The Truth About 'Judicial Activism' From The Daily KOS
An email from (Cheney/torture)
SOME ("So Others Might Eat") Concert -- A beautiful idea
KO is tearing apart Rove and Limbaugh over Judge Sotomayor.
A Couple More Reasons to Let Us All Organize
Publication Date: February 19, 2002
Three words I never thought I would say.
Is there a biography of Dennis Kucinich about his life in the 80s & early 90s
conservative columnist: I was wrong about Sotomayor speech
Cancer drug erases fingerprints (BBC)
You know, if Hannity became a victim of "random tragedy.."
Why don't we just kill all the people at Gitmo?
North Korea restarts nuclear reactor and threatens to attack south this and thought I would share)
Larry King should have had David Boies and Ted Olson on longer than 10 minutes.
May 30 - National Day of Action on Health Care for All
If you are the parent of a young teenager, or someone just learning to drive.
Is it now okay to joke about torture?
Just watched George Takai and his husband on Larry King Live
Same-sex couples fill wedding license office in protest- refuse to leave all day (San Diego)
$2 newsstand price for the New York Times? Ouch......
Assault with an embarrassing weapon....
Medicare is a WONDERFUL thing.......
Same-Sex Marriage Discussions on Larry King Live. BIG SUPRISE!
Authentic Congerssional Gibberish....
Corporate "persons" and Democracy don't mix.....Outrage in quotes:
The GOP want to change the pronunciation of Sotomayor's name?
I think its time to just forget explaining things to republicans
This Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia is a real whackjob......
War of aggression=a crime against peace.
War of aggression=a crime against peace.
Samuel Alito's "reversal rate" revealed: 100%
Cancer death rate dropped nearly 20 percent in 15 years
Herr Pat Buchanan: Sotomayor's an affirmative action pick 'cause there were no white male finalists
How Cute!!! NPR Found A White High School Rival Of Sotamayor's To Whine About Affirmative Action!!!
How Cute!!! NPR Found A White High School Rival Of Sotamayor's To Whine About Affirmative Action!!!
How Cute!!! NPR Found A White High School Rival Of Sotamayor's To Whine About Affirmative Action!!!
"What are you supposed to say to a holocaust denier?"
Hate Speech, Media Activism and the First Amendment
Preview of the Michelle Bachmann comic book!
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
It's midnight - Wanda Sykes on with Leno in a minute.
Help me people! Someone I love is full of shit concerning black history in America....
Bill O'Rielly just called President Clinton a "Patriot" and trashed FR as an "awful"
States consider cutting drug help for seniors
Update: ACLU sues City of Fresno, and P.D. for names of Cops who beat homeless man
Tweety squeezes Burris no end...uses FBI Tapes....Burris looks sounds like tainted if not GUILTY..
Anti-war protesters criticize President Obama during visit
The Sotomayor Pick: Bridging the Black-Latino Divide
Report: Iraq prisoner abuse photos depict torture, rape
Glenn Beck comedy special (who's his writer???)
Glenn Beck comedy special (who's his writer???)
Supreme Court Nominee Should Be Closely Questioned On Church-State Views, Says Americans United
Supreme Court Nominee Should Be Closely Questioned On Church-State Views, Says Americans United
Supreme Court Nominee Should Be Closely Questioned On Church-State Views, Says Americans United
Why does the Government want to withhold the Abu Grab photos?
Another wrongly convicted inmate released in Texas (20th exonerated by DNA evidence in Dallas County
Into the mind of a Right wing tickin' time bomb
The Day David Dukes Took Over the Republican Party
Will cancer patients become the next terror threat?
Will cancer patients become the next terror threat?
Hard to believe these lyrics are almost 40 years old
Deteriorating neighborhoods for profit: Blairmont Holdings, St. Louis
Recession breeds repression, group says
Amnesty International's 2009 Human Rights Report -pdf
Why did Keith stop calling out Hannity?
Stimulus funds put hard hats to work!
Credit card “bill of rights” puts few restraints on banks
Credit card “bill of rights” puts few restraints on banks
And then there are the crimes that leave you utterly breathless (Warning: graphic pic of abused dog)
Ok. If the torture pics are "so horrible that possesion of them is already a crime" then don't
Watch how little time Barbara Boxer gets
Help me understand why it would have been a problem for Burris
"The 83 Waterboardings of Abu Zubaydah" - A Piece Of Tragicomedy...
Los Angeles teachers start hunger strike to protest layoffs
US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,302
Why is there such a brouhaha over Daniel Hauser getting the chemo
RANTING Susan Boyle completely lost her cool with TWO four-letter outbursts in a day
cornwall homecoming w sue aston on violin: take a short break from the Pub Wars
The horror of living in a big city like Glendale California. (police report)
San Francisco Chronicle: Gay rights advocates rip suit to undo Prop. 8
Would-be assassin of Gerald Ford said "no one is above the law."
Enough of this,Balance -Diversity -Demographics crap about the USSupCt...
Keep holding those public Health Care Forums Sen Baucus
For Republicans, Court Fight Risks Losing Hispanics to Win Conservatives
So, When Will Al Franken be seated?
DADT - what happened to "the fierce urgency of now"?
Gingrich, Sotomayor and Hunting Giraffes (Juan Cole)
Anti-Prop. 8 Signs Pop Up On Highway Overpasses
NYDNews: Various stories about Sotomayor's childhood and mother
Capitalism Produces Rich Bankers, but Socialism Produces Happiness
Craigslist chief: 'We're the victim of a witch-hunt'
Goody Goody Goody. Time Warner divesting AOL
Let's hope Repubs fillibuster Sotomayor
California's Central Valley 'is the best place for Gitmo prison,' Fresno columnist says
Besides nuts like Rush and Newt how many Rethugs have you seen or heard commenting on Sotomayor?
Elvis memorabilia to be sold in Vegas next month
The GOP (re: Sotomayor) is in a position called "Zugzwang". It's a chess term.
Cheney Prepares the Twinkie Defense
Should there be a World Police Force and should the USA be a major part of it?
This isn't about Sonia Sotomayor-Its About "Extending" Fear Of President Obama & Minorities
If they can break the law, why can't we?...
California State Parks On The Budget Hit List
And we have yet ANOTHER freeperism!
Republicans Show that they are ONLY in it to distroy American (SCOTUS Pick)
The Rude Pundit - n Brief: Sotomayor in 1997: Another Quote to Contradict the Right
San Francisco Chronicle: Bad Economy Improves Commute
Christie Whitman just said on MSNBC
Joe Sestak will challenge Specter for Dem nomination pending family blessing
Go effing where? "If you don't love it, leave it." And go where?
