Democratic Underground

Archives: May 3, 2009

Canada: Pigs found with swine flu virus

Screen Actors Guild (SAG) members. I'm guessing there are a number of you here too at DU.

Its To Bad The FDA Doesnt Respond as FAST as They Do When...

Damn Blue Dogs and DINOs in the Senate

Just Heard A Right Wing Radio Jock Say Obama Believes Torture Works

Just checking: Has InSanity set a time for his water boarding yet?

computer people. i cannot get the CNN videos. i alway played them

Cybercrooks Target 'Digitally Active'

"Lost World" of Dinosaurs Survived Mass Extinction?

Teacher Fired For Probe Into Student's Menstrual Cycle


Pregnant Woman Chased by Bear, Hit by Car

Natalie Cole is breaking my heart

Frank Rich: Enough With the 100 Days Already

Teh Cloak of Invisibility is here! {Art trumps Science}

Wind power is coming to North Carolina.

I need someone to look over " screwed are we?"


Breaking News... Arnold Ziffle Has Swine Flu!

Strange but true: Archbishop to bless 100-ton subway drill

Next week, porn star Stormy Daniels launches her "Listening Tour" across Louisiana

SIV Gets More Complicated (Herd Health) Sunday, July 25, 2004

My boyfriend had an interesting idea on water-boarding...

I ate potato’s tonight that I grew myself

Couple caught having sex on Queen's lawn

so, 100+ days into it - what are we standing for?

Ann Coulter talks a big game about waterboarding...

Alberta pigs likely infected with flu from worker: CFIA official

AP: Gitmo Court System Likely to Stay Open

E-Books, Kindle, and The economics of writing.

Jack Kemp Dies

So we went to watch Wolverine Origins, early show

Fox News Screenshot Compilation?? Where are you?

WA PO: Wage Growth Is Eroding as Firms Rush To Slim Down, U.S. Workers Facing Furloughs, Pay Cuts

The donkey is the unofficial symbol of the DNC. I think the official one should be a giraffe.

What are the chaces of universal health care in this nation if H1N1 (Swine flu) runs amok?

Laser quest: The scientist with a planet-saving plan straight out of Spider-Man

It was a total throw-a-way but with one in the news made me think about it

BREAKING NEWS: Jack Kemp, a one-time vice-presidential nominee, has died

SC state Senator introduces straight out of the “South Park” movie last week.

Voices Reflect Rising Sense of Racial Optimism

Tom Ridge Considers Senate Bid

More bad news for Rushicans: That new Kirby Dick movie Outrage

Reform The PATRIOT Act: Stop Abuse of National Security Letters

U.S. Workers' Wages Stagnate As Firms Rush to Slash Costs

boy, souter really did hate D.C. he never unpacked.

Holy pancakes! Virgin Mary seen on griddle! Jesus and Mary are showing up in unusual places!

French navy captures 11 suspected Somali pirates

Scully Sunday at WJ - Layoffs Cut more than Just Income

Anti-Feminist Lawyer Loses Women's Studies Suit

George Will's "California Dreaming"

Taliban Behead Two Pakistani Officials in Swat

May Day? WTF is that? 273 police injured in Berlin protests.

Would Rayrun recognize today's Repuke party?

Al Franken in Limbo video

Buffett Suggests Economy Will Rise Like 'a Terrific Athlete'

Don't call OxyRush a pig

Florida merges State and Church...nary a comment....

Why were my post's on Jack Kemp deleted

Universal Health Care would free the working class and reduce gender based

URGENT PSA: The new SCJ MUST be: A Pot - Smoking, Native - American / Asian / Hispanic, Gay,

Holy pancakes! Virgin Mary seen on griddle

Do SCOTUS Justices have to be American Citizens?

Something I have trouble with. Help explain it since we have a Dem Pres.

Job Creation in the US of A

Berlusconi's wife to divorce him

Specter just used the word

A black man would be president 'when pigs fly'

Freedom of the media declines worldwide, report says

Congress May Change Wild Horses’ Home on the Range

An opening on the Supreme Court: I propose a special DUZY award for funniest comment to:

Randi Rhodes back on XM May 11. XM 165

Randi Rhodes back on XM May 11. XM 165

david gregory, joe scarborough, ed gillespie

Mysterious figure ‘spotted’

Look out: Wingers recycle "Don't Tread On Me".

The Club for Dopes

what is the possibility that a judge in Spain just might have put this together as well?

Analysis: New justice may reignite social issues

Orrin Hatch and Pat Leahy are on Snuffy's show.

Fresh Questions About the CIA’s Interrogation Tapes

So All The People On Nebraska Must Be Covered By Adequate Health Care

Notre Dame's Obama Invite Riles Catholic Bishops

Witness says mob of some 20 men killed Newburgh stabbing victim

isn't it interesting that there is little said about Smithfield

U.S. optimistic on flu, but 'not out of woods'

WHO Influenza A(H1N1) - update 11

Deconstructing the RW meme that private-sector companies are more efficient than the government

some time ago I said Don Lemon was doing a good job at CNN

Sen. Leahy: Lifting the Bush-era veil of secrecy


cnn has mitt the shit and eric the cantor

Fresh Questions About the CIA’s Interrogation Tapes

Afghan rights chief fears vote fraud against women

Ancient tsunami 'hit New York'

OK, here's irony coming at them like a freight train....

