People who say Daschle was (sob!) the ONLY ONE who could get it done
Dean Mentions He'd Make A Great Secretary Of Health And Human Services
Business Lobby Scrambling As Pro-Union Activists Rally Wednesday on Hill
Blagojevich is on Letterman tonight
Imagine if some bank CEOs donated their salaries to charities?
It took 2 weeks for President Obama to say "I screwed up" ....
Facebook to sell members information to marketers
Detroit Free Press: (Wayne County Sheriff) Evans orders a stop to sheriff's sale of homes
Elizabeth Edwards' book coming out in May
Dad hospitalized last night. Doesn't want visitors.
Joe the Plumber....he's baaaaaaaack
Supermarkets urged to notify individual customers
Don't cry for Daschle (the Nation)
'i screwed up' President Obama to brian williams
why the hell is Craig Crawford on spewing again???
Chris Matthews is touting Howard Dean for HHS Secretaryon Hardball..
Anyone know how Ted Kennedy is doing these days?
Gonzales lauds 'tremendous job' by his Justice Department (CNN) {LOL}
"Dinner with Secretary Clinton: Afghanistan on the menu"
Don't forget to watch The Spy Factory tonight
"George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush United States Courthouse and George Mahon Federal Building."
Should a Homeowner who suffers foreclosure leave their home?
Murray Waas on Rove: "Obama WH Will NOT Invoke Executive Privilege" For Rove
Murray Waas on Rove: "Obama WH Will NOT Invoke Executive Privilege" For Rove
I certainly never demanded bipartisanship
Bernie Sanders will appear on Rachael's show!
How many DUers would be shocked to learn that they hold White Supremacist views?
Richard Engel: "Ordierno has already made his recommendation for troop reductions in Iraq"
If Americans do finally begin to riot ...
Rachel Maddow Puts Daschle Withdrawal In Perspective
Joe Scarborough's "book" coming out this May....
Bush put us in danger and why Gitmo should be closed.
OFA 2.0 conference starting now... anyone else on the call? nt
NY Times: Downturn Forces Transit Cuts Even as Ridership Grows
Prop 8 to be argued March 5 before CA Supreme Court
I think Robert Reich would make a fabulous HHS Secretary
What would make me comfortable with a DLCer or Washington insider in the cabinet:
What would make me comfortable with a DLCer or Washington insider in the cabinet:
Feingold: 'Deal-making' to replace Sen. Gregg 'alarmingly undemocratic'
Appeals court to Prop 8 boycott "victims": Suck it up.
WTF? Every time I make an error on my taxes - the IRS sends
Any Neighborhood Team Leaders waiting for the conference call at 9:30pm?
Any Neighborhood Team Leaders waiting for the conference call at 9:30pm?
Larry King needs more attractive octuplet experts
CNN Poll GOP "waste" in stimulus bill
Senator Claire McCaskill wants CEO pay capped if
Former A.G. Fredo shares his "BUT" with CNN, treats Campbell Brown like a small, clueless child
Did McCaskill purloin Bernie Sanders' CEO pay bill?
I will say it again -- it is time to use the nuclear option
Obama takes blame in Daschle, Killefer controversy
Blago's got nothing on this dude
"He set the standards too high"
Feingold: 'Deal-making' to replace Sen. Gregg 'alarmingly undemocratic'
An Economic Stimulus Plan for the Auto Industry that would Work
Just to be sure, Since Daschle withdrew due to his tax issues, and since the tax issue is the
I'm curious if Skinner ever wonders "What the FUCK was I thinking?"
CNN Video on ARMs and Foreclosures, and an idea ....
When you are ready to make a really BIG change, do you have a ritual?
Minnesota Election Court Nixes Coleman's Bush v. Gore Gambit, Denies Motion To Count 4,500 Ballots
What can we do about the Senate? No more millionaire tax cuts!
IAEA chief sets out nuke-free vision, cites Obama
Bush - 8 years of failure but no apologies. Obama - "I screwed up" in week 2. priceless.
Shuster: "Over 95K Iraqis gave their life for Chimpy's 'freeing' them
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
I pay my taxes. Period. No excuses. If I screw up, I pay for that too.
Hi, I'm Jim the carpenter, where is my political consulting job?
George H. W.Bush speech on Sept. 11 (1991?) ....a thousand points of light.....
COBRA coverage until the age of 65 ?
What Michael Phelps Should Have Said
Those 46 million with no health insurance ... Why hasn't that number changed over the last 4 years?
Amazing watching two Bush-entwined blots on our life - Nova and Frontline - NSA and Stem Cell.
Amazing watching two Bush-entwined blots on our life - Nova and Frontline - NSA and Stem Cell.
Senate to Americans: Get out and buy a new car you worthless bums!
5K rejected Minn. Senate ballots get another look
Important Afgh story in WaPo, but
Are Senators allowed to be on both oversight and appropriations committees for same topic?
Let me profer something on today's "drama".....
I really hate my sucky job. But lemme tell ya one thing, (those who are unemployed)
Okay, here's my first response to a spam email!
I can't believe I'm listening to Letterman and rooting for Blago
Where is the Dem leadership in helping Franken take his seat??!!!
Focus on Family gave (sit down...) ***$657,000*** to support Prop. 8
US commander warns NKorea against provocation
After Uproar, Wells Fargo Calls Off Trip to Las Vegas
Should Daschle have withdrawn?
note to Tweety, all government spending stimulates the economy
Q- Who hides income from taxes? A- Those with incomes to hide
Why A Defense Contractor's Seemingly Mundane Decision Has Iraqi Interpreters Fearing For Their Lives
Pagan Cult Mosaic Found Under Cathedral
5 indicted for American Indian artifact looting
IBM invites laid-off U.S. employees to work in India
Good Night ! Graduate seminar in about 8 hours..."English Civil War"...
I'd like to tell President Obama an old, old joke
4.5 million displaced, 1-2 million widows, 5 million orphans, about 1 million dead.....
Coffee may ward off dementia. I'll drink it anyway.
Watch out! I caught my bank in an overdraft error the other day.
Patients Killed in Cluster Bomb Attack on Sri Lankan Hospital
Arianna Huffington coming up on Joe Scum
How to steal a US passport (thanks to our own government)
State-By-State Employment Data on Impact of American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
Survey: College increasingly important but priced out of reach
Twitty Milk: Craziest Celebrity Baby Name Ever?
Google launches software to track mobile users.
"We can't get at the truth...."
Interesting book on the Hollywood Blacklists
OK, who's the biggest ignoramus in Congress today?
If you were diagnosed with terminal cancer, what would you do?
Is Dick Cheney planning another terrorist attack?
Foil lunch thieves with 'moldy' bags
PBS Nova program exposes NSA Warantless Wiretap Program
Luxury casino operator Wynn slashes hours, salaries, 401K to stave off layoffs
TARP Plan is robbery of the masses to pay rich gamblers who lost their shirt betting on Derivatives.
Was that stomach rumblings? Grumblings? Gas? Insane mutterings ..... from McLean, VA.
How can you prove someone was smoking marijuana from a picture?
Emails I received today (talk about transparancy):
Phone or e-mail the sheriff who wants to arrest Michael Phelps
Only creative solution people can email the White House.
Anyone know any good news podcasts?
How about Dennis Kucinich for HHS Secretary
Will Afghanistan turn into Obama's Vietnam? - Japan Times
IBM Offers To Move Laid Off Workers To India
"Nativist" rebranded RW anti-immigration movement has *direct ties*to white supremacists PLEASE READ
Anyone know where this GHWB quote is from?
Trent Pierce, head of medical board in Arkansas car bombed, but doesn't provide abortions.
Okay, How can the Pope's views not be the Vatican's views??
Bill would require paid Confederate holiday in SC
Bill would require paid Confederate holiday in SC
I stood up to some Freepers...and lived to accept an apology
Markopolos: SEC Was "Captive Regulator" 'we dont attack big firms"-THERE LIES THE PROBLEM!
Just received link in email to
if the republics torpedo stimulus and economy fails, President Obama will be blamed.
if the republics torpedo stimulus and economy fails, President Obama will be blamed.
Suddenly, Karl Rove to "cooperate" with Republican Special Prosecutor??
Any of you ole timers remember what happened on this date 50 years ago?
DUers AGAINST the prosecution of Bush/Cheney check in here.
Everything you see on your American TV, radio, and in your newspaper today is propaganda.
