Spc. Boyd is in Afghanistan and is always ready! (PIC)
MSN Has A Poll Up About Wanda Sykes
Jury still out in 'Liberty City 6' terrorism case
CIA"If you don't violate someone's human rights some of the time-you probably aren't doing your job"
Fundies: Gaaawwwwdddd will smite Obama if he cuts abstinence-only funding
Why is Cheney speaking out so much?
fight against Somalian piracy, EU scores best , 8 of10 brought to justice
I wonder how many unreported large estates of U.S. citizens are sitting in the
CHENEY Can't Remember His Oath Of Office
How Desperate Things are in My Town Now
The first of two quotes I'd like to share with you all tonight
I think I figured out why Hannity is not taking up KO's waterboarding challenge.
Look up "medical tourism" if you think USA is number 1 in healthcare
Where can I find a Randi podcast?
Where can I find a Randi podcast?
Where can I find a Randi podcast?
Hoekstra calls for CIA documents to be declassified
So , did Rush cry about Wanda Sykes?
Rachel is tearing RIck Scott a new one - Howie Dean on now
Wanted: For Crimes Against Americans
Matthew Rothschild: Give It Up, Newt!
Wal-Mart CEO signed petition calling for banning gay adoption
If you can stand it, turn on Hannity
Bank Robbers Oppose Vault Reinforcement
Why is Bush speaking out so little?
National Lobby Day and Rally for Single-Payer in DC
Clifford Alexander, I salute you, sir
Only **10 MINUTES LEFT** to enter to win a signed copy of "Dreams From My Father" by Barack Obama.
This is like a fore-shock: I'm warning you people, I'm on the verge of a serious rant!
This is like a fore-shock: I'm warning you people, I'm on the verge of a serious rant!
Franken Asks Court To Give Minnesota Governor A Direct Order
Okay, I've seen the Wanda Sykes clips all days .......
I know what DU is missing these days.
DON'T MISS the final episode of We Shall Remain on PBS TONIGHT!
MN's Gov. Pawlenty is protested on White Bear Lake
Where is the money for the senator from Minnesota going?
Would Homeland Security have caught the GI that killed in Iraq...
Missouri GOP uses cancer center for leverage
US sees confirmed flu cases rise
I need some help with markings on an old AF plane.
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
A note from Senator Sanders, re Credit Cards
Free hospital care in MD for those under 1.5 times poverty guideline
Senate Judiciary To Review Torture, DOJ OLC (Wed)
We Shall Remain, Part 5 of 5 coming right up on PBS
Eric Massa ... you tell it, friend!
Final three day + Thursday night total for Star Trek
Keith Olbermann destroys the RW's attempt to claim that Obama was wrong about Churchill and torture
The Credit Card Question: A Game of Chicken between the Fed and the Credit Card Companies
WATCH WED. NIGHT ONLINE : Dr. Horowitz : dangerous swine flu vaccine
Naomi Klein and William Greider on with Charlie Rose tonight. Elizabeth Warren
Asking for clarification on the credit card controversy.
Could we please have a "Confession" Thread or Forum where we can go to confess
Dear Carrie Prejean: Is vanity a sin? Is enhancement surgery vanity?
I haven't seen any mention of the cause of the Buffalo plane crash this past Winter
It is never too late to prosecute a war criminal. Dick Cheney, please take note.
He now claims to be "disabled"? Really?
Prejean plays the Satan card: "Satan was trying to tempt me" with gay marriage question...
Am I back? It's beginning to seem like it.
Tonight's Daily Show - ROFLMAO!!!!!!!
You what pisses me off about Cheney?
Historian Andrew Bacevich on Democracy Now (5/11/09)
I just recently watched Sicko.
Anyone ever heard of the Leica Freedom Train?
What cities do DUers think GM will consider for it's headquarters if they do relocate it?
Iran shows hints of moderation
Fiat plans mass sackings and plant closures throughout Europe
Gay marriage stalls in Catholic RI
Douche Limpbag can fucking burn in hell
The eagle has moved, I repeat the eagle has moved.
Powell More Popular Than Cheney & Limbaugh together lol.
Limbaugh's GOP: Winning is losing
Don't forget to vote for Adam on American Idol tonight
Chris Hedges: Becoming What We Seek to Destroy
Obama to Tar Heels: Thanks for 'Vindicating Me Before the Entire Nation'
Remember Georgie's drug bill ???
Richard Cohen (WAPO) writes yet another pro-torture column: "What if Cheney is right?"
I think the Cheneys heard Prof. Turley last night on Countdown....
Mike Isikoff on Cheney's surprising language
Liz Cheney = Lying Piece of Shit, Jr.
One more question....Why is Liz not on Fox???? Fox is the Cheney
AMA President-Elect on WJ discussing health care reform.
Liz Cheney's Lies About Troops And Waterboarding: SERE
"Queen Victoria" on Arlen Specter
Steele: Perez Hilton Is Obama's Kind Of "Empathetic Judge"
Does anyone else find Anna Marie Cox annoying?
Chicken-Shit Asteroid Veers Away At Last Minute
We’re Dull, Small Banks Say, but Have Profits (NY Times)
We’re Dull, Small Banks Say, but Have Profits (NY Times)
Yoko Ono talks about Lennon exhibit
Lawsuit presses case against state(Maryland) for food, medical aid
Has anyone here had any experience with the
Florida's hard core GOPers take aim at Charlie Crist's Senate run
This Modern World: The Real Life Ticking Bomb Scenario (Cha-Chunk! Cha-Chunk!)
Morning Schmo, Liz Cheney sent out to defend her dad again.
Michigan Blogger/Consultant Accepts Challenge to be Waterboarded
Cheney's "Worst Of The Worst" Mostly Innocent & BUSHCO/CIA Knew
Cheney's increasingly 'breathy' speech
Al-Libi Case - Eloquent Testimony against Torture (Juan Cole)
Anyone watching CSPAN1? Hearings on health care. Three people have stood up
Hey Wanda! I hope he has asshole failure and we'll never have to listen to the gasbagprick again!
Both sides of the legalize Marijuana argument courtesy of CBS
Ocala bombing suspect has troubled history
Satan was trying to tempt me with a brownie. But I got fake boobs, bleached my hair, yanked off my
When Do We Stop Being "Patient"?
When Do We Stop Being "Patient"?
