Book Buzz: New Murakami Novel Causes Stir
Another Diggin-Your-Hole-Deeper Day for the GOP
John McCain addresses La Raza, July 2008
Actually, anything less than totally DISMANTLING all illegal settlements is a violation of the law.
Dollars & Sense: Peruvian Workers Protest for Higher Pay
Vaccine Dispute Last Night on Coast to Coast AM.
We now have a six person crew on the International Space Station!
We now have a six person crew on the International Space Station!
The Goldilocks defense of torture
We hear that GOP risk alienating hispanics. But we don't hear about the risk of alienating WOMEN
Question- Audio and/or podcast from the Clinton/Bush event in Canada??
Do health insurers increase the cost of health care or hold a lid on it?
Veto of guns-in-bars bill may not stick.
Fusion ignition: World's largest laser unveiled
LA Times: California could be the first state to cut student aid while hiking fees
Petraeus: US Violated Geneva Conventions
[Streaming Video] Real Time With Bill Maher
Petraeus Says U.S. Violated Geneva Conventions - What Will Cheney and Rush Say?
I'm convinced Dick and Liz are trying out for the ShamWow
Frisco (TX) man gets 45 years for hiding HIV infection from sex partners
From a compassionate Democrat in another forum.
Have you ever tried to explain
F*ck it ( sorry Bucky!) ...Friday Night classic progressive song/video
Do you remember Sorry Everybody?
Remember: GOP thought "Barack the Magic Negro" song was "funny" - not racist
Get ready AGAIN! CA teachers! Second round of layoffs coming in!
Return of the Smirking Chimp ---pix--->
More Fox Crap about ACORN: Nonsense on a Shingle
"Extending your male tool means winning a war"
Retired US general said misquoted in rape photo flap
500,000 homeless after South Asia cyclone (Monday)
Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!!
BRAVO targets housewives of Versailles, er I mean Washington
The Central Valley of CA is not just full of small minded, fundamentlist, neo-cons
Why would we rather pick on each other than the Blatant Powers That Be Bastards that are ruining us?
Stalemate is broken in nuclear talks
Imperial bullies always switch sides
Bankruptcy Restructuring Video, FYI:
Obama creates post to oversee cyber security
***OFFICIAL*** Spelling Advisory! It's SotomayOR and protestER --
Name an advantage of this slow economy; I'll start.
Like a big ol' coal inta a diamon', Stretch: "Bush: Pressure made my marriage stronger"
Like a big ol' coal inta a diamon', Stretch: "Bush: Pressure made my marriage stronger"
Media uncritically repeat claim that New Haven firefighters case shows Sotomayor is an activist
Taguba denies he's seen abuse photos suppressed by Obama - quote in Telegraph not accurate.
Nancy Pelosi and Congress are in the clear re Torture
Americans Are...More Closely Aligned With Progressive Ideas Than at Any Time in Memory
Court document: Republican election judge bought votes with OxyContin
General Petraeus: Enhanced interrogations violate the Geneva Conventions
LA Times: California could be the first state to cut student aid while hiking fees
Question on the logic of paying interest.
Fool at the YMCA is getting his BOAT worked on
If you could personally host/house a Gitmo detainee, would you?
Taguba Saw "Video of Male Soldier Sodomizing Female Detainee"
Sestak Gets Key Primary Endorsement
Do you think Barack Obama is on TV too much?
Do you think Barack Obama is on TV too much?
Just awoke from a nightmare of being drowned
So It's Not Exactly Marching to Victory behind Our Glorious Leader, Chairman Barack
Bill Moyers: Torturing Democracy; watch it here
Iraq-born teen cracks maths puzzle
Conservative MP defends use of term "tar baby" (Canada)
Obituary: Professor Ronald Takaki, Helped Pioneer Ethnic Studies
GLBT Equality March in Fresno, CA 5/30 Saturday
Lawsuit claims church workers were fired for being women
SCOTUSBlog report on Sotomayor's race decisions. Another meme discredited.
watch the Meet in the Middle Equalty for Marriage 14 mile march in Central CA.. LIVE
Suddenly it's OK to call a judicial nominee a racist
Russian funds save German jobs in Opel deal ahead of elections
US, Russian officials open plant to destroy chemical weapons
msnbc headline : Sotomayor’s focus on race issues may be hurdle
Saudi beheads and crucifies murder convict (publicly)
Outsourcing torture and rape. "Civilian-17" in the Fay-Jones and Taguba Report
My 500th post - A tax reform rant
Orange County Register: Is hate on the rise in O.C.?
