2008?
Lance Armstrong Will Not Tolerate Syringe Toting Idiots On The Side Of The Road
Spread the Love does not look like a male organ.
Sailing to Byzantium by William Butler Yeats
McDonalds must be hell to work at
Hope Streep comes up the middle and crushes the dreams of upstarts like Jolie and Winslet.
I'm guessing the fundies will be protesting ABC now
The official OSCARS fashion thread: (photo heavy)
Ron White is the coolest redneck ever.
You know, it's really tough sometimes...
Would other people consider you pretentious?
Many of you will be crushed, but I can't post from work as long as the big pink ween is up there.
Hello.... is there anybody in there?
Anybody want to write a story?
Are you one really sick evil twisted nasty sort of person?
Scrabble Word of the Day: Dildo
Found: one pair black panties.
My annual appraisal, at work, will be tomorrow
Why are my ginger snaps never snappy?
Is "Potomac" really hard to pronounce?
An interesting perspective on video game violence.
Speaking of the Potomac, why do people say "Potomac River"? Potomac means river.
Rahm Emanuel Uses Profanity for Good and Not Evil While at the Movies
Which movie/Actor/Actress was snubbed the biggest
one of my all time favorite guitarists
Sirius XM Radio and GM Worth the Risk ? Stocks
I think my electricity is going to get turned off. I'm scared.
So, Mrs R and I were eating noodles off each other's faces at midnight last night...
CaliforniaPeggy's poetry has me all worked up.
Ever seen Peter Greene in Clean, Shaven?
Dog Cam: Live Dog Feed for Monday, February 23. Get Yer Dawg On!
Eric Cantor: Yes he's a douche bag, but what KIND of douche bag is he?
Science Fun: A Green comet will be closest to the earth in the morning
Good vibes for my BFF mctatas today and inthe days to come
See Dwights 75 foot basketball shot.
OK why the hell didn't you tell me about Sriacha chili sauce?
Who was the big FASHION winner of the Oscars?
Does anyone here play NOBY NOBY BOY?
Illegal Business Controls America...Illegal Business Controls America...
Kill your television: Man shoots TV in DTV-fueled anger
A girl starved to death after her teeth were removed
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Mon 2/23/2009)
Music Videos before music videos sucked.
My newest poem, ready for prime time...Flame
I think our cat is really a dog
Two Greek prisoners escape by helicopter AGAIN- 2nd time in 3 years
People who mock their spouses need their asses kicked
Would you report Crystal Blue Persuasions???
Most annoying character on Star Trek, TNG?
Slumdog: Better than "Crash," but no where near the quality of "No Country for Old Men."
Did you buy a high school class ring?
Would you report an illegal conversion?
I'd like to thank the Academy...
Thanks to the DUers who mentioned "The Paper Bag Princess" last week
Divorced DUers: What did you do with your wedding band?
I like Sean Penn, but I think he really blew it in his acceptance speech.
sorry but I don't get the oscars and all the acter/actress worship
Waiting for the Goose Egg to Hatch.
They don't make hip-hop like this any more....
Jennifer Grey does NOT look like Jennifer Grey!!
Well, after 22 years, my military retirement is official
81st Academy Awards Post-Mortem: Suckdog Millionbore
So, I adopted a cat from a local shelter.
At what age should someone be able to take a flight without a parent?
So it looks like Fox is trying to kill The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Deadbeat Dad Nailed In A Unique Way
What Attracts you to another person as a potential date/mate?
OMG! Michael Jackson is auctioning off his stuff!
They Need a Swat Across Their Obnoxious Asses
congresswoman barbara lee on c-span now 8-9pm est (repeat) nt
Repubs have nothing, resorting to bizarre spin in trying to counter Obama
Official: Investigator to lead stimulus oversight
Bobby Jindal is Evan Bayh with a tan.
prime minister gordon brown putting up with the british version of repub idiocy.
US Government in talks to own 40% of Citigroup Bank
House Party with your Congressman/woman. Who attended one this weekend?
Anyone had problems with cat having frequent Urinary tract infections?
Governors' Dinner at the WH is on C-Span, now!
February 1942: FDR announces plan to halve deficit in 4 years
Seriously: Must every institutional construct, from individual businesses to automobiles...