Kwame Kilpatrick got out today after serving 99 days.
Senate Lacks Votes to Pass Stimulus
Mail a pair of stones to harry reid
Corker has 'outstanding issues' with UAW concessions
The ultimate fight club. (Salon's take on MMA)
Joe the Plumber: ‘I don’t know if the American public deserve me.’
200 million to re sod the National Mall. Can someone explain something to me.
You're in good hands. Allstate plans to cut 1000 jobs, outsource them.
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Over Half of Republicans Support Obama on Interrogations
Photo of Miley Cyrus slanting her eyes surfaces on the internet. Slammed by Asian group
Build A Live Sunflower Playhouse
Republicans are by definition "Insane" when it comes to their votes and views on the Economy.
It is getting time for Obama and senate to call the Republicans bluff..
Trial Begins for HIV Gene Therapy
Rice not interested in being Pac-10 commissioner
Department of Justice Press Release for today February 3, 2009
A Placid North Dakota Asks, Recession? What Recession?
Colbert: Why do the Romans Numering our Balls?
If this nation is attacked again, I'm going to lay the blame at Cheney's feet.
If this nation is attacked again, I'm going to lay the blame at Cheney's feet.
Republicon stategist Robert Ryan was just asked by Schuster on MSNBC
Does it take us getting sixty vote or them getting forty votes?
I think every Republican should answer this question
GOBAMA!!! Scoring one for the taxpayers!
Mortgage Fraud Insider Apologizes
dennis k. live with ed schultz right now...
Obama needs to do something respectful for Dean.
Senate Stimulus Bill: Go shopping--buy more cars and trucks. Infrastructure? Short 2 votes.
Gregg Recuses Himself From Voting on Stimulus
Question: Is your local post office closing earlier to cut costs?
So A Doctor Blows Up In His Lexus Hybrid In Arkansas And The Police Are Calling The.......
Snowe and Collins don't want $96m for Maine in the stimulus bill? Press 'em on it!
From ARREST BUSH Facebook: Call Eric Holder
How Is Senator Kennedy Doing - I Hadn't Heard Much About Him Since......
BATF says high exposives involved in W Memphis doc bombing
Mrs. Greenspan and Mr. Williams cut to clip from "Dave" and then discuss the recession
Obama to cap executive pay at bailed-out companies -- $500K limit
Observing oneself is a difficult if not an impossible exercise
"A Cold-Blooded Decision on Purple Hearts " Eric Holder: Please Appoint a Special Prosecutor
Stephen Colbert THE WORD on Limbaugh
Daschle Exit, Successor Search, Delays Health Agenda
The auto stimulus favors the rich.
Freeper type has another "Good Week"
Dick Wadhams' snide comment on Tom Daschle >>
Mass Transit -vs- Electic Cars Powered by Renewables
Navy Plan Would turn Oregon (and northern California) Coast Into Firing Range
Wouldn't it be nice to be anonymous?
Wouldn't it be nice to be anonymous?
Naval Postgraduate School people to do gang busting job - Calif.
Naval Postgraduate School people to do gang busting job - Calif.
Not about Porn On TV in Tucson - Today's news from the Baked Apple:
Judd Gregg on CNBC - need to address entitlement spending
From "Chance the Gardner" to "Joe the Plumber" in 30 years.
Flood Harry Reid's office with calls NOW! When the repukes threaten
Flood Harry Reid's office with calls NOW! When the repukes threaten
Get down James Brown! Go Mr. President! BRAVFUCKINGO!
Relax folks, at least we aren't like the GOP and their troubles....
Anybody else get a kick out of seeing Hagan and M. Warner presiding in Senate?
Cheney Dunk Tank Raises $800 Billion For Nation
Yesterday Senate Republicans voted in lockstep AGAINST infrastructure spending.
The Ultimate Cheapskate -- how to live within your means
Earth to Congressional Democrats:
Question: Is your local post office closing earlier to cut costs?
Rep. Ackerman is on FIRE on C-Span 3!
Minimum wage in Iowa is $7,25/hr., or about $290/wk if they will hire you for 40 hours.
I don't understand how Republicans can keep firing with so much wet powder.
Killing is OK-----Helping is not OK
Is there a way to find out, or does anyone know what the party affiliations are for the top 500?
After lights, sirens on I-94, lots of questions
Different standards for Geitner and Daschle?
Australia Faces Collapse As Climate Change Kicks In: Are The Southwest And California Next?
'These are evil people. And we’re not going to win this fight by turning the other cheek.'
Suggestion for Obama, RE the Republicans
will Obama stop the building of the super highway in Texas?
Google Street View car claims first victim (a deer)
TARP is a corporate entitlement program--welfare on steriods for
What's the diff between Obama preaching fear over the economy & * preaching fear over terrorism?
What's the diff between Obama preaching fear over the economy & * preaching fear over terrorism?
From "The Vision and Values of Wells Fargo"
As Oil Plunges, Jews the New Scapegoat in Venezuela?
Next Up For the Kids: Their Own Little Guantanamo Play Set. Tasers Optional.
The pubs are pretty damned amazing in their strategy to stay relevent.
OK. I am not an economist but this is what I think-"COUNTRY NEEDS A RESET"
So Obama has problems with Howard Dean but he can appoint a Republican to his cabinet?
Rush Limbaugh salary was 33 million in 2007.
Gregg Supports Stimulus But Won't Vote On It! / Huff Post
Dr. Howard Dean for HHS! Who is With Me?
WHOA NELLIE! Mika's in a BAD MOOD today!
What's your take on this idea? National Labs Moving to DOD? (From energy dept)
Cut the GOP Senators off at the knees...
Simple bailout idea: Audit the rich.
IF a credit card company gets federal taxpayer money then card interest rates ought to be cut...
IF a credit card company gets federal taxpayer money then card interest rates ought to be cut...
Obama gonna cave on buying American
I signed up this morning for the FDA e-mail lists of recalled
Energy agency awards supercomputer contract to IBM
REPEAL the 2005 Bankruptcy "Reform" Act - the most UNDESERVED BAILOUT to financial crooks ever....
when am i going to see any of these things?
Obama increases “Defense” Spending for 2010
Is Bonnie Newman in the Closet?
Kristol: GOP Should Unite Against Economic Recovery Package Now To Help Defeat Health Care Later
Video Must See: CNN: Phelps unites pot smokers
I wonder how many mormons have read this article?
In Attack on Kennedy, Echo of a Spitzer Tactic
The Governors (especially the Dem ones) need to get out and sell the stimulus at the state level
Partisan Republicans are proving they would rather let the country & its citizens go down the drain
Why the fuck are the Dems afraid of a GOP filibuster?
Repubs Clearly Are Willing To Let This Country Collapse If They Think It Will Win Them Election
Police Chief Files Bylaw Prohibiting Public Consumption Of Marijuana
Question about Google Street View
Bank Rescue Would Entail Triage for Troubled Assets - Increase Taxpayer Money
Three Foreign Executives Indicted for Their Roles in LCD Price-Fixing Conspiracy
President Obama said Wednesday the recession will turn into "a catastrophe" if the economic stimulus
5 great comebacks for Cheney's BS
'200 million dollars for condoms' --read what it was really about
Sacramento joins other cities in fighting voter-approved Prop. 8, calling it unconstitutional
Pope's Brother calls Chancellor Angela Merkel “stupid and ill-informed”
Pelosi could feel pressure over plan to form a task force on entitlements
CA Supreme Court to hear arguments to overturn Prop 8 on March 5 -- ruling due 90 days later
CA Supreme Court to hear arguments to overturn Prop 8 on March 5 -- ruling due 90 days later
U.S. Outpatient Surgeries on the Rise
Will the Republican Party lose the South, West, and Midwest?
Did they show Obama "the film?" You know, the one Bill Hicks joked about
Sen. Thad Cochran (R) Mississippi - is he really on my teevee
May I oversimplify 'Murikas demise and a solution.
Jane Hamsher questions if there's a Mole In WH.... working with Blue Dogs?
I wanna see some Dem-style shock doctrine...
Let's follow the logical outcome if a stimulus bill does not pass
ConEdison Takes Action Against Climate Change; Receives EPA award
Tricks for a good resume and cover letter.
Education Secretary Announces Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
White Supremacists threaten to leave Republican Party over Michael Steele
Perkins and Stafford Loan Cancellation for Service in Low-Income Schools:
George Carlin's Mark Twain Prize for American Humor tonight on PBS
Why, oh why am I sitting here listening to the Senate Debate on the bailout
Report: Venezuelan Jewish Community Under Threat
Odd how Cheney always forgets to remember.
