War's to be fought by "Drone Warfare." Gamers and the Rest decide who lives and dies..
News Directly from North Korea!
Mike Tyson's Daughter Found Hanging From Cord
Dick Cheney is America's #1 Terrorist
Climate change summit hijacked by biggest polluters, critics claim
Climate change summit hijacked by biggest polluters, critics claim
Predict Tomorrow's CA Supreme Court Ruling
Rove: Torture memos an “attempt to constrain behavior”
An old friend is in trouble and we pitched in today
Have you ever checked out or ordered a book with the intent of getting flagged?
"Radio Canada rapped for Obama assassination joke"
Traces of Cocaine Found in Red Bull Cola--May Be Banned in Germany
Every time a Rethug claims drowing is not torture....
Every time a Rethug claims drowing is not torture....
Don't play pool with this "Little Sniper"... (23 months old)
This Memorial Day I Stood At The Grave of Gen. Andrew Jackson
DU this poll. Who is more + for Rep party, Cheney or Powell?
Liberals Sketch Out Dreams and Limits for Supreme Court
In Honor of our Brave Men and Women
Have you guys seen Dog Day Afternoon?
Illusionist Floats In Mid-Air (video)
Showdown Looming On 'State Secrets' - Judge Threatens To Penalize U.S. In Wiretap Case
Showdown Looming On 'State Secrets' - Judge Threatens To Penalize U.S. In Wiretap Case
Some of you need to revisit Romer vs Evans (Colo Amendment 2)
What's a good alternative to Amazon for an online bookstore, please?
What's a good alternative to Amazon for an online bookstore, please?
Tweety's gonna be on Charlie Rose tonight
Has anyone heard from Oilwellian lately?
Has anyone heard from Oilwellian lately?
Should a 13 y.o. granddaughter be forced to visit grandma in a
How will the CA Supreme Court Rule?
Dollars & Sense: The Sinking Dollar
To California's LGBT people, good luck tomorrow
Prop 8 and a significant portion of the voting populace...
Unemployment rate in Venezuela is significantly lower than in USA
Suppose the CA supreme court rules for Proposition 8?
Anybody having any luck faxing congress with the link below?
"'constitutional dictatorship' is built into our system"
Anyone else surprised (and saddened) by the blase tolerance for the death penalty in this country?
Student's Harvey Milk Report Censored By School
Be not deceived: Heliocentrism is an Atheist Doctrine
The 2012 Republican presidential ticket!
From 2001-2005 they blamed every failure on Bill Clinton
Report: North Korea test-fires 2 more missiles (AP)
Todays APOD: Second star on the right, and straight on ...
Former Lehman Brothers banker to head New York City’s Housing Authority
God I hate people who have to envoke their freedom of speech to justify their talking points.
i think i found a pet dog to give to Dick Cheney...the current owner will likely give it up...
The New York Times’ Watergate Blunder
Setting my time machine ahead six years to 2009, I found I'd landed in a world gone mad!
Foreclosure Crisis Hits Poor Renters Hard: Evicted Families Have to Fight to Live Together
NPR says Sp Ct nominee announced at 10:45 am today.
Health care billing abuses "stranger than fiction"
BREAKING: Obama to announce SCOTUS pick at 10:15 today
Spain: Unemployment could soar to one-in-four next year
Why won't Barack Obama vacation? Is it a political ploy?
What if the CA Supreme Court abolishes the 18,000 gay marriages already performed?
The Republicans really won't like this choice because
Would you support the unilateral dismantling of all US nuclear weapons and their delivery systems?
The outrage would be the same no matter who gets the nod for the Supremes.
Pool on first sighting of Oral Hatch yammering about "activist judges."
Seeking Asylum and a better life, California’s Iraqi Refugees Find Themselves in Limbo
Sotomayor is the SCOTUS choice.....announced on NBC just now.
Cocaine Found In Red Bull In Germany
Anatomy Of A Sotomayor SCOTUS Whisper Campaign
GOP have been ready for Sotomayor for quite some time.
CNN discusses Judge Sotomayor primarily in context of conservative opinion
One More Conflicting Pole on Abortion
Sonia Sotomayor--The Final Nail In the "Conservative" Coffin?
Is the latest terror scare over medical bills rather than TEH ISLAM?
Coleman Camp Could Have To Pay $94,000 To Franken's Legal Team
The droppings don't fall far from the asshole
Obama and Sotomayor on GEM$NBC now
Prop 8: Day of Decision - Protest/Rally Info for NYC
Typical stupid comment on CSpan - caller - "Terrible pick. Our country is
I hope the right wing goes all out against Sotomayor
The airwaves here are being flooded by personal injury lawyer commercials.
If the CA Court Decision Upholds Prop8, and the 18,000 Marriages,
(London Mayor) Boris Johnson's 'near-death experience' with lorry
Re Sotomayor: How long will it be before
Typical stupid rethug talk show host - Orlando's Shannon Burke
31 violent deaths in California over the weekend: Road wars rage on.
This Modern World-Setting my time machine ahead 6 years to 09-I found I'd landed in a world gone mad
‘God’s debt cancellation’ donations help evangelist strike it rich
What does climate change have to do with Islam?
Georgia congressman wants 2010 officially declared "The Year of the Bible"
The Political Minefield Set With The Sotomayor Nomination
MSNBC interviews Telemundo's Jose Diaz-Balart on the Sotomayor nomination
And The Sliming Of Sotomayor Begins
If Obama keeps his Arlington promise, we will not have to try to figure out how to tell the troops
Huckabee: " The appointment of MARIA Sotomayor for the Supreme Court is the clearest indication..."
Sonia Sotomayor - She's Only 54!!
UN Amb.: NKorea feeling sting of global scorn
Suicide bomber kills 3 American troops in Afghanistan
CHENEY KNOWS: "We Will NOT See" The So-Called "CIA Torture Memos" BUSH-Exec Order BANNED Them
Sotomayor pick...Chess or Ju-Jitsu???
One hour until Prop 8 ruling....
How many different pronunciations of "Sotomayor" have you heard?
COULD this be what Repubs fear most in Sotomayor's Nomination to the SCOTUS?
NY Supreme Court being evacuated?
The republicans are screwing themselves once again.
Showdown Looming On 'State Secrets'
Sonia Sotomayor & LGBT Issues. Anyone know where she stands?
"They attacked liberalism because it seemed to them the principle premise of modern society......
The Judicial Watch guy on MSNBC is hilarious!
She's OK but she is no Harriet Miers..
Sen. Leahy On the Nomination of Sonia Sotomayor
its a wonder that the vatican walls haven't crumbled yet
RNC fumbles Sotomayor talking points
Climate change summit hijacked by biggest polluters, critics claim
cnn: Partisan confirmation hearings expected for Sotomayor
Rove sides with Limbaugh...this is just so delicious
Interesting article of Fox (breathe.....) News
Conservatives Blast Obama’s Hispanic SCOTUS Nominee As ‘Not The Smartest’
Last time there was a vote, I didn't pay enough attention. Now I am paying attention to Prop. 8.
These right wing 'judge-watching' groups ........
"Can you smell me now?" Phone sniffing dogs in AZ prisions
Live CNN Feed Awaiting Prop 8 Decision
So if we just send the 30% that is the NO fraction to another planet - will it be like deer?