Gas prices jump 20% in 32 days
The Last Hope for Hungry Kids (afterschool programs providing food)
Today is Kick a Republican In the Balls Day
Newspapers Conspiring To Hasten Their Own Demise
Herr Arnolt Schwarzenfaker, Will You Be Accountable For The Deaths Your Policies Cause?
the faces (feces) of the republican party
the faces (feces) of the republican party
SurPRIZE!1 Shrub's deal with the devil for political success was denying his WASPiness & Skul'nBones
Has the Republican jumped the shark yet?
Dumbest story I've heard about a prison escape perhaps ever:
Concerning Health Care costs is this statement true?
The President, our President, makes a burger run and mingles with the people.
Union voices GM deal job concerns (BBC)
Note to Newt: How "New Racism" Isn't Like "Old Racism" - HuffPo
Washington Post: 'Online Dating Aggregators'
X-Post: Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 News Fresno re: 9/11 collapses
OK - this is pretty funny - Good for a Friday Night: Barack Obama's Facebook Feed
Judge Newsom's Change Of Heart - Mayor's dad went from gay marriage foe to supporter.
Gov. Arnie's new California budget wouldn't require shelters to keep animals alive *at all*
Retired US general denies seeing torture pictures
AIG Insurance Bailout - Billions to Banks (Infographic) view! (We were Screwn!)
Raise your hand if you are sick of hearing about the GOP!
Is Larry Summers Taking Kickbacks From the Banks He's Bailing Out?
Obama to visit Ramstein, Landstuhl next week
Presidential election campaigning starts in Iran. (Photos)
What is up with these stupid "Recession 101" billboards that I am seeing?
Florida's python problem: Bring in the bounty hunters
Leno said in his farwell "We are a union shop,and proud of it."
Marcel Marceau auction nets nearly 500,000 euros
Del. bill would legalize pot (Delmarva Times)
Contractors Vie for Plum Work, Hacking for the United States
WORST 'Real Time with Bill Maher' EVER!!!!!
Protesters throw shoes at a George W. Bush poster - pics
I think we should all become radio DJs and say the exact same things as Rush...
2 Democrats Spearheading Health Bill Are Split
Who's the victim? Capitalism, or Americans? Kudlow says it's capitalism.
CA budget history 1990, 51.4 Billion, 2006 131.4 Billion
Hearing Rush is like finding a turd in a bidet...
Why are so many people (politicians and DU'ers alike) retconning the recent CA props?
'Card check' compromise foes to meet with Feinstein
Results Are In: Americans Now More Closely Aligned With Progressive Ideas Than Any Time In Memory
Americans should be ashamed that the torturing of another human being is partisan politics
I Want A More Spirited Defense Of Sonia Sotomayor
I don't know about you, but a bushitler and a Clinton together makes me puke.
Anyone who wants to see more torture pictures released just has a sick fetish.
Just saw the first commercial describing scary Canada and its Health Care system
"The Worst Is Yet to Come": If You're Not Petrified, You're Not Paying Attention
Obama 'helped' Opel rescue deal (BBC)
Small town USA Family Doctors - Becoming Extinct?
Britain's Got Talent -- Susan Boyle's finale
I went shopping at my former store this morning and talked to some co-workers
Britain Got TalenT the winner is.....
Gen. Taguba Says Telegraph Quoted Him Correctly on Prisoner 'Rape' Photos
Amazing SC politician: Openly gay Linda Ketner (She outs Graham)
Our ally, Berlusconi, orders prosecutors to seize embarrassing photos of him at party
US Army base shuts down after rise in suicides
High-Tech High Jinks at High School
Cemetery squirrels nuts about U.S. flags
Oklahoma druggist arrested for killing holdup man
Spelling Bee contestant # 18 needs a hug
Life Insurance is driving the cost of all others ... especially Health Insurance
9/11 families angered by US support for Saudis
Okay .... think about THIS one ........