Corporate Dems and Capitalist Conservatives...What's really going on?
Austrian Catholics up in arms over pope's comments
Claire McCaskill kicking butt on the floor right now - cspan2
Tax System: Something to argue about
I received a letter today from the Massachusetts Unemployment
Home school enrollment on roll - 74 percent rise since 1999
Ben & Jerry have created "Yes Pecan!" ice cream flavor for Obama!
Harry Markopolos' Testimony Today on Madoff and the S.E.C.
'We were just tired of being in the White House'
Palin responds to Defenders of Wildlife - The Mudflats
We have a DU Marketplace, how about a DU Jobs?
A message specifically to all the cable talking heads trying to kill the stimulus
Right Wing fires another salvo of lies in an effort to obstruct stimulus
“I Meant to Say Zionists, Not Jews”
Record Breaking Breasts: Woman Sets World's Largest Bust Record with 38KKK
Obama should have written his own Stimulus...Instead of allowing Dems and Repubs to pork it up!
Voting on amendments to recovery bill starting 5:45pm ET - Cspan2
Mpls. church struggles to help others after thefts
Krugman: We truly are flirting with disaster.
General Zinni gets undiplomatic treatment from Obama team
Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Ongoing Winter Storm Response
Gregg Supports Stimulus But Won't Vote On It
I am SO irked about the Wells Fargo/Las Vegas "Junket" story
Who is still a fan of "post-partisanship"?
Who is still a fan of "post-partisanship"?
A Crazy Idea: President Obama does a half hour show on national TV, all the networks
Some (slightly) optimistic news from the Staffing/Recruiting Industry
Wednesday TOON Roundup Part 2: Daschle'd on the rocks....
President Obama .....schip signing live on msnbc - change
Daily Kos: A Worker's Story: Why Rally for Employee Free Choice?
Another Minot "missing nukes" base death
Obama signs kids' health insurance bill (extends coverage to 4 million uninsured kids)
where would we be today if all Dems had refused to vote with Bush and the Rs?
Reality: 60 Democratc Senators Does Not Equal a Flilbuster Proof Majority
Where do you believe your political views fit on the current American political spectrum?
Maria (Bartoromo) dahling ..... bite me, please :)
Case study: Corporations that limited top executive pay and the disastrous consequences
Punk Rock Fans - Lux Interior of The Cramps is gone!
Will the $500,000 salary cap provoke at least one bailed-out executive to become an hero?
Yepsen quitting Des Moines Register
WTF?! Frank "Invites" Bailed Out CEOs To Testify. (TPM reports).
Tom Coburn's weird assed stimulus rider: No funds for pastel lights or zero-G chairs.
If the Democrats don't pass a stimulus that concentrates on job creation
Victory Garden petition drive "growing exponentially"
Colbert to Republicans: You have found your leader in Rush Limbaugh
UK ministers must answer allegations that Britain was complicit in torture
Salazar scraps sale of oil-and-gas leases in Utah
Salazar scraps sale of oil-and-gas leases in Utah
I've got it!! make "illegal aliens" CEO's
Don't forget Winter Soldier ! Don't forget our veterans!
Not one penny paid on our Iraq War debt!
Why would Obama Pick Repug Who doesn't Even Support Him for Commerce Secretary?
Sebelius is a former insurance commissioner.
Two words for "Danger DIck" Cheney and his warning of another mushroom cloud
L.A. County threatens to withhold revenue from state
Markopolos replaying now on CSPAN3
Does the American Public Deserve 'Joe the Plumber'?
Attorney General Eric Holder: Please Appoint a Special Prosecutor
To all the executives and other people whining about the $500K cap
My SO insists that Obama made a big mistake by admitting he "messed up"
The Right Wing’s Next Target: Hilda Solis?»
$200.00 For Blood Glucose Testing Strips!?!
Shining a Bright Light on a Dark 401(k) Secret
Would someone hit David Vitter over the head with a fish ladder?
Fearmongering Beyond the Bunker
I'm sick of Obama, here's a better Cabinet
The situation with Tom Daschle really depresses me.
Wednesday TOON Roundup Part 3: Republicans-the party of one (discredited) idea
A Stimulus Bill IS a Spending Bill!
Mammoth Discovered in Downtown San Diego
Please critique my anti-GOP LTTE
Who do you trust to look out for your interests more, Rahm Emanuel or Howard Dean?
Let's discuss "sports welfare" and the mega salaries of athletes and owners
Michael Phelps Has No Business Apologizing for Taking Bong Hits
MoveOn requesting LTTE's supporting Obama's Plan. Here's mine...
What is the most fair form of taxation?
If We Don't Get Global Warming Under Control We'll Be Eaten By 40 Foot Pythons!!!
Thom Hartmann left Air America?
Is it hard-wired into people that they don't think they'll ever get old?
You know, they're taxing unemployment benefits ... !!!
When Democrats apologize.. (Today Show)
Business Executive Jackass On MSNBC: "Salary Cap Will Drive Our Top People Away From The Field"...
With DTV delay likely, some stations to switch anyway
One of our Supreme Court justices is a total prick
It's 4 am in Nashville. Rachel's morning show just started. THIS ISN'T DRIVE-TIME!
The most dangerous job in US is emergency medical helicopter pilot
House passes bill to extend DTV transition until June 12
Where would the Catholic Church be today if there had been no Vatican II?
South Carolina sheriff determining if Michael Phelps smoked pot in his county: intends to prosecute
Do you think there is a general groundswell for changing marijuana laws?
"Former war correspondent Wurzelbacher"
Britain: US threatened to cut off intel if evidence of torture released
State bureaucracy causing problems for gun owners
MACY's Card Financial Disclosure ..."actual ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE charged... 53.88%"
Rapture ready cautions you about "orange I-phones". You may see a black lady winding her hips.
The pigshits' latest robber baron (anti-stimulus/climate change denial) website
If executives leave corporations due to ...
Ringling Bros. & Barnam & Bailey on trial for Elephant Abuse
Ringling Bros. & Barnam & Bailey on trial for Elephant Abuse
It's the same s$#t that happened with Immigration Reform
What is the population of your town?
Dem Aide: McCain, Lieberman And Kyl To Skip Stimulus Vote
Who says Americans don't riot?
Geithner's role - the cramdown
Are you going to a Barack Economic Recovery House Meeting this w/e --???
MSNBC at 10pm Thom Hartmann or Cenk Ugyar?
These damn TV boxes and the idea behind it .
i think President Obama is getting pissed at republics
"I screwed up", something bush NEVER said about anything for 8 years
Greening the Real World. Is your power bill 41 cents a day?
I struggle to recognize this country any more...
Let the non-violent drug offenders out of jail.
(Larry) Summers: Unions cause unemployment
need ideas for one of my patients having Conjoined twins
I have a question about the stimulus and the republicans signing or not signing on to it
What's up with RFK, Jr getting passed over?
TAP: Limbaugh now in charge of bullying Republicans...large and in charge.
For DUers who like to follow Congress/legislation, etc.
Tamiflu no longer works for dominant flu strain
Cheney is inciting terrorism.. and the media is helping him.
Sen Boxer Tells Repubs - We Won The Election, So STFU
Re: Stimulus Plan . Just Received E-Mail from Move On....
This is what republicans call "pork"
Where was all this concern over the deficit amount when the republics were in charge?
Track Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State Travels - HILL TRACKER
Does DU need a "Unemployment and Recession survival" forum?
Wednesday TOON Roundup Part 1: get the pitchforks and torches
Putting War Waste on the Chopping Block
Citibank Unsolved Mysteries. Trouble for Geithner?
I am in DC lobbying for the Stimulus Bill in the Senate
The Wall Street Journal Blew a Chance to Expose Madoff
Is it time for the US to stop killing civilians in Afghanistan?
War is illegal: British man files crime report with police against Blair and Bush (great video)
I just heard NPR discussing all the "pork" and "payback" in the stimulus bill.
Take action to support Mass Transit it the Senate - (202) 224-3121
Health savings accounts are ill-advised
It's not fair limiting bank exec pay to $500,000. They'll never "make their nut" that way.
So Inhoffe is on CSpan talking more for defense spending and 911 and denying Guantanamo...
Fuck Windows 7 and fuck Microsoft!