Salon dot com: Philly Inquirer quietly hires John Yoo as columnist
Salon dot com: Philly Inquirer quietly hires John Yoo as columnist
Democrats race to hearings on interrogation memos
Workers Approve Sit-In At Hartmarx Suit Factory: Wells Fargo Bank May Shut Suitmaker Down
Barbed wire and health care reform
Former CIA agent slams Cheney as ‘hypocritical’
We have eggzamined the pikchuhs carefully .......
45 Blue Dog Democrats Protest Secrecy of Health Care Talks
Jesse Ventura on waterboarding
Christian School Student Suspended For Attending Public School Prom
Chris Floyd: Burn After Reading: Intel Dump Muddies Dirty War Waters
Oh no! Now liberals are "terrified" by Miss California too!
Remember Liz Cheney made lots of money on the Iraq war.
Perspective 2020: What ever happened to the Republicans?
Free market doesn't work for health insurance...
Base shooting in Bagdad kills 5 soldiers
Ca. banks tearing down brand new homes...video
What kind of fucked up "justice" system do we have in the US
Anyone ask him where the fuck....
Republicans crank up the crazy even higher. NRCC chief says Obama has secret plan to sabotage US.
PLEASE...Someone explain "Single Payer" Health Reform in some detail.
Everybody needs to quit picking on Pelosi. I mean, she said she
How much you want to bet Miss USA, Inc. never saw the TMZ photos
Some questions for the lawyers that wrote the memos...
Andrew Sullivan: Who Monitored The Torture?
I'm getting the weird impression that it is now conservatives that are becoming the "relativists".
"This Is The 2st Century".....Donald Trump
Yet another assault on our First Amendment right to free speech...
Yet another assault on our First Amendment right to free speech...
"People need to respect MY rights"
"Excuse me Your Dick is out" (Daily Show VIDEO last night) 3:50
"Dick Cheney is the Miss California of American politics"
Daily Show: President had plausible deniability for offensive 9/11 joke
A Kentucky Fried Fiasco - Grilled Chicken Giveaway Turns Ugly
MSNBC breathlessly waiting fate of Ms. Prejean
The Great Animal Escapes Of 2009
Should you believe 60 Minutes' story on Chevron in Ecuador -- or Chevron's?
TMZ dishes up 15 more "revealing" photos of Carrie "I only took one photo" Prejean
Has the Defense "Our Tactics Worked, so not a Crime" ever been allowed?
So, if you are beautiful, it's okay to lie?
U.N. Expert Calls On U.S. To Address Ongoing Issues Of Racism
Miss California Revealed Yet Again: Brainless Photos Emerge! Prejean Dumbfounded
Farmers Insurance gossip. from a disgruntled employee
The Rude Pundit : Why Rush Limbaugh Ought to Be Force-Fed His Own Liposuctioned Fat ...
Yet Another Top Dem: CIA Doc On Torture Briefings Is Wrong
People some DUers get upset about who aren't worth getting upset about
Ads for The FOX Nation? On my DU?
How long do you think the inevitable flurry of Miss CA threads will last?
Chavez seizes foreign owned oil service firms using military
This thread is about all the women who some how managed to be successful
Steele: when all else fails - tabloid name drop
How does someone 'know' for sure that the 'terrorist' holds valuable information that justifies
Roger the steroid dodger looks to Donald for forgiveness...
IMPORTANT: Goldman settles with massachusetts homeowners...60 mil
Inquirer defends the indefensible: A monthly column by torture architect John Yoo
Best Television program I've seen in years:
Pakistan expanding its nuclear capability
Tamron, Schuster, and Contessa had a "small difference of opinions" about Miss CA USA.
Convicted soldier: 'You probably think I'm a monster'. But, honestly, Why?
If you think Carrie Prejean had to puck the Donald to keep her crown..REC this thread!
If you think Carrie Prejean had to puck the Donald to keep her crown..REC this thread!
Had a thought: Peoples advocate/speaker at all public meetings.
Anyone want to talk about Miss California?
So, which democrat in public office said "Deficits don't matter", to allow Republicans to bash us?
Why would Prejean think it was a good idea to say she was 17 in the pictures?
Which member of the Bush Crime Family sickens you the most?
Watched last hr. of Senate Committee on HealthCare Reform---Help
Contessa, what happens when your not even dumb enuf to be a pagent queen
Christian Symposium Offers Different Take on Aliens at Roswell UFO Festival
Healthcare has been my #1 concern for too many years
The Health Care Industry's PR Scam
PRAISE JESUS...Carrie Keeps Her Crown....
Obama Pentagon's Tactic of Blaming (Innocent) Victims, and Others, for Their Own Reckless Attacks
Biden's Syracuse grad speech: 'Not the usual malarkey,' the H-word, Obama's dumb dog
Can anyone tell me how the health "care" insurance industry is going to make us healthier?
What is the appeal of Ron Paul?
Romney spokesman on Steele: ‘Sometimes when you shoot from the hip, you miss the target.’
O’Reilly: Same sex marriage could lead to goat, dolphin, turtle marriages
Senate Finance Holds Last of Health Care Roundtables - Live Now
No Tricks Here: Dick Cheney Has Become Nixon 2.0
Obama's plans for Afghanistan.
The cowards on MSNBC sucking up to Liz Cheney!
Partridge Family Mom to Pose Nude at 75?
Difference between Wanda & Rush? Wanda was being sarcastic and she's not on Armed Forces Radio!
How has our country become so petty? so incompetent to solve real problems?
yay! its okay to break the rules!
Teehee! Teabaggers don't have the guts to protest at Janeane Garofalo performance!
Fannie And Freddie Will Need Almost $100 Billion In 2010
Saberi copied confidential Iranian document
What if baking ingredients were sold subject to terms like a software TOS?
Global warming related? Record-breaking floods in Alaska.
“The death of Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi means that the world will never hear his account of torture"
Damage to Atlantis, breaking on MSNBC
Would you rather marry a goat, duck, dolphin or turtle than Bill O'Reilly?
Whoa. Billo your face! Got Spots?
Interested in live blogging the SFRC hearing on energy security with Jimmy Carter?
Bill-O: Gay marriage will lead to legalized marriage to turtles.
The Art of the Winds of Wore & Miss 'Kollyfornia'
CHENEY "Reveling In The Gutting Of Our Constitution" (Emptywheel)
Obama administration threatens Britain to keep torture evidence concealed
What is the status of the New Hampshire same-sex marriage bill?