Wheelchair-Bound Man Found Beheaded
As a Consumer, Investor or Business Analyst: Does Corporate "Restructuring" Impress you?
Saturday's DOONESBURY - Obama: To Icon Or Not To Icon?
Anti-Iran militia faces terrorist designation
Freepers support beheading and crucifixion
America's wealthiest families are pouring millions into slashing the estate tax
Give It Up for Chris Turner A Real American Hero
Military Companies Vying For Billions Of Dollars In Cyberwarfare Defense Contracts
Well, just who was responsible ??
Republicans Belittle Democrats' Climate Change Proposal
British couple celebrate 81st anniversary
Watching "Torture Democracy" on Bill Moyers, PBS.
Torturing Democracy - a must see documentary
US deploy jets as North Korea tensions rise
Who Could Have Predicted This Reaction?
Quick-thinking pizza man leads cops to rape victim
TX: Creationist nominated by Rick Perry denied chair of State Board of Ed
Observation made at a World War II memorial display
US torture is the worst of the worst.
Beck cites Hitler example to state that "empathy leads you to very bad decisions"
now its Dick AND LIZ Cheney , together on FAUX
Do you agree with the 65-year sentence for Muslim charity leaders or not?
Job fair canceled for fear of crowds
Gruesome Photographs: Does the Value to Society outweigh the Invasion of Privacy or Not?
Racism, White Men & Supreme Empathy
Colin Powell Aide: Cheney "Lonely, Paranoid, Frightened"
My son's Art teacher told the kids today
G Gordon Liddy Is A Dirty Bigot. Liddy on Sotomayor; She Speaks "Illegal Alien".
North Korea to Move Intercontinental Missile
Toronto Star: New passport rule a surprise to Bush and Clinton
First contact with 'monster' rock that came alive
Arianna Huffington is the second story on Nightline tonight
White House “embassy” for “pushing the American agenda in Central Asia.”
Anti-Choice Abortion Warriors Have A New Poster Girl
Comedian Ron White may face charges for smoking on stage
The Simple Truth On US Torture In Iraq
Pyongyang shakes up pacifist Japan
'Crazy Turtle Woman' transforms graveyard into maternity ward
Los Angelenos, check this out!
What killed the auto industry?
I turned 60 this year. Maybe my memory isn't as accurate as it used to be.
First Lady visits Bancroft Elementary School to garden with the kids
Economic twilight in the Sunbelt?
The United States is not in a recession. We're getting "restructured" and "rationalized."
Hey are solar panels down to $500 per home yet?
Important, Please Read — That's the header on an email sent out to the press today by Robert Gibbs,
U.S. Lawmakers Bill Taxpayers For TVs, Cameras, Lexus
DiFi on the draconian California budget cuts: Tough sh*t, you voted for it !!!
Marijuana Rivals Mainstream Drugs For Alleviating HIV/AIDS Symptoms
"A huge human trafficking ring based in Kansas City. . . "
DU Public Service Announcement: A Must Have Update For Your Files !!!
The Big Gay Chip On My Shoulder . . . by Rob Thomas . . .
Let’s Talk about Judicial Activism
Applying the Lessons of Nuremberg to the USA in 2009
Federal Study Shows Not Using Drugs Causes Crime
We are seeing a reversal of what happened after WWII
SoCal pastor protests ban on gay marriage - He will not perform any more wedding ceremonies in CA
Beck on Sotomayor nomination: "Hey, Hispanic chick lady! You're empathetic ... you're in!"
MoD admits use of controversial 'enhanced blast' weapons in Afghanistan
letter to Arnold Schwarzenegger: be our hero again--leave the GOP
Why is Schumer collaborating with Big Insurance to continue "PRE-EXISTING CONDITION" denial of. . .
There are three reasons why people (Republics) are freaking out about Sotomayor's one sentence
Fuck you Feinstein and the rest of you who want CA to suffer.
This is purely emotional, but I am ***pissed*** about GM being forced into bankruptcy
How do you access the 2001 DU archives?
Comic books with child porn - US Comic book collector gets convicted on Obscenity charges
Head of FDIC rips "too-big-to-fail" policy apart
Head of FDIC rips "too-big-to-fail" policy apart
Next time you want to buy a Canon....(be thankful you don't work here)
Nader: Obama's GM Plan Looks Like a Raw Deal
Capital One changes my terms, then REFUSES to accept it when I decline in writing.