Oooh! early opposition to Sotomayor sounds just a weeee bit racist
Prop 8 Upheld Marriages before it are legal
Prop 8 Ruling: Post well wishes here.
So the SCOCA has legitimized unequal treatment
FCC Claims Right to Warrantless Searches
20 minutes until the Prop. 8 ruling
Shell on Trial (1995 murder of activist who opposed environmental degradation)
Breaking: UAW Health Care Trust tentative deal to get 17.5% of GM stock
"Day of Decision"--Prop 8 rallies/actions
CNN poll. Cheney needs some lovin' vote him up in this poll.
Breaking: GM bondholders reject plan, setting stage for bankruptcy
About that pea sized pea brain in North Korea .......
About that pea sized pea brain in North Korea .......
Can someone upload a comb to this guy on MSNBC with Mrs Greenspan?
Anyone here ever use Comcast for internet, cable or phone?
Sotomayor for SCOTUS: Republicon Senators Speak Out for "Up-or-Down Votes" for Judicial Nominees
To anyone who is worried that the repukes are going to fight the Sotomayor nomination:
FYI for Freepers: 9-11-2001(GWB), RubyRidge 1991(GHWB), Waco Feb-April1993 AFTER a 4yr investigation
OK, I know Thom Hartmann likes to debate the right-wingers..but can't he find one with half a brain?
Dennis Prager: Sonia Sotomayor probably had air conditioning
GM Shares Reverse Declines After UAW Claim of "Massive" Gov't Fnancing
Liz Vader is on Faux being asked her opinion about N. Korea.
Prop. 8 Reaction: Live Reports from SF
PREDICTION: The Homophobic Radical Right Will Make New Proposition
Conservatives whining about Judge Sotomayor
Conservatives whining about Judge Sotomayor
In 2010 half the ads against republicans in the southwest need to be
The Cost Conundrum: What a Texas town can teach us about health care.
Equality California Vows to Restore Marriage at Ballot Box in Wake of Prop. 8 Ruling
So what ABOUT the initiative process?
Are republicans truly certifiable? Apparently so....
My wife and I both have dark hair. If some group of assholes with enough time and money ...
So 2 gay couples go to a CA emergency room - how in the hell do
Green (1/8th) Acres sprout in the city -- Urban homesteaders swap sod for edible landscapes
Tom Fenton of Judicial watch is a slimy little loser. He referred to our president as Senator Obama
Interesting quote by one of the nations founders regarding medical care
Well, that means I now have another litmus test for Supreme Court Justice nominees.
Will we hear "upperdown vote"?
Someday... history will remember these "family values" voters.....
"No terrorist attack while Bush was president..."
CA Supremes don't address out of state valid marriage equality
CA Supremes don't address out of state valid marriage equality
So Are Some Gay People More Equal Than Others?
Obama, Notre Dame and the Intra-Catholic Struggle
Any chance of Prop 8 being overturned in the SCOTUS?
Well played, Senor OBAMA, well played!1 (re: SOTOMAYOR)
Media Matters: Democracy Or Hypocrisy - Bring Back The Nuclear Option!
Re Gay Marriage: Won't Somebody Please Think of the Children?
The Rude Pundit: With the Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor, ...
Gay and already married in CA? You're Burleigh Grimes!
Fuck you, California Supreme Court Injustices!
Little ripples of solidarity in a big pond.
Bible texts misused in Rumsfeld reports, religious leaders say
Today Show just did a piece about generic drugs.
Obama should withdraw Sotomayor's nomination, nominate someone new tomorrow...
Rush, please tell us how a man who is half Black and half White operates as a reverse racist.
Another marriage prop for California
Do you agree with the CASC decision?
2 pictures, each worth 1000 words, from the "Crooks & Liars" Web Site on this Memorial Day
Keep in mind that the Question was the legitimacy of Prop 8....
Is anybody else enjoying the conservative reaction to Obama's SCOTUS pick?
Is anybody else enjoying the conservative reaction to Obama's SCOTUS pick?
to the California supreme court
Wow, a fundie actually gets it — well, part of it
Breast augmentation: do plastic surgeons charge strippers higher prices? Should they?
GOP Opposition to the Sotomayor Appointment Will Be:
I'd like the president to explain why HE's still holding this boy prisoner
I just want to send out a big hug to all my gays out there! NGU, you are loved and right!
Why Wasn't The CA Supreme Court Asked To Rule On Constitutionality Of Prop 8?
Loon Toon Time on the Dollar at the NYT: Encouraging China to "Manipulate" the Value of Its Currency
Democratic Socialists? Democrats Not Half That Good - by Bob Fitrakis
On gay marriage: there are no giant differences between us other than the ones we make.
Romer v. Evans is the Precedent to Take California to the Supreme Court
Post Misrepresents Situation of Creditors in Chrysler/Gm Bankruptcy
Why Sotomayor Is Such A Good Pick
Nobody's life, liberty, or property is secure while the Legislature is in session
Astonishingly.. Wolf Blitzer is interviewing the torturer Gonzales on
Now that Prop 8 has been upheld - does this mean that the Mormons will lose their tax exempt status?
Promising equal treatment to some is fundamentally different from promising equal treatment to all.
Fight onward toward equality and never stop!
Todays ruling in California has made a mess out of their constitution.
Anyone watching Gibbs' presser? I came to it late - WTF was that all about -
Why Do Republicans Hate Involved Citizens
To anyone reading the 184 page CA supreme court decision
Gay marriage in CA is illegal, unless you are already married? wtf?
I just got a call from an Anti-Choice group about the Freedom of Choice Act.
So... CA SC decided against civil rights...
SO toe may OR ...... so to MY or ...... so to may EUR ...... so to MAY or ..... ?
California Supremes, leaving the court after today's ruling ...........
Drunken Flag-Waving Young Republican Neighbors In My Little Blue Town.
Women's Groups Vow to Fight for Swift Confirmation
DC Councilman wants to outlaw sales of "jumbo" pizza slices
As republicans dwindle in number, their "blame" will diminish as well
Willie Geist Gets His Own MSNBC Show...Really Early in the Morning
Glenn Greenwald: Obama's choice of Sotomayor deserves praise
Why the FUCK do we even have a court system if not to serve as a check & balance?
I also just watched Nat Geo about Air Force One and learned ONE new thing...
"There can be 18,000 interracial married couples in California -- but no more!"
US wants roofs, roads, cars white to save energy
Conversation overheard on Memorial Day at Panera Bread involving two veterans:
I need a valid list of people who died because they were denied care by a health insurer.
Uh oh.....Rush is not going to be happy with Alberto "Torture Now, Torture Forever" Gonzales
Perhaps Bill Kristol should consult Miss Cleo......
If Sen. HAtch is offended by something Sotomayor wrote in 1996, why did he vote for her nom in 1998?
now this assclown on big ed is calling Sotomayor a 'radical'
Went to a parade yesterday with my 2 year old twins.
Did Tweety do an entire hour without once mentioning the Prop H8 ruling today?
I found Sotomayer's so called 'racist' comment
Yeah, but what about this article on Sotomayor from the New Republic?
SOTOMAYOR v SESSIONS: Obama Supreme Court nomination sets up battle over voting rights
"expelled"......the goofy Ben Stein movie. ...
