Husband Of Woman Charged With Child Murder Complains About Police Mugshot
Serious question: Who the hell are Jon and Kate?
Who are "Jon and Kate" and why are they at Yahoo home page
Mel Gibson's girlfriend is pregnant, so much for conservative religiosity
Mel Gibson's girlfriend is pregnant, so much for conservative religiosity
Poppy Bush thought Clarence Thomas had "great empathy".
SF Chronicle: Gavin Newsom talks up job creation - while cutting jobs
Gay rights supporters could also appeal in the federal courts, arguing Proposition 8 violates...
Jay Bookman: Do we accept a child’s ‘parental-assisted suicide’?
Illinois Senate Race May Draw Latest Kennedy Heir Into Politics
Will the Victim of Fresno Police Beating be sent to Gulag?
My favorite Senator, Barbara Boxer, is coming up on Rachel
As Democrats, I think we need to own up to our responsibility when it comes to Gay rights.
Schwarzenegger details $5.5B more cuts to budget
Exploding debt threatens America
Arlen Specter would have been the one & only Puke promoting evenhandedness in regards to Sotomayor.
David Brooks Weeps/Shills for America’s Tortured Corporate Titans
Luntz:Doesn’t matter what Obama’s health care plan says, we’ll still call it ‘government takeover'
As their marriage crumbles, Jon & Kate plus 8 getting record viewers
So does North Korea still have nukes?
PBS Frontline : Pakistan Under Siege
I see the MSM dutifully repeated all the rightwing talking points
I think Keith Olbermann's next "WTF" should be about Rachel Maddow's Supreme Court-Cocktail analogy.
Jim Garlow "Joni Show" Daystar nonchalant at 22:00 today Outrage!!!!
Is it any wonder why there's skepticism about whether we'll ever end the Iraq ocupation?
Say a prayer for Mike Tyson his 4 yearold daughter has died
What should be Obama's response to N. Korea's missile launches
George W and Laura Bush Honored for "Their" AIDS Outreach in Africa.
Mary Jo Buttafuoco has a book coming out....LOVE the title!
Atlanta gays rally against California ruling
Sonia Sotomayor : Harriet Miers
Former NYPD Commish Kerik Indicted (again?)
So won't prop 8 end up costing California tons of money?
Empathy Triumphs Over Excellence ( By John Yoo)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Betting Against the American Middle Class
Glenn Beck: Bush's Compassionate Conservatism Must 'Die Violent Death' Message:
The Nation: The Long Goodbye? The Book Business and its Woes
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Federal lawsuit over Prop 8 filed
Judge Sotomayor on First Amendment:
Who Gets Seated First: Sotomayor Or Franken? (TPM)
At least President Obama knows better than to choose his housekeeper
Freeper freakout watch......Reactions to an article about the downfall of American Christianity
What is up with Rachel tonight?
Where is a good place to see who the Health Insurance Lobby gives their money to, please?
Did the right-wing urge judicial empathy for Scooter Libby?
Bush's "prophecy" God Wants to "Erase" Mid-East Enemies
DAMN! I bought a gal. of gloss white paint today for $60.00!
A little something I'm not looking forward to..
Charlie Rose talking about the new SC pick. With lots of guests.
Another reason to support Sotomayor: John Yoo doesn't approve of her
Another reason to support Sotomayor: John Yoo doesn't approve of her
What good is an open seat on the Supreme Court with out a big fund raising campaign
Not enough liberal Jews on the Supreme Court
The US government will own 70% of restructured GM
The "Mother's Act" Re-Visited: Is this about helping mothers? OR Big Pharma?
Well, you gotta give "Mancow" Muller one thing. He's got bigger cojones than Hannity.
Research task: Righty-judges saying their backgrounds affect decisions
Mean? - check, Tone deaf? check, Out of touch? check
a legal eagle on andrew sullivan's blog thinks this is a good day for gay marriage rights...
Once again, a female nominee is the target of thinly veiled sexism.
U.S. Economy Will Enter Hyperinflation, Marc Faber Says
Could Pat Buchanan be any more racist?
Jacques Chirac confirms it: Bush is a Christian Dominionist nutjob
Sotomayor: A liberal record — but not entirely
Army chief: US ready to be in Iraq 10 years - Despite what Obama says
MoveOn really likes Sotomayor(email received from them today)
Support Barbara Boxer National Nursing Shortage Reform and Patient Advocacy Act (S.1031),
Who are your top ten celebrities with high cheekbones?
Will Fox News honor the Prop 8 protesters like it honored the tea bag protests?
Dollars & Sense: A Job and No Mortgage for All in a Spanish Town
Jesus' General: Milestones in Majority Rule
Betting on Failure: The Right's Story (Robert L. Borosage)
Coleman: I Will Review Sotomayer's Record "When I Am Re-Elected"
European Union Looks to Tighten Banking Supervision
I had a new family move into my garage. They are quiet but they STARE everytime I walk by.
I hope all gay people take their tax dollars and move their primary
Outsourcing stories needed by WashTech
MoveOn Remains Silent on Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
TRANSCRIPT: Roland Burris and Rob Blagojevich, Chicago Tribune, 5/27/09
The big gay shrug By Mark Morford
"Democrats have turned the Supreme Court nominations into a savage political affair."
Right Wing Terrorism Watch - People connected to 2007 mall shooter say that he was part of the KKK
O'Reilly "you could have married a duck" (1:17)
John Scalzi: Gay Marriage (still) legal in California
Can Constitutional Rights Be Taken Away In California By Plebiscite?
Another day, another guilty Republican set free, but Don Siegelman will be going back to prison
Einstein Ensign says he'll ensure Sotomayer 'has the right intellect' to be a supreme court justice
I have a question about Turley and his screed.
Bulldog that saved owner from Grand Rapids fire is euthanized
It's a nice day to start again
Where did the CIA conduct it's torture tradecraft in the United States?
DU Gays and Lesbians: Is marriage something you would personally be interested in?
Wipe that f**king smile off your face!
Finally! we can talk about race in America (Katrina? No - Pres. Obama? No- Sotomayor? YES!)
Pennsylvania GOP wants to cut library funding.
As a straight white guy, gay marriage did not threaten the sanctity of my marriage.
How long before some idiot brings Hitler into the SC discussion?
How To: Measure North Korea’s Nuclear Blast
New game! Find the craziest post on Rapture Ready and link it for us!!
Gitmo Solutions: Super Size Them!
Where do you think the greatest inspiration for so-called enhanced interrogations came from?