I have resisted the urge to post this... but screw it
Auto-flush sit down toilets make no sense
Obama recovery plan stimulates whining
Sen. Lugar says US must rethink Cuba embargo
Fiscal Responsibility Summit: Anyone have a full list of attendees?
The fact is this: No Economist or anyone on this board can predict how The Stimulus plays out.
Video: The President Smoozes the Govs.
I just wanted to check in and ask if you all could think good thoughts
The term "illegal enemy combatant" is a status offense. I see some confusion
GOP...the Party of SELFISHNESS and Myopia....MEism really...absense of Empathy
Why Isn't Tomorrow's Speech Called the State of the Union?
There is an Energy Roundtable on CSPAN2. Impressive group
Governors Hope to Guide Spending of Stimulus Funds
Gibbs V. Santelli: He Should Read President's Plan (VIDEO)
Former Secret Service agent Earl Devaney to be Stimulus Oversight Czar
AP asks Did TV news miss point in covering stimulus plan? Only 6% of guests actually economists
Sanford compares Obama admin to Stalin, Weimar
**WARNING: POLITICO SOURCE***: GOP Dusts Off Newt's Playbook
Poll: Obama Loses Support With GOPers -- Gains With Everyone Else
PHOTO Caption It? The President and Georgia Gov Sonny Perdue
Is There Organized Crime on Wall Street?
Why the GOP is SO DESPERATE to see Bush Tax Cuts Remain
MSNBC's Contessa Brewer is very disrespectful
Hypocrisy Alert! Remember How Republicans Supported John McCain's Foreclosure Plan?
Has anyone noticed that the states refusing the stimulus $ have large black populations?
I am getting a little concerned with the Giethner
I'm going to say something possibly unpopular
Karl Rove on the lam??? He was AWOL for House Judiciary Committee subpoena today.
BBO: Bachmann Bigmouth Overdrive... "We're running out of rich people in this country"....
[mandated] Health Care Industry in Talks to Shape Policy
Bunning: Justice Ginsberg likely will be dead in 9 months. (Does he WANT to lose re-election?)
Health-Care Focus Next for Obama in Speech, Budget Proposal
Orson Scott Card has lost his mind
I Find It Ironic That the State of The Union Is Discussed the Day Before Lent
PHOTOS: Governors at the White House Dinner
We need to demand that those states where the governors don't want Stim money GET NOTHING
Why Repugs don't want Bush tax cuts to expire: They will have to Kill their rich Grannies in 2010
what do your pets do that piss you off?
Afghan public opinion turning against presence of US forces
PHOTOS The Governors' Dinner at the White House
Watching the Fiscal Health Press Confrence
Pickens lauding the Energy Summit to Cavuto
Obama Takes Veiled Shot At GOP Governors
Watching the Republicans at this summit with Obama is fascinating.
Why are conservatives so offended by the direct election of senators?
NY Post: Gillibrand Shellshocked over Growing Opposition to Her
Schwarzenegger vs. Jindal - Political Games vs. Constituents
I just saw Something on Cable Television that was Informative,
For all of Norah O'Donnell's faults, she is eviscerating the fat hog puke on her show right now.
What is preventing Senator Franken from joining his colleagues in the Senate?
Our president today said something great
Where's the average working Americans' "tea party"?
Poll: Obama's First-Month Approval Ratings Match Reagan's
Shuster slapping down Issa-so nice to see happening to one
Official: Obama likely to name Locke to Commerce
Fair Tax Act of 2009 (44 co-sponsors) ????
New WaPo/ABC News poll 68% job approval for Obama
Zombie Banks? Please Let That Term Stick.
It is obvious that Cable News cannot deviate from their Morning Memo from the GOP!
A welcome change: 1). President Obama READS. 2). President Obama reads letters from THE PUBLIC.
Governors, Family and Friends, Please Welcome The President of the United States and the First Lady!
Rep. Issa asking for more hiring of Fed workers instead of outsourcing
CAP’s Daniella Leger appointed as Obama’s Director of Message Events.
Is Obama doing to Wall Street what he did to Republicans?
Jim Bunning APOLOGIZED for his comments about Ruth Bader Ginsburg
I wish someone had warned me about the Conservative Cave.