BREAKING (from the clubhouse) Mitt Romney releases statement on Sotomayor nomination
Please help me make a decision on a second car
Tom (hahahahahahaha) Tancredo calls Sotomayor a racist.
From TPM: Normal Supreme Court Reversal Rate is 75%, Sotomayor's Is 50%
Oh...if only this were true...
Massive Prop 8 Decision Rallies have Started in San Francisco - blocking traffic
Does anyone out there take issues with Sotomayor's Pro Life creds?
So then I says "Yeah, but he was President for EIGHT years".
The right-wing radio mouthpieces really have panty wads of this firemen test issue.
Who is this Wheeler guy on the Ed show
Per today's California decision, here's an article by Dr. King, "The Nation," 1965. Don't despair.
CA Supreme Court Ruling on Prop 8 Allows for Justice Down the Road
Former senior military interrogator in Iraq easily takes down Cheney's pro-torture arguments (Video)
Limbaugh calls Sotomayor "a reverse racist," appointed by "the greatest living example of a reverse
Fundies: Brazilian government moving toward "Pro-Homosexual Totalitarianism"
Dear Californians: do not despair, but try, try again
Comments from Melissa Etheridge, Kathy Griffin, more re:prop 8 decision
OK, 'Splain thees one to me, Lucy
Why is Pat Buchanan calling anyone else a "racist"?
Can anyone post (with links) a history of Blackwater & its connection to Fundemental Xtianity.
Cheerios is a drug, the FDA says.
Best objection to Sotomayor so far
WE ARE ALL "DUMB" compared to this SCOTUS Nominee...
MSNBC just reported that Mike Tyson's daughter has died
Are we sufficiently in a lather yet? Sotomayor, Prop. 8...I was
It Says It Right Here In My Bible.
MSNBC Video: "I love her...what's so dangerous about us? Because we said 'I do?'"
GOP to Soak Wingnuts over Sotomayor
San Francisco police arrest 175 anti-Prop 8 protesters
Tucker Carlson to launch right-leaning HuffPo alternative
What did Carlos Moreno, the one dissenting Justice, say about Prop 8?
Glen Beck is Dumber than Sean Hannity
CA Ballot Initiatives: Any talk of removing or reforming this process?
Right-wing military writer: We may have to kill war journalists
Scott Wheeler of GOPUSA on Schultz proves he is a fucking MORON
Republicans: Attack this woman at your peril
HuffPo: Sonia Sotomayor: All You Need To Know
The issue with respect to prospective Supreme Court Justices, IMO,
Will you boycott mandated "health care" insurance?
Just saw the Prez on tv saying "in America anything's possible"
Listening to these old white guys cry about racism (Tancredo especially)
Single Payer Advocates Crash Wyden Meeting
My Fundee Neighbor Says "Helmets don't protect kids heads... Jesus does"
Afghans counter US deaths figure
Former military interrogator says torture cost hundreds ‘if not thousands’ of American lives
"But Senator Hatch, you voted for her ...." "Nonono, wait wait wait ..... "
Mother in housing project tells her little boy and girl . . .
Has there ever been a lawsuit to prove that the bible is really the word of god?
Spare Me Your Strict Interpretation of the Law
Conservative Columnist Ross Douthat: 'We Need to Slut Shame Women More'
SHOCKING!!!!.....Racism colors Freeper response to Sotomayor
Man charged with cruelty for tattooing toddler
Cali doesn't need a new ballot initiative to overturn Prop 8. That would be tyranny of majority too!
Mike Tyson's 4 year old daughter critically injured
GRR. One more reason to despise WalMart. Bastards!
Pat Boone shooting his mouth off again...
In a perfect world, who should be the leader of a sane Republican Party?
Asia Times: Recession 'shape' points down
Single Payer "IS ON THE TABLE"...here's how...kinda, sorta...
Does it seem to anyone else that Rush get's more air time under Obama than under Bush?
History Channel: The link - the oldest and most complete fossil of a human ancestor
Army chief: US ready to be in Iraq 10 years (AP)
Doesn't Franken's non-seating just make a total mockery of our electoral system?
Washington Post asks if mercenaries should be remembered too.
WTF ever happened to Eric Cantor the "new face" of the republicon party?
Is anyone else Boycotting QVC for allowing Elisabeth Hasselbeck to sell her clothes on there?
Empathy Not Necessary for Supreme Court Justice
I'm as mad as any DUer about the Cali Supreme Court decision today, but there's a silver lining here
Inhofe's Insulting Double "Standards"
PROP 8 "CUT TO BONE" - Read Page 36 - Critical LOSS For The Other Side?
Did Wilco's Jay Bennett Die Because He Lacked Health Insurance?
This isn't a health care system... It's just another corporate shake-down. by warren pease
This whole ballot initiative process makes me somewhat uneasy
Under the radar: US Democrats overseas pass marijuana resolution
THE CIA'S TORTURE UNTRUTHS-Case Against Pelosi/Dems "Keeps Falling Apart-" (emptywheel/The Guardian)
No one really understands the appellate process, including apparently legal reporters
great photo here of our next Supreme Court justice
So When Does California put the Mormon Church's Existence on a Ballot...
Krugman nails the reasons for California's economic debacle
As a citizen of MA, I am disgusted by the huge Ad on the front page of DU from the casino industry
Slaves who made their escape to the north are exempt. You others, we are keeping slavery the law.
If Sotomayor is confirmed for the SCOTUS ...
Anyone find people not buying on ebay lately?
Thank you Justice Carlos R. Moreno, the CA Supreme Courts lone dissenter on Prop 8
Perfect time to form a new coalition, challenge gender roles in general, break down barriers
Cal's Court ruling sucks but Gay Marriage is gonna be the law of the land.
is the FBI a terrorist organization?
I'm just wondering - why is it OK for Wal Mart to sell Cosmo, but not sell Green Day albums?
Bernie Kerik indicted by Grand Jury
just heard on NPR that some amount of the stimulus $ will be spent on job training...
From the start, voting on marriage for other citizens was an act of discrimination..
Thurgood Marshall. Clarence Thomas. Barak Obama. Sonia Sotomayor.
Anyone in the 904 area code that needs a job let me know.
Operation Condor: Dirty War, Death Squads and The Disappeared
The only true nonpartisan fight left in the United States
Benjamin Cardozo - Jewish-Portugese-ancestry on the SCOTUS...
I have noticed, both in my own threads, and in the threads of others .......
Rooks reveal remarkable tool use
Prop 8 Repeal Petition - Sign It
Did anyone else miss this: Bernie Kerik Indicted
Now, to the Separation of Church and State--Sotomayor ruled against
Former military interrogator says torture cost hundreds ‘if not thousands’ of American lives
Sun-Times exclusive: Burris promised Blago campaign a check 1 month before Blago appointed Burris
Did Hillary Clinton Threaten UK Over Binyam Mohamed Torture Disclosure?
Another classic from Freaky Fundie Lady at work today.....
Obama’s Guantánamo Appeasement Plan
USSupCt agrees with Obama, demolishes suspect rights to attorney...
If homosexuality is a "choice," well, so is religion.
Why don't we hear, "Sept 11 happened on Bush's watch"?