Republican Senate Candidate Admits GOP Has No Position On Health Care
Comic Shocker: Archie Dumps Betty For Veronica
Who Are the Shadow Warriors? Countries Are Getting Hit by...Military Attacks...No One Taking Credit
No surprise: Pat Roberts becomes first GOP Senator to announce "No" on Sotomayor
a religiously insane woman phone caller on Wash. Journal said
Should President Obama get credit for pulling economy back from the brink?
Airforce officer from Ohio discharged under don't ask don't tell!
Iraq Redux? Obama Seeks Funds for Pakistan Super-Embassy
Oops! I totally missed my 10,000th post!
Right-wing governments CANNOT manage money.....Our friends in Canada are getting a taste now.
Sotomayor, the Bartlett case and why we should care
News report don't specify the age of raped jail victims
Snort!!! ACORN drops dirty laundry off at Boehner's office.
Rep. Joe Sestak will be on Ed Schultz (radio) in the next couple of hours.
Rep. Joe Sestak will be on Ed Schultz (radio) in the next couple of hours.
The Army Is In Denial About What The Epidemic Of Suicides Is All About
If sh*t could sh*t, the product would be Karl Rove
Sarah Palin's Outrageous Hypocrisy on Teen Sex
According to one Rapture Ready fundie nutcase:
So Vladimir Putin is getting his own advice column. Which begs the question....
Ohio gay anti discrimination bill finally gets wide support
U.S. General Says Bush Admin Committed War Crimes
The True Cost of Chevron: An Alternative Annual Report
"I accused two black men of abducting me and my daughter--Now I'm going to Disney World!"
General orders US troops not to commit suicide (you're ruining our statistics)
Why does Bill Maher try to paint himself as a Libertarian?
Why does Bill Maher try to paint himself as a Libertarian?
I find this fact appalling, revolting, disgusting and terribly sad:
FYI: Jeremy Scahill on third hour of Thom Hartmann...
Mortgage Delinquencies, Foreclosures Rise to Records in U.S. Amid Job Cuts
Lucky Ducky and the brand-new stadium - Tom The Dancing Bug
Life story, Israel trips tie Sotomayor to Jews
Its official: Bing is Microsoft's new search engine
Pat Robertson: I'm a financial wiz
Visteon, Metaldyne File for Bankruptcy as Automakers Cut Orders for Parts
Iraq redux? Obama seeks funds for Pakistan super-embassy
Used cars are about to become more expensive
States use 3rd grade literacy tests to track future prison populations.
Towns Rethink Self-Reliance as Finances Worsen
Bristol Palin now says "I'm sexy enough to make you wait." Levi Johnston says ...
Elk Grove (CA) Police Officer Arrested By FBI - For Alleged Mortgage Fraud
After we let torturers go, what criminals do we let go next?
I'm at the annual 11th grade sex talk,.... ask me anything.
Unidentified elected official to be indicted this afternoon in Chicago
Inside Iraq: Living with the enemy. What we have caused in Iraq.
Willingness to torture tells us all we need to know about the character of Bush, Cheney et al
PSA: Check your credit card due date
Yeah we've got 50 million uninsured....but our system's working great for the insured, right?
Looks like there's a boycott of M$M by all elected representatives
Anyone else watching the National Spelling Bee on ESPN?
War Games with the Press = by Scott Horton
Grads apply in record numbers to Teach for America
Russia, Cuba Agree To Renew Joint Nuclear Research
Prominent Republican favors an "up or down vote " on judicial appointees
Jon Soltz: The Rush and Cheney Show (huffpo)
Boston Globe: Where's the equal justice for gays? (Obama's thinking pattern evolves to less liberal)
Doonesbury is leading up to Obama's icon...(last 3 days strips...)
Freepers: Coming Clash of Civilizations...US Anglo-Saxon roots under assault by minorities in power
Freepers are turning even the spelling bee...
Nuremberg Set a Valid Precedent for Trials of War-crime Suspects in Iraq's Destruction
Is Dick Cheney's daughter running for something?
Schwarzenegger makes fat joke about Limbaugh!
All The RW Has Left Is Projecting Their Faults On Others
TPM: Right Winger thinks Sotomayer's Latin diet may influence her decisions.
Flash map showing progression of type A(H1N1) flu worldwide
Missing Pa. mom who claimed she was "kidnapped by 2 black men" found at Disneyworld
World leaders to hold economic summit in Pittsburgh.
"A progressive in the Obama mold"
Bailing out Banks vs Bankrupting GM and Chrysler .........
I don't usually 'do' hero worship
I don't usually 'do' hero worship
Freeper looks for help, thinks he's falling in love with a liberal, hue and series!
Online news might no longer be free soon. Media bigs hold "discreet" meeting today
I humbly suggest that we rename Sapiens Sapiens into Stultus Mortiferans
Secret Service Takes Down Woman at LAX
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009
Base8 (Know your anti-gay Proposition 8 donors)
Uh oh! Sotomayor's in La Raza!
Is it not odd that Obama never asked Sotomayor about Roe v Wade?
NEW RULE: Unstable White Women Need to Stop Blaming Male Minorities for their Miserable Lives.
A shallow, insubstantial post: Tamron Hall is drop dead gorgeous
A shallow, insubstantial post: Tamron Hall is drop dead gorgeous
"If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it."
Right Wing Terrorism Watch - Newspaper runs ad calling for Obama's assassination
Steven Green Says he will Face "God's Justice" for Slayings (apologizes to family)
OpenLeft: Conservative Identity Politics
I see lots of promises that "employers cannot deny insurance for preexisting conditions" .....
Foreclosure woes mount for those with good credit
Wingnut Homophobe Writer removed from near Air Force One at LAX
One response to Joe Scarborough I wish someone had the balls to say....
Texas Democrats block vote-suppression bill; Republicans derail hundreds of other bills
CA Governor proposes 100% cut in state funding for AIDS programs -
LA gay and lesbian center open letter to Obama: No sign you are a "fierce advocate" for equal rights
Republicans' Other Latino Problem
Fairfax High's prom queen is a guy - gay student beats out female candidates
Day Late And A Dollar Short, Inc.
GOP auctioning off a chance to have dinner with Newt Gingrich
GOP auctioning off a chance to have dinner with Newt Gingrich
If one tenth of people were as vocal for GLBT rights as they are to point out "faux outrage"
GOP Sen. Pat Roberts Becomes First Lawmaker To Officially Oppose Sotomayor
A place to start-snopes and Wikipedia entries on Canadian healthcare
Deadly Salmonella: Frozen Food's Newest Ingredient
Would You Slap Your Father? If So, You’re a Liberal
AAR.... You're losing me. I can't hear Kuby at *all* in NYC?
Need lead on device for individuals with medical issues: where to find out more
Is anyone else finding that the latest edition of Microsoft Internet Explorer hates Yahoo! Mail?