Online Update With Dr. Dean MONDAY Re: public healthcare option...

I am not a member of an organized party, I am a Democrat, Will Rogers

A couple republican friends have started talking about "The revolution is coming"

Honestly, Mitt Romney cracks me up sometimes ("Democrats are monarchists")

A different kid of pit bull story...

David Blaine Gives Mia Farrow Hunger Strike Tips

Swine flu 'in decline' in Mexico

NYPost: Rudy Giuliani Skips Gay Friends' Wedding

From The Daily Beast today - rips Bush

LEAHY (Op-Ed) Lifting the Bush-era veil of secrecy-we need to find out what happened - and why

Ok, place yer bets....

Which event do you think will happen first?

caller said some P.O. mail deliverers wear miner's hat with light

Has anyone watched "Witchhunt" on MSNBC?

Genesis by Shadow: The light and the dark

Jeb Bush: Time to throw Reagan under the bus.

Conservatives judges lack empathy. So do serial killers!

This says everything you need to know about the Republicans

We need to corner Pukes on this Supreme Court nomination process.

The 2010 Senate Race: Who would you like most to knock out? What open seats mean the most?

It's a sad thing that I cannot in good conscience support a Democratic candidate for office.

Coulter: Waterboarding is what "people pay to have done to them at Six Flags." Six Flags for Ann!

President says he wants scotus with 'empathy'..orrin hatch calls that 'code word' for activist judge

About Linux, and why some people are confused why not all things made with it are free:

Laura Ingraham Uses Edited Clips to Misrepresent Gore

Lone Star Pariah-Texas GOP Shuns Bush

CA State Supreme Court Allows School to Expel Lesbians

Church of LDS "using a five page faith based organization (Pandemic) checklist from the government."

Activists judges - what could be more activist than Roberts and

Get this: There's an Alaska GOP scandal tie-in to the Derby

Living on Earth: Farming the Flu

Pesticide-Busting Brit Super Rats Spark Health Concerns

Flu news from China: Mexican citizens being detained

Lindesy Graham is hotter than I thought

Danny Schechter on Bob McChesney's "Media Matters" now (2-3pm EDT) - listening link

Bernie Madoff's son to fight for lightweight boxing title.

Huffington Post: Lobbyists Prosper During Recession

It'll Take More Than Just Technology, or, Epic Fail

I hope my suspicions are incorrect. Tell me what you think.

Elizabeth Edwards To Be On Oprah Thursday - 5/7

More wingnuttery for your enjoyment.....

Colleges Flunk Economics Test as Harvard Model Destroys Budgets

Mitt Still Doesn't Get It: Blames GOP Losses on Bad Timing

Tweety Show: Some Dem Senators Who Think They're More Important Than The President

Just One Thing

War Criminal Alert. John Yoo on C-span pushing his book.

Something must be said about the city I live in. I don't think this city will survive through the ..

I just watched a documentary Witch Hunt on the Kern County Molestation cases on MSNBC..

Do you think it would be prudent for the President to develop a shock collar for the Vice President?

US firms offshore 22,000 green jobs to India

why is there a "" ad on my beloved home page?

Internet electricity costs squeezing web viability

Internet electricity costs squeezing web viability

The US of A a once great nation of hard worker

fifth grader accused of targeting a 10-year-old girl on a “kill list” and hitting her in the face

Why I'm indifferent to Ann Coulter

Pentagon Says No Aspirin For Troops

Here's my advice. If you're going to apologize, eschew the word "if"

Here's my advice. If you're going to apologize, eschew the word "if"

How to get rid of all the crazy talking heads on cable TV

An invention that could change the internet for ever

An invention that could change the internet for ever

On C-Span 2 now AEI Session with John Yoo explaining law

Tom Ridge May Run for Senate in Pennsylvania

Ultra Top Secret Massage, - Plan 9 From Outer Space

Anyone watching this UAE sheikh torturing a man who stole $5k now showing

I am thinking about switching my teaching area to Elem Special ED IR position...any one out there?

Every single 'political' show is giving republicans a platform to rebuild.

They're coming after your gun

Haymarket Anniversary Marks Workers Historic Struggle For Labor Standards

the torturer-in-chief lied to the world

Iraq rules out extension of US withdrawal dates

Pregnant Cougar Escapes From Handler

So now it's ok to kill someone as long as they aren't a citizen?

Senator Specter's End Game?

Calling in sick to a stimulus supported job to attend a tea party.

Assailin' Palin: Governor Flooded With Ethics Complaints

True terror:

Iraq Update

An entirely different kind of Moran..

UAE "torture" scandal and cover-up sparks outrage in the U.S.

Anyone see Reid from Friday on C-span warning against "over reaction" to the financial crisis-!!!!