Endangered Species and Guns get equal protection under the law in our National Parks
Okay, I'm going to ask a forbidden question. After my DU'er brothers and sisters read it, they'll
Study: 1 In 5 Adults Uses Pool As Toilet
Supreme Court rules police can interrogate suspects without attorney present
This Morning I kissed my husband goodbye as I left work. By Dinner I could be Unmarried.
My right wing guest at our cookout this afternoon got drunk and threatened to kill himself.
I abhor what the SC of CA did today. That said, I remain opposed to
Florida Safari Wild park neighbors were not informed of the true nature of the park.
A Solidarity thread for straights upset by Proposition 8
I'm really trying to understand this whole ballot initiatives thing they have in California.
No more jury duty for GLBT people in California
Birthday card request for wounded soldier
Obama's Open Forum Opens Possibilities
fundies reaction to Sotormayer summed up:
What Republicans mean when they say "activist judge:"
Sotomayor’s ‘Controversial’ Comments Backed Up By Academic Research
Netherlands to close prisons for lack of criminals
Muslim protest provokes violent sectarian backlash in Greece
I Propose "Prop Two" for California - Outlawing Adultery and Divorce
I Propose "Prop Two" for California - Outlawing Adultery and Divorce
How can anyone "uphold" discrimination?
Please DU this poll on Sotomayor! The haters are out in force here in New Haven
There is no Catholic quota for the Supreme Court, and it's sad some on DU seem to want one.
Has Obama made a statement on the PropH8 decision yet?
Container gardening: Any links or ideas?
Anyone got the Video of Hannity getting Waterboarded for charity?
White House "reacts" to Prop 8: "You know where the President stands (on gay marriage)"
Recommend if you oppose the ruling on proposition 8.
My partner of 6 years refused to go to the hospital when we thought she had appendicitis.
McCarthy turns her back on Democrats
Glenn Beck on Sotomayor nomination: "Hey, Hispanic chick lady! You're empathetic ... you're in!"
"If I Don't Stand With You ...
PHOTOS: Prop 8 Ruling Reaction & Protest in San Francisco
Preventive Incarceration Is Tyranny
Gov. Gen. eats slaughtered seal's raw heart to show support for seal hunt
Gay couples going into East LA registrar to demand marriage licenses NOW. Footage will be on CNN
I put an ad on Craigslist yesterday looking for someone to clean my house
Nathan Deal, Georgia Lawmaker, Wants To End "Birthright Citizenship"
How should President Obama handle N. Korea's test firings?
I say no fishing licenses for women.
If I may be so bold as to rage on other's behalf for a minute. Freepers, this one's for you.
US Legal Opinion Supports Spanish Torture Investigation (William F. Pepper)
"Socialism is unAmerican" t-shirt with Obama logo. Response?
Giant Blob found deep within the earth...
Giant Blob found deep within the earth...
Capitalism Produces Rich Bankers, but Socialism Produces Happiness
Questions about family on an employment questionnaire? Is this legal?
What do you like most about our current health care system?
Mildred Loving says it all (FUCK PROP 8)
TADA! A lounge first! Midlo has a thread locked.
Match of the century! Grim Reaper vs.
I've been slacking on the blog so tonight was a first
Does anybody own a newer honda civic 4 door si?
The kittens at my parents' house were killed last night
I need to get to a thousand ignores by the end of the day....
Illusionist Floats In Mid-Air (video)
don't mind me, I'm hiding out here after posting in LBN....
don't mind me, I'm hiding out here after posting in LBN....
Mel Gibson on Tonight show, supposed to talk about
I am craving French Onion Soup like crazy.
Who's raising that annoying CNN "reporter's" five kids (all sons)?
Who's raising that annoying CNN "reporter's" five kids (all sons)?
Help me out, please - what is being set back to March so as not to interfere with Christian holiday?
Endor was originally supposed to be the Wookie home planet
camera experts, need your opinion ASAP!
A friend of mine needs some help
June 1rst, Conan O'Brien takes over at host of the Tonight Show.
Is that all there is when you get old .....and have given EVERYTHING to your kids......
Does anyone remember that Candid Camera episode in the late 60s...
I had to do a B&E today. Legally- I had the resident's permission, but still...
I need help in what to do with one female dog bullying another female dog(post turned out to be long
I think my body is getting mildew
Gonna watch the old Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies.
Obama is going to announce the SC nominee at 10:15. DU to go to level 3 by 10:16
What marital arts do you do, DUers?
I Saw The New Terminator Movie and I Witnessed History ***MAJOR SPOILER***
Best song evah: Bloodhound Gang The Bad Touch
What's a good alternative to Amazon for an online bookstore, please?
Der Grammar Überhauptsturmbannführer sez: One wishes another well; one gives good wishes
Daughter and older woman went out. No spark on older woman's part.
safest and most legit way to find out my credit score?
Any idea what time the Prop 8 decision is to be announced? (Surely someone here will know)
We had a crazy day at the putt-putt place
Is it judgmental to call someone else judgmental?
Husband Of Woman Charged With Child Murder Complains About Police Mugshot
Ok so I have a completely off topic question for anyone who may know.
I just watched Susan Boyle's latest performance and again I am thrilled.
Instrument-based pseudo-homophobia in my hometown!
Do you like this car? Would you buy this car? Should I buy this car?
Vibes for my significant other, please?
I truly am in my second childhood...I got myself a tricycle
People who are famous because they comment on famous people freak me out.
Prop 8: Day of Decision - Protest/Rally Info for NYC
Equation for great Lounge post: state of undress, a weapon, fear about something.
Web-sensation Spanish blogger dead at 97
Chopsticks = eating with a pair of knitting needles.
Trying to figure out an overall GPA
I just gave Comcast a pink slip
What is a reasonable cost to have taxes done?
What shows film in Chicago besides Oprah?
What to do with a spare back yard gas line?
Little ripples of solidarity in a big pond.
I like to drink Coca-cola hot.
Ever look out the window and see something so totally random?
Security software for a new computer?
I think I'm turning Japanese... I really think so
Happy Birthday to Pam Grier! 60 today!
Serious question: Who the hell are Jon and Kate?
It's Graduation Season -- Post a Pic
Damn, American Girl dolls are expensive!
On A.I. - Adam Lambert was the underdog, no way does he beat a good ole boy
"Wearing only panties" is the phrase for today. Modify a thread title to include "wearing only
My brother wants to go to medical school, so I need advice
Super-Dog uses his awesome powers for good, not evil
Couple throwing rocks off I-5 played 'stripping game'
So, just so I don't come off too uniformed.....
What is the hokey-pokey all about?
Astronomy Picture of the Day - Whirlpool Galaxy Deep Field
Level 22 is kicking my sorry ass
The Dionne quintuplets - the original Jon & Kate/Octomom media sensations
Mel Gibson's girlfriend is pregnant, so much for conservative religiosity
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to pick and choose the cable channels you want?
HEPA filter appreciation thread!!!
I need to hit something/someone
I'm as mad as any DUer about the Prop 8 decision, but there's a silver lining here....
Have you ever made a non-apology apology?
Feds Plug Leak: Alleged Elevator Urinator Charged
Level 42 is kicking my sorry ass
Alas, there I was, chasing a witch, wearing nothing but a fur cap, and wielding a blunderbus
Life Moves Pretty Fast: House From Ferris Bueller's Day Off Up For Sale for $2.3 Million
UPLOAD! Well, that was a bit anticlimactic...
