Davis Cycling Pro Steve Larsen, 39, Dies
Nobody in DU believes in anything after this life? That's cool, but I just
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-Crucial Step In Reducing Mounting Incidents Of Congress Crapping Their Pants
Slouching towards balkanization- "It's as if the Bush years in Afghanistan had never left"
i'm sure this is a dupe, but i can't help myself
Wilkerson calls Cheney "Orwellian".
Center for Constitutional Rights spokesperson on The Rachel Maddow Show, Thurs 9:00pm EST
Cheney's speech ignored some inconvenient truths (call this a smack down)
Fresno Morgue: Worms Crawl In, But Don't Crawl Out
AIG will be splitting off as many as three companies
Sheriff Joe Soft on Crime; who would have thought?
WI News: New Five-Year Study Finds Employers Harass And Retaliate Against Workers In Union Elections
The Human Exhibit At The London Zoo - pics
Rachel has an iPhone Application!
Rachel Maddow Is On The Season Finale Of 'Ugly Betty'
Let's imagine SEX in the CHEENEE household!1
An Alternative to Indefinite Detention
Do you believe the wingnuts claim that only 3 people were tortured by Bush/Cheney?
Dealing With Dick (or, stop yanking the cheney)
Seriously, what happened to the principle of the predecessors
Building America's Future Calls for a 21st Century Federal Transportation Program
I Got My Hillary Clinton-Autographed Books In The Mail Today - Thanks DU!
Fallen Las Vegas cop was driving 109MPH with no lights or siren
I'm sorry. Why is Dick Cheney relevant? Or for that matter Newt Gingrich?
Mods this is a legitimate question: I have a torn rotator cuff.
PoliticsKerry Backs Pelosi: CIA Lied To Me About Contras And Cocaine
New health study: Vitamin D May Have Key Role In Helping Brain Work Well In Later Life
KOs Special Comment on The Dick
More accusations of latino gangs trying to ethnically cleanse areas of African-Americans in SoCal
The Target Pharmacy deserves a plug. I don't think I have ever
Donna Smith of "SiCKO" will be on Bill Moyers' Journal this week
Ed Asner is the only guest on with Tavis Smiley tonight
FBI Director Robert Mueller and former Vice President Dick Cheney...
Laura Flanders: Killing the Public Option
You're not the VP anymore...Dick.
Stimulus funds to repair Texas Governor's Mansion
So my fellow subjects, seems we elected a king
So my fellow subjects, seems we elected a king
Give me liberty or give me death
Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Time for Bush to come out..... and confess the entire truth
Jon Stewart Mocks the Nonsensical Aversion to Closing Guantanamo Bay
Interesting analysis of the way the media is portraying cheney and Obama
Interesting analysis of the way the media is portraying cheney and Obama
May I just say something about Shocking the Conscience?
Tell me if you think this is fair........
Patriots and Traitors in Technicolor
WHO???? is Dick Cheney that he gets to IGNORE threats to the U.S. when he WANTS to and CONJURE them
We've had a massive bank failure tonight. The silence here and in the MSM is deafening.
Senate and House put accountability provisions for Obama Afghanistan policy in their spending bills
The Moral Measure of a Civilization Is in Its Treatment of Enemies
The Moral Measure of a Civilization Is in Its Treatment of Enemies
LA Times: Mexico jail break video shows it is an "inside job"
WHO???? is Dick Cheney that he gets to IGNORE threats to the U.S. when he WANTS to and CONJURE them
Bill Kristol "I was always on Darth Vader's side"
So, We Bail Out Wall Street. Then Wall Street Uses Bailout Money for Campaign Contributions
AFRICOM in action? Thousands flee Nigeria Delta carnage
Is there anyone more bland and boring than Brent Baier?
Is there anyone more bland and boring than Brent Baier?
Whose crime was worse: Leonard Little's or Michael Vick's?
Who ever said the world is fair?
A song dedication for Richard "Dick" Cheney......
What if God exists? And what if that god is evil?
Florida bank's failure will cost FDIC $4.9 billion
The 13 Bush Officials Who Made Torture Possible
Wow! Joe looks like hell this morning!
GOP bill protects US from healthcare
The repubs are doing their best to make America embrace torture.
Cheney gets own show on CNN called CNN
Palin: energy effeciency? Pffttthhh!!!
cheney's speech PROVES that it was HE who was in charge for 8 years.
Dear Liz and Joe and all: That TICKING TIME BOMB is the Dick's f***ing heart...
Dear Liz and Joe and all: That TICKING TIME BOMB is the Dick's f***ing heart...
Barack Obama may get support of rivals on Guantanamo
Liz Cheenee sounds and speaks exactly like her hate filled, despicable mother
Liz Cheenee sounds and speaks exactly like her hate filled, despicable mother
I fracking Hate Larry King, but that was Brilliant, Jon!!
A reader, writes... (written post Obama/Cheney duel)
The CIA must be completely dissolved.
The media are in full warble, fucking the Democrats ...... as usual.
I hate that we're talking about he who should not be named 24/7
Where's Bill Frist when we need him?
Edward Abbey, his good friend a Vietnam PTSD Vet, a Grizzly Bear, My Lai, and more. Read, watch.
The truth is dead. And we the people are screwed.
"Prolonged detention" in Gitmo: Is Obama selling out the Democratic Party?
State representative Cary Allred To Drop Party Affliation
The Cover-up of Sonny Bono's Murder (?)
All of Y'all Complainin' About Scarborough? Y'all Keep Him In His Job.
Perdue Says She's Committed To Green Economy
Just because the media had good ratings during the primaries and election
WTF??? Liz Cheney up next on Morning Torture!!!!
KO Special Comment dismantles Cheney's speech point by point
Please. Stick a rusty fork in my eyes. Now!
Why didn't all the torture get Bush/Cheney any leads on bin Laden?
KO's trashing of Limbaugh - where can I get an antimated single pic
Human Rights Watch: Obama speech 'eloquent', but proposals fall short of the principles he endorsed
Guess who can turn wine into vinegar?
Liz Cheney and Joey Scar claim to have access to intel Obama doesn't have
what this country needs is a new approach to change! . . . dammit!!! . . .
Dear Mr. President. The POTUS has always been an honorable position
Cheney's speech contained omissions, misstatements
Glenn Greenwald: U.S. Congress to finally stand up against torture?
Federal bailout screws teacher and police pension funds
To all the whiners, purists and professional pouters
Dick Cheney essentially got on teevee today and begged for another attack...