Helicopter crash kills 18 soldiers in Venezuela

Church Not Booted Over Sex Sermons

$9,500 horse wins Kentucky Derby

Drugs, elephants and American prisons

GOP Begins Laying Out Campaign Against Obama's Court Pick

Lessons About Pakistan From Vietnam

no deaths among health care workers treating swine flu patients in Mexico per epidemiologist

no deaths among health care workers treating swine flu patients in Mexico per epidemiologist

Is Virginia Foxx a Sympathetic Character?

James Baker Backs Reinstating the Draft

An American in

"We need to get back to what the Supreme Court is supposed to be about."

William Rivers Pitt | The Other 100 Days

Personal experiences with health care in US and Canada

Education Outrage in L.A

Is the list complete?

100 mile per charge Electric Mini. pic heavy

Conservatives say the Bush DoJ OLC "gave advice" while liberal say they "authorized" torture

Berlusconi's wife seeking divorce: Report

Specter on MTP now

OHNOES!!! Not Winnie The Pooh Too!!!!

2010 Election: Can we get 67 senators?

[Streaming Video] Real Time With Bill Maher

"Carve deeper next time"

Holy pancakes! Virgin Mary seen on griddle

Louisiana Voters Lukewarm on Vitter

Classic British snark "Building Downwards"

Discover Card email scam:

So much whining about diversity in the USSC!! (Wittes editorial in WaPo, talkings heads on teevee)

Member of UAE royal family accused of torturing at least 25

David Kilcullen's talk about counter terrorism is now up at BookTV.

That Hyperbaric Chamber Explosion in Lauderdale-By-The-Sea

The Gods Must Be Angry - tornadoes sprouting all over Georgia

Now for something completely different...Do not read if you lack a sense of humor ;)

Now for something completely different...Do not read if you lack a sense of humor ;)

Glenn Beck or Michelle Bachmann - Who is more Batshit Insane?

Swine flu might be a conspiracy... video proof inside *fake masks*

A pictorial representation of word frequency at a right wing website since the Inauguration:

Jack Kemp On Barack Obama

If china stops buying US debt, China's currency will rise – which is what the us has wanted..

“Just because we’re in a situation now where we vote no doesn’t mean we are the ‘party of no’

Modern, fashionable women mix and match expensive pieces with cheaper items.

Once middle class, they're now homeless

POLL: Do you approve or disapprove of affirmative action?

Obamas Take a Walk, Holding Hands in the Evening,

Daughters Struggle to Keep Mom Conscious

Jeb Bush's Medicaid legacy frets lawmakers: $300 million penalty if Medicaid not privatized

campaign finance reform. dead issue?

Just saw Amy Goodman and Tom Hartman

Scientology: Evil cult? or Shameless Pyramid scheme?

PETA Denies It Plans To Do Ads With Vick

two "hungry" men steal calf from barn, kill it, and eat it.

Why the Hell can't we have Hartmann and Moyers on MSNBC instead of "The Ed Show"?

Red State: The gov't must not provide public access to the Web; Gov't stifles innovation

So Bush and Cheney were allowing the Saudis to pick up

Happy Birthday, David Vitter!

Obamas Date Night At Citronelle

Federal funds put flu response in place, but may not keep coming in

Scenes From the Real America

Obama administration going after hiring of illegals

Ben Nelson (D-NE)... recipient of $600K from insurance industry... opposes Public Health Plan

It looks like we'll get jacksh*t from Spector on health care. I AM SO DONE WITH HIM!

Maps Of The Seven Deadly Sins Concentrations Across The US

GMAC pulls 150 cars from GM dealer. Dealer gets new lender. New cars coming next week.

So far, 9 House rethugs to forgo 2010 re-election campaign, 5 in Senate

I'm thinking of doing an educational coloring book for the "kiddies" on the BFEE

The two other justices who are thinking of leaving, should announce as well

China has 'canceled US credit card': lawmaker

April 28 was "Save the Frogs" Day!

Jury Foreman Calls Other Jurors Racist

John Edwards admits he's under investigation.

What caused the downfall of the Republican Party?

I spent some time today with Jason Bourne

Swine Flu Ancestor Born on U.S. Factory Farms

Teens acquitted of murder, aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation

I See No Choice But To Support Joe Sestak

I See No Choice But To Support Joe Sestak

Boston Globe's Big Picture presents ... Human landscapes from above ...

The Mainstreaming of Marijuana

It was 1959.

why would a democrat vote for arlen specter

Slate's Jacob Weisberg claims we're all complicit in torture. BS!

Payback is a bitch: Canadian man infects 200 pigs.

Glenn Greenwald: UAE "torture" scandal and cover-up sparks outrage in the U.S.

Any "reform" that LACKS a public option is a huge step BACKWARDS - & WORSE than doing NOTHING at...

Not So Fast, Arlen! You Need To Earn Your Spot In The Democratic Party.

An Invention That Could Change The Internet Forever

"Some may find them merely diverting melodies..."

Bee colony collapse-GMO link.