"$500,000 is not a lot of money"
Question: Does anyone know if there is any way to write to all of the republican senators (or
Obama is just RIPPING these a-holes to shreds!!!
Why do people in the United States think Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity
Childhood Trauma Linked to Risk for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
California 4-year-old dies in washing machine
I think the banks will evade the $500k compensation limit
A record 19 million homes vacant : How many Homeless?
Rush is less popular than Rev. Wright and William Ayers- new poll
Do you read a printed morning newspaper?
Toddler Hitler's Dad: "Enough's Enough"
Congressman Dennis Kucinch - Bank bailouts are an unprecedented fraud
Cspan3 & CNBC - Whistleblower Harry Markopolos testifies
David Sirota has legitmate concerns about Obama's "progressivism"...
Enid, OK restaurant owner won't let "certain people" in his restaurant (especially teh gays)
Why not tax the mega-rich at the rate they were taxed BEFORE Reagan began trickle down?
Hartmann: "Call it the JOBS BILL. Harry Reid, make 'em filibuster! Roll back the Reagan tax cuts."
Hugo Chavez Thread Advisory: From now until Feb 15. (eta link)
My daughter's monthly health insurance premium just went up by a full 50%.
What would you do if you were the new foster parent to Adolf Hitler Campbell (age 2)?
WAPO Editorial: "Our marijuana laws have been ludicrous for as long as we've been alive."
Judge Scalia in FL yesterday. Told audience to "get over 2000". Was rude to a student.
Looking For A Job?Join Americorps and put your money where your mouth is !
Why do most conservatives hate human beings?
Senate OKs $15,000 tax break for homebuyers
Phelps stories et al. should be illegal. Arguements for!
Octuplets mom is not getting showered with gifts
Octuplets mom getting outrage rather than gifts
Why don't hackers go after the offshore accounts of the SupraRich?
If you inject peanut butter into your skin, will it remove wrinkles?
Pheeww... the Chinese have approved my working there, yay!
kimmerspixelated must be learned-ed. Mitch Hedberg thread!
David after Dentist...have you SEEN this little guy?
Is the recommend fairy visiting the lounge again?
Okay, that's it. This Tuesday officially sucked the big fat one.
I might be slightly sick, but if I am, I have the weirdest symptoms ever.
Teacher fined following beer run for 15-year-olds (Sweden)
Man shoots at neighbour over dog-sitting dispute (Sweden, again)
Sahlin evokes Obama in cannabis gaffe (Sweden)
Actress in Super Bowl porn clip understands Tucson parents' outrage
Rec this thread if you dont care about the phantom rec'er...
*** A Washington Reagan National's Baseball Team Appreciation Thread ***
I just saw the most adorable waitress this weekend: "Movie"
Why on earth didn't this ever take off?
Let's settle this once and for all:
"Obama Says Repeal Of Military Gay Ban Needs Study"
When you are ready to make a really BIG change, do you have a ritual?
If I was either Elad or Skinner...
Musical sex to the foreplay required
As a Granite Stater, I have one thing to say about Sen. Bonnie Newman
Electronica Distraction: Freemasons ft Katherine Ellis - When You Touch Me...
"I love Jesus but I drink a little."
Can a dog hack up hairballs like cats do?
I know what "they" say but what do YOU say? What percentage of income for rent?
OMG! It's an infomercial for the "pos-t-vac" vacuum
Cops: Man puts 911 dispatcher on hold to buy drugs
recommend this post if you are totally confused
Playing For Change: Song Around the World "Stand By Me"
Holy Crap, the phantom recommender has been busy today
Four minutes of heaven: Sia singing Destiny with Zero 7
I should sleep, but refuse to until I get this stuff done.
Today's "Garfield Minus Garfield".
How do I figure out my DU birthday?
most pitch perfect for each other duo
Healing vibes for leftyclimber, please. She has pneumonia.
Calling Robeson and Seattle Girl
Ever have your tush on another Du'er?
Ya know, it is getting cold! I hate cold.
It's 3:45 AM .... I'm hungry (and not sleeping) ....
Ever want to crush another Du'er?
Can someone check my calculations?
Most Perfect Gift You've Ever Received
I can't think of a better way to start my morning...
HEyHEY's kidneys to be auctioned on eBay.
I woke to a blanket of snow and 9 degrees temperature.
I am home alone ..... really alone
kitten picture of the day for wednesday february 4
Fuck TurboTax, and the rest of 'em...
I want to create a song that doesn't end.
Why is " Kyrgyzstan" spelled without any "i's'?
Now for some real, world breaking news
There has been sledding, there have been casualties
Any of you ole timers remember what happened on this date 50 years ago?
I'd give my Snuggie not to be considered an asshole by electric blanket users
positive aspects of the failing economy...
positive aspects of the failing economy...
haha baby boomers collect social security
I watched Transformers for the first time tonight
Ok, I have a question for the old hands. I took a .... sabbatical a while ago,
I saw a position that I might really like
Dr. Strange for Secretary of Health!
someone is listening to my prayers! Spinal Tap Recording New Material!
Dad hospitalized last night. Doesn't want visitors.
You know what doesn't pass the smell test? Camembert Cheese!
Is Elliott Smith 'emo' and if so, why does emo suck?
Girlfriends dating bankers - their blog...hilarious, but those women are brutal!
The good news is I have a "very strong butt".
Kashi RECALL of some cookies and chewy granola bars
Vote here to give the parents of teenagers some basic useful info!
Since we all love to debate the merits of music lists, I present The Pitchfork 500
Wednesday morning coffee snob thread-- what're you drinking?
Let's put it to a vote. Christian Bale: Jagg-off or No Jagg-off?
So one of my son's teachers comes down to me during school today
Well I just knocked that interview right out of the park.
Young Republicans keeping it hip
Young Republicans keeping it hip
Biscuits boasting of bountiful busts posing problems
Anyone Here Care for Alex Jones?
Nothing to see here, please move along
My stomach done blowed up again...
My stomach done blowed up again...
Over the shoulder udder holders!
Poster: Rules for dogs to live by
Poster: Rules for dogs to live by
The word "webinar" should be banished on pain of death.
Anybody seen the "I love Jesus, but I drink a little" clip from "Ellen"? If so, can you summarize?
Safari for Windows is horribly slow.
I want to create a thread that never lies.
Username change amnesty is OVER
I want to create a thread that never tries.
Diabetics: favorite online store for glucose test strips?
Gee. What a coincidence. The recommend fairy is back and kentauros is in the lounge.
Is this for real.... "BailoutBill"????
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Wed 2/4/2009)
JVS doesn't believe that the 25 random things are random at all.
Does Anyone Else Get Paid for a Fraction of the Hours You Work
What year from your youth would you relive if you were given a chance? And why?
Question for Keith Jarrett fans...
Can you spot the celebrities that make cameos in this video?
For my 1000th post, a thank you to DU
Damn dog- 1, whole peach pie - 0.
What kind of jelly/jam on your peanut butter & jelly sandwich?
It's been a hellish winter, but today...I went to the beach
There is an Urgent Message in GD, that everyone here needs to read...
Match Game Story: "The talentless emo drummer fuck lost his beret; now he can't (blank) music."
DU working parents: how much does daycare cost?
I wanna get this license plate...
*********** MILESTONES *************
Automotive puzzler for you mechanics out there.
Like Sam the Butcher bringing Alice the meat
Greatest interstate highway in the country
Why does Trojan hate women in AL, CO, GA, KS, LA, MS, TX and VA?
Why is Dick Cheney still running his mouth?
I think I have God figured out.
Should WillPitt be discussing bong hits when his mom posts here?
1 or 2 things you like most about yourself, and 1 or 2 you like least
I went to a wicked boring meeting today, but they handed out
Something is seriously wrong. My sermon is done.
The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?
Mid-term #3 down. Pharmacology. One to go.
The Top 11 Saddest Moments from childhood movies.
Happy Birthday to Alice Cooper! 61 today!
Why English will never be a universal language...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner and you know what I hate?
I just received one of these from a friend...
What was the Best "Intro" to a Tune that you ever heard....?
Rental rug cleaners--your experience?
If you had to pick a last meal, what would it be?
WTHECK? I just got a phone call (5 am) from the school-
Has anyone seen Christian Bale VS Bill O'Reilly?
Random Musings about the Christian Bale Tirade.
If I had a summer DU MeetUp, would you show up?
What was so great about Frank Sinatra?