Obama administration vows it will continue to use "state secrets" defense
New French government report declares Mormons a cult
Robert Reich-- "Manufacturing Jobs are Over"...Robots are In/Knowledge Based is King....Kool Aid
Why should power be able to be inherited?
Oklahoma druggist arrested for killing holdup man
Man, 29, fathers 21 children by 11 women
Longtime Rep. staffer suggested dressing in animal costumes during sexually explicit chats w/teens
WARNING about Tea Parties and KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacists
Buffalo Soldier gets Arlington burial after 100 years
National Archives "Lost" Clinton White House Computer Record Tapes
Sotomayor: A safe choice for corporate America.
DSCC wants Sestak out of the race against Specter.
Sexual Voyeurism in the Bush White House is now Known...and Women Should be particularly Appalled!
On huge issues, incrementalism doesn't work - you buy in to the big picture or you don't.
jeff30997 is my new favorite DUer, listen up texan witch.
I like this section of the movie.
Something is wrong. A Natinal Spelling Bee is going to be announced.
Call Me a Geek but this is HOT:
Recovery Quiz. How much money did you spend yesterday?
Fill your head all full of li-i-ies, you BASTARDS! Ozzy sues Tony Iommi, and a world weeps.
Revealed: the best protection against cancer
Gillette: Shave your groin, make your "tree look taller"
The friday night madinmaryland is...
I Just Bought One Of Those "Get Rich Quick" Books
midlo-san sure is popular on facebook
Veto of guns-in-bars bill may not stick.
I just finished drafting my weekend "To Do List"
As seen on TV! It soaks everything up!
Tell me what you know about the GRE
DU'ers that are only famous due to an evil pact with Satan....
I'm Clocking Out--No Work, No School For 9 Days.
Natinal People that are only famous due to an evil pact with Satan.
I think I'll go write in my blog
Tim Curry in "Tales from the Crypt" video.
I gave my doctor hell today...
Wish me luck on my new business.
OMG... Skinner just called me on my home phone!!!
OMG... Skinner just called me on my home phone!!!
Man arrested for mowing unkempt grass at park
I just got a signed, notarized letter from ALL of the Mods in SNAIL MAIL...
A prospective client flat-out LIED to me today, so I'm actually glad the deal fell through
If you want to see a good ghost story, watch Shutter
How is the mod's hot tub tonight?
Not that I'm into sexist jokes but.......
I'm going to be a mod next time!!!!
Before I sleep, touch my monkey
Derek Trucks, etc. Click HQ and dig it.
OMG... LEFTYFINGERPOP just called me on the Phone!
Excuse me. My arms are so fucking huge that I have to wear a XXXXXXL with a 32 inch waist.
Funeral service held for the Republican Party?
For those of you like myself who are old enough to know the name:
Thank you Keith Olbermann you asshole!!!
Back to the bumper sticker idea, take a look at this link.
Anyone see the movie "Up"..I haven't, would like to hear from those who have..
Oh, for the love of God and all that is holy.
Oh, for the love of God and all that is holy.
*******HAPPY BIRTHDAY newyawker99 AND 8 others!*******
Some redneck, inbred, hick mother-fucker's huntin' dogs just ran off my kitties.
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sat 5/30/2009)
Limbaugh denied Bacon Double Cheeseburger, goes on mad rampage.
Proof that Bowie can still churn out some great stuff - "Afraid" from Heathen
Today would have been my Grandma's 99th birthday.
I still don't know why the bunny has a freakin' pancake on its head
Clean your computer screen from the inside out! (cuteness overload!)
Gah. Well, at least the day STARTED nice.
We saw the new Pixar film "Up" last night. Loved it.
fellow travelers, meet at the rally point
Laydeez 'n' gennulmuns, please rise for Teh Longue Anthem
This is a thinly veiled call-out. You know who you are.
I haven't seen explosions like this since the last time I ate too much dairy. n/t
Birds are not dumb. Great story of problem solving.
David Axelrod - Mucho chupar (audio) y Bettie Page
Britain Got Talent, the winner is....