*Sigh* yet another Nats misspelling......
Tee hee! I think my anti-Prop 8 stance has lost me Twitter followers!
Dear DU Lounge, please help me convince the family to give up satellite tv.
I used to believe Homo Sapiens was the only species that was irrationally aggressive, but not so.
Inspired by Charlie and Algernon--what programs would you add/drop from Discovery Channel?
So there I am, chasing a drifter through my basement, naked except for a hockey mask, and wielding
Jack Thompson is a fucking douchebag.
Is there anyone who looks more like a walking circumcised penis than Karl Rove?
So there I am, chasing a midget through a bakery, wearing only mukluks, wielding an angry skunk.
A coupon for 2 free take-out dinners, only good at 6:40 PM tomorrow night?
Words that have no rhymes: MONTH.
Help.....Coupee? kupii? Coopee? Sicilian meatloaf.....
Favorite unintentionally funny newspaper headline?
Does anyone have a putty knife I can borrow?
My cat just killed a squirrel right in front of me.
And it's raaaaaaaaaaaaainin'...all over the world, raaaaaaaaaaaaainin' ...all over the world...
Update on Stalker Cat - I think Stalker Cat & Evita are having an affair
John & Kate are angry with the media. What a pair of Dumbass - you 2 put yourself there!
Recall the six fucking cowards
I have a fever, sore throat, headache, body aches, and fatigue
Something I learned about cars and dogs...
Mary Jo Buttafuoco has a book coming out....LOVE the title!
Is it possible to get half of your face tatooed to look like the terminator?
Pics of the Cox Arboretum Metropark in Dayton, Ohio
They are redoing Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I want to start an airline and call it Air Otica
Dayum...I made Summa Cum Laude...by 3/100ths of a point!
Top 10 Champions League Finals
Who are "Jon and Kate" and why are they at Yahoo home page
Anybody here in Marketing or Advertising? A question about Howard Stern's show.
kitten picture of the day for tuesday may 26
That's nothing. I've had one of these crawl across my bare foot.
Why does every vegetarian I know smell like patchouli?
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 5/26/2009)
*******Happy Birthday to Bossy Monkey & Sanity Claws!*******
Just changed my Avatar and Sig Line
Any fans of The Tick animated series on DU?
you've just been given control of the History Channel, what programs do you add/drop?
I figured out why Mr. MG doesn't like living in our village
Let us say that you are a 35 y/o female and your Mother is 55 y/o.
You know it's sad that some good people can't conceive, when there's people trying as hard as they
What the hell is this huge thing on my arm?
Fliers: Any thoughts on Air Tran vs. Frontier?
'Change we can believe in?' Sotomayor's a YANKEES FAN!!!
So there I am, chafing a drifter down in my basement, and he's screaming "Take me out of the dish!"
I'm starting a new twitter-like service called Croaker
Do family, co-workers or friends feel comfortable making racist or sexist comments around you?
Song parody for Midlo's bunco night, the minivan rider (sung to the tune of Midnight Rider)
Check in if you're mad as all hell.
So, there I was, running through the house at top speed, with the machete, wearing only panties.
Recent pictures by me (dialup warning)
So you want to move to Arizona...
Beer: It's not just a breakfast food anymore!
Should a 13 y.o. granddaughter be forced to visit grandma in a
For Hippywife - my Lasagna garden
CNN Poll: Powell favorables (70%) more than Cheney (37%) and Limpballs (30%) combined.
WP: More Than One Way to Diversify the Supreme Court: Beyond Race and Gender
"As a senior interrogator in Iraq...Let me dissect...Cheney's speech"
Torturegate, Gitmo, Pets and Strangers.
Do Republicans still think David Petraeus can be POTUS????
Liberals Sketch Out Dreams and Limits for Supreme Court
***SCOTUS Final Four according to Tuesday's NY Times***
The woman who Larry "The Pigman" Summers had shut up on behalf of Wall St.
So about this California Supreme Court...conservative, liberal...?
Time to predict President Obama's SC pick
I'm taking this memorial day to remember the many victims of United States Terrorism
Obama Set to Create A Cybersecurity Czar With Broad Mandate - Shielding Public, Private Networks
ABC reporting Obama may announce Supreme Court choice today...
Favorites of Left Don't Make Obama's Court List
WP's Eugene Robinson : "Which reality do you inhabit, Obama World or Cheney World?"
The money quotes...from SCOTUS Nominee Sotomayor.
Another way to fund Single Payer or Public Option - US Healthcare Bonds. Would you buy one?
Wow, Republicans really want to alienate all their non-white male voters (Re: SCOTUS)
Petraeus Endorses Obama's Plans To Close GITMO, End Torture
Do what Commanders in Chief order, not what they do when they have the opportunity.
Does anyone know Sotomayor's position on abortion rights?
5 Current GOP Senators, plus Arlen Specter, voted in favor of Sotomayor in 1998
Sonia Sotomayor was only nominally appointed by GHW Bush.
I love the fact that the President ignored the pre-emptive RW smears on Sotomayor
DUMB ASS Huckabee calls her Maria, you know because all Latinas are named Maria
this just in: Turley is disappointed...
***HEADS UP*** President Obama Introduces Sonia Sotomayor as Nominee for Supreme Court
McConnell's lies right out of the gate: “Senate Republicans will treat Judge Sotomayor fairly..."
Final Four Supreme Court Candidate Poll
Megyn Kelly from Faux was impressed with Sotomayor's life story. Color me shocked.
Specter Applauds Sotomayor Pick - calls for full and fair confirmation process.
People - quit referring to it as "water boarding" or "simulated drowning"....
One more time: This country does not have a liberal majority
White House to announce Supreme Court pick today at 10:15 AM (Sotomayor)
Why President Obama will, thankfully, not appoint a "liberal Scalia".
Reid's got Specter o a short leash.
White House Armed With Talking Points For Sotomayor Fight--Evoke Her 'Empathy'
How do you feel about the Sotomayer pick?
An email I sent to the White House today
I love watching Faux News on days like this.
Repubs: She's not really very smart. she's an affirmative action appointment
Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) was reportedly in tears Tuesday morning over selection of Sotomayor.
I am "OK" with Sotomayor but I hope that Obama dot his i's and....
The one and only thing I want to know about Sonia Sotomayor
Thank you moderators for yanking that post I made
OK, I woke the fuck up and we have a SCOTUS nominee.
"Conservatives are already attacking Sotomayor as a 'liberal activist judge.'"
Obama's SCOTUS pick. California Gay Marriage ruling coming in two hours.
The firefighters decision Sotomayor was part of a three judge panel,went against Hispanic
Petraeus sides with Obama on Gitmo, Torture
I can not find Sotomayor's stance on gay marriage.
Sotomayor has had a large number of her opinions overturned
"Seriously California, what the fuck? I can't believe the ban was upheld..we have to keep fighting!"
NYT: "Obama Picks Sotomayor, Citing Intellect"
"...Obama's a reverse racist!...
Let the Sotomayor smear begin.
The funny thing is, the Republicans will fuck themselves over if they put up a stink.
12 Years ago Senate Rep. tried to block Sotomayor = " a formidable candidate for the Supreme Court"
Huckabee Attacks "Maria" Sotomayor
Media Matters already has put together a video of the RW talking points about SCOTUS pick.