Bee colony collapse-GMO link.

Health Leadership Compares Public Option to Single Payer:

The dark side of the web: anonymous acts of cruelty

A crematoria has been found in our client Colombia but Venezuela gets bashed

Last night my die-hard republican father-in-law

Help - what was the name of the movie about 3 women that had abortions before Roe V Wade?

A member of the GAWD cult brought Federal charges against a teacher and won

I Want An Unabashedly Liberal Supreme Court Justice

Feds are looking at Edwards' campaign

Regarding the economy and "stagflation".

The US's 45-year history of torture

Derby winner's owner got immunity from federal criminal charges

The great Pete Seeger turns 90 on Sunday

The Other 100 Days

The Forces of Good lose a tireless scribe: My brother John R. Wilke has died of cancer

D.U. help please pictures and links to W being drunk or drinking as Pres.

Laser quest: The scientist with a planet-saving plan straight out of Spider-Man

~*~Open Letter to President Obama on Leonard Peltier~*~

Who is your favorite politician ever and why?

A $9,000 Canadian bred horse driven to Louisville in a pickup truck & trailer wins Kentucky Derby.

Barbara Ehrenreich: 13 million Americans have accepted joblessness with nary a peep

So where do you think we will be as a nation economically 5 years from now?

So where do you think we will be as a nation economically 5 years from now?

Two white popular high school football players acquitted in killing of illegal alien

Derby winner's owner has ties to Alaska bribery scandal

I carry a 300 dollar COACH purse...I could give two flips about MO's shoes

In their own words..some of the 12 Democrats who voted FOR the banks speak out.

7 empty units in my apartment building

Billions for banks, no cost of living raise for Social Security for at least 2 years.

Moyers/ Fein/ Scahill /Hartmann /Moore links

Question re: Wingnut conspiracy theorists and George Soros.

Last Saturday night in the lounge was pretty good

Is my new avatar cool?

breaker 1-9 this here is datasuspect, i'm gonna back on out now

breaker 1-9 this here is datasuspect, uh yeah, they's a roadblock up on the cloverleaf

Mystery surrounds a feline felon (BBC) {anyone missing a sock?}

Mystery surrounds a feline felon (BBC) {anyone missing a sock?}

I hate emotions. (you'll hate that this OP isn't very fast for y'all usin' 56k modems...)

PC and laptop comparison between 1997 and 2008...

Appreciating the moment, and repairing lapsed relationships.

Bill O'Reilly appreciation thread!1!


Oh man I love Bert Blyleven

So my lazy, art-hating ass went and saw a show of modern art today

Breaking News... Arnold Ziffle Has Swine Flu!

I just ate Crispy Crowns, for the first time...

Not a glamorous win but...

So ya thought ya might like to go to show?

Official Saturday Night NASCAR thread

You will ALWAYS find me in the kitchen at parties.

So, I spent all day at the Living Green Expo

Authors: have you tried the self-publishing route, and if so what was your experience?

Yay Celtics!

Louisiana 1927

Twins in Extra Innings

I've been drinking

I just got an iPhone today, and I gotta say, the lightsaber app is man's greatest invention

I ate potato’s tonight that I grew myself


Bob Dylan sings "Everything is Broken." I think he's right.

They offered me a mescaline salad at lunch

In case anyone's wondering, so far, SNL tonight: not funny.

Psychological question

In honor of Pete Seeger's 90th birthday tomorrow...

Anybody remember Donkey Kong Country?

In Search of the Mysterious Narwhal

Wow, thanks to the last person who posted that Jack Kemp died.

Given that you can buy Coors beer anywhere, and with the Pontiac nameplate going away...


Little Sparrow - Dolly Parton

I cried myself to sleep last night, but my dogs are leaping with joy as

Had another dispute today with my neighbor who happens to be a Pawnee Indian warrior

It's Saturday night and THE LOUNGE BAR IS OPEN!!1 Post here what you want & I'll serve you!

Arrrgh. I just found out my sister voted rethuglican in November

Almost everything is Boinga here, in case you haven't heard

Clinton adviser on GLBT issues offers tips to President Obama on gay issues:

Clinton adviser on GLBT issues offers tips to President Obama on gay issues:

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 5/2/09

Become a food snob to eat sexy.


When you have hiccup do you screem: Shut up !!!

Is it wrong to post stuff and take the responses the wrong way??

That Depeche Mode "Wrong" music video is freaky

delete - wrong spot

My great aunt jo is giving me a sewing machine

I am really proud of this (FReeper encounter in GD). My response

Best music video I have ever seen

So....this economy is going to force me to get breast implants. (L.O.N.G.!!)

Don't You Hate Educated People?

Man is the Most Vicious Species of All

Geek check-in: do you have your tickets to go see Star Trek yet?

Why doesn't the United States have an official composer laureate?

Can I plug the swedish film, Let the Right One In

fun with Toilets

d*mn, I love's got everything.....

A fragile, emaciated, half-naked, neglected gem of a parrot has come into my life

*I* am the holder of the much cherished Charles Shackleford cup AND Individual trophy!!!