Move OVER, Rick Man-On-Dog Santorum...Bill O'Reilly's got a little thing for TURTLES. And falafels.
It’s War: Conservative Candidate Uses Image Of Obama To Attack Moderate GOPer
Right wingers don't seem to complain about Rush wanting to buy a new private jet
Hurry up, flip over to CNBC, Maria Bartiromo is doing a cutting edge story
Ventura: Powell's a 'war hero,' while Cheney 'ran and hid'
Breaking on NYT - SS & Medicare funds could be exhausted earlier than anticipated
Posner: Conservatism is deathly ill (but at least it succeeded in moving the center rightward)
Medicare, Social Security Eroded by Recession Losses
How Carrie Prejean and the right wing won
david schuster....cheney was just on faux news....cheney says he's responding to the new admin
What is the most superficial thing in American culture?
Why is anyone suprised by Trump's decision? For him, any publicity is good publicity.
Right Wing Terrorism Watch International - Neo-Nazis arrested over attack on Holocaust survivors
Right Wing Terrorism Watch International - Neo-Nazis arrested over attack on Holocaust survivors
Q&A: How the 'cash-for-clunker' plan would work
(from Time magazine) The Real Problem with Credit cards: The Cardholders.
Is anyone else having trouble staying logged in to DU?
Can Vanessa Williams Get Her Crown Back??
OK, I'm convinced. Let's take off our gloves and get to the bottom of this torture story.
Falling Flat-Screen TVs, a growing threat for kids
In tomorrow's Senate testimony, Zelikow will try to distance Condi from Cheney's torture policies
My e-mail to Ed Schultz in reply to his support for Single-Payer Representation:
Let's explore more radical solutions than single payer! For Overton winnage!
Cenk Uygur, TYT: If Cheney ran in 2012 he'd be younger than McCain when he ran in 2008
At least one good thing has come from the Carrie Prejean situation....
This is no time for President Obama to fire military linguists like Choi.
This Modern World - The real-life ticking bomb scenario: Cha-chunk! Cha-chunk!
Nancy Pelosi’s Choice On Torture
Who Are The Real Psychopaths In Afghanistan?
Fighting Rich Lobbyists to Save Health Care Reform
Fighting Rich Lobbyists to Save Health Care Reform
Fighting Rich Lobbyists to Save Health Care Reform
check in here if you hope Limpballs' kidneys fail.
Irish student hoaxes world's media with fake quote
Perhaps the Year's Most Biased Article: "The Real Problem with Credit Cards: The Cardholders"
Graham and Lieberman Try To Block New Abuse Photos
Tomorrow's Hearing on interrogation techniques will be broadcast live on C-Span 3
What is the real reason, Cheney and co. are
Top 7 GM execs sell all their GM stock.
A Pirate's Life for Beck....Arrrgh - Wore Pirate Cumberbund at WHCD
LIARS & TORTURERS - Levin Re: Tomorrow's Judiciary Cmmtee Session - "It's False Testimony"
Neo-Nazis screaming 'Heil Hitler' attack concentration camp survivors
Jon Stewart Slams Pundits for OKing Torture, Attacking Wanda Sykes
Alan Keyes: Obama at Notre Dame as bad as Priests molesting kids
Walter Pincus: U.S. Military Personnel Were Split on Past Interrogations, Report Says
What do the right wing "revolutionaries" want to replace our Constitutional government with?
The perfect foil against the fat bag 'o shit.....
Inhofe Gets Hysterical (Again)
WOW. . .Crazy Wingnut Pastor writes e-mail to thedirty.com saying Trump aligned himself with GOD. .
Keep It Made in America (Danny Glover & Rev. Jesse Jackson are joining workers in an 11-state tour)
Who do you think the next Republican to defect will be?
I have a simple proposal for members of congress who are against single payer health care
On principle I am against torture, BUT... the Gaffey's of the world
The bizarre irony of Cheney's "Torture Tour." He clearly needs to be tortured.
bwwwaaaahhhh... {{{deep breath}}}... bwwwwaaaahhh... Ron Reagan Jr. going off on Miss Bigot... CA
Physicist’s Fool-Proof War Formula (Just Add Media Accounts)
OMFG - Cliff May just said Japanese waterboarding was
Would Alex P Keaton (the character) be a Repuke today?
Subprime prosecutions stops foreclosures but lets goldman sachs off hook in Massachusetts
Hasn't Cheney just implicated himself in knowing in real time the details
Support Single payer Health Care ACTION PAGE
Pelosi: Torture protest improper in '03
cheney is out doing what the bu$h* administration did for eight years
lest we forget....U.N. censures bu$h* Administration for waterboarding
Pat Buchanan is delusional again..
Single-payer health care system a breath of fresh air
The Insurance Monster.........
ron christie, frank gaffney, cliff may
Crist gives GOP 'big fish' in 2010 Senate elections (CNN)
you know how to save Medicare? its really really easy
Afghan villagers get payments for US airstrike that killed civilians. Govt. commission says 140 died
Apple: You Can’t Play Jesus on iPhone
For An Immediate End to the Catastrophe in Sri Lanka
Did newly announced top Afghan general run Cheney's assassination wing?
President Obama , don't forget about the prescription drug relief you talked about in the campaign
Send Stephen Colbert a birthday present
The Vehicular Homicide Trial of State Trooper Higbee
Idiot America - A new book by Charlie Pierce
ed is laying it all out today....18 uninterrupted minutes so far
Fucking Ron (The Cross-eyed Prick) Christie DAY AND NIGHT..
We live in a consumerist society... not a capitalist society
I put up with MSNBC in morning because of MSNBC in the evening.
Insurance is *inherently* a social safety net.
Obama administration threatens Britain to keep torture evidence concealed
NEW CONTEST! Donate to DU and you'll be entered to win an 8GB iPod Nano + $25 iTunes Gift Card!
Wolfram is back: Washington Post: Wolfram Alpha Getting A Public Preview On Tuesday
Up-Date on Family Burned out by Fire
A country of worthless opinions
So theoretically if I was being "honest" & was "raised to believe" some racist crap
IL Factory workers to sit in if they try to close the factory
Anyone heard from DUer Hekate? Winds to return to SoCal fire area
video of quadrapedal robot walking over various terrains. A little spookie.
Entertainment Tonight: Palin to release her memoirs, you betcha!
should there be term limits for senators and congresspersons ?