Hardball has Olsen and Boies on now discussing why they are
Brenda Lee, Reporter, Dragged Kicking And Screaming From Near Air Force One
Brenda Lee, Reporter, Dragged Kicking And Screaming From Near Air Force One
What if All of the Blue States Banded Together for Single-Payer Health Care?
So the N°4 company in the Fortune 500 employing 244000 is NOT to big to fail
Record 12 percent behind on mortgage or in foreclosure
Its time to get real about defending marriage
Rush is now collectively referring to the Chinese people as ChiComs, not just the government anymore
Barbaric European food practices, Part I: The snail
What Percentage of Poor People are Scamming the System?
Centrist Dem under fire for opposing Obama healthcare
Gates: No reason to build up US troops in Korea
TPM: Sotomayor Had It Easy (The RW - They're mad, and they're not gonna take it anymore!)
Air Force Times: Don't Ask, Don't Tell talks must move slowly so as not to "stress" military
Hypothetical situation: so there's this guy who's been tortured...
Oh My! ..... Tancredo says Sotomayor is a member of the 'Latino KKK'
Gallup Poll: Reaction to Sotomayor more good than bad, poll finds
my daughter graduated last night from HS...YEA...Robert Gates was the Keynote speaker
Reporter removed from near Air Force One at LAX - (UpDate from earlier post)
The fundamental social division is class, not race or gender
In the Senate who do you think is the most Left leaning and who the most right leaning
In the Senate who do you think is the most Left leaning and who the most right leaning
National Healthcare and contacting Senators: Is there some small logo item
What Percentage of Wealthy People are Scamming the System?
What right do we have to board and inspect North Korean ships?
Multiracial people become fastest growing US group
Sound familiar? Gas prices in Chicago up 51 cents in a month:
If single payer is off the table, then the VAT should be off the table, too.
How can such a smart guy like Zbigniew Brzezinski have such a dimwitted daughter like Mika?
My favorite Right Wing
Very cool program in Glendale CA elementary school. My 5 yr. old grandson class entirely in Italian.
Who stole Ted Olson and put this pro gay marriage person in his place?
Unemployment: $472 a month. Meds: $283 a month.
Reporter dragged kicking and screaming from near Air Force One1
Towle Road: Obama Clueless About Promise Gays Want Him to Keep?
Single-Payer Actions Planned in Over Fifty Cities... MAY 30th
Better shots of Gov Palin's outfit on Memorial Day (dial up warning)
I hope that Prop 8/ Gay Marriage goes to the Supreme Court
Is the media trying to derail Judge Sotomayor? look at the headlines in the news today
Is it Easier for Democrats to Remake the Republican Party than for Republicans to Remake their Own
Gotta love today's Non Sequitur....
Will Sotomayor Take On Scalia?
Teach Kids to be Kind to Animals - New HSUS Program
Newspaper Execs Hold Secret Meeting To Discuss Charging Web Users
Newspaper Execs Hold Secret Meeting To Discuss Charging Web Users
I find Sen Burris an embarrassment
Liz Cheney.... can someone please explain to me what her expertise is that
Bush EAC Chair cashes in, plays Honolulu in 'Net voting scheme...
Tweety's tingle for Ted: " much my wife and I love Ted Olson."
Are there ANY arguments against gay marriage...
Prosecutor in anthrax, Blackwater cases resigns
Swastika Burned Into Black Woman’s Lawn
"The Case for Working With Your Hands"
"Abu Ghraib abuse photos 'show rape' "....
Stimulus projects bypass hard-hit states
Obama joked about gay protesters asking him to keep promises
When Seconds Count: Stopping Active Killers
Florida siphons many millions from trust funds...Crist vetoes raid on gun permits, lets others pass
Florida siphons many millions from trust funds...Crist vetoes raid on gun permits, lets others pass
i am glad i am insured, but i HATE insurance companies... Went to doc for cancer screen
"...six other prisons..." YOU ARE TORTURING US AS WELL
Larisa Alexandrovna: Photos Obama Won't Release Include Images of Rape...
Do CIA cables show doctors monitoring torture?
Until photos are released, there are still these life like recreations of the torture evidence
TORTURE, Was 2nd Bush Crime-Used To Produce ALIBI For Illegal War (Paul Craig Roberts)
Okay, let's get this clear once and for all...
"Catering To Your Skin Whitening Needs"
Wal-Mart fined 18 seconds worth of profit in employee's death.
Why doesn't the TV talk about where all the money Wall Street and the Big Banks lost went?
This is THE BEST news coming out of the Credit Card Bill --->
The hidden statistics in my neighborhood...
Would you slap your father? If so, you're a liberal
Why Were The Torture Pics Taken In The First Place?........
You invested cautiously, saved properly, and tried to do the right thing ..... but then ......
A police firing range next to a nuclear power plant? What could possibly go wrong?
Coming Soon: Michele Bachmann - The Comic Book!
Chevron, Shell and the True Cost of Oil, by Amy Goodman
Is it out of line to say this about the Torture issue? Correct this if it is wrong.
Reid Spokesman: Obama And Reid Will Campaign For Specter Against Sestak
Bankes Move Credit Card Fees to Checking Accounts
Bankes Move Credit Card Fees to Checking Accounts
Is a 2 woman, 7 man Supreme court a good balance?
‘Ghost ship’ the Vandenberg goes down in history as new reef
Rachel Maddow Does The Math On Sotomayor
Proposal for prop in California: Remove tax exempt status for churches funding propositions...
Dean says Ben Nelson's "trigger" plan for a public option is "a terrible idea."
Dean says Ben Nelson's "trigger" plan for a public option is "a terrible idea."
Dean says Ben Nelson's "trigger" plan for a public option is "a terrible idea."
Remember the Baghdad Embassy? We are building one in Pakistan now.
If you were going to die soon, would you want to know?
John Bogle of the Vangard Funds speaks out against current market culture
Top Ten Proposals on Obama's Website
Post your pic - or even just check out the DU gallery
News Flash: Car Dealers are Republicans
please send this wounded soldier a card?
Flashback: Torture photos depict ‘rape and murder,’ Sen. Graham said in 2004
The entire NATION should be made to deal with this
If You Had Dual Citizenship, Would You Stay Or Go?
Holy crap -- Schwarzenegger wants to *eliminate* CA welfare?
Holy crap -- Schwarzenegger wants to *eliminate* CA welfare?
Obama sucks. The U.S. is an evil empire;
Sounding the Alarm: Update on the Economic Downturn
So being proud of one's heritage is racism, according to the GOP?
And now time for some TRUTH: Obama Doesn't Mock Gay Rights Protestors at CA Fundraiser.
Oklahoma Highway Patrol fight with EMT (Video)
For Gay Leaders, Obama’s Silence on Prop. 8 Speaks Volumes
Californians: We have to stick together here!
In a lawless US, would people be cutting each others heads off?