The Rude Pundit: A Letter from the American Americans for America Regarding Sonia Sotomayor
Quack medicine, North Korea style
Reality is stranger than fiction: Opposing lawyers in Bush v Gore unite to fight Prop 8
Philippe Sands: Obama Must Investigate Torture
General Petraeus Wants Gitmo Closed & Hates Torture
The "government" is looking for "revenue"...
surge update - Deaths in Iraq car-bomb attack
A compassionate Christian engages fundies on Prop 8, and they rip him to shreds
Reichwing Reaction to Sotomayor: A List
Recipe for GOP self-destruction: continuous Sotomayor bashing
Look who's uniting to launch federal challenge to Prop 8
U.S. ‘Problem’ Banks Rise to 305, Highest Since 1994, FDIC Says
A quick note to Inhofe and Smith on Sotomayor's "bias"
Four Prop 8 Commercials: CASC, this bigotry is what you supported today.
NKorea Warns of Attack, Says (1953) Truce No Longer Valid
I know I'm late to the wake, but I need to vent about Prop 8
So in states where same-sex marriage IS legal, what should happen to churches who won't do them?
Corporations steal billions and get golden "steals" bottle of ketchup
Mr. President, use your gift of rhetoric to transform Americans' conversations.
Poster all over Paris at the moment
It's unnatural English I tells ya!
USA Today: DMV's happy face ban
Rove: Attending top schools doesn’t mean that Sotomayor is smart, but it proves that Bush is.
Ronald Reagan, the ORIGINAL "reverse sexist"
Would you let a robot drive your car?
California voters likely to revisit same-sex marriage next year
Who Drives Better: Drunks or Stoners? Scientists have built a high-tech simulator to lay this import
"If It's Really Bad, Ship It to West Texas "
George H. W. Bush said that Clarence Thomas had "empathy".
So I go to the doctor about my sore elbow . . .
Camp Doha Demands US Soldiers Don Fashionable Reflector Belts
What would be your test for the suitability of a Judge for higher bench?
"Texas Senate OKs guns on college campus"
Found: The Earliest Known Leprosy Patient
The new right-wing meme: Sotomayor Hates White People
Reba McEntire asks judge for leniency in friend's conspiracy case
Gary, IN funeral home leaves 4 bodies behind
Hartmann's got economist Dr. Ravi Batra coming up in the 2nd hour
Republicans will screw this up bigtime
Sotomayor for SCOTUS: Republicon Senators Demand “Up-or-Down Vote”
Frontline segment on Pakistan last night was the most informative I've seen re Taliban
The VAT... a nationaltax?? just great.
ATTN: I've declared that same-sex marriage is legal in my apartment in Los Angeles, California!!!!
A plethora of new right-wing web sites.
You mean America Idol is corrupt? Nooooooooooooooo, it just can't be!
Glenn Beck: Bush's Compassionate Conservatism Must 'Die Violent Death'
Another You Tube Outrage, by Cindy Sheehan
They tried waterboarding Chuck Norris... and the water confessed to everything
Obama Caves to 'Scaredy-Cat Nation'
Former Bush lawyer sues to overturn Prop 8
Marriage is between a man and his 42 wives in Utah
Miss California vs Miss Wyoming
Few things underscore the Supreme Court's lack of diversity more than the recent ruling ...
Sooo, Wachovia/Wells Fargo is going into the health benefits
Obama's Proposed Budget in an Easy-to-Read Chart
Marriage is a sacred institution between Rush Limbaugh and any woman dumb enough to agree ...
Disgrace! Texas Schools Won't Teach Medically Accurate Sex-Ed
The Challenge: Can Rush Limbaugh last 2 Seconds under waterboarding?
Dana Milbank suggests Sonia Sotomayor not smart enough for the Supreme Court
So who is "Lester"? Just asked Gibbs for a real copy of Obama's birth certificate!
gingrich: Sotomayor 'racist,' should withdraw nomination
a a does not have to be christian/god based, if
Ted Olson (Yeah that Ted Olson) goes to Federal court on behalf of gay marriage
As long as we're banning marriages, let's ban republican marriages
Could we, the people, set up our own non-profit health insurance company?
Martin Sheen targets fellow Catholics in pro-EFCA radio spots
AMERICABLOG: Ted Olson, better known as the devil, is now better than our president on gay marriage
Drew Barrymore and other celebs fight for gay rights
Mark Morford: The big gay shrug-Sorry, enemies of gay marriage. Prop 8 or no, you've already lost
It seems like Mancow's waterboarding stunt stopped the media dead in it's tracks.
Right wingers.. Even their job titles/positions are lies.
LA Times: Starbucks target of new-media campaign by union
Gingrich Tweets Sotomayor 'Racist'--On Visit to Auschwitz!
Mancow interviews Drew Petersen from jail
Great Moments in Moronspeak: Today featuring Rep. John Culberson of TX, talking same-sex marriage
"We were trying to figure out how to assassinate Obama"
Major Army Base Shutting Down For 3 Days After Rash Of Suicides
Idiot Freepers term Sotomayor as
"Is Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Alzheimer's Disease And Vascular Dementia?" - x
Unions and Detroit school board hold meeting to prepare for concessions
MoveOn Remains Silent on Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
Fox News: FBI can listen in on conversations via cell phone -- even when it's turned off.
Juvenile hall guard has juvenile beaten for cell phone theft, later finds phone in her car
It all goes back to the de facto wage freeze for everyone but corporate execs.
Tweety is doing a pretty good job at raking Roland Burris over the coals.
Tweety is doing a pretty good job at raking Roland Burris over the coals.
Episcopal Church Ousts 61 Central Calif. Clergy
The way the aristocrats have always put down the rebellion
Customer service is going to hell.
Spoiler -Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Isn't it hilarious watching the
How much input do you suppose Senate Republicans had in the SCOTUS pick?
U.S. Attorney R. Alexander Acosta to head FIU law school (Bushie--Southern District of FL)
Anyone have a decent list of rulings made by Sotomayor on abortion/choice issues?
Help me for another message board?
thinking of skipping primary voting
What I learned from the California State Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality ...
Judge Sotomayor has had 3 decisions reversed by the Supreme Court
Bush vs. Gore rivals challenge Prop. 8 in federal court
AP: Army chief says US ready to be in Iraq 10 years
That's JUDGE Sotomayor to you, asswipe!
So where are all the economic stimulus jobs?
Crude Awakening.....The oil price BS hurricane is well underway.
"not in the least bit interested in antagonizing the gay community"
Would you report receiving religious and politically offensive email....