The current FReepathon has raised $64,393 and is 80% toward its goal
Have a date with your family tonite! Mental Hygiene 50's film, my have times changed
Kucinich slams Obama: Healthcare savings 'unconscionable rip-off'
Lest we forget- Hackworth and the torture tapes.
Jon Stewart and John Oliver on TDS nailed Wanda's jokes
All-Out Effort to Put Single-Payer 'On the Table'
All-Out Effort to Put Single-Payer 'On the Table'
Beware: Big Business is Targeting Moderate Dems with Campaign Dollars and Crying Wolf Arguments
Microsoft confirms Windows 7 coming this year (CNN)
Lt. Daniel Choi's Letter to Obama/Congress: "Please Do Not Fire Me"
Generation X: Praying to No One?
Bush Did the Same Thing That Landed Don Siegelman in Prison
Prisoner Who Tied Iraq to Al-Qaeda Found Dead in Libyan Jail
Donald Trump, Miss California, and Barack Obama
Healthcare Reform is Make or Break for the Democratic Party
Tillman's Parents Seek Records of General Appointed Top Dog in Afghanistan
I'm just curious. What effect do you think the movie "Sicko" had on the health care issue?
Don't mind me, I just went a little nuts and got banded.
A Fair Warning to Any Politicians Reading This Page
Beware of Health Care Industry Barons Bearing Gifts
Glenn Greenwald: Obama administration threatens Britain to keep torture evidence concealed
Grassley: The president said to me that he would rather have a health plan with .......
Dems Raising Cash Off Sessions’ Claim That Obama Is Plotting To Kill Economy
Gay soldier to Obama: "I beg you today: Do not fire me."
In defense of Obama and a request for DU naysayers
What happens when we don't show up?
It should be noted that Miss "Christian Traditional Marriage" parents are DIVORCED!
Koppel: "Enhanced Interrogation Technique" is like saying "Rape is an Enhanced Seduction Technique"
200 Orgs Ask for Special Prosecutor for Cheney and Bush
so, i'm quitting smoking today...
NTSB: Colgan pilot, as student, was "slow". At time of crash, may have been flirting with copilot
Does Melting the Skin Off Children Qualify As Torture?
Federal Prosecutors Want Siegelman To Get A Longer Sentence
Cell phone jamming in schools.
Why should credit card interest rates be less than 30%?
Joan Walsh: "Once a barely elected president jokes about WMDs, it's hard to ever be offensive again"
Mom Outraged by Son's Arrest Reportedly Knew He Was Making Bomb Threats
Would torture prosecutions be too divisive?
Bloomberg: Swine Flu May Be Human Error (MUST READ)
Digby: Wanda Sykes' Limbaugh jokes give media people the vapors
Cheney In 2012?! (Cenk At Huffington Post)
Jobs vs Lives. re: Health Care
DISAPPEARING EVIDENCE: CIA Ghost Detainee Reported "Suicide"
Name the First Marijuana Chain Store
Cops collar Russian punting dog dressed as lamb
Will your enthusiasm for Obama wane if he signs a healtcare bill without Public option
Janeane Garofalo vs the "Tea Baggers" Round II - This Time It's Personal!
Wolves, Polar Bears, the Endangered Species Act, and You
Oliphant captures the love birds.....(prepare yourselves)
Oliphant captures the love birds.....(prepare yourselves)
Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies
Holbrooke: I Can’t Be Certain Afghan Troop Build-Up Won’t Be Counterproductive
Wednesday, May 13th -- National Lobby Day and Rally for Single-Payer in Washington DC
I think ALL the pols have underestimated the repressed anger and frustration over healthcare
Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?
Guardian: New Trek Depicts a Sexist Future
Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour ...
Baucus Arrests Five More Doctors, Nurses, Activists
McGovern says the secret ballot is 'a matter of principle'
Just witnessed a shoot-out one block west of our house.
Barbara Ehrenreich: Unemployed, and Not Getting a Job Anytime Soon? Why Not Build a Better World?
Say something incoherent about another DUer.
There's got to be a better way....
Anybody else miss Grovelbot's sticky notes?
1/2 a pint of ice cream + muscle relaxer
I don't want to go to heaven as long they have Vulcans in Hell
The Shoreline Amphitheater seen from the air
Only **10 MINUTES LEFT** to enter to win a signed copy of "Dreams From My Father" by Barack Obama.
LynneSin called me Beavis, so I called her Butthead. I think that's clever.
Jeez, that Skinner guy is really spamming the Lounge; should I turn in an alert?
Been coughing for a month and a half after having the flu
Today's "Shirley Jones To Pose Nude For Playboy" rumor? Shot down in flames.
I'm ashamed to admit that I like Kate Perry's Hot'n'Cold...
Sigh, if I could only write a slightly quirky, almost whimsical ditty
For my 20,000th post: Who wants a hug?
Late Night AWWW...Aussie Shepherd adopts orphaned kittens (w/video)
I missed the first 90 seconds of "How I Met Your Mother"! What happened? nt
What's the best way for those of us falling behind in new technologies to catch up?
if you don't work, you can't eat
anybody know about cheap web-hosts?
The Passion of Sister Dottie Dixon
Does this seem normal legally speaking? Search and Seizure(USA)
Peak Oil is back. Also, oil and gasoline rising...
Most accurately rated rock band ever?
Will the mods finally kill these threads that never die?
Warning!!!! Possible Star Trek spoiler inside.
i don't think i got in a fight
Here's the story of: The bunny's alive! The bunny escaped! The bunny is home free!!
Picture Thread Challenge: Picture Of Yourself With Someone Famous:
If there's not another kitty pic thread, I'm starting one right here:
Pierre's Vinyl Album Of The Day!
There has to be more to life than DU.
Your session is about to expire. Please enter your username and password to continue.
Have you ever tried to hide an Administrator's thread?
I was walking down the High Street
I have to admit, I would consider joining this band
Du'ers in Astoria Queens: Please call your senator for Marriage Equality
Vacation abroad this summer? Beware latest Nigerian scam
What's the most you have spent on a watch?
My little happiness of the day
Have we had a pic thread recently?
I want to create some threads that never die.
Back to the Future 2015 pictures...... still waiting for the Hover Board
Pet peeve: posting videos as original posts.
all you people are weird....and wonderful
Five hours and still no comment from LynneSin on my FB status.
I'm posting from madimmarylands favorite place...
How come the toilet doesn't have a built in garbage disposal?