MY country is FULL of MORONS. We don't deserver Obama
Lou Dobbs is in DENIAL when it comes to threats facing President Obama
Some idiot who made "Media Malpractice" was just on the Today show
PHOTOS Fiscal Responsibility Summit / National Governors Association (UPDATED)
We're not calling for a coup, honest!
My letter to Senator Shelby, who I've never seen in a Klan robe.
PHOTOS Carnival Time - German Style
The Stunted Economic Stimulus by Robert Samuelson
POLL: Michelle Most Popular FLOTUS in 30 Years
I just went to David Shuster's "Twitter" site...
Shit. Big Media is going to run Jindal campaign for the next 4 years
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
Name an old sitcom that still makes you laugh. 1980s or before.
PHOTO Caption It - The Three Stooges?
How About If The Subject Now Turns To A Dead Intern In scarborough's Office
"Coleman is in a bubble running out of oxygen" - but some believe he might appeal to Federal courts
New CBS VP: "Obama is Incredibly Dangerous"
Names of cities or towns that just sound cool phonetically
"Razor-thin stimulus vote highlights stakes of Senate recount for Coleman, Franken in Minn"
Obama administration backs Bush, tries to kill 'lost' White House emails lawsuit
Will housing shed another 30%?
How did your parents choose your first name?
Sean Penn mentions how this country "has elected an elegant man" with his Oscar win!
*OLC Torture Memos Update*: A Positive Sign from Obama DOJ
Have you written President Obama a letter? There's a good chance he's read it personally.
Wonk Room’s James Kvaal appointed to National Economic Council.
Jackson Browne 1 John McCain 0
Carly Fiorina May challenge Senator Barbara Boxer in 2010
Another rumor debunked: Peterson Was NOT Considered For Role At Fiscal Summit
NPR: 100 Best Characters in Fiction Since 1900
Orly Taitz Cons Army Officer Into Joining Suit (More Birther Crap)
Official: Obama likely to name Gary Locke to Commerce Secretary!
Why I am 42 and still rent instead of owning my own home:
Fire Dog Lake and Down With Tyanny discuss Lizza's column on Rahm today.
There's nothing weak about compromise.
Iran N-experts in Israel crosshairs?
US actors reject studios' offer
Europe says all markets must be regulated
One killed in Egypt mosque blast
Jobs Still Elude Some Bush Ex-Officials
Bangkok..Combined forces position to protect Government House from protest
Bush declines hardware store job
S Lanka rebels 'ready for truce'
Guantanamo man flying back to UK
Obama Planning to Slash Deficit, Despite Stimulus Spending
S Lanka rebels 'ready for truce'
Relative upset over auction of Gandhi's items (Update)
India’s Terror Stance Vexes Obama Amid Voter Ire at Pakistan
Kidnappers say U.S. hostage in Pakistan still alive
Rescue efforts end at mine where blast killed 74
U.S. government seeking up to 40 pct stake in Citigroup: report
Myanmar Releases 19 in Amnesty
Siegelman believes Rove will never testify truthfully
Secret U.S. Unit Trains Commandos in Pakistan
India erupts in celebrations for 'Slumdog' Oscar wins
Indonesia prosecutors seek jail for Garuda pilot
Tsunami museum opens in Indonesia
US Airways won't charge for sodas after all
Iraq arrests police in law-and-order crackdown
Revealed: full horror of Gitmo inmate's beatings
United Arab Emirates pledges $10 billion to bail out Dubai
UAW, Ford reach agreement on VEBA
Citigroup's Clever Plan to Screw Taxpayers Again
Mich. court recognizes IL lesbian adoption
Lugar, GOP Senate Report Urge Fresh Look at Relations With Cuba
Deal with militants emboldens opposition (Pakistan)
Microsoft wants refund from some laid off workers
Poor need manufacturing, says UN
Sebelius says has not discussed health post with Obama
WH fast tracks some stimulus cash (to help states defer cuts in essential services)
Palin shuns spotlight to pick up the pieces
$8bn 'missing' from Allen Stanford's offshore bank
Arrest Ruling on [Sudanese President] Bashir Next Week