I love this picture - Sonia & Barack. What a beautiful, class woman and what a smile!
Americablog: In the long run, we may have just scored a victory in California
Leahy Rips GOP For Blocking Sotomayor -- In 1998 (VIDEO)
C-SPAN replaying President Obama's Sotomayor SCOTUS nomination now.
Photo: President Barack Obama meets with Judge Sonia Sotomayor in the Oval Office on May 21, 2009
GREAT! First African Americans will now think they can be president
NBC News Goes "Inside Obama White House" For Prime Time Special
Flush from his victory over the Democratic controlled House, Pawlenty
A few words about Judge Sotomayor's legal "philosophy" (and a resource)
Propositions such as in California should not be allowed.
Prop. 8 - Sadness is quickly morphing into anger
Sotomayor's Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaires posted online
Sotomayor's Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaires posted online
Wonkette: *This Man* Will Make Sure Sotomayor Has ‘The Right Intellect’
CNN, Fox News, MSNBC misrepresent Sotomayor remark on role of appeals court justices (MediaMatters)
In light of SCOTUS nomination, it is time to renew our call to seat Senator Franken.
Anyone hearing Turley on MSNBC? He continues to come across as arrogant and pompus
Any ideas on where one could find a transcript of Sotomayor's confirmation hearing in 1997?
Here's your chance to rate the Supreme Justices including Sotomayor
The Nation: Obama Pick Sonia Sotomayor Reflects America by John Nichols
Israel tries to avoid showdown with President Obama over settlements
Ruh Roh... Sotomayor banned artist’s nude photo shoot (NSFW)
Sonia Sotomayor= Why we all worked so hard to get President Obama elected
Dear President Obama: It's past time to do something about this
Remember how much we KNEW we had to win this one, for good Supreme Court Appointments?
NYT: "Republicans Weigh Risks of a Supreme Court Battle"
Nut case on Thom Hartmann called Obama a republican!
when courts interpret legislation, isnt that setting policy?????
So why is what Republicans and Romney, and Rush important? It's NOT!
Alberto Gonzales praises choice of Sotomayor
Where does the talking point that Sotomayor is not intelligent come from?
Judge Sotomayor's confirmation as a member of the court of appeals
Slideshow on the Life of Judge Sotomayor at whitehouse.gov
Not to brag but B. Obama just made a video and sent it to me
Nice to see our leaders looking more like the face of America
President Obama has added Saudi Arabia to his travel plans next week
On cue, Turley is bashing the Sotomayor pick
"Up or down vote" "Up or down vote" "Up or down vote" "Up or down vote"
Why didn't Sotomayor write an opinion in the New Haven case?
Here is the latest attack. Sotomayor ruled against Gun Rights
Big Ed is making mincemeat of this douchebag, re Sotomayor
How many "Yes" votes will Judge Sotomayor get?
Sean Hannity is a F'CKING RACIST.
Naturally, ANY time a woman is selected for a high position, some more-qualified MAN was passed over
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin: the new face of America
Is Sotomayor a renter or codo owner in NY?
Prop 8 Upheld - Gay marriage remains banned in CA
Sotomayor ruled in favor of minimum wage for homeless workers in class action suit
Endowing marriage on existing gay couples but not new ones - violation of equal protection?
White House reaction to Prop 8 ruling
Media obsess over Obama's comments, ignore Bush's highlighting of Thomas' "great empathy"
Obama adviser looks at U.S.-built broadband network
Where Do You Fit In The Democratic Spectrum?
RNC inadvertently releases talking points RE: Sotomayor nomination
Can someone explain to me why Turley is held up to be this great legal expert?
John Yoo (yes, that guy) Comes Out Against the Sotomayor Nomination
This is the America we live in- Gallup: Military Veterans of All Ages Tend to Be More Republican
Keep the extremist right's squawking over Sotomayor in perspective
C-Span Caller: Women are not good in power! (stated by a woman caller)
Judge Sotomayor has type-1 diabetes
Martin Garbus: Warren, Black, Marshall, Douglas -- Obama Got It Right. Hooray.
How do you feel about Sonya Sotomayor's appointment?
Is it me or is this "She's dumb" just coded racist bullshit?
Why were us Dems so wimpy on Alito and Roberts?
Video of my appearance today on Fox News.
Atheists Had Better Watch Their Backs In California
Mr. Jonathan Turley aka "The Constitutional Scholar", is now dead to me.
The "far left" is actually the progressive majority in America
Turley Might Piss You Off, But That Doesn't Make Him "Dumb"
Comedy Gold: "Closed Chrysler dealeships were targeted by Obama if voted republican"
I have gone numb... I think I have hit the wall with politics
Nutrition: Vaginal Infection Tied to Low Vitamin D
Ecuadorians Sue Chevron For Dumping Oil (VIDEO)
UN Security Council condemns NKorea nuke test
Mom returns voluntarily with cancer-stricken boy
CAW votes to accept cost-cutting deal with GM
Scientology on trial in France
Judge: Man might have been better off pulling trigger at school
NKorea set to test-fire missiles
Scores killed in Afghan floods
Student's Harvey Milk Report Censored By School
Sarkozy opens French military base in Abu Dhabi
Hillary Rodham Clinton surprises Yale graduates
Tech employment shrinks for fifth straight month
Ex-Detainee Describes Struggle for Exoneration
No Obama love from Nevada governor
Petraeus Endorses Obama's Plans To Close GITMO, End Torture
Taiwan arrests China tourist for military photos
KRouge leader Pol Pot 'not a Cambodian patriot' (KR Trial testimony)
Plebiscite Would Give Lula Chance at Third Mandate as President of Brazil
Italy will consider accepting Guantanamo detainees, premier says
UPDATE 1-Curfew imposed in India's Punjab after riots
Pakistani High Court Lifts Election Ban on Former PM Sharif
Showdown Looming On 'State Secrets'
ABC News: California Supreme Court Upholding Proposition 8
Supreme Court (CA) upholds Prop 8
California Supreme Court upholds Prop. 8; gay marriage remains banned in state
Former military interrogator says torture cost hundreds ‘if not thousands’ of American lives
Former military interrogator says torture cost hundreds ‘if not thousands’ of American lives
Israel to propose settlement compromise to US
Global milk glut squeezes dairy farmers, consumers
EU NAVFOR Swedish warship HSwMS MALMO captures 7 suspected pirates
Gov. Gen. eats slice of slaughtered seal's raw heart to show support for hunt
GM Bankruptcy May Thwart Lawsuits
US cracks down on corporate bribes: Report
Crime may pay for S.C. con who got cushy jail stay
Spy Fired Shot That Changed West Germany
Deaths in Afghanistan convoy blast
Home prices fall at record pace in first quarter
IT cos to gain from Citi's cost-control steps (Indian IT Co.'s)
Police: Mike Tyson's daughter on life support
Taliban seek return to peace deal in Pakistan
OSHA Cites Wal-Mart In 2008 Crowd Death Of Worker
Shell facing NY trial over Nigerian executions
China says being demonised over fake drugs
Consumer Confidence Posts Biggest Jump Since 2003
More Small Firms Drop Health Care
Russia breaks "wall" into U.S. nuclear market
US high court to decide on allowing Vioxx suits
GOP to Label Sotomayor as ‘Activist’
MI5 faces fresh torture allegations over Jamil Rahman
Chrysler submits $448 million electric car plan
Why Didn't Obama Appoint Jonathan Turley, Self-Proclaimed "Academic", to the Court??