Google Earth charts human cost of Iraq and Afghanistan wars with 'map of fallen'
Trial Law Question: Coaching of Witnesses
Why does the S. Court matter when torture and anti-gay laws don't?
NYTimes: AT&T swayed voting to favor Allen over Lambert
The Senate is not representitve
'A Lot Less Provocative And Troubling'
Army chief says US ready to be in Iraq 10 years
Army chief says US ready to be in Iraq 10 years
If I offended anyone, I apologize. Re: to Holy Sh&* thread.
Exactly what has Obama done to incur the venom we save for Dick Cheney and his ilk?
THE FIX IS IN? "American Idol" Results May Have Been Swayed By AT&T
Health insurer suggests ways to save gov't $500B
hey, GLBT and supporters: propose an amendment to outlaw ALL marriage.
Holy Sh&* people. Can we get a grip over prop 8?
Newt Gingrich: Voice of the GOP Vacuum, master of the hyperbole
Here's the problem with idiots like Roland Burris.
Just got home from the Mayor talking to my union local
surge update - May Is Iraq’s Deadliest Month Since September
Ignorance, incompetence and indifference
Spacey meets Abramoff in prison on research (SFGate)
"Sestak for the Senate" on Facebook
New Conservative Racist Strategy: Call Sotomayor "Racist"
Why is there NO discussion on whether Sotomayer would protect Roe?
The political party who makes fun of "academics" & "nerds" is now whining about intelligence?
Napolitano: 9/11 terrorists did not enter US from Canada
Dear Wendy Long ..... your prejudice and ethnic insensitivity is showing
Cheney and Rumsfeld Pressured the CIA To Mislead Congress In the 70's Too
24/7WallStreet: Housing Is Not Just Bad, It’s Getting Worse
LTTE: Wingnut Decries the Perversion of the Word "Torture".
Mother Jones: Six Ways the Financial Bailout Scams Taxpayers
"Fierce LGBT advocate" Obama to face protest tonight in Beverly Hills
Geez Roland Burris is Dumb as a Box of Rocks!
Calling out gay DU'ers as "single issue" advocates is, in and of itself, homophobic
Totally Off Topic - From Mudflats - Pics of Brian and Brenda's twin moose babies...
Police dog, alone in SUV, dies - probe launched
A plea to those democratic politicians who have not come out for gay marriage
President Obama's Admin Wants Fed And FDIC In Key Roles: Source
Has The Torture Debate Lost Traction?
Want to see an example of excellent parenting?
DU the poll: Should the Senate confirm President Barack Obama's choice of Sonia Sotomayor
MoveOn Remains Silent on Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins on Judge Sotomayor
Public College allegedly prohibits distribution of pamphlets on campus. pro CCW pamphlets
Even in "heavily Catholic" Rhode Island, poll shows same-gender marriage favored by 60%
I would like to direct you to a post at huffington... post... by rob thomas regarding gay marriage
Ok this is it! I've been here for almost 6 years, it's been a long time coming but
Cost of deploying one U.S. soldier for one year in Iraq - $390,000 (Congressional Research Service)
Another case of a woman falsely accusing black men
Galileo and Gitmo - By Scott Horton
CIA Briefers Regularly Mislead Hill Intelligence Panels, Ex-Spy Charges
Just Got A Christian-Based E-Mail Blast From A Conservative Colleague
Ahhhnuld slashing welfare for 500,000 families and yanking health care for 1 million children....
Amend vs Revise THAT is the question
To meet June deadline, US and Iraqis redraw city borders
C-Span HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius - "Health Care Legislation" . . .
I think its about time we take care of business in N Korea
Mass. supporters of same-sex marriage decry California decision
PHOTOS: Prop 8 Ruling Arrests & Protest in San Francisco - THREAD #2
On the razor's edge of self-destruction.
SFGate: Next same-sex battle will begin in Fresno (14.5-mile march in Selma, CA on Saturday)
Ted Olsen supports same-gender marriage. Arivosis: Obama treating gays as embarrassing inconveniece
MartBingo app allows iPhone users to embrace their smug sense of superiority
The Never Ending War Against Women In Afghanistan
Breaking: Sotomayor's fondness for Puerto Rican cuisine is a handicap for higher office
The War on a Public Health Option
The credit reporting companies dinged my credit score for me trying cover myself
Sonia Sotomayor has too many syllables
Wednesday TOON Roundup Part 3:
Fair and Balanced: Weighing Sotomayor's Opinions
Google Earth map shows the human cost of the War on Terror
US Soldier: “There’s No Way I’m Going to Deploy to Afghanistan”
Canada official eats (raw) seal heart
24/7 Wall Street: Housing Is Not Just Bad, It’s Getting Worse
The Case for a California Bailout by the stim package...they don need much do they
And you thought Lorena Bobbit was bad...
Fox talker Peters has a Gitmo solution: Just kill them all
Rush Limbaugh Declares that the US is a Center Left Nation
Krikorian: People should stop pronouncing Sotomayor’s name correctly.
From the "People in Glass Houses" files: Tancredo says Sotomayor appears to be a racist....
"Looting of America" Author Sees Opportunity in Meltdown
Clinton and Bush to clash for cash in Canada
Coming Soon: Rep. Michele Bachmann -- The Comic Book!
So, I was one of the ones arrested in SF today after the prop 8 ruling
Need advice. PHLEPS and his WBC is Coming To Rhode Island.
Some say Benjamin N. Cardozo was the first "hispanic" U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
The reasons we the people of the party are frustrated, feeling left out....
Maaaaaaan, I totally forgot to make this "patriot" smilie.
American Idol & AT&T....Make no mistake AT&T did not want a Gay man
California's Problem can Be Solved
Federal prosecutors drop charges on another Republican.... When is it Siegelman's turn?
RadWaste and Texas' Future - The Dumping Ground
IRS Should Review Liberty University’s Tax-Exempt Status For Partisan Politicking
The record shows that the real "judicial activists" are conservatives on Supreme Court
When did "Latin" become a race?
She's "domineering" eh? (Faux Noose re: Sotomayer)
Wife of Arizona's State Treasurer dies after childbirth
I got a camera red light ticket
Sorry DUers, but here's the problem with your "pet cause"
Indict and prosecute the criminal policymakers of the Bush/Cheney era
Dear Mr. President, Please Help Me...
Letter of the law or spirit of the law?
Fear and Looting in America: Are We Really Out of Money?
Obama to Face Gay Protest at DNC Beverly Hills Fundraiser Tonight
Tom Hayden: The Silence of MoveOn
Who is Wendy E. Long? and why is she the face of the Sotomayor opposition?