South Korea Says North Deploys New Missile
Soldiers still waiting for tour bonuses
US mil: 3 US soldiers, interpreter killed in Iraq
Taxpayers may get £500bn liability - UK
Bunning: Ginsburg will be dead in nine months
AmEx Offers Some Holders $300 To Pay And Leave
Pakistan army halts operations in Swat
U.S. plans "substantial" pledge at Gaza meeting
CIA foisted Bolivia firm: Morales
(D.C. Circuit) Court Grants Obama (Another) Extension in (ex-Bush aides) Subpoena Case
Freed Guantanamo detainee accuses U.S. of torture
Longtime President Leaves News Corp. (Murdoch's Company)
Swiss party wants to punish U.S. for UBS probe
Rename Law? No Wisecrack Is Left Behind
Penn Grabs Best Actor Oscar for 'Milk:' "Those Who Voted Against Gay Marriage... Sit and Reflect"
Senator (Bunning) apologizes for Ginsburg remark
Sumatran tigers kill six people in Indonesia
Ginsburg expected back at high court Monday
U.S. charges former Salvadorean defense chief
US embargo on Cuba 'has failed': top GOP senator (Lugar)
Heath Ledger earns Oscar as Joker in 'Dark Knight'
Supreme Court declines anti-gay student case
"Dear President Obama": The President Reads 10 Letters a Day from the Public, With Policy Ramificati
Karl Rove skips another congressional hearing on U.S. Attorney firings
China tainted pork makes 70 sick
Stocks plunge, end day at decade-plus lows
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday February 23
Giant Foods Issues Potato Product Recall - Bacterial Contamination Fears Spur Recall Order
President Obama Appoints Vice President Joe Biden to Oversee Stimulus Plan Payouts
Britain faces summer of rage - police
Saint Laurent art goes to auction (Update)
A.I.G. to Seek More Government Aid
CBS News Pick Claimed Democrats are Bad People
Restaurants struggle as consumers eat at home
'Milk' Screenwriter at Oscars: "Very Soon, I Promise, You Will Have Equal Rights, Federally"
ICC to rule March 4 on arrest warrant for Sudan president
Unemployment Could Hit 9% This Year: NABE
Former Washington Gov. Gary Locke may be next commerce secretary
Meth makers leave behind a toxic trail at motels
Homophobic remarks cost Buttars chairmanship
(Obama's) Auto team drives imports: Fed task force has few new U.S. cars
Amnesty calls on US to suspend arms sales to Israel
CBS: Stanford's Carribbean Scam
CBS: Obama Renewing Science in Public Interest
Gov. Granholm Shoots Down Right-Wing Talking Points on Fox News Sunday
BBC: Tourists hit by Cairo bomb blast
First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday
BBC: Binyam Mohamed due to be freed from Guantanamo today
Meet the Press (02/22/09): Bobby Jindal Doesn't Want Unemployment Assistance from Stimulus Bill
Prison break repeat shocks Greece (Convicts Escape Greek Prison by Helicopter - for the 2nd time!)
Hallelujah - George Bush is Gone
Is New Zealand Going the way of Iceland?
The genius of some schlub named Rick Santelli Sept. 2008 (3:42)
Rachel Maddow examines Richard Perle saying 'these aren't the droids you're looking for'
Over 120,000 march on Dublin in protest of Irish economy
Jeffrey Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz discuss the need to help states with the stimulus
Gov. Granholm: 'I'll Take Stimulus Money GOP Govs. Turn Down' (Fox News Sunday)
Dustin Lance Black champions gay rights in Oscar acceptance speech for Milk screenplay
Rachel Maddow discusses statute of limitations for torture prosecutions w/ Daphne Eviator
White House Press Secretary Defiles The Office of The President
Chandra Levy Mystery May Soon Be Solved
Two old stupid white men decide that what Bristol Palin actually said was 'abstinence IS realistic'
Eric Holder questioned on warrantless wiretaps
This Week roundtable: George Will vs Paul Krugman and Nouriel Roubini
KKK member apologizes to Congressman Lewis
FoxNews lies about Eric Holder confirmation vote
TYT: Why is Bernie Madoff still allowed to conduct criminal activity? Why is he not in jail?