CCR Launches Website to Expose Health Professionals' Complicity in Torture
Never Forget! Dick Cheney THREATENED us yesterday. Plausible deniability is
Four painted bodies align to form a portrait of President Obama during "The Fusion Journey" - pic
Heads-up: KO Special Comment tonight re: Dickhead Cheenee.
Co-Author of ‘Donkey Cons’ to Co-Write Palin Memoir
McCain on Cheney’s torture speech: ‘I just don’t see where it helps.’
Oh, that Dick: "McClatchy Papers: Cheney's Speech Contained Omissions, Misstatements"
using darth's twisted logic, any nation that is attacked is free to torture it's enemies
147 Gang Members Indicted In California for Targeting Blacks
The problem with right wing homosexual acceptance
Bumper sticker: "Bullshit Is The Epidemic That Could Kill Us All"
It's too bad she's running as a Republican
Paul Begala health memo rebuts Frank Luntz
On Meet The Press, It's High-Ranking Dem Dick Durbin Versus ... Newt Gingrich
Media spin in action - from CNN: headline- Favorable Opinions of Cheney Rises
I've clearly been sleepwalking or something......When did gas jump up to $2.50 a gallon?
Acketydinejad nutball hmmmmmf!
Cheney lied repeatedly in speech on closing Guantanamo, paper says
Surviving tough times: A shoutout to local electeds
About this policy that allows guns in National Parks
Great description of Cheney on a local radio show: he's a "Rush-hole."
guess i can't have a disgreement with obama unless i have 1000+ posts
To Repukes: If you believe in "American Exceptionalism", then you should be against torture
For those who think all state employees have medical insurance:
Bush: ‘It’s a liberating feeling’ that I am no longer president.
Connecticut House and Senate have voted to abolish death penalty. Governor may veto
Bush: It’s ‘liberating’ to be out of office
Inbox is a joy now that I have un-subscribed to just about every
just got a fund-raising call from the "Dee-Triple-Cee"
Frankie Manning: Never Stop Swinging (Doc tribute to famous swing dancer)
Michelle Malkin Does Not Want Muslims In Jail
Am I paranoid? Raise your hand if...
If Cheney is so concerned there will be another attack
How Many Innocents Must Pay To Lock Up One Terrorist?
Will Democrats ever make any progress with Pelosi and Reid as Leaders?
Earth is hurtling through the universe at 827700 miles per hour...
"Bear Stearns to Algebra I Means Lost Dollars in Trickle-Down" Trader forced to become math teacher
Moonie Washington Times poll needs some loving.
Food, Inc. . . new feature film opening June 12th . . .
Dick Cheney is so far up shit creek he has to roll out his daughter to plug for him
Fundies: PEPSI is officially Gay
New credit card limitations in US
Former GOP official gets 7-year prison term
Wax Obama arrives at Fisherman's Wharf - fun SFGate pics
Wax Obama arrives at Fisherman's Wharf - fun SFGate pics
"Cheney the haunting" - Bruce Plante cartoon
$91 Billion more for War Murder & Mayhem, but We can't afford Single Payer Health Care
DOD Pays Billions For Unnamed Contractors
I love Henry Waxman: Speed Reader makes Capitol Hill Debut
Something else to remember on May 25th. that Memorial Day should be May 30th
Bush-era Chief of Supermax Prisons "Confident" on Security
Why Don't Republicans Support Our Service Men and Women?
Senate Republicans block vote on Obama judicial nominee.
Secretary Gates Hails Soldier in Pink Boxer Shorts
OK Republibots and homophobes, how does Gay marriage affect YOU personally?
What does one need to know to organize a protest?
Cheney is a diversion. Here is why.
Cheney is a diversion. Here is why.
I don't know Obama must be don't something right becuz he gets under Cheney's skin
West Side Story updated Loan Sharks and private Jets?
When Healers Harm: Center for Constitutional Rights
Sayest thou not that Cheney only tortured 3 persons, but sayest thou that Cheney
Florida senior in wheelchair fights attackers video
Studs vs. Sluts Friday Comedy.
Wish we could tell the Iraqis, outraged about life sentence
Prop 8 ruling will be announced Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.
To USA: "Could It Be That OLD Europe Has MORE Balls Than Gun Toting Wingnuts Of USA?
Baucus: "I don’t want to frighten people, particularly on the industry side...there are ways to skin
Policy differences or high crimes? Swanson: Obama allowing Cheney to play offense;
Bill Clinton has some early work - 11dead in Haiti from
Sexting, pedophile pastor gets 3 years in prison
Milk is a gateway drug to bourbon
West Virginia, Ohio, Rhode Island Lead Jump in Jobless Rates
Do you think that 9/11 could have been prevented if there was no ban on openly gay soldiers?
Obama is in favor of creating an American gulag
Give it up, you liberals. If it were a ticking bomb scenario....
Dirtbag Book Endorsement of the Day: "Hackers" by Steven Levy.
Joe Scar Torture discussion - "why are we having all this debate about 3 people being waterboarded"
DOJ: Jack Abramoff Should Forfeit $500K Tax Refund
Bill Moyers: Rx and the Single Payer
Gitmo vote shows DEMO. PARTY is CLOSE TO USELESS
Gitmo vote shows DEMO. PARTY is CLOSE TO USELESS
Surveillance Video Catches Beating of Blind Woman on Seattle City Bus
Here's the response I got from my Republican Congressman on HB 676.
Steelers' Harrison's son bitten by his pit bull (Harrison didn't go to WH)
Republicans Purge Their Own Over Taxes And Spending
Obama's speech at the National Archives.
NJ lawyer's cases probed following murder charge
Why do we appear to be embarking on the Russian model of government?
What will the world look like 200 years from now?
Woman Fights Off Intruders With Chili
Help bring peace to a desperate world
Think Progress: Liberty University shuts down Democratic Party club.
What’s the best advice you ever received in your life?
Pelosi has nothing more to say on the subject. She's a GODDAMNED LIAR!!!!!
Obama speech at the National Archives, September 8, 1974
Online Tomorrow - FALLOUT: Coming Home from the War in Iraq
Awesome post on John Kerry and CIA lying over at Dailykos
David Plouffe convocation speech at Cornell noon-1pm ET Saturday
Texas mayor resigns for gay partner
If Obama gets elected, what will we talk about in here. Will we even *need* a DU any more?
I just got a robo-poll call about same sex marriage in NY
Green broke into a slight smile when the verdict was announced (RIP Abeer)
Pentagon Responds to My Request for Definition of "Rejoins Fight"
Why the fuck does ANYONE care what Cheney thinks / says anymore?