Sibel Edmonds has an announcement on her blog concerning exposing the media
Roland Burris, meet the dead meat.
Cover-Up: TENET/RICE Created A FALSE RECORD (Re: Torture) 1 Day AFTER His Resignation! (emptywheel)
Oh, so now a national sales tax is suddenly a good idea?
Bright young man calls 9-1-1 over botched fast-food order
Sarah Palin Wears Mini Skirt to Memorial Day Ceremony
Cheney and Rumsfeld pressured CIA to mislead Congress in the 1970s, too
"There's No Way I'm Going to Deploy to Afghanistan"
legal advice: how do I prove ageism in not getting a job?
What do you think of Dr Chu's idea of painting the roofs white?
Any Miami/Dade area DUers who know anything about this corrupt cop story?
Health insurance industry CEO salary survey, stay calm for this
Wingers are mad about the un-American pronunciation of SotomayOR
Thank you all - The real next move for gay marriage is not CA, it is DOMA
Homeless Advocates to County: "Shame on You"
Golden Gate Bridge turns 72 today - pics
This Is The Make Or Break Week
Making out with your same sex boyfriend
This Time I Am Bringing Tons Of CD's For The Long Drive
Ahh, the internet's love is a fickle mistress.
I want to thank Kim Jong-Il for covering up for me for the fart I unloaded in North Korea yesterday
Time for my nightly drowning/bathroom floor cleaning/Maggie's bath
Would it be improper to email a judge during a trial?
Thanks to a post on youtube...
Fuk The California Supreme Court
Are you more or less likely to watch a movie or TV show if a character is a hometown kid?
Indian gay marriage law takes effect in Oregon
I think I had wine flu this morning
Remember Jose Canseco's "fighting career?"
Grateful Dead - Help On The Way~Slipknot (3-24-90)
AT&T May Have Swayed ‘Idol’ Results
pity party :( I don't feel good.
Look at the movies Melanie Griffith turned down!
Gene Austin - The Lonesome Road
This OP in GD is totally heartbreaking:
When you only have one hair, you can make a comb by taping two toothpicks together. nt
Phils beat Marlins 5-3 as Joe Blanton strikes out 11 .
I took a photo over the weekend that I'd like to share.
I finally got my online store built!
Ok here I go a worrying mother but my daughter is tracking caribou this summer and I know she did
I just told my wife to "SIT DOWN. RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!"
What is a fair Farewell Bonus payment to my late Mom's caregiver?
Smoove B's Political Goals for 2009
Whats For Dinner DU Me having KFC
Stories From the Road: Scared Shitless
My cat killed a poor Mourning Dove and brought it under the dining table.
Do any of you screen print tshirts?
One of our student employees lost her grandmother to a drunk driver on Memorial Day
The best ads ever aired on TV...
Please help those of us that are grouchy asses this morning and post something cute!
*******Happy 12th Wedding Anniversary Miss Marmelstein!*******
Why Do People Care If Kris Won? Or The Voice Of SB, Or John and Kate
Whew! I passed my Pharmacology and Emergency Medicine Mid-Terms! Two down, two to go...
Sharp criticism and call-out wrapped up as sarcastic compliment
I'm doing something very dangerous, something I haven't done for a long time.
Am I the only one who doesn't find Christopher Guest's movies
You MUST check out this Youtube video of an undiscovered but incredibly talented British person!
Today's right-wing Facebook disconnect...respecting Obama, yet not respecting him.
Is it me or does this defeat two purposes in one?
Impossible. Steroid dealer claims sales to Washington Nationals players.
I would have gone to prom if I could look like this.
Is anyone familiar with the actor Gary Graham?
What is there only a one hour window for editing threads?
Does anyone know anything about switching from Dish to Directv
My pet rat died this morning =(
Why is there no tomato on the Big Mac?
God, why do I do these things?
check out this fascinating painting
So who's going to watch "The Goode Family" tonight?
Here are a few anti-scorpion tips that worked for me!
Why does a band-aid on the tip of my right index finger interfere with my left-hand typing?
They tried waterboarding Chuck Norris... and the water confessed to everything
kitten picture of the day for wednesday may 27
Some of the more entertaining comments on a CA/gay marriage discussion board
If I had to be sick, it seems a good day for it...
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Wed 5/27/2009)
Important note: Giant Blob found Deep Within the Earth
Grand Jury Testimony... should it be treated like Jury Duty by the employer?
Is it okay that I covered the bathroom mirror at work with vaseline?
The truth is a three-edged sword.
Right-Wingers Already on the Attack: Claim Sotomayor Hired LEGAL Canadian Gardeners
I've seen a few posts about this so I'm curious
So you wanted a model train...How about the largest model RR in
Pictures of President Obama's Heliocopter land from my office window
Is phallus the root of fallacy?
Every year this English footrace cracks me up.
Cwydro -- I have a message for you
Well, I just finished watching the first season of "Heroes"
I've been thinking of going with the patchouli odor. How do I maintain the aura and how much...
I'd like to put something truly random in my work fridge. Any suggestions?
Where is the best place to order a JohnnyDepp poster?
What is the point in having a Democratic majority in Congress, and a Democratic president?
So I did a blog entry about right-wing hypocrisy, and got a Facebook response:
Anybody ever have an earworm that haunts them intermittently for weeks?
The only thing worse than going through menopause . . .
Do you ever post so furiously that you get armpit sweat rings on the outside of your parka?
Anyone see Zambrano throw the umpire out of the game?
"My friend just got back from Belgium and all she got me was this..."
Yes! New season of "Wipeout" starts tonight!
The Rod Stewart Rule (or, you get to change the radio station if you don't like.....)
Bucky is walking through the Lounge farting, not even trying to stop himself.
Might as well say 'bye'; I just installed a Windows Service Pack without waiting for the fixes &
Coworker is walking by cubicles farting, not even trying to stop herself.
to the grammar nazis here on DU
Freaked out: I'm not even fit to have animal companions.
DAMN! I bought a gal. of gloss white paint today for $60.00!
Any one rember the 80's show "Tales From The Darkside"
Summer camps for kids - what are your teens doing this summer?
For dinner this evening *DAD* (me) has decided on
This is the wrong spot for sports threads but...
Internet dating horror stories
Everybody loves a three-way, so...
America's Next Top Kitten.......
What REALLY happened to Calvin of "Calvin & Hobbes"?
Every episode of House ever.... funny link!
"The monks are not in heaven because they fuck the wives of Ely."
what's up with cats and dogs needing to sleep with us?
Hypothetical question about driving on the East Coast:
No RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread until Next Week...