Reverend Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps Responds To Sean Penn's Oscar Win
Tortured GITMO Detainee Released To Great Britain
Dennis Miller interviews George Carlin (1997)
Lewis Black goes OFF on feckless, weak, congressional Democrats
Schwarzenegger - The Stimulus Package is "Terrific"
Climate Denial Crock of the Week - That 1500 Year Thing
DCCC Video:-'Bachmann: "We're Running Out of Rich People"'
Meet the Press Take Two (22/02/09): Gov. Crist backs stimulus, Obama is a "genuine guy"
U.S. / Afghanistan Involvement - Democracy Now
"Milk" Screenwriter Dustin Black at Academy Awards: You are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value.
Soldiers Shoot Farmer With Human Rights Activists Present
SOS / minutemen in Burbank - the hate fest continues.
Sean Penn Wins Best Actor for 'Milk' + Acceptance Speech
Rachel Maddow corrects Rick 'man on dog' Santorum's statement that Quran is written in 'Islamic'
Lewis Black defends the concept of 'government'
TYT: Steal $8 Billion And You Won't Get Arrested?
Is this the real reason for the switch from analog to digital?
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Stock Down only $77,000.00 Each
Did TV News Miss Point in Covering Stimulus Plan?
Obama's Refusal To Reverse Bush Policy In Afghanistan Angers Human Rights Groups
AIPAC Case: New Ruling May Lead to Acquittal
Christian Zionist's Crusade Bears Fruit
America's Municipal Meltdown: It's Tough Times for Troubled Towns
Samuelson Thinks Stimulus Should be Higher
U.S. Unit Secretly in Pakistan Lends Ally Support
Jim Bunning, (R-KY) Has Bad Taste
IBM plans IT center in Dubuque -- and job applications pour in
Joe Conason: Reform healthcare -- and leave Social Security alone
The Obama Administration Sacrifices Israel
Has Outsourcing Hampered America´s Economy and Contributed to our Recession/Depression?
10 Dirty Tricks Wall Street Con Artists Will Pull to Keep the Rip-offs Going
Nice. Real nice. Meet your soulless Republicans
Republicans About to Lie in Tax Cut Bed of Their Own Devising
Pirates seize vessel off Somalia
Guantanamo memoirs prove bestsellers
Obama understandably doesn't want to go there - but we should (Dowagiac MI Daily News)
MJ Rosenberg: Lobby Out To Defeat Obama Appointment: Too Evenhanded
Republicans being relegated to "regional" status
Cambodia's Khmer Rouge on trial (The Economist)
Peter Chernin "FIRED" President Chief FOX NEWS Corporation
Bruce Fein at FFF Conference 2008, 4 of 7
Telling it like it is: A dozen books every American must read
To Investigate or Not: Four Ways to Look Back at Bush
Bobby Jindal, Republican Strategists and The Last Battle
Joe Klein: Bobby Jindal's Blustery Day
Air America Poll: 90% Want Bush Crimes Investigation
Far-Right Republicans Really Don’t Get Reciprocal Reasoning, Do They?
Eric Boehlert: Unhinged in 30 days: The right-wing media's Obama era implosion
Republicans are wrong - the New Deal was a success
A New Dark Age (James Kunstler)
Palin: Media was on a search and destroy mission
Evergreen Solar Finds Profit in the Sun
Residents evacuate amid bushfire risk (Victoria)
Scientists capture dramatic footage of Arctic glaciers melting in hours (misleading headline)
UK is branded a 'climate criminal' over coal plans
(Troy, NY) Solar Store owners seeing strong consumer interest
'Green' energy needs a big leap
Newsweek: Will Climate Go Over The Edge?—Even a miracle of diplomacy wouldn't put global warming…
Climate Fears Are Driving 'Ecomigration' Across Globe
10 Ways to Trade Up—How Obama can fix the climate, raise billions for clean tech, and …
US Climate Czar: CO2 Regulation Ruling To Come Soon—"it represents a danger to the public"
Dramatic Increase In Fires, Rate Of Forest Loss In Sumatra, Borneo - Mongabay
With Subsidies Gone, Commodities Slumping, Population Flows Away From Russia's Arctic Cities & Towns
NRG Energy, Inc. to Develop Up To 500 Megawatts of Solar Thermal Power Plants Using eSolar Technol…
Harvesting light using nanostructured surfaces (inspired by the eyes of moths)
Reuters: Gore, (Bill) Clinton headline energy conference
$54m UAE solar power technology factory plan
Climate change lays waste to Spain's glaciers—Spain loses 90% of its glaciers…threatening drought…
Offshore energy projects pile up (at least three proposed off Cape Cod)
Jaguar captured, collared and released in Arizona
Atmospheric scientists trace the human role in Indonesian forest fires
24% Of Papua's Rainforests Destroyed Or Degraded In Past 30 Years - Mongabay
NASA: 2008 Was Earth's Coolest Year Since 2000
Researchers Call for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Reductions to Combat Nutrient Pollution in Aquatic Eco…
Florida Groups Support New US $114M Renewables Fund
Outback Australian town to run on solar power 24 hours a day (graphite heat storage)
Dutch electricity system can cope with large-scale wind power (energy storage not needed)
More Reasons To Hate Humidity—it expands global warming, says a Texas A&M University professor.