The US debt Clock (You gotta see this)
Get is straight: Opposition to Single Payer/Public Option - They fear they will lose their jobs
Steele: Obama ‘Was Not Vetted Because Press Fell In Love With The Black Man Running For The Office
Pentagon Responds to My Request for Definition of "Rejoins Fight"
Pooper-scooper Bush on life after the White House ( From the Guardian)
Sen. Burris' Plane Makes Emergency Landing
Most important news story of the week ending (May 22, 2009)
Appeals Court Upholds Landmark Case Against Tobacco Industry
I told you all about this back in 01/01/2006 !!!
Toon: Obama's calming influence....
Ga. father gets 100 years for poisoning kids' soup
GOP's Reliance On South Masks Extent Of Party Decline
Obese Ind. woman's body hauled away by wrecker
Internet Threatened by Censorship, Secret Surveillance, and Cybersecurity Laws
Here's a thought.........why not have Mankow raped and sodomized by guards,
Keefe's Cheney Cartoon Nails the Fear Factor
Seized cigarettes pit tribe against tax commission
A. Q. Khan? Did you really go there Dick?
Rep. Devin Nunes has no idea what he is talking about
Mancow waterboarded. Lasted 4 seconds in a friendly environment...
Mancow waterboarded. Lasted 4 seconds in a friendly environment...
Please remember Liz Cheney made lots of money on the Iraq war too.
The Rove / Bush AWOL repsonse is the same as the Bush torture response.
Fitzgerald: Fight crime by hiring felons
As a radical leftist, I feel your pain regarding disappointment in Obama
House Dems propose huge changes to drilling program
The stimulus is working: 32 states had unemployment decrease or stay the same in April
Police: Pregnant teen beaten in effort to miscarry
Gates Defends Soldiers' Pink Undies
Who's on BMaher tonite? What's on First?
Marie Osmond: So what if my daughter is gay?
Gov Palin only governor in nation to refuse some stimulus money
Has anyone or does anyone use a Majic-Jack phone?
Newsom to return $25,000 contribution from Michael Savage's son
Question.. Why don't waterboard victims drown?
Painting of waterboarding hangs at Cambodia's Genocide Museum
Another teacher/student liaison here in PA..
Where is Congressional and Senate support for President Obama? (Action thread)
Universal Health Care on Bill Moyers' Journal tonight.....Donna Smith of "SiCKO" among the guests...
Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims
Anyone recall this little gem?
Cheney: Support for Israel Feeds Terrrorism
Does anyone know when Congress starts their July 4th vacation?
Some "anti-scientific" beliefs or interests you, as a Dem, have. I have my share.
Two can play at THAT game: Let's REBRAND the GOP!
What the hell is everyone doing here on a beautiful Friday afternoon?
Surge of giant snakes in Everglades prompts call for ban
Ventura: I’ll waterboard Hannity into saying Obama best president ever
Duke University Press publishes Barack Obama's mother's dissertation. (Ann Dunham)
The Rude Pundit: Christ Weary of Catholics (Abuse Excuse Edition)
SC State employees who smoke will be paying more.
Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, and lasts six seconds before saying its torture
"Mad Max" Baucus Healthcare Plan: Arrest Doctors and Nurses
Ex-inmate recalls days of abuse at Abu Ghraib
Did anyone here attend the 1968 Democratic Convetion in Chicago?
You Can't Be A Christian And A Democrat?
Don't most churches operate following a socialist model?
Congressional Republicans Don't Buy Own Party's Pelosi Attacks
Banks and overdraft fees (and debit cards)
Healthy debate among our own is only to be feared by those who didn't listen to -- Obama himself!
Key Provisions of the New Credit Card Law
Study: Male sex trade workers need support
A Tentative Theory about the Difference between Odd Dem and Repuke Beliefs
So does anyone know when the new credit card bill may go into effect?
word cloud analysis of Obama's and Cheney's speeches
"Democrats should not drink the Kool-Aid": An organ grinder's monkey is warming up
Republican-Turned-Democrat Heckled By Angry Mob Of GOP Diehards
Gov Rick Perry (R) Texas spends $11 million Federal Stimulus on the Governors Mansion.
Gov Rick Perry (R) Texas spends $11 million Federal Stimulus on the Governors Mansion.
Liberty University Shuts Down Campus Democratic Party Club
Norman Mineta's '911 Comission' testimony + Cheney's current crusade = (Your thoughts please) n/t
From Larisa Alexandrovna: "Rather Bold of Cheney to Mention Dismantling AQ Khan's Network..."
Yes, Tweety: We KNOW it's CHEEEENEY already...
The "News" for Progressives...the Nightly News you won't see Anywhere Else...
Defense chief praises soldier in pink boxers
Michael Moore's new documentary to open Oct. 2
How did we miss Santorum on patrimony
Edmonton cabbie sues passengers over false assault (molestation) allegations
Democratic Underground and where it is heading after Obama's first 100 days
The lie Cheney told about A.Q. Khan - by Larisa Alexandrovna
Real soldiers love their robot brethren
Tomorrow is the 23rd of May--and Britain's Got Talent's
K & R this thread if you aren't ready to nail Obama to the proverbial cross just yet.
None of Them Were Guilty of Anything
Food Bank Friday! May 22, 2009
Here's the problem with "detainees"
Siegelman's First Trial Judge Blasts U.S. Prosecutors, Seeks Probe of 'Unfounded' Charges
Advocate for Others Fights to Die at Home-Insurer says coverage 'used up'
Source for "preventive detention" comment was on Amy's show today.
A few decades ago, it wasn't called waterboarding, it was called
Governor plans to completely eliminate welfare for families
Whites become minority in Kansas county {again} (CNN)
For those who missed it, Doonesbury is great today
Why Private Health Insurance Must Go!
Jerry Falwell Jr. comments on the suspension of the campus Democratic party club.
Bill Moyers Journal Tonight: Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-chair Donna Smith
Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, and lasts six seconds before saying its torture
Family Dumps Elderly Aunt, Goes To Disney
TX Repuke Secessionist Gov. Perry to use $11 million in stimulus money to renovate his mansion.
Guess what? You're both wrong.
Wash. state has first death under new suicide law
Cheney Intervened in CIA Inspector General's Torture Probe
Cheney Intervened in CIA Inspector General's Torture Probe
Fantasy Finance and Real Fixes
Are We Ready to Say that "Conservatives" Are Dead Yet?
Student Loan Abuse Just As Bad As Mortgage Abuse
Clinton's sax sold at auction for AIDS research
A request from Wesley Clark on Memorial Day
Glenn Greenwald: Facts And Myths About Obama's Preventive Detention Proposal
Why is universal heath care such an issue in the US?....