The Prophet And Profits: TV Preacher Pat Robertson Goes For The Greed
Can anyone explain what the hell happened w/SCOTUS today?
About Those White Firefighters that claim discrimination.
What are your plans, and where do you plan to be Dec. 21, 2012?
New Animated Comedy (ABC prime time)'The Goode Family' (Mike Judge)
I Guess US Soldiers Raping and Murdering Prisoners is Not Sensational?
"we can't afford it" = nazi talk.
There's always some lame excuse for inaction and not resisting
Children Raped at Abu Ghraib, General Taguba Calls it a War Crime
During a speech at a $30,000-a-plate dinner, President Obama ...
Screwed? Oh, let me count the ways.
Screwed? Oh, let me count the ways.
Health insurance premiums for congress members?
Where are the liberals on TVto talk about liberal concerns that Sotomayor isn't liberal enough?
John "Yosemite Sam" Bolton will be a guest on this weeks 'Real Time with Bill Maher'
Pierre.Suave, I feel your pain...
Japanese popular culture never ceases to amaze
Lithgow Versus Dexter in Season 4
Bill O'Reilly has his head so far up his ass he needs a window in this belly to look out.
Questions, questions... curious... I feel like a cat...
its nice to know that an airborne virus will still stop when it sees barbed wire
Do you like howling at the moon? Check this out.
I swear, Obama has it easy with North Korea. He should change my sons diaper for a challenge.
I've decided *NOT* to spank my Monkey
Go ahead and put me on ignore....
I've decided *NOT* to spay my Chihuahua
I've decided *NOT* to *spray* my yellow lab
Where Is The Buckaroo Banzai Sequel or Remake?!
Post your thinly veiled callouts of other DUers here
Time Warp (Discovery Channel) has jumped the shark
Who could have foreseen sampling and DJ's creating music?
Who else is drunk and still not smoking?
Former Guantanamo Inmate Helping With Guantanamo Game
Hip Replacement Gives Dog New Lease On Life!
Goddamned insurance company! I knew it!
I helped a friend today at the funeral home, her Mother passed.
What do you guys think about this song?
Who else likes KFC's new grilled chicken?
A two hour session of colouring later...
RANTING Susan Boyle completely lost her cool with TWO four-letter outbursts in a day
The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Cam is online!
There's a guy in my class who is driving me absolutely CRAZY! Please say nice things to me...
All right, you In-N-Out haters! Let's duke it out!
Okay, Loungies - I need your assistance in writing an invitation to Barack and Michelle.
My cable internet is getting cut off today..I'll see you all whenever I can afford it.
V-8 does NOT make a good mixer for spiced rum
Iphone owners, what apps have you found with a great concept but fail in practice?
The easiest way to put the Snuffleupagus behind bars? Three little words: "random drug testing"
So I have a doctors appointment on Monday.....
*************** GALLSTONES ********************
What does it say about the Lounge that the 2 posts at the top as I'm writing this have to do with
What does it say about the Lounge that the 2 posts at the top as I'm writing this have to do with
You just might be a Dumb Conservative if....
News flash! Archie Andrews to marry Veronica Lodge!
Photobucket has a new feature. Statistics. Like everything else with Photobucket
So Vladamir Putin is getting his own magazine column. Which begs the question...
Looking to read a Richard Dawkins book...
Which band sucks more? Shinedown or Nickelback?
Anyone watch "The Goode Family" last night?
"Summa cum laude," "magna cum laude," "cum laude"...
Where did the phrase "Not so much" come from?
The Truth About Lying - From big whoppers to little white lies
I swear I have cheated the library.
VERY COOL! - Integrating wind turbines into existing power line towers
I have a new job--kinda, sorta
I'm going to Prom tomorrow night!
Self Deleted. This discussion is getting way too esoteric. NT.
What kind of a mental giant...
Have you ever attended a tea party?
Through the powers of deduction, I've determined that Midlo and Aimee Mann are the same person
The Truth About Frying - From big whoppers to little white fries
Straightest Gay Character/Gayest Straight Character
*******Happy Birthday evlbstrd!*******
what would you do if you thought someone here was a troll
Goddamn my boss is a fucking IMBECILE!
Have you ever been almost driven to tears because of fractions?
COOL! I scored the first post on The Cafferty File tonight!
I wonder if he's been allowed back inside yet
I'm undergoing a temporary crush on Cate Blanchett right now
When do you give up and decide a relationship is too awful to endure any longer?
my son actually invited me to go out w/ him Saturday night
Canine popularity contest: Pete the Pup vs. Nipper vs. Bullseye
Rangers vs. Special Forces (joke)
The BoSox and Skankees are tied for first? For SHAME.
The leprechauns on my shoulders are getting out of hand. Any tips for controlling them?
The leprechauns on my shoulders are getting out of hand. Any tips for controlling them?
I just fell asleep outside for an hour and a half.
I wonder if Midlo was the source of all the drummer jokes I've heard
Susan Boyle has two meltdowns in one day
My latest photo gallery was named Editor's Pick on Mother Earth News
Manny Ramirez To David Ortiz: 'Road Trip' (The Onion)
I just posted a big dick picture in the Lounge-- ask me anything
Your personal Hell is a small room with a right wing talking head. Which would be worst?
Is there any particular reason that rum is associated with the ocean, the sea, and smuggling?
What words or phrases from a sales person drive you up a wall?
Anybody know a pathological liar?
Jigsaw Puzzles to relax and enjoy..
Is it just me, or has animosity on DU increased since the election?
Put in your bids now! How long will John Kerry speak for tomorrow?
Whonkin' big thunderstorm coming in -- need safety vibes for a bunch of soccer players
I need to brag for a minute. My youngest child scored a perfect
Need advice! Saga of two contractors...
Todd Palin offered Bristol a car to dump Levi Johnston
My daughter is auditioning for "So you Think you can Dance" Today!
Our student employee's family has to plan another funeral
Anyone post on Craigslist to advertise a garage/yard sale?
Yikes--I was gonna leave work but then BOOM!!!
Who does the best version of Long Black Veil?
Here is your laugh for the day
I recently went shopping with a friend for women's clothing.
I'm making spaghetti sauce and getting drunk.... ask me anything
When do you give up and decide a book is too fucking stupid to continue?
No Country For Old Men is one of the most perfect movies ever
4 Way Street (Ben Arnold/Scott Bricklin/Jim Boggia/Joseph Parsons) live on YouTube! With Amos Lee!
I just learned a good friend of mine has breast cancer..........
Holy Crap! No wonder I hate doctors!
7 Short Stories That Haunt You
Liquid Acid Enema Rectal Anarchy.
How much does an ounce of good marijuana cost?
The taste of black licorice : Love it or Hate it ??
Um... Call me a geek but I find this HOT.