Round #2 of my Cat Alarm clock - revenge doesn't work that good
I want to create a thread that dies a slow, painful death like that blob from Return of the Jedi
I poked Midlodemocrat last night and I bet she didn't even notice
Industry 'anticipation index' for upcoming releases
LynneSin says she poked me last night and I don't even know what that means.
If I can ever stop this constant burping, I am applying to be on Dancing With the Stars. n/t
I bought Conservatives without Conscience by John Dean is it any good.
I bought Conservatives without Conscience by John Dean is it any good.
Does anyone know how long a guardian ad litem has after being
Hey DUers!!! Come on over!!! We're making fun of Midlodemocrat.
Remember last week when Dr. Strange had the idea to write a book about vampires?
First there was Susan Boyle, now ...Greg Pritchard. Take a listen.
Hey Facebookers!!! Come on over!!! We're making fun of Led Zeppelin.
Miss USA Pageant Press Release
Oh Dear GOD, you may THINK you know how bad the new Heidi Montag "music video" is, but YOU DO NOT...
I think Skinner has a thing for me.
Let's cut the crap about capitalism.
joke that was forwarded to me:
Last night's "House" - WOW!!! **SPOILERS***
Oh, my goodness. The Zeppelin trashing on FB has taken an unexpectedly ugly turn.
The Reason Why Star Trek TNG Absolutely Sucked: The Holodeck
Post a non sequitor, e.g., Free Range Chicken McNuggets
Yay! Bill-O says I can marry a turtle!!
PSA: Windows memory requirements.
What percentage is one out of seventy-five?
I can't find the thread about the BB Summer Meetup
Skinner just offered me an ipod.
It took me 2.5 hours to mow my lawn, and I figured I'd take a break...
Friday's prize should be the right to tombstone the person of your choice.
I just had the lousiest California roll I've ever had.
As a prize, Skinner should offer a one day amnesty from the DU rules.
Let's see... Yesterday it was an autographed book, today it's an iPod
I kid you not, I heard this in a hip-hop tune yesterday:
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 5/12/2009)
Who here is waiting to snipe post #2000 in Graywarrior's thread that won't die?
Guitar players - is this good?
Hands the waiter my Visa...I would like the balance due please
Pics of Heath Ledger's final performance
Oh great. I just found I have the pig flue
Let's play "Who Am I? - The 80s"
I have no idea what you're talking about
Most overrated METAL band of all time?
"Eating pork" is the phrase for today. Modify a thread title to include "eating pork".
"Eating pork" is the phrase for today. Modify a thread title to include "eating pork".
WAHOO!!! Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus!!!
~Regarding the Private Message Feature ~ I'm PMing redqueen, RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
Wow. Midlo is a LOT faster than TZ, BeachBaby, and mcctatas.
The Long and Winding Bridge Over Troubled Strawberry Fields by Lennon and McGarfunkel...
Horrible road tragedy near Milwaukee...
I just invented a new Lounge word: "post-ganked"
I found my favorite TV ad from when I was a toddler.
? can you call a cell phone number collect?
How fragile the world can be ?
Okay, lounge. Today's funny factor was a hugh improvement over
This is why I will always love Eminem.
Can someone tell me how to enjoy pornography?
Switched at birth-56 years ago, and these women just found out
kitten picture of the day for tuesday may 12
Ya know, once in a while, ya just gotta give a gift to friends at DU. And this song is that.
Before seeing this, I did not think I could be more of a fan of BSG than I am now...
Name your favorite Concert Movie
The Lion Man of S. Africa; don't try this on safari!
Uh-oh, I got a PM from Skinner
Cher was a super hottie in 1969
This is why I will always love sniffa.
What sensational Rock Tour has there never been a DVD of, that you wish there would be?
I have learned so much at DU over the years
Can someone tell me how to enjoy poetry?
Did you ever do poorly in a class you absolute LOVED?
Most enjoyable grass you ever toked?
Man avoids washing for 35 years in order to father son
TZ just sent me a picture from Minnesota!
What if Star Trek ran on Windows?
Most Underrated Metal band ever?
Last METAL post from me tonight. I forgot the crazy Germans. Rammstein!
what year did you buy your first cellphone
I am claiming vard28 as my new BFF because she won the book.
Coffee snobs....a question....
For those of you who hate American Idol...
Tell me a ghost story if you have one....
To: Giant Robot, Nadinbrzezinski, and Proteus Lives from Stan Lee
YAY ME! I took a chunk of skin and meat off my finger...
DUers should be OUTRAGED that the Wednesday prize is a Honda!
Anybody remember the DU party in Boston a few years ago?
Amelia the cat's audition for the Joie Kitwood Thrill Team (dialuppians: 400K)
DRUMROLL PLEASE! ... The winner of Monday's "Dreams From My Father" Contest is...
Have a date with your family tonite! 50's film, oh man LOL
Help me title Sarah Palin's memoir!
So last night I was in bed half asleep and I heard my mom scream
Don't forget to vote for Adam on American Idol tonight
Name some technology or device (new for its time) that you were POSITIVE would take off that failed.
i'm posting on DU from the shitter!
Just finished wading through and cutting down an EXTREMELY overgrown area. Question for you:
Most enjoyable class you ever took?
What's your favorite movie about rock and roll?
Kucinich slams Obama: Healthcare savings 'unconscionable rip-off'
So I'm writing -- no, assembling -- Mrs. V.'s nephew's resume. Is yours up to date?
Today is The Wiley and Excellent Boy Cat Named Ginger's birthday. (Dial-up warning)
texanwitch will never be DTM and this is why.
oh christ, Kate Gosselin defends herself in light of rumored affair
What accounts for the relative low varieties of American accents?
Most difficult class you ever took?
Please remember to vote for Adam Lambert tonight on American Idol and take a stand against hate and
~ Rethinking the Private Message Feature ~
Most overrated rock band ever, II?
Found a baby Robin on the ground :(
I am going to DC for vacation on Friday... any good restaurant ideas?
Janet Napolitano political persuasion?
please DU this Wanda Sykes poll - did she go too far
It is time for the new administration to rescind Cheney's security briefing clearance.
Call It What It Is Goddammit: TORTURE
Only **10 MINUTES LEFT** to enter to win a signed copy of "Dreams From My Father" by Barack Obama.
Cheney is channeling "Colonel Nathan R. Jessep"
The right wing opposition of healthcare -- Rick Scott the fraudster!