Nominee X didn't get the nomination because Kevin Bacon forgot to pay his taxes..
Let's face it, folks. As much as some of us want Howard Dean for HHS...
I find it odd that on the day Obama plans to speak to the nation via five major networks
Judd Gregg gets Secretary post AND gets Republican replacement?
Dr John Kitzhaber former Oregon Govenor for HHS
Dr John Kitzhaber former Oregon Govenor for HHS
I am smarter at strategy than President Barack Obama.
No, Obama, you 'screwed up' on the Gregg appointment
It's SIMPLE: Bush Spent FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS and lost 198 THOUSAND JOBS over 8 years
Russ Feingold or Barack Obama, next primary...
Who's blowing the whistle on these nominees on there tax problems
Washington Post assembles dream team of chickenhawks
Could someone put up a poll on HHS secretary choices?
A Story in Pictures (or change you can see)
Dem Rep. Barbara Lee: Gregg Nomination "Troubling" for Minority Owned Businesses
Help! Was on call with Plouffe and the line must have dropped!
Plouffe call tonight: Can anyone update me? I finally got back
So, what's your verdict after a fortnight (or so)?
HHS and Health Care Czar: No Reason They Have To Be The Same Person
Only JRE and DK advocated REAL universal health care in the 2008 election.
What if John Edwards "scandal" were that he was gay instead of being an adulterer?
Senate rejects cutting repatriation tax rate
MO Dems get their top tier choice for 2010 Senate race: Robin Carnahan announces her candidacy
Wow! Did I just hear our President admit a mistake?
Wow! Did I just hear our President admit a mistake?
Does Anyone Else Have Cold Knees?
Rachel is leading off with the stimulus/economy
My 2 cents on Sen.-designate Bonnie Newman
Anderson Cooper just said Obama has a 64% approval rating, down from 84% when he first took office.
Mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa on JRE...someone DID make a good pt to me that changed my mind.
BREAKING:Daschle resigns because of Bonnie Newman's unpaid taxes while Gregg Becomes Governor of NH.
Breaking: Bush and Palin are out. Obama is in
NOW pushing Debbie Stabenow as HHS Secretary
Commerce, Defense, Transportation
Senate votes to give a tax break to new car buyers
Howard Dean for HHS Secretary Facebook page...
John Edwards for HHS secretary anyone?
Mark Halperin is a great big giant DickHead piece of Shit who hates America!
"Pool Report of Obamas Visit to D.C. Public School"
"no matter the question jesus is the answer"
Is Rahm Emmanuel at the heart of Obama's appointee problems?
Is the media turning on Obama due to this, among other things.....?
How our Presidents really earn their pay: dealing with their fuck-ups.
If one can reach out to Gregg for Commerce, a reach out to Dean for HHS should not be beyond grasp
You know you're getting older when........
send Obama letters and emails of encouragement
**Heads Up: Blago Coming Up on the Late Show**
Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders writes to AG Holder
Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders writes to AG Holder
Obama Sorin Ilie Scoica: Romanian Baby Named After President (PHOTOS)
ok! wonder of wonders! I'd support Dean for HHS
President Obama said today: "I scewed up." Kudos to him for saying it!
Emerson Lake and Palmer: California Jam Concert, 1974
Why Howard Dean? Because he can mobilize an army of activists to garner support!
Generals Seek to reverse President Obama's Iraq Withdrawal Decision
Here's a hypothetical question:
Gallup: Americans Approve of Most Obama Actions to Date
Uh's the ultimate "team of rivals" choice for HHS secretary for you..
Sen Gregg (R) worked to abolish the Dept of Commerce, underfund the 2000 Census
PBS NOVA show on now, west coast. NSA could have prevented 911
PBS NOVA show on now, west coast. NSA could have prevented 911
Supposing Dean really doesn't want it. There is another ex-gov doctor out there.
NYT Editorial: The Cost of Credibility
In the day and age of 24hr media
** Breaking News: Obama reads to schoolkids and terrorists Do NOT catch him with his pants down! **
In blog post, Krugman gives David Broder a lesson in Logic and Economics 101
How about Rham's brother for HHS?
Kucinich on the Stimulus: “This Economy is Literally Killing People”
Polling Group Censures Iraq Death Toll Researcher
What TV shows do you watch regularly
The GOP has and always will be willing to screw the country to keep themselves in power
I am sorry but can I get about 10,000 EFFYOUs for Cheney!
Obama hitting back hard today.
Conservatism Is Dead (great, looong read)
*** Official Post-Letterman Rod Blagojevich Haiku Thread ***
The panel on Morning Joe just does. not. get. it.
Experience- they all told you that Obama didn't have it and the nomination process proves it
LMAO Judd Gregg is on CNBC. And what do you know all of sudden he likes the size
JP Morgan: Wah!!! Wah!! Obama's being mean to us!!
Minnesota Judges Give Coleman Election Challenge a Lift
This showy populist outrage is uber-dumb politics
You asked for it and will probably get it DU. RE: HHS
Katie Couric's interview with President Obama was the best one IMO
Obama Statement: "Will Not Tolerate" Lavish Pay for Bailout Execs (VIDEO)
Let the the Republicans filibuster the stimulus
Yesterday Senate Republicans voted in lockstep AGAINST infrastructure spending.
National African American History Month, 2009
Rasmussen has Obama approval at 62 percent.
Mark Halperin, Chris Matthews and Anderson Cooper Skew Obama Ratings
Let The Senate Repunks Filibuster the Stimulus Bill
The First Lady is coming to see me today!! (HUD visit)
K&R if you think electing Obama was not a huge mistake!
I just called my (one) Senator and asked her to vote for the stimulus package
The Governors, the mayors and the people of the states WANT the stimulus
Here we go-"The new president, seen by some as arrogant," + Tapper on "embarassing day"
Conservative group calls on ABC to curb Stephanopoulos
Todays Washington Post had a slew of interesting political columns
Senate Lacks Votes to Pass Stimulus
What pisses me off most about yesterday.
Should Bill Clinton be considered for HHS?
Memo to Obama and the Dems: Good Public Policy Is Far More Important Than Bi-Partisanship
Obama names third Republican to cabinet
Robert Gibbs' press briefing about to start.
Do you believe that President Obama is a Homophobe?
Why do YOU like the stimulus package?
"President Obama faces smiling villains in both parties who need to be smacked upside the head"
Post something you like about Kentucky.
Obama woos GOP sens. one at a time
Obama: "The main question I have is this: is it going to put people back to work?"
Why didn't Gibbs correct the statement "will the President get the 60 votes he needs"
List of odd jobs for President Obama to get to
Why is mythical bipartisanship more important then policy for the people?
Day of Shame posting has begun -- where are *your* recollections of 2/5/03?
Day of Shame posting has begun -- where are *your* recollections of 2/5/03?
Seriously, who needs republicans to throw democrats under the bus.. when we do such a bang up job
Is this a cool tee-shirt or what?
TARP is to the Stimulus Package as Saddam Hussein is to Bin Laden
Why would Gregg recuse himself from votes?
Can anyone stand up to Limbaugh?
PHOTOS: President Obama meets with Hillary and George Mitchell
No brainer for me for Secretary of Health/Human Services: Bill Bradley!!!
It appears that others like our First Lady as much as I do
When the healthcare fight begins in earnest
Health Care Reform and the Economic Recovery Bill (Think Progress)
My wife and I are debating. She says Obama's reaching across to Republicans
Reanimated Ronald Reagan for HHS?
CNBC's Clueless Mark Haines Calls Arianna "Clueless" on Morning Joe: She Responds
Today's lesson: career politicians who are early supporters with the hope
Yes, President Obama it's time to buy American & time to pullout from the World Trade Organization
A Plea to President Obama - Give Gay people asylum who'll be put to death if deported
The Dems Put More In The Stimulus Bill Which Is EXACTLY What DU'ers Clamored For
Cooper backs off White House claim (said Obama encouraged him to vote no)
How bout a fireside chat, Mr. President. Just lay it all out
I'm now kinda rooting for Obama to pick a Republican for this post.
Just give me my feeding tube already.
I think Dems should start calling all Republicans who don't support the stimulus plan "Unpatriotic"
Do you think Barack Obama hates little puppies?
Obama Signs Children’s Health Insurance Bill
I like 97% percent of the bill. And so do the Republicans.
So let me get this straight...