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Thu 5/28/2009) (Warning, Sex Talk)
I wish they made half-sizes in women's clothing.
What's your most effective pick up line?
Ugh. It feels like no one in GD wants public healthcare in this country
Anybody have a favorite freeware calendar download?
Disturbing news: I am not in my brother's will, which apparently involves 3 mystery jars
*** Very Important Question For The Lounge ***
The Canadian Healthcare system and my Dad.
Obama the comedian -- cracks up elite audience with joke about GLBT protestors
Ship of State or Ship of Fools
Burris is as lame a duck if there ever was one...
LOL! Joe Klein on "Newtwition" - He needs a designated grownup who will ground his blackberry...
Countdown: Rep. Culbertson TX 7th District
Obama to Speak in Cairo, but Where? (NYT)
Republicans Will Not Fight Over Sotomayor
Portman pays visit to VA on eve of holiday
NYC-Mayor: Weiner Is Out, Officially
Sotomayor rejected the New Haven firefighters' claim because it threatened to burn down civil rights
A reductionist view of modern American politics
Woo HOO! - McCain on Hannity - Concerned about Sotomayor statements
Wendy Long is a racist twit. Just saw her on Hardball.
frontline: secret history of the credit card (from 2004)
PHOTOS Whoah, Loving those Lights (The President at Caesar's Palace, May 26)
Pawlenty to DNC chief: Butt out of Senate race
Justice Stevens went after Alito in a case released today on not respecting "stare decisis"
Limpballs: "The Republican Party is today's oppressed minority"
AK-Gov: Berkowitz Gearing Up to Challenge Palin
Heard on Olberman his comment about Rove knowing lots of stupid people from ivy league schools
How does this Supreme Court look like?
Not giving up on the teleprompter thing (Fox News)
White House Revealed documentary: If u haven't seen it, u need to
Huckabee to Back Rubio in Florida Senate Race (filed under the Coming Republican Civil War)
There is something seriously wrong when those who rape prisoners are not prosecuted
Obama was Magna Cum Laude, and Sotomayor was Summa Cum Laude. So does that mean...
Did you all hear tonite that Limbaugh wants MSNBC to stop mentioning
The news in LA just showed clips of Obama's speech tonight. I thought it was closed to the media?
Chuck Todd said he's surprised Obama isn't getting flack for fundraising in California and not doing
So Who are we running against Max Baucus?
"Emanuel Pushes Obama Plan to Lawmakers From Gyms to Restaurants "
CNN: Gay soldier appeals to Obama (VIDEO)
Sotomayor's Views on Abortion, Gun Rights Come Under the Microscope
Obama/ Abbas to discuss peace process notice how few people refer to Rove as a genius anymore!
Wow, everyone on Morning Joe is defending Sotomayor within the first 5 minutes
GOP won't filibuster Sotomayor....
Wouldn't u love to see President Obama teach a class for an hr or so?
For Bill Clinton followers: Long Sunday NY Times Magazine piece for this Sunday (preview)
PHOTOS The President at Nellis Air Force Base
GALLUP: Positive Initial Reaction to Sotomayor Nomination - 47% say excellent or good.
Antonin Scalia: State judges have the power to "make" law (2002)
Weirdest Sotomayor Endorsement Ever - Larry Klayman
Watch and listen to Sotomayor grilling BushCo lawyer on torture. -->
President Obama picks Cuban American for ambassador to The Vatican
Wonkette: "National Review: We Pronounce ‘Sotomayor’ However We WANT"
Dodd's Numbers Up In Latest Quinnipiac Poll, Still Trailing A Possible Republican Opponent
Fight for your issues, speak up, call out the POTUS as necessary, but realize WE (YOU) are winning!
What if there ISN'T another Thurgood Marshall right now?
Cunningham mulls U.S. Senate bid
Hatch: If no surprises, Sotomayor 'highly likely' to be confirmed
I heard yesterday that Chuck Schumer had proposed taking a public
I'm so proud to be associated with war criminals and those who won't prosecute
NYT: On Sotomayor, Some Abortion Rights Backers Show Unease
James Jones says U.S. is safer under Obama
Steele: "Empathize right on your behind!"
Mike Luckovich: The Republican Party 'Big Tent'
I like the "gentle" way Trudeau is starting to delve into focus on Obama
E. J. Dionne: Sotomayor Is no Leftist
THE GOP Hero Heroes in the GOP lineup
First GOP senator pledges vote against Sotomayor
Was Kathleen Sullivan excluded because she's gay?
Encouragement to write, if you haven't, the president about DADT
PA-Sen: Sestak Tells Supporters That He Intends to Challenge Specter
What Are The Chances Senator Al Franken Will Get To Vote For Sotomayor's Confirmation?
The American Prospect: How Concerned Should We Be About Sotomayor's Pro-Choice Credentials?
MSNBC: Roxana Saberi, "Yes, I'm a U.S. spy."
Obama brilliance on Sotamayor may well be Texas Goverrnor's race
Can't trust the government but the government should run health care?
Carlos Watson to Liz Cheney-(paraphrased)-"What if the documents ARE released and they show
Sensitive Freepers constructively criticize Sotomayor
A couple of pictures I took last year of Obama. (Warning: Large Graphics)
The wingnuts are misquoting Sotomayor; here's the whole quote:
Sotomayor's Past Rulings Encourage Environmentalists
White House Gets Serious About Rebuttal to Cheney
Does anyone have a link to Obama's speech at the LA fundraiser last night????????
Someone actually asked Gibbs today if the Administration
Republicans: Just Look At This Tasty Bait!!!
Miss. governor responds to presidential bid rumors
I graduated CUM LAUDE from CCNY MA/BA Economics, BA Anthropology, minor French.
Tell Senator Grassley to Stop Threatning Medicare and Health Care Reform
Daily Kos Diary: Obama Doesn't Mock Gay Rights Protestors at CA Fundraiser. (Updated)
PHOTO The New Tutankhamun of the World? O......kay.
Cheney again-when does this fuck go away?
SCOTUSblog: "It's Over" (Sotomayor will be confirmed)
Hartmann expounding on yesterday's Sotomayor commentary
Abu Ghraib abuse photos 'show rape'
On MSNBC they just showed a woman being carried off by 2 airport security officials...
Did Obama Signal To The Repugs That If They Put Up A Fight Over Health Insurance......
Politico: Robert Gibbs gets a lot of laughs in his briefings
Kennedy: Health bill would fix what's broken
Geithner's bailout plan (PPIP) may not be needed
Left Out of D-Day Events, Queen Elizabeth Is Fuming
Krugman: "The attacks on Sonia Sotomayor are getting crazier by the minute."