Again, Mods on top of things. Many thanks to them for the work they do for DU
supermarket orange juice: chenicals added, stored in vats for a year
(Mary Kay) Letourneau hosts 'Hot for Teacher' night at bar
You actually watch American Idol???
I'd like to ask a fucking question....
Krugman calls Obama's bluff...
Why can't we send Gitmo prisoners back to their country of origin?
"The Ed Show" is A+ quality programming.
Girl, 7, critical after being shot by a 10 years old
Free healthcare events with Dr. Dean upcoming in Denver, Des Moines, and Portland.
Free healthcare events with Dr. Dean upcoming in Denver, Des Moines, and Portland.
Black mayor of Mississippi town brings 'atomic bomb of change'
Hey all you union folks, and all you scabs that should be union
Earth's Enemies: GE, Monsanto and Obama's AG pick, Ignacia Moreno
I see some support for prolonged detention. So I'll just post
U.S. Officials Admitted that Boys Were Sodomized In Iraq Prison- The Rape of Iraq's Children
Shopping this summer? Better wear light clothing.
Chemical Castration for Autism - The Latest Atrocity
Mark Penn lectures Nancy Pelosi, in effect says she is not truthful.
You know what really pisses me off?
So, my feminist 14 year old daughter wears a shirt to school with
Meg White: Why Obama Should Give Neo-Confederate Bigots What They Want This Memorial Day
Is our tent big enough for Colin Powell?
As we approach this Memorial Day weekend, please consider its meaning
SIBEL EDMONDS: Two Sides of the Same Coin... Heads-Heads
Black guy carved a 'B' in my face woman gets probation and community service
FALLOUT: Coming Home from the War in Iraq - Watch it now!
Does anyone read 'The Walking Dead' comics?
Is it expensive to copyright something...I took a picture in
Aloha kakou! Today, I am truly "KamaAina".
Aloha kakou! Today, I am truly "KamaAina".
'Changing the narrative about Michigan'
...and now, a song in honor of Sean Penn, from Katie Perry
The Vikings have never won a Super Bowl....
Would you eat the crotch out of some roadkill possum before you saved a fellow DUer?
Who isn't watching Supernatural, if not why.
Las Vegas churches accept gambling chips!!! ?????
The only REAL fans are those who root for teams that NEVER played in Super Bowl
The Saints have never won a Super Bowl, so why do they still have fans?
Save the life of someone who said they'd save their pet,
Nothin' quite like a sports trash-talk thread
Mods this is a legitimate question: I have a torn rotator cuff.
Save the life of your pet or....
So, that was fun...I just entered my Condo with my GUN drawn...(yes, I am serious)
The little boy next door likes me.
This is my first post using my new computer, it has finally been set up.
So that was fun... I just called in an airstrike at my palatial estate. (YES, I am serious.)
You guys seen the Lord of the Rings fan made movie?
It is going on 2am. I am doing laundry. I am pretty sure I lost my mind
My documentary is going up online tomorrow
I'm so drunk, I see three monitors.
What do you think of the show Southland?
Sad sight today...a mortally wounded baby hawk
Can I say FUCK YOU REFS - on the LA/DEN game?
So, that was fun...I just entered my condom with my 'GUN' drawn...(yes, I am not serious)
I need some ideas for subject lines to start threads that spin out of control and end badly
OMG ! CaliforniaPeggy is now working for CNN !
Save the life of your pet OR save the Cowsissies as they go down in flames 44-6
NHL Woos Fans By Increasing Scoring With Bigger Nets
I'm either too fast or too slow
Would you like to see Keith Richards and Rush in a cage fight?
Which was more annoying? The yellow teeth ads or a drop down of a Cadillac?
Recommend a dinner stop not more than five minutes or so off the PA turnpike.
So, that was fun...I just entered my Condom with my GUN drawn...(yes, I am serious)
I hope he learns that there are rewards for just showing up and doing the work.
So, that was fun...I just entered my Traylor and had to use Kung Fu...(yes, I am serious)
Save the life of your pet OR save the life of a person who has no family
Save the life of a rabid odorific dying roadskill skunk or Haruka
Friday morning WORD ASSOCIATION THREAD: The word is "quaff"
"Carnal acts" is the phrase for today. Modify a thread title to include "carnal acts".
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
telemarketing call transcript, Thursday, May 21, 2009, 0915
Coming up with a drinking game is SO much harder with Obama than it was with Bush.
Let's get one misperception out of the way RIGHT NOW.
I saw a job that paid $50 for writing a 10 page report
I just realized South Park stole an episode idea from something that happened in my life.
Has a Lounge Post ever made it to the Greatest Threads? nt
Gotta clean the house. The Orkan guy is coming tomorrow.
An artichoke IS NOT a sex toy.
Afghanistan needs some strip joints.
OMG, Do I love the new Star Trek!
Get published in your top occupation/academic journal, or get published in Penthouse Forum??
Perhaps it's not surprising that so many people instantly choose Sean Connery as their favorite Bond
i'm pretty sure if Karl Malden were a DUer, he'd smack most of y'all around
Moe Howard and Mike Douglas do "Niagara Falls" routine
Rolls-Royce Crashes Into UK Supermarket
What does it mean when your wife and kids complain that you spend way too much time on DU?
So, that was fun...I just entered my Condo with my GUN drawn...(yes, I am serious)
Just so you guys know, i would let the lot of you drown to save my cat
I need a new internet pseudonym
What's an appropriate punishment for someone who only reads the first line
Did anybody call out Haruka yet today?
Confessions of a Star Trek writer
Confessions of a Star Trek writer
How many Zachs are on TV shows?
Save the life of a complete stranger's pet OR save the life of Dick Cheney?
What are we drinking this holiday weekend?
Do you believe everythings you read on the interents?
Am I the only one who has no desire to see the new Star Trek?
Question for y'all. I'm meeting a former coworker for lunch today at Sizzler.
Here's my post in GD. How many posters will NOT get the joke?
Gotta clean the house. The Arkin guy is coming tomorrow. nt
Would you murder everyone in the lounge to save your cat?
What newspapers, if any, do you buy?
Keep the Timex Syncrhonisty Watch or take what's behind Curtain #2.....
Save the life of a complete stranger OR save the life of a Penthouse pet ?
The Patriots have never won a Super Bowl without cheating, so why do they still have fans?
Is the Circle Line still making loops around NYC?
I'd like to point out to you people
Hell, I'd save the life of a stranger over most of my relatives
I wonder if Brenton Wuchae is divorced yet.
Have you ever been involved in Trap - Neuter - Return (TNR)?
Nebraska's License Plates: YOU DECIDE
Save the life of your pet OR save the life of a fellow DUer?