You have to really hate this country and it's citizens to vote against
White House Blog: Jobs in all 50 states
For those of you thinking that the press now hates Obama and is out to get him...
Mr President, your outreach to the Republicans is commendable...but...
My pet peeve: Truncated thread titles
I sometimes wonder if the Republicans WANT to become completely irrelevant.
Economic Recovery House Meeting
Kyrgyz plan to boot U.S. air base surprises Pentagon
How much would we be saving (not only in lives but in money) if we ended the Iraq war tomorrow?
Joe The Plumber huddles with congressional aides; 'I Don't Know If The American Public Deserves Me'
Wingnuts are beating us 100 to 1 on Capitol Hill (DO SOMETHING!)
Why the fuck do the Rethugs still have a fucking voice?
Some people are making a comeback-
For the DU ladies. how do you like your "guys"?
First Lady's Listening Tour is Brilliant ((more pics from today))
Sebelius likeliest at HHS. Ed Rendell a dark-horse possibility. (Dean not.)
I think Obama should ease up on the "Buy America" provision
LOL Glenn Beck spouting about how Obama is going toward socialism!
Despite Treasury's New Rule, Senators Aren't Giving Up Their Push to Cap CEO Pay
Did Harry Reid Intentionally Try to Sabotage President Obama?
So How Long Before Obama Gets Fed Up With Republican't Obstructionism?
BREAKING NEWS: Obama about to sign the SCHIP bill
When does the Senate vote on the stimulus?
How much sleep do you get in a 24 hour period?
Grinch Award for GOP Congressmen/Senators who voted against S-CHIP
Best rock song featuring piano
I just KNEW he was going to mention his victory today! WTG President Obama!
Happy Birthday Felix Mendelssohn!
"Obama Gets Do-Over and a New Chance for Women" The New Agenda
I honestly think the media thinks it is responsible for Obama's victory
Does Michael Phelps' Massive Lung Capacity Help Him Take Monster Bong Hits?
Does Michael Phelps' Massive Lung Capacity Help Him Take Monster Bong Hits?
Hilarious: National Review says Obama has failed, Wonkette mocks them
If you don't like Steely Dan I will HURT YOU!
Michael Steele Itching For Fight With Obama
Picture of the Day: February 4, 2009
My LOTTE to the San Jose MercuryNews on the stimulus
Hilda Solis confirmation being held up because she supports EFCA
is "bi-partisanship" code for "corporatism"?
Meanwhile the future of our economy is at stake: Not enough votes to pass the stimulus bill..
What about Elizabeth Edwards for HHS...?
On Criticizing President Obama
Financial Times: "The world desperately needs Mr Obama to take a firmer grip at home & lead abroad
Why Is It That President Obama Is The Only Dem Out There Promoting This,,,,
McCain/Kyl to skip stimulus vote
Can somebody walk us through what, exactly, will happen if the stimulus bill is filibustered?
This is what I think Obama is up to.....(Rethugs in cabinet)...
Do you still think Obama's cabinet appointments were great ?
I'm still pissed from watching this morning's MORON JOE show...
Dean: Hot Name On The List To Replace Daschle
Jaff Farias " I very much looking forward to the Palin/Plumber ticket 2012"
Well...crappy day...waiting to find out if my dad's ok...
Obama PUNTS on Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Says it needs more study - Gays Tossed Under Again
Do you ever get the feeling that you're the only person on DU who's STILL glad that Obama's Prez?
Obama administration to roll out new/updated faith based office Thursday
Obama's Keeping His Pledge to Abolish the Politics of the Past
Etta James says Obama NOT her President; wants to kick Beyonce's ass!
Obama's guy Gregg will vote 'no' on all stimulus/recovery cloture votes
Spring Training is here!!!!...for 10 year olds that is.
Would someone please tell Obama that he was elected because he's a DEMOCRAT.
OK, Barack. What's the problem with Buy American?
Can you bench press more than President Obama?
Lieberman may have serious challenger
Why are Chris Matthews and Anderson Cooper Lying to the American People about Obama's poll numbers!
Stephen King says Twilight author "can't write worth a darn".
The Republicans Big Lie That Democrats Sell: Senate Democrats Need 60 Votes To Pass Legislation
Officials Nab Traveler With Pigeons in His Pants (photo)
Bay Area's Elephant Pharmacy abruptly closes all locations
Obama: 'I screwed up' in Daschle withdrawal
Refiners, union reach tentative deal
Dupe - please delete: Recount trial: Judges rule thousands of ballots can be considered
U.S. Man Arrested in Suspicious Powder Mailings
Obama administration to issue executive pay limits (taking Gov't $$$)
Firm tied to salmonella ran unlicensed Texas plant
Daschle Exit Leaves Void Sebelius, McClellan May Fill
IBM to Open Two More Offshore Development Centers in India
Poland to end 3 military missions to save money
Panasonic warns of $4.2 billion loss, to cut 15,000 jobs
Obama economic plan now tops $900 billion
Media group says 109 media workers killed in 2008
Soros warns against "bad bank" option: report
North Korea may test-fire missile toward Japan-media
U.S. sees North Korea talks resuming early July
Kyrgyzstan starts moves to close U.S. airbase
Fresh attack on Pakistan lorries
Banned Pakistan militants gather
Utah Governor Won't Back Tracking Bar Customers
U.S. needs to end 'imperial attitude,' Bolivian says
Bat-Killing Syndrome Spreads in Northeast
U.K. Officer Arrested in Afghanistan on Suspicion of Leaks
Humvee vulnerabilities were long known
President: Rebel defeat has united Sri Lanka
UN says Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets
Google Street View car claims first victim (a deer)
American, 75, charged with molesting Cambodian boy
China’s Drought May Make Birds More Susceptible to Avian Flu
Venerable Bookstore to Close in Village
GOP Fears Kentucky Will Be Next Loss
Iraq investigating serious vote fraud allegations
In a nutshell. Dean's too partisan.
After Uproar, Wells Fargo Calls Off Trip to Las Vegas
U.S. Plans $500,000 Cap on Executive Pay in Bailouts
US threats mean evidence of British resident's Guantánamo torture must stay secret, judges rule
Asset Guarantees Gain Momentum in U.S. Bank Talks
Hagel (R-Ne) takes job with Georgetown University
US January Job Cuts Triple From Year Earlier, Challenger Says
West Memphis Doctor critical after car explodes
5000 rejected Minn. ballots get another look
I Guess I'm the Only One Who Thinks This Will All Blow Up In the Republicans' Faces
US plan to arm militias scares some in Afghanistan
Vatican Demands Holocaust Denier Publicly Recant
Daschle Exit, Successor Search, Delays Health Agenda
Uribe slammed by freed hostage
After Uproar, Wells Fargo Calls Off Trip to Las Vegas
Russia lets U.S. supplies through to Afghanistan
Monster Snake Slithered at 43 Feet Long
Obama economic plan now tops $900 billion
US cmdr: Iran still supporting extremists in Iraq
Cao, Republican suit attacks federal campaign limits
Ex-prosecutor: Guantanamo 'a total failure'
In Attack on Kennedy, Echo of a Spitzer Tactic
Doctor Hurt in West Memphis Car Explosion
Senate Approves Tax Credit for Many New Car Buyers
UN head urges fewer civilian deaths in Afghanistan
California court to hear gay marriage case in March
Miss. gov.'s nephew fills national GOP role
First lady says HUD will play a critical role in economic recovery
Gonzales lauds 'tremendous job' by his Justice Department
Mpls. church struggles to help others after thefts
Injured man dies after rejection by 14 hospitals
New Jersey Assemblywoman proposes unconstitutional Britain style handgun ban bill
Multinationals Push to Revive Tax Break
Brazilian churches oppose the privatization of water
Justice Department Rehires Lawyer Ousted Over Lesbian Rumor
U.S. businessman donates $100 mln to AIDS research
Afghanistan says foreign fighters coming from Iraq
Afghanistan Contractor Pleads Guilty to Killing Man Who Burned Co-Worker
Obama responds to GOP critics of stimulus bill (only Obama quotes)
Auto sales plummet in January; Chrysler sales down 55%
Former Gregg Staffer Caught Up In Corruption Probe
Obama to Lawmakers: Remember Which Ideas Won the Election
Steel-state lawmakers vow to save "Buy American"
Knoxville church shooter will 'plead to everything'
Goldman Sachs Would Like to Pay Back TARP Money
Signs Go Up At LI School Renamed For Obama
Israel: 'Time Running Out' After Iran Satellite Launch
Congress postpones digital TV transition to June
Gay Iraqi could face death penalty if deportation goes ahead
Macy’s execs get performance bonuses (!!!)