Barry (Obama) the Freshman (Videos)
Food for thought from Tom Tomorrow: "Obama is a centrist technocrat"
Obama halts road-building in national forests for one year
PA Newspaper Takes Ad Calling For Assassination Of President Obama
Demand NBC and Meet the Press Stop Swiftboating Obama's Healthcare Reform
President Obama calls on supporters to help with health care overhaul
Okay, folks. Parche needs our help.
"'Obama Keep Your Promise!' .... I LIKE that!"
Bill Clinton: "...I should have raised more hell about derivatives being unregulated."
Why won't Sotomayor release her birth certificate?
National security adviser: US safer under Obama
Legacy Emanuel opens new store aimed at keeping kids safe
Youth diabetes in Europe set to explode: study
Plan to Buy Bad Loans Founders
Magnitude-7.3 Quake Hits Near Honduras; Tsunami Warning Issued
House Calls for Closer Watch on Food Supply
Case delayed for South African denied US visa
Taliban claims responsibility for Lahore suicide attack
Eight charged over loyalist killing of Kevin McDaid
US: 29 insurgents killed in eastern Afghanistan
11 suicides at Campbell trigger stand-down
No exception on Israeli settlement: Clinton
Illinois Senate approves medical marijuana bill
IL Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill
Opel talks break down in Berlin
ToysRUs acquiring FAO Schwarz.
Pakistan bounties for Swat leaders
Recession brings cuts to veterans' service groups
UN pleads for more cash for Pakistan's displaced
A question of protection in Afghanistan
Tests Point to Spread of Weapons Trade
Hamas backers jailed in Texas (BBC)
Bondholder Group Reaches Deal for Up to 25% G.M. Stake
Costco's Net Falls on Staff Costs, Lower Sales
Review of Government Secrecy Ordered
To Protect an Ancient City, China Moves to Raze It
Iraq redux? Obama seeks funds for Pakistan super-embassy
Gay rights demonstrators call on Obama to abolish 'don't ask, don't tell'
Australian belatedly wins $10 million lottery
Malaysia loan sharks chain men to wall for months
12 pct. are behind on mortgage or in foreclosure
Chinese expert: newly-born panda in N. Thailand female, healthy
Israel rebuffs U.S. call for total settlement freeze
'Slumdog' filmmakers pledge to help children
China Is Said to Plan Strict Gas Mileage Rules
Myanmar hits back at critics of Suu Kyi trial
Gay Rights Demonstrators Call on Obama to Abolish "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Three-year-old kills brother in accidental shooting
Old lotto ticket nets struggling student $13m
No more gestures to Saudis: Iraq’s Maliki
FBI planning a bigger role in terrorism fight
Suppliers Visteon, Metaldyne file for bankruptcy protection
GM Bondholders Support Revised Bond Swap Offer
China-made children's products unsafe: state media
U.S. Durable-Goods Orders Hovered Near Lowest Level in 13 Years in April
Japan suicides climb as economy plumbs depths
Alert level raised on North Korea
GM Said to Plan for June 1 Bankruptcy, Sale of Assets
Siberian child 'raised by dogs'
Pentagon says U.S. commander killed in Falluja
Natural Gas In The Arctic Is Mostly Russian
Dismissed Palin ethics complaints don't come cheap
Obama meets Abbas and presses Israel on settlements
Poll: Specter's lead in Pennsylvania shrinks
Oil Hits $65/bbl On OPEC, U.S. Inventory Drop
GM Bankruptcy Could Take 90 Days Or More: Official
Mortgage Delinquencies, Foreclosures, Rates Increase
Brenda Lee, Reporter, Dragged Kicking And Screaming From Near Air Force One
Nicole Lamb-Hale to leave Foley & Lardner to take Obama administration post
U.S. Aims for Shift in China Economy
Insured in U.S. Paid ‘Hidden Health Tax,’ Group Says
Study says uninsured are costly for all
Journalist Roxana Saberi meets with Hillary Clinton two weeks after release from Iranian prison
Oil firms and loggers 'push indigenous people to brink of extinction'
Openly gay teen voted prom queen at LA high school
Bombs, gun battle, rock Pakistan's Peshawar
Banks to survive commercial property defaults - Fed
Multiracial America is fastest growing group
Fla.'s 'Father Oprah' joins Episcopal Church
Iran: Many die in Zahedan mosque bombing
Uninsured face avalanche of health costs
Indian air force gets Awacs plane
North Korean Atomic Tests Lift Lid on Japan’s Nuclear ‘Taboo’
Chrysler chairman expects sale to be complete Friday
Thieves Stealing Markers from Veterans' Graves
Mexican trains, trucks hijacked in new crime wave
Israel rejects US call over settlement work
On Sotomayor, Some Abortion Rights Backers Are Uneasy
Cuba Permits Sex Change Operations (covered by National H-C system)
Single-Regulator Plan for Banks Now Close
Grybauskaite to Become Lithuania’s First Female Head of State
US to spend $1 billion on embassy expansions in Pakistan, Afghanistan
Pentagon denies report Iraq prison photos show rape
U.S. undertakes Iraq-scale embassy project in Pakistan
$2M for kin of woman who died on NY hospital floor
NAACP Branch Readies for Confederate Flag Fight
Survey: Arctic may hold twice the oil previously found there
Bank of America getting into the luxury hotel business
Berkowitz eyes challenge of Palin (Updated with Hollis French seriously considering it as well)
World leaders to hold economic summit(G20) in Pittsburgh(Sept)
Pamela Rogers, teacher convicted of sex with 13-year-old, wants earlier parole
'75 Gerald Ford attacker hoped to start revolution
Photos show rape and sex abuse in Iraq jails-paper
US Military on High Alert As North Korea ends Truce
Justice Department Wants Abuse Photos Blocked
Borrowers with good credit fuel foreclosures in 1Q
Obama Says Health Care a Must This Year - Or Never
Obama Says Health Care a Must This Year - Or Never
Obama, Abbas tout two-state solution
'Power' move by male students ruffles U. of C.
Vargas Llosa told to hold tongue in Venezuela
Aetna warns 65,000 about Web site data breach
FL: Openly gay candidate in Florida gets a standing ovation
Bill Moyers and Donna Smith American SICKO
Senator Leahy on 1998 Sotomayor Nomination
Fox News Slams Judge Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court?
Call Sarah Palin (link corrected)
PALFEST 2009: Suheir Hammad Performs in Ramallah
Coulter On Sotomayor: Clarence Thomas & Miguel Estrada's Backgrounds Didn't Impress Democrats
Obama's Supreme Court Pick A Racist? by RSU
LiberalViewer : Killing Costs California $1 billion?
Ed Shultz Hits the GOP for Their Selective Amnesia on Empathy
Rep. Sestak (D-PA) = Intention to Run for Senate
Wonderful Video of a Prop 8 protest in CA
Torture Did NOT Make Us Safer-Cheney's Case Dishonest (CNN)
Republicans don't get how torture radicalizes our enemies (updated)
Obama in LA to Protesters: I Would Put My 4 Months Up Against Any Admin Since FDR
FEIN: "It's a matter of proximity to evil"
Sotomayor critics are playing the identity card, not Obama
Grover asks "What is Marriage?"