My oldest daughter's first semi-formal dance

So after about 140 miles of swimming, cycling, and running...... this (cool pic)

Funny golf pic from yesterday

Can you Gormley?

Where Songs Are Written

smokey and the bandit appreciation thread

One thing I really miss about truck driving

Go Manny Pacquiao!!

what happens when ya microwave a cellphone?

Movies for a Saturday night, The Angry Red Planet and Attack of the Puppet People.

"Peace, Love and Barbecue"

Don't mess with TMNT fans

Have you ever had a revelation at an otherwise mundane time?

I have a mild sore throat and the sniffles.

breakfast at beach house

Youtube does not work with internet explorer for me

Migraine sufferers.....

A Question for the Lounge Ladies:

Trip Out: Virgin Galactic SpaceShip Two

Psychotic reaction

I need to talk on the phone more...

Yo, vegan one. Can't believe you missed this.

Adding sauteed red peppers to a grilled cheese sandwich = yum

Anybody else, like, ALIVE tonight?

anyone else need rain in their area???

I fail as a dork.

Make Your Cat Fun Again

We're going to rock down to Electric Avenue

There is a really funny zombie movie on Sundance, just started.

I bought a new TV

I have a secret which none of you knows and *I* am not telling it

I have a secret

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 5/3/09

I need some help from Wisconsin DU'ers

NBA Playoffs: Nuggets vs Hornswaggle (ok, Mavericks)

I'm watching my Red Wings play the Ducks

I discovered a very talented singer at a local coffee shop yesterday : Dani Shay

Twitter DU:

Move over Susan and Paul. It's Jamie.

Well I didn't win the mega-millions lottery Friday.

Okay, I just signed Moose the puppy up for a Twitter account

The vegan one asked me to PM him something and now he won't respond.

Yep, it's time to call the a/c guy.

Aww , this is so sweet

I haven't owned a TV for three years

I bought a new computer

Windows 7 system requirements! (get the popcorn, this is hilarious - but not in favor of MS...

Microwaving a cell phone is a horrible idea!

Ducks - Red Wings heading to Double OT

What should I do first?

Anyone here ever box an official match?

Anyone here ever box an official match?

PSA for the day.

jeff30997 and I have a secret and we are not telling any of you.

The People in the Lounge are the Best.

a party

After I gank the vegan one, I'm ganking Mr. Midlo.

What's everybody got going on this afternoon?

Madinmaryland is a wanker

Life is hard, you know...

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sun 5/3/2009)

Why is Midlo going to wank the vegan one?

Anyone with young kids - do they still say the pledge of allegiance?

Discover Card phishing scam

Cops just hancuffed a guy in front of my house.

After I gank the vegan one, I will need someplace to hide the body.

How about a (bad mustache) pic thread

The Schwarzenegger Conspiracy: Deadliest Cover Up Ever(video link)

I am really , really really , really , really , really , really down tonight

New video of our kittens taken this morning

New video of our kittens taken this morning

So will Star Wars ever spawn a religion?

My uncle was killed last night. Motorcycle accident.

Your Opinions of what I'd call, for better or worse, the New Wave in Horror Films

Hey RevActs, are you still with us?

I am going to the food co-op. Do you need anything? I will use as many coupons as possible.

Hey everybody, the Nationals didn't lose today!

Holy pancakes! Virgin Mary seen on griddle

Proof Cops Can Be Quite Decent, And Why We Shouldn't Judge Them All.

Best (worst) gift to give someone else's kid

Anyone succumb to the plethora of ads on DU and playing Civony? If so,

I has a Secret

People with kids under 3, do NOT buy this toy or you'll lose your damn mind!!!!!!

pics of people you love the most!

it accured to me today that i might be a bit of a bitch

Pacquio knocksout Hatton!

I just hung a new shower curtain, how many brain cells will the fumes kill?

If you haven't seen the 2009 Kentuck Derby----3:00

MEMORY TIME!!! What is the earliest major national or international event that you remember

I hate motorcycle noise!!!!!!!!!!!

Is popcorn chicken supposed to spark and catch fire in the microwave?

Which of you halfwit dime-tollbooth-using thoughtless slackjawed troglodytes play World of Warcraft?

If you wanted to buy sex for the first time...

What Summer movie must you has to sees

Post a few links of sites you go to daily (aside from DU of course!!)

Post a few links of sites you go to daily (aside from DU of course!!)

I'm taking my first step toward lap band surgery.

apparently in addition to being a bitch i'm also unable to spell occurred

My most recent client proves you can be an attorney AND a lying P.O.S.

Well, looks like my "Depression" is actually rapid-cycling Bipolar II.

Once again, I heard gunfire in my neighborhood...

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning)

Today i am making my first tofu dish for a vegan friend.

Alright Jazz fans, it is time to warm up the tubes...

My truck has died, what do you think it is!