If you are ever in Baraboo, Wisconsin, visit the International Crane Foundation
Lawrenceville Plasma Physics Initiates Two-Year Experiment to Test Hydrogen-Boron Fusion
CIA foisted Bolivia firm: Morales
El Salvadoran Def Min arrested on old passport charge. El Salv in prison charged with Chandra Levy
Brazilian, Bolivian police to join hands in fighting against organized crime
BCTGM-Alliance of Retired Americans Friday Alert, 2/20/09
Members Speak Out at Oscar-eve Protest of MPTF Seniors' Home Closure
AP: (Murdered Union) Activist's funeral turns into demonstration (for higher wages and respect)
Plymouth foundry workers trying to survive four months of being locked out
U.S. and Canadian labvor leaders hope for renegotation of NAFTA
Nestlé Hong Kong: Strike action wins dramatic step-down from management
Laid off workers at Mini plant pelt management with fruit
94 Years After Ludlow Massacre, Site Now National Historic
Free choice and small business Author: Sen. John F. Kerry
Feds seek firefighters union's records
Today in labor history Feb 23 Woody Guthrie wrote “This Land Is Your Land”
EFCA A Red State Editorial....(Florida)
Online layoff tracker captures economy's carnage
LA Times: Unemployment insurance: A guide
Job ad magazines say PC desktop support is a great way to get into a company. T/F?
Does America Still Need Labor Unions? (online survey)
A broken champagne bottle couldn't stop skier Lindsey Vonn from setting a record.
Bonds' personal trainer Anderson ordered to court
How did this guy get a stain on his chin?
Transgender Vets a Hidden Population (xpost from Veterans)
PepsiCo Gets in Bed With Rockstar, Michael Savage
Mich. court recognizes IL lesbian adoption (X-Post from LBN)
Homophobic remarks cost Buttars chairmanship (X-Post from LBN)
Supreme Court declines anti-gay student case (X-Post from LBN)
LOL: Sean Penn thanks "commie homo-lovers" for voting him Oscar
‘Milk’ screenwriter Dustin Lance Black wins Oscar.
E.U. leaders turn to IMF amid financial crisis
Baltic Currency-Peg Defense Cuts Reserves Amid Regional Slump
Irish protesters warn of another Iceland
'Good Banks' Are the Cost Effective Way Out of the Financial Crisis - Willem Buiter
U.S. seeking up to 40 percent stake in Citigroup: report
Jesus christ, what is going to become of Bank of America. Citibank is pleading for
OMG Look at the Bloomberg breaking news.....
Citigroup Begs To Be 40% Nationalized
Official: Investigator to lead stimulus oversight
The big picture: Looks like the Chinese have "called our loans" and lent money back to "Fed-Hedge"
Now It's Official: Stress Test Results Pre-Determined
Bernanke Offers Jobless Recovery as Humphrey-Hawkins Hopes Fade
The next chapter in Citigroup’s saga is unfolding
Bear Market: More Downside Ahead
Rush to cheap corporate debt is risky gamble
Financial job losses accelerating: U.N. agency
Citigroup: The Difference Between Dramatic Action and Drama
US's Pelosi wants "cramdown" bill in House Thursday
Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime - How the Bush Admin Stopped the States From Helping Borrowers
Bernanke: How to avoid a Great Depression - Better bankruptcies and More Efficient Foreclosures
S.E.C. Chief Pursues Tougher Enforcement
Denniger talk radio show on NOW...