Canadian Governor General, Michaelle Jean Eats Raw Seal Heart
Jon Turley elaborates and clarifies his opinion of Sotomayor w/ KO
Roland Burris on the Blagojevich Tape
Pat Buchanan on Sotomayor: She's an Affirmative Action appointment, for Heaven's sake...
Tancredo: La Raza is "a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses"
The Video Shell Oil Desperately Doesn't Want You to See
Lt Dan Choi At Obama Protest Beverly Hilton 27 May 2009
TYT: Cenk Reacts to Mancow's Appearance On Keith Olbermann's Show
Media Matters' Boehlert goes head-to-head with Tancredo over Sotomayor on CNN
Race To The Bottom: Conservative Media Attack Judge Sotomayor
Obama Birth Certificate Q&A for Gibbs at White House -GOP Looking Like Fools
Greenwald: Alito's immigrant background shaped him, but Sotomayor is a 'racist'!
Judge Sotomayor c-span archive:
Racist Right Claims Sonia Has a Lotta' Splainin' To Do
Rigorous Questioning Hasn't Fazed Nominee.
These bogus arguments have lost their roar (Young | Waco TX Trib)
Amnesty: Economic crisis fuels rights "time bomb" (Reuters)
Hardin, Montana Bids to Be New Guantánamo Bay
Burris On Tape: Listen to Entire Call (TPM)
Close Guantanamo now (Gilmore | Colorado Daily)
H-1B workers outnumber unemployed techies
It's a legal maze for Canadian authorities abroad (Morgan | Globe & Mail)
Shock jocks: Voice of unreason
Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos 'Show Rape'
"Clean" Energy and Poisoned Water by Chris Hedges
CIA Chronicles: The CIA Veering from the Truth! How Shocking!
Right Wingers Claim David Boies and Ted Olson Are Gay Lovers
The Nation: The Border Violence Myth
Against the Tortured Logic of Obama's Placebo Presidency: A Call for the Audacity of Hopelessness
Gonzales not forgotten by Spanish authorities (De la Isla)
After Iraq, it's not just North Korea that wants a bomb
Financial Times: Re-regulation won't curb Wall Street's worst excesses
Guest Column: Loves Me, Loves Me Not (Do the Math)
On the Home Front, a Twist of Candor - Michelle Obama
Abu Ghraib abuse photos 'show rape'
Releasing all the torture photos immediately-probably save American lives
Neocon Ideologues Launch New Foreign Policy Group
AIPAC Hits 75 Percent Mark Again; Gets 329 House Signatures
AIPAC Hits 75 Percent Mark Again; Gets 329 House Signatures
Jim Hightower: Deadly Salmonella: Frozen Food's Newest Ingredient
Criticism of Sonia Sotomayor by conservatives provides fundraising opportunities
10 Sleazy Ways That Goldman Sachs Distracted Us While Pocketing Billions from the Treasury
US-Israel Relations Hit Low After Jewish State Rejects White House Demand
BREAKING: Barack Obama is NOT the Anti-Christ!
Socialism One Sector at a Time
Thomas Frank: The GOP's Feigned Outrage
Reality check from E. J. Dionne: Sotomayor as the Remedy for Roberts
Two men and a baby: Israel's gay community experiencing a baby boom
Trevor Neilson (Huff Post): "Letter from Birmingham Jail" Olson & Boies Fight for Equal Rights
Here is just a taste of abuse vids and Pix that were not released originally
Transcript of Bill Moyers Journal on single payer health care
Dr. Marcia Angell: Held hostage by the health system
Vanity Fair: No, Newt, You're the Racist
G20 Summit to be held in Pittsburgh in September
Bill introduced to shutdown School of Americas (HR 2567)
Obama Out-Bushes Bush on Preventive Detention
Fitzgerald Unseals New Indictments
No Torture Needed -- Cookies Did the Job
Deadly Salmonella: Frozen Food's Newest Ingredient
"the best article you'll see this year on American health care"
Britain: the depth of corruption (J Pilger)
Cheney has been talking a lot about 9/11. So what was he doing that day? —By James Ridgeway
It just doesn't get any worse than this
Nicholas Kristof: Would You Slap Your Father? If So, You’re a Liberal
Canada's healthcare saved her; Ours won't cover her
Selling Education, Manufacturing Technocrats, Torturing Souls
Cops pull over EMTs on route to hospital - fight ensues - caught on Camera
The Shameful History of the OAS (Part II)
FIDEL: "Ten Years Teaching and Learning" (re: Chavez)
Oil firms and loggers 'push indigenous people to brink of extinction'
FIDEL: "Torture Can Never Be Justified"
Weird Q&A State Dept.: Status of USAID Money - Cuba
HAITI: Father Jean-Juste, Human-Rights Crusader, dies in Miami
ONCE AGAIN: "Terrorist" Hernando Calvo Ospina Had to Change his Route
Eduardp Galeano is Amy's guest today for the whole hour.
Cross post: The City that Ended Hunger
President Aristide's message of solidarity to Father Jean-Juste
Short (3 min) Carter Center interview with Gerard Jean-Juste
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Report on Cuba for the Year of 2008
Obama Picks Cuban Liberation Theologian as US Ambassodor to the Vatican
BOREV: Venezuelan Oil Numbers: Reality Has a Well-Known Liberal Bias
WHICH country allows foreign guests to discredit its domestic political affairs?
"Cheney and Rumsfeld pressured CIA to mislead Congress in the 1970's, too" by Margie Burns
Jim DeFede: Remembering Father Jean-Juste
Prog Weekly: Who Does Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart Represent? (Author really whacks Lincoln)
John Michael Greer - A Guide For The Perplexed - Energy Bulletin
a Chicago D.J's clever little rant on environmentalism
The nuclear-power lobby—Subsidies, protests, lawsuits, and a billionaire’s bond election…
BMW electric MINI, delivered to customer
Report: Carbon pollution to grow by 40 percent
Rising sea levels: Survival tips from 5000 BC
A global responsibility to help vulnerable communities adapt
John Kerry hails progress of US-China climate talks (yet to translate into concrete progress)
Blue whale washes up on NZ coast
Congress would restrict import of invasive tropical species
Exxon shareholders reject all resolutions (oil and gas…dominant fuels until at least 2030)
Report: National Security and the Threat of Climate Change
Fusion dreams delayed—International partners are likely to scale back the first version of the ITER…
The Coming of Biofuels: Study Shows Reducing Gasoline Emissions Will Benefit Human Health
Arctic thaw could prompt huge release of carbon dioxide (initially offset by plants)
Oil firms and loggers 'push indigenous people to brink of extinction'
French Award-Winning Design for Wind Turbine
Russia makes major shift in climate policy—Putin emphasizes the need for action on global warming.