Failed ideas for restaurant chains.
Rec this thread if you want to restore the '¢' key to its rightful spot on the keyboard.
should i finally break down and pay for a professional to write my resume?
Men Loungers! It's well along in the afternoon now. Let me ask you.
My 10 year old is reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Does someone you know do something for fun that you find terrifying?
So, what do we have to do to get WillPitt to go to BB's meetup?
My son got a Wii for his birthday and I'm sore as f*ck!!!
When do you give up and decide a concert is too awful to endure any longer?
OK Folks! Champions League Final!!!! Barcelona - Manchester United!!
How do I help my cat with his anxiety...?
finally moved the chicks to their crib
Fellow musicians, I'm playing a live gig on Saturday. My first in over 5 years.
People: Adam Lambert lead singer for Queen? It could happen
When do you give up and decide a movie is too fucking stupid to continue?
In case you missed this on "America's Next Top Model"...
Who Gets Your Vote For Worst Fast Food? Examples?
Cat in China grows a pair of wings
Who Gets Your Vote For Best Fast Food?
Tell me what you think, please, about this cat...
Match Game Story: "Little Louie's boiling linguicidal rage found release ____ recess on Thursday"
The cruelest thing I ever heard a parent say to a child.
Here's an inspirational song for you gardeners
Funny things your child has said ....
A republican cut my hair today
Food that makes you...uh...sick.
"We snuck her in disguised as Rush Limbaugh!"
"More federal judical experience than anyone in the last 100 years"
Heads Up: Olbermann is going to have Turley on to discuss Sotomayor
EWWWW @ the little bouncing Jabba the Rush on the corner of Keith's screen
Bush vs. Gore rivals challenge Prop. 8 in federal court
NFL players' lawyer: Sotomayer is an "intellectual superstar"
To Win Marriage Equality, We Need a Divorce (Sherry Wolf)
Why did Rachel omit that Clinton also nominated Sotomayor from her little
Sonia Sotamayor Remarks At SCOTUS Nomination - Full Text
Rachel, two of your three "lemons"
Shouldn't some one feed us an all you can eat platter of (R) Senator quotes opposing the fillabuster
From the Department of Pre-Crime (Harpers)
Just to let you all know......time to get active......ask that network to stop airing Pat Buchanan
Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold on the Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor
Glenn Greenwald on Obama's SCOTUS nomination: Defying Beltway Wisdom
Like long time Senators, long time judges have a long track record
51 votes.......that's all we need
“’Is this real? Can you believe it?’”
Why the Sotomayor Nomination Makes Sense
Kerry Statement on Nomination of Judge Sotomayor For Supreme Court of the United States
Pentagon to continue DADT discharges
Obama’s Guantánamo Appeasement Plan
When Bush "won" the election, did the media have many/any people from the Clinton
How do you say "You Go Girl" in spanish?
Statement by U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on Sotomayor
Will Olympia Snowe filibuster against Sotomayer with her republicans?
The Repuke commentariat will shred (is shredding) Sotomayor. Repuke Senators will fold
Holy Smokes! Mancow is gonna be on with Keith to talk about his
The White House has a nice slideshow of Judge Sotomayor
Sotomayor Nomination - GOP says Latino Values not right for Supreme Court
US wants to paint the world white to save energy
Obama High Court Choice Poses Political ‘Peril’ for Republicans
Does anyone besides me watch the Newshour with Jim Lehrer?
President Obama as "The Freshman" (PHOTOS)
President Obama as "The Freshman" (PHOTOS)
Sonofagun. Turley's remarks are now r/w talking points.
Ginsburg and Sotomayor: A clear example of how far to the right Senate pukes have moved
People: You look like freeper morans when you spell it "Sotomayer"...
Uh-oh! Sotomayor cited a socialist in her yearbook quote. Call the outrage police!
Sotomayor confirmation fight may fizzle, not sizzle
Sotomayor confirmation fight may fizzle, not sizzle
A perspective on the California Supreme Court ruling...
Antitrust laws a threat to President Obama's Healthcare reform plans
Should MSNBC FIRE Joe and Mica?
Disruption of Congress or Corruption of Congress--Single Payer Trial for the Baucus 13
North Korea's nuke test could have positive outcome
Did the recent California Supreme Court decision rule on the federal constitutionality of Prop. 8?
Egyptian Foreign Minister Speaks lives, but all I heard was Andrea Mitchell talking!
Th question to ask about Sotomayor is not
Joan Walsh: Buchanan on Sotomayor: "Not that intelligent"
NC-Sen: Burr Under 50 Against All Comers
Obama's Pick Is a Winner, Already
Limbaugh slams Sotomayor: 'Reverse racist' (CNN)
Department Of Justice Hires Blog Outreach Person
CNN showing Obama's speech on Solar Energy right Now!
White House Smacks Gingrich For Calling Sotomayor A Racist
Obama Revamps National Security Posts
Pelosi briefing secret, says Taylor (D MS-4)
FYI-Don't fall for the "She said Courts MAKE Policy" TP. What she said isn't controversial/activist.
Bill Maher doesn't get it regarding the financial crisis. Durbin: 'Banks frankly own the place.'
bwahahahaha! Rep. Tom Price (R-GA)
Where can I find video of Rove vs Carville that CNN just showed?
Has Obama spoken out about Prop 8 yet?
I did not get the memo where jumping the shark hit the wall & was thrown under the bus
Pat Buchannan's racism never ceases to amaze me.
Y'know what I'd love to see from the majority in both houses (well, the Senate mainly)
I really like the tactics the right wing is using to attack Sotomayor
Unhealthy association for Bayh
Wendy Long appeared on several shows yesterday, objecting to Sotomayor
"Latina woman racist should also withdraw."
WSJ: Banks lobby to be able to buy up their own securities in the PPIP auctions later this summer
Against All Odds: What the World Will See in Sotomayor
Heads Up: SoS Clinton on now with Egyptian Foreign Minister
It's really hard talking to Repukes nowadays.
Darth Cheney: Powell Welcome In GOP -- But Party Must Remain Conservative
Putting aside the stupidity of the "empathy" charge, isn't the Chief Justice guilty of it?
Damn it Sestak, Why are you messing up my life for the next 12 months!!!!!
GOP, please filibuster Sotomayor so Obama can appoint a real judical activist
Rush has the new bullshit talking point. Expect to be hearing the word
The Sotomayor Statement re: Experience White Men v Latina Women. In Context.
TPM Exclusive: Sestak Intends to Run for Senate in PA against Specter
Can't remember? Has there ever been an ad campaign for a SCOTUS nominee?