Administration will oversee radical job cuts during high unemployment

Next week, porn star Stormy Daniels launches her "Listening Tour" across Louisiana

Boston Globe editorial: A public plan for healthcare

U.S. May Revive Guantanamo Military Courts

Roosevelt biographer and Pulitzer finalist: Obama following FDR in leading public opinion

Republican National Chairman accuses president of appeasement around the world.

It's all on Obama now (LAT)

So Republicans think America is becoming a one-party state and they blame the Democrats?

Schwarzenegger May Support a Democrat

Jack Kemp, former quarterback and VP nominee, dies

How Character Corrodes

President Obama should use Benator and co.'s words against them

Specter's defection, by the numbers

Leahy and Specter suggest Obama look beyond the "monastery" of the courts for Souter replacement.

Bush Is Even More Unpopular Now That He's Out Of Office!

Female Federal Judges more likely to rule in favor of plaintiffs in sex discrimination cases

Obamas' night out: Citronelle and a walk

According to today's Gallup Tracking Poll, Obama back up to his original approval rating!

Out of the mouths of babes, a case for education reform

Good indications from a 2006 case on how Judge Sotomayor would rule on religion clause cases

Political Notebook: Simcox not always on Team GOP

dupe; please delete

As far as political moves go, nomiating Sotomayor is a can't lose

President Obama has said he will give his full support to Specter (in the 2010 race) - but if

President Barack Obama can't top Hillary Clinton in job approval rating

Observer (UK): Yes Michelle Obama can (May 3) - 12 Female Writers' views on the First Lady

What kind of USSC Justice should Pres Obama pick?

I just noticed this provision of the Omnibus Land Management Act that was signed on March 30

Laurence Tribe for Supreme Court?

Cantor: 'We've got a lot to learn' from Obama

Spanish judge opens ("broader") Guantanamo investigation

Nevermind. Please delete.

Who is the most liberal member of the USSC?

List of cases Sotomayor has written (not comprehensive - work in progress)

Growing pains for Talking Points Memo (Politico)

As a Professor, Obama Held Pragmatic Views on Court :NYT interesting article

Obama May Seek Out Centrist to Replace Souter on Supreme Court

Obama May Seek Out Centrist to Replace Souter on Supreme Court

How Character Corrodes, By MAUREEN DOWD

Here is a crazy wish

Do u think Pres. Obama should trust Petraeus and Ordierno?

When Obama says he's looking for a judge with "empathy" it is clearly code talk

What the Hell is going on with the MSM

Feds Launch Investigation of Edwards Campaign

A. Sullivan: America is soothed by No-Drama Obama

Steele: Repugs credibility is shot...drinking that Potomac River water, getting high on power...

Kathleen Parker laments that hate crimes legislation has become associated with hate crimes. (WaPo)

JoeyScar on MTP saying IL, PA, and NY could be Repug Senate pick-ups in 2010.

MoveOn's Emergency Briefing with Howard Dean on Monday

Anyone else use closed captioning?

Orrin Hatch slips on tin foil hat, says Obama speaking in "code"

Trailer for W

LOL! Jeb Bush says it's time GOP leave Reagan behind. Freepers respond with "No More Bushes!"

A rare opportunity.

LA Times declares Bush era over, everything to be Obama's fault now

I know it is a tad early but I think the 2012 Democratic convention should be held in NC.

Frank Rich: spewing MSM themes and GOP talking points

Article describes legal scholar Pamela Karlan as a "liberal version of Justice Scalia"

Specter: "I Did Not Say I Would Be A Loyal Democrat"

NYT article on Bush war criminals' infighting over torture policy (Rice implicated herself and Bush)

Laura Ingraham is on Fox Sunday. Her bio says she converted to

The solution to the Blue Dog Democrats is not Primaries in most cases

U.S. May Revive Guantánamo Military Courts

Jack Kemp, a one-time vice-presidential nominee, has died, spokesman says.

Voices Reflect Rising Sense of Racial Optimism

Canada farm worker 'infects pigs'

Cancer, Vitamin D, and Sunshine

Mine That Bird pulls off upset in Kentucky Derby

David Blaine Gives Mia Farrow Hunger Strike Tips

Jack Kemp, tax crusader and '96 VP candidate, dies

(Aussie) Law graduate to loosen US 'death belt'