H Dean on Rachel Maddow tonite - coming up this hour nt
Is that Liz Cheney spewing BS on Morning Joe?
Limpballs: Obama economic objective is unemployment, more food stamp benefits...forced reparations.
John Boehner spokesman re the President's joke: “I can see no reason to discuss it."
Dear President Obama, just a reminder:
LA Times: Two roads to the Supreme Court
The GOP is trying push Lt. Dan for a 2012 Presidential run
Labor's Special Friend (Obama!!!)
The Public Option Con: Selling Out Single-Payer
The Politics of Military Escalation In Afghanistan and Pakistan by Tom Hayden & Joseph Gerson
Specter open to public health plan
Eugene Robinson: Old Faithful of Nonsense
Last night my Congressman mentioned healthcare...
They said pigs would fly when we got a black president - and look what happened
VA SEIU endorses Terry McAuliffe for VA Governor
PHOTOS Don't you think it's time the President committed himself....
Steele: If Minnesota Court doesn't rule Coleman the winner, "then it's going to the federal courts"
When you saw 'NEW MAIL' flashing this morning did you presume....
Romney slaps Steele over Mormon comments
Michelle Obama: Commmunity Service "Is the reason that I breathe"
I'll just be damned. CNN lets the light in.
Liz Cheney is spewing like it's 2004. (VIDEO)
The case the Right is criticizing Sotomayor about: Ricci v. DeStefano, links
Remember, President Obama himself has encouraged that he be pushed hard on equality issues
Jon Stewart On Cheney Media Tour: "Excuse Me, Your Dick Is Out" (VIDEO)
Murdoch signs Palin for her book.......
Why Obama Won't Get Harry and Louise'd
The 'Orgasmic' General McChrystal - New Military Commander in Afghanistan
Obama Tells Health Care Groups to Show Him Progress on Cost-Cutting Next Month
Just sent two emails (health care)
When the 2010 midterms are over, what will be left of the GOP?
Sometimes you learn a lot stumbling on the wrong station on the dial
Question: Would the GOP be going after a prior administration for blatant
Obama's court pick to be shaped by his experience
Time to review the healthcare program Obama campaigned on.
Is Obama Running the Rope-a-Dope Strategy Against Cheney?
The Health Care Industry's PR Scam: Will Obama Fall for It?
MUST-READ: The Move Away from Single-Payer - David Sirota
Any thoughts on how SCOTUS is going to rule on Franken/Coleman?
Biden: Unions are way to rebuild middle class - VP says it's time to level playing field, pass EFCA
Why I'm not supporting Single Payer Option.................RIGHT NOW...
Faux News: If A Talk Radio Host Compared Obama To A Terrorist, He Would Be Fired
Who is Richard Cohen...disgusting Wash Post article defending Cheney's torture methods
Why does Obama have to enforce DADT? Why can't he suspend enforcement pending review?
Okay, I have held my powder on Cheney and 9/11...but enough is enough
CARTOON: "Count Me In" (Healthcare reform)
What constituency do you feel the Congress serves in healthcare debate/reform?
White House: Law only answer for gays in military
White House: Law only answer for gays in military
Donald Trump on Miss California: Same as Barack Obama (stance on gay marriage)
I'm feeling YES-stalgic about DU today. Join me!
Open Letter to President Obama and Every Member of Congress From LT Dan Choi
Senate approve concealed weapons in national parks in Credit card bill
Rove Speech Sparks Labor Tension
UAE Torture Video Sheikh Detained
Pelosi: Torture protest improper in '03
Several recent hijackings orchestrated from UK
Union (AFL-CIO) Calls For Foreign Profits Tax To Fund Health Reform
Doctor says 49 killed in Sri Lanka hospital attack
Biden's Syracuse grad speech: 'Not the usual malarkey,' the H-word, Obama's dumb dog
Iran shows hints of moderation
School districts across Michigan boost spending on marketing
Columbia and Extrajudicial Killings Scandal
Taliban storm strategic Afghan city
SEIU may be linked to ultimatum on withholding stimulus funds (Schwarzenegger vs Obama)
In China's quake zone, pain and anger (Today is anniversary)
Germany rejects Guantanamo inmates
Pakistan military faces up to humanitarian crisis
Hitachi posts record loss for Japanese manufacturers
Did newly announced top Afghan general run Cheney's assassination wing?
How to lose in the health care debate. One sentence will do it.
Monsoon rains threaten Myanmar cyclone survivors-UN
Former Catholic archbishop of Milwaukee comes out
Judge Sentenced to Prison for Lying About Harassment
Fla. Gov. Crist to run for Senate
Carmaker Nissan Posts Huge £1.6bn Loss
Auto warranty 'robo-calls' spam senators, who demand action
Some US soldiers forced to steal water in Iraq
Irish student hoaxes world's media with fake quote (more wiki jackassery)
FBI Agent's Account of Interrogations Conflicts With Report
US denies polar bears protection from climate change
Detainee Who Gave False Iraq Data Dies In Prison in Libya
Obama administration threatens Britain to keep torture evidence concealed
Berlin court fines man for beheading wax figure of Adolf Hitler
20 dead as US, Afghans battle suicide bombers
Pakistan drops commandos into Taliban stronghold
Prosecution: Dead Girl’s Parents Must Be Heard at Cyberbullying Sentencing
Median home prices fell nationwide in 1Q
Metal baggage container sucked into jet engine at LAX
NY legislature considers gay marriage
Postal service: Worker stole $20,000 in stamps for mortgage
House Democrats to Huddle Over Climate Bill
Recession Is Over According to Financial Experts
Tenn. drops charges against death row inmate Paul House
Pakistan expanding its nuclear capability
Guatemala asks for UN probe into lawyer killing
Pope comes under criticism in Israel ("restrained, almost cold")
Senator agrees to lift hold on FEMA nominee
20 dead as US, Afghans battle suicide bombers
Multiple blasts hit Afghan city
U.S. Can Conceal Records on Guatemalan Violence
Wrestler Benoit's doctor gets 10 years in prison
84 Afghan girls hospitalized in apparent poisoning (NEW attack today)
Vilsack: Government needs to work with rural America
General Motors bosses dump shares
Insolvency for Social Security and Medicare Is Seen Closer