Laurence O'Donnell vs. Pat on MSNBC NOW
I predict that if Scalia or Thomas decides to hanf up the robes that HRC might be in line for SCOTUS
Ted Olson, better known as the devil, is now better than our president on gay marriage
Why hasn't anyone in the media pointed out that Rush also called OBAMA a "reverse racist"?
Republicans have been afraid of Judge Sotomayor for a long time
"World Economy Stabilizing: Krugman".....
Corporate lawyer considers Sotomayor to be a reliable pick for corporations
Disruption of Congress or Corruption of Congress--Single Payer Trial for the Baucus 13
Single-payer health care would cost a small fraction compared to Obama's trillion-$$ plan
President and First Lady to chair Book festival
Obama touts 100 days of economic stimulus
Canadian Seal Heart eating lady is this chic....
Anyone hear Biden's friendly jab at Obama about his teleprompter today?
Hardball is ON: Watch Burris get destroyed, AGAIN...
Michael Steele: Empathisize on your behind!!
Did Obama Just Use the Sotomayor Nomination To Lock in Florida?
Who was the "reporter" that just asked Gibbs about Obama's birth certificate?
The Potential Romance Between Obama and Netanyahu
Mortgage Modification System threatens Housing
Obama wants classified information review
Idea # 1 for a more peaceful and happy, fulfilled life: KILL YOUR TV!
"I Don't Know Where He Finished in His Class at Princeton, But I Know it Wasn't Second"
Source: Obama's pick wasn't pegged to Scalia - looking for someone to win over Justice Kennedy
Source: Obama's pick wasn't pegged to Scalia - looking for someone to win over Justice Kennedy
Ted Olson (yeah that Ted Olson) goes to court on behalf of gay marriage
Health care: "If we had set out to design the worst system we could imagine...
Rachel Maddow scared me tonight. I had been celebrating Sotomayer but
Rachel Maddow scared me tonight. I had been celebrating Sotomayer but
Change? Don't think so - US Army Prepared to Stay in Iraq for a Decade
Turley "No one would suggest that Sotomayor is not incredibly bright"
Ed Show: Killing Public Option--I HATE the Senate!!
Ed Show: Rep. Joe Sestak said he will be running in Pennsylvania.
Cases, talks offer hints to her views
"Isn't it a funny coincidence that all accomplished people of color are secretly dumb?"
PHOTOS The First Lady - New Official Photos
Question just now to Gibbs from Lester of wnd-"Why won't Obama release his birth certificate?"
Does anyone think President Obama doesn't know what he's doing
Is there another Jonathan Turley that I don't know about?
Did Tweety just get Burris to convict himself on national television?
Jonathan Turley is an EMBARRASSMENT!
Can someone please help educate me about the New Haven firefighter case?
An open letter to President Obama.
Lawsuit seeks federal ruling on gay marriage (Seeks preliminary injuction against Prop 8)
Clinton to Extend Benefits to Gay Partners
IBM earmarks $3 billion for Europe, Asia stimulus
Ted Olson & David Boies to Announce Federal Court Challenge to Prop. 8
Update on arrests: San Francisco police arrest 175 anti-Prop 8 protesters
Taking it to court in Minneapolis: Fight against foreclosure and eviction
Could a teenage girl topple Berlusconi?
Two killed in Arizona graduation shooting
Chrysler on Pace for Swift Finish to Restructuring-Judge to Rule On Asset Sale To Fiat Group
Former Bush lawyer sues to overturn Prop 8
Genetics-based products stir concerns
Obama promotes clean energy, stimulus in Nevada
Showdown in NSA Wiretap Case: Judge Threatens Sanctions Against Justice Department
At Least 23 Are Killed in Huge Bomb Blast in Pakistan
Reba McEntire asks judge for leniency in friend's conspiracy case
Congress (I) to fund Slumdog kids' homes
Mehserle's defense says Grant was resisting (BART)
Iraq roadside bombing kills 3 Americans
Mexico detains 10 mayors for alleged drug ties
Obama High Court Choice Poses Political ‘Peril’ for Republicans
Russian firm invests $200M in Facebook
2 plead guilty in Miami Beach weapons contracting case
CIA Briefers Regularly Mislead Hill Intelligence Panels, Ex-Spy Charges
Cyclone Aila toll up to 181 in India, Bangladesh
UPDATE: Global Cos Vie For $12B India Defense Contracts
Former NYPD commissioner Kerik indicted
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System to trim equivalent of 350 full-time jobs
Top Republican undermines attack on Sotomayor by admitting courts make laws
Top Republican undermines attack on Sotomayor by admitting courts make laws
China lawyers: Touchy cases could mean disbarment
Liberal group runs first pro-Sotomayor ad
Father of Bronx terror plot suspect David Williams says feds set up son
Found: The Earliest Known Leprosy Patient
Sessions says no Sotomayor filibuster -- yet
Feds End Prosecution of GOP Organizer
Napolitano: 9/11 terrorists did not enter US from Canada
China protesters see red over Pelosi visit
Fort Campbell training soldiers to prevent suicide
China debates its bond with North Korea
Lawsuit seeks federal ruling on gay marriage
Court: Suspects can be interrogated without lawyer
Army base shuts down for anti-suicide event
Napolitano clarifies Sept. 11 remarks
Police: Woman Says "Bite Me"; Cop Complies
No exceptions to Israeli settlement freeze
(Chevrolet) Dealership loss rips fabric of Pa. town
Gay marriage battle to return to Calif. ballot
Pentagon Releases List of Gitmo Detainees Who Returned to Terrorism
Marijuana grower loses to robbers, then police
Clinton and Bush to clash for cash in Canada
Anti-communist protestors outside Orange County Vietnamese newspaper deemed public nuisance
U.S. changes stance on Cuba's inclusion in OAS
Feds end prosecution of GOP organizer
Sri Lanka army kills 11 Tamil rebels in east
Troops kill 10 rebels in southern Philippines
Italian spies to take stand at CIA kidnapping trial
White House tries to prove Sotomayor's smarts
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday May 27
Gingrich 'tweets' that Sotomayor is a racist.