Ridge considering campaign against Specter

Egypt pig farmers clash with police over slaughter

Fresh Questions About the CIA’s Interrogation Tapes

Retired Superior Court judge starts prison term

Judge: Mumbai attacks suspect to be tried as adult

Freedom of the media declines worldwide, report says

Once welcoming, Pakistan city fears Taliban rise

Clashes erupt over Egypt pig cull

Pakistan: Swat Taliban patrols strain peace deal

Fears of Yemen turning into another Afghanistan

Swine Flu Ancestor Born on U.S. Factory Farms

Get this: There's an Alaska GOP scandal tie-in to the Derby

Fiat eyes new company with GM Europe, Chrysler

Spain leads Europe in swine flu cases with 40

6.1 earthquake outside Guatemala City

For Edwards, investigation is latest stage of saga

Gunfight Breaks Out as Iraqi Soldiers Try to Arrest Trade Officials

Berlusconi's wife to divorce him

An invention that could change the internet for ever

EXCLUSIVE-Iran readies for battle at nuclear arms ban talks

UK woman facing death penalty in Laos expects to go on trial Monday

Boston Globe's big deadline nears, union hopeful

Carter visits Bolivia for latest peace effort

Iraq rules out extension of US withdrawal dates

UPDATE 1-Millionaire magnate lures poor in Panama election

Fiat chairman: GM's Opel an "ideal" partner

Interrogation Debate Sharply Divided Bush White House

Jack Kemp, one-time VP nominee, dies

Nepal Maoists sack army chief

Bob Dylan sets record to become oldest musician to have No 1 album

France captures 11 suspected Somali pirates

Feds are looking at Edwards' campaign

Taliban behead two Pakistani officials in Swat

Thoughts on the subject(s) of Souter's replacement...

Helicopter crash kills 18 soldiers in Venezuela

Why we need single-payer health care

TheRealNews: May 1st around the world

President Franklin Roosevelt 1933 Inauguration

Bank Lobby, Republicans and 12 Democrats Kill Foreclosure Assistance for Homeowners

Chrysler causes concern in Kokomo

Bill Moyers: Torture and Its Consequences

"People Wearing Masks Aren't Afraid Of Swine Flu, They're Just Republicans"

Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rules, 24/04/09

Max Keiser - pressTV pt3 - - 'All you need to pacify Americans are donuts and guns'

max keiser pressTV pt1 - Protestors in Europe who drink Coke are feeding the enemy

Happy (90th) Birthday Pete Seeger!

AMERICAN MASTERS | Pete Seeger: The Power of Song | PBS

Global Economic Meltdown AIG The Immaculate Deception' 02

May Day Berlin 2009 - Vol. 2

Does Capitalism work?

Kill Capitalism

On FBN, Asman, Halvorssen and Roth Demonize Hugo Chavez

Max Keiser - pressTV pt2 - 'We will see violence in American. Water-boarding for GM exec.s'.

Scarborough on Boehner "Fear" Video: "I Don't Think That's Helpful"

MN SENATE: Tell Gov. Pawlenty to Serve MN's Interest - Not His Own

Secretary Clinton's Teary Tribute

Idol David Cook Announces His Brother Has Died After Bout With Cancer

The Food Lobby Goes to School

Specter: 'I never said I am a loyal Democrat.'

TYT: Cenk Interviews Stanford Student Who Filmed Condi on Torture!

Bill Kristol on Judge Sotomayor - 'Appointed By First Bush... What's Your Problem With Her?'

Senator Specter: I Did Not Say I Would Be A Loyal Democrat

Bugs Bunny cuts Florida loose.

National Council for a New America

Barney Frank smacks around Fahreed Zakaria on Real Time Overtime

Jesus Christ was a Communist

Stephen Colbert is Laughing With You or at You?Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

TYT: The Most Racist Comments About Mexicans Ever Allowed On-Air

OUTRAGE: New Movie Outing Gay Politicians

Bill Maher on Swine Flu and Evolution

Life may not be fair, but that's still no excuse for an unjust society

Life may not be fair, but that's still no excuse for an unjust society

Patrick Leahy: Lifting the Bush-era veil of secrecy

Wesley K. Clark: Still the Essential Alliance

New jury problem surfaces in Fla. terror trial

How a Health Benefits Law Formed the Basis For the 'Torture Memo'

"The Philippines has the best welfare system in the world: Manny Pacquaio", says Bob Arum.

Rich: Enough With The First 100 days

Dick Polman: ...the GOP's slide into immoderation and irrelevance.

More FOX News Hysteria: Claims H1N1 Spread to R2D2

Get Them Out: Rotten Apples in Congressional Witness Bushel on Health Reform

Long Must Read: How Lehman Brothers Got Its Real Estate Fix

Impeach "No Regrets for Torture Memos" Bybee, We Can Do Better Than Specter and More‏

U.S. Workers' Wages Stagnate As Firms Rush to Slash Costs

Senator Spector Changing Party...Let's Not Forget What He Did Under Bush

Banksters Win One, Lose One in Congress

A Nation of Typhoid Marys

Enraged About Corporate Greed? Kidnap Your Boss

Justice Unbound: David Souter

Kelly O'Donnell suggests Dems might investigate false statements to Congress on torture.

Democrats’ luck may be running out

Michael Kinsley: Where This Buck Stops

Al Hunt: Nothing but the Truth on Torture

The Money Party at Work by Michael Collins

Corporate Media Already Lying to Boost The Reputation of Another Corrupt Republican

May Day Fails Its Promise to Workers

FEIN: Obama has gone BEYOND Bush Cheney - State Secrets, Detainees, Habeas Corpus

Pawlenty & Bachmann: Mainstream Republicans

The Quiet Coup

The Teabaggers' Work Ethic (taking off on a weekday)

Rep. Joe Sestak on Sen. Specter

The Politics of Intimidation

UAE 'Torture' Scandal and Cover-up Sparks Outrage in the US

It is Time to Praise, and Blame, Jack Kemp

Why Jane Fonda Is Banned in Beirut

Why the Big Deal

Is Netanyahu Bringing Israel Closer To A 'Second Holocaust'?