I am deleting all pm's from this someone called "Skinner" in my inbox
If you go on safari, don't try this
Four friends step up, above and beyond the call of duty, as Hell's flames crackle around me
I'm kind of excited about the Man vs Wild with Will Ferrell on Tues.
HEY! I haven't been around for a while....
Something that gets me about Brian Eno
ZDnet Australia techs go out to show random Australians Windows 7 Beta...
World Clique Tour 1991 -- sponsored by 7-up(tm)?!
Britain Got TalenT the winner is.....
Anyone else have to deal with a s.o. who obsesses about their hair?
post your favorite summertime tunes!
Squirrel at Mich. cemetery wraps nest in Old Glory
Thank you so much, mystery star donor.
Attn: June birthdays and anniversaries!!
Years before Axe commercails there was...
Let's get one thing straight, people.
What works of art neutralize unwanted mods?
deleted. There are many threads on this.
Like underwear, I guess email addys should be changed every couple of years
Yo, BeachBaby? When I said I needed a motel to stay in for the meetup?
Thinking of getting pets to match my furniture
Cemetery squirrels nuts about U.S. flags
This is the thread that answers the question "What is the question?"
I was playing on You Tube and found a lot of 1950's commericals.
Great Guardian article from April about Susan Boyle and 'ugly women'. It's funny.
From the Party of Traditional Family Values
From the Party of Traditional Family Values
Does anyone here love kitties & puppies?
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
"No one can feel your interior without your consent"
Which of these events has become the most overblown and disgusting?
Hey Midlo...were you driving your Minivan around Maryland today?
OMG! MaryAnne from Gilligan's Island Peels A Potato!!
I would like to offer a sincere apology
The mail just came and this right wing type group sent me another $1 in their mailing.
Smilies Theatre Presents: Tribute to Susan -- the 1st Audition
I was wondering if anyone knows
DUI driver wrecks car. Gets tractor to drag car home. Wrecks tractor and car (again). Pic.
Vent: Early Morning Grocery Shopping.
Has anyone here ever tried boiled peanuts?
The Ultimate Sitcom of all time - UK or US
I want to be knee-deep in innernets drama too!
swarm or herd or squad? Choose your demise.
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
What works of art do you turn to when you are depressed, anxious, or to neutralize unwanted moods?
WTF Why is this post on Puppy Ignore?
Good night DU- good morning Miss Honeychurch! nm
Which is better: Twofer Tuesday or Thirsty Thursday?
Which is better: Twofer Tuesday or Thirsty Thursday?
the daughter is getting married in a couple of hours....
Britain's Got Talent -- Susan Boyle's finale
I just got done seeing 'Up.' You all know how much I love 'Wall-E'.
One of the most touching things that has ever happened to us.
Unexpectedly powerful moments in classic movies
Due to circumstances beyound my control, I'm currently sitting next to 14lbs of fresh garlic.
Haruka's mother is fucking nuts -- that is all
So, I'm looking at a tour package to North Korea
My Dad died ten years ago today.
What's your favorite movie car?
Obama to 'voice concerns' in Egypt speech at Cairo University next week
The context of Judge Sotomayor's Latina's come to "better conclusion" statement
Just saw the Sotomayor ad on Rachel -check it out:
The George Bush drinking game.
White House: Queen should be at D-Day events
The Cheney Duo keeps harping about those classified memos...
Bush, Clinton ignorant of new passport rule
Fox praises Bush for "defending Clinton's record on genocide in Rwanda"
How the profit in healthcare benefits the few at the expense of the many.
ALIPAC Opposes Hispanic Supremacy on Supreme Court!
So President Obama....What if Exxon Mobil, and......
Axelrod Discusses Next SCOTUS Pick
An interesting health care meeting today
Following my heart not my head
Judge Sotomayor and Race: SCOTUS Blog analysis of all her race related rulings
Abbas submits proposal for Mideast peace to Obama
Obama's Radio Address Today: Sotomayor
Rogues, Robes and Racists - "Oh, the hypocrisy!" - By Charles Blow
President Obama asked to release George Joannides' records
LOL....The GOP calling someone a racist!
With so many years on the bench, why is it that Sotomayors views on major issues are not known?