Guatemala: Protests For Assassinated Lawyer (set to expose Guatemalan/US narco corruption)
Jailed US journalist Roxana Saberi 'had secret document on war in Iraq'
Chavez threatens to close TV channel critical of him
US lawmaker: Public needs all facts on alleged torture (Hoyer)
Bush Failure To Disclose Waterboarding Appears To Violate Law
Soldier accused of firing on fellow troops ID'd
U.S. Elected To U.N. Human Rights Council
Ventura tells Coleman: Quit, you hypocrite
Franken brief rips merits, quality of Coleman case
'Mother Earth in climate crisis' say indigenous people
Man who spent 22 years on death row is cleared
Rove: Ending Torture Gives Terrorists ‘A Tool To Make It More Attractive To Recruit People’
Playboy considers 'radical changes' to flagship magazine
U.S. to rejoin controversial U.N. human rights panel
Another Dem (Rockefeller) casts doubt on CIA briefing memo
Astronauts uncover long line of nicks on shuttle
White House: Law only answer for gays in military
FBI Whistleblower Testimony: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics
NRA, Mayors Agree on Gun Change
Neo-Nazis screaming 'Heil Hitler' attack concentration camp survivors during memorial service for 34
Palin has book deal, memoir to come next year
House Hearings Set For Federal Employee Whistleblower Protection
Five single-payer protestors arrested (@ Senate hearing on health-care reform)
Obamas To Host Poetry Jam At White House
Home Prices in U.S. Drop Most on Record in First Quarter Amid Foreclosures
Hundreds protest Rove’s central Illinois visit
Sweden rules 'gender-based' abortion legal
Miss California Keeps Her Crown
Liz Cheney suggests Obama 'siding with terrorists'
Irish student hoaxes world's media with fake quote
Democrats: CIA is out to get us
Flight 93 panel member resigns over eminent domain
Dick Cheney backs Jeb Bush for president
Pakistan commandos dropped into Taliban stronghold
Jury convicts 5, acquits 1 in Liberty City Six terror retrial
Joy Of Motion Dancers - "Urban Impact" - Earth Day '09 - JTMP
Rev. Yearwood and Moe "Captain America" - Earth Day '09 - JTMP
Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine And The Economic Crisis
DJ Spooky - Earth Day DC 2009 - JTMP
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame during prayer demontration on campus
DN! Doctors, Activists Confront Senate on Single-Payer Healthcare
John McCain Admits He Blew The Election?
Before the Storm - Barry Goldwater Pt. 1
Miss California directors blast anti-gay marriage group
Nations scramble for exploitation of Arctic's resources (territorial claims deadline is tomorrow)
Janeane Garafalo vs Tea Baggers
Swift Boat Funder Taking on Obama Healthcare Plan
Time to Legalize Internet Gambling?
100 Days of Michael Steele (DemRapidResponse)
Zack de la Rocha addresses Arpaio, 287(g) and human dignity.
Fighting Bigots in the UK. For Hope Not Hate.
An Honest Investigation on Torture (moveon.org on Cheney)
Will Republicans Back An Up Or Down Vote For Souter's Replacement?
Liz Cheney v. Eugene Robinson on Bush Interrogation (Torture) Policies
Ventura: "Coleman's Always Been A Hypocrite"
Rove: Ending torture gives terrorists 'a tool to make it more attractive to recruit people.'
Sotomayor Isn't the Only Hispanic Judge
Keith Olbermann Thinks Wanda Sykes Crossed The Line
Re-reading "Perfectly Legal" by David Cay Johnston
Why Bush’s ‘Enhanced Interrogation’ Program Failed (great thinkprogress report)
The President went to far at White House Correspondents Dinner
Forget Rush Limbaugh, Wanda Sykes Goes After Cheney
TYT: Who Should Lead The Republicans---Limbaugh Or Colin Powell?
Conservatives: Torture Photos -- Not Torture Itself -- Incites Terrorism
We Don’t Need any Stinking Jobs US Workers have been Sold Out.
Fox News Ambushes Janeane Garofalo
TYT Supreme Court: Wanda Sykes At WH Dinner & JK Hammers Rush
Republicans Bashing Republicans
Physician Protester for Single Payer
Doctors protest exclusion of single-payer at Senate Finance Committee
Cheney is still unconvincing, unapologetic and unbelievable (Robinson / Washington Post)
Illegal Iraq War and that is what Bush should be tried on. Cheney also
Senate Judiciary To Review Torture, DOJ OLC Wed (TPM)
Vietnam celebrates Dien Bien Phu anniversary
Why We Believe in Gods - Andy Thomson - American Atheists 09
ROAD TO RUIN: Mortgage Fraud Scandal Brewing
An Idiot Friend for George Bush?
Columbia and Extrajudicial Killings Scandal
Limbaugh: We're being told that we have to bend over, grab the ankles, because his father was black
CNN Reports # Video # Dad: Reporter freed from Iraq prison is fine
Jim Hightower: Democrats Give Wall Street a Big, Wet Kiss
Chris Hedges: Who Are the Real Psychopaths in Afghanistan?
The Obama lesson to Rupert Murdoch
Jesse Ventura On Larry King Live May.11, 2009
Hardball: Does Cheney Know Something Obama Doesn't? (O'Donnell lays into Buchanan)
Protesters Disrupt Senate Hearing on Health Care
Use Jobless Time to Build Better World
Investigate Death of Former CIA Prisoner (Human Rights Watch)
On torture and terror (Mares / VPR)
Secrets of an Insurance Agent........
Health Insurers' Bottom Line Defines 'Medical Necessity'
Former Nuremberg prosecutor King dies at age 89
McChrystal Wrong Man for the Job
How Corporate Law Inhibits Social Responsibility
Report: Obama can stop the discharge of openly gay and lesbian service members now
Matt Taibbi: Being anti-torture doesn't make you pro-terrorist
Tortured To Justify A War? Andrew Sullivan
Marie Cocco: Mom’s Dreary Retirement Prospects
Dick Cheney: A Life Pattern of Sabotaging the Security of the United States
WA Post Columnist Winks at Torture = by Robert Parry - May 12, 2009
Dick Cheney:A Life Pattern of Sabotaging U.S. Security
Echoes of Vietnam in Afghanistan
Dick Cheney: A Life Pattern of Sabotaging the Security of the United States
Angels And Demons-- a Satisfying Thriller With Some Messages
Robert Dreyfuss: New US General Vs. Taliban, Pashtuns
NEW FRANK FACTOR SHOW #18 "Republitards from Planet Assholia"
Once More, Without Feeling-The GOP's misguided and confused campaign against judicial empathy
MORE on Alan Stanford (CIA PLANT) from Josh Marshall at TPM!