Why Latin America's Left Keeps Winning

Obama Reluctance on Bush Prosecutions Affirms Culture of Impunity Pt. 1

GI: Literacy Teaching in Haiti: The Persistence of a "Yes I Can" (eng. and spanish)

Death of alleged plotters not end of story in Bolivia

Resistance and Social Change at the Heart of Racism

FASCINATING: "US has a 45-year History of Torture" covers many differnet parts of LatAm

Bolivia: Deputies Question Terrorism Suspects

HOT, HOT, HOT- FIDEL: "Cuba, A Terrorist Country?"

Supermarket tycoon favored in Panama vote

Ahmadinejad to visit Brazil for trade talks

Storing A Lightning Bolt In Glass For Portable Power

Texas wind farm pioneers radar technology to protect migrating birds

Using Nuclear Power to Extract Oil?


Hopi environmental leader to speak at Pete Seeger’s 90th birthday celebration

Worldchanging: Geoengineering and the New Climate Denialism

All we do now to save salmon could mean nothing

Ford E85 Direct Injection Boosting Study: A Less Expensive Alternative to Diesel

WOW!! DimeBag won the Kentucky Derby!!

Chicago and Vancouver tied at 1 game a piece

Hey Red Sox fans---do you really want to be labeled "America's Team"

I'm worried that America's Team is behind right now...

Fights over

Watching a NASCAR race on FOX...does it make you wonder who the target audience is?

Looks like the Islanders are done on Long Island. Wang regrets buying team..

I'm so depressed :(

I know why the Nuggets are winning

WANTED!!! 12th team to join America's premier college football conference

The story of May Day

Teamsters Union Local 773 files labor complaints against Coca Cola Bottling and Supreme Delivery

Malika, Pakistani Mother: Stood Up for her Rights and was Fired

Leading Progressive, Labor Groups Hail Passage of Obama Budget

Today in labor history May 3 Haymarket Massacre, Pete Seeger was born, Salsedo plunged to his death

Can we look to China and see our future

California Nurses Association Calls For Congress To Do More On Swine Flu

Chrysler's Bankruptcy: Union-Management Relationships Unlikely to Change in Detroit

From Haymarket to Ludlow from Harlan to Matewan from Mother Jones to you

CRUSHING KENOSHA…Chrysler permanently closes it’s last plant in Wisconsin

Grocery workers' union files complaints against companies

hello labor friends, i met a terrific person today

Dems sense opportunity on gay marriage (MSNBC)

"Well how do you know there isn't already a gay person in the Cabinet/Supreme Court/etc.?"

Please, I need some feedback regarding my youngest son.

When Same-Sex Marriage Was A Christian Rite

What would saving on health care mean to you? Tell Congress at site link:

Quack remedies spread by virtue of being useless

Diabetes type 2 cured by surgery

Looking for a nice, solid exercise regimen.

Israel set to quit divided Lebanon border town

Brazil dismisses Israeli protests over Ahmadinejad visit

Poll: Most Jewish Israelis back attack on Iran

Yishai vows to settle Jews in east Jerusalem

Student killed after forcing way into apartment (bizarre story)

They're coming after your gun

Just in case you're feeling a "little wealthy".

Stress Test May Push 14 Banks to Raise Money, FBR’s Miller Says

Ballpark figures

Administration will oversee radical job cuts during high unemployment

Ten better people than Larry 'Sleepy' Summers to have at next usury card meeting.

GDP decline nearing worst since Great Depression.

Geithner's New Bank Fix Is Bogus, Too

They take our bailout money...

Why are Banks Setting the Opening Auction Bid Below The Principal Balance?

Real Economy Continues to Sink Despite Economic Stimulus and Bear Market Rally

Just learned to milk high-speed flash sync from my D70

Picture of Aiman

just before sunrise

Believe me - I'm not traveling out West just to send pictures of birds, but

First concert shots - and I think I nailed it somewhat :)

Rorschach "Rachel"

The Stand

Why I love ASAH.

Please Be Seated, Senator Franken: An Astrologer Looks at When It Will Happen

Please help me, I'm drowning!!!

Scientists to Resurrect Ancient Gene to Replay Evolution

Ancient tsunami 'hit New York'

Bacteria take fantastic voyage through bloodstream

World's tiniest lamp spans quantum and classical physics

Our Daughters need letters......

Hubble Servicing Mission 4

Pico de Gallo makes a nice summer pasta topper

Need some help please.....

Anybody Got A Rice Cooker They're Fond Of?

Dammit! Why are induction cooktops so $$$$$$$?

Denton ISD closed all week

Has anyone else received a glossy mailer from their Congress Person?

Banned from the Fiesta?

The Law of Parties in Texas--we need to do something about it.

Ignatieff slams Harper for 'failure to unite Canada'

Whatever you think about Ignatieff,