OK. I'm officially mad. I want Sestak to run for Senate and will back him with $$
Healthcare Organizing Kickoff 12pm - 1pm today
Obama Administration Sides With Technology Over Hollywood In Cablevision Case
Obama: Efforts to undermine Sotomayor will fail
Death cases among early issues for new justice
The Recovery and Reinvestment Act
This bashing of Sotomayor by the GOP is exposing more of their "Party of NO" attitude!
If Sotomayor is a centrist on some issues the net effect would be to move the court to the right
Icon Selected For President Obama in Doonesbury Today!
Soccer Dad POTUS attends daughter's game in Palisades Park this morning.
I heard on NPR today that Obama has an 80% approval rating with Dems, 60% with independents
Wash Times tells us Sotomayor wants to let prisoners vote?
"Exacting Change" - THE NATION Looks at the Players & the Role of Progressives
President Obama will visit Mosque following speech in Egypt
Bush 41: Clarence Thomas Has "Great Empathy"
Taguba denies he's seen abuse photos suppressed by Obama
If Obama Picked "God" For SCOTUS - How Would The Repugs Reject Him?........
Source: Amicus Brief Proves Sotomayor is Pro-Choice
Justice Served - Obama's pick of Sotomayor was more political than ideological. (TNR)
Susan Molinari looked Shocked by Tancredo's Unhinged Performance in Hardball
Obama Gets It Right With Sotomayor Selection
When was the last time there was Main Stream Journalism piece on abuses in Corporate America?
Here are Sotomayor's notable opinions- neatly explained.
Sotomayor's Long Record on Campaign Finance, Support Regulations - Compared Contributions to Bribes
Obama extends lobbying ban to unregistered lobbyists and consultants
Bill Maher just said Colin Powell should run against Obama in 2012
Obama announces U.S. cyber security plan
Celina Sotomayor, mother of Sonia Sotomayor, cries during the announcement by President Obama (PHOTO
Ben Smith makes fun of the POTUS for not knowing about some intelligence agency
Sotomayor could get confirmed with one hand tied behind her back
Republican Senate Candidate Admits GOP Has No Position On Health Care
I don't mean to criticise the President, but did he get this one wrong?
GOP Tactics : Neg Polarity: BS Moot Shit: Saturation: Dilution, Infiltration,
The Party of NO ... Shame. :: GOP goes after the Obamas' date night in NYC
Obama's Muslim address: 'Mutual respect'
After Bankruptcy the US Government will own nearly 75% of General Motors
The GOP's fanatical, jaw-dropping racism, sealed my full commitment to this SC nomination.
Photos from Toronto where Bush, Clinton spoke
The First Couple Will Take In A Broadway Show Tomorrow
Our current corporate structure is the most corrupt in the world
RNC slams Obama for romantic date with Michelle in New York
Watch out comes Bo Obama.
No apologies here! Pres. Obama today: Sotomayor critics twisting her words/"their efforts will fail"
Bob Woodward Working On Book About President Obama
Video of me on Fox News' "Bulls and the Bears" defending Sotomayor
True test of economic recovery
Freepers Throw Sessions and Cornyn under the Bus: Call them Cowards!
President Clinton: My view on gay marriage "is evolving"..
Repug criticizes Obamas for going to a Broadway play.
The next time a right winger uses Brown v. Board as proof that empathy has no place in the law
Doctor to Max Baucus: "I interrupt this so-called public hearing...put single-payer on the table".
Doctor to Max Baucus: "I interrupt this so-called public hearing...put single-payer on the table".
Dean's DFA is asking us to donate to Courage Campaign to support marriage equality as civil right
Spiegel Interview with Obama's Great-Uncle:'I Was Horrified by Lengths Men Will Go to Mistreat Other
PHOTO It's not exactly the Big Air Force One, is it?
Tancredo on Sotomayor, "A brown woman..."
Clarence Thomas "I can bring something different to the court" because I'm black
Who is the Most Irrational and Unhinged Republican?
LOL the bouncing Rush Limbaugh on KO, lower right of screen.
Romney's schedule hints at run in 2012
Taguba denies he's seen abuse photos suppressed by Obama
Supreme Court asked to weigh in on detainee photos
Magna and GM reach deal on Opel
French military delegation wraps up Iraq visit
Dramatic plane arrest of ex-Iraq minister
Calif Gay Marriage Supporters Plan March on D.C.