Barry Manilow Kept Me Up All Night
Does Barry Manilow Give You Nightmares?
Yet another classic thread in the makings in GC...
Oh no - The Flynts (Larry and his brother) are fueding
What are your Holiday Weekend Plans?
New Jerry Garcia, Bobby and the Midnites concerts available at Wolfgang's Vault
Destroy an original Picasso OR read Hamlet naked in front of live audience?
Have You Ever Been To A Barry Manilow Concert?
*** DUzy Awards for week ending May 22, 2009 ***
That new Terminator movie (spoilers)
I just ate something that I now wish I hadn't.
Give it up, you liberals. If it were a ticking bomb scenario....
Hypothesis: "Supernanny" is essentially the same show as "It's Me or The Dog"
The New Microwave Oven Just Charcoled my Turkey Pot Pie
Bill O'Reilly is a nasty doomed-to-hell parasite of the planet - yes/no
We are looking at a Dijon Altima
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 5/22/2009)
Dumbest thing you've ever overheard?
We are looking at buying a Nissan Altima.
The verdict is in: the outside critters prefer sunflower seeds to the mixed bird seed.
A dog with a dingleberry is just simply in the "not good" department.
Gotta clean the house. The Orkin guy is coming tomorrow. nt
Here's what I want to see/hear on American Idol - someone doing "Briefcase Boogie"
Hands Down, The DU Lounge has the best post titles in the universe!
I'm going to the great wall tomorrow!
Dog that Follows you Everywhere, and he whines when he can't come into the bathroom with you
"And that's when the crapalanche ensued..."
For writers and other word lovers: the British National Corpus
Today I listened to Johnny Hates Jazz, Sun City, and an interview with a former Zappa bassist.
You have three parrots, each one is unique:
I survived my lunch at Sizzler.
I just got so scared by something that I wet a coworkers pants!
Jeff Beck Live At Ronnie Scotts...
I saw the most brilliant thing on the back of Glenn Beck's "An Inconvenient Book" today.
GRATEFUL DEAD=Best Dylan cover band evah!
Middle school expels teen with eyebrow shaver
James Harrison's Pit Bull attacks his son
Why is pizza crust so expensive compared to other bready products?
This is not a Star Trek thread
I never write anymore, all I do is type.
Latest argument at the XemaSab house:
The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 5/22/09
What are your plans for the long weekend?
I think AlCzervik is coming to steal my kitties...
Is your pet gay, straight, bi or transgendered?
Stripper class at my gym visible thru the glass walls!
DUzy Awards for the week are up on GD
Attention please! RevActs is no longer the most popular Nighttime lounger!
kitten picture of the day for friday may 22
Is there anything dijon mustard is not good for?
My brother made the cover of Sports Illustrated!
Anyone else posting with a kitty on their lap?
Have you ever girded your loins?
The newest Kitteh pictures are here!
Remember Jamie Lee Curtis's dance in True Lies?
What Is Your Favorite Barry Manilow Song?
What’s the best advice you ever received in your life?
Just watched The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.
Anything But Straight: Obama's Honeymoon is Over
Post a simple, one sentence self-evident fact.
So I took this great picture by the seaside
What's in your arsenal for the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?
The Band Sell-Out that hurt you the most?
It started innocently enough with a generic multivitamin
Let's make it easy for everyone: Post here things you'd save before saving your pets
Your house is on fire, you can only save one...
Spam, or a poke in the eye with a sharp stick?
Post a pic of your high school....
Chaplin the Shelter Cat Wins Top Honors at Cat Show
Did the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor?
People use the ellipsis WAY too much nowadays...
I'm starting to hate hanging out with women my age.
I saw an Exxon/Mobile employee stealing from his employer today.
woot! my documentary is up online!
Shrewd Choice of "Debating" Partner
I am starting to be worried about this healthcare bill.
Replacing Justice Souter: Legal experts discuss Obama's forthcoming Supreme Court nomination
Boston Globe editorial goes after Pelosi
Anderson Cooper to have Sasha and Malia Obama on to discuss today's speeches
"Do you know Pres. Bush's approval ratings were up as high as 15-points after the Olympics?"
GOP's best hope: Obama overreaches or underachieves
Transcript of the Presidents speech, at the Archives, May 21,2009
****** "In The Name Of God Goooo" *******
Obama Mounts ("impassioned") Defense of Plans to Close Guantánamo
Obama Curtails Bush's Policy of 'Preemption'
Texas Constructs U.S. Border Wall To Keep Out Unwanted Americans
Here's what pisses me off about Cheney...
There are certain people who have no standing to tell President Obama how to do his job
Andrew Sullivan: The Re-Balancing
Michelle has a touch of Lucy in her
Choosing sides with fellow justices: Graphic shows % of times Souter agreed with other Justices
It's Time For a New Geneva Convention
Senator Reid, I am sorry about your future illness and your inability to stay on as Majority Leader
It's time we hit the media with emails and calls on this Cheney bullshit
Making torture acceptable.. the Neo Con handbook at work again
Slate's Fred Kaplan: Send Cheney Back to the Bunker!
NYT: Animatronic Obama Going to Disney World with High-Tech Style. Debuts July 4th.
Chicken shit media holds up "welcome" sign for Cheney and Company, greets them
The perfect Dick Cheney Cartoon
President Obama and McCain at Naval Academy Commencement
I have a new theory about David Broder. He's made a bet.
Um, why didn't Al Gore's speeches get any air time.
Obama nominates Max Cleland to head military monuments commission
Obama Taps Jack Bauer, Wolverine For Domestic Anti-Terrorist Strike Force!!!
Whoever runs the local NBC news station here in DC is a Republican, for sure
More errors in CIA interrogation briefing list
I say let Cheney talk and talk and talk
A request from Bob Cesca re: indefinite detention
If We didn't have a RW leaning Corporate Media , do you think this country would be different
Press still gunning for Pelosi, yet they ignore Bob Graham--except for Rachel and Steven Colbert
"President Obama enjoys his new Steelers jersey after making children cry. "
Jackeens was busy, here is your photo thread of today's speech
Classic Democrat: Obama screws his base and coddles the wingers that will never support him.
If Holder would just appoint an Independent Counsel to investigate torture, everyone would be served
Tom Ridge: Cheney is Wrong about Obama
Hey-Anderson Cooper is having DICK'S daughter on for HER opinion of both speeches!
In yesterday's speech, President Obama convinced me...
TX-Gov: $11 mil from stimulus to repair Perry's mansion
Doesn't Cheney Own Interest in Prisons? Cause here's a thought.....