California Credit Rating Lowest in U.S
Jet Company Allegedly Risked Celebrity Passengers' Lives for Cheap Fuel
If passed, bill would let Franken take seat provisionally
Obama's energy secretary outlines dire climate change scenario
Obama's promised health care overhaul delayed
President Obama seeks Russia deal to slash nuclear weapons
Obama caps executive pay tied to bailout money
Democrats flex political muscle as House passes kids health bill
Man with no insurance pulls own teeth
This is your pilot slurring: Garbled message from cockpit sparks passenger rebellion
Rider Paradox: Surge in Mass, Drop in Transit
Rove defends Bush policies (says he will not comply with Congressional subpoenas)
Connecticut attorney general mulls run against Lieberman
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday February 4
ATF: Explosive Device Found in Arkansas Doctor's Car After Blast
US credit card delinquencies at record highs -Fitch
Chinese scientists clone 5 human embryos for research
Google Offers "Latitude" To Track People
Pakistani Taliban free 29 police and soldiers
Americans cheer pay curb, fret over big gov't role
Tory MP demands torture statement
Sen. Nelson (D-Ne) joins effort to reduce bailout costs (deal to strip more than $50 billion)
Interior Secretary Cancels Leases on Federal Land in Utah
Support for Stimulus Package Falls to 37%
US to continue talks about keeping Kyrgyz base
Iraqi woman had 80 women raped to recruit suicide bombers
'Nativist's and the white supremacists (1:11)
Late Show - Former Governor Rod Blagojevich
CBS News: Protesters Worldwide Adopt Shoe-Throwing
President Obama: "I Screwed Up"
Gore Vidal on the next 10 years
Bale Out - RevoLucian's Christian Bale Remix!
TYT: Cenk Vs. VP Candidate For Libertarian Party
Rachel Maddow: Bernie Sanders Calls for Accountability for Financial Catastrophe
Iraqi woman had 80 women raped to recruit suicide bombers
Olbermann on corporate greed outrage "are we seeing the prospect of government versus corporations?"
President Obama on Economic Recovery
VP Biden = swearing in AG Eric Holder
Karl Rove decides to talk afterall = to Republican prosecutor!!
Young Turks: Juan Williams Hearts Bill O'Reilly
Petraeus versus the President?
Young Turks: Joe The Plumber Now Advising GOP
Max Keiser talks to Afshin Rattansi about the Dollar and Roach Motels
Verizon doesn't know the difference between dollars and cents - hilarious
The Stimulas Bill: is there a complete list of items published?
Oklahoma restaurant owner: wearing hats = gay, which = you can't come in my restaurant.
Still Bushed! - Iraq Pays Heavy Price With 95,236 Dead
Former State Dept. Official: Obama to Mirror Bush's Policy on Iran.1/4/09 Democracy Now 1 of 2
Markopolos: I gift wrapped and delivered the largest Ponzi scheme in history to the SEC
Lesson Learned! Obama Resolved To Avoid Repeat of 'Daschle Driver' Problem
12 more Madoff feeder funds laying in the weeds of Europe SEC does not know about yet!
Kucinich on Faux: We Should Be Going From Golden Parachutes To Golden Handcuffs!
Rachel Maddow: hilarious recap of the Blago franchise
"... Geithner indicated he was opposed to nationalizing banks ..."
Rudy Giuliani Defending Wall Street Salaries
Is free trade the best way to beat recession?
Alberto Gonzales: "ongoing investigations" interfere with job hunt
The postman who wants to deliver the end of capitalism
We thought the enemy was Mr. Madoff. I think its you (SEC) Executive Privilege!
The Leopard Cannot Change its Spots
Joe the Plumber Now Advising GOP
Is Organic Farming a civil rights movement?
Bill Moyers Journal: Michael Pollan (Omnivore's Dilemma) PT. 1 Obama Should Plant Garden at WH
Countdown: Turley - 'Rove May Be Looking at a Real Chance of Indictment'
Bob Dole's perfect description of how Washington works
AlterNet: Repugs Are Willing to Let The Country Collapse if They Think it Will Win Them Elections
Sick Rocky Flats workers can't wait any longer for payments
"I don't want people espousing terrorism to be mingling with disgruntled American convicts,"
President Obama Imposes $500,000 Salary Cap for Bail Out Executives
The clueless, not-so-loyal opposition (Legal Pad / Heber Springs AR Sun-Times)
No reason for Obama compromise with GOP (Papantonio / Pensacola News Journal)
Killed by the State of Georgia
TYT: Should Phelps Face Criminal Charges For A Bong Hit?
Rush, money & right-wing radio (Ali / Philadelphia Daily News)
Whalers Doing Crazy Joes Across the Ross Sea In Defence of a Savage Industry
GEORGE SOROS: We Can Do Better Than a 'Bad Bank'
Looking for votes in all the wrong places
Madoff tipster Harry Markopolos assails SEC - feared for his safety
Joe the Plumber to be a consultant for the GOP
Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson Reveals the Economic Death Spiral at the Pentagon
Norman Solomon: Is Peace No Longer an Option?
Robert Scheer: Runaway Wall Street
U.S. needs to end 'imperial attitude,' Bolivian says
Panasonic axes 15,000 staff - close 27 factories
Obama Finally Wises Up: Says 'Effin BYE to Bipartisanship!'
Wynn Resorts cuts salaries/work week
Google offers 'latitude' to track people
A Little fun: Ann Coulter at the Urban Dictionary
Repugs willing to let country collapse (to win elections)
TYT RANT: Democrats Continue To Show Weakness
In Bolivia, Untapped Bounty Meets Nationalism
Rush Limbaugh Deserves a Good Old Fashioned Shunning
Palin Caught Lying to GOP House Members
Tom Teepen: Can anyone stand up to Limbaugh?
Opinion: The Obama administration promotes outsourcing
Blacklisting Progressives: The Untold Story Beneath the Daschle Headlines
GOP Catfight Brewing In TX: Palin v. Hutchinson
Cenk: Howard Dean for HHS or Health Czar
Obama Must Not Appoint Phil Bredesen as Daschle's Replacement
Afghanistan report: Focus on Taliban, al-Qaida
SC bill enhances custody rights for parents
Idaho guard preps for war zone deployment
Alaskan senators back missile defense plan
Nev. reserve unit welcomed home
Admiral to review Guantanamo operations
Bill targets sexual, domestic assaults
Commander: Suspects taken in before Iraqi vote
(Army Times) Opinion: Cover rape kit costs now
Disabled Iraq vet tapped for position in VA (TAMMY !!1!!)
Military record of college official questioned
Reports: N. Korea preparing for missile test
Another shower electrocution death investigated
Soldier pleads guilty to accessory to murder
Pakistan attack halts U.S., NATO supplies
Seabees home from 6-month deployment
Essex sailor charged with car theft in Japan
Former Coast Guard officer faces rape trial
N.C. Marine charged with faking robbery story
Miramar Marine killed in fiery freeway crash
Many against placing detainees in their towns
(Marine Corps Times) Opinion: About the Burn Pit
Brothers plead guilty to stealing from Corps
(Army Times) Backtalk: The military needs change
U.S. official: Kyrgyz base is not closing
Air Force Reserve plans to add 4,000 airmen
10 pilots chosen as 1st instructors for F-35
Cause unclear in death of Minot crew commander
Engine ignition failure caused Predator crash
Kan. Guardsman settles suit with city
(Air Force Times) Editorial: Minding the waist
Canada sends helos, drones to back up troops in Afghanistan
Army contractor pleads guilty in killing of Afghan
US supply routes in Afghanistan squeezed 2 ways
DWR Announces Snow Survey Results (California Department of Water Resources)
Dead fish, algae to hit Murray-Darling basin
China’s Drought May Make Birds More Susceptible to Avian Flu
The pending scramble for water (BBC/Analysis)
Oregon-born condors to be freed near the Grand Canyon
EPA may seek new comment on California waiver this week - Reuters
Connecticut power plant plans wood biomass integration
Murray-Darling Basin Water Storage 16% Of Capacity - Drought Still On, Despite Some Rains
EPA Agrees To Review How Ocean Acidification Should Be Handled Under Clean Water Act - CBD/ENN
Toxic Blue-Green Algae Blooms, Fish Kills Expected Throughout Murray-Darling System As Levels Fall
India's Wheat Output "Stagnant" In Past 10-15 Years; Scientists Attribute To Warming Climate
Argentina declares drought crisis
Californica facing worst drought in modern history
Basics of renewable energy infrastructure
Daily drought watch: California snowpack at 55% of normal
NPR: Innovation Seen As Key To Curbing Climate Change
US Overtook Germany In 2008 As Top Wind Electricity Generator - ENN
It's Not All Bad News - ADM Ethanol Division Lost $111 Million During Q4 2008 - SF Chronicle
RAAF Base N. Of Adelaide Hits 41.7C At 3:00 AM - "Without Known Precedent In Southern Australia"
California farms, vineyards in peril from warming, (may vanish by 2100) U.S. energy secretary warns
Bagram flight line reopened after Friday ‘mishap’
Working together amid a shift in power
Merrill Lynch - Non-OPEC Oil Production Possibly Peaked - "Steeper Output Declines Going Forward"
Drivers seek mileage boost despite cheaper fuel (Reuters)
Is "gender selection" instinctual population control?