Can anyone explain what happens if AIG is allowed to go under
Eastern Europe About To Go Bust, Taking Western Europe With It
10 dirty tricks,,, How Wall Street lobbyists, PR hot shots will limit reform, brainwash America
CNBC The Tantrum Continues.......
Help me out here. Someone apparently got a hold of my
Dow Jones dropped 44% during the last 15 months of the Bush Presidency
Hamas sentences accused Israel collaborator death by firing squad
Suspend military aid to Israel, Amnesty urges Obama after detailing US weapons used in Gaza
Israel-Hamas arms embargo urged
Abbas: Hamas should be part of PA, honor peace process
Clinton to visit Israel, West Bank
The suffering of Palestinians in Iraq
Netanyahu fails to convince Labour Party to join government - Summary
Israel replaces envoy to Egypt talks, Hamas irate
U.S. plans $900 million pledge for Gaza
Pro-Palestinian protesters throw shoes at Israeli army spokesman
Medical School's Problems Were Worse Than Described
In Turnabout, Children Take Caregiver Role
Vitamin B12 identified As An Effective Canker Sore Therapy
Scientists find antibodies that target wide-range of flu viruses...
The Great Cholesterol Controversy
America's great "no wait" health care system.
Army: Ill., Ariz. soldiers dead in IED attack
Va.-based National Guard unit returns to U.S.
Conn. bill creates criminal docket for vets
Report questions AER’s cash management
U.S., Iraqis launch anti-al-Qaida offensive
Grandmother shocked by conviction of soldier
10 years on, AWOL mom discharged from Army
14 militants killed in southern Afghanistan
Arctic forces fleet to look north
Stronger hulls could help fill icebreaker gap
Chutes designed for hard-to-reach resupply
Nellis: Airman treated for PTSD before death
Coming home: 'The smartest guy in Company B'
Humphreys readies for upgrade to key utilities
Program helps prepare for possible casualties
Free water in Naples about to dry up
Construction begins at Pearl Harbor shipyard
UAVs give bird’s-eye view of battle
Transgender Vets a Hidden Population
Marine’s widow, baby to start new life in Tennessee
The Mardi Gras Paraders Were Out Yesterday:
What Were The Results Of The Winter Photo Contest?
Meet your new mommy and daddy, dear
* * * February finals posted in GD * * *
Would anyone have any use for old Nikon FM2 lenses?
Thousands more now eligible for NATO Medal
The Stars This Week: "Think Before You Speak!" - February 23 - March 1, 2009
Just wanted to come in and say HELLO :)
May I get some healing for a painful tooth?
Best Way to Invest a Three-year Old's Money?
Life Forms May Have Evolved In Ancient Hot Springs On Mars
Flu virus discovery may bring all-purpose vaccine
Arkansas to come out of the dark ages?
Cleveland Catholic Diocese closing 50 churches
Does religion cause irrationality, or is religion a symptom of our inherent irrationality?
Bourdain in Beiruit ... I'd never seen this episode before. Wow .... just wow.
Is there an original Ain5 post that has the recipe from the book?
I FINALLY returned my unused nonstick madeleine pan to Williams-Sonoma.
So, I, um, made the mac-and-cheese meatloaf from
SO, it's been a busy weekend. Bread, cheese, jam--all done! PIC HEAVY
Asparagus refrigerator pickles
Pane All'Olio ~ or ~ Italian Olive Oil Bread ~ the lazy way (no knead-ish)
Whats for Dinner? ~ Monday the 23rd
Rename Law? No Wisecrack Is Left Behind
Guns and Butter - "9/11 Let's Get Empirical"
Jackson Lee vows to fight for state stimulus share
Bloggers call for the House to censure Leo Berman
OH DEAR GOD WHY?!?! "Limp Bizkit back for world tour"
Hill Times: NDP MP Comartin looks at ways to help author Zytaruk sue Conservatives
Harper government withholds listeriosis notes
Before I order this computer memory, could someone tell me
Why can't I record on a blank CD-R?
Sen. Kerry files papers to run for the Senate in 2014
"Diary of a Political Tourist"?
Hearings for the Week of Feb 23-27, 2009
Obama denies terror suspects right to trial