Prop 8 upheld 6 to 1 - 18,000 marriages still valid
Hottest Oil Options Show 18% Drop as Demand Falls
Tyson's daughter dies after accident, police say
..Army chief says US ready to be in Iraq 10 years
Minn. parents agree to let son undergo chemo
Suu Kyi denies violating house arrest
Burris taped offering a check to Blagojevich
North Korea 'fires more missiles'
No exclusive cable rights in apartments: court
Obama picks Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court
Bolivia denies Israel report it supplied Iran with uranium
Target to get into food fight with Wal-Mart
Justices Ease Rules on Questioning Suspects
Unvaccinated kids 23 times as likely to get pertussis, Kaiser study shows
Police Arrest Same-Sex Marriage Supporters, including Clergy
US wants to paint the world white to save energy
Crisis spurs spike in 'suburban survivalists'
Four states adopt 'no-smiles' policy for driver's licenses
U.S. Army switching over to Windows Vista
Will Israel start a war at the end of May?
United Nations Channel - Security Council Remarks
We need to Seal the Deal at Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen - Ban Ki-moon
Ex-Taliban leader claims he was beaten at Bagram & Gitmo
Obama Introduces Judge Sotomayor To Press & America - Excerpt
Pelosi resolution: political distraction
TORTURE?- "SO WHAT": Colin Powell
Town in Montana seeks to become new Guantanamo
Town in Montana seeks to become new Guantanamo
Fareed Zakaria Interviews Pervez Musharraf
TYT: Barbara Walters Busts Up Glenn Beck
Sonia Sotomayor: I Firmly Believe in the Rule of Law as Foundation of All our Basic Rights!
The power of the RFID chip (the boxes know they are lost)
VoteVets.org's Jon Soltz on Don't Ask Don't Tell
Hatch Now "Concerned" About Nominee He Supported Twice
Won't Back Down - help repeal Prop 8
Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) odd interview with Schuster-today (3:52)
Ethanol Lobby Threatens Climate Bill
Robert Gibbs Bats Down Right-Wing Youtube Clip Smears Against Sotomayor
Seder Calls Janeane Garafalo Stalker -- Part three of three.
AP Raw Video: Activists Protest Prop 8 Ruling
FALLOUT: Coming Home from the War in Iraq - Online Now!
Sotomayor Opponent Says She Has "Bias In Favor Of Politically Correct Individuals"
Shuster Slams 'Anonymous Sources' Talking points
TYT: Jesse Ventura Challenges Hannity to Waterboarding (Cenk Reacts)
White House's Reaction To California's Prop 8 Decision
Pelosi Remained Tight Lipped, She Also Remained Tight Fore headed & Eye Lidded! Leno
TYT: Rush Limbaugh Resigns as Head of the Republican Party
Is Socialism Around the Corner?
Is Sotomayor Smart Enough For The Supreme Court?
Former Senior Military Interrogator Rebukes Cheney for Torture Speech
So it is OK to honor the Gay Fallen Military veterans on Memorial day?
Skepticism greets launch of Afghan detainee inquiry (Globe & Mail | Canada)
A Job and No Mortgage for All in a Spanish Town
Watergate under the bridge: how the New York Times missed the scoop of the century
Favorites of Left Don’t Make Obama’s Court List
Tensions Escalate Between the 2 Koreas.
Torture? I’m shocked, shocked I say (Isenberg | Partnership for a Secure America)
America is better than torture (Sagan | Amarillo TX Times)
It's Not About Nancy (Silver | North Star)
Closing Gitmo: We have nothing to fear but fear-mongering itself (Philly Daily News)
Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
Newt Gingrich for Prez? Ain’t Enough Stain Remover On The Planet
Cheney's charge up the molehill
Wishes, Hopes, Fantasies (James Kunstler)
William Rivers Pitt: Fixing America, Erasing Bush
Daughter of PR Becomes Justice in America!
Right-Wingers Already on the Attack: Claim Sotomayor Hired LEGAL Gardeners
What Obama Isn’t Going to Change About Military Commissions (Jeremy R. Hammond)
"Be a patriot": Expose your nude body at airport (StanMO | Kos)
Sally Quinn: Gen. Jones and the Anonymous Long Knives
Would an Iowa marraige of a gay couple that moves to California be looked on as legal? n/t
Worldviews Collide Obama or Cheney? It's Your Choice.-By Eugene Robinson
Capitalism Produces Rich Bankers, but Socialism Produces Happiness
Freedom of Conscience Spurned at Liberty U, Whining Ensues by Falwell
Pacino to play Kevorkian in HBO movie
The Republicans just looked up from their TVs to find themselves in a minefield
A holy mission to reveal the truth about Nazi death squads
'Mancow' knows: Waterboarding is torture
CA high court upholds gay marriage ban "fight far from over..."
President Obama nominates Sonia Sotomayor for SCOTUS
Democratic Socialists? Democrats Not Half That Good
"One Ricks Makes a Wrong"--Jeff Huber on Tom Ricks (Ouch!)
GOP Attack On Constitution Begins at 14th Amendment
Canadians Take Notice, the U.S. Is Militarizing the Border
Nuremberg set a valid precedent for trials of war-crime suspects in Iraq's destruction (Japan Times)
Chalmers Johnson on the Cost of Empire
Going After the Perpetrators of the Housing Bubble
Sotomayor: Maurice Clarett v. National Football League
A divorced parent's dilemma: Leave kids to find work
Will Sotomayor Split the Right?
Karl Rove isn't qualified to judge Judge Sonia Sotomayor
What does it take to get discredited as a moralizing right-wing "family values" merchant these days?
Chris Hedges: ‘Clean’ Energy and Poisoned Water
World's Dumbest Talking Point Gets Traction (A Top Rated Diary @ DailyKos Last Week w/ 534 Tips)
Nothing Can Be Improvised in Haiti (Fidel Castro)
Daily Kos: Declassified USAID Docs Against Bolivian Interests
Brazil floods displace thousands
Abraham’s Last Rap: Bolivian Hip-Hop Hero Dies in El Alto
Activist US priest slain in Guatemala
Declaration on behalf of the Presidency of the European Union on Bolivia
Plebiscite Would Give Lula Chance at Third Mandate as President of Brazil
NACLA: "A New Model with Rough Edges: Venezuela's Community Councils" by Steve Ellner
PL: FM Rodriguez Says "Cuba is Proud to be Outside of the OAS"
Cuba sounds summer energy alarm, plans blackouts
Minister: Paraguay Ready to Boost Ties with Iran
ECU/VEN Bilateral Agreements Discussion (including a LatAm Human Rights Commission)
ALBA FMs Want OAS to Rescind 1962 Resolutions that Barred Cuba
The CIA: A Blossoming 60-Year-Old Killing Machine
US Biological War Against Cuba (a snapshot from history)
Ricardo Alarcon: "Washington Opposes Review of Cuban 5 Case by US Supreme Court"
Climate change: World's destiny at stake
With Billions at Stake, Trying to Expand the Meaning of ‘Renewable Energy’
Grist: Is the Food Bubble Bursting?