Sarah Palin to be in Auburn New York June 6, Defenders of Wildlife wants to run an Ad
Emissions bill faces Democratic opposition
1969: GM ad for Stirling-engine hybrid, the Stir-Lec I
Hot times ahead for the Wild West—American west threatened by more heatwaves than past models have…
World CO2 (emissions) up 39 percent by 2030 without new policy: EIA
Latest poll supports Hatrack's Principle
Season's first tropical depression forms
NYT: Mesmerizing Barcelona Beat Manchester United With Style in Champions League Final
Barcelona --2 ; Man-Blew --0. That is all. Now on to the FA Cup. Go Blues.
Attn: DC sports fans - Tampa area steroid bust implicates Nationals and Capitols.
Wings win in OT! Off to punish the Penguins again!
Come in! Come in! If you're a Danny Cleary fan!
The Red Sox will win tonight...
What do the Cavs do this offseason?
LOL!!! Pitt fans angry Bill Cowher supported Hurricanes over Penguins
Did Tichenor over-react by throwing out 4 in one inning?
Are the Nuggets going to choke against the Lakers?
What are your 2009 NFL season thoughts? I predict the
Back to back games in the Stanley Cup finals
Manny Ramirez To David Ortiz: 'Road Trip'
Trio of Unionists Confirmed for Obama Administration Posts
Breaking... To be posted on union boards around the USA: Sotomayor's Rulings Uphold Workers' Rights
Today in labor history May 28 sit-in at a segregated lunch counter in the Woolworth’s in Jackson, Ms
How soup can help you lose weight (BBC)
Muscle twitches and a feeling of "being out of it". Should I be concerned?
Hard-to-Insure Find Novel Way to Get Coverage
Any experience with stair lifts? Looks like I'll be installing two next week.
Sorta health care related, to add a bit of levity to our Health Forum.
Scientists develop a new HIV microbicide -- and a way to mass produce it in plants
Senator Kennedy, Don't Let Us Down On The Public Option!
Flu shots don’t save seniors' lives, study finds
Okay, so Ted Olsen wants to fight for gay rights....what do GLBT want?
Poll: 60 percent of Rhode Islanders support same-sex marriage
Poll: 60 percent of Rhode Islanders support same-sex marriage
Check out what Commie Pinko Dirtbag made!
Taking a break tomorrow night from the Prop 8 shit ....
Dueling marriage bills in Penn.
Democrats need to fight harder
Who's doing the spell check for their ads over at NOM?
Black gay couples in Mass. mark marriage anniversary
Show Biz Consultant Shakes Up Prop 8 Strategy
I'm convinced that Boies and Olson are right - and they know they have the votes
crosspost: Trevor Neilson (Huff Post): "Letter from Birmingham Jail" Olson & Boies Lawsuit
I don't want our issues in front of the SCOTUS...
I am being told to change my sig pic.
I'm tired of posting about things that piss me off....
Wanted: partner for a sham, loveless marriage
Cuba National Health Care System to Cover Sex Change Operations
Does anyone here know who gave that amazing speech Tuesday night in California?
Obama Clueless About Promise Gays Want Him to Keep?
Base8 (Know your anti-gay Proposition 8 donors) Cross-post from GD
Two men and a baby: Israel's gay community experiencing a baby boom
Obama needs to be followed around by a crowd of protestors wherever he goes
Rumor: Adam Lambert about to come out on cover of Rollingstone
CA Governor proposes 100% cut in State funding for AIDS programs -
Obama's silence on Prop 8, DADT, and other GLBT rights is deafening.
NOM Spelling problems in new ad LOL
6 more tortured and killed in Iraq for being Gay (ABC News)
Cuba Permits Sex Change Operations
Anti-Gay "Journalist" Dragged Kicking And Screaming From Air Force One
Openly Gay Man Voted Prom Queen at L.A. High School
I have marshalled 3 rallies in the last week or so, and possibly a 4th one on Sunday
David Hyde Pierce reveals he’s married
Good resources for checking laws on guns
The "Dangerous & Unusual" Clause In Heller
The NRA/GOP 'runs' pro-2A posters here like ANSWER 'ran' opposition to the Iraq war.
Three-year-old kills brother in accidental shooting
Israel rebuffs U.S. call for total settlement freeze
'We must let you make your decisions'
Obama: Israel must halt West Bank settlements
Israeli Knesset Considers Bill Making It Illegal To Criticize Israel As A Jewish State
Pharmacist "defending his store" charged with murder after he shoots a robber
Why concealed handguns don't result in blood running in the streets
Backers of Jewish Settlements Put Squeeze on Netanyahu
Amnesty: Israel violated laws of war in Gaza
"the IMF is more or less a branch of the US Treasury"
Government Bond Yields Hit Six-Month Highs; Stocks, Metals Fall
All That Glitters Is Goldman Sachs
Two U.S. auto parts makers file for Chapter 11
Government and Financial Institutions Controlled by Evil Men
Are these 'Mystery Shopping Assignments' a job scam? If so how?
Gas....$2.69 a gallon. Congress? Obama? Anybody?
Film Pictures Found on Disc--Part I(Color)
Film Pictures Found on Disc- Part II (B&W)
First blooming Iris in my rain soaked back yard
Of course I could go and google and study, but for starters, I have one little question
Out of the mouths of babes and all that
Ocean monster shows hidden depths
New evidence for volcanoes as source of mass extinction
Cat in China grows a pair of wings
The triple conjunction... in what house?
Peace, Violence, and the Future of Religion
Does anyone know of an astrologer in the Durham-Raleigh area of NC? I'm ready to
Obama picks Cuban Liberation theologian as US Ambassador to the Holy See
"Sectarian Violence in Egypt Diverting Attention From Political Opposition"
Catholic Obama Campaign Adviser Wants to Replace All Legal ‘Marriages’ with ‘Civil Licenses'
Family see Jesus image in Marmite
Should Christians be allowed to have Bible study in their home?
"Protestant denominations are turning to marketing"
What's cookin' these hot days?
For Teenagers, Hello Means ‘How About a Hug?’ George G. White School - N.J., bans hugging
Join me in telling Alternet to f&4k off!
Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Program information
Texas Freedom Network’s Youth Summer Summit (teen pregnancy)
SBOE Webcast Bill Signed into Law
Conns Stores Accused of Misleading Customers
It would be great if we could get the Weatherization Fund up and...
Texas Budget Close to Approval
Senate rejects McLeroy confirmation as SBOE chairman
Dallas Utility (ONCOR) May Test electric Cars for Ford
Standards Council rules against CTV on Dion