U.S. Statement On Nukes Pact Stirs Concerns In Israel
Nora Ephron: (Dick Cheney) Addicted to Love
Obama administration threatens Britain to keep torture evidence concealed
Missouri’s Third Rail: Why The Hancock Amendment Should Be Repealed
David Shuster wants to vomit over the whole Miss California mess
'Soldiers work for corporations, not for the people'
No person-to-person transmission of swine flu outside North America: WHO
Olbermann Fact Checks O'Reilly's Churchill History Lesson
LEO Reporter Violently Accosted @ The KY GOP's Lincoln Day Dinner
Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve? (9 Trillion Unaccounted For)
Government-by-Blackmail: the J Edgar Hoover edition
Two congressmen arrested for 'parapolitics'
Cuba confirms its 1st swine flu case
Asylum fight heating up Bolivia-Peru tensions
FIDEL: What Went Through My Mind
Colombia's Uribe faces tougher odds for a 3rd term
CUBA Pulls Plug on Canadian Diplomatic Visit
A new google translation of a story on the would-be assassins of Bolivia's President:
New photo, and google translation on Bolivian mercenaries story:
Assassinations Continue in Colombia
U.S. Can Conceal Records on Guatemalan Violence
VENEZUELA Expropriates 39 Oil Service Firms
"Good afternoon, if you are watching this, it is sadly because I have been assassinated
Asylum fight heating up Bolivia-Peru tensions
South American NGO Alliance File Suit - Illegal Killing Sharks for Fins
Agriculture Is One of the Most Polluting and Dangerous Industries
US denies polar bears protection from climate change
xpost: Flood leaves Eagle Village in ruins (alaska)
Back to the future: Carter pushes energy reform plan (CNN)
VC spending for alternative energy tumbles 63 pct
US denies polar bears protection from climate change
Joe Romm predicts US CO2 emissions will never exceed 2007 levels
Daily Kos live blog of the SFRC hearing with Jimmy Carter on energy policy
GE Will Build an Advanced-Battery Plant (sodium)
Check out my Endangered Species Act manifesto in GD!
U.S no 1 in Wind power capacity, China has doubled it's capacity every year for past four years.
CME ready for green derivatives push
Yankees monitoring wind in homer-happy park
Cane's Walker speaks (no suspension).
Here comes the Preakness. Rooting for the filly. But there is just one, of course.
Sen. Sherrod Brown, union members discuss Chrysler jobs in Ohio
Hawaii nurses’ union forms new nonprofit
Door open to union sit-in at Des Plaines Hartmarx plant (makers of Obama's suits)
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Visits Lansing
Rove speaks at Hotel Pere Marquette while union members rally outside
Illinois House Speaker Proposal Could Eliminate 3000 Workers
Oklahoma Labor Commissioner settles lawsuit (R vs D)
Economist, labor officials optimistic about fall
U.S. Dept. of Labor sues Troy employer to recover wages for employees
Why is Obama’s Auto Industry Task Force Not Offering a Comprehensive Industrial Policy?
Today in labor history May 12 The Great Anthracite Strike began
FDA Recall: DIGOXIN 0.25mg tablets
Vitamins Found to Curb Exercise Benefits
NY Assembly to support gay marriage; protest looms
Singer threatens to boycott Eurovision over Moscow anti-gay stand
Du'ers in Astoria Queens: Please call your senator for Marriage Equality
Support grows for federal DOMA repeal
Report: Obama can stop the discharge of openly gay and lesbian service members now
New York State Assembly debating marriage equality live - vote to come tonight
Why you should care about Obama’s waffling on gay issues
Great -- Joan Rivers is against marriage equality
Do Everybody a Favor: Take a Sick Day
Please remember to vote for Adam Lambert tonight on American Idol and vote against hate and
Opinions please: best single-payor advocacy group to donate money to.
Hungarian gays win partnership rights
The Four-type HPV Vaccine Gardasil(R) Demonstrates Real Life Benefits
Former Catholic archbishop of Milwaukee comes out
Mubarak: Chatter about Shalit raises Hamas' demands
U.S. elected to U.N. rights council for first time
Israeli settler children screaming "Death to Arabs" get Israeli military to close Palest...
Op-Ed: Netanyahu shouldn’t force Iranian issue on US
Pope comes under criticism in Israel ("restrained, almost cold")
New envoy to U.S.: Soon Jews won't want to live in Israel
interesting polling data on assault weapons
Claims against gunmaker Glock dismissed
Why doesn’t ACLU recognize the 2nd Amendment inalienable RKBA under the U.S. Constitution just
Louisiana assault weapons ban in committee
Best Articles on our Imploding Economy...I ever read..and I read a lot!
Saturday Night Live Grades the Stress Tests
Finally got a copy of Sontag's book
i`m posting this here because i know this forum will appreciate this
Pricing advice please from the pros?
Souvenirs from the past few weeks
Top General Motors executives dump their shares at bargain basement prices
He-e-e-e-e-re's AIMAN! Day 1 and Day 2
I am considering purchasing a hand gun.
So I asked Ichingonline.net, What do I do now?
Astrology question...can opposites REALLY attract?
Interesting dream this morning....
Tracking Cyberspies Through the Web Wilderness
Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets
Regarding the difference between embracing and exploiting geek culture (By Wil Wheaton)
Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies (Not a misplaced movie review.)
Are we all capable of violence?
Unlocking the Mystery of Life, where does ID fit in?
NY Times Book Review: The British invented Hindu religion
Check out this bat-shit crazy fundy website!!!
Okay, so I started researching the Bible, and I'm more confused than ever....
Immodestly, my fish and chips were so good, I would welcome a Bobby Flay throwdown!
So did they forget to tell folks last week was teacher appreciation week?
Teacher layoffs, how are you coping?
Obama Administration Threatens Britain with Terror Attacks If Britain Releases Torture Details
Weird 9/11 - The Big Lebowski tie-in...
Pope comes under criticism in Israel ("restrained, almost cold")
CIA fought hard to keep sleep deprivation as part of their "interrogation" program
One of the biggest lies of the 9/11 "truth movement" has been that
Pakistani President Says bin Laden a US Operative
The party of "No" in the Texas Lege
Partridge Family Mom to Pose Nude at 75?
These men would've stopped Darwin