Pyongyang shakes up pacifist Japan
Precision rescue casts Sandy River fisherman as hero
Israel to attend Americas summit
Israel to attend Americas summit
G8 wants closer cooperation to fight terrorism, piracy
Stupak proposes housing Gitmo detainees in Mich.
Gov't refuses to release secret documents
Top Democrats pledge cooperation on health care
GM Bankruptcy Could Trigger Depression, Says Expert (David Cole)
Levin: Memos don't show what Cheney says they do
Taguba denies he's seen abuse photos suppressed by Obama
'Mancow' insists his waterboarding 'absolutely real,' says right and left both upset with him
Pakistan troops retake largest town in Swat Valley
Obama Asks Australia to Take Guantanamo Detainees
US 'opposes' nuclear North Korea
Infomercial Attacking Obama's Health Care Plan Backed by 'Swift Boat' Financer
RNC slams Obama Broadway date night
Gas Price Surge May Stall Recovery
Romney: Va., NJ Races Will Give GOP Its Voice Back.
Gibbs touts Salon torture pix story
Orie (R-Pa.) legislative aide charged with asking 15-year-old for sex
Britain's Royal Family won't attend D-Day ceremonies
Seal-skinning earns GG rock-star status among Inuit
______________ wins Britain's Got Talent 2009
Oklahoma druggist arrested for killing holdup man
Bush and Clinton joke, defend each other in Canada
Taliban recruits teenage suicide bombers for revenge attacks
DOJ to Supremes: Uighurs "free to leave"
CSPAN: Michael Steele speaks with High School Kids
Robin Williams on Johnny Carson
Weekly Address: The Experience of Judge Sotomayor
Susan Boyle: I Dreamed A Dream - Britain's Got Talent 2009 - The Final (no spoilers)
RM: Sen. Levin on the Dick and Liz Cheney Memo Ruse
Countdown: Sen. Levin Disputes Cheney's Claim, Says Documents DO NOT Support Cheney
TYT: Torture Pictures A Lot Worst Than Expected - Pentagon lied
American Citizens vs. Barack Obama
Adam Lambert finally answers the question that America has been dying to know
maxkeiser's new show - On the Edge - Max waterboards Geithner and Paulson LIVE ON AIR
US Violated Geneva Conventions, Should Close Gitmo, Petraeus Says
Hardball- Olson/Boies on Filing Federal Suit Against Calif. Prop 8 - 'Liberty Clause'
Microfinance sparks hope in Kenya's slums - 30 May 09
TYT: Col. Peters - Kill All Gitmo Prisoners(!)
Countdown: Mancow returns and refutes accusations that his waterboarding was a hoax
From Sacramento's tent city: Chris & Ray
Tancredo: 'I don't know' if the Obama administration 'hates white people.'
The New Counterculture: Young GOPlers Fight the Power!
Liberals want to slap their fathers and touch public restroom faucets - MSNBC
Waterboarding helped justify the invasion of Iraq.
Friday Talking Points (79) -- Judicial Activism And Bias
The Great Democratic Health Care Reform Universal Insurance Coverage.....
Commentary: Judge Sotomayor is not a racist
Charlize Theron will be in Fresno Saturday for gay marriage rally
A Long Record on Campaign Finance, Often in Support of Regulations.
A Promise to Be Ethical in an Era of Immorality
Obama Revises 'Change' To 'Relatively Minor Readjustments In Certain Favorable Policy Areas'
Independent UK: Threat of the 'thought police' alarms Israel's Arab minority
Repubs: "Same as they ever were"
Bob Herbert: Holding On to Our Humanity
And the Pursuit of Happiness: At Ease
Horton: "The Bogus Torture Coverup"-Photos Even More Sexually Explicit Than Reported
Call for inquiry into Abu Ghraib 'rape' photographs
Arcata Vs. DOJ: blocking the military from recruiting anybody under the age of 18
Breaking Down the Status Quo in Six Easy Steps
Anti-Choice Abortion Warriors Have a New Poster Girl
Obama's flip-flops on preventive detention and secrecy raises a disturbing question.
Is Larry Summers taking kickbacks from the banks he’s bailing out?