Daily Drought Watch: California Snowpack at 54% of Normal
Al Gore on the threats to civilization
NATO system to boost U.S. Sigonella presence
Dallas trial in SSRT bribery case postponed
European brief: Ceremony set for private found dead
Army Deserter Seeks Asylum in Germany
'Mother of Believers' Arrested in Iraq
US Kicked Out of Kyrgyzstan Air Base
Defense Tech: Corps' New Jeep Travels Bumpy Road
(Air Force Times) Backtalk: Straighten up and fly right
Mullen Says Afghanistan is no Vietnam
Iran Launches First Home-grown Satellite
Falling COLA is causing hardship in Britain
Humvee vulnerabilities were long known
Expert: Next bomber could cost $40 billion
This "Ready to Go" Public Works Plan Will Cost 149 Billion And Create 1.6 Million Jobs in 2 Years
Rally Tomorrow for Employee Free Choice
Celebrating six months of the IWW Starbucks Workers Union in the Twin Cities
Bay Area health union seeks vote on membership (conduct elections at 64 facilities)
SAG, studios postpone talks as union president threatens lawsuit
How to Value Toxic Bank Assets, the Wall Street Journal, Feb 3, 2009
Wal-Mart bid Exhibit B in labor fight
Today in labor history Feb 4 IWW co-founder William D. "Big Bill" Haywood was born
Acting Labor secretary named while Solis awaits vote
UK union recommends end of wildcat strike
Thomson REUTERS Hit by Unfair Labor Practice Charge
Nelson (D-Ne) says stimulus bill must be 'jobs, jobs, jobs'
Working Families Need Jobs; Senate Republicans Want Tax Cuts for Wealthy
The first seamen's union in the United States
1.5 Million Sign on to Support Employee Free Choice; Thousands Rally on Hill (photos too)
H-1B, offshoring supporters get key Obama Administration posts
anti labor rant from Association of Builders and Contractors PAC Chair
The Black Hole of the US Banking System
Q: What is the capital of Iceland?
The Bad Bank Assets Proposal: Even Worse Than You Imagined
Bad bank + toxic debts = moral hazard x10
To Obama: Confidence Levels Critical
The Senate's auto tax incentives favor the wealthy.
The Senate's tax breaks for auto purchases is structured to favor the rich.
Obama to Limit Executive Pay to $500,000 a Year
Is Obama the Offshore Outsourcing President?
Madoff Investigator : We feared for our lives...
Wall Street faces new frontier on bonuses, perks
Russia.. Two ratings above junk
BofA to sell 3 corporate jets, Merrill helicopter
U.S. junk bond defaults rise to nearly 5 pct -S&P
C-span hearing this afternoon on derivatives...Chairman Collin Peterson, D-Minn
Lawmaker says SEC hindering House's Madoff probe
Obama's Dangerous Bank Bailout
Another Rebuttal to the "Taxes Are Killing Me WAAAA" Chain Letter
So I wanted to know what happened to the DOW today...
Does anyone have the distinct feeling that
The 10 Worst Corporations of 2008
Brazilian churches oppose the privatization of water (a lá Bolivia)
U.S. needs to end 'imperial attitude,' Bolivian says
Uribe slammed by freed hostage
Police kill 9 in Rio de Janeiro slum
Blum Kicks Serious Ass in his Anti-Empire Report - Excellent
US Financing Its Own Liability: Alvaro Uribe
Peter Kornbluh Interviews Benicio del Toro re: Che Movie
Obama Backs Down on 'Buy American'
For Gersh: 14 Years Is Not So Long Ago.
Stonewall: The birth of gay power
Gay Moles In Federal Government? Oh Noes!
Questions remain over gay inclusion at White House faith-based office
Bigots, bigots, get your red-hot bigots
State high court to hear Prop. 8 case March 5
Obama PUNTS on Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Says it needs more study
Violence in High School Sports
You And I Just Bought Santonio Holmes A New Cadillac Escalade
I wish Donovan McNabb would just keep his big yap shut.
Barry Bonds, it's time to stop lying......
BARRY BONDS tested positive for steroids in 2000 and 2001
Human Rights Watch Goes to War
Israel and Hamas Prepare for the Next Gaza War
Tom Daschle, a Casualty of War
DIRECTV Censors Gaza Strip TV Ad
Hamas prepared for 1-year truce with open borders
Rattling the Cage: The moral superiority of an F-16
Israel says troops were fired on before shelling home where Gaza doctor's girls died
UN says Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets
Poll: 57% of Palestinians see Hamas strengthened by Gaza war
Mubarak: Hamas to blame for spilled Arab blood
Elections 2009 / Poll reveals: The game is not over yet
Elections 2009 / Channel 1 poll gives Hadash four seats
Ben Eliezer Criticizes Lieberman
Shoe attack against Israeli Ambassador
UN: Hamas raided warehouse in Gaza, seized blankets, food
“I Meant to Say Zionists, Not Jews”
US study: IDF didn't violate laws of war
Outcry Against Gaza "War Crimes" Grows
Doctor who slammed Gaza violence supported 9/11 attacks
Israel says troops 'reasonable' to kill Gaza girls
Israel to Build New West Bank Settlement
As British Jews come under attack, the liberal left must not remain silent
If you do not feel welcome in Health forum, please tell us why
Here's an interesting article on a heart-op whistleblower, who rattled the cage of NMT Medical,
Create food safety agency outside FDA: lawmaker
"Doom Tourism" Booming - Visits To Antarctica, Kilimanjaro, G Barrier Reef Rising Sharply - AFP
A Dying Plea For Universal Health Care
Poll on The Opinion Polls About the Health Forum
US Seamen trained to fend off pirates...with water.
New Jersey Assemblywoman proposes unconstitutional Britain style handgun ban bill
New Jersey Assemblywoman proposes unconstitutional Britain style handgun ban bill
Unmanned Vehicles Transforming Warfare
Here's something very, very cool.
* * * Schedule for February Photo Contest * * *
Starchild Energies for Febuary: The Multiple Expressions of Light in the New Earth Reality
I got a job interview tomorrow!!!
Fossils of gigantic snakes found in Columbia
Telescope sees smallest exoplanet (BBC)
Daddy day care: dinosaur fathers guarded the eggs
Monster Snake Slithered at 43 Feet Long
May I oversimplify 'Murikas demise and a solution.
Getting rid of the results of years of Catholic Catechism pounded into my brain!
Pope Benedict XVI: Self-Interest Will Destroy the World
The "Religion Causes Peace" put-up or shut-up challenge:
EXCLUSIVE: Obama to Create Faith Council
Italian bean soup (not pasta fazool)
Anyone have a good pinto bean recipe?
"What's for dinner?" - Wednesday Edition.
I'm sure there's a food connection in this ......
Are you aware that regular peanuts are being recalled too
Reinvestigation into 9/11 are major plot lines in the first 10 episodes of Rescue Me
Anyone Here Care for Alex Jones?
Jury awards whistle-blower $900,000 (TX state civil rights agency)
Dallas--"Farewell Shoes for Bush" art show
Records wiped from speaker's office (Craddick pulls a Rove)
Dell 2135cn Multi-tasking Color Laser Printer review
Any recommendations for website translation widgets, scripts?
UK judges accuse Obama Administration of suppressing torture claim
Hey, if you're from Wales, do you speak Welsh?