Green-glowing monkeys have green-glowing babies
Man pleads not guilty to killing Chandra Levy
Ex-Soldier Arrested for Víctor Jara Murder (famous Chilean folk/protest singer)
Exxon CEO sees fossil fuel dominating beyond 2030 (*cough*bullshit*cough*)
Cuba announces new austerity plan
States Consider Cutting Drug Help For Seniors
Schwarzenegger budget plan would eliminate welfare, close most state parks
Once Considered Unthinkable, U.S. Sales Tax Gets Fresh Look
Iraq to arrest 1,000 'corrupt' officials
AT&T May Have Swayed ‘Idol’ Results
Accenture to shift incorporation to Ireland (to put a smiley face on tax dodging)
SIBEL EDMONDS: Announcing 'Project Expose MSM'
Hialeah teacher charged with having sex with student, 15
EXCLUSIVE: Sestak Intends To Run For (PA) Senate
U.S. Expected to Own 70% of Restructured G.M.
North Korea Threatens Armed Strike, End to Armistice
Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage
China warns Federal Reserve over 'printing money'
CIA, intel director locked in spy turf battle
Guns-in-parks goes to Tennessee governor
Lahore blast causes 'large number of casualties' (Pakistan)
Kristol ball FAIL- predicted Granholm would be the pick (1:40)
President Obama Announces Supreme Court Nominee
Alberto Gonzales says Sotomayor is qualified (00:40)
Senator Hatch Opposed Filibustering Judicial Nominees
Senator McConnell Opposed Filibustering Judicial Nominees Part 1
Barnes/Rove/ National Review going with 'stupid' on Sotomayor (1:16)
A New Approach to the War on Terror
Rachel Maddow: California Sen. Boxer Reacts to Prop 8 Decision
Republicans don't get how torture radicalizes our enemies
Gen. Karpinski = A Few Bad Apples Myth
Rachel Maddow & The Supreme Court
Obama Promises Made in Las Vegas:Health Care, Fiscal Discipline, Education, Energy!
Tancredo: Sotomayor "Appears To Be A Racist"
The Republican Study Committee Stands With All Americans
TYT: Newt Gingrich Admits GOP a Party of Cowards, says 'Fear is appropriate', paints Cheney as wuss
DAY ONE: Palestine Festival of Literature, Michael Palin's Festival Blog
Rush Limbaugh Calls Sotomayor And Obama Racist
Turley: Past Opinions of Sotomayor Lack Intellectual Depth
Al Gore: "Mother Nature Does Not Do Bailouts"
Gavin Newsom On Larry King's Show Prop 8
Sotomayor Critic Says She's Not Qualified - Picked Because of Race and Gender (Turley Used)
Gonzo: Don't Blame Me For Torture -- I Wasn't At DOJ Yet
TYT: Debunking The GOP's Dirty Attacks Against Sotomayor
Red Band Marine Recruiting Video - Declassified?
Countdown: 'Mancow' Talks Waterboarding w/ Keith - "I Drowned as a Kid. This is Worse."
CNN IReport on No Need For Insurance Companies
CNN: James Carville Takes On Karl Rove At NYC Debate
The Real News: Canadians talk to Americans about health care
"A New Kind of War Part 1" (Contrast between McKiernan & McChrystal)
"Obama's Harriet Meirs" -the meme that never was
Amy Goodman: Chevron, Shell and the True Cost of Oil
State of Confusion, Political Assault, Gaslighting Lee Atwater/Karl Rove/Roger Ailes Psy-ops
Hospitals Being Bought up in Advance of Socialized Medicine Non-Profit Religious Right
Fear in flower: Supermax lockup is plenty tight (Evans | Daily Camera)
Freedom is worth the risks (Pitts)
Gonzo: Don't Blame Me For Torture -- I Wasn't At DOJ Yet (TPM)
The (almost) complete Rosen article oft quoted by Republicans opposing Sotomayor
Cheney wants us to stop asking questions ( Papantonio | Pensacola News Journal)
Could a teenage girl topple Berlusconi?
Could a teenage girl topple Berlusconi?
Asia Times: The wreck of modern finance
The GOP's Feigned Outrage (Frank | WSJ)
More fun with Dick and Dick (Carpenter | Indy Star)
David Sirota: Teabags vs. Douchebags
Cheney Prepares the Twinkie Defense
Robert Reich: Sotomayor and the Republicans
More RNC Talking Points on Sotomayor Nomination Leaked!
Robert Reich: The only sure way to fund universal healthcare
Garrison Keillor: It's not about me
ACLU In Court In Case Of South African Scholar Banned From U.S.
NY Times: A Job and No Mortgage for All in a Spanish Town
Listening to Burris (Chapman | Chicago Trib)
Huckabee Predicts Huge Sotomayor Battle, Between the Jets and Sharks
The New Republic: Why Sotomayor Is Such A Good Pick (Chemerinsky)
SCREAM RAPE and nothing happens. That Biskupic got to keep his job of course
Judge Sonia Sotomayor's life in pictures
Robert Scheer: Stuff the Bankers, Starve the Kids
Luckovich illustrates the GOP's 'Big Tent'.... great cartoon!
Militant anti-gay church turns its sights on Jews (Westboro Baptist)
Supreme Court's pregnant pause painful for many retiring women
Packing Heat in Our National Parks: How Did We Let the Gun Fanatics Get Their Way?
Class Warfare - The War Is Over. The Good Guys Lost.
Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better
Placebo Presidency: A Call for the Audacity of Hopelessness
US: H-1B workers outnumber unemployed techies
Venezuela deports suspected Colombian drug trafficker to his homeland
Cross post from Eds&Articles: A Job and No Mortgage for All in a Spanish Town
Cuba now exporting green technology experts
Queen's geologist helps in search for Colombia’s ‘disappeared’
The leader of the team of assassins in Bolivia made trips to Miami!
RIGHTS-CHILE: Ex-Soldier Arrested for Víctor Jara Murder
Hearse Driver Stops At Bar, Never Makes It to Cemetery
Project seeks volunteers in search of Maine wolves
Surmounting climate change in the Himalayas (CNN)
EIA projects wind at 5% of U.S. electricity in 2012, all renewables at 14%, thanks to Obama stimulus
Oxfam's reaction to "timid" World Business Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen
Giant blob found deep beneath Nevada
Obama officials come to NW to learn salmon issues
US steelworkers form unlikely alliance as renewables reinvigorate rustbelt
Melting Greenland Ice Sheets May Threaten Northeast United States, Canada (more than thought)
Rapid Recovery of Damaged Ecosystems (given human will)
Lesson from the past for surviving climate change—Research examines how past communities coped …
Seeing beyond the invisible: Scientists find formula to uncover our planet’s past and help predict…
W/O Binding Agreement(s), Global CO2 Output From 29 Billion MT In 2006 To 40.4 Billion MT By 2040
Imperial Oil Moving Forward With $7 Billion+ Plan For New Tar Sands Development - NYT
Face-off Over 'Fracking': Water Battle Brews On Hill
Research suggests we may be genetically programmed to care about the long-term future
Forest offsets give EPA regulators some tough nuts to crack
If Lovelock's Too Upbeat For You, Check This Out - The Medea Hypothesis, From Peter (Green Sky) Ward
Nobu Tells Patrons Not To Eat Bluefin Tuna Sushi, But Of Course Serves It Anyway - Mongabay
New Warning of Rising Sea Levels in Northeast
PEMEX Asks Mexico's Finance Ministry For An Extra $1.5 Billion (US) To Fight Peso Slump
Cape Wind wins near final approval
Observing wind farms from 35,000 feet
Obama Dedicates $467 Million of Recovery Act Funding for Geothermal and Solar Projects
US bike sales higher than car sales in 2009
I don't know if GM will survive but here's MTs review of the Cruze - the car that will save GM?