Weekend Economists' Battlestar Galactica Weekend May 29-31, 2009
Ex FARC guerrilla fighter to be named "peace mediator"
Suit claims Ala. coal firm funded Colombian terror
Why Colombia's successful president should not seek another term in office
EL SALVADOR: Funes to Take Over Country in Deep Crisis
Israel to attend Americas summit
KEVIN PINA Remembers "Mon Pere, Fr. Gerard Jean-Juste"
But Wait: Attorney Says Bay of Pigs Vet Will Collect That $1 Billion From Castro
CHAVEZ: Next Gift for Obama Authored by Lenin
The first and foremost radical in the family. (The man who really runs Cuba.)
LatAm Pro-Capitalist Elite Hold Anti-Chavez Conf. in Venezuela
Grist: Fighting for the right to grow food in L.A.
Grist: Monsanto dropped a cool $2 million on lobbying in Q1 2009
'Crazy Turtle Woman' transforms graveyard into maternity ward
Jaguar mums give up baby secrets (BBC)
Leaders called to special climate talks
Cheeky NZ parrot steals tourist's passport
$15,600 the sweet spot for electric cars in Japan
Engineering Carbon for Impressive Hydrogen Storage
The Alleged Benefits of Wildfire
The JR Chess Report (May 29): Sargissian & Ehlvest Take Chicago; Chinese Championships Begin
Who do you want to see win the Stanley Cup?
How many games will it take for Orlando or Cleveland to throw in the towel against LA?
Michigan State Nontenure-Track Faculty Go Union 240-113
Today in labor history May 29 established one of America’s first union medical and pension plan
North Carolina Workers Rally To End Collective Bargaining Ban
Sen. Sherrod Brown criticizes GM for plan to move jobs to China
Today in labor history May 30 Police open fire on striking steelworkers killing 10 and wounding 100
If you get injured and don't have insurance, go get treated in Jamaica
As of 5/28(thurs), universal health coverage for all pregnant women in Mexico!
Senator Schumer makes health reform promises today!
Korean dish 'may cure bird flu' (BBC)
Vitamin D may help prevent knee osteoarthritis
Lt. Dan Choi is speaking at one of the local churches on Sunday
Obama's Silence - The Advocate comes out swinging and hits a home run
Hundreds of people walk from Selma to Fresno before planned rally today
Veto of guns-in-bars bill may not stick.
Oklahoma druggist arrested for killing holdup man
Silence on gun control...the new Democratic strategy?
Fear and "the other" in the Guns Forum
Netanyahu: "What the hell do they want from me?"
Germany joins calls for Israel to end settlement construction
Teen accused in Sacramento County homicide
Israeli settlements: a building problem
Threat of the 'thought police' alarms Israel's Arab minority
Hamas will not recognize any agreement signed by Abbas
Settlers, leftists clash near West Bank village of Safa
Has anyone used the microsoft cashback
Water Falling Over Things 2009: Part V (An Old Standby)
Any Lumix owners? I am starting to think about getting the LX3K. Talk
Flickr set I recently put together.
I was out with my macro this foggy morning
A winner has emerged, the***June Theme in the Photo Contest***is "Portrait of a Stranger.
IEEE Spectrum: Special Report: Why Mars? Why Now?
'Lost' music instrument recreated (BBC) {lituus}
Rendezvous around the Moon (BBC) {40th anniversary}
Car Talk ... Astronaut calls for advice on fixing stripped bolts on Hubble
"Homeless, But With a Clean Slate" - Karen Bishop - May 24, 2009
Car Door Story: Not an Open and Shut Case
Thread re: vitamin D I know some of you can add wisdom to...
Has anyone ever gone to a life between lives reading?
Atheists: No God, just whining.
Due to curcumstances beyond my control, I'm currently in possesion of 14lbs of fresh garlic bulbs.
Haven't made any bread in awhile so...
Teachers: Have you ever had a student
No time to make a homemade cheesecake.
Wanna shoot down a conspiracy?
What WTC7 could have looked like
X-Post: Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 News Fresno re: 9/11 collapses
Debris still being found at Shanksville
Toxic Mud, Heading to Texas, Stirs Town
Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 News Fresno re: 9/11 collapses