President Obama at USNA Commencement (VIDEO)
Christian Radio Ad Pushing Universal Healthcare Harnesses Local Faith-Based Influence
Is anyone else in a funk because Cheney was all over the news today? I thought
Will the media EVER call out Dick for his blatent, lame CYA tour?
Chuck Hagel: I would have voted to authorize funds to close Gitmo
First Lady Michelle Obama plans for summer vacations, Camp David-style
PHOTOS Caption it? (The McCains)
If CNN, MSNBC, FOX and the network news stations don't hold Obama's feet to the fire, who will?
Justice Souter and the Supreme Court’s Church-State Balance
"Cheney was willing to fight the Vietnam War
Mancow, you know the guy that got waterboarded, called Michelle Obama a "dude"
"There I was, former president of the United States of America, with a plastic bag on my hand"
If we don't hold Obama's feet to the fire who will?
Did you know that our current VP has been in the Balkans the last few days? FU Cheney! And FU to
US asks Cuba to resume talks on legal immigration
Obama trying to ram another U.S. job-sucking trade pact through Congress
Sarah Palin becomes only governor to turn down federal stimulus money for energy efficiency
Senate OKs War Funding, Blocks Release Of Detainee Photos 86-3: Bi-Partisanship Works!
PHOTOS The VP in Lebanon (May 22)
Jesse Ventura on waterboarding "I'll Get (Hannity) To Say Obama Is The Greatest President"
What did Pres. Obama mean in his speech when he said.....
ALERT! New Bullshit Meme Just used on MSNBC (on Andrea Mitchell)
The fine line of criticizing Obama on DU
Does David Broder think all Republicans served in the military?
MIke Malloy is "disappointed" in Obama's speech today, as well. It
How long does it take you to take a political position on an issue?
The promise of health care for all--" The question now is whether he really meant it."
Judging by Jon Stewart, Cenk Uygur, and Rachel Maddow last night...
Great speech today President Obama
RNC Launches 'Daisy' Web Ad-They must think playing the fear card still works!
Don't Miss Bill Moyers Journal
You know what I love about this Pelosi kerfuffle?
Wasn't HRC running as an opponent of SSM, too?
This is what President Obama proposes to do with Gitmo detainees
Name something Obama has done as POTUS, that you liked, without repeating another posters reply.
Democrats Betray Labor: EFCA Card Check is Pronouced Dead
Kerry breaks silence on CIA's lying past
Bush: "Liberating" To Be Out Of Office, Picking Up Dog Poop
PHOTOS Chilly reception for the President at the Naval Academy
Steele: 'Obama was not vetted because the press fell in love with the black man running for office'
Pineapples and apples why President Obama's "prolonged detention" is wholly different than Bush's
"We were going to the White House, but we couldn’t get in so I felt sad,"
I hated when Obama said "I bear the responsibility of keeping this country safe"
LOL....Let another country hold one of our soldiers with no charges forever and see what we do!
Educate me? Why is most of the navy....white?
PHOTOS Is the President looking a little waxy these days?
Republican Scum Forcing the New York Islanders Off Of Long Island.
New York Times Pile On on MSNBC: Obama = Bush
PHOTOS I worry for Jack - will Cindy disinherit him after this display of respect?
Steele: Obama ‘Was Not Vetted Because The Press Fell In Love With The Black Man Running For Office"
Is the opinion that gay marriage is morally wrong a bigoted opinion?
Did the US release captured Nazis during WW 2?
Komodo dragons kill with venom, not bacteria, study says
FCC’s Warrantless Household Searches Alarm Experts
George Bush should be waterboarded for charity says Senator
Ex-solder to be sentenced to life
3 suspects emerge in Guatemalan lawyer's killing
McCain: Cheney Endorses Spanish Inquisition Technique
Senate OKs 'Day of Remembrance' for nuke workers
Lawsuit challenges Washington lethal injections
Texas Mayor Trades Job for Romance in Mexico
NM mom charged with killing son on the playground
Bosnia Does Not Need New Peace Deal, Biden Says.
Despite Torture Video, U.S. and Emirates Sign Key Pact
So you admit you raped and killed a 14yr old girl..then killed her Mom , Dad and 5yr old sister
TARP Warrant Sale Shows Banks May Reap ‘Ruthless Bargain’
House Debates 10 Cent Gas Tax Increase Today
Washington governor orders cutbacks in emissions
Contractors say Blackwater supplied forbidden guns
UN refugee agency concerned about Colombia threats
Grayson proposes requiring at least a week's paid vacation for many workers
Mexico City lowers swine flu alert
Gates defends decision to close Guantanamo prison
Obama to lay out new framework on trade
Death Penalty Abolition Gets Final Legislative Approval In Senate (Connecticut)
LU pulls plug on Democratic club
U.S. climate negotiator sees 'impressive' actions by China
Taiwan-China business ties grow as barriers fall
Japan's Mask Supply Falters as Flu and Fear Spread
Bangladesh reports new influx of Myanmar Muslims
North Korea warns ships near missile base - Japan
Gates Defends Obama's Decision to Close Guantanamo
Aid Groups Say Sri Lanka Curtails Access to Refugees
Black mayor of Mississippi town brings 'atomic bomb of change'
Arrests in Chinese slavery case
Secretary Gates Hails Soldier in Pink Boxer Shorts
CoverTN called 'insurance that doesn't insure'
Burma says Suu Kyi visit 'staged'
Deadly car bomb in Pakistan city
Obama not concerned about U.S. credit rating change
Canada Denies Lifting Arm Sales Ban To Pakistan
Chinese Auto Maker Expresses Interest in Opel
Economic bright spots suggest recovery may be near
Chinese rally behind waitress arrested in fatal stabbing of local official
Sick girl's mom said she expected `divine healing' (trial for mom who let child die)
Congress: Cap-n-trade passes committee (Dems assured Big Business bill will not hurt them)
Fitzgerald: Fight crime by hiring felons
EchoHawk sworn in at Indian Affairs
RNC uses controversial 'Daisy' ad to target Obama
Cheney's speech contained omissions, misstatements
McCain Volunteer Gets Probation for False Report (Ashley Todd's Self-Mutilation)
McCain volunteer gets probation for false report(Backward B in Pittsburgh)
Thailand 'gets tough' with Hmong
US CO2 goals 'to be compromised' (Energy Sec. Steven Chu)
Pentagon Responds to My Request for Definition of "Rejoins Fight"
Pakistani army claims Taliban's elimination in Swat valley imminent
Sen. Burris' Plane Makes Emergency Landing(WH Staffer aboard as well)
Obama vows not to send people to war without cause
IL US attorney not interested in elected office
Cheney Intervened in CIA Inspector General's Torture Probe
AP Interview: Insurgents crossing into Pakistan
President Obama signs bill tightening defense procurement
White House to GM - Prepare for Bankruptcy
California Prop. 8 court ruling to be announced at 10 a.m. PT Tuesday
Cheney’s speech contained omissions and misstatements
Ronald Reagan to be honoured with a London statue
Breaking: Leilani Neumann found guilty in Wausau faith-healing homicide case
Sobbing Kindergarteners Snubbed by WH for Steelers?