Independent UK: Shell on trial (the murder of Ken Saro-Wiwa)
Climate change hits Australia a decade early
Japan should cut emissions 15 pct (from 1990 levels) by 2020: minister
Saginaw Bay Fish Advisory - Fertile Women, Kids Under 15 Should Avoid Eating 18"+ Walleye
UNESCO To Hear Petition For Glacier-Waterton NP As "World Heritage Site In Danger" Thanks To Mining
Industry Pressing For Money To Cut GHGs - Want "Gradual But Challenging" Carbon Prices (WTF?)
One Colorado Landowner's Epic Battle With . . . Tamarisk - Pueblo Chieftan
Saudi Arabia Warns Of Coming Spike In Oil Prices
Zenn Motor confirms EEStor battery results
Yangtze Sturgeon Showing Up With One, No Eyes, Deformed Skeletons - Linked To Paint Chemical
Sweeping Survey Says Southern Right Whales Once 30X More Numerous, Seas Alive With Fish, Seals, More
Transpower sets up offshore wind farm converter (HVDC)
Racing the Clock: Rapid Climate Change Forces Scientists to Evaluate Extreme Conservation Strategies
Hay festival: Division between sciences and arts puts planet in peril, warns Richard Holmes
The Big Question: Is America finally getting real about climate change?
Spring Agricultural Fires Have Large Impact on Melting Arctic "outweighed…fossil fuels (emissions)"
New Report Shows Bright Future for Solar Thermal
Naomi Klein: US is so damaged, even tiny steps are seen as progress
Thanks for your help Rockies,...OMFG, talk about a pathetic
'Bone putty' holds it together
Grass Roots Vitamin D 501c(3) offers discounted home testing
HR 676 now has 77 co-sponsors in addition to Congressman John Conyers
Is there anything that Vit D won't cure?
What should I do for hot flashes?
Does anyone have any info on the Mass. law the required health coverage for everyone?
Top 5 reasons why Prop 8 will (or should) be stricken
Some great news from the State Department!
In 15.5 hours, the CA Supreme Court will release its decision.
I can't get to the Cali site. It's flooded. -_- nt
I want to read the opinion! I can't get the site to load!
So if the courts rule that people can use this initiative to deny gays their rights...
Let's start calling it "Pro-marriage"
Obama bends to hardliners on gays in military
And California rejoins the majority of the states who promote inequality.
So I've got a question about that legal window in California.
My Name is Mark, and I am Special. And I hate it. - Other Special People Check in.
Can we do some GLBT Couple Pictures?
I don't post here anymore, but I wanted to say I'll always stand with you
Prop 8 protests tonight by 365Gay.Com
I think those in CA should get the following things on the ballot, given what we know
What is happening in the Castro right now????
Please, go crazy in the streets
Prop 8: Day of Decision - Protest/Rally Info for NYC
Judges in Prop 8 case threatened
Equality: not just about GLBT vs. straight.
Couple of protest pics from today in Ca. ( Links to more below pics)
As best I can tell, only one Justice dissented. :/
Prop 8 Ruling Reaction PHOTO Thread:
The Next Ballot Proposition Should Be Very Carefully Written.
Little ripples of solidarity in a big pond.
How many years have you and your current partner been together
Looks like reddit changed their logo to show solidarity.
Why do Gays pay taxes? We are not full citizens.
The "opinion" text - VERY long
Absolutely no depth to the dishonesty and hate of the scum bag LDS Church
PROP 8 COUNTERATTACK (downtown / civic / van ness)
CA votes overwhelmingly for Obama, but supports prop 8. What does this mean for democrats?
I'm flying my CA flag upside down for the day
Sorrow, shock, repulsion and shame over what happened today.
Act-Up San Diego - Civil Disobedience Guidelines (protect yourselves read this!)
I Think Gays Should Move Out Of CA. and Move to CT.MA.ME.VT and Iowa
OK, 'Splain thees one to me, Lucy
A reasonable compromise? Bullshit!
Religious Myth Defeats Reality In CA
My friend who's a SF County Sheriff ...
Utter bullshit and absoloute cowardice:
The prop 8 decision has ruined my day
Can someone help with photo shop?
So is "Yes On Equality" the group I need to be donating to now?
Oh, thank goodness....MORE bad news...Pentagon to continue DADT discharges
CA people: When is the next opportunity for a ballot proposition?
How the fuck does this decision make any goddamn sense at all?
Is it hypocritical to be intolerant of intolerance? That's the way I feel about gay marriage.
Honest Prop 8 question - relax
I asked my husband to marry me.
Which minorities' rights are we going to vote to take away next?
Marriage, as a legal distinction
Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters! Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.
This is my first post in this forum.
I'm getting all sorts of Emails now
Fundies already promising to go after the 18,000 marriages the CSSC let stand
Shas min.: Reform conversions will prompt influx of Palestinians to Israel
Barak to offer US compromise on settlements
Israel pulls plug on Iran regime change shop
Hawkish Likud MKs propose giving part of West Bank to Jordan
A holy mission to reveal the truth about Nazi death squads
Israel disavows MK's proposal to turn West Bank over to Jordan
“Lightning strike injures 2 men near Lucerne” (while shooting in Colorado)
Police say Pa. woman fired shot near son’s feet because he wouldn't listen
CA Supreme Court on inalienable rights, pg 10 of Strauss v. Horton 5/26/09 (Prop 8)
DC shootout prompts call to ban single-slice pizza
Why isn't this called the 'firearms' forum. I've always been told that's the correct term. nt
Man shoots own penis while tucking loaded gun!
Sotomayer and the 2nd ammendment
JINSA advocates censorship, military strikes on "partisan" media outlets
The New Résumé: Dumb and Dumber
Clash Between Palestinian Rivals Clouds Peace Talks With Israel
Is Your Home A Good Investment?
Asheville Was Treated to a Stunning Rainbow Yesterday
Recession 'shape' points down (xpost from GD)
An Evening with Eckhart Tolle (video)
Astrology and Health Care Reform
Join the Party: Come on in and Wish Sanity Claws a Happy B'Day
Five-million-year old sloth fossil found in Peru
In Hot Pursuit of Fusion (or Folly)
Great interview with Charles Bolden from 1995
The Conjunction of these three planets is showing us where our wounds are & what must we do, to heal
Giant blob found deep beneath Nevada
New Memory Material May Hold Data For One Billion Years
More to say about Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron - it IS Barack Obama
can you recommend a good site for alternative treatments?
Does anybody see the similarity? Could this be a case of reincarnation?
Muslim Statement Against Torture (American Muslim)
"Students, faculty rally to save FIU religion department"
Be not deceived: Heliocentrism is an Atheist Doctrine
Michael Shermer in Scientific American: Why People Believe Invisible Agents Control The World
H1N1 Flu and Vitamin D (May 2009, John Cannell, MD) - x
I hope these Slavic immigrants,whose sole mission in life
Doctor uses some foods as medicines.
Made a decent semi-Ratatouille
About Hershey's 'Chocolate' flavored syrup, has anyone noticed
Lima Beans and Spinach recipes
The PTB and their Op-Plans: Bush Op-Plan vs. Obama Op-Plan -- and The Future
Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation
Have you guys seen Dog Day Afternoon?
Tracing the Harper family tree
Gov. Gen. eats slice of slaughtered seal's raw heart to show support for hunt