Bright Automotive Unveils 100 mpg Hybrid Truck (AP/USNews)
Fearing For Fish, Cancer Clusters, 33 NWT Towns Call For Tar Sands Moratorium - G&M
Adaptation Emerges As Key Part Of Any Climate Change Plan
Nearly 200 Dead, 500K Displaced As Cyclone Slams Into Bangladesh, Sundarban Islands
Canada's Governor General gets to the heart of the matter
Much needed straight talk about Indirect Land Use Changes and Biofuels from Oak Ridge National Lab
Portland plans to test 'buffered bike lanes'
Stanford scientists create a synthetic wood substitute, for flooring and furniture.
Even Cowher couldn't save the Canes
Lakers coach Jackson fined for slamming referees
Bruins' Jacobs hopes Winter Classic goes to Fenway
cboy4 (oops Lane Kiffin) offers no apologies for being an ***hole..
Kuroda makes his final rehab start today, and the Dodgers improve to 33-15
While the Dodgers were playing yet another below .500 team..
Peter Zezel, 44, longtime NHL player
Today in labor history May 26 The Memorial Day Massacre, in which ten strikers were killed by police
Scripps-Howard News: Breast feeding linked to heart health (U.Pgh. study)
Ginger Helps Reduce Nausea from Chemotherapy (NCI)
Acid Blockers Linked to Pneumonia Risk
Is Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Alzheimer's Disease And Vascular Dementia?
U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown predicts universal health care by end of year
Prop 8 Arrest & Protest PHOTO Thread:
Hard evidence of CA Domestic Partnership/Marriage differences
So with GLBTs battling for their civil rights across this land....
I went to the rally at the old Orange County courthouse last night
What Does the CA.Constitution Actually Say RE: Gay Marriage?
Hispanics Back Gay Marriage at Same Rates as Whites (Nate Silver)
Why the ballot box and not the courts should be the next step
A Photographic Remembrance of San Francisco's Same-Sex Marriage Revolt
Is there a way for straight allies of GBLT to identify themselves?
An Open Letter to Barack Obama
So the Annointed One is at a fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton
"I could do the research."?????
Here's the real question: What have GAYS done to incur the venom we save for Dick Cheney and his ilk
New Yorkers divided on gay marriage
American Foundation for Equal Rights: Who are they? (Olson/Boies Prop 8 federal lawsuit)
OK, here is a TERRIBLE photo of me at the rally yesterday
Protesting this weekend? I've got some rules for ya!
I just got home from the NYC pro-equality protest
Prop 8 Ruling Moves to Federal Court
Militant anti-gay church turns its sights on Jews (Westboro Baptist)
Levi’s Adopts a Tie-In With a Gay Marriage Symbol
LGBT Orgs: don't file lawsuits leading to SCOTUS now
NYT: AT&T influenced idol vote for Kris with texting cheats to the large Allen parties
Indian gay marriage law takes effect in Oregon
The real next front should be DOMA, forget CA. DOMA is the Key
Parents and I (gmother) are debating putting 7 yr. old
Police likely to indict (Avigdor) Lieberman within weeks
Toledo police layoffs leading to gun buying by citizens
The 2009 Arab Public Opinion Poll: A View from the Middle East
US calls for total settlement freeze ahead of Abbas meeting
MKs support arrest over denial of Israel's existence
ADL Head Slams Loyalty Oath For Arab Israelis
Israel demands world 'respond decisively' to North Korea nuclear test
Weekly Audit: Why Accountability Matters
What California can learn from North Dakota
JPMorgan’s WaMu Windfall Turns Bad Loans Into Income (Enron Accounting)
Selfish Exxon shareholders vote down climate change report...
France and Germany helping employers to keep employees
Strange but true.. Credit Default Swaps are Back!
Japan's big guns prepare to rejoin global arms industry
The Greatest Swindle Ever Sold
Reuters: U.S. economy at risk of double-dip recession
The Crisis Is Over, And We Wasted It
Israel fears Hezbollah anti-aircraft missiles could spark war
Repost of Evening on the Deck for resizing.
Stalking a red winged blackbird in the weeds by the lake-results
Late afternoon, storm to the south.
WARNING!!!! EXPLICIT!!! Seagull Porn
A question for birdwatchers. (no picture)
My first post here with an extremely large pic: Smokey Dreams
Western NC mountains...small church and a busy bee
Israelis get four-fifths of scarce West Bank water, says World Bank
***June Photo Contest Theme Poll***
Decoding Earthquakes/Astro stats/charts, etal
Found this last night in my pictures taken at the Arches
Matthew's Message for May is up
Scientists are looking for a "GOD" chemical!
Most Recent Web Bot Predictions
I need your opinion, the planets can be personified
Care to share your experience with Chrion?
Museums and TV have dinosaurs' posture all wrong, claim scientists
U.S. Religious Landscape Survey -- May 26, 2009
"Nedim Gursel: Turkish Author Tried For Insulting Islam"
Christian school silences democrats:
"Today’s decision by the California Supreme Court is welcome" says LDS spokesman:
The God Chemical: Brain Chemistry and Mysticism - series on NPR
Note to Atheists: Be More Funny
Well, if this isn't fun ..........
The best part is the end "shows over"
When did the recovery effort for Flight 93 passengers end?
Texas House runs out clock on voter-ID bill
Panel urges impeachment of federal judge in Texas
Twilight actor to star as Varg Vikernes
As their marriage crumbles, Jon & Kate plus 8 getting record viewers
Terminator: Salvation. Who saw it? Who also thinks it sucked?*mild spoilers*
Manning to Harper: Clarify how government divvies up research cash
Opposition demands PM fire Flaherty over ballooning deficit
Chalk River reactor shutdown to last at least 3 months: AECL