Michael Moore Preparing to Turn His Sights on Wall Street
Strangers reunite dying teen with Guatemalan family
Lawmaker wants to make 2010 'Year of the Bible'
Prosecutors: Peterson tried to put hit on 3rd wife
Senators express outrage over Chinese drywall
Bolivian authorities seek Hungarian man living in Ireland
Unemployment rate down in 21 states
White House launches open government initiative
Australia signs anti-torture protocol
Obama Curtails Bush's Policy of 'Preemption.'
Ohio Unemployment Tops 10 Percent
U.S. wants to resume migration talks with Cuba
Dollar Tumbles Against Pound, Euro
Pornographic videos flood YouTube
US will lose AAA rating: PIMCO
Calif. wine industry started with Chinese workers
Ruling Means Siegelman Remains Free Until August
Liberty University pulls plug on Democratic club
Minutemen Leader Ordered To Pay $135,000
Intel Dem: Fix Gitmo — don't close it
Obama Naval Academy Commencement Speech: President Speaks To Military Graduates
Fear of prosecution caused Cheney to speak out, daughter says
Brazil OKs extradition of rabbi accused in Israel
Cigarette makers lose appeal in landmark case
Whites become minority in Kansas county
India's new government to speed fighter jet deal
New Study: Global Temperatures to Rise 9 Degrees by 2100
U.S. Steel Hurt by Chinese Pipe Imports, ITC Says
Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, and lasts six seconds before saying its torture
Venezuela Chavez nationalizes iron companies
First death under new Washington suicide law
Good health care legislation will die. Next up .... cutting social security benefits
Investigation into how Briton got pregnant in Laos jail
Dueling Speeches in 100 Seconds
Democratic Speed Reader Demonstrates Good Tonguemanship
*whoopsie* Newt calls the CIA liars 2007 (00:13)
KBR Paid Millions in Bonuses In Spite of Deaths
Cheney Continues To Lie About Torture
TYT: GOP's Enormous Hypocrisy on Investigations
Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Sense from Deniers? Don't hold your breath..
Policy differences or high crimes?
Senator Baucus should give up his premium public health insurance
Vice President Biden Addresses Our Troops
TYT: Cenk calls Obama out on his flowery 'values' bullshit
One Voice, One Message, Heard Around the World.
Lawrence O'Donnell lets loose on Cheney speech (10:56)
Speed Reader Takes Center Stage At Climate Change Hearing
Gates on Gitmo: "The Name Itself is a Condemnation"
McCain on Cheney’s torture speech: ‘I just don’t see where it helps.’
Liz Cheney: Fear of prosecution caused father to speak out
Rachel Maddow & Ari Shapiro on Gonzales authorizing torture - while he was WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL
Countdown: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson says Dick Cheney borders on treason
Sen. Whitehouse urges intelligence agency nominees to ask hard questions on torture
Rachel Maddow & Chris Hayes call out Dick Cheney on his bullshit - remark on his backpedling lies
Ana Marie Cox Calls Out Gibbs Again On Dont Ask Dont Tell
KO: Special Comment on Dick Cheney
Sen. Hagel (R-NE) Lines Up with Obama, Against Cheney
President Obama's Naval Academy Commencement Speech
Leilani Neumann on trial for praying her daughter to death
Liz Cheney and Lawrence O'Donnell square off on GMA
Rachel Maddow calls out Obama's flowery 'values' bullshit - brilliantly invokes 'Minority Report'
Conservative talkshow host 'Mancow' gets waterboarded, says it's torture.
Gay Civil Rights Movement is Our Civil Rights Movement
Liz Cheney acknowledges that her dad is speaking out for fear of prosecution
Judith Miller: I was in jail with Zacarias Moussaoui
Liz Cheney's Daddy-Defense Becomes Laughable - Cooper
Obama Nails Speech, But Misses Chance to Permanently Silence Cheney
Cheney's speech ignored some inconvenient truths
McCain: Cheney Endorses Spanish Inquisition Technique
President Obama: 'America will be safer when Guantanamo Bay is closed' with slideshow
U.S. House Members File Bill to Overturn Action by D.C. Council.
GITMO, Health Care, What and Who do we really need to fear?
A war-crimes trial that set a precedent before its verdict (Globe & Mail)
U.S. State Seeks Laid - Off Traders to Teach Math.
Joe Conason: Another round for democracy
Torture debate at times glosses over facts (Prabhu | The Tennesseean)
Death in Libya: Political prisoner latest victim of Bush’s “Freedom Agenda”
Why the NYPD heavily publicizes foiled terror plots.
Torture Is Not a New US Foreign Policy Tool
Forget "Centrists," We Need Progressives @ Supreme Ct -- Righties Will Fight Whomever Obama picks
Will GOP attacks on Nancy Pelosi backfire?
Dollar Is Dirt, Treasuries Are Toast, AAA Is Gone: Mark Gilbert
Fighting the Hate Groups with a Hero’s Name
President Obama's day in pictures May 21, 2009
Where Do We Go When All Hope is Gone?
Gen. McChrystal, Grim Reaper: Obama's New Afghan Commander Will Send Death Toll Soaring
David Sirota: Yankee Stadium - the house that taxpayers built
In Pictures: President Obama addresses Naval Academy Graduation in Annapolis
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Freeper response to Cheney speech-ELECT CHENEY
Did Your Car Cause the Crisis?
US Food Stamps Create Jobs & in India ....ABC NEWS
RW Radio host explains how there is no poverty in America
After Pressuring Pakistan to Act, U.S. Offers Aid for Resulting Displaced (Jeremy R. Hammond)
Weekend Economists Boldly Go Where No Thread Has Gone Before: May 22-25, 2009
Rising cost of health care at the root of so many stories we cover
FBI Agent on Synagogue Case Has Questionable Record (Rayman | Village Voice)
Outrageous! RNC aims "Daisy" ad at Obama.
US strategy in Latin America was wrong
UN refugee agency concerned about Colombia threats
VENEZUELA Completes 22 Trimesters of Consecutive Economic Growth
EX-Pres of Industrial bank of Venezuela Arrested for Corruption
Obama to lay out new framework on trade
ECUADOR Probes Human Rights Abuses by US Troops from Manta Base
GLOBOVISION: The Loose Cannon of Venezuelan Media
GI: "The Shameful History of the OAS - Part 1"
U.S. Senator Baucus Introduces Bill Easing Trade and Travel Restrictions With Cuba
Bolivian authorities seek Hungarian man living in Ireland
Torture Is Not a New US Foreign Policy Tool ( in Latin America )
Nuns arrive at eco-convent and leave behind high-carbon habit
got a 140-foot wind turbine at a junkyard
HK Investment Fund Daishin Will Roll Out New Commodities Fund Based On Global Warming Trends
With Most Wild Populations Extinct, Oz Government Lists Tasmanian Devil As Endangered - ENN
Scientists In Israel, Jordan, West Bank Trying To Expand Use Of Owls As Substitute For Rodent Poison
PEMEX Board Member - Company "Too Optimistic" About Chincotepec Field - Bloomberg
Sand Dunes Engulf Houses In NE Brazil As Extreme Weather Fuels Climate Fears - Reuters
Mexico's Oil Exports Down To 1990 Levels In April - Drop Unprecedented Except For Hurricane Season
Most Extensive Study To Date Finds DDT, PCBs, Brominates In Marine Mammal Brains, CSF
Energy Storage Tariff Approved in New York
APS Signs 290 MW CSP Power Purchase Agreement (AZ)
China's New Focus on Solar ($0.10 per kWh PV)
Let The Whining Begin - Farm-State Pols Pitch A Fit At EPA Use Of Science - Grist
Lockheed Martin To Support Utility-scale (290 MW Concentrated) Solar Power Plant In Arizona
'Turbines wind up my goats' (Wind turbine noise blamed for goat deaths in Taiwan!)
Steven Chu: US CO2 goals 'to be compromised'
First-Ever Global Report on Shellfish Finds 85 Percent of World’s Oyster Reefs Have Vanished
Rep. Hinchey and EPA Admin Jackson on hydrofracturing for natural gas
Hitachi develops automotive lithium-ion battery having the world's highest output (1.7x)
Reuters: New Study: Global Temperatures to Rise 9 Degrees by 2100
A part of the price of gas nobody talks about - cartoon:
One of the most significant stories in years...
3 suspects emerge in Guatemalan lawyer's killing
WA State Lands Commissioner - Prepare Now For Fiery Future As Bark Beetles Ravage Western Forests
Looks like we have the makings of a barnburner in Pittsburgh tonight.
Steelers' Harrison's son bitten by his pit bull (Harrison didn't go to WH)
Jets' Sanchez looks a alittle green
Giants nine games behind Dodgers
Everything in Texas is not just big, it's gotta be the BIGGEST.
George Karl is still a fucking coach! He has basically
The Stinky-Spankee-Skankees' streak ends tonight...
Tigers lead AL Central by 3; two series sweeps in a row; magic number now 120
Funny Bill Simmons snippet RE Lakers/Nuggets game
Fellow Redskins Fans, Do You Want Michael Vick?
Seattle Mariners to have "I can has Cheezeburger" night
Economic Report: U.S. Only Nation Among Top 22 That Doesn’t Guarantee Paid Sick Days
Today in labor history May 21 believed to have been framed for murder, go on trial today
Democracy Now! ran a show on worker buyouts w/Naomi Klein & Avi Lewis
$50 Million From Stimulus Going To Retrain Workers In Auto Industry Communities
Workers Are Organizing More Than 200 Events Promoting Passage Of Employee Free Choice Act
Today in labor history May 22 “Battle of Deputies Run”, strikers routed police and a Citizen’s group
Economic Report: U.S. Workers Hardest Working People In Capitalism?
Democrats Betray Labor: EFCA Card Check is Pronouced Dead
Oregon Unions Oppose Effort To Tax Health Care Benefits As Single Payer Remains Excluded From Debate
FDA relied heavily on BPA lobby
Bill Moyer's Journal tonight! ...Healthcare NOT Warfare
Great tool for comparing all the federal health reform plans on the table
What are acceptable copays in Single Payer, to you?
President Obama's Budget Bans Funds for Needle Exchange
Can Positive Thoughts Help Heal Another Person? (NPR - All Things Considered)
GOP tells Lynch to kill gay marriage bill
Obama to be in LA next Wednesday - the day after the Prop 8 Decision
"So You Think You Can Dance" TV show first?
Congressman: White House LGBT Announcements Imminent
Aiken's Lambert Rant: Claymate Turns To Clayhate
U.S. House Members File Bill to Overturn (Gay Marriage) Action by D.C. Council
My partner and my 6th anniversary today. Onto year seven...
Be notified, and be prepared to celebrate or protest, when the Prop 8 Decision comes!
Prop 8 decision will be released on Tuesday.
From Suifu, China to Hong Kong in a DC2-1/2
Soldiers stationed in Bilin: Gaza is easier
Germany 'Not Doing Enough' to Fight Right-Wing Extremism
God is stronger than Obama, say Israeli settlers defying bulldozers
I don't like guns. But I just might need to get one at some point.
Judge: Man might have been better off pulling trigger at school
Does Gun Control benefit Law Enforcement Officers...Artical from Officer.com
Israeli police target young people for refusing military service
'1 in 4 Israelis would consider leaving country if Iran gets nukes'
Israel Removes Illegal Settler Outpost in West Bank
What setting on a digital camera simulates "wide lens" if any?
May Photo Contest ***WINNERS***!
Okay, the time is now and until next Wedneday. . .or so. . .
justarant: 4th realtor just left, and left me literally
Catholic bishops say no to Reiki treatment
I am thinking of joining a weight watchers class....
"Sex Cult Leader on Trial for Blasphemy"
A story of revelation and rebirth, but not as Christians would like it
Incredible mindfuck that needs to be deciphered...
The Pope goes on-line. He's got Facebook! A Wiki! iPhone! He Tweets!
What if God exists? And what if that god is evil?
Nobody in DU believes in anything after this life? That's cool, but I just
Report on the grand experiment, ie hot sauce.
The four main reasons for torturing detainees:
The Cover-up of Sonny Bono's Murder (?)
The inner worlds of conspiracy believers
The inner worlds of conspiracy believers
Relaxing in Austin for a change
Swift boater Bob Perry has his personal homebuilder commission abolished!!!!
Vancouver homeless shelters due to close in June
Thunder Bay mom wants answers after teacher's aide chops off son's hair
Philip Berg really says it all about 9/11 "Truthers" to me